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- Delayed funding mange- up with 24-25 csns~ctbn mmtsfmthe.indwr*g packges far work ranging plhavepushedthepject's from stone maso~~yand completion date back to July 1, plumbmg to electrid wiring 1992, LE work is e@ to andhesrting systems. begin this spring. In a meeting last week, the "We're hoping to put it out in District of Squamish signed an small enoughpackages so local tigcmermt with Catnrec Engi- mpmies can tender on it.'' neering Consultants of Ed- With tRe financial agreement monton, allowing tha firm to between the District of finalize engineexed drawings, Squamish and the Squdh- and act as constntction man- Lillooet Regional District fi-

ager for subcontractors soon dyin place, the project's to be hird through the public consultants can be retained t~ mda pcesss. begin work on the pool. Recreation dimtor Grant 'It's'down to the basics now," Dickey and,other members of Dickey said. the Parl;s'. and Recreation I Treslsauer Charlie .Schilberg Commission's pPCO~~IUC- tion subcommittee met with said an agreement has been Camrec consultant Graham reachad between tb district which smith Wedxleday to discuss and the SLRD, the latter some o€ the hai cids of iiie is bmwi!g 5&* fa !!! construction plans. project m behalf of the district. As consmctim manager, Dickey said, Camrec has come Cont'd on page 2 I. i. Teachers accept terms of new contract




.'L, 1 '. I ..

, I,.. taxpayers in Squambh md 8 Squmish -- agreed to pay a $1 dion 00 BC grant -fit md CQS~-SW~@. pl (for which &e RQ- spc%darea of AT=.D in the higher taxes for the pol. would help pay f~athis $3.4 For ~xmple,he sai4 the pool tary/pl society fun&, m millionpjwt. in Grand Fapkshd gpockmt eammkd), a stem room md Handling the gant disburse- after it wbirmstalled tm close whirlpol, a viewing area with ment'on behalf of the district, to the water, and mothex fad- seating for spectators, 8~ family the Squamish S-g Pool ity has mt problem -in its change area, and a widedeck pSpu1ge-?-- ayaruii. Society will now quest a one- mea tn 'accoIIlrmodate exmise third papat for the first part Another pool subcoxmniU&, classes. of c~nstnrction. said Dr. headedby Cudmore, will look Dickey said the pool will Richard Cudmore; society after fundraisii, appro- prove to be one of the larger Chairman. communi~''0rganizatiansand employas of youihs in the Ground-breaking .for con- coIporations for COntritnltiO~ commamity, and will enhance smtion on the six4me, 25- to the Community project. of the already In November last year, the many grogtama metre pool will begin in April in existence at the Civic Cen- or May this year, Dickey said, Squmish Rotary Club do% m. with soil testing for-qineer- with the pool society raised I ing purposes to take place ovet $4O,OOO for the new pool. '1 think it will change the sometimethis week. TO be cons- at the field- whole way the conmu& Once consmcti6n begins, he side"&ntrance of the Civic views things - the Civic Cen- BILLIES BOUQUET said, ,'it will bea shock to the cenm the new facility Wa tre is aeally the centre of the cahnmunity" when it sees the include a to~$ihaudicqpd tom." 38084 Cleveland Avenue ' building up "in six to eight

weeks." + A memgkr of &e 06gii-d group of ci- who hme been plugging for a pool for Coalition ova four years, Dr. Cudmore -~ feels confident we'll have our new facility by July 1,1992. CHECK 'SI think we-will' have the formed to build @g ceremony 6n Canada THE Day next year." He said he bases his optimism trail plan POINTS on Camreds track recsrd, which includes the completion The newly formed §quami& Trails Coali&on be- of similar facilities "on time gan combining $he rgwurces and expaknce of over Get in and under budget" 30 people representing a dozen community organia Operating under *the Parks mtiom at Quinn's Cafe, Thursday evenbg. and Rdon Cdsian, The Classified several pool sub-commitkes "The possibilities for Gab are endless but OUI Game have been hammering out de- main concern is that development in the rnmkipab tails on the project for months, ity of Squamish codd preclude it fmrn ever be1

Cudmoresaid I coming pdbile," said Jim Wbnia, a cwliti01 In the design and function founder, pol sub-committee, headed by The steering committee discussed drafts of a Rose Moon, ideas on inprior date, goals, and prioritid at the Wo-hour meeting. design and th&e for the pool The coalition hopes to give momentum to the con are Wig investigate4 am! dl cept of a Squamish Valley trail the components of the facility - system. - €%om filters to bund systems The next meeting of the Squamisln Trails Coalith -- ,king double-checked in wi~be 8 dinner mestiig GC ~se-y, pehe 19 at t~ George Strobl of Pemberton; B.C. advaiice. p.m, at Quinn's. This committee has paid close lost over 112 pounds and- 34 114 attention to the successes and failures- of other, recentlyan- total inches-dth the help of strutted acauatic facilities, Nutri/Systems!

reached after 73 hours . ,-

From pagt I

As well, the teach=' devel- opment hd was inmed LOGS fnrm $40,0o0 to $70,000, but the mtijori@ of increases will be distributed among the new teachers that have come to the WANTE schoolbod because of hi@er student enrollsnenents.

@'BothSiQeS cams away with a eontrmt that isfair and which we can both he prmd ohr@--Anne DeVeat., . schml board. ChhOMfZ Although the te&eIrs were gxepiTedto&iftheitd9 Inand8 wmnot ma m good afdh, H~sSaid cantract I~R- gotiatims werenevep bitter. Harris said it is now time to get on with otha mrtters, such as the budget. .. ., _I., I. ... .* . ' ..'

.I...... ,.

developme&" &Vent said. "Everybody's hands are tied until they go through with this study. But they promised it would only be mother yea, and there bhqx our area can be looked at earlier." School superintendent Trevor Hank said the matter is be- yond the scope' of the bod until the appropriata govern- ment agencies cpmplete their

inv~6tigation. . .I ' BY P&&.Bu& 3 'But the district hopes to Reporter -. The Times deimprovments:.that :will make the scb1 more.func- 'Fhe cantroversial geological tional. And we'll be doing against sane cometic dtaations survey recommends we-fi p*g; Mg&&as development because of the - potential for muds1ides.h the rooves -- as much as can be fan, which is located-justnorth done without a peat deal of of Brackendab. expenditure," Hank said: * The implied threat outlined m theCIipplRepOrthasdS0

' halted any development that would enhand the present SquanaiSh@rt facility.




.. ,.;: ,.;: .. '<...... I: ...... -2 '.



I Value I

I any purcRase or service'workI .,.-_. I

Jan. 27. .The detis contains IoD. and.


THE SQUAMISH & smashed. That' stme day, arm H run damaged an '$9 Ford pick up OF COMMERCE & MO recreation complex. L1 arrested for impaired - A PUBLIC FORUM


e issues we@llliiscwinclude: Vandalism to a vehidi parked QD Humd &id in es'fadngCahada in the 3L99Vs' -Cdb@zind ethnic diversity Brackendale was repbM at 8 a.m: Jan; 290.Cub

we can do to deCanada better, fairer and more prosperous. prits has spraypaintedlb theIB vehicle's I bod, ?: * I

in the future.






I ..



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V"re9s go& u to be Having qualified a member of lot of eyesjooking at as the Club.Nmcihasalsa maintained and achieved status in . tha0tand"- EJRS Diamond Club. These rewards and achieve consultant Tom Luuga both professional capability and since* intemt in the needs of her on Squumish's pottenriar forpq development . 1990 #2, BEST SELLER

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attitu Dear Editor, 'I wondct wb0 MqCollins,! -...... ' 5'. . .:. our distinguished Memk of' I. ". . <. .. Pllrliam*G thinks she's trying Expecting special treatment to4ridl In her lettento the because of your mcaw is editor (Jan. 29) she says, \'I racist to say the least. believe Canada has to back its The ghetto. atmosphere of a words of support for the United resavation creates a whin@, Nations withactiodThose are ...if they were true. 'pool me' attitude. fine words I siracerely hope the next gen- For many yeys d eration on both $ides of this is- innumaable resolutions, the sue will be equals and friends United Nations has, been and good nci&bors to each calling on.Israel- to withdraw odd, but under the present from the-hds&e occupied by tlmMonsiswillnothappeh f0rce.m UNhaspaSsad- these Pat Bonde m spite? of Valleycllffe oppositionbythe United States d south maAs rearrtly ' - (IS y&terday (Jan. 29) Ispael nce'for' THE I wb bombing its neighbut bombedLebanon. IraqIsrael and, has on &bthat freedom offers occasioor, it was Iraq that did notcorm retaliate. &en? Where was Mary Kuwaiais hope: FORA FREE COPY OF:-\ skee disP2rbmeS. ions. It's very ixnprtant for us 5)Drama It is wonderful to see that to listen and to help them keep 6) Helping war victims, e.g., The Gulf war has and is im- some schools.. are responding to their hope alive. through the Red Cross pg&qg 1s dl ill nifferent b&:m rmn.~. UllJ VA,LWW ad dd%%hg it En-wm.m@ng children to take 7) Or any activity you feel ways. We ,have become aware with their students. We en- some actim will help them feel would be a positive experience particularly of how acutely this courage all parents and schools less hopeless and helpless. for yoG child. is affecting ow children. Chil- to initiate open discussions in Some suggestim are: This is aften a difficult sub- dren are expressing fear, con- the home and the classroom ject and one which must be ap- cern and feelings of hopeless- around these concern. Listen 1) Letter writing to the Prime proached in a way appropriate CHIROPRACTOR the ness about war, the envi- to the children's feelings, pre- Minister or the soldiers to the child's age, but is is very ronment and the future. Many sent the facts and have discus- 2) Make a poster important that our children be have become preoccupied with sions with them - allowing 3) Letters to the editor provided with a means of ex- is and some are experiencing them to form their own opin- 4) Open mike assemblies pressing heir feelings and naininrr reassurance for a hope-

Claire Hotchin uste Devery Fluoride in wafer Trudy McKay Phnefir appointment 24 Hr. answwing service For the SquamW Citizens .2nd floor the Mountain B&&q I for Peace in FM 892-3064 #XI3 - 38013 3rd Ave.

Dear Editor? use fluoride or not? he drugstore. I penonally hn't want tho- The dhtists say it prevenu There are rumours that we are ride in my water and tooth decay. I have found h- past of a study set up by m-C since I pay for it as a home- formration to the contrary. to examine fluoridation in don't- fed should ' owner I I Regdess, it is a supplement communities over a period of have to haul it in fiom else- abut which we should have a time. where. choice. I don't want to be a hman .Why not dispense with the we all &'vitamins, but no guinea pig. whole fluoxidation system dl one's putting those in our wa- Studies have been made in the toBeth= and give each Svid- ter. Fluoride tablets me avail- states and many towns and ud the choice as to whether to able for a reasonable price at cities there have dispensedl with fluoridation due to the findings. Needless to say, my sub swehe is caustic andharm- ful to handle should not be put Would Mary still in our water supply. I suggest the municipality put . support war? the $7,000 towards recycling. SharoB Bishop

From page 6 swcess. What was Maq corm doiig then? smm opponents of this war as. supporters of Saddam Hussein. George Bush doesn't lie Almost ten years ago, I began bmcoli. 'If Kuwait's maja working for the release of export was broccoli, wouk political. prisoners in Iraq. I Mary Cokstill want to kiT was wbrking quietly with thepeapieofIraq? others and, without threat of E.W.(Tdl)Haye TO KNOW II wars we were enjoying some GaribaldiHighlands

'Doyourself a favour. - S end your dollars where &eyU come back to you thoughout ah_e year...at home!

SAVE ""$sohe, wear and tear on our car, and avoid e frustration sf crowds, &ne-ups, jams, and parking; pmblm. . ENJOY p""" service rand the cootitiyp oftenbe terkprices you get from 1 retailers, vow friends and neighborn. 20 50% Make Your #4 38913 Progress Way Squmish - §hopping THAT'S RIGHT. THAT'S ALL %.b Dollar Go Farther Industrial Park 892-5857 932m6617 98441'0 Dear Editor, ness .in the public's eye has l---- +-...-r. -..A& Some the this week, proba- neva men ii mwug purr d bly Wednesday, the newly the board meetings. BU$INE$$ elected directors of the At their December meeting I Squamish-Lillooet Regional asked them to consider three District and their atemates points to improve public access LOAN$ will meet somewhere in the and knowledge of their activi- district, probably the Brew ties. For free and confidential business Creek Lodge, to discuss the di- Firstly I asked them to dis- planning, counselling or loan applications rection the board will take over tribute the agendas to the pub- Moon Manager) or the next year and probably the lic. Ideally they should send a contact Rose (Gen. package to anyone Katy McIntosh (Leans Officer) next three. They will be doing who asks this public business in private. for one. The Times gets one . 8924467 Conducting the public's busi- and anyone else who asks for one should have access to it. Some of the directors are op- I psed to this idea. Frank Rollert tRinks that if the news- paps kl *le rc-&iye*&e packages they won't attend the meetings. But then he' also thinks nothing should be pub- lished until, the minutes of the meeting have been approved at the next meeting, a month later. Sally Gmard says the agen- 'Free Ad applies to classification C2Q "Car Pooling" only. das should not be distributed 3 LINES FOR 2 ISUES because they don't know what PRINT YOUR ME§SAGE costs are involved. Apparently AND COMPLETE COUPON PROVIDED she expects a stampede of peo- For your convenience mail the coupon to: SEATOSKY - More rnflrnliRFqi ' letters Box 220 Box 449 Squamish, B.C. Whistler, B.C. VON VON 180 11- I 360 page

We've got .jwtwhat pU'rf5 looking for. Shop Postal code the I Phone Classifieds

Pa I don't bww what you think ~f tfis war in thPersian Gurfi the news or lack of news emanating from it and the dons of peace, while their mang@ctwing firms, everts in sanitized manner in which the news is being relayed to us. the production of poison have been helping Iraq to Complete Sea to Sky It is almost a comic book WQT in some aspecls, or a giant am itseif with chemical weapons. And these weapow were Nhtendo gam? in which 130 one is killed 4)uI there aren't used on its own people during the Kurdish upridng. Market Coverage many cssuarlties, human or otherwise. The French, with their peace protestations and attempts It resembles the scenes in a penny arc& or in a video tofind a formula to prevent the war, were in the thick of the aiwth One Advertisement game where you see images Cgplms or missiles shot down arms race when they eqorted the Exocet missile which by someone operating a machine that &s it all blood- could 'bring down our planes in the GW. lessly and witbit any problem. Britain is not innocent. Its factor&?$providkd the mchine I have kea appalled at the horrors which have been UIO- tools and the technology needed to build a secret nuclear leashed on thworld; the ghtly cost of war (each Patriot weajwns ppm,super guns and the specially &signed Mdle is stated to be costing over a dliion dollars), and air heswhere his planes are mw secreted, the solurcr9ion bombing ofIrqui cities as well as the raids MMail Gorbachev, the Nobel Prize winner, was not in- on cities in Israel and Saudi Arabia. nocent. His country & one @the largest WMS deakrs in the AB --LaL d.2- I ab -8:rJlann. inendht n) ~&gnil mw wb6n If# 6&b IUWUMGUU WUWUVJVJ r----- wotld, adat the same time he was urging Hwsein to get into the Perdan Gurf and creating a &aster More than ten out of Kuwait, he WQS repressing his own people in Latvia tWsthe scale of the Exwn Valdez spill oflAlash, one has and Litbniar. to wonder whether this is a war, or the total destruction of And Cdhas nothing to be proud ox One of the m~so ihe earth. ter salesmen was orU own Gera~B~ll,a pmyor 04 In Squamish Call We have hati &ti& about the mentality of a person such &aih who supplied Iraq with the wrldk most pwe@ as SaHwselro, but on& a ntaBntQn or a person totally Lynn or Karen d 892-3018 devoid of any common sense or humwa@ would threaten to destroy his own enviroment. But one sfthe most homBing aspects of the endire con- flct is hat we have not learned anything from the put. and QIS more Sc& cpnd Patriots are j'ired, they will keep in Jwt as the scrap metal we sold to Japan edyin this cen- climbing. lwgk-9 bUItm#~mmp UYYRhrb I-tn .---hmnt -- 1~s--- in the Second world WW,SO Iraq has been the world's largest buyer of ~pmsand mis- are the weapons we hove sold the emtern nations come siles. Surely the Americans and #he rest of us mwt.iravc back to hunt us todey. hwnthat he was not buying these as toys, but that they Be$ore the Fwst world wbr,French adEnglishjhhs would come back to hauni us. Injact, the greatest brcyeas of applied the Germans wi:h am; Germans supplied the amare the Middle Eastern countries now in the coflict A NTINE British Navy with optical dghu and@es for shells and the in the Per& Gad6 And who supplied them? The very Turks at Gallipli killed the British soldiers with British countries whichyue now wing the cloak ofthe United Na- TIPEAT guns* tions to protest that they are fighting a "'holy war". Pive Britirh &wnts to Gekhelped to re-tum Germany' pemePlt members of the UN Secwity Council are antofig prior to World War II and resulted in more profirs for the the biggest suppliers in tkworld. THAT'S HEART armaments creators. Also high OR the list of those wbcue prfitingporn the But QS we watch the scenes Mold in the Persian Gulf war are the oil companies which are wing the present TO BEAT! Waf,ii is dmsi with ii Ofotjt~V! !!W w re~dllk world crisis to produce the highest profits in their history. geopolitics which sacrificed the Kurdish people to Saddam We are being charged at the gas pumps and at the heating Hussein when the United States was courting Iraq in its jbl hoses with the highest prices we have ever seen battle against the Ayatollah in Iran. charged for oil, ami companies such QS Shell and Staadaad The billions in arms profits in the United States each year have recorded wprecedknted profits. They are gouging us in the '80s was more thata the nati~nalproduct of many -to make millions they do not deserve. countries in the world. If rrr much money had been spent olt . Is it any wonder &atmany Canadians look at the gov- attempting to help countries, to improve world conditiolls ernment and the oil companies with a jaundiced eye and and prevent poverty or encourage education, we might wo&r who this war is being waged for? Is it to protect the have seen something valuable instead of billions poured oil companies, to make them prosper and to enn'ch the al- into wemw of destruction. ready bloated merchandisers of death? The wb WithIraq is costing the United Stafes $500 mil- lion a'day, and even here. in Canada, where we have made on& a token conh.ibuth to the Gulf war, we are told that ow tam,alreadylfar too high, are goiq to go even higher Your/Squamish and we may have to curtail s0me of our social services. Real Estate EVEX THOUGHT Specialist OF BEING A DAIRYQUEEN CAKES BIG BROTHER? OR LOGS.

"For all your1 real It's the perfect way to show family and friends how much you care. Rich layers of vanilla arid climco!i&eDairy &en estatec needs,-w give soft sene with delicious dark fudge and crisp chocolate cwke cmnch in between. Dorothy a caW Choose brnour display. Or phone a day ahead for your special Valentine's order. Tityourselfto HapwVdentiw'sDayby~g FREE MARKET EVALUATION everyone tq a Dairy Queen Cake or Log. It's a great way to start a delicious love affair!

We treat YOU right!

Contad you: loul Bit Bmrhc: ytacy twIIy 8924033 YSWrnW 8UDWNY(YIIY me Sqwamish Times - Tuesday, February 5,1991 - pqp 9

* &. . . '. ..

I.. L .~ .- . .. . . , /. . < .... _,c...... I.. ).I .. ..I ., ,,, - .., , ...... -.> .. ,......


before death, there is an~~gonizingprocess of faint To tun on a clear, cloudless day and discover a mag- This mountain not lost in overcast, not veiled from sight by mist. hope'which dwindles and dwindles. . I. nificent mountain one has lived beneath for a lifetime If a disease is proiounced terminal,ihere thing to suddenly, astoundingly, irretrievably gone. This is a death in the family. are This is the truest meaning in human experience of . be done while educated guessing goes on abut how gone. long .... Again there is the long-shot possibility of re- We navigate -he triangulating location and come mission in some cases. Againp hap, of sorts. In tkis with the use of more than one landscape and few of the situation, perhais, maximum pain is spread .among mountains in our lives can be mapped or reached by those attending: One m&es time to visit, to sit and talk. One brings things. One brings news. One attempts to say everything that needs to be said and has not been said. When these deplete, one says them again --just in Nauiguting grief case. The sharpest knife of all: the intuitive knowledge that regardless the amount of time spent, regadless the and loss through number oftiny thoughtful things one did, the discovery District of Squamish ' time- at the end that altered neither come nor destination of the one afflicted in the slightest seems cruel and ironic. Mike Yutes No man is an island. John Donne carved this for us Squamish Civic Centre explores this facet enduringly. For a time we forget that no one WQS an is- land. And this has two sides. As one was a mountain of humun for others while passing through time, it follows that The SquamishCivicCentre will be inaeas- experience one must be a valley for a short time for th~~esame ing all rental rates / program fees / adds- WPle. with A valley is also literally and figuratively a geographic sions / ice costs accordingly the spe f~m,a navigational triangulation point. sifics set out by the Federal Government To those in grief, this is nuely available as immediate with regards to the GST. hail or helicopter. consdation. even readily apparent, The exterior landscape, the physical, palpable, gener- Distance q@red. A distance which may at- ally accepted landscape which we acknowledge is be as wed only by those left behind moving closer @ their These increases will be implemented CQ~. a "representative reality'' surrounds us, of own ends of time. The our directed by the Federal Government. contours, glaciers, peaks and dark woods of Culture culm, we turn this memorid ritual or personalities: this is a significant landscape. to to own too that to bring light again to what St. John of the Cross And then -- perhaps too importantly 0- we have the called The dark night of the sod"which those left in F0r more information please call 898-3604 metabolic landsape comprised of those 6ur imtne-. in time, left in loss, experience. This seems to bring some bteand extended fadies (including sometimes pets healing, Perhaps this signifies the beginning of healing whose company has, bonded us to them). fsr the living. If the person is suddenly missing because of precipi- men begins the sorting of detail which is inevitable. tws evenc this is an avalanche of shock; it is upon mrs, clothing, letters to those far away. Legal vicis- you; there is helplessness everywhere you turn. \ situdes. The redrccrio of one who did much for to J.' msi p If he or vanishes fro~,consciousnessI 1- intor ,yma , , she the banalities of f-8. How difficult it is to take joy in 'the actuality that the one gone hasn't to deal with t+~ matters. There is perhaps healing even in this. It is work. And WQ& hiis its tkapuu~&ieii&iiS. our sincere thank to Dr. schllentwg,-Dave Mom distance is achieved. ' & Elsie Stewart, Paster Sam & Dora Pmnm In time the very photographs and family records which first brought such pain to peruse begin to give, Di strict of Squamish & Congregation & the Nursing Sfaffat instead, the pleasant memories for which they were in- Squamish General Hospital in their care of tended. our Dear Father Fred Barnfield who passed Talk of the person departed begins. The lives~which Squamish Civic Centre were touched by the life now ended cease to pit& and away Jan. 24/91 heave. The talk turns w the young and history is handed on in word and image to those who one day NOTICE TO ALL SERVERS OF will be handed the evidence of our existence:--dpha, LIQUOR AT TZQE §QUAMISH . omega, and stations along the way, They, who indeed, will be handed the wheel of the planet and have no CIVIC CENTRE/BRENNAN PARK choice but to chart and steer. We possess a dizzying array of explanations of the e'SewingIt Rightt* relationship of time to not-time. To some, all things Responsible Beverage Service Program . Cont'd on page I1 SQUAMISH CIVIC CENTRE All users/itPdividuals/~o~ps/associatio~who ARENA SPRING ICE TIME serve liquor at the Squamish Civic Centre/Bren- I nan Park are required to fulfill the requirements REQUESTS ARTMAR ACCOUNTING of the "Serving It Right" Responsible Beverage ALL ICE USERS ARE REMINDER TO SUPPORT \ Service Program as set out by the Province of SUBMI" IN WRITING THEIR INDIVID- British Columbia. UAL OR GROUP ICE REQUE§TS FOR THE PERIOD OF APRIL 2,1991 WTL Do you need help organizing When booking an event in the Civic Centre audi- your business records? torium in which liqaar will be served all groups/ THE LONG WEEKEND DJ MAY 1991. individuals will be required to indicate who theh qualified licensee from this "serving 10 Right' REQUESTS WLBE TAKEN ON A FIRST Would you like 4x1 be aware of your program is; this will be required in ad&tion to fit COME FIRST SERVED BASE. CONSID- Finmcial Status on a monthly bmis? $350.00 damage deposit which we require. EMTON WILL BE GIVEN TO TRY AND ACCOMODATE ALE REGULAR USES. Did YQUbuy a PC to do your accounting TheCivisCerOtre will notbookany event until thiz and are still doing it manually? Momtion is available and until the dmag PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR ICE EQUESTS; deposit is paid. TIME, DAYS, DATE ]FROM AND TO, TO How about condidenbl payroll THE UVXC CENTRE QFFICE AS WN and year' end T4's? Also, the rental rates will be increased accordiq AS POSIBLE AS BOOKINGS FQR THSB to .the GST. DATES ARE BEING TAKEN NOW! Reasonable Rates ~~iformationrpackages on these requiremints ca THANK YOU! be picked up at the Squamish CivicCentredurinl CONTACT 898m6446 OP 939-4616 office hours.

...... ,. .... I.

.reduce crime,.vand

., lrer*bedivorced $,, frbm. ,. CorljeCtm -- but hmhonest The VdIeycl,iffe Ratipayiqs' lot

rctedbyabodyguardof~es."'sf -- ' program Will help stop that ao tivity from,recurring this sum Our truth is that Hu&e&is a raving mer," said Adri'an WWn, .I is people are religious fanaaids; VRA member and Bloc1 Their truth is that our leaders are raving maniacs an( Watch organizer. w pe~ple niindless shm. .TT]hrough the ,Block Watcl Truth, as we come to believe it, is the truth as it i program you get ts meet you mented to us. 11 get the courag For example -- our communiques tell us that a ced ffending neigh onnage of bombs was drspped on hq on a given dss bors on the block becaus md we are meant to take acedsolace hmthat. vou'll2-- -- how other neighbox - we take equal solace if it was.phrased ire COndeTned as well. . Would an di "It will eliminate crirninal ac kmntly, for instans to point out that from a histmk tivity in the neighborhoods b point of view we were bombiig the daylights out of tl cause criminals like to stay 01 Garden of Eden 0- because thatiwould be equally'h+ of the spot light.,"Wilson sa$i Poor old truth -- only in peacethe is your virtue u The Block Watch conce] questioned, more or less. also gets 'together in ti One of the most romantic 'pets wbever Jived community and knits ,comm~ whose hes have fig~rerfin suwessf~l~edu~ti~m 'f nity spirit. moE than athasand yemwrote: "$rough increased awarene of their neighborhoods kd

is ma, truth beauty --

~ .Your truth or mine, baby? izn Stibbkd, resident mechanic ....

four Ad below - 1 Letter to a Space: . . Also, to give our DEADLINE FRIDAY 1 PM

I .. , I I ., I I I 25words ~ I ... I $6.50. I I Each additio,nal I I ...... D I .L .....,...... , ., ... , ,. '- ...... ,, ,

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W§m V 9324251 V The Squsrnbh ?Vines - Tuesday, February 5, I991 - Pqp PS

. . . ., .. ._.,-+ ~ . , , ., I . . I- FRIDAY FEBRUARY 8,1991 ._I -- / -.

:(do RnnH's Home Graham Morning Price Is It Fiiums Instmc- Contiiimf R k & Ray St. LPGA Kkdd'' Q~tdoors anta Bar- OaYS d Lti Cuisine k3V0 btl. JW Rk- .- 1LTrialwatch Appetite Right Chain Itional Pw Habitat Ka3 io Jawtl Golf: In- MMS. kro Ourehres Schaool Lovebn. rn :80 Sesame MataGn F&JW Shirley Ywng. Wat gramming Mechkmic'l S.J.Ra- 8umper wary . &fvw Countfy News Artother LeP'IP . PmpkCt. Wwll & 1d :30 Street Loving Cmcentr. WesHess Concenlr. Canada @ad U.T&y Classrc &io Tim, 8. Ruxpin World . l.8 Mer . The Judge Personalit. AllMy News News Wws News Math Perry Ma- DonahuR Th'brds Movie: Magazine Baysot JoaoRiv- L'EdilEan New Rackford 12% %%n, Children Closer Lk. Instr. son Pro Box- "113gstiny. Top Card Our Lives 82s gemosssl News Files 1 ;:! Midday One Life Another One Life As Worfd Another Instruc- Calbr Beaver U. Maga- ing Tour of a Spy" Crook Liar's Cmby midi Movie: "lncidont to Live World to Live Turns World tional Caller Gritfith zine Onstage Bumper Edition L'HeureO "Septem- inSan

:OO Reffection General Santa Bar- Another Guiding General Cats-Dogs Earth Ex- ,Card Bnt. I' PGAGdf: Fugitive VideoPM General News ber Gun" Fran- 2:30 AM Hospital bara WorM Light Hospital Garden plored Facts/Life U-Bums BobHope I' Hospital 'I. Nick, cisco"

:QO Kon~ Northwest Daysof &atdoII a- Shirk1 Sesame PolkaDot Wld.of Dayssf Classic Avenggrs 'I YWng. News. chasseur VidmPwr 'Peter Pan MopSmi Disney Our Lives - I1 'I 3:30Familife Aftem Our Lives smt Restless NEE Schtroum- Chipmunk Gummi B. :OO WKRP Challng. 3'sCo. Donahue Challng. Readi T&p EWedere $ah sports SUFyiVal I' Gro. Pains Fortune Kimet Melodies BUckTales 4:30 ViiHits F. Feud $t%y ALF 'I NHL Sq. 1% Encounter M'A'SH fmy Hockey 6et.Wars 'I Boss? Jeopardy! Wouil. Tiny Toon ChipDale

I' News News Head News AIMWS Who's &rStage MM BemYS Men- ALF Tale Spin 5% WenG. News 'I Canm3 s MrR@Business Asage Cur. A ar Restless Cup92 Knocking Texas M'A'S'H Bloo~lws PlUS Gro. Pains Head :OO News News NBC News CBS at Ran- M&W/ inSchod 21 Jump News Trackand at Ooor Nashville Star Trek DarkStra- ante Boss? 6:30 'I News News cos& Lehfer CI.Mgmt. Streel IV Fi. Now Gen. dom R.Mab Cheers ' :OO Front P Fortune Entertain. Night Ct. News I' AsiaNow Kidzone Entertain. Fortune Me8dow. Gslden I' Quantum Midnight Ce Wr Night Ct.. €dim 7:30 Golden\. Jeopardy! Evening Cheecs Trump cosby Seattle legalwise Personslit. Jeopardy ! Inv. Rock' Crook Leap Cailer T'jaumal Chews Cw. Affair :oO UrbanAn- FuilH'se. Bloopers- FMIIH'w. Gunsof FuHHse. Wash. TOBeAn- Movk Jack On§tage Sonsand News Movk Movie: Most 830gel Family Jobs coach Paradise Family WallSt. mmd 'Wustie" %%I- Jon83 Texas Daughters Tonight "LaCW-"Th8Kar- Wanted * :00 Dallas ' Stra s Darksha- My Secret Dallas Katts-Dog Money Classic . Him Stars who's I NashW News Show defeu" ateKid, Against + SO GO % dows Fiure '' Fgwe Inside ?heatre I* Bradbwy Tractor$ Knocking Now Recall 'I Part Two" the Law :00 National 20/20 M'iht Skating Sonsand Skating Great Per- Classic 20/20, speedwk. atooor'I Nite DavidLet- LePoint News Arsenio 1O:~O Journal caller 'I Daughters " formances Theatre Hunter Hockey Cri %%xk terman CHeureG I' Hall

:OONews News News CTV News CTV Alberta SinM &mi0u wqU.Tonig t sgsP Golf: GoldenRock limeCountry Arsenio Soloftex I' Taxi party 11:30 Good Nightline Tonight News America News Hunter Hall Divorce Movie: Hunter StarTrek :00 Rockin' Into the Show General Magnum,. Gulf War MacNeil/ Hall . QavidLet- BobHope Jack SgMI Movie: News "Prison- lo Gen. 12:30 Movie: Night David Let- Hospital P.I. Highway Lehrer PaidFrog. terman Ctassic Jones "Hannah Friday Vi- nieres" Twilight Z. Personalit. :OO"Uncon- Reming- terman to Heaven Japan Paid Prog. Arms of Life of andHer deos 'I It's Show- Talk Show 1:30 quered" ton Steele LOW sFl8-DeVil Sisters" ' I' time SATURDAY FEBRUARY 9,1991 CBUT KOMO KING CHEK KlRQ BCN KCTS KNOW KVQS CKVU TSN. A&E TNN CITV WDlV CONV COW COMV a9 rn Q li) e 8 ID Q) @ a9 @ a@ 0 @.J @ 0 m @I Pooh Camp Capital Muppets Crumb- Sesame Puddle rn Soccer §on of Crafts Pinocchiio %id-Plmy Rock-Roll Peter Pan 7 i30: 02 Gravedale Reptile Ninja Tur- Pets Street Wondrlnd. TaleGummi Spin B. S%Care r Saturday Monte SidNi..Pinocchi!, T8A Gabby Marketing BobBy :OQ Umbrella Slimer- Captain N Tomorrow tles Concerts Teachers Elephant Tale Spin Slimer- Csnt'd Feathered @!tdoors Astroboy Saved- La Sa- Williams Tom, 8:30 Sesame Ghost. & Mariis Rockets NW Home Rockets Tradition Herag ChipDale Ghost. " Arrow Remodel. Astr&y Top Ten Touftoufs Snakmstr Tomatoss :00 Street Beetle- MBA Wonder Bill & Ted Wonder Tradition ChMy To Be An- Beetle- Nippon: Kitchen Beeb- NBA Jungle Like. 9:30 Cents New Kids School OWYn, College OWyTv Business 20th Cent. nounced New Kids Sports Japan Side-Side Blizzard I. School Picsou Fishing BaspiThrs etbal :00 Wonders, Bugs & Saved- Campbells Basketball Campbells Business Basic TBA Bugs & LPGA TrialatNu- Our Way Bugs & Pump It Rahan Batman Fisherman 10:30 Gardener Tweety Guys Travel Real We~tPsych. Hedth. TBA Twmty GdkIn- remberg Remodel. Tw!y Up - Remi Batman Siskel / :00 Fish'n Rosey Kid-Play Tourism Canada . Anthroply. Skiing Qennis verraty Golden Kitchen Worldof Fanelli Heros/ Superboy Movie: 11 :30 Peopl.- Weekend Sport- Travel College Musiquest Parenting KCO -Monster Classc Rock Qinah Qisney Sport- Samedi Sup. "Solarba- Planet sWorM IdaClark- Basketball Mechanic Journal Dia nosis Paid Rog. WWF Rugby Movie: Tommy Hercules sWorld Los Arts "Support bies" 12ioo30 sweekendsport- Viewpoint I' son 'I Renovate So. Africa Maih Paid Prog. Wrestling Speaal "You'll Hunter Hercules 'I La France Your Lo- " Nardcas- 'I Figure It Figsore Political Rid Prog. Wrestling " LikeMy Gospel S ider- '' Le Prince cal Gun- Movie: 1% '1 tle PGAGdf: Skating: Olympk Skating: Analysis. Paid Pmg. '' Cricket Mother' Church hpenace PGAWl: etle fighter" "The Mi- I' H. BobHope Can. winterfest Can. Group Math PaidProg. The *' Comedy Onstage Pets @&Hope pauvre Mwk ker Gang" 2% IS s%on Chryskr Champ. 4 'I Champ. MotorWk. Instr. Rid Prog. Houndsof Hurling Hwr Country RV Chm "Midnight :OO Report PBAWClassic Fishing , PaidProg. WWF Ciaoltalia Open A-Team Notre Ch. Miss Mar- Beat Casting Classic L'Univers Run" Movk 3:30 Miy ing: s.lor- Lifestyles Nanaimd Football Wrestling N: Oupree CmstiM. Dame" Sports 'I Earth News des I* "Pdterge-

:OO Driver ida Open Ent. To- W. R in's Travel Gourmet Rainbow Star World's NBA All- All Crea- I' Wrestling Fortune I' ist II" 4:30 NHL Wide night Island N%al Travel Franey Join In! Search Children Star Sa- tures Randy. 'I Fame Gro. Pains :00 NHL Worldof News Musquest Geo. Movie Gourmet Winners Lifestyles- Return turday Movie: Travis News Amen Hock Night Ct. Current -5:30Hockey: Sports 'I News Travel Show Yan I' Ri Journey "Mean Opry City Beat Cosby LNH:lan- News Affair

-:Nl Rangers News News News News News AllCrea- Classics Ent.To- Nm I' Streets" Barb. Super 0. GoldenG. pvs Movie: Star Trek b:30 at Cana- News Missing tires Bs&as Eight .Aart'c.. .* Sal@--. ''~ Mandrell TandT Emp. Nest anadlens "About :00 dens Fortune 21 Jump Figure SportsTV Lotto Nature: Muck Current Adderly Boxing I* Mus. Diamonds Carol *I Last Star Trek 7:30 I' Runners Street Skating PaidProg. Movie: Rift Cookery Affair lmprov ' Texas 'I Dear John JOM~ICNight ..." Gen. 8ioO Tommy Young Ri- Amen Katts-Dog Buck Wild Am. Great Mo- Movk Vi. S s SaraGil- Church Movk .News LaBande Movie: Video 30 Hunter ders Fanelti Good Lenny Isles ghuls ''SerpW' ParkerL &%ing bert "The Saturday des six "Jaws" Parker L.

:00 Sheclock Under GoldenG. "Lucy6 Movie: I' Cousteau Festival 'I Movie: Barb. Guardian" Nigh! !he . Via@? ** cops 9:30 Holmes Cover Emp. Nest Desk Be- ."My '* Amazon :: ?%or Monster "Mean Mandrell Cops I1 Twin Card forethe Oaricing" Fgure Austin 'I Twin Trucks Streels" Mus: Twin Big Break Les Cy- 'I Movie: ' 10%Legalwise Peaks QearJohn Laughter" 'I Skating CiLimits 'I Arsenio Peaks Motorsp. Texas Peaks *I niques News '*Running :oO National . News News CTV News CTV Black SgMff Hall MusiMa- Sports Country Movie: Profit Movie. Taxi Scared" 11:30 Night MU- Star Almpst News Magnum, News Benny Hill gaz-he Soccer lmprov Beat "Legal Ea- Deal-Meal "La 21 Jump Search Saturday . Movie: P.1, Gulf War Star Cops I' Saturday Saturday SaraGil- Sign-off gles" News Guerrede Street Comic . 12% e& American Night Live "Hester Big Break Cagney L Paid Prog. Night Live. beri *I Runaway Jenny" Twilight 2. SMp "Life- I1 I) Lifeof 'I "Jams at I' Byron Al- "NeQh- :00 "Come- Gladiators 'I Street" - '' Lace!, Songs Are 1:30 back" Free force" S~oewil 15* len bors SUNDAY FEBRUARY IO, 1991 CBUT KOMO KING CHEK KlRO BCTV KCTS KNOW KVOS CKVU TSN ABE TNN ClTV WON CONV CONV CONV rn Q B) 0- Bb a Q Q) ee Q 0 0 m 0 @ Q Planet Sunday Jimmy Sunday Jimmy Sesame ,puddle PaidProg. Monster. Fishing HighCmd TWs Menace Columbo Search Kenneth 73 Real-Reel Today Swaggart Morning Swaggart Street Wondrlnd. Discovery' CareBear Rugby Shortstorytleroes Beetle Misha Is Written Cope land :00 ManFrom Rainbow I' No.1 West Music Tomorrow Secret EH Jools PaidProg. Tiny Toon 'I Revue Racing TribalTr. Calinours To Life Snakmstr 8:30 U.M.C.L.E. RUMS Meet aerie ~ome 0. R*, ~ongA~O ~KKz~ obis son ~iny~00n 'I Mo= Qestiny HomeBld. Citesd'or Larry J. Fishing :00 Secret Gardening Compton Tale College sgarch M~'Ro- Agnes . Robert Academy Sports Clara Outdoors Hi-Q Meet Tkettac O.Rob- Runaway - I1 9:30Agent Travel Sports- Winter Basket- Robert Newtons Knights Schuller T. Ruxpm Tennis Fisherman Farming Chuck AOvii RoMson R8alEst. :00 Corona- David NBA O.Rob- ball: SchtW LasMiser- Readin Anchor Menace. LPGA Arthur Bass. NBA Jour( Robert TheWest 10 :30 tionstreet Brinkley NBABas- Mechanic UNLVat, Rabison ables ScW ' Tmow In.Gadge t Golf: In- Miller H.Parker LixR zvs NBARas- Seigneur Schulbr Siskel 'I College ketball: Gold Trail Ark. WorldVi- Jimmy Post Poli Ernest An- T. Ruxpin verrary Danger- Bill Dance Natives ketball: Le Lassie Star Trek 1 1% Best Yrs. Basketball AllQtar Canada College SrOn ,carter PUMi !JleY Monster class^: ously Heroes Outdoors All-star Hockey widget Gen. ;g?J 12;;; ;g?J I' Game Record Basket- Question Interests Servant ies America's Movie: American Ori inals Game LNH: Nor- Secret 1.0. Movie: I' Figure ball: LSU Figure . Refledion Comm. Paidpaidprog. Prog. ST Care ar Cup '92 %lean SWs In &sion I' diques vs Dummy "Legend"

:OO Sunday College I' Skating: at Duke Skating Wall St. Mucat. Paid Prog. Beetle- Fishing Streets" Cavalcade Sketches Bruins Out-World II I1 1:30 Ms Basketball PGAGdl: Canadian AutoRacg 'I Wash. Communi- Sunday In.Gadget 'I NMRA Parent PGA Gdf: Metrage Harry

'I BobHope Cham- Olympic NHL Seattle cationin Line Kidstreet Wintsr I' hang Bob Hope Aujourd. Movie: "Track of 2;g $!y 'I Chrysler pionships Wmterfest Hockey: Edme Canada PaidProg, Kidsbat S,W World I& 'I Chrysler dim. "Johnny the Giant Reming- Classic Sunday Children Canudrs Painting Survayof Paid Prog. Edge- Grtpvine Biography Truckin' Connect. Classic Semaina Danger- Snow 3;g &!py ton Stele Outdoors Edition in Exile at Devils CQlleCtors Art Ridhog. Survival Spds RoadTest him News vert0 ously" Bear" :08 Canada Jmpardy! G~o- Qaresti Simon & I' Garden Puddb 3sCo. SkiBase QidJHL Vietnam American You've-' Sunday Visionsdu Fm. Tas Movk , 4:30Hymns Fortune graph% Oiamonds Simon I' Wdwright Elephant Siskel Wt Mockgy: War Sports Katie kt monde Gro. Pains "20,000


pIrrc.. 16- ...


I I mms I I Wed.,SyamishLibraryBOard Feb. 13,730 p.m. I -- __ I A.6.M. 1 staff will engage the public in hffey Me, Lizie Lake and informal discussions and pre- additions to Garibaldi Park at I Wed,AuhorreadingbyAUDRFI Feb. 20,730 p.m. I sent Parks Plan '90 and the Mt. Currie and Billygoat , I Forest Wilderness Area system Creek. I I plan. I Mon., Feb. 25,230 p.m. I 'We've identified that there The mahg h SqUamiSh iS P


For a limited tipe, your Ford and Mercury- dealers are offering FESTIVA AT §7,795:'

five vehicles for under $lO,osO each, A ~ ~ TEMPO ORTOPAZ :tra cost AT $9,995: ,NGER 99,995: With air and automatic, the The stylish Ranger Custom 4x2 (with option 2-door L models (with option package 790A) comes with a packages IOlA and 331A) give "1 2.3L EFI engine, tachometer, and your dollar a lot of puli. 1 muchmore.

F Consider all this another example of . ' .. 7 The LX 2-door is distinctively styled, tecknologlcally how Ford and Mercury dealers are working sophisticated, and well powered with a 1.9L EFI enginc 9 hard to stretch your dollar.

1 .,. ,. Euose Tu. and other taxes where .for &talk.


The Squambh Times - Tuesday, February 5,1991 - Page 17

" .- ..___II,


.,Tuesday,Feb. 5/91

* Shoppers Drug Mart

G.LASSES I 1 A joint program of BC Parks and the BC Forest Service to shape the future of parks and wilderness systems in Bntish Columbia.

INGS. Parks Minister JohnL.-Savage \.- Claude Richmond invite you to atte information sessions. We'd like to tell ou about Parks Wilderness Area Braft system plan, answer your qu&tions and hear your ideas.' Have we ident@ed the

nght areas to protect? Are there other areas of - 1 provincial sigdicance? If you wish to make a formal mentation, please ter by calling your BC Pari5 district office at El!!%,*. Public information seskok will be held througho;

40330 tantalus Way Open houses only will be held fr~m3-9 pm at: Feb 93 Powell met Powell mer Rec Cw.pbx, 5000 Joycg ...... SechelP RQawsed centre, 55Y Y Shsmclme FeWO WhWbr' WhOsttet Cderencg Centre, 4010 Whtaer way , Material will remain on display at regional locations - Available eye presaiptaan after all the meetings. Please send youwritten .* belongs to-you. comments before April 15 to:

.".Please for it. . Parks and Wddehess im the 90s 4 n ask ,I Box 77 &-'J . 808 JohnsonStr&. . . Victoria, B.C. VSV 1x5 . -. For more information, please call the BC Parks or BC Foresf Service office nearest you.

Ministry of Parks .. . Ministry of Forests I . ., ., ,. ., ' ,. -:*.r-r.~r.r.,(uiIl-WII.-r--L . ., ..,... ~ ...... _...... :...... _... ,_ ...... _-......

. .,...


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.r . .

...... _' , :M'mGB?-.... - VI.L, ...:' ...... I. . :. 'SIlCKS-. $1. .< 376 g


,. ' ,. .. , .

-- No rain chgdrs, retail quantities only, while supplies last. The S9uamlslr F'hcs - Tuesday, February 5,1991 - Page When a call goes out for baseball and soft- Stork Story-LANE-Keith and Susan Lane ball registration, we how spring can't be too are pleased to announce the birth of their sec- The Winter Sectional in far away. Howe Sound Minor Ball is mcow- ond child, a son, Kenneth Charles Arthw, Burnaby Jan. 18-20 attracted aging all those interested in playing this year born in the Squamish General Hospital on the cream of the bridge crop9 to register either tomorrow night or Thursdv Jan. 3, weighing 8 1Bs. 14 ozs. This is a sister resulting in very tough compe- in the Civic Centre lobby from 6 to 8 p.m. It for Kathleen. The proud grandparents are titim. Rose Lane of North Vancouver, Marilyn is to your advantage as at the late registration Marim Zarychta of Squamish 7, a $10 Greenlees of Langley and Arthur Wagner of planned for March surcharge along weni the tournament with the regular fee will be charged. For those Bunraby. Equally proud great grandparents into me Hilda Lane in England and and hocking on the prestigious registering for the fitst time, bd certificates Mas. MI. "Life Mas&' door, requiring ai32 required. Mrs. Harold Pickford of Mesra, Arizona. * * * * * * only silver points to put hh over the.top, he proba- Looking tanned and relaxed after their four- A furadraiser adult dance for Howe Sound and has bly attained his goal. Congrat- week vacation to Portugal are Marlene and Minor Hockey will be held in the- Highlander Hotel on Saturday from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. You ulations are beig withheld Gordon Gervin. They spent much of their until officially makes time in Lisbon and the Algarve. can pick tickets up at Style Zone, Overwaitea ACBL * * * or from other merchants. The $7.50 price in- the announcement Each yearv the Heart and Stroke Foundation cludes a light buffet and door prizes. * 3 * The Squamish Duplicate of B.C. and Yukon declares February as 21 During their three-week stay in Hawaii on Bridge Club's game on Jan. ' Heart Month and the time for mud canvass . had Kathy Bmthroyd an8 LOY- for funds. Coordinators Karen Vanzella and the Islands of Oahu and Maui, our advertising raine Hurren finishing top, manager Lynn Pasko and husband Dave on Sonya Miller have been busy preparing for her followed closely by De& this mud fundraising and C~~V~SS,md ~01- spent long hours in the sun and water, and Mann and Warren Jonat. unteers will shortly be calling on you to sup- both have fabulous tans. Thanks far the post- port this vital* service. * * car&, Lynn.* * * Shufflle, Deal and Play was preceded by an executive This week's birthday people are: Curtis When the Squamish Seniors W~llness when Council holds its next regular meeting the meeting Jan. 28, the Muller, Kalen Drygas, Matthew Belair, Am: at ACBL Handicap System as ba Lunn, Lisa Tychonick, George Gnrber, Seniors Dmph Centre at 37978 Third Av- presented by Wanen Jomt was Bruce CasseU; Trevor &off, Kipsten Hay- enue (Alan0 Club building), a special Valen- wood, Tora Goss, Neil Boyce, Marla Fdt, tine's Day luncheon will be held. The date is mhousIy appoved. .. I F&e Hodgson, Nicole Westedund, David Thursday, Feb. 14 at 1:30 pm. and a nominal The top three partnerships in Essex, Russell Joseph, Kyla MacDondd, $2 charge for lunch will include spaghetti and winning order this night were: . Gary Trento, haForbes, Jim hdrews, meat balls, cherry cheesecake and fit Angela Holling and Marian . Tommy Lloyd, Roger Bird, hdeline Plaat- punch.'Marion Biln at 892-3585 would ap- Zarychta, Kay Roberts and Di- jes, Christine IspAham_ Ron& Bouarman, preciate knowing if you are planning on at- ane Cannogt MeRead and JdaSclmurr and Russell tending, no later Feb. 13. t) Laporest. than Brenda-Robsh s 1% -b- * * * * IP * 18 Good wishes also James Evan Storp-&EECE-Former residents, February wih be'Tmphy to: Hayes, Stork Night! ken,Ronnie Elliott, Chaya Lapoii Kelly Rex and Tracy Reece of Lillooet are pleased 'hk, Curtis They, Bridget Danks, Craig to 81p1ous1ce the birth of theii third son, Rory Game time 7:30 p.m. every Squamisn Bridge Club's 1M Novice Award WWJ won 9 Ostergmd, Art Wittman, Rho~daWittman, ~weighing81b~.9ozs,andbommthe Monday in the Elliott building by Janet ROSS (1)' whik Katbg Boothroyd earned the Milissa Barr, Frank Immlnk, Elliot Sorban, Royal Inland Hospital, Kamloops on Jan. 10 on Cleveland Avenue. Club Championship Perpetual Trophy, Erica Stathm, Nettie Collins, Joshua Mc- This is abrother for Ryan and Royce. huc Culloch, Rachel Scott andLRyanHilding:Be- grandparents ate Vivian and Frank Downin! IatedcongratstoLindaManris. of Squamish, Ron Raeof Liiooet and ROSC * * * Reece of Denman Island. In Langley, MIS Fist bhday wishes to Zacharia Hiscock, 'Flo Harding is a ohrilled great grandmother Original artwork will Bryan Phillips and Jessica McFadden. Frank and Vivian ptChristmas and tlp * * * next three weeks m Lillooet and were there tc Valleydlffo Chri8tlan when the Valentine bake sale tqxmsurd by welcome new grandSam, Roy home. be juried kllomhlp United Church Women is held on Satprday * * * Patmsameerrner from 10 am. to 1pm at the HighlandsMall, Squamish Public Library will be ordabq Artists and aatisans residing Call 988-6844 or 922-1110 802- an eye-pleasing selection of baked goods will multilingd books for the coming year. Thf on the North Shore, Squamish, for more information. Sunday School 030 am. be on display. A new dtim cook book com- libmy presently desbooks in the follow. Whistler arad Bowen Island are Worship Service 1130 am. piledby the UCW wd also be available. mg languages: Chinese, Cmh, Dutch invited to en~the Noath * * * Fih,French, German Hungmim, Italian Share Spring Jurying on Mmh SWk Sto~HIVES-hd &d Mbk Jqmes, Norwegian, Punjabi, Spanish am 2 at Klee Wyck, 208 Keith St John AqUcan Church Hives are pldto announce the birth of . Urdu. If myone would like books m an] Road, West Vanmuvet. Rev. Charles BaHout their sscond son, Samuel Bradley, weighing 5 other language, please phone the library a TWOcategories may be en- 8M-5100 892-31 10 with your suggestions. sundaysenrioes lbs. 6 ozs. and born m the Lions Gate Hospi- * * .* ter&, an opar call and a new 8m11QllOam. tal on Nov. U.This is a brother for Eric. thematic concept called Chufch School Monday 630 p.m. Proud grandparents are Nmm and Freda Former resident Dorothy Kennedy, who ha '%restive Approaches to Hives of New Westminster, Sheila Gibb and been living m Kelowna since 1974, ha Community Issues." AU work Squamlsh Wbd Church Bill Hurfotd of Gibsons, and-Sandy Ghb, moved back to town. Dorothy wrote go1 createdbyanartistarartisanis Minislif:Rev.cRrisBwnett also of Gibsons. Mr. and MIS. Tom McClin- news and other articles for the Tbes befom eligible. Painting, ctrclwing, PhOne:w4727 toclr of west vmcouver and hlr. and Mrs. leaving for the* Interior..* * -g* SculptUte, ph- Sunday Worship Hour 10.90 am. Bert Hives of W-g are the pudgreat togmphy, film, video, fabric Infant Numy pviM CHOICES, the alcohol and drug amsellin Sunday Schod 1O.iM am Y4*mu. arts, cemmic, wood fabrica- * * * smice still has two sessions to run m i! tion, jewelry, glass, nmand Lifestyle Series. Totiight at 7 pg. the topi other fme q#id ar~ A trip b Reno via being planned, my or bus is will be family, and on Feb. 12 the emp& rigid worb 1mmg Squamiah on March 17. If you would BO related. only will be on stress management. W series i eligible, no copies, kits OK like go would like more infomation, are to rn presentd ftee of charge, mofe infa Ctii&~CSrnOUldS. please phone 892-1531. and for mabion phone 892-3655. "%e dress i hm Lime Danrbcna aflB 4 *. * 38019 Third Avenue, Lyda gam mor^ will select 30 w*g dversarg, wishes to: Mr. d * * * wo&, which will include ten John aplQzejcarlr, Mr. and Ws. 8. the m. A trip back to their laomelmd, My was I works to represent North Cellek R&. and Mrs. Ted odenbach, MP.and great experience for Joe and Marguerite Ia Shore at the 'hagtx & Ob@ts, W. ahd Jim Brohmm &owhat&e Festivarl be&k $hantz, Mm. covone. Mast of their refdves 818 IX" B.C. in Vi of & North V~WU- .. . rsndIWhUldMfdUBi9d including JW'S bpooher and S~SW-~II-~~W toae h * * * former Squarmish resi8ents, dMariah vex, May 22-2& Vd date this ershi. The panel di~~~~siopr"Peace Thno~gh covone. "hey visited mMvm Ram Energr for the also in Saturday, Man;h2,8 Eyes of Youth" held at thc Brackendale Art d Germany during their two-month vaca is am to 5 Pa OllleayqFridsy~t*w~~~dbythctim Application 'f0nns 8nd Of hh8'b the Of * * * bxochura me available squamish. I[ had exxaneoudy mhndthat from Friends of forma resident Cross will the and Vancouv~r Sow Secomhy-wm'a ~-sponS~ Brian North West Howe saddened how he in Vancouva councils. Art comsnins- when, in fsct, students wmmunb of he be to died Arts on Join. 16 following an illnetk. sion, liia md recmtim plmcldiscllsrrioh- cares.

\ Page 20'- Tuesday,.Fcb&q 5, 1991 - The Squamislr Times

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d2:37 a "SWEM SIN- 1:48 "MURDER IN' teen-ageu and a streetwise EVENING NERS' (1940) Marlene MiSSI$S!PPlJ' (19%)) dance instructor. (In Dietrich, John Wayne. A Tom Hulcs, Blair Under- Stereo) 9 6:W rn "DRAGPdm" (139%) Frances FiralPar, FEBRUARY 6,1b91 Navy lieutonant must wood. Two idealistic civii ''LEGAL EAGLES" (1987) Dan Aykroyd, Torn Maurice hard. Premiere.

Hanks. Joe Friday's The ohen-stormy marriage choose between his two + rights activists jeopsrtiiza ( 1986) R&ert Redford, De- laves -- a beautiful blonde their lives when they arrive bra Wlnger. Two Manhat- siraight-amow noghew of TV's "Queen crf co- ArnERN609U honky-tonk singer or a life- in 1964 Misir;issippi deter- tan attorneys employ some jrsiris forces with a mw, mdy" and her bandleader time of seruice to his coun- mined to help blacks win imonhodox mothods to laid-back partner to crack a huskand, from their first 5:OO @J 'THE DUNEWA case involving evangelism, meeting 1940 ?Q tk pry. the right ttr vore, Bosed on prove the innocenco of in BOYS;" (1985)Joe Spano, their client, an avant-garde skin magazines, sacrifisia! triumphant premibre ef "I Bob Hoskins. Based or! a lr00 @ "TBMERIDEW" artist accused of murder. virgins and murder. Lowe tucy" in 1951. (In true story of Jewish rdu- (1982) Fred Ward, Peter (1985)Etet O'Toole, Mar-. %2:W @J "COMEBACK" a "5W' (1988) ?om . gebs who were sent to an Coyote. A motorcyclist un- igl Hemiragway. With the (1988) Based on the story Hanks, Elieabtvth Perkins. A g# .'P9 WRY MASON: Australian prison camp af- witlingly travels through D help of a free-spirited of John Charters, a film 13-yaar-old by, trans- THEWONED CASE OFMOBSTER" THE MA- - ter British authorities sus- time warp and winds up young woman, a brilliant produmr whose world was formed into a 35-year-old pected them of being Nazi among 19th-centuryWest- but daft scientist tries to re- turned upside down after a man by a carnival wishing ( 1991) Raymond Burr, Paul spies. ern outlaws. . create his longdead wife disastrous ear operation. machine, bocomes a suc- Anka. Premiere. Mason's "FRIGHT NIGHT" from cells he's Dreserved 1:W "UFEFORCE" cessful executive by tum- legal principles are tested EVENING (1985) Chris Sarandon, for 30 yews. (1985) Steve Railsback, ing his juvenile intellect to when an old Mend asks Rdddy McDowall. An im- 2:39 B$ "EXPOSED" Peter Firth. A trio of space toy design. him to defend a mobster 8:OO 0 "MURPHY'S pressionable teen-ager enl- (1983)- Nastassia Kinski, . vampires spreads disease, 8:OO 6 "TOBY accusedwife. (In Stereo)of murdering p his LAW' ( 1986) Charles ists the aid of an aging Harvev Keitel. A fashion destruction and hQsteria MCTEAGUE" (1986) Yan- Bronson, Carrie Snod- honor-film star to combat . model is caught in a terror- throughout London when nick Bisson, Winston Rek- 11 36' "MALOME" gress. Framed for the mur- his next-door neighbor- a ist's web and used as bait an exploratory mission to ert. A boy in rural Quebec (1987) Burt Reynolds, Cliff der of his ex-wife, a cop es- bloodthirsty vampire. to snare a ruthless intema- Halley's Comet returns hopes to win a dog- Robertson. While stranded capes custody and re- 1:40 "STILL OF THE sledding race and 'save his in a rural Oregon town, a c) tional killer. ' them to Earth for examina- ceives unexpected help in NIGHT" (1982) Meryl tion. widowed father's business . retired government agent

8 ' tracking down the killer Streep, Roy Scheider. Sus- 330 8 "DYING ROOM / 130 "NOTHING PER- from bankruptcy. q is forced into a collftonta- ONLY" (1973) Cloris from the young woman pected of murdering one of ( SONAL" (1980) Donald Q "DARK PASSAGE" tionland with developer. a megalomaniacal he's been handcuffed to. his patients, a Manhattan Leachman, Ross Martin. A Sutherland, Suzanne So- (1947) Humphrey Bogart, 1237 e "IAW AND OR- psychiatrist bwomes in- - woman rnust face great mers. A college professor Lauren Bacall. An escaped DER" (1932) Walter Hus- . creasingly involved with dangers after her husband and a beautiful attomey un- convict recuperates from ton, Harry Carey. Cowboys the dead man's mistress. mysteriously disappears in ' - ite to battle the corporation plastic surgery in his girlf- join forces with a hard- 3:oo e "CURTAINS' rtre washroom of a dingy responsible for the slaugh- riend's apartment until he nosed lawman to restore (1983) Samantha Eggar, diner. ter of baby seals. can prove himself innocent Cont order to the legendary and John Vernon. A corrupt of murder. 'd on kc&page of Q "DEAD HEAT" (1988) lawless town of Tomb- film director schedulas six 9:OO "BIG' (1988) Tom , GuiaDe Treat Williams, Joe Pis- T. V. sione,. Ariz. auditions for a movie at an . Hanks, Elizabeth Perkins. A 1:OO "UlTLE FAUSS eerie and'isolated mansion, cop. A police detective is 13-year-old boy, trans- ANDBIG HALSY" (1970) and his wife enters an asv- resurrected from the dead formed into a 35-year-old I AND E Robert Redford, Michael J. _. lum .to prepare for the part FEBRUARY 9,1991 to help his partner nab the man by a carnival wishing Pollard. Two motorcyclists of a madwoman. leader of a gang of zombie machine,. becomes a suc- CONSTRUCTION leave behind a string of gunmen. cessful executive by tum- broken hearts as they roar EVENING 1:32 ~.**YEs;GIo~~I~ ing his juvenile intellect to QUALITY BUILT through the West on bat- ( 1982) Lucian0 Pavarotti, toy design. (In Stereo) p CUSTQM HOMES tered bikes with desperate 7:30 "BIG' (1988) Tom KathGn Harrold. A re- dreams. Hanks, Elizabeth Perkins. A nowned operatic tenor be- "THE CHASE" (199 1) & RENOVATIONS. B) "INTO THIN AIR" 13-year-old boy, trans- comes romantically in- Casey Siemaszko, 'Barry (1985) Ellen Burstyn, Rob- formed into a 35-year-old volved with a pretty voice Corbin. Premiere. A fact- Weahoaww ert Prosky. Based on the man by a carnival wishing specialist. badaccount of ttre 1988 ~~& true story of a family's des- machine, becomes a suc- 1:35 8 "8 MIUCIN pursuit of bank robber WIbtkOnee perate search for its 19- cessful executive by turn- WAYS TO DIE" (1986J Mark Taylor, a high-speed year-old son who inexplica- FEBRUARY 8,1991 ing his juvenile intellect to Jeff Bridges, Rosanna Ar- . chase that made national Phew Rayat bly disappears en route to toy design. 9 quette. While on an ex- news and endangered the Colorado from Canada. 8:W "SERPICO' tended leave of absence, lives of several Denver pol- 892-9390 an alcoholic cop becomes icemen and citizens. (In 2:18 g) "STARSHIP" EWENING (1973) AI Pacino, Tony or ~2-nn (1985) John Tarrant, Don- Roberts. Based on the true involved in the inwestiga- Stereo) 0 tion surrounding a prosti- ough Rees. The human in- 8:OQB) "#U§TLE" (1975) story of Frank Serpico, an habitants of a 2 1st-century . Burt Reynolds, Catherine undercover cop who sacrif- tute's murder. desert planet battle. a ruth- Deneuve. Ths relationship iced his career and per- 3:15 Qib "A NIGHT IN HEAVEN" (1983) Christo- less mercenaw's militarv , between a tough cop and a sonal safety to expose wi- police force. high-priced prostitute despread corruption in pher Atkins, Lesley Ann 3:80 m "THE CHEAP DE- reaches a crisis point dur- New York City's Police Be- Warren. A married college $1 000 -aEcflvEI' (1978) Petb: ing a murder investigation. pznment. instructor has an affair with Falk, Ann-Margret. "A "THE GUARDIAN" one of her students who 9:OO Q "MAN ON A works as a male exotic ST. JOSEPH§ 1930s Chinatown private I- SWING" (1974) Cliff Rob- (1984) Martin Sheen, Louis eye contends with several ertson, Joel Grey. A police Gossett Jr. A militaristic dancer. amorous ladies and a mur- detective investigating a security guard is hired by a CIVIC SEAT0 SKY CIVIC der rap when he attempts complex murder sasatries group of Manhattan ten- CENTRE CENTRE ,tQ &e his partner's death .I. to establish the credibility ants after ihqir apartment and locate a. buried trea- ,' * of a clairvoyant. who has complex be mes the tar- BINGO sure. , come forward with get of violenY crimes. "clues." 9:OO 8 "SHERLOGK MONDAY, FEB. 11/91 Doors Open at 5 p.m. 12:~e "HANNAH AND HOLMES AND THE SE- FEBRUARY io. f 991 HER SISTERS" (1986) CRET WEAPON" (1942) [u~bjectto attendanm) Bonanza 6:45 p.m. . Mia Farrow, Michael Caine. Basil Rathbone, Nigd R0g. &me 7:15 p.m. Three Academy Awsrds Bruce. Sherlock Holmes r. AFTERNON $1008 JACKPOT FEBRUARY 7,1991 went to Woody Allen's dons a vgdety of disguises seriocomic portrait of two to keep the Allied forms' 1:OO Q "TOM THUMB" EVENING years in the emotional lives latest weapon out of the ( 1958) Russ TamMyn, Alan of three Manhattan sisters hands of the evil Professor Young. Oscar-winning spe- 8:OO 8 "HEU BOATS" and other members of their Moriarty. cial affects highlight this (1970) James Franciscus, extended family. Q "THE GAMBLER" adgptation of the Brothers Elizabeth Shepherd. An 1237 0 "UNCON- (1974) James Caan, Grimm fairy tale about a American naval comman- QUERED" (1947) Gary Lauren Hutton. A college dniature young lad who der is sent to the island of Cooper, Paulette Goddard. professor's compulsive foils the plans of two das- Malta during World War I1 Frontier Fort Pitt struggles gambling threatens to des- tardly villains. to break a Nazi blockade. against Indians and treach- troy his career and per- 4:oae"Youw COME A 9:OO 0 '.'DEATH WISH" emswhites with the help mallie. . LONG WAY, KATIE" (1974) Charles Bronson, of a captain from Virginia. '0 "DIRTV DANCING" (1981) (Part 1 of 3) Lally Hope Lange. After three 1:30 Ib "THE PIT" (1983) (1987) Jennifer Grey, Pa- Cadeau, Ken James. A po- hoodlums murder his wife Sammy Snyders, Jeannie trick Swayze. A Catskill pular talk-show host tums and rape his daughter, an Elias. A troubled child be- Mountains resort, circa to diugs and ahohd when enrtged New Ysrker de- friends' a group of small, 1963, serves as the back- the prtissures of her job be- cides to take the law into murderous creatures with a drop for this tale of rom- come too much to cope his own hands. taste for human flesh. ance between a sheltered with.

Back by popular demand

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VALENnNE'S . Day is 'Feb. 14, and a number of series are devoting episodes this weekh the power of love. 0 On Wednesday, Feb. W, CBS has scheduled . a two-hour "48 Hours" devoted to rela- tiaiips. Dan Rather and colleagues will report on such phenoxpena as step families and a class that offers couples ihstruction on ~QW.to figk .,,Ah on bin RatW Wednesday, Feb. 13, AWs%nything but Love' aiq a "romantic qyadrang!e" episode 'ii which Marty (Richard Lewls), Rah@ (Jamie Le@ Cloas), Catherine (hnMegnusail) and Patdck Ser- reau (Jahn Rittw) find their romantic plans going astray. 0 Even Womer $Impson fires Cupid's arrow (which naturally misseS its mark) on Fox's "The Sipsons,"Thursday, Peb. 14, as he matches sister-in-law Selma with FWmcipall,Skber. SUMMER series are being developed for cpls by some fm- ow names. Stephen Khgiisworking on "Golden Yarbp,"a &rial fantasy drama. Mother and daughter lbbbie Qlsyn- @Id@and Cada FhJWarre preparing an as-yebuntitled se- ria about three generations of mothers in the mefamily. And director Rob Rdner ("Misers;*) is producing "Partners in Life," a siaptick comedy. , ,.. .. _.

-. every year. k majority of these bums are d-bycontact with bt tap WWIad hot liq-

tpuougk thd water €qr several seconds before placing a child in the tub. If ehe water feels hot, add sold warn until the tiempera~uefeelis codortable: a continually supervim yomg children in the bathroom and near pwle appliances such as coffee pots, elk@

"ALtitude.excdlentWecauMselect "Ws taken a lot of pressure off m. from them very easily, so obviousb They"- already pre-screened the ?- they were screened.Wlthin 48 ' . applicants and...the applicant hwrs I had anewemployee started hasalreadyexpressedanaOtihrde without very much red tape." for the type of job I'm offering.'' I-kIenaUlrich, TrevorEashreld, trained 32 inwme a Victoria Lampshade shop. pbts Bantry,VancpIver

I .. Training for an Empkyee.8. When you help someone develop skills on the job; we'll

help you meet the payroll! . %. you can creaka30- to40-twr per week minimum of two months, we'll pay 5Q%of wage (up t@ $3.50 per haw subsidy) when an inconie. assistance recipient is hired and trained. hsi- ,municipal governmnts and nonprofit gm eligible for this program. *-qpporturffyRognm

.. . . ,. ,. 1 . . *, . . ,


Thme ship phning to sail fQ1ptk 019 the pacific me the ab FW Pragnrm btallslb acd Applicatian Fbmq Sur Gran, due 'in port hcre Contact Your Nearest DisWct Office. Fcb. 14, the Star Musketeer, iphene due Heb. 21, and the Star Hong Cbdthe Blue Pages of Your bok Province of British'Columbia Kong, du0 Feb. 28. Ministry of Social Serwices and Housing Honourable Norman Jacobsen, Minister BOUIld fO? 8 h %Uth America will b the Patricia, \- due at the Tdats Feb. 20, while the Star Fuji, due in port Feb. 24, ua sail for Northm vhe Employment Plus group of programs is a major initiative under a federal/provincial agreement, and part of a $28-milllon Europe. continuing commitment from your provincial government to assist income assistance recipientsto become independent. The Star Geiranga, due in port March 2,' will sail for a port in Southem Europe.

. . ., , . , . .. ., .

. ,,_..._I___.-._C.-,,.. .r.-*.-.v .,.- . .





Thi Citizens' Forum on Canada's Future. - is in British Columbia. Our mandate is to 'bear your views on the future But, we're different. We'll be in the 8. /. ' audience and you'll be on


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2 pc. sectional couch camel back, queen size sleeper and recliner. 1 yr. old worth $2OOO. Best offer PlQWhW 6f Ministry of over $500. takes. Call 892-9149. British Columbia Forests (02 OSTFN) Description: kmtal of equipment "dl found'' b required Apple IIGS C/W color RGB NBTICE OF PROVINCIAUMUNICIPAL CONTRACT From 1 April 1991 to 31 &ch, 1992, to mow & groom R/ monitor 3.5 drive bus mouse Ap- W in the Mainland, Fpaser Valley, Hope, Lyw, pleware and Image Writer I1 PROJECT TO BE FINANCED BY THE BRITISH Lower printer. Never used. All COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF FORESTS AND THE Squamish, Secheh & Powell River areas, manuals. SlsOO. OBO. Call DISTRICT OF SQUAMISH UNDER THE COMMUNITY' For sale Brother DTC stylewriter 892-3121 (day). (02 12) FORESTRY PROGRAM (COMFQR) daisy-iVheel printer, four wheels, Reference: n(npQ1-001 trktor fed for labels, 37K buf- 10 in. Craftmans radial saw. bg takes arm Sealed tenders for a Juwenile Spacing contrast will fer, nylon or film ribbons, cond. $400. Firm. Call Closing Date: 21 Feb. 1991 extra ribbons. $500.00 obo. Good received by the District of Squarnish, P.B. Box 310, 892-2237, 892-9129. (02 05) Squamish, B.C., VON 3G0, up to 15:30 hrs, February 22,1991 Details available from :Lower Mainland Production BIC car roof rack for skis and Purchasing, Suite 340,4948 Canada Way,,Bumaby, B.C., For3ale Kaypro I1 X computer bicycles $100. Call 892-9201. with two K drives, serial, +/- V5G 4H7,phone: (604)293-7988. Sealed tenders clearly 400 09 Details: Juvenile Spacing on 75 hectares parallel, and an unbelievable (02 'Location: Upper Squamish River - 65km north of marked with the reference number LMPQI-001, will be amount of software of every Squamish. received in Suite 340, address as above, until 11:OO AM. OPI description. Completely por- Viewing Date: February 11,1991, leaving 38009 Third table. Weighs 20 Ibs. All the above closing date. manuals, 892-2237. Ave, Squamish at 1O:OO AM. For sde Signalman 300-12UO -Viewing of this site prior to submitting a bid is manda- baud modem. Completely tory. Contractors must supply their own vehic!e and Hayes-compatible protocol. pre-register by calling 892-1026. Have CPM or MS DOS telecom software to go with it. 892-2237. Tenders must be submitted on the dorm supplied m which, with particulars, may be obtained from the * Distdct of Squamish or at the viewing. IBM compaeible AT286 com- puter, I mega byte internal 4 \ memory, 40MB harddrive, Note: Contractors must have valid liability insurance. Roland Printer with several Require self employed person liv- Bus Driver - full time temporary fonts, nm-glare amber monitor Contacts: Charlie Schilbrg, Distrlct of Squamish - 892- ing in Squamish or adjacent area position available. AppIicants with tilt and swivel, all cables 5217, or N&W Forest Management Ltd. - 892-1026. to deliver newspapers in must have either Class 11 with air and mouse incl. loaded with soft- Squamish during early morning or Class IV license, have at least ware, graphics programmes, Howhold items, great cond. hours. Mon.-Sat. Renumeration two years commercial accident spreadsheet, database, word- and prices. 3 pc. chesterfield 9 Announcgments 49 pets strictly bad on commission free driving. Should be able to processor, educational games2 (rust velvet) $550. French Pro- sale. Income approx. SlOOO./M. work with people and be able bo chess, bridge, etc. 2yr. wmty vincial buffet/hutch $675. f/p think for thdves. Must pro- still in effect. 892-2237 or cocktail table $75. Lg. metal vide two personal reference, be 892-3408. (10 02TFN) desk $50.2 braid 5 X 7 (light 898-9890 or 898-5182. of good health. Long days are rugs of this position. Apply blue) $30. small deep freeze (06 12TFN) paut in $10. Tall book case $100. writing to: P.O. Box 2014, Ouitar/key board Traynor Expdmcal Wead cook for West Squamish, B.C. VON 360. Ap amplifier on wheels $240. por- Vancouver 70 seat Seafood and plications should be sent out no table kitchen 18 krsonals 30 Music Steak Restaurant. Respon&bility later than Feb. 15. aut $30. Call includes complete kitchen opera- 892-3171. (02 05) tion. Resume to: "he Mamqpr, molls Sundowner Restaurant, 34 All items 2 yrs. old - Regency HYPNOANALYSIS& In DentvillePiano area, by teacher with Sunset Beach, West Vanwuvcr, VCrequired - please fireplace insert $800. Sears Ken- HYPNOTHERAPY University background in piano. apply to McKay GM. 892-3588: Can help many human problems. B.C, V7W 2T7. (OZ OS) more appl. (deluxe models) I can teach beghbg to advance (02 w washer $450. dryer $525. fridge Stress, smoking, weight control, students. $9/hr. Call Mrs. Y. . $700. stove (range) $700. Call etc. Call for brochure of services. Barton at 892-5226. (01 22lTN) 8%2452. (02 12) Robert D. Egby, DHP, MIAH.

Tel: 898-3351 (02-5) ~ 2 Wanted to Buy

IS YOUR GARAGE EMPTY? We will rent it from you.in 38145 2nd Ave. * P.O. Box 1571 t Sgwm'rh, I.C. VON 3C0 Squamish or Whistler. Required Pregnant--And distressed?? fw homehold goods, furniture, Cd BIRTHRIGHT (604) 892-2027 FAX: (w)m2.2037 etc. Call 932-3265. (02 05) -free pregnancy test emotional and practical support $144,900 WANTED: 4 drawer legal filing . totally confidental. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroon cabinet. Call 892-9767 after 5pm. Call BIRTHRIGHT 892-9329.- renovated gem in heart o (02 OSTFN) Highlands close to the schw (03 26) for extra convenience. Neu 4 Gang8 Sales carpets and decorating While eating the food u love to throughout. Thermo pane win Rainy Nights! Tired of driving in eat, and lose the pounds and in- *these dark & rainy nights? Break dows & pellet woodstove is jus1 3 Families Goodies ches u want. Call me now the ammunition ndedfor thi! through in lighting technology, 583-7004. (02 111 the only auxillary lights Sm. appliances, beading, garden cold winter. '1 bedroom nanq tools. You name it. Sat.- Sun. KALWANT S. suite might help with the mor , spacifidly made for west coast tgage. Call Bill for details. wet weather drivirtg. Contact Feb. 9 - 10. 42066 Birken Rd. (BILL) BI1N 9am. 4pm. (02 05) Wire Mind Mobile Auto Electric - ii - Business hnonals R.O. (B.C.) 898-3262 Wow! for a free, at home demonstra- A 5 year young bi-level home ir 0 Legals Caribaldi Highlands. Whict tion. Call 8%-2464 or cellular at Personal income tax. Small 1-657-8145. For safety sakes. features 2x6 exterior wails, ther NOTICE TQ OITQW business specialist, help with mo windows, 1% baths, moderr (02 12) AND OTHERS GST. Call John Ritchie CMA. kitchen, super private bad RE: WALTER DAVID 898-9264. (02 05) yard! Asking in the 130's ant Hot tub completely portable, 6 MAGEE, lkcemtd open to all reasonable offers mos. old, retail value $6500. Formerly of Upper Squadsh, Healing Codependencies Call Maureen tonight. Asking $4800. OBO. Call P.0, Box 80, !?quamiss B.C. A WOrkShQp led by Linda Watt. Once in a Lifetime! (02 05) 892-2269 ask for Ai. NOTtCE IS HEBEBY GIVEN Sat. Feb. 9, 1991. 1Oam. - 6pm. Good dawnpayment and ven that creditors and others having For information call Linda at dor will hold mortgage at lesi Hide-a-bed for sale. Excel. cond. claims i~g&~tthe estate of the 892-9ux). Limited reghition, than going rate on this i Beige. $250. Kitchen nook for MARC above deceased are hereby re- so call early. (02 OS) CANDV bedroom townhouse. Walking sale. Excel. cond. $250. Call quired to send particulars thereof $985282 distance to school, shopping, anytime 898-3895. (02 05) to the Executrix named golf and civic center.. Was the .hereunder at 38141 Second show home in complex. Listec a. 3 fridge's for de. Two in good Avenue, P.O. Box 850, in high 70's. Give Marg a call tc cond. 1 needs work. Best offer. Garibddi Highlands, B.C. VQN view. Call 898-9091 lOm-8pm. l?ll on or before March 5, 1991 (02 05) after which date the Executrix In Memoriam donations to the Will distribute the said estate B.C. & Yukon Heart Foundation among the parties entitled help fund research, education, CALL US FOR thereto haviw regard only to the and public information pro- _-- grams. B.C. Yukon Heart FREE NOW OiP&NSUNBAYS claims or which the Executrix 1lam-3pm then has notice. Foundation P PROFESSIONAL & Boob Box 433 New uaed Helen Margaret Magee MAUUEEN ADVICE We Buy Used Books Executrix Squamish, B.C. VON 3GO BRUN§DEN Cleveland Am. by HERB W. CHAMBERS 898-5752 692-3912 Banister and Solicitor

I. , . %...... ~ -. .- .-

1.1 ...... - I,. . .

I_ 49 cars 000 Sdi3

Afternoon/evening day care '78 6 cyl. 2 dr. 4 spd. Mustang in Whiski Jack Re$orts Whistler are good cond. Comes with summer currently accepting applications wail. For age 2% to 4 v, old by mother of tyro children (newborn axad winter radial tires, bo&j in: I 'for mature individuals looking good cond. Call two or and 5 yr. old) in my home. $12W. OBQ. for'part time work three' after 9 pm. (02 05) times a $9.hour after one Garibaldi Highlands area, $98-3920 week. references 898-9179. (02 OS) month. Contact Lloyd at 898-5519. 05) new. $7588. Cd1821-3398. 38861 Buckley Avc., no pets, dl 932-6500. (01 29TFN) '$2 Honda Prelude, top cond. re- w cent paint and. motor. $4500. (02 OS) resident manager at 892-3616, Mother Goose Licensed-6aycare OBO. Call 898-3168. (Q205) .., (18-27M) has F/T space. 2 yrs. (toilet Foreman, journeyman and ap- trained) and up. Non smoking '69 Chev. % ton, 4 spd. $750. 2 & 3 bdrrn. 2 bath apt. at Park '87 Honda Accord LX. 85,000 OBO.' '77 Ford F250 custom black on prentices required for a commer- mother of two school age km. New clutch. Just serviced., black 351. ci. AT,, PS, PB, new Place in Squamish, Pool, health cial installation 'in Squamish. children. preschool program. '75 Pontiac Lemans 2 dr. auto. club etc. 9224048 or 9224540. Excel. cond. No GST. $9500. console $1200. OBO. Call top end rebuild. Recent paint. Please send resume to Protect In- Refs. C.P.R. First Aid. Call New carpet, battery, tires, brak- (12 18TFN) Call 898-3700. (02 05) 892-3938. (02 05) . stallations Ltd., Unit 9-11720 Marion 892-9544, (02 12) ing system, gas shocks, AM/FM Voytpguer Way, Richhond B.C. '86 Sprint 2 dr. 5 spd. clean audio VOX cassette, rear slider. 3 bdrm. apt..Park Place Apts. , V6X 3G9 or Fax 278-3248. 65,000 km, super gas mileage Fresh tune up and much more. privately owned, Avail. Dec. 1st. (02 12) $4OOO. Call 892-9755. (02 12) $4500. Call 898429 if not home Rent negotiable. Call 898-9605 46 Business 52 Tdlen 6 Campers please leave missage. (02 12) evenings. (11 2oTEN) For Sale Mlsc '86 Chevette 5 66,WO ~ spd. km. CENTERALLYLOCA'IZD mechanidy sound, lady driven, 17 ft, Bigfoot trailer deluxe, fully 41 Employment 56 AutoTowingUt ' WELL WAGED Wanted Beer, Wine, and U Brew no rust, new tires, amlfm equip. 4 burner stove, oven, hot PROJECT business for sale. Very little cassette deck with speakers water, shower, awning, etc. Call Wracking ~ Sauna, Satellite, pool capital needed. Call $4500. Call 898-9390 after 6pm. 890-3245. (Q2 05) 3 bdrm.-s570. 892-20471eave message for (02 12) . '85-Hya1ndai Pony, '81- Tercel, 2Mm.-$525. - Master Carpenter Jerry. (0205) '78 Ford Fairlane Wgn., '77 VW 1 bdrm.4495. Designer & Builder '89 Chev. S10 Blazer, two tone, Call Scotty 892-3820. . PW, off road '81 Ford F250 camper spedal, Rabbit, '73 VW 412, '63 VW Cabhetry, furniture, finish trim, PS, PB, PL, loaded, A.C., canopy, etc. Van, '68 Chev. !4 ton, '65 Chev. (12 11TFN) remodeling. 49 . Carsfor Sale package, 5 spl. V6 29,000 km. $18,500. OBO, Call 892-9149. $4OOO. Call 898-3245. (02 OS) pu. body, '64 Pontiac Paris., '77 22 yrs. exp, - (. Mini. Call 892-3938. (02 26) Large 3 bdrm. condo with Cdl Chis 898-3458. WQUAMMOTORS (a05TFN) balcony overlooking green belt. (02 12) sewice, repairs, parts, ~- 1 !4 baths, PIUS iQ building bun- vw 460 sq. ft. 2 bdm. trailer. used cair sales. '85 Hyundai Stellar 4 Excel. dry. Complex has pool, sauna, dr. I Fridgehtove. $14,500.(02 12) Call and gym. $958./M.avail. imm- cond, 79,400 km. Automatic 1-251-m. 60 Suites, Candominlums John Roper Construction 1985 Suzuki Samurai, transmission, power windows ed. Call 929-3977 after 6 pm. or Home improvements, renova- 4x4 convertible and door locks, Well mintah- & TQW~~~USOSfor Rsnt 1-734-421 1 between 9-5. (02 05)

tiQns, framing, finishing. 1978 Rabbit 4 door ed. warranty good till 80,Ooo ~ (02 05)

R. Terry travel trailer. Fridge, ~ ~ No job too small. 1979 Rabbit diesel 4 door km. S4500. No rust. Call 25 SQUAMHH stove, .oven, microwave, double 2 Bachelor apts. Quiet, Call 898-5255 898-4%2. * (0219) ' 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. from $500. mature, (01 29) All WS thoroughly checked, sinks, full bathroom in excel. %una, satellite dish and pool. non smoking adult. Fridge, service and repaired. cond. Easy tow on Tanden axles. Call 892-3Q2Q. stove, drapes, lights, heat and 8!&30PIZ '83 Nissan Sentra'WGN. 5 spd. Askw SOW. Call 898-5841. (11 Wrn cable. $355/M. No pets. 1 avail. DL 7186 new tires, one owner $2900. (02 w March 1, Ref. req'd. ' 1090 Word Processing ' OBO. Call 892-2345. (02 05) Wilson Cres. Call 892-3903. Resumes, letters, etc; (10 1m TANTALUS MANOR 1098 ,-,,,, Reasonable Rates. Wilson Cres. Mgr. 8%-9058 '82 Honda Civic, 5spd. new '90 Mallard Sprint 29 ft. travel Res. W892-1527 'SOToyota Tercel, new paint, no trailer, equipped, sepepate spacious 1 bdm. $465.2 bdrm. Furnished 1 bdm, basement transmission, no rust, gd. paint, fully $525. 3 bdrm. WMl. hcl. Rat; (02 11) new brakes. Must see. Asking rust, runs well. Stereo, sunroof bedroom, furnace, shower, suite. Cooking fad. upstairs. $1500. OBO. Call 898-9137 after stove,*,oven, etc. $17,50. hotwater, &nd cable. Close to $425./M. Lights, heat, cable $3200. OW.Call 898-3266. Call schools and town. (03 05) ad (12.11TFN) 6gm. (02 12) 898-5445. (02 12) hcl, call 892-3855. (02 05)

Want to bu into the real atate Hem'@your chance to buy the Thesg richly detailed extrae You'll find in thie eo- quality marketandII uildupwme uity? am built home. 2 ul baths, 3-4 varytiUlserPhtoetartwiti%hen beat. A quality built rancher 011 eeldom found oubide of establiahal r? a uiet etreet with many extras. You mlrtme thin executive home eetate horn-, Onl 9 yn. young, Wrmq handy workshopz bright, have olook at thb mobile home in Aiome pull be proud of, and it overlodting the uamieh River. kt. with new. perfirct blend gmd. conet. convext= epacious moutdlln 3 Riven Prk. It can be yourn with ne& abaolutelv nothing a- The entranceof%e home will ience 8 quahty with old etyk $173,980. only $2,000. down and ooll have impreso you with therpaciamhll warmth k ele 3 Isvela, 3 1 , OPEN HOUSE, SUN. FEB. 1-1 it pia dinno time. d'w and etaircaaeleading to the main Ea. ir 1-3 Call MAUREEN Wrme, 3 ba & exteneive v, PM 'bdrme, a flow. Thia lumriouo home fea- apace. BeautiM privata, aunny 1007cygREsspL. turn 4bdrm43 rtnbath$ huge munda. Priced to steal a! BRACKENBALE Call NANCI (Mrs) Call DOMNA(MIS) eundeck,full landlceped mod. kit It. $.all -?xic Bl73,600. (Mill)

tifbll maintained 3 bdrm, 2 lh bathLily home hae lota dnnwa wing Family. Call BOB Wen ou can have a place ofyour own. &ell maintained and epa- (Mw You11 b in this cute little 3 bdrm. cioue, thia bright and han IO yr. old duplex homea at geand home. It hm been well taken cero bile home boaeta 1 fene9% of a Cpr\-ba-eac. 3 bdmmann level of' and hare a Yge. kit. and down- and numeroue up&s $29,600, sdte currently rental folongtsrm staim hac alp. f'. nn. Enclaed . CallDQNNA tenante. 3 Wmu unit ie vacant and nice landscaped yard. ounxs) ~waiting~iyou&iceinc.~apti- ~#mwil1laokrrtallreaMlaablsoffere, Call 8WQN@L@ anm per unit $142,~.Cpan NANCI

, .. , ..


~ Office. space for rent. Approx. Vacancy - Lietle Filly's 1 kjxluwtrizur Supplia. box 600 sq, ft. Professional building Lg. on Cleveland Ave. Call between SQUAMIW CONDO Comer Iot in new &@e Run sub- Squamish Video stalls attached paddocks, tack T.V. %de icckersplg. lighted Buraging 9am - 5pm. 892-3441. (08 28m Park Place Apts. offer conve- division. Call ,898-4365 after 6 Color T,V9s, VCR Beta-YHS, Ping, nient location and great value 3 Pm. (02 12) microwave oven, amplifier- ring, 2 acre turnout, grooming bdrms. 1% baths, Bright, quiet stereo, Major appliances, vacuum system, friendly &t- .top floor unit with view. Present- washer/d.ryer, stove, mosphere, quality adcomoda- 73 Shared ly rented. Financing available at Level building lot for sale in refrigerator. No. 54330 Tan- tion. Call 893-5867 leave Accommodation - 3 Wrm. house on quiet street in 12 percent. mid $60'~. To view Brackendale, fruit trees, nice message. (02 05) Valleydiffe talus Road. Open 9am - 9pm. call BERNIE CHARPEN'llER, view will build to suit. Call Paul House calls, Squdsh 898-5771, - Very clean - new paint d carpets Mitten Rdty Ltd. 240-8747 892-3439. (02 05) Whistler 932-4452, and Pember- Reg. % Arab. 15.1 H.H. ' Shard Accomodation - Large yard- 1E basemerrt CELL. 988-1175 OFF. (02 ton. (01 31) Chestnut mare. $900. OW.Call Room available in laege 4 bdrm. - Gmt starter or retirement home 898-9084 or 898-4147. (02 12) house. Rec. room, f/p. Full use 05) )price: ll9,soo * of fad, Call after 5 pm. all Opn ~ffen - 892-3773. (02 05) to 87 Property for Sale Please call 892-1598 or 898-4345 83 Duplex for Sale 0 Legals . 8 L!gals

56 acre hobby farm in W. Newly listed 3 bdrm. family Kootenays for sale or trade for 74 Wan!ed to Want home, 3 baths, workshop, For Sale by owner 2 duplexes on APPLICATION FOR Mamquam Rd. Lot 283 zoned property in lower mainland. Call dbl. garage, delightful coun- 898-5058. (02 05) PESTICIDE USE try kitchen. $18O,ooO. R-5. Eligable to build 30 units. Professional couple with 2 small To Condos, townhouses, or apt. ....t view call Bernie Charpentier The B.C. Ministry of Forests is applying for the follow- children looking to rent a clean 3 units. Revenue $1600./M. Ask- 240-8747,Mitten Realty Ltd, ~- ~ Wnn. or more home by or ing $300,000. Call 898-3416. ng two pestklde use permits: before April 1. Call 898-205. 988-1 175. (02 05) 92 Business Opportunities (02 12) WPLICANf. B.C. Ministry of Forests (02 12) 5'bdrm. 2 baths, 2 kitchens, Lillooet Forest DistM ~~ ~ WANTED: 2 bdrm. house to - d of this On 2 acres with out- . BagSgrvlee700 / rent, long term. 1 have a well buildings, fully fenced, Finch For deor lease. Business oppor- 650 Industrial Place behaved golden retriever and 2 Rd. $219,000. To view call 04 Mobile Homes tunity in Squamish Body Wrap Lillooet, B.C. yoamg boys every other weekend. Dave MacLean, Remax Real- for Sale Won. For more informatio dl 1VO ty 983-2518. (02 932-4710 (Whistler). (02 26) WQK Call 892-5997. (02 05) w WQPIE: - 256-7531

Completely remodelled inside 4PPLICATlON NUMBER: 401 -224-9193 and out 2 Mm.double wide -- Distribution Network moving in- 186 Houses for Sale 82 Subs, Condominiums & large living room, 3 appl. ind. to your area. 1 - 3 key people Townhouses for Sale Patio off master bdm. Large needed, fantastic $ opportunity. Call 338-2174 recorded message. Under $lOO,OOO. No GST. 3 - ~ ~ front deck, located in Britannia XSTICIDE: Roundup (Glyphosate) Mrm. house in Valleycliffe. Beach. Call 896-2447. (02 12) (02 26) Handy to Whistler and North SQUAMISH CONDO METHODS: ,Wick application, back pack spray Shore. In exc. cond. Call Park Place Apt. convenient loa- fie 922-1443. . (Q2 11) tion and great value, 3 bdrms. TRIO PIZZA coming to 1 '/1 baths. Bright, quiet top ffoor LOCATON: Selected sites throughout the Lillooet- . 85 Businesses for Sale Squamish, Whistler, and Forest District. h Brackendale 2 yr. old 1300 unit with view. Presently rented. Pemberton. Unique opportunity sq. ft. rancher on quiet cul de Financiu available at 12 per- to establish a pizza store with sac near schools. 3 bdrm. 2 cent. Mid Ws. To view call JanitoPial business for sale. Ex- proven products. Agprox. AREA: Approximately 5 hectares: per year baths, double carport, fenced BERNIE CHARPENTIER, Mit- cellent family opportunity . $15,000 required. Call 921-7393. and landscaped yard. Asking ten Realty Ltd. 240.8747 CELL. Established 10 yrs. Grossing (02 19) PERIOD: May 1 1991 to October 31 , 1993. Sl45,OOO. Call 8984812. (02 05) Sl80,soO per annum. Located in . .--..1.----1.-.IPI---OI-v Whistler. Call 898-5058. (02 05) (02 05) APPLICATION NUMBER: 401 -224-91 93

td PURPOSE: Noxious weed control ,* a PESTICODE: Tordon 22K (Picloram) Please recycle this newspaper I ' ng METHODS: Back pack spray, vehicle mounted born!- and handgun LOCATION: Selected sites throughout the Lillooet Forest Dlst rict.

AREA: Approximately 30 hectares per year. PERIOD: May 1 , 1991 to October 31,1993. Copies of the two pesticide use permit applications am maps of the treatment area may be examined in detail at the B.C. Ministry of Fnrests, District off ice at 6% SQUAMISH, .BE. FAX: 892-9398 Industrial PI, Lillooet, B.C. . 1' A person wishing to contribute information ab site for the evaluation of this application for a permit must send written copies of this information to both the applicant and the regional manager of the Pesticide Control Program, Suite 201,3547 Skaha , Lake Road, Penticton, B.C. V2A 7K2, within 30 publication of this notice. DON'T MISS THIS ONE1 PRICE.REWCE0 TO iNJOY this immaculate bedrooms and 1300 sq. ft. Over 2100 square feet, 3 iome in the Plateau. Fully on the main floor. You'll also bedrooms, large family .. lnished Up and Down, it find an Oak kitchen, doubie- room, sauna, 3 bathrooms e Proposed Silviculture Prescfiptio /as 4 bedrooms, a family garage and a paflieily finish- and a concrete driveway are oom with a gas fireplace, a ed basement. Like lots of all part of this 'Westcoast unny deck and much more. privacy and quiet? CALL Contemporary' locatdd on a Notice of pre-harvest &vidture prescription, pursu- :

'ou'd love it at any price, JIM TOOAYll perfect lot which'backs onto ant to Seetion 3 of the silviculture regulations. , but it's only $1 69,900. a river.*CALLOULI UNDY) :ALL SABlNA FOR YOUR PERFECT TO BUILD ON TWAYI 11EWING APPOINTMENT. This level lot in Dentvilie on The following*areashave a propsed prescription that Britannia Avenue is close to DEVELOPMEW PROIT will appl if approval is obtained from the Minis El8mentary and High "WANTED" immediate trade for Forests,&e pro ed rescriptions will be availab7 eOf "WANTED" Schools. Walking distance fully managed, fully IN THE ESTATES for viewing \antip"K Marc 19,lWl at the location noted BN THE HIGHLANDS to downtown. CALL JA§ Mow, during regular working hcurs. (JAB AT 892-9422, Home requiring TLC. ,- .IRancher with No major structural To ensure consideration, my written comments must exbansion tmtential. $35,000 Industrial II lot on problems. 2nd Avenue in Squamish. be made to John%larke,Administrative Forester, CALL SABINA FOR Mitchell Road, Richmond, B.C. V6V 1M8 by the DETAILS. date. Forest Ucencs A19215

ruav 5, 1991 - The Squamish Times ..., .

&out it. Notably absent froin recent qmQ iSr coverage of school team sports. Team captains, coaches and par= aiciDatitlg teachers am encouraged to submit sms 01 PRESCRIPTION 8 .,. .


ensure amsiderationany written comments must be made to District Manager at x 197&Squamish, British .Columbia, VON 3G0, by the above date.. ..

.. _.. , .. I '. I ". . ,. ormof umse cutting ,. qpesn&t No. Permit ..week.. ' No. -

.. squamish Am csunvcil SL . 6.0 invites dl membm and othet * mmested people to attend its ?lamifor a large devekpment at Furry Creek see1 EL A3m3 10.0 neit mekting, to be held Tues day;.Feb. 12 at 730 pm. in the 1 be moving ahead. SAC"A--e building at the Michael Gekr & Associa& property develop EL A37110 31.I . inteasection of Highway 99 and lent mnsulttW~on the projectg sppmd beborc Club Mve. le regiomal rALA&mu~~d board, sgeakbg on behalf o Plans for upcoming events 'am!Development Canada Corp. ISL A38YM 533 dl &!XsPld ad i€lmsd Wcbae1 Uamlfi 1B-r iip~h,,~a(.& ,..u IJMF@ input from eveqme will be #ha en enti law to build mixed residdal homing, a go! IISL A38711 92 * wepcOmed. * FOP interested h en- ourse, marina9 resort facility and housing on r%p ' mximately 958 acres rand two miles ob waterfkml ' tering their artworfr in the 'ISL 20.6 'hags and Objects'' pvma wated along Fmy Creek, . , I cial exhibition, the deadhe fo1 The property which is eve Wrneterf?southaf Br the juried exhibition is Mac1 annia Beach, was purcmd last April-fkom Col 'ISL A38705 33.4 2. For entry forms and more in ier Beach Estates, formation, please call Maurea At the conclusion of discrpssiom chairman Da - B~bm.. 898-3188. aO Cumming suggested the board allow :the re@om .. ., . Wrict's planners to.become offxially invdv ... .. ,.< ..,.. e project. 'he board supported that the Furry Creek Dev4 iment be formaUy'fefed to the SW9s-'pla: . !rs, Urban SystemsUd. ).,. r

itwe Aims of Dunwoody & Co. recommended. MAKE SURE YOU rnl?,rnLY e board the purchase of the Vadim Computer SJ m,aswell'asrsportablePCfor theuseofther ; FREE. I.

., ..

.'.. ,

t -'sJi: the almost none"of them speaks

Culture shock was a phe- ende5sly Eying. Pairs of psr- ticipank3 helped at diff.excnt work placements, such as the

SLU$HY STROLLGranbo~aJean Herman ahmg With tbree-year=okl Dale and his Wle suer Cam, two, make their way home in miserable weather that saw snow turn to cold rdn and slush Thursday.

...... -. ... . __._,. -...... *-...... _...-.. . -...... __ DESIGN LTD. k CusiomWgn Blueprints brawn for permit.,appliitiin$ k Proj,a management

Burt MiniPhall , 89804964 Box 77,8mbnbh, B.C. SOUAMSH

in the wlsines§ tirectoq and see tow egsy it is to make IYlOIlW doing vhat you do BEST.

Need a PAT CONWAY Contractor? TREE SERVICES DangerousfreeFaYng . Find one PsUning. fast in the Buqhess

Directory '

Nary 5,1991 - P 35