.. ... .:.,,.: ""Y: A, .I U 4 I 4 - Delayed funding mange- up with 24-25 csns~ctbn mmtsfmthe.indwr*g packges far work ranging plhavepushedthepject's from stone maso~~yand completion date back to July 1, plumbmg to electrid wiring 1992, LE work is e@ to andhesrting systems. begin this spring. In a meeting last week, the "We're hoping to put it out in District of Squamish signed an small enoughpackages so local tigcmermt with Catnrec Engi- mpmies can tender on it.'' neering Consultants of Ed- With tRe financial agreement monton, allowing tha firm to between the District of finalize engineexed drawings, Squamish and the Squdh- and act as constntction man- Lillooet Regional District fi- ager for subcontractors soon dyin place, the project's to be hird through the public consultants can be retained t~ mda pcesss. begin work on the pool. Recreation dimtor Grant 'It's'down to the basics now," Dickey and,other members of Dickey said. the Parl;s'. and Recreation I Treslsauer Charlie .Schilberg Commission's pPCO~~IUC- tion subcommittee met with said an agreement has been Camrec consultant Graham reachad between tb district which smith Wedxleday to discuss and the SLRD, the latter some o€ the hai cids of iiie is bmwi!g 5&* fa !!! construction plans. project m behalf of the district. As consmctim manager, Dickey said, Camrec has come Cont'd on page 2 I. i. Teachers accept terms of new contract '. ,. I. .'L, 1 '. I .. , I,.. taxpayers in Squambh md 8 Squmish -- agreed to pay a $1 dion 00 BC grant -fit md CQS~-SW~@. pl (for which &e RQ- spc%darea of AT=.D in the higher taxes for the pol. would help pay f~athis $3.4 For ~xmple,he sai4 the pool tary/pl society fun&, m millionpjwt. in Grand Fapkshd gpockmt eammkd), a stem room md Handling the gant disburse- after it wbirmstalled tm close whirlpol, a viewing area with ment'on behalf of the district, to the water, and mothex fad- seating for spectators, 8~ family the Squamish S-g Pool ity has mt problem -in its change area, and a widedeck pSpu1ge-?-- ayaruii. Society will now quest a one- mea tn 'accoIIlrmodate exmise third papat for the first part Another pool subcoxmniU&, classes. of c~nstnrction. said Dr. headedby Cudmore, will look Dickey said the pool will Richard Cudmore; society after fundraisii, appro- prove to be one of the larger Chairman. communi~''0rganizatiansand employas of youihs in the Ground-breaking .for con- coIporations for COntritnltiO~ commamity, and will enhance smtion on the six4me, 25- to the Community project. of the already In November last year, the many grogtama metre pool will begin in April in existence at the Civic Cen- or May this year, Dickey said, Squmish Rotary Club do% m. with soil testing for-qineer- with the pool society raised I ing purposes to take place ovet $4O,OOO for the new pool. '1 think it will change the sometimethis week. TO be cons- at the field- whole way the conmu& Once consmcti6n begins, he side"&ntrance of the Civic views things - the Civic Cen- BILLIES BOUQUET said, ,'it will bea shock to the cenm the new facility Wa tre is aeally the centre of the cahnmunity" when it sees the include a to~$ihaudicqpd tom." 38084 Cleveland Avenue ' building up "in six to eight weeks." + A memgkr of &e 06gii-d group of ci- who hme been plugging for a pool for Coalition ova four years, Dr. Cudmore -~ feels confident we'll have our new facility by July 1,1992. CHECK 'SI think we-will' have the formed to build @g ceremony 6n Canada THE Day next year." He said he bases his optimism trail plan POINTS on Camreds track recsrd, which includes the completion The newly formed §quami& Trails Coali&on be- of similar facilities "on time gan combining $he rgwurces and expaknce of over Get in and under budget" 30 people representing a dozen community organia Operating under *the Parks mtiom at Quinn's Cafe, Thursday evenbg. and Rdon Cdsian, The Classified several pool sub-commitkes "The possibilities for Gab are endless but OUI Game have been hammering out de- main concern is that development in the rnmkipab tails on the project for months, ity of Squamish codd preclude it fmrn ever be1 Cudmoresaid I coming pdbile," said Jim Wbnia, a cwliti01 In the design and function founder, pol sub-committee, headed by The steering committee discussed drafts of a Rose Moon, ideas on inprior date, goals, and prioritid at the Wo-hour meeting. design and th&e for the pool The coalition hopes to give momentum to the con are Wig investigate4 am! dl cept of a Squamish Valley trail the components of the facility - system. - €%om filters to bund systems The next meeting of the Squamisln Trails Coalith -- ,king double-checked in wi~be 8 dinner mestiig GC ~se-y, pehe 19 at t~ George Strobl of Pemberton; B.C. advaiice. p.m, at Quinn's. This committee has paid close lost over 112 pounds and- 34 114 attention to the successes and failures- of other, recentlyan- total inches-dth the help of strutted acauatic facilities, Nutri/Systems! reached after 73 hours . ,- From pagt I As well, the teach=' devel- opment hd was inmed LOGS fnrm $40,0o0 to $70,000, but the mtijori@ of increases will be distributed among the new teachers that have come to the WANTE schoolbod because of hi@er student enrollsnenents. @'BothSiQeS cams away with a eontrmt that isfair and which we can both he prmd ohr@--Anne DeVeat., . schml board. ChhOMfZ Although the te&eIrs were gxepiTedto&iftheitd9 Inand8 wmnot ma m good afdh, H~sSaid cantract I~R- gotiatims werenevep bitter. Harris said it is now time to get on with otha mrtters, such as the budget. .. ., _I., I. ... .* . ' ..' .I.. .......,. developme&" &Vent said. "Everybody's hands are tied until they go through with this study. But they promised it would only be mother yea, and there bhqx our area can be looked at earlier." School superintendent Trevor Hank said the matter is be- yond the scope' of the bod until the appropriata govern- ment agencies cpmplete their inv~6tigation. .I ' BY P&&.Bu& 3 'But the district hopes to Reporter -. The Times deimprovments:.that :will make the scb1 more.func- 'Fhe cantroversial geological tional. And we'll be doing against sane cometic dtaations survey recommends we-fi p*g; Mg&&as development because of the - potential for muds1ides.h the rooves -- as much as can be fan, which is located-justnorth done without a peat deal of of Brackendab. expenditure," Hank said: * The implied threat outlined m theCIipplRepOrthasdS0 ' halted any development that would enhand the present SquanaiSh@rt facility. FORAPPOINYMEWCJ\LL J.C. USER CLINIC ._I ....... .. ,.;: ,.;: .. '<... ....I: ... ...-2 '. pmcE'... ,i PRICE DIAMOND Dl I Value I I any purcRase or service'workI .,.-_. I Jan. 27. .The detis contains IoD. and. i SALE THE SQUAMISH & smashed. That' stme day, arm H run damaged an '$9 Ford pick up OF COMMERCE & MO recreation complex. L1 arrested for impaired - A PUBLIC FORUM I e issues we@llliiscwinclude: Vandalism to a vehidi parked QD Humd &id in es'fadngCahada in the 3L99Vs' -Cdb@zind ethnic diversity Brackendale was repbM at 8 a.m: Jan; 290.Cub we can do to deCanada better, fairer and more prosperous. prits has spraypaintedlb theIB vehicle's I bod, ?: * I in the future. .. .. JUDE BANNI§TER IS PROUD ANB PLEASED TQ PRESENT'; I! , I .. ., j r.., , V"re9s go& u to be Having qualified a member of lot of eyesjooking at as the Club.Nmcihasalsa maintained and achieved status in . tha0tand"- EJRS Diamond Club. These rewards and achieve consultant Tom Luuga both professional capability and since* intemt in the needs of her on Squumish's pottenriar forpq development . 1990 #2, BEST SELLER 20 TO 50% L Many Chandeilers ~duced to clear Great buys on decorator mlrrers, cei11ag fans, selected lamps, bath < MAUREEN MCCARTHY e bar (ita,wall and celllng As adedisated and long term midmt of SquamiSh, Maureen exemplifies the trust and security all Red Estate agents should repmnt for the benefit mounted fixtures. of her clients COME EARLY FOR ?HE BEST BUYS 888-4084 1 4858.1 Tantalus Way Garlbakll HbhH .*I)---.- .**,. .- . unwanted course .. t, I .. , ,)' , . .I, ., ,' . '- . I ......... .I' .......'.. .., , ' . ' . ..> , ... , ,. .. , . , ""$, ', , ,' 4 .. , ..... .. L .. .. ..% ... ',.. , . ....... 4 .'.._ ,. ....... .., ..., , _;1.. 'I , ' ;.... ., ,. I... Where w attitu Dear Editor, 'I wondct wb0 MqCollins,! -. ..... ... ..... .. .. ' 5'. .:. our distinguished Memk of' I. ". <. .. Pllrliam*G thinks she's trying Expecting special treatment to4ridl In her lettento the because of your mcaw is editor (Jan. 29) she says, \'I racist to say the least. believe Canada has to back its The ghetto. atmosphere of a words of support for the United resavation creates a whin@, Nations withactiodThose are ...if they were true. 'pool me' attitude. fine words I siracerely hope the next gen- For many yeys d eration on both $ides of this is- innumaable resolutions, the sue will be equals and friends United Nations has, been and good nci&bors to each calling on.Israel- to withdraw odd, but under the present from the-hds&e occupied by tlmMonsiswillnothappeh f0rce.m UNhaspaSsad- these Pat Bonde m spite? of Valleycllffe oppositionbythe United States d south maAs rearrtly ' - (IS y&terday (Jan. 29) Ispael nce'for' THE I wb bombing its neighbut bombedLebanon. IraqIsrael and, has on &bthat freedom offers occasioor, it was Iraq that did notcorm retaliate. &en? Where was Mary Kuwaiais hope: FORA FREE COPY OF:-\ skee disP2rbmeS. ions. It's very ixnprtant for us 5)Drama It is wonderful to see that to listen and to help them keep 6) Helping war victims, e.g., The Gulf war has and is im- some schools.
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