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GI\REN LAND ^. J • Design • Installation • Maintenance * Tree Work

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Week, of April 15-21,2004 SANIBEL&CAPTIVA, FLORIDA VOLUME 31, NUMBER 17 24 PAGES 75 CENTS City says "Thank you" to all the volunteers

By Donna T. Schuman Sanibel has a more than 30 year tra- Staff writer dition of volunteerism. From the first task forces that helped form the city to . As a special "Thank You" for all their the committees of today, it is obvious work throughout the year, the city of that its volunteers play a major part in Sanibel honored its many volunteers the city's day to day functions. with'a luncheon April 8. "I don't think the city of Sanibel More than 120 city volunteers and could function without them," said employees packed the Sanibel Councilwoman Judy Workman. "It Community House where they put aside gives people an outlet to make a contri- the duties of their respective committees bution and this is an important contribu- and enjoyed lunch and dessert catered tion." by the Island Cow. Workman also pointed out that city "This city runs on volunteerism and staff also plays a major part in the city's this is just indicative of Sanibel," said volunteer programs and committees. Mayor Marty Harrity. "It's all about "It's a challenge for the city to orga- volunteers and a wonderful community of. people." See VOLUNTEERS page 2 Neither snow, nor sleet, nor power outage • • e Photo by Donna T. Schuman By jenny Burnham bought eight battery-powered spotlight/ City employees, Bruce Rogers and Rob Loflin, serve the city's volunteers at lunch. Staff Writer flashlights and set them in the mail sort- ing area in the rear of the facility and Neither an electrical fire, nor a five- around the counter area in the front. County's settlement offer on hour power outage, nor loss of phone "It made a nice atmosphere," said lirtes, could stay the couriers of the Ms. Reardon. Sanibel Post Office from their appoint- As the morning went on, employees causeway suit likely to be rejected ed rounds on Monday, April 12. smelled smoke, but could not identify By Donna T. Schuman and expenses later, according to a press .Employees worked by battery-pow- the source. "It could have come from Staff writer release issued by the county Tuesday. ered spotlight/flashlights to serve cus- anywhere," said Ms. Reardon. At 10 Under Florida law, a party defendant — tomers and sort mail in the dark. a.m. they discovered a tree tangled in The City of Sanibel may well reject a set- in this case Lee County — may submit an The power went out "at 8:30 a.m. power lines and smoldering at the side tlement offer proposed by Lee County offer of judgement no earlier than 90 days precisely," said Debbie Reardon, Post of the building. regarding the lawsuit filed over the replace- after the action has been commenced. If Lee Office Officer-in-Charge. "We called the Fire Department." Ms. ment of the Sanibel Causeway. County serves an offer, which is not accept- Accompanying the outage was a "loud Reardon said. "They watched if until Lee County Commissioners approved an ed by the city of Sanibel within 30 days, the crack," which employees could not the utilities people arrived. offer of $100,000 Tuesday to settle the law- county could be awarded reasonable costs immediately identify but subsequently In the meantime, it was business as suit filed against them in January over the which include investigative expenses and turned out to come from power equip- usual throughout the facility. county's decision to replace the 40-year-old attorney's fees if there is a judgement of no ment downed in a strong storm that The sorting area at the back of the drawbridge with a 70-foot fixed span liability. swept over the island. building has no windows and only one bridge. The county could also be compensated if When the power apparently was door, leading to the loading dock. "There has been no inclination from the the judgement obtained by the city of going to stay off, "we put a sign out say- Employees used their hand-held spot- city to accept the offer of judgement,"' said Sanibel is at least 25 percent less than the ing we were closed." But then, said Ms. lights to examine the mail "'then see City Attorney Ken Cuyler. "The settlement amount of the settlement oifer. Reardon, "since it's tax week, we felt offer is a common proceeding in civil dam- However, Cuyler is confident that the we needed to be open." See POST OFFICE page 2 age trials." city will obtain more than $100,000 in fees Employees went to Bailey's and The settlement offer is a legal strategy to during the course of the trial. allow the Lee County to collect legal costs Lee County Attorney David Owen declined comment on the issue. The suit, filed by the City of Sanibel. INDEX Situsa in CUB iillfii f BBSS Emus Iff claims Lee County failed to maintain the bridges and by doing so, violated the inter- • LETTERS ...pas;e 6 Sanibel Bicycle A profile of how it April 17 is local agreement between the two entities. • PERMITS &Du"i* page 8 Clubs helps city works Earth Day On Sept. 16. the County Commissioners approved the construction of a fixed span • DATELINE ....page 10 bridge to replace the existing drawbridge. • GARDENING ....page 14 The Bike Club has long Jenny Burnham takes a trip SC'CF does it asain with a Reasons such as changing interest ratef, helped the citv with bike to the drawbridge for a first- schedule of fascinating smoother flow, and overall project ....paoe . paths and other items. hand look at the works. nature studies. costs were given for the decision. • TVUSIINGS ....page 16 The city's suit also calls for the rehabili- • 01311UAR1LS. page 18 tation of the drawbridge. - See page 4 The settlement will be brought before • SroRib ....page 19 — See page 3 — See page 23 and voted on by the City Council at its next • CLASSIHLDS page 20 meeting on April 20.

GI\REN LAND ^. J • Design • Installation • Maintenance * Tree Work

.-pu\.i ltd. 2 54 472 li70 * i7 28 YEARS BEAUTIFYING SANIBEL & CAPTIVA 1... > 2 • Week of April 15-21, 2004 • ISLAND REPORTER GITY • COUNTY • STATE

VOLUNTEERS THER ESS.* From page 1 By Donna T. Schuman water supply and irrigation use there- In other business the Sanibel Staff writer of, waste water, solid waste and Planning Commission... storm drains. Suggested Time Allocation August 10, 2004 — Discussion on • adopted a resolution amending the for Sanibel Plan Evaluation transportation. Land Development Code to allow a and Appraisal Report... August 24, 2004 — Discussion on planned unit development at the recreation town center, police, fire, Wulfert Point Property. The resolu- • April 27, 2004 — Staff review and tion would allow the Sanctuary Golf discussion on state, regional and library, school and Lee County Electric Coop. Club to expand its clubhouse area local policy changes, economic and add a beauty salon and spa area assumptions and coordination with September 28, 2004 — Discussion to the facility. surrounding areas. on Capital Improvements reflecting • May 11, 2004 — Discussion on land Sanibel, housing for low and moder- use, commercial redevelopment and ate incomes and land use changes. retaining resident commercial ser- October 12, 2004 — Discussion on vices. intergovernmental cooperation, inter- Photo by^ Donna T. Schuman • May 25, 2004 — Discussion on local agreements and near island In one of his first actions as mayor of Hurricane Safety, the Causeway and development. Sanibel, Mayor Marty Harrity greeted bridges. October 26, 2004 — Discussion on the city's volunteers at the luncheon last • June 8, 2004 — Discussion on natur- land use, neighborhood and commu- Thursday. al, scientific and economic resources, nity compatibility for single family nize that ongoing effort," Workman beach management, non-conforming dwellings. said. "There is a certain amount of staff densities, redevelopment in coastal November 9, 2004 — Review draft effort that goes into it, but I think if you zone areas and resort housing sector of the report. way the benefits and the disadvantages, redevelopment. November 23, 2004 — Review com- you come way out on top on the bene- • June 22, 2004 — Discussion on con- pleted plan. fits side." servation, ground water, historic December 14, 2004 — Review and preservation and scenic preservation. vote on completed plan. *«*/nst • July 27, 2004 — Discussion on December 28, 2004 — Loose ends? human support systems, potable When you feed an alligator you are training it to approach humans and arc POST OFFICE creating a life threatening situation... From page 1 spondence and used old formulas and open? especially for our children. Feeding hard copy charts to price packages. "Customers walked on in," said Ms. They issued handwritten cash receipts Reardon. "People were very under- alligators is a criminal act punishable by where it goes," and sort it into contain- to customers. standing." ers and cubbyholes. Since they couldn't print postage Power was restored at 1:30 p.m. fines aiuVor imprisonment. At the end of the day, they reported amount labels, "we put stamps on Phone service had not been restored by "a headache from reading without everything," Ms. Reardon said, smiling. 4:30 p.m. City of Sanibel Ordinance 75-29 enough light." "I was the designated stamp licker." Florida State Statute 372.667 At the front counter, Joelle, Carol, and Gail dug out scales to weigh corre- How did people know they were Code of Federal Regulations 50 CFR 27.51 1547 Periwinkle Way (Located Between Traders & Kona Kai hoe in the Old Brew Pub Plaza) 472-9995 Elevator Access \ EURO COMFORT /

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"We Have Your Siie,.. W@ Can Fit You. W® Do not Sacrifice Beauty a§td Style for Comfort!" , ISLAND REPORTER • Week of ApriM5 - 21, 2004 3 3 Bicycle Club works with City for more and safer shared-use paths

By Donna T. Schuman grants. The club recommends that the Staff Writer Sanibel Plan be amended to reflect the new name. As one of the more active private clubs Safety is another key issue highlighted on the island, the Sanibel Bicycle Club in the report. The city's annual report of contributes countless hours throughout island accidents reported three that the year improving bicycle safety and occurred on the path system last year. In infrastructure on the island's many an effort to improve safety on the paths, shared-use paths. the Bicycle Club has both suggested and Over the last 10 years, the Bicycle Club supported a number of recommendations has worked closely with the city to main- to the city council regarding safety. tain that effort. This year was no different. In 2003, the Parks and Recreation In its traditional report to the Sanibel Committee recommended the use of bike City Council, the Bicycle Club thanked bells to the council with the support of the the city for its many efforts this year Bicycle Club. The City Council voted in regarding the shared-use-path system. favor of tiie recommendation. "The Sanibel Bicycle Club is proud of While working with the with the Public its strong working partnership with the Works Department, the Bicycle Club has city," outgoing President George Sousa also explored alternatives to the crosswalk ~->'^y said in his report to the council. "We sin- at Periwinkle Way and Donax. According Photo courtesy of'aurivorld.cs.com I maxkoletzhe cerely appreciate your serious considera- to the report, the increasing number of Members of the Sanibel Bike Club on a bike safari in northern Florida. tion to the club's recommendations." accident at that intersection prompted the One major accomplishment highlight- city to develop a plan to relocate the the department's responsiveness to the all shared-use-paths. Currently, the city is ed in the report was the approval of a crosswalk. A plan is currently being concerns has been exemplary, the report in the planning process of widening all shared-use-path master plan. The plan developed. states. city paths to a width of 8 feet. Only 55 which proposes a five mile addition to the Installing delineators and improving Through its relationship with the city, percent of the city's paths are presently 8 city's current path system, would add 15 signage along the path system has been a the Bicycle Club has seen many of its sug- feet or wider. The club recommends paths over the next 15 years. The Bicycle long time request from the Bicycle Club gestions come to light this year. However, widening the paths to 10 feet where feasi- Club commends the city for its efforts in ro the city. Last year the city implemented the report suggests there is always room ble. this project. a plan to install delineators and improve for more improvement. "Having wider paths is critical So Another change to the shared-use-path signaee at key locations alone Periwinkle In the years to come, the Bicycle Club improving the safety of the path system," system is the name itself. Last summer, by- Way. hopes more of its recommendations will the report states. request of the Bicycle Cluh, the City in October, the city completed the be acknowledged. In closing, its report The club encourages ihe cit> to consid- Council voted in favor of officially chang- Tarpon Bay path bridge replacement as left the city will several recommendation er "'hike friendly* breakdown iane*- and ing the name of the city's path system pan of the multi-year plan to replace all to be considered in the future. bridge landing access when deliberating from recreational to shared-use. The name the bridges within the path system. As part' of the shared-use path master with Lee County o\er the Causeway change enhances the city's ability to qual- The club works closely with the Public plan, the city plans to construct a bypass reconstruction issues. The club also ify for State and Federal transportation Works Department on safety concerns and path for Periwinkle Way. This proposed encourages the city to participate in the path would give path users an alternative development of ihe Lee County trails route to the busy path that runs parallel to master plan. many business driveways along Peri- The Sanibel Bicycle Club helic\es that winkle Way. investments in ihe shared-use-path. system Planning Commission and City However, the city must first acquire should be a high priority for the city. easement rights to many businesses along However it understands the city's finan- Periwinkle to construct the path. Council cial constraints due to the Causeway. Council debate role of reports authorized the acquisition of the ease- "The paths are an important part of the ments last year. The club suggests the city 'quality of life' attractions for current and By Donna T. Schuman ing," said Councilwoman Judy Workman. complete the acquisition of the easements future residents of the island," the report Staff writer "The more communication between the two for the safer alternate path. states. groups the better." The Bicycle Club also recommends The question of whether to continue the The tradition works to avoid misunder- speeding up the time table for widening tradition of progress reports between the standings, Workman added; Sanibel City Council and Planning Com- Commissioner Marie Gargano felt that mission generated some mixed feelings limiting the repoit would isolate the com- from commissioners Tuesday. mission from the council. Delinquent tax notices to be published While some commissioners thought the "My opinion would be to continue the tradition of appointing a liaison to report to tradition and discuss it in the future," Once again the Breeze Corp. will • The Pine Island Eagle the City Council and then back to the Gargano added. publish the delinquent tax notices listed 10700 Stringfellow Road Planning Commission at their respective Planning Commission reports to the by the Lee County Tax Collector's Suite 60 meetings should remain, others felt the tra- council could also carry legal ramifications Office. The tax notices will be published Bokeelia dition was too time consuming and unnec- when dealing with quasi-judicial matters, three times in the Cape Coral Daily essary. according to City Attorney Ken Cuyier. • The Gasparilla Gazette Breeze and the Island Reporter. 5800 Gasparilla Road Prompted by a discussion between At times, Cuyier said, the council is There are two types of property auc- Courtyard Plaza Planning Director Bruce Rogers and interested in healing about controversial tions: real property, or certificate sale: Gasparilla Island Planning Commission Mike Valiquette, the issues the commissioners deal with in their and tangible property, which can be commissioners weighed the pros and cons quasi-judicial function. Those issues could electrical equipment, furniture, etc. By • The Island Reporter of reporting their meeting highlights to the be appealed to the council and Cuyier said law. real property must be advertised for 2340 Periwinkle Way City Council. it's best if they hear only the record from three weeks, tangible property for one Sanibel According to Rogers, the Planning those hearings. week. • The Islander Commission reports are often of very little "If you do report it, it needs to be in the The real estate notices will be pub- interest to the City Council. Promenade Center most general terms possible," Cuyier said. lished in the Cape Coral Daily Breeze 695 Tarpon Bay Road "Reporting to the city council continues "I have cautioned people at the time to be and The Island Reporter on April 22. with no real purpose," Rogers said. "There Unit No. 13 very careful of what they say." April 29 and May 6. The tangible tax Sanibel are sometimes when it is needed, but I don't Sanibel resident Anne Arnold offered the delinquencies will be published April think its needed on a regular basis." commissioners an outside opinion on the 22. • The Fort Myers Beach Observer Commissioner Jack Samler agreed with matter advising them to stick with tradition. In addition to publication in The 19260 San Carlos Blvd. Rogers and failed to see the need for a com- "To me the decision should be based on Breeze newspapers, printed copies of all Fort Myers Beach missioner to remain at a council meeting principle not at the convenience of the the notices will available at 270 loca- after their report is given. • The Fort Myers Beach Bulletin moment," Arnold said. "If something has tions throughout Lee County (a list of 19260 San Carlos Blvd. "I don't see the purpose, unless there is a served a good purpose in the past you don't pickup places will appear in next week's Fort Myers Beach topic that is pertinent," Samier added. know what lies ahead. It may become more Island Reporter), at the Tax Collector's The tradition dales back to the city's valuable in the future than it feels to be right Office and at all Breeze newspaper • The Lehigh Acres Citizen incorporation when the Sanibel Plan was now." offices. i 303 Homestead Road being created and constant communication Lehigh No action was iaken on the matter. Those offices include: between the Planning Commission and the However, the commissioners discussed City Council was important, Rogers said. At other alternatives such as having the • The Cape Coral Daily Breeze A direct link to the Tax Collector's Web the time, the Planning Commission Council liaison report to the commission. 2510 Del Prado Boufevard site may be found on The Breeze newspa- Chairman was required to attend the City The commission plans to address the issue Cape Coral per's Web site. http://Flguide.com. The Council meetings and sit at the dais with the further at its meeting with the City Council Tax Collector's Web site may be directly • The North Fort Myers Neighbor council. set for April 30. accessed at http://www. leetc.com. The Shell Factory "It was considered very important for the For more information contact the tax chairman to attend the city council meet- 2787 N. Tamiami Trail office or check their Web site. North Fort Myers

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riQi:t"»t Company ] MARY LO» BAILEY * CHUCK BEMGSTROM • 239-472-1 J 4 • WeekofApril15-21,2004 Q ISLAND REPORTER not to look down." Oh, groovy. The walkway is narrow. It's Last we ek weather Drawbridge heroes: High Low Rain Note: Rainfall levels are recorded how the thing really works April 7 80 66 0.00 from the morning of the day given to By Jenny Burnham threaded wife coax cable. The traffic is April 8 82 70 0.00 the following morning. Staff Writer screaming by. The guardrail is low. I April 9 81 70 0.00 shouldn't look over. April 10 82 72 0.00 Wanted: Bridge Maintenance Super- I'm starting to sweat visor. Must be as sure-footed as a mountain April 11 84 69 0.07 These guys do this every day? climber and as agile as a submariner. Halfway there, Chris leans over the 67 April 12 74 1.50 Source: Island Water Association Should possess nerves of steel and have no guardrail and gestures. "There's a couple of April 13 77 67 0.07 fear of heights—or depths. dolphins like to play here," he says, "I look Chris Davis, Maintenance Supervisor for them whenever I come over." for Lee County DOT, meets me in the toll I look at the water. It moves under the NOT FOR NAVIGATION. keeper parking lot and hands me a bright bridge. It messes wife my brain. Mere inch- This information is furnished in the hope orange safety vest. "We'll park at the foot es away, a car zooms past. I put my hand April 15-21,2004 that it will be useful, but without any warranty. of the bridge and walk up," he says. flat on fee guardrail and squinch my eyes At the walkway, Chris sets out with a tight shut. Feet 2 swift pace, striding with perfect confidence. This is officially fee most frightening Tidal 1 He pauses to look back and gesture over the thing I've ever done. Range at 0 guardrail. "The water plays tricks on you," Unfortunately, being in the bridgehouse Redfish he warns, "the waves move under the is not fee same as being safe on dry land. bridge and that messes your brain up, so try Pass Sat Sun Men lie Wed Sunrise 7:04 a 7:03 a 7:02 a 7:01 a 7:00 a 7:00 a 6:59 a Sunset 7:53 p 7:53 p 7:53 p 7:54 p 7:54 p 7:55 p 7:56 p

Redfish Lo Sanibel Captiva Pass £# Lo 6:29 a 2:06 a 2:51 a 7:39 a Pictorial B.C. History Book Lo 6:53 p 7:32 p 1:25 p - 1:40 p 9:25 p Revised Edition Punta Lo 5:28 a 5:59 a Rassa Hi Lo 5:12 p 6:05 p 6:24 a 6:44 a 2:01 a 2:46 a 7:34 a

.»• 1:54 p Lo 6:48 p 7:27 p 1:20 p 1:35 p 9:20 p

Sanibel Lo 5:23 a 6:28 a Light Hi &294f. a 2r58 a. Lo 5:28 p 5:59 a 6:55 p 12:46 a 1:32 a 7:19 a 7:12 a HI •• 1:04 p 1:2&j> Lo 6:*4 p 12:33 p 12:45 p 8:44 p 9:22 p

Captiva Lo 4:50 a (Outside) ffj; £14 a-' 4:56 p 5:15 a 5:35 a 12:52 a 1:37 a 6:25 a Lo ,S:59:a 12135 p AVAILABLE NOW 11:05 p 5:39 p 6:18 p 12:11 p 12:26 p 8:11 p Lo THIS IS A LIMITED EDITION island PRINTING KtHUKI -y SANIBEL AND CAPTIVA, FLORIDA Our local heritage has practically vanished...a life-style alive only to the memory of our citizens. Now we have the Island Reporter is Sanibel's newspaper opportunity to safeguard the history of our people through .'•"•", * of record, published each Thursday with photographs from our files and those submitted by our *;•"'. ," more than 2,600 paid subscribers, and is neighbors. A. the primary news source for islanders. This 120 page book, with more than 300 photographs such as the one above submitted by a neighbor, will be of Tonya Terri library quality, printed on archival paper and bound with " Squibb Blackmore . > Group Sales a beautiful hard cover. - Publisher Advertising Manager Deadlines Display: Pick up your copy at our office or ;.. :;->•-. .• ..y •_.••• •' Noon Tuesday •. --:='•''.^v*•••'-->-" *-.-.'• '-^' send in completed order blank to V^jl^^^f.---?; Classified: • - •',"-•" 4 p.m. Monday /. Holidays: receive your copy by mail. (Schedule changes) Marguerite Burns Real Estate Acct. Exec. ACT NOW? Renny Donna Amy Severance >. Schuman Fleming Clip this coupon and return with your order today! Executive \ Staff Writer Staff Writer Editor ! Please enter my order for:

Member • Florida Press Association NAMF ' Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of Commerce | copy(s) of A Pictorial Affiliate member • Board of Realtors Joy Steve • History of Sanibel Island, STREET JlPT.N0. FPA award-winning newspaper Simpkins Novak Production Account I I-am enclosing payment in full. Postal Information Manager Executive Periodical-rate postage paid at Sanibel _STATE_ Post Office, FL • Please mail my book(s) to Postmaster: * the address at right. I have PHONE_ Send address changes to the lenclosed an additional $5.00 Island Reporter P.O. Box 809 MAIL TO:. */ island Sanibel, FL 33957 I for each book to be shipped. y REPORTER • In^The Village" 2340 Periwinkle Way Subscriptions ICharge Visa/Master Card 1 Mail delivery for 1 year — Shirlene Exp. Date Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 Grasgreen 1 '(239)472-1587 Fax (239) 472-8398 - Florida taxes included: • , Classified |MaKMakee cttectepayabietchecks payable too isiandKeporteIsland Reporter ^ ^ ^ Lee County, $25 • U.S. or split, $31 "'.<8>2GWe«a " ". Subscriptions ^ J ISLAND REPORTER • Week of April 15 - 21, 2004 • 5 you?" shakes his head. It looks like the Indy 500 is what it looks Those gates are just driver head height, like. It's Paradise, people — slow down. aren't they? Finally, Steve is able to lower the gates. "They sure are," he says soberly. "The He starts the bridge in motion and signals to lady, the passenger, she didn't get up. She the boats. had her eyes open and she was talking, but "The boaters who know the bridge try to she didn't get up." teach the others that they need to clump up Steve gets out a clipboard and starts to so they can get through fast when the bridge make notes about the boats that passed goes up," says Chris. through. Steve beckons to a boat that's lagging "We keep track of everybody that comes behind. "C'mon," he says, "c'mon." through," explains Chris, "for the Coast The bridge tenders try to adhere to a Guard." Ah hah. Evildoers, your move- standard of three minutes for an opening in ments are known. order to reduce delays for the automobile "Don't forget the Sanibel police," adds traffic. Chris points to the road outside the Steve. He's been asked several times to bridgehouse. raise the bridge in order to prevent a law- "Look," he says, "in three minutes the breaker from leaving the island. traffic backs up all the way behind the toll "I make 'em give me a number and I call booths." 'em back to make sure they're the cops," As the sailboat passes through, Steve says Steve. "I'm not gonna raise the bridge starts the bridge back down. When the for just anybody who says to." bridge is secure, he opens the gates and Here comes the offer I can't refuse: turns off the lights. "Would you like to see the generator Okay, there has to be a story about peo- room?" asks Chris eagerly. ple who rush the gates. Sure, I'm game. Photo by Jenny Burnham "Well,"' says Chris, "the most frightening Chris opens a protective gate to reveal a The controls that raise and lower the bridge are a little more complicated than one I saw personally was at Big Carlos. We square manhole cover in the floor of the "Up" and "Down." had the bridge gates down for several min- The structure vibrates as cars speed by. The Does the bridge go up on demand? utes while we did a repair. A motorcycle See DRAWBRIDGE noise is near-deafening. "Only forvessels-i n distress and barges," didn't see the gate. He hit it right on." He page 23 Steve McDonald, the bridgetender, says Chris. "Barges don't stop." shakes my hand. The bridgehouse is so No, I suppose they don't. small that the three of us are a crowd. Steve elbows us aside. It's time to raise Chris points out the amenities to me. the bridge and he is The Man. "Watch," "We have central air and heat," he says, "a says Chris, "see how he uses the mirrors to SUSAN BLUEHS phone, microwave, water, even a TV." check traffic?" You can't fault the view, it's spectacular. So that's how they do it. Steve faces the Health Care Services A trio of sailboats bob off the side of the Sanibel side of the bridge, arms wide on the bridge. control board. Suspended on the road side o A FULL RANGE OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES BY AN ISLAND RESIDENT Chris shows me the control board the of the bridgehouse is a mirror the size of a bridge tenders use to raise and lower the side mirror on a semi tractor-trailer. It gives Bathing & Personal Care • Companion Care bridge. It's covered with dials, knobs, a view of oncoming traffic. switches, and pushbuttons. It looks like a "First," says Chris, "we notify the boats Meal Preparation • Transportation • 24 Hour Care launch panel at NASA. that the bridge is going up." Medication Management • Safety Management "The Coast Guard dictates the bridge Steve signals three blasts with the air schedule," explains Chris. "During the horn. Blood Pressure, Cardiac & Pulmonary Management week, we raise the bridge every half-hour. "Then he turns on the lights." Diabetic Care • Wound Care • Colostomy & Ileostomy Care On weekends, it's every quarter-hour." The red lights start to flash. The cars He points to a gauge on the bridgehouse continue to whiz by. Alzheimers Care • Terminal Illness Care & Management wall. "If there's a sustained wind of 39 Chris makes a tsking noise. "It's sup- miles per hour," he says, the bridge doesn't posed to be 20 miles per hour over this Susan Bluehs, R.Pi. (239)472-3327 open at all." bridge," he says, "does that look like 20 to Lie. 30211154

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Week"ofAprili5'-21,2004 CUStAMD-R€PGRTER 2004 Hurricane Passes LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Editor: the full $3, perhaps a nation-wide (don't forget Europe!) now available On Sunday, March 28, 2004, my husband and T trav- advertising campaign encouraging former visitors to send eled to First United Methodist Church in downtown Fort in a claim to Lee County would work? Any judge will With the start of Hurricane season on June 1st, Myers to hear Brahms Requiem sung by the Fort Myers laugh these proposals out of court, and it certainly trivial- 2004, the Sanibel Emergency Management Symphonic Mastersingers. This group of forty tour izes what SOB thinks it is trying to accomplish. Program is now issuing HURRICANE PASSES to singers was accompanied by members of the Naples Of course, all this lack of common sense ignores the property and business owners of Sanibel and Philharmonic Orchestra all under the direction of basic problem we have, of overwhelming numbers of Captiva. The pass is valid for one year only. This Maestro A. Edward Battaglia. The soloist were Lorraine daytrippers during an ever-lengthening season. A, "fair pass allows the cardholder access back onto the Renfroe, soprano and Douglas Renfroe, baritone - two Leeway toll structure" would double or triple the cash Island following an evacuation, at a time when superb singers whom I have been privileged to hear on toll, and restrict transponder sales to tax-paying property return access could be limited due to ongoing other occasions and who contributed greatly to the whole owners of Lee County only. (It would really be ideal if efforts of response and recovery for Sanibel and musical experience. transponders could be sold to Islanders and workers only, Captiva Islands in the aftermath of a disaster. This was no ordinary concert. For one and a half but it will never happen. It would be political suicide for Please come by the Sanibel Police Department to hours. I was truly transported into a musical realm such the County Commission if they cut off the fifty cent get your 2004 HURRICANE PASS. Residents as I had never heard before - enthralled by an exquisite daytripping privileges of all those mainlanders.) Excess leaving Sanibel for the summer months should send blend of voices and instruments. The sound reverberated profits would accrue to Sanibel and Captiva, which is a self-addressed stamped envelope with a copy of throughout the large sanctuary, and left me breathless what SOB should be fighting for. your property tax bill to the Sanibel Police with ecstasy. Regarding the other article about the causeway on the Department (attention-Emergency Management) Words fall far short of describing the experience, but same page: "The 70-foot fixed span bridge proposed by with your request to have your 2004 pass sent to when another season begins, I know I will be watching the county may not completely solve Sanibel's traffic your summer residence. the news for every opportunity to hear again this inspir- problems, etc." Huh?? Seems to me your paper recently Business owners are requested to submit requests ing choir. noted the Lee DOT prediction that a high bridge would - for essential personnel - on their letterhead with a — Vivian R. Pyke increase traffic onto the Islands by 39%. At that rate, self-addressed stamped envelope. Fax requests Sanibel combined with SOB's insane desire to lower the tolls, we should be sent to: 472-6555 and Email requests to: will not have a traffic problem, everyone will just have to leave their cars on the street and walk! Heck,during the Michael. Murray or Stephanie. Dowd season, thousands of us will have to leave our cars on the @mysanibel.com To the Editor: OK, so I was wrong. I thought that at least some mem- causeway islands, including the members of SOB trying bers of SOB simply did not understand the problem. to get home after a trip to Fort Myers. Now I see they truly are nuts!!! I quote from your story — Richard Hale Sanibel A reminder: Sanibel and Captiva residents with of 4/8/04: "The group is also asking the county to refund a valid Florida driver's license (which reflects a the excess profits to toll payers and to establish a fair Sanibel or Captiva address) DO NOT NEED a Leeway toll structure". hurricane pass —your license will permit re-entry Hey, I would like to screw the county as much as any- To the Editor: back onto the Island. one, they have never cared about the quality of life of the Our new mayor has vowed to uphold the viewpoint of residents of Sanibel, but I find it hard to believe that any- the majority of the council. I welcome his statement and one associated with SOB has ever paid more than FIFTY understand that it will be difficult for him since he has CENTS to cross the causeway. I suppose that with a such strong opinions on th bridge issue, the make up of massive, many thousands of dollars effort it would be the Planning Commission and the time-honored Sanibel possible to work out how much each transponder holder tradition of public comment at council meetings. has paid over the years and give them a refund on part Recently Councilman Jennings remarked that, "cer- AHIBATIOWI B¥ PITA of that toll. Assuming there was any money left at tain people do not trust the council to do the right thing." Tailoring & Formal wear Leeway after the research! This is a comment that I agree with although Mr. Not sure how you would handle the former fifty cent Jennings may be understating the extent of the problem. cash per trip side-window scanner, or the fifty cent per Mayor Harrity now has a unique opportunity to 2O Years Experience trip coupon books before that. Remember, it is not just restore public trust in the Sanibel City Council. It is with (239) 437-7482 Island residents, but about 40,000 mainlanders who also all sincerity that I wish him success in his new position 16731 McGregor Blvd. #117 hold transponders, so they can daytrip the Islands when of authority. Open Mon. - Sat. Kori Myers, FL they get bored with Shuffelboard. — Henry W. Glissman As far as refunds to those non-resident visitors who paid Sanibel

*4th Annual TASTE of the ISLANDS Sunday, May 16,2004*Noon to 6pm»GuKside Park (Algiers Beach) Sanibel TASTE of the ISLANDS - Volunteer Sign-Up - 2OO4 SPONSOR BENEFITS Contribution Requirement $SOO.OO You Cam Help CROW by being a volunteer at "Taste o£ the Island" VIP GUEST BENEFITS; SATURDAY. MAY 15TH Wildlife Sponsors wilt receive VIP treatment at C.R.O.W.'s 24th Annual 9:00AM Taste of the Islands to be held Sunday, May 16, 2004, at Sanibel's GuKside • Set fencing around sea oats and dunes City Park from Noon to 6pm. Ifs a great day and a wonderful way to enjoy • Assist with tent set-up family, friends or neighbors at a very special Island event! • Assist with restaurant table set-up Free Admission For 4 Guests • Pick-up plants/canopies on island as needed (trucks helpful) A great opportunity to entertain guests, family and friends "Island Style" 2:00PM @ Seating for 4 in the VIP sponsor tent - New & Enlarged! • Open, bag and distribute garbage boxes & butt buckets Sit in comfort in the shade, away from the fray • Prepare raffle ticket packets © VIP Parking Passes for 2 cars Q Distribute wine cases and supplies to beverage tent © Hassle free parking with a designated trolley ride to the front gate • Hang signs (Gates and Tents) One Hundred Food & Beverage Tickets SUNDAY. MAY 16TH - DAY OF THE EVENT (3 1/2 HOUR SHIFTS) © That's $100 worth of free "Tastes" of the Islands best food and cool libations 11:00AM © Four FREE 2Q04 event tees, designed this year by well-known Island artist Q Volunteer check-in Heather Slabosz G Assist with Sponsor Arena set-up and decorating G Assist with Tee Shirt folding and set-up © Meet the 2004 Celebrity Taste Host and Hostess 11:00AM G Sell Tee-Shirts ADVERTISING BENEFITS G Entrance Gate Ticket Takers Wildlife sponsors are offered the following advertising benefits if desired G Main Beverage Tent Q Your name will appear as an event sponsor in all print advertising and Taste G Remote Beverage Tent related media coverage and in the sponsor lent. G Food and Beverage Ticket Sales © Free one-eighth page ad in the Official Taste program that is distributed in G CROW Information Table advance of the event via the Islander and given to all attendees as they enter G Raffle Ticket Sales Table the gate. 6:00PM G Fold & stack tables and chairs G Remove signs SPONSORSHIP CONFIRMATION G Clean up gate area and butt buckets YES! I want to be a sponsor for '- AVAILABLE SHIFT TIMES CROW's 24th Annual Taste of the Islands with benefits for four guests! 11:00AM-3:00PM 3:00PM-6:00PM My tax deductible contribution of $500 is enclosed. Please make your check PLEASE FAX FORM BACK TO CROW AT 472-2764 payable to C.R.O.W. A packet will arrive by mail with your assignment letter, parking pass MC/Visa #__; Exp. Date and a coupon for a discount on an event shirt. Entry wristbands will be given PLEASE PRINT to you at the volunteer check-in tent when you arrive at the event. Sponsor Name PLEASE PRINT Address Name City „ State Zip. Contact Person Address. Please return this form with your check by May 1st to: City _ State. Zip Taste of the Islands / CROW, Inc. Day Phone. FAX P.O. Box 150 THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT Sanibel, Florida 33957-0150 ISLATSJD REPb'FtTER J Week of April 15 - £i,'20ti4 • 7 Sanibel resident helps launch healthy aging revolution By Rebecca Cope Stephen ucts. Years ahead ol" the competition in group of company leaders recently. Five Cherniske. a bio- • unmatched and advanced research, technol- million dollars and more than a decade oi" There's a revolutionary new trend a- chemist with 30 ogy and manufacturing capabilities, Oasis research and testing went into developing brewing, according to renowned economist years of academic, delivers what no other company can with ihe exclusive compounds in AgelessXtra. Paul Zane Pilzner. He correctly forecast the clinical, and proprietary and exclusive products that carry It's a treasure trove of natural ingredients in internet craze long before it created the research experi- the Geno-Active trademark. Stuart advances patented combinations that help prevent largest new influx, of millionaires the world ence, took on guru Science of Longevity through personal accelerated aging. has ever seen. This new trend, he predicts, status in the experience Stuart's prediction is already coming will outperform the internet and today's 1.7 Healthy Aging "Not bad," said Stuart, when compli- true. Launched at the 5th Anniversary event trillion dollar health care industry and, by revolution with mented on his slimmer physique shortly in April, AgelessXtra so exceeded expected 2010, will become the next trillion dollar the publication of after his first grandchild was born. "It works, demand that the company had to go into giant. his book, The doesn't it? You bet I'm first in line to sample overtime production. This, from a company Seventy-six million baby-boomers are D H E A every new product. I'm at the perfect age to impeccable about stocking product so that starting to feel the effects of the aging Stuart Ochiltree Breakthrough, in help advance the science of longevity there are no back-orders, shows the phe- process, Every day, more than 10,000 peo- 1996. through personal experience. 1 like that." nomenal momentum that is propelling Oasis ple in America turn 50. Boomers are wining Ochiltree spends the winter months on forward at rocket speed. to do just about anything to stay, look, and 3-Year Bioregenics Project leads to Sanibel, and periodically jets all over the Stuart thought he would be content to feel younger. Science, and the emerging breakthrough Genomics Technology world to oversee the Eco-Net conglomerate spend his days on the golf course, but the Wellness Industry, are providing the prod- In 1998, Cherniske, with Ochiltree as owned by Bill Lee. He flew lo Broomfield. vision oi" Bill Lee enrolled him in the most ucts and services to meet their expectations. CEO, led an international research effort to CO for the 5th Anniversary of Oasis held exciting phase of his hie. "1 have no doubt Pilzner explains that current Health Care explore the physiology of aging. The three- April 2-4, 2004. that this has happened for a purpose. The depends on sickness for its survival. Doctors year study, known as the Bioregenics prescribe drugs, which mask symptoms, but Project, utilized a new science called don't necessarily put people on the path to Genomics. vibrant health. In fact, according to a study Simply explained, since 1590, the micro- published in Life Extension magazine, scope has been the most powerful tool in 783,936 people per year die from the results scientific research. This new technology is of conventional medicine. More than 2.2 hundreds of times more powerful. Scientists million have adverse reactions to in-hospital can look deep within cells into the blueprint medications, more than 7.5 million medical of life itself - DNA. In 2001, the project was and surgical procedures annually do not completed with an independent, double- need to be performed, and 8.9 million are blind, placebo-controlled human clinical hospitalized unnecessarily, according to trial demonstrating that the underlying caus- Life Extension. The numbers are shocking, es of aging can be modified by nutrition, almost beyond comprehension. diet, and lifestyle. The project was summed That's why a whole new industry is up in Cherniske's latest book, The growing up around Wellness, designed to Metabolic Plan, released in 2003. teach people how to look and feel better. Cherniske states that the promise of New diet programs, fitness spas, nutritional Genomics is nothing less than a complete counselors, massage therapists, and other revision of what we once thought of as pre- specialty health professionals teach people ventive health care. the intricacies of helping the body take care "Imagine," he says, "being able to "fix" of needed repair and regeneration. damaged DNA 20 years before it could The growing popularity of possibilities is -cause health problems. Imagine being able captured in such TV programs as "Extreme to 'switch on' genes that control immunity, Makeovers." Doctors advertise "Botox metabolism, and even affect aging itself." Stuart and his wife, Susie, Winter residents of Sanibel, FL, lead a FeedThe-Children Thursdays" and average folks line up for Walk-A-Thon in Dillard, GA. Picture was taken in front of historic Barker's Creek their injections during lunch hour. Scientific information now available in Mill, Betty's Creek, GA, along with small group of Walk-A-Thon party Stuart Ochiltree, a Sanibel resident, has weeks rather than decades played a key role in launching the Healthy This ability to observe the effect of nutri- "Wait until you sample our latest product timing in my career gives me a special Aging revolution. At the age of 49, he retired ents at the genetic level delivers information release!'" he enthused. Called AgelessXtra, it opportunity to save the best for last." from his position as CEO and President of in a matter of weeks that took conventional addresses the top three reasons people have Health practitioners or individuals inter- four billion dollar giant, Avon Direct Sales. science years or decades to provide. to visit a doctor: lack of energy, too much ested in this company can call local distrib- Several years later, he was tapped by Bill Consider that the human body replaces stress, and physical discomfort. A high- utor, Rebecca Cope, at 239-699-2483 or Lee, founder and owner of the Oasis approximately 300 billion cells every 24 impact energy drink, it enters the blood- 239-699-2317. A concise research paper Wellness Network, to head up one of the hours, day in and day out, new cells that stream quickly, producing results within about AgelessXtra can be viewed at most exciting scientific developments imag- become muscle, skin, bone, etc. Most peo- minutes. It is the first product ever released www.oasiswellness.com/CopeB. inable. ple do little or nothing to support this (hat takes on the root causes of aging at the Stuart explains: "Oasis became a destiny process. Science, and innovative companies cellular level. "AgelessXtra will set this Rebecca Cope lives in Fort Myers. She that I kept resisting. Little by little, the like Oasis, now provide the support that is industry on its ear!" Stuart predicts studied nutrition under octogenarian pio- opportunity to do something truly great needed. Boomers will be the first generation "Based on the number ol' tests that have neer Dr Bernard Jensen. Jensen's mantra began to emerge. The synchronicity of the to prove that aging has very little to do with been conducted, the results are nothing short "Letfood be thy medicine " echoes the nutri- people who became involved with Oasis how many birthday candles are on your of tremendous. I expect this one product to tional advances enhanced by scientific became hard to ignore." cake. set this industry on its ear!" Stuart told a breakthroughs. . Bill Lee, in 2002, was named by the pres- Stuart Ochiltree was in the right place at tigious World Economic Forum as one of the right time. Oasis is the only natural prod- the Global Leaders for Tomorrow. Lee ucts company - perhaps in the world - with shares the honor with people like Bill full-scale genomic, proteomic and biologi- Clinton and Bill Gates. He owns a conglom- cal research capabilities that produce a erate of companies dedicated to bringing the unique, efficacious line of anti-aging prod- best of nature to mankind. No Participation Fees

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Permits issued by the Sanibel Building Department as of April 7, 2004 PLEASE WATCH $750,000 Single family detached 1460 Middle Gulf Drive Gulf to Bay Construction Gulf to Bay Construction $205,535 Concrete repairs 2777 West Gulf Drive Nutmeg Condominium Assoc. Structural Preservation Sys FOR MANATEES $200,000 Residential additions 551 Hideaway Court Raab, Michael P & Catherine M Kennedy/Debord $69,900 . Roofing permit 2297 West Gulf Drive Poinciana Condo Crowther Roofing & Sheet Metal $60,000 Residential alterations 8301 East Gulf Drive Poulin, Richard L Tr Kennedy/Debord $30,000 Replace sliders/windows 737 A4 East Gulf Drive Sprotte, Robert W. & Ann Marie Sanibel Glass & Mirror $30,000 Kitchen remodel 695 05 East Gulf Drive Prost, Stephen F. & Victoria L. Kennedy/Debord $23,000 Gazebos/trellis/deck 2050 Periwinkle Way Church of Christ United Benchmark General Contractors $18,265 Seawall cap 896 Limpet Drive Baker, Glenn R. Stemic Enterprises You can help: $9,500 Pool fence 1501 Middle Gulf Drive Sundial Codominium Assoc. Majestic Fence • Wear polarized sunglasses. $8,000 Carport/shed 1119 Periwinkle Way 132 Periwinkle Park Custom Aluminum • Stay in deep water channels. $7,858 Roofing permit 4948 Jobwood Drive Mali, Paul Tr 1/2 int. & Colonial Roofing Avoid running you motor over $7,399 HVAC mechanical 989 Dixie Beach Blvd. Gaeta, Paul P. & Margareta Modem Air Conditioning seagrass beds. $7,200 Boat Dock/Lift 1238 Bay Drive Chapped, Jack E. A Salo & Salo • Look for the manatee's snout, $6,000 Replace siding 1705 Serenity Lane Highsmith JH & Dianna L Highsmith John back, tail, or flipper in the $4,935 HVAC mechanical 1150 Seagrape Lane Marks Trust Avanced Air & Refrigeration water. A swirl or flat spot sig- $4,500 Boat Lift 505 Lighthouse Way Rosen Donald Owner Builder nals a manatee may be swim- $4,000 Repair rear deck 497 Lake Murex Circle Robert & Ava Feldman ming below. $2,487 Rollup shutters 972 Whelk Drive Arnfelt, Paul H. & Gail C. Rolsafe International • Watch for posted speed zone $2,450 Repair Decking 612 Kinzie Island Court Mihaly, Stephen M. Tr Stemic Enterprises and sanctuary sign. $2,385 Repair Dock 2651 Coconut Drive Vanderbilt, William & Anne A Salo & Salo • Don't discard fishing line, $2,100 Reconfigure dock & lift 1136 Golden Olive Court Frey, William & Lorraine B. Stemic Enterprises . hooks, or trash into the water. n/v/g Plumbing permit 79 Casa Ybel Road Herman, Carolyn & Water Works Plumbing • Look but don't touch. Resist n/v/g LP Tanks 788 Birdie View Point Specht, Charles & Alden Janice Ferrellgas the urge to feed manatees or n/v/g Roofing permit 2042 Wild Lime Drive Graziano, Maryanne B. A Quality Roofing of SWFI give them water. n/v/g Plumbing permit 1671 Hibiscus Drive Jones, Sherman D. & Sandra J. Tr Water Works Plumbing • CalM-800-DIAL-FMPoruse VHF Channel 16 if you spot an injured manatee. Provided by:

OPERATE WITH CARE GRAND VACATIONS Sanibel-Captiva REALTY, LLC LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER Pictorial History Invites you to Experience Before the Causeway Vacation Ownership revised edition

Oiu lot al lit i n.iyi li.is piat lit .ill\ \aiiislu-il . \liltsi\ii aliw- onl\ in ilit nu-moi\ ill tun t nut us \.o\\ \w- haw- ilu oppoi iiiiniv to salt-;t hook \\ nh iiioic ilian WO plioio^iaplis is When you can ailordaMy own jour IIIM.\I\ t|ii.ilu\ pinned tm aiilnval p.ipt i and hound in a hi-.ml own qualii\ \.i<:atK>n rvsori sum 1st /sinisf l 11 oloi 1 haitI IHM-I. (.ondomimum for nno wvck or nmn\ I In- hooks .nt iiiiw a\ailahlf al I lit Islantl Kcpoiit-i ollut- al \. i-vrrv. \|Mi I uri'M'i' S 1 > Iv' l\i iNMiiklf \\.i\ in iln- \ill.i<_;i • 2BR/2BA luxury beach-front condominiums on beautiful 1 In \ tan also Iu- loiind al llit-si Inn island stou-s Sanibel Island. )i-i i \ 's I txuls • Long-term professional management. 1 "i00 IViivtiiiMr \\a\ • All the features and amenities you would expect to find at a I Iff I IflllSf ( i.lilt I \ I* 50 laipon li.i\ Rtl tworld-class resort. All properties managed by I>ailf\ s al laipon l>a\ Rtl 6v Ptiiwmkli \\a\ Hilton Grand Vacations Company, LLC affiliated with HGVClub® Saiiihi-I Islantl l>ooksliop I"/ I 1 IViiw inklf \\a\ Hilton Grand Vacations Company LLC 239-395-3840x202 • ISLAND.-REPORTER J Week of April 15-- 21r.-2004 Mouths wafer as Taste of the Islands approaches May 16 Magic of giving at CROW By Terri Blackmore is The Clinic For The Rehabilitation of Wildlife's More than 156 friends of wildlife and members of The Sales Manager biggest fundraiser. And for their generosity VIP treat- Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) attend- ment is exchanged. Individual sponsors receive free ed the annual Donor Recognition dinner held at the Can you hear some growlin' going on? it's not that admission for four guests, seating for four in the shady Dunes Country Club. The theme for the evening was The elusive bobcat roaming Sanibel but it's your taste buds VSP sponsor tent. VIP parking passes for two cars, 100 Magic of Giving and the featured speakers were local telling your tummy to yearn for all that good food food and beverage tickets (worth $100 in free tastes), volunteer and philanthropist Bob Wigley and CROW's from all those great Sanibel restaurants participating four 2004 event tee shirts, and introduction to staff veterinarian, PJ Deitschel. Bob Wigley is a member in this year's Taste of the Islands. Get ready to party NBC/TV 20 hosts...all for the $500 sponsor level. of numerous boards on Sanibel and in Fort. Myers and hearty at Gulfside City Park on Algiers Drive at noon Corporate $ 1,000 sponsorships include the above Lee County. Bob spoke from the heart and how giving to on May 16th as CROW launches this 24th annual perks and more! Not only do great foods fill the air on him was not a part of his life until a tragic event made event. Taste Day but the exciting sounds from fabulous bands him realize he had to give back and it became magical to To date, Sanibel's finest.... 13 great food establish- and they are ready to be announced — The Reggae him in the process. Dr. Deitschel spoke on the magic that ments have signed up and are ready to cook-off for Allstarsr, Marty Stoke's Blues Water Band and straight occurs at CROW when treating patients and ultimately CROW. This years slate includes The American from Austin, Texas. John Gaar's Rockin' Blues Band releasing them back into the wild, emphasizing the fact Legion Post 123, Doc Ford's, East End Deii. — more about the great entertainment next week. that without the private philanthropic support, this magic Ellington's, Gramma Dots, Greenside Grille at The Be a part of the Taste right now and sign-up as a couid never occur. Dunes, McT's, Pinocchio's, Sanibel Grill. Timbers, sponsor... look for the sponsor sign-up and Volunteer The magic continued through the evening with a silent Sanibel Produce, The Seafood Factory, and Thistle sign-up forms in this week's copy of The Islander and auction chaired by CROW supporter, Spring Rosen. The Lodge...AND more to come. The Island Reporter Newspapers. Or call the CROW auction focused on "artwork inspired by wildlife and Sponsors play an important role in the Taste which office at 239-472-3644. nature". There were approximately 70 different items up for bid, with more than S10,000 raised. On behalf of the staff, volunteers, and most impor- tantly the injured and orphaned wildlife that can't speak for themselves. The Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Victor Legarreta named Artistic Director Wildlife (CROW) would like to say thank you to the individuals and businesses that made the auction and din- ner such a success: at Old Schoolhouse Theater Aboriginal Art of the First Person; Barrier Island Title; Big Red Q Quickprint; Fnga Bredahl: Chadwick's; Congress jewelers: Laura Conway; Copikats: Luc The Old Schoolhouse Theater Foundation is very Century. Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge; Doc Ford's pleased to announce that Victor Legarreta will become Restaurant: Randon Eddy; Jan Egeland; Patty the theater's new Artistic Director, effective May 17, Garmarger; Forever Green Ace Hardware; Charlie Frese; 2004. Victor has had a long and successful relation- Gecko Custom Lab & Photography and Framing: ship with the Old Schoolhouse Theater over the years Goumas Chocolates: George Graham; Melissa Gribble: participating in many popular productions as an Actor Judy Hicks: Dave & Lee Horton; Jane Hudson: Island and Assistant Director. Most recently, Victor has been Times Magazine; Brian Johnson; Lauri Kaihlanen: the acclaimed Artistic Director at the Off Broadway Lighthouse Cafe; Steven Lewers & Assoc; Macintosh Palm Theater in Fort Myers where he wowed audi- Book Store: McEnroe Gallery; Bryce McNamara. Tin ences time and again with his innovative and fun- Can Alley; M&D Fine Jewelry ; Fritz Neal; Needful filled musical productions. Things; Dr. Suzanne Presley; Myra Roberts: Spring "The Old Schoolhouse Theater has a long tradition Rosen; Andi Rosenbauin-McCarter; Carol Rothman; of providing outstanding musical theater to our island Sanibel Art & Frame: Sanibei Gallery; Sanibel communities," said Ginny Fleming. President of the Goldsmith: Bill Scott: Seaweed Gallery; Sid Sharpies; Old Schoolhouse Theater Fouudation Board of Heather Slabosz : Charles Sobscak: Soon Come Nursery; Directors. "Victor has been part of our success in the Jim Sprankle: Butler Stettemeier: Marty Stokes; Tuna past as an Actor and as an Assistant Director: he is a Luna: Betty Weise: William E. Wilson Jeweler well-known and much-loved member of the Old Established in 1968. CROW is one of the nation's Schoolhouse family and we are excited that he is leading wiidlife rehabilitation hospitals for tropical returning to continue our tradition of musical come- native and migratory wildlife. A nonprofit veterinary dy." hospital. CROW provides medical care for 3,500 injured "The Old Schoolhouse Theater has always been and orphaned -wildlife patients each year. More than 200 near and dear to my heart," Victor commented. "'This different species have been treated at CROW, a signifi- is where my musical revue career began and I learned cant percentage of whom have been released back into firsthand what an important role this theater plays in the wild. the Sanibel and Captiva Island communities. I am CROW relies exclusively on private donations to very excited and proud to ha\e the opportunity to operate. Birgit Vertesch, Director of Development for return to my roots and bring the kind of musical com- CROW explains that the number of patients received by edy Old Schoolhouse Theater audiences have grown CROW continues to increase, and financial contributions to love." are very important. Gifts can be mailed to CROW at PO Victor is already developing the plans for the 2004- Box 150; Sanibel, FL 33957. For more information 2005 season at the Old Schoolhouse Theater. He Old Schoolhouse TKeater alumnus Victor Legarreta will about CROW, contact at 239.395.5358 or 239.472.3644. plans a hilarious first produetion to open in October become the theater's new Artistic Director in May. followed by a holiday show that will become a family tradition. These two shows will be followed in 2005 by a line up of hits that will make island audiences eager to return to the Old Schoolhouse Theater again Paid Advertisement and again. The Old Schoolhouse Theater Foundation is a not- for-profit corporation' that supports The Old LET'S TALK Schoolhouse Theater as a functioning professional REAL ESTATE musical and community theater and develops and Newspaper in funds educational programs and scholarships in musi- cal and dramatic arts. For information about the Old Presented by "Education Schoolhouse Theater Foundation, membership oppor- Margie Davison tunities, and how you can support the Old Attention Schoolhouse Theater, contact the Foundation at 472- POWERFUL TOOLS THAT GET ACTION 4146. Your call will be promptly returned. After a month of trying to sell your home "By Readers: Owner", you have listed it with a Realtor who doesn't seem to be marketing it the same way you did. You ran The staff of the Island Reporter and Captiva classified ads every weekend, but your agent has only Current would like to thank those local merchants advertised twice all month. Still,' you're wondering whose financial assistance has made The Sanibel why there is a lot more activity than you were able to School's Newspaper in Education generate on your own. program a success. When your home is being marketed professionally, the Realtor has many powerful selling tools that are not available to individual homeowners, such as national and worldwide referral networks and the Multiple When Education Listing Service, an enormous database for home listings. Realtors also advertise other homes, and can benefits, refei potential buyers to your home if their other listings don't fit the bill. We work cooperatively and share information about listings with other agents. By we ALL benefit. listing with one Realtor, you have access to other agents buyers. These tools enable us to market our Newspaper In Education is a cooperative listings aggressively to get sales action! effort between The Sanibel School and our Margie ^penalizes in Sanibel. taptna and l-'l. Mycis ical publications to promote newspapers as an (.stale She was named Realtor of the Yeai by Sanibel and Captiva Assn o/ Reallois in 2000 and 2002. }lci new booh. "How "to educational resource. Mala loin Realtor Get You The Best Deal—South Florida I'dmon" is must n:ading if you are thinking <>/ l>uyiiij;

Of The VEHICLES MUST YEILD TO PEDESTRIANS IN CROSSWALKS Your Island Bank AND INTERSECTIONS • For a more extensive list of events, see this weeJ0.flslander, availabje free all over the islands. Notices of upcoming events to appear in Dateline must be received by Friday for the 8-14 following Thursday's publication. Notices received by Monday will appear according Looking ahead . . . Upcoming events to available space. Fax 472-8398

THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 17 Vegetation After School 15 Alzheimers 16 1 "18 Walk the 19 20 Coping to 21 Bask in the KWLF ' Walk Beach Studio Success Sun 472-1100x222 395-0900

AMY'S VIEW at the Florida Rep, in Sunset Paddles tour Monday, through On e%fii$it the historic Arcade Theatre downtown Friday, 6 p.m. Tour is about 2 1/2 hours. • SWFL CRAFT GUILD 19th annual Fort Myers. 332-4665 Sealife and Nature cruise on the 26 • EXPLORE THE BAILEY TRACT Exhibit of Excellence at BIG Arts WE BLEW UP THE BRIDGE, DIDN'T - passenger pontoon boat departs at 11,1 Learn about unique freshwater envi- Phillips gallery through April. WE? at the SCA Periwinkle Playhouse. and 3, tour is approx. 90 minutes. ronment. 8:30 a.m. 472-1100 x 222. • GREETINGS FROM FABULOUS April 8 - 17, 8 p.m. $15/$5 472-0324. Everglades Day Trip all day, meet at 8 • CALUSA SHELL MOUND TRAIL FLORIDA at Arts for ACT Gallery. COMEDY NIGHT at the Periwinkle a.m., return around 6:30 p.m. Includes TOUR guided boardwalk trail. 8:30 Recent work for Pine Island artist Mel Playhouse. Adult language and situa- air boat ride, swamp buggy tour, and a.m. 472-1100x222. Meo. Opening/arts happening April tions, no one under 21 admitted. more. Call for reservations. 472-0101. • SHORELINES DISCOVERY WALK 16, 7 - 11 p.m. Downtown Fort Myers Sunday, April 18, 7 p.m. $20. 472- Touch Tank Exploration at 2 p.m. 9 a.m. every Thursday at SCCF at the Arcase on First Street. 939- 0324 , Nature Center parking area to learn 2553. Program approx. 1/2 hour. SPRING CONCERT SERIES with the Evening tour at 6 p.m. These tours also about the forces that shaped this Gulf • MATSUMOTO AND ST. CYR at Edison College Symphonic Orchestra include a visit to the touch tank. Tour is chain of barrier islands. 472-2329 Matsumoto Gallery in the Village and Chorale. April 18, 2:30 p.m. at approx. '2 hours. • YOGA FOR HEALTH 9:15 -10:30 Shops. Original paintings and sculp- Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts a.m. Thursdays at the Community ture. 472-2941 Breakfast cruise 9 a.m. Tuesday and House, 2173 Periwinkle Way, with Hall. • Thursday. 90 min., includes coffee, • KATIE GARDENIA AND CARL Edison College Jazz Ensemble 8 p.m. Eleanor Horowitz. Cost: $10. 267- SCHWARTZ new work at the Captiva juice, and pastry. 8334 Civic Association; Through April 26. B.B. Mann • TRAM TOUR OF WILDLIFE DRIVE Edison College Concert Band 8 p.m. leaves hourly from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. • FAMILY STORY HOUR at the • 5 FABULOUS FEMALES,- at the Sanibel Public Library, 6:30 p.m April 28. B.B. Mann 481 -4849 daily except Friday. Wildlife Drive is Alliance for the Arts, 10091 McGregor now open from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. • FAMILY NIGHT at the Sanibel Blvd. New work by JoAnn Bedient, tfi& month except Fridays. Reservations, 472- Library 6:30 p.m. Jean Dean, Mary Keogh, Pat LaVigne, 1351 • YOGA & MEDITATION 6 p.m. -7:30 and Elizabeth White. THE CARPENTERS SHOP at the Sanibel Community Church. Bibles, • SITTING ON THE DOCK OF THE p.m. with Murari Brian Healy at Casa books, music, gifts. Mon-Fri. 10 a.m. - BAY: The naturalists at Tarpon Bay Ybel Resort. Open to public, begin- 4 p.m. Explorers have started up free ner's welcome. $12. TURN OF/THE SCREW presented by TARPON BAY EXPLORERS is offer- lunchtime talks beginning at 12:30 Theatre Conspiracy, Fould's Theatre, p.m. Mon.- Fri. on the observation Comina soon Alliance of. the Arts. April 15^Mayl, ing naturalist led tours on the Tarpon Bay portion of the 'Ding' Darling deck overlooking the most beautiful 4TH ANNUAL SEXUAL VIOLENCE $16/$7. Call for dates and times. 936- setting on Sanibel and last about half SYMPOSIUM sponsored by Abuse 3239 National Wildlife Refuge for birders, naturalists, and curious people who an hour. Counseling and Treatment. April is THE MUSIC MAN at the Broadway enjoy being on the water and learning Topics include Calusa Cafe, manatees, National Sexual Violence Awareness Palm.April 15 - June 5. 1380 Colonial from an experienced naturalist. Call for dolphins, sharks, turtles, and alligators. month. Symposium at Sanibel Harbour Blv'c£ Fort Myers. 278-4422. reservations for all activities. 472-8900 Tarpon Bay Explorers is located at the Resort and Spa, April 22. $50, includes LETS; GO TO THE MOVIES at the Guided trail tour by canoe and kayak at north end of Tarpon Bay Rd. 472-8900. breakfast and lunch, RSVP by April Off, firpadway Palm. March 4 - April 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 1 p.m. daily. Call for reservations for all activities. 10,939-2553. 25. ' • 472-8900. 472-8900 SOB WINE AND CHEESE PARTY • PILATES MAT AND FLOOR WORK and informational open house. April 22 with Bonnie Clancy, OTR at the at the Bailey Matthews Shell Museum, Sanibel Community Association 5-7 p.m. 395-3089. Tuesday and Thursday. 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. Bring mat, comfy clothes. $12/$90 10 sessions. ($80 for SCA members) 395-9060. Friday 16 VOICE OF THE FAITHFUL meets at • BLUE SKIES FITWALK GROUP St. Columbkille Parish Hall, 12171 with Lee Tolman. San-Cap Med Center Iona Rd-, Fort Myers. 7. p.m. 466-1594 NOTICE parking lot, 4301 San-Cap Rd. Mon., Wed., Fri. 8:30 & 10 a.m. $10, or FitPass available. 472-0116. •", . . Sanihel City Council • FITNESS WITH PAM at the SCA, FIT 'N TRIM weight management A 2173 Periwinkle Way. Low impact aer- to Z, meets from 11:30 a.m. to noon in «y will convene the regularly obics, It. weight training. Mon, Wed. Heron Hall at the Congregational Fri., 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. $8. 267-3092. Church, 2050 Periwinkle Way. Doors open at 11a.m. for weigh-in. This ; ; |v scheduled meeting • ADVENTURES' IN PARADISE: week's, topic: Keeping it Simple. 472- Cruises; dolphin watch, sunset cruises 5133 or [email protected]. "on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 and more on board power catamarans. Canoe and kayak tours; guided or self • GOURMET SINGLES SUPPER at 9:00 a. m. guided. Walk the Boardwalk; free CLUB meets every Friday in finest nature tour of mile-long boardwalk at restaurants in the area. For more info, in MacKenzie Hall Port Sanibel Marina, Monday, call 332-8191 Wednesday, Friday 10 a.m. 472-8443. • BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER at St. 800 Dunlop Road • CAPTIVA CRUISES: In conjunction Michaels and All Angels. Fridays 10 with South Seas Resort, now offers a.m.-ll:30; a.m. in the Parish Hall. Public is welcome. two new cruises. Dolphin Luncheon 472-2173. Cruise departs at 11:30 a.m., return, at • TERRIFIC TWOS stories, activities 1:30. Family cruise with casual lunch for two year olds, Sanibel Library. 10 .Complete agendas are available at the City Web site: buffet served. $35 adults, $20 children a.m. aged 12 and under, kids 3 and under • KWLF stories, activities, games, for www.mysanibel.com. A copy of the agenda is also posted on the are free. 472-5300 ages 6 and up at the Sanibel library. 3 bulletin board outside City Hall. Agendas subject to Sunset Dinner Cruise call for departa- p.m. tion times. Cocktails and dining. $45 amendment. adults, $20 children aged 12 and under, Coming soon kids under 3 are free. 472-5300. • SKIN CANCER CLINIC at St. • INTERMEDIATE BRIDGE, 4 week Isabel's Catholic Church, April 23. IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE BY THE class at the SCA with Susan Voorhees. Appts 1-4 p.m. 472-2763 XI1 Pre-regisration and prepayment are • SAN-CAP AARP MEETING APRIL COUNCIL ON ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS required, deadline of May 14. Class to MEETING /HEARING, SUCH PERSON MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT 30, 1:30 p.m. This meeting will com- be held on Tuesdays, 9 - 11:45 a.m. bine .the April/May meetings. A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, TO May 18, 25, June 1 and 8. Class size Everyone welcome. Meet at the Island INCLUDE THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH ANY limited to 12 people. SCA members Senior Center corner of Library Way SUCH APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. $50, non-members $57. 472-2155. and Palm Ridge. 395-3372 • DIABETIC RETINOPATHY SEMI- IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES NAR, hosted by the Retina ACT, PERSONS NEEDING A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION TO Thursday 15 Consultants of SW Florida. SW PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING SHOULD CONTACT JIM ISOM, • LIFE AS A COMEDY with the Florida Regional Medical Center audi- Tamiami Tale Tellers. Stories of humor - torium. May 5, 1-2 p.m. 938-1200 MANAGER OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES NO LATER THAN ONE X670. DAY PRIOR TO THE PROCEEDINGS. TELEPHONE 239-472-3700 FOR and laughter at the Grand Court, 8351 College Pkwy. 7 p.m. 472-1781. ASSISTANCE IF HEARING IMPAIRED, TELEPHONE THE FLORIDA • CONSERVATION COUNCIL MEET- RELAY SERVICE AT 711. ING at the J.N. 'Ding' Darling Natl. Wildlife Refuge, 9 a.m. n Saturday 17 Tuesday 20 Group, DICK HYMAN & THE PALM STRINGS QUAR- [earn TET at BIG Arts, April 17, 8 p.m. $30, 395-0900. Every Sponsored by West Wind Inn. OPEN PORTRAIT STUDIO 1-4 p.m. $4 per session, open to all artists. Model provided. 472-5267. Every • TROUBLESTARTERS AT THE AMERICAN VEGETATION WALK 2 hour tour of Shell Mound LEGION Every Tuesday evening 7:30 pm. to clos- trail 9 a.m. every other Sat. 472-1100 x222. ing. San-Cap Rd. at mile marker 3. 472-9979. FAMILY FUN AT THE REFUGE guided tour of • READING AT THIi REFUGE Story hour at the J.N. •a' Wildlife Dr. for the family. 9 a.m. RSVP 472-1100 'Ding' Darling Nat'l Wildlife Refuge. Geared for x222. preschool to elementary schoolers. 10 a.m. 472-1100 MINDFUL YOGA AT BIG ARTS with Brian Healy, x236 or x222. 9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Open to public, beginners wel- • ADVANCED BIRDING at the Refuge. 1-2 hour tour come. $12. for the experienced birder, from Wildlife Drive. 8 a.m., Tuesdays and Sundays. RSVP 472-1100 x222 • YOGA CLASSES AT CASA YBEL RESORT Murari Brian Healy will begin teaching two new ongoing Sunday 18 yoga classes at Casa Ybel Resort on Tuesday morn- ings, 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. This is an outdoor class and will Everyy be held on the lawn overlooking the gulf in front of PRIVATE WATERLUDE KORESHAN STATE HISTORIC SITE guided the Thistle Lodge restaurant on the grounds of Casa I Usll IIOpK .11 Vi J,l l.lllOM MIIIOUII'ls tills. (>liK ~> 'iU \ III,nil I'OITll .Hill JIJR .'\i\ i,ui si IKIIM M.III, III.IIH has .'-'• rv .ltu.im m\i 11 nti\ lh.il tours. 10 a.m. Sat. and Sun. $3.25 per vehicle. Ybel Resort, 2255 West Gulf Dr. Beginner friendly, iiiidi iiili> ',i< ill iiKim vufli IK CIIIHH (i 'lint;- I;K[)I..(I UUIMI --IIOI' DISCOVERING THE REFUGE guided tour through cost is $12 per class. stroll tn'!<'• .Itil In ,KII . in,- -.h.iKil il<.ik.i',i with (Intel c ii ill ,ui< -.-. ..Hid pi ill |i A ill i I \|I,I1IM\( \*,>1i 1 M> >\s ill Ri install t h>HIMl I birding locations on the Refuge, covers mangrove • FORT MYERS SWING DANCE SOCIETY meets ft2W"000 ecosystem, overview on all facets of the refuge. every Tuesday at Ron Dao's Sports Bar in Ft. Myers, Sunday through Thursday, 9 a.m. 472-1100 x 222. 15320 McGregor Blvd. Free lessons 8:30 - 9 p.m. No cover. 239/851-7354 Monday 19 Wednesday 21 Everyy REFUGE BIKE TOUR I-2 hour tour with naturalist 'Every BUILD YOUR ISLAND PARADISE around 4-mile Wildlife Dr. Indigo Trail loop. 10 a.m. INTRO TO BIRDING at the Ding Darling Refuge. 1- 4-i.icn lot with iio m wik i iKinl.iLi lot iled in I )• I sm.i 472-1100x222. 2 hour tour for beginner and novice birdwatchers. 8 Mun Tins liit is kx.ihdon a qukt <• ul-cli -sj' v.ith ." 'loik a.m. RSVP 472-1100x222 aiix Jfly iii pliif • Walk ti< 'HMUUIIII Blind I'.iv, U .ulies BRIDGE FOR FUN Senior Center 2401 Library Way. $649,000 $1 members, $3 non-members. 472-5743. • NESTERS & RESTERS Beach and shoreline explo- AFTER SCHOOL STUDIO at BIG Arts. Art enrich- ration, departing 9 a.m. from the Sanibel Inn. Park in ment activities from 2:15 to 5 p.m. 395-0900 lot next to Ellington's. 472-2329 SHELLCRAFTERS10 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Monday • CHILDREN'S STORY HOUR Sanibel Public at the Community House on Periwinkle. Library 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. MOMMY AND ME at the SCA 10:30 a.m. -11:30 • PELICAN KNITTERS meeting every week through4 p.m. $2 per child. For Moms and kids aged 1-4 years. the month of April at Suntrust Bank at 9 a.m. Come 472-6227. for conversation, knit caps for babies, preemies in BOOKWORMS stories and crafts for children aged hospitals all over the country. 472-9120 VICTORIAN NEAR BEACH HOME-CAPTIVA Fantastic -4HFs/4HAi mar kach home Tins l>oa

Poker Pedal • April 18 The Sanibel-Captiva Chapter of the American BEACH PATHS Two-story new hoaih home with 4HK.4 SBA, di n, tiu-plare Business Women's Association (ABWA) is sponsoring (< ilings, pnvatp elf\airir, tovcuvj patio lot entutamine obscr\alion the second annual Poker Pedal fundraiser on April 18 dec k Fu-nf h dcHns gourmet Uu hen with custom i <»)inctrv sun from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. dt-cks jiid si ni'n-fni losod pool 101 Mix\ a< ros-> trorn thp dttdtd bi-ath At i ess ,md |ust steps to the lh Just bring your bike or rent one of our (compliments $2,295,000 of Billy's Rentals). Each participant will receive map showing 15 designated Sanibel businesses. Pedal to seven of the 15 businesses and receive a playing card from each one. The best and the worst poker hands win. Grand prizes include a new bicycle, a weeklong stay at island accommodations, jewelry, and other surprises. Pre-registration is $20; the day of the event it is $25. Entry forms are available at Sanibel-Captiva Community Bank, Bank of the Islands, Billy's Rentals, THE BEACH IS IN YOUR REACH Tom Louwer's Tax/Accounting, Three Crafty Ladies, Bay views are possible trom this rate building lot on Captiva Island and Island Graphics. Wonderful location and |Usl a short stroll to beaches, manna, shops Each participant will receive a T-shirt donated by jnd Island restaurants [his lot should accommodate a nice size house with pool Bank of the Islands and will have the opportunity to $799,999 attend a great party at the Sanibel Community House for prizes, a Chinese auction, and a 50/50 raffle. The Poker Pedal benefits a scholarship fund for local women in need of financial assistance to attend college.

Fabrication Technology At Its Finest r* VILLAGE BY THE SEA 11ns i|uali1v . uisituf ted horiK is 4BK4BA and ha Designs by Mark Christian V manship iliiouyhnut [his home oik rs a JXJUI vulh S|M, rit&top si d> (k with views MM) ht.iuliiully l.indsqwJid bru k driveway devalui wood tloms, linpla< i, qoiiimB Wl with c iittnm c .ihuwtc. vaulted c< ilnv^s jnd (jingeil)i*ud ik.-t.ii, nt home ~ $i,19l>,000 i • Screen Rooms There for you • Pool Enclosures • Front Entrys every step of • Rescreens • Security Gates the way. • Mechanical • Driveway Gates Call 239-472-7800 • ext. 270 • Railings Toll Free 866-472-7800 • ext. 270 • Welded Railings 848 S.E. 9TH ST. www.TheBellTeam.com • Spiral Staircases CAPE CORAL FL P.O. Box 550,14970 Captiva Drive 910-5276 Captiva, Florida 33924 12 J 'Week of April 15 • 2 i. 2004 J ISLAND REPORTER

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f Ai' oi!erii)'l= :i:-s siiiije:; 1:1 circus. ni:i;s^i'"i:-. I cii.mqo ci IH'KH at witinhrfif.;'! withuut mior v.ut' iSLAND REPORTER 3 Week of April 15 - 21, 2004 Jt 13 Current Events at BIG ARTS News Junkies Unite consumption situation? one paper prints, choose another one. outsource overseas, companies overseas One participant noted that the Saudis Find a television station you like; there outsource Si31 billion to us. He stated By Jenny Burnham believe we increase our reliance on other are 300 to choose from. that the national debt and the "un-funded" Staff Writer countries by not exploring and drilling for Dr. Bonser next asked the audience to nature ol" Social Security and Medicare oil in the U.S. His comment produced a consider whether President Bush's allow- are the important, long-term, issues rather The quotes were flying thick and fast vehement "No" from Jim Lav die. who ing National Security Advisor than unemployment and outsourcing. at last week's Current Affairs meeting at advocated conservation. The group debat- Condolee/.a Rice to testify before Another participant noted that free Shein Hall. The Economist, Atlantic ed the laws of supply and demand along Congress was a '"surrender." as character- trade and unemployment are "very emo- Monthly, the News-Press, Larry King, with the pros and cons of hybrid cars. ized by journalist David Broder in the tional" issues, and that procedures should FOX News, and even David Letterman Several attendees had scientific points Washington Post. be in place to help people through the were cited. One participant began by say- of view, and weighed in with observa- Jim Duffy noted that Congress would ""dislocation" process. ing, "I was watching C-SPAN yester- tions about natural gas and coal ('"unnat- receive eight years worth of information The final topic for the audience came day..." ural" gas, according to an audience mem- if former President Clinton were to testi- from The Economist. This publication fy. Other audience members were cau- suggests that governments around the tious about what privileged information a world are faced with a shrinking work National Security Advisor might have force and an increased social welfare that should not become public. obligation to retirees, and argues that On the other hand, said one partici- governments need to change retirement pant, "everyone should speak, even policies by persuading older workers to Cheney.". stay employed longer or by "enticing" "If George Tennant can testify," said some retirees back to work. Dave Crown, "then Condoleeza Rice cer- Mr. Rubin noted that for some organi- tainly can." zations, encouraging retirement is an eco- Vivian Warren believes that Ms. Rice's nomic decision, allowing institutions to testifying is a trade-off, allowing Mr. replace retirees with less expensive per- Bush uTtestify with Mr. Cheney. Why sonnel. would Mr. Bush want to have Mr. Cheney Jack Haley referred to the mandatory at his side? she asked, and then raised a retirement age for legal and accounting laugh by saying, "Can you imagine his firms. This policy, he said, renews "ener- father inviting Dan Quayle?" gy and youth.'" Mr. Haley noted that the The next topic Dr. Bonser provided technology and culture of our society are concerned an ad from Senator Kerry's "fast-changing," and that young people campaign stating that President Bush are needed to understand and manage the supports sending jobs overseas. changes. An audience member who had his sta- One audience member urged seniors to tistics at his fingertips declared that choose to be part of the productivity. "there is no short-term economic problem "Don't opt out." she said. "'We're living of any significance in the U.S. at all." longer but we're not dead in the head." Unemployment, stated this participant, Current Events meets Wednesday was much higher than the current five mornings at 10 a.m. in Shein Hall at BIG percent when Mr. Carter, Mr. Reagan, and ARTS. Donations are accepted at the Photo by Jenny Burnham George Bush Sr. were elected. In addi- door.k tion, he noted, for the $77.4 billion we C-SPAN? Who watches C-SPAN? her), along with information about gas The folks who attend this forum, that's hydrates in deposits under the sea. who. Long-time attendee Hal Patinkin An interesting note during this discus- calls them "news junkies." sion came from Chris Cooke. a Canadian April 7th's discussion was moderated visitor from Sarnia. Ontario. Mr. Cooke by Dr. Chuck Bonser, Dean Emeritus of noted that his area ncarlhe Michigan bor- the School of Public Affairs at Indiana der has three oil refineries, and that University. He led a group of about 100 Alberta. Canada, has an abundance of oil people in lively but civil discussion of a — yet Sarnia still has extremely high oil variety of topics taken from recent news. prices. The first topic concerned the deadly Dr. Bonser then asked for the group's riots in Iraq instigated by cleric Moktada opinions on the media as an influencer. al Sadr. Posed Dr. Bonser: how can we rather than a reporter, of events. Fs this handle Iraqi self-appointed ieadcrs? And criticism of the media justified? asked Dr. should we consider breaking Iraq into Bonser, and what has changed to make three, countries? managing editors unwilling to enforce Mr. Patinkin weighed in on the first journalistic integrity? part of the question with vigor. His com- Mr. Rubin stated that articles and edi- ments that the U.S. response has been torials in local papers can be biased, "'too restrained." and that terrorists are "non-factual," and used to influence opin- "not sufficiently afraid of us," led an ion. Al Kaplan noted that "all of us. audience member to urge. "Tell us how including reporters, have a bias," and said you really feel. Hal." that reporting has become editorialized. Herb Rubin advocated diplomatic pur- One participant noted that "you can't suit of a resolution. He was followed by compare to Rupert thoughtful observations from Bruce Murdoch" on the subject of editorialized Slatkin, Jane Peters. Sidney Pinker and reporting. He quoted Christine Amanpour Hi Tucker. as saying, "if not us. who?" to point out A second question about Iraq, whether that we depend upon an independent June 30th is a practical deadline for turn- press to protect us from big business and ing over authority to the Iraqi govern- special interests. ment, elicited concern from Winnie June Patinkin pointed out that the Donoghue that the White House "does Spanish-American War was considered not have a plan" for Iraqi sovereignty. Pat "Hearst's War" because of the influence Thurber noted that Iraq has become a of his newspapers in promoting such slo- magnet for terrorist groups of all kinds, gans as "Remember the Maine." and wondered. "Can we get out?" Mr. Cooke of Sarnia, who also owns a Gasoline prices were next on the agen- weekly business newspaper, noted that da. Asked Dr. Bonser. can or will cither new stories can be a "judgment call." In President Bush or Senator Kerry do any- general, he said, newspapers do a good thing to help the gas price and energy and efficient job. If you don't like what


jf -- - - Here's how to root grapevine cut- tings in Florida Citrus seedlings pro- duce better fruit when Dear Ron: I have a length of grafted grapevine. Can the vine be cut into short pieces, rooted in a potting soil and then Dear Ron: Is it possi- planted in the ground? What kind of soil ble to grow a fruit-pro- will the plants do well in? ducing plant from seeds \ — Tony, Fort Myers Beach of a Meyers lemon? If so, what is the best way to Dear Tony: Prepare a planting medi- do so? um of one-half clean sand, one-quarter — Tim Merritt, peat moss, and one-quarter perlite. Soak Sanibel the mixture and let it drainthoroughly. Then cut diagonally below the bot- Dear Tim: It's easy to tom leaf node and two inches above the grow any type of citrus Island third leaf node for each cutting section from seed. Simply poke a of the grapevine. Fill as many4-inch hole about 1 inch deep Gardening pots with the planting medium as you into a porous potting soil Ron Sympson have cuttings. (one that does not con- Dip the cuttings in a rooting hormone tain fertilizer), drop in and gently tap off the excess powder. the seed, and cover it Insert the cuttings about 2 inches deep with the soil. Keep the soil most, but not into medium in the4-inch pots. soggy, cover with plastic, and place it in Place the cuttings in an area that gets the sill of a brightly lit window, but not morning sun~ Keep the medium moist; in direct sunlight. never let it dry out and don't let it get However, consider this: Citrus soggy. seedlings planted in the ground produce When roots have begun to fill the fruit that is inferior to those grafted onto pots, you can plant your grapevines ina rootstocks of other citrus, such as sour sunny, well-drained area of your garden. orange, that commercial citrus growers Prepare the planting hole by mixing a use. Photo courtesy of Ron Sympson's Florida Garden Guide. generous amount of peat moss and com- Also, it takes much longer for a non- A healthy pygmy date palm. posted cow manure into two-thirds of grafted citrus tree to produce fruit, the existing soil. sometimes up to 10 years. You can apply a 6-6-6 fertilizer The Meyers lemon (Citrus x meyeri) Well-drained soil is a must for most should be much lower than the other around the plant about one month later. is native to Asia and adaptable to all plants two. Florida hardiness zones, 8A-11. It is not That's because phosphorus primarily The vine typically grown in Florida is Dear Ron: A while back you wrote aids root development; too much will the muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia salt-tolerant. about palm trees and fungus in the soil. deter foliage growth and flower and Michx.), which is native to all of Florida Last May, I planted a multi-trunked fruit production. Also, phosphorus and most of the southeastern pygmy date palm between two previous- build-up in the soil can be damaging. United States. It is not salt-tolerant. ly neglected cabbage palms. After about Typical principal-element numbers four months, the pygmy date began for a palm fertilizer would be 7-3-7, 9- drooping and drying out. 4-9, 12-4-12, 13-3-13, and the like. My husband tried to resuscitate it Equally as important are the sec- with palm fertilizer and I gave it a few ondary nutrients, which are listed on the shots of fish emulsion, but the darned back of the bag. A quality palm fertiliz- Afshh Tropical Paradise! thing has pretty much "given up the er will include 3 to 4 percent of both ghost" as you can see from the photo manganese and magnesium, at least 2 I've enclosed. percent chelated iron, and other trace Does it look the palm has been elements such as zinc and boron. attacked by fungus, and if so, how long As to your second question, you should we wait to replant so we don't should not use mulch, grass or ground- FREE have a repeat disaster? covers under citrus trees because their — Alaine Allison, Stuart very fine roots are close to the surface. Covering them is akin to suffocation, because water and nutrients cannot be PRINT Dear Alaine: From the looks of it, the absorbed properly. ghost of your pygmy date palm with each subscription (Phoenix roebelenii) is now knocking on the pearly gates. However, I don't Apply mulch, plant marigolds Be first with the latest news and think the problem is soil fungus. to deter nematodes happenings More likely, the culprit is poorly on Sanibel and Captiva. Subscribe now drained, compacted soil between the Dear Ron: How does one get rid of root systems of the cabbage palms. This nematodes in one's garden? No one to the Islands best, award-winning prevents the pygmy date from properly seems to know the answer. newspaper absorbing water and nutrients. — James Paul, Lake Worth The Island Reporter...frl When you replant, dig a hole 3 to 4 Pick up your poster feet in front of the cabbage palms and Dear James: Root-knot nematodes at our office or add enrich the hole generously with peat (Meloidogyne species) are tiny, worm- $3 postage & moss to promote drainage. After 30 like critters that live in Florida's soil days, feed it with palm fertilizer. and feed on roots; some plants are more handling and we After that, fertilize it four times a susceptible than others. The first con- Ahhh ftupiral PawtJM will mail it to you. year between March and mid-October. sideration is selecting a plant or tree that Add additional granular magnesium and is grafted onto nematode-resistant root- manganese every other time. Keep the stock — though this is not an option for Ahhh Tropical Paradise! palm well-watered during its infancy. every species of plants. Use a hose; don't rely on sprinklers. There are also chemical nematocides ISLAND REPORTER • 1KKI MATSIJMOTO ^ S L A N D FLORIDA The pygmy date palm is native to with which to pretreat the soil before southeast Asia and adaptable to south- planting, though I do not recommend ern part's of Florida hardiness zone 9B their use because of their possible effect "FRAMING SPECIAL" ONLY and all of zones 10 and 11. it is not salt- on the environment. tolerant. The next best thing is heavily mulching under most trees and plants — $52.00!! citrus and bougainvillea being the pri- High-quality palm fertilizer is mary exceptions. A 3- to 4-inch-thick ANY ISLAND REPORTER POSTER! based on its contents layer is good. And finally, the common marigold MATSUMOTO (JALLERY \ TRAMI" SHOP What do you mean by has been shown to deter nematodes 1 2-MO PERIWINKLE WAY VILLAGE (TNTER 47_>-J«M I Dear Ron: paa ^BM* MM ^mmim •*««• *Wt mma^ mSM •«•«• •• "high-quality' palm fertilizer? How can when its is placed in and around other r "I* I tell? plants, especially vegetables. Subscription Special And secondly, since the conventional i I advice is to mulch under trees, why i 1; doesn't this apply to citrus trees? Landscape consultant Ron Sympson — Suzanne Ness, Loxahatchee is the author of "Ron Sympson's i 15 Florida Garden Guide" ($44.95 annu- j Dear Suzanne: A high-quality palm ally; $11.95, single issue) and "250 I fertilizer is suitable for use with most Most-Asked Florida Gardening i plants and trees in the Florida land- Questions" ($11.95). To ask a question, scape. What makes it "high-quality" is order a book, or arrange for an on-site I its contents. consultation: Go online at i First, when you see the three princi- www.TheFloridaGarden.com; send an pal numbers on a fertilizer bag, which e-mail to [email protected]; or I stand for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) write to 11691 Dawn Cowrie Drive. i&r; and potassium (K), the second number Fort Myers, FL 3390X. q .15 approval for the project last month and the permit was filed March 28 to allow the work to begin. The Sanibel City Council will review the submission of bids for the project on April 19, and work on the pro- ject is expected to begin immediately thereafter, said asphalt poured on Periwinkle Way. especially at the Assistant City Manager Bill Mills. 25 years ago expense of mowing down 64 Australian Pines — part of Mills said there have been five bids for the project and April 13, 1979 the picturesque tunnel of trees. council members will decide at the next meeting which After the vote, Public Works Director Gary Price offer to accept. Mills added that one bid for $769,144 Police get crime information computer asked Mayor Fred Valtin whether the move would effect appears to be the most attractive and would intrude as the Sanibel Police will soon be computerized. A comput- the planned three-laning of Periwinkle Way in front of building of the weir as well as replacing the culverts er terminal linking police with state and national law Periwinkle Place. Periwinkle Place is to be expanded under Sanibel-Captiva Road. enforcement information centers will be installed at and the developer has agreed to foot the bill for the "I'm very excited about the project. I think its a very police headquarters on Palm Ridge Road. third-lane from going in front of the shopping center. positive step for the city and it will give us an important Sanibel Police Chief John Butler said he has tried for tool with which to manage our land," Mills said. four years to obtain funding for the computer terminal from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, but it took a letter to State Representative Frank Mann to get action on his request. Butler wrote a letter to Mann 15 years ago Tuesday asking for assistance in obtaining a terminal. April 13, 1989 5 years ago The next day Mann called Butler to assure him that the Work begins on final part of beach April 15, 1999 equipment would be installed "as soon as possible." Causeway project proceeds The computer will give police direct access to the While contractors and engineers coordinate the final Florida Crime Information Center (FC1C), which serves phases of Captiva's beach rejuvenation with an April 20 Lee County Commissioners gave the go ahead Tuesday as an information clearinghouse for law enforcement completion date in mind, members of the Captiva to hire an engineering firm to study possible repair or agencies. Police can receive information almost instan- Erosion Prevention District began discussing the acquisi- replacement of the Sanibel Causeway. taneously about drivers licenses; car, boat and aircraft tion of more sand, the possibility of lower assessments After conducting five, county-sponsored public outreach registrations; stolen vehicles and property; criminal his- and a huge island-wide party to celebrate the final chap programs on Sanibel during the last 10 months, Lee tories and other crime information through the computer. ter in the nearly year-long effort. Department of Transportation Director Scott Gilbertson FCIC is also linked to the National Crime Information CEPD board members had a first hand view of the said it's time to begin the planning phase of the project, Center," Butler said. beach project last Wednesday when nearly a dozen resi- adding the sooner a fix can be made, the better. dents, contractors and engineers drove from the northern When Commission Chairman Ray Judah asked if the tip of the island to Blind Pass inspecting yards of sand DOT accepted the Sanibel City Council's recommenda- and ensuing escarpment along the most recently sanded tions for the Project Development & Environmental section of the beach. Study's scope of work. Gilbertson asked for time to review 20 years ago The sand drops several feet in places, but will level out the document. He promised to bring his findings to the April 12, 1984 to a graduated slope soon, according to Graham Payne board prior to hiring an engineering firm, but the commis- Council says no 3-laning on Periwinkle with Norfolk Dredging. sion approved advertising for proposals from interested That escarpment, referred to as the "White Cliffs of companies. A special meeting of the Sanibel City Council yester- Dover" sections of the beach lacking the appropriated Judah said he found Sanibel's recommendations reason- day didn't take long to decide that there will be no amount of sand, and the possibility of purchasing anoth- able and acceptable, except for limiting the study to a draw- three-laning oi" Periwinkle Way, at least not in the fore- er 5,000 cubic-yards of sand kept CEPD officials busy at bridge rehabilitation or replacement in kind. seeable future. The council vote ended with a 5-0 the April 5 meeting. endorsement of keeping Periwinkle Way as it is. "I think to put another lane on Periwinkle," said Councilman Bill Haggerup, "would be like adding on to a church just to handle Easter and Christmas. It would- 10 years ago One year ago n't benefit the island as a whole to three-lane." • April 15, 1994 April 17, 2003 Councilman Francis BaiJey went a little further in his Tarpon Bay Weir given go-ahead Staff gets next crack at Clarion proposals comments. "I'm almost of the opinion that we should take out the left turn lanes we already have on The state Department of Environmental Protection The issue of appropriately sized houses has been Periwinkle. I see no advantage to putting in a third approved the Tarpon Bay Weir project late iast month around for more than a dozen years, City Planning lane." allowing the city to proceed with a taller weir that has Director Bruce Rogers told City Council Tuesday. A half dozen members of the audience stood and par- been the subject of controversy for over a year. Rogers presented a brief report on the Clarion and roted the same comments. No one wanted to see more Secretary of the DEP, Virginia Wetherell gave the final Associates report on "Appropriately Sized Homes." Councilwoman Judy Workman said she wanted to get information on the impact of large houses on the island's water, on fire safety and on solid waste. She suggested the issues should be considered by Clarion and then go to the Planning Commission for consideration before TIIF. SAMBI-:L WILDLIFE COMMITTEE returning to the council. Councilman Dick Walsh noted that property rights are Sanibel Gardens Preserve, a different kind of development extremely important but before taking action, he wanted to hear from more of the community on the question of By Joanne Heroy-Giller Heron, the Tricolored Heron, the Little Blue Heron, the whether to preserve Sanibel the way it is. Snowy Egret, the White Ibis, the Roseate Spoonbill, and "I think it is a mistake to not let the community speak What was once planned to be a big housing develop- the endangered Wood Stork. The Chatty Northern to us as a council," he said. "It's not up to us to tell you ment for people is now being redeveloped as a vital habi- Mockingbird and Gray Catbird have also been seen and (the community) what you can have: its up to you as a tat for wildlife. It is called Sanibel Gardens Preserve. It heard. In the watery areas, the Belted Kingfisher, Mottled community to tell us what you want." newly opened as a protected environment where the pub- Duck, Brown Pelican, Double-crested Cormorant and Councilman Marty Harrity said the numbers of homes lic is welcome to observe wildlife. The City of Sanibel Anhinga have all been observed. Shorebirds that have that have caused questions has been relatively small. He Wildlife Committee wanted to participate in these obser- been seen are the Killdeer, Spotted Sandpiper and Willet. noted that the Clarion report said no consensus exists in vations. On the first Tuesday of each month, 30 minutes The Eurasian Collared-Dove and the Common the community about the issue or even if there is a prob- after sunrise, a small team foes out to survey the species Ground Dove frequent the Sanibel Gardens Preserve lem. at Sanibel Gardens Preserve. Since October, the commit- habitat as weJl as a lot of Turkey and Black Vultures. The tee has done four early morning surveys. Participating raptor family has been well-represented by the Sharp- have been Terry Baldwin, James Evans, Vern Frankwich, shinned Hawk, the Bald Eagle, the Osprey, the American BOAT Joane Heroy-Giller, Syril Ivler Rubin, and Brad Smith. Kestrel, and the Red-shouldered Hawk. Yellow-throated Even with the recent restoration and removal of the and Palm Warblers have been seen. Busily and noisily invasive exotic vegetation in the area, the Wildlife working have been the Pileated Woodpecker, the Red- By the Hour Committee on these early morning walks has already bellied Woodpecker, and the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Sightseeing observed 44 different species. Fish Crows. Boat-tailed The House Wren and Robin have been seen visiting. In Dolphin Watching Grackles, Common Grackles and Brown-headed addition to all of the birds, White Peacock butterflies and Cabbage Key Lunch Cowbirds have been counted. The Eastern Phoebe, the racoons have also been counted. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, the White-eyed Vireo and the From these observations, the Sanibel Garden Preserve 472-58OO Loggerhead Shrike have been special sightings. Among seems well on its way to be a successful and well-popu- the wading birds that have been seen are the Great Blue lated refuge. Jensens Marina Captiva Island

Dine Docksidc and Lnjoy Mouthwatering Delights Irani the Sea It Doesn't Get Any iresher! . *.. Gramma Dofs Seaside Saloon Winner of I I Task'oflhe Serving Islands "Aw.mis" Home Watch Service Lunch 1 I: M) AM Our Litest win lor Pool Service Dinner ">:()() TM all For Free Yard Service "THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE ^£_ JLConsultatio ALL IN ONE HAND ! *•'; . T.ike oul Avdil.iblc AWARD" Located at... 1 Yinrc in i mw Sanibel Marina 1 Licensed and Insured .-> yeJIS 111 J row b;$4 N Yachtsman [email protected] Come Sao Why! Sanibel, FL Phone: (239) 472-5247 1925 Roseate Lane, Sanibel FL 33957 Fax: (239) 472-0379 472-8138 is and

11 TV Guide 21 CNN 23 CNN Headline News 32 The Weather Channel 39 VTV (Visitors' Television) 49 C-SPAN 50 C-SPAN 2

FRIDAY PRIME TIME APRIL 16, 2004 Sanibel Public Library 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00110:30 11:00 11:30 CB NBC News NBC News Fortune Jeopardy! Dateline NBC "The Apprentice Story" (N) (S) (cc) ThW Watch (N) (S) (cc) News Tonight Children's Programs April, 3D PBS News Business News-Lehrer WashWk [Wall | Expression | Now With Bi I Moyers I New Flor Charlie Rose (N) (S) (cc) QD FOX Friends (S) Will-Grace Raymond Seinfeld (S) MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. (Live) (S} (cc) News (cej Seinfeld 2004 CS) CBS News fee) CBS News Millionaire Edition Teacher Recognition JAG "Close Quarters" Cold Case "Fly Away" News (cc) Late Show GD WB King King 70s Show '70s Show Reba (cc) What I Like Grounded The Help Blind pate Elimidate Drew Carey Dharma CD ABC News (cc) ABC News Entertain Extra (N) Lopez Big House Hope Married 20/20 (cc) News (cc) Nightline as HBO On the Record (N) (cc) The Sanibel Public Library provides a variety of 83 WGN Inning |Will-Grace Will-Grace |Home Imp. WGN News at Nine (cc) BeckeriS) Becker (S) programs for children from birth to 8th grade. O TLC Clean Sweep (cc) Trading Spaces: Family In a Fix "Half and Hair While You Were Out (N) What Not to Wear (N) In a Fix'Ha// and Hair m FOOD Minute [Martha Good Eats | Unwrapped Emeril Live $40-a-Day |$40-a-Day Into Fire llntoFire Iron Chef N.Y. Battle m VHI Driven (S) Driven "Janet Jackson" Fab Life |Fab Life Behind the Music (cc) Behind the Music (cc) Best Week ffmn^fit^:;'! • Small Wonders, for newborns to 2-year-olds, 08 TNN Trucks! (S) ITrucks! (S) Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Star Trek: Next Gener. Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Star Trek: Deep Space 9 CSI: Crime Sen as E! Star-Makeovers E!NewsJN)|GoodtoBe Star-Makeovers Star-Makeovers Star-Makeovers Howard S. Howard S. offers lap sit, finger plays, songs, and rhymes. S3 CNBC Bullseye (cc) Capital Report (cc) News Rukeyser The Apprentice (Season Finale) (S) (cc) News Rukeyser Meets Mondays at 2 p.m. and Tuesdays and 3D LIFE Head 2 Toe Head 2 Toe Merge (cc) Golden Golden aa HGTV Building Landscapr Curb House Debbie Travis' Facelift Home Home Design Design Home Sensible Thursdays at 10 a.m. aa NICK U-Pick (S) Hey Arnold! Rugrats (S) SpongeBob Neutron | Phantom Robot ChalkZone Cosby Cosby Roseanne Roseanne 99 DISN Even Sister, Sis. So Raven Lizzie Barbarian Proud • Terrific Twos, for 2-year-olds only, features short as MTV Band II Band II Pimp Ride Pimp Ride Real World | Real World Made (S) I Real World I Real World Osbournes Osbournes stories, flannel board stories, and songs. Meets aa TNT Charmed (S[Jcc) Law & Order "Legacy" Law & Order (cc) (DVS) $mmMmmm::M Fridays at 10 a.m. (so) A&E City Confidential (cc) American Justice B*^j»*i?J*^|ft«^P^a«ft!te*5fSriMichael Jackson Case Third Watch (S) (cc) m USA Walker, Texas Ranger JAG "Complications" (S) Law & Order Law & Order Touching Evil IN) (cc) Law Order C AMC • Bookworms, for 3 - 5 year-olds, presents stories, SUN Report jCountdwn |College Baseball Florida state at Miami. (Live) |Thor bred [Wrestling TNA Xplosion. IWrestling songs, and crafts. Meets Wednesdays at 10 a.m. BB ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (cc) NHL Hockey: Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams TBA [Baseball Tonight fcc; TSportsCenterJL/Ve; (cc) TBS Home Imp. ISeinfeld (S) Friends (S) |MLB Baseball Florida Marlins at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. • KWLF (Kids Who Love Fun) provides books, 68 TRAV Tokyo Revealed (cc) World's Best (cc) Great Cruises (cc) Donald Trump's N.Y. Entertainer Great Cruises (cc) activities, and games. Meets Fridays at 3 p.m. m ANPL The Crocodile Hunter Kidding |Animals Funniest Animals Funniest Animals Animal Precinct (cc) Funniest Animals COM 100 Greatest Stand-Ups 100 Greatest Stand-Ups 100 Greatest Stand-Ups 1100 Greatest Stand-Ups Richard Pryor Wanda Sykes • 5th - 8th graders read, play board games, and ":•*£• S*4 Dead Like Me litvi (cc Family Biz participate in contests such as scavenger hunts. Mondays at 3 p.m. • Evening Story Time takes place every Monday at SATURDAY MORNING APRIL 17, 2004 6:30 p.m. 7:00 I 7:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Note: no programs are scheduled for the 15th Jakers! The Dragonfly and 16th of April, 2004. Paid Prog Paid Prog Kirby: Right Turtles Anyone is welcome, reservations are not neces- Hey Arnold! ChalkZone Saturday Early Show (S

On the Record (Si (cc Real Sports S (cc Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. [Paid Prog. Body-Jake Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. HOW to Boll I Cooking Air Smart Consulting Top 20 countdown (til 6 Second I Paid Prog- Real TV (ti) |Heal TV Hot Hod [speed 839-6991 Bloomberg Television E! News weekend IN) Free Indoor Air Evaluation Recess (S) ETonMTV

Paid Prog. | Treasure! BOAT Paid Prog. Paid Prog. |Paid Prog. [Paid Prog, IBody-Jake |6 Second I Paid Prog. RENTALS OR RIDES Prog. IPublicAffr StihITV 6 Second Outside Shipshape Florida soortscenter iLive) led soortscenter (Live cc) To Cabbage Key, Cayo Costa and North Captiva TBS Saved-Bell Saved-Bell Dawson's Creek (S) (cc) Fishing and Shelling - Closest to Outer Islands TRAV Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. [Paid Prog. IPaid Prog. |Paid Prog. Secrets (cc) |Top lu-Homes ANPL Dog Show "Eukanuba Tournament of Champions 2002" (cc) Dog Show "Eukanuba Tournament of Champions 2004" Portland, Ore. 472-5800 The Critic I The Critic | |Duckman Jensen's Marina Captiva Island

SATURDAY AFTERNOON APRIL 17, 2004 12:00 12:30 A-Team Olympic Sports Legends-Gold Paid prog. Boxing Juan maz vs. Martin u Mailey Garden Old House Workshop Hometime Garden IMotorWeek Crossroad McLaughlin WashWk Wall Cagney & Lacey (cc) ^KT? Paid Prog. IPaidProg! Scope IPaid Prog. f MCI Heritage - Third Round. (Live) (cc) WWE Bottom Line (S) Iker, Texas Ranger |She Spies (S) (cc) I Star Trek: Voyager (cc) NHL Hockev: Stars at Avalanche. Red Winas at Predators or Devils at rivers

Andromeda (N) (S) (cc) MLB Baseball Cincinnati Reds at Cubs. (Live) (S) (cc) Trading Spaces (cc) While You Were Out For Better or for Worse In a Fix "Half and Halt Martha Contessa Roker s Horsing Around

nM i ii f I mil ail t ill [.» Hrsepwer ITrucks! (S) mis Just In | Real TV (S) Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Star Trek: Deep Space 9 DAILY me Rock h aiufinl \t/rKHinrhntf \ an tint, rnnrl l.OIl SI'FCRJS cm/f\c and ci />;•/< ale club \i'//r/'iy Spring! Gardeners Decorating Designers Nicktoon Nicktoon IM AY Tl IF CROWN. Lilo Stitch Lilo Stitch MTV's Marital Blitz IN) Real World Real World Real World Osbournes

The Pooes. The Leoacy of Peter (cc)

M*mf II Wake Forest at North Carolina State. (Live) a at Mississippi State. (Live) CROWN COLONY ATP Tennis | Lightning 2003 WNBA Draft (cc) (,OI 1 (1 L'K Disney cruise Line (cc) Cruise Snip Secrets A Joey Called Jack tec) [Amazing White Chimp Jeff Corwin Experience Crocodile Hunter Diaries II I. f !••••••••••• iiii i ' mi i i Ti r i i mi II i III iiiniii T

Mi iiilKi-.lii]>s i\ nt 11IIC i,ill •>'») 4u 11 S .IHll it I I.I I'l I m SIllfJLM Infilling Ulll.tllJl illJlllt '6 'Weekof AprfVil5-'2f;20d4 6' 17 SATURDAY PRIME TIME APRIL 17, 2004 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 C2] NBC News NBC News A-Team Challenge Dateline NBC (S) (cc) The Apprentice (S) (cc) News Sat. Night CU PBS Find! (cc) Expression Lawrence Welk Show Antiques Roadshow (N) Time Goes JFawttyJT. Keeping Up (Summer EastEnders EastEnders ("41 FOX Friends Seinfeld (S) Raymond Seinfeld (S) Cops (N) ICops (cc) America's Most Wanted News (cc) Mad TV (N) (S) (cc) 15) CBS News (cc) CBS News Hot Ticket Edition Movie: * * t$ss QfflflSntatity (2600) (S) The District (N) (S) (cc) News (cc) Livin' Large [6} WB Stargate SG 1 "Frozen" 70s Show King Movie: *-*•• $kD$mee$afSepa{3tlgn{i883} WISSirth (Blind Date Elimidate (N (cc) LTY ••© C7J ABC Ebert ABC News News (cc) Hollywood Wo^i-k"44'Tlt^'(Mmtvf^ebK)$t2O$')){PA)(BiW!tMftftsWf}fS){€s) "' ' News (cc) Providence 04) HBO Movie: ••* Drumgm{2H®2)0ickGantm}{S} Mtovte:** mast of $ta& (2003) . jMan Chris Rock: Never Scarec (N) (cc) Sopranos (23) WGN Home Imp. | Cosby Fresh Pr. | Fresh Pr. Mewls; *-*•& Bamim (1989) ffprk $«*s? WGN News at Nine (cc) Fresh Pr. Oragon (24) TLC Trading Spaces: Family While You Were Out Trading Spaces (cc) Trading Spaces (N) Trading Spaces: Home Trading Spaces (cc) 128) FOOD $40-a-Day | Olivers Foodnation Festivals Pie Recip Cont. American Pie Cook-Off Iron Chef 21st Century B:ittle (30) VH1 100 Celeb Moments 100 Celeb Moments 100 Celeb Moments 100 Celeb Moments 100 Celeb Moments Top Jens I Driven (S) (32) TNN Movie:** GtmecttSCbong'sNmt Movie ($) Ride | Ride Extreme | Extreme WWE Velocity (N) (cc) WWE Confidential M ( LIMD-PS [33] E! E! News Weekend Daryl Hannah Supermodels: E! True HoJywood Story Anna Bares All Wild On... (El CNBC Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Tim Russert The Suze Orman Show The Suze Orman Show Tim Russert The Suze Orman Show C41] LIFE gy&fy Mother MM*: s»» mmsM{tsm, DmmaHShtmeriBe 1-800-Missing (cc) (42] HGTV Collector Flea Mkt Room Country Sensible Decorating Mission Designers' Design Design Home Smart (44 NICK Nicktoon Nicktoon Drake SpongeBob Grown Up Romeo! (N) All That (S) Amanda Cosby Cosby Roseanne Roseanne l.iinlvi k 145] DISN Even Sister, Sis. So Raven Lizzie Pocatmnfas S-Nem: Idfejrf Kim Barbarian So Raven Kim Proud Lliukei (48] MTV Room Rdr Room Rdr Pimp Ride Pimp Ride Band II | Band II Real World Real World Famous Famous MTV's Marital Blitz (S) [49] TNT [5:00) Movier Hard to MH Hovie: *» UnderSi®m2: Movie: ••* ftomm tfuet Die (2BB0) (Jet IJ} Pmmeiit. iRm Down LISTINGS (50) A&E IBS Horror Stories (cc) City Confidential (cc) American Justice Cold Case Files (cc) City Confidential (cc) Crossing Jordan (S) (ct * It's Ail Here * (52) USA $ik Days, Smeo Nights Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Nashville Star "Duets" Law Order Cl (53 AMC fS;30) Mov»; ** * Vm fern's Express (1985} Movis;- **** fttttoe (t9M BiegrmW meorm G, Sm Kartimtem} : |8*&es-ff C57J SUN College Baseball [College Baseball Florida State at Miami. (Live) IThor'bred | Boxing: Barr vs. Mkrtchian (58) ESPN To Be Announced |To Be Announced [62] TBS Home Imp. Friends (S) |MLB Baseball Florida Marlins at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. JJovte: * * *x Prmammi tmocmt {1890) isc} • (66) TRAV World Poker Tour Atlantic City, N.J. (cc) Kings of the Road (N) (Great Outdoors (cc) Ends of the Earth (cc) Kings of the Road (68) ANPL Most Extreme: Gluttons World Gone Wild Big Cat Diary (Nj Wild Kingdom Big Cat Diary CO) COM Mad TV (S) (cc) Mad TV (S) (cc) Reno 911! [Reno 911! |Chappeile's |Chappelle's Man Show |Man Show Yankers Yankers (77] SHOW JMDoaor im$6:***%l^mit${mMt$imy!®im>} HSBI-AteftwafLampoon's Vmmmr Queer as Folk (iTV) (cc) Queer Queer C82] MAX Wo\te:+-*mMmtitYRmftf2ffi?}

100 Greatest Stand-Ups 100 Greatest Stand-Ups Queer jVHMnside (:15)JSoul Food (iTV) (; ; 6 DEATHS DAYTIME MORNING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Edward Sailer CO NBC News Today Pyramid Pyramid Fam. Feud Fam. Feud CO PBS Capitol | Stretch Sagwa Arthur Sesame Street Mr Rogers [Barney Boohbah Varied Programs Sanibel resident and realtor Edward Sailer passed away GO FOX News Lightning Sailr Moon Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. Starting Over Maury Ricki Lake Friday, April 2, 2004 on the island. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., CsJ CBS News |News News The Early Show The Wayne Brady Show Ellen DeGeneres Show. The Price Is Right the son of Eugene and Hilda Sailer, he was 72 at the time of (A) WB The Daily Buzz The Daily Buzz The Daily Buzz Paid Prog. jPaidProg^ Sabrina |Spin City Justice jHatchett m ABC News Good Morning America Regis and Kelly Martha Stewart Living The View his death On June 12, 1954 in Wellsville, N.Y. he married 04) HBO Movie Varied Movie Varied Proqrams (:15) Movie Varied Programs (:15) Movie | Varied Joan Esther Jacobs, who predeceased him on March 19,2003. (23) WGN Feed J.Meyer Changing Believers Justice Hillbillies Hillbillies Hap Days Matlock IntheHeatoftheNiqht m TLC Animal Jam Brum Save-Ums! Hi-5 Peep Bus Baby Story Baby Story Wedding Wedding Dating Dating Ed grew up in Long Island. He attended Alfred Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Ultimate Saras Saras Food 911 Hot Off-Grill University, where he met his wife to be, and graduated with m FOOD m VHI Jump Start Varied Programs Fresh Fab Life Varied a degree in Ceramic Engineering. He was a member of the (32) TNN Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. IPaidProq. | Paid Prog. Paid Prog. I Paid Proq. Baywatch Baywatch MacGyver Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity. SI) E! Bloomberg Television Varied Programs m CNBC (5:00) Wake-Up Call Squawk Box Morning Call Morning Call He spent the greater part of his working life in Wappingers SD LIFE Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fit & Lite Workout Suddenly Designing Golden The Nanny Golden The Nanny Laverne Laverne Falls, N.Y. working for IBM. In the early '70s he earned an 3D HGTV Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Journal Solutions TIPical Quilts Duvall Duvall Room Room Country Homes (44) NICK News Hey Arnold! Oddparents Rocket Rugrats SpongeBob Max Ruby Rubbadub Dora BluesClues Dora BluesClues MBA from Union College and, in 1980, moved with his fam- (45) DISN Pooh Bear JoJo Stanley Wiggles JoJo Wiggles Stanley RoliePolie- Rolie Polie Out-Box PB&J Otter ily to Paris, France where he enjoyed travel, meeting new (43) MTV MTV Video Wake-Up MTV Hits MTV Spec Varied people, and the French culture. He retired from IBM shortly @9) TNT Pensacola-Winq The Lost World The Pretender | Charmed ER ER m A&E Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Varied Programs Movie Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote after returning to the United States and moved to Sanibel [52) USA Single Single Martin |JAG Varied I Movie Varied Programs | Movie Varied Programs where he began a very successful second career in real estate [531 AMC Movie Varied Programs :15) Movie Varied Programs (:15) Movie | Varied and became very well known in the community. S3 SUN Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Public Affr Public Affr | Public Affr Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Varied Proqrams (58) ESPN SportsCtr. Varied SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCtr. Varied SportsCenter SportsCenter His passions included traveling, and playing racquetball. (52) TBS Mama Mama Saved-Bell Saved-Bell Movie Dawson's Creek Dawson's Creek "In fact," his old friend Peggie Dodd said, "Ed died right (55J TRAV Paid Prog. Varied Paid Prog.. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. Epicurious Chefs Varied Programs Gr. Hotels Gr. Hotels after playing racquetball with Bob Thompson, a friend of m ANPL ZooVenture Champions Petsburgh Petsburgh The Pet Psychic Rescues Adoption That's My That's My Pet Story Pet Story (TO) COM Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog^_ Paid Prog. Movie Daily Show Varied Programs Stand Ups many, many years, on the racquetball court at the Signal Inn 173 SHOW ;:15) Movie Varied Programs (:15) Movie Varied — which is where I met him while I was working as a part- [82) MAX Movie | Varied Programs Movie time back-up manager when the real managers were on (S3) TMC (5:40) Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs vacation or taking a day off." "Ed was a very honest, forthright man who spoke his mind," Thompson said. "And he went out a winner... he DAYTIME AFTERNOON won that last game we played, and we'd played racquetball 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 CD NBC News Days of Our Lives Passions Dr. Phil News News News for over 10 years... I really appreciated that. [_3J PBS Varied Programs |Teletubbies Lions ILibertys Reading | Dragon Cyberchase Arthur Clifford Zoom "He also knew what was important. His wife Joan was [_4J FOX Good Day Live lOsbourne Show Maury On Air Ryan Simpsons King of Hill Friends Will-Grace an artist, a painter. She had inoperable brain cancer, but Ed L5J CBS News Young and the Restless Bold & B. As the World Turns Guiding Light Oprah Winfr ay News News Cfc] WB Ripley Ripley 5th Wheel Paid Prog. Varied Programs Astro Boy IStatic Pokemon Yu-Gi-Oh! Roseanne Roseanne was devoted to her — you might say, kept her alive for four ,[7j ABC Living It Up! Ali & Jack All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Brown Brown Judqe Judy Judge Judy years. He even planned a party for her 70th birthday, as sick ICffl HBO (11:15) Movie Varied Programs as she was, arranged everything. He was that kind of guy." (23) WGN Rockford Files News In the Heat of the Niqht Varied Programs | Fresh Pr. (24) TLC Makeover | Makeover Sec Chanc Proposal Wedding Wedding Baby Story Baby Story Trading Spaces While You Were Out Ed will be missed by his both family and friends, with [28) FOOD Varied Programs Calling Best Of Food Finds Minute Food 911 Molto Mario Emeril |Saras Varied Programs whom he greatly enjoyed spending time, and will be (30) VH1 Varied Programs remembered for his powerful personality, positive atti- sa TNN 7 Days IStar Trek: Next Gener. |Star Trek: Next Gener. Varied Programs 03) E! E! News | Varied Programs Star-Makeovers Star-Makeovers Star-Makeovers tude, and generous nature. BS CNBC Power Lunch Street Signs Closing Bell Closinq Bell Kudlow & Cramer Survivors include one son — Richard Sailer of Florida; [40 LIFE Golden The Nanny Unsolved Mysteries Movie Any Day Now Strong Medicine two daughters — Linda Enders and her husband, Kenneth, [42) HGTV Small Spc Sensible Decorating Curb Mission Design Design {Designers' Home | Designing Outer If Wails [44] NICK Little Bill Maggie Max Ruby Dora Rugrats Rugrats Varied Programs SpongeBob Amanda of Texas and New York, and Janet Thorn and her husband, f45) DISN Koala Bro Wiggles JoJo Stanley Pooh House House | Recess jLilo Stitch Recess Kim Proud Heico, of Florida; four grandchildren — Kory and Kyra 3D MTV MTV Spec Varied Programs Room Rdr TRL 09 TNT Judging Amy Law & Order NYPD Blue NYPD Blue Judging Amy Angel Enders, and Chelsea and Nicholas Thorn; two nieces — S3 A&E City Confidential American Justice Movie Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote Betty Rector and Carol Throm; and one nephew—William (52) USA Movie IVaried JAG Varied Programs Throm. In addition to his wife, Sailer was predeceased by S3 AMC (11:15) Movie Varied Movie IVaried Programs I Movie IVaried Proqrams |(:45) Movie S3 SUN Varied Programs one sister, Irma Throm. (58) ESPN Outside Baseball Varied Programs NFL Live Varied Programs Horn Interruption Services, were held in Belmont, N.Y. with burial in (62) TBS Saved-Bell Saved-Bell Cosby Cosby Cosby | Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. Steve H. Harvey_ \0rew Carey Drew Carey Home Imp. Forest Hills'Cemetery in Belmont. Contributions in Sailer's SS TRAV Packing Varied Epicurious Chefs Varied Programs Gr. Hotels Packing Varied Proqrams (68) ANPL Emergency Emergency Rescues Adoption That's My |That'sMy Animal Animal Animal Miracles Emergency |Emerqency memory may- be made to the "Ding" Darling Wildlife Cro) COM Stand Ups Late Night Varied Mad TV Varied Programs Movie 100 Greatest Stand-Ups Society. A memorial service will be held at the Sanibel (23SHOW Movie (:35) Movie Varied Programs Movie varied Community Church on Saturday, April 24 at 10 a.m. (82) MAX (:05) Movie Varied Programs (:45) Movie Varied —AWB [83) TMC Movie Varied Programs Thomas Lathers Musgrave, Sr. Thomas L. Musgrave, 67, of Sanibel, formerly of MONDAY PRIME TIME APRIL 19, 2004 Strongsville, Ohio, died Monday, April 5, 2004. Tom was 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 born March 27, 1937 in Parma, Ohio, son of the late Fear Factor (N) (S) (cc) Las Vegas (N) (S) (cc) The Restaurant (S) (cc) Thomas Fife and Anna Mae Musgrave. Tom was a gradu- Antiques Roadshow American Experience Martin Luther (S) (cc) Charlie Rose (N) (S) (cc) Bernie Mac Bernie Mac The Swan (N) (S) (cc) ate of Parma High School and Ohio University. He retired Raymond |Two Men CSI: Miami "The Oath" in 1991 after 26 years with Motorola. He was a veteran of Everwood "Sick" (N) (S) Blind Date |Elimidate Drew Carey Dharma the U.S. Marine Corps, a member of the VFW Post 3345 of News (cc) ABC News Entertain Extra (N) News (cc) INightline Oh the Record (S) (cc) Real Sports (S) (cc) Strongsville, Ohio and the American Legion 123 of Home Imp. IwiilGrace Will-Grace I Home Imp. WGN News at Nine (cc) Becker(S) |Becker (S) Sanibel. He was also a 32nd degree Mason. Extreme Plastic Surgery Trauma: Life in the ER Minute | Martha Good Eats lUnwrapped Unwrapped lUnwrapped Top 5 (N) Top 5 He is survived by his loving wife, Carolyn (nee Durr) of Robbing the Cradle (S) Fabulous Life Of... (S) Red Carpet Best Week Plastic Surgery Secrets Sanibel, his children Thomas (Susan) Musgrave of Hrsepwer |Hrsepwer Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Star Trek: Next Gener. |WWE Raw (N) (S) (cc) This Just In Stripperella Greenfield, IN, Heather-deceased (William) Wido of Avon, High Price of Fame EiNewsMIGoodtoBe Supermodels: E! True Hollywood Story | High Price of Fame (N) Howard S. Howard S. OH, Kelly (Roy) Martin of North Royalton, OH, Peggy The News on CNBC jThe Apprentice (Season Finale) (S) (cc) The News on CNBC The Nanny The Nanny (Charles) Kelley of Findley, OH; his grandchildren Taylor, Decorating Mission Designers Jessica, Emily, Nicholas, Morgan, Christopher, Aaron, Oddparents Sabrina

Robert, Maggie, Mark, Matthew, and Jonathan; and his sis- MTV Spec Famous Real World Real World Famous | Famous | MTV Spec ter, Judith Mancini of Hollywood, FL. Law & Order Savages NBA Basketball First Round -- Teams to Be Announced, (cc) NBA Basketball: First Round Memorials should be made to Sanibel Beautification, City Confidential (cc) Biography -Tract Lords" Airline (cc) |Third Watch (S) (cc) Box 1011, Sanibel, FL 33957. A memorial service will be held April 24,2004 at 2 p.m. SportsJam lACCLive ISportsTalk (Live) Boxing World Class Championship, (Taped) or League Wrestling : at the Sanibel Community Church, and will be followed by SportsCenter (Live) (cc) Conference Quarterfinal Game 7 - Teams TBA Baseball Tonight (cc) SportsCenter (Live) (cc) • Home Imp. | Seinfeld (S) Seinfeld (S) a celebration of life reception. Secrets of Zion & Bryce Secrets (cc) Secrets of Zion & Bryce fhe Crocodile Hunte World Gone Wild (N) Cell Dogs "Kit Carson Animal Cops Houston In loving memory of Joel J. Brown Daily Show |Mad TV (S) fee) South Park South Park Who passed from Melanoma on April 6, 2004 at the young age of 20 years old. His family was amazed by his quiet strength and dignified manner in which he calmly faced his last and greatest trial. Joel along with brother Jeff and mother Cyndy lived on TUESDAY PRIME TIME APRIL 20, 2004 Sanibel from 1995 - 2002. He worked at Jerry's Grocery & 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00110:30 11:00 11:30 the Island Cinema. The family volunteered time helping the CB NBC News NBC News Fortune Jeopardy! Whoopi (S) Frasier (S) Frasier (N) Scrubs (N) Law & Order News Tonight World ShareProgram, which packaged and delivered food CD PBS News Business News-Lehrer Nova World in the Balanc}"(N)(S)(cc) Water's Journey Charlie ROSE (N) (S) (cc) to Islanders in need. 4J FOX Friends (S) Will-Grace Raymond Seinfeld (S) (iTV) (cc) 24 (N) (S) (CC) News (cc) Seinfeld Frasier tn CBS News (cc) CBS News Millionaire Edition Navy NCIS (S) (cc) The Guardian (S) (cc) Judging Amy (S) (cc) News (cc) Late Show Joel attended Cypress Lake Middle and Graduated from C6) WB KinjL King 70s Show '70s Show Gilmore Girls (N) (cc) One Tree Hill (N) (cc) Blind Date [Elimidate Drew Carey Dharma Cypress High in 2003. CZJ ABC News (cc) ABC News Entertain Extra (N) 8 Rules \m With Jim Jim NYPD Blue (N) (cc) News {cc) Nightline (14) HBO BdWK-^lfcn The Sopranos (S) (cc) Joel and his friends (while at Sanibel Elementary) (23) WGN wm^mmmmtHome Imp. | Will-Grace mammWill-Grace MoW;1«*S^»» «.:«»»*»» WGN News at Nine (cc) Becker(S) |Becker(S) enjoyed hanging out and playing swords in the woods and S9 TLC Clean Sweep (cc) In a Fix (cc) Rides Overhauiin' N) Spymaster (N) Rides coming home at least twice a month with poison ivy. You f28) FOOD Minute I Martha Good Eats Unwrapped Emeril Live Roker Rd Foodnation Food Finds Festivals Iron Chef 'Potato- C30D VH1 Sibling vs. Sibling (S) Red Carpet Top Jens VH1 Divas 2004 Las Vegas. (S) Driven (S) Hot Couples 2 (S) could always find Joel sitting alone just drawing he was a (32) TNN Oblivious lOblivious Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Star Trek: Next Gener. Oblivious |Oblivious Oblivious |Oblivious Extreme Extreme natural at it. Anime was his strongest area of interest. His [33) E! Star-Makeovers E! News (N)|Love Chain Uma Thurman Tipping Point Infamous (N) Howard S. Howard S. goal was to go to art college and then move to Tokyo, Japan [33 CNBC Bullseye (cc) Capital Report (cc) The News on CNBC Dennis Miller (N) Cover to Cover The News or CNBC SB LIFE Golden Golden The Nanny The Nanny Golden Golden mm.mg& Golden Golden and and work as an illustrator. @2| HGTV Building Landscapr Curb House Outer Sensible Decorating Design Designers' Designers' Home Design His memorial service will be April 20, 2004 at 6 PM at (44) NICK U-Pick (S) U-Pick (S) Rugrats (S) SpongeBob Oddparents Sabrina Full House Full House Cosby Cosby Roseanne Roseanne Myerlee Country Club/ Dining Room at 1380 Myerlee m DISN Even Sister, Sis. Sister, Sis. Lizzie Recess (S) Sister, Sis. Boy World Kim Proud [48| MTV MTV's Marital Blitz (S) Direct Effect (S) lIlTVSpecial (S) Real World Real World The Real Osbournes Osbournes Famous Country Club Blvd. in Fort Myers S3 TNT Charmed (S) (cc) Law & Order (cc) (DVS) NBA Basketball First Round - Teams to Be Announced, (cc) NBA Basketball: First Round Cyndy Brown's employer and friend, Beth Traucht of (50) A&E City Confidential (cc) American Justice Biography "Stars of |Cold Case Files (N) (cc) (Third Watch ^ (cc) Floral Artistry has graciously set up a charitable account for S3 USA Walker, Texas Ranger JAG rs; (cc) (DVS) ilitWatmraaMiiilliiliWsAriyn'^ m AMC the Brown family to help cover medical expenses. (57) SUN Fins TV IGolf IColleqe Softball Bethune-Cookman at Florida. ISportsTalk GatorZone I College Football: Florida Memorial Donations may be sent to: m ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (cc) |NHL Hockey: Conference Quarterfinal Game 7 - Teams TBA Baseball Tonight (cc) SportsCenter (Live) (cc) Sanibel Captiva Community Bank Masse? ^mrifm?vwii^vffn [66) TRAV Secrets (cc) World's Best (cc) 1 National Parks Made |Made Road Trip (N) National Parks c/o Joel Brown Family m ANPL The Crocodile Hunter Animal Kid 1 Animals [Subtle as a Serpent Venom ER (N) Animal Cops Houston Subtle as a Serpent 2475 Library Way, Sanibel Fl 33957 CO) COM 100 Greatest Stand-Ups Daily Show |Mad TV (S) (cc) lYankers Insomniac [South Park Chappelle's lYankers Daily Show |Tough Craig Albert or Mary Griswold would be glad to assist you. 472-6100. ISLAND REPORTER • Week of April 15-21, 2004 • 19 Dunes Men's Dunes 18-Hofe Golf Association Women's Golf • Super Skins "Swing Into Spring: A Garden f'arty" was the April 2nd theme April 7 of the 16th annua! Dunes Women's Golf Association's Beadwiew Women's Member/Guest Tournament. (Ihaired by Barbara Cassavell A FLIGHT and her energetic committee, the 90 participants enjoyed a WilfMannion #7,S ,16,17 $56. Golf Association day of perfect weather (though a bit windy), fun golf and a April 7, 2004 Jim Bradford #1 $14/ea. ' real "garden party" luncheon in the outdoor Dunes Pavillion. Bob Rohl #2 A Blind Hole event was played by the ladies of Anthony Burke #5 1st Place Net Score Beachview Women's Golf Association on Wednesday, Gib Warren #8 Nancy McConnell April 7, 2004. 9 holes were randomly picked for the Dewey Tate #15 Susan Scott (Guest) 54 18 hole players and 5 holes were randomly picked for the 9 hole players. Half of each player's handicap B Flight 2nd Place was used to calculate the net score. Roy Broderson #7,10 $28. Helen Sullivan Peg Royse shot a 30 to capture first place in the 18 Al Cross #11 $14/ea. Lee Gurr (Guest) 54 hole group. Mary |ane Proctor shot a 31.5 for a close Fred Broderson #14 3rd Place second place. Among the 9 hole golfers, both Ginny Ken Grosse #15 Mary Ann Czarnecki O'Neil and Sally Gillett shot a 15.5, with a score card Don Weymouth #17 Shirley Ford (Guest) 56 playoff determining Ginny O'Neil to be the winner Bob Kent #18 and Sally Gillett taking second place. 4th Place C Flight Jana Stone Stan Hirschfeld #4 $14/ea. Mary Khosh (Guest) 56 Bruce McLaughlin #11 Max Friedersdorf #15 5th Place Beachview Carolyn Wood Men's Golf Association D Flight Sue Tray (Guest) 56 John Green #11,17 $28. 6th Place 2 person scramble • April 3 Bud Alberston #1 $14/ea. Peter Perkins #3 Joan Secrest 57 1st place 48.4 Phil Pilibosian #7 Diane Smith (Guest) - Jack Harrington and Pat McGuffin Bob Sultar #8 7th Place Fred Gobel #10 nd Tanya Hochschild 2 Place 50.9 Bob Louwers #13 Diane Metz (Guest) 57 Cort Meader and Ken Karasin Jack Gans #18 3rd Place 51.6 8th Place Dan Seaward and Bob Cushman Sonya Gans Dunes Men's Allison Matsik (Guest) 58 9th Place Better ball tournament • April 6 Golf Association Kenene Weymoth 1st place 52 Memorial Shootout Tournament April Avis Amundson (Guest) 58 Don Hummel, John Moores 6 10th Place Al Krause, Ken Karasin Grethe Christensen A FLIGHT C Flight Espe Kontinos (Guest) 59 2nd place 56 Tony Burke Bill Sadd, Joe Hoffmann, Doug Tudhope Ed Defabio, Bert Zheutlin B Flight D Flight 3rd place 56 Jack Czarnecki Art Leman Bill Steli, Jack Shea Sanibel-Captiva Dave Bugby — Grand Seniors — Youth

WEDNESDAY PRIME TIME APRIL 21, 2004 jfE ••;...: 1 Baseball & 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00110:30 11:00 11:30 (33 NBC News NBC News Fortune Jeopardy! Outrageous Live TV The West Wing (N)Jcc) Law & Order "Vendetta" News Tonight Softball (33 PBS News Business News-Lehrer Great Performances P.O.V. "Love & Diane" (N)S) ( (cc) Charlie Rose (N) (S) (cc) S3 FOX Friends (S) Will-Grace Raymond SeinfeldJSj 70s Show | Idol The O.C. "The Shower" News (cc) Seinfeld Frasier CS3 CBS News (cc) CBS News Millionaire Edition 60 Mimrtes II fSHcc; King | The Stones 48 Hours Investigates News (cc) Late Show ED WB King King 70s Show 70s Show Smallville -Truth" (N) (S) Angel "Origin" (N) (cc) Blind Date Elimidate Drew Carey Dharma (73 ABC News (cc) ABC News Entertain Extra IN) My Wife | My Wife The Bachelor (N) (cc) Extreme Makeover (N) News (cc) Nightline m HBO m&\ M®mi MMe (Si (met(mamsms»i '....The Sopranos IS! (ecl On the Record (Sj (cc) Deadwood (S) (cc) \ m WGN Home Imp. IWMI-Gcace Will-Grace |Home Imp. Movie; -kid Oigswiasf?,mi fKWctosfesj • ' WGN News at NineJceL Becker (S) J Becker (Sj | m TLC Clean Sweep (cc) In a Fix (cc) What Not to Wear Clean Sweep (N) Trading Spaces: Home What Not to Wear US FOOD Minute |Martha Good Eats | Unwrapped Emeril Live Good Eats IGoodEars Jamie's Kitchen Iron Chet "Duck" l m VHI Fabulous Life Of... (S) Stewiei *** We 8t»e 8mttim {fSSS} {Mrt Bomi, tsmfykxwi} (§} Driven (S) Fab Life Top Jens m TNN RealTVjSJ |RealTVfSj Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Star Trek: Next Gener. teovte *•* Tim temimt&{W84) {8} ftx$ Ride Ride Commissioner Celeb. Assist. E!News(7Vj|GoodtoBe High Price of Fame Anna Bares All Barbi Twins; THS Howard S. Howard S. m us E! @a CNBC Bullseye (cc) Capital Report (cc) The News on CNBC j Dennis Miller (N) Cover to Cover The News on CNBC Dick Muench (3D LIFE Golden Golden The Nanny The Nanny Golden Golden Jifavte:, A ,iOW). „' Pirates Indians S3 SUN Thor'bred | ATP Tennis College Baseball Florida at Florida State. (Live) Countdwm . n Cheerleading: All-Star |FHSAA Cubs Angels 10 - 7 m ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (cc) MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Houston Astros. (Subject to Blackout! Baseball Tonight (cc) |SportsCenter (Live) (cc) PhiHies Blue Jays 7 -15 m TBS Home Imp. |SeinfeldJS^ Seinfeld (S) jFriends fS) Seinfeld (Sj (Seinfeld (S± Seinfeld (SjJSeinfeld (Sj Seinfeld (SJpSVfei **-*»» Btiyi N the Hoq±j^_lA m TRAV Great National Parks World's Best ice) Denali National Park World Poker Tour Tunica,Miss. (N) Denali National Park Dodgers Cardinals 13 -12 m ANPL The Crocodile Hunter Animal Kid Animals Most Extreme: Builders The Crocodile Hunter Di Animal Cops Houston Most Extreme: Builders Red Blue 17 -21 m COM 100 Greatest Stand-Ups Daily Show Mad TV (S) (cc) |Yankers Insomniac (South Park South Park |Chappelles Daily Show Tgh Crwd (73 SHOW (j.15) Wowie: *•* Swimming wm Sharks (199$). Movie; Coast to Gaast ffm) (Plohmti pfgytuss) Soul Food (iTV) (N) (cc) Decisions Named Sue Pink Yellow 6 -10 SI MAX (3SS5 Movie: * *% &>wu Sugar 002} (S) {aa}..:: Mevis: My BsFM&eek Wedding. Quality m*W. * Just Married (2003) (St Total Horn m TMC {$$$} Movie: **s fiaedfs \imi) {Bruce »»# Stefte: *** Mm W0)$iQati${$) (AS) Mwis:-**s Whan a jtfen tows a Woman ft$94) ($). Standings for week ending April 10 Major League Wins Losses THURSDAY PRIME TIME APRIL 22, 2004 Rockies 6 1 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Astros 5 3 CB NBC News NBC News Fortune Jeopardy! Friends (N) Friends (S) Will-Grace Scrubs IN) (9:59) ER (N) (S) (cc) News Tonight (3D PBS News Business News-Lehrer New This Old Ballykissangel (S)_[cc) Frontline (N) (S) (cc) Charlie Ross (N) (S) (cc) Giants 4 3 33 FOX Friends (S) Will-Grace Raymond Seinfeld (S) Tru Calling (N) (S) (cc) The Swan (S) (cc) News (cc) Seinfeld (S) Frasier (Sj__ Yankees 3 5 CB CBS News (cc) CBS News Millionaire Edition Survivor: All-Stars (N) (S)CSI: Crime Sen Without a Trace (S) (cc) News (cc) Late Show CB WB King King 70s Show "70s Show Big Time [Like Family ExperimentJExperiment Blind Date | Elimidate Drew Carey Dharma Marlins 1 7 CB ABC News (cc) ABC News Entertain Extra (N) Makeover: Home Kingdom Hospital Primetime Thursday News (cc) Nightline m HBO JSJ4S) Movie: *•* Batma, Bovfcs; •*** Identity &XX%1$} '• • IChris Rock: Never Scared (S) (cc) Taxicab Confessions Minor League Wins Losses ga WGN Home Imp. | Will-Grace Will-Grace | Home Imp. MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Chicaqo White Sox. (Live) (S) (cc) WGN News | Becker (S) Tigers 4 0 m TLC Clean Sweep (cc) In a Fix (cc) Spymaster Area 51: Fact or Fiction Bermuda Tri. Spymaster m FOOD Minute (Martha Good Eats |Unwrapped Emeril Live Food Finds (Recipe Festivals | Best Of Iron Chef Pirates 3 2 ® VH1 100 Celeb Moments* 100 Celeb Moments 100 Celeb Moments 100 Celeb Moments Driven "Janet Jackson" Behind the Music "TLC" Indians 3 2 aa TNN Extreme (Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Ext Elimination This Just In Strigperelta S3 E! Hollywood Baby Boom E! News (N) Love Chain Daryl Hannah Demi Moore: The E! True Hollywood Story (S) (cc) Howard S. Howard S. Cubs 2 3 m CNBC Bullseye (cc) Capital Repc tX(cc) The News on CNBC Dennis Miller (N) | Cover to Cover The News on CNBC Angels 0 5 m LIFE Golden Golden The Nanny The Nanny Golden Golden Mavte\-IfoeQth®i-Womm(198B)»{MBk&tibett!f} ,- What Should You Do? aa HGTV Building Landscapr Curb House Weekend Landscapr Design Designers' House House Home Design SI NICK U-Pick (S) U-Pick (S) Rugrats ($) SpongeBob Oddparents Sabrina Full House Full House Cosby Cosby Roseanne Roseanne Girls Softball Wins Losses m DISN Even Sister, Sis. Sister, Sis. Lizzie Movies A Ring ot Bulks Uffl W Recess (S) Sister, Sis. BoyJWorld Kim Proud Dodgers 4 1 m MTV Diary (N) Pimp Ride Direct Effect (SI MTV Special (S) Band II Band If Band II Pimp Ride Room Rdr Real World aa TNT Charmed (S) (cc) Law & Order (cc) (DVS) NBA Basketball First Round - Teams to Be Announced, (cc) NBA Basketball: First Round Blue Jays 3 2 as A&E City Confidential (cc) American Justice Cold Case Files (cc) | Elizabeth Smart: Home |Third Watch (S) (cc) Cardinals 2 3 82 USA Walker, Texas Ranger' JAG "Friendly Fire"(S) Law & Order (Movie: *•;• Bk} Dgtkfy {1993} (Attam Samtler) (oc) {DV$i I$er6wed m AMC (SjSOjMtsfe •**# C&l($-22'(i97Q) (At&n Arkin} Movie;-** D.OA. {.tSSSKCtews Guild) fed Movie:**** OrtSmy PSOpte'ifSDQ, Drama} Phillies 1 4 m SUN Thor'bred SEC TV |Florida Fishing Report Fishing [Sportsman Saltwater | Fishing Tarpon |ShipShape Florida Fishing Report SB ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (cc) NHL Hockey Conference Semifinal Game 1 -- Teams TBA Baseball Tonight (cC) SportsCenter (Live) (cc) Minor League Girl*s Wins ' Losses i@ TBS Home Imp. (Seinfeld (S) I Seinfeld (SiFriends (S) ttsvfer **• < Payback (1$S9) (PA) (Mel Gibson) :10) Stovie: * *•-. Payback f >9S9) /*fe? Gibson) . m TRAV Hidden Yosemite (cc) World's Sest (cc) Colorado: River Orient Express RV Cray! (cc) Colorado. River Blue 4 1 SS ANPL The Crocodile Hunter Animal Kki | Animals (Jeff Corwin Experience Most Extreme: Speed Animal Coas Houston Jeff Corwin Experience Yellow 4 1 (SI COM 10G Greatest Stand-Ups Daily Show Mad TV .'Si icc' Vankers Insomniac ! South Park Wan Si-o-v PJIsr Show Dc-Mv Shn/.- Tough : Red 1 4 aa SHOW J53Q) Movie-. * * hsi^ 'K-2; Movie: **•* o/ffiS'S i2032l iMeiGibt-cni cc. Penr S3 MAX The Srtrv.rg Stovie: ** r"(tin-,is F.i-V: p_ _• ._ Movie: * * Miiibus Moss Wv.-cd Movie. **' Ti,-uoea~(2S0,-•• -.2001): S,\:c) Movie: *** Ti'O AW-can President t935' 'S; Movis: *» 20 • Week of April 15 - 21, 2004 • ISLAND REPORTER island CLASSIFIEDS-(239)472-1587 ADVERTISE LOCALLY REACH YOUR TARGET CUSTOMER IN homes ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS: p §uri»nte M f «r Item h tarn 28 WORDS mi-sss

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Beach Bulletin Fort Myers Beach Observer SUPER SELLER PACKAGE The area's visitor and A circulation of over 14,000 in entertainment newspaper the San Carlos Island and Estero delivered every Friday . Island area every Wednesday In -.£*» ft

S.: Pt. Wyers, Lehigh, Sanitwl, Captiva, Ft. Myers Beach, Boca

The Pine Island Eagle Cape Coral Daily The Saturday Breeze Sanibel Captiva Islander Pine Island's only Breeze is delivered to 38,000 Delivered on Friday to community publication Reaching homes homes in Cape Coral every home and business with a distribution of in the Cape Coral every Saturday on Sanibel & Capflva over 7,000 PHOTOS BRING RESULTS! Community daily morning %t the advantage ati* reach your target customer fast w*l* the, «d#- an eye catching photo? Only

The Lehigh Acres Gasparilla Gazette CHECK US OUT ON THE WEB! Citizen Reaching over 4,000 Sanibel Captiva Reaching 7,000 homes in Boca Charlotte Shopper's Guide every Wednesday ' Grande and Shopping Guide Reaching over Gasparilla Island Published every 7,500 every Wednssday in Port ',.- '.* v" ' • Thursday Charlotte & Punta PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD IS FAST & EASY! Gorda Contact us by phone or fax. HOURS: Mon - Fri 8:30am-5pm • PHONE: (239) 472-1587 • FAX: (239) 472-8398 The Island Reporter & Captiva Current: 2340 Periwinkle Way • Sanibel, FL 33957

PERSONAL SERVICE FINANCIAL SERVICES GENERAL GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SALES HELP WANTED ACCIDENT VICTIM? INJURED? A SCASH NOWS PROGRAM. FL DISABLED? All accidents, injury, Company offers best cash now HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Looking for a wrongful death claims, nursing options. Have money due from ANNOUNCEMENT ****** Hiring REWARDING -home abuse claims. Auto- Bike- Settlements, Annuities, or For 2004/ Postal Positions CHALLENGE Bar- Condq- Shopping- Worker's Lotteries? Call (800) 774-3113. Federal Hire, $16.00 HELP WANTED: THE compensation. A-A-A Attorney www.ppicash.com $48.00+ /hr. Full Benefits/ Paid Marina Staff with The Breeze Corporation Referral Service (800) 733-5342 Training and Vacations. No Exp. Boating Experience, CAPE CORAL Publisher of over 24 HOURS CASH$$ Cash now for Structured energy & customer Settlements, Annuities and Necessary (866) 317- 0558 ext. DAILY BREEZE 24 Publications in the 305 service oriented. DIVORCE $175.-$275.* COVERS Insurance payouts. (800) 794- • Experienced Forklift Driver is accepting FL Myers/Cape Coral 1 children, etc. Only one signature 7310 J.G. Wentworth... J.G. ANNOUNCEMENT** NOW HIRING Marine Biologist RESUMES area, Seeks required! 'Excludes gov't. fees! Wentworth Means Cash Now For For 2004 Postal Jobs. $16.20- Shelling Expert for Cruises for a enthusiastic & Call Toll Free (888) 998-8888, ext. Structured Settlements $39.O0/hr. Paid Training. Full Trolley Driver with ambitious Outside 6Q0. (8am-8pm) Divorce TeGh. Benefits. No Exp. Nee. Green CDL Class C license FULL-TIME Established 1977 Cash For Structured Settlement/ Sales Professionals. Annuity payments. It's your Card OK. Call (866) 399-5718 Ext. Experienced NEWS Home Services Plus, home money! Get cash now when you 522 Grounds Keeping Staff REPORTER We offer: maintenance and repairs. Pool, need it most!,Oldest/ best in the Call •Base+ Commission lawn service. Three year warranty business.-Seftlement Purchasers. ADVENTURES IN PARADISE/ PORT SANIBEL MARINA GOOD OPPORTUNITY •Paid Vacation & on all repairs. Licensed ami (877) Money-Me COMMUNITY FOR RECENT GRADUATES Insured. Call now about our (239) 472-8443 Holidays PUBLICATION (239) 437-1660 OR REPORTERS WHO HAVE 401K Plan • Insurance discounts. 433-4056 PROVEN THEIR METTLE ON A Accepting resumes for Benefits •Incentive PREGNANT? CONSIDERING COMPETITIVE WEEKLY. reporter/photographer EXPERIENCE COVERING Programs »A GREAT ADOPTION? We can help! We INVESTORS WANTED for weekly business and retail specialize in matching families A GOVERNMENT BEAT PLACE TO WORK Enjoy offshore fishing. publication. Qualified HAIRSTYLISTS A PLUS. with birthmothers nationwide. applicants will be responsible, So if you are a TOLL FREE 24 hours a day (866) Looking for Investors SEND RESUME in Charter Boat self-sufficient and energetic- NAIL TECHS self-motivated team 921-0565. ONE TRUE GIFT able to set up appointments AND CLIPS TO: ADOPTIONS docked on Captiva. player who strives for Several options available. for interviews, take photos and EXECUTIVE EDITOR, ' excellence contact us! schedule stories. Layout CAPE CORAL Previous experience For further info call Don't blame me if (239) 574-9345. experience helpful but not DAILY BREEZE preferred, necessary if willing to learn. you are broke. P.O. BOX 151306 but not required. ANNOUNCEMENTS Busy Beauty Salon This is a full-time job with CAPE CORAL, FL Please send resume to: Alone?? Seniors Dating Bureau. benefits for the needs 33915-1306 Respected sinoe 1977H (Ages 50- BUSINESS right outgoing and stylists. FAX Group Manager at Breeze 90) 1-800- 922-4477 responsible person. Please call Newspapers OPPORTUNITIES (239) 418-7878, (239) 574-5693 OR E-MAIL TO 2510 Del Prado Blvd. $$$ FREE MONEY $$$ *** PUBLIC ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you leave message. ANNOUNCEMENT. Government/ Call Terry Blackmore at Swfnewsi @ Flguide.com Cape Coral, FL 33904 earn $800 in a day? Your own (239) 472-5185 Private grants available now! local candy route. Includes 30 Fax: (239) 574-3403 Guaranteed Success, free info. or Machines and Candy All for Renny Severance at EOE Call (800) 573-8555 Dept. J1435 $9,995. (800) 998-VEND. AIN# (239) 472-1587 8AM-11PM/7 Days RESTAURANT BO 2000033 or fax Complete curbing business!! 3/4 ton (239) 472-8398 HELP WANTED SALES HELP WANTED truck, 24Ft. trailer, mixer, curb or e-mail SKILLS & TRADES SCHOOLS/INSTRUCTION machine, necessary tools, phone [email protected] GREAT numbers, signage. New business BREAKFAST AND HELP WANTED Achieve Success! Florida growing too fast!! $50,000. some DINNER SERVERS OPPORTUNITYIH Metropolitan University. Career GET PAID TO SHOP Pose as BREAKFAST If you are a self starter, Driver Owner Operator solos and owner financing available (239) customers for store evaluations. Education In: Accounting, 945-0311 COOKS outgoing, friendly and Teams needed. Up to $1,500 sign Business. Computer Information Secret shoppers needed for local Money Motivated, on bonus. 'Detention paid after 2 stores, restaurants & theaters. BUSSERS Science, Criminal Justice, Health VENDING ROUTE! Coke/ Lays/ DISHWASHERS you should contact us today. hours with our. Owner ops Care, Legal. Ten locations state- Mars/ Water. Professional income Flexible hours. Email Required averaging $127,700 at 97cpm and equipment, financing (800) 585-9024 ext. 6111 DINNER COOKS We are now accepting wide! (800) 316-2096 Dept. 4175 applications for the loaded an empty last year) Call available w/ $7500 down. Can the Recruiting Hotline at (866) www.fmu.edu (877) 843-8726 no hype! BO GOVERNMENT and POSTAL WORK Sales Department 2002-037 207-5479 EARN YOUR DEGREE- Online JOBS *** PUBLIC IN THE MIDST at our Island Newspaper Group from home. Business, Paralegal, ANNOUNCEMENT. Now hiring OF A on beautiful Sanibel Island. The Computer, Networking and more. from $12-$48/hr. Full/ Part TROPICAL SETTING. candidate will sell & service Financial Aid, job placement positions. Benefits and training. existing accounts and cold call ANTIQUES assistance and computers DRIVERS For applications and info. (800) MORGAN'S FOREST tew business. So.... if you have a provided. Call Free (866) 858- Driver - COVENANT TRANSPORT. 573-8555 Dept. P- 335 8AM- RESTAURANT stable work record The Purple Place, Steuben Blue 2121 or Teams and Solos check out our 11PM/ 7- Days 1231 MIDDLE GULF DR. and are looking for an exciting Aurene Footed Bowl, Sterling www. new pay plan. Owner Operators, SANIBEL and rewarding career, Bowls, Serving Pieces, Heisey TidewaterTechOnline.com Experienced Drivers, Solos, (239) 472-4100 send us your resume today. "Orchid", "Crystolrte", Cambridge Teams and Graduate Students. Fax: (239) 472-8398 Epergnes, Kosta Boda crystal, HIGH SCHOOL. EARN your Call (888) MORE PAY (1-888- E-mail: [email protected] Waterford, 1940 Suwanee, Fort diploma at home in 6 months or 667-3729) _ Myers, Mon.—Sat 11a.m.—4p.m. less. Work at your own pace. 936-1572 Keep your present job. First Coast Drivers (TEAM OPERATION) GAIL SHIRLENE Academy. Free brochure. (800) $1000.00 Sign-On Bonus. We 658-1180. - have a lot to offer. Pierson/ Stuart/ 472-1587 www.fcahighschool.org Miami Terminals. Armellini Express Lines. (800) 428-0343 to place CLASSIFIEDS Get me (Email: [email protected]) your ad! job DONE! eoe m/f/d/v ISLAND REPORTER • Week of April 15 - 21, 2004 • 21 COLLECTIBLES GARAGE SALES GENERAL REAL GENERAL REAL CONDOS FOR SALE VACATION RENTALS Coin Collections Wanted. Nations SATURDAY, APRIL 17 ESTATE ESTATE Strongest Cash Buyer. We buy 8 a.m. - noon WATERFRONT CONDO everything. We Travel. American 11530 GORE BEAUTIFUL Rarities Coin Company. Free CAPTIVA PUNTA RASSA - POINTE-SANTO Information Packet. Call Mr. Zivi. Coffee and end tables, GLENN CARRETTA With viewtiful sunsets. GULF-FRONT . (800) 622-5680 Lamps, FOR SALE: and the Two Bedrooms, Two Baths. PENTHOUSE-CONDO. Pair rattan Chairs, BEAUTIFUL G. C. TEAM Screened Lanai 2-Bedrooms/2-Baths. King bedspreads. 4BR/4BA HOME and Screened lanai with Misc. IN THE PRESENTS.... Low Monthly Maintenance. spiral staircase to BUILDING SUPPLIES DESIRABLE WEST-END the best properties for sale private rooftop sundeck. OF SANIBEL SANIBEL Gorgeous sunrises/sunsets. Closet shelving, metal wire type, 12" Luxurious. wide, 90 ft. total, $49 all. 772-8625 Located in the THE ISLAND'S BEST HARBOURSIDE REALTY DOMESTIC AUTO SANIBEL BAYOUS (239)466-3313 Fully equipped. SAWMILL-$2,695.00- SUBDIVISION. KINZIE ISLANDS PRIZE Call Owner: LumberMate- 2000 & LumberLite- Large wrap-around TOWNHOME ON THE BEACH SANIBEL BIZ - Substantial savings. 24. Norwood Industries also WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE screened lanai. WITH BOAT DOCKAGE IT'S WHERE IT IS! (610) 664-2371 manufactures utility ATV Title or No Title: Large eat-in kitchen. 3/3-1/2 bath plus 2 car garage email: [email protected] attachments, log skidders, Trucks, Cars, Vans. An abundance of and workout room. Truly one portable board edgers and Cash paid for some. wildlife of the islands best properties forestry equipment. Seven days a week. frequents the bayou. Gulf front views from nearly OFFICE SPACE www. (239) 633-5080. Watch a variety of birds each room.Soaring cathedral CASA YBEL RESORT norwoodindustries.com Ask for Chris irom your lanal ceilings, open kitchen, 2700 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath -Free information: or leave message. and backyard. sf of living space. Proudly OCEAN FRONT (800) 578-1363 ext. 300-N Walk to Bowman's beach. presented for $2,395,000. PERIWINKLE PLACE FOR RENT OR SALE $649,000 BY OWNERS. Contact: THE SANCTUARY'S 667 sq. ft. (239) 368-6354 LES PENDLETON BEST VALUE Second floor space in www.Casaybel.com TOOLS & MACHINERY MOTORCYCLES & AMERICAN REALTY Over 2800 total square feet Park-like setting. Shopsmitri Mark V 520 pro, with belt OF CAPTIVA, INC. of luxury. 2 bedrooms, 2-1/2 Perfect for retail or office. sander, 4" jointer, 11" band saw, MOPEDS (800) 547-0127 baths plus den. Views of Nice view, ample parking, misc. accessories, and saw (239) 395-2490 lake, gulf and with a competitive rate. GULF-FRONT blades. A $5600.00 value for sale www.captiva-island.com sunsets.Corner condo with COMPLEX at $2,800.00. (239) 945-1512 KAWASAKI extra light! This luxury condo Call COURTYARD VIEW ELIMINATOR 2001. has features not found in any Ben Dahlmann Two Story Town Home 200 CC property on island at this (734) 769-2289 2.5 Bedrooms, KEEPS UP W/THE BIG BOYS!! price. 9' ceilings entry 2.5 Baths. LAWN & GARDEN FREE LAND LIST Georgia Coastal elevator - eat-in kitchen Sleeps Six. SHOWROOM CONDITION Properties. Deepwater access $2,800. corian kitchen. The laundry Large Screened Lanai EQUIPMENT CANDY APPLE RED lots. Starting @ 29,900. Call room is even lovely. REAL ESTATE DISTANT Swimming Pool. (877)- GA-OCEAN ext 81 Grand Designer furnished. $524,000 Indoor Garage. CALL AFTER 5PM. Opening! South Carolina 10 Excellent condition. Craftsman 6.0 CALL (239) 549-9506 Membership to the golf club BEAUTIFUL NORTH CAROLINA WEEKLY VACATION -wet/dry vacuum, $50. Remington is buyer's option. RENTALS electric tree trimmer, $45. Wheel SPRING IS HERE. WESTERN For sale by owner NC MOUNTAINS. MUST SEE. (812)882-2300 barrel, $15.' 6' folding table, $25. LUXURY CONDO Folding-captains chairs, $10 each. Homes, Cabins, Acreage, & www.cyprinabeachsanibel.com SAILBOATS JUST LISTED AT INVESTMENTS. Cherokee Folding-bar stools, $15 each. 481- GULFSIDE PLACE 1957 Mountain Realty MURPHY, N.C. A GREAT SAILBOAT!! Top floor unit with new granite Call for Free Brochure (800) 841 - IRWIN kitchen and baths. The gulf 5868. GULF PINES GETAWAY 34 FT., 1982 front views extend over the cherokeemountainrealty.com 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Delight. PLANTS & TREES HEAD & SHOWER, 18 acres of manicured Beach-Pool-Tennis Access. GALLEY. landscaping to the beautiful Grand Opening Land Sale! AVAILABLE MONTHLY: Oak Trees, 1000 available, 3inch + MAGELLAN GPS & gulf waters. Great FLORIDA 10+ acres only June to October 2004 diameter, 16-18Ft. tall, all potted. INFLATABLE 8-1/2 FT. opportunity $275,000. Huge savings on big April to October 2005 BUILT IN '99 ranch acreage in South Florida! $99. each, also available DINGHY INCLUDED. to be in one of the few Call (732) 291-5292 Magnolias, Pines, Hollys. All trees BIMINI COVER, 2,063 SQ. FT. (LIVING) standing buildings at Gorgeous mix of oaks/ pasture, _ must go. (239) 267-7668 3107 SW 18th PLACE Gulfside with common walls. miles of bridle paths. Located on BRAND NEW CAPE CORAL DARK GREEN SAILS! Fully furnished and tastefully Martin/ Okeechobee line. Quiet, (TRIPLE LOT) appointed. $1,249,000. secluded, yet close to I-95, and GULF PINES HOME FRONT WINDSHIELD, 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, Three Bedrooms, Two Baths, 20 H.P. YANMAR the coast. Great financing, small HOME FURNISHING EXCELLENT CONDITION, POOL, SANIBEL ARMS WEST M-1 down payment. Call now (866) Plus Den. SPRINKLER SYSTEM, 352-2249. X 128 Weil Appointed. A brand new queen pillow-top CALL JOE, 2/2 corner unit.On site 239-573-0464. ALL TILED, FRENCH DOOR, management/rentals. Very Close to mattress set $130, king pillow-top FENCED, STORM PANELS, LAKE BARGAIN $24J90u7 Free Beach. Pool, Tennis Courts. nicely furnished and walk covered boat slip! Gently sloping $240. Ralph Lauren style 6-Pc. FRONT ENTRANCE IS right out to pool and beach. AVAILABLE: cherry bedroom set $990. All in lake view parcel w/ nice mix of low SCREENED, Best buy beach side rolling meadows & trees. Abuts APRIL 2005 boxes, never used! (239) 340- • Columbia • FLORATAM SOD, $474,000. Great income (239) 481-2441 1475. national forest on 35,000 acre Great Day Sailer GREAT SCHOOLS, potential! recreational lake in TENN. Paved Carpet Dealer left with many 1st. 21 foot, QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD. roads, water, sewer, more. 1969. quality carpets. We will install any FOR $235,000. LAND - LAND - LAND Excellent financing. Call now KEY WEST; 3 rooms up to 379sq.ft. for $369... Good shape!! CALL (800) 704-3154, ext. 483, Sunset Many colors to choose from. Call $700 OBO (239) 945-2253, Bay, LLC (239) 549-8253 Must Sell!! LEAVE MESSAGE. NEW LISTING Nassau House Classic! Lot 150X100 - already cleared - NC~M~OUNTA!N SALE! Ts" Acres - B & B in Old Town, (239)463-1764 great location. S230.C00 Stream $34,900. 2 8 Acres - within walking distance Evenings. Private Lake $54,900. 4 Acres- to all attractions DINING/KITCHEN NEW GOLF PROPERTIES. Our Twin home lot - overlooks wide Riverfront- $69,900. High and ferry terminal. 46" Round Wood Table highest elevation golf properties lake on Rabbit Road. Bring Elevation, baved roads, SUMMER SPECIALS (Buttermilk Finish), LOTS FOR SALE now available! Golf-front and golf/ your sister. $359,000 underground utilities. (800) 455- & 20" Leaf, mtn. view parcels. Mature 1981. Ext. 16 DISCOUNTS 4 Arm Chairs Cape Coral, saltwater canal lot. to ferry passengers! 2006 SW 17th Avenue, unit 71, hardwoods, paved roads, county OVER THE BRIDGE (Champagne Color Fabric). water, sewer, more. Golf-front WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS. North Continental breakfast Beautiful Pineapple Carvings. lots 21 & 22. Great neighborhood Carolina Where there is Cool and extras. of upscale homes. Motivated parcels from mid $50's. Excellent IONA AREA Norris Furniture. financing. BONUS: buy now & pay Mountain Air, Views & Stream, WHERE MEMORIES Like New, seller $74,900. Call John (612) Desirable 3BR riverfront Homes. Cabins & Acreage. CALL ARE MADE. 275-7383 no initiation deposit- Limited time! complex. Like new condition. Excellent Condition. Call (866) 334-3253 x659 FOR FREE BROCHURE OF $1400. Furnished.9 ft ceilings. MOUNTAIN PROPERTY SALES. (800)296-8513 466-9338 $299k Sanibel home. You are Superb value. $259,000 (800) 642-5333. Realty ot Murphy. www.nassauhouse.com reading it right. 2br/2ba huge 317 Peachtree St.. Murphy, N.C. WATERFRONT HOMES garage, water views, close St. CHARLES HARBOR 28906 to beach. Cana! front with'n the gates of www.realtyofmurphy.com South Fort Myers favorite LOGGERHEAD CAY Call Wil Compton at Direct Gulf-Front Condo MEDICAL & HEALTH (239)209-6171. community. 3/3-1/2 bath plus loft, pool dock. 2nd Floor-Corner-Unit CAN YOU AFFORD LIPITOR? Call for list of Island properties. Two Bedrooms/Two Baths RE/MAX of the Islands. Mediterranean estate home TIME SHARE FOR SALE www. Healthdiscounts. org www. with granite kitchen. Panoramic Gull-Views (888) 259-6722 Cathedral ceilings - iots of AVAILABLE: windows and so much more! April 17 thru Summer DON'T PAY FULL PRICE FOR GET JAMMIN'i $900/week YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS! AND; JUST REDUCED: $999,000 or KEY WEST 5% discount (3 or more weeks) www.Healthdiscounts.org with Robb and Stucky designer furnishings FSBO. (732) 223-6748 (after 5 pm.) (888) 259-6722 NORTH SIDE. e-mail: [email protected] $1,110,000. This is a must FLOATING WEEK. Electric scooter, "new Pioneer 4, see property! retail $3089, sell for $1375. One EXCHANGE year parts and labor. Delivered to AVAILABLE. your door, free battery. SWF Phone Today: 2 BR/2 BA. Power Chairs, financing available. GLENN CARRETTA SLEEPS SIX. LOGGERHEAD-CAY (239) 878-1473 Broker/Salesperson FULL KITCHEN, Fully Furnished REALTY (21 years LANAI, Two bedroom/two bath Sanibel/Captiva experience) 2 POOLS, HOT TUB. Condo. EQUAL HOUSING Coldwell Banker OCEAN ACCESS, Pool-Tennis-Cable-VCR MISCELLANEOUS .com TeamSanibel.com BOAT SLIP. RENTING: Going Out of Business Sale!! 20%- OPPORTUNITY (800) 784-2616 TERMS NOW THRU SUMMER 50% off everything in store with $5 UPPER CAPTIVA (239) 395-3100 CALL BY OWNER (239) 415-2035 1-516-628-1801 purchase. Gift Shop, collectibles, All real estate advertised (new/used). CJ's Treasures, ISLAND [email protected] 12713-3 Mcgregor Blvd. (Pewett in this newspaper is Center). Open 10am. (239) 466- NO BRIDGES TO subject to the Ocean's Reach Gulf Front Condo. THIS UNSPOILED CONDOS FOR SALE 8963. Federal Fair Housing Act VACATION RENTALS One bedroom;. Sleeps four. Newly PARADISE. decorated. Shelling, pool, tennis. Small upright freezer, like new, of 1638 which makes it ATRIUM $200.00. For Rent: Sanibel, Top floor for best view. Call owner HOMES AND illegal to advertise any Exclusive Gulf front Sanibel condo for discount. (952) 472-7994 or beautiful house on canal, pool, HOMESITES ATRIUM preference, FOR SALE BY OWNER residence. Two week minimum. email: [email protected] dock. $3,000/month, furnished. FROM $140,000 TO AVAILABLE NOW. Please call 472-3722 $2,000,000 limitation or GULF FRONT CONDO Low Density - 24 Units (608) 363-7669 WOLFF TANNING BEDS. discrimination based Over 2000 sq. ft. PUNTA RASSA AFFORDABLE * CONVENIENT. (239) 472-3000 on race, color, 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths Atrium. Lovely 2 Br/2 Ba condo SANIBEL HARBOUR Tan At Home. Payments From religion, sex, Den on the Gulf. All amenities. Two HERITAGE COVE $29/ month. FREE Color - Newly remodeled kitchen SANIBEL VIEW FMB, direct access, canal front, handicap' familial status week minimum. Owner, Catalog. Call Today (800) 842- $1,495,000 (313)886-4757. 1305 2br/2ba/2car in Fairview Isles. or national origin, or an (239) 395-9433 One cali does it ail! Security shutters, boat lift. Move- intention to make such (856) 985-0322 Atrium. Lovely 2 Br/2 Ba condo in condition. All furnishings on the Gulf. All amenities. Two SANIBEL available also. Great investment preference, Week minimum. Owner, PETS & SUPPLIES potential. For information call 1- HARBOURSIDE REALTY limitation or (313)886-4757. (239) 466-3313 HAPPY JACK ProDog ® & ProPup 888-254-5140, X2032 discrimination. SANIBEL GULF FRONT plus ® dewormer: Recognized safe & Matlacha Isles, 3BD/2BA/2Car, cal- This publication will not IT'S WHERE IT IS! effective by U.S. CVM against ALL TOP FLOOR - CORNER SANIBEL BIZ de-sac, new windows, doors, knowingly accept any equals BAY AND 4 major worms. Chewable. appliances, plumbing and kitchen, Flavored. - Convenient. advertisement for real BEACH/WATER/WINDOWS BEACH-VIEWS granite countertops, boat dock Two Bedroom/Two Bath Two Bedroom. Two Bath Economical. At farm, feed & and davits, direct, no bridges gulf estate which is in hardware Stores Furnished. Lands End Condo QUIET GULF SHORES access, water, sewer, $368,000 violation of the law. at OBO (239) 283-1923. $797,500 3 Bedroom/2 Bath Home Our readers are hereby ILLINOIS LlC. REAL EST. South Seas Resort with Lanai. RENT DIRECT FROM OWNER informed that all BROKER OWNED Private Beach Access: AUCTIONS & BAZAARS WILL CO-OP AND SAVE! on Beautiful Lagoon GOVERNMENT SURPLUS- Great FOR SALE BY dwellings By appt. (800) 897-0288 with Seawall. deals on surplus and confiscated advertised in this 395-2323 (Sanibel) Monthly Rentals. items. Easy and convenient, right newspaper are available MAY SPECIAL: from your computer. Items change OWNER on an equal opportunity S2.200 daily. Register free Pine Island Center;-Tahjti Drive, 2/1. BAY/BEACH-VILLAS JUNE. JULY AND www.govdeals.com $110,000. Large mature lot Call basis. If you feel FALL MONTHS AVAILABLE. or call (800)613-0156 (813) 927-5645 or (813) 645- you have been SOUTH-SEAS-RESORT (512) 402-0656 1-3 Bedroom Bay Villa. 8577. discriminated against (512)415-4547 2 Bedroom & www.stidma ri.com/sanibe! GARAGE SALES you may file a 2 Bedroom w/Loft Beach Villas. complaint by calling Seasonal Rales. "...we found our Garage/moving sale. Furniture, The Florida Commission SAVE THROUGH OWNER! CALL SHIRLENE dining room set, six piece humans in the 1-800-878-7495 sectional, patio, kitchen and on Human Rights at bedroom, TV, pics, lamps. CLASSFIEDS!" glassware, Aiwa stereo, clothes. 1-800-342-8170 or 472-1587 1225 Sand Castle, Sanibel. 9:00 - HUD at 1-800-669-9777. it just makes to piace your . - 1:00. • good dollars and cents! classified ad 22 • Week of April 15-21, 2004 • ISLAND REPORTER VACATION RENTALS APARTMENTS & ANNUAL RENTALS VACATION RENTALS THE-VAdATION-HOME COMPOS FOR RENT YOU'VE DUPLEXES FOR RENT Smalt 2 Br/1 Ba condo on East SANIBEL-LIGHTHOUSE GOLF - GOLF -"GOLF end of Island. Completely re- SOUTH SEAS RESORT ALWAYS WANTED modeled; steps to bay and WALK TO BEACH Fully furnished i BR/i §A Deluxe beach. Monthly rental. Call GULF-FRONT Most-private-beach. apartment. Adult complex. Two Bedrooms, Two Baths (239) 940-9700. 3 Bedroom/3 full Bath Condo. Available 5/1 through 11/15. Mid PLUS DEN!!! Newly Furnished. PRIVATE Dock-on-Bayou. LUXURY HOME Heated-Pool. island. Sorry no dogs. $625/month LEXINGTON COUNTRY CLUB Near Lighthouse. including water and cable. (239) Golf Privileges. Pool-Tennis. Wide-Porches. HOMES FOR RENT POOL-SPA Open-Sunning-Decks. 472-8719 Annual Lease Fully Equipped Kitchen. $1,100/monthly Spacious-Furnished SCENIC ACREAGE Chateau Sur Merarea. Idyllic luxury/comfort. Screened Porch. WEEKS AVAILABLE SANIBEL GREAT RATES! Easy-care, no-effort ANNUAL-LEASE FOR ALL-SEASONS Vacation-Home. ANNUAL RENTALS HARBOURSIDE REALTY SANIBEL OWNER: (239) 466-3313 (216)932-5136 Three-Bedrooms/Three-Baths. WEST GULF AREA email: [email protected] FOR-SPECIAL-RATES Monthly Rentals. ANNUAL RENTAL ' Tropical lakefront. CONTACT OWNER SANIBEL BIZ - Three bedrooms, two baths. Brand new Condo IT'S WHERE IT IS! DIRECTLY Call for rates. One bedroom Spacious. (239) 472-8248 with Garage. Unfurnished. Call: (574) 272-0889 (505)982-9242 Near Sanibel & FMB Stroll to beach. SOUTH-SEAS-RESORT Fax: (574)273-5973 Available immediately. GULF HARBOR (239)472-8378 BEACH COTTAGE ~ E-mait: [email protected] S800/month cell: (239) 209-7407 Web Page: HOUSE FOR RENT Two Bedrooms, Two Baths. SEASONAL RENTALS RIZZO PITTMANAPAGE SAGAMORE VILLAGE On the Gulf. www.pullapillyvtlla.com REALTY GROUP, INC. 3 Bedrooms/2.5 Baths Rates from: Ft. Myers Beach, 1br/1ba apartment, (239) 433-1100- with Fairway View. BEAUTIFUL $1300 to $2400 steps to beach, heated pool, all (800) 634-2216 Two Car Garage. 3 BEDROOM/2 BATH per week.' amenities, sleeps 2-4, no pets. New Appliances and LAKEFRONT HOME Call Owner: SUNSET-CAPTIVA Call for viewing. $1,500/mo., 3 Professional Paint throughout. in (313) 886-7872 month minimum. (239) 765-9480,' Community Pool. GUMBO LIMBO. Newly renovated leave message 2 BR/2 BA in Beachview. 3 Bedroom/2 Bath Home . $1400/month AVAILABLE: Country Club. Contact Barbara: APRIL - NOVEMBER. in Gorgeous pool home Private (239) 671-0651 Call with views of golf (239) 395-3719 Beachfront-Community. APARTMENTS & ; / course. 1800/month. SOUTH SEAS RESORT Fully furnished. BEACH VILLA: 2CATV's, VCP, DUPLEXES FOR RENT ^ Two bedroom/two bath. Call Jamie at RE/MAX of LIKE NEW _ CD/Stereo, W/D. the Islands. 472-5050 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath BEAUTIFUL BEACH VILLAS: Pool - Tennis - Boat Dock. Cape-very large immaculate One bedroom, two bath. 2br/2ba. Ffrst floor corner. 16x16 Spacious Condo. 3 BEDROOM/2 BATH Call owner In Marina Community, , LAKEFRONT HOME BAY SIDE VILLAS: (615)371-9029 ceramic flooring, ceiling fans, One bedroom/two bath. blinds, lanai, >w/8 hoofeup. Near Near Beaches. in http://mywebpages.comcast. AVAILABLE AUGUST 1st. GUMBO LIMBO. THREE NIGHT MINIMUM. net/sallytom hospital, post office, government* center. Pet considered. Captiva: One bedroom guest house $1500/month AVAILABLE: WEEKLY DISCOUNT. with deeded beach access. Boat SAVE-THROUGH-OWNER! $775/monthty. Yearly lease. First, (239) 841-1141 APRIL - NOVEMBER. last &'security. (239) 656-5520 lift avatfabte, Comptetefy equipped Call • (800) 899-7327 CALL SHIRLENE kitchen, living room. Working (239)395-3719 fireplace. Pool privileges. (239) 472-1587 to place your ad 472-6170 Z.FM. on the river, 2br/1ba, large yard, enclosed lanai, family room, fotalfy renovated & immaculate. New dock, pet considered. $1,000./mo, yearly lease. Now available. (239) 856-5520 Owner/Realtor. Taste of the Islands Near Sanibel and beaches. 3 Br/2 Ba, two car garage, fenced yard, new paint and carpeting. $1350/rnonth. (239) 472-1779

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iBtatioH. 4301 Sanibel-Captiva Road Sanibel island, Florida 33957 For evaluation, Call: (239) 395-1097 FaxU239) 395-1968 2496 Palm Ridge Rd. Sanibel, Fl 33957 472-1155 TITLE SERVICES CONSTRUCTION YINYL SIOINC Hammerhead SAVE TIME, MONEY Vinyl Siding & FRUSTRATION CALL . GEORGE Soffit & Fascia EXECUTIVE TITLE PARKER INC. Impact Vinyl & Aluminum (239) 472-8228 Hardi® Siding Gilda Suarez CLC ^ Hurricane Windows " www.exectitle.com Celebrating 20 years on the Beach 695 Tarpon Bay Rd., Suite #7, Sanibel 15975 McGregor Blvd. (239) 466-5100 Fort Mvers. FL 33908 1-800-747-5100 463-0052 Lic.#AF000002 gsuarez @ exectitle.com e-mal: ^pfc Sme Orrifirf Oraurrai VxmrxMx ISLAND REPORTER • Week of April 15 - 21, 2004 3 23 Earth Day music features local talent The musical talent at this year's Earth Day event on April 17 will feature seven local musicians. They will Schedule of Activities provide a wide range of sounds from folk and "saw- Noon — 4 p.m. grass" music to good old rock 'n' roll. '•Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Shell Come by SCCF's Nature Center on San-Cap Road Museum, Tarpon Bay Explorers, and Sanibel Captiva to enjoy the many displays and activities, music, and Conservation Foundation staff and volunteers at their free food. Special thanks to Bank of the Islands and respective sites with educational displays, exhibits, Bailey's General Store and Bailey's Hardware for demonstrations, activities, music and food. sponsoring the Earth Day event on behalf of SCCF. Tarpon Bay Explorers is providing a free trolley to Tarpon Bay Explorers all event locations. The trolley will run between Free trolley; Free bike rentals - additional bikes will Tarpon Bay, the Refuge, the Nature Center, and the be supplied by Billy's Bikes; Aquarium and touch tank talks at 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, and 3:30 (talks are a A hour Shell Museum from noon to 4 p.m. long). Free bikes will also be available for rental all day at both Tarpon Bay Explorers and the Refuge. Shell Museum The lineup of musicians at SCCF's Nature Center Free admission all day; new video, Mollusks in includes: Action. "Ding" Darling Cindy Hackney National Wildlife Refuge Cindy Hackney has been writing and performing Free admission to Wildlife Drive for walkers and songs about the Greater Everglades, native Florida bikers; birding and bike tours; Manatee Talk; Birds, culture, and local land development politics for nine Bills, & Beaks - how do they eat?; Children's Craft years. Table. A native of Pennsylvania she moved to Collier Sanibel-Captiva County 17 years ago and fell in love with the Big Conservation Foundation Cypress Swamp, Fakahatchee Strand, Ding Darling performances with Pulitzer prize winner, Dave Barry, — Sponsored by Bank of the Islands Wildlife Refuge, and other Florida wilderness areas as well as solo banjo on one of PBS's highest ever Free admission all day; music by Florida folk which inspire her songs. rated shows with Dick Clark. singers Cindy Hackney and Valerie C. Wisecracker, She has been a regular performer at JT's Island A South Florida fixture and long time Keys resi- and rock music by SCCF's Milhouse band. Grill and Gallery in Chokoloskee, the Rod 'N Gun dent, Val will present you with a new humorous per- Club in Everglades City, and performs at various envi- Exhibits and Displays: spective on life in the Sunshine state. She sings about $0* Solar Experiments ronmental festivals and events in Southwest Florida its government, its guests, and its environment. throughout the year. Ditties like "The Dirty Little Rat That Ate Orlando," §<* Live snakes with naturalists Her first CD, "Gator in a Slough," was released in tunes that come from her own unique perspective. ?0* Sea Turtles 2001. The song of the same name from the album took 3*» Mound House - CaJusa Indians third place for "Best New Florida Song" at the Will Milhouse McLean Festival that year. Her song, "Help Us Save %B* Sanibel Bicycle Club the Everglades," has been selected by Wilderness Milhouse, formerly known as Rusty Gill, is a £0» Sanibel Litter and Recycling Graphics of Tallahassee as part of a compilation CD newly-formed band comprised of local musicians. Committees to support the new Everglades Trail opening up later After their debut at the Bungalow on Sanibel, the Sanibel scene could not wait to hear them play again. 3

the giant bull gears that operate the bridge. He's talking and gesticulating while standing on a cement slab that can't be 5 feet square, and he appears perfectly at ease. DRAWBRIDGE After what seems an eternity, Chris climbs back up and shows me some safety features that his crew has installed. From page 5 He has a diverse group keeping the drawbridge in shape. He has riggers, who do the big heavy stuff, and some certified bridgehouse. He levers it up. A narrow ladder that looks welders. "I can weld," Chris says, "but it's not pretty. My like part of my childhood Jungle Gym disappears into the certified guys do the pretty stuff." darkness below. So where do you get the parts to make a bridge repair? Chris grabs hold of the handrails and shinnies down. I "We fabricate them," says Chris. He smiles. "You can't follow, more slowly. Way more slowly. get these parts at Home Depot and there's no Bridge Outlet Okay, for all you inquiring minds who want to know: Store to go to." yes, there is a bathroom at the bridgehouse. It's on the gen- Chris's team makes small repairs right at the bridge- erator floor, and they call it a Head. After all, the Coast house. For big repairs, they produce the parts at their shop Guard has the final say over this facility. and bring them over by barge, then haul them up the lad- In the generator room, Chris fills me in. The bridge, ders at the base of the bridgehouse. explains Chris, has never had a mechanical failure. Any As we talk, a sudden, deafening roar makes me jump a Photo by Jenny Burnham potential failure would be electrical in nature, therefore foot. Chris smiles and says something inaudible. Chris Davis, Maintenance Supervisor for Lee County there's a backup generator on the lower floor of the bridge- What? DOT at the drawbridge. house. It's an absolute "do not fail" system, according to He says it again. just rolled him." Chris. The generator kicks in immediately whenever there's What? I shake hands with Steve and leave him in his rumbling the smallest flicker in the electric supply. Chris points to the ladder and we climb back up. "It's the little bridgehouse. "Most times the bridge tenders don't know there's been generator," he says. Steve tells us it's a daily test. If anything, the trip back is scarier than the trip up. Once a power loss until they hear the generator go on down- I would so not want to be in the Head when that noise again, Chris leans over the guardrail to look for his dol- stairs," explains Chris. goes off. phins. The generator is small, and it runs on propane. Chris It's time to open the bridge again. I leap aside as Steve Oh, don't do that. Please don't do that. grins. 'That's an improvement. Used to be we'd haul five mans the controls. There's the horn, the lights, the drivers At the bottom, I ask Chris how he came to be in the gallon drums of gasoline up here every week. Let me show playing chicken. The gates go down, the bridge comes up, drawbridge business. you the gear room." a sailboat putters through. "Well," he says, "I was a computer analyst." Once again, Chris clambers swiftly down a narrow lad- And all unseen, the generator, the giant gears, the mas- Excuse me? der, this one leading to a concrete platform where the gears sive shafts, the people that make it go. "I worked my way through school doing construction," live. Steve fills out his clipboard form and Chris points out he explains. '"Then I graduated and wore a suit and tie to There's nothing much to hang onto. There's open space the bridgehouse window. work.'" His face looks trapped as he says, "I couldn't stand at the bottom. There's giant machinery and the lapping of "See the fenders? We have divers come down regularly it. I got headaches. I was miserable." waves. to check them. One time, a diver went through the pilings He doesn't look miserable now. He looks tanned and fit. I'll just kneel here and peer over, thank you. to get to the fenders, and next thing we knew he shot back "The drawbridge is job security for me," he says. "But a Chris explains that a 20 HP electric motor drives power right up into the air. There was a bunch of grouper there. fixed span is fine, too." He grins. to a gear box, which in turn drives the shafts that mesh with The diver said one of them must have been 500 pounds. It "Whatever they build, I'll maintain it." 24 • Week of April 15-21, 2004 J ISLAND REPORTER Matthew Wise brings One-Man Show to Ellington's By Jenny Burnham Initially a representational artist, Wise devel- Staff Writer oped his abstract, multi-layered style while study- ing in Maine and in Cleveland. He first worked Ohio artist Matthew Wise will present a one- with oils, but switched to acrylic, a faster-drying man show of his mixed-media works at Ellington's medium, in order to layer colors and themes. Jazz Bar and Restaurant on Wednesday, April 21. Only 21, Wise is planning to take courses in Wise attended the Maine College of Art and the business at Cleveland State to further his goal of Cleveland Institute of Art. He was in Maine on becoming a professional artist. September 11. 2001. The profound impact that the Sharon Wise, of Ellington's, reports that Robert events of that day had upon him is apparent in his Rauschenberg and Daryl Pottorf, on a recent visit work: "Let Freedom Ring" is the title of one of his to the restaurant, were "very complimentary" of pieces currently on display at Ellington's. Wise's work. Photos by Jenny Burnham Examples of Mathew Wise's work hangs at Ellington's

FORECAST FOR April 17 & 18 PORT CHARLOTTE SATURDAY SUNDAY 81/6O Sat CHARLOTTE A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. 81/58 Sun COUNTY r PUNTA GORDA 82/60 Sat SZ'59 Sun i II. Warm and mostly sunny More mostly sunny skies and LEE throughout the day. warm temps. BOCA GRANDE COUNTY 00/66 Sat LEHIGH 80/66 Sun ACRES CAPE 83/59 Sat WEEKDAY TIDES PINE GF7 YOUR FORECAST FIRST ON FOX. City We.lH'gh Wed Low Thu High Thu Low 83/59 Sun ISLAND CORAL WATCH FOX 4 Nl'.VScf 10:00 82/62 Sat 82/6O Sat c. •. cLl ll FORT 82/61 Sun 82/59 Sun |STATE FORECAST-SATURDAY] L- ii- MYERS CAPTIVA 83/61 Sat ". i| i .. it IMMOKALEE ISLAND 83/60 Sun CAPE CORAL 82/60 P, ,\V,- Pv 79/65 Sat 85/55 Sat DAYTONA BtACH 76/60 1S 85/55 Sun ru! 11. - 80/65 Sun FT LAUDbFiOALE. 82/67 FT MYFRS BEACH 81/61 SANIBEL BONITA SPRINGS GAINESVILLE 80/55 SAl URDAY •'.I itl ,r| F • ISLAND FORT MYERS 84/62 Sat JAGKSONVILLf 78/55 SUNRISE Gulf 80/65 Sat BEACH 84/61 Sun KEY WEST 80/70 7 09 Af.l Pn l.i * 79'65 Sun 83/66 Sat ESTERO/SANCARLOS KISSIMMEF 80159 of 80/65 Sun 84/62 Sat MIAMI 82/67 OHLANUO 80/59 c 84/61 Sun it t' 1 Mexico PANAMA CITY 78/59 - PFNSACOLA 72162 BOATING FORECAST COLLIER SARASOTA B1/6O P.ltnF Wind NW 10 Knots ST PETtHSBURn 80/61 COUNTY TAl LAHASSEE 80/50 Ql Seds 2-4 Feet iir ' . C i; MARCO ISLAND NAPLES 1AMPA . 80/60 SUNDAY Bay & inland. Moderate Chop 84/65 Sat 83/64 Sat VtHO BEACH 77/62 SUNSET 82/64 Sun 82mS Sun WEST PAl M BfcACH SO/65 7 49 PM

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