No : 033/SK/UKM-DBI-UNHAS/A/III/2014 Attachment : 4thHBP 2014 Registration Method and Form Subject : Invitation

Dear Sir or Madam,

After we successfully conducted the largest English Debate Championship in Eastern last year, we are proud to inform you that Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Debat Bahasa Inggris Universitas Hasanuddin will continue the tradition and host the 4th Hasanuddin British Parliamentary Open Debate Championship 2014 (4th HBP2014). This prestigious and competitive event aims to promote debating in all over Eastern Indonesia through debating competition that is aimed to expose high level debating in Eastern Indonesia. The competition is planned to take place on: Date : 5th – 8thJune 2014 Venue: Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10, Hasanuddin University, 90245, South Sulawesi. The spirit of HBP aims to provide the best media for all levels of society including varsity, high school and vocational students to improve their critical thinking in responding to everyday issues in our lives through British Parliamentary debating format. This event will provide a great challenge through debating championship and serves a wide range of debating topics as well as provide the best media for debaters to gain more knowledge and experience. Therefore, we are very pleased to invite your Institution to this event. Further information regarding registration method and form is attached with this letter.

Makassar, 10 Mei 2014

President of UKM DBI UH Project Oficer,

Muhammad Kharji Muhajir Ardi Riyanto Rum Nim. E131 12 260 NIM. E131 13 016

RULES AND REGULATIONS 4thHASANUDDIN BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY DEBATE OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP 2014 ELIGIBILITY • This is an open debate tournament. Anyone representing any team is allowed to participate in this tournament. However, teams representing a certain institution will be preferred, e.g. Universitas Negeri Berastagi, SMAN 99 Makassar ,etc. • Organizing committee will employ N1 Adjudicator policy, so each team may send one (1) adjudicator. Even though it is not obligatory, registering N1 adjudicator will surely help to increase the judging quality of the teams in this tournament. • Each team in HBP 2014 may consist of three members (two Debaters and may include one N1 Adjudicator). All members of a team doesn’t have to be enrolled in the same institution, it means HBP 2014 committee is allowing Composite Teams(more than one institution within one team) to compete and eligible to break . • The best 8 (eight) novice teams on the tab that fail to proceed to the main octofinals will go into the 'Novice Semifinal'. The 4 (four) winning teams from that round will battle it out in the 'Novice Grand finals', which will take place simultaneously with the "Main Semifinal". Here are the requirements for teams to be considered as 'Novice'.

Varsities 1. All members of the team should be first or second year students 2. All members of the team have never broken into the knockouts of any major and prominent national tournament ( IVED , JOVED , NUEDC , ALSA UI )

High School: 1. All members of the team is still an active and registered senior high school student. 2. All members of the team have never break into Grand final round of NSDC or is a participant of WSDC.

Note: We are giving high school debaters their own categories for best speaker, to encourage high school debaters to compete in this year’s HBP. ADJUDICATION CORE

In order to provide a great competition, we will provide you with a qualified Adjudication Core which will ensure all participant to get fair and square adjudication, and we will also beincludingOur Best Adjudicators from UNHAS also . In addition, we will also provide youwith several adjudicators from other institutions who is experienced and has become Chief Adjudicator and Deputy Chief Adjudicator in many notable tournaments. Here is the list of our Adjudication Core :

Chief Adjudicator: Name :Dennys Victor Kappa Institution :Universitas Indonesia Batch : 2010 Credentials:

Debating Achievements

 Champion of the 2010 Newbies Competition  1st Runner Up of the 2011 IVED UNHAS-Makassar  Champion of the 2011 ALSA-UI E-Comp  Semi-finalist of the 2011 JOVED UGM-Jogjakarta  2ND Runner Up of JFF Debate 2011  Champion of ASEAN Youth Debate TUNZA 2011  Champion of ALSA UI E-Comp 2012  Grand finalist of Bawor Cup 2012  2nd Runner Up of JFF Debate  1st Runner Up Asian BP 2012 EFL Category  Champion of Ganesha Open 2012  1st Runner Up of IVED-ITB 2013  Grand finalist of AEO 2013  1st Breaking Team and Quarter Finalist of Australs UT MARA 2013 ESL Category  Champion of Jakarta Mini 201  Semifinalist of Founders Trophy 2013  2nd Best speaker at the 2010 Newbies  8th Best Speaker at the IVED 2011 & 2nd Best Novice Best Speaker at the IVED 2011  10th Best Speaker at the ALSA-UI E-Comp 2011  8th Best Speaker at the ALSA UI E-Comp 2012  9th Best Speaker of Bawor Cup 2012  2nd Best Speaker of Asian BP 2012 EFL Category  2nd Best Speaker of Ganesha Open 2012  Best Speaker of IVED-ITB 2013  9th Best of AEO 2013  Best Speaker of Jakarta Mini 2013  8th Best Speaker of Founders Trophy 2013

Adjudication Achievements

 A-Accredited Adjudicator Asian Parliamentary Format  B-Accredited Adjudicator British Parliamentary Format  Breaking Adjudicator at NSDC 2011 and NSDC 2012  Grand final Adjudicator at NSDC 2012  Breaking Adjudicator at JOVED 2012 and JOVED 2013  Grand final Adjudicator at ALSA E-Challenge UNPAD 2013  Grand final Adjudicator at ALSA E-Comp UI 2013  Breaking Adjudicator at NUDC 2013  Co-CA of NEWBIES 2012  Adjudication Core of BINUS E-Comp 2013  1st Breaking Adjudicator at IVED 2014  Breaking Adjudicator at AEO 2014  Breaking adjudicator and Grandfinal Adjudicator at ALSA E-Challenge UNPAD 2014

Deputy Chief Adjudicator:

Name :Indriani Pratiwi Institution :Universitas Gadjah Mada Batch : 2011 Credentials:

Debating Achievements

 IVED UKSW 2014 [Champion, 1st Best Speaker, 3rd Best Reply Speaker]  ACDC 8.0 ALSA UGM [Champion, 2nd Best Speaker]  NDC-NES 2013 [Champion, 2nd Best Speaker]  International Humanitarian Law Debate 2013: Indonesian Round [Champion, 2nd Best Speaker]  JOVED UB 2013 [Quarterfinalist, 5th Best Speaker]  International Humanitarian Law Debate 2013 at Universitas Teknologi Mara [Quarterfinalist, top ten best speaker]  ATMA IV 2013, English Parade Open 2013, AUI Petra 2013 [1st Runner up, top ten best speaker]  Ganesha Open 2012, PIMNAS 2012 [Semifinalist]  ALSA UI 2012 [Quarterfinalist, top ten best speaker]  IVED UMM 2012 [Semifinalist, 3rd best speaker, Best Novice Speaker]

Adjudication Achievements :

 Invited adjudicator at: International Relations English Competition held by UniversitasGadjahMada 2012

 Invited adjudicator at Galaction 2012-2013

 Chief Adjudicator Puspanegara English Debating Competition 2013 - 2014

 Invited Adjudicator at National Schools Debating Championship Regional V 2011

 Coaching experience: SMA N 5 Yogyakarta, SMA N 7 Yogyakarta, SMA N 1 Pakem, SMA N 1 Sleman

Deputy Chief Adjudicator: Name :Muhammad Kharji Muhajir Institution :Hasanuddin University Batch : 2012 Credentials:

Debating Achievements :

 Champion of Celebes Friendship Trophy Debate Tournament, Hasanuddin University – Makassar  Octo-Finalist in Java Overland Varsities English Debate (JOVED) 2013, Brawijaya University – Malang  Semi-Finalist in National University English Debate Competition (NUEDC) Hasanuddin University Selection 2013, Hasanuddin University- Makassar  First Runner-Up Debate Championship Main Category in Makassar Debate Open 2012, State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang – Makassar  Champion in National University English Debate Competition (NUEDC) Hasanuddin University Selection 2014, Hasanuddin University- Makassar  2nd Runner up in SODC 2014 - Sidoarjo Adjudication Achievements :

 Grand Final Adjudicator Novice Category in Makassar Debate Open 2013 State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang – Makassar  Accredited and Breaking Adjudicator BAWOR CUP 2013, Jenderal Soedirman University – Purwokerto  Semi-final Adjudicator Main Category in 3rd Hasanuddin British Parliamentary 2013, Hasanuddin University – Makassar  Accreditated Adjudicator in Indonesian Varsities English Debate (IVED) 2013, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) – Bandung

Others Achievements :

 Best Delegate of Makassar Model United Nations 2013 as United States of America Delegations in International Maritime Organizations (IMO) Council, Hasanuddin University – Makassar.  Brazil delegate in Nanyang Technological University Model United Nations 2014, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Council – Singapore  Myanmar delegation in Celebes Model united Nations 2013 General Assembly Council, Hasanuddin University – Makassar  Islamic Republic of Iran delegations in Makassar Model united Nations 2012 General Assembly Council, Universitas Hasanuddin – Makassar

RUNDOWN HASANUDDIN BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY 2014 Day 1 / Thursday 5-June-2014 07.30 - 09.00 Re-Regis 09.00 - 10.00 Opening Ceremony 10.00 - 12.00 Adjudication and Debate Seminar 12.00 - 13.00 Break

Day 2 / Friday 6-June-2014 08.00 - 08.30 Re-Regis 08.30 - 09.00 Verbal and Exhibition Test 09.00 - 09.10 Roll call and Motion Launch 09.10 - 09.25 Case Building 09.25 - 11.15 Debate Round 1 11.15 - 13.30 Break (Jum'at prayer) 13.30 - 13.40 Roll call and Motion Launch 13.40 - 13.55 Case Building 13.55 - 15.00 Debate Round 2 15.00 - 15.10 Roll call and Motion Launch 15.10 - 15.25 Case Building 15.25 - 17.00 Debate Round 3 Day 3 / Saturday 7-June-2014 08.15 - 08.30 Roll Call and Motion Launch 08.30 - 08.45 Case Building 08.45 - 10.00 Debate Round 4 10.00 - 10.20 Roll Call and Motion Launch 10.20 - 10.35 Case Building 10.35 - 12.00 Debate Round 5 12.00 - 13.00 Break 13.00 - 13.20 Breaking announcement and Verbal round 5 13.20 - 13.40 Motion Launch Octo Final 13.40 - 13.55 Case Building 13.55 - 15.10 Octo Final Day 4 / Sunday 8-June-2014 08.00 - 08.30 Announcement + Roll call + Motion Lauch 08.30 - 08.45 Case Building 08.45 - 10.00 Debate quarter final / Semi final Novice 10.00 - 10.10 Roll call + Announcement + Motion Launch 10.10 - 10.25 Case Building 10.25 - 12.00 Semi Final Main / Final Novice 12.00 - 13.00 Break 13.00 - 13.20 Announcement for Final main + Verbal for semi final + Motion Launch Final 13.20 - 13.35 Case Building 13.35 - 15.00 Final Main 15.00 - 16.00 Closing Ceremony Total team cap is sixty four (64) teams

The HBP 2014 Committee will also be giving prizes to the winners of the competition:

• Main Category Champion Trophy + Certificate + Cash

• Main Category Runner-up Trophy + Certificate + Cash

• Main Category 2nd Runner-up Trophy + Certificate + Cash

• Main Category 3rd Runner-up Trophy + Certificate + Cash

• Novice Category Champion Trophy + Certificate + Cash

• Novice Category Runner-up Trophy + Certificate + Cash

• Novice Category 2nd Runner-up Trophy + Certificate + Cash

• Novice Category 3rd Runner-up Trophy + Certificate + Cash

• Main Category Best Speaker Trophy + Certificate

• Novice Category Best Speaker Trophy + Certificate

• High School Category Best Speaker Trophy + Certificate

Registration Guidelines

We’re adopting “first come, first served” so we will serve the first 64teams and the rest will be placed in waiting list. So it is highly encouraged for willing participants to register their teams as soon as they receive this information to ensure their spot in the competition .We’ve already opened our registration & the registration fee will be divided into two categories: open/ varsity category and high school category with the details:

1. Registration Phase I : April 14th - May 4th 2014, Registration fee: For varsity/open category 375k/Team & for high school category 325k/Team (2debaters+N1; include meals and certificate) 2. Registration Phase II: May 11 - June 1st 2014, Registration fee: 375k/Team (2debaters+N1; include meals and certificate) for both categroy, special offer applies if institution registers more than 3 teams, one team is free of registration fee. 3. Announcement of main list, waiting list and invited adjudicator: June 1st 2014

Registration Detail

• Fill HBP2014 online registration in or via sms to our CP with format “HBP_ Team name_Team members name_Institution_email address_phone number”

• Confirm your registration via sms, by contacting our CP

• You can send your payment to our BNI account :0309087960 (Andi Ayyub Ansarullah A.)

• You may send a picture of the payment receipt to [email protected] and by completing all the steps you’ll be registered as HBP2014 participant.

We will also be providing information on optional accommodations for participants. Here are couple of accommodations we recommend:

1) Hotel Kamanre (Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No. 59 A, Tello -Makassar. Telp. 0411-430655 *Room Rate - Suite ;Rp. 230.000, - Deluxe ; Rp. 210.000, - Superior A ; Rp. 200.000, - Superior B ; Rp. 190.000, -Standard ; 180.000 *Fasilitas kamar -TV, AC, AIR PANAS SHOWER, BATH TUB

2) Paradiso Hotel Makassar (Jl. PerintisKemerdekaan B/18.Telp (+62411) 582582/582572 *Room Rate - Deluxe ; Rp. 350.000, - Superior ; Rp. 300.000, - Standard ; 250.000, - 1 Bed Standard Rp. 200.000 *Fasilitas Kamar AC, LCD TV, Hot and Cold Water, Breakfast, Free Wifi, Room Services 24 Hours, Meeting Room 120 Pax

3) Hotel Paramaount (Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.18 No. 12 Sudiang (depan kantor pertanian) Makassar. Telp.(0411) 556553, 2140070, 2140080.


If you do not have personal ride, exploring Makassar could be done by taking city public trasportation.

AIRPORT TAXI For those using cab to reach the city from Hasanuddin International Airport, you can book Airport Taxi on its Reservation Counter inside the Airport. The price assumed starting Rp.100.000,- where the highest would be Rp.130.000,- You may take a Taxi Directly without reserving where it may cost only about Rp.70.000,- but that does not include the Toll Fares.

TAXI Taxi is always a viable option for those who prefer quick and a less confusing ride. As per June 2013, most cab fares cost you Rp. 5000,- Open Door Fare and Rp. 35.000,- for every 1 KM reached. Below you may find the reservation numbers of several Taxi corporation operating in Makassar. Bosawa Taksi : 0411-454545 Metro Makassar Taksi : 0411-837837 Lima Muda Taksi : 0411-445566 New Puskud Taksi : 0411- 862299 Gowata Taksi : 0411-851888 Gowa Mas Taksi : 0411- 888111 Putra Taksi : 0411 – 888 898

PETE-PETE Most people get around using public transportation called “Pete-Pete”. The transporation cost you Rp. 4000,- or Rp 3.000,- (Student) for a single one-way trip. To avoid gettinglost, you should understand the designated Pete- Pete route before deciding to travel by it. Read this article ( for Pete-Pete’s line information in Makassar.

OTHER RIDES As you reach city, the options for public transportation vary from Pete-Pete mentioned above to Ojek, Bentor (Hybrid of Pedicab and Motorcycle), Becak (Pedicab), etc. TRADITIONAL FOOD

Makassar has several famous traditional foods. The most famous is .

Coto a stew made from the mixture of nuts, spices and selection of offal which may include beef brain, tongue and intestine.

Konro rib dish popular traditional food in Makassar. Both Coto Makassar and Konro are usually eaten with or , a glutinous cake

Pisang Epe banana which is pressed, grilled, and covered with palm sugar sauce and sometimes eaten with .

Registration Officer :

Any further questions regarding HBP 2014, feel free to ask us via sms/call to email : [email protected] / [email protected] facebook : Hasanuddin British Parliamentary Debaters twitter : @HEDSpublication or @UNHASHBP2014 contact person : 08986173220 (Ardi) 08111049021 (Dyva) 081355489990 (Tio)