4 4 1 Petition Regarding Vacation of Alley North of Prospect St. from Park to Union C Ommuni C a T I on Regarding Assess Ment On
4 4 1 Monday Evening, February 20th, 1922. Council met in regular session with President Barnard in the chair-. J » The roll being called, the following members answered to their names: Akins, McCredie, Davis, Ryan, Riggs, Miller, and Trott. Present 7, absent 0. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The following petition was presented to Council and referred to the streets and alleys committee, Solicitor and Engineer. Alliance, Ohio, February 8th, 1922. Petition TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL regarding of the City of Alliance. vacation of alley north We, the undersigned, being property owners on the north of Prospect side of Prospect Street, between North Park Avenue and North Union Avenue, St. from in the City of Alliance, Ohio, DO HEREBY most respectfully PROTEST against Park to Union the vacation of ANY PORTION of the alley immediately north of Prospect Street between said N. Park Ave* and N. Union Ave., until the dedication of an alley of the same WIDTH and Distance has FIRST been made to the City of Alliance, Ohio, between the said N. Park Ave. and N. Union Ave., to replace the alley it is proposed to vacate. Ivah L. Rickard Frank Gleich Mrs. Sam Klingsly Lillie Wetob J. «. Black E. C. Scott Eliza M. Harry Ida B. Haidet The following communication was read and referred to the assessment committee. Alliance, Ohio, Feb. 18th, 1922 Mr. C. 0. Silver, Clerk of Council, Alliance, Ohio. C ommuni c a t i on regarding assess Dear Sir: ment on lot on W. State St. Referring to the paving of West State Street, beg to say that
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