Turnover in 2012: More than Represented in Ukraine 13 Regional 21,5 bln rubles 16 years on Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, offices (27% growth) Russian IT-market Azerbaijan, Belarus


• Multibrand approach I-Teco is one of the leading IT companies in , which provides • Strong engineering base services in the following fields: systems integration, infrastructure • High skilled team solutions, service support, outsourcing, information security and • Advanced design culture consulting. • Non-pipelined approach in project Every year we realize thousands of projects for more than realization 600 companies and organizations in Russia and CIS. Our partner network • Solutions development is based includes almost all of the worlds’ leading manufacturers of hardware on customers’ needs and resources and software. Multibrand approach allows company to create custom • Ability to smooth integration with integrated solutions for each client in any field of businesses automation. the existing IT landscape The quality management system of I-Teco company is certified in • High level of mobility compliance with the Russian standard GOST R ISO 9001:2008; IT services • A set of unique practices, expertise management system — in compliance with ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011; and technology solutions information security management system — in compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2005. www.i-teco.ru RATINGS TEAM

• TOP-3 largest IT vendors for banks • 2150 employees; 750 engineers, 500 consultants, 400 analysts; (CNews Analytics, Digit.ru) • 1700 certificates confirming the professionalism of the team, • TOP-3 largest IT vendors for HCM (Tadviser) including those unique to Russia: the first and unique in • TOP-3 by sales revenue on the IaaS market Russia status VMware Certified Design Expert, Certified (J’son & Partners Consulting) Data Center Design Professional — CDCDP, Accredited Tier • TOP-10 largest suppliers of SaaS in Russia Designer от Uptime Institute. (CNews Analytics) • TOP-10 largest IT consultants in Russia MANAGEMENT TEAM (Dengi Magazine) • TOP-10 largest system integrators in Russia • Company President Shamil Shakirov has numbered among the (CNews Analytics) TOP-100 Business Leaders of Russia as one of the top senior • TOP-10 leading IT companies in Russia (CNews Analytics) leaders in the IT (Kommersant Publishing House). • TOP-10 largest companies in the field of information and • Chairman of the Board Alexey Remizov has numbered among communication technologies in Russia (Expert RA) the TOP-10 most authority heads of IT company in Russia • TOP-15 leading IT companies in Russia (CNews Analytics) (CRN/RE rating). • TOP-200 private companies in Russia (Forbes) • Company President Shamil Shakirov and Chairman of the • TOP-400 largest companies in Russia (Expert RA) Board Alexey Remizov have numbered among the TOP-25 • TOP-5 largest commercial Data Centers of the best IT company managers in Russia (CRN/RE rating). Region (IR Sovremennyje Telecommunikacii) • Vladimir Lvov, Aleksey Kuzin, Igor Portretny — at the ТОP-5 • TrastInfo is one of the largest data centers in Russian of the Best Directors in the field of information technologies Federation (CNews) in Russia (Kommersant Publishing House)


SECTOR-BASED • Russia’s largest integrated project for EXPERTISE the development and deployment of the IT asset management of the Many projects carried out by I-Teco Federal Treasury (2000 divisions represent the deployment of solutions across the country). Implementation Company 48% 38% which meet the needs of specific of hardware management platform Turnover economic sectors. The accumulated for automated systems in all regional Structure experience and knowledge base allow the offices of the Federal Treasury (more company to serve customers as a single than 80 locations). source of the full range of IT services. • Upgrade and technical re- 14% They also allow to customers to reduce equipment of establishments the cost of development of information and organizations of Federal systems. Below are the most significant Service for Hydrometeorology and services equipment supply software supply projects of the recent years: Environmental Monitoring.

TRUSTINFO Telecommunications Infrastructure DATA CENTER Standard for Data centers is Tier III+: general level of hardware availability is The largest commercial Data center 99,982%, maximum allowable downtime TrastInfo was designed, built and put into is 1,5 hours of a year, redundancy in all operation in secure facilities in Moscow and critical systems. has 24x7 availability. This is the largest • Area — 4500 sq m, 1000 server units, investment project of a private company in server capacity — 50 000. the field of construction of the data center • The total capacity of computer rooms is and cloud services for corporate clients 8000 kVA. and small businesses. Below are the main • Direct communication channels are up characteristics of the data center: to M-9 and M-10. • The level of service accessibility due • The capacity of fiber-optic lines is more to the standard ANSI/TIA-942-2005 than 10 Gb/s. • Development of the banking front- objects in Uzbekistan on request end system and various modules of of the state unitary enterprise information systems for a number Unicon UZ. of the country’s largest credit institutions: Sberbank RF, VTB, Russkij Standart. CONSULTING • Implementation of the standard IT SERVICES system of the Uniform State Register of Rights in all Russian regions, the • Creation of Russian national standard creation of public services portal for for IT Service Management IEC the Russian State Register. 20000:2010. • Modernization of custom authorities’ • Creation of Technology Management PARTNERSHIP information systems for the Russian Center of Moscow suburban railway Federal Customs Service: creation of complex, the branch of OJSC Russian • One of the leading HP Preferred full-featured integrated components Railways. Partner in Russia. Holder of NonStop of the Unified Automated Information • Implementation and support of solutions and special awards for HP System (SAIS) to computerize key personnel management system P9500 storage system promotion, custom processes. based on SAP HCM for X5 Retail HP Integrity Superdome 2, Group holding (all branches with HP BladeSystem. Partner of HP about 80 thousands employees), Excellence Award 2013 for the INFRASTRUCTURE for TNK-BP, Mercedes-Benz RUS, impressive growth of the business SOLUTIONS Sibneftegaz, FC Uralsib. in EMEA • Creating of the unified business • Premier Partner: IBM, EMC, VMware, • Creation of the cloud service to standard of company management, Blue Coat, Tipping Point. maintain the Corporate information creating of standard industry • Platinum Partner: Oracle, Symantec, Management System of MSRK Center information system for management Lenovo, NetApp (the only one at Data center TrastInfo. of financial and economic activities authorized professional service • Design and implementation of the in the largest Russian industrial partner in Russia and NetApp IT infrastructure of the branch companies including MMC Norilsk Excellence in ensuing customer network for the bank Sviaz-Bank Nikel and (7 business success award holder). • Designing and implementation of a segments and 20 geographic • Golden Partner: Microsoft (Microsoft fail-safe virtualization environment locations). Country Partner of the Year in Russia in the data processing centers of • Preparing of TBinform and 2012), Citrix, Cisco, Printronix, Rosbank, VTB-Strakhovanie, 11 Sberbank’s regional banks for Fortinet. Status Cisco ATP — Identity Severny Bank of Sberbank RF, certification for compliance with the Services Engine Partner (2012), Cisco SMP-Bank Turnkey building of the requirements of the Russian standard Channel Customer Satisfaction Data center for MDM bank and ISO 20000. Excellence. Nacionalnyj Reservnyj Bank. • Development and implementation of • SAP AG certified partner of 3 highest • Creation of a fail-safe file storage the unified standard of information levels: SAP Hosting Services Partner; with multiple domain access in the processes management for TNC SAP Cloud Services Partner и SAP Central Office of Sberbank RF. Kazchrome. Application Management Services • Installation of the system of the Partner. Certified by Partner Centre State cadastre of communication of Expertise in SAP ERP and SAP Business Object (2012). • Silver Partner of ABBYY, Avaya, Check Point SoftwareS-Terra. • 2 circuit protection. services are hundreds of companies all over • First in Russia certified Qualified • Currently the hybrid cloud contains the world. Partner of companies VCE (Virtual 5 000 virtual machines. The uniqueness of the TrastInfo — in the Computing Environment) and Major Russian companies cooperate with complex approach to the support of the it- CommVault Authorized Partner. TrastInfo: Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, infrastructure: I-Teco offers the widest choice • Certified partner of SAS, Directum, Standard Bank, Rosatom, Severstal, Norilsk of date-center services: from placement and EMC Documentum, Schneider Electric, Nickel, , Transaero, Nordea, Svyaz- provision of equipment and channels of data ThinPrint, Loxon. Bank, SME Bank; leading telecom-providers: transmission in rent up to complete control of • Partner level Select of Fujitsu RTComm.RU, VimpelCom, MegaFon, working capacity of the IT systems by support Technology Solution. Scarlett, MTS; government structures, service SC I-Teco, including the provision • Elite Partner of the company Quest including Federal Treasury, Rosreestr, of equipment, software, services for the Software, McAfee SecurityAlliance, FTS; major IT-vendors and integrator: IBS monitoring and maintenance of accessibility, PacketSentry and Preferred Partner DataFort, Lanit, Tieto, IBM GlobalServices. development of recovery plans. of Dell. Direct and indirect users of data center www.trustinfo.ru www.i-teco.ru/partners BUSINESS-INTELLIGENCE personal data” and legal issues resolution in the field of information security, great I-Teco improves competences in such experience in realization of complicated areas as business intelligence, data technical and organizational tasks in storage, budget management automation their interaction with business processes and financial consolidation, systems allowed I-Teco to significantly improve of enterprise search and knowledge the positions in the information security discovery. market and attract the attention of the Since 2009 the group of companies major Russian customers and a number I-Teco includes the company BI Partner of foreign companies: PWC, Deloitte, KIA, which offers a full range of services Credit Agricol Bank etc. CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES related to implementation and operation of analytical information systems: from I-Teco is the first company on Russian resolving of basic problems of data INNOVATIVE market that promotes hybrid cloud on integration to analytical reports and PRODUCTS integrated cloud IBM platform based on systems. Below are some of business its own data center TrastInfo. intelligence projects carried out by I-Teco: I-Teco own developments: Analytical I-Teco cloud solutions include most • Development, deployment and Courier — a system of knowledge popular and needed services: IaaS, PaaS, launch of commercial operation of extraction from documents; X-Files — SaaS. One of the first Russian stores complex data-processing system of factual information management system; of SaaS-solutions launched on the patent search PatSearch the Federal I-Konto system of significant legal base of TrastInfo – i-Oblako.ru. Own Institute for Industrial Property document flow; SocNet; cSpace Portal unique services are presented here of Rospatent for which ensures solution; RFID-technologies; mobile (I-Teco OpenStack Cloud, I-Teco Service simultaneous work of more than applications on ARM iPad; TransBase — Desk, I-Teco Enterprise Cloud, I-Teco 1000 experts with 5 languages. automated truck control system; CloudOffice), sector partner solutions Prometey — information security legal- and main SaaS services producers reference system. for SMB (Google Apps, 1C, Office 365 INFORMATION SECURITY Rossouzspas and I-Teco launched a Microsoft). unified information internet portal The high competence of the company in Dobrovolec.ru, to unite volunteers of www.i-oblako.ru the practical application of FZ-152 “On Russian Federation.


% % 49 14 12% 9% 9% 7%

Retail, Energy, Financial State Industry Telecom Transportation and Insurance Companies Institiutions and Oil&Gas and IT etc.

Absolyut Bank, Bank Alemar, Baltiiskyi Bank, Bank of Moscow, BPC Banking Superior Court of Arbitration, ICM of RAS, Alrosa, Bashneft, Bashhim, Bashinformsvyaz, Avtomir, Armadillo, Technologies, NPF Blagosostoyanie, VTB, VTB24, Vnesheconombank, Russian Ministry if Internal Affairs of Russian Gazpromneft, Gazkomplektacija Vympelcom, Gaztelecom, Auchan, Wimm-Bill-Dann, Regional Development Bank, VTB Strakhovanije, Gazinvestbank, NPFGazfond, Federation, Moscow City Health Insurance Gazpromtransgaz, Evraz, Ilim Globus Telecom, Kaspersky East-Line, KIA Motors RUS, Gazprombank, Gorodskoy Ipotechnyy Bank, Deltacredit, IFD Kapital, ING Life, Fund, Ministry of Telecom and Mass Group, Kazzinc, Kamaz, LGEK, Laboratory, Mastertel, Korston, International Lipetskkombank, MDM Bank, MSP Bank, Moscow bank for Reconstruction and Communications, Ministry of Justice of Casting and Rolling Mill (LPZ), MGTS, MegaFon, MTS, Grain Company, MIR, MIEL, Development, Moskovsky Zalogovy Bank, National Reserve Bank, Novikombank, the Republic of Russia and Kazakhstan, , , ММК, Mosenergo, , RTComm.ру, National Logistics Company, NOMOS-BANK, Nordea Bank, Probusinessbank, Raiffeisen Bank, Renaissance Ministry of Emergency Situations of MRSK-Centre, Naryanmarneftegaz, North-West Telecom, ROYALSOFT, ROLF, Toyota Insurance, RESO Garantia, Rosbank, ROSNO, Rosselkhozbank, Rossiyskiy Credit Russia, Ministry of Economic Development Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Norilsk Scartel, Tattelecom, Motor, Transaero, Philip Bank, Russian Standard Bank, Russky Bank Razvitiya, Russ-Bank, Sberbank Rossii, and Trade, GC Rosatom, Roshydromet, Nickel, NLMK, OGK-3, OMK, RosAgro, Center-Telecom, Morris, Heineken, Sviaz Bank, Sentinel Credit Management, SMP Bank , NPF Socialnoje Razvitie, Federal Institute for Industrial Property of , Rusal, Severstal, Sevkabel IBM GlobalServices, Tieto. Hendy Motor CIS, Standard Bank, TransCreditBank, Тranscapitalbank, Troika Dialog, URALSIB, Rospatent, Federal State Reserve Agency, Holding, SIBUR Holding, Surgut, Sheremetyevo-3, Eldorado, SK URALSIB, Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development, URSA Bank, Committee at the Russian Prosecutor’s Surgutneftegaz, SUEK (Siberian Coal Unilever Rus, ItellaNLC, Etalonbank, UniCredit Bank, Bank Unistream. Office, Audit Chamber, Central Bank of Energy Company), , TGK-9, NordStar Airlines Russia, Federal Water Resources Agency, TGK-10 (Fortum) TNK-ВР, TFK, UGMK, Federal Forestry Agency, Federal Uralelectromed, Phosagro. Treasury of Russia, Federal Migration service, Federal Tax Service, Federal security Service of Russia, Federal Security Service, Federal Custom Service.

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Moscow St.-Petersburg Ufa Kiev, Ukraine Astana, Kazakhstan Tashkent, Uzbekistan Kedrova str., 15 Ushakovskaya nab., 5 Revolucionnaya str., 221 Krasnoarmeyskaya str., 72 Sary-Arka street,15 Kari Niyazova str., 3/14 Tel. +7 (495) 777-1095 Tel. +7 (812) 346-6929 Tel. +7 (347) 293-4853 Tel. +380 (44) 390-0814 Tel. +7 (7172) 73-1926 Tel. +998 (71) 238-9235 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.i-teco.ru/go/pre.pdf 2013 issue