BOOK REVIEWS moves around earth, bending of light. Let me close with an apology. I have about him and their reactions to the good What bends is space not light, light free- taken liberty in discoursing on some is- and the bad events of his life. However, ly floats on it and hence we measure sues of concepts and principles (enclosed as we see in this latest compilation, the bending of space by means of light. in parentheses) that could though be con- contemporary biographies unfold his Though wrong, it has got currency and strued as transgressions but at the same potential as an untiring seeker of truth; so we carry on with it. time that may perhaps be illuminating. his mind and hands worked brilliantly Another misconception is that in a leaving us wonder if some unpublished strong gravitational field light slows NARESH DADHICH material may still be hiding somewhere down. That too is utterly wrong. What escaping the eyes of historians. slows down is the clock in strong gravity The Inter-University Centre for Stefano Gattei is a well-known name and that would result in increasing light Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), among the historians. The book was frequency and thereby energy but its Post Bag 4, Ganeshkhind, eagerly awaited by historians as the pub- speed remains the same universal con- Pune 411 007, India lications of a series of papers on Galileo, stant. When light is tunnelling out of a e-mail:
[email protected] especially the one1 in 2017. This critical strong gravitational field, it loses energy edition comprises the biographical through decrease in its frequency or in- sketches of Galileo during his life time crease in wavelength.