Environmental Impact Assessment Part of Lots 11 & 12, Concession 2 Township of Russell
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Environmental Impact Assessment Part of Lots 11 & 12, Concession 2 Township of Russell Prepared for: Melanie Construction 900 Route 500 Russell, Ontario K4R 1ES Prepared by: McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers Ltd. 115 Walgreen Road Carp, ON K0A 1L0 December 2014 Melanie Construction Environmental Impact Assessment CP-08-512 Part of Lots 11 & 12, Concession 2, Township of Russell TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................1 2.0 METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................3 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT ...................................................................................4 3.1 Existing Land Use .................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Landforms, Soils & Geology .................................................................................................................................... 4 3.3 Surface Water, Groundwater and Fish Habitat ...................................................................................................... 4 3.4 Vegetation .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 3.5 Designated Natural Heritage Features ................................................................................................................... 5 3.6 Wildlife ................................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.7 Species at Risk ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 4.0 IMPACTS AND ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................9 4.1 Vegetation .............................................................................................................................................................. 9 4.2 Surface Water, Groundwater & Fish Habitat ......................................................................................................... 9 4.3 Significant Areas ................................................................................................................................................... 10 4.4 Wildlife ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 4.5 Species at Risk and their Habitat .......................................................................................................................... 10 4.6 Identifying Cumulative Impacts ............................................................................................................................ 12 5.0 RECOMMENDED MITIGATION ........................................................................................................................... 13 6.0 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................................. 15 7.0 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................................... 16 8.0 LIMITATIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 17 FIGURES Figure 1: Key Map ................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Figure 2: Proposed Concept Plan ............................................................................................................................................ 8 TABLES Table 1: Species at Risk Potentially Present on the Subject Property .................................................................................... 6 i Melanie Construction Environmental Impact Assessment CP-08-512 Part of Lots 11 & 12, Concession 2, Township of Russell 1.0 INTRODUCTION Melanie Construction Inc. is currently in ownership of a 27.32 ha parcel of undeveloped land on Part of Lots 11 & 12, Concession 2, Township of Russell, within the Village of Russell, Ontario (subject property) (Figure 1). The subject property is found within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) Kemptville District and South Nation Conservation Authority (SNCA). According to the Township of Russell’s Official Plan Schedule A2 (October 2010), the current land use designation is ‘residential’ with a hazard area identified as ‘flood plain’, adjacent to the Castor River. The zoning of the subject property is Residential (R1A-h) (Township of Russell Zoning By-law, July 2011). In support of draft plan submission for a proposed subdivision, the SNCA and Township of Russell require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) be carried out for the subject property. This EIA would determine the impacts as they relate to the proposed development plans, the surrounding natural heritage features (Castor River/fish habitat) and species at risk (SAR) and their habitat. According to the Untied Counties of Prescott Russell’s Official Plan (May 2006), potential negative impacts to the natural heritage features of the subject property must be examined through a process of environmental impact assessment prior to development approval. The proposed development to be known as the ‘Southwest Park Subdivision’ will include 516 single family homes, 100 semi-detached homes, 52 townhouse units, 90 apartment/condo units, a stormwater management facility and a sanitary sewer lift station (Figure 2). Herbaceous vegetation will be required to be removed from the majority of the subject property for the construction of the buildings and associated infrastructure. The remaining area will be landscaped or left to regenerate naturally, including a 30 m wide buffer adjacent to the Castor River. McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers Ltd. (McIntosh Perry) was retained by Melanie Construction Inc., in order to carry out an EIA to assess the existing terrestrial and aquatic communities, and determine the potential for SAR and associated habitat on the subject property. This report summarizes the findings of the investigations and provides recommendations in order to mitigate impacts on natural heritage resources from the proposed development. 1 Castor River Blackcreek Road None Parkway Road Bols Street ³ Eadie Road Drainage Unna med Channel Watercourse Route 300 Boundary Road ³ Hwy 417 17.3 km Route 200 Cooper Hill Road 0 200 400 Scale 1:15,000 Meters PrescottUnited and CountiesRussell of North Russell Road Forced Road Pana Road CIty of Ottawa Hamilton Road Castor River Wade Road Craig Street Russell Cartwright Road Gregoire Road SITE Yorks Corners Road South Russell Road Route 300 MacDonald Road Ray Wilson Road 0 1 2 4 LEGEND SCALE 1:50,000 KILOMETERS Subject Property Boundary Main Road/Highway Watercourse CLIENT: Local Road Waterbody MELANIE CONSTRUCTION Utility Line Drainage Channel PROJECT: Railroad PATENAUDE SOUTHWEST SUBDIVISION Municipal Border TITLE: SITE LOCATION PROJECT NO: CP-08-512 FIGURE: REFERENCE Date DEC. 22, 2014 Base data provided by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 2014. GIS ED 1 Imagery provided by Bing Maps, 2014 115 Walgreen Rd., RR#3, Carp, ON K0A1L0 Tel: 613-836-2184 Fax: 613-836-3742 Checked By HL Document Path:H:\01 Project- Proposals\2008Jobs\CP-08-512 Patenaude Southwest\GIS\CP08512_01_SiteLocationPatenaudeSouthwestSubdivision.mxd Melanie Construction Environmental Impact Assessment CP-08-512 Part of Lots 11 & 12, Concession 2, Township of Russell 2.0 METHODOLOGY In order to acquire current information on habitat present within the study area, a desktop review was completed for a 2 km search radius in relation to the subject property. The desktop review of the available information sources listed below, provided data on the following: SAR that have been found or have the potential to be found in the vicinity of the subject property, local habitat conditions in the vicinity of the subject property, fish species and habitat type present within the Castor River adjacent to the subject property, location of any Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI) and Provincially Significant Wetlands (PSW) in vicinity of the subject property and any significant wildlife habitat. The review was conducted using the following sources: Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystems Assessment Report Melanie Construction Russell, Ontario. McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers. October 2009. Data from the MNRF’s Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) database was accessed via http://www.giscoeapp.lrc.gov.on.ca/web/MNR/NHLUPS/NaturalHeritage/Viewer/Viewer.html (MNRF, 2014). This search tool allows areas to be searched at up to 1 km2 grid resolution and provides reports concerning rare species tracked by the NHIC. Information for each 1 km2 grid where the identified projects were located was accessed. Data from the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas Database was accessed from the data summaries