September 2017

Our Ref: JAC23653

RPS Suite D10, Josephs Well, Hanover Walk Leeds LS3 1AB

Tel: 0113 2206190 Email: [email protected]


Prepared by: Dan Slatcher

Authorised by: Andrew Stevenson

Date: September 2017

Project Number/Document JAC23653/ “Waterswallows” STOR 119 Ltd/ REV0 Reference:


The material presented in this report is confidential. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of STOR119 Ltd and shall not be distributed or made available to any other company or person without the knowledge and written consent of RPS.


1 INTRODUCTION ...... 2 Background ...... 2 Site Description ...... 2 Scheme Description ...... 2 Designed-in Mitigation ...... 3 Project Aim ...... 3 Project Archive ...... 3 2 METHODOLOGY ...... 4 3 PLANNING CONTEXT ...... 7 4 ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORIC BACKGROUND ...... 10 Introduction ...... 10 5 ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL ...... 13 6 CONCLUSIONS ...... 14 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES ...... 15 Published ...... 15 Unpublished ...... 15 Published Maps ...... 15 FIGURES ...... 16 APPENDIX 1: HER ENTRIES (SUPPLIED BY DERBYSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGY SERVICE) ...... 17 APPENDIX 2: HISTORIC MAPS (SUPPLIED BY LANDMARK MAPPING) ...... 18

LIST OF FIGURES: Figure 1: Site Location and HER Data

Figure 2: Designated Assets within 1km of Proposed Development

Figure 3: Historic Landscape Character


RPS Planning and Development was commissioned to produce a heritage assessment in connection with a proposed energy reserve facility at a site to the east of Waterswallows Industrial Park, Waterswallows Road, , in Derbyshire. The facility would generate electricity during peak periods of demand (limited to a few hours per week) although the specific level of output would vary according to local demand.

The proposal site is located some 3km northeast of Buxton Railway Station and 900m southeast of the centre of Upper End, on the north side of Waterswallows Road at its junction with Hardybarn Lane. The proposal site is centred on National Grid Reference SK 085 752. The proposal site is bounded to the west by the Waterswallows Recycling Centre, to the north and east by farmland and to the south by Waterswallows Road and Waterswallows Quarry. The proposal site lies at an altitude of approximately 345m AOD and covers some 0.34ha. The proposal site currently comprises part of two grass fields, the southern being the sire of a former farmhouse. Both fields were being grazed by sheep at the time of the site visit in September 2017. A small concrete block building is located on the eastern boundary of the southern field, outside the proposal site. The geology of the proposal site comprises limestone of the Low Limestone Formation. To the northwest of the proposal site the solid geology comprises lava of the Lower Miller’s Dale Lava Member, with an unnamed igneous intrusion to the south. No superficial deposits are recorded.

This study has revealed that there are no designated sites (e.g. scheduled monuments, listed buildings) within the proposal site. The closest designated assets are the scheduled monuments located some 1.9km northeast of the proposal site. Neither these nor any other scheduled monuments, listed buildings, registered parks and gardens, registered battlefields or conservation areas nor their settings would be affected by the proposed development.

There are no recorded remains of confirmed prehistoric date within or in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development area, although those Mesolithic and later remains located nearby at the Buxton Water Bottling Works on Waterswallows Lane are significant. Later development within the proposal site may have damaged any remains here. The line of a Roman road runs within 1km of the proposal site. The proposal site lay within the hinterland of Buxton during the Roman period.

There are few sites or finds of medieval date in the vicinity of the proposal site. Later mapping indicates that the wider area was probably part of a common grazing field during the later medieval period. There is no evidence for medieval settlement activity within the proposed development area.

The proposal site itself is named as Hardybarn Farm, with Hardybarn marked at the crossroads with Longridge Road to the east of the proposal site on the first edition Ordnance Survey (OS) six-inch to the mile map of 1882. The farm buildings are shown as being located in the southern field of the proposal site and had been demolished by 1999 according to Google Earth.

There is no recorded evidence for activity, other than use as agricultural land over the proposal site until the 19th century when parts of it were used as a farm. The farm within the proposal site was demolished by 1999.

There is no evidence for the proposed development area to contain below ground remains of the highest significance, or of sufficient significance to warrant preservation in situ.



Background 1.1 RPS Planning and Development was commissioned to produce a heritage assessment in connection with a proposed energy reserve facility at a site to the east of Waterswallows Industrial Park, Waterswallows Road, Buxton, in Derbyshire.

1.2 The facility would generate electricity during peak periods of demand (limited to a few hours per week) although the specific level of output would vary according to local demand.

Site Description 1.3 The proposed development area is located some 3km northeast of Buxton Railway Station and 900m southeast of the centre of Upper End, on the north side of Waterswallows Road at its junction with Hardybarn Lane and immediately east of Waterswallows Industrial Park. The proposal site is centred on National Grid Reference SK 085 752.

1.4 The proposal site is bounded to the west by the Waterswallows Recycling Centre, to the north and east by farmland and to the south by a drystone wall, a wooded area, Waterswallows Road and Waterswallows Quarry on the south side of Waterswallows Road. The proposal site lies at an altitude of approximately 345m AOD and covers some 0.34ha.

1.5 The proposal site currently comprises part of two grass fields, the southern being the sire of a former farmhouse. Booth fields were being grazed by sheep at the time of the site visit in September 2017. A small concrete block building is located on the eastern boundary of the southern field, outside the proposal site.

1.6 The geology of the proposal site comprises limestone of the Low Limestone Formation. To the northwest of the proposal site the solid geology comprises lava of the Lower Miller’s Dale Lava Member, with an unnamed igneous intrusion to the south. No superficial deposits are recorded (

Scheme Description 1.7 The proposal comprises an Energy Reserve Facility including a small scale gas-fired energy generation facility with a capacity of approximately 20 MW in order to support the provision of local power during peak periods:

1.8 The main components of the scheme include:

. 5 containerised engine units;

. 5 emission stacks 8m in height (i.e. 3.3m above the containers) attached to each containerised unit;

. a welfare unit;

. a DNO Substation/Meter Room;

. a controls container.


1.9 There would also be other ancillary plant

Designed-in Mitigation 1.10 The landscape proposals include the following features:

. Site security will be afforded by fencing and CCTV (including infrared CCTV), rather than through the use of floodlighting in order to minimise potential impacts on the settings of heritage assets.

. Protection and retention of existing vegetation on adjacent land as an important landscape framework for the proposals.

. Tree and shrub planting along the northern and western boundaries of the proposal site to complement existing vegetation and enhance screening for visual receptors.

. Native planting to provide a scheme of landscape and ecological value.

Project Aim 1.11 The aim of this study is to assess the significance of designated heritage assets and to determine, what, if any effect the proposed development may have on that significance.

Project Archive 1.12 The project archive is held by RPS at the time of writing.

1.13 This report has been written for and on behalf of RPS by Dan Slatcher BA, MA, MCIfA.



2.1 During this assessment, Health and Safety considerations were paramount, relevant legislation and guidance were complied with and appropriate health and safety measures adopted at all times.

2.2 The desk assessment comprised, in the first instance, consultation with the Derbyshire Archaeology Advisory Service and their Historic Environment Record (HER). Data on scheduled monuments, registered parks and gardens and registered battlefields was obtained from Historic . A review of relevant documentary and archival material held in libraries and archives was undertaken. An iterative approach was adopted during this process to determine the scope of the above consultations/searches. The Record Office was visited in September 2017.

2.3 A site visit was undertaken in September 2017 to establish the presence of previously unrecorded heritage assets, and/ or to further assess the potential of recorded heritage assets. In addition, the field visit assessed as appropriate the suitability of any further survey techniques and provided an indication of the likely effect of the proposed development on the settings of heritage assets.

2.4 The assessment has conformed to the relevant legislation and guidance, including:

. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) (March 2012);

. Code of Conduct Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (2014);

. Standard and Guidance for Historic Environment Desk Based Assessment Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (2014);

. Conservation Principles English Heritage (2008) and

. Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 3 The Setting of Heritage Assets Historic England (2015)

2.5 The proposal site comprises a proposed gas fired energy reserve facility with several structures not exceeding c. 4.7m in height and 8 cylindrical steel emissions stacks, each with a height of 8m proposed. On the basis of recent experience with similar developments, this assessment has initially focussed on a study area of up to 1 km around the proposal site with respect to both below ground archaeology and the settings of heritage assets, while taking into consideration evidence from a wider area if appropriate.

2.6 Only those assets which might be affected by development at the proposal site are assessed, using the guidance prepared by Historic England in their document “The Setting of Heritage Assets” along with “Conservation Principles”.

2.7 NPPF, inter alia paragraphs 128, 129, and 132 indicate that heritage assets may be of varying levels of significance. In addition, the Design Manual for Road and Bridges (Vol 11, Section 3 Part 2 HA208/07) (Highways Agency August 2007) details categories of relative importance. The categories of significance below are based on these documents, with NPPF taking precedence:


. Sites of the Highest Significance would include scheduled monuments, protected wreck sites, battlefields, Grade I and II* listed buildings and Grade I and II* registered parks and gardens and World Heritage Sites;

. Sites of High Significance would include Grade II listed buildings, and Grade II registered parks and gardens;

. Sites of Medium Significance, these being of Regional or County importance;

. Sites of Low Significance, these being of District or Local importance;

. Sites of Negligible Significance - with very little of no surviving heritage interest; and

. Sites of Unknown Significance.

2.8 Impact scales are defined thus:

Major Change to those elements which contribute to the significance of most or all key asset elements, such that the resource is totally altered. Comprehensive changes to setting.

Moderate Changes to many key asset elements, such that the resource is clearly modified. Considerable changes to setting.

Minor Changes to key asset elements, such that the asset is slightly altered. Slight changes to setting.

Negligible Very minor changes to elements or setting.

No change No change.

2.9 The significance of effects is a combination of the value of the resource or asset and the magnitude of impact on that resource or asset. Effects can be adverse or beneficial. Beneficial effects are those that mitigate existing impacts and help to restore or enhance heritage assets, therefore allowing for greater understanding and appreciation. A matrix of the significance of effects is provided in the table below:

Table – Significance of Effects Matrix


Very High Neutral Slight Moderate/ Large or Very Large Large Very Large High Neutral Slight Moderate/ Moderate/ Large/Very Slight Large Large Medium Neutral Neutral/ Slight Slight Moderate Moderate/ Large Low Neutral Neutral/ Slight Neutral/ Slight Slight/ Slight Moderate


Negligible Neutral Neutral Neutral/ Neutral/ Slight Slight Slight No change Negligible Minor Moderate Major


2.10 Within this report, archaeological periods are defined as follows:

. Prehistoric [comprising Lower Palaeolithic (pre 30,000 BC), Upper Palaeolithic (30,000 - 10,000BC), Mesolithic (10,000 - 3,500BC), Neolithic (3,500 - 2,000BC), Bronze Age (2,000 - 700BC) and Iron Age (700BC - AD43)];

. Roman (AD43 - AD410);

. Medieval (AD450 - AD1540);

. Post Medieval (AD1540 to 1901); and

. Modern (1901 onwards).



3.1 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (DCLG 2012) provides advice to planning authorities regarding the protection of heritage assets within the planning process. The guidance deals with all types of heritage in a single document. The NPPF takes an integrated approach to the historic environment and 'heritage assets', moving beyond a distinction between buildings, landscapes and archaeological remains.

3.2 Paragraph 128 notes that in determining applications local planning authorities should require an applicant to provide a description of the significance of the heritage assets affected and the contribution of their setting to that significance. The level of detail should be proportionate to the importance of the heritage asset and no more than is sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposal on the significance of the heritage asset.

3.3 A heritage asset is defined in the NPPF at page 52 as ‘a building, monument, site, place, area or landscape positively identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions because of its heritage interest. Heritage asset includes designated heritage assets and assets identified by the local planning authority (including local listing).‘

3.4 Setting is defined in the NPPF at page 56 as ‘the surroundings in which a heritage asset is experienced. Its extent is not fixed and may change as the asset and its surroundings evolve. Elements of a setting may make a positive or negative contribution to the significance of an asset, may affect the ability to appreciate that significance or may be neutral.’

3.5 Paragraph 131 of the NPPF notes that in determining planning applications, local planning authorities should take account of the desirability of sustaining and enhancing the significance of heritage assets and putting them to viable uses consistent with their conservation; the positive contribution that conservation of heritage assets can make to sustainable communities including their economic vitality; and the desirability of new development making a positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness.

3.6 Paragraph 132 notes that when considering the impact of a proposed development on the significance of a designated heritage asset, great weight should be given to the asset’s conservation. The more important the asset, the greater the weight should be.

3.7 Paragraph 135 notes that the effect of an application on the significance of a non-designated heritage asset should be taken into account in determining the application. In weighing applications that affect directly or indirectly non designated heritage assets, a balanced judgement will be required having regard to the scale of any harm or loss and the significance of the heritage asset.

3.8 Listed buildings are protected under the provisions 54(i) of the Town and Country Planning Act (1971), as amended by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act (1990) which empowers the Secretary of State for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to maintain a list of built structures of historic or architectural significance.

3.9 Scheduled monuments are protected through the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act (1979), which had been updated in the National Heritage Act (1983). Scheduled monuments are


maintained on a list held by the Secretary of State for DCMS. Any alterations or works to a scheduled monument (including archaeological investigation) requires scheduled monument consent (SMC).

3.10 The development plan for the application area comprises the High Peak Local Plan 2016 adopted on the 14th April 2016. Relevant policies are as follows:

Policy EQ 7 Built and Historic Environment

The Council will conserve heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance. This will take into account the desirability of sustaining and enhancing their significance and will ensure that development proposals contribute positively to the character of the built and historic environment in accordance with sub area strategies S5, S6 and S7.

Particular protection will be given to designated and non-designated heritage assets and their settings including:

 Listed Buildings

 Conservation Areas

 Historic Parks and Gardens

 Scheduled Monuments

 Archaeological Sites or heritage features

 Heritage trees and woodlands

 Locally listed heritage assets

This will be achieved by:

 Requiring all works that could impact on a heritage asset or its setting or sites with the potential to include assets, to be informed by a level of historical, architectural and archaeological evidence proportionate to their significance and sufficient to understand the potential impact of a proposal. Where appropriate, the Council may also require historical research and archaeological recording to be undertaken before works to a heritage asset commence

 Preventing the loss of buildings and features which make a positive contribution to the character or heritage of an area through preservation or appropriate reuse and sensitive development, including enabling development, unless it can be demonstrated that the substantial harm or loss is necessary to achieve substantial public benefits that outweigh that harm or loss or other relevant provisions of the NPPF apply.

 Ensuring that development within the Area of Archaeological Interest as identified on the Policies Map does not have a significant adverse impact on any known or yet to be discovered heritage assets. Planning conditions and/or obligations will be agreed to ensure that archaeological or heritage features and recorded and retained intact in situ. Where this is impractical, such features will be appropriately excavated and recorded prior to destruction. Within the Buxton Area of Archaeological Interest development proposals should be informed


by desk-based assessment / field evaluation as appropriate to assess the potential for impacts on Roman archaeology. Where proposals are likely to affect other known important sites, sites of significant archaeological potential, or those that become known through the development process, an archaeological evaluation will be required prior to their determination

 Requiring proposed developments that affect a heritage asset and / or its setting, including alterations and extensions to existing buildings, to demonstrate how the proposal has taken account of design, form, scale, mass, use of traditional materials and detailing, siting and views away from and towards the heritage asset in order to ensure that the design is sympathetic and minimises harm to the asset.

 Requiring proposals for the change of use of heritage assets, including listed buildings and buildings in Conservation Areas to demonstrate that the proposal is considered to be the optimum sustainable and viable use that involves the least change to the fabric, interior and setting of the building

 Requiring development proposals in Conservation Areas to demonstrate how the proposal has taken account of the distinctive character and setting of individual Conservation Areas including open spaces and natural features and how this has been reflected in the layout, design, form, scale, mass, use of traditional materials and detailing, in accordance with Character Appraisals where available

 Requiring the retention of shop-fronts of high architectural or historical value wherever possible. Proposals for replacement shop-fronts and signage, or alterations to shop-fronts affecting heritage assets should respect the character, scale, proportion and special interest of the host building and its setting

 Continuing the programme of Conservation Area Character Appraisals

 Ensuring that appropriate heritage assets are added to the local list of buildings of architectural or historic interest

 Using Article 4 Directions to control permitted development in the Central, College, Hardwick, and Buxton Park Conservation Areas in Buxton and the Old Glossop, Higher Chisworth and New Mills Conservation Areas

 Providing occasional grant funding as resources permit to allow owners or occupiers of historic commercial buildings to improve and enhance their shop-fronts, windows, doors and signage in a traditional and sympathetic manner



Introduction 4.1 Figure 1 shows HER data within 1km of the proposal site, while Figure 2 shows the designated assets within 1km of the proposal site and Figure 3 shows the historic landscape character areas surrounding the proposal site.

4.2 Recorded archaeological remains in the wider area range in date from the prehistoric to the post medieval period.

Prehistoric and Roman 4.3 There is evidence for prehistoric and Roman activity in the wider area in the form of sites and finds.

4.4 A scheme of site investigation including desk based assessment, trial trenching and excavation has been carried out in connection with the development of a water bottling plant located on the east side of Waterswallows Lane, some 375m west of the proposal site (Davies 2011, 2013). The HER notes that

4.5 Prior to the construction of a new Buxton Spring Water bottling plant, archaeological evaluation was carried out on land at Waterswallows Lane, Green Fairfield. Initially, a total of 28 trial trenches was excavated across the whole area of planned development. The results permitted the identification of an area of high archaeological potential for additional investigation (the west side of the site), and areas of little or no potential (the eastern and southern ends), where no further work would be carried out. The area of high potential was then stripped and a systematic walkover was undertaken, with collection of all artefacts. This was followed by total excavation of the northern half; in the southern half preservation in situ was proposed, due to the changing ground levels. Two main phases of activity were identified, with isolated finds relating to other later periods. The first major phase of activity on the site was dated to the Late Mesolithic and was represented by lithic artefacts and potentially by the occasional cut feature. The lithics occurred in concentrations and included significant quantities of chert. One concentration of material on the northeast side of the site which contained several cores and numerous black chert blades was interpreted as a probable knapping floor. The second major phase of activity was dated to the Early Neolithic. Remains from this period were more substantial than those from the Mesolithic. In addition to lithics, artefactual evidence included 27 sherds from carinated bowls and a few pieces of daub. Two groups of cut archaeological features were identified, including pits and postholes, and carbonised cereal grains and hazelnut shells were recovered from several of these. The most important concentration of Neolithic remains was at the northern end of the site where a probable Neolithic building was identified; this appeared to be a possible longhouse 4.5m by 8.5m in size, with a hearth or fire pit. Some features indicated that either repairs or rebuilds may have taken place. At the southern end of the site was a possible small post-built enclosure. For later periods, four sherds of Late Iron Age pottery were recovered and several post-medieval features were identified, including a rabbit warren and former field boundaries (HER number 6515).

4.6 During the Roman period the nearby town of Buxton developed as a spa, located at the junction of two major roads from Little Chester to Manchester and from Brough to the Stoke-on-Trent district (Burnham and Wacher, 1990, 176). The line of one of these, the Roman road towards Brough, now called Batham Gate is located some 900m to the north of the proposal site at its nearest point (HER number 6508).


4.7 The Roman name for Buxton was , referring to its warm springs, associated with the goddess Arnemetia, derived from the Celtic nemeton (Burnham and Wacher, 1990, 176). Remains related to the spa have been found in the centre of Buxton, close to the site of St Anne’s Well, located some 3 km to the southwest of the proposal site.

4.8 There are no recorded remains of confirmed prehistoric date within or in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development area, although those located nearby are significant. Later development within the proposal site may have damaged any remains here. The line of a Roman road runs within 1km of the proposal site. The proposal site lay within the hinterland of Buxton during the Roman period.

Medieval 4.9 There is no indication that the small Roman town of Aquae Arnemetiae survived beyond the end of the Roman period, and there are no records of early medieval remains in the vicinity. Neither Fairfield nor Buxton are recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086, which suggests that neither represented a significant focus of settlement by the beginning of the medieval period.

4.10 The earliest documentary reference to Buxton dates from 1108, when it was noted as Buchestanes. The place-name seems to derive either from būg-stān, meaning ‘rocking stone’, or bucc stān, meaning simply ‘buck stone’. In 1366 it was referred to as Kyngesbucstones, because it formed part of the Royal Forest of the Peak, belonging to the Crown (Cameron 1959, 52-3). Fairfield itself is first referenced in the Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum of 1223 where it is titled Feyr(e)feld or ‘fair open land’. Cameron (1959) states that there are numerous 13th and 14th century references suggesting that the finest pasturage in the Peak Forest was here.

4.11 There are few sites or finds of medieval date in the vicinity of the proposal site. Later mapping indicates that the wider area was probably part of a common grazing field during the later medieval period. There is no evidence for medieval settlement activity within the proposed development area.

Post-medieval 4.12 The picture of settlement and activity in the wider area during the early post medieval period was presumably similar to that of the later medieval period.

4.13 Burdett’s map of Derbyshire of 1791 indicates that the proposal site was located in a rural area at a road junction, apparently that of Waterswallows Road and Hardybarn Lane.

4.14 The proposal site is located in the chapelry of Wormhill, itself part of Tideswell parish. Wormhill is described as being a scattered village, containing 4330 acres, 70 houses and 337 inhabitants (Bagshaw 1846: 556). The proposal site lies at the edge of Wormhill Township. The Fairfield and Wormhill tithes of the mid-19th century show the wider area as a series of fields, those to the east and southwest apparently enclosed from common arable land. The Wormhill tithe of 1849 shows the southern field of the proposal site as a small farmstead marked as ‘Croft’ which was under pasture and ‘Site of House and Buildings’, with the parish boundary running along its southwestern edge and through the southernmost part of the proposal site. The fields to the north and east of the proposal site appear to have been enclosed from common grazing land, to judge from the field morphology. The Fairfield tithe of 1841 shows the field immediately southwest of the proposal site as being a meadow.

4.15 The first edition Ordnance Survey (OS) six-inch to the mile map of 1882 shows the development of reservoirs and other infrastructure, marked as Fairfield Water Works, at Waterswallows Green, to the southwest of the proposal site. There is considerable evidence for small scale industrial/ agricultural


activity in the wider area, with numerous limekilns and small quarries marked. The proposal site itself is named as Hardybarn Farm, with Hardybarn marked at the crossroads with Longridge Road to the east of the proposal site. The farm buildings are shown as being located in the southern field of the proposal site (HER number 15696).

4.16 Later editions of the Ordnance Survey indicate that Waterswallows Quarry, located to the south of Waterswallows Road, was developed from after the end of the 19th century onwards, with two areas being quarried by the early 1920s. A number of old limekilns are shown by this date, indicating that processing of quarried stone was also taking place here. The quarry had expanded significantly by the early post war period. The farm buildings are shown as being located in the southern field of the proposal site and is shown on the OS edition of 1977, had been demolished by the OS edition of 2000 and is not shown on Google Earth aerial mapping of 1999.

4.17 Historic Landscape Characterisation indicates that the area immediately to the west of the proposal site comprises the existing industrial complex, previously planned enclosure (HLC number HDR9948). To the south of Waterswallows Lane the historic landscape is characterised as an active stone quarry, previously small irregular fields (HLC number HDR9953). The proposal site itself comprises part of a larger area of Planned Enclosure (HLC number HDR9956). These character types are not of great significance and would have a high ability to withstand change.

4.18 The site visit (and see paragraph 1.3 et seq, above) has indicated that the proposal site lies in two grass fields located immediately north of Waterswallows Road. The fields slope gently to the west and are bounded by drystone walls. The drystone wall dividing the two fields contains a gateway, currently minus a gate, with relatively crudely made gateposts of local stone. To the south of the proposal site and dividing it from Waterswallows Road, are two small parcels of land. The easternmost contains a small coppice, while the western parcel contains a grassed mound, which probably represents spoil from the construction of the industrial park. There are no structures and no evidence of either finds or archaeological features within the proposal site.

Designated Assets 4.19 Although there are a number of designated assets in the wider area, there are none within 1km area around the proposal site.

4.20 There are no World Heritage Sites or Registered Battlefields located within ten km of the proposal site. There are no registered parks and gardens located within 3km of the proposal site. The nearest registered park and garden is The Slopes, Buxton (list entry number 1001456), located some 3.1km southwest of the proposal site. There are no Conservation Areas located within 1km of the proposed development area. None of these designated asset types will be affected by the development proposal and they are not considered further.

4.21 There are no scheduled monuments located within 1km of the proposal site. The closest scheduled monuments are the two bowl barrows on Withery Low (list entry numbers 1008935 and 1008936) located some 1.9km northeast of the proposal site. No scheduled monument will be affected by the development proposal and they are not considered further.

There are no listed buildings within 1km of the proposed development area. The nearest listed building is Dakin Cottage and attached Garden Wall, listed at Grade II (list entry number 1257798), located at Hogshaw, some 1.7km southwest of the proposal site. No listed building will be affected by the development proposal and they are not considered further.



5.1 The proposal site does not contain any designated assets. There are no designated assets located within 1km of the proposal site. The closest designated assets are the are the two bowl barrows on Withery Low, which are designated as scheduled monuments (list entry numbers 1008935 and 1008936) located some 1.9km northeast of the proposal site. No scheduled monument will be affected by the development proposal and they are not considered further. In addition, no other scheduled monuments, listed buildings, registered parks and gardens, registered battlefields or conservation areas or their settings would be affected by the proposed development.

5.2 There are no recorded remains of confirmed prehistoric date within or in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development area, although those Mesolithic and later remains located nearby at the Buxton Water Bottling Works on Waterswallows Lane are significant. Later development within the proposal site may have damaged any remains here. The line of a Roman road runs within 1km of the proposal site. The proposal site lay within the hinterland of Buxton during the Roman period.

5.3 There are few sites or finds of medieval date in the vicinity of the proposal site. Later mapping indicates that the wider area was probably part of a common grazing field during the later medieval period. There is no evidence for medieval settlement activity within the proposed development area.

5.4 The proposal site itself is named as Hardybarn Farm, with Hardybarn marked at the crossroads with Longridge Road to the east of the proposal site on the first edition Ordnance Survey (OS) six-inch to the mile map of 1882. The farm buildings are shown as being located in the southern field of the proposal site and is shown on the OS edition of 1977, had been demolished by the OS edition of 2000 and is not shown on Google Earth aerial mapping of 1999.

5.5 There is no recorded evidence for activity, other than use as agricultural land over the proposal site until the 19th century when parts of it were used as a farm. The farm within the proposal site was demolished by 1999. On this basis the potential for the survival of coherent below ground archaeological remains that may be affected by the proposed development is as follows:

 Prehistoric – low to medium  Roman - low  Medieval – low  Post Medieval – low to medium



6.1 This study has revealed that there are no designated sites (e.g. scheduled monuments, listed buildings) within the proposal site. There are no designated assets located within 1km of the proposal site. The closest designated assets are the two bowl barrows on Withery Low, which are designated as scheduled monuments (list entry numbers 1008935 and 1008936) located some 1.9km northeast of the proposal site. No scheduled monument will be affected by the development proposal and they are not considered further. In addition, no other scheduled monuments, listed buildings, registered parks and gardens, registered battlefields or conservation areas or their settings would be affected by the proposed development.

6.2 There are no recorded remains of confirmed prehistoric date within or in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development area, although those Mesolithic and later remains located nearby at the Buxton Water Bottling Works on Waterswallows Lane are significant. Later development within the proposal site may have damaged any remains here. The line of a Roman road runs within 1km of the proposal site. The proposal site lay within the hinterland of Buxton during the Roman period.

6.3 There are few sites or finds of medieval date in the vicinity of the proposal site. Later mapping indicates that the wider area was probably part of a common grazing field during the later medieval period. There is no evidence for medieval settlement activity within the proposed development area.

6.4 The proposal site itself is named as Hardybarn Farm, with Hardybarn marked at the crossroads with Longridge Road to the east of the proposal site on the first edition Ordnance Survey (OS) six-inch to the mile map of 1882. The farm buildings are shown as being located in the southern field of the proposal site and had been demolished by 1999 according to Google Earth.

6.5 There is no recorded evidence for activity, other than use as agricultural land over the proposal site until the 19th century when parts of it were used as a farm. The farm within the proposal site was demolished by 1999.

6.6 There is no evidence for the proposed development area to contain below ground remains of the highest significance, or of sufficient significance to warrant preservation in situ.



Published Bagshaw, S (1846) History, Gazetteer and Directory of Derbyshire Sheffield

Brabner, J.H.F. ed. (c.1893). The Comprehensive Gazetteer of England and Wales. London: William Mackenzie.

Burnham, B. and Wacher, J. (1990) The Small Towns of Roman Britain London

Cameron, K (1959). The Place-Names of Derbyshire. Part 1 Introduction, River-Names, High Peak Hundred, Maps. Cambridge CUP.

Cantor, L. (1983) The Medieval Parks of England: A Gazetteer. Loughborough: Loughborough University of Technology.

Ekwall, E. (1960) The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place Names. Oxford.

Lewis, S 1845 Topographical Dictionary of England London

Margarey, I.D. 1973 Roman Roads in Britain London: John Baker.

Meaney, A. (1964) A Gazetteer of Early Anglo-Saxon Burial Sites. London: George Allen & Unwin.

Sawyer, P.H. (1968) Anglo-Saxon Charters: an Annotated List and Bibliography. London: Royal Historical Society.

Tate, W.E. and Turner, M.E. (1978) A Domesday of English Enclosure Acts and Awards. Reading: University of Reading.

Williams, A. and Martin, G.H. (eds) (1992) Domesday Book. London: Penguin.

Unpublished Davies, G et al (2011) Archaeological Investigations on Land off Waterswallows Lane Buxton, Derbyshire Excavation Assessment Report ArcHeritage unpublished client report Number 2011/53

Davies, G et al (2013) Archaeological Excavations at Waterswallows Lane Buxton, Derbyshire Final Report ArcHeritage unpublished client report Number 2013/9

Wormhill Tithe Map and Award 1849 (held in the Derbyshire Record Office)

Fairfield Tithe Map and Award 1841(held in the Derbyshire Record Office)

Published Maps Soil Survey of England and Wales 1983 Soil Map of Midland and Western England and Handlist Harpenden SSEW

Ordnance Survey County Series mapping supplied by Landmark Mapping

Historical Map and Guide Roman Britain 1994



APPENDIX 1: HER ENTRIES (SUPPLIED BY DERBYSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGY SERVICE) Derbyshire CC Monument Full Report 29/08/2017 Number of records: 35

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 15695 - MDR233 Barns and house, Hardybarn, Waterswallows Road, Building Wormhill Two 18th century barns with a later house abutting the buildings.

Monument Types and Dates BARN (Post Medieval - 1700 AD to 1799 AD) Evidence EXTANT BUILDING HOUSE (Post Medieval - 1700 AD to 1799 AD) Evidence EXTANT BUILDING

Description and Sources Description SK 0893 7522: Waterswallows, Hardybarn: Two 18th century barns, stone walled with stone slate roofs. A later house abutts the barns, with plastered stacks. Two window front, plain square-framed doorway. (1)

Hardybarn is a partially extant 19th century farmstead of a linear plan, with three sides of the yard formed of agricultural buildings and additional detached elements to the main plan. The farmhouse is attached to the agricultural range. The site is in an isolated location. There has been a partial loss (less than 50%) of traditional buildings. (2, 3, 4, 5)

<1> NDAT, 2590. (Index). SDR14692.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<5> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Index: NDAT. 2590.. 2590.. (2) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (5) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centred SK 0891 7522 (19m by 20m) SK07NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 1 SMR Number 15695 - MDR233 Site Name Barns and house, Hardybarn, Waterswallows Road, Wormhill

Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References SHINE Candidate (No) Active National Monuments Record - SK 07 NE 37 Active NAR PRN Number - 420720037 Active Sites & Monuments Record (Derbyshire) - 15695 Active Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Green Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR3663 Archaeological baseline assessment, Tunstead Quarry, by Mills Whipp Partnership, in 1999 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations Jones, H. E., - Unassigned Archival Recorder K. Smith, - Unassigned Archival Recorder

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 2 SMR Number 15696 - MDR234 Site Name Hardybarn Farm (site of), Waterswallows, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 15696 - MDR234 Hardybarn Farm (site of), Waterswallows, Wormhill Monument Site of a 19th century farmhouse, now demolished.

Monument Types and Dates FARMHOUSE (Post Medieval to Modern - 1800 AD to 1977 AD?) Evidence DEMOLISHED BUILDING

Description and Sources Description SK 0862 7528: Waterswallows, Hardybarn: Nineteenth century farmhouse, with plastered walls and one stack. Stone slate roof. Later addition with slate roof and stone stack. Two window front. Empty and derelict [in May 1976]. (1)

Examination of modern maps indicates that this building has been demolished [2005]. (2)

The site of a demolished 19th century farmstead known as Hardybarn Farm. The farmstead was of a L-plan with attached house with four sides of the yard formed of agricultural buildings and additional detached elements to the main plan. The farmhouse was attached to the agricultural range. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (3, 4, 5, 6)

<1> NDAT, 2591 (Index). SDR14693.

<2> Stroud, G, Personal observation, map evidence, field visit etc. (Personal Observation). SDR19557.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<5> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<6> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Index: NDAT. 2591. 2591. (2) Personal Observation: Stroud, G. Personal observation, map evidence, field visit etc.. (3) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (5) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (6) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centred SK 0857 7529 (99m by 54m) SK07NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 3 SMR Number 15696 - MDR234 Site Name Hardybarn Farm (site of), Waterswallows, Wormhill

Associated Designations SHINE 19th Century, possibly earlier, farmhouse Active DDR7712 (Site of) south of Peak Dale Other Statuses and Cross-References SHINE Candidate (Yes) Active National Monuments Record - SK 07 NE 38 Active NAR PRN Number - 420720038 Active Sites & Monuments Record (Derbyshire) - 15696 Active Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities - None recorded

Associated Individuals/Organisations H. E. Jones, - Unassigned Archival Recorder K. Smith, - Unassigned Archival Recorder

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 4 SMR Number 6508 - MDR238 Site Name Route of Batham Gate Roman road in Wormhill and Green Fairfield parishes SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6508 - MDR238 Route of Batham Gate Roman road in Wormhill and Monument Green Fairfield parishes Section of the Buxton-Brough Roman Road within Green Fairfield and Wormhill parishes. See SMR 99026 for the full length of the road.

Monument Types and Dates ROAD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD) Evidence DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE Evidence EARTHWORK

Description and Sources Description Section of Batham Gate Roman road from Buxton to Brough, passing through the parishes of Wormhill and Green Fairfield. (1) See SMR 99026 for the parent record dealing with the road as a whole.

The junction of Batham Gate with the Buxton to Melandra road lies within Wormhill parish and is of some interest. It is over one and a half miles from the probable site of the fort in Buxton and from this it seems likely that the roads are contemporary in date. If built earlier than the Melandra road, Batham Gate would surely have taken a more direct route. However, this leaves the possibility that the road to the east was linked in at a later date and this unusual approach caused confusion in the past. One account was rather ambiguous and led to later researchers assuming that the Batham Gate alignment was the final approach, continuing it beyond the junction, and reaching the conclusion that the fort was situated on Corbar Hill to the north-west of Buxton. The junction of the two roads is not visible on the ground nor is there any trace of Batham Gate in the one intervening field before it becomes overlaid by the existing road system. (2)

<1> Smith, K, 1987, Pers. Comm. (Personal Observation). SDR20272.

<2> Wroe, P, 1999, A Roman Road between Buxton and Melandra Castle, Glossop, HER Doc. No. 981, p 11 (Unpublished document). SDR19961. Sources (1) Personal Observation: Smith, K. 1987. Pers. Comm.. (2) Unpublished document: Wroe, P. 1999. A Roman Road between Buxton and Melandra Castle, Glossop. HER Doc. No. 981, p 11 Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centred SK 0862 7656 (1985m by 1382m) SK07NE Line Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References SHINE Candidate (No) Active National Monuments Record - SK 07 NE 42 Active Sites & Monuments Record (Derbyshire) - 6508 Active NAR PRN Number - 420720042 Active National Park Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 5 SMR Number 6508 - MDR238 Site Name Route of Batham Gate Roman road in Wormhill and Green Fairfield parishes Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR3884 Field survey and trial trenching, Roman Road between Buxton and Glossop, by Peter Wroe, in 1999 (Event - Survey) EDR2402 Trench (approximate location) across the Roman road by Buxton Field Club in July 1960 (Event - Intervention) Associated Individuals/Organisations Myers, A - Derbyshire County Council Archival Recorder

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 6 SMR Number 99019 - MDR10622 Site Name Sheffield () to Buxton Turnpike Road, High Peak and Derbyshire Dales SMR Number Site Name Record Type 99019 - MDR10622 Sheffield (Ringinglow) to Buxton Turnpike Road, Monument High Peak and Derbyshire Dales The Sheffield to Buxton turnpike road dates from 1758. Later modifications were made to sections of the original route in 1795, 1810 and 1812.

Monument Types and Dates TOLL ROAD (Post Medieval - 1758 AD to 1900 AD)

Description and Sources Description In 1758 the cross-country road from Sheffield to Buxton was turnpiked, with a view to improving through traffic to Manchester. The road crossed the county boundary into Derbyshire near Barbers Field Cupola, dropped down to Grindleford Bridge, climbed steeply up the Sir William Hill, continued past the important group of lead mines on Eyam Edge, clung to the narrow ridge overlooking the moors on every side towards Hucklow, dropped to Tideswell and continued forward through Fairfield to Buxton. The Sheffield promoters of the turnpike, with their minds fixed on the through traffic to Manchester, naturally wished the road to be as straight as possible across Tideswell Moor. To achieve this, they planned to avoid Tideswell itself and to route the road through Wheston. However opposition from the local gentry, who had no wish to see Tideswell left a rural backwater, was so strong that the Turnpike Trust was forced to re-route the road into Tideswell itself, so that the turnpike had to run up and down Monksdale, with particularly atrocious gradients. (1)

The Sheffield to Buxton turnpike road dates from 1758. Later modifications were made to sections of the original route in 1795, 1810 and 1812. (2)

<1> Hopkinson, G G, 1971, 'Road development in South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire, 1700-1850', Trans. Hunter Arch. Soc., p 19, p 24 (Article in serial). SDR19751.

<2> Smith, H, 1987, Turnpike Trail: Sheffield and Buxton (Bibliographic reference). SDR16683. Sources (1) Article in serial: Hopkinson, G G. 1971. 'Road development in South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire, 1700-1850', Trans. Hunter Arch. Soc.. Volume 10, pp 14-30. p 19, p 24 (2) Bibliographic reference: Smith, H. 1987. Turnpike Trail: Sheffield and Buxton. Associated resources - None recorded


Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 7 SMR Number 99019 - MDR10622 Site Name Sheffield (Ringinglow) to Buxton Turnpike Road, High Peak and Derbyshire Dales SHINE Candidate (No) Active Sites & Monuments Record - 99019 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities - None recorded

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 8 SMR Number 99026 - MDR11174 Site Name Batham Gate Roman Road (conjectural route of), Buxton to Brough, High Peak and Derbyshire Dales SMR Number Site Name Record Type 99026 - MDR11174 Batham Gate Roman Road (conjectural route of), Monument Buxton to Brough, High Peak and Derbyshire Dales Approximate route of Batham Gate running between Buxton and the Roman fort at Brough (Navio)

Monument Types and Dates ROAD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Description and Sources Description The Roman road between Buxton and Brough is known as Batham Gate. It shares the first 1½ miles of its route from Buxton with the road to Melandra before branching off to the northeast. In some places its course can be traced on the ground while elsewhere the route is thought to be overlain by existing roads. Parts of the line have been lost as a result of mining or quarrying. (1)

The Roman road known as 'Batham Gate' followed a generally south-west/north-east route from Buxton (Aquae Arnemetiae) to Brough-on-Noe (Navio), a course of some 16 km. Much of the south-western half is now assumed to lie beneath the modern road or to have been destroyed by quarrying. Comparatively little of the north-eastern half coincides with modern roads and much of it cuts across the pattern of the walled fields established during post-medieval enclosure. As a result, visible evidence of the Roman road survives in some areas, one part of which is well enough preserved to have been scheduled. (2)

Specific sections of the road may be described in separate SMR entries.

<1> Wroe, P, 1982, 'Roman roads in the Peak District', Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, pp 53-54, Fig. 3 (Article in serial). SDR19319.

<2> Guilbert, G, 1996, Extant Field Evidence for Batham Gate Roman Road between Loose Hill and Navio (Unpublished document). SDR20515. Sources (1) Article in serial: Wroe, P. 1982. 'Roman roads in the Peak District', Derbyshire Archaeological Journal. Vol. 102, pp 49-73. pp 53-54, Fig. 3 (2) Unpublished document: Guilbert, G. 1996. Extant Field Evidence for Batham Gate Roman Road between Loose Hill and Navio. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centred SK 13328 79159 (11028m by 7091m) SK17NW Line Administrative Areas Civil Parish BRADWELL, DERBYSHIRE DALES, DERBYSHIRE Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Civil Parish HOPE, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Civil Parish PEAK FOREST, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Civil Parish TIDESWELL, DERBYSHIRE DALES, DERBYSHIRE Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References SHINE Candidate (No) Active Sites & Monuments Record - 99026 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 9 SMR Number 99026 - MDR11174 Site Name Batham Gate Roman Road (conjectural route of), Buxton to Brough, High Peak and Derbyshire Dales

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR2583 Field observation, Batham Gate, Loose Hill to Navio, by G Guilbert (TPAT), in 1991-1996 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 10 SMR Number 15942 - MDR11910 Site Name Primitive Methodist Chapel, Upper End Road, Upper End, Wormhill SMR Number Site Name Record Type 15942 - MDR11910 Primitive Methodist Chapel, Upper End Road, Upper Building End, Wormhill A 19th century Primitive Methodist Chapel in Upper End that is still in use as a Methodist Church.

Monument Types and Dates PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHAPEL (Post Medieval - 1887 AD) Evidence DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE Evidence EXTANT BUILDING

Description and Sources Description The 2nd ed. 25" OS map c. 1900 shows a Primitive Methodist Chapel in Upper End, Wormhill. (1) The chapel was still in use at the beginning of the 20th century. (2)

Examination of modern maps indicate the building is now the Peak Dale Methodist Church. (3)

The hamlets of Peak Dale, Great Rocks, Upper End and Tunstead expanded rapidly to service the new limestone quarries and the growth in population. A Methodist chapel opened at Great Rocks [Quarry?] in 1885, and at Upper End in 1887. (4)

<1> Ordnance Survey (OS), 1896-1900, OS County Series, 2nd edition (1st revision), scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile), XV - 6, 1898 (Map). SDR18790.

<2> Ordnance Survey (OS), 1912-1921, OS County Series, 3rd edition (Second Revision), scale 1:2500 (25" to one mile) (Map). SDR20367.

<3> Shakarian, J (ARS), Personal observation, map evidence, field visit etc. (Personal Observation). SDR20716.

<4> Drewy, C, 2007, Wormhill - The History of a High Peak Village, p 169 (Bibliographic reference). SDR20736. Sources (1) Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). 1896-1900. OS County Series, 2nd edition (1st revision), scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile). XV - 6, 1898 (2) Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). 1912-1921. OS County Series, 3rd edition (Second Revision), scale 1:2500 (25" to one mile). (3) Personal Observation: Shakarian, J (ARS). Personal observation, map evidence, field visit etc.. (4) Bibliographic reference: Drewy, C. 2007. Wormhill - The History of a High Peak Village. p 169 Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centred SK 0898 7611 (29m by 17m) SK07NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 15942 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 11 SMR Number 15942 - MDR11910 Site Name Primitive Methodist Chapel, Upper End Road, Upper End, Wormhill Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities - None recorded

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 12 SMR Number 6514 - MDR12922 Site Name Greenfairfield Farm (site of), Hardybarn Lane, Green Fairfield

SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6514 - MDR12922 Greenfairfield Farm (site of), Hardybarn Lane, Monument Green Fairfield Site of a listed 18th century farmhouse, with possible origins in the 17th century, and associated outbuildings. The farm has now been demolished.

Monument Types and Dates FARMHOUSE (Post Medieval - 1660 AD to 1900 AD) Evidence DEMOLISHED BUILDING OUTBUILDING (Post Medieval - 1660 AD to 1900 AD) Evidence DEMOLISHED BUILDING

Description and Sources Description Grade II listed farmhouse, dated 'TR 1668' on the south elevation, but with alterations and additions in the 18th and 19th centuries. It is constructed of coursed rubble limestone with painted gritstone dressings, plain eaves, and a 20th century concrete tiled roof with two intermediate rendered ridge stacks. It has a possible former baffle entry plan. (1)

The site of a demolished 19th century farmstead. The farmstead was of a linear plan of T-plan with additional detached elements to the main plan and four sides of the yard formed of agricultural buildings. The farmhouse was attached to the agricultural range. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (2, 3, 4, 5)

<1> DOE / DCMS, Listed Building Record, 1/0974/007 (Listed Building File). SDR19551.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<5> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Listed Building File: DOE / DCMS. Listed Building Record. 1/0974/007 (2) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (5) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centred SK 0889 7464 (61m by 61m) SK07SE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 13 SMR Number 6514 - MDR12922 Site Name Greenfairfield Farm (site of), Hardybarn Lane, Green Fairfield

Listed Building - 82340 GREENFAIRFIELD FARMHOUSE Revoked DDR6816 Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6514 Active Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities - None recorded

Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 14 SMR Number 6515 - MDR13275 Site Name Mesolithic and Neolithic activity, Waterswallows Lane, Green Fairfield SMR Number Site Name Record Type 6515 - MDR13275 Mesolithic and Neolithic activity, Waterswallows Monument Lane, Green Fairfield Prehistoric activity was identified during excavation and included a probable Mesolithic knapping floor and a possible Early Neolithic longhouse

Monument Types and Dates LITHIC WORKING SITE (Late Mesolithic - 7000 BC to 4001 BC) Evidence FIND ENCLOSURE? (Early Neolithic - 4000 BC to 3001 BC) Evidence EXCAVATED FEATURE LONGHOUSE? (Early Neolithic - 4000 BC to 3001 BC) Evidence EXCAVATED FEATURE PIT (Early Neolithic - 4000 BC to 3001 BC) Evidence EXCAVATED FEATURE POST HOLE (Early Neolithic - 4000 BC to 3001 BC) Evidence EXCAVATED FEATURE

Description and Sources Description Prior to the construction of a new Buxton Spring Water bottling plant, archaeological evaluation was carried out on land at Waterswallows Lane, Green Fairfield. Initially, a total of 28 trial trenches was excavated across the whole area of planned development. The results permitted the identification of an area of high archaeological potential for additional investigation (the west side of the site), and areas of little or no potential (the eastern and southern ends), where no further work would be carried out. The area of high potential was then stripped and a systematic walkover was undertaken, with collection of all artefacts. This was followed by total excavation of the northern half; in the southern half preservation in situ was proposed, due to the changing ground levels. Two main phases of activity were identified, with isolated finds relating to other later periods. The first major phase of activity on the site was dated to the Late Mesolithic and was represented by lithic artefacts and potentially by the occasional cut feature. The lithics occurred in concentrations and included significant quantities of chert. One concentration of material on the northeast side of the site which contained several cores and numerous black chert blades was interpreted as a probable knapping floor. The second major phase of activity was dated to the Early Neolithic. Remains from this period were more substantial than those from the Mesolithic. In addition to lithics, artefactual evidence included 27 sherds from carinated bowls and a few pieces of daub. Two groups of cut archaeological features were identified, including pits and postholes, and carbonised cereal grains and hazelnut shells were recovered from several of these. The most important concentration of Neolithic remains was at the northern end of the site where a probable Neolithic building was identified; this appeared to be a possible longhouse 4.5m by 8.5m in size, with a hearth or fire pit. Some features indicated that either repairs or rebuilds may have taken place. At the southern end of the site was a possible small post-built enclosure. For later periods, four sherds of Late Iron Age pottery were recovered and several post-medieval features were identified, including a rabbit warren and former field boundaries. (1)

<1> Davies, G (ArcHeritage), 2011, Archaeological Investigations on Land off Waterswallows Lane, Buxton, Derbyshire - Excavation Assessment Report (Unpublished document). SDR21300. Sources (1) Unpublished document: Davies, G (ArcHeritage). 2011. Archaeological Investigations on Land off Waterswallows Lane, Buxton, Derbyshire - Excavation Assessment Report. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference Centred SK 0793 7539 (284m by 311m) SK07NE Area Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 15 SMR Number 6515 - MDR13275 Site Name Mesolithic and Neolithic activity, Waterswallows Lane, Green Fairfield Other Statuses and Cross-References Sites & Monuments Record - 6515 Active Ratings and Scorings - None recorded

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Associated Finds FDR13403 MICROLITH (Late Mesolithic - 7000 BC to 4001 BC) CHERT, FLINT FDR13404 LAUREL LEAF (Early Neolithic - 4000 BC to 3001 BC) FLINT FDR13405 LEAF ARROWHEAD (Early Neolithic - 4000 BC to 3001 BC) FLINT FDR13406 CORE (Late Mesolithic - 7000 BC to 4001 BC) CHERT, FLINT FDR13407 BLADE (Late Mesolithic to Early Neolithic - 7000 BC to 3001 BC) CHERT, FLINT FDR13408 FLAKE (Late Mesolithic to Early Neolithic - 7000 BC to 3001 BC) CHERT, FLINT FDR13409 SHERD (Early Neolithic - 4000 BC to 3001 BC) FDR13410 SHERD (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD) Associated Events/Activities EDR2959 Archaeological evaluation and excavation, Waterswallows Lane, Buxton, by ArcHeritage, in 2011 (Event - Intervention) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 16 SMR Number MDR21553 Site Name Batham Gate Farm, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21553 Batham Gate Farm, Wormhill Monument Partially extant 19th century farmstead.

Monument Types and Dates FARMSTEAD (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Batham Gate Farm, Wormhill. Partially extant 19th century farmstead. The farmstead was formed of a loose courtyard with two sides of the yard formed of agricultural buildings. The farmhouse was set away from the yard. The site was located within or in association to a hamlet. The farmhouse is the only surviving traditional structure. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Red Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 17 SMR Number MDR21553 Site Name Batham Gate Farm, Wormhill

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 18 SMR Number MDR21556 Site Name Site of Outfarm on Water Swallows Lane, Green Fairfield

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21556 Site of Outfarm on Water Swallows Lane, Green Monument Fairfield Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm on Water Swallows Lane, Green Fairfield. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a single structure. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 19 SMR Number MDR21556 Site Name Site of Outfarm on Water Swallows Lane, Green Fairfield

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 20 SMR Number MDR21557 Site Name Site of Water Swallows, Green Fairfield

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21557 Site of Water Swallows, Green Fairfield Monument Demolished 19th century farmstead.

Monument Types and Dates FARMSTEAD (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Water Swallows, Green Fairfield. Demolished 19th century farmstead. The farmstead was of a dispersed plan with multiple yards. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 21 SMR Number MDR21557 Site Name Site of Water Swallows, Green Fairfield

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 22 SMR Number MDR21558 Site Name Outfarm southwest of Water Swallows, Buxton

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21558 Outfarm southwest of Water Swallows, Buxton Monument Redeveloped 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Outfarm southwest of Water Swallows, Buxton. Redeveloped 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a single structure. The site was in an isolated location. While all traditional buildings have been lost, the site continues to serve as a farmstead. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish BUXTON, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 23 SMR Number MDR21558 Site Name Outfarm southwest of Water Swallows, Buxton

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 24 SMR Number MDR21560 Site Name Site of Outfarm south-southeast of Water Swallows, Green Fairfield SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21560 Site of Outfarm south-southeast of Water Swallows, Monument Green Fairfield Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm south-southeast of Water Swallows, Green Fairfield. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a single structure. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 25 SMR Number MDR21560 Site Name Site of Outfarm south-southeast of Water Swallows, Green Fairfield Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 26 SMR Number MDR21561 Site Name Outfarm southwest of Water Swallows, Buxton

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21561 Outfarm southwest of Water Swallows, Buxton Monument Partially extant 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Outfarm southwest of Water Swallows, Buxton. Partially extant 19th century outfarm. The outfarm is formed of a single structure. The site is in an isolated location. There has been a partial loss (less than 50%) of traditional buildings. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish BUXTON, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Green Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 27 SMR Number MDR21561 Site Name Outfarm southwest of Water Swallows, Buxton

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 28 SMR Number MDR21562 Site Name Daisymere Farm, Green Fairfield

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21562 Daisymere Farm, Green Fairfield Monument Partially extant 19th century farmstead.

Monument Types and Dates FARMSTEAD (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Daisymere Farm, Green Fairfield. Partially extant 19th century farmstead. The farmstead was of a dispersed plan with multiple yards and additional detached elements to the main plan.There are tertiary elements to the main plan, incorporating a covered yard. The farmhouse was set away from the yard. The site was in an isolated location. Large modern sheds have been identified on the site, and may have destroyed or obscured historic buildings. The farmhouse is the only surviving traditional structure. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Red Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 29 SMR Number MDR21562 Site Name Daisymere Farm, Green Fairfield

Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 30 SMR Number MDR21563 Site Name Site of Outfarm southeast of Daisymere Farm, Green Fairfield SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21563 Site of Outfarm southeast of Daisymere Farm, Monument Green Fairfield Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm southeast of Daisymere Farm, Green Fairfield. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a single structure. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 31 SMR Number MDR21563 Site Name Site of Outfarm southeast of Daisymere Farm, Green Fairfield Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 32 SMR Number MDR21599 Site Name Site of Outfarm adjacent to Hardybarn Lane, Green Fairfield

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21599 Site of Outfarm adjacent to Hardybarn Lane, Green Monument Fairfield Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm adjacent to Hardybarn Lane, Green Fairfield. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a single structure. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 33 SMR Number MDR21599 Site Name Site of Outfarm adjacent to Hardybarn Lane, Green Fairfield

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 34 SMR Number MDR21600 Site Name Site of Outfarm adjacent to Green lane, Green Fairfield

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21600 Site of Outfarm adjacent to Green lane, Green Monument Fairfield Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm adjacent to Green lane, Green Fairfield. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a single structure. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 35 SMR Number MDR21600 Site Name Site of Outfarm adjacent to Green lane, Green Fairfield

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 36 SMR Number MDR21601 Site Name Site of Limekiln adjacent to Hardybarn Lane, Green Fairfield

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21601 Site of Limekiln adjacent to Hardybarn Lane, Green Monument Fairfield Demolished 19th century lime kiln.

Monument Types and Dates LIME KILN (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Limekiln adjacent to Hardybarn Lane, Green Fairfield. Demolished 19th century lime kiln. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 37 SMR Number MDR21601 Site Name Site of Limekiln adjacent to Hardybarn Lane, Green Fairfield

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 38 SMR Number MDR21602 Site Name Site of Limekiln adjacent to Hardybarn Lane, Green Fairfield

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21602 Site of Limekiln adjacent to Hardybarn Lane, Green Monument Fairfield Demolished 19th century lime kiln.

Monument Types and Dates LIME KILN (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Limekiln adjacent to Hardybarn Lane, Green Fairfield. Demolished 19th century lime kiln. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 39 SMR Number MDR21602 Site Name Site of Limekiln adjacent to Hardybarn Lane, Green Fairfield

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 40 SMR Number MDR21604 Site Name Site of Outfarm northwest of Hardybarn Farm, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21604 Site of Outfarm northwest of Hardybarn Farm, Monument Wormhill Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm northwest of Hardybarn Farm, Wormhill. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 41 SMR Number MDR21604 Site Name Site of Outfarm northwest of Hardybarn Farm, Wormhill

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 42 SMR Number MDR21606 Site Name Site of Outfarm north of Hardybarn Farm, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21606 Site of Outfarm north of Hardybarn Farm, Wormhill Monument Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm north of Hardybarn Farm, Wormhill. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a loose courtyard with three sides of the yard formed of agricultural buildings and additional detached elements to the main plan. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 43 SMR Number MDR21606 Site Name Site of Outfarm north of Hardybarn Farm, Wormhill

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 44 SMR Number MDR21607 Site Name Site of Outfarm northwest of Hardybarn Farm, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21607 Site of Outfarm northwest of Hardybarn Farm, Monument Wormhill Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm northwest of Hardybarn Farm, Wormhill. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a single structure. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 45 SMR Number MDR21607 Site Name Site of Outfarm northwest of Hardybarn Farm, Wormhill

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 46 SMR Number MDR21608 Site Name Site of Outfarm southwest of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21608 Site of Outfarm southwest of Fernhouse Farm, Monument Wormhill Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm southwest of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a single structure. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 47 SMR Number MDR21608 Site Name Site of Outfarm southwest of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 48 SMR Number MDR21609 Site Name Site of Outfarm southwest of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21609 Site of Outfarm southwest of Fernhouse Farm, Monument Wormhill Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm southwest of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a single structure with two sides of the yard formed of agricultural buildings. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 49 SMR Number MDR21609 Site Name Site of Outfarm southwest of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 50 SMR Number MDR21610 Site Name Site of Outfarm southwest of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21610 Site of Outfarm southwest of Fernhouse Farm, Monument Wormhill Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm southwest of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a single structure. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 51 SMR Number MDR21610 Site Name Site of Outfarm southwest of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 52 SMR Number MDR21611 Site Name Site of Outfarm southeast of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21611 Site of Outfarm southeast of Fernhouse Farm, Monument Wormhill Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm southeast of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a single structure. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 53 SMR Number MDR21611 Site Name Site of Outfarm southeast of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 54 SMR Number MDR21612 Site Name Outfarm east of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21612 Outfarm east of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill Monument Extant 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Outfarm east of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill. Extant 19th century outfarm. The outfarm is formed of a single structure. The site is in an isolated location. All the traditional buildings remain extant. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Green Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 55 SMR Number MDR21612 Site Name Outfarm east of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 56 SMR Number MDR21613 Site Name Outfarm east of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21613 Outfarm east of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill Monument Extant 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Outfarm east of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill. Extant 19th century outfarm. The outfarm is formed of a single structure. The site is in an isolated location. All the traditional buildings remain extant. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Green Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 57 SMR Number MDR21613 Site Name Outfarm east of Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 58 SMR Number MDR21614 Site Name Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21614 Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill Monument Partially extant 19th century farmstead.

Monument Types and Dates FARMSTEAD (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill. Partially extant 19th century farmstead. The farmstead is of a linear plan of T-plan with additional detached elements to the main plan and one side of the yard formed of agricultural buildings. The farmhouse is attached to the agricultural range. The site is in an isolated location. There has been a partial loss (less than 50%) of traditional buildings. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Green Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 59 SMR Number MDR21614 Site Name Fernhouse Farm, Wormhill

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 60 SMR Number MDR21615 Site Name Meadow Farm, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21615 Meadow Farm, Wormhill Monument Extant 19th century farmstead.

Monument Types and Dates FARMSTEAD (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Meadow Farm, Wormhill. Extant 19th century farmstead. The farmstead is of a linear plan. The farmhouse is attached to the agricultural range. The site is in an isolated location. All the traditional buildings remain extant. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Green Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 61 SMR Number MDR21615 Site Name Meadow Farm, Wormhill

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 62 SMR Number MDR21616 Site Name Site of Outfarm southwest of Meadow Farm, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21616 Site of Outfarm southwest of Meadow Farm, Monument Wormhill Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm southwest of Meadow Farm, Wormhill. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a loose courtyard with one side of the yard formed of agricultural buildings. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 63 SMR Number MDR21616 Site Name Site of Outfarm southwest of Meadow Farm, Wormhill

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 64 SMR Number MDR21634 Site Name Site of Limekiln west of Hardybarn, Wormhill

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21634 Site of Limekiln west of Hardybarn, Wormhill Monument Demolished 19th century lime kiln.

Monument Types and Dates LIME KILN (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Limekiln west of Hardybarn, Wormhill. Demolished 19th century lime kiln. The site was in an isolated location. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish WORMHILL, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

Related Monuments - None Recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 65 SMR Number MDR21634 Site Name Site of Limekiln west of Hardybarn, Wormhill

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 66 SMR Number MDR21635 Site Name Site of Orient Lodge Farm, Green Fairfield

SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21635 Site of Orient Lodge Farm, Green Fairfield Monument Demolished 19th century farmstead.

Monument Types and Dates FARMSTEAD (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Orient Lodge Farm, Green Fairfield. Demolished 19th century farmstead. The farmstead was formed of a regular courtyardof a fully enclosed plan with additional detached elements to the main plan. The farmhouse was set away from the yard. The site was located within or in association to a park. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 67 SMR Number MDR21635 Site Name Site of Orient Lodge Farm, Green Fairfield

Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 68 SMR Number MDR21636 Site Name Site of Outfarm northeast of Orient Lodge Farm, Green Fairfield SMR Number Site Name Record Type MDR21636 Site of Outfarm northeast of Orient Lodge Farm, Monument Green Fairfield Demolished 19th century outfarm.

Monument Types and Dates OUTFARM (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)

Description and Sources Description Site of Outfarm northeast of Orient Lodge Farm, Green Fairfield. Demolished 19th century outfarm. The outfarm was formed of a single structure. The site was located within or in association to a park. All traditional buildings have been lost. (1) (2) (3) (4)

<1> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset (Digital data). SDR23696.

<2> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements (Unpublished document). SDR23697.

<3> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report (Unpublished document). SDR23698.

<4> Historic England, 2016, Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance (Unpublished document). SDR23699. Sources (1) Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset. (2) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements. (3) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report. (4) Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance. Associated resources - None recorded

Location National Grid Reference - Not recorded Administrative Areas Civil Parish GREEN FAIRFIELD, HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Local Authority HIGH PEAK, DERBYSHIRE Address/Historic Names - None recorded

Designations, Statuses and Scorings Associated Designations - None recorded

Other Statuses and Cross-References - None recorded

Ratings and Scorings Farmstead Potential Lost Significance

Land Use Associated Historic Landscape Character Records - None recorded

Other Land Classes - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 69 SMR Number MDR21636 Site Name Site of Outfarm northeast of Orient Lodge Farm, Green Fairfield Related Monuments - None Recorded

Finds - None recorded

Associated Events/Activities EDR4255 Historic Farmsteads Project, in the Peak District National Park, by Historic England, in 2015-16 (Event - Survey) Associated Individuals/Organisations - None recorded

MonFullRpt Report generated by HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 70 Derbyshire CC Character Area Full Report 29/08/2017 Number of records: 23

UID Name Full Type Code HDR106 Fairfield Common Golf Course, Buxton OPR-OPR02 Broad Type Type Confidence Ornamental, Parkland and Recreational Golf Course Certain Period Post Medieval to Modern - 1875 AD to 2002 AD

Previous Types Previous Broad Type Previous Type Confidence Unenclosed / Unimproved Land Common Land Probable Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 54.36 Centred SK 0721 7453 (1132m by 975m) SK07SE Attributes Type Value Type Recreation Grounds Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Aerial Photograph: UK Perspectives. 1999-2002. Aerial photographic coverage of Derbyshire. Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

UID Name Full Type Code HDR7889 Peak Dale SET-SET02 Broad Type Type Confidence Settlement Post-1880s Settlement Certain Period Post Medieval to Modern - 1875 AD to 2012 AD

Previous Types - None recorded

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 12.52 Centred SK 0880 7625 (747m by 720m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 11/10/2012 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 11/10/2012 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 1 UID HDR7890 Name Peak Dale

UID Name Full Type Code HDR7890 Peak Dale SET-SET01 Broad Type Type Confidence Settlement Pre-1880s Settlement Certain Period Medieval to Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1882 AD

Previous Types - None recorded

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 1.39 Centred SK 0901 7613 (176m by 193m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 11/10/2012 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 11/10/2012 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9853 Sewage works, Peak Dale, Wormhill IND-IND07 Broad Type Type Confidence Industrial Other Works Certain Period Modern - 1912 AD to 2013 AD

Previous Types Previous Broad Type Previous Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Planned Enclosure Probable Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 1.23 Centred SK 0911 7621 (189m by 140m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value Present on 1st Edition OS Map Not present on 1st edition map

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). 1912-1921. OS County Series, 3rd edition (Second Revision), scale 1:2500 (25" to one mile). Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 2 UID HDR9854 Name Fields around Peak Dale, Wormhill

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9854 Fields around Peak Dale, Wormhill FIE-FIE03 Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Planned Enclosure Probable Period Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Previous Types - None recorded

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 40.69 Centred SK 0915 7589 (842m by 1301m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Small-medium fields Predominant Field Shape Regular fields Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Morphology None Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Settlement edge Percentage of Fields Lost 11-30% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 3 UID HDR9855 Name Fields south of Peak Dale, Wormhill

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9855 Fields south of Peak Dale, Wormhill FIE-FIE08 Fairly regular fields but with some reverse S-curve boundaries that indicate that this area was formerly part of an open field system. Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Small Regular Fields Certain Period Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Previous Types Previous Broad Type Previous Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Open Fields Possible Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD

Full Description Fairly regular fields but with some reverse S-curve boundaries that indicate that this area was formerly part of an open field system. National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 18.92 Centred SK 0891 7571 (715m by 475m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Small-medium fields Predominant Field Shape Regular fields Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Morphology S-Curve/Dog Leg Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Settlement edge Percentage of Fields Lost 0-10% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 4 UID HDR9856 Name Field east of Longridge Lane, Wormhill

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9856 Field east of Longridge Lane, Wormhill FIE-FIE13 Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Very Large Post-War Fields Certain Period Modern - 1999 AD to 2013 AD

Previous Types Previous Broad Type Previous Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Planned Enclosure Probable Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 10.05 Centred SK 0904 7549 (529m by 392m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Large-very large fields Predominant Field Shape Regular fields Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Morphology None Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Line of communication Percentage of Fields Lost 31-75% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Aerial Photograph: UK Perspectives. 1999-2002. Aerial photographic coverage of Derbyshire. Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile). Unpublished document: Johnson, S, Burrill, C and Allen, P. 2008. An Archaeological Building Recording of the Deer Cote, Calke Abbey, near Ticknall, Derbyshire. 27/09/2013 Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 5 UID HDR9857 Name Fields west of Peak Dale, Wormhill

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9857 Fields west of Peak Dale, Wormhill FIE-FIE09 Former fairly regular fields, but with some reverse S-curve boundaries, which indicate that this area was formerly part of an open field system. Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Large Regular Fields Certain Period Post Medieval to Modern - 1875 AD to 2002 AD

Previous Types Previous Broad Type Previous Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Small Regular Fields Certain Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD Fields and Enclosed Land Open Fields Possible Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD

Full Description Former fairly regular fields, but with some reverse S-curve boundaries, which indicate that this area was formerly part of an open field system. National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 18.06 Centred SK 0866 7614 (580m by 554m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Medium-large fields Predominant Field Shape Regular fields Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Morphology Sinuous boundaries Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Settlement edge Percentage of Fields Lost 31-75% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Aerial Photograph: UK Perspectives. 1999-2002. Aerial photographic coverage of Derbyshire. Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 6 UID HDR9858 Name Fields near Batham Gate, Wormhill/Green Fairfield

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9858 Fields near Batham Gate, Wormhill/Green Fairfield FIE-FIE03 Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Planned Enclosure Probable Period Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Previous Types - None recorded

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 69.74 Centred SK 0793 7617 (1081m by 1089m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Small fields Predominant Field Shape Regular fields Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Morphology None Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Line of communication Percentage of Fields Lost 0-10% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 7 UID HDR9860 Name Fields east of Longridge Lane, Wormhill

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9860 Fields east of Longridge Lane, Wormhill FIE-FIE08 Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Small Regular Fields Certain Period Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Previous Types - None recorded

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 37.25 Centred SK 0824 7685 (846m by 1210m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Small-medium fields Predominant Field Shape Regular fields Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Morphology None Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Line of communication Percentage of Fields Lost 11-30% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 8 UID HDR9870 Name Tunstead Works, Green Fairfield/Wormhill

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9870 Tunstead Works, Green Fairfield/Wormhill EXT-EXT01 Broad Type Type Confidence Extractive Active Stone Quarry Certain Period Modern - 1912 AD to 2002 AD

Previous Types Previous Broad Type Previous Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Planned Enclosure Probable Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD Fields and Enclosed Land Small Irregular Fields Certain Medieval to Post Medieval - 1300 AD to 1882 AD

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 308.50 Centred SK 0990 7435 (2524m by 2957m) SK07SE Attributes Type Value Type of Extraction Stone Active / Inactive Site that is active

Sources Aerial Photograph: UK Perspectives. 1999-2002. Aerial photographic coverage of Derbyshire. Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). 1912-1921. OS County Series, 3rd edition (Second Revision), scale 1:2500 (25" to one mile). Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 9 UID HDR9874 Name Disused quarry southeast of Peak Dale, Wormhill

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9874 Disused quarry southeast of Peak Dale, Wormhill EXT-EXT02 Broad Type Type Confidence Extractive Inactive Stone Quarry Certain Period Modern - 1912 AD to 2002 AD

Previous Types Previous Broad Type Previous Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Planned Enclosure Probable Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD Extractive Active Stone Quarry Certain Post Medieval to Modern - 1875 AD to 1921 AD

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 21.91 Centred SK 0961 7596 (541m by 780m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value Type of Extraction Stone Active / Inactive Site that is inactive

Sources Aerial Photograph: UK Perspectives. 1999-2002. Aerial photographic coverage of Derbyshire. Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). 1912-1921. OS County Series, 3rd edition (Second Revision), scale 1:2500 (25" to one mile). Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 27/09/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 10 UID HDR9889 Name Fields west of Tunstead Works, Green Fairfield

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9889 Fields west of Tunstead Works, Green Fairfield FIE-FIE08 Largely regular fields but with some slightly S-curve boundaries, indicative that at least part of this area may have formerly been part of a medieval open field system. Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Small Regular Fields Certain Period Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Previous Types Previous Broad Type Previous Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Open Fields Possible Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD

Full Description Largely regular fields but with some slightly S-curve boundaries, indicative that at least part of this area may have formerly been part of a medieval open field system. National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 124.77 Centred SK 0863 7406 (1613m by 1323m) SK07SE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Small fields Predominant Field Shape Regular fields Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Morphology S-Curve/Dog Leg Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Line of communication Percentage of Fields Lost 0-10% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 01/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 01/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 11 UID HDR9891 Name Fields southeast of Waterswallows Lane, Buxton

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9891 Fields southeast of Waterswallows Lane, Buxton FIE-FIE02 Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Remnant Fossilized Strip Fields Certain Period Medieval to Post Medieval - 1300 AD to 1882 AD

Previous Types Previous Broad Type Previous Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Open Fields Certain Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 49.70 Centred SK 0771 7430 (737m by 1258m) SK07SE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Small-medium fields Predominant Field Shape Irregular fields Boundary Morphology S-Curve/Dog Leg Boundary Morphology Sinuous boundaries Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Settlement edge Percentage of Fields Lost 11-30% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 01/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 01/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 12 UID HDR9947 Name Fields near Waterswallows Lane, Green Fairfield

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9947 Fields near Waterswallows Lane, Green Fairfield FIE-FIE03 Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Planned Enclosure Probable Period Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Previous Types - None recorded

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 15.97 Centred SK 0772 7517 (489m by 630m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Small fields Predominant Field Shape Regular fields Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Morphology Sinuous boundaries Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Line of communication Percentage of Fields Lost 11-30% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 13 UID HDR9948 Name Depots, factories and recycling centre, Water Swallows, Green

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9948 Depots, factories and recycling centre, Water Swallows, Green Fairfield IND-IND01 Broad Type Type Confidence Industrial Post-1880s Industrial Complex Certain Period Modern - 1912 AD to 2013 AD

Previous Types Previous Broad Type Previous Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Planned Enclosure Probable Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 17.84 Centred SK 0812 7524 (867m by 644m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value Present on 1st Edition OS Map Not present on 1st edition map

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). 1912-1921. OS County Series, 3rd edition (Second Revision), scale 1:2500 (25" to one mile). Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 14 UID HDR9949 Name Fields west of Waterswallows Lane, Wormhill/Buxton

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9949 Fields west of Waterswallows Lane, Wormhill/Buxton FIE-FIE09 Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Large Regular Fields Certain Period Post Medieval to Modern - 1875 AD to 2002 AD

Previous Types Previous Broad Type Previous Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Planned Enclosure Probable Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 25.80 Centred SK 0749 7537 (522m by 977m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Medium-large fields Predominant Field Shape Regular fields Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Morphology Sinuous boundaries Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Line of communication Percentage of Fields Lost 31-75% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Aerial Photograph: UK Perspectives. 1999-2002. Aerial photographic coverage of Derbyshire. Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 15 UID HDR9951 Name Fields north of Fairfield Common, Buxton

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9951 Fields north of Fairfield Common, Buxton FIE-FIE08 Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Small Regular Fields Certain Period Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Previous Types - None recorded

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 4.65 Centred SK 0724 7494 (526m by 283m) SK07SE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Small fields Predominant Field Shape Regular fields Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Morphology Sinuous boundaries Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Line of communication Percentage of Fields Lost 11-30% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 16 UID HDR9952 Name Fields at Waterswallows Green, Buxton

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9952 Fields at Waterswallows Green, Buxton FIE-FIE10 Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Small Irregular Fields Certain Period Medieval to Post Medieval - 1300 AD to 1882 AD

Previous Types - None recorded

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 4.90 Centred SK 0793 7490 (273m by 341m) SK07SE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Small fields Predominant Field Shape Irregular fields Boundary Morphology Sinuous boundaries Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Line of communication Percentage of Fields Lost 0-10% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 17 UID HDR9953 Name Waterswallows Quarry, Green Fairfield

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9953 Waterswallows Quarry, Green Fairfield EXT-EXT01 Broad Type Type Confidence Extractive Active Stone Quarry Certain Period Post Medieval to Modern - 1875 AD to 2002 AD

Previous Types Previous Broad Type Previous Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Small Irregular Fields Certain Medieval to Post Medieval - 1300 AD to 1882 AD Fields and Enclosed Land Small Regular Fields Certain Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 48.39 Centred SK 0850 7485 (1061m by 828m) SK07SE Attributes Type Value Type of Extraction Stone Active / Inactive Site that is active

Sources Aerial Photograph: UK Perspectives. 1999-2002. Aerial photographic coverage of Derbyshire. Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 11/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 18 UID HDR9954 Name Fields north of Green Lane, Green Fairfield

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9954 Fields north of Green Lane, Green Fairfield FIE-FIE08 Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Small Regular Fields Certain Period Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Previous Types - None recorded

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 9.10 Centred SK 0896 7487 (527m by 374m) SK07SE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Small fields Predominant Field Shape Regular fields Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Morphology Sinuous boundaries Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Line of communication Percentage of Fields Lost 0-10% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 15/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 15/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 19 UID HDR9955 Name Fields west of Longridge Lane, Wormhill

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9955 Fields west of Longridge Lane, Wormhill FIE-FIE10 Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Small Irregular Fields Certain Period Medieval to Post Medieval - 1300 AD to 1882 AD

Previous Types - None recorded

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 6.32 Centred SK 0904 7503 (758m by 478m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Small fields Predominant Field Shape Irregular fields Boundary Morphology Sinuous boundaries Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Line of communication Percentage of Fields Lost 0-10% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 15/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 15/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 20 UID HDR9956 Name Fields north of Waterswallows Road, Green Fairfield/Wormhill

UID Name Full Type Code HDR9956 Fields north of Waterswallows Road, Green Fairfield/Wormhill FIE-FIE03 Broad Type Type Confidence Fields and Enclosed Land Planned Enclosure Probable Period Post Medieval - 1650 AD to 1882 AD

Previous Types - None recorded

Full Description

National Grid Reference Area (Hectares) 49.49 Centred SK 0831 7565 (1235m by 816m) SK07NE Attributes Type Value Predominant Field Size Small-medium fields Predominant Field Shape Regular fields Boundary Morphology Straight boundaries Boundary Morphology None Boundary Type Drystone walling Boundary Type Line of communication Percentage of Fields Lost 11-30% field boundary loss Ridge and Furrow No ridge and furrow

Sources Internet Web Site: Google Maps. 15/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). Current Mastermap and 1:10000 series. 15/10/2013 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).

Associated Monuments - None

HLCFullRpt Report generated using HBSMR from exeGesIS SDM Ltd Page 21