Tim Francisco <
[email protected]> GOOD MORNING: 02/13/19 Farm Direction Van Trump Report 1 message The Van Trump Report <reply@vantrumpreportemail.com> Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 7:08 AM ReplyTo: Jordan <replyfed4167277640478314_HTML362509461000034501@vantrumpreportemail.com> To:
[email protected] "We generate fears while we sit. We over come them by action. Fear is nature's way of warning us to get busy." Dr. Henry Link 1822, Ashley Advertises for WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2019 Western Fur Trappers Printable Copy or Audio Version Missouri Lieutenant Governor William Ashley places an Morning Summary: Stocks are slightly higher this morning as bulls remain optimistic advertisement in the Missouri about two nearby hurdles perhaps being cleared. Leaders in Washington seem to have Gazette and Public Advisor seeking 100 reached a budget compromise that will help avoid another government shutdown. There “enterprising young men” to engage in fur has also been more optimistic headlines circulating regarding Chinese trade. Headlines trading on the Upper Missouri. A Virginia were circulating yesterday that President Trump was “open” to letting the March 1 native, Ashley had moved to Missouri just Chinese trade deadline slide if the two countries are close to a deal by then. Technically, after President Thomas Jefferson the bulls are also extremely excited to see the S&P 500 move back above its 200day concluded the Louisiana Purchase from moving average and post a new twomonth high. Keep in mind, the last time the S&P France, which made the region American 500 closed back above the 200DMA was on December 3rd.