Source:®ion=all&form=tree&fc=white&card=T08 Downloaded 28/06/2016 Weed Identification

Australia > All Regions (IBRA) > Form - Tree > Flower Colour - White > African

African olive

Olea europaea subspecies cuspidata

Pictorial glossary of plant part terms used in this guide.

Alternative Name(s): europaea subspecies africana, Olea africana, Olea cuspidata.

Family: .

Form: Tree

Origin: Native to Africa.

Flowers/Seedhead: In clusters at the end of branches. Flowers cream to greenish. Flowers mostly spring.

Description: Shrub or branched tree to about 12 m high. Leaves oblong to elliptic; upper surface glossy grey-green, margins entire and recurved.

Distinguishing features: Distinguished by simple leaves with silver, green or brown scaly Green fruit & leaves with a hooked tip undersurface; curved leaf tip; absence of small depressions between the main and secondary veins on the back of the leaf (domatia); fruit to 1 cm long, purple-black and succulent when ripe.

Dispersal: Spread by bird-dispersed seed. Also vegetatively by cuttings and pieces.

Confused With: There is confusion as to where subspecies cuspidata and subspecies europaea are naturalised in Australia. Subspecies europaea has leaves with a whitish or silvery scaly lower surface and without a small hook at the leaf tip. Olea paniculata, a native, has small depressions between the main and secondary veins on the back of the leaf.

Notes: A locally common weed of roadsides, neglected land and stream banks. African Olive produces fruit that are usually smaller and less fleshy than those of cultivated for edible and olive oil.


Noxious Weeds of Australia. W. Parsons and E. Cuthbertson, 1992, pages 522–524. Flora of NSW. G. Harden (ed), Vol. 3, 1992, page 472.

Flowers are white & very small Fruit ripens black & Seedling Young trees at Campbelltown, NSW photo J.R.Hosking has one hard seed

This weed has been included in the WEEDeck field guide as card T08

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