470,000 475,000 480,000 485,000 490,000 495,000

Based on or contains data provided by the State of QLD EK (DNRM) 2016. In consideration of the State permitting RE use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the OXLEY C State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including CALVERT D accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) A ! and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability O in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including R 1 consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. H Data must not be used for marketing or be used in breach A of the privacy laws. N O P E O A B K C H R C O I SSING CHUR W CHB S K ANK 2 KAGARU EE WEI IP CR R RO ! L AD T PEAK CROSSING IL E R E R TR A S W S R E D IN FL

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470,000 475,000 480,000 485,000 490,000 495,000 Legend Railway Local Road New Track Palustrine wetlands and dams 0 0.5 1 2 3 Gazetted Corridor Road Study Area Riparian woodland Kilometres Watercourse (Major) Street Eucalypt woodland and open woodland Map Projection: Transverse Mercator Watercourse (Minor) Basecase Alignment (March 2015) Eucalypt woodland on rocky hillsides Horizontal Datum: GDA 1994 Secondary Road Existing Track Non-remnant and or sparsely wooded Grid: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 o DO NOT SCALE Drawn Designer Client ARTC Drafting Design Project Conditions of use INLAND RAIL PROJECT - CALVERT TO KAGARU This document may only be used by Check Check GHD's client (and any other person who Approved This drawing must not be Title Flora and Fauna Technical Report GHD has agreed can use this document) (Project Director) used for Construction unless 145 Ann Street Brisbane QLD 4000 for the purpose for which it was prepared Page 2 of 2 signed as Approved - Terrestrial fauna habitats GPO Box 668 Brisbane QLD 4001 and must not be used by any other Date T 61 7 3316 3000 F 61 7 3316 3333 person or for any other purpose. Original size Job Project 1:75,000 No Revision Note: *indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Drawn Date Scale Drawing No: Figure 8 Rev: Manager Manager E [email protected] W www.ghd.com A3 0 Plot Date: 13 Jun 2016 Document Path: G:\41\29776\300. Environment\312. GIS\Maps\MXD\41_29776_023_Ecology_TFH_A3_rev_0.mxd © 2016. Whilst every care has been taken to prepare this map, GHD, GA and DNRM make no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and cannot accept liability and responsibility of any kind Data source: GHD: Alignment, Alignment buffers (2016), Terrestrial Fauna habitats, digitized from imagery and RE (2016). DNRM: Road (2016); GA: Populated places, Watercourse (2007), Rail (2007) (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) for any expenses, losses, damages and/or costs (including indirect or consequential damage) which are or may be incurred by any party as a result of the map being inaccurate, incomplete or unsuitable in any way and for any reason. GE: Imagery 2016, Extracted (18/5/2016). ARTC: AAM Imagery (2014/15), Gazetted Corridor (2015). Created by: IH

3.6. Terrestrial fauna values A total of 143 terrestrial fauna species were recorded within the Study Area during the field survey. This comprised 99 species of , 23 species of mammals, 17 species of and four species of amphibians. A complete list of terrestrial fauna species is provided in Appendix D. Two threatened terrestrial fauna species were confirmed present in field surveys of the Study Area:

 Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus), listed as vulnerable under the EPBC Act and NC Act; and

 Glossy black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami), listed as vulnerable under the NC Act.

Information on threatened and migratory terrestrial fauna species is detailed in Section 3.3. Information on general terrestrial fauna values of the Study Area is detailed in the following sections and representative photographs as provided as Plate 3.

3.6.1. Birds A total of 99 species were recorded from the Study Area. This included a mix of forest-dependent species, ubiquitous woodland birds and generalist species adapted to open grazing land. Bird species richness increased with the structural complexity and connectivity of native vegetation. Bird species richness was high in structurally complex habitat types (i.e. riparian woodland and swamp tea forest), moderate in habitats lacking complexity in the and understorey layer (i.e. woodland and open woodland) and low-moderate in habitats that have been cleared for grazing (i.e. open grassland). Palustrine wetlands also attracted high numbers of bird species as these represent important local foraging sites within the landscape. Similarly, areas of riparian woodland provide more extensive opportunities for foraging and movement of birds throughout the landscape. Canopy-dwelling bird species were abundant and widely distributed in remnant vegetation throughout the Study Area. Common canopy-dwelling species included the yellow-faced honeyeater (Lichenostomus chrysops), spotted pardalote (Pardalotus punctatus), striated pardalote (Pardalotus striatus), rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus), scaly-breasted lorikeet (Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus) and little lorikeet (Glossopsitta pusilla). Shrub- dwelling bird species were generally restricted to woodland habitats which retained greater structural complexity (i.e. riparian woodland and swamp tea tree forest). Common shrub-dwelling bird species recorded included the rose robin (Petroica rosea), eastern yellow robin (Eopsaltria australis), speckled warbler (Chthonicola sagittata), brown thornbill (Acanthiza pusilla), buff-rumped thornbill (Acanthiza reguloides), yellow-rumped thornbill (Acanthiza chrysorrhoa) and eastern whipbird (Psophodes olivaceus). Large proportions of the Study Area have been cleared for grazing. Grazing areas were generally dominated by bird species that are naturally adapted to open landscapes such as the pied currawong (Strepera graculina) Torresian crow (Corvus orru), Australian magpie (Cracticus tibicen) and noisy friarbird (Philemon corniculatus). Areas fringing grazing land were dominated by the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala). Due to the mix of woodland and open grazing land, much of the Study Area represents suitable foraging habitat for raptors and owls. Species commonly recorded included the wedge-tailed eagle (Aquila audax), brown goshawk (Accipiter fasciatus), collared sparrowhawk (Accipiter cirrocephalus), whistling kite (Haliastur sphenurus), southern boobook (Ninox novaeseelandiae), tawny frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) and Australian owlet nightjar (Aegotheles cristatus). Granivorous birds such as pigeons and finches were generally found in low abundance and diversity. This may be attributed to the time of year, with most local grass seeding finished. Granivores were typically recorded in areas with reduced grazing intensity.

It is important to recognise the survey was undertaken at one time of year (late autumn). South-east is subject to dramatic seasonal changes in bird community composition due to the influx of summer and winter migrants. At the time of survey, many summer migrants would have already left the region and some winter migrants


were evidently yet to arrive. Many other bird species not recorded in the current survey are likely to utilise habitats within the Study Area at other times of the year. Despite this, the timing of surveys was suitable to detect threatened bird species which have the potential to occur. More information on likelihood of occurrence of significant bird species is detailed in Section 3.3 (refer Table 4).

3.6.2. Mammals A total of 23 mammal species were recorded from the Study Area in the field survey. Three species of arboreal mammals were recorded from scats and visual observations at numerous locations, namely, the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) and EPBC listed koala. All three species are likely to be widely distributed in woodland habitats throughout the Study Area. Three macropod species were recorded from observed within the Study Area, namely, the eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), (Macropus parryi) and red-necked wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus). Large mobs of eastern grey kangaroos were observed within lowland areas, while the two wallaby species were recorded in more densely vegetated habitats, particularly along rocky hillsides. Ground mammals including the northern brown bandicoot (Isoodon macrourus), short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) and yellow-footed antechinus (Antechinus flavipes) were recorded from riparian woodland and woodland on rocky hillsides. Other native ground mammals are likely to occur, but are not readily detected using active search and visual assessment techniques.

A number of feral mammal species were recorded during the survey including the feral pig (Sus scrofa), brown hare (Lepus capensis), European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), domestic dog (Canis familiaris), black rat (Rattus rattus) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes). The presence of these species is not unexpected, taking in to consideration the cleared and fragmented nature of much of the Study Area. Other feral mammal species including the feral cat (Felis catus) are also likely to occur. Anabat detectors were deployed and recorded at least eight microbat species during the field survey. Positive identification to species level was achieved for six of the call types, and two call types were unresolved.

Rocky escarpments within the Study Area represent potential habitat for threatened mammal species including the brush-tailed rock wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) and spotted-tailed quoll (Dasyurus maculatus). While the brush-tailed rock wallaby is known to occur within the region (Maunsell 2008), the spotted-tailed quoll has declined from south- east Queensland due to a combination of loss of habitat and poisoning through ingestion of introduced cane toad (Rhinella marina). This species now persists in rocky areas where cane toads are generally absent (DotE 2016). Both species have the potential to occur in rocky escarpments within the Study Area; however, land access restrictions precluded on-ground assessment of these areas. More information on the likelihood of occurrence of significant mammal species is detailed in Section 3.3 (refer Table 4).

3.6.3. Reptiles A total of 17 terrestrial species were recorded from the Study Area during the field survey. This comprised nine species of skinks, two geckos, two dragons, two elapid , one python and one monitor. In general, reptile diversity was highest in habitats which retained higher microhabitat complexity at ground level (i.e. riparian woodland and woodland on rocky hillsides). Grazing is likely to have reduced reptile diversity within the broader landscape by reducing the abundance and diversity of ground-level refuges and microhabitats available to reptiles.

Skinks commonly recorded within the Study Area were the wall skink (Cryptoblepharus pulcher), grass skink (Lampropholis delicata), lively skink (Carlia vivax), open litter rainbow skink (Carlia pectoralis), eastern copper-tailed skink (Ctenotus taeniolatus) and fire-tailed skink (Morethia taeniopleura). The eastern water skink (Eulamprus quoyii) and eastern water dragon (Physignathus lesueurii) are riparian specialists and were restricted to creek-lines. Characteristic scratches of the lace monitor (Varanus varius) were observed in woodland habitat within the Study


Area. This species is likely to be relatively ubiquitous in woodland wherever hollow-bearing are present. Geckos recorded in the study area were the dubious dtella (Gehyra dubia) and Bynoe’s gecko (Heteronotia binoei). Both gecko species are known to use a variety of microhabitats including exfoliating granite slabs, crevices behind bark and rural buildings. Two species of elapid were recorded during the surveys. The red-bellied black (Pseudechis porphyriacus) commonly occurs along creeks and the eastern brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis) is common within open woodland and other areas with a dominant grassy understorey.

Surveys were undertaken in late autumn. Despite unseasonably warm weather in the weeks prior to survey, the survey was outside the peak activity period for most reptiles. This is likely to have inhibited reptile activity and reduced the number of reptiles recorded in the current survey. Reptile diversity recorded is therefore likely to be a conservative indication of the diversity of species present within the Study Area. A number of threatened reptile species have the potential to occur within the Study Area, including the (Delma torquata) and Dunmall’s snake (Furina dunmalli). Information on these species habitat requirements and their likelihood of occurrence within the Study Area is detailed in Section 3.3 (refer Table 4).

3.6.4. Amphibians Four amphibian species were recorded within the Study Area during the field survey. The feral cane toad (Rhinella marina) was widely distributed and abundant, with individuals often found sheltering beneath rocks and logs within woodland in areas some distance from water. Native frog species observed included the broad-palmed rocket frog (Litoria latopalmata), green tree frog (Litoria caerulea) and emerald spotted tree frog (Litoria peronii). These species typically occur in close proximity to water sources such as farm dams and ephemeral watercourses. All species were inactive at the time of survey and found sheltering beneath logs, rocks and other sources of refuge.

As with reptiles, the survey was outside the peak period of activity for amphibians in the region. Most local species breed during the summer months and have greatly reduced activity, and hence detectability outside the breeding season. Many other native amphibian species are likely to occur within the Study Area. Riparian woodland and palustrine wetlands would provide important habitat for native frog species including the striped rocket frog (Litoria nasuta), desert tree frog (Litoria rubella), graceful tree frog (Litoria gracilenta), eastern sedge frog (Litoria fallax), striped marsh frog (Limnodynastes peronii), scarlet sided pobblebonk (Limnodynastes terraereginae), ornate burrowing frog (Platyplectrum ornatum), beeping froglet (Crinia parinsignifera), clicking froglet (Crinia signifera), copper backed broodfrog (Pseudophryne raveni) and dusky gungan (Uperoleia fusca).

One threatened frog species, the tusked frog (Adelotus brevis) has the potential to occur within the Study Area, based on the presence of suitable habitat and historical records within the region. This species, which is listed as vulnerable under the NC Act, naturally occurs in a variety of habitats including streams, ephemeral ponds, permanent ponds and swamps in , wet sclerophyll forest and can persist in cleared urban parks and golf courses (Gillespie and Hines 1999). The species has declined from many parts of its range. This species has the potential to occur in semi- permanent and permanent watercourses throughout the Study Area. Protecting the integrity of stream morphology and maintaining a dense buffer of riparian vegetation is important to protect this species. More information on likelihood of occurrence of this species is detailed in Section 3.3 (refer Table 4).


Plate 3 Representative photographs of terrestrial fauna species within the Study Area

Top row: red-bellied black-snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus), bearded dragon (Pogona barbata), eastern copper-tailed skink (Ctenotus taeniolatus), broad-palmed rocket frog (Litoria latopalmata).

Second row: eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), pellets of koala (Phascolarctos cinereus), chewed Allocasuarina cones disgarded by the glossy black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami), tawny frogmouth (Podargus strigoides.


3.7. Aquatic ecological values

3.7.1. Aquatic habitats Waterways within the Study Area were characterised as narrow and ephemeral, with water present at few of the Survey Sites. Perennial pools were found on higher order streams, which are of some value for refuge for aquatic fauna during dry periods of the year. Aquatic habitats were degraded at all sites by local land use practices, namely agriculture in the form of livestock grazing. Although deep pools were available at a number of survey sites, they were not considered to be likely to be inhabited by the threatened species Australian lungfish. Descriptions of habitat found at each Survey Site assessed within the Study Area are presented in Table 6.


Table 6 Aquatic habitats within the Study Area

Latitude and AUSRIVAS Site Photograph Habitat description longitude habitat score

Unnamed 27.874952; The Survey Site was characterised by a dense fringe of riparian 88 Creek 1 152.805251 vegetation (dominated by Melaleuca viminalis) which provided a high level of shade, and also contributed to available fish habitat through

presence of exposed roots and large woody debris. The substrate was Stream Order made up of a mixture of sand, silt and clay with occasional bedrock 4 intrusions. The Survey Site did not contain any water at the time of sampling but is considered to provide good habitat when water is present. There were no fish passage barriers present within the surveyed reach and very little disturbance to the waterway outside of

the presence of some exotic shrub and herb species within the riparian zone. There was evidence of historical grazing and mustering of cattle in the area, but no current activity was observed.


Unnamed 27.876559; The Survey Site was a narrow channel containing a patchy cover of 91 Creek 2 152.804679 riparian vegetation. Where present, vegetation was made up of a mixture of native and exotic species. The substrate within the creek

was dominated by sand and bedrock, with banks containing clay and Stream Order cobbles. The site contained a number of bends and deeper areas that 3 would be pools when water was present. There were small pools of water likely to be from recent rain. The pools were confined to areas of bedrock. The site is thought to contain good habitat for aquatic species during times of flow, with bedrock zones likely to form riffles and runs

connecting pools. Historical grazing in the area was observed, but was not thought to be occurring during the time of survey.

Teviot Brook 27.862823; The Survey Site was located approximately 200 m upstream of the 61 152.908538 alignment crossing and was considered representative of habitat

characteristics in Teviot Brook. The site consisted of large pools Stream Order upstream and downstream of a road crossing and vegetation cover of 5 the waterway increased with distance from the road. Abundant large woody debris and shade were present in the waterway and standing timber was also present within the larger pools. There was no flow at the time of the sampling and several native and feral fish species were observed as well as native turtle within the large pools. The site

contained moderate aquatic habitat downstream and upstream of the road crossing within the channel, and was influenced by a large impoundment upstream (Wyaralong Dam). Although there was no flow, Teviot Brook is contains water perennially and is therefore considered a refugia waterway within the catchment.


Unnamed 27.834222; The site contained a number of small, turbid pools that were visited 57 Creek 3 152.761834 frequently by livestock. The banks were heavily eroded and were covered in a mixture of native and exotic grasses. The high bank of the

creek was sparsely covered by trees, which provided moderate Stream Order amount of shade along the reach. There was little change along the 3 waterway in both depth and width of the creek, with the substrate dominated by sand and clay. The site contained some exposed roots as a result of heavy erosion, but was generally considered to contain poor aquatic habitat. The remnant pools were not considered to be

permanent, and did not appear to contain any fish or turtles.

Unnamed 27.794887; The Survey Site was a narrow drainage line that did not appear to have 42 Creek 4 152.754040 flowed for some time. The channel was mostly covered by grass, with some exotic shrub species lining the banks (mainly Lantana camara).

Areas that did not contain vegetation were covered by a layer of Stream Order litter and were eroded to hard substrate such as clay and bedrock. 2 Cattle were also using the creek as a thoroughfare. The site was considered to contain poor aquatic habitat and was not likely to be inhabited by aquatic fauna during times of flow.


Bremer River 27.680244; The Survey Site was characterised by isolated pools along a reach lined 49 152.571694 by native trees and with an understorey of exotic herbs and

grasses. Large woody debris, exposed roots and leaf packs were Stream Order present within the pools, but there was little macrophyte growth and 5 an oily sheen was observed on the water surface. The surrounding land was cleared and being used for grazing, and livestock were observed accessing the river along the reach. There was erosion and deposition of silt, with some pools containing thick layers of fine material. There was little change in morphology of the river channel along the reach, and during times of flow would not contain a variety of depth and velocities. The habitat was considered to be relatively poor within the reach, which was mostly attributed to local land us practices.

Unnamed 27.813807;1 The Survey Site was a small drainage line upstream of Purga Creek, 30 Creek 5 52.754798 which did not contain any water, and did not appear to have contained water for some time. There was evidence of livestock access to the

creek when water was available. There were very few large trees along Stream Order the creek line, with the rest not shaded and covered in a mixture of 3 native and exotic grasses. The creek was eroded heavily along the length of the reach and was considered to be poor aquatic habitat during times that water was present.


Unnamed 27.774754; The Survey Site was located ~500 m downstream of the alignment 54 Creek 6 152.748467 crossing. The creek was characterised by a flat, sandy channel. The amount of grass growing within the channel was evidence that it had

been some time since flow had been present within the creek. There Stream Order was a thin band of riparian vegetation that lined the upper banks, and 5 beyond that was cleared land used for intensive cattle grazing. The banks were eroded as a result of livestock access and a lack of vegetation other than grasses. There were no undercut banks or exposed roots present within the surveyed reach. The creek was

considered to contain poor habitat for aquatic species.

Unnamed 27.858356; The Survey Site was located directly upstream of Woollaman Creek 41 Creek 7 152.896541 and was characterised by a series of permanent isolated pools along a narrow channel. The riparian zone was dominated by a mixture of

grasses and small shrubs, providing very little shade. Deep pools along Stream Order the reach supported some emergent macrophytes along the edges 4 ( sp.) and contained large woody debris. There was a thick layer of silt in pools, with the remainder of the substrate being made up of bedrock, clay and sand. Livestock were also observed accessing the creek and filamentous algae was present in the water . The Survey Site was considered to have moderate habitat for aquatic fauna.


Purga Creek 27.822713; The site was a large permanent pool on Purga Creek. Where banks 51 152.756130 sloped gently to the water, they were heavily disturbed by cattle.

Much of the banks had been cleared and grass remained. Areas where Stream Order undercuts and vertical banks existed, there was consolidated material 5 considered to be favourable for burrowing by platypuses. Submerged macrophytes were growing in thick mats along the fringes of the pool where depth would allow. Although the pool did not contain a variety of favourable habitat characteristics, it was considered to be refugia for aquatic fauna.

Unnamed 27.686365; The Survey Site was mapped as an order 3 stream, but upon survey of N/A Creek 8 152.584958 the areas, no formal drainage line was observed. The area did form a slight depression, but did not appear to have the characteristics of a

waterway. Stream Order 3


Unnamed 27.874952; The Survey Site was characterised by a dense fringe of riparian 88 Creek 1 152.805251 vegetation (dominated by Melaleuca viminalis) which provided a high level of shade, and also contributed to available fish habitat through

presence of exposed roots and large woody debris. The substrate was Stream Order made up of a mixture of sand, silt and clay with occasional bedrock 4 intrusions. The Survey Site did not contain any water at the time of sampling but is considered to provide good habitat when water is present. There were no fish passage barriers present within the surveyed reach and very little disturbance to the waterway outside of

the presence of some exotic shrub and herb species within the riparian zone. There was evidence of historical grazing and mustering of cattle in the area, but no current activity was observed.


3.7.2. Water quality Sites within the Study Area that contained water returned water quality results that are presented in Table 7. The Bremer River and Farm Dam Survey Sites recorded lower EC concentrations to Teviot Brook and Unnamed Creek 7, which was likely due to differences in local geology and land use practices. The Survey Site on the Bremer River recorded a much lower pH value to the remaining sites, which were similar (within 0.44 of each other). DO concentrations were lower at Survey Sites where shade was more abundant at the location that water quality parameters were taken. The remaining sites (Teviot Brook and the Farm Dam) were not shaded and had algae present within the water column, these attributes have the potential to create conditions that increase DO concentrations. It should be noted that during the surveys flow was not present within any of the waterways, which can augment DO. Also, a single reading of DO is not considered to be reliable, as diel fluctuations in DO are known to occur over a 24 hour period. Ephemeral waterways are also known to experience evaporation concentration of water quality parameters such as EC, when only isolated pools remain (Smith et al. 2004) and this could account for some of the higher readings recorded during the study. It is also important to note that the water quality sampling carried out as part of this survey represent a snapshot of water quality characteristics at each Survey Site at the time of collection. Hence, those data may not be representative of site conditions at other times of the year during the study period.

Water quality results recorded at Survey Sites were not found to be prohibitive to the presence of aquatic fauna, and were indicative of ephemeral waterways within the area.

Table 7 Water quality measurements recorded during the field survey


Bremer River 18.99 321 38.6 3.45 4.98

Teviot Brook 18.55 1611 81.0 7.51 7.66

Farm Dam 17.60 113 82.8 7.90 7.97

Unnamed Creek 7 13.64 1147 35.4 3.65 7.53

3.7.3. Aquatic fauna community A total of ten species of freshwater fish were confirmed present in watercourses traversed by the gazetted rail corridor through visual observations, fyke netting and/or electrofishing (refer Table 8). The majority of these species are common and indigenous, with no species listed as threatened under the EPBC Act or the NC Act. No platypus or freshwater turtles were observed or captured during the Site Surveys. Overall, the fish community was dominated by declared (under the Queensland Fisheries Act 1994) noxious pest and exotic species, including:

 European carp (Cyprinus carpio)

 Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki)


 Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)

 Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)

The Logan and Bremer Rivers are highly disturbed and modified systems which increases their susceptibility to the invasion of exotic species, including fish (Didham et al. 2007; Hobbs and Huenneke 1992). Consequently, the fish species captured during the field survey were considered to be typical of a disturbed catchment in south-east Queensland. The potential fish and freshwater turtle community that may occur within the Study Area is presented in Appendix E, based on Pusey et al. (2004). This potential community comprises 56 fish species (including exotic species) and four freshwater turtle species.

Table 8 Fish species recorded during the field survey


Native fish

Ambassis agassizii     Agassiz's glassfish

Hypseleotris compressa     Empire gudgeon

Hypseleotris klunzingeri     Western carp gudgeon

Hypseleotris sp.     Gudgeon

Melanotaenia duboulayi     Duboulay’s

Mugil cephalus     Sea mullet

Philypnodon macrostomus     Dwarf flathead gudgeon

Introduced fish


Cyprinus carpio     European carp

Gambusia holbrooki     Mosquitofish

Oreochromis mossambicus     Mozambique tilapia

Poecilia reticulata     Guppy


4. CONCLUSIONS This assessment included a desktop review and field surveys to characterise the aquatic and terrestrial flora and fauna values of the Study Area. The field studies achieved assessment of vegetation and habitat types that are representative of the local landscape. Key results of the assessment are summarised as follows:

 One TEC was recorded within the Study Area, namely Swamp Tea-tree (M. irbyana) Forest of South-east Queensland TEC that is listed as critically endangered under the EPBC Act. There is potential for additional areas of this TEC to develop within the Study Area over coming years as areas of regrowth mature.

 Although much of the Study Area has been historically cleared, areas of remnant vegetation remain and these include endangered, of concern and least concern REs under the VM Act.

 One threatened flora species was recorded during the field survey, namely M. irbyana. This species was recorded at numerous locations within the western portion of the rail corridor and Study Area, occurring as sparsely scattered individuals as well as large dense populations.

 Two threatened fauna species were recorded during the field survey, namely:

▪ The koala, listed as vulnerable under the EPBC Act and NC Act. Records collected during the field survey were broadly distributed across the entire Study Area and the species has the potential to occur in woodland habitat throughout the Study Area.

▪ The glossy-black cockatoo, listed as vulnerable under the NC Act. Within the Study Area, suitable foraging habitat for this species occurs predominantly within Eucalypt woodland on rocky hillsides.

 Two migratory bird species under the EPBC Act was recorded during the field survey, namely the rainbow bee- eater and the cattle egret. These species are widely distributed throughout open woodland and grassland areas and is likely to occur in most sections of the corridor. Additionally, 18 marine bird species under the EPBC Act were recorded during the field survey.

 Waterways within the Study Area were characterised as narrow and ephemeral, with water present at few locations at the time of the field survey. Aquatic habitats were generally degraded by local land use practices, particularly livestock grazing. No threatened aquatic species are considered likely to occur within the Study Area.

The presence and detectability of terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna species during field studies is strongly associated with seasonality. The field studies completed in preparation of this report represent a single seasonal survey effort. It is recommended that further detailed studies are undertaken across different seasons to comprehensively characterise flora and fauna communities, followed by an impact assessment and development of impact mitigation recommendations.


5. REFERENCES ABRS (2009) Australian Faunal Directory. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. Available from: http://www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/abrs/online-resources/fauna/afd/index.html Viewed 17 May 2016.

Bostock, P.D. and Holland, A.E. (eds) (2015) Census of the Queensland Flora 2015. Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Brisbane.

Bussey, J. and Ellis, B. (2016) The koalas of Ipswich: Opportunities, threats and future viability. School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Queensland.

Cameron, M. and Cunningham, R.B. (2006) Habitat selection at multiple spatial scales by foraging glossy black- cockatoos. Austral Ecology 31: 597-607.

Cogger, H. (2000). Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, 6th edition, Reed New Holland Pty Ltd, Sydney.

Cropper, S. (1993) Management of endangered , CSIRO Publications, Melbourne.

Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP) (2016) Wetland Info. Available from: http://wetlandinfo.ehp.qld.gov.au/ Viewed 17 May 2016

Department of the Environment (DotE) (2016) Species Profile and Threats Database. Available from: http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/sprat.pl Viewed 17 May 2016.

Didham, R.K., Tylianakis, J.M., Gemmell, N.J., Rand, T.A. and Ewers, R.M. (2007) Interactive effects of habitat modification and species invasion on native species decline. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22: 489-496.

Ellis, W.A.H., White, N.A., Kunst, N.D. and Carrick F.N. (1990) Response of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) to re- introduction to the wild after rehabilitation. Australian Wildlife Research 17 (4): 421-426.

Garnett, S.T., Pedler, L.P. and Crowley, G.M. (1999) The breeding ecology of the glossy black-cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami on Kangaroo Island, . Emu 99: 262-279.

Garnett, S.T. and Crowley, G.M (2000) The Action Plan for Australian Birds. 2000 Environment Australia.

Gillespie, G.R. and Hines, H.B. (1999) Status of temperate riverine frogs in south-eastern Australia. In: ‘Declines and Disappearances of Australian Frogs’. Ed. A.Campbell. pp 109-130. Environment Australia: Canberra.

Glossy Black Conservancy (2010) Glossy black-cockatoo Conservation Guidelines for South-Eastern Queensland and far North-Eastern . Glossy Black Conservancy.

Hobbs, R.J. and Huenneke, L.F. (1992) Disturbance, diversity, and invasion: implications for conservation. Conservation Biology 6: 324-337.

Lee, K.E., Seddon, J.M., Corley, S.W., Ellis, W.A.H., Johnston, S.D., de Villiers D.L., Preece, H.J. and Carrick, F.N. (2010) Genetic variation and structuring in the threatened koala populations of Southeast Queensland. Conservation Genetics 11 (6): 2094 – 2103.

Leiper, G. Glazebrook, J. Cox, D. and Rathie, K. (2008) Mangroves to Mountains : A Field Guide to the Native Plants of South-east Queensland. Society for Growing Australian Plants, Browns Plains.

Loyn, R.H. (1986) The 20 minute search – a simple method for counting forest birds. Corella 1: 59-60.


Marchant, S. and Higgins, P.J. (Eds.) (1990). Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds. Volume One - Ratites to Ducks. Melbourne, : Oxford University Press.

Maunsell (2008) Southern Freight Rail Corridor Study Draft Assessment Report: Technical Paper 2 Nature Conservation. Report prepared by Maunsell Australia on behalf of Queensland Transport.

Menkhorst, P. and Knight, F. (2001) A Field Guide to the Mammals of Australia, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.

Morecombe, M. (2004) Field Guide to Australian Birds. Steve Parish Publishing.

Neldner, V.J., Wilson, B.A., Thompson, E.J. and Dillewaard, H.A. (2012) Methodology for Surveys and Mapping of Regional Ecosystems and Vegetation Communities in Queensland, Version 3.2, Queensland Herbarium, Queensland Government, Brisbane.

Pizzey, G. and Knight, F. (2008) A Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. Angus and Robertson.

Pusey, B., Kennard, M. and Arthington, A. (Eds.). (2004) Freshwater fishes of north-eastern Australia. CSIRO publishing.

Queensland Herbarium (2015a) Regional Ecosystem Description Database. Version 9.0 (April 2015) Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Brisbane.

Queensland Herbarium (2015b) BioCondition Benchmarks of Regional Ecosystems. Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Brisbane.

Queensland Museum (2005) Wild Plants of Greater Brisbane. Queensland Museum, Brisbane. van Reardon, T.B., Armstrong, K.N. and Jackson, S.M. (2015) A current taxonomic list of Australian Chiroptera. Version 2015-05-10. Available from: http://ausbats.org.au/

White, N.A. (1999) Ecology of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) in rural south-east Queensland, Australia. Wildlife Research 26 (6): 731 – 744.

White, N.A. and Kunst N.D. (1990) Aspects of the ecology of the koala in southeast Queensland. In ‘Biology of the koala’. Eds Lee A.K., Handasyde K.A. and Sanson G.D. pp 109-116. Surrey Beaty and Sons.

Wild, C., Stock, M. and Thomas, E. (2002) Factors influencing choice of feed trees by the glossy black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami lathami) on Allocasuarina littoralis and A. torulosa in southeast Queensland. Unpublished report, School of Environmental and Applied Sciences, Griffith University, Gold Coast, 91 pp.Wilson, S. (2005). A Field Guide To Reptiles of Queensland. New Holland.




EPBC Act Protected Matters Report

This report provides general guidance on matters of national environmental significance and other matters protected by the EPBC Act in the area you have selected.

Information on the coverage of this report and qualifications on data supporting this report are contained in the caveat at the end of the report.

Information is available about Environment Assessments and the EPBC Act including significance guidelines, forms and application process details.

Report created: 13/06/16 13:02:15

Summary Details Matters of NES Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act Extra Information Caveat Acknowledgements

This map may contain data which are ©Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia), ©PSMA 2010

Coordinates Buffer: 1.0Km Summary

Matters of National Environmental Significance

This part of the report summarises the matters of national environmental significance that may occur in, or may relate to, the area you nominated. Further information is available in the detail part of the report, which can be accessed by scrolling or following the links below. If you are proposing to undertake an activity that may have a significant impact on one or more matters of national environmental significance then you should consider the Administrative Guidelines on Significance.

World Heritage Properties: None National Heritage Places: None Wetlands of International Importance: 1 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: None Commonwealth Marine Area: None Listed Threatened Ecological Communities: 4 Listed Threatened Species: 41 Listed Migratory Species: 14

Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act

This part of the report summarises other matters protected under the Act that may relate to the area you nominated. Approval may be required for a proposed activity that significantly affects the environment on Commonwealth land, when the action is outside the Commonwealth land, or the environment anywhere when the action is taken on Commonwealth land. Approval may also be required for the Commonwealth or Commonwealth agencies proposing to take an action that is likely to have a significant impact on the environment anywhere.

The EPBC Act protects the environment on Commonwealth land, the environment from the actions taken on Commonwealth land, and the environment from actions taken by Commonwealth agencies. As heritage values of a place are part of the 'environment', these aspects of the EPBC Act protect the Commonwealth Heritage values of a Commonwealth Heritage place. Information on the new heritage laws can be found at http://www.environment.gov.au/heritage

A permit may be required for activities in or on a Commonwealth area that may affect a member of a listed threatened species or ecological community, a member of a listed migratory species, whales and other cetaceans, or a member of a listed marine species.

Commonwealth Land: 2 Commonwealth Heritage Places: None Listed Marine Species: 18 Whales and Other Cetaceans: None Critical Habitats: None Commonwealth Reserves Terrestrial: None Commonwealth Reserves Marine: None

Extra Information

This part of the report provides information that may also be relevant to the area you have nominated.

State and Territory Reserves: 7 Regional Forest Agreements: None Invasive Species: 37 Nationally Important Wetlands: None Key Ecological Features (Marine) None Details

Matters of National Environmental Significance Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar) [ Resource Information ] Name Proximity Moreton bay 30 - 40km upstream

Listed Threatened Ecological Communities [ Resource Information ] For threatened ecological communities where the distribution is well known, maps are derived from recovery plans, State vegetation maps, remote sensing imagery and other sources. Where threatened ecological community distributions are less well known, existing vegetation maps and point location data are used to produce indicative distribution maps. Name Status Type of Presence Brigalow ( harpophylla dominant and co- Endangered Community known to occur dominant) within area Lowland Rainforest of Subtropical Australia Critically Endangered Community may occur within area Swamp Tea-tree (Melaleuca irbyana) Forest of South- Critically Endangered Community likely to occur east Queensland within area White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Critically Endangered Community likely to occur Woodland and Derived Native Grassland within area Listed Threatened Species [ Resource Information ] Name Status Type of Presence Birds Anthochaera phrygia Regent Honeyeater [82338] Critically Endangered Foraging, feeding or related behaviour may occur within area Botaurus poiciloptilus Australasian Bittern [1001] Endangered Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni Coxen's Fig-Parrot [59714] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Dasyornis brachypterus Eastern Bristlebird [533] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Erythrotriorchis radiatus Red Goshawk [942] Vulnerable Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Geophaps scripta scripta Squatter Pigeon (southern) [64440] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area

Grantiella picta Painted Honeyeater [470] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Lathamus discolor Swift Parrot [744] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Poephila cincta cincta Black-throated Finch (southern) [64447] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within Name Status Type of Presence area Rostratula australis Australian Painted Snipe [77037] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Turnix melanogaster Black-breasted Button-quail [923] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Fish Maccullochella mariensis Mary River Cod [83806] Endangered Translocated population known to occur within area

Insects Phyllodes imperialis smithersi Pink Underwing Moth [86084] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Mammals Chalinolobus dwyeri Large-eared Pied Bat, Large Pied Bat [183] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Dasyurus hallucatus Northern Quoll [331] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Dasyurus maculatus maculatus (SE mainland population) Spot-tailed Quoll, Spotted-tail Quoll, Tiger Quoll Endangered Species or species habitat (southeastern mainland population) [75184] may occur within area

Petauroides volans Greater Glider [254] Vulnerable Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Petrogale penicillata Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby [225] Vulnerable Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Phascolarctos cinereus (combined populations of Qld, NSW and the ACT) Koala (combined populations of Queensland, New Vulnerable Species or species habitat South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory) known to occur within area [85104] Potorous tridactylus tridactylus Long-nosed Potoroo (SE mainland) [66645] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area

Pseudomys novaehollandiae New Holland Mouse, Pookila [96] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Pteropus poliocephalus Grey-headed Flying-fox [186] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area Other Cycas ophiolitica [55797] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Plants Arthraxon hispidus Hairy-joint Grass [9338] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area

Bertya ernestiana a shrub [78349] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area

Bosistoa transversa Three-leaved Bosistoa, Yellow Satinheart [16091] Vulnerable Species or species Name Status Type of Presence habitat likely to occur within area Bulbophyllum globuliforme Miniature Moss-orchid, Hoop Pine Orchid [6649] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Cupaniopsis tomentella Boonah Tuckeroo [3322] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Lepidium peregrinum Wandering Pepper-cress [14035] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Notelaea ipsviciensis Cooneana [81858] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Notelaea lloydii Lloyd's Olive [15002] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Phaius australis Lesser Swamp-orchid [5872] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Phebalium distans Mt Berryman Phebalium [81869] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Planchonella eerwah Shiny-leaved Condoo, Black Plum, Wild Apple [17340] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Plectranthus habrophyllus [64589] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Rhaponticum australe Austral Cornflower, Native Thistle [22647] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Sophora fraseri [8836] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Thesium australe Austral Toadflax, Toadflax [15202] Vulnerable Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Reptiles Delma torquata Collared Delma [1656] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area

Furina dunmalli Dunmall's Snake [59254] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area

Saiphos reticulatus Three-toed Snake-tooth Skink [88328] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area

Listed Migratory Species [ Resource Information ] * Species is listed under a different scientific name on the EPBC Act - Threatened Species list. Name Threatened Type of Presence Migratory Marine Birds Apus pacificus Fork-tailed Swift [678] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Migratory Terrestrial Species Name Threatened Type of Presence Cuculus optatus Oriental Cuckoo, Horsfield's Cuckoo [86651] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Hirundapus caudacutus White-throated Needletail [682] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Merops ornatus Rainbow Bee-eater [670] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Monarcha melanopsis Black-faced Monarch [609] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Monarcha trivirgatus Spectacled Monarch [610] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail [644] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Myiagra cyanoleuca Satin Flycatcher [612] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Rhipidura rufifrons Rufous Fantail [592] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Migratory Wetlands Species Ardea alba Great Egret, White Egret [59541] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Ardea ibis Cattle Egret [59542] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Gallinago hardwickii Latham's Snipe, Japanese Snipe [863] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Pandion haliaetus Osprey [952] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Tringa nebularia Common Greenshank, Greenshank [832] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act Commonwealth Land [ Resource Information ] The Commonwealth area listed below may indicate the presence of Commonwealth land in this vicinity. Due to the unreliability of the data source, all proposals should be checked as to whether it impacts on a Commonwealth area, before making a definitive decision. Contact the State or Territory government land department for further information. Name Defence - AMBERLEY - AP3 REMOTE RECEIVERS SITE Defence - AMBERLEY - AP90 SMALL ARMS RANGE (PURGA)

Listed Marine Species [ Resource Information ] * Species is listed under a different scientific name on the EPBC Act - Threatened Species list. Name Threatened Type of Presence Birds Name Threatened Type of Presence Anseranas semipalmata Magpie Goose [978] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Apus pacificus Fork-tailed Swift [678] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Ardea alba Great Egret, White Egret [59541] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Ardea ibis Cattle Egret [59542] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Cuculus saturatus Oriental Cuckoo, Himalayan Cuckoo [710] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Gallinago hardwickii Latham's Snipe, Japanese Snipe [863] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Haliaeetus leucogaster White-bellied Sea-Eagle [943] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Hirundapus caudacutus White-throated Needletail [682] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Lathamus discolor Swift Parrot [744] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Merops ornatus Rainbow Bee-eater [670] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Monarcha melanopsis Black-faced Monarch [609] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Monarcha trivirgatus Spectacled Monarch [610] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail [644] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Myiagra cyanoleuca Satin Flycatcher [612] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Pandion haliaetus Osprey [952] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Rhipidura rufifrons Rufous Fantail [592] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Rostratula benghalensis (sensu lato) Painted Snipe [889] Endangered* Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Tringa nebularia Common Greenshank, Greenshank [832] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Extra Information State and Territory Reserves [ Resource Information ] Name State Angel Place QLD Flinders Peak QLD Gum Tips QLD Mount Perry 1 QLD Stewartdale QLD Sticky Gully QLD Tir Na Crann QLD

Invasive Species [ Resource Information ] Weeds reported here are the 20 species of national significance (WoNS), along with other introduced plants that are considered by the States and Territories to pose a particularly significant threat to biodiversity. The following feral are reported: Goat, Red Fox, Cat, Rabbit, Pig, Water Buffalo and Cane Toad. Maps from Landscape Health Project, National Land and Water Resouces Audit, 2001.

Name Status Type of Presence Birds Acridotheres tristis Common Myna, Indian Myna [387] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Anas platyrhynchos Mallard [974] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Carduelis carduelis European Goldfinch [403] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Columba livia Rock Pigeon, Rock Dove, Domestic Pigeon [803] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Lonchura punctulata Nutmeg Mannikin [399] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Passer domesticus House Sparrow [405] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Streptopelia chinensis Spotted Turtle-Dove [780] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Sturnus vulgaris Common Starling [389] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Frogs Name Status Type of Presence Rhinella marina Cane Toad [83218] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Mammals Bos taurus Domestic Cattle [16] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Canis lupus familiaris Domestic Dog [82654] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Equus caballus Horse [5] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Felis catus Cat, House Cat, Domestic Cat [19] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Lepus capensis Brown Hare [127] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Mus musculus House Mouse [120] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Oryctolagus cuniculus Rabbit, European Rabbit [128] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Rattus norvegicus Brown Rat, Norway Rat [83] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Rattus rattus Black Rat, Ship Rat [84] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Sus scrofa Pig [6] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Vulpes vulpes Red Fox, Fox [18] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Plants Anredera cordifolia Madeira Vine, Jalap, Lamb's-tail, Mignonette Vine, Species or species habitat Anredera, Gulf Madeiravine, Heartleaf Madeiravine, likely to occur within area Potato Vine [2643] Asparagus africanus Climbing Asparagus, Climbing Asparagus Species or species habitat [66907] likely to occur within area

Cabomba caroliniana Cabomba, Fanwort, Carolina Watershield, Fish Grass, Species or species habitat Washington Grass, Watershield, Carolina Fanwort, likely to occur within area Common Cabomba [5171] Chrysanthemoides monilifera Bitou Bush, Boneseed [18983] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Dolichandra unguis-cati Cat's Claw Vine, Yellow Trumpet Vine, Cat's Claw Species or species habitat Creeper, Funnel Creeper [85119] likely to occur within area

Eichhornia crassipes Water Hyacinth, Water Orchid, Nile Lily [13466] Species or species habitat likely to occur Name Status Type of Presence within area Genista monspessulana Montpellier Broom, Cape Broom, Canary Broom, Species or species habitat Common Broom, French Broom, Soft Broom [20126] likely to occur within area

Lantana camara Lantana, Common Lantana, Kamara Lantana, Large- Species or species habitat leaf Lantana, Pink Flowered Lantana, Red Flowered likely to occur within area Lantana, Red-Flowered Sage, White Sage, Wild Sage [10892] Lycium ferocissimum African Boxthorn, Boxthorn [19235] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Opuntia spp. Prickly Pears [82753] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area

Parkinsonia aculeata Parkinsonia, Jerusalem Thorn, Jelly Bean Tree, Horse Species or species habitat Bean [12301] likely to occur within area

Parthenium hysterophorus Parthenium Weed, Bitter Weed, Carrot Grass, False Species or species habitat Ragweed [19566] likely to occur within area

Salix spp. except S.babylonica, S.x calodendron & S.x reichardtii Willows except Weeping Willow, Pussy Willow and Species or species habitat Sterile Pussy Willow [68497] likely to occur within area

Salvinia molesta Salvinia, Giant Salvinia, Aquarium Watermoss, Kariba Species or species habitat Weed [13665] likely to occur within area

Senecio madagascariensis Fireweed, Madagascar Ragwort, Madagascar Species or species habitat Groundsel [2624] likely to occur within area

Solanum elaeagnifolium Silver Nightshade, Silver-leaved Nightshade, White Species or species habitat Horse Nettle, Silver-leaf Nightshade, Tomato Weed, likely to occur within area White Nightshade, Bull-nettle, Prairie-, Satansbos, Silver-leaf Bitter-apple, Silverleaf-nettle, Trompillo [12323] Reptiles Hemidactylus frenatus Asian House Gecko [1708] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Caveat The information presented in this report has been provided by a range of data sources as acknowledged at the end of the report. This report is designed to assist in identifying the locations of places which may be relevant in determining obligations under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It holds mapped locations of World and National Heritage properties, Wetlands of International and National Importance, Commonwealth and State/Territory reserves, listed threatened, migratory and marine species and listed threatened ecological communities. Mapping of Commonwealth land is not complete at this stage. Maps have been collated from a range of sources at various resolutions.

Not all species listed under the EPBC Act have been mapped (see below) and therefore a report is a general guide only. Where available data supports mapping, the type of presence that can be determined from the data is indicated in general terms. People using this information in making a referral may need to consider the qualifications below and may need to seek and consider other information sources.

For threatened ecological communities where the distribution is well known, maps are derived from recovery plans, State vegetation maps, remote sensing imagery and other sources. Where threatened ecological community distributions are less well known, existing vegetation maps and point location data are used to produce indicative distribution maps.

For species where the distributions are well known, maps are digitised from sources such as recovery plans and detailed habitat studies. Where appropriate, core breeding, foraging and roosting areas are indicated under 'type of presence'. For species whose distributions are less well known, point locations are collated from government wildlife authorities, museums, and non-government organisations; bioclimatic distribution models are generated and these validated by experts. In some cases, the distribution maps are based solely on expert knowledge.

Only selected species covered by the following provisions of the EPBC Act have been mapped: - migratory and - marine The following species and ecological communities have not been mapped and do not appear in reports produced from this database: - threatened species listed as extinct or considered as vagrants - some species and ecological communities that have only recently been listed - some terrestrial species that overfly the Commonwealth marine area - migratory species that are very widespread, vagrant, or only occur in small numbers The following groups have been mapped, but may not cover the complete distribution of the species: - non-threatened seabirds which have only been mapped for recorded breeding sites - seals which have only been mapped for breeding sites near the Australian continent Such breeding sites may be important for the protection of the Commonwealth Marine environment.


-27.6294 152.5114,-27.6784 152.7109,-27.723 152.8084,-27.8345 152.9478,-27.8746 152.9467,-27.8889 152.762,-27.7711 152.7064,-27.6911 152.5225,-27.6294 152.5114 Acknowledgements This database has been compiled from a range of data sources. The department acknowledges the following custodians who have contributed valuable data and advice: -Office of Environment and Heritage, New South Wales -Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Victoria -Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Tasmania -Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, South Australia -Parks and Wildlife Commission NT, Government -Department of Environmental and Heritage Protection, Queensland -Department of Parks and Wildlife, -Environment and Planning Directorate, ACT -Birdlife Australia -Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme -Australian National Wildlife Collection -Natural history museums of Australia -Museum Victoria -Australian Museum -South Australian Museum -Queensland Museum -Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums -Queensland Herbarium -National Herbarium of NSW -Royal Botanic Gardens and National Herbarium of Victoria -Tasmanian Herbarium -State Herbarium of South Australia -Northern Territory Herbarium -Western Australian Herbarium -Australian National Herbarium, Atherton and Canberra -University of New England -Ocean Biogeographic Information System -Australian Government, Department of Defence Forestry Corporation, NSW -Geoscience Australia -CSIRO -Other groups and individuals

The Department is extremely grateful to the many organisations and individuals who provided expert advice and information on numerous draft distributions.

Please feel free to provide feedback via the Contact Us page.

© Commonwealth of Australia Department of the Environment GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia +61 2 6274 1111



Wildlife Online Extract

Search Criteria: Species List for a Defined Area Species: All Type: All Status: All Records: All Date: All Latitude: 27.6124 to 27.8018 Longitude: 152.4864 to 152.8211 Email: [email protected] Date submitted: Thursday 24 Mar 2016 16:05:19 Date extracted: Thursday 24 Mar 2016 16:10:03 The number of records retrieved = 860


As the DSITIA is still in a process of collating and vetting data, it is possible the information given is not complete. The information provided should only be used for the project for which it was requested and it should be appropriately acknowledged as being derived from Wildlife Online when it is used. The State of Queensland does not invite reliance upon, nor accept responsibility for this information. Persons should satisfy themselves through independent means as to the accuracy and completeness of this information. No statements, representations or warranties are made about the accuracy or completeness of this information. The State of Queensland disclaims all responsibility for this information and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you may incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way for any reason. Feedback about Wildlife Online should be emailed to [email protected] Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals amphibians Bufonidae Rhinella marina cane toad Y 26 animals amphibians Hylidae Cyclorana brevipes superb collared frog C 2/1 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria wilcoxii eastern stony creek frog C 1 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria caerulea common green treefrog C 19 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria rubella ruddy treefrog C 10 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria peronii emerald spotted treefrog C 2 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria fallax eastern sedgefrog C 19 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria nasuta striped rocketfrog C 7 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria dentata bleating treefrog C 7 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria gracilenta graceful treefrog C 8 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria latopalmata broad palmed rocketfrog C 4 animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes terraereginae scarlet sided pobblebonk C 7 animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes tasmaniensis spotted grassfrog C 7 animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Platyplectrum ornatum ornate burrowing frog C 7 animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes salmini salmon striped frog C 1 animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes peronii striped marshfrog C 9 animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Adelotus brevis tusked frog V 1 animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Pseudophryne coriacea red backed broodfrog C 1 animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Uperoleia fusca dusky gungan C 1 animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Crinia signifera clicking froglet C 3 animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Uperoleia rugosa chubby gungan C 4/1 animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Pseudophryne major great brown broodfrog C 1/1 animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Pseudophryne raveni copper backed broodfrog C 1 animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Crinia parinsignifera beeping froglet C 12 animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza nana yellow thornbill C 12 animals birds Acanthizidae Gerygone mouki brown gerygone C 4 animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza pusilla brown thornbill C 4 animals birds Acanthizidae Gerygone olivacea white-throated gerygone C 33 animals birds Acanthizidae Sericornis citreogularis yellow-throated scrubwren C 1 animals birds Acanthizidae Sericornis frontalis white-browed scrubwren C 21 animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza chrysorrhoa yellow-rumped thornbill C 30 animals birds Acanthizidae Chthonicola sagittata speckled warbler C 12 animals birds Acanthizidae Smicrornis brevirostris weebill C 23 animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza reguloides buff-rumped thornbill C 1 animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter novaehollandiae grey goshawk C 1 animals birds Accipitridae Aquila audax wedge-tailed eagle C 19 animals birds Accipitridae Milvus migrans black kite C 8 animals birds Accipitridae Haliastur indus brahminy kite C 2 animals birds Accipitridae Circus assimilis spotted harrier C 3 animals birds Accipitridae Elanus axillaris black-shouldered kite C 11 animals birds Accipitridae Pandion cristatus eastern osprey SL 1 animals birds Accipitridae Circus approximans swamp harrier C 8 animals birds Accipitridae Lophoictinia isura square-tailed kite C 1 animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter fasciatus brown goshawk C 16 animals birds Accipitridae Aviceda subcristata Pacific baza C 10 animals birds Accipitridae Haliastur sphenurus whistling kite C 10

Page 1 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals birds Accipitridae Haliaeetus leucogaster white-bellied sea-eagle C 14 animals birds Accipitridae Hieraaetus morphnoides little eagle C 1 animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter cirrocephalus collared sparrowhawk C 6 animals birds Acrocephalidae Acrocephalus australis Australian reed-warbler SL 23 animals birds Aegothelidae Aegotheles cristatus Australian owlet-nightjar C 3 animals birds Alaudidae Mirafra javanica Horsfield's bushlark C 8 animals birds Alcedinidae Ceyx azureus azure kingfisher C 10 animals birds Anatidae Cygnus atratus black swan C 24 animals birds Anatidae Anas gracilis grey teal C 37 animals birds Anatidae Aythya australis hardhead C 23 animals birds Anatidae Anas superciliosa Pacific black duck C 71 animals birds Anatidae Chenonetta jubata Australian duck C 74 animals birds Anatidae Anas platyrhynchos northern mallard Y 2 animals birds Anatidae Dendrocygna eytoni plumed whistling-duck C 7 animals birds Anatidae Dendrocygna arcuata wandering whistling-duck C 1 animals birds Anatidae Stictonetta naevosa freckled duck C 2 animals birds Anatidae Tadorna tadornoides Australian shelduck C 1 animals birds Anatidae Nettapus coromandelianus cotton pygmy-goose C 1 animals birds Anatidae Malacorhynchus membranaceus pink-eared duck C 1 animals birds Anatidae Anas rhynchotis Australasian shoveler C 6 animals birds Anatidae Anas castanea chestnut teal C 6 animals birds Anhingidae Anhinga novaehollandiae Australasian darter C 24 animals birds Anseranatidae Anseranas semipalmata magpie goose C 1 animals birds Apodidae Hirundapus caudacutus white-throated needletail SL 6 animals birds Apodidae Apus pacificus fork-tailed swift SL 1 animals birds Ardeidae Egretta garzetta little egret C 5 animals birds Ardeidae Butorides striata striated heron C 1 animals birds Ardeidae Ardea alba modesta eastern great egret SL 18 animals birds Ardeidae Botaurus poiciloptilus Australasian bittern C E 1 animals birds Ardeidae Nycticorax caledonicus nankeen night-heron C 6 animals birds Ardeidae Egretta novaehollandiae white-faced heron C 50 animals birds Ardeidae Ardea ibis cattle egret SL 56 animals birds Ardeidae Egretta sacra eastern reef egret C 1 animals birds Ardeidae Ardea pacifica white-necked heron C 16 animals birds Ardeidae Ardea intermedia intermediate egret C 15 animals birds Artamidae Strepera graculina pied currawong C 17 animals birds Artamidae Artamus cyanopterus dusky woodswallow C 3 animals birds Artamidae Cracticus torquatus grey butcherbird C 64 animals birds Artamidae Artamus leucorynchus white-breasted woodswallow C 7 animals birds Artamidae Artamus personatus masked woodswallow C 2 animals birds Artamidae Cracticus nigrogularis pied butcherbird C 96 animals birds Artamidae Cracticus tibicen Australian magpie C 162 animals birds Artamidae Artamus minor little woodswallow C 1 animals birds Artamidae Artamus superciliosus white-browed woodswallow C 4 animals birds Burhinidae Burhinus grallarius bush stone-curlew C 3 animals birds Cacatuidae Cacatua tenuirostris long-billed corella Y C 4

Page 2 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals birds Cacatuidae Cacatua sanguinea little corella C 2 animals birds Cacatuidae Cacatua galerita sulphur-crested cockatoo C 36 animals birds Cacatuidae Calyptorhynchus lathami lathami glossy black-cockatoo (eastern) V 4 animals birds Cacatuidae Eolophus roseicapillus galah C 79 animals birds Cacatuidae Nymphicus hollandicus cockatiel C 35 animals birds Campephagidae Coracina novaehollandiae black-faced cuckoo-shrike C 121 animals birds Campephagidae Coracina tenuirostris cicadabird SL 7 animals birds Campephagidae Coracina lineata barred cuckoo-shrike C 1 animals birds Campephagidae Lalage tricolor white-winged triller C 2 animals birds Campephagidae Coracina maxima ground cuckoo-shrike C 1 animals birds Campephagidae Lalage leucomela varied triller C 5 animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus miles novaehollandiae masked lapwing (southern subspecies) C 53 animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus miles miles masked lapwing (northern subspecies) C 1 animals birds Charadriidae Erythrogonys cinctus red-kneed dotterel C 5 animals birds Charadriidae Elseyornis melanops black-fronted dotterel C 14 animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus miles masked lapwing C 7 animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus tricolor banded lapwing C 2 animals birds Ciconiidae Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus black-necked stork C 23 animals birds Cisticolidae Cisticola exilis golden-headed cisticola C 69 animals birds Climacteridae Climacteris picumnus brown treecreeper C 2 animals birds Climacteridae Cormobates leucophaea metastasis white-throated treecreeper (southern) C 3 animals birds Columbidae Leucosarcia melanoleuca wonga pigeon C 1 animals birds Columbidae Lopholaimus antarcticus C 1 animals birds Columbidae Columba livia rock dove Y 26 animals birds Columbidae Geopelia cuneata diamond dove C 2 animals birds Columbidae Geopelia striata peaceful dove C 26 animals birds Columbidae Columba leucomela white-headed pigeon C 2 animals birds Columbidae Ocyphaps lophotes crested pigeon C 70 animals birds Columbidae Phaps chalcoptera common bronzewing C 15 animals birds Columbidae Ptilinopus regina rose-crowned fruit-dove C 1 animals birds Columbidae Chalcophaps indica emerald dove C 1 animals birds Columbidae Geopelia humeralis bar-shouldered dove C 32 animals birds Columbidae Macropygia amboinensis brown cuckoo-dove C 3 animals birds Columbidae Streptopelia chinensis spotted dove Y 69 animals birds Coraciidae Eurystomus orientalis dollarbird C 33 animals birds Corcoracidae Struthidea cinerea apostlebird C 2 animals birds Corvidae Corvus sp. 1 animals birds Corvidae Corvus orru Torresian crow C 183 animals birds Corvidae Corvus coronoides Australian raven C 2 animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites basalis Horsfield's bronze-cuckoo C 5 animals birds Cuculidae Cuculus optatus oriental cuckoo SL 1 animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites lucidus shining bronze-cuckoo C 4 animals birds Cuculidae Cacomantis pallidus pallid cuckoo C 1 animals birds Cuculidae Eudynamys orientalis eastern koel C 27 animals birds Cuculidae Cacomantis variolosus brush cuckoo C 1 animals birds Cuculidae Centropus phasianinus pheasant coucal C 34

Page 3 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals birds Cuculidae Cacomantis flabelliformis fan-tailed cuckoo C 15 animals birds Cuculidae Scythrops novaehollandiae channel-billed cuckoo C 27 animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites minutillus barnardi little bronze-cuckoo C 2 animals birds Dicruridae Dicrurus bracteatus spangled drongo C 26 animals birds Estrildidae Neochmia modesta plum-headed finch C 3 animals birds Estrildidae Lonchura punctulata nutmeg mannikin Y 5 animals birds Estrildidae Neochmia temporalis red-browed finch C 12 animals birds Estrildidae Taeniopygia guttata zebra finch C 9 animals birds Estrildidae Taeniopygia bichenovii double-barred finch C 50 animals birds Estrildidae Lonchura castaneothorax chestnut-breasted mannikin C 26 animals birds Eurostopodidae Eurostopodus mystacalis white-throated nightjar C 2 animals birds Falconidae Falco longipennis Australian hobby C 8 animals birds Falconidae Falco cenchroides nankeen kestrel C 39 animals birds Falconidae Falco peregrinus peregrine falcon C 7 animals birds Falconidae Falco subniger C 2 animals birds Falconidae Falco berigora brown falcon C 8 animals birds Halcyonidae Dacelo leachii blue-winged kookaburra C 13 animals birds Halcyonidae Todiramphus sordidus Torresian kingfisher C 1 animals birds Halcyonidae Todiramphus macleayii forest kingfisher C 7 animals birds Halcyonidae Todiramphus pyrrhopygius red-backed kingfisher C 3 animals birds Halcyonidae Dacelo novaeguineae laughing kookaburra C 87 animals birds Halcyonidae Todiramphus sanctus sacred kingfisher C 37/1 animals birds Hirundinidae Petrochelidon nigricans tree martin C 24 animals birds Hirundinidae Petrochelidon ariel fairy martin C 25 animals birds Hirundinidae Cheramoeca leucosterna white-backed swallow C 2 animals birds Hirundinidae Hirundo neoxena welcome swallow C 66 animals birds Jacanidae Irediparra gallinacea comb-crested jacana C 11 animals birds Laridae Chlidonias hybrida whiskered tern C 1 animals birds Laridae Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae silver gull C 1 animals birds Maluridae Malurus lamberti variegated fairy-wren C 19 animals birds Maluridae Stipiturus malachurus southern emu-wren V 1 animals birds Maluridae Malurus cyaneus superb fairy-wren C 81 animals birds Maluridae Malurus melanocephalus red-backed fairy-wren C 52 animals birds Megaluridae Megalurus gramineus little grassbird C 5 animals birds Megaluridae Megalurus timoriensis tawny grassbird C 16 animals birds Megaluridae Cincloramphus mathewsi rufous songlark C 2 animals birds Megaluridae Cincloramphus cruralis brown songlark C 4 animals birds Megapodiidae Alectura lathami Australian brush-turkey C 4 animals birds Meliphagidae Ptilotula fusca fuscous honeyeater C 9 animals birds Meliphagidae Meliphaga lewinii Lewin's honeyeater C 7 animals birds Meliphagidae Caligavis chrysops yellow-faced honeyeater C 19 animals birds Meliphagidae Entomyzon cyanotis blue-faced honeyeater C 26 animals birds Meliphagidae Lichmera indistincta brown honeyeater C 63 animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus gularis black-chinned honeyeater C 6 animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus lunatus white-naped honeyeater C 6 animals birds Meliphagidae Philemon corniculatus noisy friarbird C 75

Page 4 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals birds Meliphagidae Manorina melanocephala noisy miner C 98 animals birds Meliphagidae Myzomela sanguinolenta scarlet honeyeater C 32 animals birds Meliphagidae Philemon citreogularis little friarbird C 35 animals birds Meliphagidae Anthochaera chrysoptera little wattlebird C 2 animals birds Meliphagidae Acanthagenys rufogularis spiny-cheeked honeyeater C 1 animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus albogularis white-throated honeyeater C 31 animals birds Meliphagidae Plectorhyncha lanceolata striped honeyeater C 15 animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus brevirostris brown-headed honeyeater C 2 animals birds Meliphagidae Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris eastern spinebill C 1 animals birds Meropidae Merops ornatus rainbow bee-eater SL 30 animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra rubecula leaden flycatcher C 5 animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra inquieta restless flycatcher C 5 animals birds Monarchidae cyanoleuca magpie-lark C 121 animals birds Monarchidae Monarcha melanopsis black-faced monarch SL 1 animals birds Monarchidae Carterornis leucotis white-eared monarch C 1 animals birds Motacillidae Anthus novaeseelandiae Australasian pipit C 13 animals birds Nectariniidae Dicaeum hirundinaceum mistletoebird C 50 animals birds Neosittidae Daphoenositta chrysoptera varied sittella C 8 animals birds Oriolidae Sphecotheres vieilloti Australasian figbird C 63 animals birds Oriolidae Oriolus sagittatus olive-backed oriole C 19 animals birds Pachycephalidae Pachycephala rufiventris rufous whistler C 46 animals birds Pachycephalidae Pachycephala pectoralis golden whistler C 27 animals birds Pachycephalidae Colluricincla harmonica grey shrike-thrush C 13 animals birds Pachycephalidae Colluricincla megarhyncha little shrike-thrush C 3 animals birds Pardalotidae Pardalotus striatus striated pardalote C 87/2 animals birds Pardalotidae Pardalotus punctatus spotted pardalote C 6 animals birds Passeridae Passer domesticus house sparrow Y 25 animals birds Pelecanidae Pelecanus conspicillatus Australian pelican C 35 animals birds Petroicidae Eopsaltria australis eastern yellow robin C 11 animals birds Petroicidae Petroica boodang scarlet robin C 2 animals birds Petroicidae Petroica rosea rose robin C 15 animals birds Petroicidae Petroica goodenovii red-capped robin C 6 animals birds Petroicidae Microeca fascinans jacky winter C 4 animals birds Phaethontidae Phaethon lepturus white-tailed tropicbird SL 1/1 animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax sulcirostris little black cormorant C 38 animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax varius pied cormorant C 15 animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Microcarbo melanoleucos little pied cormorant C 41 animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax carbo great cormorant C 12 animals birds Phasianidae Coturnix ypsilophora brown quail C 25 animals birds Phasianidae Coturnix pectoralis stubble quail C 5 animals birds Phasianidae Excalfactoria chinensis king quail C 1 animals birds Podargidae Podargus strigoides tawny frogmouth C 20 animals birds Podicipedidae Tachybaptus novaehollandiae Australasian grebe C 43 animals birds Podicipedidae Podiceps cristatus great crested grebe C 9 animals birds Pomatostomidae Pomatostomus temporalis grey-crowned babbler C 17 animals birds Psittacidae Psephotus pulcherrimus paradise parrot PE EX 1

Page 5 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals birds Psittacidae Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus rainbow lorikeet C 50 animals birds Psittacidae Platycercus adscitus palliceps pale-headed rosella (southern form) C 3 animals birds Psittacidae Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus scaly-breasted lorikeet C 125 animals birds Psittacidae Glossopsitta concinna musk lorikeet C 7 animals birds Psittacidae Platycercus adscitus pale-headed rosella C 104 animals birds Psittacidae Alisterus scapularis Australian king-parrot C 8 animals birds Psittacidae Platycercus eximius eastern rosella C 11 animals birds Psittacidae Platycercus elegans crimson rosella C 1 animals birds Psittacidae Parvipsitta pusilla little lorikeet C 25 animals birds Psittacidae Barnardius zonarius Australian ringneck C 5 animals birds Psittacidae Melopsittacus undulatus budgerigar C 2 animals birds Psittacidae Parvipsitta porphyrocephala purple-crowned lorikeet C 1 animals birds Psophodidae Psophodes olivaceus eastern whipbird C 13 animals birds Ptilonorhynchidae chrysocephalus regent C 2 animals birds Ptilonorhynchidae Ptilonorhynchus violaceus C 1 animals birds Ptilonorhynchidae Ptilonorhynchus maculatus C 1 animals birds Rallidae Fulica atra Eurasian coot C 21 animals birds Rallidae Porzana pusilla Baillon's crake C 5 animals birds Rallidae Porzana fluminea Australian spotted crake C 4 animals birds Rallidae Porzana tabuensis spotless crake C 4 animals birds Rallidae Lewinia pectoralis Lewin's rail C 2 animals birds Rallidae Gallinula tenebrosa dusky moorhen C 33 animals birds Rallidae Porphyrio melanotus purple swamphen C 30 animals birds Rallidae Gallirallus philippensis buff-banded rail C 8 animals birds Recurvirostridae Himantopus himantopus black-winged stilt C 27 animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura albiscapa grey fantail C 53 animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura rufifrons rufous fantail SL 9 animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura leucophrys willie wagtail C 113 animals birds Rostratulidae Rostratula australis Australian painted snipe V E 3 animals birds Scolopacidae Actitis hypoleucos common sandpiper SL 3 animals birds Scolopacidae Gallinago hardwickii Latham's snipe SL 3 animals birds Scolopacidae Tringa stagnatilis marsh sandpiper SL 2 animals birds Scolopacidae Calidris melanotos pectoral sandpiper SL 2 animals birds Scolopacidae Limosa limosa black-tailed godwit SL 2 animals birds Scolopacidae Numenius madagascariensis eastern curlew V CE 1 animals birds Scolopacidae Calidris acuminata sharp-tailed sandpiper SL 1 animals birds Strigidae Ninox connivens barking owl C 2 animals birds Strigidae Ninox boobook southern boobook C 13 animals birds Sturnidae Acridotheres tristis common myna Y 56 animals birds Sturnidae Sturnus vulgaris common starling Y 44 animals birds Threskiornithidae Platalea regia royal spoonbill C 25 animals birds Threskiornithidae Threskiornis spinicollis straw-necked ibis C 42 animals birds Threskiornithidae Threskiornis molucca Australian white ibis C 19 animals birds Threskiornithidae Plegadis falcinellus glossy ibis SL 4 animals birds Threskiornithidae Platalea flavipes yellow-billed spoonbill C 19 animals birds Timaliidae Zosterops lateralis silvereye C 85

Page 6 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals birds Turnicidae Turnix melanogaster black-breasted button-quail V V 1 animals birds Turnicidae Turnix maculosus red-backed button-quail C 1 animals birds Turnicidae Turnix varius painted button-quail C 1 animals birds Tytonidae Tyto delicatula eastern barn owl C 8 animals Lycaenidae Psychonotis caelius small green-banded blue 1 animals insects Phaedyma shepherdi shepherdi white-banded plane (southern 3 subspecies) animals insects Nymphalidae Acraea andromacha andromacha glasswing 3 animals insects Nymphalidae Danaus plexippus plexippus monarch 4 animals insects Nymphalidae hamata hamata blue tiger 4 animals insects Nymphalidae Vanessa kershawi Australian painted lady 2 animals insects Nymphalidae Melanitis leda bankia common evening-brown 7 animals insects Nymphalidae corinna common crow 7 animals insects Nymphalidae Danaus sp. 1 animals insects Nymphalidae Danaus petilia lesser wanderer 1 animals insects Nymphalidae Polyura sempronius sempronius tailed emperor 4 animals insects Nymphalidae Junonia villida calybe meadow argus 2 animals insects Papilionidae Graphium sarpedon choredon blue triangle 5 animals insects Papilionidae Papilio demoleus sthenelus chequered swallowtail 1 animals insects Papilionidae Cressida cressida cressida greasy swallowtail 1 animals insects Papilionidae Graphium eurypylus lycaon pale-blue triangle (eastern 1 subspecies) animals insects Papilionidae Papilio aegeus aegeus orchard swallowtail (Australian 3 subspecies) animals insects Papilionidae Papilio anactus dingy swallowtail 1 animals insects Eurema hecabe large grass-yellow 4 animals insects Pieridae Pieris rapae cabbage white 1 animals insects Pieridae Eurema smilax small grass-yellow 1 animals insects Pieridae Belenois java teutonia caper white 5 animals insects Pieridae Catopsilia pomona pomona lemon migrant 8 animals insects Pieridae perimale scyllara caper gull (Australian subspecies) 1 animals insects Pieridae Delias argenthona argenthona scarlet jezebel 1 animals insects Pieridae Catopsilia gorgophone gorgophone yellow migrant 3 animals lobe-finned fishes Ceratodontidae Neoceratodus forsteri Australian lungfish V 1 animals mammals Acrobatidae Acrobates pygmaeus feathertail glider C 1 animals mammals Bovidae Capra hircus goat Y 1 animals mammals Bovidae Bos taurus European cattle Y 1 animals mammals Canidae Canis lupus dingo dingo 2 animals mammals Canidae Canis lupus familiaris dog Y 1 animals mammals Canidae Vulpes vulpes red fox Y 12 animals mammals Dasyuridae Planigale maculata common planigale C 1 animals mammals Dasyuridae Dasyurus maculatus maculatus spotted-tailed quoll (southern V E 1 subspecies) animals mammals Dasyuridae Antechinus flavipes flavipes yellow-footed antechinus C 1 (south-east Queensland) animals mammals Emballonuridae Saccolaimus flaviventris yellow-bellied sheathtail bat C 2

Page 7 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals mammals Felidae Felis catus cat Y 2 animals mammals Leporidae Lepus europaeus European brown hare Y 13 animals mammals Macropodidae Macropus rufogriseus red-necked wallaby C 14 animals mammals Macropodidae Petrogale penicillata brush-tailed rock-wallaby V V 11 animals mammals Macropodidae Macropus giganteus eastern grey kangaroo C 11 animals mammals Macropodidae Macropus dorsalis black-striped wallaby C 1 animals mammals Macropodidae Wallabia bicolor swamp wallaby C 3 animals mammals Macropodidae Macropus parryi whiptail wallaby C 3 animals mammals Macropodidae Macropus sp. 2 animals mammals Miniopteridae Miniopterus australis little bent-wing bat C 1 animals mammals Miniopteridae Miniopterus schreibersii oceanensis eastern bent-wing bat C 1 animals mammals Molossidae Tadarida australis white-striped freetail bat C 7 animals mammals Molossidae Mormopterus lumsdenae northern free-tailed bat C 1 animals mammals Muridae Hydromys chrysogaster water rat C 1 animals mammals Muridae Mus musculus house mouse Y 4 animals mammals Muridae Rattus rattus black rat Y 4 animals mammals Muridae Pseudomys gracilicaudatus eastern chestnut mouse C 1 animals mammals Peramelidae Perameles nasuta long-nosed bandicoot C 1 animals mammals Peramelidae Isoodon macrourus northern brown bandicoot C 4 animals mammals Petauridae Petaurus breviceps sugar glider C 4 animals mammals Petauridae Petaurus sp. 1 animals mammals Petauridae Petaurus norfolcensis squirrel glider C 3 animals mammals Phalangeridae Trichosurus vulpecula common brushtail possum C 19 animals mammals Phalangeridae Trichosurus caninus short-eared possum C 1 animals mammals Phascolarctidae Phascolarctos cinereus koala V V 2192 animals mammals Pseudocheiridae Pseudocheirus peregrinus common ringtail possum C 4 animals mammals Pseudocheiridae Petauroides volans greater glider C 2/1 animals mammals Pteropodidae Pteropus alecto black flying-fox C 27 animals mammals Pteropodidae Pteropus poliocephalus grey-headed flying-fox C V 21 animals mammals Suidae Sus scrofa pig Y 1 animals mammals Tachyglossidae Tachyglossus aculeatus short-beaked echidna SL 10 animals mammals Vespertilionidae Vespadelus troughtoni eastern cave bat C 1 animals mammals Vespertilionidae Nyctophilus gouldi Gould's long-eared bat C 1 animals mammals Vespertilionidae Chalinolobus gouldii Gould's wattled bat C 1 animals mammals Vespertilionidae Scotorepens sp. (Parnaby) central-eastern broad-nosed bat C 1 animals mammals Vespertilionidae Myotis macropus large-footed myotis C 1 animals mammals Vespertilionidae Chalinolobus morio chocolate wattled bat C 1 animals ray-finned fishes Ambassidae Ambassis agassizii Agassiz's glassfish 24 animals ray-finned fishes Anguillidae Anguilla reinhardtii longfin eel 66 animals ray-finned fishes Anguillidae Anguilla australis southern shortfin eel 36 animals ray-finned fishes Atherinidae Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum flyspecked hardyhead 23 animals ray-finned fishes Atherinidae Craterocephalus marjoriae silverstreak hardyhead 2 animals ray-finned fishes Cichlidae Oreochromis mossambicus Mozambique mouthbrooder Y 7 animals ray-finned fishes Clupeidae Nematalosa erebi bony bream 5 animals ray-finned fishes Cyprinidae Carassius auratus goldfish Y 6 animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Gobiomorphus australis striped gudgeon 26

Page 8 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Hypseleotris compressa empire gudgeon 30 animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Hypseleotris klunzingeri western carp gudgeon 34 animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Philypnodon grandiceps flathead gudgeon 11 animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Philypnodon macrostomus dwarf flathead gudgeon 1 animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Hypseleotris galii firetail gudgeon 68 animals ray-finned fishes Melanotaeniidae Melanotaenia duboulayi crimsonspotted rainbowfish 28 animals ray-finned fishes Mugilidae Mugil cephalus sea mullet 21 animals ray-finned fishes Percichthyidae Macquaria novemaculeata Australian bass 1 animals ray-finned fishes Plotosidae Tandanus tandanus freshwater catfish 23 animals ray-finned fishes Poeciliidae Xiphophorus maculatus platy Y 7 animals ray-finned fishes Poeciliidae Gambusia holbrooki mosquitofish Y 75 animals ray-finned fishes Pseudomugilidae Pseudomugil signifer Pacific blue eye 5 animals ray-finned fishes Retropinnidae Retropinna semoni Australian smelt 8 animals ray-finned fishes Scorpaenidae Notesthes robusta bullrout 3 animals ray-finned fishes Terapontidae Leiopotherapon unicolor spangled perch 33 animals reptiles Agamidae Intellagama lesueurii eastern water dragon C 10 animals reptiles Agamidae Pogona barbata bearded dragon C 16 animals reptiles Boidae Morelia spilota carpet python C 6 animals reptiles Chelidae Chelodina longicollis eastern snake-necked turtle C 1 animals reptiles Chelidae Wollumbinia latisternum saw-shelled turtle C 1 animals reptiles Chelidae Emydura macquarii macquarii Murray turtle C 1 animals reptiles Colubridae Dendrelaphis punctulatus green tree snake C 7 animals reptiles Colubridae Tropidonophis mairii freshwater snake C 1 animals reptiles Colubridae Boiga irregularis brown tree snake C 1 animals reptiles Diplodactylidae Nebulifera robusta robust velvet gecko C 1 animals reptiles Pseudechis porphyriacus red-bellied black snake C 6 animals reptiles Elapidae Brachyurophis australis coral snake C 1 animals reptiles Elapidae Cryptophis nigrescens eastern small-eyed snake C 1 animals reptiles Elapidae Vermicella annulata bandy-bandy C 4 animals reptiles Elapidae Pseudonaja textilis eastern brown snake C 9 animals reptiles Elapidae Pseudechis guttatus spotted black snake C 1/1 animals reptiles Elapidae Demansia psammophis yellow-faced whipsnake C 3/1 animals reptiles Elapidae harriettae white-crowned snake C 3 animals reptiles Elapidae Hemiaspis signata black-bellied swamp snake C 1 animals reptiles Elapidae Cacophis krefftii dwarf crowned snake C 1 animals reptiles Elapidae Furina diadema red-naped snake C 9 animals reptiles Gekkonidae Hemidactylus frenatus house gecko Y 1 animals reptiles Gekkonidae Gehyra dubia C 2 animals reptiles Pygopodidae Delma plebeia common delma C 4/1 animals reptiles Scincidae Anomalopus verreauxii C 6/1 animals reptiles Scincidae Lampropholis delicata C 9 animals reptiles Scincidae Carlia pectoralis sensu lato C 1 animals reptiles Scincidae Cryptoblepharus pulcher pulcher elegant snake-eyed skink C 13 animals reptiles Scincidae Ctenotus spaldingi C 10/2 animals reptiles Scincidae Concinnia martini dark bar-sided skink C 2 animals reptiles Scincidae Ctenotus sp. 1

Page 9 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals reptiles Scincidae Carlia vivax C 2 animals reptiles Scincidae Anomalopus leuckartii C 1/1 animals reptiles Scincidae Lampropholis amicula C 1 animals reptiles Scincidae Tiliqua scincoides eastern blue-tongued lizard C 6 animals reptiles Scincidae Ctenotus taeniolatus copper-tailed skink C 1 animals reptiles wiedii brown-snouted blind snake C 1 animals reptiles Varanidae Varanus varius lace monitor C 1 fungi club fungi Basidiomycota Amanita vaginata C 1/1 fungi club fungi Basidiomycota Fuscoporia C 1/1 fungi club fungi Basidiomycota Inocybe C 3/3 fungi club fungi Basidiomycota Boletus C 1/1 fungi club fungi Basidiomycota Suillus granulatus C 1/1 fungi club fungi Basidiomycota Amanita C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Cladiaceae Cladia muelleri C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Graphidaceae Leptotrema wightii C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Lecanactidaceae Cresponea plurilocularis C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Lobariaceae Sticta C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Melaspileaceae Melaspilea asteriscus C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Mycocaliciaceae Chaenothecopsis C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Opegraphaceae Opegrapha C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Parmeliaceae Xanthoparmelia subtropica C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Physciaceae Physcia sublurida C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Pyrenulaceae Pyrenula quassiaecola C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Ramalinaceae Ramalina celastri subsp. celastri C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Teloschistaceae Caloplaca cinnabarina C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Usneaceae Usnea rubicunda C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Usneaceae Usnea dasaea C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Valsaceae Obryzum scabrosum C 1/1 plants Cupressaceae baileyi Bailey's cypress NT 3/3 plants Adiantaceae Cheilanthes distans bristly cloak fern C 1/1 plants ferns Adiantaceae Cheilanthes sieberi C 1 plants ferns Adiantaceae Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi C 2/2 plants ferns Blechnaceae Blechnum cartilagineum gristle fern C 1/1 plants ferns Marsileaceae Marsilea mutica shiny nardoo C 1 plants ferns Marsileaceae Marsilea hirsuta hairy nardoo C 1/1 plants ferns Pteridaceae Acrostichum speciosum mangrove fern C 1/1 plants higher dicots Acanthaceae Pseuderanthemum variabile pastel flower C 1/1 plants higher dicots Acanthaceae Hypoestes floribunda var. pubescens C 1/1 plants higher dicots Acanthaceae Rostellularia adscendens var. adscendens C 1/1 plants higher dicots Acanthaceae Ruellia simplex Y 3/3 plants higher dicots Acanthaceae Brunoniella australis blue trumpet C 3/2 plants higher dicots Acanthaceae Harnieria hygrophiloides white karambal C 1/1 plants higher dicots Acanthaceae Rostellularia adscendens C 1/1 plants higher dicots Amaranthaceae Alternanthera denticulata lesser joyweed C 2/2 plants higher dicots Amaranthaceae Guilleminea densa small matweed Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera C 2/1

Page 10 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants higher dicots Amaranthaceae Alternanthera nana hairy joyweed C 1/1 plants higher dicots Amaranthaceae Gomphrena celosioides gomphrena weed Y 2/1 plants higher dicots Amaranthaceae Alternanthera denticulata var. micrantha C 1/1 plants higher dicots Anacardiaceae Schinus molle var. areira pepper tree Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Apiaceae Cyclospermum leptophyllum Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Apiaceae Ammi majus bishop's weed Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Apiaceae Daucus carota wild carrot Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Apiaceae Centella asiatica C 1 plants higher dicots Sarcostemma viminale subsp. brunonianum C 2/2 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae subsp. australis C 3/3 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Gomphocarpus physocarpus balloon cottonbush Y 2/1 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae brisbanensis broad-leaved monkey vine C 1/1 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae pleiadenia C 1/1 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Marsdenia micradenia gymnema C 1/1 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae monkey rope C 1 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Alstonia constricta bitterbark C 1 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae elliptica C 1/1 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Marsdenia coronata slender milkvine V 2/1 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Nerium oleander oleander Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Alyxia ruscifolia C 4/4 plants higher dicots Araliaceae Astrotricha latifolia C 2/2 plants higher dicots Araliaceae Hydrocotyle laxiflora stinking pennywort C 2/2 plants higher dicots Olearia canescens subsp. discolor C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Gynura drymophila var. glabrifolia C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Acmella grandiflora var. brachyglossa C 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Senecio pinnatifolius var. pinnatifolius C 3/3 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Tagetes minuta stinking roger Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Calotis cuneata C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Cassinia laevis C 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Centaurea jacea Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Cirsium vulgare spear thistle Y 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Zinnia peruviana wild zinnia Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Camptacra barbata C 3/2 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Cichorium intybus chicory Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Conyza canadensis Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Schkuhria pinnata Y 2/2 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Calotis lappulacea yellow burr daisy C 2/2 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Cassinia straminea C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Conyza bonariensis Y 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Podolepis neglecta C 2/2 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Vittadinia sulcata native daisy C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Eclipta platyglossa C 4/3 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Glossocardia bidens native cobbler's pegs C 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Calyptocarpus vialis creeping cinderella weed Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae gracilis C 2/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Taraxacum officinale dandelion Y 1/1

Page 11 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants higher dicots Asteraceae Xanthium occidentale Y 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Baccharis halimifolia groundsel bush Y 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Centratherum riparium C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Cyanthillium cinereum C 2 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Lagenophora stipitata C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Leiocarpa brevicompta C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Rhodanthe anthemoides white paper daisy C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Senecio bathurstianus C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Verbesina encelioides crownbeard Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Wedelia spilanthoides C 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Ambrosia artemisiifolia annual ragweed Y 2/2 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Ozothamnus diosmifolius white dogwood C 2/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Senecio madagascariensis fireweed Y 3/3 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Chrysocephalum apiculatum yellow buttons C 2/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Apowollastonia spilanthoides C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Centipeda minima subsp. minima C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Vittadinia dissecta var. hirta C 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Peripleura hispidula var. setosa C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Gynura drymophila var. drymophila C 1/1 plants higher dicots Bignoniaceae Pandorea pandorana wonga vine C 7/5 plants higher dicots Bignoniaceae Pyrostegia venusta Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Bignoniaceae Pandorea floribunda C 3/3 plants higher dicots Boraginaceae Cordia myxa Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Brassicaceae Cardamine hirsuta common bittercress Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Brassicaceae Brassica chinensis Chinese cabbage Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Brassicaceae Sisymbrium thellungii African turnip-weed Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Cactaceae Opuntia tomentosa velvety tree pear Y 1 plants higher dicots Caesalpiniaceae Senna occidentalis coffee senna Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Caesalpiniaceae Caesalpinia decapetala wait-a-while Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Campanulaceae Lobelia concolor C 3/2 plants higher dicots Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia littoricola C 1/1 plants higher dicots Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia stricta subsp. stricta C 1/1 plants higher dicots Campanulaceae Lobelia stenophylla C 3/3 plants higher dicots Campanulaceae Lobelia purpurascens white root C 2/1 plants higher dicots Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia communis tufted bluebell C 1 plants higher dicots Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia gracilis sprawling bluebell C 2/1 plants higher dicots Caryophyllaceae Stellaria media chickweed Y 2/2 plants higher dicots Casuarinaceae cunninghamiana subsp. cunninghamiana C 1/1 plants higher dicots Celastraceae Hippocratea barbata knotvine C 1/1 plants higher dicots Celastraceae Denhamia cunninghamii C 3/3 plants higher dicots Chenopodiaceae Einadia polygonoides knotweed goosefoot C 1/1 plants higher dicots Chenopodiaceae Dysphania carinata C 1/1 plants higher dicots Chenopodiaceae Maireana microphylla C 3/2 plants higher dicots Chenopodiaceae Einadia nutans subsp. linifolia C 1/1 plants higher dicots Clusiaceae Hypericum involutum C 1/1 plants higher dicots Combretaceae Combretum paniculatum Y 1/1

Page 12 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants higher dicots Convolvulaceae Dichondra sp. (Inglewood J.M.Dalby 86/93) C 2/2 plants higher dicots Convolvulaceae Convolvulus arvensis Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Convolvulaceae Ipomoea aquatica C 1/1 plants higher dicots Convolvulaceae Dichondra repens kidney weed C 2/1 plants higher dicots Convolvulaceae Evolvulus alsinoides C 1 plants higher dicots Crassulaceae Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Crassulaceae Bryophyllum delagoense Y 2/1 plants higher dicots Ericaceae Leucopogon trichostylus C 1/1 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia dallachyana C 1/1 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia hyssopifolia Y 2/2 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Homalanthus stillingiifolius C 1/1 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Acalypha capillipes small-leaved acalypha C 1/1 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia ophthalmica Y 3/3 plants higher dicots Glycine C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Hovea lorata C 2/2 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Tipuana tipu tipuana Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Sophora fraseri brush sophora V V 3/3 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Glycine tabacina glycine pea C 2/2 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Hovea planifolia C 2/2 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Lablab purpureus lablab Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Lespedeza juncea 1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Desmodium varians slender tick trefoil C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Erythrina numerosa C 2/2 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Indigofera linnaei Birdsville indigo C 1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Indigofera spicata creeping indigo Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Jacksonia scoparia C 1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Daviesia ulicifolia native gorse C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Desmodium triflorum Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Stylosanthes scabra Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Indigofera linifolia C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Daviesia genistifolia broom bitter pea C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Desmodium brachypodum large ticktrefoil C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Hardenbergia violacea C 1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Swainsona brachycarpa C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Swainsona galegifolia smooth Darling pea C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Pultenaea cunninghamii prickly pea C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Swainsona queenslandica C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Desmodium rhytidophyllum C 2/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Macroptilium lathyroides Y 1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Macroptilium atropurpureum siratro Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Neonotonia wightii var. wightii Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Rhynchosia minima var. australis C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Sesbania cannabina var. cannabina C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Vigna vexillata var. angustifolia C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Zornia dyctiocarpa var. dyctiocarpa C 2/2 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Glycine sp. (Marburg K.A.Williams 83006) C 2/2

Page 13 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants higher dicots Fabaceae Tephrosia sp. (The Grampians L.H.Bird AQ565381) C 4/4 plants higher dicots Goodeniaceae Velleia paradoxa spur velleia C 3/3 plants higher dicots Goodeniaceae Goodenia hederacea subsp. hederacea C 2/2 plants higher dicots Goodeniaceae Goodenia hederacea C 1 plants higher dicots Goodeniaceae Goodenia gracilis C 2/2 plants higher dicots Lamiaceae Anisomeles moschata C 2/2 plants higher dicots Lamiaceae Plectranthus parviflorus C 1/1 plants higher dicots Lamiaceae Mentha satureioides native pennyroyal C 2/1 plants higher dicots Lamiaceae Westringia eremicola slender westringia C 1/1 plants higher dicots Lamiaceae Mentha diemenica native mint C 2/2 plants higher dicots Lamiaceae Australian bugle C 2/2 plants higher dicots Lamiaceae Plectranthus graveolens flea bush C 1/1 plants higher dicots Lentibulariaceae Utricularia aurea golden bladderwort C 1/1 plants higher dicots Lentibulariaceae Utricularia gibba floating bladderwort C 1/1 plants higher dicots Loranthaceae Amyema miquelii C 1/1 plants higher dicots Lythraceae Punica granatum pomegranate Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Lythraceae Ammannia multiflora jerry-jerry C 1/1 plants higher dicots Gossypium hirsutum Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Malvaceae Pavonia hastata pink pavonia Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Malvaceae hackettiana C 1 plants higher dicots Malvaceae Sida rhombifolia Y 1 plants higher dicots Menyanthaceae indica water snowflake C 1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia penninervis var. longiracemosa C 1/1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Neptunia gracilis forma gracilis C 3/2 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Vachellia farnesiana Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia fasciculifera scaly bark C 2/2 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia harpophylla brigalow C 1/1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia aulacocarpa C 1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Neptunia oleracea Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia juncifolia C 2/2 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia concurrens C 1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia complanata flatstem wattle C 1/1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia viscidula C 3/3 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia fimbriata Brisbane golden wattle C 1/1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Albizia lebbeck Indian siris C 1/1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia salicina doolan C 3/3 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia maidenii Maiden's wattle C 1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia falcata sickle wattle C 2/1 plants higher dicots obliqua C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae dura C 1/1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Triplarina volcanica subsp. volcanica C 1/1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus tereticornis subsp. basaltica C 1/1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus melanophloia subsp. melanophloia C 1/1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus melanophloia C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus tereticornis C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Gossia bidwillii C 1/1

Page 14 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Melaleuca comboynensis C 2/2 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Lophostemon suaveolens swamp box C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Leptospermum variabile C 6/6 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus biturbinata C 1/1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus acmenoides C 2/2 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Corymbia clarksoniana C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Corymbia tessellaris Moreton Bay ash C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Melaleuca viminalis C 1/1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Angophora leiocarpa rusty gum C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Rhodamnia dumicola rib-fruited malletwood C 1/1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Sannantha collina C 2/2 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Melaleuca irbyana E 14/13 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus crebra narrow-leaved red ironbark C 3/2 plants higher dicots Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia sp. (St George A.Hill AQ399299) C 1/1 plants higher dicots Nyctaginaceae Boerhavia dominii C 1/1 plants higher dicots Notelaea microcarpa var. microcarpa C 2/2 plants higher dicots Oleaceae Jasminum simplicifolium subsp. australiense C 1/1 plants higher dicots Oleaceae Notelaea C 1/1 plants higher dicots Oleaceae Notelaea ovata forest olive C 1/1 plants higher dicots Oleaceae paniculata C 1/1 plants higher dicots Oleaceae Notelaea lloydii Lloyd's native olive V V 4/4 plants higher dicots Oleaceae Jasminum dianthifolium C 2/1 plants higher dicots Oleaceae Olea europaea subsp. europaea Y 2/2 plants higher dicots Oleaceae Notelaea longifolia forma glabra C 1/1 plants higher dicots Oleaceae Jasminum didymum subsp. racemosum C 1/1 plants higher dicots Onagraceae Ludwigia octovalvis willow primrose C 1 plants higher dicots Onagraceae Ludwigia peploides subsp. montevidensis C 1 plants higher dicots Oxalidaceae Oxalis C 1/1 plants higher dicots Oxalidaceae Oxalis corniculata Y 1 plants higher dicots Oxalidaceae Oxalis perennans C 2/2 plants higher dicots suberosa corky passion flower Y 2/1 plants higher dicots Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus gunnii C 1/1 plants higher dicots Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus virgatus C 1 plants higher dicots Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus mitchellii C 1/1 plants higher dicots Picrodendraceae Petalostigma pubescens quinine tree C 1 plants higher dicots Pittosporaceae Bursaria incana C 1/1 plants higher dicots Pittosporaceae Pittosporum viscidum black-fruited thornbush C 1/1 plants higher dicots Pittosporaceae Pittosporum angustifolium C 3/3 plants higher dicots Plantaginaceae Bacopa floribunda C 1/1 plants higher dicots Plantaginaceae Plantago debilis shade plantain C 1/1 plants higher dicots Polygalaceae Polygala virgata Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Polygonaceae Acetosa vesicaria Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Polygonaceae Persicaria lapathifolia pale knotweed C 1/1 plants higher dicots Polygonaceae Persicaria orientalis princes feathers C 1/1 plants higher dicots Polygonaceae Persicaria decipiens slender knotweed C 1/1 plants higher dicots Polygonaceae Antigonon leptopus Y 1/1

Page 15 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants higher dicots Polygonaceae Polygonum plebeium small knotweed C 2/2 plants higher dicots Polygonaceae Persicaria attenuata C 2/2 plants higher dicots Portulacaceae Calandrinia pickeringii C 2/2 plants higher dicots Portulacaceae Grahamia australiana C 1/1 plants higher dicots Portulacaceae Talinum paniculatum talinum Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Portulacaceae Portulaca pilosa Y 1 plants higher dicots deplanchei grey boxwood C 1/1 plants higher dicots Rhamnaceae Pomaderris queenslandica C 2/2 plants higher dicots Rhamnaceae Alphitonia excelsa soap tree C 1 plants higher dicots Rosaceae Prunus persica var. persica Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Spermacoce multicaulis C 3/2 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Psydrax odorata subsp. australiana C 1/1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Galium leptogonium C 1/1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Richardia stellaris Y 2/2 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Oldenlandia subulata C 2/2 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Oldenlandia galioides C 1/1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Spermacoce brachystema C 1/1 plants higher dicots Rutaceae Flindersia collina broad-leaved leopard tree C 1 plants higher dicots Rutaceae x limon Y 1 plants higher dicots Sambucaceae Sambucus nigra Y 3/3 plants higher dicots Santalaceae Exocarpos cupressiformis native cherry C 1 plants higher dicots Cardiospermum grandiflorum heart vine Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Sapindaceae salicifolia C 1/1 plants higher dicots acuminatum coastal boobialla C 2/2 plants higher dicots Scrophulariaceae debilis winter apple C 2/1 plants higher dicots Scrophulariaceae Buddleja madagascariensis buddleia Y 1/1 plants higher dicots ellipticum potato bush C 1/1 plants higher dicots Solanaceae Solanum jucundum C 1/1 plants higher dicots Solanaceae Solanum linnaeanum apple of Sodom Y 2/2 plants higher dicots Solanaceae Solanum pseudolulo Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Solanaceae Solanum nigrum Y 1 plants higher dicots Solanaceae Solanum viarum Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Sparrmanniaceae Corchorus olitorius jute C 1/1 plants higher dicots Sparrmanniaceae Grewia latifolia dysentery C 1/1 plants higher dicots Stackhousiaceae Stackhousia muricata C 3/2 plants higher dicots Ulmaceae sinensis Chinese elm Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Verbenaceae Glandularia aristigera Y 2/1 plants higher dicots Verbenaceae Lantana montevidensis creeping lantana Y 3/2 plants higher dicots Verbenaceae Phyla canescens Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Verbenaceae Lantana camara lantana Y 1 plants higher dicots Verbenaceae Verbena rigida Y 1 plants higher dicots Violaceae Hybanthus stellarioides C 2 plants higher dicots Viscaceae Notothixos incanus C 4/3 plants higher dicots Vitaceae Cayratia clematidea slender grape C 1/1 plants higher dicots Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris caltrop C 1/1 plants lower dicots Cassytha filiformis dodder laurel C 3/3

Page 16 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants lower dicots Lauraceae Cryptocarya triplinervis var. pubens C 1/1 plants lower dicots Linderniaceae Lindernia alsinoides C 1/1 plants lower dicots Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea gigantea C 3/3 plants monocots Alismataceae Damasonium minus starfruit C 2/2 plants monocots Amaryllidaceae Zephyranthes carinata Y 1/1 plants monocots Asparagus africanus ornamental asparagus Y 1/1 plants monocots Asparagaceae Asparagus officinalis asparagus Y 1/1 plants monocots Asphodelaceae Aloe maculata Y 2/2 plants monocots Colchicaceae Iphigenia indica C 1/1 plants monocots Commelinaceae Callisia repens Y 1/1 plants monocots Commelinaceae Commelina diffusa wandering jew C 3/1 plants monocots Commelinaceae Murdannia graminea murdannia C 1 plants monocots Commelinaceae Commelina benghalensis Y 1/1 plants monocots Fimbristylis dichotoma common fringe-rush C 2/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Eleocharis dietrichiana C 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Fimbristylis ferruginea C 1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Bolboschoenus caldwellii C 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Bolboschoenus fluviatilis C 1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Eleocharis philippinensis C 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Carex inversa knob sedge C 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus bifax western nutgrass C 2/2 plants monocots Cyperaceae Carex appressa C 1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus sculptus C 3/3 plants monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus bowmannii C 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus concinnus C 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus flaccidus C 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus scariosus C 1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus trinervis C 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus brevifolius Mullumbimby couch Y 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus platystylis C 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus involucratus Y 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus sesquiflorus Y 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus tetraphyllus C 1/1 plants monocots Hemerocallidaceae brevipedunculata C 3/2 plants monocots Hemerocallidaceae Geitonoplesium cymosum scrambling lily C 1 plants monocots Hemerocallidaceae Dianella revoluta C 1 plants monocots Hemerocallidaceae Dianella longifolia var. surculosa C 1/1 plants monocots Hydrocharitaceae Hydrocharis dubia frogbit Y 3/2 plants monocots Hypoxidaceae Hypoxis pratensis var. tuberculata C 2/2 plants monocots Hypoxidaceae Hypoxis pratensis var. pratensis C 1/1 plants monocots Hypoxidaceae Hypoxis hygrometrica var. villosisepala C 1/1 plants monocots Johnsoniaceae Tricoryne elatior yellow autumn lily C 1 plants monocots Juncaceae Juncus usitatus C 2/1 plants monocots Juncaceae Juncus polyanthemus C 1/1 plants monocots Laxmanniaceae filiformis C 1/1 plants monocots Laxmanniaceae Lomandra multiflora C 1/1

Page 17 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants monocots Laxmanniaceae Lomandra multiflora subsp. multiflora C 1 plants monocots Laxmanniaceae Lomandra filiformis subsp. filiformis C 1/1 plants monocots Laxmanniaceae Eustrephus latifolius wombat berry C 1 plants monocots Liparis swenssonii rock orchid C 1/1 plants monocots Orchidaceae nutans C 1/1 plants monocots Orchidaceae Sarcochilus hillii C 1/1 plants monocots Orchidaceae Bulbophyllum minutissimum grain-of- orchid C 1/1 plants monocots Orchidaceae Dockrillia linguiformis tongue orchid C 2/1 plants monocots Orchidaceae Pterostylis ophioglossa C 1/1 plants monocots Orchidaceae Chiloglottis diphylla C 1/1 plants monocots Paspalidium distans shotgrass C 2/1 plants monocots Poaceae Anthosachne multiflora subsp. multiflora C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Bothriochloa decipiens var. decipiens C 1 plants monocots Poaceae C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Digitaria C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Chloris gayana rhodes grass Y 1 plants monocots Poaceae Melinis repens red natal grass Y 1 plants monocots Poaceae Panicum simile C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Aristida ramosa purple wiregrass C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Aristida spuria C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Panicum effusum C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Chloris truncata C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Y 1 plants monocots Poaceae triandra kangaroo grass C 2/1 plants monocots Poaceae Cenchrus setaceus Y 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Eragrostis pilosa soft lovegrass Y 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Sporobolus creber C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Urochloa whiteana C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Eragrostis brownii Brown's lovegrass C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Paspalum dilatatum paspalum Y 1 plants monocots Poaceae Paspalum distichum water couch C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Aristida gracilipes C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Digitaria didactyla Queensland blue couch Y 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Eragrostis elongata C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Eragrostis mexicana Mexican lovegrass Y 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Imperata cylindrica blady grass C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Panicum larcomianum C 2/2 plants monocots Poaceae Calyptochloa gracillima subsp. ipsviciensis C 2/2 plants monocots Poaceae Axonopus fissifolius Y 1 plants monocots Poaceae Cenchrus caliculatus hillside burrgrass C 2/2 plants monocots Poaceae Cymbopogon refractus barbed-wire grass C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Panicum decompositum C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Chionachne cyathopoda river grass C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Dichanthium annulatum sheda grass Y 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Dichanthium aristatum angleton grass Y 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Eremochloa bimaculata poverty grass C 3/2

Page 18 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants monocots Poaceae Heteropogon contortus black speargrass C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Sporobolus natalensis Y 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Alloteropsis semialata cockatoo grass C 2/2 plants monocots Poaceae Chrysopogon sylvaticus C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Enteropogon unispiceus C 2/1 plants monocots Poaceae Moorochloa eruciformis Y 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Paspalidium criniforme C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Pseudoraphis spinescens spiny mudgrass C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Capillipedium spicigerum spicytop C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Digitaria divaricatissima spreading umbrella grass C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon Y 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Aristida calycina var. calycina C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Chloris divaricata var. divaricata slender chloris C 3/2 plants monocots Poaceae Bothriochloa bladhii subsp. bladhii C 2/2 plants monocots Poaceae Megathyrsus maximus var. pubiglumis Y 1 plants monocots Poaceae Microlaena stipoides var. stipoides C 2/2 plants monocots Pontederiaceae Eichhornia crassipes water hyacinth Y 2/1 plants monocots Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton tricarinatus floating pondweed C 1/1 plants monocots Potamogetonaceae Stuckenia pectinata C 1/1 plants monocots Typhaceae Typha orientalis broad-leaved cumbungi C 1 plants mosses Funariaceae Funaria hygrometrica C 1/1 plants mosses Sematophyllaceae Sematophyllum subhumile C 1/1 plants Streptophyceae Chara fibrosa C 2/2 plants Streptophyceae Nitella cristata C 3/3 plants Streptophyceae Chara globularis C 1/1 plants Streptophyceae Chara vulgaris C 1/1 protists blue-green algae Cyanophyceae Aphanothece elabens C 1/1 protists blue-green algae Cyanophyceae Scytonema crispum C 1/1 protists blue-green algae Cyanophyceae Porphyrosiphon notarisii C 3/3 protists green algae Chlorophyceae Trentepohlia rigidula C 2/2 protists green algae Chlorophyceae Pithophora oedogonia var. oedogonia C 1/1 protists green algae Chlorophyceae Cephaleuros parasiticus C 1/1 protists red algae Rhodophyceae Compsopogon coeruleus C 1/1 protists red algae Rhodophyceae Audouinella C 1/1 protists red algae Rhodophyceae Caloglossa ogasawaraensis C 1/1 protists red algae Rhodophyceae Caloglossa leprieurii var. angustata C 1/1 protists uncertain Algae Algae C 1/1

Page 19 of 20 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:03 CODES I - Y indicates that the taxon is introduced to Queensland and has naturalised. Q - Indicates the Queensland conservation status of each taxon under the Nature Conservation Act 1992. The codes are Extinct in the Wild (PE), Endangered (E), Vulnerable (V), Near Threatened (NT), Least Concern (C) or Not Protected ( ). A - Indicates the Australian conservation status of each taxon under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The values of EPBC are Conservation Dependent (CD), Critically Endangered (CE), Endangered (E), Extinct (EX), Extinct in the Wild (XW) and Vulnerable (V). Records – The first number indicates the total number of records of the taxon for the record option selected (i.e. All, Confirmed or Specimens). This number is output as 99999 if it equals or exceeds this value. The second number located after the / indicates the number of specimen records for the taxon. This number is output as 999 if it equals or exceeds this value.

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Search Criteria: Species List for a Defined Area Species: All Type: All Status: All Records: All Date: All Latitude: 27.768 to 27.89 Longitude: 152.6907 to 152.9639 Email: [email protected] Date submitted: Thursday 24 Mar 2016 16:06:16 Date extracted: Thursday 24 Mar 2016 16:10:16 The number of records retrieved = 643


As the DSITIA is still in a process of collating and vetting data, it is possible the information given is not complete. The information provided should only be used for the project for which it was requested and it should be appropriately acknowledged as being derived from Wildlife Online when it is used. The State of Queensland does not invite reliance upon, nor accept responsibility for this information. Persons should satisfy themselves through independent means as to the accuracy and completeness of this information. No statements, representations or warranties are made about the accuracy or completeness of this information. The State of Queensland disclaims all responsibility for this information and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you may incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way for any reason. Feedback about Wildlife Online should be emailed to [email protected] Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals amphibians Bufonidae Rhinella marina cane toad Y 5 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria dentata bleating treefrog C 3 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria peronii emerald spotted treefrog C 1 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria rubella ruddy treefrog C 2 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria caerulea common green treefrog C 4 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria gracilenta graceful treefrog C 1 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria latopalmata broad palmed rocketfrog C 7 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria fallax eastern sedgefrog C 3 animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria nasuta striped rocketfrog C 1 animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Platyplectrum ornatum ornate burrowing frog C 2 animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes peronii striped marshfrog C 2 animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Adelotus brevis tusked frog V 2 animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes terraereginae scarlet sided pobblebonk C 1 animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Crinia parinsignifera beeping froglet C 6 animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Uperoleia laevigata eastern gungan C 1 animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Pseudophryne raveni copper backed broodfrog C 1 animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Uperoleia fusca dusky gungan C 1 animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Mixophyes fasciolatus great barred frog C 2 animals birds Acanthizidae Sericornis frontalis white-browed scrubwren C 8 animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza chrysorrhoa yellow-rumped thornbill C 9 animals birds Acanthizidae Chthonicola sagittata speckled warbler C 10 animals birds Acanthizidae Smicrornis brevirostris weebill C 7 animals birds Acanthizidae Sericornis citreogularis yellow-throated scrubwren C 1 animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza nana yellow thornbill C 1 animals birds Acanthizidae Gerygone mouki brown gerygone C 1 animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza lineata striated thornbill C 1 animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza pusilla brown thornbill C 4 animals birds Acanthizidae Gerygone olivacea white-throated gerygone C 15 animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza reguloides buff-rumped thornbill C 14 animals birds Accipitridae Aquila audax wedge-tailed eagle C 9 animals birds Accipitridae Aviceda subcristata Pacific baza C 3 animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter novaehollandiae grey goshawk C 2 animals birds Accipitridae Haliaeetus leucogaster white-bellied sea-eagle C 2 animals birds Accipitridae Circus assimilis spotted harrier C 2 animals birds Accipitridae Elanus axillaris black-shouldered kite C 4 animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter fasciatus brown goshawk C 5 animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter cirrocephalus collared sparrowhawk C 2 animals birds Accipitridae Haliastur sphenurus whistling kite C 2 animals birds Acrocephalidae Acrocephalus australis Australian reed-warbler SL 7 animals birds Alaudidae Mirafra javanica Horsfield's bushlark C 8 animals birds Alcedinidae Ceyx azureus azure kingfisher C 5 animals birds Anatidae Malacorhynchus membranaceus pink-eared duck C 3 animals birds Anatidae Dendrocygna arcuata wandering whistling-duck C 1 animals birds Anatidae Dendrocygna eytoni plumed whistling-duck C 2 animals birds Anatidae Chenonetta jubata Australian wood duck C 23 animals birds Anatidae Anas superciliosa Pacific black duck C 37

Page 1 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals birds Anatidae Aythya australis hardhead C 4 animals birds Anatidae Anas rhynchotis Australasian shoveler C 1 animals birds Anatidae Anas gracilis grey teal C 9 animals birds Anatidae Cygnus atratus black swan C 2 animals birds Anhingidae Anhinga novaehollandiae Australasian darter C 3 animals birds Apodidae Apus pacificus fork-tailed swift SL 1 animals birds Apodidae Hirundapus caudacutus white-throated needletail SL 2 animals birds Ardeidae Ardea alba modesta eastern great egret SL 1 animals birds Ardeidae Ardea ibis cattle egret SL 16 animals birds Ardeidae Egretta sacra eastern reef egret C 1 animals birds Ardeidae Ardea pacifica white-necked heron C 4 animals birds Ardeidae Ardea intermedia intermediate egret C 3 animals birds Ardeidae Egretta novaehollandiae white-faced heron C 18 animals birds Ardeidae Nycticorax caledonicus nankeen night-heron C 3 animals birds Artamidae Strepera graculina pied currawong C 12 animals birds Artamidae Cracticus torquatus grey butcherbird C 20 animals birds Artamidae Artamus leucorynchus white-breasted woodswallow C 2 animals birds Artamidae Cracticus tibicen Australian magpie C 64 animals birds Artamidae Cracticus nigrogularis pied butcherbird C 30 animals birds Cacatuidae Cacatua sanguinea little corella C 1 animals birds Cacatuidae Cacatua galerita sulphur-crested cockatoo C 20 animals birds Cacatuidae Cacatua tenuirostris long-billed corella Y C 4 animals birds Cacatuidae Calyptorhynchus lathami lathami glossy black-cockatoo (eastern) V 2 animals birds Cacatuidae Eolophus roseicapillus galah C 36 animals birds Cacatuidae Nymphicus hollandicus cockatiel C 10 animals birds Cacatuidae Calyptorhynchus funereus yellow-tailed black-cockatoo C 2 animals birds Campephagidae Lalage leucomela varied triller C 3 animals birds Campephagidae Coracina papuensis white-bellied cuckoo-shrike C 1 animals birds Campephagidae Coracina tenuirostris cicadabird SL 6 animals birds Campephagidae Coracina novaehollandiae black-faced cuckoo-shrike C 34 animals birds Campephagidae Lalage tricolor white-winged triller C 1 animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus miles novaehollandiae masked lapwing (southern subspecies) C 16 animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus miles masked lapwing C 3 animals birds Ciconiidae Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus black-necked stork C 5 animals birds Cisticolidae Cisticola exilis golden-headed cisticola C 14 animals birds Climacteridae Cormobates leucophaea metastasis white-throated treecreeper (southern) C 3 animals birds Climacteridae Cormobates leucophaea white-throated treecreeper C 1 animals birds Climacteridae Climacteris erythrops red-browed treecreeper C 1 animals birds Columbidae Phaps chalcoptera common bronzewing C 3 animals birds Columbidae Geopelia striata peaceful dove C 7 animals birds Columbidae Columba livia rock dove Y 2 animals birds Columbidae Ocyphaps lophotes crested pigeon C 25 animals birds Columbidae Lopholaimus antarcticus topknot pigeon C 2 animals birds Columbidae Leucosarcia melanoleuca wonga pigeon C 5 animals birds Columbidae Streptopelia chinensis spotted dove Y 6 animals birds Columbidae Macropygia amboinensis brown cuckoo-dove C 7

Page 2 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals birds Columbidae Ptilinopus magnificus wompoo fruit-dove C 1 animals birds Columbidae Geopelia humeralis bar-shouldered dove C 17 animals birds Columbidae Chalcophaps indica emerald dove C 1 animals birds Coraciidae Eurystomus orientalis dollarbird C 13 animals birds Corvidae Corvus orru Torresian crow C 57 animals birds Cuculidae Eudynamys orientalis eastern koel C 4 animals birds Cuculidae Centropus phasianinus pheasant coucal C 9 animals birds Cuculidae Cacomantis flabelliformis fan-tailed cuckoo C 4 animals birds Cuculidae Scythrops novaehollandiae channel-billed cuckoo C 7 animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites minutillus barnardi little bronze-cuckoo C 2 animals birds Cuculidae Cacomantis pallidus pallid cuckoo C 1 animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites lucidus shining bronze-cuckoo C 1 animals birds Cuculidae Cacomantis variolosus brush cuckoo C 2 animals birds Dicruridae Dicrurus bracteatus spangled drongo C 8 animals birds Estrildidae Neochmia temporalis red-browed finch C 7 animals birds Estrildidae Neochmia modesta plum-headed finch C 1 animals birds Estrildidae Lonchura castaneothorax chestnut-breasted mannikin C 3 animals birds Estrildidae Taeniopygia guttata zebra finch C 7 animals birds Estrildidae Taeniopygia bichenovii double-barred finch C 8 animals birds Eurostopodidae Eurostopodus mystacalis white-throated nightjar C 3 animals birds Falconidae Falco berigora brown falcon C 2 animals birds Falconidae Falco longipennis Australian hobby C 4 animals birds Falconidae Falco cenchroides nankeen kestrel C 20 animals birds Falconidae Falco peregrinus peregrine falcon C 2 animals birds Halcyonidae Dacelo leachii blue-winged kookaburra C 6 animals birds Halcyonidae Todiramphus macleayii forest kingfisher C 1 animals birds Halcyonidae Todiramphus sordidus Torresian kingfisher C 1 animals birds Halcyonidae Todiramphus sanctus sacred kingfisher C 11 animals birds Halcyonidae Todiramphus pyrrhopygius red-backed kingfisher C 1 animals birds Halcyonidae Dacelo novaeguineae laughing kookaburra C 21 animals birds Hirundinidae Petrochelidon nigricans tree martin C 8 animals birds Hirundinidae Cheramoeca leucosterna white-backed swallow C 1 animals birds Hirundinidae Petrochelidon ariel fairy martin C 7 animals birds Hirundinidae Hirundo neoxena welcome swallow C 21 animals birds Jacanidae Irediparra gallinacea comb-crested jacana C 1 animals birds Maluridae Malurus cyaneus superb fairy-wren C 11 animals birds Maluridae Malurus lamberti variegated fairy-wren C 7 animals birds Maluridae Stipiturus malachurus southern emu-wren V 1 animals birds Maluridae Malurus melanocephalus red-backed fairy-wren C 32 animals birds Megaluridae Megalurus timoriensis tawny grassbird C 2 animals birds Megaluridae Cincloramphus cruralis brown songlark C 3 animals birds Megaluridae Cincloramphus mathewsi rufous songlark C 2 animals birds Megapodiidae Alectura lathami Australian brush-turkey C 2 animals birds Meliphagidae Ptilotula fusca fuscous honeyeater C 6 animals birds Meliphagidae Meliphaga lewinii Lewin's honeyeater C 11 animals birds Meliphagidae Caligavis chrysops yellow-faced honeyeater C 22

Page 3 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals birds Meliphagidae Entomyzon cyanotis blue-faced honeyeater C 13 animals birds Meliphagidae Lichmera indistincta brown honeyeater C 12 animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus lunatus white-naped honeyeater C 1 animals birds Meliphagidae Philemon corniculatus noisy friarbird C 8 animals birds Meliphagidae Manorina melanocephala noisy miner C 38 animals birds Meliphagidae Myzomela sanguinolenta scarlet honeyeater C 8 animals birds Meliphagidae Philemon citreogularis little friarbird C 8 animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus albogularis white-throated honeyeater C 24 animals birds Meliphagidae Plectorhyncha lanceolata striped honeyeater C 11 animals birds Meliphagidae Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris eastern spinebill C 2 animals birds Meropidae Merops ornatus rainbow bee-eater SL 26 animals birds Monarchidae Grallina cyanoleuca magpie-lark C 37 animals birds Monarchidae Symposiachrus trivirgatus spectacled monarch SL 3 animals birds Monarchidae Monarcha melanopsis black-faced monarch SL 2 animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra inquieta restless flycatcher C 3 animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra rubecula leaden flycatcher C 2 animals birds Motacillidae Anthus novaeseelandiae Australasian pipit C 9 animals birds Nectariniidae Dicaeum hirundinaceum mistletoebird C 4 animals birds Neosittidae Daphoenositta chrysoptera varied sittella C 8 animals birds Oriolidae Sphecotheres vieilloti Australasian figbird C 13 animals birds Oriolidae Oriolus sagittatus olive-backed oriole C 10 animals birds Orthonychidae Orthonyx temminckii Australian logrunner C 2 animals birds Pachycephalidae Colluricincla harmonica grey shrike-thrush C 8 animals birds Pachycephalidae Falcunculus frontatus crested shrike-tit C 1 animals birds Pachycephalidae Pachycephala pectoralis golden whistler C 15 animals birds Pachycephalidae Pachycephala rufiventris rufous whistler C 25 animals birds Pachycephalidae Colluricincla megarhyncha little shrike-thrush C 1 animals birds Paradisaeidae Ptiloris paradiseus paradise riflebird C 1 animals birds Pardalotidae Pardalotus striatus striated pardalote C 44 animals birds Pardalotidae Pardalotus punctatus spotted pardalote C 6 animals birds Passeridae Passer domesticus house sparrow Y 2 animals birds Pelecanidae Pelecanus conspicillatus Australian pelican C 6 animals birds Petroicidae Microeca fascinans jacky winter C 7 animals birds Petroicidae Tregellasia capito pale-yellow robin C 1 animals birds Petroicidae Petroica rosea rose robin C 10 animals birds Petroicidae Eopsaltria australis eastern yellow robin C 9 animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax varius pied cormorant C 1 animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax carbo great cormorant C 1 animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax sulcirostris little black cormorant C 4 animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Microcarbo melanoleucos little pied cormorant C 11 animals birds Phasianidae Coturnix ypsilophora brown quail C 12 animals birds Phasianidae Coturnix pectoralis stubble quail C 3 animals birds Phasianidae Excalfactoria chinensis king quail C 1 animals birds Pittidae Pitta versicolor noisy pitta C 1 animals birds Podargidae Podargus strigoides tawny frogmouth C 6 animals birds Podicipedidae Tachybaptus novaehollandiae Australasian grebe C 9

Page 4 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals birds Podicipedidae Poliocephalus poliocephalus hoary-headed grebe C 2 animals birds Pomatostomidae Pomatostomus temporalis grey-crowned babbler C 5 animals birds Psittacidae Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus rainbow lorikeet C 25 animals birds Psittacidae Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus scaly-breasted lorikeet C 45 animals birds Psittacidae Alisterus scapularis Australian king-parrot C 8 animals birds Psittacidae Platycercus elegans crimson rosella C 3 animals birds Psittacidae Parvipsitta pusilla little lorikeet C 6 animals birds Psittacidae Platycercus eximius eastern rosella C 6 animals birds Psittacidae Platycercus adscitus pale-headed rosella C 39 animals birds Psittacidae Glossopsitta concinna musk lorikeet C 1 animals birds Psophodidae Cinclosoma punctatum spotted quail-thrush C 3 animals birds Psophodidae Psophodes olivaceus eastern whipbird C 7 animals birds Ptilonorhynchidae Ptilonorhynchus violaceus satin bowerbird C 2 animals birds Ptilonorhynchidae Sericulus chrysocephalus C 1 animals birds Ptilonorhynchidae crassirostris C 1 animals birds Rallidae Gallirallus philippensis buff-banded rail C 2 animals birds Rallidae Porphyrio melanotus purple swamphen C 3 animals birds Rallidae Gallinula tenebrosa dusky moorhen C 4 animals birds Recurvirostridae Himantopus himantopus black-winged stilt C 3 animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura leucophrys willie wagtail C 42 animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura rufifrons rufous fantail SL 4 animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura albiscapa grey fantail C 30 animals birds Strigidae Ninox strenua powerful owl V 5 animals birds Strigidae Ninox boobook southern boobook C 6 animals birds Sturnidae Sturnus vulgaris common starling Y 18 animals birds Sturnidae Acridotheres tristis common myna Y 14 animals birds Threskiornithidae Platalea regia royal spoonbill C 6 animals birds Threskiornithidae Threskiornis molucca Australian white ibis C 8 animals birds Threskiornithidae Threskiornis spinicollis straw-necked ibis C 16 animals birds Threskiornithidae Platalea flavipes yellow-billed spoonbill C 4 animals birds Timaliidae Zosterops lateralis silvereye C 18 animals birds Turdidae Zoothera heinei russet-tailed thrush C 1 animals birds Turnicidae Turnix melanogaster black-breasted button-quail V V 1 animals birds Tytonidae Tyto delicatula eastern barn owl C 1 animals insects Hesperiidae peron dingy grass- 1 animals insects Hesperiidae Netrocoryne repanda repanda bronze flat (southern subspecies) 1 animals insects Hesperiidae Neohesperilla xanthomera yellow grass-skipper 1 animals insects Hesperiidae Hesperilla crypsigramma wide-brand sedge-skipper 4 animals insects Hesperiidae Hesperilla sarnia swift sedge-skipper 1 animals insects Hesperiidae Toxidia parvula banded grass-skipper 1 animals insects Lycaenidae Acrodipsas brisbanensis brisbanensis bronze ant-blue 3 animals insects Lycaenidae Hypochrysops delicia delicia moonlight jewel (eastern subspecies) 1 animals insects Lycaenidae Ogyris zosine zosine northern purple azure (southern 1 subspecies) animals insects Lycaenidae Ogyris olane ocela dull-purple azure (coastal 1 subspecies)

Page 5 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals insects Lycaenidae Acrodipsas cuprea copper ant-blue 1 animals insects Nymphalidae Tisiphone abeona rawnsleyi varied sword-grass brown 1 (Queensland subspecies) animals lobe-finned fishes Ceratodontidae Neoceratodus forsteri Australian lungfish V 1 animals mammals Canidae Canis lupus familiaris dog Y 2 animals mammals Canidae Vulpes vulpes red fox Y 2 animals mammals Dasyuridae Phascogale tapoatafa brush-tailed phascogale C 8 animals mammals Dasyuridae Dasyurus maculatus maculatus spotted-tailed quoll (southern V E 1 subspecies) animals mammals Dasyuridae Antechinus flavipes flavipes yellow-footed antechinus C 27 (south-east Queensland) animals mammals Dasyuridae Sminthopsis murina common dunnart C 15 animals mammals Dasyuridae Sminthopsis sp. 2 animals mammals Emballonuridae Saccolaimus flaviventris yellow-bellied sheathtail bat C 1 animals mammals Leporidae Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit Y 2 animals mammals Leporidae Lepus europaeus European brown hare Y 3 animals mammals Macropodidae Macropus rufogriseus red-necked wallaby C 11 animals mammals Macropodidae Wallabia bicolor swamp wallaby C 3 animals mammals Macropodidae Macropus giganteus eastern grey kangaroo C 9 animals mammals Macropodidae Petrogale penicillata brush-tailed rock-wallaby V V 24 animals mammals Macropodidae Macropus parryi whiptail wallaby C 2 animals mammals Miniopteridae Miniopterus australis little bent-wing bat C 1 animals mammals Miniopteridae Miniopterus schreibersii oceanensis eastern bent-wing bat C 1 animals mammals Molossidae Mormopterus ridei eastern free-tailed bat C 1 animals mammals Molossidae Tadarida australis white-striped freetail bat C 3 animals mammals Muridae Pseudomys gracilicaudatus eastern chestnut mouse C 1 animals mammals Muridae Rattus fuscipes bush rat C 2 animals mammals Muridae Rattus tunneyi pale field-rat C 2 animals mammals Muridae Mus musculus house mouse Y 1 animals mammals Ornithorhynchidae Ornithorhynchus anatinus platypus SL 1 animals mammals Peramelidae Isoodon sp. 1 animals mammals Peramelidae Isoodon macrourus northern brown bandicoot C 2 animals mammals Petauridae Petaurus norfolcensis squirrel glider C 3 animals mammals Petauridae Petaurus sp. 1 animals mammals Petauridae Petaurus breviceps sugar glider C 4 animals mammals Phalangeridae Trichosurus caninus short-eared possum C 1 animals mammals Phalangeridae Trichosurus vulpecula common brushtail possum C 8 animals mammals Phascolarctidae Phascolarctos cinereus koala V V 167 animals mammals Potoroidae Aepyprymnus rufescens rufous bettong C 2 animals mammals Pseudocheiridae Pseudocheirus peregrinus common ringtail possum C 1 animals mammals Pteropodidae Pteropus alecto black flying-fox C 2 animals mammals Pteropodidae Pteropus poliocephalus grey-headed flying-fox C V 3 animals mammals Suidae Sus scrofa pig Y 3 animals mammals Tachyglossidae Tachyglossus aculeatus short-beaked echidna SL 3 animals mammals Vespertilionidae Scotorepens greyii little broad-nosed bat C 1 animals mammals Vespertilionidae Chalinolobus gouldii Gould's wattled bat C 1

Page 6 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals mammals Vespertilionidae Scoteanax rueppellii greater broad-nosed bat C 1 animals mammals Vespertilionidae Chalinolobus nigrogriseus hoary wattled bat C 1 animals mammals Vespertilionidae Nyctophilus sp. 1 animals ray-finned fishes Ambassidae Ambassis agassizii Agassiz's glassfish 17 animals ray-finned fishes Anguillidae Anguilla reinhardtii longfin eel 35 animals ray-finned fishes Anguillidae Anguilla australis southern shortfin eel 15 animals ray-finned fishes Atherinidae Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum flyspecked hardyhead 9 animals ray-finned fishes Cichlidae Oreochromis mossambicus Mozambique mouthbrooder Y 5 animals ray-finned fishes Cyprinidae Carassius auratus goldfish Y 3 animals ray-finned fishes Cyprinidae Cyprinus carpio European carp Y 13 animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Hypseleotris klunzingeri western carp gudgeon 20 animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Philypnodon macrostomus dwarf flathead gudgeon 3 animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Philypnodon grandiceps flathead gudgeon 11 animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Hypseleotris compressa empire gudgeon 9 animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Gobiomorphus australis striped gudgeon 14 animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Hypseleotris galii firetail gudgeon 36 animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Mogurnda adspersa southern purplespotted gudgeon 1 animals ray-finned fishes Melanotaeniidae Melanotaenia duboulayi crimsonspotted rainbowfish 21 animals ray-finned fishes Mugilidae Mugil cephalus sea mullet 12 animals ray-finned fishes Mugilidae Trachystoma petardi pinkeye mullet 2 animals ray-finned fishes Percichthyidae Macquaria novemaculeata Australian bass 1 animals ray-finned fishes Plotosidae Tandanus tandanus freshwater catfish 12 animals ray-finned fishes Poeciliidae Gambusia holbrooki mosquitofish Y 37 animals ray-finned fishes Pseudomugilidae Pseudomugil signifer Pacific blue eye 2 animals ray-finned fishes Retropinnidae Retropinna semoni Australian smelt 4 animals ray-finned fishes Terapontidae Leiopotherapon unicolor spangled perch 23 animals reptiles Agamidae Pogona barbata bearded dragon C 3 animals reptiles Agamidae Chlamydosaurus kingii frilled lizard C 1 animals reptiles Agamidae Diporiphora australis C 1/1 animals reptiles Agamidae Intellagama lesueurii eastern water dragon C 2 animals reptiles Boidae Morelia spilota carpet python C 1 animals reptiles Colubridae Dendrelaphis punctulatus green tree snake C 2 animals reptiles Diplodactylidae Diplodactylus vittatus wood gecko C 2 animals reptiles Elapidae Demansia psammophis yellow-faced whipsnake C 1 animals reptiles Elapidae Hoplocephalus bitorquatus pale-headed snake C 1/1 animals reptiles Gekkonidae Gehyra dubia C 2 animals reptiles Scincidae Tiliqua scincoides eastern blue-tongued lizard C 1 animals reptiles Scincidae Eulamprus quoyii eastern water skink C 1 animals reptiles Scincidae Carlia vivax C 5 animals reptiles Scincidae Carlia munda C 2 animals reptiles Scincidae Morethia taeniopleura fire-tailed skink C 1 animals reptiles Scincidae Calyptotis scutirostrum C 2 animals reptiles Scincidae Carlia pectoralis sensu lato C 1 animals reptiles Scincidae Cryptoblepharus pulcher pulcher elegant snake-eyed skink C 9 animals reptiles Scincidae Lygisaurus foliorum C 5 animals reptiles Scincidae Lampropholis delicata C 1

Page 7 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records animals reptiles Scincidae Anomalopus verreauxii C 4/1 animals reptiles Scincidae Ctenotus taeniolatus copper-tailed skink C 5 animals reptiles Typhlopidae Anilios proximus proximus blind snake C 1 animals reptiles Varanidae Varanus varius lace monitor C 3 fungi club fungi Basidiomycota Amanita C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Acarosporaceae Acarospora citrina C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Candelariaceae Candelariella aurella C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Cladoniaceae Thysanothecium scutellatum C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Lecanoraceae Lecanora C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Lecanoraceae Lecanora oreinoides C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Parmeliaceae Parmotrema subsumptum C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Parmeliaceae Xanthoparmelia subtropica C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Pertusariaceae Pertusaria xanthoplaca C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Physciaceae Dirinaria flava C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Physciaceae Buellia C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Porpidiaceae Paraporpidia glauca C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Ramalinaceae Ramalinora glaucolivida C 1/1 fungi sac fungi Teloschistaceae Caloplaca C 3/3 fungi sac fungi Usneaceae Usnea dasaea C 3/3 plants conifers cunninghamii hoop pine C 1 plants ferns Adiantaceae Pellaea paradoxa heart fern C 1 plants ferns Adiantaceae Adiantum hispidulum C 1 plants ferns Adiantaceae Cheilanthes distans bristly cloak fern C 1 plants ferns Adiantaceae Cheilanthes sieberi C 1 plants ferns Adiantaceae Adiantum aethiopicum C 1 plants ferns Adiantaceae Adiantum hispidulum var. minus C 1/1 plants ferns Adiantaceae Pellaea falcata C 1 plants ferns australasicum C 1 plants ferns Blechnaceae Doodia caudata C 1 plants ferns Blechnaceae Doodia aspera prickly rasp fern C 1 plants ferns Blechnaceae Blechnum cartilagineum gristle fern C 1/1 plants ferns Davalliaceae Davallia pyxidata C 1 plants ferns Dennstaedtiaceae Pteridium esculentum common bracken C 1 plants ferns Dryopteridaceae Lastreopsis munita C 2/1 plants ferns Dryopteridaceae Lastreopsis microsora C 1 plants ferns Polypodiaceae Drynaria rigidula C 1 plants ferns Polypodiaceae rock felt fern C 2/1 plants ferns Polypodiaceae Platycerium superbum staghorn fern C 1 plants ferns Polypodiaceae Platycerium bifurcatum C 1 plants higher dicots Acanthaceae Pseuderanthemum variabile pastel flower C 1 plants higher dicots Acanthaceae Brunoniella australis blue trumpet C 1/1 plants higher dicots Amaranthaceae Deeringia arborescens climbing deeringia C 1 plants higher dicots Amaranthaceae Nyssanthes diffusa barbed-wire weed C 1 plants higher dicots Amaranthaceae Guilleminea densa small matweed Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Aphanopetalaceae Aphanopetalum resinosum gumvine C 3/2 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Parsonsia straminea monkey rope C 1

Page 8 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Marsdenia micradenia gymnema C 2/2 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Parsonsia lanceolata northern silkpod C 3/2 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Gomphocarpus physocarpus balloon cottonbush Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Hoya australis subsp. australis C 4/4 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Sarcostemma viminale subsp. australe C 1 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae C 3/2 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Marsdenia rostrata C 2/2 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Sarcostemma viminale subsp. brunonianum C 3/3 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Cynanchum bowmanii bowman's milkvine C 4/3 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Alyxia ruscifolia C 5/3 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Hoya australis C 1 plants higher dicots Apocynaceae Marsdenia coronata slender milkvine V 5/4 plants higher dicots Araliaceae Trachymene procumbens creeping wild parsnip C 4/3 plants higher dicots Araliaceae Polyscias elegans celery wood C 1 plants higher dicots Araliaceae Astrotricha latifolia C 3/3 plants higher dicots Araliaceae Hydrocotyle laxiflora stinking pennywort C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Bidens pilosa Y 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Peripleura hispidula var. setosa C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Olearia nernstii Ipswich daisy C 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Zinnia peruviana wild zinnia Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Cichorium intybus chicory Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Cassinia subtropica C 2/2 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Senecio tenuiflorus C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Centratherum riparium C 2/2 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Rhodanthe anthemoides white paper daisy C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Senecio bathurstianus C 2/2 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Calotis dentex white burr daisy C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Chrysocephalum apiculatum yellow buttons C 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Xerochrysum bracteatum golden everlasting daisy C 1/1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Senecio amygdalifolius C 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Centratherum punctatum Y 1 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Gynura drymophila var. drymophila C 2/2 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Gynura drymophila var. glabrifolia C 2/2 plants higher dicots Asteraceae Senecio pinnatifolius var. pinnatifolius C 3/3 plants higher dicots Bignoniaceae Pandorea pandorana wonga vine C 4/3 plants higher dicots Bignoniaceae Pandorea jasminoides C 1 plants higher dicots Bignoniaceae Pandorea floribunda C 1/1 plants higher dicots Boraginaceae Ehretia membranifolia weeping koda C 1/1 plants higher dicots Caesalpiniaceae Barklya syringifolia golden shower tree C 1/1 plants higher dicots Capparaceae Capparis arborea brush caper berry C 1 plants higher dicots Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina torulosa C 1 plants higher dicots Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina littoralis C 1 plants higher dicots Celastraceae Celastrus subspicata large-leaved staffvine C 2/1 plants higher dicots Celastraceae Denhamia silvestris C 1/1 plants higher dicots Celastraceae Maytenus bilocularis C 2 plants higher dicots Celastraceae Siphonodon australis ivorywood C 1

Page 9 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants higher dicots Chenopodiaceae Dysphania carinata C 1/1 plants higher dicots Chenopodiaceae Einadia hastata C 1 plants higher dicots Clusiaceae Hypericum gramineum C 1 plants higher dicots Convolvulaceae Dichondra repens kidney weed C 1/1 plants higher dicots Convolvulaceae Evolvulus alsinoides C 1 plants higher dicots Convolvulaceae Ipomoea plebeia bellvine C 1/1 plants higher dicots Cornaceae Alangium villosum 1 plants higher dicots Crassulaceae Crassula sieberiana C 1 plants higher dicots Cucurbitaceae Diplocyclos palmatus C 1 plants higher dicots Cucurbitaceae Diplocyclos palmatus subsp. palmatus C 1/1 plants higher dicots Cucurbitaceae Sicyos australis star cucumber C 1/1 plants higher dicots Ebenaceae Diospyros australis black plum C 1 plants higher dicots Ebenaceae Diospyros geminata scaly ebony C 1 plants higher dicots Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus obovatus blueberry ash C 2/1 plants higher dicots Ericaceae Melichrus urceolatus honey gorse C 1 plants higher dicots Ericaceae Leucopogon trichostylus C 1/1 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Tragia novae-hollandiae stinging-vine C 1/1 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Mallotus philippensis red kamala C 1 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Alchornea ilicifolia native holly C 1 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Croton phebalioides narrow-leaved croton C 1/1 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia tannensis subsp. eremophila C 3/3 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Baloghia inophylla scrub bloodwood C 1 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Acalypha eremorum soft acalypha C 2/2 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Homalanthus stillingiifolius C 1/1 plants higher dicots Euphorbiaceae Acalypha capillipes small-leaved acalypha C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Glycine C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Hovea longipes brush hovea C 4/4 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Derris involuta native derris C 1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Glycine tabacina glycine pea C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Hovea planifolia C 2/2 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Lablab purpureus lablab Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Lespedeza juncea 1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Crotalaria montana C 1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Indigofera hirsuta hairy indigo C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Desmodium triflorum Y 2/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Flemingia parviflora flemingia C 1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Desmodium brachypodum large ticktrefoil C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Erythrina vespertilio C 1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Hardenbergia violacea C 1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Swainsona brachycarpa C 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Swainsona galegifolia smooth Darling pea C 2/2 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Austrosteenisia blackii bloodvine C 1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Desmodium rhytidophyllum C 2/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Neonotonia wightii var. wightii Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Glycine sp. (Marburg K.A.Williams 83006) C 2/2 plants higher dicots Fabaceae Tephrosia sp. (The Grampians L.H.Bird AQ565381) C 4/4

Page 10 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants higher dicots Flacourtiaceae Casearia multinervosa casearia C 1/1 plants higher dicots Goodeniaceae Goodenia rotundifolia C 1 plants higher dicots Gyrostemonaceae Codonocarpus attenuatus C 1 plants higher dicots Lamiaceae Mentha diemenica native mint C 3/3 plants higher dicots Lamiaceae Ajuga australis Australian bugle C 2/2 plants higher dicots Lamiaceae Plectranthus parviflorus C 2/1 plants higher dicots Lamiaceae Gmelina leichhardtii white beech C 1 plants higher dicots Lamiaceae Plectranthus graveolens flea bush C 4/3 plants higher dicots Lythraceae Punica granatum pomegranate Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Malvaceae oxycarpum C 1 plants higher dicots Malvaceae Gossypium barbadense Y 3/3 plants higher dicots Malvaceae Hibiscus heterophyllus C 1 plants higher dicots Meliaceae Turraea pubescens native C 1/1 plants higher dicots Meliaceae Owenia venosa crow's apple C 1/1 plants higher dicots Meliaceae Melia azedarach white cedar C 1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia salicina doolan C 2/1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia fimbriata Brisbane golden wattle C 3/2 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia viscidula C 3/3 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia maidenii Maiden's wattle C 1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia irrorata subsp. irrorata C 1/1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia concurrens C 1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Pararchidendron pruinosum C 1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia obtusifolia C 2/1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia melanoxylon blackwood C 1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia aulacocarpa C 1 plants higher dicots Mimosaceae Acacia blakei subsp. blakei C 2/2 plants higher dicots Moraceae Ficus virens C 1 plants higher dicots Moraceae Ficus opposita C 1 plants higher dicots Moraceae Ficus coronata creek sandpaper fig C 1 plants higher dicots Moraceae C 1 plants higher dicots Moraceae Trophis scandens C 1 plants higher dicots Moraceae Ficus platypoda C 2 plants higher dicots Myrsinaceae Myrsine variabilis C 3/2 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Triplarina volcanica subsp. volcanica C 1/1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus tereticornis subsp. basaltica C 2/2 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Melaleuca comboynensis C 3/3 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Angophora costata C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus major mountain grey gum C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Leptospermum polygalifolium tantoon C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Leptospermum microcarpum small-fruited tea-tree C 2/1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus tereticornis C 2 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus melanophloia C 2 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Lophostemon suaveolens swamp box C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Leptospermum variabile C 8/8 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus biturbinata C 1/1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Lophostemon confertus brush box C 1

Page 11 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus microcorys C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus acmenoides C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Angophora subvelutina C 2 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Corymbia tessellaris Moreton Bay ash C 2 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Corymbia intermedia pink bloodwood C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Corymbia citriodora spotted gum C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Angophora leiocarpa rusty gum C 1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Rhodamnia dumicola rib-fruited malletwood C 1/1 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Eucalyptus crebra narrow-leaved red ironbark C 2 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Melaleuca irbyana E 7/3 plants higher dicots Myrtaceae Sannantha collina C 2/2 plants higher dicots Oleaceae Notelaea microcarpa var. microcarpa C 2/2 plants higher dicots Oleaceae Notelaea longifolia forma glabra C 1/1 plants higher dicots Oleaceae Notelaea microcarpa C 1 plants higher dicots Oleaceae Notelaea lloydii Lloyd's native olive V V 3/3 plants higher dicots Passifloraceae Passiflora C 1 plants higher dicots Passifloraceae Passiflora aurantia var. aurantia C 2/2 plants higher dicots Pentapetaceae Melhania oblongifolia C 1/1 plants higher dicots Phyllanthaceae Bridelia exaltata C 1/1 plants higher dicots Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus gunnii C 1 plants higher dicots Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus mitchellii C 1/1 plants higher dicots Phyllanthaceae Cleistanthus cunninghamii omega C 1/1 plants higher dicots Pittosporaceae Pittosporum angustifolium C 1/1 plants higher dicots Plantaginaceae Scoparia dulcis scoparia Y 1 plants higher dicots Plantaginaceae Veronica plebeia trailing speedwell C 2/2 plants higher dicots Plumbaginaceae Plumbago zeylanica native plumbago C 1 plants higher dicots Polygalaceae Polygala virgata Y 1/1 plants higher dicots Polygonaceae Muehlenbeckia rhyticarya C 2/2 plants higher dicots Portulacaceae Calandrinia pickeringii C 1/1 plants higher dicots Portulacaceae Grahamia australiana C 1/1 plants higher dicots Putranjivaceae Drypetes deplanchei grey boxwood C 2/1 plants higher dicots Rhamnaceae Alphitonia excelsa soap tree C 1 plants higher dicots Rhamnaceae Pomaderris queenslandica C 2/2 plants higher dicots Rosaceae pink-flowered native raspberry C 1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Galium leptogonium C 1/1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Pavetta australiensis C 1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Asperula conferta C 1/1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Psydrax odorata C 1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Pomax umbellata C 1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Everistia vacciniifolia var. nervosa C 1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Gynochthodes canthoides C 1/1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae loniceroides hairy psychotria C 1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Cyclophyllum coprosmoides C 1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Psychotria daphnoides C 2/1 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Psydrax odorata subsp. australiana C 2/2 plants higher dicots Rubiaceae Psydrax odorata forma buxifolia C 3/1

Page 12 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants higher dicots Rutaceae Sarcomelicope simplicifolia subsp. simplicifolia yellow aspen C 1/1 plants higher dicots Rutaceae Sarcomelicope simplicifolia C 1 plants higher dicots Rutaceae Coatesia paniculata C 1/1 plants higher dicots Rutaceae Acronychia laevis glossy acronychia C 2/1 plants higher dicots Rutaceae Zieria scopulus C 6/6 plants higher dicots Rutaceae Zieria smithii C 1 plants higher dicots Sapindaceae Dodonaea viscosa C 1 plants higher dicots Sapindaceae Guioa semiglauca guioa C 1 plants higher dicots Sapindaceae C 1 plants higher dicots Sapindaceae Jagera pseudorhus C 1 plants higher dicots Sapindaceae Cupaniopsis tomentella Boonah tuckeroo V V 4/3 plants higher dicots Sapindaceae Alectryon tomentosus C 1 plants higher dicots Sapindaceae Alectryon diversifolius scrub boonaree C 1/1 plants higher dicots Sapindaceae Dodonaea triangularis C 1/1 plants higher dicots Sapindaceae Atalaya salicifolia C 1 plants higher dicots Sapotaceae Planchonella cotinifolia C 1 plants higher dicots Sapotaceae Planchonella pubescens C 1 plants higher dicots Sapotaceae Planchonella australis C 1/1 plants higher dicots Sapotaceae Planchonella eerwah E E 8/7 plants higher dicots Scrophulariaceae Myoporum acuminatum coastal boobialla C 2/2 plants higher dicots Solanaceae Solanum stelligerum devil's needles C 1 plants higher dicots Solanaceae Solanum linnaeanum apple of Sodom Y 2/2 plants higher dicots Sterculiaceae discolor C 1 plants higher dicots Surianaceae Guilfoylia monostylis guilfoylia C 1/1 plants higher dicots Ulmaceae Trema tomentosa C 1 plants higher dicots Ulmaceae Aphananthe philippinensis C 1 plants higher dicots Urticaceae Dendrocnide photinophylla shiny-leaved stinging tree C 1 plants higher dicots Urticaceae giant stinging tree C 1 plants higher dicots Verbenaceae Lantana camara lantana Y 1 plants higher dicots Violaceae Hybanthus monopetalus C 1 plants higher dicots Violaceae Hybanthus enneaspermus C 1 plants higher dicots Vitaceae Cayratia acris hairy grape C 2/1 plants higher dicots Vitaceae Cissus antarctica C 1 plants higher dicots Vitaceae Tetrastigma nitens shining grape C 1 plants higher dicots Vitaceae Cayratia clematidea slender grape C 1 plants higher dicots Vitaceae Clematicissus opaca C 1 plants higher dicots Vitaceae Cayratia saponaria C 1/1 plants lower dicots Annonaceae Melodorum leichhardtii C 1 plants lower dicots Annonaceae Polyalthia nitidissima polyalthia C 1/1 plants lower dicots Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia meridionalis subsp. meridionalis C 1/1 plants lower dicots Menispermaceae Legnephora moorei C 1 plants lower dicots Menispermaceae Pleogyne australis wiry grape C 1 plants lower dicots Menispermaceae Tinospora smilacina snakevine C 1 plants lower dicots Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea gigantea C 1/1 plants lower dicots Piperaceae Peperomia blanda var. floribunda C 1 plants lower dicots Ranunculaceae Clematis glycinoides C 1

Page 13 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants monocots Araceae Typhonium brownii black arum lily C 2/2 plants monocots Araceae Gymnostachys anceps settler's flax C 3/2 plants monocots Commelinaceae Commelina diffusa wandering jew C 1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Cyperus fulvus C 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Carex breviculmis C 1/1 plants monocots Cyperaceae Bolboschoenus caldwellii C 1/1 plants monocots Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea transversa native yam C 1 plants monocots Hemerocallidaceae Geitonoplesium cymosum scrambling lily C 1 plants monocots Hemerocallidaceae Dianella C 1 plants monocots Hemerocallidaceae var. assera C 1/1 plants monocots Laxmanniaceae Lomandra longifolia C 1 plants monocots Laxmanniaceae Cordyline petiolaris large-leaved palm lily C 2/1 plants monocots Laxmanniaceae Lomandra confertifolia subsp. pallida C 1/1 plants monocots Laxmanniaceae Arthropodium paniculatum C 1/1 plants monocots Laxmanniaceae Cordyline rubra red-fruited palm lily C 1 plants monocots Laxmanniaceae Lomandra filiformis C 1 plants monocots Orchidaceae Cymbidium suave C 1 plants monocots Orchidaceae Dendrobium kingianum subsp. kingianum C 1 plants monocots Orchidaceae Bulbophyllum minutissimum grain-of-wheat orchid C 3/2 plants monocots Orchidaceae Pterostylis ophioglossa C 1/1 plants monocots Orchidaceae Dockrillia linguiformis tongue orchid C 2 plants monocots Orchidaceae Dendrobium gracilicaule slender orchid C 1 plants monocots Orchidaceae Dendrobium monophyllum C 1 plants monocots Orchidaceae Dendrobium speciosum C 1 plants monocots Orchidaceae Pterostylis nutans C 1/1 plants monocots Orchidaceae Liparis swenssonii rock orchid C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Austrostipa rudis C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Paspalidium criniforme C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon Y 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Poa sieberiana var. sieberiana C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Heteropogon contortus black speargrass C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Cenchrus caliculatus hillside burrgrass C 2/2 plants monocots Poaceae Imperata cylindrica blady grass C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Aristida gracilipes C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Aristida lignosa C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Paspalum distichum water couch C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Enteropogon unispiceus C 1/1 plants monocots Poaceae Themeda triandra kangaroo grass C 1 plants monocots Poaceae Aristida spuria C 1/1 plants monocots Ripogonaceae Ripogonum brevifolium small-leaved supplejack C 3/2 plants monocots Smilacaceae Smilax australis barbed-wire vine C 1 plants monocots Xanthorrhoeaceae Xanthorrhoea latifolia subsp. latifolia C 1/1 plants monocots Zingiberaceae Alpinia caerulea wild ginger C 1 plants mosses Bryophyte Bryophyte C 4/4 plants mosses Dicranaceae Sclerodontium pallidum C 1/1 plants mosses Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium C 1/1

Page 14 of 15 Queensland Government Wildlife Online - Extract Date 24/03/2016 at 16:10:16 Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name I Q A Records plants mosses Polytrichaceae Dawsonia longiseta C 1/1 plants mosses Racopilaceae Racopilum cuspidigerum C 1/1 plants whisk ferns Psilotaceae Psilotum nudum skeleton fork fern C 2/1 plants Pylaisiadelphaceae Wijkia C 2/2

CODES I - Y indicates that the taxon is introduced to Queensland and has naturalised. Q - Indicates the Queensland conservation status of each taxon under the Nature Conservation Act 1992. The codes are Extinct in the Wild (PE), Endangered (E), Vulnerable (V), Near Threatened (NT), Least Concern (C) or Not Protected ( ). A - Indicates the Australian conservation status of each taxon under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The values of EPBC are Conservation Dependent (CD), Critically Endangered (CE), Endangered (E), Extinct (EX), Extinct in the Wild (XW) and Vulnerable (V). Records – The first number indicates the total number of records of the taxon for the record option selected (i.e. All, Confirmed or Specimens). This number is output as 99999 if it equals or exceeds this value. The second number located after the / indicates the number of specimen records for the taxon. This number is output as 999 if it equals or exceeds this value.

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Family Scientific name Common name EPBC Act NC Act status LP Act status status

Adiantaceae Adiantum hispidulum rough maidenhair - Least concern - fern

Cheilanthes sieberi poison rock fern - Least concern -

Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera devil’s whip - Least concern -

Alternanthera lesser joyweed - Least concern - denticulata

Alternanthera kakhi weed - Introduced - pungens

Gomphrena gomphrena weed - Introduced - celosioides

Apocynaceae Alstonia constricta bitter bark - Least concern -

Alyxia ruscifolia chainfruit - Least concern -

Asclepias curassavica red-head cottonbush - Introduced -

Carissa ovata currant bush - Least concern -

Gomphocarpus swan plant - Introduced - fruticosus

Gomphocarpus balloon cottonbush - Introduced - physocarpus

Parsonsia straminea monkey rope - Least concern -

Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia elegans Dutchman’s pipe - Introduced Class 3

Asparagaceae Asparagus africanus climbing asparagus - Introduced Class 3

Asteraceae Ageratum blue billygoat weed - Introduced - houstonianum

Aster subulatus wild aster - Introduced -

Baccharis halimifolia groundsel bush - Introduced Class 2

Bidens pilosa cobbler’s pegs - Introduced -


Centipeda minima spreading - Least concern - sneezeweed

Chrysocephalum billy buttons - Least concern - apiculatum

Cirsium vulgare scotch thistle - Introduced -

Conyza bonariensis flax-leaf fleabane - Introduced -

Conyza parva - - Introduced -

Conyza sumatrensis - - Introduced -

Emilia sonchifolia lilac tasselflower - Introduced -

Hypochaeris glabra cat’s ear - Introduced -

Pterocaulon redolens - - Least concern -

Senecio fireweed - Introduced Class 2 madagascariensis

Sonchus oleraceus sow thistle - Introduced -

Tagetes minuta stinking roger - Introduced -

Tridax procumbens tridax - Introduced -

Vittadinia dissecta - - Least concern -

Xanthium occidentale noogoora burr - Introduced -

Zinnia peruviana Peruvian zinia - Introduced -

Bignoniaceae Pandorea pandorana wonga wonga vine - Least concern -

Boraginaceae Heliotropium blue heliotrope - Introduced - amplexicaule

Cactaceae Opuntia stricta prickly pear - Introduced Class 2

Opuntia tomentosa velvety tree pear - Introduced Class 2

Caesalpiniaceae Chamaecrista round-leafed cassia - Introduced - rotundifolia

Campanulaceae Lobelia purpurascens whiteroot - Least concern -

Wahlenbergia gracilis Austral bluebell - Least concern -


Wahlenbergia sp. - - Least concern -

Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina forest oak - Least concern - torulosa

Allocasuarina black she-oak - Least concern - littoralis

Casuarina river she-oak - Least concern - cunninghamiana

Chenopodiaceae Einadia nutans climbing saltbush - Least concern -

Enchylaena ruby saltbush - Least concern - tomentosa

Maireana microphylla small-leaf bluebush - Least concern -

Sclerolaena muricata black roly-poly - Least concern -

Commelinaceae Commelina diffusa native wandering jew - Least concern -

Convolvulaceae Dichondra repens kidney weed - Least concern -

Crassulaceae Bryophyllum mother-of-millions - Introduced Class 2 delagoense

Cyperaceae Cyperus bifax nutgrass - Least concern -

Cyperus difformis dirty dora - Least concern -

Cyperus exaltatus giant sedge - Least concern -

Cyperus gracilis slender flat-sedge - Least concern -

Cyperus polystachyos bunchy sedge - Least concern -

Eleocharis - - Least concern - cylindrostachys

Fimbristylis common fringe-rush - Least concern - dichotoma

Gahnia aspera rough saw-sedge - Least concern -

Lepironia articulata grey rush - Least concern -

Dennstaedtiaceae Pteridium esculentum common bracken - Least concern -

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia hirta asthma weed - Introduced -


Homalanthus small-leaved bleeding - Least concern - stillingiifolius heart

Ricinus communis castor oil plant - Introduced -

Fabaceae Crotalaria mitchellii yellow rattlepod - Least concern -

Desmodium hairy trefoil - Least concern - rhytidophyllum

Jacksonia scoparia dogwood - Least concern -

Macroptilium phasey bean - Introduced - lathyroides

Rhynchosia minima rhynchosia - Least concern -

Stylosanthes scabra stylo - Introduced -

Goodeniaceae Goodenia hederacea forest goodenia - Least concern -

Hemerocallidaceae Dianella blue flax lily - Least concern - brevipedunculata

Dianella caerulea blue flax lily - Least concern -

Dianella revoluta blue flax lily - Least concern -

Juncaceae Juncus continuus - - Least concern -

Juncus usitatus - - Least concern -

Lamiaceae Plectranthus sp. - - Introduced -

Lauraceae Cassytha pubescens dodder - Least concern -

Neolitsea dealbata bolly gum - Least concern -

Laxmanniaceae Eustrephus latifolius wombat berry - Least concern -

Lomandra filiformis wattle matrush - Least concern -

Lomandra hystrix - - Least concern -

Lomandra longifolia long-leaved matrush - Least concern -

Loranthaceae Amyema miquelii box mistletoe - Least concern -

Malvaceae Sida cordifolia flannel weed - Introduced -

Sida hackettiana golden rod - Least concern -


Marsileaceae Marsilea hirsuta nardoo - Least concern -

Meliaceae Melia azedarach white cedar - Least concern -

Mimosaceae Acacia complanata flat-stemmed wattle - Least concern -

Acacia concurrens black wattle - Least concern -

Acacia disparrima hickory wattle - Least concern -

Acacia harpophylla brigalow - Least concern -

Acacia leiocalyx black wattle - Least concern -

Acacia maidenii maiden’s wattle - Least concern -

Acacia salicina sally wattle - Least concern -

Leucaena leucaena - Introduced - leucocephala

Neptunia gracilis native sensitive plant - Least concern -

Vachellia farnesiana mimosa bush - Introduced -

Moraceae Ficus opposita sandpaper fig - Least concern -

Ficus rubiginosa rusty fig - Least concern -

Maclura cockspur vine - Least concern - cochinchinensis

Myrtaceae Angophora broad-leaved apple - Least concern - subvelutina

Corymbia citriodora spotted gum - Least concern - subsp. variegata

Corymbia intermedia pink bloodwood - Least concern -

Corymbia tessellaris Moreton Bay ash - Least concern -

Eucalyptus white mahogany - Least concern - acmenoides

Eucalyptus crebra narrow-leaved - Least concern - ironbark

Eucalyptus silver-leaved ironbark - Least concern - melanophloia


Eucalyptus grey box - Least concern - moluccana

Eucalyptus grey ironbark - Least concern - siderophloia

Eucalyptus Queensland blue gum - Least concern - tereticornis

Lophostemon Brush box - Least concern - confertus

Lophostemon swamp mahogany - Least concern - suaveolens

Melaleuca irbyana swamp tea-tree - Endangered -

Melaleuca viminalis weeping bottlebrush - Least concern -

Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea gigantea giant waterlily - Least concern -

Oleaceae Jasminum native jasmine - Least concern - simplicifolium

Notelaea longifolia large-leaved olive - Least concern -

Notelaea microcarpa native olive - Least concern -

Onagraceae Ludwigia peploides water primrose - Least concern - subsp. montevidensis

Orchidaceae Cymbidium black orchid - Special least - canaliculatum concern

Dockrillia linguiformis tongue orchid - Special least - concern

Oxalidaceae Oxalis perennans oxalis - Least concern -

Passifloraceae corky passionflower - Introduced -

Philydraceae Philydrum wooly frogmouth - Least concern - lanuginosum

Picrodendraceae Petalostigma quinine tree - Least concern - pubescens

Pittosporaceae sweet bursaria - Least concern -

Poaceae Aristida calycina dark wiregrass - Least concern -


Aristida holathera erect kerosene grass - Least concern -

Aristida personata purple wire-grass - Least concern -

Aristida vagans threeawn speargrass - Least concern -

Austrostipa stout bamboo grass - Least concern - ramosissima

Bothriochloa pitted bluegrass - Least concern - decipiens

Cenchrus ciliaris buffle grass - Introduced -

Chloris divaricata slender chloris - Least concern -

Chloris gayana rhodes grass - Introduced -

Chloris truncata windmill grass - Least concern -

Chloris ventricosa tall chloris - Least concern -

Cymbopogon barbed-wire grass - Least concern - refractus

Cynodon dactylon green couch - Introduced -

Dichanthium Queensland - Least concern - sericeum bluegrass

Eleusine indica goose grass - Introduced -

Eragrostis brownii Brown’s lovegrass - Least concern -

Eragrostis sororia - - Least concern -

Heteropogon black speargrass - Least concern - contortus

Imperata cylindrica blady grass - Least concern -

Leersia hexandra swamp ricegrass - Least concern -

Megathyrsus Guinea grass - Introduced - maximus

Melinis repens red Natal grass - Introduced -

Oplismenus aemulus creeping shadegrass - Least concern -

Panicum effusum - - Least concern -


Panicum coolabah grass - Least concern - queenslandicum

Panicum simile - - Least concern -

Paspalidium distans shot grass - Least concern -

Paspalum dilatatum Dallas grass - Introduced -

Setaria sphacelata South African pigeon - Introduced - grass

Sporobolus creber slender rat’s tail grass - Least concern -

Sporobolus elongatus hairy grass - Least concern -

Sporobolus natalensis giant rat’s tail grass - Introduced Class 2

Themeda triandra kangaroo grass - Least concern -

Urochloa mutica para grass - Least concern -

Polygalaceae Persicaria attenuata knotweed - Least concern -

Persicaria decipiens slender knotweed - Least concern -

Persicaria orientalis - - Least concern -

Portulacaceae Portulaca australis portulaca - Least concern -

Proteaceae Persoonia sericea silky geebung - Least concern -

Rhamnaceae Alphitonia excelsa red ash - Least concern -

Sapindaceae Alectryon diversifolius native holly - Least concern -

Alectryon tomentosus hairy birds eye - Least concern -

Cupaniopsis parvifolia small-leaved - Least concern - tuckeroo

Dodonaea triquetra common hop bush - Least concern -

Scrophulariaceae Eremophila debilis winter apple - Least concern -

Solanaceae Datura ferox thorn apple - Introduced -

Solanum tobacco weed - Introduced - mauritianum

Solanum torvum devil’s fig - Introduced -


Sparrmanniaceae Grewia latifolia dog’s balls - Least concern -

Sterculiaceae Brachychiton kurrajong - Least concern - populneus

Ulmaceae Celtis sinensis camphor laurel - Introduced -

Trema tomentosa native peach - Least concern -

Verbenaceae Glandularia aristigera Mayne’s pest - Introduced -

Lantana camara lantana - Introduced -

Lantana creeping lantana - Introduced - montevidensis

Verbena litoralis purpletop - Introduced -

Verbena rigida - - Introduced -

Xanthorrhoeaceae Xanthorrhoea forest grasstree - Special least - latifolia concern



Family Species name Common name EPBC Act status NC Act status


Acanthizidae Acanthiza chrysorrhoa yellow-rumped - Least concern thornbill

Acanthiza pusilla brown thornbill - Least concern

Acanthiza reguloides buff-rumped thornbill - Least concern

Gerygone albogularis white-throated - Least concern gerygone

Gerygone fusca western gerygone - Least concern

Pyrrholaemus sagittatus speckled warbler - Least concern

Sericornis frontalis white-browed - Least concern scrubwren

Smicrornis brevirostris weebill - Least concern

Accipitridae Accipiter fasciatis brown goshawk Marine Near threatened

Aquila audax wedge-tailed eagle - Least concern

Aviceda subcristata Pacific baza - Least concern

Haliastur sphenurus whistling kite Marine Least concern

Aegothelidae Aegotheles chrisoptus Australian owlet- - Least concern nightjar

Anatidae Anas castanea chestnut teal - Least concern

Anas gracilis grey teal - Least concern

Anas superciliosa Pacific black duck - Least concern

Chenonetta jubata Australian wood duck - Least concern

Ardeidae Ardea ibis cattle egret Migratory; Special least Marine concern

Ardea pacifica white-necked heron - Least concern

Egretta novaehollandiae white-faced heron - Least concern


Artamidae Cracticus nigrogularis pied butcherbird - Least concern

Cracticus tibicen Australian magpie - Least concern

Cracticus torquatus grey butcherbird - Least concern

Strepera graculina pied currawong - Least concern

Cacatuidae Cacatua galerita sulphur-crested - Least concern cockatoo

Cacatua tenuirostris long-billed corella - Least concern

Calyptorhynchus lathami glossy black-cockatoo - Vulnerable

Eolophus roseicapilla galah - Least concern

Campephagidae Coracina novaehollandiae black-faced cuckoo- Marine Least concern shrike

Caprimulgidae Eurostopodus argus spotted nightjar Marine Least concern

Charadriidae Vanellus miles masked lapwing - Least concern

Vanellus tricolor banded lapwing - Least concern

Cisticolidae Cisticola exilis golden-headed - Least concern cisticola

Climacteridae Cormobates leucophaea white-throated - Least concern treecreeper

Columbidae Geopelia humeralis bar-shouldered dove - Least concern

Geopelia placida peaceful dove - Least concern

Ocyphaps lophotes crested pigeon - Least concern

Phaps chalcoptera common bronzewing - Least concern

Corvidae Corvus coronoides Australian raven - Least concern

Corvus orru Torresian crow - Least concern

Cuculidae Cacomantis flabelliformis fan-tailed cuckoo Marine Least concern

Cacomantis variolosus brush cuckoo - Least concern

Centropus phasianinus pheasant coucal - Least concern

Chalcites lucidus shining bronze-cuckoo Marine Least concern


Chrysococcyx basalis Horsfield's bronze- Marine Least concern cuckoo

Dicaeidae Dicaeum hirundinaceum mistletoebird - Least concern

Dicruridae Dicrurus bracteatus spangled drongo Marine Least concern

Estrildidae Neochmia temporalis red-browed finch - Least concern

Taeniopygia bichenovii double-barred finch - Least concern

Falconidae Falco cenchroides nankeen kestrel Marine Least concern

Falco peregrinus peregrine falcon - Least concern

Halcyonidae Dacelo novaeguineae laughing kookaburra - Least concern

Hirundinidae Hirundo neoxena welcome swallow Marine Least concern

Petrochelidon nigricans tree martin Marine Least concern

Jacanidae Irediparra gallinacea comb-crested jacana - Least concern

Maluridae Malurus cyaneus superb fairy-wren - Least concern

Malurus lamberti variegated fairy-wren - Least concern

Malurus melanocephalus red-backed fairy-wren - Least concern

Meliphagidae Entomyzon cyanolis blue-faced honeyeater - Least concern

Lichenostomus pencillatus white-plumed - Least concern honeyeater

Lichenostomus virescens singing honeyeater - Least concern

Lichmera indistincta brown honeyeater - Least concern

Manorina melanocephala noisy miner - Least concern

Melithreptus albogularis white-throated - Least concern honeyeater

Philemon citreogularis little friarbird - Least concern

Philemon corniculatus noisy friarbird - Least concern

Plectorhyncha lanceolata striped honeyeater - Least concern

Meropidae Merops ornatus rainbow bee-eater Migratory, Special least Marine concern


Monarchidae Grallina cyanoleuca magpie lark Marine Least concern

Myiagra inquieta restless flycatcher - Least concern

Motacillidae Anthus novaeseelandiae Australasian pipit Marine Least concern

Neosittidae Daphoenositta chrysoptera varied sittella - Least concern

Nymphalidae Lichenostomus chrysops yellow-faced - Least concern honeyeater

Oriolidae Oriolus sagittatus olive-backed oriole - Least concern

Pachycephalidae Colluricincla harmonica grey shrike-thrush - Least concern

Pachycephala rufiventris rufous whistler - Least concern

Psophodes olivaceus eastern whipbird - Least concern

Pardalotidae Pardalotus punctatus spotted pardalote - Least concern

Pardalotus striatus striated pardalote - Least concern

Petroicidae Eopsaltria australis eastern yellow robin - Least concern

Microeca fascinans jacky winter - Least concern

Petroica rosea rose robin - Least concern

Tregellasia capito pale yellow robin - Least concern

Phalacrocoracidae Phalacrocorax little pied cormorant - Least concern melanoleucos

Podargidae Podargus strigoides tawny frogmouth - Least concern

Podicipedidae Tachybaptus Australasian grebe - Least concern novaehollandiae

Psittaculidae Glossopsitta pusilla little lorikeet - Least concern

Neophema pulchella turquoise parrot - Least concern

Platycercus adscitus pale-headed rosella - Least concern

Trichoglossus scaly-breasted lorikeet - Least concern chlorolepidotus

Trichoglossus haematodus rainbow lorikeet - Least concern

Rallidae Fulica atra Eurasian coot - Least concern


Gallinula tebrosa dusky moorhen - Least concern

Recurvirostridae Cladorhynchus banded stilt - Least concern leucocephalus

Rhipiduridae Rhipidura albiscapa grey fantail - Least concern

Rhipidura leucophrys willie wagtail - Least concern

Strigidae Ninox novaeseelandiae southern boobook Marine Least concern

Threskiornidae Threskiornis spinicollis straw-necked ibis Marine Least concern

Zosteropidae Zosterops lateralis silvereye Marine Least concern


Canidae Canis lupus familiaris domestic dog - Introduced

Vulpes vulpes red fox - Introduced

Dasyuridae Antechinus flavipes yellow-footed - Least concern antechinus

Leporidae Lepus capensis brown hare - Introduced

Oryctolagus cuniculus European rabbit - Introduced

Macropodidae Macropus giganteus eastern grey kangaroo - Least concern

Macropus parryi whiptail wallaby - Least concern

Macropus rufogriseus red-necked wallaby - Least concern

Miniopteridae Miniopterus australis little bent-winged bat - Least concern

Miniopterus orianae eastern bent-winged - Least concern oceanensis bat

Molossidae Austronomus australis white-striped freetail - Least concern bat

Muridae Rattus rattus black rat - Introduced

Peramelidae Isoodon macrourus northern brown - Least concern bandicoot

Petauridae Petaurus norfolcensis squirrel glider - Least concern


Phalangeridae Trichosurus vulpecula common brushtail - Least concern possum

Phascolarctidae Phascolarctos cinereus koala Vulnerable Vulnerable

Rhinolophidae Rhinolophus megaphyllus southern horseshoe - Least concern bat

Suidae Sus scrofa pig - Introduced

Tachyglossidae Tachyglossus aculeatus short-beaked echidna - Special least concern

Vespertilionidae Chalinolobus gouldii Gould’s wattles bat - Least concern

Chalinolobus nigrogriseus hoary bat - Least concern


Agamidae Physignathus lesueurii eastern water dragon - Least concern

Pogona barbata bearded dragon - Least concern

Boidae Morelia spilota carpet python - Least concern

Elapidae Pseudechis porphyriacus red-bellied black snake - Least concern

Pseudonaja textilis eastern brown snake - Least concern

Gekkonidae Gehyra dubia dubious gecko - Least concern

Heteronotia bonoei Bynoe’s gecko - Least concern

Scincidae Carlia pectoralis skink - Least concern

Carlia vivax lively skink - Least concern

Carlia sp. skink - Least concern

Cryptoblepharus pulcher wall skink - Least concern

Ctenotus taeniolatus eastern copper-tailed - Least concern skink

Eulamprus quoyii eastern water-skink - Least concern

Eulamprus martini dark bar-sided skink - Least concern

Lampropholis delicata grass skink - Least concern

Lygisaurus foliorum iridescent litter skink - Least concern


Morethia taeniopleura fire-tailed skink - Least concern

Varanidae Varanus varius lace monitor - Least concern


Bufonidae Rhinella marina cane toad - Introduced

Hylidae Litoria caerulea green tree frog - Least concern

Litoria latopalmata broad-palmed rocket - Least concern frog

Litoria peronii emerald-spotted tree - Least concern frog



Family Species name Common name Notes


Atherinidae Craterocephalus marjoriae Marjorie’s hardyhead Native

Craterocephalus fly-specked hardyhead Native stercusmuscarum

Centropomidae Lates calcarifer barramundi Native species that has been translocated into the catchment.

Ceratodontidae Neoceratodus forsteri Queensland lungfish Vulnerable under the EPBC Act. Native species that has been translocated into the catchment.

Cichlidae Aequidens pulcher blue acara Introduced

Oreochromis massambicus Mozambique tilapia Introduced

Clupeidae Nematalosa erebi bony bream Native

Cobitidae Misgurnus anguilicaudatus oriental weatherloach Introduced

Cyprinidae Carassius auratus goldfish Introduced

Tanichthys albonubes mountain minnow Introduced

Cyprinus carpio common carp Introduced

Puntius conchonius rosy barb Introduced

Eleotridae Butis butis crimson-tipped gudgeon Native

Gobiomorphus australis striped gudgeon Native

Gobiomorphus coxii Cox’s gudgeon Native


Hypseleotris compressa empire gudgeon Native

Hypseleotris gallii firetail gudgeon Native

Hypseleotris klunzingeri western carp gudgeon Native

Hypseleotris species 1 Midgley's carp gudgeon Native

Hypseleotris species 2 Lake’s carp gudgeon Native species that has been translocated into the catchment.

Mogurnda adspersa southern purple-spotted Native gudgeon

Philypnodon grandiceps flathead gudgeon Native

Philypnodon sp. dwarf flathead gudgeon Native

Galaxiidae Galaxias maculatus common jollytail Native

Gobiidae Redigobius bikolanus speckled goby Native

Hemiramphidae Arrhamphus sclerolepis snubnose garfish Native

Kuhliidae Kuhlia rupestris jungle perch Native

Megalopidae Megalops cyprinoides oxeye herring Native

Melanotaeniidae Melanotaenia duboulayi Duboulay’s rainbowfish Native

Rhadinocentrus ornatus ornate rainbowfish Native

Mugilidae Mugil cephalus sea mullet Native

Myxus petardi freshwater mullet Native

Osteoglossidae Scleropages leichardti saratoga Native species that has been translocated into the catchment.


Percichthyidae Maccullochella mariensis Mary River cod Endangered under the EPBC Act.

Macquaria ambigua yellowbelly Native species that has been translocated into the catchment.

Macquaria novemaculeata Australian bass Native

Plotosidae Neosilurus hyrtlii Hyrtl's catfish Native

Porochilus rendahli Rendahl’s catfish Native

Tandanus tandanus freshwater catfish Native

Poeciliidae Gambusia holbrooki mosquitofish Introduced

Poecilia latipinna sailfin molly Introduced

Poecilia reticulata guppy Introduced

Xiphophorus helleri swordtail Introduced

Xiphophorus maculatus platy Introduced

Pseudomugilidae Pseudomugil signifer Pacific blue eye Native

Retropinnidae Retropinna semoni Australian smelt Native

Scorpaenidae Notesthes robusta bullrout Native

Terapontidae Amniataba percoides barred grunter Native species that has been translocated into the catchment.

Bidyanus bidyanus silver perch Critically endangered under the EPBC Act. Native species that has been translocated into the catchment.

Leiopotherapon unicolor spangled perch Native



Cheluidae Chelodina expansa broad-shelled river turtle Native

Chelodina longicollis eastern snake-necked Native turtle

Emydura macquarii short-necked turtle Native

Wollumbinia latisternum saw-shelled turtle Native