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42003 k V MAKING THE SCENE ENTERTAINMENT Sweetheart Documentary liiTliixIsMn • Aurora Borealis emceed the • Documentary videotapers Sweetheart Ball/Black & record history. (Left: Renee Red Bash on Feb. 14. Sotile and Mary Jo Godges.) 30 Ye«rs Ago This Month 3 PageAU PageBI New»fi ojto..^^.....^ 4 interview: Carmen Vasquez. ,.6 liakinctheScene 14 S«c&toiiS Eneartainment: DocunMntaries...., I Cohimnbti.. 5 ,1 Home/Trwel/Style; O CansKfci...... 10 Community Center Newt 14 Classifieds , 15 Calendar „.„—.,.„„ 18 Numb«r 355 MARCH 2CX>3 Comics........ .-.....,., ._*-*. „23 A Publication of the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley Chuck Bowmen is MewsFronts Executive Director • LOCAL AND STATE GAGV to elect new South Carolina businessman takes helm March 17 Board members Each year the membership of the embraced me witii the charm cui- By Susan Jordan j Gay Alliance of the Genesee Vai- tomary to the smali town v/here I The Gay Alliance ofthe Genesee iey ejects members to the Board was be-rn. Valley has hireo 3 new Executive of Directors. This year the candi- "!n the next few weeks, Ms. Tuiip Director, Chuck Bcwen. 46, of i dates are: (my Boston Terrier) and i wil! be Columbia. South Carolina. He will Deb Hemti, who has been take over the helm of the non moving to our new home in the I *%• I serving on the Program Commit- Southwedge community. My first day profit agency on March 17. \ tee over the last year. She will be on the job as your Executive Direc Bowen said,'"Why do you want the GAGV's representative of the tor is March ! 7, although I am already tc move here from South Caro ; L.GBT community on a Rochester lina?' After a warm and hearty hard at work preparing for the pro i City School District committee welcome to Rochester, just about found challenge that is awaiting me. j on student conduct She is a cer- everyone I've met has asked me '*My first priority over the next WELCOME TO ROCHESTER: Chuck Bowen, new Executive i tified social worker, with a back- this question. Given the weather few months is to meet as many people Director of the Gay Alliance, met many community members at the I ground in mental health and ad- during my visit to Rochester over as I can and learn of their thoughts on GAGV Sweetheart Ball on Feb. 14. He will take up his post on March 17. I dictive di.sorders, Valentine's weekend, it certainly what the GAGV can do to accom j WiU Seals is in school admin is a logical one to ask! plish Its mission. I welcome and en- l;•^;;•^:;*.StiS:•<; '^':A ^:^xm'i^i'i'^^:'' ••• • istration at a local college. He has rourage j^our thoughts and ideas. "But my answer to the ques ! been volunteering on the GAGV's "Yoko Ono once said, A dream tion is simple, i'm, excited about I development drive and will be alone is only a dream. A dream shared the work that f>3s beisfr^done-by |30se questions at local I working on the Picnic Committee with another is a reality.' Together, the GAGV ifijlSfr^O-year hist^^fy ! this year. and energized by the vision for its we wii! bring the dream of eradica bars throughout March j Evelyn Bailey sei-ved on the future ixeing ?ha^«d by the Board tion of homophobia and full civi! rights ; Board of Directors over a decade of Directors. " "^r for all to a reality. Together, we will By Evelyn Bailev *=*^' ^ ^ '^^^ *^ questions de I ago. She was extremely influential set a standard of fairness and equality '"After voluriteering for many Frofn>^h thrcHigb June of J^??,*^ '^^'^ Informntion on j in helping the GAGV buy and re- which will be envied by other com year s for GLBT ^Organizations and GAGV programs* community ! hab its current home on Atlantic munities in o\xv great nation." HIV/A!DS service groups* my needs and dreams. Thismomh we Avenue. She was elected to the dream of servir^g'm, a fuli-tlme Board President Bill Kelly said, "The start w*«h a seHe« ol forums in ! Board this fall, and her term is professionat capadty began to take Board began the search for a new pending election by the member shap^ last fail. As the CEO of a Ej^ecutive Director in the summer of ship. Ms. Bailey chairs the Devel multi-^state busifwesswhlch merged 2002. The first search ended in Oc opment Committee, and is head with a new firm/1 finally had the tober. We Interviewed some excel ing the GAGV*s 30th Anniversary opportunity to pursue a full-time lent candidates, but the Board did Celebration. In her professional professional career, where I had not feel that we had found the ideal ::th»':i<S|jr;ii^»k« "tii^;^ • im«y life, Ms. Bailey ha.^ been an educa been limited to volunteering in person. A second search yielded a tor and department head. She the past. host of qualified candidates, and owns a business that supplies sub ."ftbchester would not, more Chuck Bowen came out on top. stitute teachers to numerous than iikety, have been my choice "Chuck is from South CArollna," school districts. for a new hometown," Bowen Kelly continued. "At a young age he Bill Kelly is currentJy the Presi said. "But, after two brief visits, I decided that he wanted to be the dent of the Board of Directors. discovered a beautiful d^ whose governor of that state. He dedicated He has served as President Elect, inhabitants, both In our GLBT himself to that goal, becoming an along with serving on a number of community and the Genesee Val Eagle Scout along the way. One ob committees and projects. Mr. KeWy ley community as a whole, have stacle stood in his way. He Is a gay is a psydiotherapist and sex ther^- Bowen continu«d on p. 3 pist in private practice. Chili church installs op^nty tosblan pastor AIDS Rochester to benefit firom N.Y.S. Ride Rev. Lee Ann Bryce, of Denver. Mor* than 700 cydlsts will cross OHeans. Monroe and Ontario coun supported fay a $300 rkler regis- Co., has been Instaged as the sole ' bUfw York State this summer in ties on their way to Geneva on Aug. tration fee and corporate support pastor of CommunKy Christian th« first annual Emf>)ni State AIDS 18. The Verixon Foundation and Visa Church. 2*47 ChiH Ave. fl{d« to raise money for HIV/ The new fundraising event is wi- are sponsors of the ride. Bryce. an open lesbian, was in AIDS treatment In New York and tirely run by volunteers who want to "Some of the k>ng distance bike stalled on Feb. 23. She tokl the access to treatinent and ttfesavlff^ raise awareness of the growing inter an^ems of the pest were sulMUdiied £mp^ Ooset. **i have a stror^ eom- madkrintts overseas. national crisis and create a model of fay the donations you thought you ntitment to myself and to God to The bane5clarles are Doctors responsible ftjndraJsir^ They were were making to a good cause. We be out. 1 was so impreased with Without Borders (MSF). the win- concemed that otHer AIDS cycfing don't wiant ce see those contribu natiom — aH but the credit card this church... the feet thac the best nerofthe l999NobelPaacePlrl«ej i¥encs have sent as Rede as 11 per^ tions supportliif a Mce ride. With foes — to our four beneAdaries." peraon forthe post was laabi|ti, cent of the donations to Iheir beniefl- 500 people dying of AIDS every saki ride director Marty Rosen. and has a partner who is akw a CommMfiee and HeaJth GAP. darks. TTte vokincear youp creeci J dby m Kenya, and mUtlons more Riders and volunteers may ngis- minister, didn't bother tham at The riders wW b*«|n their SOO- Day2 Inc. a noc-lor-prollc 50t(cX3) dying because they're denied ac ter at www.empirestMeakisride.oix> all.» This church Uves Its eonMnit- Paula Silvestrone, Executive Di mentto bek^acommunityof Htfth mlie trip Aug. l8lnNlaiar»WI«. corporation which ^ noc use dona- cess to*liN«tvlng medldne. we're rector for AIDS Rochester, said, where atl people are celebrated.** and llhlsh Aug. 23 In lowm- Man tk»ns to cover overhead costs Ibr the paying our own way. We're send hattan. They will ride through event The coso for the event are ing almost 100 percent of the do* iMDS ride contimMd on p. 3 Niswsbrlefb cont. on p. 3 k«>.«h<<>.«>«.«ft mim mmtm K«H eMSMMsaniinaJiiMi nor win we be rf»nwn fsr MVMnf"dl^ AIDS ride continued from p. i LETTENS TO THE EDITOIt: putw becwMA IndMduais. W« reterv* for the Study of Women and Gender In Church The opmioes of colunwiiMs, •ditortaf TMTfto the r%|n to ttdlt Ibr space and cbwrfty. We '•We are honored to be a part of The Empire and Society at Colgate Rochester Crozer Di «rs and otli«r concrtbtitinf vtritts am wHI prim anonymous )««tert if tIte ftame State AIDS Ride, and thrilled to be chosen as vinity School. Twice a year It brings outstand th«;r own and do not n«c««»rity raflvct and phone mimber are provided to the a beneficiary since thousands of people in the ing LGBT speakers and straight allies in the th« coif vctiv* actitudtt of th« Gay AHJanca Editor, «onfld«ntiaility wiO be respected Perspectives of ch« G«n«SM Vatlay or th« Empty CtoMC Suhrtvissions are dite by the ISth ofthe Finger Ukes r^on will benefit from the Christian tradition to exemplify sonrte aspect Wc wHI print l«cc*rs at th« «ditor't discra month acTbe Empty Ooeet f 79 Atbn- generosity of those involved In this event.