
“Water” is a research topic that poses basic questions regarding social, environmental and economic needs, including water and drought management, flood risk management, assessing and achieving quality standards for drinking water, and cleaning of polluted wastewater. These are only some of the many issues that our society will have to tackle in the coming decades.

This is why “Water” is part of the Europe 2020 Strategy and the 8th Framework Program for Venue location Research and Technological Development (FRP). Representation of the State of A key objective of the Innovation Union at the core North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union of the Europe 2020 strategy seeks to address the Rue Montoyer 47, B - 1000 Brussels social and environmental challenges posed by water, Metro 2, Station: Trône/Troon while at the same time converting them Tel.: +32 27 39 17 75, Fax: +32 27 39 17 02 into economic opportunities. www.europa.nrw.de

The topic “Water” presented by the Innovation Alliance has the potential to meet the upcoming challenges and the opportunities dealing with economic, technical and social issues of the this Innovation plays a key role for the EU and in parti- theme and make a considerable contribution cular for its member states and regions. It is the back mastering the problems. bone for the EU to remain competitive, to ensure economic growth, to create jobs and wealth. North Rhine-Westphalia: With this event and the catalogue, the 17 participa- ting Universities of North Rhine-Westphalia outline InnovationAlliance of NRW-Universities: 29 univer- Innovation Alliance. and present their excellent research in 40 projects sities and universities of applied sciences initiated the in dealing with the many aspects of Water. The aim InnovationAlliance with a view to developing innova- Water. is to highlight the issues and research topics that tion transfer, opening up more to cooperation and to should be taken into consideration by the European networking. A major objective is to give North Rhine- May 26th, 2011, Brussels Union in present or future funding programs. Westphalia’s universities a clearly more important role within the framework of EU support programs.

www.frp.nrw.de www.innovationsallianz.nrw.de 12:00 p.m. 11:45 a.m. May 26th,2011,Brussels Water. North Rhine-Westphalia: InnovationAlliance. Invitation. The Universities of North Rhine-Westphalia: Your Partners for European Research Projects. University ofAppliedSciences, Prof. Dr. AstridRehorek, Treatment Optimisation of IndustrialWastewater Officer, PublicutilityDuisburg Paul Düperthal, IWW Water CentreMülheim Centre, UniversityofDuisburg-Essen & Prof. Dr. Hans-CurtFlemming,Biofilm installations pathogens indrinkingwater transiently viablebutnotculturable Recognition, riskandcontrolof NRW InnovationAlliance Chairwoman oftheBoard Prof. Dr. GiselaSchäfer-Richter, Commitment toCollaboration The NRWInnovationAlliance: DG RTD.I.2-EnvironmentalTechnologies Innovation DirectorateI-Environment Directorate-General forResearch& Head ofUnitEuropeanCommission, Dr. Panagiotis Balabanis, North Rhine-Westphalia Innovation, ScienceandResearchof Helmut Dockter, DeputyMinisterfor Westphalia totheEuropeanUnion tation oftheStateNorthRhine- Hans H.Stein,HeadoftheRepresen Beginning Welcome

ChiefTechnology Deputy

- 01:15 pm www.innovationsallianz.nrw.de Email: [email protected] Phone: +4970 0466791 Bonn, D-53175 Riemenschneiderstr. 11 Hartmut Koch NRW InnovationAlliance/Service Bureau Contact. tal andProductionProcesses) Computational ServicesforEnvironmen “STEPS” (SustainableTechnologies and NRW ResearchCenterofExcellence Get-together andbuffet Applied Sciences Alliance /DüsseldorfUniversityof Prof. Dr. AndreasJahr, NRWInnovation Moderation The conferencelanguageisEnglish. -

picture credits: map: MIWF NRW, tunnel (Dätwyler AG, Altdorf, Schweiz), clarification GECO C, Gummersbach Environmental Computing Center www.wissenschaft.nrw.de Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft. 14 Fraunhofer Institutes – three centers of the in 68 universities – 12 Max Planck Institutes – of Europe – more than half a million students enrolled highest density of universities and research institutions GDP) – economic hub of Europe – region with the people – GDP 489 billion euro (21.8% of German Geographically central position in Europe – 18 million Heart of Europe. North Rhine-Westphalia in the