Article Aims at Answering the Following Derstand the 2001 flooding (Hubert, 2001; Pointet Et Al., Questions: 2003; Negrel´ and Petelet-Giraud´ , 2005)
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 99–117, 2010 Hydrology and © Author(s) 2010. This work is distributed under Earth System the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Sciences Multi-model comparison of a major flood in the groundwater-fed basin of the Somme River (France) F. Habets1,2, S. Gascoin2, S. Korkmaz3, D. Thiery´ 4, M. Zribi5, N. Amraoui4, M. Carli2, A. Ducharne2, E. Leblois6, E. Ledoux3, E. Martin1, J. Noilhan1, C. Ottle´5,7, and P. Viennot3 1GAME/CNRM (Met´ eo-France/CNRS),´ URA 1357, Toulouse, France 2UMR-Sisyphe, UMR 7619, Sisyphe, CNRS UPMC, Paris, France 3Centre de Geosciences/Mines-Paristech,´ Fontainebleau, France 4BRGM, Orleans,´ France 5CETP, Velizy,´ France 6CEMAGREF, Lyon, France 7LSCE, Gif-sur-Yvette, France Received: 4 September 2009 – Published in Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.: 28 September 2009 Revised: 24 December 2009 – Accepted: 6 January 2010 – Published: 18 January 2010 Abstract. The Somme River Basin is located above a chalk the flooding of 2001 was characterized by an increase in the aquifer and the discharge of the somme River is highly in- quantity of the overflow and not much by a spreading of fluenced by groundwater inflow (90% of river discharge is the overflow areas. Inconsistencies between river discharge baseflow). In 2001, the Somme River Basin suffered from a and piezometric levels suggest that further investigation are major flood causing damages estimated to 100 million euro needed to estimate the relative influence of unsaturated and (Deneux and Martin, 2001). The purpose of the present re- saturated zones on the hydrodynamics of the Somme River search is to evaluate the ability of four hydrologic models Basin.
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