Badger State Region Early FordV-8 Club February 2020 THE RUMBLE SHEET A Publication of the Badger State Region Early Ford V-8 Club, Inc. Volume 49 October 2020 No events for October due to pandemic.. so how about some Halloween groaners! What do birds give out on Halloween? Tweets Why did the scarecrow get a promotion? He was outstanding in his field. What’s a skeleton’s favorite instrument? A trom-bone Why are cemeteries so popular? Everyone is dying to get in. What kind of music do mummies listen to? Wrap music What’s the best thing to put in pumpkin pie? Your teeth Why do vampires always seen sick? They’re always “coffin” Why are ghosts such bad liars? You can see right through them. Why don’t vampires have a lot of friends? Because they are a pain in the neck. What do you call a witch at the beach? A sand-witch What’s a ghost’s favorite band? The Grateful Dead What did the skeleton buy at the store? Spare ribs Why was the ghost crying? He wanted his mummy. Ok, don’t shoot me! I’ll willingly resign my position as editor. Badger State Region Early Ford V-8 Club January 2020 BOARD OF DIRECTORS - 2020 Mike Dutkiewicz - President/Historian Res: 414-529-3770 Cell: 414-510-3770
[email protected] “Mercury” Ed Suchorski - Vice President Res: 262-895-6128
[email protected] Judy Deschler - Secretary/Editor/Mailing/E-Mailings Res: 262-639-1934 Cell: 262-744-1928
[email protected] Steve Davel - Treasurer/Membership/Sales Res: 262-968-9483 Cell: 262-993-9020
[email protected] Bruce Winter- Member at Large Res: 414-422-9833 Cell: 414-520-3000
[email protected] Ryan Cross - Member at Large/Tour Coordinator/National Correspondent Cell: 414-614-8021
[email protected] Gail Leicht - Sunshine Res: 262-763-2004
[email protected] Presidents Message I hope every one read and tried to understand the Resolution from the new National Club legal advisor.