Save Ralphs Bay Inc PO Box 161 Rokeby TAS. 7019 Contact: Submissions Coordinator Mrs. Jane MacDonald
[email protected] 6239 9589 0406 993 425 The Secretary Mr. Shane Donnelly Joint Select Committee on Ethical Conduct Parliament House Hobart TAS. 7000
[email protected] 6233 2220 August 1st 2008 Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Ethical Conduct Save Ralphs Bay Inc. appreciates this opportunity to make a submission on the issue of ethical conduct of the Tasmanian Government and Members of Parliament. In general, we support the creation of an independent investigative body, able to inquire into questions relating to good governance, transparency, honesty and ethical conduct of Government and elected representatives. The independence of this body is of the highest importance, and therefore it should: - have its own independent budget. - report directly to the Parliament, not to the Premier, Cabinet or Government of the day. - have membership from a range of backgrounds, including at least one non‐ Tasmanian member, and at least one member from a community “watchdog” group committed to keeping a close eye on transparency and good governance. - have regular “refreshment” of its membership, to protect against its becoming entrenched as part of the political establishment. - provide whistleblower protection and confidentiality, as necessary to conduct its business. Save Ralphs Bay Inc. submission to Joint Select Committee on Ethical Conduct, August 2008 1/22 We do not propose to provide further detail in relation to the establishment and operation of such a body, beyond indicating our support for its establishment. However, we would like to raise with the Select Committee a number of concerns arising from our experience of the actions of the Tasmanian Government nand certai Members of Parliament, during the history of our campaign to oppose the conversion of the Ralphs Bay Conservation Area at Lauderdale into Tasmania’s first canal housing estate.