14058 Hon. John Brademas
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14058 CONGRESSIONAL .RECORD- HOUSE July 18 for printing and reference to the proper By Mr. O'HARA of Michigan: hospi_tal in SO\,lthern New Jersey; to the Com calendar. as follows: H.R. 12594. A bill to amend the Agricul mittee on Veterans• AJrairs. tural .Adjustment Act of 1938 to permit in By Mr. PUCINSKI; Mr. LANE: Committee on the Judiciary. ·creased. production of types or varieties of H.R. 12605. A bill to amend section 601 2.572. An act. tor the relief of the 1\lerritt s. wheat which are tn short supply; to the of t~e Federal Aviation Act to require ldenti- Chapma.n & Scott Corp.; without amend Committee on Agriculture. 1lcati.on markings on the underside of the ment (&ept. No. 1998). Referred to the wings of certain aircraft; to the Committee Committee of the Whole House. By :Mr. O'KONSKI: H.R. 12595. A bill to amend chapter 55 of on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Mr. LINDSAY: Committee on the Judi title 10, United States Code, to provide ma By Mr. KEARNS: ciary. H.R. 11334. A bill for the relief of ternity benefits !or spouses of persons called H.J. Res. 826. Joint resolution to amend Mary J. Papwroth; with amendment (Rept. the act of April 29, 1942. establishing the No. 1999). Referred to the Committee of the to active duty on or after August 1, 1961, after the termination of their active duty, District of Columbia Recreation Board, to Whole House. and for other purposes; to the Committee provide for the restoration and use of the Mr. LINDSAY: Committee on the Judi Belasco Theater on Lafayette Square in the ciary. H.R. 10604. A bill for the relief of on Armed Services. H .R.12596. A bill to amend section 521 Nation's Capital as a municipal theater· as . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Bryant; with amend to of tJ.tle 38, United States Code, to provide for proposed by President Kennedy in 1960, ment (Rept. No. 2000). Referred to the provide that su-ch theater shall be used solely Committee of the Whole House. the payment of pension to veterans of World war I who have 70 or more, but less than 90, as a children's .theater and art center so as to days of service; to the Commlttee on Vet provide cultural fare superior to many of the movies and television programs seen by PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS erans' Affairs. millions of children today. Jlnd to provide By Mr. BARRY: that such theater shall be known the Under clause 4 of rule XXII, public H .R. 12597. A bill to make the Civil Rights as Caroline Kennedy Children's Theater and bills and resolutions were introduced and Commission a permanent agency; to the Art Center; to the Committee on the District severally referred as follows: Committee on the Judiciary. of Columbia. l3yMr. JAMES C. DAVIS: By Mr. BURKE of Massachusetts: By Mr. SCHWENGEL: H.R. 12588. A bill to increase from $000 to H.R. 12598. A bill to amend the Tartif Act H. Con. Res. 503. Concurrent resolution to $1,000 the personal Income tax exemptions of 1930; to the Committee on Ways and authorize the printing as a House document of a taxpayer (Including the exemption for Means. the report of the Joint Committee on Ar a spouse, the exemption for a dependent, By Mr. LIBONATI: rangements to Commemorate the lOOth An and the additional exemptions for old age and H.R.12599. A bill to amend the Internal niversary of the First Inaugural of Abraham blindness); to the Committee on Ways and Revenue Codes of 1954: and 1939 to provide Lincoln; to the COmmittee on House Admin Means. for the elimination of certain tax inequities istration. By Mr. ABERNETHY: through the permissive taxatJ.on of certain. By Mr. COOLEY: - H.R.12589. A bill to amend the Smith jointly owned railroad terminal and switch H.. Res. 728. Resolution to provide funds Lever Act of May 8, 1914, as amended; to the ing facillty oorpora.tJ.ons as partnerships; to for the further expenses of studies and in Committee on Agriculture. the Committee on Ways and Means. vestigations authorized by House Resolution By Mr. CASEY: By Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina: 86; to the COmmittee on House Administra H.R. 12590. A bill to provide for the con H.R. 12600. A bill to amend the Railway tion. veyance of a certain tract of land in Hous Labor Act so as to authorize the President ton. Harris County, Tex., to the State of to establish boards to resolve Jurisdictional Texas; to the Committee on Armed Services. disputes in the air tra.ruwortation industry, PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS and for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. FARBSTEIN; Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private H.R. 12591. A bill to amend the :Bank Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ruptcy Act to increase the amount of wages l3y Mr. DINGELL: bills and resolutions were introduced and entitled to priority to $2,000, to provide that H .R. 12601. A bill to provide for a com severally referred a.c:; follows: pension, welfare, and other fringe benefits prehensive, long range and coordinated na l3y Mr. BAKER: shall be treated as wages. and to Increase tional program in oceanography. and for H.R.. 12606. A bill for the relief of Claude the priority period from a months to 12 other purposes; to the Committee on Mer- S • .Reeder and Reeder Motor Co., Inc.; to the months with respect to certain wage compo chant Marine and Fisheries. - Committee on the Judiciary. nents; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. O'BRIEN of New York: By Mr. HAGAN of Georgia: By Mr. JENSEN; H.R.12602. A bill to authorize reimburse H.R. 12607. A bill for the relief of Dr. H.R. 12592. A bill to provide for the de ment for certain moving expenses and prop Cheng-Tsuau Su and Angela Su; to the Com velopment of oxbow; ~and other facili erty losses to any person who is compelled mittee on the Judiciary. ties along the Missouri River between Sioux to relocate his home or business because of By Mr. HEALEY: City. Iowa. and Omaha. Nebr.• for public the acquisition of property by the United H.R. 12608. A bill :!or the relief of Abraham recreation. for fish an~ wildlife conservation, States; to the Committee on Public Works. Hershler and his brother, Zvi Hershler; to the and :!or other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. PHILBIN: Committee on the Judiciary. .Public Works. H.R. 12603. A bill to make retrocession to By Mr. LINDSAY: By Mr. MASON: the Commonwealth of Massachusetts of ju H.R. 12609. A bill for the relief of Elisa H.R. 12593. A bill to amend the Internal risdiction over certain land in the vicinity of betha Kabsch; to the Committee on the .Revenue Code of 1954 to insure that the Fort Devens, Mass.; to the Committee on Judiciary. communications taxes will not apply to cer Armed Services. By Mr. WILSON of Cs.Ufomla: tain private ~unications services fur l3y Mr. GLENN: H .R. 12610. A bill for tlle relief of Shoko nished to common carriers; to the Com H .R.12604:. A blll to provide for the con Ara.1 Thomas; to the Committee on the mittee on Ways and Means. struction of a new Veterans• AdmlnistratJ.on Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Foreign language~ and Federal Aid to tion," which was published in the May have come to understand more clearly than ever before the great importance to our Edacation 1962 issue of Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. country, in terms of national security If for The article is "based on an address no other reason, and there are other reasons, EXTENSION OF REMARKS of developing and maintaining a reservoir of which I was Privileged ro deliver on De persons skllled in the knowledge of modern OF cember 29, 1961, at the annual meeting foreign languages. Even a man of little HON. JOHN BRADEMAS of the Modern Language Association of political sensitivity could not fail; a few days America in Chicago,. ago, to have appreciated the immense impact .oF INDIANA m The text of the article follows: of the few words spoken in Spanish by Mrs. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kennedy during the President's visit to Latin PolmiGN l.ANGuACD:s AND FEDERAL AID TO America. · · Wednesday, July 18, 1962 EDucATION I think. Mr. Chairman, that you and the Mr. BRADEMAS. Mr. Speaker. un (By JoHN l3B.ADEMAS, Congressn:tan from members of the association may be inter der unanimous consent, I should like to Indiana) ested to know the resUlts of a short survey include in the CONGRESSIONAL REOOltD the In the last several years,. 1n large pal't be that I arranged a tew months ago to deter text of an article entitled ..Foreign cause of the leadership ot the Kodern mine the ~owledge of foreign languages of Languages and Federal Aid. to Educa- Language Association. the ~erican people Members of the Congress of the United \. 1962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 14059 States. Although a substantial number of prestige and power and infiuence is, with the scientists and educators from throughout the Members of the House and Senate . who single exception of activity in the Commu country to get their off-the-record views on responded said they had no foreign language nist Party, education. And, second, the what we should do. And I hope very much ability at all, a sizable number .of my col Soviets regard education as the key to the that Congress will act on legislation for leagues indicated that they had· at least economic, industrial, scientific, and military Federal assistance to strengthen colleges some capacity to speak or understand at development of their country.