HOUSE of REPRESE,NTATIVES-Thursday, March 25, 1971
March 25, 1971 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 7959 HOUSE OF REPRESE,NTATIVES-Thursday, March 25, 1971 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. pointed Mr. CANNON as a member of the BYELO&USSIAN 1NDEPENl>l1:NC£ Rt. Rev. Nikolaj Lapitzki, Byelorus same Board of Visitors. Mr. Speaker, the highest hopes and sian Orthodox Church of St. Euphrosy aspirations of the Byelorussian people for a free and independent nation were ful nia, South River, N.J., offered the fol NUMBERING OF RECORDED TELLER lowing prayer: filled on March 25, 1918, when the Byelo VOTES AND ROLLCALL VOTES russian National Republic was born. In the name of the Father, and of the The SPEAKER. The Chair would like It was during World War I that the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. to announce that recorded teller vote No. Byelorussians took advantage of a weak o eternal God, and our Father, the 1-on the public debt and interest rate ened Russian regime and took steps to source of all life and light, on this day limitation-and recorded teller vote No. liberate themselves from the Russian commemorating the proclamation of in 2-on deleting appropriations for the powers. The All-Byelorussian Congress dependence of anniversary of Byelorus met in December 1917, in the city of sia, we hwnbly bow our heads and pray, supersonic transport--be renwnbered ss "roll No. 30" and "roll No. 31,'' respec Miensk and, on March 25, 1918, pro that Byelorussia, and all other captive claimed the Byelorussian Republic. nations may soon receive a new birth of tively.
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