JMG Horticulturist & Landscape Designer since 1999: Susan Sipos Weather permitting, Jefferson Market Garden is open to the public Tuesday through Sunday from April through October. Jefferson Market To learn more about Jefferson Market Garden, contact us at: Jefferson Market Garden 70A Greenwich Avenue PMB 372 New York, NY 10011-8358 Email:
[email protected] Publication created by Map: George Colbert Photographs: Laurie Moody, Bill Thomas, Linda Camardo Publication Design: Anne LaFond, Partnerships for Parks © 2014 JefferSOn MArkeT GArden on Greenwich JOIn US! BeCOMe A frIend Of THe GArden! Avenue between Sixth Avenue and West 10th Street Jefferson Market Garden belongs to everyone. is a lush oasis in the heart of Greenwich Village, Whether you visit once a year, once a week or one of Manhattan’s great historic neighborhoods. every day, the Garden will be enriched by your The Garden and the neighboring public library are participation. Although New York City retains both named for an open farmers market located there in the early 19th century and leveled in 1873 ownership of the land through the NYC Department to make room for an ornate Victorian courthouse of Parks and Recreation, the Garden’s upkeep is the designed by Vaux and Withers. responsibility of a community group of volunteers. In 1931, a prison, The Women’s House of Detention, Gardens are fragile and require constant attention was built. In the 60’s when the City threatened to and renewal. Your contributions enable the Garden’s demolish the courthouse, the community organized plants, shrubs, and trees to be maintained in to save it for use as a public library and then splendid seasonal bloom.