Bayou St. John Comprehensive Management Plan BAYOU ST. JOHN COMMITTEE Canoe & Trail Adventures Contributor: Byron Almquist Contact: Byron Almquist (504) 834-5257
[email protected] The role of this private enterprise is to provide outdoor adventures involving recreational and educational opportunities for New Orleans area residents. Mr. Almquist has been invested in the health of Bayou St. John since the 1970s as a business owner and an environmentalist. City Park New Orleans Contributors: John Kinabrew, Beth McFarland and John Hopper Contact: John Hopper
[email protected] City Park, the botanical heart of the city, has jurisdiction over Bayou St. John water bottoms from Robert E. Lee Boulevard and the Harding Street Bridge. City Park lagoons depend upon flow from the bayou. Before Hurricane Katrina, the park conducted several volunteer programs including a fishing education program for inner city children. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation Contributors: Anne Rheams, John A. Lopez, Ph.D. and Carlton Durfrechou Contact: Anne Rheams (504) 836-2215
[email protected] The Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation follows a citizen-based comprehensive management plan which focuses on the health of all waters connected to Lake Pontchartrain. The health of these water bodies not only depends upon water quality but also habitat functions for wildlife and recreation and education opportunities for residents and visitors. The Foundation spearheaded Bayou St. John planning efforts represented in this plan, and will continue to conduct water quality monitoring and encourage environmental education. Louisiana State University Agriculture Center/Louisiana SeaGrant Contributors: Mark Schexnayder and Albert P. “Rusty” Gaude III. Contact: Mark Schexnayder (504) 838-1170
[email protected] With the overall mission of offering innovation, providing education and improving lives, the Louisiana State University Agriculture Center assists New Orleans City Park with habitat enhancement, fish stocking programs, water quality monitoring and education activities.