WORD LIST-1 (JUL 01, 2021) H 1. dose (noun) – an amount/quantity of something. 2. stimulus (noun) – impetus, boost, incentive, fillip. 3. stimulus/relief package (noun) – an attempt by the government to boost

economic growth and save their country from a financial crisis by involving tax cuts, lowering interest rates and increasing government

spending. 4. fall short of (phrase) – fail to meet/reach; be deficient/inadequate/insufficient.

5. assert (verb) - state, claim, announce, declare. 6. trickle down (phrasal verb) – pass on benefits to the people at the bottom of the pyramid (by those at top of the system).

7. seek (verb) – ask for, request, call on, appeal for. 8. cope with (verb) – deal with, grapple with, handle/manage. 9. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 10. unveil (verb) – present, announce, disclose/make public. 11. of sorts (phrase) – of a kind; not exactly the same as something. 12. implications (noun) – consequence/outcome, ramification, repercussion. 13. measure (noun) – action, step, procedure. 14. small-ticket (noun as modifier) - inexpensive (thing/items). 15. entrepreneur (noun) – businessman, businesswoman, business person. 16. project (verb) – forecast, predict, estimate, calculate. 17. Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS) (noun) – Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS) was launched to strengthen credit delivery system and to facilitate flow of credit to the MSE sector, create access to finance for unserved, under-served and underprivileged, making availability of finance from conventional lenders to new generation entrepreneurs. 18. add to (phrasal verb) – increase, boost, augment. 19. Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) (noun) - The ECLGS aims to provide 100 percent guaranteed coverage to the banks, non-banking financial institutions (NBFCs) and other lending institutions in order to enable them to extend emergency credit to business entities that have suffered due to the Covid-19 pandemic and WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMare struggling to meet their working capital requirements. 20. tenure (noun) – term, time, period. 21. backing (noun) – support, help, assistance, aid. 22. perhaps (adverb) – maybe, possibly.


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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 01, 2021) H 23. risk-averse (adjective) – relating to someone who does not want to take risks. 24. lender (noun) – financial institution (mostly bank) which lends money.

25. hit (verb) – reach (a particular point/level). 26. viable (adjective) – reasonable, practical, logical, sensible, effective.

27. stir (verb) - spur, drive, propel, stimulate, encourage. 28. unlikely (adjective) – doubtful, implausible, improbable, questionable. 29. traction (noun) – momentum, purchase, popularity.

30. firmer comparative adjective of firm (adjective) - strong, vigorous, forceful, sturdy. 31. grip (noun) – control, hold.

32. vaccine (noun) – a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. 33. liabilities (noun) – financial obligation, debt. 34. outgo (noun) – outlay, expenditure, expenses, spending, outgoings, money spent. 35. exchequer (noun) – treasury, coffers; funds/resources/finances. 36. abysmal (adjective) – very bad, awful, terrible. 37. ramp up (phrasal verb) – increase (in amount or number). 38. paediatric (adjective) – relating to the branch of medicine dealing with the health and medical care of infants & children. 39. hinterland (noun) – remote areas of a country away from the coastal areas/the banks of major rivers. 40. make sense (phrase) - be accepted, hold up, be credible. 41. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a particular disease; immunization. 42. subsidy (noun) – also called subvention; a financial contribution granted to help an industry or business, mostly given by a government, in order to keep the price of service/goods at a low level. 43. along with (phrase) – together with, accompanying. 44. bailout (noun) – an act of providing financial help/support by the outside investors to a bank/institution or organisation which faces serious financial difficulty. 45. bail-in (noun) – a way of helping a bank or other institution in financial difficulty, in which people/creditors of the WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMbank to bear some of the burden by cancelling a part of the debt they are owed. 46. ailing (adjective) – weak, poor; in bad/poor health or condition. 47. padding (noun) – cushioning, stuffing, packing, filling.


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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 01, 2021) H 48. figure out (phrasal verb) – understand, comprehend, work out, find an answer/solution to. 49. vulnerable (adjective) – relating to a weak/neglected person who is in

need of special care/support/protection; ill-protected, easily affected by, prone to, at risk of.

50. inflation (noun) – simply meaning “cost of living”; increase of price level of goods & services and vice versa decrease of currency value. 51. propensity (noun) – tendency, inclination, predisposition, readiness.

52. uncertain (adjective) – unknown, unsure, unpredictable. 53. lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring about, call forth, give rise to, produce.

54. belt-tightening (noun) - reductions in spending. 55. hesitant (adjective) – uncertain, undecided, dubious, sceptical, reluctant. 56. dole (noun) - state benefit, government benefit, social security, public assistance allowance, welfare. 57. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out. 58. the elephant in the room (phrase) – it is mostly used to refer to a serious problem - one which people are aware of, but choose to ignore. They think that if they do not talk about it, the problem will somehow disappear. 59. dampen (verb) – decrease, diminish/lessen, reduce. 60. empower (verb) – enable, equip, give the power to; authorize, entitle, permit, allow. 61. lend (verb) – give, provide, grant, offer, contribute. 62. fiscal (adjective) – financial. 63. fiscal restraint (noun) – the tax hikes or spending cuts intended to reduce (shifts) in aggregate demand. 64. (credit) rating agency (CRA) (noun) – a credit rating agency is an entity which assesses the ability and willingness of the issuer company for timely payment of interest and principal on a debt instrument. 65. acknowledge (verb) – admit, accept, recognize, realize. 66. tipping point (noun) – the point in a condition at which a small development/change causes major & unstoppable changes. 67. inaction (noun) – inactivity, passivity, non-intervention; negligence, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMdisregard, apathy. 68. prospects (noun) – possibilities, potential, expectations, outlook, future.


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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 01, 2021)

1. warm (up) to (phrasal verb) - like, become enthusiastic about, become supportive of, become excited about.

2. misgivings (noun) – doubt, suspicion, distrust, apprehension. 3. inevitable (adjective) – unavoidable, unpreventable, inescapable,

certain, sure to happen. 4. recurrent (adjective) - repeated, regular, cyclical, continual, periodic. 5. logistical (adjective) – relating to organization and planning of

something. 6. squad (noun) - team.

7. source-based (adjective) – relating to the point/place from which something is originating. 8. whisper (noun) – rumour, gossip, report, speculation. 9. top brass (noun) – very important person/people. 10. step in (phrasal verb) – intervene, become involved, get involved. 11. it is no surprise that (phrase) – as expected, as anticipated, as predicted. 12. follow suit (phrase) – emulate, copy, follow, take (another’s actions as an example). 13. proximity (noun) – nearness, presence, closeness (in a distance). 14. cut out (phrasal verb) - remove, exclude, eliminate. 15. adhere to (verb) – abide by, follow, obey, comply with. 16. bio-secure bubble (noun) – it is defined as an environment/location sealed off from the outside world. In tennis/cricket, this would mean players, umpires, and support staff being housed at the venue itself. 17. fraught (adjective) - worried, troubled, stressful, distressed, agitated, distracted, distraught (and with many problems). 18. constantly (adverb) - always, continuously, regularly. 19. mutating (adjective) – evolving, changing, transforming, undergo (genetic change). 20. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 21. surge (noun) – a sudden rise or increase. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM22. second wind (noun) - new energy, new strength. 23. sought (past tense of) seek (verb) – try to obtain, attempt to find something.


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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 01, 2021)

24. pause (verb) – stop, cease, halt. 25. lend weight to (phrase) - to make something seem more

credible/probable; vouch for, certify, support, validate. 26. fixture (noun) – match, game, competition.

27. at home (phrase) – in one’s own country. 28. ambivalence (noun) - a state of having mixed feelings about someone or something; equivocation, uncertainty, unsureness, doubt,

indecision, irresolution, irresoluteness, hesitation. 29. shed (verb) – discard, get rid of, do away with, dispose of.

30. vintage (noun) – year; period, time, era, epoch. 31. recall (Verb) - remember, recollect, call to mind, think of, reminisce about. 32. joust (noun) - tournament, contest, combat. 33. light up (phrasal verb) - brighten, shine. 34. legendary (adjective) - famous, celebrated, outstanding, popular, renowned. 35. exploit (noun) – achievement, accomplishment, attainment, triumph. 36. stay away (phrasal verb) - avoid, avert, shun, skip. 37. bookie (noun) - bookmaker, a person takes illegal bets, particularly on sporting events. 38. off-field (adjective) - happening away from the (cricket) ground/pitch. 39. influence (noun) - effect, impact. 40. surface (verb) – emerge, appear, come to light. 41. terrorism-scarred (adjective) - damaged or spoiled by terrorism. 42. rival (noun) – competitor. 43. outpost (noun) - remote branch, remote part/territory. 44. turf (noun) – track, pitch; (cricket) playground. 45. step forward (phrasal verb) - give support, provide help, offer assistance. 46. inaugural (adjective) – first, initial, introductory. 47. drought (noun) – dry spell, dry period; lack, unavailability, deficiency of something. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM48. course correction (noun) – modifying, improving, rectifying (the plan of action).


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1. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) (noun) – also known as

the Communist Party of China (CPC); it is the founding and ruling political party of modern China, officially known as the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

2. in large measure (phrase) - to a great extent. 3. sum up (phrasal verb) - summarize, review, evaluate, assess, appraise. 4. course (noun) - plan of action, method of working, approach, procedure,

strategy. 5. encapsulate (verb) – express succinctly, summarize, sum up, give a summary of.

6. stand up (phrasal verb) - rise, get up. 7. course (noun) - route, way, track, direction, path. 8. inevitably (adverb) – unavoidably, certainly, definitely. 9. steer (verb) – guide, conduct, direct/lead. 10. ride out (phrasal verb) - resist, hold out against, combat, grapple with, oppose. 11. succession (noun) – sequence, series.

12. resilient (adjective) – strong, sturdy, well built, buoyant, quick to recover, flexible, durable. 13. cynosure (noun) – focal point, central point, centre of attention. 14. longevity (noun) – continuance, continuity, continuation, lasting power, long life, durability. 15. marker (noun) - sign; distinctive feature. 16. longue duree (noun) - French, literally means the 'long term' or ‘long duration’ (in historical discourse/events that occur nearly imperceptibly over a long period of time, as opposed to current or recent, perceptible events). 17. over the course of (phrase) - during. 18. colonial (adjective) – relating to the period of the (British/French) colonies. 19. carve up (phrasal verb) - divide, cut (something into parts). 20. carved up like a melon (phrase) - But less than one hundred years ago, China came to the brink of being “carved up like a melon” by foreign powers. Over the course of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Russia and the United States claimed WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMcontrol over Chinese trade and territory, known as “spheres of influence.” One of the world’s largest civilizations was forced to sign unequal treaties.

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21. humiliation (noun) - shame, indignity, ignominy, loss of pride, loss of

face. 22. heap (verb) - accumulate, collect; confer on, give, grant. 23. bring about (phrasal verb) – cause, create, give rise to, produce.

24. comity (noun) – an association of nations with harmony, understanding, cooperation. 25. fuse (verb) - combine, put together, blend, merge, mingle.

26. collective (adjective) – combined, united/joint, cooperative (by all people as a group). 27. rejuvenation (noun) – restoration, revitalization, revival.

28. identity (noun) – individuality, character, originality. 29. ideology (noun) – a system of belief, set of principles. 30. People’s Liberation Army (PLA) (noun) – People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is the armed forces of the country of China and the Communist Party of China (CPC). It is one of the largest military forces in the world. 31. sinews (noun) – the parts of an organization that give strength to it.

32. simmer (verb) - burn, fume, smoulder, be boiling over; rage, storm. 33. explosive (adjective) – fiery, stormy, fierce, impassioned, passionate, intense. 34. demolish (verb) – destroy, bulldoze, knock down, pull down. 35. liberation (noun) – freedom, independence. 36. comprehensive (adjective) – all-inclusive, broad-based; all-embracing. 37. unparalleled (adjective) – exceptional, unique, rare, unequalled. 38. underpin (verb) - support, strengthen, reinforce, fortify. 39. nationalist (noun/adjective) – relating to nationalism. 40. humiliate (verb) – embarrass, humble, make ashamed, degrade, disgrace, discomfit. 41. stand up to (phrase) - defy, confront, challenge, oppose openly; withstand, endure, survive, come through. 42. impose (verb) – force, thrust, inflict, press, urge; put a restriction on. 43. perceived (adjective) – understandable, recognisable, noticeable, distinguishable, observable. 44. sovereignty (noun) – Sovereignty means the independent authority of the State, not being subject to the control of any other State or external WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMpower; independent authority/control, self-government, self-rule. 45. for instance (phrase) – as an example. 46. categorical (adjective) - unequivocal, absolute, explicit, definite, certain.

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47. dilution (noun) – reduction in value/power/force of something.

48. pushback (noun) – resistance, opposition, force back, repulse drive. 49. case in point (phrase) – example, instance, typical case, sample. 50. The ‘Wolf Warrior’ diplomacy (noun) – dubbed “wolf-warrior

diplomacy,” this new approach seems popular inside China and reinforces a presumed transition of Chinese diplomacy from conservative, passive, and low-key to assertive, proactive, and high-

profile. It describes offensives by Chinese diplomat to defend China’s national interests, often in confrontational ways. 51. diplomacy (noun) – international politics, foreign affairs, foreign

policy; negotiations, discussions, talks, dialogue (related to international politics). 52. backdrop (noun) – situation, scenario, context. 53. elite (noun) – high society people; the group of most powerful people in a society; best. 54. undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage. 55. in the eyes of (phrase) - in the view of; in the opinion of.

56. come out (phrasal verb) - become known, emerge, transpire. 57. Bolshevik revolution (noun) – leftist, socialist, anti-capitalist. 58. marxism (noun) – a radical, revolutionary political philosophy by Karl Marx. 59. sinicize (verb) - make something Chinese. 60. populist (adjective) – relating to the political approach which claims that it is representing the common/ordinary people. 61. (noun) - the process of making something Chinese. 62. ground (verb) - educate, instruct, prepare. 63. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests). 64. industrialisation (noun) – the extensive development of industries in a region, country, culture, etc. 65. capitalist (noun) – a person with the idea of personal profit and success. 66. morph (verb) – change, transform, alter. 67. socialism (noun) – it’s a state-controlled economy in which the state controls the means of production: factories, offices, resources, and firms. Since the government controls almost all of society’s functions, it can WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMmake better use of resources, labours, and lands. 68. characteristic (noun) – attribute, feature, quality, aspect. 69. in the same vein (phrase) - in the same style; of similar kind.

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70. Tiananmen (Square Incident/Protest) (noun) – the famous landmark

gathering and protest by a large number of Chinese youth, that started on April 15, 1989 and was forcibly suppressed on June 4, 1989 at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China. The popular national movement

inspired by the Beijing protests is sometimes called the ’89 Democracy Movement. In this massive pro-democracy protest, many (in hundreds) were killed in a brutal clampdown by the communist authorities. It is

commonly known as the June Fourth Incident. 71. centralisation (noun) – the process of having functions, powers, people or things only in a central location or authority.

72. on the heels of (phrase) – very soon after something, following closely after something. 73. decentralisation (noun) – the process of distributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority. 74. simmering (adjective) - burning, fuming, raging, smouldering. 75. dissatisfaction (noun) - discontent, disaffection, disquiet, unhappiness,

frustration, vexation, annoyance, irritation. 76. stem from (phrasal verb) – originate from, arise/come from, emanate from. 77. burst out (phrasal verb) – to flow out of something suddenly with great force; break out, erupt. 78. foster (verb) – encourage, promote, develop. 79. solidarity (noun) – unity, harmony, cooperation. 80. crush (verb) – shatter, damage, devastate, demolish, destroy. 81. chaos (noun) – disorder, disarray, turmoil, disorganization, disruption. 82. channelise (verb) – conduct, direct, guide. 83. plank (noun) – a fundamental point. 84. clamp down on (phrasal verb) – prevent, stop, put an end to; keep under control. 85. centralise (verb) – concentrate, bring under one roof, consolidate, control (under one authority). 86. tendency (noun) – inclination, disposition, penchant. 87. upper hand (noun) – a dominating position. 88. imperative (adjective) – vitally important, necessary, essential, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMcrucial/critical. 89. unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before. 90. juxtapose (verb) – place side by side; compare, place against another.

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91. world/international/global order (noun) – the arrangement of power and

authority that provides the system for the conduct of diplomacy and world politics in relation to the entire world. 92. disintegration (noun) – breakdown, fragmentation, collapse.

93. socialist (adjective) – adhering to the principles of socialism; leftist. 94. bloc (noun) – alliance, association, union. 95. stalinist (adjective) – relating to the means of governing and related

policies implemented by Soviet statesman Joseph Stalin. 96. comrade (noun) – associate, partner, colleague, fellow, friend; a fellow socialist/communist.

97. underscore (verb) – underline, emphasize, highlight. 98. necessity (noun) – (essential) requirement, prerequisite, indispensable thing. 99. conviction (noun) – belief, opinion, view, thought, idea. 100. slew of (noun) – a large number of, lot, range. 101. spill out (phrasal verb) - flow, come out. 102. dispense with (phrasal verb) – forgo, give up, relinquish, renounce.

103. low profile (noun) – avoiding of much attention or publicity. 104. don (verb) – put on, get dressed in, get into, slip into, change into. 105. mantle (noun) – (figuratively) anything that conceals something else; a cloak; (generally) a type of loose garment. 106. great power (noun) – a country that has a great international influence, resources, and military strength. 107. aplomb (noun) - self-confidence, self-assurance, calmness, composure, poise, self-possession (particularly in a difficult situation). 108. aftermath (noun) – consequences, after-effects, repercussions. 109. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 110. reflect (verb) – think about, give thought to, consider, contemplate. 111. assertiveness (noun) – confidence, positiveness, firmness, self- possession. 112. come at a cost/price (phrase) - if something comes at a cost/price, it happens with the sacrifice/loss/expense of something else. 113.WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM welfare (noun) – a government program that provides (financial) assistance to individuals and families in need; social security, public assistance.

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114. vulnerable (adjective) – relating to a weak/neglected person who is in

need of special care/support/protection; ill-protected, easily affected by, prone to, at risk of. 115. imbalance (noun) – disparity, variation, disproportion, unevenness,

lopsidedness. 116. point out (phrasal verb) – identify, mention, indicate, draw attention to. 117. refute (verb) – deny, reject, disprove.

118. prognostication (noun) – prediction, forecast, projection. 119. demise (noun) – end, break-up, disintegration, fall. 120. among other things (phrase) – used to indicate that there are several

more things like the one mentioned, but that you do not intend to mention them all. 121. nation state (noun) – a state (country) in which a great majority shares the same culture and is conscious of it. The nation-state is an ideal in which cultural boundaries match up with political boundaries. An independent state consists of people from one particular national group. 122. authoritarian (adjective) – oppressive, draconian, dictatorial, totalitarian.

123. foreground (verb) – highlight, bring/draw attention to. 124. civilisational (adjective) – relating to civilisation (culture, customs, way of life). 125. helm (noun) – in charge, in command, in authority, position. 126. tryst (noun) – (romantic) meeting, session, engagement, rendezvous. 127. Tryst with Destiny (phrase) – Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of , delivered his “Tryst with Destiny” speech on the eve of independence (15th, Aug 1947, towards midnight on 14th, Aug 1947). It is considered to be one of the greatest speeches of the 20th century. This phrase means that “independence/freedom of India destined to happen”. Literally ‘tryst with destiny’ means “to make a secret deal with something that is in destined for us”. 128. by no means (phrase) – not at all, in no way, certainly not, absolutely WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMnot, definitely not. Note: 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited

H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 02, 2021)

1. relief (noun) - (financial) help, aid, assistance, succour (in times of hardship).

2. recompense (noun) - compensation, payment, repayment, settlement (for loss/damage). 3. ex gratia (adjective) – Latin, literally ‘from favour’. An ex gratia

payment is one that is given as a favour or gift instead of legal obligation/liability. 4. the pandemic-hit (noun) - the people who are affected by the pandemic.

5. pandemic-hit (adjective) – affected by the pandemic. 6. the judiciary (noun) – a branch of government in which judicial power is vested. 7. assert (verb) – state, announce, declare. 8. prod (verb) - spur, stimulate, motivate, encourage, persuade, urge. 9. statutory duty (noun) – legal obligation, commitment, responsibility, task. 10. kin (noun) – relatives, relations, family members. 11. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 12. on the heels of (phrase) - close behind, soon after, right after, following closely. 13. slew of (noun) – a large number of, lot, range. 14. unorganised sector/workforce (noun) – unorganized sector means an enterprise owned by individuals or self-employed workers and engaged in the production or sale of goods or providing service of any kind whatsoever, and where the enterprise employs workers, the number of such workers is less than ten. 15. army of (noun) - a large number of (people). 16. inter- (prefix) – between. 17. go hungry (phrase) - not have enough food to eat & suffer. 18. Disaster Management Act (noun) – the Disaster Management Act, 2005 The stated object and purpose of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 is to manage disasters (e.g. cyclone, earthquake & etc.,), including preparation of mitigation strategies, capacity-building and more. To address the current epidemic outbreak, the Central government has WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMincluded the Covid-19 outbreak as “Notified Disaster” as a “critical medical condition or pandemic situation”. 19. notified (adjective) - announced, declared, published.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 02, 2021)

20. untenable (adjective) – unjustified, unacceptable; faulty/flawed; illogical/irrational.

21. stand (noun) – stance, viewpoint, opinion, standpoint, position. 22. lack (verb) – be without, be lacking, be deprived of, be short of. 23. compensate (verb) – repay, reimburse (for loss/damage).

24. admit (verb) – acknowledge, reveal, make known, make public. 25. adequacy (noun) - capability, competence, competency, ability. 26. rather (adverb) – somewhat, relatively, to some degree/extent.

27. prioritise (verb) – make a point of, highlight, call attention to (something as very important). 28. in response to (phrase) - with regards to, regarding, concerning. 29. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably. 30. cyclone (noun) - hurricane, typhoon, tropical storm; depression. 31. hit (verb) – be affected/impacted by. 32. calamity (noun) – disaster, catastrophe, crisis, tragedy. 33. prolonged (adjective) – lengthy, extended, protracted, unending, unrelenting. 34. phenomenon (noun) – situation, occurrence, event, happening. 35. evade (verb) – avoid, dodge, elude, escape. 36. on account of (phrase) – because of, owing to, due to, by virtue of. 37. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) (noun) – The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), headed by the Prime Minister of India, is the apex body for Disaster Management in India. Setting up of NDMA and the creation of an enabling environment for institutional mechanisms at the State and District levels is mandated by the Disaster Management Act, 2005. 38. need (noun) - necessity, obligation, requirement. 39. comprehensive (adjective) – all-inclusive, broad-based; all-embracing, complete. 40. resulting (adjective) - resultant, ensuing, consequent. 41. humanitarian crisis (noun) – it is also called as humanitarian disaster; a situation with high levels of human suffering in which basic human welfare is in danger on a large scale. 42. impetus (noun) - momentum, motive force, driving force, motivation, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMencouragement; stimulus, boost. 43. dispose of (phrase) – throw away, throw out, get rid of, do away with, discard, jettison, abandon.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 02, 2021)

44. suo motu (phrase) – Latin term means “on its own motion”. It is used where a government agency acts on its own knowledge.

45. proceedings (noun) – legal action. 46. misery (noun) – pain, grief, anguish, agony, distress, torment, suffering. 47. migrant (noun as modifier) – a person who moves from one region to

another – either within a country or across national borders in order to find work or better living conditions. 48. portal (noun) - website.

49. National Database for Unorganised Workers (NDUW) (noun) - It is a comprehensive Aadhaar seeded centralized database for over 40 crore unorganised workers. This portal will be utilized to deliver various social security and welfare schemes being implemented by the different Ministries/ Departments of the Central and State Governments. 50. as far back as (phrase) - it means that an event goes as far back in time as some other event, which is used as a reference point. 51. fallout (noun) – adverse results/consequence; after-effects, repercussions. 52. pull up (phrasal verb) - reprimand, rebuke, scold, castigate, reprove, reproach, censure. 53. apathy (noun) – disregard, lack of interest, unconcern. 54. lackadaisical (adjective) – careless, casual, uncaring, uninterested, lazy. 55. open up (phrasal verb) – make/become accessible; make/become available. 56. at last (phrase) - finally, in the end, eventually. 57. reap (verb) – receive, obtain, get, acquire. 58. welfare (noun) – a government program that provides (financial) assistance to individuals and families in need; social security, public assistance. 59. intervention (noun) – the process of intervening in something; involvement, interference. 60. signify (verb) - mark, signal, indicate. 61. rejuvenation (noun) – restoration, revitalization, resurgence, revival. 62. assertion (noun) – (strong & forceful) declaration, statement, announcement, opinion, affirmation. 63. reticent (adjective) – reserved, introverted, restrained, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMuncommunicative/close-lipped. 64. until Recently (phrase) – up to an unspecified point in the past not long before now.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 02, 2021) H 1. immerse (verb) – involve, occupy, engage (deeply in a particular

activity). 2. wrangle (noun) – argument, debate, fight, disagreement, difference of

opinion. 3. assumption (noun) – managing, handling, taking on power/responsibility.

4. nominee (noun) – candidate. 5. swear in (phrasal verb) – admit into office, inaugurate, introduce (into

office). 6. stand out (phrasal verb) – be noticeable, be obvious, be conspicuous, be striking.

7. coalition (noun) – alliance, union, partnership. 8. inordinate (adjective) - excessive, unreasonable, unjustifiable, needless, unnecessary. 9. deadly (adjective) – fatal, lethal, life-threatening. 10. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 11. add to (phrasal verb) – increase, augment, intensify. 12. thrash out (phrasal verb) – resolve, settle, sort out, deal with, handle. 13. difference (noun) – disagreement, difference of opinion, misunderstanding, dispute, argument. 14. portfolio (noun) – the area of responsibility (department) assigned to a Minister. 15. obvious (adjective) - clear, evident, apparent, distinct. 16. not-so-enthusiastic (adjective) - not-so-eager, not-so-keen, not-so- vigorous, vehement. 17. nominated (adjective) – appointed. 18. nominated legislator (noun) - The Government of Union Territories Act, 1963 specifies that the Puducherry legislature will have 30 elected MLAs, and a maximum of three MLAs nominated by the central government. The law also specifies that the nominated persons should not be government employees. 19. taste (verb) - experience. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM20. deserve (verb) – be worthy of, be entitled to, be qualified for, justify. 21. credit (noun) – praise, commendation, acclaim, approval, acknowledgement, recognition.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 02, 2021) H 22. balance (noun) – fairness, justice, impartiality, egalitarianism.

23. possibility (noun) – chance, likelihood, probability. 24. implementation (noun) - execution, application, carrying out.

25. manifesto (noun) – a publication issued by a political party before a General Election. It contains the set of policies that the party stands for and would wish to implement if elected to govern; (policy)

statement, declaration, pronouncement. 26. emphasis (noun) – importance, significance; priority, insistence.

27. statehood (noun) – the condition of being an independent state. 28. territorial (adjective) – local; relating to a particular territory (area/region).

29. in the pink (phrase) - in very good condition/health; very well. 30. as far as – is concerned (phrase) – with regard to a particular person or situation. 31. debt (noun) – liability, financial obligation, borrowed capital. 32. account for (phrasal verb) – constitute, comprise, form, represent. 33. circumstances (noun) – situation, condition, context. 34. goodies (noun) - something attractive. 35. translate (verb) – change, convert, alter, transform. 36. measure (noun) – action, step, procedure. 37. welfare (noun) – a government program that provides (financial) assistance to individuals and families in need; social security, public assistance. 38. social security (noun) – welfare; public/government assistance; a government program that provides (financial) assistance to individuals and families in need. 39. beneficiary (noun) – recipient, receiver. 40. empathetic (adjective) – compassionate/ humane, sympathetic, understanding. 41. waive (verb) – relieve a borrower of the obligation/liability to repay a loan. 42. legacy (noun) – something received from a predecessor or from the WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMpast. 43. bickering (noun) – squabble, argument; quarrel.


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1. envision (verb) - visualize, imagine, envisage. 2. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of

people across a wide area. 3. manifesto (noun) – a publication issued by a political party before a

General Election. It contains the set of policies that the party stands for and would wish to implement if elected to govern; (policy) statement, declaration, pronouncement.

4. squalor (noun) – poverty, dirtiness, meanness. 5. no longer (phrase) – not anymore. 6. reflection (noun) – indication, display, demonstration. 7. bottleneck (noun) – a condition which appears as not solvable and so delays the process; setback, problem, issue, snag, difficulty. 8. racy (adjective) - lively, spirited, smart, clever; stimulating, exciting. 9. lay the foundation (phrase) – (figuratively) to create basic ideas from which something bigger evolves. (literally) to create basic

(underground) structures from which something bigger develops. 10. The (Global) North (noun) – the economically developed countries (of Europe, North America, Australia, amongst others). 11. The (Global) South (noun) – the poor developing countries (of Asia, Africa, South America, amongst others). 12. technocentric (adjective) - relating to a value system centered on technology and its ability to control and protect the environment. 13. ubiquitous (adjective) - widespread, common, universal. 14. reasoning (noun) – reason, rationale, argument, premise. 15. optimally (adverb) – in the most favourable way. 16. timely (adjective) – prompt, appropriate, opportune, well timed, at the right time. 17. infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure or framework that a country or organization needs in order to function properly. For a whole nation, it includes all the physical systems such as buildings, roads & railways networks, utilities, etc. 18. deficit (noun) – shortfall, deficiency, shortage, lack. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM19. sewerage (noun) – sewage; waste water & foul matter. 20. climate change (noun) – a long-term change in the Earth’s climate, or of a region on Earth.

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21. drought (noun) – dry spell, dry period; lack, unavailability, deficiency of something. 22. fashion (verb) – create, forge, form, frame.

23. amalgam (noun) – combination, union, merger. 24. civic (adjective) – municipal, metropolitan; government, public.

25. showpiece (noun) – masterpiece, classic. 26. influence (verb) - determine, guide, control, govern, regulate. 27. critique (noun) – analysis, evaluation, assessment, appraisal, review.

28. paralysing (adjective) – immobilizing, crippling, disabling. 29. vibrant (adjective) – high-spirited, energetic, lively. 30. desperately (adverb) – seriously, severely, urgently, pressingly, intensely. 31. scarce (adjective) – insufficient, deficient, inadequate. 32. flashy (adjective) - showy, conspicuous, extravagant, expensive. 33. shutter (verb) – close, shut down (a business). 34. unsurprisingly (adverb) – as expected.

35. Integrated Command and Control Centres (ICCCs) (noun) - A command and control centre is considered to be the core for managing disasters, respond to inconsistent conditions and various operations in a city. It is even referred to as ‘situation room.’ It is the place where the overall operations of an organization like monitoring, controlling and commanding are carried out. 36. war room (approach) (noun) – an approach in which all the vital information gathered in one place and brainstormed it with all the key people involved in it to solve a difficult problem. 37. dissemination (noun) – spreading, circulation, distribution. 38. predictive analytics (noun) - a branch of advanced analytics that makes predictions about future outcomes using historical data combined with statistical modeling, data mining techniques and machine learning. Companies employ predictive analytics to find patterns in this data to identify risks and opportunities. 39. incongruous (adjective) – contradictory, irreconcilable, clashing/conflicting. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM40. implementation (noun) – execution, application, carrying out. 41. metric (noun) – standard, criterion, benchmark.

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42. apparently (adverb) – seemingly, evidently, it appears that; supposedly. 43. envisage (verb) – foresee, predict, anticipate, expect,

envision, imagine, contemplate, visualize. 44. scar (verb) - damage, spoil, mar.

45. bound (adjective) - ready or very likely to have something. 46. coincidence (noun) – co-occurrence, coexistence. 47. convergence (noun) – junction, intersection, interchange, meeting

point, confluence. 48. Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) (noun) – The Government of India has launched it in June 2015 with the mission to provide basic services (e.g. water supply, sewerage, urban transport) to households and build amenities in cities which will improve the quality of life for all, especially the poor and the disadvantaged. 49. the PMAY (Urban) (PMAY-U) (noun) - Pradhan Mantri Awas

Yojana (Urban) Mission launched on 25th June 2015 which intends to provide housing for all in urban areas by year 2022. 50. mobility (noun) – transportability. 51. carbon emission (noun) – the release of carbon into the atmosphere. 52. in tune with (phrase) – in agreement, in accord, in keeping, in accordance. 53. Planning Commission (noun) – an institution in the Government of India established in 1950, which formulated India’s Five-Year Plans, among other functions to oversee the country’s economic and social development. NITI Aayog formed in 2015, replaced “The Planning Commission”. 54. decade (noun) – a period of ten years. 55. evolve (verb) – alter, change, transform gradually; develop, progress, advance gradually. 56. averse (adjective) - opposed to, against, hostile to. 57. gimmick (noun) – publicity device, scheme, ploy/trick. 58. speak of (phrasal verb) – mention, talk about, discuss, refer to. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM59. universal (adjective) – relating to all people, applicable to all; comprehensive, all-inclusive, all-round, across the board.

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60. pedestrianisation (noun) – it can be defined as to restrict vehicle access to a street or area for exclusive use of pedestrians. 61. marker (noun) – sign; distinctive feature.

62. accommodate (verb) – adjust, adapt, attune, get accustomed, come to accept.

63. green (adjective) – concerned with the protection of the environment; environmentally friendly, environmentally sound, energy-efficient. 64. imply (verb) – suggest, hint, intimate.

65. freeze (noun) – fix, suspension, hold. 66. (land) diversion (noun) – it means using land assessed to one purpose for any other purpose. 67. wetland (noun) – an area of land that is saturated with water; areas where water covers the soil or is present either at or near the surface of the soil all year or for varying periods of time during the year, including during the growing season. 68. commons (noun) - land or resources belonging to the whole of a

community. 69. harvest (verb) - acquire, obtain, get, gather. 70. apportion (verb) – earmark, designate, set apart, set aside. 71. exemplify (verb) – clarify, represent, illustrate (as an example). 72. commuter (noun) – (daily) traveller, passenger. 73. (green) commuter (noun) – cyclist, pedestrian (walker). 74. pan- (combining form) – all inclusive of, all, of everything. 75. resolute (adjective) – determined, purposeful, resolved, single- minded, strong-minded. 76. travel bubble (noun) - travel corridor (between the two countries who have agreed to open their borders for each other). 77. harmonious (adjective) – friendly, amicable, cordial, agreeable, peaceful, cooperative, good-natured. 78. street vending (noun) - an act of vending/selling of articles… of everyday use or offering services to the general public, in…any public place or private area, from a temporary built up structure or by moving from place to place. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM79. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out. 80. retrofit (verb) – to add something to the one already done/constructed/manufactured.

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81. greenfield (adjective) – new facility; relating to the new (production) facility that has never been used for any development (whereas brownfield means existing facility).

82. detract from (verb) - diminish, reduce, lessen, belittle. 83. modernisation (noun) – improvement, refurbishment, remodeling,

revamping. 84. deployment (noun) – the bringing of resources into effective action. 85. gauge (verb) - measure, calculate, determine.

86. renewable energy (noun) – clean energy, green energy; energy generated from natural resources (such as water, wind & solar energy). 87. underpass (noun) – underground passage. 88. far fewer (phrase) – much less (with a large difference). 89. dashboard (noun) – a pictorial summary/overview. 90. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a particular disease; immunization.

91. topical (adjective) – current, up to date, up to the minute, recent. 92. round off (phrasal verb) - smooth off; complete something in a satisfying method. 93. voice (noun) – expression; opinion, view. 94. cut out (phrasal verb) – remove, exclude, eliminate. 95. short shrift (noun) – quick dismissal. 96. Ease of Living Index (EoLI) (noun) - The Ease of Living Index (EoLI) is an assessment tool that evaluates the quality of life and the impact of various initiatives for urban development. 97. perception (noun) – understanding, discernment, recognition/realization; interpretation. 98. bias (verb) - distort, skew, twist; influence, sway. 99. broad-based (adjective) – wide-ranging, comprehensive, all-inclusive, general, 100. tellingly (adverb) – significantly. 101. paradigm (noun) – model, pattern, case in point. 102. steer (verb) – guide, conduct, direct/lead. 103.WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM technological solutionism (noun) - the belief that every problem has a solution based in technology.

Note: 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 03, 2021)

1. unjust (adjective) - biased, unfair, one-sided, influenced.

2. green (noun) - green pass; a green light. 3. vaccine passport (noun) - it is documentation proving that you have

been vaccinated against Covid-19 to access certain facilities and events. It could be in the form of a smartphone app or a written certificate.

4. discrimination (noun) – prejudice, intolerance, inequity, unfairness (against an individual or group of individuals by society and

its institutions (basically in the procedures, policies or objectives) as a whole. 5. enforce (verb) – force, compel, demand, insist on. 6. Green Pass (noun) - The EU COVID Digital Green Pass is the popular form of the "EU Digital COVID Certificate" (EUDCC) which is a digital (or paper) certificate that will enable a person to travel within and to the EU region covering 27 member-states. The certificate will act as proof of the fact that the person concerned has been vaccinated or has recovered from COVID-19 or has a negative certificate on a COVID-19 test done 24 hours prior to travelling. 7. vaccine (noun) – a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. 8. set off (phrasal verb) – cause, bring about, begin/start, prompt, trigger. 9. storm (noun) – outburst, outbreak, eruption, outpouring, upsurge. 10. quarter (noun) – a particular area/place or a group of people. 11. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) (noun) – a decentralised agency of the European Union (EU) responsible for the scientific evaluation, supervision, and safety monitoring of medicines in the EU. 12. conditional marketing authorisation (CMA) (noun) - The approval of a medicine that addresses unmet medical needs of patients on the basis of less comprehensive data than normally required. The available data must indicate that the medicine’s benefits outweigh its WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMrisks and the applicant should be in a position to provide the comprehensive clinical data in the future.


1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 03, 2021)

13. authorisation (noun) – approval, sanction, permission, consent,

clearance. 14. comirnaty (noun) - mRNA-based vaccine candidate (BNT162b2) produced by Pfizer and BioNTech.

15. Vaccine Janssen (noun) – Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine or Ad26.COV2.S vaccine candidate is developed by Johnson & Johnson

(Janssen Biotech, Inc). 16. Spikevax (noun) – Spikevax or mRNA-1273 is an mRNA vaccine candidate which was co-developed by Moderna and investigators

from NIAID’s Vaccine Research Center. 17. Vaxzevria (noun) – Vaxzevria or (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) or (AZD1222) is a COVID-19 vaccine candidate developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca, UK Ltd. 18. Oxford vaccine/Covishield (noun) - (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) or (AZD1222) is named Covishield in India. Serum Institute of India (SII), a biotechnology company has partnered with global pharma giant AstraZeneca and Oxford University for this vaccine candidate ‘Covidshield’. 19. make clear (phrase) – explain, clarify, elucidate. 20. Covaxin (noun) – India’s first indigenous COVID-19 vaccine candidate (COVAXIN) developed by a Hyderabad-based company (Bharat Biotech) in collaboration with the ICMR (The Indian Council of Medical Research). 21. EU Digital COVID Certificate (EUDCC) (noun) - The EU COVID Digital Green Pass. 22. take up (phrasal verb) - pursue a matter. 23. The (Global) South (noun) – the poor developing countries (of Asia, Africa, South America, amongst others). 24. The (Global) North (noun) – the economically developed countries (of Europe, North America, Australia, amongst others). 25. at a disadvantage (phrase) – in an unfavourable situation/position. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM26. unspoken (adjective) – unstated, unexpressed, unmentioned.


1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 03, 2021)

27. racism (noun) – the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior

to another. 28. Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (noun) - The Africa CDC is a public health agency of the African Union.

Africa CDC strengthens the capacity and capability of Africa’s public health institutions as well as partnerships to detect and respond

quickly and effectively to disease threats and outbreaks, based on data-driven interventions and programmes. 29. backbone (noun) – mainstay, cornerstone, foundation, chief support.

30. COVAX (noun) – COVAX is co-led by Gavi, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), and WHO. Its aim is to accelerate the development and manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines, and to guarantee fair and equitable access for every country in the world. 31. alliance (noun) – association, union, partnership. 32. administer (verb) – dispense, provide, give, apply (a drug/vaccine). 33. binding (adjective) – irrevocable, unalterable, permanent, conclusive; compulsory, obligatory, mandatory. 34. vocal (adjective) – vociferous, outspoken, forthright; relating to someone who expresses his/her views frankly. 35. subtle (adjective) – indirect, sensitive. 36. impose (verb) – force, thrust, inflict, press, urge; put a restriction on. 37. reciprocal (adjective) - corresponding, correlative; given in return, returned. 38. measure (noun) – action, step, procedure. 39. accommodate (verb) – adjust, adapt, attune, get accustomed, come to terms with, come to accept. 40. hurdle (noun) – obstacle, difficulty, problem, barrier, impediment, obstruction, hindrance.


1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 03, 2021)

41. delta variant/B.1.617.2 (noun) – a variant of the coronavirus, first

identified in India, is renamed as the ‘Delta variant’ by the World Health Organization (WHO) and this variant is reclassified as Variant of Concern (VOC). The B.1.617.1 strain has been reclassified to a

Variant of Interest (VOI) and labelled variant “Kappa”. 42. dose (noun) – an amount/quantity of something.

43. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt. 44. tighten (verb) – make stricter, make more rigorous, make more stringent, stiffen, toughen.

45. quarantine (noun) – a process of separating out people, animals and things (such as plants) from others for a period of time in order to control/restrict the spread of a contagious disease; Quarantine is imposed to separate and restrict the movement of persons, who may have been exposed to infectious disease, but not yet known to be ill. 46. in order to (phrase) – with the purpose/aim of. 47. curtail (verb) – decrease, lessen, reduce, restrict, limit. 48. variant (noun) – different or form or version or mutant of something (virus). 49. keep up (phrasal verb) – continue, keep on with, go on with, carry on with, persist with. 50. discriminatory (adjective) – biased, unfair/unjust, inequitable, one- sided, partisan. 51. imperative (noun) – necessary condition, precondition, essential requirement. 52. vaccinate (verb) – inoculate, administer, introduce (with a vaccine to provide immunity against a disease). 53. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 54. inoculation (noun) – vaccination, injection, immunization; jab, shot.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 03, 2021) H

1. digital divide (noun) – the gap between the people who access computer/the internet and those who don’t access them. 2. reflect (verb) – indicate, show, reveal, exhibit, disclose, manifest.

3. absence (noun) – lack, unavailability, deficiency. 4. starkly (adverb) – clearly, distinctly, strikingly. 5. Unified District Information System for Education Plus (UDISE+)

(noun) - Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) initiated in 2012-13 integrating DISE for elementary and secondary education is one of the largest Management Information Systems on

School Education covering more than 1.5 million schools, more then 9.6 million teachers and more then 264 million children. UDISE+ is an updated and improved version of UDISE. The entire system is now online and has been collecting data in real-time since 2018-19. 6. pre-pandemic (noun) – before the pandemic. 7. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 8. infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure for something (to function properly). 9. advent (noun) – arrival, appearance, emergence, occurrence. 10. hybrid learning (noun) – an educational model where some students attend class in-person, while others join the class virtually from home. 11. coronavirus (CoV) (noun) – a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death. 12. adjunct (noun) – companion, accessory, supplement, complement. 13. engaging (adjective) - attractive, pleasing, pleasant, agreeable, likeable, captivating. 14. rely on (phrasal verb) – depend on; resort to, have recourse to. 15. jeopardy (noun) – danger, peril, risk. 16. possess (verb) - own, have. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM17. in the dark (phrase) – unaware of, ignorant of, uninformed about. 18. fare (verb) - progress, get on, manage. 19. metric (noun) – standard, criterion, benchmark. 20. deficit (noun) – shortfall, deficiency, shortage.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 03, 2021) H

21. deep (adjective) - profound, intense, extreme. 22. asymmetry (noun) – lack of equality, non-uniformity, unevenness, lack of symmetry.

23. acknowledge (verb) – admit, accept, recognize, realize. 24. deprivation (noun) – poverty, impoverishment, privation, hardship, destitution, distress.

25. inability (noun) – incapability, incapacity, helplessness. 26. in-person (adjective) – relating to an event/class where people/student physically present together.

27. scholar (noun) – academic, intellectual, expert/pundit, learned person. 28. multi-dimensional (adjective) – involving several dimensions (aspects/features). 29. inculcate (verb) – introduce, instil, infuse, induce. 30. virtually (adverb) – in a way of performing a task with the use of computer, especially over a network. 31. abate (verb) – decline, reduce, decrease. 32. multi-layered (adjective) - having many layers. 33. any longer (phrase) - from now on. 34. explore (verb) – consider, check out, look into. 35. National Broadband Mission (NBM) (noun) - This Mission is launched by The Minister for Communications, Law & Justice and Electronics and Information Technology, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad on 17 Dec, 2019. The vision of the NBM is to fast track growth of digital communications infrastructure, bridge the digital divide, facilitate digital empowerment and inclusion and provide affordable and universal access of broadband for all. Broadband access to all villages by 2022 is one of the objectives of the Mission. 36. deprive of (verb) – dispossess, strip of, deny, prevent from having. 37. upcoming (adjective) - coming, arriving, approaching. 38. bandwidth (noun) – transmission capacity/speed. 39. bridge the gulf/gap (phrase) – try to find a way to reduce the gap and bring the two separate viewpoints together. 40. recycling (noun) - the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMproducts. 41. slip/fall through the net (phrase) - go unnoticed, go undealt with; be neglected, be ignored, be missed, be overlooked (by a system).


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1. centenary (adjective) – relating to a hundredth anniversary. 2. backdrop (noun) – situation, scenario, context. 3. muscular (adjective) – strong, powerful, vigorous, aggressive.

4. stem from (phrasal verb) – originate from, arise/come from, emanate from.

5. tension (noun) – strained relations. 6. unpredictability (noun) – changeability. 7. prevail (verb) – exist, be in existence, be present, be prevalent.

8. as regards (phrase) - concerning, with regard to, with respect to, with reference to. 9. embark on (phrasal verb) – start, begin, commence, enter on.

10. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) (noun) – also known as the Communist Party of China (CPC); it is the founding and ruling political party of modern China, officially known as the People’s Republic of China (PRC). 11. bloodiest superlative adjective of bloody (adjective) – vicious, cruel, savage, fierce, brutal. 12. decade (noun) – a period of ten years.

13. vivid (adjective) – evocative, emotive, unforgettable, memorable. 14. disengagement (noun) – withdrawal, departure, retreat (of military troops from an area of conflict). 15. vicinity (noun) – surrounding area, neighbourhood. 16. stalemate (noun) – deadlock, impasse, standstill/stand-off. 17. manoeuvre (noun) – activity, plan/operation, stratagem, tactic (carefully planned). 18. reportedly (adverb) – supposedly, seemingly, apparently, allegedly. 19. militia (noun) – armed forces, military unit, soldiery (from the civil population to support main forces). 20. deploy (verb) – (of troops) move into position, position, station, post, place. 21. altitude (noun) - height, elevation, distance above the ground/sea. 22. warfare (noun) – war, fighting, combat, armed conflict. 23. deployment (noun) – the act of moving troops into position; the bringing of resources into effective action. 24. riposte (noun) – answer, reply, response, retaliation. 25. indelible (adjective) – permanent, lasting, inerasable. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM26. imprint (noun) – lasting impact, effect, influence, impression. 27. giant (noun) – a very large country. 28. provocation (noun) – annoyance, irritation, agitation, vexation; stirring, goading, prompting.

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29. platoon (noun) – unit, troop, squad, contingent, regiment. 30. forthcoming (adjective) – available, made available, ready, accessible, obtainable.

31. reset (noun) – re-establishment. 32. ground (verb) – base, form, establish.

33. world/international/global order (noun) – the arrangement of power and authority that provides the system for the conduct of diplomacy and world politics in relation to the entire world.

34. G-7 or Group of Seven (noun) – a multilateral forum made up of the world’s seven largest so-called developed countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. They

meet annually to discuss and exchange ideas on a broad range of issues, including global economy, security and energy. 35. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (noun) – NATO was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union. 36. unlikely (adjective) – doubtful, implausible, improbable, questionable.

37. deter (verb) – prevent, stop, avert, impede. 38. notwithstanding (conjunction) – although, in spite of the fact that, despite the fact that, even though. 39. Quad/Quadrilateral (noun) – The ‘Quadrilateral’ is described as four democracies (the United States, Japan, Australia and India) with a shared objective to ensure and support a “free, open and prosperous” Indo-Pacific region. 40. The Indo-Pacific (region) (noun) – the Indo-Pacific region refers to the confluence (convergence) of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, which interconnect in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and more). 41. rattle (verb) – disturb, discomfit, disconcert/unnerve. 42. indulge in (verb) – become involved in (an undesirable activity). 43. verge on (verb) - tend towards, incline to, border on, approach, be close/near to. 44. the erratic (noun) - unpredictable/unreliable thing. 45. cater for (phrasal verb) - take something into account. 46. eventuality (noun) – a possible outcome, possibility. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM47. vis-à-vis (preposition) – concerning, with regard to, in relation to, as/in comparison with, in connection with (Vis-à-vis from Latin via. French, means literally “face-to-face). 48. delve into (verb) – investigate, examine, inquire into, probe.

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49. on account of (phrase) – because of, owing to, due to, by virtue of. 50. ill-conceived (adjective) – absurd, ridiculous, not carefully planned. 51. famine (noun) – deficiency, shortfall, lack, insufficiency, scarcity (of

food). 52. misadventure (noun) – misfortune; problem/difficulty, mishap/setback.

53. Great Leap Forward (noun) – The Great Leap Forward of the People’s Republic of China was an economic and social campaign led by the Chinese Communist Party from 1958 to 1962. Chairman Mao Zedong

launched the campaign to reconstruct the country from an agrarian economy into a modern industrial society with greater ability to compete with Western industrialized nations. But, the Great Leap

Forward resulted in one of the world’s worst famines and turned into a national disaster; in all, about 20 million people were estimated to have died. It was the largest single, non-wartime campaign of mass killing in human history. 54. surmise (verb) - guess, conjecture, suspect, conclude, speculate. 55. turmoil (noun) – disorder, turbulence, confusion, trouble, chaos. 56. dissident (noun) – dissenter, objector, protester, disputant.

57. autocratic (adjective) – undemocratic, totalitarian, authoritarian; domineering, high-handed. 58. Tiananmen Square (Incident/Protest) (noun) – the famous landmark gathering and protest by a large number of Chinese youth, that started on April 15, 1989 and was forcibly suppressed on June 4, 1989 at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China. The popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests is sometimes called the ’89 Democracy Movement. In this massive pro-democracy protest, many (in hundreds) were killed in a brutal clampdown by the communist authorities. It is commonly known as the June Fourth Incident. 59. in a hurry (phrase) – in a rushed/quick/hurried manner. 60. consolidate (verb) – strengthen, make stronger, reinforce, fortify. 61. pre-eminence (noun) – superiority, supremacy, greatness. 62. assiduously (adverb) – diligently, carefully, meticulously. 63. super power (noun) – a very powerful and dominant country. This is done through the combined means of economic, military, technological, political and cultural strength as well as diplomatic and soft power influence. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM64. stall (verb) – obstruct, block, interrupt, stop, halt, restrict. 65. in sight (phrase) – observable, noticeable, visible, recognizable, near at hand. 66. on the other hand (phrase) – as an alternative.

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67. shortfall (noun) – deficit, inadequacy, deficiency. 68. with regard to (phrase) – regarding, concerning, with respect to, in respect of, with reference to.

69. mechanisation (noun) - supplying a military force with modern weapons.

70. People’s Liberation Army (PLA) (noun) – People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is the armed forces of the country of China and the Communist Party of China (CPC). It is one of the largest military forces

in the world. 71. mechanise (verb) – equip (with modern machines). 72. attribute (adjective) – ascribe, assign, connect/associate with.

73. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 74. concentration (noun) - centralization. 75. omniscience (noun) - the capacity to know everything. 76. run into (verb) – experience, under go, go through a problem or difficulty.. 77. awry (adjective) – amiss, wrong. 78. slow down (phrasal verb) – reduce, lessen decrease.

79. bet on (phrasal verb) – to be certain/confident that something will take place. 80. prowess (noun) – courage, bravery, valour; expertise, mastery, skilfulness. 81. heft (noun) – influence, ability; weight/strength. 82. geo-political (adjective) – relating to (the study of) the geographical factors (a country’s position on the earth, size, climate, and natural resources &, etc.) in world politics and inter-state relations. 83. accumulate (verb) – gather, collect, amass. 84. push through (phrasal verb) – to make a plan to put something into use as quickly as possible. 85. socialist (adjective) – adhering to the principles of socialism; leftist. 86. ideology (noun) – a system of belief, set of principles. 87. characteristic (noun) – attribute, feature, quality, aspect. 88. demarcate (verb) – delineate, outline, delimit. 89. predecessor (noun) – previous holder of the post; forerunner, precursor, antecedent. 90. lasting (adjective) - permanent, long-lasting, long-lived. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM91. legacy (noun) – something received from a predecessor or from the past; something that is given from one person to another. 92. herald (verb) - signal, indicate, announce, point to, presage, augur, portend, foretell.

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93. perhaps (adverb) – maybe, possibly. 94. opacity (noun) – opaqueness, non-transparency, obscurity, lack of clarity.

95. dissidence (noun) – discontent, disapproval, disagreement. 96. dissension (noun) - disagreement, difference of opinion, dispute, dissent.

97. monolith (noun as modifier) - a very large thing. 98. ideational (adjective) – relating to the formation of ideas. 99. lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring about, call forth, give rise to,

produce. 100. upheaval (noun) – disruption, turmoil, disorder, chaos, mayhem. 101. fissure (noun) – a state of incompatibility; disagreement, gap/crack.

102. extraneous (adjective) – irrelevant, immaterial, inappropriate/pointless. 103. anticipate (verb) – expect, foresee, predict. 104. prelude (noun) - an introduction to the main event; intro, start, beginning, curtain-raiser, overture. 105. purge (noun) – sudden removal, expulsion eviction, eradication, rooting out (of a group of people). 106. dissenter (noun) – dissident, objector, protester, disputant.

107. echelon (noun) – level, rank, grade (in an organization).accumulation 108. pressure cooker (noun) – very stressful situation. 109. syndrome (noun) – In general, it means “concurrence-many things happen at the same time”. 110. safety valve (noun) – a way or medium of expression to release strong feelings without harming oneself & others. 111. precariously (adverb) – insecurely, unsafely, dangerously, uncertainly. 112. poise (verb) - get into position, be prepared to do something. 113. out of sync (phrase) - out of the agreement. 114. aggravate (verb) – increase, intensify, worsen, exacerbate, compound. 115. seemingly (adverb) – apparently, evidently, outwardly. 116. sophisticated (adjective) – highly developed. 117. diplomatically (adverb) – tactfully, sensitively; in a way that involves ambassadors/diplomats between countries. 118. ideologically (adverb) – dogmatically, conventionally; in a method which relates to an ideology. 119. obdurate (adjective) – stubborn, unbending, uncompromising. 120. coexistence (noun) – The state of two or more different things WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMexisting/living together at the same time or in the same place. 121. sustain (verb) – continue, carry on, keep up, maintain, bolster up. 122. on guard (phrase) - vigilant, alert, wary, watchful, cautious, careful, heedful.

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123. make a study (phrase) - to try to find out more about something. 124. Goethe’s Faust (noun) - Faust is a tragic play and considered by many to be Goethe's (German Poet/Novelist) magnum opus and the greatest work

of German literature. Faust has two parts. The first part represents the "small world" and takes place in scholar/legend Faust's (the principal

character of Faust) own local, temporal milieu/territory. In contrast, Part Two takes place in the "wide world". 125. model oneself on (verb) - copy, imitate, reproduce, mimic.

126. advocate (noun) - champion, upholder, supporter, promoter. 127. Maoism (noun) - it was originated in China as a form of communist theory derived from the teachings of Chinese political leader Mao

Zedong. 128. humiliation (noun) – embarrassment, disgrace, dishonour, shame, indignity, ignominy, loss of pride, loss of face. 129. at the hands of (phrase) - caused by, done by. 130. Cultural Revolution (noun) – The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was a decade-long period (from 1966 until 1976) of political and social chaos caused by Mao Zedong’s bid to use the Chinese masses to reassert

his control over the Communist party. However, Mao’s decision to launch the “revolution” in May 1966 is now widely interpreted as an attempt to destroy his enemies by unleashing the people on the party and urging them to purify its ranks. 131. make out (phrasal verb) - see, discern, distinguish, recognize; understand, comprehend, fathom. 132. faustian (adjective) - it is relating to Faust, a German legend, scholar who traded his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge. 133. aggressive (adjective) – hostile, belligerent, bellicose, hawkish, combative. 134. prepare the ground (phrase) – to pave the way, plan/organize, make it easier for future (development). 135. Faustian bargain (adjective) – a deal in which one focuses on the present gain without considering the long term consequences. (Faustian is relating to Faust, a German legend who traded his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge). 136. bargain (noun) – agreement, arrangement, understanding, deal. 137.WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM miscalculation (noun) – mistake, blunder, slip-up, error of judgement, overestimate. 138. cost someone dear (phrase) - to make someone suffer a lot (or) to lose something very important (particularly, as a result of a mistake).

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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 05, 2021)

1. shield (noun) – protection, safeguard, cover, shelter.

2. at the helm (phrase) – in charge, in command/control/authority; in the driving seat. 3. trigger (verb) – cause, prompt, generate, bring about.

4. obstacle (noun) – barrier, hurdle, stumbling block, impediment, hindrance. 5. change of guard (phrase) – It used to refer to a situation in which there is

a (dramatic) change in which new people are replacing people (existing) in positions of importance. 6. legislature (noun) – law-making body.

7. put out (phrasal verb) – issue, publish, release, circulate, make public. 8. narrative (noun) – a representation of a particular situation; portrayal, account, report, statement. 9. limbo (noun) - uncertain situation or state; a state of uncertainty. 10. timeframe (noun) - a particular period of time in which something is taking place. 11. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 12. constitutional crisis (noun) – it is defined as a situation when a country’s constitution is not able to clearly resolve an issue/problem/conflict in the function of a Government at it’s disposal. 13. go on to (phrasal verb) – proceed (to do something). 14. hold (verb) – conduct, organize, arrange. 15. the Representation of the People Act 1951 (noun) – An Act to provide for the conduct of elections to the Houses of Parliament and to the House or Houses of the Legislature of each State, the qualifications and disqualifications for membership of those Houses, the corrupt practices and other offences at or in connection with such elections and the decision of doubts and disputes arising out of or in connection with such elections. 16. mandate (verb) – instruct, direct, order, require; make mandatory. 17. provided (conjunction) - if, on condition that, presuming, assuming that. 18. bar (verb) – ban. 19. on account of (phrase) – because of, owing to, due to, by virtue of. 20. for all — (phrase) - In spite of —. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM21. claimed (adjective) - asserted, affirmed, avowed. 22. mastery (noun) - control, superiority, domination, command, power, authority.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 05, 2021)

23. back/pick the wrong horse (phrase) - make a wrong choice/decision.

24. admission (noun) - acknowledgement, acceptance, recognition, revelation, disclosure. 25. imply (verb) – suggest, hint, intimate, signal, indicate, say indirectly.

26. far from (phrase) – not, not at all. 27. put one's house in order (phrase) - improve one’s own behaviour before criticizing others.

28. tenure (noun) – term, time, period. 29. aggravate (verb) – increase, intensify, worsen, exacerbate, compound. 30. tension (noun) – strained relations; strain, stress, pressure, unease.

31. embarrass (verb) – upset, disconcert, humiliate, discomfit. 32. elsewhere (adverb) – somewhere else, at another place, to a different place. 33. run (verb) – manage, organize, direct, control. 34. affairs (noun) – concerns, matters, activities, dealings. 35. deem (verb) – think, consider, judge, regard as. 36. back up (phrasal verb) - support, stand by, side with; endorse, bolster, reinforce. 37. speculation (noun) – prediction, guesswork, opinion/thought. 38. unhealthy (adjective) - undesirable, unnatural, abnormal. 39. fog (noun) - a state of confusion; a state of disorientation. 40. regarding (preposition) – concerning, with regard/respect to, with reference to. 41. for one's own (good) (phrase) - for the benefit/advantage of oneself. 42. reputation (noun) – good name, character, standing, stature, status, position. 43. fairness (noun) – impartiality, equity, righteousness, lack of favoritism. 44. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 45. unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before. 46. transparent (adjective) – open/candid, forthright, straightforward, honest. 47. design (verb) - do something (with a particular purpose). 48. accommodate (verb) – adjust, adapt, attune, get accustomed, come to WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMterms with, come to accept. 49. machinations (noun) – schemes/plots, tricks, tactics, intrigues, conspiracies.


1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 05, 2021)

1. mixed bag (noun) – collection of diverse elements (win, victory & defeat, loss).

2. merchandise (mass noun) – goods, commodities, produce. 3. constituent (adjective) – integral (part/unit). 4. welcome (adjective) – encouraging, gratifying, heartening, promising.

5. front (noun) – a particular sphere of activity/operation. 6. notch up (phrasal verb) – score, achieve, attain/gain something.

7. quarter (noun) – a period of three months (considered as one-fourth of a year). 8. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 9. hit (verb) – reach, attain, touch (a level). 10. amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by; during. 11. lockdown (noun) – an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority. 12. noteworthy (adjective) – worthy of mention, worth taking a look at, interesting, important. 13. surge (verb) – rise or increase suddenly. 14. discount (verb) - dismiss, ignore, reject, brush off, gloss over. 15. anomalous (adjective) – abnormal, aberrant, irregular, odd, inconsistent. 16. protracted (adjective) - lengthy, prolonged, extended. 17. shipment (noun) - an amount of goods shipped. 18. robust (adjective) – strong, vigorous, powerful. 19. pre-pandemic (noun) – before the pandemic. 20. propel (verb) – spur, motivate, prompt. 21. surge (noun) – sudden increase or rise of something. 22. cereal (noun) – food grains (rice, wheat, millet, maize &, etc.). WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM23. quadruple (adjective) – increase by four (times).


1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 05, 2021)

24. (iron) ore (noun) – rocks and minerals from which metallic iron can be economically extracted.

25. jump (noun) – rise, increase, upturn. 26. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a particular disease; immunization.

27. bolster (verb) – strengthen, support, reinforce/buttress. 28. enthuse (verb) – motivate, inspire, excite, encourage.

29. posit (verb) – put forward, set forth, present, propose. 30. fiscal (year) (noun) – financial year. 31. driver (noun) – a factor which produces a specific thing to happen. 32. runaway (adjective/noun as modifier) – out of control, uncontrolled, unchecked. 33. rally (verb) - recovery, upturn, improvement, revival, comeback, rebound. 34. accelerated (adjective) – hastened, expedited, quickened. 35. as well as (phrase) – and also, and in addition. 36. appetite (noun) – longing, yearning, strong desire/liking. 37. on the other hand (phrase) – as an alternative. 38. reflect (verb) – indicate, show, display, demonstrate. 39. deep (adjective) – profound, intense, extreme. 40. dog (verb) - trouble, disturb, worry, torment, beset. 41. downtrend (noun) – decline, downturn, slump. 42. exacerbate (verb) – intensify, increase, heighten, aggravate, worsen, compound. 43. lack of (noun) – absence, deficiency, scarcity, dearth. 44. savvy (adjective in combination) – intelligent, clever, expert; experienced in a particular area (of knowledge). 45. rival (noun) – competitor. 46. on the ropes (phrase) - in condition of near collapse/failure. 47. short-sighted (adjective) - narrow-minded, narrow, unimaginative, lacking foresight, short-term. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM48. measure (noun) – action, step, procedure.


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49. World Trade Organization (WTO) (noun) – an intergovernmental organization that is concerned with the regulation of international

trade between nations. 50. WTO-mandated (adjective) - required by the WTO. 51. incentive (noun) – stimulus, impetus, boost.

52. pandemic-induced (adjective) – caused/produced by the pandemic. 53. slowdown (noun) – recession, slump, decline.

54. imposition (noun) – introduction, institution; enforcement. 55. viability (noun) – ability, practicality, feasibility (to work successfully). 56. drag one’s feet (phrase) - delay, procrastinate, postpone action, put off doing something. 57. Remission of Duties and Taxes on Export Products (RoDTEP) scheme (noun) - It is a new scheme that is applicable with effect from January 1st, 2021, formed to replace the existing MEIS (Merchandise Exports from India Scheme). The scheme will ensure that the exporters receive the refunds on the embedded taxes and duties previously non-recoverable. The scheme was brought about with the intention to boost exports which were relatively poor in volume previously. 58. bid for (verb) - tender for, offer a price for. 59. heightened (adjective) – intensified, increased, enhanced. 60. freight (carriage) (noun) – transportation. 61. soar (verb) – rise, increase (quickly). 62. look beyond (phrase) – to look forward to a time in the future after some situation. 63. headline (adjective) - showing a particularly important piece of news/information. 64. expedite (verb) - speed up, accelerate, step up, quicken. 65. enduring (adjective) – stable, steady, steadfast, firm, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMunwavering, long-running, long-term. Note:

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1. synergy (noun) - collaboration, working together, joint action, combined effort, teamwork, partnership.

2. consultative (adjective) – advisory, consulting, counseling. 3. strategise (verb) - plan a strategy.

4. prerequisite (noun) – precondition, necessary condition, essential requirement.

5. concrete (adjective) – definite, specific, definitive; factual, actual/real. 6. structure (noun) - system, arrangement, framework. 7. put in place (phrase) – establish, set up, create/form.

8. indisputable (adjective) - unarguable, unquestionable, undebatable. 9. silo (noun) – any system/process/department which is unable to operate with others. It functions alone and does not wish to share information with others. 10. bring about (phrasal verb) – cause, create, give rise to, produce.

11. economize (verb) - save money, cut expenditure. 12. Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) (noun) – Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) is the professional service chief, head of the Indian Armed Forces and the senior-most uniformed military adviser to the Government of India. General Bipin Rawat was appointed as the first Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) on 31 December 2019.

13. outset (noun) – beginning, start. 14. contrary to (phrase) – conflicting with, opposed to. 15. dog in the manger (phrase) - discontent, complainer, moaner, fault- finder. 16. theatre command (noun) - The theatre command system is intended to bring better synergy between the three branches of the armed forces. Instead of separate commands for the army, navy, air force, a unified command will be set up to be led by a single commander. 17. doctrine (noun) – working principle, rule, directive. 18. bring in (phrasal verb) – introduce, cause, bring about, create. 19. requisite (adjective) – necessary, required, needed, essential. 20. nuance (noun) – fine distinction, subtle difference/subtlety/nicety, subtle variation. 21. air power (noun) - the strength/ability/capability of a nation's air force. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM22. lack (verb) - be without, require, not have enough of. Note: 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited


23. expertise (noun) – knowledge, command, mastery, prowess. 24. utilisation (noun) – effective use of something.

25. theatre (noun) - sphere/field of action; warfare. 26. adjunct (noun) – additional, supplementary, substitute; subordinate,

companion, assistant. 27. penny packet (noun) - a very small number of people/things. 28. degrade (verb) - reduce, devalue, deteriorate, degenerate.

29. contingency (noun) – a possible event or circumstance, happening, occurrence of a possible incident but not guaranteed/certain to

happen/occur. 30. objection (noun) – opposition, argument, disapproval, dissent, disagreement. 31. dissenting (adjective) – opposite, contradicting, disagreeing, conflicting.

32. come out (phrasal verb) – develop, happen, emerge, transpire (as a result). 33. be set in stone (phrase) – unalterable, unchangeable, established/ deep-rooted. 34. sub-optimal (adjective) – below the highest standard/level/quality. 35. ethos (noun) – morality, attitudes, beliefs, principles; spirit, character.

36. runner-up (noun) – defeated person. 37. pay the heavy price/cost (phrase) – experience (a very) bad/unpleasant result of something that you have done. 38. by other means (phrase) - in a totally different way. 39. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests). 40. contemplate (verb) – think about, consider, regard. 41. mightiest (superlative adjective) of mighty (adjective) – dominant, influential, strong, powerful. 42. misadventure (noun) – misfortune; problem/difficulty, mishap/ setback. 43. bear testimony to (phrase) – bear witness to, be evidence of, be proof of, prove. 44. lack of (noun) – absence, deficiency, scarcity, dearth. 45. decade (noun) – a period of ten years. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM46. articulated (adjective) – expressed.

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47. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out. 48. lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring about, call forth, give rise to,

produce. 49. synergize (verb) – cooperate, combine, interact. 50. concurrently (adverb) – simultaneously, at the same time.

51. intellectual (adjective) – rational, logical; sophisticated. 52. pursue (verb) – engage in, conduct, take part in (an activity).

53. freeze (verb) – hold, fix, set (at a fixed state). 54. hammer (verb) – criticize, censure, attack, condemn, castigate. 55. a square peg in a round hole (phrase) - something/someone that does

not fit into a particular situation/position; unfit, unsuitable, unacceptable thing/person. 56. foreseeable (adjective) – predictable, expected, anticipated. 57. unlikely (adjective) – doubtful, implausible, improbable, questionable. 58. occupation (noun) – capture, invasion, seizure, takeover.

59. -intensive (adjective/usually in combination) – concentrating on a particular thing. 60. armour (noun) - all military vehicles collectively. 61. seamless (adjective) – smooth, uninterrupted, continuous. 62. employment (noun) – use, utilization, implementation, 63. absence (noun) – lack, unavailability, deficiency. 64. fritter away (phrasal verb) – squander, waste, misuse. 65. frontal (adjective) – relating to the forehead. 66. offensive (noun) – attacking, aggressive, combative. 67. pin down (phrasal verb) - restrict/prevent the movement of an enemy by firing at them. 68. manoeuvre (verb) – move, navigate, steer carefully. 69. impunity (noun) - with no ill consequences, with no ill effects; immunity, indemnity, non-liability. 70. out of the loop (phrase) – uninformed, Ignorant, unaware about a particular thing/matter. 71. penchant (noun) - proclivity, inclination, bias, predisposition. 72. charge (noun) - accusation, allegation, indictment. 73. dispassionate (adjective) – unemotional, neutral, fair-minded, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMbalanced.

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74. reconnaissance (noun) – examination, preliminary survey,

research/probe. 75. intelligence (noun) – the collection of (military/political) information. 76. foot patrol (noun) - a group of soldiers patrolling an area by walking

around it. 77. ambush (verb) – attack by surprise.

78. casualty (noun) – victim, fatality, mortality (people killed in a war/attack). 79. point out (phrasal verb) – identify, mention, indicate, draw attention to.

80. altitude (noun) – height, elevation, distance above the ground/sea. 81. vulnerability (noun) – weakness, defencelessness, unprotectedness, susceptibility. 82. Line of Control (LoC) (noun) – it is a 450 mile-long military control line lying between India and ’s controlled parts of the former (under the British) Jammu and Kashmir. This line is not actually a legally recognized international boundary but prevails as per de

facto. After the Simla Agreement signed in July 1972, this line was officially renamed as “Line of Control” from “the Cease-fire Line”. 83. admit (verb) – acknowledge, confess, profess, reveal, make known, make public. 84. assumption (noun) – premise, belief, expectation, thought, notion. 85. pose (verb) – constitute, present, create, cause (a problem or danger or risk). 86. deterrence (noun) – the act of deterring/stopping someone from doing something. 87. echo (noun) – reminder, sign, indication, suggestion, hint. 88. seen in this light (phrase) - to provide a different viewpoint/perspective to something. 89. incursion (noun) – intrusion, trespass, infiltration, obtrusion. 90. reminiscent (adjective) – similar to, comparable with, bearing comparison with. 91. swift (adjective) – prompt, rapid, quick, sudden, immediate. 92. deter (verb) - prevent, stop, avert, impede. 93. negotiation (noun) – discussions, talks, deliberation; discussing the terms of, arrangement. 94. status quo ante (phrase) – a Latin phrase meaning “the state of affairs WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMexisting before” (or) “the way things were before”. Note: 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited


95. build-up (noun) – increase/accumulation, expansion, enlargement. 96. infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure for

something (to function properly). 97. People’s Liberation Army (PLA) (noun) – People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is the armed forces of the country of China and the

Communist Party of China (CPC). It is one of the largest military forces in the world. 98. emphasise (verb) – draw attention to, put stress on, underscore,

highlight. 99. coercion (noun) – it means compelling an individual to act against his/her will by the use of psychological pressure or physical force causing bodily injury;

force/pressure, oppression, harassment, intimidation. 100. institutionalised (adjective) – established. 101. Defence Committee of the Cabinet (DCC) (noun) - the highest forum for decision-making on security issues. 102. defunct (adjective) – no longer existing, inoperative, non-functioning. 103. knee-jerk (adjective) – unthinking, unintentional, unplanned. 104. scholar-warrior (noun) - a warrior who does not use violence/attack as a means to an end but only as an absolute last resort.

105. ironic (adjective) – strange, unexpected, odd, paradoxical. 106. palatable (adjective) - pleasant, acceptable, satisfactory, agreeable. 107. politico-bureaucratic (adjective) - relating to the relations between politics & bureaucracy. 108. call for (phrasal verb) – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand. 109. deliberation (noun) – consideration, thought/thinking, careful discussion, contemplation. 110. prudence (noun) – cautiousness, carefulness, wariness, circumspection; good judgement/management. 111. ram (verb) - hit, smash into, dash against. (ram down - bring down, topple, demolish, knock down). 112. stakeholder (noun) – a person with an interest in something. 113. evolve (verb) – alter, change, transform gradually; develop, progress, advance gradually. 114. backdrop (noun) – situation, scenario, context. 115. in concert (phrase) – together, jointly, in combination, in collaboration, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMside by side. 116. foreseen (adjective) – anticipated, predicted, envisaged, envisioned.

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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 06, 2021)

1. heavy weight (noun) – very important person, leader. 2. born out of (phrase) – has happened due to (something).

3. smoulder (verb) – fume, burn, simmer, exist unseen. 4. beneath (preposition) – under. 5. eruption (noun) – outbreak, outburst, explosion, flare-up, sudden

appearance, upsurge. 6. invincible (adjective) – unconquerable, unbeatable, indomitable.

7. be poised (verb) - position oneself, ready oneself, prepare oneself, get into position. 8. consecutive (adjective) – successive, continuous.

9. due (adjective) – expected, anticipated. 10. relentless (adjective) – continuing, constant, continuous, non-stop, unabating, unceasing. 11. cast a long shadow on (phrase) – spoil/diminish (something). 12. prospects (noun) – possibilities, chances, opportunities, expectations. 13. hopper (noun) - a person who hops (jumps). 14. drive (verb) – force, compel, impel, prompt. 15. by default (phrase) - due to a lack of opposition. 16. champion (noun) - advocate, proponent, promoter, supporter. 17. resentment (noun) – bitterness, indignation, irritation, enmity, hatred/hate. 18. unilateralism (noun) – a method of taking decisions individually without considering others. 19. sole (adjective) – only, exclusive. 20. architect (noun) – originator, creator, founder. 21. march (noun) – progress, progression, passage. 22. streak (noun) – element, vein, trace (of a particular quality in someone's character). 23. arrogance (noun) – hubris, egotism, self-importance, sense of superiority. 24. probably (adverb) – most likely, in all likelihood, all things considered, perhaps. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM25. head and shoulders above (phrase) - outclass, surpass, be superior to, be better than, outshine, overshadow.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 06, 2021)

26. open up (phrasal verb) – become/make available; become/make present.

27. of one’s own (phrase) – belongs or relates to oneself only. 28. indispensability (noun) – absolute necessity, vital importance, essential requirement, requisite.

29. rung (noun) – level, rank, position, grade, echelon (in a hierarchical structure).

30. humiliation (noun) – embarrassment, disgrace, dishonour, shame, indignity, ignominy, loss of pride, loss of face. 31. at the hand of (phrase) – caused by, done by.

32. bureaucrat (noun) – a powerful officer, public/government servant, office-bearer, civil servant, functionary, mandarin. 33. overshadow (verb) – outdo, outclass, outstrip, outshine; dominate. 34. giant (adjective) – a very large, mighty, mammoth. 35. come under (phrasal verb) – be subjected to. 36. scrutiny (noun) – examination, inspection, investigation. 37. unchecked (adjective) – uncontrolled, unconstrained, unrestricted. 38. trafficking (noun) – the activity of buying and selling goods/animal/people illegally; (illegal/illicit) trading, dealing. 39. expose (verb) – reveal, show, display, exhibit, unveil. 40. a chink in someone’s armour (phrase) - a weak point/fault in someone’s character, arguments & etc., which can be used to attack/criticize them easily. 41. face (with) (verb) - beset, worry, distress, trouble, bother, confront, burden. 42. Pandora (proper noun) – In Greek mythology, the first woman. 43. Pandora’s box (noun) – (figuratively) a source of something (problems, troubles, difficulties, etc.). 44. deliberation (noun) – long consideration, thought/thinking, careful discussion, contemplation. 45. detractor (noun) – critic, fault-finder, censurer. 46. open season (noun) – a period/length of time in which all restrictions WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMare abandoned (temporarily).


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 06, 2021)

47. unmistakable (adjective) – noticeable, evident, distinctive, well defined.

48. oblique (adjective) – indirect, implicit, implied. 49. endorsement (noun) – support, backing, approval. 50. entrant (noun) – new member, newcomer.

51. cushy (adjective) - easy, undemanding, untaxing/untiring, comfortable.

52. stopover (noun) - stop, stay, visit. 53. contemplate (verb) – think about, consider, regard. 54. detour (noun) – indirect/circuitous route.

55. lifelong (adjective) - persisting, steady, long-term. 56. careerist (noun) – a person who is concerned with advancement of their career at the expense of other values. 57. reputation (noun) – name, character, standing, stature, status, position. 58. short temper (noun) - impatience, moodiness, ill nature/temper. 59. hardly (adverb) – barely, almost not. 60. critic (noun) – censurer, attacker, fault-finder. 61. yearn (verb) - long, wish, crave, desire, want. 62. churn (noun) – disorder/disorganization, confusion, disruption/chaos. 63. due to (phrase) – because of, owing to, on account of, as a result of. 64. agitation (noun) – (public) protest. 65. ongoing (adjective) – current, existing, continuing. 66. realignment (noun) – reorganisation, reordering, reshuffle. 67. alliance (noun) – association, union, partnership. 68. leave alone (phrase) – abandon, desert. 69. agitating (adjective) – protesting, distressed, troubled, frustrated, fed up. 70. at cross purposes (phrase) - conflicting, contrasting, dissimilar. 71. steer (verb) – guide, conduct, direct/lead. 72. distraction (noun) – disturbance, intrusion, interference, obstruction, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMhindrance. Note:

1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited

H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 06, 2021)

1. charge (noun) – accusation, allegation, indictment. 2. GOP (abbreviation) - Grand Old Party, is a nickname for the

Republican Party of the USA. 3. charge (verb) – accuse of, indict for, arraign for. 4. felony (noun) – crime, lawbreaking, misconduct, malpractice.

5. count (noun) - a separate charge in an indictment. 6. defraud (verb) – swindle, deceive, cheat.

7. conspiracy (noun) – (unlawful) plan/plot, intrigue, collaboration/deception, collusion. 8. larceny (noun) – theft, stealing, robbery.

9. falsify (verb) - fake, forge, counterfeit. 10. prosecutor (noun) – a lawyer who presents the government’s case against someone accused of a crime; State counsel. 11. sweeping (adjective) – complete, total, thorough; unlimited, unrestricted. 12. audacious (adjective) – bold, daring, fearless, unafraid; ill-mannered, outrageous, shocking. 13. fraudulent (adjective) – dishonest, unlawful, unethical, unprincipled. 14. undeclared (adjective) – (of taxable income) unstated, unexpressed, unmentioned. 15. remuneration (noun) – payment, earnings, wages. 16. salvo (noun) – aggressive act, offensive, charge. 17. conduct (noun) – performance, behaviour, way of working. 18. indictment (noun) – a formal charge, accusation, allegation (of a serious misconduct/wrongdoing). 19. at hand (phrase) – readily available, handy, within reach; nearby, coming soon, about to happen. 20. compensation (noun) – payment, repayment, settlement (for loss/damage). 21. the tip of the iceberg (phrase) – if something is the tip of the iceberg, it is a small part of a much larger issue. This phrase is being used while talking about a problem. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM22. in relation to (phrase) - regarding, concerning, with reference to, in connection with.


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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 06, 2021)

23. Attorney (noun) - lawyer, legal adviser, legal representative, prosecuting counsel.

24. District Attorney (DA) (noun) - the chief prosecutor representing a U.S. state in a local government area, typically a county. 25. compliance (noun) – conformity, observance, observation,

accordance, adherence. 26. jury (noun) – a body/committee/council of people (sworn to give a

verdict in a legal case). 27. subpoena (noun) – it means a written order that commands someone to appear in court to give evidence; order, writ, summons.

28. illicit (adjective) - illegal, unlawful, against the law. 29. associate (noun) - partner, colleague, confederate; accomplice, collaborator. 30. affair (noun) - relationship, relations. 31. far-reaching (adjective) – widespread, sweeping, overarching, extensive, profound, comprehensive. 32. characteristically (adverb) - typically, usually, habitually. 33. ongoing (adjective) – current, existing, continuing. 34. witch hunt (noun) – it means to find and punish people believed to be evil- even if they were not. It does also mean an unfair campaign by one side against its political opponents. 35. radical (adjective) – leftist, left-wing. 36. there is no escaping (phrase) - used to mention that something is certainly true/real and it cannot be denied. 37. stick (verb) - be upheld, hold, be believed, gain credence, be regarded as valid. 38. scope (noun) - extent, range, purview; purpose, end, or intention. 39. hobble (verb) – restrict/control/limit the activity or development of something. 40. distraction (noun) – disturbance, intrusion, interference, obstruction, hindrance. 41. run (noun) - an attempt to secure election to political office. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM42. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.


1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited

H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 06, 2021)

43. holdings (noun) - possessions, belongings, valuables. 44. violation (noun) – breach, breaking, non-observance.

45. emolument (noun) – payment/salary (from employment or office); advantage, profit, or gain received as a result of one’s employment or one’s holding of office.

46. clause (noun) – section, point, requirement, condition, provision. 47. The (Domestic) Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution (noun) -

The purpose of the Domestic Emoluments Clause is to preserve the President's independence. Under the Clause, Congress may neither increase nor decrease the President's compensation during his term,

preventing the legislature from using its control over the President's salary to exert influence over him. 48. roll around (phrasal verb) - happen/occur again. 49. outsider (noun) - non-member, alien, newcomer; dissenter, dissident. 50. evidently (adverb) – obviously, palpably, seemingly, apparently. 51. run-of-the-mill (adjective) – ordinary, commonplace, standard, forgettable. 52. plutocrat (noun) - a person with (actual) political authority/power due to his/her great wealth; rich person, capitalist, (business) tycoon, (business) magnate, millionaire, billionaire, multimillionaire. 53. elite (noun) – high society people; the group of most powerful people in a society; best. 54. bent on (adjective) – determined on, insistent on, fixed on, hell-bent on, firm about. 55. social cost (noun) – a bad or unpleasant effect that a business has on people/society. 56. ranks (noun) - The people belonging to a group or class. 57. commentary (noun) - narration, description, account; explanation, interpretation, analysis. 58. state (noun) – condition. 59. prospects (noun) – possibilities, potential, expectations, outlook, future. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM60. conservative (adjective) - right-wing, traditionalist.


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1. polarisation (noun) – separation of two contrasting groups (based on different opinions/beliefs). 2. line (noun) - way, approach, method, procedure.

3. hurdle (noun) – obstacle, difficulty, problem, barrier, impediment, obstruction, hindrance.

4. source (noun) – origin, place of origin, starting point. 5. novel coronavirus (nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) (noun) – a new strain (type/variety) coronavirus that has not been previously identified in

humans. 6. close by (phrase) - near by, very near. 7. point the finger at (phrase) – blame, denounce, inform against, accuse.

8. suspicion (noun) – misgiving, doubt/qualm, distrust, scepticism. 9. however much (phrase) - regardless of how much; despite how much. 10. swear (verb) - promise, vow, guarantee, give one's word. 11. mirror (verb) – reflect, reproduce, imitate; follow. 12. scenario (noun) – situation, background, context. 13. waver (verb) - fluctuate, oscillate; be undecided, be irresolute, be indecisive.

14. dump (noun) - dumping ground (where a particular kind of waste is thrown). 15. suspicious (adjective) - doubtful, unsure, dubious, wary, distrustful. 16. circumstantial (adjective) – indirect, inconclusive, unprovable. 17. circulate (verb) - communicate, pass on, publish, publicize. 18. point to (verb) – indicate, suggest, denote. 19. establishment (noun) - firm, company, enterprise, organization. 20. close ranks (phrase) - support each other (in a cause) and defend themselves from others. 21. testify (verb) – confirm, prove, corroborate. 22. probably (adverb) – most likely, in all likelihood, all things considered, perhaps. 23. toxic (adjective) – fatal, deadly; poisonous, harmful, dangerous. 24. critical (adjective) – disapproving, criticizing, fault-finding. 25. hypothesis (noun) – theory, speculation, assumption, conjecture, premise; reason, basis, thinking, logic. 26. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMacross a wide area. 27. school of thought (phrase) - a specific way of thinking; world view, ideology, principles. 28. virology (noun) – the study of viruses and viral diseases.

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29. coronavirus (CoV) (noun) – a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of

breath, and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and

even death. 30. drive (verb) – force, compel, impel, prompt. 31. mine (noun) - excavation, quarry.

32. ancestor (noun) - earlier version of something. 33. mysteriously (adverb) - surprisingly, unexpectedly. 34. reportedly (adverb) – supposedly, seemingly, apparently, allegedly.

35. outbreak (noun) – outburst, flaring up, breakout, sudden appearance/occurrence of something. 36. favour (verb) - support, back, champion, advocate, recommend, advise. 37. stand up to (phrasal verb) – defy, confront, challenge, oppose openly, resist. 38. rigorous (adjective) – careful, diligent, attentive, ultra-careful. 39. scrutiny (noun) – examination, inspection, investigation.

40. spillover (noun) – consequence, outcome, repercussion (an unexpected one). 41. bat (noun) - the only flying, nocturnal mammal; Bats have been recognized as the natural reservoirs of a large variety of viruses. (nocturnal means night-time, active at night). 42. reservoir (noun) – In infectious disease ecology and epidemiology, a natural reservoir, also known as a disease reservoir or a reservoir of infection, is the population of organisms (living things-plants/animals) or the specific environment in which an infectious pathogen (virus/bacteria) naturally lives and reproduces, or upon which the pathogen primarily depends for its survival. 43. species (noun) – living things (organisms); A group/breed/family of living organisms (animals & plants) with the individual having the same quality & can breed (in nature). 44. intermediary (noun) - mediator, go-between, intervenor. 45. in turn (phrase) – in succession, sequentially. 46. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (noun) – SARS coronavirus WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM(SARS-CoV) is thought to be an animal virus from an as-yet-uncertain animal reservoir, perhaps bats, that spread to other animals (civet cats). It is a viral (human-to-human transmission) that can cause severe respiratory illness or death.

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47. predecessor (noun) - previous holder of the post; forerunner, precursor, antecedent. 48. infectious (adjective) – spreading, contagious, communicable,

transmittable. 49. Ebola (noun) – Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola

haemorrhagic fever, is a rare but severe, often fatal illness in humans. The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission.

50. Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) (noun) – Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a viral respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus (MERS-CoV) that was first identified in Saudi Arabia

in 2012. 51. Nipah virus (noun) – a zoonotic virus (it is transmitted from animals to humans) and can also be transmitted through contaminated food or directly between people. 52. so far (phrase) – until now, up to the present, up to this point. 53. archaeologist (noun) – an expert on history who gains expertise through experience with historical documents and artifacts.

54. painstakingly (adverb) – with great care & thoroughness. 55. dig (verb) - excavate. 56. debris (noun) – broken pieces, rubble, wreckage (of rock). 57. civilization (noun) - human development, advancement, culture. 58. virologist (noun) – a specialist in virology (the study of viruses and viral diseases). 59. epidemiologist (noun) – an expert in the study of how disease spreads and can be controlled. 60. sift (verb) - search through, look through, examine. 61. genetic (adjective) – relating to genes/genetics. 62. sequence (noun) – the complete order of compounds/building blocks (nucleotides) of nucleic acids, such as RNA or DNA. 63. genome (noun) – the genetic material (a complete set of DNA, including all of its genes) of an organism. The sum total of the genetic material of a cell or an organism. 64. genome sequence (noun) – a process that determines the order, or sequence, of the DNA (nucleotides i.e., A, C, G and U) in each of the genes present in the virus’s genome. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM65. lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring about, call forth, give rise to, produce. 66. diverse (adjective) – very different, varying, multiple. 67. strain (noun) – variety, kind, type; variant, mutant.

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68. sound (verb) - appear, look, seem. 69. straightforward (adjective) – uncomplicated, simple, easy, effortless, painless, undemanding.

70. likely (adverb) – probably, in all probability, presumably, doubtlessly. 71. patient zero (noun) - Also known as an index case, patient zero is a term

used to describe the first human infected by a viral or bacterial disease in an outbreak. 72. cluster (noun) – a group (of people/things considered as a unit). (an

aggregation of cases of a disease. A coronavirus cluster occurs when there is a concentration of infections in the same area at the same time). 73. slaughter (verb) - murder, kill, cut down.

74. amplify (verb) – increase, raise, intensify, escalate. 75. unearthing (noun) - discovering, uncovering, finding, revealing. 76. classification (noun) - categorization, classifying, grouping sorting. 77. the way forward (phrase) - the procedure to be followed in future. 78. elbow (verb) - push, nudge, jostle, force. 79. conspiracy (noun) – (unlawful) plan/plot, intrigue, collaboration/deception, collusion.

80. come out (phrasal verb) – emerge, transpire (as a result). 81. mandate (noun) - authority, approval, ratification, endorsement. 82. march (verb) - move forward, advance, progress. 83. National Institute of Virology (NIV) (noun) – The National Institute of Virology is one of the major Institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). It was established at Pune, Maharashtra State in 1952 as Virus Research Centre (VRC) to do intensive training and research in virology in India. 84. supposed (adjective) – seeming, alleged, claimed, purported, ostensible. 85. wrongdoing (noun) - fault, error, lapse; misconduct, malpractice, misdeed. 86. dismiss (verb) – disregard, brush off, shrug off, reject, deny, repudiate, spurn. 87. exposure (noun) – In medicine, the condition of being subjected to something (infectious agents & others). 88. antibody (noun) – it is also called ‘immunoglobulin’; a protective protein produced mainly by plasma (blood) cells in the immune system in response to the presence of antigens (disease WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMcausing organisms (bacteria & viruses) and other harmful/toxic foreign substances like insect venom). 89. put aside (phrasal verb) - disregard, set aside, ignore, pay no heed to, forget, discount, shrug off.

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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 07, 2021) H 1. foretell (verb) – predict, foresee, anticipate; indicate, signal. 2. activist (noun) – a person who supports a political or societal

change/cause. 3. institutional (adjective) – organized, formal, systematic, methodical. 4. oppression (noun) – persecution, abuse, ill-treatment, suppression.

5. demise (noun) – death, dying, passing away. 6. anticipate (verb) – expect, foresee, foretell, predict. 7. Jesuit (noun) – a member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic

order of religious men founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1534 to do educational, missionary, and charitable works. 8. priest (noun) – clergyman, father, pastor.

9. activism (noun) – involvement; campaigning/supporting (to cause political or social change). 10. unjust (adjective) – unfair, unreasonable, unjustifiable, inappropriate. 11. imprisonment (noun) – incarceration, custody, confinement. 12. tenuous (adjective) – insubstantial, doubtful, dubious, questionable, unspecific, indefinite. 13. charge (noun) – accusation, allegation, indictment. 14. deteriorate (verb) – worsen, get worse, decline, degenerate. 15. weigh on (phrasal verb) – make worried, make sad, make depressed, make anxious. 16. weigh on your conscience (phrase) – to make you feel guilty. 17. collective (adjective) – combined, united/joint, cooperative (by all people as a group). 18. conscience (noun) – a sense of right and wrong, moral sense, inner voice. 19. collective conscience (noun) - the set of shared beliefs, ideas, norms and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society. 20. frailty (noun) – weakness, infirmity, feebleness. 21. prosecuting agency (noun) - any public agency of the government authorized by statute or by the Attorney General to proceed on a criminal charge in a court of law. 22. trial court (noun) – a court of law where cases are tried at first. (try means to investigate and decide (a case) in a formal trial). 23. cling to (verb) – hold on to, grip, grasp, clasp, attach oneself to, hold WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMtightly. 24. the state (noun) - the government, the regime, the authorities. 25. narrative (noun) – a representation of a particular situation; portrayal/account.


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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 07, 2021) H 26. ground (noun) – reason, cause, basis, factor. 27. Maoist (noun) – a follower of Maoism (it originated in China as a form

of communist theory derived from the teachings of Chinese political leader Mao Zedong). 28. plot (noun) - conspiracy, intrigue, secret plan.

29. overthrow (verb) – remove, topple, oust, unseat, bring down. 30. bail (noun) – conditional, temporary release of an arrested/imprisoned person when a specified amount of security is deposited or pledged (as

cash or property) to ensure his/her appearance in court when required. 31. statutory (adjective) – legitimate; required by statute. 32. bar (noun) – ban.

33. statutory bar (noun) – the ban that has been placed on an activity by a parliamentary act. 34. anti-terrorism (noun) – counter-terrorism; actions taken to combat or prevent terrorism. 35. invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, adduce. 36. diffident (adjective) - shy, modest; unassertive, unassuming, hesitant. 37. judiciary (noun) – judges. 38. the judiciary (noun) – a branch of government in which judicial power is vested. 39. spell (noun) - period, session, term. 40. hospitalisation (noun) – the act of taking (or) admitting someone to (or) in hospital for treatment. 41. octogenarian (noun) – a person who is in his/her 80s (80 to 89 years old). 42. plead (verb) - appeal to, petition, supplicate, request, ask earnestly. 43. interim (adjective) – provisional, temporary, transitional. 44. entitle (verb) – allow, permit, grant. 45. take up (phrasal verb) – accept, say yes to, accede to, agree to. 46. disposal (noun) – conclusion. 47. accountability (noun) – responsibility, liability, answerability. 48. National Investigation Agency (NIA) (noun) – The National Investigation Agency is a central agency established by the Indian Government to combat terror in India. It is functioning as the Central Counter-Terrorism Law Enforcement Agency in the country. The WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMNational Investigation Agency (NIA) is created following the terror attack in Mumbai on December 26, 2008. It came into being on December 31, 2008, with the passage of the NIA Act of 2008. 49. perversely (adverb) – illogically, irrationally, unreasonably, incorrectly.


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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 07, 2021) H 50. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people

across a wide area. 51. detrimental (adjective) – undesirable, harmful, unfavourable, counterproductive.

52. well-being (noun) – a healthy state/condition. 53. elapse (verb) – pass, go by, go past. 54. seek (verb) – ask for, request, appeal for.

55. plea (noun) – appeal, petition. 56. hold (verb - rule, decide. 57. infirmity (noun) – weakness, feebleness, impairment; unsteadiness,

hesitation, instability. 58. incarceration (noun) – imprisonment, confinement, custody. 59. amount to (verb) – become, develop into, prove to be, turn out to be; boil down to, come down to. 60. endanger (verb) – imperil, jeopardize, risk. 61. systemic (adjective) – affecting all of something; constructional, organizational, structural. 62. undertrial (noun) – a person in custody (for court’s trial). 63. circumstances (noun) – situation, condition, context. 64. humane (adjective) – compassionate, considerate, sympathetic, kind- hearted. 65. sipper (noun) - drinking straw. 66. legality (noun) - lawfulness, legitimacy, validity. 67. Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) (noun) – an Indian law aimed at effective prevention of unlawful activities associations in India. Its main objective was to make powers available for dealing with activities directed against the integrity and sovereignty of India. 68. arise out of (verb) - occur, happen, take place (as a result of something). 69. commemorative (adjective) - memorial, remembrance, celebratory. 70. alleged (adjective) – supposed, claimed, professed, purported, reported, ostensible. 71. credible (adjective) – acceptable, trustworthy, reliable, dependable; believable, plausible, reasonable. 72. plant (verb) - fix, put, place, position. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM73. malware (noun) – software program designed to damage a computer system. 74. call (for) (noun – demand, desire, need, request; requirement, necessity. 75. ring true (phrase) - to seem true.


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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 07, 2021)

1. cultural (adjective) – ethnic, racial. 2. genocide (noun) – mass murder, massacre, ethnic cleansing, mass

slaughter. 3. discovery (noun) - finding, detection.

4. grave (noun) - place where a dead body is buried. 5. indigenous (adjective) – native, original, local. 6. systemic (adjective) – affecting all parts in a system; constructional,

organizational, structural. 7. the spotlight (noun) – the public attention, the focus of

public/media; the public eye. 8. put the spotlight on (phrase) – to focus on someone or something; bring attention to someone or something. 9. discrimination (noun) – prejudice, bias, intolerance, inequity, unfairness (against an individual or group of individuals by society and its institutions (basically in the procedures, policies or objectives) as a whole. 10. unmarked (adjective) - overlooked, unnoted, mysterious. 11. residential school (noun) - a boarding school; (in Canada) a federal government-funded boarding school for children from indigenous communities. 12. telling (adjective) – striking, strong, significant, important. 13. federal (adjective) – relating to a system of government in which establishments such as states or provinces share power with a national government. 14. run (verb) - manage, administer, oversee, control. 15. defend (verb) - justify, vindicate, support, speak in support of. 16. keep away from (phrasal verb) – make someone stay away from. 17. savage (noun) - barbarian, wild man, wild woman; primitive, uncivilized people. 18. abuse (verb) - misuse, ill-treat, treat badly. 19. due to (phrase) – because of, owing to, on account of, as a result of. 20. malnutrition (noun) – undernourishment, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMundernutrition, poor/unhealthy/inadequate diet. 21. squalid (adjective) – dirty, poor, slumlike, shabby, miserable.


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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 07, 2021)

22. horror (noun) – cruelty, savagery, awfulness. 23. apology (noun) – expression of regret.

24. set up (phrasal verb) - start, initiate, institute, establish. 25. Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) (noun) - The TRC to

document the history and the lasting impact of the (residential) school system on the indigenous communities. The TRC's Final Report is a testament to the courage of each and every survivor and family

member who shared their story. 26. reconciliation (noun) - restoration of friendly relations, bringing

(back) together (again). 27. commission (noun) - committee, council, panel, advisory body. 28. document (verb) - record, register, report. 29. lasting (adjective) – long-lasting, continuing, persisting, enduring, permanent. 30. call to action (noun) – stimulus, encouragement, exhortation/urging (to deal with a problem). 31. aboriginal (noun) – native, local, original inhabitant. 32. apologise (verb) – say sorry, express regret, make an apology, ask forgiveness, beg pardon. 33. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out. 34. grievance (noun) – complaint. 35. authorities (noun) – the government, the establishment, the bureaucracy, the system/regime. 36. half-hearted (adjective) - unenthusiastic, apathetic, indifferent, unconcerned, dispassionate, uninterested. 37. back-to-back (adjective) – consecutive, successive, continuous. 38. way (adverb) - really, truly, extremely. 39. guilt (noun) - self-accusation, self-condemnation, feelings of guilt. 40. abuse (noun) - wrongdoing, misconduct, misdeed, offence/crime. 41. get to the bottom of (phrase) - origin, cause, root, source. 42. accelerate (verb) – hasten, expedite, speed up. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM43. reparation (noun) - amends, restitution, redress, compensation.


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1. stirring (noun) - the starting of a motion, activity, feeling, emotion, idea, etc. 2. federalism/federal framework/system (noun) – a system of government

in which establishments such as states or provinces share power with a national government.

3. harness (verb) – utilize, use, make use of, put to use, capitalize on, employ, apply. 4. vaccine (noun) – a biological preparation that improves immunity to a

particular disease. 5. heated (adjective) - intense, vehement, passionate. 6. fracas (noun) – disturbance, uproar, commotion, quarrel, tussle, fight.

7. pushback (noun) – resistance, opposition, force back, repulse drive. 8. regulation (noun) - rule, order, directive, act, law. 9. federal (adjective) – relating to a system of government in which establishments such as states or provinces share power with a national government. 10. bargain (noun) – agreement, arrangement, understanding, deal. 11. emboldened (adjective) – encouraged, motivated; strengthened, fortified.

12. front (noun) – political group. 13. cache (noun) – store, stock, collection, accumulation, reserve. 14. craft (verb) – exercise skill in making something. 15. ideological (adjective) – relating to a system of ideas (ideology). 16. narrative (noun) – a representation of a particular situation; portrayal/account. 17. discourse (noun) – discussion, conversation, communication, expression. 18. push back (phrasal verb) – force back, repel, fight off; refuse, reject, prevent. 19. fiscal (adjective) – financial. 20. centralisation (noun) – the process of having functions, powers, people or things only in a central location or authority. 21. fiscal centralisation (noun) - it involves shifting all responsibilities for expenditures and/or revenues to the union/center government. 22. emphasis (noun) – importance, significance; priority, insistence. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM23. forge (verb) – form, create, establish, set up. 24. relevance (noun) – significance, importance.

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25. States Reorganisation Act, 1956 (noun) – An Act to provide for the reorganisation of the States of India and for matters connected therewith. In 1956, when the Constitution of India was amended to

implement the provisions of the States Reorganisation Act, only two categories, namely, States and Union Territories remained in the Indian

Union. The States Reorganisation Act of 1956 remains the single most extensive change in state boundaries since the Independence of India in 1947.

26. mobilisation (noun) – the act of bringing forces/people/resources together for a particular cause. 27. decade (noun) – a period of ten years.

28. ironically (adverb) – paradoxically, unexpectedly, strangely. 29. deepen (verb) – intensify, strengthen, increase. 30. contingency (noun) – a possible event or circumstance, happening, occurrence of a possible incident but not guaranteed/certain to happen/occur. 31. impediment (noun) – obstacle, barrier, obstruction, hindrance. 32. consensus (noun) – an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in

a group. 33. confront with (verb) - trouble, bother, distress, oppress. 34. entrenched (adjective) - ingrained, established, well established. 35. regime (noun) – government. 36. nationalism (noun) – it refers to a system (with a narrow set of ideas) created by a group of people who believe their nation is superior to all others. It is also a perception of national superiority and an orientation toward national dominance- called chauvinism (excessive nationalism). 37. wicket (noun) - barrier. 38. rhetoric (noun) – the art of speaking or writing effectively & persuasively or impressively (but, often lacking substance); bombast, loftiness, hyperbole/extravagant language. 39. purchase (noun) – advantage, support, grip, leverage. 40. ideologically (adverb) – dogmatically, conventionally; in a method which relates to an ideology. 41. relatively (adverb) – comparatively, proportionately, somewhat, to a certain extent/degree. 42. accommodate (verb) – adjust, adapt, attune, get accustomed, come to WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMterms with, come to accept. 43. linguistic (adjective) – relating to language; lingual. 44. ethnic (adjective) – relating to a population subgroup (cultural, national, traditional/folk) with a common national or cultural tradition.

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45. identity (noun) – a social category, a set of persons marked by a label and distinguished by rules deciding membership and (alleged) characteristic features or attributes; individuality, character, originality.

46. couch (verb) – express, formulate, communicate, set forth, put across. 47. discomfiture (noun) – embarrassment, discomfort, humiliation.

48. grammar (noun) - the basic elements (of an area of knowledge). 49. appeal (noun) - attraction, interest, temptation, drawing power, enticement.

50. framing (noun) – statement, identification, definition, description. 51. regionalism (noun) – excess caring for one’s region and to all related to it.

52. narrow (adjective) - narrow-minded, intolerant, illiberal, shortsighted, myopic, inward-looking. 53. parochialism (noun) – narrow-mindedness, localism, provincialism. 54. nationalist (noun/adjective) – relating to nationalism. 55. pit against (verb) – set against, match against, put in opposition to, put in competition with. 56. ask (noun) - demand.

57. uphold (verb) – confirm, endorse/approve, vindicate/validate. 58. decentralisation (noun) – the process of distributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority. 59. backyard (noun) – the territory/area close to a particular country. 60. rhetorical (adjective) – relating to the art of speaking or writing effectively & persuasively or impressively (but, often lacking substance); oratorical, overblown, extravagant, bombastic. 61. contingent (adjective) – subject to chance, unpredictable; conditional, dependent. 62. principled (adjective) – ethical, righteous, high-minded, right-minded, proper/correct. 63. point out (phrasal verb) – identify, mention, indicate, draw attention to. 64. thee (pronoun) – archaic (old-fashioned) form of “you” (when “you” as the object of a sentence (e.g. I love thee!)). 65. rendition (noun) - depiction, portrayal, representation. 66. upmanship (noun) - one-upmanship; the way of behaving in which a WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMperson attempts to get an advantage by appearing superior to/better than another person (a friend/opponent); boastfulness, showing off, self- promotion, attention-seeker. 67. partisan (adjective) – biased, prejudiced, one-sided.

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68. accommodation (noun) – adjustment, adaptation, attunement; arrangement, understanding, settlement. 69. unilateral (adjective) – relating to a method of taking decisions

(particularly on international relations) by a state (country) individually without considering other states (countries). In general, it is relating to

the decision taken individually without consulting with the others concerned. 70. for instance (phrase) – as an example.

71. downgrade (verb) – lower in status/rank/importance, demote. 72. full-fledged/fully fledged (adjective) – fully established. 73. The Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD)

Act (noun) – The Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, 2021 was introduced in Lok Sabha on March 15, 2021. The Bill amends the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Act, 1991. The Act provides a framework for the functioning of the Legislative Assembly and the government of the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi. The Bill amends certain powers and responsibilities of the Legislative Assembly and the Lieutenant

Governor. 74. blatant (adjective) – evident, flagrant/glaring, obvious. 75. undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage. 76. maturity (noun) – sense of responsibility, level-headedness, practicality. 77. divergence (noun) - difference, dissimilarity, variance, departure. 78. trajectory (noun) – track/course, route, path, direction, approach. 79. liberalisation (noun) – removal or loosening of restrictions on something, typically an economic or political system. 80. convergence (noun) – junction, intersection, interchange, meeting point, confluence. 81. fragility (noun) – vulnerability, riskiness, unreliability. 82. glimpse (noun) – brief look, glance, sight. 83. tension (noun) – strained relations; strain, stress, pressure, unease. 84. Finance Commission (FC) (noun) – It is a Constitutionally mandated body that is at the centre of fiscal federalism. Set up under Article 280 of the Constitution of India, its core responsibility is to evaluate the state of finances of the Union and State Governments, recommend the sharing of WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMtaxes between them, lay down the principles determining the distribution of these taxes among States. The first Finance Commission was set up in 1951 and there have been fifteen so far.

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85. Fifteenth Finance Commission (FC-15) (noun) – The Fifteenth Finance Commission was constituted on 27 November 2017 against the backdrop of the abolition of the Planning Commission (as also of the

distinction between Plan and non-Plan expenditure) and the introduction of the goods and services tax (GST), which has fundamentally redefined

federal fiscal relations. It is constituted to give recommendations for devolution of taxes and other fiscal matters for five fiscal years, commencing 01.04.2020.

86. mandate (verb) – instruct, direct, order, require; make mandatory. 87. census (noun) – an official survey, particularly of a population. 88. penalise (verb) – punish, discipline, mete out punishment to, sentence.

89. pool (noun) – fund, reserve. 90. deftly (adverb) – cleverly, proficiently, skillfully. 91. inter- (prefix) – between. 92. delimitation (noun) – an act of fixing boundary or limits. 93. notwithstanding (conjunction) – although, in spite of the fact that, despite the fact that, even though. 94. impatience (noun) - frustration, agitation, nervousness; irritability,

intolerance, dissatisfaction, displeasure. 95. homogenise (verb) – unite, make uniform/similar, merge. 96. alienation (noun) – isolation, detachment, estrangement/separation. 97. Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) (noun) – The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 seeks to grant citizenship to religious minorities of , Pakistan, and , who had to flee their homeland facing persecution. The six minority groups that have been specifically identified are Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians, and Parsis. 98. sub-nationalism (noun) – support for interests of a particular region within a nation/country. 99. fiscal position (noun) - the fiscal position of a government refers to how it's level of spending and taxation impact on aggregate demand and economic growth. 100. on the brink of (phrase) – on the edge/verge of difficult/dangerous situation; at a crucial or critical point. 101. squeeze (verb) – impede, restrict, inhibit, obstruct, limit. 102.WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM cess (noun) – a form of tax charged/levied over and above the base tax liability of a taxpayer. A cess is usually imposed additionally when the state or the central government looks to raise funds for specific purposes.

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103. insistence (noun) - assertion, declaration, statement, announcement, pronouncement, assurance, affirmation, avowal, swearing. 104. compensation (noun) – payment, repayment, settlement (for

loss/damage). 105. GST Compensation (noun) – Under the GST law (In India), state

governments are guaranteed full compensation for any revenue loss for the first five years after the introduction of the goods and services tax (GST) in July 2017. The compensation is a gap between actual revenue

collected and projected revenue. 106. pandemic-induced (adjective) – caused/produced by the pandemic. 107. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness

spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 108. exaggerate (verb) – magnify, amplify, inflate. 109. sentiment (noun) – feeling, thought, view, opinion. 110. isolationist (noun) – a person who believes in or advocates isolation (a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries).

111. compromise (noun) – agreement, understanding, settlement. 112. collective (adjective) – combined, united/joint, cooperative (by all people as a group). 113. seed (noun) – genesis, source, origin, starting point, beginnings. 114. necessity (noun) – (essential) requirement, prerequisite, indispensable thing. 115. in the long term (phrase) – over a long period of time; in the future. 116. are they up to the task? (phrase) - are they capable/competent enough to complete the job?

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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 08, 2021)

1. perfect (verb) - improve, fine-tune, make perfect, make as good as

possible. 2. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) (noun) – Formed in 1962, it is a national level board of education in India for public and

private schools, controlled and managed by the Union Government of India. It envisions a robust, vibrant, and holistic school education that

will engender (cause) excellence in every sphere of human endeavour. 3. assessment (noun) – evaluation, appraisal. 4. incorporate (verb) - combine, join, integrate. 5. stressed (adjective) - anxious, worried, tense, upset, distressed, pressurized, burdened. 6. uncertain (adjective) – unknown, unsettled, unresolved, unpredictable. 7. academic (noun) – scholar, educator, instructor. 8. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 9. scenario (noun) – course of events; setting, situation, context. 10. possibility (noun) – chance, likelihood, probability, prospect, hope. 11. circumstances (noun) – situation, condition, context. 12. go by (phrasal verb) - to move past (in time). 13. hastily (adverb) – swiftly, rapidly, quickly. 14. come up with (phrasal verb) – produce, put forward, present/submit. 15. emphasis (noun) – importance, significance; priority, insistence. 16. academics (noun) - subjects, courses. 17. considerable (adjective) – substantial, appreciable, significant, much. 18. deprivation (noun) – privation, hardship, destitution, neediness, distress. 19. Kendriya Vidyalaya (noun) - It is a system of central government schools in India that have been instituted under the aegis of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and came into being in 1963 under the name Central Schools. Later, the name was changed to Kendriya Vidyalaya. It is a non-profit organisation. Its schools are all WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMaffiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Note:

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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 08, 2021)

20. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (noun) - The National Policy on

Education-1986 envisaged setting up of residential schools, to be called Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, that would bring out the best of rural talent. Their vision is to provide good quality modern education-

including a strong component of culture, inculcation of values, awareness of the environment, adventure activities and physical

education- to the talented children predominantly from the rural areas without regard to their family's socio-economic conditions. 21. Central Tibetan School Administration (CTSA) (noun) - CTSA was established in 1961 with the objective to establish, manage and assist schools in India for the education of Tibetan Children living in India while preserving and promoting their culture and heritage. 22. abroad (adverb) – in a foreign country. 23. diversity (noun) – the state/condition of having many different types of something; variety, variation, difference, range. 24. background (noun) – social/family circumstances. 25. apparently (adverb) – seemingly, evidently, it appears that; supposedly. 26. reckon to/on (phrasal verb) - have a particular view or opinion of. 27. degree (noun) - level, extent. 28. mix (noun) – combination. 29. rationalised (adjective) - reorganized, simplified, streamlined, honed; making more efficient. 30. compartmentalized (adjective) - categorized, sectionalized. 31. split (verb) – divide, bifurcate. 32. halves (plural noun) – (either of) two equal parts. 33. term (noun) - semester. 34. responsive (adjective) – amenable, flexible, accessible, approachable. 35. privileged (adjective) – wealthy, rich, affluent, prosperous. 36. less privileged (adjective) – underprivileged, poor, destitute, impoverished, poverty-stricken. 37. rely on (phrasal verb) – depend on; resort to, have recourse to. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM38. rationalisation (noun) – systematisation, formalisation. Note:

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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 08, 2021)

39. centralised (adjective) – controlled by a single authority.

40. protocol (noun) – procedure, method, system. 41. stretch (verb) – extend, continue (over a period of time). 42. sound (verb) – appear, look, seem.

43. critique (verb) – criticize; evaluate, investigate (in a detailed way). 44. inferior (adjective) – substandard, low-quality, low-grade.

45. irrelevant (adjective) – immaterial, unrelated, not germane, unimportant/insignificant. 46. add up to (phrase) - amount to, make, equal, be equal to, be equivalent to. 47. in terms of (phrase) – with regard to, regarding/concerning, in connection with. 48. adjunct (noun) – supplement, addition, complement, extra. 49. decentralised (adjective) – relating to the transfer of the power/control of a department/government from a single place to other locations. 50. empower (verb) – authorize, entitle, permit, allow. 51. tailor (verb) – customize, adapt, adjust, modify, change. 52. impose (verb) – force, thrust, inflict (an unwelcome decision/ruling). 53. fallback (noun) – alternative, substitute, backup (plan). 54. worst-case scenario (noun) – the most serious or severe possible thing (environment, circumstances or outcome) that could happen in any given situation. 55. uncertainty (noun) – unpredictability, unreliability, riskiness/precariousness. 56. underscore (verb) – underline, emphasize, highlight. 57. factor in (phrasal verb) - take something into account.


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1. surge (noun) – sudden increase or rise of something. 2. take control of (phrase) - to gain/assume the authority to manage or

influence someone/something. 3. bloodshed (noun) – killing, carnage, massacre. 4. territorial (adjective) – relating to a particular territory (area/region).

5. invest in (verb) - vest in, confer on, bestow on, grant to, entrust to (a right/power).

6. offensive (noun) – attack, military campaign, act of war/aggression. 7. withdrawal (noun) – retreat, departure, ending, disengagement. 8. contest (verb) - fight in, battle in. 9. province (noun) – territory, region, state (of a country). 10. surrender (verb) – capitulate, give in, yield, concede, back down; give up, relinquish, renounce, forgo. 11. retreat (verb) - withdraw, retire, draw back, pull back, pull out. 12. elite (noun) – high society people; the group of most powerful people in a society; best. 13. power broker (noun) – an influential/powerful person. 14. provincial (adjective) – regional, territorial. 15. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 16. advancement (noun) - expansion, progress; development, improvement. 17. countryside (noun) – a rural district, a rural area. 18. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests). 19. dialogue (noun) – discussion, conversation, talk, exchange of views, discourse. 20. battlefield (noun) - battleground, theatre, arena of war. 21. relentless (adjective) – continuing, constant, continuous, non-stop, unabating, unceasing. 22. campaign (noun) – military operation, manoeuvre, battle plan. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM23. territory (noun) – sphere, arena, domain.


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24. abdication (noun) – disowning, rejection, refusal/avoidance, abandonment.

25. invade (verb) – occupy, conquer, capture, seize, take over. 26. finding (noun) – conclusion, result; decision. 27. settlement (noun) – agreement, deal, arrangement; resolution,

solution. 28. keep/put pressure on (phrase) – to try to influence/persuade someone

to do something in a certain method. 29. extract (verb) – obtain, get, take. 30. concession (noun) – compromise, adjustment. 31. strike a deal/bargain (phrase) – to come to an agreement. 32. much more (phrase) – a lot more. 33. on the ground (phrase) – in a situation/place where things are happening really/practically. 34. revive (verb) - restore, revitalize, renew, bring back. 35. pullout (noun) – departure, withdrawal, retreat, disengagement, exit. 36. negotiate (verb) - discuss terms, hold talks, discuss a settlement, talk, try to reach a compromise. 37. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt. 38. takeover (noun) – gaining of control, change of ownership. 39. serve (verb) - be of use to, help, give help to, assist, give assistance to. 40. interests (noun) – concern, benefit, advantage. 41. legitimacy (noun) – legality, validity, lawfulness. 42. regime (noun) – system/government. 43. stabilise (verb) – reinforce, fortify, strengthen, secure, make stronger. 44. sustain (verb) – continue, support, underpin, bolster up. 45. in the long term (phrase) – over a long period of time; in the future. 46. invading (adjective) - occupying, capturing, seizing. 47. warring (adjective) – opposing, conflicting, clashing, fighting. 48. lasting (adjective) – long-lasting, continuing, persisting, enduring, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMpermanent. Note:

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1. darkness at noon (phrase) - Arthur Koestler’s Novel Darkness at Noon was first published in 1940. It was set in the period when Joseph Stalin's campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union occurred from 1936

to 1938. 2. fell (verb) - knock down, demolish, bring down, cut down.

3. judiciary (noun) – judges. 4. the judiciary (noun) – a branch of government in which judicial power is vested.

5. posterity (noun) – future generations; descendants, successors. 6. incarceration (noun) – imprisonment, confinement, custody. 7. The Great Purge (noun) – the Great Terror; It was Joseph Stalin's campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union that occurred from 1936 to 1938. 8. among other things (phrase) – used to indicate that there are several more things like the one mentioned, but that you do not intend to mention them all. 9. repression (noun) – suppression, oppression, quelling, restraining/stifling. 10. surveillance (noun) – monitoring, scrutiny, inspection.

11. suspicion (noun) – misgiving, doubt/qualm, distrust, scepticism.

12. imprisonment (noun) – incarceration, custody, confinement. 13. execution (noun) – killing, hanging, putting to death. 14. decade (noun) – a period of ten years. 15. pass away (phrasal verb) – die, lose one’s life, expire. 16. ominously (adverb) – threateningly, menacingly, forbiddingly. 17. reminiscent (adjective) – similar to, comparable with, bearing comparison with. 18. macabre (adjective) – gruesome, horrible, shocking. 19. activist (noun) – a person who supports a political or societal change/cause. 20. systemic (adjective) – affecting all of something; constructional, organizational, structural. 21. abuse (noun) – misuse, misapplication, misemployment. 22. majoritarian (adjective) – relating to a philosophy that states that a majority (sometimes categorized by religion, language, social class, or WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMsome other identifying factor) of the population is entitled to a certain degree of primacy (priority) in society, and has the right to make decisions that affect the society.

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23. disregard (noun) - indifference, non-observance; inattention, heedlessness, carelessness, negligence. 24. rule of law (phrase) – it is described as “a principle of governance in

which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated,

equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards. 25. in a nutshell (phrase) - in sum, briefly, to come to the point, in essence.

26. Jesuit (noun) – a member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order of religious men founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1534 to do educational, missionary, and charitable works. 27. priest (noun) – clergyman, father, pastor. 28. upliftment (noun) – improvement. 29. marginalised (adjective) – treated as insignificant, treated as unimportant, neglected. 30. prolifically (adverb) - plentifully, abundantly, bountifully, copiously, considerably. 31. credit (verb - ascribe, attribute, assign, accredit; connect with, associate with.

32. dispossessed (adjective) – poor, impoverished, disadvantaged,

underprivileged. 33. public interest (noun) – the public good; the advantage/benefit of the community in general. 34. litigation (noun) – legal action, lawsuit, legal case. 35. public interest litigation (PIL) (noun) – legal action initiated in a court of law for the enforcement or protection of public interest. 36. undertrial (noun) – a person in custody (for court’s trial). 37. seize (verb) – confiscate, appropriate, take over, take away, take possession of. 38. National Investigation Agency (NIA) (noun) – The National Investigation Agency is a central agency established by the Indian Government to combat terror in India. It is functioning as the Central Counter-Terrorism Law Enforcement Agency in the country. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is created following the terror WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMattack in Mumbai on December 26, 2008. It came into being on December 31, 2008, with the passage of the NIA Act of 2008.

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39. Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) (noun) – an Indian law aimed at effective prevention of unlawful activities associations in India. Its main objective was to make powers available for dealing with

activities directed against the integrity and sovereignty of India. 40. roster (noun) – a list of the people of a team/organisation.

41. intellectual (noun) – academic, scholar, learned person, pandit. 42. suspect (noun) – suspected person, accused, defendant. 43. the state (noun) – the government, the regime, the authorities.

44. besides (preposition/linking adverb) – in addition to, as well, apart from. 45. improbable (adjective) - doubtful, dubious, questionable, uncertain. 46. detention (noun) – imprisonment, confinement/incarceration, captivity, custody. 47. flimsy (adjective) – unconvincing, unsatisfactory, unsubstantial. 48. propaganda (noun) – the (deliberate & systemic) spreading of information (facts, ideas, rumours or lies) to influence public opinion. 49. authenticity (noun) – reliability, dependability, trustworthiness. 50. allegedly (adverb) – reportedly, supposedly, purportedly, ostensibly, apparently. 51. indict (noun) - charge with, accuse of, put on trial for.

52. forensic (adjective) – relating to the application of scientific knowledge

& methods to legal problems and legal proceedings. 53. trial (noun) – legal action, court case, lawsuit. 54. pointer (noun) – indication, hint, signal, suggestion. 55. subsequent (adjective) – following, ensuing, succeeding, successive. 56. plea (noun) – appeal, petition. 57. consistently (adverb) – always, each time, invariably. 58. on record (phrase) – officially documented/recorded; on paper. 59. degenerative (adjective) – deteriorating, weakening, declining. 60. Parkinson’s disease (noun) – a brain disorder that leads to shaking, stiffness, and difficulty with walking, balance, and coordination. 61. move (noun) - affect, touch, strike, impress, disturb, have an impact on. 62. bail (noun) – conditional, temporary release of an arrested/imprisoned person when a specified amount of security is deposited or pledged (as cash or property) to ensure his/her appearance in court when required. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM63. unequivocally (adverb) – clearly, well definedly; unambiguously, categorically, unmistakably. 64. adjourn (verb) – postpone, put off, defer/delay.

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65. lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring about, call forth, give rise to, produce. 66. passing (noun) - death, demise, passing away.

67. testimony (noun) – evidence, proof, attestation/witness, sworn statement.

68. coincidentally (adverb) - at the same time. 69. coterminous (adjective) – happening at the same period of time; be present at the same period of time; coexistent, close, alongside.

70. regime (noun) – system. 71. emboldened (adjective) – encouraged, motivated; strengthened, fortified. 72. pursue (verb) – engage in, conduct, take part in (an activity). 73. apathy (noun) – disregard, lack of interest, unconcern. 74. perplex (verb) - puzzle, mystify, bewilder, confound. 75. on the one hand (phrase) – it is used to introduce the first of two contrasting different, points, facts, or ways of looking at something. It is always followed later by “on the other hand” or ‘on the other’. 76. grandiloquently (adverb) - pompously, bombastically, rhetorically. 77. personal liberty (noun) – it means the liberty of an individual to behave as one pleases except for those restraints imposed by laws and codes of

conduct of the society in which one lives to safeguard the physical,

moral, political, and economic welfare of others. 78. liberty (noun) – freedom, independence. 79. precisely (adverb) – exactly, absolutely, squarely. 80. presumption of innocence (noun) – Innocent unless proven guilty; a central principle of criminal law and procedure that every person accused of a crime is presumed to be innocent unless and until his or her guilt is established beyond a reasonable doubt. 81. Criminal Law (noun) – a complex system of laws concerned with punishment of individuals who commit crimes. 82. footing (noun) – standing, status, position. 83. interpretation (noun) – explanation, elucidation, clarification, definition; examination, evaluation, analysis. 84. downstream (adjective) – happening at a later stage in a process. 85. statute (noun) – act/law, regulation, rule (written & laid down by the legislature). WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM86. doctrine (noun) – principle, command, directive, rule. 87. eventually (adverb) – in the end, finally, at last. 88. inadmissible (adjective) – not allowable, invalid, unacceptable.

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89. acquit (verb) – declare innocent, exonerate, absolve; discharge, release, free (from a criminal charge). 90. illogic (adjective) - illogical thought.

91. veer (verb) – change, deviate, diverge. 92. the absurd (noun) – ridiculous/laughable state of affairs.

93. presume (verb) – assume, suppose, believe. 94. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, indictment. 95. first information report (FIR) (noun) – a written document prepared by

the police when they receive information about the commission of a cognizable offence. 96. contradict (verb) – oppose, argue against, conflict with. 97. prosecution (noun) – legal action, legal proceeding, legal case. 98. rest on (phrasal verb) – be based on, depend on, be dependent on, rely on. 99. virtually (adverb) – practically. 100. admissibility (noun) – the quality of being acceptable/valid. 101. Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (noun) – The Indian Evidence Act, originally passed in India by the Imperial Legislative Council in 1872, during the British Raj, contains a set of rules and allied issues governing the

admissibility of evidence in the Indian courts of law.

102. arguably (adverb) – possibly, conceivably, maybe, potentially. 103. unconstitutional (adjective) – undemocratic, autocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian. 104. hearing (noun) – legal proceedings, trial, court case. 105. farce (noun) - absurdity, mockery, sham, joke, waste of time, laughing stock. 106. barrier (noun) – blockade, hurdle; obstacle, impediment, hindrance. 107. nothing short of (phrase) – nothing less than. 108. nightmare (noun) – very unpleasant or frightening experience; ordeal, horror, torment. 109. arrestee (noun) - a person who has been arrested. 110. abuse (verb) - misuse, misapply, misemploy, mishandle. 111. prosecution (noun) - the party filing & conducting legal action/lawsuit/court case against someone. 112.WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM implicate (verb) - incriminate, involve in, connect, embroil (in a crime). 113. dissenter (noun) – dissident, objector, protester, disputant. 114. sedition (noun) – incitement (to riot/rebellion), agitation, trouble making/provocation (against the established government/authority).

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115. conspiracy (noun) – (unlawful) plan/plot, intrigue, collaboration/decep tion, collusion. 116. have one's hands tied (phrase) - not able to act freely.

117. perforce (adverb) - necessarily, of necessity, inevitably, unavoidably. 118. for instance (phrase) – as an example.

119. adjudicate (verb) – adjudge, judge, decide, settle, resolve. 120. straitjacketed (adjective) – handicapped, restrained, hampered, impeded. 121. draconian (adjective) – (of laws or punishments) extremely harsh,

severe, strict, stringent, tough. 122. preventive detention (noun) – an action taken by the administration on the grounds of the suspicion that some wrong actions may be done by the person concerned which will be prejudicial to the state. 123. The Emergency (noun) – In India, “The Emergency” refers to a 21- month period from 1975 to 1977 when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had a state of emergency declared across the country. Officially issued by President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed under Article 352 of the Constitution because of the prevailing “internal disturbance”, the Emergency was in effect from 25 June 1975 until its withdrawal on 21 March 1977. 124. deprive of (verb) – dispossess, strip of, deny, prevent from having.

125. remedy (noun) – solution, answer, antidote/panacea.

126. diluted (adjective) – weakened/reduced (in value). 127. reverse (verb) - revoke, repeal, cancel, annul, nullify. 128. dilute (verb) – reduce, decrease, lessen, mitigate. 129. run the risk (phrase) – do something that may cause something unpleasant/bad. 130. compromise (verb) – undermine, weaken, damage. 131. flagrant (adjective) – obvious, blatant, evident, glaring. 132. means (noun) – way, method, mode. 133. silence (verb) – suppress, quell, repress, muffle. 134. voice (noun) – expression; opinion, view. 135. pertain to (verb) – concern, relate to, be connected with. 136. Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) (noun) – The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 seeks to grant citizenship to religious minorities of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, who had to flee their homeland facing persecution. The six minority groups that have been specifically WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMidentified are Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians, and Parsis. 137. untenable (adjective) – undefendable, unjustified, unacceptable. 138. plant (verb) – fix, put, place, position.

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139. consequence (noun) – outcome, ramification, repercussion. 140. merits (noun) – an essential inherent quality (rights and wrongs only) while evaluating a case (not by external aspects).

141. uncharacteristically (adverb) – unusually, abnormally, unconventionally. 142. weigh in (phrasal verb) – to have influence (in a

decision/discussion/pla n/argument/activity); be important to, carry weight, make an impression on, make a strong contribution to. 143. reportedly (adverb) – supposedly, seemingly, apparently, allegedly.

144. dissatisfaction (noun) – discontent, disappointment, disquiet, unhappiness, disgruntlement, frustration. 145. precedent (noun) – model, exemplar, example, pattern; previous example/instance, prior instance. 146. imply (verb) – suggest, hint, intimate. 147. hold forth (verb – speak at length, talk at length, speak, talk, lecture. 148. statutory (adjective) – legitimate; required by statute. 149. constitutional court (noun) – The Supreme Court of India is the supreme judicial body of India and the highest court of India under the constitution. It is the most senior constitutional court, and has the power of judicial review. The high courts that deal primarily

with constitutional law are also called as the constitutional courts.

150. in one's own right (phrase) - due to one's own claims/qualifications. 151. by extension (phrase) – used for mentioning something in connection to something else. 152. ought (not) to (modal verb) – must (not), should (not). 153. languish (verb) – suffer, experience hardship; be abandoned, be neglected, be forgotten. 154. constitutional validity (noun) – it implies checking whether a particular law, statute, procedure, act, etc. violates constitutional provisions or not. 155. irrational (adjective) – unreasonable, illogical, groundless, baseless, unjustifiable. 156. chorus (noun) – (of voice) in unison, together, simultaneously/at the same time. 157. A caged bird can still sing (phrase) - The caged bird a symbol of the WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMplight of a person who is oppressed. Its song is a reference to how his/her voice would still continue to rise in protest.

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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 09, 2021) H 1. reconstitution (noun) - reorganization, rearrangement, recomposition, restructuring, reshuffle. 2. governance (noun) - administration.

3. bear/keep in mind (phrase) - take into account, consider, heed. 4. consideration (noun) – factor, point, element, aspect, feature. 5. induct (verb) – admit to, allow into, introduce to.

6. drop (verb) – exclude, discard, expel, oust. 7. shy of (adjective) - less than; short of.

8. advertise (verb) - publicize, make public, announce. 9. restraint (noun) – restriction, limitation. 10. quietly (adverb) – silently.

11. aspiration (noun) – aim, ambition, goal, target, objective. 12. satiate (verb) – another term for sate; fully satisfy. 13. vast (adjective) – huge, very large, very big. 14. diverse (adjective) – involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds; very different, varying, multiple. 15. Council (noun) - ministry. 16. composition (noun) – the action of putting things together; integration, merger, formation. 17. in step (phrase) - in agreement, in tune, in line, in accordance. 18. relentless (adjective) – continuing, constant, continuous, non-stop, unabating, unceasing. 19. rope in (phrasal verb) – persuade, convince, urge (someone to take part in an activity). 20. umbrella (modifier) – something (coalition) that has many different parts/elements. 21. accommodation (noun) – adjustment, adaptation, attunement; arrangement, understanding, settlement. 22. tension (noun) – strained relations; strain, stress, pressure, unease. 23. simmer (verb) – burn, fume, smoulder, be boiling over; fester, brew. 24. induction (noun) - instatement, introduction, swearing in. 25. elevation (noun) – rise, growth, promotion, upgrading, advancement. 26. signal (verb) - indicate, show, express, communicate. 27. influence (noun) – power, authority, sway, control, leverage, weight. 28. barring (preposition) – except for, with the exception of, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMexcepting, excluding, omitting, leaving out. 29. under-representation (noun) – insufficient or inadequate representation. 30. impressively (adverb) - spectacularly, excellently, admirably. 31. representative (adjective) - characteristic, illustrative, indicative.


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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 09, 2021) H 32. diversity (noun) – the state/condition of having many different types of something; variety, variation, difference, range. 33. axe (verb) - dismiss, lay off, let go, discharge; sack, fire.

34. apparently (adverb) – seemingly, evidently, it appears that; supposedly. 35. marching order (noun) – an order to leave a place, a job, etc. 36. mishandle (verb) – mismanage, misdirect, misgovern, misconduct.

37. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people

across a wide area. 38. giant (adjective) – a very large, mighty, mammoth (organisation). 39. inductee (noun) - a person inducted into a ministry; selectee.

40. accountability (noun) – responsibility, liability, answerability. 41. contextual (adjective) – relating to the conditions that make the setting of something (an event/idea). 42. centralised (adjective) – controlled by a single authority. 43. immaterial (adjective) – irrelevant, unimportant, inconsequential, insignificant, not germane. 44. empower (verb) – authorize, entitle, permit, allow. 45. collective (adjective) – combined, united/joint, cooperative (by all people as a group). 46. infuse (verb) – fill, pervade; instil, inject, impart, add. 47. open (adjective) – frank, candid, forthright, outspoken, free-spoken. 48. proposal (noun) - scheme, plan, suggestion (a written one). 49. consideration (noun) - deliberation, examination, inspection, analysis, review, discussion. 50. go through (phrasal verb) – search, look through, examine, scrutinize, inspect, read over. 51. rigorous (adjective) – careful, diligent, attentive, ultra-careful. 52. vetting (noun) – an act of careful examination & thorough appraisal (of a person). 53. recomposition (noun) - reconstitution, reorganization, rearrangement, restructuring, reshuffle. 54. rev up (phrasal verb) - make something more active; make something more energetic. 55. fuel (verb) - stimulate, boost, encourage, support, nurture. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM56. all hands on deck (phrase) - used to say that everyone concerned is needed to participate and help in a particular (difficult) situation. 57. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably. 58. flourish (verb) – develop, improve, progress, evolve, thrive, prosper.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 09, 2021)

1. blip (noun) – a small/very short & temporary deviation (from

normality/trend). 2. inflict (verb) – cause, impose, exact, wreak.

3. cost (noun) – loss, suffering, drawback, disadvantage. 4. lockdown (noun) – an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An

extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority.

5. streak (noun) – period, time, spell, stretch. 6. receipts (noun) – proceeds, money/payment received, income, revenue, earnings, turnover. 7. tank (verb) - fail, collapse, tumble/plunge, decline (in value rapidly). 8. a tad (adverb) - rather, quite, fairly, moderately. 9. relatively (adverb) – comparatively, proportionately, somewhat, to a certain extent/degree. 10. tepid (adjective) – unenthusiastic, uninterested, lukewarm. 11. reflect (verb) – indicate, show, display, demonstrate. 12. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 13. flourish (noun) – a period of thriving/developing/growing; development, growth, advancement. 14. rigorous (adjective) – strict, severe, stern, stringent. 15. compliance (noun) – conformity, observance, observation, accordance, adherence. 16. attributable to (adjective) – considered as an outcome/result caused by. 17. gross (adjective) – total, full, entire, complete. 18. kitty (noun) – a sum of something (money/things) made up of small contributions. 19. fell past of fall (verb) – decrease, decline, reduce, lessen. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM20. sequential (adjective) – continuous, consecutive.


1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H

WORD LIST-2 (JUL 09, 2021)

21. steep (adjective) – sudden, sharp, rapid.

22. case load (noun) – the number of cases to be handled by a doctor at one time.

23. pull back (phrasal verb) – withdraw, retreat, pull out, draw back, restore. 24. pick up (phrasal verb) – improve, get better, recover, progress.

25. slowdown (noun) – decline, slump, downturn (in economic activity). 26. drive (verb) - propel, urge, prompt; push, force.

27. setback (noun) – problem, difficulty, issue. 28. shake up (phrasal verb) - weaken, undermine, damage, impair. 29. sentiment (noun) – attitude, thought, view, opinion. 30. the new normal (phrase) – an earlier unusual situation that becomes a standard now. 31. perhaps (adverb) – maybe, possibly. 32. sustain (verb) – continue, carry on, keep up, maintain, bolster up. 33. resurgence (noun) – reoccurrence/recurrence, reappearance, reemergence. 34. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a particular disease; immunization. 35. ramp up (phrasal verb) – increase (in amount or number). 36. fiscal (adjective) – financial. 37. breathing room (noun) - breathing space/time; buffer time, period of rest, respite. 38. sit back (phrasal verb) - relax, lie back, unwind. 39. structural (adjective) - organizational, configurational, formational; basic/fundamental. 40. regime (noun) – system. 41. seek (verb) – ask for, request; try to obtain. 42. rate cut (noun) – reduction in the interest rate. 43. spur (verb) – motivate, stimulate, encourage, galvanize. 44. plausible (adjective) – probable, possible; believable, conceivable. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM45. pick-up (noun) – improvement, advancement, betterment.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 09, 2021)

46. make up for (phrasal verb) – offset, counterbalance, counterweigh.

47. resultant (adjective) – resulting, ensuing, consequent. 48. uptick (noun) – a small increase or upward trend.

49. consumption (noun) – the use of goods and services by households. 50. room (noun) – scope, opportunity, chance (for something to happen). 51. revenue neutrality (noun) - any revenue loss from tax cuts must be

offset by revenue gains either from tax increases, broadening the tax base, closing loopholes, or eliminating deductions or from additional

revenue that flows into the treasury from economic growth as a result of tax cuts. 52. take up (phrasal verb) - accept, say yes to, agree to, accede to, adopt. 53. prod (verb) - spur, stimulate, prompt, drive. 54. rebound (noun) – recovery (after a decline). 55. brewing (adjective) – developing, looming, impending, fuming, simmering, smouldering (of something bad/unpleasant situation). 56. compensation (noun) – payment, repayment, settlement (for loss/damage). 57. GST Compensation (noun) – Under the GST law (In India), state governments are guaranteed full compensation for any revenue loss for the first five years after the introduction of the goods and services tax (GST) in July 2017. The compensation is a gap between actual revenue collected and projected revenue. 58. foster (verb) – encourage, promote, develop. 59. misgivings (noun) – doubt, suspicion, distrust, apprehension. 60. back-to-back (adjective) – consecutive, successive, continuous. 61. in lieu (phrase) - as an alternative, as a substitute, as a replacement. 62. dues (noun) – payment (which is (long) pending). 63. viable (adjective) – reasonable, practical, logical, sensible, effective.


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1. prospects (noun) – chances, possibilities, expectations, outlook, future. 2. withdrawal (noun) – retreat, departure, ending, disengagement. 3. take hold (phrase) - begin to have an effect.

4. dynamics (noun) – basic/fundamental cause or force that triggers change within a system. 5. airbase (noun) – a military airport.

6. authorities (noun) – the government, the establishment, the bureaucracy, the system/regime. 7. air (noun) - appearance, look, impression.

8. uncertainty (noun) – unpredictability, unreliability, riskiness/precariousness. 9. ponder (verb) – think about, consider, contemplate, review, reflect on.

10. ravage (verb) – devastate, ruin, destroy, wreak havoc on, damage. 11. neighbour (noun) – a country that is next to another country; (bordering) country. 12. face (with) (verb) – beset, worry, distress, trouble, bother, confront, burden. 13. persuade (verb) – convince, assure, make certain. 14. overplay one’s hand (phrase) - used to emphasize that someone’s

overconfidence in his/her ability or position will spoil his/her chance of success. 15. costly (adverb) – awful, terrible, damaging, disastrous. 16. misadventure (noun) – misfortune; problem/difficulty, mishap/setback. 17. intervention (noun) – the process of intervening in something; involvement, interference. 18. embroil (verb) - involve, entangle, ensnare, mire. 19. negotiate (verb) - discuss terms, hold talks, discuss a settlement, try to reach a compromise. 20. entity (noun) – organization, body, institution, establishment. 21. governance (noun) – administration. 22. counter-narcotics (plural noun) – actions taken to combat or prevent narcotics. 23. narcotics (noun) – addictive drugs, illegal drugs. 24. humanitarian (adjective) – compassionate, humane, socially concerned. 25. pay the price/cost (phrase) – experience the bad/unpleasant result of something; sacrifice, loss. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM26. civilian (noun) – non-military person, ordinary citizen. 27. add to (phrasal verb) – increase, amplify, intensify. 28. literacy (noun) – the ability to read and write. 29. life expectancy (noun) - the number of years a person can expect to live.

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30. urbanisation (noun) – a process of creating urban areas. It is a result of population migration from rural areas in addition to natural urban demographic growth.

31. infant (noun) - baby, newborn, young child. 32. mortality (noun) – (in a particular time/for a cause) the rate/number of death.

33. median (adjective) – mean, average. 34. grow up (phrasal verb) - (of a person) to develop into an adult. 35. bear the brunt (phrase) – to suffer or endure the worst part of something

(force/burden/pressure) when a very bad or unpleasant thing happens. 36. legitimacy (noun) – legality, validity, lawfulness. 37. degenerate (verb) – get worse, decline, slide, deteriorate.

38. chaos (noun) – disorder, disarray, turmoil, disorganization, disruption. 39. counter-terrorism (noun) – anti-terrorism; actions taken to combat or prevent terrorism. 40. counter-insurgency (COIN) (noun) – comprehensive political and military efforts taken to simultaneously defeat and contain insurgency/revolt (activities of rebels, guerrillas, etc) and address its root causes.

41. shade (noun) - a little, a bit, a trace, a modicum, a hint. 42. to one’s credit (phrase) – used to mention that someone deserves praise/admiration. 43. credit (noun) – praise, admiration, commendation, acclaim, acknowledgement, recognition. 44. the writing is on the wall (phrase) - sign, signal, indication, warning, presage, portent, omen, augury, harbinger (that some catastrophe/disaster is going to happen). 45. safe haven (noun) – refuge, shelter, asylum, place of safety/security. 46. sanctuary (noun) – a holy place. 47. Durand Line (noun) – a borderline between Afghanistan and Pakistan. 48. make peace (phrase) - establish friendly relations (again). 49. sour (verb) - spoil, mar, damage, harm, impair, worsen. 50. eventually (adverb) – in the end, finally, at last. 51. dilute (verb) – reduce, decrease, lessen, mitigate. 52. oversee (verb) – supervise, be in charge of, be responsible for, look after, keep an eye on, inspect. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM53. surge (noun) – sudden increase or rise of something. 54. negotiation (noun) – discussions, talks, deliberation; discussing the terms of, arrangement. 55. ambassador (noun) – envoy, diplomat, consul.

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56. set out (phrasal verb) – present, describe, set forth. 57. ceasefire (noun) – a negotiated agreement that will be accompanied by other associated commitments to de-escalate the fighting; a temporary

stoppage of war, truce, armistice. 58. cut (verb) - remove, take out. 59. ties (noun) – association, relationship, bond, connection.

60. intra- (prefix) – within. 61. whittle away/down (phrasal verb) – reduce, cut down, lessen, decrease. 62. cadre (noun) – a small group of people (trained for a specific task).

63. in short (phrase) – briefly, in essence. 64. end up (phrasal verb) – come/appear, find oneself (to a particular course of action in the end).

65. legitimise (verb) – validate, legitimate, justify. 66. at the expense of (phrase) – at the cost of, at the loss of; at the sacrifice of. 67. is no stranger to (phrase) – experienced in something; knowledgeable about something; to be well informed about a particular experience or activity. 68. dossier (noun) – report/file, case history, case study.

69. quagmire (noun) – unfortunate situation, muddle, mix-up. 70. forever (adjective) – continuous, lasting, permanent. 71. push ahead (phrasal verb) - proceed, continue, advance, make progress (with a course of action). 72. limbo (noun) – uncertain situation or state; a state of uncertainty. 73. civil war (noun) – a war between organized groups within the same state or country. 74. certainly (adverb) – surely, definitely, unquestionably. 75. trajectory (noun) – track/course, route, path, direction, approach. 76. High Council for National Reconciliation (HCNR) (noun) – This council was established in February 2020 to resolve a political deadlock on elections and put an end to an election rivalry in Afghanistan that lasted for five months between Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and President Ashraf Ghani. 77. ironically (adverb) – paradoxically, unexpectedly, strangely. 78. vocal (adjective) – vociferous, outspoken, forthright; relating to someone who expresses his/her views frankly. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM79. critic (noun) – censurer, attacker, fault-finder. 80. hasty (adjective) – hurried, rapid/quick; reckless, ill-considered, ill- advised. 81. mount (verb) – increase, rise, escalate.

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82. countryside (noun) – a rural district, a rural area. 83. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests).

84. provincial (adjective) – regional, territorial. 85. clutch (noun) – power, control, domination, command. 86. corridor (noun) – a strip/swathe of land linking two areas (particularly

by a road). 87. exert (verb) - apply, use, utilize, deploy (a force/influence/control) 88. unfold (verb) – happen, occur, take place, transpire.

89. ideological (adjective) – relating to a system of ideas (ideology). 90. colour (noun) - tone, voice. 91. Quetta Shura/Rahbari Shura (noun) - a militant organization which is

composed of the leaders (leadership council) of the Afghan Taliban, and believed to be based, since about 2001, within the city of Quetta in the Balochistan province of Pakistan. 92. preserve (noun) – domain, area, territory, sphere. 93. pursue (verb) – engage in, conduct, take part in (an activity). 94. call the shots (phrase) – to be the person who commands/controls a situation or course of action; be in charge, be the boss, be in the driving

seat. 95. regime (noun) – government. 96. front (noun) – a particular sphere of activity/operation. 97. snipe (verb) - denounce, condemn, criticize, censure, blame. 98. adversely (adverb) – unfavourably, disadvantageously, badly. 99. integrity (noun) – unity, cohesion, undividedness, togetherness, solidarity. 100. opportunistic (adjective) – selfish, self-centred, self-seeking, egocentric, inward-looking. 101. strike a deal/bargain (phrase) – to come to an agreement. 102. hasten (verb) – speed up, quicken, accelerate, expedite. 103. dry up (phrasal verb) - dwindle, wane, disappear, vanish, run out. 104. strategic (adjective) – relating to achieving long-term or overall goals. 105. magnet (noun) – attraction, focus, focal point. 106. home-grown (adjective) – belonging to one’s own country. 107. extremist (noun) – fanatic, radical, militant. 108. neighbourhood (noun) – (surrounding) area, region, country. 109.WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM seldom (adverb) – hardly, rarely, almost never. 110. lasting (adjective) – long-lasting, continuing, persisting, enduring, permanent. 111. compromise (noun) – agreement, deal, understanding, settlement.

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1. undead (adjective) - soulless. 2. Section 66A of the Information Technology Act (noun) – Section 66A provides punishment for sending offensive messages through

communication service, etc. 3. Information Technology Act (noun) – it is an Act of the Indian

Parliament notified on 17 October 2000. It is the primary law in India dealing with cybercrime and electronic commerce. 4. invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, adduce.

5. ignorance (noun) - incomprehension, unawareness, unconsciousness; lack of knowledge. 6. serve (verb) – act as, function as. 7. harassment (noun) – persecution, persistent annoyance, coercion/intimidation. 8. disconcerting (adjective) – discomfiting, unsettling, disturbing. 9. strike down (phrasal verb) – abolish, annul, nullify (a law or regulation). 10. unconstitutional (adjective) – undemocratic, autocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian. 11. trial court (noun) – a court of law where cases are tried at first. (try means to investigate and decide (a case) in a formal trial). 12. deem (verb) – consider, regard as, view as; think. 13. state of affairs (phrase) – condition, situation, circumstances. 14. People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) (noun) – a human rights body formed in India in 1976 by socialist leader Jayaprakash Narayan, as the People’s Union for Civil Liberties and Democratic Rights. 15. come up (phrasal verb) - (of a legal suit) reach the time when it is planned to be dealt with. 16. hearing (noun) – inquiry, legal proceedings, trial/court case. 17. offensive (adjective) – hurtful, provocative, uncivil; hostile, provoking. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM18. menacing (adjective) - threatening, intimidating, frightening. 19. annoyance (noun) - irritation, displeasure, vexation.


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20. offence (noun) – attack, onslaught, assault; crime, illegal/unlawful act, misdeed, wrongdoing. 21. prescribe (verb) – stipulate, lay down, set down, order, impose.

22. conviction (noun) – pronouncement of guilt, sentence, judgement. 23. provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement,

condition. 24. vague (adjective) – imprecise, inexact, unclear/uncertain. 25. freedom of speech (noun) – the right to express opinions without

government interference. 26. broadly (adverb) – generally, usually, commonly. 27. sweep (noun) - range, ambit, remit, purview, limit, extent. 28. exercise (noun) - use, utilization, employment. 29. imposition (noun) – introduction, institution; enforcement, implementation. 30. draw attention to (phrase) – to make someone notice something; emphasize, highlight, underscore; focus on. 31. prosecutor (noun) – a lawyer who presents the government’s case against someone accused of a crime; State counsel. 32. disseminate (verb) - spread, circulate, distribute, publicize, communicate, make known. 33. ruling (noun) – judgement, adjudication, verdict. 34. man (verb) - work (at a place); staff, crew, occupy. 35. instance (noun) - a particular case. 36. frame (verb) – formulate, draw up, plan, devise, create, orchestrate, engineer, coordinate. 37. charge (noun) – accusation, allegation, indictment, arraignment. 38. cite (verb) – refer to, adduce, make reference to, invoke. 39. as many as (phrase) - considerable, substantial. 40. surmise (verb) – guess, conjecture, suspect, conclude, speculate. 41. first information report (FIR) (noun) – a written document prepared by the police when they receive information about the commission of WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMa cognizable offence.


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42. rule out (phrasal verb) – eliminate, reject, dismiss, disregard, prohibit, prevent. 43. deliberately (adverb) – intentionally, purposely, knowingly/wittingly.

44. invalidated (adjective) – nullified, annulled, negated, cancelled, quashed, overturned, overruled, overridden.

45. defamation (noun) – character assassination, libel, misrepresentation, vilification, backbiting, scandalmongering, malicious gossip. 46. Section 500 of the IPC (noun) – Section 500 of the IPC deals with

"punishment for defamation". 47. Indian Penal Code (IPC) (noun) – The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the official criminal code of India. It is a comprehensive code intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law. The draft was passed into law on 6 October 1860. The Code came into operation on 1 January 1862. The Indian Penal Code of 1860, subdivided into 23 chapters, comprises 511 sections. IPC deals with crimes and punishments. 48. pursue (verb) – engage in, conduct, take part in (an activity). 49. by way of (phrase) – as a form of. 50. result in (phrasal verb) – cause, produce, effect, contribute to. 51. as well as (phrase) – and also, and in addition. 52. advisory (noun) - official communication, press release, bulletin, missive, statement, report. 53. station-house (noun) - police station, police headquarters. 54. magistrate (noun) – the judicial officers or civil officers of a state who handle minor legal cases in a specific area like town, district etc. 55. directorate (noun) - council, committee, panel, group. 56. prosecution (noun) – legal action, legal proceeding, legal case. 57. proactively (adverb) – farsightedly/shrewdly, energetically. 58. from time to time (phrase) – occasionally, now and again, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMperiodically. Note:

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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 10, 2021) H 1. assassination (noun) – murder, killing. 2. Haiti (proper noun) - a Caribbean country that shares the island of

Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic to its east. 3. hold (verb) – conduct, organize, arrange. 4. legislative (adjective) – relating to a legislature (law-making/governing

body). 5. legitimate (adjective) – legal, lawful, constitutional. 6. brazen (adjective) – blatant/flagrant; bold and shameless; unashamed,

unabashed, unembarrassed. 7. impoverished (adjective) – weakened, exhausted, drained, diminished, depleted; poor, poverty-stricken, penniless, destitute, needy.

8. batter (verb) – damage, spoil, impair/ruin; smash, hit/strike repeatedly. 9. chaos (noun) – disorder, disarray, turmoil, disorganization, disruption. 10. mercenary (noun) – a professional soldier hired for service in a foreign army (who works mainly for personal profit, particularly money rather than for political interests/issues). 11. Port-au-Prince (proper noun) - The capital of Haiti. 12. mastermind (noun) – initiator, planner. 13. opponent (noun) – rival, nemesis, combatant, competitor. 14. take over (phrasal verb) – assume control of, take control of, gain control of, take charge of, take command of. 15. parallel government (noun) – a government formed by a person or by a group of people regardless of the presence of the main government with authority. it is basically formed to undermine the authority of the main government. 16. allege (verb) – charge, accuse, indicate, claim. 17. coup (noun) – a sudden and violent regime change, seizure of power, (illegal) takeover of power. 18. crack down on (phrasal verb) – get tough on, take severe measures against, clamp down on. 19. stabilise (verb) – reinforce, fortify, strengthen, secure, make stronger. 20. governance (noun) – administration. 21. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, indictment. 22. contract (verb) – decline, decrease, diminish, reduce. 23. watch (noun) - stint, spell, turn. 24. outbreak (noun) – outburst, flaring up, breakout, sudden WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMappearance/occurrence of something. 25. make worse (phrase) - worsen, aggravate, exacerbate, compound. 26. stare (verb) – look fixedly, gaze.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 10, 2021) H 27. uncertain (adjective) – unknown, unsure, unpredictable. 28. legislature (noun) – law-making or governing body;

government/authority, administration, executive. 29. for now (phrase) – for the time being, for the present, for the moment. 30. interim (adjective) – provisional, temporary, transitional.

31. fire (verb) - dismiss, discharge, lay off, let go, throw out, get rid of, oust. 32. nominate (verb) – appoint. 33. neurosurgeon (noun) – a physician who specializes in surgery on the

brain and other parts of the nervous system. 34. consolidate (verb) – strengthen, make stronger, reinforce, fortify (one's power).

35. step down (phrasal verb) – resign, withdraw, quit, stand down, give up one’s job. 36. signal (verb) – indicate, show, express; denote, imply. 37. take shape (phrase) – become clear/definite, become tangible, come together, fall into place. 38. in the midst of (phrase) – in the middle of. 39. phased (adjective) – gradual, step-by-step, staggered, incremental. 40. uncover (verb) - detect, discover, unearth, find out, expose, unveil, reveal, lay bare. 41. get to the bottom of (phrase) - to find out the real reason/cause of something; origin, root, source, starting point. 42. vacuum (noun) – gap, space, absence, lack/deficiency of something. 43. destabilise (verb) – undermine, weaken, damage, unsettle, upset. 44. inability (noun) – incapability, incapacity, helplessness. 45. credible (adjective) – acceptable, trustworthy, reliable, dependable; believable, plausible, reasonable. 46. in time (phrase) - early enough, punctually, promptly, on time, at the right time, on schedule. 47. transition (noun) – change. 48. opportune (adjective) – favourable, advantageous, timely, well timed, appropriate, suitable, relevant. 49. popular (adjective) – public, societal. 50. legitimacy (noun) – validity. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM51. in place (phrase) - established, arranged. 52. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out. 53. myriad (adjective) – a great number, countless, various.


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1. defence (noun) – the act of defending one’s action against the opposition; protection, shielding, safeguarding. 2. noisy (adjective) – vociferous, clamorous, tumultuous, talkative.

3. specious (adjective) – misleading, deceptive, false. 4. much more (phrase) – a lot more. 5. come down (phrasal verb) – decline, decrease, reduce.

6. prospects (noun) – chances, possibilities, expectations, outlook, future. 7. informal/unorganized sector (noun) – informal economy, grey economy; it is the part of an economy that is neither taxed nor monitored by any

form of government. 8. formal sector/organized sector (noun) – formal economy; it is the part of an economy that is taxed, or monitored by any form of government.

9. precarious (adjective) – risky, dangerous, unsafe; hazardous, perilous, unreliable. 10. startle (verb) – surprise, shock, alarm, frighten/scare. 11. lag (verb) - fall behind, straggle, fall back. 12. point out (phrasal verb) – identify, mention, indicate, draw attention to. 13. fall behind (phrasal verb) - fail to keep up with others; lag, fall back. 14. track record (noun) – previous performance, previous accomplishments,

previous achievements. 15. commentator (noun) – critic, analyst, observer. 16. facile (adjective) – simplistic, superficial, oversimplified; effortless, easy, undemanding, unexacting. 17. din (noun) - uproar, noise, commotion. 18. insulate (verb) – protect, safeguard, shield. 19. cacophony (noun) – noise, din, uproar, discord. 20. line (noun) – way, approach, method, procedure. 21. embrace (verb) – welcome, accept, support, back. 22. multilateral (adjective) – involving many different countries/parties/organizations. 23. technocrat (noun) – a supporter of technocracy. technocracy (noun) – the government by a group of people with both political power as well as technical knowledge. 24. fantasy (noun) - make-believe, daydreaming, pipe dream, fanciful notion, wish, wishful thinking. 25. right-wing (adjective) – conservative, rightist, ultra-right, alt-right. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM26. autocrat (noun) – authoritarian, totalitarian; dictator, despot. 27. strangeness (noun) - oddity, eccentricity, abnormality, peculiarity, irregularity.

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28. bedfellow (noun) – a person or thing allied or closely connected with another. 29. alarm (noun) – danger signal, distress signal, alert.

30. stand up to (phrasal verb) - defy, confront, challenge, oppose openly, resist; withstand, survive, come through, outlive. 31. contrary to (phrase) – conflicting with, opposed to.

32. whim (noun) – wish, desire, impulse, urge. 33. regime (noun) – government. 34. state-building (noun) - it is creating and strengthening the institutions

necessary to support long-term economic, social, and political development. 35. millennia (noun) – plural form of millennium (a period of a thousand

years). 36. authoritarianism (noun) – autocracy, totalitarianism, draconianism. 37. authoritarian (adjective) – oppressive, draconian, dictatorial, totalitarian. 38. stripe (noun) - variety, kind, type, category. 39. laggard (noun) – slower, sluggish/stagnant, snail-paced. 40. dictatorship (noun) – totalitarianism, absolute rule, autocracy. 41. pink wave (noun) - turn to the left; a political wave and perception of a

turn towards left-wing governments in Latin American democracies moving away from the neoliberal economic model at the start of the 21st century. 42. populist (adjective) – relating to the political approach which claims that it is representing the common/ordinary people. 43. prosperity (noun) – success, welfare, comfort, security, well- being, fortune. 44. usher in (verb) – start, begin, initiate, introduce. 45. instructive (adjective) – informative, instructional, informational, explanatory, telling, revealing; good example, case study. 46. take-off (noun) - ascent, climbing, mounting, soaring. 47. rely on (phrasal verb) – depend on; resort to, have recourse to. 48. repression (noun) – suppression, oppression, quelling, restraining/stifling. 49. inclusive (adjective) – all-inclusive, comprehensive. 50. pointedly (adverb) – directly, unambiguously, unquestionably. 51. thrive (verb) – flourish, prosper, grow vigorously, develop well. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM52. measure (noun) – action, step, procedure. 53. coincidence (noun) – co-occurrence, coexistence. 54. sustained (adjective) – continuous, constant, steady. 55. popular (adjective) – public, societal.

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56. in contrast (phrase) – when compared to another. 57. in place (phrase) – established. 58. accompany (verb) – occur with, co-occur with, coincide with, coexist

with, go with, go along with, appear with. 59. stagnation (noun) – lack of activity/development. 60. hold up (phrasal verb) – support, hold, sustain, keep up.

61. hubbub (noun) – commotion, clamour; confusion/chaos. 62. presume (verb) – assume, suppose, believe. 63. cater to (phrasal verb) - try to satisfy/fulfil a need of.

64. hubris (noun) - feeling of superiority, excessive self-importance, excessive pride, excessive self-confidence/self-glory, overconfidence, arrogance.

65. venal (adjective) – corrupt, corruptible, open to bribery, grafting. 66. swath (noun) – a wide area of something. 67. electorate (noun) – all the people who entitled to vote in an election. 68. negotiation (noun) – discussions, talks, deliberation; discussing the terms of, arrangement. 69. spectrum (noun) – wide range/variety of. 70. identity (noun) – a social category, a set of persons marked by a label

and distinguished by rules deciding membership and (alleged) characteristic features or attributes; individuality, character, originality. 71. catastrophic (adjective) – destructive, ruinous, disastrous. 72. compromise (noun) – agreement, deal, understanding, settlement. 73. bridge (noun) - cross over, go over, pass over, extend across. 74. interest (noun) – benefit, advantage. 75. imperative (noun) – necessary condition, precondition, essential requirement. 76. sustainability (noun) – the ability to exist constantly; it refers generally to the capacity for the biosphere and human civilization to co-exist. 77. welfare state (noun) – a form of government in which the state protects and promotes the economic and social well-being of the citizens, based upon the principles of equal opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for citizens unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life. A system wherein the WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMgovernment agrees to underwrite certain levels of employment, income, education, medical, social security and housing for all its citizens.

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78. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act/Scheme (MGNREGA), 2005 (noun) – an Indian labour law and social security measure that aims to guarantee the ‘right to work’. It aims to enhance

livelihood security in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of wage employment in a financial year to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work.

79. right to information (RTI) (noun) – It empowers every citizen to seek any information from the Government, promotes transparency and accountability in the working of the Government.

80. testament (noun) – witness/evidence, proof, testimony. 81. common good (noun) – general welfare, or public benefit. 82. autocratic (adjective) – undemocratic, totalitarian, authoritarian;

domineering, high-handed. 83. fiat (noun) - decree, edict, order, precept. 84. societal (adjective) – relating to society. 85. deliberation (noun) – consideration, thought/thinking, careful discussion, contemplation. 86. tryst (noun) – (romantic) meeting, session, engagement, rendezvous. 87. affinity (noun) – empathy, rapport, sympathy; relationship, bond,

connection. 88. endow (verb) – give, provide, equip. 89. nurture (verb) – encourage, advance, foster, develop. 90. unconscionable (adjective) – unethical, immoral, unprincipled, wrong. 91. discount (verb) – dismiss, ignore, reject, brush off, gloss over. 92. cost (noun) – loss, damage, undesirable consequences, adverse effects, disadvantage. 93. famine (noun) – deficiency, shortfall, lack, insufficiency, scarcity (of food). 94. China’s one child policy (noun) – This had been enforced by then-leader Deng Xiaoping in 1979-80 to slow population growth. The one-child policy led to a severe gender imbalance in the country. 95. excesses (noun) - uncontrolled behaviour; unrestricted conduct; extreme, violent actions which are unacceptable. 96. inevitable (adjective) – unavoidable, unpreventable, inescapable, certain, sure to happen. 97. irredeemable (adjective) - habitual, confirmed. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM98. instinct (noun) – (natural) urge/desire, tendency, inclination, compulsion. 99. predation (noun) - the action of attacking. 100. denounce (verb) – condemn, criticize, attack, censure, reject.

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101. nihilism (noun) - negativity, cynicism, pessimism. 102. interpretation (noun) – explanation, elucidation, clarification, definition; examination, evaluation, analysis.

103. quarrelsome (adjective) - argumentative, factious, confrontational, contentious. 104. cumbersome (adjective) – complicated, complex; awkward/hard to deal

with. 105. elite (noun) – high society people; the group of most powerful people in a society; best.

106. subordinate (adjective) – lower-ranking, junior, second-fiddle, supporting 107. diverse (adjective) – involving people from a range of different social

and ethnic backgrounds. 108. liberty (noun) – freedom, independence. 109. trade-off (noun) – a situation in which you must choose between (balance) two things that are opposite or cannot be had at the same time; a compromise; swap, exchange. 110. play a part/role (phrase) – contribute to, be instrumental in, be a factor in.

111. pluralistic (adjective) – coexistent; (of people) exist in harmony irrespective of various differences. 112. cold (adjective) – indifferent, dispassionate, impersonal, formal. 113. utilitarian (adjective) – sensible, realistic, practical, effective, pragmatic. 114. calculus (noun) – calculation, estimation, reasoning. 115. abstract (verb) – separate, detach, isolate, dissociate. 116. backslide (noun) – degeneration, deterioration, decline, slippage, slide. 117. object lesson (adjective) – a practical example of a principle or ideal. 118. dismiss (verb) – reject, deny, spurn, disregard, brush off, shrug off. 119. centralise (verb) – concentrate, bring under one roof, consolidate, control (under one authority). 120. personalise (verb) – customize something to meet someone’s individual requirements. 121. undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage. 122. silence (verb) – muffle, mute, tone down, suppress, reduce. 123.WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM imprison (verb) - incarcerate, put in prison jail, lock up, take into custody, confine, detain. 124. in the name of (phrase) – for the sake of, at the behest of.

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125. nationalism (noun) – it refers to a system (with a narrow set of ideas) created by a group of people who believe their nation is superior to all others. It is also a perception of national superiority and an orientation

toward national dominance- called chauvinism (excessive nationalism). 126. dismal (adjective) – bad, poor, dreadful, awful, terrible. 127. at best (phrase) – only, simply, but, nothing but.

128. flourish (verb) – develop, improve, progress, evolve, thrive, prosper. 129. sputter (verb) – proceed unevenly/erratically; crack, buzz, hiss. 130. contraction (noun) – In economics, it refers to a decline in national

output as measured by gross domestic product. 131. sizeable (adjective) – substantial, considerable, significant. 132. demonetisation (noun) – the act of depriving a currency unit (note/coin)

of its status as money. 133. instance (noun) – example, typical case, case in point, sample. 134. incoherence (noun) – the standard of being illogical, inconsistent, or unclear. 135. fuel (verb) – intensify, fortify, support, vitalize. 136. sycophancy (noun) – submissive/obedient behaviour towards someone important in order to gain advantage.

137. myopia (noun) – narrow-mindedness, short-sightedness, lack of foresight. 138. expose (verb) – reveal, show, display, exhibit, unveil. 139. callousness (noun) – heartlessness, harshness, insensitivity. 140. arrogance (noun) – hubris, egotism, self-importance, sense of superiority. 141. front (noun) – a particular situation or area of activity. 142. pursuit (noun) – quest for, search for. 143. prototypical (adjective) - indicating a typical form of something. 144. variant (noun) – variation, form. 145. ethnic (adjective) – relating to a population subgroup (cultural, national, traditional/folk) with a common national or cultural tradition. 146. norm (noun) – standard, convention. 147. weaponise (verb) – use as a weapon. 148. polarisation (noun) – separation of two contrasting groups (based on different opinions/beliefs). 149. demonisation (noun) – the depiction or portrayal of someone/something WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMas bad/threatening. 150. unravel (verb) – disentangle, separate out; fall apart, come apart, fail, collapse, go wrong. 151. fabric (noun) – the basic/fundamental structure.

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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 12, 2021)

1. spirit (noun) – attitude, intention, state of mind, point of view; essential nature. 2. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt (to achieve something).

3. catalyst (noun) – stimulus, motivation, fillip, encouragement. 4. command centre (noun) – a central place for carrying out orders and for supervising tasks; command authority.

5. alongside (preposition) – together with. 6. the state (noun) – the government, the regime, the authorities. 7. play a part/role (phrase) – contribute to, be instrumental in, be a factor

in. 8. vital (adjective) – key, essential, important. 9. seldom (adverb) – hardly, rarely, almost never. 10. oversee (verb) – supervise, be in charge of, be responsible for, look after, keep an eye on, inspect. 11. cooperatives sector (noun) - The Cooperative Movement in India was formally introduced with the promulgation of Cooperative Societies Act in 1904. The government realized that the cooperative sector plays a significant role in boosting the rural economy. It provisioned for plans for this sector in its series of development plans Five Year Action Plans. Every village was encouraged to have at least one cooperative society. Cooperative societies in India expanded from agricultural market to the credit sector, and later to large scale sectors, housing, fisheries, banking, etc. This led to the formation of different types of cooperative societies in India. 12. redeem (verb) – save, rescue; recover, get back. 13. negligence (noun) - carelessness, dereliction of duty, laxity, irresponsibility, inattentiveness, heedlessness. 14. critic (noun) – observer, expert, analyst. 15. concentrate (verb) - centralize. 16. in the hands of (phrase) – under the control of; in the possession of. 17. dominant (adjective) – main, most important. 18. (Agricultural) credit (system) (noun) - Rural credit system assumes importance because for most of the Indian rural families, savings are inadequate to finance farming and other economic activities. To achieve the objectives of production and productivity, the stance of policy WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMtowards rural credit was to ensure provision of sufficient and timely credit at reasonable rates of interest to as large a segment of the rural population as possible.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 12, 2021)

19. (Agricultural) marketing (noun) - Agricultural Marketing is a process which starts with a decision to produce a saleable farm product and involves all aspects of market structure or system, both functional and

institutional, based on technical and economic consideration. Though agricultural marketing is a State subject, the Government of India has an important role to play in laying down general policy framework, framing

of quality standards, conducting survey and research studies and in providing guidance, technical and financial support to the State Governments.

20. Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) (noun) - Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) is one of India's biggest cooperative society which is wholly owned by Indian Cooperatives. Founded in 1967 with just 57 cooperatives, we are today an amalgamation of over 36,000 Indian Cooperatives with diversified business interests ranging from General Insurance to Rural Telecom apart from our core business of manufacturing and selling fertilisers. 21. handloom (noun) - A simple machine used for weaving by hand. 22. edible oil (noun) – cooking oil; fat of plant, animal or microbial origin, which is liquid at room temperature and is suitable for food use. 23. formidable (adjective) – strong & powerful; demanding, challenging, exacting. 24. evolve (verb) – alter, change, transform gradually; develop, progress, advance gradually. 25. get into (phrasal verb) - become interested in, become involved in something. 26. avenue (noun) - direction, route, path (to make progress toward something). 27. untapped (adjective) – dormant, inactive, unused/not yet exploited. 28. regulatory (adjective) – governmental. 29. regime (noun) – system. 30. in step (phrase) – in agreement, in tune, in line, in accordance. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM31. architecture (noun) – structure, formation, composition, organization. Note:

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32. the Multi State Cooperative Societies Act, 2002 (noun) - An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to co-operative societies, with objects not confined to one State and serving the interests of members in

more than one State, to facilitate the voluntary formation and democratic functioning of co-operative s as people’s institutions based on self-help and mutual aid and to enable them to promote their economic and social

betterment and to provide functional autonomy and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. 33. take into account (phrase) – consider, take into consideration, have

regard to, reckon with. 34. arise out of (verb) – occur, happen, take place (as a result of something). 35. liberalisation (noun) – removal or loosening of restrictions on something, typically an economic or political system. 36. State List (noun) – it includes subjects that give powers to the state governments. (as given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India, the legislative section is divided into three lists: the Union List, State List and Concurrent List). 37. Concurrent List (noun) – the list which includes the power to be considered by both the union and state government (as given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India). 38. Central List (noun) – it includes subjects that give powers to the central government. (as given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India, the legislative section is divided into three lists: the Union List, State List and Concurrent List). 39. sanctity (noun) – ultimate importance, inviolability; righteousness, devotion. 40. marshal (verb) – arrange, organize, mobilize; lead, guide. 41. diffused (adjective) – scattered, dispersed, not concentrated, spread out. 42. that said (phrase) - in spite of everything, in spite of that, nonetheless, even so, however. 43. appropriate (verb) – take possession of, take over, assume, secure, acquire, wrest. 44. political capital (noun) – it refers to the goodwill, trust and influence that politicians earn or build up with the public through the pursuit of policies that people like or respect; (political) advantage, benefit. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM45. stakeholder (noun) – a person with an interest in something. 46. equitably (adverb) – fairly, impartially. 47. alleviation (noun) – mitigation, appeasement, assuagement, moderation.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 12, 2021)

48. food security (noun) – food security is a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and

food preferences for an active and healthy life. 49. instrument (noun) – medium, mechanism, factor, channel, means (to achieve/attain something).

50. patronage (noun) – support, backing, protection. 51. pilferage (noun) – the act of stealing items of low value, especially in small quantities, also called petty theft.

52. potency (noun) – strength, power. 53. apparatus (noun) – structure, system, framework, organization. 54. besides (preposition/linking adverb) – in addition to, as well, apart from. 55. locality (noun) - vicinity, surrounding area, area, neighbourhood, region. 56. mediate (verb) - moderate, bring about, effect, make happen (an agreement or solution). 57. oversight (noun) – supervision, surveillance, inspection, administration, management, direction. 58. considerable (adjective) – substantial, appreciable, significant, much. 59. autonomy (noun) – independence, freedom; self-government, self-rule. 60. remedy (noun) – solution, answer, antidote/panacea. 61. overarching (adjective) – all-inclusive, complete, all-embracing, comprehensive. 62. diktat (noun) – order, regulation, decree. 63. premise (noun) – proposition, assumption, belief, thought. 64. transparency (noun) – clarity, straightforwardness, openness, honesty, unambiguity. 65. pursue (verb) – engage in, conduct, take part in (an activity). 66. soul (noun) - spirit, essential nature. 67. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably. 68. fashion (verb) – make, create, form, forge, frame.


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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 12, 2021)

1. silver (noun) - Copa America trophy. (The trophy is made of silver and has transient (temporary) possession. It means that there is no condition for it to remain definitive with a champion national team. His wooden

base with the plates of the champions countries was added in 1979, in the edition won by Paraguay). 2. distillation (noun) – extraction (of most important features/parts of

something). 3. micro-tragedy (noun) - micro-misfortune, micro-disaster, micro- misadventure.

4. ecstasy (noun) – great happiness, joyful, bliss. 5. enmesh (verb) – entangle, involve, mix up. 6. whirring (adjective) - rotating or moving (rapidly). 7. limb (noun) – leg, arm. 8. glistening (adjective) – shinning, glittering, sparkling. 9. unabashed (adjective) – blatant, flagrant, undisguised. 10. boom (verb) - reverberate, resound, resonate. 11. canvas (noun) - image, representation, portrayal, depiction. 12. attribute (noun) – quality, feature, characteristic, trait, element, aspect. 13. exhibit (verb) - display, show, present, unveil. 14. pit (against) (verb) – set against, match against, put in opposition to, put in competition with. 15. eternal (adjective) – everlasting, never-ending, relentless, permanent. 16. wind (verb) – twist, turn. 17. close (adjective/noun) - evenly matched, even, well matched (competition/contest). 18. primarily (adverb) – largely, mainly, mostly. 19. redemption (noun) – fulfilment, satisfying, accomplishment, achievement. 20. phlegmatic (adjective) - cool-headed, self-controlled, poised, relaxed, composed. 21. pantheon (noun) – a group of famous or important people. 22. triumph (noun) – win, victory, success. 23. aberration (noun) - anomaly, deviation, abnormality, oddity, abnormality, eccentricity. 24. scrappy (adjective) - argumentative, disputative, contentious, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMconfrontational, combative, determined, fighting. 25. odd (adjective) - strange, unusual, peculiar. 26. streak (noun) - element, vein, trace, touch.


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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 12, 2021)

27. dispenser (noun) – a person/thing that dispenses/distributes something. 28. prodigal (adjective) - extravagant, imprudent, immoderate, profligate, excessive, irresponsible, self-indulgent.

29. deliver (verb) - achieve, fulfill, live up to, make good. 30. embalm (verb) – preserve something like corpse (dead body) from decaying.

31. posterity (noun) – future generations; descendants, successors. 32. dysfunctional (adjective) – not functioning/working normally or properly; troubled, unsettled, flawed.

33. unspoken (adjective) – unstated, unexpressed, unmentioned. 34. anguish (noun) - pain, suffering, distress, misery.. 35. dissipate (verb) – disappear, vanish, disperse. 36. thanks to (phrase) – as a result of, owing to, due to, because of. 37. drought (noun) – dry spell, dry period; lack, unavailability, deficiency of something. 38. Albiceleste (White and Sky-Blue) (noun) - Argentina national football team. 39. on a par with (phrase) – comparable with, equivalent to, as equal to, on a level with. 40. ahead of (phrase) - superior to, surpassing. 41. incidentally (adverb) - by the way, by the by, while on the subject. 42. inception (noun) – setting up, origination, establishment, institution, foundation/formation. 43. predate (verb) – happen at a date earlier than (something). 44. embellish (verb) – elaborate, beautify, exaggerate, expand on. 45. storied (adjective) – famed, fabulous, legendary, celebrated. 46. seize the day (phrase) - utilize/use the present time to the best advantage. 47. novel (noun) – story, tale, narrative. 48. infuse (verb) – fill, charge, imbue, inspire. 49. realism (noun) – pragmatism, practicality, matter-of-factness. 50. aesthetic (noun) – artistic, elegant, exquisite; attractive, pleasing. 51. live up to (phrasal verb) – satisfy, fulfil, achieve, meet. 52. esoteric (adjective) – complex, complicated, incomprehensible, difficult/hard to understand. 53. mar (verb) - spoil, ruin, destroy, impair. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM54. tackle (noun) - block (to dispossess an opponent of the ball, to stop the (opponent) player from gaining ground towards goal or to stop them from carrying out what they intend.


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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 12, 2021)

55. be in one's element (phrase) - be in a situation/condition in which one can perform well. 56. weigh down (phrasal verb) – burden, impede, depress, oppress, make

difficult. 57. exploit (verb) – take advantage of, make use of, utilize, capitalize on, benefit from.

58. keen on (adjective) – enthusiastic about, interested in, passionate about. 59. rather than (phrase) – instead of. 60. deed (noun) - action.

61. desperate (adjective) – in great need of, urgently requiring, in want of; urgent, pressing, compelling; serious, critical (situation). 62. squad (noun) – team. 63. slot (verb) - put, place, insert. 64. capitalise on (verb) – take advantage of, exploit, benefit from. 65. stung (adjective) – distressed, hurt, tormented. 66. mount (verb) - increase, intensify, rise, escalate. 67. sortie (noun) - offensive, attack. 68. adroitly (adverb) – cleverly, skillfully, smartly. 69. foist (verb) – pass off, get rid of. 70. Selecao (noun) - Brazil national football team. 71. seemingly (adverb) – apparently, evidently, outwardly. 72. breach (verb) – break through, force itself through (a barrier/defence). 73. citadel (noun) – fortress, fort, stronghold, fortification. 74. deem (verb) – regard as, consider, judge. 75. off-side (noun) - The fact of being offside in football/soccer and other sports. Being in an offside position is not an offence in itself, but a player so positioned when the ball is played by a team-mate can be judged guilty of an offside offence if they receive the ball or otherwise become "involved in active play", "interfere with an opponent", or "gain an advantage" by being in that position. 76. destined for (adjective) – intended for, heading, en route, scheduled. 77. shot (noun) - attempt, try, effort. 78. shot at glory (phrase) - one chance, one opportunity (to do something). 79. intra- (prefix) – within. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM80. effervescent (adjective) – enthusiastic, vibrant, energetic. 81. charm (noun) - attractiveness; drawing power, fascination, captivation.


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1. anti-discrimination law (noun) – legislation designed to prevent discrimination against particular groups of people.

2. discrimination (noun) – prejudice, intolerance, inequity, unfairness (against an individual or group of individuals by society and its institutions (basically in the procedures, policies or objectives) as a

whole. 3. emulate (verb) - imitate, follow, mirror, reproduce; take as a model, take as an example.

4. turn down (phrasal verb) - reject, spurn, rebuff, refuse, decline, say no to.

5. ethnicity (noun) – a category of people who identify with each other based on common language, ancestral, social, cultural, or national experiences. 6. dismiss (verb) – reject, deny, spurn, disregard, brush off, shrug off.

7. deem (verb) – consider, regard as, view as. 8. steward (noun) – flight attendant, cabin attendant. 9. purser (noun) – the head steward (in a ship); teller, clerk. 10. segregation (noun) - separation, setting apart, insulation. 11. ground (noun) – reason, factor, basis, rationale, premise. 12. marital (adjective) – matrimonial; relating to marriage/wedding.

13. gender (noun) – Gender is used to describe the characteristics of women and men that are socially constructed, while sex refers to those that are biologically determined. 14. sexual orientation (noun) – the emotional, romantic, or sexual attraction that a person feels toward another person. 15. The Housing Discrimination Project (HDP) (noun) - a three-year empirical research on urban rental housing discrimination in India. The Project uses rigorous ethnographic techniques to record the prevalence of rental housing discrimination, and theorize its mechanisms, modalities and impact. 16. Pew (noun) – The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan American think tank (referring to itself as a “fact tank”) based in Washington, D.C. It provides information on social issues, public opinion, and demographic trends shaping the United States and the world. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM17. substantial (adjective) – considerable, significant, large. 18. absence (noun) – lack, unavailability, deficiency. 19. recourse (noun) – option, possibility, possible course of action, resort, way out.

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20. make worse (phrase) – worsen, aggravate, exacerbate, compound. 21. Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code (noun) - Section 377 of the

Indian Penal Code criminalises homosexuality. It states: “Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal, shall be punished with imprisonment for life,

or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine”. 22. Indian Penal Code (IPC) (noun) – The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the

official criminal code of India. It is a comprehensive code intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law. The draft was passed

into law on 6 October 1860. The Code came into operation on 1 January 1862. The Indian Penal Code of 1860, subdivided into 23 chapters, comprises 511 sections. IPC deals with crimes and punishments.

23. read down (phrase) – an instance of a court urging that a statute must be construed/interpreted legally, if fairly possible, so as to save it from being declared illegal. 24. consensual (adjective) – relating to consensus/consent; in agreement with those who involved. 25. prejudice (noun) – discrimination, partiality, intolerance, bigotry.

26. LGBTQ+/LGBT Community (noun) – lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Community. The last letter Q (in LGBTQ) can mean either ‘questioning’ or ‘queer (queer is anything that exists outside of the dominant narrative or it means all of first four letters). 27. Article 15(1) of the Constitution of India (noun) - It prohibits the state from discriminating against individuals on basis of certain protected characteristics such as religion, race, caste, sex and place of birth. 28. bar (verb) - ban, prohibit. 29. discriminate (verb) – disfavour, be biased, treat unfairly, treat differently. 30. characteristic (noun) - attribute, feature, quality, trait, aspect. 31. race (noun) – ethnic group. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM32. expressly (adverb) – absolutely, clearly, obviously, unequivocally, unmistakably. 33. linguistic (adjective) – relating to language; lingual.

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34. identity (noun) – a social category, a set of persons marked by a label and distinguished by rules deciding membership and (alleged)

characteristic features or attributes; individuality, character, originality. 35. evolve (verb) – alter, change, transform gradually; develop, progress,

advance gradually. 36. intersectional (adjective) – criss-crossing. 37. discriminatory (adjective) – biased, unfair/unjust, inequitable, one-

sided, partisan. 38. whereby (relative adverb) – by which.

39. disproportional (adjective) - unrelated, irrational, dissimilar, incommensurate. 40. adverse (adjective) – dangerous, harmful, detrimental, unhealthy; unfavourable, disadvantageous, bad.

41. disadvantaged (adjective) – deprived, underprivileged, depressed, needy, destitute, poor, poverty-stricken. 42. comprehensive (adjective) – all-inclusive, broad-based; all- embracing, universal, complete. 43. framework (noun) – structure, system organization. 44. lacunae (plural of) lacuna (noun) – a gap/empty space; missing part of

something. 45. liberal (adjective) – progressive, forward-thinking, broad-minded, reformist. 46. The Sachar Committee, 2005 (noun) - The seven-member committee gave recommendations on how to remove obstacles obstructing people from the minority community to participate in the economic, social and political development. The report was commissioned by the the Manmohan Singh-led UPA government in 2005 and was tabled in Parliament the following year. (The 403-page report on the condition of Muslims in the country). 47. reiterate (verb) – repeat, say again, restate. 48. Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) (noun) - The setting up of an Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC), is a significant step towards fulfilling the Constitutional promise of equality in its different WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMdimensions. It is a statutory body set up to check discrimination of minority communities in jobs and education. EOC will also deal with grievances like denial of accommodation or buying rights to minorities in housing societies.

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49. back-burner (noun) – delayed consideration of action; A state of being postponed, deferred, or given lower priority.

50. Bill (noun) – A Bill is a draft statute that becomes law after it is passed by both the Houses of Parliament and assented to by the President. All legislative proposals are brought before Parliament in

the forms of Bills. 51. lapse (verb) – expire, become void/invalid, terminate, become obsolete.

52. revive (verb) – restore, renew, reintroduce, re-establish. 53. Anti-Discrimination and Equality Bill, 2016 (noun) - The Bill to

ensure equality to every citizen of the country by providing protection against all forms of social discrimination. 54. predictably (adverb) – as expected. 55. Treasury bench (noun) - the front bench (to/on the right of the

speaker) in the House of Parliament occupied by the prime minister and the cabinet ministers of the government. 56. take forward (phrasal verb) – give one’s attention to, deal/cope with, address, handle. 57. dissolution (noun) – cessation, termination, discontinuation, suspension.

58. progressive (adjective) – liberal, forward-looking, forward-thinking; reforming, reformist, revolutionary. 59. legislation (noun) – body of laws, rules, regulations, statutes. 60. climate (noun) - atmosphere, tendency. 61. jurisdiction (noun) – territory, region, area (over which the legal authority of a court extends). 62. vital (adjective) – key, essential, important. 63. equality (noun) – fairness, justness, egalitarianism, equal rights/opportunities, non-discrimination. 64. at any rate (phrase) - in any case, anyhow, anyway, whatever happens. 65. State List (noun) – it includes subjects that give powers to the state governments. (as given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India, the legislative section is divided into three lists: WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMthe Union List, State List and Concurrent List). 66. Concurrent List (noun) – the list which includes the power to be considered by both the union and state government (as given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India).

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67. Union List (noun) – it includes subjects that give powers to the central government. (as given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of

India, the legislative section is divided into three lists: the Union List, State List and Concurrent List). 68. exclusive (adjective) – restricted to a particular state.

69. reignite (verb) – evoke, call up, revive, awaken. 70. front (noun) – political group, party, organization. 71. manifesto (noun) – a publication issued by a political party before a

General Election. It contains the set of policies that the party stands for and would wish to implement if elected to govern; (policy)

statement, declaration, pronouncement. 72. legislature (noun) – law-making or governing body; (state) government/authority, administration. 73. Seventh Schedule to the Constitution (noun) - it defines and specifies

allocation of powers and functions between Union & States. It contains three lists; i.e. 1) Union List, 2) State List and 3) Concurrent List. 74. civil penalty (noun) - civil fine it is a financial penalty imposed by a government agency as restitution for wrongdoing. 75. craft (verb) – exercise skill in making something.

76. descent (noun) - lineage, line, succession, ancestors. 77. analogous (adjective) – comparable, parallel, similar. 78. constitute (verb) – be regarded as, be equivalent to, act as; account for, comprise, represent. 79. mandate (noun) – instruction, directive, decree, command, order. 80. pursuance (noun) – seeking of, search for, pursuit of; effecting, pursuing, doing. 81. legitimate (adjective) – legal, lawful, constitutional. 82. for instance (phrase) – as an example. 83. insist (on) (verb) – ask for, request, press/push for. 84. affirmative action (noun) – it means positive steps taken to increase the representation of (women and) minorities in areas of employment, education, and culture from which they have been historically excluded. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM85. provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement, condition. 86. oblige (verb) – require, compel, bind, constrain, force, put under an obligation, pressurize.

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87. progressively (adverb) – steadily, gradually, in step by step manner. 88. diversification (noun) – the process of diversifying/varying

something. 89. workforce (noun) – workers, employees. 90. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in

mind. 91. backlog (noun) – accumulation, logjam, pile-up/excess (of pending things).

92. adjudicate (verb) – adjudge, judge, decide, settle, resolve. 93. proliferation (noun) – rapid increase, rise, escalation.

94. augur well (verb) – bode, indicate, portend (a good outcome). 95. tried and tested (adjective) – dependable, proved, reliable, reputable. 96. preside over (verb) – be in charge of, be responsible for, handle, manage/organize.

97. statutory (adjective) – legitimate; required by statute. 98. weightage (noun) – importance, significance, value. 99. bipartisan (adjective) - involving cooperation between two (opposite & big) political parties. 100. buy-in (noun) - agreement, acceptance of something (an idea/decision) that someone suggests.

101. subject to (verb) – put through, undergo, go through. 102. commencement (noun) – beginning, start. 103. panacea (noun) - perfect solution. 104. inequality (noun) – Inequality is simply defined as “the state of not being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities; imbalance, unevenness, disproportion, disparity. 105. (be) rooted in (verb) – embed, fix, firmly establish, implant. 106. nevertheless (adverb) – in spite of everything, notwithstanding, regardless, anyway, anyhow, however.

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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 13, 2021)

1. scrutiny (noun) – examination, inspection, investigation. 2. Committee on Peace and Harmony (noun) - It is a Committee on Peace and Harmony inter-alia (among other things) to consider the

factors and situations which have the potential to disturb communal harmony in the National Capital Territory of Delhi and suggest

measures to eliminate such factors and deal with such situations so as to establish harmony among different religious or linguistic communities or social groups.

3. harmony (noun) – unity, solidarity, peacefulness, amicability, cooperation. 4. strike a blow (for) (phrase) - to act in support for something; to support something; help, back, speak up for, get behind, endorse. 5. inquisitorial (adjective) - questioning, inquiring, probing, investigative. 6. legislature (noun) – law-making or governing body; (state) government/authority, administration. 7. uphold (verb) – confirm, endorse/approve, vindicate/validate. 8. authority (noun) - power, control, jurisdiction. 9. summon (verb) - call for, ask for, request/demand/order the presence of; serve with a writ. 10. official (noun) - officer, executive. 11. nuanced (adjective) – delicate, subtle. 12. recognition (noun) - acknowledgement, acceptance, admission; realization. 13. regulate (verb) – control, oversee, administer, govern something (by using rules and regulations). 14. Act of Parliament (noun) - a form of legislation that is passed by both the Houses of Parliament (the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) and the House of the People (Lok Sabha)) with an objective to create a new law or to change an existing law. 15. overreach (noun) – an act of trying to do too much or overdoing something. 16. law and order (phrase) – lawfulness peacefulness, harmony (of a WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMsociety). 17. come under (phrasal verb) – be subjected to.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 13, 2021)

18. jurisdiction (noun) – authority, control, power. 19. point out (phrasal verb) – identify, mention, indicate, draw attention to.

20. govern (verb) - regulate, control. 21. Information Technology Act (noun) – it is an Act of the Indian

Parliament notified on 17 October 2000. It is the primary law in India dealing with cybercrime and electronic commerce. 22. be concerned with (verb) - be associated with, involve oneself in, get

involved in, have something to do with, deal with, handle. 23. go by (phrasal verb) - act in accordance with something; to be guided by something. 24. merely (adverb) – only, simply, just. 25. legislative (adjective) – relating to a legislature (state government). 26. legislate (verb) – make laws, pass laws, enact laws, formulate laws, establish laws. 27. governance (noun) – administration. 28. consequently (adverb) – as a result, therefore, for this reason, because of that. 29. recommendatory (adjective) - advisory, consultative, consulting, counseling. 30. transgress (verb) - infringe, breach, contravene, disobey, break. 31. field (noun) - sphere, domain, area of activity. 32. amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by; during. 33. discordance (noun) - lack of agreement, disagreement, difference, contention, confrontation, disunion. 34. turf (noun) – area of influence, sphere of influence, area of activity, sphere of activity, territory, domain. 35. bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges. 36. spirit (noun) – true intention, real meaning, essential nature. 37. federalism/federal framework/system (noun) – a system of government in which establishments such as states or provinces share power with a national government. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM38. not just that (phrase) - besides, as well as, moreover, above and beyond, by extension.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 13, 2021)

39. social media intermediaries (SMI) (noun) – entities that enable online interaction between two or more users. It includes all social media platforms, communication and messaging channels.

40. intermediary (noun) – social media website, eCommerce website, blogging platform, search engine, telecom provider, Internet platform

(hosting user-generated content), cloud provider, etc. 41. The Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 (noun) – the Information

Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021 have been framed in exercise of powers under section 87 (2) of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and in supersession of the earlier Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules 2011. 42. heightened (adjective) – intensified, increased, enhanced. 43. buy (verb) - accept, agree to, consent to, assent to. 44. misinformation (noun) – disinformation, false information, alternative fact, fake news, false rumour. 45. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 46. constraint (noun) – restriction, limitation, restraint. 47. vis-à-vis (preposition) – concerning, with regard to, in relation to, as/in comparison with, in connection with (Vis-à-vis from Latin via. French, means literally “face-to-face). 48. the very fact that (phrase) - used to refer to a particular situation under deliberation/consideration. 49. encroach upon (verb) – intrude, trespass, impinge, infiltrate, violate, interfere with. 50. open the floodgates (phrase) – to make something easier for a lot of things to happen (or) to make it possible for a lot of people to start doing something that was not permitted previously. 51. with respect to (phrase) – concerning, regarding, relating to, with reference to. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM52. set the stage for (phrase) – prepare the circumstances for the beginning of something.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 13, 2021) H 1. tie (noun) - draw; fight, contest. 2. pursuit (noun) – striving towards, push towards, aspiration for, quest

after, quest for, search for. 3. stick (noun) – a person of a particular kind. 4. credentials (noun) – identities, qualities; achievement, experience,

knowledge. 5. futile (adjective) – pointless, useless, valueless. 6. come through (phrasal verb) - get through, live through, pull through,

outlast, outlive, succeed. 7. searing (adjective) – strong, severe, intense, extreme, sharp. 8. with flying colours (phrase) - with distinction.

9. testament (noun) – witness/evidence, proof, testimony. 10. genius (noun) - talent, brilliance, great ability. 11. Serb (noun) - a native of Serbia. 12. lay down (phrasal verb) – formulate, frame, draw up. 13. definitive (adjective) – classic, recognized, accepted, approved, established. 14. marker (noun) - standard. 15. dazzling (adjective) – impressive, remarkable, extraordinary, outstanding. 16. pull level with (phrase) - to catch up, to tie (the score). 17. celebrated (adjective) – admired, renowned. 18. duo (noun) - two people; a pair of people. 19. Grand Slam (noun) – it is also referred to as majors, are the world’s four most important annual tennis events. The Grand Slam consists of the Australian Open in Melbourne, French Open in Paris, Wimbledon in London, and the U.S Open in New York. 20. Golden Slam (noun) – (In Tennis) the attainment of a player winning all four Grand Slams and an Olympic Gold in a single calendar year. 21. Calendar Grand Slam (noun) – (In Tennis) a calendar Grand Slam is achieved when a player wins four consecutive Grand Slam events in the same calendar year. 22. feat (noun) – achievement, accomplishment, attainment. 23. improbable (adjective) – doubtful, dubious, questionable, uncertain. 24. seed (noun) – rank/position (of a competitor in a sports tournament). 25. the fringe (noun) - the border of a group. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM26. second wind (noun) – new energy, new strength. 27. sweep (verb) – win (all games in a competition). 28. mojo (noun) - magic power, magic spell, magic formula.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 13, 2021) H 29. dominant (adjective) – main, most important. 30. streak (noun) – period, spell, stretch, time.

31. conquer (verb) - defeat, beat, triumph over. 32. snuff out (phrasal verb) – extinguish, put out, choke, stamp out, blow out, quench.

33. rebellion (noun) – resistance. 34. Next Gen (adjective) - short for next-generation. 35. so much so that (phrase) - to such an extent/degree/level that.

36. accomplishment (noun) - achievement, performance, attainment. 37. inevitably (adverb) – unavoidably, certainly, definitely. 38. reignite (verb) – evoke, call up, revive, awaken.

39. caveat (noun) – warning, caution, condition. 40. relentless (adjective) – continuing, constant, continuous, non-stop. 41. excellence (noun) – distinction, high quality, brilliance. 42. shot (noun) - attempt, try, effort. 43. immortality (noun) – timelessness; lasting fame/legendary status, something remembered forever. 44. a long way to go (phrase) – need to do more (before achieving success). 45. monumental (adjective) – impressive, outstanding, remarkable, magnificent. 46. adept (adjective) – expert, skillful, accomplished, talented. 47. master (verb) - become proficient in, know inside out, become expert in; get the better of, get mastery over. 48. craft (noun) - skill, ability, capability, competence, talent. 49. guile (noun) - artfulness, shrewdness, tricks. 50. fell (verb) - demolish, knock down, topple. 51. opponent (noun) – competitor. 52. chalk and cheese (phrase) - when you say that two people are like ‘chalk and cheese’, you are suggesting that the two are very different from each other; they have nothing in common. 53. modesty (noun) - self-effacement, humility, lack of vanity. 54. in one's bones (phrase) - believe or sense something (a specified quality) very strongly/deeply. 55. ooze (noun) - display, exhibit, demonstrate, manifest. 56. enviably (adverb) - desirably, attractively, admirably, excellently. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM57. understated (adjective) - low-key, muted, subdued. 58. elegance (noun) - gracefulness, stylishness; simplicity. 59. more and more (phrase) - progressively, to an increasing extent, continuously more.


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1. decode (verb) – analyze and interpret; decipher, explain, understand. 2. underpinning (noun) – solid base, main support, foundation, basis.

3. mandate (noun) – approval, acceptance, endorsement, authority (given by a constituency to someone acting as its representative). 4. contextual (adjective) – relating to the conditions/contexts that make the

setting of something (an event/idea); issue-based, context-specific, situational. 5. absolute (adjective) – unbounded, unconditional, boundless,

unrestricted; independent, non-relative. 6. dislodge (verb) – remove, evict, unseat, topple, overturn, bring down. 7. humility (noun) – modesty, humbleness, unassertiveness.

8. tantalizingly (adverb) – excitingly, interestingly, fascinatingly. 9. on the other hand (phrase) – as an alternative, or, as another option, as a replacement, as a substitute. 10. decade (noun) – a period of ten years. 11. at the outset (phrase) – to begin with, at first, at the beginning. 12. account for (phrasal verb) – explain, give reasons for, rationalize,

elucidate. 13. foresee (verb) – anticipate, predict, envisage, envision. 14. lay (verb) - assign, attribute, ascribe, attach. 15. obsessive (adjective) - excessive, compulsive, impulsive, tormenting; uncontrollable. 16. arithmetic (noun) - calculation, reckoning, tally 17. heuristic (adjective) – informative, instructional, explanatory/telling. 18. blur (verb) – become indistinct/unclear, lessen, decrease, diminish, reduce. 19. the big/larger picture (phrase) - broad/overall view of a situation/problem. 20. identity politics (plural noun) – it is also called as identitarian politics, refers to political positions based on the interests and perspectives of social groups with which people identify. Identity politics is when people of a particular race, ethnicity, gender, or religion form alliances and organize politically to defend their group’s interests. 21. identity (noun) – a social category, a set of persons marked by a label and distinguished by rules deciding membership and (alleged) characteristic features or attributes; individuality, character, originality. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM22. floating (adjective) - unsettled, temporary, changing, fluctuating. 23. span (verb) - extend/spread over, stretch across. 24. demography (noun) – the composition/formation of a specific human population.

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25. fiercely (adverb) – severely, aggressively, extremely. 26. transition (noun) – change.

27. power (verb) - activate, start off, set going, get going, trigger off, initiate. 28. messy (adjective) – (of a situation/condition) chaotic, confused,

disorganized, difficult to deal with. 29. fragmentation (noun) – breaking, separation, disintegration. 30. misgovernance (noun) – misgovernment, mismanagement, misconduct.

31. throw out (phrasal verb) – oust, remove, expel. 32. incumbent (adjective) – present, existing, current (holder or occupant of an office).

33. buck (verb) - resist, oppose, contradict, defy, go against. 34. sheer (adjective) – complete, absolute, total, thorough. 35. formidable (adjective) – strong & powerful. 36. cushion (noun) - protection, buffer, shield, defence. 37. conceivable (adjective) – imaginable, understandable, comprehensible. 38. chunk of (noun) – a significant amount of.

39. in comparison (phrase) – when compared, comparatively, by comparison, proportionately. 40. read (verb) - understand, comprehend, interpret, decipher. 41. ideological (adjective) – relating to a system of ideas (ideology). 42. flock (verb) – go in large numbers. 43. reflect (verb) – indicate, show, display, demonstrate. 44. realignment (noun) – reorganisation, reordering, reshuffle. 45. in favour of (phrase) – in support of, to the advantage of, approve of. 46. socialism (noun) – it’s a state-controlled economy in which the state controls the means of production: factories, offices, resources, and firms. Since the government controls almost all of society’s functions, it can make better use of resources, labours, and lands. 47. Lohiaite socialism (noun) - a type of socialism promoted by a politician, journalist and activist Ram Manohar Lohia (1910 –1967). Lohia championed "the principle of equal irrelevance of capitalism and communism in respect of the creation of a new human civilization." This 'new civilization' is called by Lohia 'socialism'. 48. social engineering (noun) – the act of tricking someone into divulging (revealing sensitive (or) personal) information or taking action usually WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMthrough technology. It is to take advantage of a potential victim’s natural tendencies and emotional reactions. 49. craft (verb) – exercise skill in making something. 50. contingent on (adjective) – dependent on.

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51. vehicle (noun) - channel, medium, means of expression. 52. electorate (noun) – all the people who entitled to vote in an election.

53. resentment (noun) – bitterness, indignation, irritation, enmity, hatred. 54. incumbent (noun) – the present holder or occupant of an office. 55. rubric (noun) – category.

56. favouritism (noun) - partiality, partisanship, one-sidedness, prejudice, inequality. 57. elite (noun) – high society people; the group of most powerful people in

a society; best. 58. consolidation (noun) – unification. 59. ascension (noun) – rise (to an important position or a higher level).

60. ephemeral (adjective) - temporary, short-term, transitory, momentary, short-lived, brief. 61. phenomenon (noun) – situation, occurrence, event, happening. 62. prospects (noun) – chances, possibilities, expectations, outlook, future. 63. anti-incumbency (noun) – a situation which is against elected officials currently in power; discontent against ruling government/ party in

power. 64. multi-polar (adjective) – having many extremities. 65. bi-polar (adjective) – having two extremities. 66. lightweight (noun) - less important person, leader. 67. bastion (noun) – stronghold, bulwark, mainstay. 68. bet (noun) - option, choice. 69. hardline (noun) – uncompromising/strict commitment or compliance to a policy. 70. hardline (adjective) – uncompromising, strict, diehard, extreme, tough, inflexible. 71. contradiction (noun) – a combination of statements opposed to one another. 72. durable (adjective) – long-lasting, strong, substantial. 73. in the wake of (phrase) – as a result of, in the aftermath of, as a consequence of. 74. strife (noun) – conflict, friction, discord, disagreement. 75. faction (noun) – group, section, division (within a larger group). 76. culminate (verb) – come to an end with, finish with, conclude with, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMterminate with. 77. expulsion (noun) – removal, dismissal, exclusion. 78. authoritative (adjective) – reliable, dependable, trustworthy, well founded.

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79. collective (adjective) – combined, united/joint, cooperative (by all people as a group).

80. install (verb) – appoint, induct, swear in. 81. front (noun) – a particular situation. 82. consequently (adverb) – as a result, therefore, for this reason, because of

that. 83. arguably (adverb) – possibly, conceivably, maybe, potentially. 84. pay off (phrasal verb) – be advantageous to, be beneficial to, be

profitable to. 85. wield (verb) – have, exercise, exert, be possessed of. 86. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, indictment.

87. pan- (combining form) – all inclusive of, all, of everything. 88. appeal (noun) – attraction, interest, temptation, drawing power, enticement. 89. mould (noun) - figure, form, kind. 90. in the mould of (phrase) - resembling some important qualities/traits with someone or something.

91. indifferent (adjective) – ordinary, moderate, average. 92. welfare (noun) – a government program that provides (financial) assistance to individuals and families in need; social security, public assistance. 93. marquee (adjective) – greatest, important, major/best. 94. novel coronavirus (nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) (noun) – a new strain (type/variety) coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. 95. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 96. credentials (noun) – identities, qualities; achievement, experience, knowledge. 97. Ease of (Doing) Business (noun) – it is about different parameters which define the ease of doing business in a country; (Ease of doing business index is annually published by the World Bank. Doing business ranking is based on quantitative indicators on regulation for starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMtrading across borders, enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency). 98. index (noun) – indicator, sign, signal. 99. pale in comparison (phrase) - to seem small/less important/less serious when compared to someone or something.

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100. coalesce (verb) - come together to form a larger group/community; unite, join, combine, merge, grow together as a whole.

101. material (adjective) – significant, major, important. 102. persist (verb) – continue, remain, linger, stay. 103. sluggish (adjective) - inactive, quiet, slow, stagnant.

104. distress (noun) – difficulty, trouble, hardship. 105. desert (verb) – abandon, leave, give up, renounce. 106. regime (noun) – government.

107. ranks (noun) – The people belonging to a group or class. 108. lose touch (phrase) - lose contact/connection. 109. activism (noun) – involvement; campaigning/supporting (to cause

political or social change). 110. wither away (phrasal verb) – diminish, dwindle, lessen, weaken. 111. insular (adjective) - narrow-minded, short-sighted, inward-looking. 112. (death) spiral (noun) – disaster, decline, deterioration. 113. revival (noun) – improvement, rallying, picking up; re-establishment, reintroduction, restoration.

114. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests). 115. perception (noun) – understanding, discernment, recognition/realization; interpretation. 116. disgruntled (adjective) – aggrieved, dissatisfied, unhappy/disappointed. 117. ground (noun) – reason, factor, basis, rationale, premise. 118. plebeian (noun) – of or belonging to the common people. 119. campaign (noun) – canvassing, electioneering, an act of soliciting (asking for/requesting) votes; an organized effort that seeks to influence the decision-making progress within a specific group. 120. ideologically (adverb) – dogmatically, conventionally; in a method which relates to an ideology. 121. cement (verb) – bond, join, connect. 122. fritter away (phrasal verb) – squander, waste, misuse. 123. hubris (noun) – feeling of superiority, excessive self-importance, excessive pride, excessive self-confidence/self-glory, overconfidence, arrogance. 124. fell (verb) - bring down, knock down, demolish, topple. 125. ingenious (adjective) – inventive, creative, imaginative, innovative. 126.WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM sweeping (adjective) – overwhelming, decisive, thorough, complete/total. 127. underlay past of underlie (verb) – be the cause of, be the basis of, be the fundamental of.

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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 14, 2021)

1. unproductive (adjective) – futile, useless, pointless, ineffective. 2. socio-economic (adjective) – relating to the interaction of social (position, rank, or importance) and economic (income, pay, and

wealth) aspects. 3. empowerment (noun) – authorization, accreditation; capacity-

building, inclusiveness; authority, power. 4. coercion (noun) – it means compelling an individual to act against his/her will by the use of psychological pressure or physical force

causing bodily injury; force/pressure, oppression, harassment, intimidation. 5. cut (verb) – reduce, decrease, lessen. 6. fertility rate (noun) – the average number of children a woman would give birth to during her life time. 7. incentive (noun) – motivation, encouragement, impetus, boost. 8. penalty (noun) – punishment. 9. measure (noun) – action, step, procedure. 10. total fertility rate (TFR) (noun) - the average number of children a woman would give birth to during her lifetime if she were to pass through her childbearing years (15-49 years) experiencing the present day age-specific fertility rates. 11. National Family Health Survey (NFHS) (noun) – a large-scale, multi- round survey conducted in a representative sample of households throughout India. Three rounds of the survey have been conducted since the first survey in 1992-93. The survey provides state and national information for India on fertility, infant and child mortality, the practice of family planning, maternal and child health, reproductive health, nutrition, anaemia, utilization and quality of health and family planning services. 12. National Family Health Survey 2015-16 (NFHS-4) (noun) – the fourth in the NFHS series, NFHS-4 conducted in 2015-16, provides information on population, health, and nutrition for India and each state and union territory. All four NFHS surveys have been conducted WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMunder the stewardship of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India.


1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited

H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 14, 2021)

13. neighbouring (adjective) – adjacent. 14. National Family Health Survey 2019-20 (NFHS-5) (noun) – the fifth in the NFHS series, NFHS-5 conducted in 2019-20, provides

information on population, health, and nutrition for India and each state and union territory. All five NFHS surveys have been conducted

under the stewardship of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India. 15. contraceptive (adjective) – relating to a drug/device used to prevent

pregnancy. 16. prevalence (noun) – commonness, widespread presence, generality, extensiveness, ubiquitousness. 17. contraception (noun) – artificial methods which are used to prevent pregnancy; birth control. 18. maternal mortality (noun) – maternal death; the death of a woman while pregnant. 19. infant (noun) – baby, newborn, young child. 20. mortality (noun) – (in a particular time/for a cause) the rate/number of death. 21. on the face of it (phrase) – apparently, seemingly, evidently/ostensibly; at first glance. 22. in line with (phrase) – in alignment with, in accordance with, conforming to. 23. stress (verb) - emphasize, draw attention to, focus attention on, underline, underscore, highlight. 24. Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) (noun) - The Fifth International Conference on Population and Development was held in Cairo (Capital of Egypt) from 5 to 13 September 1994 under the auspices (guidance/support) of the United Nations. The Conference adopted the Programme of Action by consensus, which emphasized the fundamental role of women’s interests in population matters and introduced the concepts of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. A new definition of WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMpopulation policy was advanced, giving prominence to reproductive health and the empowerment of women.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 14, 2021)

25. consensus (noun) – an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group. 26. call for (phrasal verb) – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand.

27. reproductive rights (noun) – Reproductive rights rest on the recognition of the basic right of all couples and individuals to decide

freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health.

28. maternal health (noun) – maternal health refers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. 29. untangle (verb) – find a solution to, resolve, clear up, clarify. 30. knotty (adjective) – complex, complicated, intricate. 31. rather than (phrase) – instead of. 32. beaten (adjective) - well used. 33. demographic (adjective) – relating to the statistical study/structure of populations, especially human beings. 34. draft Uttar Pradesh Population (Control, Stabilisation and Welfare) Bill, 2021 (noun) - The Uttar Pradesh State Law Commission has prepared a proposed draft Bill for population control, under which a two-child norm will be implemented and promoted. The Bill aims to revitalize efforts and provide for measures to control, stabilize and provide welfare to the population of the State by by implementation and promotion of two-child norm and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. 35. stabilisation (noun) – an act of making something more stable. 36. welfare (noun) – a government program that provides (financial) assistance to individuals and families in need; social security, public assistance. 37. incentivise (verb) – encourage, motivate, galvanize.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 14, 2021)

38. perk (noun) – a benefit (perquisite/bonus/gratuity/reward/extra) someone gets from the job (apart from regular wages/salary). 39. rebate (noun) – allowance, reduction, discount, refund.

40. sops (noun) – a conciliatory gift, concession; something given/provided (which is ,often, of less importance) to pacify

somebody. 41. disincentive (noun) – deterrent, discouragement, counterincentive. 42. subsidy (noun) – also called subvention; a financial contribution

granted to help an industry or business, mostly given by a government, in order to keep the price of service/goods at a low level. 43. mull (verb) - ponder, consider, think about, contemplate. 44. denounce (verb) – condemn, criticize, attack, censure, reject. 45. National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) (noun) - a Statutory public body constituted on 12 October 1993 under the Protection of Human Rights Ordinance of 28 September 1993. It was given a statutory basis by the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. 46. uphold (verb) – confirm, endorse/approve, vindicate/validate. 47. barring (preposition) – except for, with the exception of, excepting, excluding, omitting, leaving out. 48. grounding (noun) – instruction. 49. impinge upon (verb) – influence, have an effect on. 50. informed (adjective) – knowledgeable, instructed, well informed (when a person is given options/choices to choose). 51. empirical (adjective) – practical, pragmatic, actual, real. 52. coercive (adjective) – overbearing, forceful, intimidating, high- handed. 53. discrimination (noun) – prejudice, intolerance, inequity, unfairness (against an individual or group of individuals by society and its institutions (basically in the procedures, policies or objectives) as a WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMwhole. Note:

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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 14, 2021)

54. marginalised (adjective) – treated as insignificant, treated as unimportant, neglected. 55. discernible (adjective) – visible, noticeable, identifiable.

56. substantive (adjective) – important, significant, considerable. 57. productivity (noun) – efficiency output.

58. labour productivity (noun) – a measure of labour output; In macro- economic terms, it is a measure of a country's economic output (real Gross Domestic Product) that is the result of a single hour of labour.

Labour productivity is an essential factor in the overall growth of a business. 59. empower (verb) – authorize, entitle, permit, allow. 60. rational (adjective) – logical, well reasoned, sensible, reasonable. 61. substantially (adverb) – considerably, significantly, largely. 62. hasten (verb) – speed up, quicken, accelerate, expedite. 63. drop (noun) - decrease, reduction, decline, lowering, lessening. 64. confront (verb) – trouble, bother, cause trouble to, distress. 65. demography (noun) – the composition/formation of a specific human population. 66. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt. 67. neo-Malthusian (adjective) - relating to the belief that population control (through the use of contraception) is essential for the survival of the earth's human population. 68. malthusian (adjective) – relating to a theory of exponential population growth and arithmetic food supply growth (by Thomas Robert Malthus FRS who was an English cleric and scholar, influential in the fields of political economy and demography).


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1. redemption (noun) – retrieval, recovery, reclamation, repossession, recoupment; fulfilment, satisfying, accomplishment, achievement (after struggle/difficulty).

2. replete with (adjective) – filled with, overloaded, well supplied/stocked with.

3. wrestle (verb) – grapple, fight, struggle, contend. 4. swim towards the light (phrase) - (figuratively) to reach out for “everything we have” (body, mind, and spirit).

5. make for (phrase) - go towards, head towards, aim for, move towards, direct one's steps towards. 6. compelling (adjective) – convincing, powerful, potent, strong, effective, reasonable. 7. plot line (noun) - the way in which something (ex. a story) develops. 8. giant (adjective) – a very large, mighty, mammoth. 9. sequence (noun) - pattern, series, progression. 10. narrative (noun) – a representation of a particular situation; story, portrayal, report. 11. millennium (noun) – a period of a thousand years. 12. plumb the depths (phrase) – reach the lowest possible level/point, experience the worst extremes, reach rock bottom. 13. shoot-out (noun) - (in football/soccer) a series of penalty kicks , taken to decide a winner after a game has resulted in a tie and extra time has been played. 14. secure (verb) – obtain, acquire, gain, get. 15. reductionist (adjective) – relating to an approach where you break the system down to its pieces to reason about it from the properties of these pieces. 16. transformation (noun) - evaluation, sea change, metamorphosis. 17. dogmatic (adjective) - assertive, authoritative, arrogant, domineering. 18. forward-looking (adjective) – progressive, dynamic, ambitious. 19. singular (adjective) – unique. 20. come out (phrasal verb) - emerge, transpire. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM21. outfit (noun) – team/group.


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22. fog (noun) – a state of confusion; a disorganized state. 23. build around (verb) - build upon, depend on, rest on, be anchored in something.

24. drive (noun) – single-mindedness, will power, forcefulness, effort, push.

25. verve (noun) – energy, spirit, strength. 26. veteran (noun) – (long-serving) expert, seasoned, mature, established/experienced (person in an area of activity).

27. old-school (adjective) - old-fashioned, out of date, outdated, outmoded, superseded. 28. nous (noun) - sensibleness, sound judgement, level-headedness; logical thought, thinking, reasoning. 29. brilliance (noun) - skill, talent, ability. 30. Azzurri (noun) - the nickname of the Italian national team, (simply means 'the blues' or 'blue') 31. back-to-back (adverb) – consecutively, successively, continuously; in succession. 32. school (verb) - train, coach, instruct, upskill, discipline, groom. 33. progressive (adjective) – modernistic, dynamic, innovative. 34. tactical (adjective) – calculated, strategic. 35. acumen (noun) - cleverness, smartness, shrewdness, judgement, insight. 36. stand out (phrasal verb) - be noticeable, be obvious, be striking, be distinctive, be prominent, attract attention. 37. (key) personnel (noun) – important players, staff, employees, workforce. 38. drought (noun) – dry spell, dry period; lack, unavailability, deficiency of something. 39. in contrast (phrase) – when compared to another. 40. outgoing (adjective) – departing, leaving. 41. defunct (adjective) – no longer existing, inoperative, non-functioning, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMobsolete.


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42. complacent (adjective) - careless, casual, unconcerned, uninterested, apathetic, perfunctory; smug, self-satisfied, pleased/proud of oneself, self-opinionated, satisfied, pleased, contented.

43. blow (verb) - mess up, waste, bungle, ruin, spoil (an opportunity). 44. crash out (phrasal verb) - be defeated, lose (in a game).

45. gem (noun) - an excellent person; best, finest, treasure, wonder. 46. duly (adverb) – at the proper time, at the right time; appropriately, suitably.

47. Golden Boot (noun - an award that is presented to the leading goal scorer. The trophy is a sculpture of a football boot. 48. far from (phrase) – not, not at all. 49. driving force (noun) - motive force, main factor. 50. traumatic (adjective) – painful, distressing, disturbing. 51. showcase (verb) – display, exhibit, unveil, show to the public. 52. collective (adjective) – combined, united/joint, cooperative (by all people as a group). 53. spirit (noun) – temperament, disposition, character; attitude, state of mind. 54. discordant note (phrase) - strange thing; weird thing. 55. discordant (adjective) – disagreeing, differing, contradictory. 56. err (verb) - make a mistake, be wrong, be incorrect. 57. in the long run (phrase) – eventually, in the end, ultimately. 58. reinvigorate (verb) – revive, bring back; fortify, strengthen. 59. therapeutic (adjective) – healing, curing, restorative. 60. amidst (preposition) – amid, in the middle of; during. 61. unending (adjective) - endless, never-ending, infinite. 62. exhausting (adjective) - very tiring, wearying, taxing, fatiguing, draining. 63. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMpeople across a wide area. Note:

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1. federalism/federal framework/system (noun) – a system of government in which establishments such as states or provinces share

power with a national government. 2. compact (noun) – agreement, deal, contract, settlement. 3. unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before.

4. composition (noun) – formation, structure, construction, organization. 5. reflect (verb) – indicate, represent; express, communicate.

6. census (noun) – an official survey, particularly of a population. 7. take into account (phrase) – consider, take into consideration, have regard to, reckon with.

8. prosperous (adjective) – flourishing, thriving, successful, burgeoning. 9. freeze (noun) - suspension. 10. seismic shift (noun) – a drastic/major change. 11. resentment (noun) – bitterness, indignation, irritation, enmity, hatred. 12. call for (phrasal verb) – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand.

13. realignment (noun) – reorganisation, reordering, reshuffle. 14. federal (adjective) – relating to a system of government in which establishments such as states or provinces share power with a national government. 15. Article 1 of the Indian Constitution (noun) - It says India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States. The States and the territories

thereof shall be as specified in the First Schedule. The territory of India shall comprise - a) the territories of the States; b) the Union territories specified in the First Schedule; and c) such other territories as may be acquired. 16. deliberate (adjective) – careful, cautious, unhurried, conscious, done on purpose. 17. make up (phrasal verb) - comprise, form, constitute. 18. admittedly (adverb) – actually, truly/verily, indeed. 19. federation (noun) – a system of government in which a written constitution distributes power and responsibility between a national government and a number of state or regional governments. 20. lead up to (phrasal verb) - precede, come/go before, pave the way for; be the cause/reason of something. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM21. linguistic (adjective) – relating to language; lingual. 22. statehood (noun) – the condition of being an independent state. 23. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably.

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24. polity (noun) – a politically organized society. 25. plural (adjective) – relating to a system in which people co-exist in

harmony irrespective of various differences. 26. linguistically (adverb) – in a method correlating with language. 27. ethnically (adverb) – culturally, racially.

28. self-contained (adjective) – independent, separate, self-sufficient, self-reliant.

29. turn to (phrasal verb) - have recourse to, look to, resort to. 30. inherent (adjective) – implicit, intrinsic, fundamental, basic. 31. contradiction (noun) – a combination of statements opposed to one

another. 32. comprehend (verb) – understand, realize, fathom. 33. set-up (noun) – system, structure, organization, arrangement, framework. 34. entitle (verb) – allow, permit, grant.

35. governance (noun) – administration. 36. imply (verb) – suggest, hint, intimate. 37. pie (noun) - a total amount of something to be divided in shares. 38. say (noun) - influence, sway, weight, authority, voice. 39. irrelevant (adjective) – immaterial, unrelated, not germane, unimportant/insignificant.

40. assuage (verb) – alleviate, soothe, mitigate, lessen, decrease, reduce, lower. 41. compromise (noun) – agreement, understanding, settlement. 42. Senate (noun) – the upper house or chamber in some bicameral legislative systems. (for example in the US). 43. outsized (adjective) - very large, massive, enormous. 44. deplorably (adverb) - regrettably, unfortunately, awfully. 45. slave-owning (adjective) - relating to the states in the U.S before 1865 where in which slavery and the slave trade were legal. 46. confer (verb) – present, give, grant. 47. Three-Fifths Compromise (noun) - it was an agreement, made at the U. S. Constitutional Convention, 1787, that allowed three-fifths of the slave population of the Southern states would be counted for WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMdetermining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives. 48. bedrock (noun) – core, basis/base, foundation.

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49. rid someone/something of (verb) - clear, free, make free. 50. slavery (noun) – captivity, bondage, enslavement.

51. dramatically (adverb) – greatly, largely. 52. scope (noun) – opportunity, possibility, chance. 53. intervention (noun) – the process of intervening in something;

involvement, interference. 54. sever (verb) - divide, cut off, break off, discontinue.

55. causational (adjective) - relating to the action of causing something. 56. popular vote (noun) – the popular vote is simply the total votes cast for each candidate across the whole of the United States. The

candidate with the most votes across the nation is said to have won the popular vote. 57. filibuster (noun) – a tactic mainly in the United States’ Senate to delay or block legislative action on a bill or other matter by debating it at length; a way of delaying/preventing a vote on a bill.

58. legislation (noun) – body of laws, rules, regulations, statutes. 59. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt. 60. mitigate (verb) - alleviate, reduce, diminish, lessen. 61. pathology (noun) – abnormality, unhealthiness, malfunction. 62. facilitate (verb) – make easy, make possible, enable; assist, help/aid. 63. entrench (verb) – ingrain, establish, embed.

64. sparsely (adverb) - scantily, scarcely, infrequently. 65. reconciliation (noun) – resolution, settlement, agreement, compromise. 66. quasi- (combining form) – to a certain degree, to a certain extent, partly, relatively, somewhat. 67. sui generis (adjective) – Latin, literally ‘of its own kind’; unique, individual, special. 68. diversity (noun) – the state/condition of having many different types of something; variety, variation, difference, range. 69. inevitable (adjective) – unavoidable, unpreventable, inescapable, certain, sure to happen. 70. fissiparous (adjective) – divisive, separatist, polarising. 71. chequered (adjective) – varied, mixed, eventful. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM72. unfounded (adjective) – groundless, baseless, unjustified. 73. if at all (phrase) - It indicates that something is unlikely to happen, if it does happen, but it happens in a restricted way.

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74. recognition (noun) – acknowledgement, acceptance, admission; realization.

75. result in (phrasal verb) – cause, bring on, bring about, call forth, give rise to. 76. separatist (noun) – dissident, nonconformist, sectarian.

77. autonomy (noun) – independence, freedom; self-government, self- rule.

78. inevitably (adverb) – unavoidably, certainly, definitely. 79. implications (noun) – consequence/outcome, ramification, repercussion.

80. chauvinism (noun) – excessive nationalism, sectarianism, isolationism. 81. thorny (adjective) – problematic, tricky, delicate, controversial. 82. down the road (phrase) - in the future. 83. perpetuate (verb) - cause to continue something indefinitely,

particularly a bad situation, an attitude/idea/belief, etc; keep going, keep in existence, extend/prolong. 84. fine-tune (verb) - modify, alter, regulate. 85. vis-à-vis (preposition) – concerning, with regard to, in relation to, as/in comparison with, in connection with (Vis-à-vis from Latin via. French, means literally “face-to-face).

86. provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement, condition. 87. empower (verb) – authorize, entitle, permit, allow. 88. disintegration (noun) – breakdown, fragmentation, collapse. 89. on the contrary (phrase) – conversely, just the opposite. 90. bound to (adjective) – certain, sure, very likely, guaranteed. 91. prosperity (noun) – success, welfare, comfort, security, well- being, fortune. 92. The 73rd and the 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts (CAA), 1992 (noun) – These acts prescribe the states to establish a three-tier system of Panchayats at the village, intermediate and district levels and Municipalities in the urban areas respectively. States are expected to devolve adequate powers, responsibilities and finances upon these WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMbodies so as to enable them to prepare plans and implement schemes for economic development and social justice. These Acts provide a basic framework of decentralisation of powers and authorities to the Panchayati Raj/Municipal bodies at different levels.

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93. majoritarian (adjective) – relating to a philosophy that states that a majority (sometimes categorized by religion, language, social class,

or some other identifying factor) of the population is entitled to a certain degree of primacy (priority) in society, and has the right to make decisions that affect the society.

94. adversely (adverb) – unfavourably, disadvantageously, badly. 95. consent (noun) - agreement, assent, concurrence, acceptance,

approval. 96. salutary (adjective) – good, helpful/useful, beneficial, practical, valuable.

97. in this regard (phrase) – in connection with the aspect/consideration/point referred to earlier. 98. inviolate (adjective) – undamaged, unstained, perfect. 99. comprehensive (adjective) – all-inclusive, broad-based; all- embracing, universal, complete.

100. consensus (noun) – an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group. 101. unanimity (noun) - agreement, accord, harmony, concord, unity. 102. break up (phrasal verb) – separate, disband. 103. premise (noun) – belief, thought. 104. underlie (verb) – be the cause of, be the basis of, be the fundamental

of. 105. overbearing (adjective) - dominating, autocratic, oppressive, high- handed. 106. patriotism (noun) – devoted love and support for country; nationalism, national loyalty. 107. devolution (noun) – decentralization, delegation, distribution, pride/morale. 108. strain (verb) - damage, impair.

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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 15, 2021)

1. ramp up (phrasal verb) – increase (in amount or number). 2. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a

particular disease; immunization. 3. woes (noun) – trouble, difficulty, problem. 4. spike (noun) – a sharp rise/increase of something.

5. dip (noun) - decrease, decline, reduction, slump. 6. guard against (verb) – beware of, keep watch for, be alert to.

7. slackening (noun) – slowing down, easing off, reduction, deceleration, diminishing, lessening. 8. take over (phrasal verb) – assume responsibility of, take control of,

take charge of. 9. vaccine (noun) – a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. 10. procurement (noun) – the action of procuring/purchasing/buying something. 11. constraint (noun) – restriction, limitation, restraint. 12. resurface (verb) – reappear, reemerge, return, recur, come out again, arise again. 13. CoWIN (noun) – a digital platform (app) developed by Union Health Ministry, India to help monitor the entire COVID-19 vaccination process in India. 14. dose (noun) – an amount/quantity of something. 15. administer (verb) – dispense, provide, give, apply (a drug/vaccine). 16. dispense (verb) - distribute, hand out, allocate, supply, provide. 17. move (noun) - initiative, step, action. 18. administration (noun) – management, handling, controlling something (or) an act of dispensing, providing, giving, applying (a drug/vaccine). 19. chaotic (adjective) – confused, disrupted, tumultuous, disorganized. 20. roil (verb) - make irritated, make annoyed. 21. unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before. 22. ferocity (noun) – intensity, severity, strength. 23. surge (noun) – sudden increase or rise of something. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM24. underestimation (noun) – a rough calculation (that is too low). 25. heady (adjective) – exciting, thrilling, stimulating, invigorating, galvanizing.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 15, 2021)

26. norm (noun) – standard, convention, (the) usual/normal. 27. vaccinate (verb) – inoculate, administer, introduce (with a vaccine to

provide immunity against a disease). 28. inoculate (verb) – to inject/introduce a vaccine into the body of someone to produce immunity to a particular disease; immunize,

vaccinate. 29. slip (verb) - decrease, drop, decline, slump, tumble, plunge, plummet.

30. slackening (adjective) – slowing, reducing, decelerating, diminishing, lessening. 31. stated (adjective) – claimed, official; agreed, declared.

32. apparent (adjective) – evident/clear, visible, noticeable, recognizable. 33. uptick (noun) – a small increase or upward trend. 34. acceleration (noun) – increase, rise (in number). 35. fraction (noun) – proportion, portion, part, percentage. 36. better off (phrase) - in a more advantageous position. 37. far from (phrase) – not, not at all. 38. out of the woods (phrase) – out of difficulty. 39. near-normalise (verb) - return to a near-normal condition. 40. onus (noun) – responsibility, duty; burden, liability, obligation. 41. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out. 42. Covaxin (noun) – India’s first indigenous COVID-19 vaccine candidate (COVAXIN) developed by a Hyderabad-based company (Bharat Biotech) in collaboration with the ICMR (The Indian Council of Medical Research). 43. voice (verb) – express, make public, announce, mention. 44. preparedness (noun) – readiness. 45. entail (verb) – necessitate, make necessary, require. 46. aggressive (adjective) - forceful, insistent, vigorous, energetic. 47. publicity (noun as modifier) - public attention, public notice. 48. measure (noun) – action, step, procedure. 49. campaign (noun) – an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making progress within a specific group. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM50. boost (verb) - increase, improve, encourage. 51. spruce up (verb) – make smarter/neater, clean up, make tidy, put in order.


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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 15, 2021)

1. the way out (noun) - a method of dealing with a problem; solution. 2. ouster (noun) – removal, dismissal, unseating, eviction.

3. overrule (verb) – reject, disallow, rule against, overthrow. 4. déjà vu (noun) – The expression is derived from the French, meaning “already seen”; this expression can make you feel like you’ve known

someone before (or) been somewhere before (or) experienced something before.

5. outgoing (adjective) – departing, leaving. 6. set aside (phrasal verb) – overrule, reverse, revoke, nullify, annul, cancel, dismiss, reject.

7. dissolution (noun) – cessation, termination, discontinuation, suspension. 8. the House of Representatives (noun) - The House of Representatives is the lower house of the Federal Parliament of Nepal, with the upper house being the National Assembly. 9. dissolve (verb) – dismiss, disestablish, disband, abolish. 10. ruling (noun) – judgement, adjudication, verdict. 11. a rap on the knuckles (phrase) – criticism, castigation, rebuke, reprimand, reproach. 12. pave the way for (phrase) – clear the way for, make preparations for, put things in order for. 13. affirm (verb) – uphold, ratify, validate, approve, endorse, consent to, assent to. 14. bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges. 15. unending (adjective) – unceasing, never-ending, continuous. 16. deadlock (noun) – stalemate, impasse, checkmate/stand-off. 17. whip (noun) – a member of a political party who is in charge of providing that written notice is called as “Whip”. (it also means that “a written notice provided by the party (Whip) to their members in in Parliament/Legislative Assembly to vote to support the act/policy”). 18. confidence motion/trust vote (noun) – a confidence motion, or a vote of confidence, or a trust vote, is sought by the government in power WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMon the floor of the House in order to prove the majority.


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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 15, 2021)

19. inability (noun) – incapability, incapacity, helplessness. 20. risk (verb) – take the risk of, stand a chance of.

21. suspension (noun) – termination, debarment, eviction, elimination. 22. faction (noun) – group, section, division (within a larger group). 23. endorsement (noun) – support, backing, approval.

24. the bulk of (noun) – most, larger part, larger number. 25. legislator (noun) – a member of a legislature (parliament/legislative

assembly); lawmaker, representative. 26. de-merged (adjective) - separated. 27. component (noun) - part.

28. endorse (verb) – uphold, support, ratify, approve. 29. candidacy (noun) – the state/condition/fact of being a candidate, particularly in an election; candidate-ship. 30. split (verb) – divide, bifurcate. 31. vertically (adverb) – hierarchically; in a way arranged in a hierarchy (different levels/ranks). 32. opposed to (adjective) – against. 33. agency (noun) - influence, force, power. 34. secure (verb) – obtain, acquire, gain, get. 35. mercurial (adjective) - unpredictable, volatile, erratic, inconsistent, irregular, capricious, temperamental, moody, fluctuating, variable, changeable. 36. force (noun) - group, team, party, a body of people. 37. join hands (phrase) – work together with. 38. nevertheless (adverb) – in spite of everything, notwithstanding, regardless, anyway, anyhow, however. 39. blow (noun) – shock, surprise; setback/misfortune. 40. brinkmanship (noun) – the practice of trying to achieve an advantageous outcome by pushing dangerous events to the brink (edge) of active conflict, especially in politics. 41. authoritarian (adjective) – oppressive, draconian, dictatorial, totalitarian. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM42. tendency (noun) – inclination, disposition, penchant.


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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 15, 2021)

43. reel from (verb) – to be in a confused condition; to feel upset; to be shocked by the situation.

44. outbreak (noun) – outburst, flaring up, breakout, sudden appearance/occurrence of something. 45. stinging (adjective) – harsh, cruel.

46. rebuke (noun) – (sharp) disapproval, reprimand, (firm) warning, admonishment, criticism/castigation.

47. rubber stamp (noun) – a person or organisation that gives automatic approval without consideration. 48. rubber stamp (verb) – (of a person or organisation) to give automatic

approval without consideration. 49. call into question (phrase) - doubt, distrust, mistrust, suspect. 50. functionary (noun) – official, representative, agent, especially in a government or political party. 51. have one’s work/task cut out (phrase) – be faced with a tough task/work. 52. firm (adjective) – strong, resolute, determined, resolved, steadfast. 53. consultative (adjective) – advisory, recommendatory, consulting, counseling. 54. governance (noun) – the act of governing something; administration. 55. bring about (phrasal verb) – cause, create, give rise to, produce. 56. elude (verb) – evade, avoid, get away from, dodge. 57. monarchy (noun) – kingdom, sovereign state; a form of government in which a country is ruled by someone who rules for life and usually receives their position from another person when that person dies 58. republican (adjective) – elected, representative, parliamentary, of the people.


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1. welfare (noun) – social security, government/state benefit, public assistance. 2. conditional (adjective) – with conditions attached, restrictive.

3. stamp (noun) - hallmark, indication, sure sign. 4. coercion (noun) – it means compelling an individual to act against

his/her will by the use of psychological pressure or physical force causing bodily injury; force/pressure, oppression, harassment, intimidation.

5. reading (noun) - interpretation, understanding, explanation, analysis. 6. Uttar Pradesh Draft Population (Control, Stabilisation and Welfare) Bill, 2021 (noun) – The Uttar Pradesh State Law Commission has prepared a

proposed draft Bill for population control, under which a two-child norm will be implemented and promoted. The Bill aims to revitalize efforts and provide for measures to control, stabilize and provide welfare to the population of the State by by implementation and promotion of two- child norm and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. 7. grossly (adverb) – flagrantly, unacceptably; extremely, excessively. 8. impinge on (verb) – influence, have an effect on.

9. reproductive rights (noun) – Reproductive rights rest on the recognition of the basic right of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health. 10. gross (adjective) – total, full, entire, complete. 11. fertility rate (noun) – the average number of children a woman would give birth to during her life time. 12. gross/total fertility rate (TFR) (noun) – the average number of children a woman would give birth to during her lifetime if she were to pass through her childbearing years (15-49 years) experiencing the present day age-specific fertility rates. 13. enactment (noun) – passing, making law, ratification. 14. legislation (noun) – body of laws, rules, regulations, statutes. 15. be on the anvil (phrase) - in a state/condition of discussion (not implemented); being discussed or prepared but it is not yet completed to be put into action. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM16. ominous (adjective) – threatening, menacing, inauspicious, unpromising, unfavourable. 17. incentive (noun) – motivation, encouragement, impetus, boost. 18. disincentive (noun) – deterrent, discouragement, counterincentive.

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19. stabilisation (noun) – an act of making something more stable. 20. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt. 21. adhere to (verb) – abide by, follow, obey, comply with.

22. norm (noun) – standard, convention, (the) usual/normal. 23. disentitle (verb) - ban, bar, disbar, debar.

24. breach (verb) - break, contravene, violate. 25. subsidy (noun) – also called subvention; a financial contribution granted to help an industry or business, mostly given by a government, in order

to keep the price of service/goods at a low level. 26. (be) rooted in (verb) – embed, fix, firmly establish, implant. 27. steep in (phrasal verb) – fill with, surround with, imbue with, pervade

with. 28. myth (noun) – mistaken belief, misconception, fallacy, false notion, misbelief, fairy story, fairy tale. 29. invariably (adverb) – always, every time, each time. 30. instil (verb) – introduce, inspire, implant, inculcate. 31. discrimination (noun) – prejudice, intolerance, inequity, unfairness (against an individual or group of individuals by society and

its institutions (basically in the procedures, policies or objectives) as a whole. 32. disparately (adverb) - distinctly, differently, unrelatedly, unconnectedly. 33. vulnerable (adjective) – undefended, easily damaged/hurt, powerless, helpless, unprotected. 34. Bill (noun) – A Bill is a draft statute that becomes law after it is passed by both the Houses of Parliament and assented to by the President. All legislative proposals are brought before Parliament in the forms of Bills. 35. echo (verb) – repeat, say again, restate, reiterate. 36. ecological (adjective) – environment-friendly, eco-friendly, natural. 37. regulate (verb) – control, oversee, administer, govern something (by using rules and regulations). 38. provision (noun) – distribution, supplying, providing, furnishing. 39. invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, adduce. 40. buzzword (noun) – a very popular word/phrase at a particular time/event. 41. sustainable (adjective) – reasonable, sensible, well-founded (without disturbing the balance of nature and then without exhausting all of the WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMnatural resources). 42. to that end (phrase) - for that reason. 43. postulate (verb) – put forward, propose, posit, suppose, suggest. 44. array (noun) – list, line-up.

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45. measure (noun) – action, step, procedure. 46. undergo (verb) – be subjected to, go through. 47. sterilisation (noun) – the surgical procedure which permanently prevents

a person’s capability of reproduction. 48. maternity (noun) – motherhood; the state of being a mother.

49. paternity (noun) – fatherhood; the state of being a father. 50. spouse (noun) - husband, wife, partner. 51. as far as (phrase) - to the extent that.

52. euphemistically (adverb) – politely/mildly & indirectly. 53. debar (verb) – prevent, prohibit, proscribe, disallow, ban. 54. welfare (noun) – a government program that provides (financial)

assistance to individuals and families in need; social security, public assistance. 55. infringe (verb) – transgress, breach, contravene, disobey, break. 56. transgressing (adjective) – infringing, breaching, contravening, disobeying, breaking. 57. ponder (verb) – think about, consider, contemplate, review, reflect on. 58. regulation (noun) – rule, ruling, order, act, law.

59. at all (phrase) - under any circumstances, by any means, to any extent, in any way. 60. legitimate (adjective) – legal, lawful, constitutional. 61. efficacious (adjective) – effective, successful, powerful. 62. public health (noun) – public health is also the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities through education, policy-making, and research for disease and injury prevention. 63. concede (verb) – admit, acknowledge, accept, recognize. 64. affidavit (noun) – sworn statement, self-attestation, self-declaration. 65. counter-productive (adjective) – harmful, damaging, dangerous/destructive. 66. demographic (adjective) – relating to the statistical study/structure of populations, especially human beings. 67. distortion (noun) – misrepresentation, falsification, misreporting, misstatement, manipulation. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM68. obligation (noun) – duty, responsibility, commitment, necessary condition, requirement.

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69. International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action (noun) - The Fifth International Conference on Population and Development was held in Cairo (Capital of Egypt) from

5 to 13 September 1994 under the auspices (guidance/support) of the United Nations. The Conference adopted the Programme of Action by

consensus, which emphasized the fundamental role of women’s interests in population matters and introduced the concepts of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. A new definition of

population policy was advanced, giving prominence to reproductive health and the empowerment of women. 70. pledge (noun) – promise, undertaking, oath, agreement, assurance.

71. foremost (adjective) – most important. 72. look beyond (phrase) – to look forward to a time in the future after some situation. 73. inalienable (adjective) – inviolable/unchallengeable, absolute/inherent. 74. facet (noun) – aspect, feature, characteristic/nuance. 75. personal liberty (noun) – it means the liberty of an individual to behave as one pleases except for those restraints imposed by laws and codes of

conduct of the society in which one lives to safeguard the physical, moral, political, and economic welfare of others. 76. liberty (noun) – freedom; option, choice. 77. Article 21 of the Constitution of India (noun) – Protection of life and personal liberty. No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law. 78. procreate (verb) - reproduce, produce offspring, breed. 79. abstain from (verb) – refrain, desist, avoid, hold back. 80. ruling (noun) – judgement, adjudication, verdict. 81. endorse (verb) – uphold, support, ratify, approve. 82. bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges. 83. plurality (noun) – a large number of people (coexist in a community). 84. autonomy (noun) – independence, freedom, self-determination. 85. extension (noun) – widening, enhancement, development, continuation. 86. hold (verb) – rule; decide. 87. partake (verb) – participate, take part/join, engage. 88. connotation (noun) – meaning, understanding, reading, explanation. 89. comprehend (verb) – understand, realize, fathom. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM90. among other things (phrase) – used to indicate that there are several more things like the one mentioned, but that you do not intend to mention them all. 91. intimate (adjective) – personal, private, confidential, secret.

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92. govern (verb) – regulate, control. 93. procreation (noun) – reproduction. 94. constituent (adjective) – integral (part/unit).

95. boundless (adjective) – limitless, unlimited, unbounded. 96. conform (verb) - comply with, abide by, obey, observe, follow, adhere

to. 97. doctrine (noun) – principle, belief, rule. 98. doctrine of proportionality (noun) – the doctrine of proportionality

entails/requires that an administrative decision, which is taken through the exercise of discretionary powers, must be in the extent to the consequences that follow from implementing that decisions.

99. statute (noun) – act/law, regulation, rule (written & laid down by the legislature). 100. intrusive (adjective) – intruding, interfering, unwanted, unwelcome; annoying, irritating, interrupting, disturbing. 101. rational (adjective) – logical, well reasoned, sensible, reasonable. 102. pursue (verb) – engage in, conduct, take part in (an activity). 103. public interest (noun) – the public good; the advantage/benefit of the

community in general. 104. encroach upon (verb) – intrude, trespass, impinge, infiltrate, violate, interfere with. 105. degree (noun) – level, extent. 106. ought to (modal verb) – must, should. 107. hallmark (noun) – indication, sure sign, stamp. 108. welfare state (noun) – a form of government in which the state protects and promotes the economic and social well-being of the citizens, based upon the principles of equal opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for citizens unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life. A system wherein the government agrees to underwrite certain levels of employment, income, education, medical, social security and housing for all its citizens. 109. provisional (adjective) – temporary, interim, transitional, makeshift. 110. bodily (adverb) - physical, sensual. 111. by all accounts (phrase) – allegedly, apparently, seemingly, ostensibly. 112. fall/run afoul of (phrase) – get into trouble, come into conflict with, go WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMagainst (by not following rules/standards). 113. concession (noun) – admission, acknowledgement, acceptance. 114. consequence (noun) – outcome, ramification, repercussion. 115. a host of (noun) - a lot, a large number, a great quantity.

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116. deleterious (adjective) – harmful, damaging, adverse, disadvantageous, unfavourable, unfortunate, undesirable. 117. for instance (phrase) – as an example.

118. skewed (adjective) – asymmetrical, unevenly balanced, unequal. 119. sex ratio (noun) - the ratio/proportion of males to females in a

population. 120. compound (verb) – intensify, increase, exacerbate, heighten, aggravate, worsen.

121. abort (verb) - terminate (a foetus/fetus); miscarry. (a foetus/fetus is an unborn baby/child). 122. proliferation (noun) – rapid increase, rise, escalation.

123. deprecate (verb) – criticize, censure, condemn. 124. disparate (adjective) - different, differing, dissimilar, contrasting. 125. uphold (verb) – confirm, endorse/approve, vindicate/validate. 126. far more (phrase) – a lot more, much more. 127. disproportionate (adjective) – inordinate, excessive, uncalled for, unreasonable, unfair. 128. virtually (adverb) – practically.

129. sanction (verb) – punish, impose a penalty on. 130. civil death (noun) - the loss of all or almost all civil rights by a person due to a conviction for a felony (a violent crime) or due to an act by the government of a country that results in the loss of civil rights. 131. no longer (phrase) – not anymore. 132. fly in the face of (phrase) - go against, flout, defy, disobey, disregard, ignore; break, violate, contravene, breach. 133. rousing (adjective) - stirring, inspiring, exciting, stimulating, moving. 134. legacy (noun) – something received from a predecessor or from the past. 135. tangible (verb) - real, actual, solid, concrete, substantial, well defined. 136. invade (verb) – occupy, conquer, capture, seize, take over. 137. repugnant to (adjective) – incompatible with, in conflict with, contrary to, at variance with.

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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 16, 2021)

1. impasse (noun) – deadlock, stalemate, checkmate, stand-off. 2. ties (noun) – association, relationship, bond, connection.

3. put something behind one (phrase) - forget about something, pay no heed to something, ignore. 4. distrust (noun) – mistrust, suspicion, lack of trust.

5. freeze (noun) – suspension, hold/halt, standstill. 6. Line of Actual Control (LAC) (noun) – the de-facto (effective) border between India and China. The LAC is a 4,057-km border running

through three areas-Western (Ladakh, Ladakh (Kashmir)), middle (Uttarakhand, Himachal), and eastern (Sikkim, Arunachal). 7. unresolved (adjective) - unsettled, undetermined, pending.

8. deploy (verb) – (of troops) move into position, position, station, post, place. 9. forward area (noun) - an area in proximity/close to combat. 10. backdrop (noun) – situation, scenario, context. 11. counterpart (noun) – someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another; equivalent, equal, fellow. 12. Dushanbe (proper noun) - The capital of Tajikistan. 13. in the aftermath of (phrase) – as a consequence of, as a result of. 14. aftermath (noun) – consequences, effects, results, repercussions. 15. Valley (noun) – a low area between hills or mountains typically with a river running through it. Valley is a metonym of Jammu & Kashmir in this context (Metonym is used as an alternative for something else with which it is closely related/associated). 16. tinderbox (noun) – The word ‘tinder’ is normally used to refer to any highly inflammable object material, like dry grass, wood, straw, etc. that can be used to start a fire quickly. Tinderbox is a small metal box that contained a tinder and all the other things required to light a fire. It (figuratively) means something catches fire & burn down very quickly. 17. artillery (noun) – a military branch that uses big guns, heavy weapons, cannons. 18. height (noun) - mountain top, peak, pinnacle; a high place or area. 19. range (noun) – a series of mountains in a line. 20. pave the way for (phrase) – clear the way for, make preparations for, put WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMthings in order for. 21. disengage (verb) – withdraw, pull out, leave, move out, retreat (of military troops from an area of conflict).


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 16, 2021)

22. put in place (phrase) – establish, set up, create/form. 23. patrol (verb) – keep guard, keep watch, keep a vigil on.

24. patrol (noun) – vigil, guard, watch, monitoring. 25. Depsang (plains) (noun) – The Depsang plains lie south of DBO (Daulat Beg Oldie post) in a strategic area that the military calls Sub-Sector

North (SSN). DBO is the country’s northernmost outpost where India operates an advanced landing ground to support its forward military deployments. The Depsang Plains are large plains that are suitable for

driving armoured carriers, artillery and mechanised units, which is unusual at the height of about 17,000 feet above sea level. The Depsang plains are strategically important as it provides a flat surface amid the

mountainous terrain which can be used by either of the two countries to launch a military offensive, similar to the Spanggur Gap in the Chushul sub-sector. 26. hot springs (noun) – Hot Springs (Kyam) is the location of an Indian border checkpost operated by Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) in the Chang Chenmo River valley in Ladakh near the disputed border with China. It is so named because there is a hot spring at this location. (hot spring is generally a spring (well head) with water at temperatures substantially higher than the air temperature of the surrounding region). 27. readout (noun) – an official statement summing up the main points of a meeting/phone call between two leaders. 28. call for (phrasal verb) – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand. 29. momentum (noun) – power, strength, impetus. 30. bilateral (adjective) – involving two groups or countries. 31. assessment (noun) – opinion, judgement, evaluation, appraisal. 32. prolongation (noun) - extension, continuance, protraction. 33. in the interests of (phrase) - for the benefit/advantage of. 34. difference (noun) – disagreement, dispute, difference of opinion, misunderstanding, argument, quarrel. 35. counter- (prefix) - indicating effect in the opposite direction. 36. deployment (noun) – the act of moving troops into position; the bringing of resources into effective action. 37. in no hurry (phrase) – doing something with out haste/urgency. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM38. status quo (noun) – a Latin phrase meaning the existing state of affairs, particularly with respect to social or political issues; the present situation, the current state.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 16, 2021)

39. normalcy (noun) – a normal condition; normality, regularity. 40. disengagement (noun) – withdrawal, departure, retreat (of military

troops from an area of conflict). 41. de-escalation (noun) – reduction, lessening, decrease (the intensity of a potentially violent situation).

42. signal (verb) – indicate, show, express; denote, imply; announce. 43. measure (noun) – action, step, procedure. 44. scrutiny (noun) – examination, inspection, investigation.

45. boom (verb) – increase, expand, grow rapidly. 46. pre-pandemic (noun) – before the pandemic. 47. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness

spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 48. thanks to (phrase) – as a result of, owing to, due to, because of. 49. stay the course (idiom) – work hard till the end to accomplish the task. 50. underline (verb) – emphasize, underscore, highlight. 51. resolve (noun) - determination, willpower, firmness, resolution, courage. 52. strategic (adjective) – relating to achieving long-term or overall goals. 53. People’s Liberation Army (PLA) (noun) – People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is the armed forces of the country of China and the Communist Party of China (CPC). It is one of the largest military forces in the world. 54. drag one’s feet (phrase) - delay, procrastinate, postpone action, put off doing something. 55. negotiation (noun) – discussions, talks, deliberation; discussing the terms of, arrangement. 56. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably. 57. resume (verb) – restart, start again, return to. 58. restoration (noun) – reinstitution, re-establishment, reinstallation, revival. 59. sphere (noun) – an area of activity; a field of activity; domain, realm. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM60. cloak (verb) - hide, cover, conceal. Note:

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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 16, 2021)

1. growing (adjective) - increasing. 2. precarity (noun) – the state of being uncertain/insecure/unsafe.

3. inflation (noun) – simply meaning “cost of living”; increase of price level of goods & services and vice versa decrease of currency value. 4. ease (verb) - lessen, reduce, decrease.

5. reel under (phrase) – to suffer (due to a burden). 6. cautionary (adjective) - frightening, intimidating, alarming, warning. 7. spiralling (adjective) - increasing continuously & dramatically.

8. dog (verb) - (of a problem) trouble, disturb, worry, beset, bother (continuously). 9. pandemic-hit (adjective) – affected by the pandemic.

10. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 11. Consumer Price Index (CPI) (noun) - The CPI looks at the basket of consumer goods and services and it measures the change in price of this basket over a period of time. To put it simply, the CPI monitors retail prices at a certain level for a particular commodity. 12. Retail or Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation (noun) – The change in the price index of the basket of consumer goods and services over a period of time is referred to as CPI-based inflation or retail inflation. 13. Wholesale Price Index (WPI) (noun) - The WPI looks at a basket of wholesale goods (goods purchased in large quantities by businesses directly from manufacturers with the intent of reselling them to retailers). the WPI tracks prices at the factory gate before the retail level. 14. Wholesale or Wholesale price Index (WPI) inflation (noun) - The change in the price index of the basket of wholesale goods (and no services) over a period of time is referred to as WPI-based inflation or wholesale inflation. 15. headline inflation (noun) – it is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, including commodities such as food and energy prices. 16. core inflation (noun) – it is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, excluding commodities such as food and energy prices (which change frequently). WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM17. index (noun) – an (economic) data figure reflecting something (e.g. price/quantity) compared with a standard or base value; pointer, indicator.


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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 16, 2021)

18. stick (verb) - be fixed in a particular level. 19. bound (noun) - limits, restrictions, limitations, proportions.

20. provisional (adjective) – temporary, interim, transitional, makeshift. 21. annualised (adjective) – (of an inflation) calculated again as an annual rate.

22. propel (verb) – force, spur, motivate, prompt. 23. surge (verb) – rise or increase suddenly. 24. jump (verb) – rise, go up, soar, surge.

25. year-on-year (adjective) – year over year (for comparison). 26. preceding (adjective) – previous, prior, earlier. 27. pulses (noun) – pulses are the term used for edible dry peas, beans,

lentils, and chickpeas &, etc. 28. climb (verb) – increase, rise 29. the central bank (noun) – The banking regulator of a county’s banking system. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the central bank of India. 30. bulletin (noun) – report, release, statement, announcement. 31. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (noun) – a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases in liquid form used as fuel in heating appliances, cooking equipment, and vehicles. 32. mainstay (noun) – chief support, central component, backbone; bulwark, bastion. 33. dung cake (noun) - a cooking fuel traditionally made from cow/buffalo dung (by flattening & drying it). 34. disconcertingly (adverb) – unsettlingly, disturbingly, worryingly. 35. so far (phrase) – until now, up to the present, up to this point. 36. persistently (adverb) – continuously. 37. crude oil (noun) – the raw natural resource that is extracted from the earth and refined into products such as gasoline, jet fuel, diesel and other petroleum products. 38. unabated (adjective) – continuous, non-stop, steady. 39. bound to (adjective) – certain, sure, very likely, guaranteed. 40. produce (noun) – all agricultural products. 41. stubbornly (adverb) – persistently, firmly, inflexibly. 42. soar (verb) – increase, rise rapidly. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM43. edge up (phrasal verb) - increase, rise to a target gradually. 44. cope with (verb) – deal with, grapple with, handle/manage. 45. contract (verb) – decline, decrease, diminish, reduce.


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H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 16, 2021)

46. IHS Markit (noun) – it is a global leader in information, analytics and solutions for the major industries and markets that drive economies

worldwide. It partners with clients in business, finance and government to help them see the big picture with unrivaled insights that lead to well- informed, confident decisions.

47. Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) (noun) – Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) is a monthly business survey data provided by IHS Markit. The monthly data are derived from surveys of senior executives at

private sector companies. PMI data is used for accurate and timely insight into the health of a particular economy. The PMI data are used by financial and corporate professionals to better understand where

economies and markets are headed, and to uncover opportunities. 48. traction (noun) – momentum, purchase. 49. in the wake of (phrase) – as a result of, in the aftermath of, as a consequence of. 50. erode (verb) – (gradually) undermine, weaken, spoil, deteriorate, destroy. 51. consumptive capacity (noun) – the power to use goods and services in the satisfaction of human wants. 52. looming (adjective) – threatening. 53. possibility (noun) – chance, practicability, probability. 54. outlook (noun) – prospects, expectations, hopes, likely improvement, lookout, future. 55. cloud (verb) – confuse, muddle; make uncertain/unclear. 56. cumulative (adjective) – total, collective, aggregate. 57. span (verb) - extend over, stretch across, spread over, range over. 58. deficient (adjective) – inadequate, insufficient, poor. 59. hardship (noun) – misfortune, distress, suffering, affliction, trouble. 60. hinterland (noun) – remote areas of a country away from the coastal areas/the banks of major rivers. 61. at the very least (phrase) - at the minimum. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM62. cut (verb) – reduce, decrease, lessen. Note:

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1. state (noun) – the government, the regime, the establishment.

2. humane (adjective) – compassionate, considerate, sympathetic, kind- hearted.

3. audit (noun) – inspection, examination, assessment, investigation. 4. liberal (adjective) – progressive, forward-thinking, broad-minded. 5. pass away (phrasal verb) – die, lose one’s life, expire.

6. bail (noun) – conditional, temporary release of an arrested/imprisoned person when a specified amount of security is deposited or pledged

(as cash or property) to ensure his/her appearance in court when required. 7. go on (phrasal verb) - happen, take place, occur. 8. bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges.

9. humility (noun) – modesty, humbleness, unassertiveness. 10. at someone's command (phrase) - at one's disposal; to be available to help. 11. condolence (noun) - sympathy, solace, comfort, consolation, empathy, compassion. 12. Parkinson’s disease (noun) – a brain disorder that leads to shaking,

stiffness, and difficulty with walking, balance, and coordination. 13. bilateral (adjective) – affecting both sides. 14. generalized (adjective) – (of a disease) affecting all of the body. 15. deteriorate (verb) – worsen, get worse, decline, degenerate. 16. incarceration (noun) – imprisonment, confinement, custody. 17. National Investigation Agency (NIA) (noun) – The National Investigation Agency is a central agency established by the Indian Government to combat terror in India. It is functioning as the Central Counter-Terrorism Law Enforcement Agency in the country. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is created following the terror attack in Mumbai on December 26, 2008. It came into being on December 31, 2008, with the passage of the NIA Act of 2008. 18. Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) (noun) – an Indian law aimed at effective prevention of unlawful activities associations in WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMIndia. Its main objective was to make powers available for dealing with activities directed against the integrity and sovereignty of India.

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19. Bhima Koregaon case (noun) - it dates back to January 1, 2018, the

day of the bicentenary (200th anniversary) celebrations of the Bhima Koregaon battle. The celebration was marred by violence leading to

death of one person and injuries to several others. 20. Bhima Koregaon Battle, 1818 (noun) - Bhima Koregaon in Pune, Maharashtra, is a tiny village. Two hundred years ago, on January 1,

1818, a few hundred Mahar soldiers of the East India Company, led by the British, defeated the massive Peshwa army, led by Peshwa

Bajirao II, in Koregaon. Over the years, as the battle came to be seen as a victory of the Mahars, thousands of Dalits have been gathering in Bhima Koregaon on January 1 to pay their respect at the Vijay Sthamb (victory pillar). The pillar was erected by the East India

Company in memory of those who fought the battle). 21. arrive at (verb) – attain, reach, gain, accomplish (a decision/conclusion). 22. take/run its course (phrase) – to develop in the normal way and come to an end naturally; cease to exist, draw to a close; finish, end. 23. in respect of (phrase) – with respect to; concerning, regarding.

24. trial (noun) – legal action, court case, lawsuit. 25. substantial (adjective) – considerable, significant, large. 26. pointed (adjective) - biting, incisive, scathing, piercing, penetrating. 27. rapporteur (noun) – a person who is officially appointed by an organization to investigate a problem or provide reports on the happenings of its meetings. 28. go on to (phrasal verb) – proceed (to do something). 29. long-standing (adjective) – long-established, deep-rooted, persistent, continuing (for a long time). 30. activist (noun) – a person who supports a political or societal change/cause. 31. indigenous (adjective) - native, original, aboriginal, ancient, primeval. 32. marginalised (adjective) – treated as insignificant, treated as unimportant, neglected. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM33. Jesuit (noun) – a member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order of religious men founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1534 to do educational, missionary, and charitable works.

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34. priest (noun) – clergyman, father, pastor.

35. condemn (verb) – censure, criticize, castigate, attack, denounce, reprimand, rebuke, reprove.

36. deliberate (adjective) – intentional, calculated, conscious, done on purpose, purposeful. 37. neglect (noun) - disregard, oversight, negligence, carelessness,

heedlessness, lack of concern, laxity, irresponsibility. 38. defence (noun) – the act of defending one’s action against the

opposition; protection, shielding, safeguarding. 39. wooden (adjective) – unnatural, clumsy, awkward, lifeless, emotionless. 40. prima facie (adverb/adjective) – something (first impression)

considered as right until proved. 41. carry out (phrasal verb) – conduct, perform, implement, execute, bring about. 42. overthrow (verb) – remove, topple, oust, unseat, bring down. 43. take into consideration (phrase) - consider, give thought to, take into account.

44. credible (adjective) – acceptable, trustworthy, reliable, dependable; believable, plausible, reasonable. 45. violation (noun) – breach, breaking, non-observance. 46. legitimate (adjective) – legal, lawful, constitutional. 47. in accordance with (phrase) –in agreement with, in conformity with, in line with, in compliance with. 48. with regard to (phrase) – regarding, concerning, with respect to, in respect of, with reference to. 49. polity (noun) – a politically organized society. 50. complement (verb) - accompany, supplement, augment, enhance. 51. judiciary (noun) – judges. 52. the judiciary (noun) – a branch of government in which judicial power is vested. 53. vibrant (adjective) – high-spirited, energetic, lively. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM54. vocal (adjective) – vociferous, outspoken, forthright; relating to someone who expresses his/her views frankly.

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55. civil society (noun) – civil society refers to space for collective action

around shared interests, purposes, and values, generally distinct from government and commercial for-profit actors.

56. proposition (noun) – premise, concept/idea, statement. 57. inevitably (adverb) – unavoidably, certainly, definitely. 58. refract (verb) – measure the focusing characteristics (of something).

59. prism (noun) – a viewpoint that clarifies/distorts something. 60. ailing (adjective) - ill, unwell, sick.

61. influential (adjective) – powerful, dominant, strong; important. 62. preservation (noun) - conservation, safeguarding, keeping. 63. sipper (noun) – drinking straw. 64. metaphor (noun) – figurative expression, symbol.

65. paint a picture of (phrase) - tell, narrate, describe, depict. 66. unnatural (adjective) – uncaring, unconcerned, unfeeling. 67. perceived (adjective) – understandable, recognisable, noticeable, distinguishable, observable. 68. context (noun) – circumstances, conditions, situation. 69. pander to (verb) – to do or say something to satisfy someone or

someone’s (wrong) desire in order to get some advantage/benefit from it; satisfy, fulfil, indulge, gratify, soap. 70. interest (noun) – benefit, advantage, concern. 71. indiscriminate (adjective) - thoughtless, unthinking, unconsidered, casual, careless, aimless, foolish, mindless, impulsive, ill-considered. 72. ideology (noun) – a system of belief, set of principles. 73. perpetrator (noun) – someone who does immoral, harmful, and illegal activity; offender, criminal, wrongdoer/evil-doer, culprit. 74. inter alia (adverb) – Latin for “among other things”. 75. diplomacy (noun) – international politics, foreign affairs, foreign policy; negotiations, discussions, talks, dialogue (related to international politics). 76. engagement (noun) – participation, taking part, involvement. 77. inflexible (adjective) – unyielding, firm, resolute, uncompromising. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM78. assertion (noun) – declaration, statement, announcement, affirmation. 79. mores (plural noun) – conventions, ways, way of life.

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80. shed (verb) – discard, get rid of, do away with, dispose of.

81. vestige (noun) – indication, sign, trace/mark. 82. anglicised (adjective) – modifying foreign words, names, and phrases

in order to make them easier to spell, pronounce, or understand in English. 83. Persianate (adjective) – relating to a society that is based on or

strongly influenced by the , culture, literature, art and/or identity.

84. hardly (adverb) – barely, almost not. 85. embark on (phrasal verb) – start, begin, commence, enter on. 86. authoritarian (adjective) – oppressive, draconian, dictatorial, totalitarian.

87. obstacle (noun) – barrier, hurdle, stumbling block, impediment, hindrance. 88. confront (verb) – face, address, tackle, deal with. 89. statute (noun) – act/law, regulation, rule (written & laid down by the legislature). 90. substantiate (verb) – support, uphold, justify, vindicate.

91. consequently (adverb) – as a result, therefore, for this reason, because of that. 92. languish (verb) – suffer, experience hardship; be abandoned, be neglected, be forgotten. 93. acquit (verb) – declare innocent, exonerate, absolve; discharge, release, free (from a criminal charge). 94. ab initio (adverb) - from the beginning, from the start, initially. 95. lock up (phrasal verb) - imprison, jail, put behind bars, incarcerate. 96. redress (verb) – rectify, correct, make right, set right. 97. impetus (noun) – momentum, motive force, driving force, motivation, encouragement; stimulus, boost. 98. put in place (phrase) – establish, set up, create/form. 99. machinery (noun) – system, apparatus, structure. 100. responsive (noun) – open-minded, amenable, sympathetic, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMapproachable, accessible, friendly, welcoming.

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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 17, 2021) H 1. overdue (adjective) - long-delayed, belated, tardy. 2. sedition (noun) – incitement (to riot/rebellion), agitation, trouble

making/provocation (against the established government/authority). 3. bode well/ill (verb) – augur, indicate, portend (a good/bad outcome). 4. inevitable (adjective) – unavoidable, unpreventable, inescapable, certain,

sure to happen. 5. invalidation (noun) - nullification, cancellation, revocation, abrogation, reversal.

6. gratify (verb) - please, give pleasure to, make happy, delight, satisfy. 7. provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement, condition.

8. Indian Penal Code (IPC) (noun) – The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the official criminal code of India. It is a comprehensive code intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law. The draft was passed into law on 6 October 1860. The Code came into operation on 1 January 1862. The Indian Penal Code of 1860, subdivided into 23 chapters, comprises 511 sections. IPC deals with crimes and punishments. 9. Section 124A of the IPC (noun) – Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code lays down the punishment for sedition. 10. statute (noun) – act/law, regulation, rule (written & laid down by the legislature). 11. point to (verb) – indicate, suggest, denote. 12. rampant (adjective) – widespread, present everywhere/pervasive, unrestrained/out of control. 13. section (noun) - a particular/distinct part of a statute. 14. colonial (adjective) – relating to the period of the (British/French) colonies. 15. regime (noun) – system/government. 16. suppress (verb) – control, contain, restrain, stifle, muffle. 17. flag (verb) – indicate, identify, point out. 18. set the tone (phrase) – to establish the mood/feeling of something. 19. comprehensive (adjective) – all-inclusive, broad-based; all-embracing, complete, thorough. 20. reconsideration (noun) - review, re-examination, reassessment, re- evaluation, reappraisal. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM21. dissent (noun) – disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of opinion, protest, opposition, disapproval. 22. criminalise (verb) – make something (an activity) illegal.


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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 17, 2021) H 23. strident (adjective) – loud & harsh, forceful, discordant, vociferous, raucous.

24. taint (verb) – tarnish, blacken, stigmatize, discredit, damage, hurt. 25. opponent (noun) – opposer, objector, dissident, dissenter. 26. tag (noun) - characterization, identification, designation, label.

27. render (verb) – make, cause to be, cause to become. 28. strike down (phrasal verb) – abolish, annul, nullify (a law or regulation). 29. inherent (adjective) – implicit, intrinsic, fundamental, basic.

30. potential (noun) – possibility, potentiality, prospect. 31. proclivity (noun) – liking, inclination, tendency/leaning. 32. invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, adduce.

33. applicability (noun) - relevance, pertinence germaneness or appropriateness. 34. dissenting (adjective) – opposite, contradicting, disagreeing, conflicting. 35. activist (noun) – a person who supports a political or societal change/cause. 36. settle a score (phrase) – take revenge, retaliate, hit back at someone. 37. hue (noun) – type, kind; aspect, nature. 38. uphold (verb) – confirm, endorse/approve, vindicate/validate. 39. bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges. 40. Constitution Bench (noun - a bench of the Supreme Court having five or more judges on it. Article 145(3) says at least five judges need to hear cases that involve "a substantial question of law as to the interpretation" of the Constitution, or any reference under Article 143, which deals with the power of the President of India to consult the Supreme Court. 41. read down (phrase) – an instance of a court urging that a statute must be construed/interpreted legally, if fairly possible, so as to save it from being declared illegal. 42. import (noun) - meaning, sense, essence, purport, message; substance, importance, significance. 43. hatred (noun) – enmity, antipathy, antagonism, hostility, resentment, aversion. 44. contempt (noun) - disrespect, disregard, neglect. 45. contempt (noun) – (In Law) it refers to the offence of showing disrespect to the dignity or authority of a court (& its officers). WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM46. disaffection (noun) – dissatisfaction, disgruntlement, discontent. 47. pernicious (adjective) – harmful, damaging, destructive. 48. tendency (noun) – inclination, disposition, susceptibility; trend, movement.


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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 17, 2021) H 49. disorder (noun) – unrest, disruption, upheaval, turmoil, mayhem. 50. attenuated (verb) – weakened, reduced, lessened, decreased, diminished,

impaired. 51. interpretation (noun) – explanation, elucidation, clarification, definition; examination, evaluation, analysis.

52. impose (verb) – force, thrust, inflict (an unwelcome decision/ruling). 53. freedom of speech (noun) – the right to express opinions without government interference.

54. unconstitutional (adjective) – undemocratic, arbitrary, autocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian. 55. seize of (verb) – be in legal possession (control) of something.

56. seek (verb) – ask for, request, demand, appeal. 57. cite (verb) – refer to, adduce, make reference to, invoke. 58. doctrine (noun) – principle, belief, rule. 59. subsequently (adverb) – eventually, afterwards, later on, in due course. 60. evolve (verb) – alter, change, transform gradually; develop, progress, advance gradually. 61. in particular (phrase) – particularly, specifically, especially. 62. chilling (adjective) – frightening, terrifying, disturbing/horrifying. 63. vague (adjective) – imprecise, inexact, unclear/uncertain. 64. overbroad (adjective) – too much, extreme. (“go overboard” means to do something too much or to go to extremes). 65. provocative (adjective) - annoying, irritating, agitational, inflammatory. 66. innocuous (adjective) – harmless, inoffensive, unobjectionable. 67. liable (adjective) - responsible, accountable, answerable, chargeable. 68. prosecution (noun) – legal action, legal proceeding, litigation. 69. admit (verb) - acknowledge, accept, agree. 70. sing from the same songbook/sheet (phrase) - say the same thing; to agree with; go along with, be of the same mind; concur. 71. benchmark (noun as modifier) – standard, base/basis, ideal. 72. patriotism (noun) – devoted love and support for country; nationalism, national loyalty. 73. at liberty (phrase) – free, permitted, allowed, authorized, entitled. 74. in one's own way (phrase) - to do what one wants to do (despite WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMobjection from others). 75. quell (verb) – suppress, silence, repress; end, finish, stifle, thwart. 76. altogether (adverb) - completely, entirely, totally.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 17, 2021)

1. adherence (noun) – compliance, observance, conformity. 2. appropriate (adjective) - suitable, relevant, germane. 3. coronavirus (CoV) (noun) – a large family of viruses that cause

illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms,

fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.

4. peak (noun) - high point. 5. drop (verb) – decrease, lessen, make less, reduce. 6. drive (verb) – prompt, impel, propel. 7. transmissive (adjective) - infectious, contagious, communicable, transmissible, spreading. 8. delta variant/B.1.617.2 (noun) – a variant of the coronavirus, first identified in India, is renamed as the ‘Delta variant’ by the World Health Organization (WHO) and this variant is reclassified as Variant of Concern (VOC). The B.1.617.1 strain has been reclassified to a Variant of Interest (VOI) and labelled variant “Kappa”. 9. variant (noun) – different or form or version or mutant of something (virus). 10. surge (noun) – sudden increase or rise of something. 11. epicentre (noun) – This word doesn’t come from the field of public health; it is the most prominent area with an outbreak (of a disease). Similarly, “hot spot” is not a public health term but has been used to describe areas with a particularly large cluster of cases. 12. uptick (noun) – a small increase or upward trend. 13. span (noun) - period, time, duration. 14. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a particular disease; immunization. 15. hospitalisation (noun) – the act of taking (or) admitting someone to WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM(or) in hospital for treatment. Note:

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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 17, 2021)

16. for instance (phrase) – as an example. 17. vaccinate (verb) – inoculate, administer, introduce (with a vaccine to provide immunity against a disease).

18. dose (noun) – an amount/quantity of something. 19. spike (noun) – a sharp rise/increase of something.

20. largely (adverb) – mostly, basically, generally, to a large/great extent. 21. unvaccinated (adjective) – not vaccinated to provide immunity against a disease.

22. bring back (phrasal verb) – cause someone/something to return to; reintroduce. 23. strive (verb) – try, attempt, aspire, make every effort. 24. vaccine (noun) – a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. 25. equity (noun) – fairness, justness, neutrality, lack of bias, impartiality. 26. vaccine equity (noun) - the equitable distribution of vaccines worldwide. 27. deadlier comparative adjective of deadly (adjective) – fatal, lethal, life-threatening. 28. ironically (adverb) – paradoxically, unexpectedly, strangely. 29. booster dose (noun) – In medical terms, a booster dose is an extra administration of a vaccine after an earlier dose. 30. shot (noun) – injection, inoculation (of a vaccine/drug). 31. compromised (adjective) – weakened. 32. immune (adjective) – resistant (from the effects of something). 33. rule out (phrasal verb) – exclude, reject, dismiss, disregard, prohibit, prevent. 34. for now (phrase) – for the time being, for the present, for the moment. 35. shortage (noun) – shortfall, deficiency, inadequacy, insufficiency.


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1. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.

2. public health (noun) – public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities through

education, policy-making, and research for disease and injury prevention. 3. reshuffle (noun) - change, reorganization, rearrangement.

4. take forward (phrasal verb) – give one’s attention to, deal/cope with, address, handle. 5. front (noun) – a particular situation.

6. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 7. act on/upon (phrasal verb) - comply with, act in accordance with, follow, go along with. 8. enable (verb) - give the means to, make possible, facilitate. 9. per capita (adverb & adjective) – per person, for each; relating to each person. 10. Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) (noun) – it is defined as a

measure, in monetary terms, of the volume of all goods and services produced within the boundaries of the State during a given period of time, accounted without duplication. 11. reflect (verb) – indicate, show, display, demonstrate. 12. case fatality rate/ratio (noun) – in epidemiology, the proportion of people who die from a particular disease compared to all individuals diagnosed with the disease over a certain period of time. 13. implication (noun) – consequence/outcome, ramification, repercussion. 14. divergence (noun) – difference, dissimilarity, variance, departure. 15. difference (noun) – dissimilarity, contrast, deviation, unevenness, variation. 16. effectiveness (noun) – efficacy. 17. proportion (noun) – ratio. 18. deficiency (noun) – insufficiency, lack, shortage, inadequacy, deficit. 19. in contrast (phrase) – when compared to another. 20. robust (adjective) – strong, vigorous, powerful. 21. translate (verb) – change, convert, alter, transform. 22. outreach (noun) – the level of reaching out/activity/effort; involvement. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM23. timely (adjective) – prompt, appropriate, opportune, well timed, at the right time. 24. rational (adjective) – logical, clear-sighted, well reasoned, sensible, reasonable.

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25. neglect (noun) – disregard, oversight, negligence, carelessness, heedlessness, lack of concern, laxity, irresponsibility. 26. nearabout (adverb) - nearly, almost, about, approx.

27. Central Vista (noun) – it is a grand redevelopment project for building what will be the power corridor of India, having a new Parliament

building, a common central secretariat, and revamped three-km-long Rajpath, from the Rashtrapati Bhavan to the India Gate. 28. set up (phrasal verb) – create, start, begin, initiate, institute, establish.

29. acquire (verb) - buy, get, obtain. 30. National Health Mission (NHM) (noun) - It was launched by the government of India in 2013 subsuming the National Rural Health

Mission and National Urban Health Mission. The NHM envisages achievement of universal access to equitable, affordable & quality health care services that are accountable and responsive to people's needs. 31. in - terms (phrase) - with regard to, regarding, concerning, as to, in respect of, with reference to. 32. result in (phrasal verb) – cause, bring on, bring about, call forth, give rise to.

33. immunisation (noun) – the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. Vaccines stimulate the body’s own immune system to protect the person against subsequent infection or disease. 34. systemic (adjective) – affecting all parts in a system; constructional, organizational, structural. 35. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a particular disease; immunization. 36. shortage (noun) – shortfall, deficiency, inadequacy, insufficiency. 37. pathetic (adjective) - woeful, poor, unsatisfactory. 38. amount to (verb) – be equal to, be equivalent to, represent. 39. Parliamentary Standing Committee/Parliamentary panel (noun) – it is a committee (consisting of Members of Parliament) constituted usually on an annual basis to enable detailed consideration/discussion on all bills (all proposed laws). 40. National Health Policy, NHP 2017 (noun) -The target is to achieve “Health for All”, which has been the basic objective of National Health Policy NHP 2017. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM41. regulation (noun) – supervision, overseeing, monitoring, inspection. 42. highlight (verb) – underline, underscore, emphasize. 43. regulate (verb) – control, oversee, administer, govern something (by using rules and regulations).

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44. untold (adjective) – unreported, unrevealed, undisclosed, unpublished, secret, suppressed. 45. distress (noun) - hardship, trouble, difficulty, misfortune.

46. unregulated (adjective) – unrestricted, unchecked, uncontrollable. 47. lacking (adjective) – without.

48. efficacy (noun) – effectiveness, efficiency, power/ability to give estimated results. 49. mortality (noun) – (in a particular time/for a cause) the rate/number

of death. 50. determinant (noun) – factor, issue, concern, point, matter. 51. mucormycosis or black fungus (noun) – Mucormycosis or black fungus

is an aggressive and invasive fungal infection caused by a group of molds/moulds/fungi called mucormycetes. (fungi is a plural form of fungus). 52. outbreak (noun) – outburst, flaring up, breakout, sudden appearance/occurrence of something. 53. irrational (adjective) – unreasonable, illogical, groundless, baseless, unjustifiable.

54. steroid (noun) – a type of chemical substance (hormones) found in our body. Steroids can be artificially introduced into our bodies to improve our strength. 55. accumulating (verb) – increasing, multiplying. 56. comprehensive (adjective) – all-inclusive, broad-based; all-embracing, complete, thorough. 57. Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010 (CEA) (noun) - The Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010 has been enacted by the Central Government to provide for registration and regulation of all clinical establishments in the country with a view to prescribe the minimum standards of facilities and services provided by them. 58. framework (noun) – structure, system. 59. invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, adduce. 60. provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement, condition. 61. conspicuously (adverb) – prominently, mainly, importantly (to attract WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMattention). 62. stark (adjective) – clear, distinct, evident, obvious, striking. 63. public interest (noun) – the public good; the advantage/benefit of the community in general.

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64. NITI Aayog (noun) – The National Institution for Transforming India, also called NITI Aayog, was formed via a resolution of the Union Cabinet on January 1, 2015. NITI Aayog is the premier policy ‘Think

Tank’ of the Government of India, providing both directional and policy inputs. (Thinktank is a panel of experts who provide advice and ideas on

political, social or economic issues). 65. prescription (noun) – (authoritative) recommendation, method, measure. 66. corollary (noun) – consequence, conclusion/end result, repercussion.

67. fly in the face of (phrase) – go against, flout, defy, disobey, disregard, ignore; break, violate, contravene, breach. 68. privatisation (noun) – transfer of a business, industry, academic

institutions, or service from public to private ownership and control. 69. in the midst of (phrase) – in the middle of. 70. irrational (adjective) - unreasonable, illogical, groundless, baseless, unfounded, unjustifiable. 71. epidemic (noun) – the widespread spread of an infectious disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time.

72. acknowledge (verb) – accept, recognize, realize. 73. exploit (verb) – take advantage of, make use of, utilize. 74. tier (noun) – level. 75. metropolitan (noun) – a region consisting of a densely populated urban core and its less-populated surrounding territories, sharing industry, infrastructure, and housing. 76. hand over (phrasal verb) – pass, assign, transfer. 77. presumably (adverb) – probably, in all likelihood, undoubtedly, seemingly. 78. run (verb) – manage, organize, direct, control. 79. Viability Gap Funding (noun) – a capital grant from the government that bridges the gap between project cost and the price quoted by the developer. 80. worrisome (adjective) – worrying, distressing/upsetting, troublesome. 81. hitherto (adverb) – previously, earlier, so far/thus far, until now. 82. mandate (noun) – instruction, direction, order, requirement. 83. hesitancy (noun) – reluctance, unwillingness, disinclination. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM84. vaccine hesitancy (noun) – a reluctance or refusal to be vaccinated or to have one’s children vaccinated; reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of vaccines. 85. decisively (adverb) – resolutely, firmly, strong-mindedly, determinedly.

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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 19, 2021)

1. leave the past behind (phrase) - to forget about what has happened in the

past and make a change from it. 2. neighbour (noun) – a country that is next to another country; (bordering) country.

3. decade (noun) – a period of ten years. 4. seek (verb) – try to obtain; aim, attempt. 5. Dushanbe (proper noun) – The capital of Tajikistan.

6. Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) (noun) – The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation, the creation of which was announced on 15

June 2001 in Shanghai (China). The SCO currently comprises eight Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) and is seen as a counterweight to NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization). It was established as a multilateral association to ensure security and maintain stability across the vast Eurasian region, join forces to counteract emerging challenges and threats, and enhance trade, as well as cultural and humanitarian cooperation. 7. Tashkent (proper noun) - The capital of Uzbekistan. 8. take on (phrasal verb) - acquire, assume, come to have (a particular quality). 9. salience (noun) – prominence, importance, significance. 10. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (noun) – NATO was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union. 11. pullout (noun) – departure, withdrawal, retreat, disengagement, exit. 12. air base (noun) – a military airport. 13. advance (noun) - progress, forward movement. 14. post (noun) – (of the armed forces) camp, base, station. 15. territorial (adjective) – relating to a particular territory (area/region). 16. Spin Boldak-Chaman border (noun) - it is one of the major international border crossings between Afghanistan and Pakistan. 17. cut off (phrasal verb) – discontinue, disconnect, interrupt, suspend, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMbreak off. 18. supply chain (noun) – a network between a company and its suppliers to produce and distribute a specific product to the final buyer.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 19, 2021)

19. albeit (conjunction) – though, even though, however.

20. decry (verb) – criticize, denounce, condemn. 21. confront (verb) – face, challenge, stand up to, oppose, come face to face with.

22. keep one's promises (phrase) - to fulfil a promise you have made. 23. cross over (verb) – travel across, go across, cut across, traverse. 24. negotiation (noun) – discussions, talks, deliberation; discussing the

terms of, arrangement. 25. in earnest (phrase) – purposefully, determinedly, resolutely. 26. brutal (adjective) – cruel, vicious, barbaric.

27. regime (noun) – government. 28. means (noun) – way, method, manner. 29. frontier (noun) – the political and geographical area near or beyond a boundary; border, boundary, borderline, dividing line, demarcation line. 30. resultant (adjective) – resulting, ensuing, consequent. 31. refugee (noun) – displaced person, asylum seeker, exile, deportee, stateless person, émigré. 32. influx (noun) - the arrival of a large number of people simultaneously. 33. extremism (noun) – radicalism, fanaticism, dogmatism. 34. transnational (adjective) – involving/relating to two/more countries. 35. make clear (phrase) – explain, clarify, elucidate. 36. crumble (verb) – collapse, fall down, cave in, break down. 37. emergence (noun) - appearance, development, materialization. 38. consensus (noun) – an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group. 39. shun (verb) – avoid, ignore, reject, eschew, rebuff, refuse, decline. 40. backer (noun) - supporter, upholder, champion, defender. 41. pause (verb) – stop, cease, halt. 42. intra- (prefix) – within. 43. pursue (verb) – engage in, conduct, take part in (an activity). 44. receive (verb) - accept, admit, recognize. 45. neighbourhood (noun) – (surrounding) area, region, country. 46. voice (noun) – expression; opinion, view. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM47. determined (adjective) - firm, insistent, resolute, purposeful, single- minded.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 19, 2021) H 1. sensitive (adjective) - delicate, tactful, careful, thoughtful.

2. Bill (noun) – A Bill is a draft statute that becomes law after it is passed by both the Houses of Parliament and assented to by the President. All legislative proposals are brought before Parliament in the forms of Bills.

3. trafficking (noun) – the activity of buying and selling goods/animal/people illegally; (illegal/illicit) trading, dealing. 4. wholesome (adjective) - righteous, upright, right-minded, proper,

correct; moral, ethical. 5. cognisant (adjective) – aware, well informed about, conscious, familiar with.

6. causative (adjective) – causing something; responsible, contributive, contributing, deciding. 7. pernicious (adjective) – harmful, damaging, destructive. 8. offence (noun) – crime, illegal/unlawful act, misdeed, wrongdoing. 9. zero tolerance (noun) – a complete refusal to accept certain behavior. 10. sledgehammer (noun) – powerful; forceful; ruthless, insensitive (force/tool). 11. draft Trafficking in Persons (Prevention, Care and Rehabilitation) Bill, 2021 (noun) - A bill to prevent and counter trafficking in persons, especially women and children, to provide for care, protection, and rehabilitation to the victims, while respecting their rights, and creating a supportive legal, economic and social environment for them, and also to ensure prosecution of offenders, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. 12. lack (verb) – be without, not have enough of, be deprived of. 13. nuance (noun) – fine distinction, subtle difference/subtlety/nicety, subtle variation. 14. well intentioned (adjective) - having good intentions; good-natured, caring. 15. stamp out (phrasal verb) – to stop, to put an end to, to get rid of something; end, finish, eliminate, eradicate. 16. exploitative (adjective) – unprincipled, unethical, immoral, dishonest, fraudulent. 17. counter (verb) – put up a fight against, oppose, resist, tackle, confront. 18. environment (noun) - atmosphere, situation. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM19. iteration (noun) – repetition, reiteration. 20. meander (verb) – proceed aimlessly. 21. nothingness (noun) - unimportance, insignificance, pointlessness.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 19, 2021) H 22. The Upper House (noun) - The Rajya Sabha or the Council of States is

the upper house of the bicameral Parliament of India. 23. The Lower House (noun) - The Lok Sabha or the House of the People is the lower house of the bicameral Parliament of India. (bicameral

legislature/parliament means a legislature/parliament having two chambers/houses). 24. notably (adverb) – especially, particularly, strikingly, markedly.

25. envisage (verb) – expect, intend, propose, envision, contemplate. 26. setting up (noun) - establishment, organization, formation. 27. provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement,

condition. 28. up (adverb) - displayed (on a publicly visible site/platform). 29. in the public domain (phrase) – if something (e.g. information) is in the public domain, people generally know about it since it is no secret. 30. civil society (noun) – civil society refers to space for collective action around shared interests, purposes, and values, generally distinct from government and commercial for-profit actors. 31. activist (noun) – a person who supports a political or societal change/cause. 32. overzealous (adjective) – too zealous; excessively sincere, feeling, fervent, impassioned, passionate, enthusiastic. 33. blur (verb) – become indistinct/unclear, lessen, decrease, diminish, reduce. 34. contributing (adjective) - contributing something; causative, responsible, deciding. 35. vicious (adjective) - terrible, dreadful, awful, cruel, harsh, ruthless, merciless, heartless. 36. debt (noun) – liability, financial obligation, borrowed capital. 37. miss the mark (phrase) - to fail to achieve the intended result. 38. vociferous (adjective) - vehement, vigorous; outspoken, forthright, vocal. 39. hand over (phrasal verb) – pass, assign, transfer. 40. National Investigation Agency (NIA) (noun) – The National Investigation Agency is a central agency established by the Indian Government to combat terror in India. It is functioning as the Central WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMCounter-Terrorism Law Enforcement Agency in the country. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is created following the terror attack in Mumbai on December 26, 2008. It came into being on December 31, 2008, with the passage of the NIA Act of 2008.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 19, 2021) H 41. stretched (adjective) – overtaxed, strained, overworked.

42. federalism/federal framework/system (noun) – a system of government in which establishments such as states or provinces share power with a national government.

43. enforcement (noun) – imposition, implementation, execution. 44. out of the picture (phrase) – not involved in something. 45. smack of (verb) – suggest, hint at, have a suggestion of, give the

impression of, seem like, be a sign of something (bad/unpleasant). 46. consensual (adjective) – relating to consensus/consent; in agreement with those who involved.

47. commerce (noun) - business, dealing, trade, trafficking. 48. land up (phrasal verb) - end up; reach (an unwelcome situation). 49. criminalise (verb) – make something (an activity) illegal. 50. victimisation (noun) – an act of exploiting or victimizing someone (treat someone unfairly); exploitation, oppression. 51. exploited (adjective) - ill-treated, abused, enslaved. 52. the exploited (noun) - ill-treated/abused/enslaved person. 53. pornography (noun) – obscene or indecent digital material (movies, pictures, magazines, etc.,) that show or describe sexual matters in order to cause sexual excitement. 54. exploitation (noun) – victimisation, ill-treatment, enslavement, slavery, oppression. 55. consumption (noun) – using up, use, utilization. 56. non-exploitative (adjective) – fair, proper, correct, reasonable/acceptable. 57. mandatory (adjective) – obligatory, compulsory, binding, required, requisite, necessary, essential. 58. tortuous (adjective) – complicated, complex, indirect, lengthy. 59. aggravated (adjective) – (of an offense) severe, serious, very bad. 60. flag (verb) – indicate, identify, point out. 61. scan (verb) - study, examine, scrutinize, inspect. 62. in order to (phrase) – with the purpose/aim of. 63. fence itself eat the crop (phrase) - (figuratively) misuse of power and authority to commit a crime. 64. ghastly (adjective) – terrible, frightful, grim, horrible. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM65. invoke (verb) – induce, cause, bring out, evoke (strong emotions). 66. horror (noun) - shock , fear, worry, distress. 67. employ (verb) – use, utilize, make use of. 68. horrific (adjective) – dreadful, awful, terrible, appalling.


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1. tolerant (adjective) – open-minded, broad-minded, forbearing, liberal,

unprejudiced, unbiased. 2. majoritarian (adjective) – relating to a philosophy that states that a

majority (sometimes categorized by religion, language, social class, or some other identifying factor) of the population is entitled to a certain degree of primacy (priority) in society, and has the right to

make decisions that affect the society. 3. toleration (noun) – open-mindedness, broad-mindedness, forbearance,

liberality, lack of prejudice, lack of bias. 4. empirical (adjective) – practical, pragmatic, actual, real. 5. plurality (noun) – a large number of people (coexist in a community). 6. conscious (adjective) – responsive, reactive; sensitive, cognizant,

mindful, sensible. 7. multiculturalism (noun) – it describes the manner in which a given society deals with cultural diversity. 8. fraternity (noun) – brotherhood, solidarity, union, mutual support, friendship. 9. coat of paint (phrase) - a thin layer (of paint) covering something.

10. comprehensive (adjective) – all-inclusive, broad-based; all- embracing, complete, thorough. 11. face-to-face (adjective) – personally, in person, head on, direct. 12. identity (noun) – a social category, a set of persons marked by a label and distinguished by rules deciding membership and (alleged) characteristic features or attributes; individuality, character, originality. 13. nationalism (noun) – it refers to a system (with a narrow set of ideas) created by a group of people who believe their nation is superior to all others. It is also a perception of national superiority and an orientation toward national dominance- called chauvinism (excessive nationalism). 14. tolerance (noun) – forbearance, liberality, open-mindedness, lack of prejudice/bias, broad-mindedness. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM15. reputed (adjective) - well respected, respected, highly regarded, with a good reputation.

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16. Pew (noun) – The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan American

think tank (referring to itself as a “fact tank”) based in Washington, D.C. It provides information on social issues, public opinion, and

demographic trends shaping the United States and the world. 17. affirm (verb) – state, uphold, support, approve, endorse. 18. paradoxically (adverb) – contradictorily, inconsistently,

incongruously. 19. credence (noun) – credibility, credit, reliability, plausibility,

believability. 20. rather than (phrase) – instead of. 21. paradox (noun) – contradiction, mystery, conundrum, anomaly. 22. peculiarity (noun) - strangeness, oddness, abnormality,

unexpectedness. 23. indic (adjective) – relating to Indo-Aryan languages (comprising Sanskrit and the modern Indian languages that are its descendants such as Hindi, etc.). 24. virulent (adjective) – hostile, malicious, malignant, malign, evil- intentioned, resentful, spiteful.

25. majoritarianism (noun) – a philosophy that states that a majority (sometimes categorized by religion, language, social class, or some other identifying factor) of the population is entitled to a certain degree of primacy (priority) in society, and has the right to make decisions that affect the society. 26. profession (noun) - declaration, affirmation, statement, announcement, assertion, avowal. 27. misread (verb) - get wrong, estimate wrongly. 28. composite (adjective) – complex, combined. 29. obliteration (noun) – cancellation, deletion, removal, eradication. 30. arguably (adverb) – possibly, conceivably, maybe, potentially. 31. parallel (noun) – similarity, likeness, resemblance, equivalence, correlation. 32. findings (noun) – conclusion, result; decision, verdict. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM33. abound (verb) – be in large numbers; be plentiful, be numerous. 34. proportion (noun) – ratio.

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35. notion (noun) – idea, belief, concept, opinion, view.

36. karma (noun) - (in Hinduism) fate, destiny, fortune. 37. inter- (prefix) – between.

38. inter-faith (adjective) – between different religions; relating to members of different religions. 39. marked (adjective) – noticeable, pronounced, distinct, striking.

40. tendency (noun) – inclination, disposition, leaning, penchant. 41. scholar (noun) – academic, intellectual, expert/pundit, learned person.

42. plural (adjective) – relating to a system in which people co-exist in harmony irrespective of various differences. 43. mark out (phrasal verb) - define, describe, delineate, outline. 44. contemporary (adjective) – modern, present-day.

45. premise (noun) – belief, thought. 46. self-contained (adjective) – independent, separate, self-sufficient, self-reliant. 47. co-existence (noun) – The state of two or more different things existing/living together at the same time or in the same place. 48. compartment (noun) – section, part, category/class/group.

49. streak (noun) – element, vein, trace, strain. 50. interrogation (noun) – cross-questioning, cross-examination, probing. 51. dominant (adjective) – most powerful, key, crucial. 52. electoral (adjective) – relating to electors/voters. 53. vacuum (noun) – gap, absence, lack/deficiency of something. 54. precisely (adverb) – exactly, absolutely, squarely. 55. decade (noun) – a period of ten years. 56. compartmentalisation (noun) - classification, categorization, sorting. 57. absence (noun) – lack, unavailability, deficiency. 58. civil society (noun) – civil society refers to space for collective action around shared interests, purposes, and values, generally distinct from government and commercial for-profit actors. 59. pedagogy (noun) - teaching: specifically, teacher actions (teaching methods) that promote student learning. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM60. facilitate (verb) – make easy, make possible, enable; assist, help/aid. 61. supposedly (adverb) – apparently, seemingly, ostensibly.

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62. secular (adjective) – non-religious.

63. regime (noun) – system/government. 64. fertile (adjective) – productive, high-yielding; resourceful,

constructive. 65. demonisation (noun) – the depiction or portrayal of someone/something as bad/threatening.

66. occasionally (adverb) – sometimes, from time to time, now and then, periodically.

67. appellation (noun) – name/title, tag/byname, designation. 68. skyboxification (noun) - a phenomenon that is caused by an increased lack of interaction and understanding between people who have money and those who have not; People of affluence, and people of

modest means, increasingly live different lives; segregation, separation, differentiation (by class/status in our society). 69. inequality (noun) – Inequality is simply defined as “the state of not being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities; imbalance, unevenness, disproportion, disparity. 70. capitalism (noun) - private ownership, privatized industries, the free

market, individualism. 71. affluent (adjective) – wealthy, well off, rich. 72. means (noun) - wealth, money, financial resources, income. 73. play out (phrasal verb) – happen, occur, take place. 74. starkly (adverb) – clearly, distinctly, strikingly. 75. rive (verb) - split, tear apart, sever. 76. bring to the fore (phrase) – to move something forward to a most important position (to make it more visible). 77. contradiction (noun) – a combination of statements opposed to one another. 78. compartmentalized (adjective) - classified, categorized, sorted/separated. 79. hierarchy (noun) – class system; arrangement, classification. 80. amidst (preposition) – amid, in the middle of; during. 81. cloud (noun) – trouble, problem, worry; menace/threat, gloom. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM82. reins (noun) – controlling power. (In general, rein is the long leather strap(s) attached to a horse’s head (usually on either sides), by which the rider controls a horse).

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83. bear the brunt (phrase) - to suffer or endure the worst part of

something (force/burden/pressure) when a very bad or unpleasant thing happens.

84. brunt (noun) - full force, impact, shock, burden, pressure, strain. 85. gloss over (phrasal verb) - ignore, avoid talking about/dealing with something unpleasant and treat it as less important; conceal or cover

up a mistake/crime; hide, camouflage, whitewash. 86. ironically (adverb) – paradoxically, unexpectedly, strangely.

87. reinforce (verb) – support, strengthen, fortify, bolster up, underpin. 88. merely (adverb) – only, simply, just. 89. unison (noun) – agreement, concurrence, consensus, unanimity. 90. oppressed (adjective) – suppressed, ill-treated, exploited, persecuted,

crushed. 91. barrier (noun) - obstacle, stumbling block, impediment, hindrance. 92. reincarnation (noun) – rebirth, reintroduction (of something from the past). 93. antidote (noun) – remedy, countermeasure, cure, solution. 94. interaction (noun) - communication.

95. difference (noun) – dissimilarity, contrast, deviation, unevenness, variation. 96. contrary (adjective) – opposite, conflicting. 97. voice (noun) – expression; opinion, view. 98. segregated (adjective) – isolated, separated, divided. 99. substantial (adjective) – considerable, significant, large. 100. willingness (noun) – readiness, preparedness, inclination, desire. 101. permeate (verb) – spread through, pervade, be disseminated through, pass through. 102. blandly (adverb) - uninterestingly, boringly. 103. accompany (verb) – occur with, co-occur with, coincide with, coexist with, go with, go along with, appear with. 104. enclave (noun) – a group of people of a different culture or religion. 105. death knell (noun) – used to refer to the approaching destruction or failure of something. 106.WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM at one's own risk/peril (phrase) - take responsibility for any harm to yourself. 107. peril (noun) – danger, jeopardy, risk.

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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 20, 2021)

1. faith (noun) - religion, religious belief, belief/ideology.

2. lay down (phrasal verb) – formulate, stipulate, frame, draw up & insist on (a principle/rule).

3. salutary (adjective) – good, helpful/useful, beneficial, practical, valuable. 4. override (verb) – take priority over, be more important than,

outweigh, outbalance. 5. sentiment (noun) – feeling, thought, view, opinion.

6. wisdom (noun) – knowledge, learning, understanding, insight. 7. considerable (adjective) - substantial, significant, much, a lot of. 8. public health (noun) – public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities through education, policy-making, and research for disease and injury prevention. 9. gathering (noun) – meeting. 10. in the midst of (phrase) – in the middle of. 11. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 12. prodding (noun) – stimulus, push, prompt, reminder, spur, motivation. 13. pilgrimage (noun) – religious journey, holy expedition/excursion. 14. due to (phrase) – because of, owing to, on account of, as a result of. 15. keen (adjective) - eager, enthusiastic, determined, desirous. 16. along with (phrase) – together with. 17. put in place (phrase) – organize, establish, create, form. 18. measure (noun) – action, step, procedure. 19. perturb (very) – worry, upset, unsettle, disturb, concern, trouble. 20. result in (phrasal verb) – cause, bring on, bring about, call forth, give rise to. 21. initiation (noun) – the act of initiating; beginning, starting, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMcommencement. Note:

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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 20, 2021)

22. suo motu (phrase) – Latin term means “on its own motion”. It is used

where a government agency acts on its own knowledge. 23. proceedings (noun) – legal action.

24. in deference to (phrase) – out of respect/regard for something; in consideration of something. 25. reiterate (verb) – repeat, say again, restate.

26. paramount (adjective) – most important, primary, first and foremost (thing), key.

27. albeit (conjunction) – though, even though, however. 28. subservient (adjective) – less important, subordinate, secondary, marginal, supplementary, immaterial. 29. call off (phrasal verb) - cancel, abandon, shelve, scrap. 30. on one’s own (phrase) – alone, all alone, by oneself, all by oneself, independently, single-handedly. 31. heed (verb) - pay attention to, take notice of, consider, take into account. 32. pose (verb) – constitute, present, create, cause (a problem or danger or risk). 33. amidst (preposition) – amid, in the middle of; during. 34. take out (phrasal verb) - accompany, go with, go out with. 35. organization (noun) - arrangement. 36. surge (noun) – sudden increase or rise of something. 37. run-up to (noun) – a period of time just before an important event. 38. disastrous (adjective) – terrible/horrible, shocking, unfortunate, ill- fated, detrimental. 39. overpower (verb) - overthrow, overturn, upset, defeat, gain control over. 40. ritual (noun) – (religious) ceremony, rite, custom, observance, celebration. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM41. relaxation (noun) – the process of making a restriction/rule less strict. Note:

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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 20, 2021)

42. revival (noun) – improvement, rallying, picking up; re-establishment,

reintroduction, restoration. 43. restoration (noun) – reinstitution, re-establishment, reinstallation,

revival. 44. normality (noun) – a normal state of affairs, regularity. 45. lockdown (noun) – an emergency protocol implemented by the

authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by

the authority. 46. case in point (phrase) – example, instance, typical case, sample. 47. justified (adjective) – valid, well-founded. 48. spell (noun) – period, time, interval. 49. curb (noun) - restriction, check, control, limitation, restraint, constraint. 50. assessment (noun) – evaluation. 51. positivity rate (noun) – the proportion of positives to total tests done for disease; the percentage of tests that are turning out to be positive for disease; the rate at which people getting tested for disease receive positive results. 52. abatement (noun) – lessening, decrease, decline. 53. cause for concern (phrase) – a reason to worry (feel anxious). 54. defy (verb) – go against, ignore, disregard, disobey; resist, take a stand against, confront. 55. fly in the face of (phrase) - go against, flout, defy, disobey, disregard, ignore; break, violate, contravene, breach. 56. hard-pressed (adjective) – in difficulties, under pressure, under stress, troubled. 57. much more (phrase) – a lot more. 58. accompany (verb) – occur with, co-occur with, coincide with, coexist with, go with, go along with, appear with. 59. protocol (noun) – procedure, convention; habit, pattern, method, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMsystem.


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1. laughter (noun as modifier) - laughing. 2. calculus (noun) – calculation, estimation, reasoning.

3. intent on (adjective) – determined, insistent, fixed, hell-bent. 4. undermine (verb) – weaken, hinder, damage, subvert, sabotage. 5. decipher (verb) – interpret, comprehend, understand.

6. mount (verb) – increase, rise, escalate. 7. relentless (adjective) – constant, continuous, non-stop, unceasing.

8. attack (noun) - criticism, censure, rebuke. 9. task (verb) - assign/allot a task to do. 10. flirt with (verb) – consider, give thought to; meddle/play with, interfere with, tinker with. 11. on account of (phrase) – because of, owing to, due to, by virtue of. 12. berth (noun) – position (in a government). 13. fall out (phrasal verb) - quarrel, have a row/fight, squabble, disagree, differ, have a difference of opinion. 14. constitute (verb) - comprise, compose, account for, represent. 15. tilt (verb) – change. 16. tilt the scales/balance (phrase) – to change the balance of a situation, so that one side is gaining an advantage. 17. in one’s favour (phrase) – to one’s benefit/advantage. 18. on the one hand (phrase) – it is used to introduce the first of two contrasting different, points, facts, or ways of looking at something. It is always followed later by “on the other hand” or ‘on the other’. 19. opportunism (noun) – expediency, exploitation, taking advantage, pragmatism, realism. 20. lack of (noun) – absence, deficiency, scarcity, dearth.


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21. maturity (noun) – sense of responsibility, level-headedness, practicality.

22. unprincipled (adjective) – immoral, unethical, unscrupulous, dishonest, unprofessional. 23. greed (noun) – desire, urge, need, appetite.

24. defect (verb) - change allegiances, change loyalties, change sides. 25. track record (noun) – previous performance, previous

accomplishments, previous achievements. 26. activism (noun) – involvement; campaigning/supporting (to cause political or social change). 27. ideologically (adverb) – dogmatically, conventionally; in a method which relates to an ideology. 28. align (verb) – unite, combine, join, team up, band together, cooperate. 29. opportunist (noun) – a person who is selfish, self-centred, self- seeking, egocentric. 30. conviction (noun) – belief, opinion, view, thought, idea, position. 31. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests). 32. hand over (phrasal verb) – pass, assign, transfer. 33. command (noun) – authority, control, charge, power. 34. turncoat (noun) – traitor, defector, deserter, betrayer. 35. bankruptcy (noun) – failure, ruin, loss, disaster. 36. misplaced (noun) – misguided, unwise, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill- judged. 37. assertion (noun) – declaration, announcement, assurance, attestation, affirmation. 38. ride roughshod over (phrase) – treat with contempt, trample over, show no consideration for, treat inconsiderately/disrespectfully, ignore, disregard (others).


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39. satrap (noun) – local ruler, subordinate official, governor (of a province in ancient Persian empire).

40. fold (noun) - group, body, community. 41. command (verb) – have control of, be the leader of, be the boss of, preside over, have authority over, hold sway over.

42. suffocate (verb) - stifle, choke; suppress, smother, restrain. 43. durbar (noun) - imperial/colonial system.

44. flourish (verb) – develop, improve, progress, evolve, thrive, prosper. 45. assertive (adjective) – dominant, domineering, forceful, authoritative. 46. authoritarian (adjective) – oppressive, draconian, undemocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian. 47. humiliate (verb) – embarrass, humble, shame. 48. rein in (phrasal verb) - to control, restrain, restrict, limit someone/something. 49. deed (noun) – action. 50. perhaps (adverb) – maybe, possibly. 51. rationale (noun) – reason, reasoning/thinking, logic, grounds, basis. 52. in the absence of (phrase) – without. 53. convincing (adjective) – well founded, plausible, credible, believable. 54. stoop (verb) - lower oneself, sink, descend, resort. 55. court (noun) - , royal residence. 56. jester (noun) – joker, comedian, comic, funny man. 57. undercut (verb) - undermine, weaken, impair, damage. 58. standing (noun) – position, prestige, reputation, stature, importance. 59. bleak (adjective) – unpromising, unfavourable, disadvantageous, discouraging, gloomy.


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1. resumption (noun) – reopening, restarting, recommencement. 2. revert to (verb) – return, go back. 3. business as usual (phrase) – a normal state of affairs, the daily round,

routine, a normal pattern, regularity. 4. confront (verb) – face, address, tackle, deal with.

5. nutrition (noun) – the process in which necessary food is received/obtained by the living things to grow and be healthy. 6. call (noun) – demand, need, request; requirement, necessity.

7. disruption (noun) – disturbance, interruption, obstruction, spoiling, wrecking. 8. parallel (noun) – similarity, likeness, resemblance, equivalence, correlation. 9. take root (phrase) - become established. 10. inevitably (adverb) – unavoidably, certainly, definitely. 11. lack of (noun) – unavailability, absence, deficiency, scarcity, deprivation. 12. fraction (noun) – a small part/percentage of something.

13. minuscule (adjective) – very small, tiny, little; insignificant, negligible. 14. disadvantage (verb) – treat unfairly, put in an unfavourable position, handicap. 15. in this regard (phrase) - in connection with the aspect/consideration/point referred to earlier. 16. aggravate (verb) – make worse, worsen, exacerbate, compound, increase/intensify. 17. largely (adverb) – mostly, basically, generally, to a large/great extent. 18. abysmal (adjective) – very bad, awful, terrible. 19. pedagogic (adjective) – relating to teaching; educational, academic. 20. reproduction (noun) - copying, duplication, duplicating, replication. 21. by and large (phrase) – largely, mostly, mainly, in general. 22. commentator (noun) – critic, analyst, observer. 23. lockdown (noun) – an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMextended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority. 24. equitable (adjective) – fair, just, unbiased, impartial, even-handed.

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25. broadband (noun) – In general, broadband is an always-on high speed data access facility. 26. pronounced (adjective) – noticeable, marked, conspicuous, striking,

notable, obvious, evident, recognizable. 27. disadvantaged (adjective) – deprived, underprivileged, depressed,

needy, destitute, poor, poverty-stricken. 28. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of

people across a wide area. 29. altogether (adverb) – completely, entirely, totally. 30. loom (verb) – emerge, appear, become visible, take a threatening shape. 31. loom large (phrase) – be imminent/close, about to happen (and something which has a lot of importance/attention). 32. enrolment (noun) – the act of enrolling/joining at an institution (school or college). 33. Right to Education (RTE) Act (noun) – the Right of Children to Free

and Compulsory Education Act or Right to Education Act (RTE) is an Act, of the Parliament of India enacted on 4 August 2009 under Article 21-A in the Constitution of India, which provides free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right. 34. take up (phrasal verb) - resume, recommence, restart, begin again, carry on. 35. illustration (noun) – example, exemplification, demonstration, representative case. 36. enrol (verb) – register, admit. 37. rationale (noun) – reason, reasoning/thinking, logic, grounds, basis. 38. implications (noun) – consequence/outcome, ramification, repercussion. 39. interaction (noun) – communication. 40. synthesise (verb) – integrate, incorporate, put/join together, merge. 41. curriculum (noun) – syllabus, course of studies, subjects. (curricula is WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMthe plural form of the curriculum). 42. for instance (phrase) – as an example.

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43. one-to-one tutoring (noun) - One-to-one tutoring describes a student learning from and interacting with a teacher individually, with instruction tailored to the student's own personal pace and learning

needs. 44. National Tutoring Programme (NTP) (noun) - a UK Government

scheme announced in June 2020 and launched in November, 2020 to support schools by providing access to subsidised high-quality tuition to disadvantaged pupils, whose learning has been impacted by the

pandemic. 45. to the tune of (phrase) – amounting to. 46. volunteer (verb) – offer, tender, present, put forward (freely). 47. immigrant (noun as modifier) – migrant. 48. background (noun) – family circumstances. 49. accelerated (adjective) – hastened, expedited, quickened. 50. bridge course (noun) – short, centered/focused, intensive learning course. 51. condense (verb) – compress, compact, abridge,

shorten, make concise. 52. voice (noun) – expression; opinion, view. 53. acceleration (noun) – hastening, speeding up, quickening, stepping up, advancement. 54. remediation (noun) – the providing of remedial teaching. 55. exposure (noun) – experience, familiarity, acquaintance, awareness. 56. plug the gap/hole (phrase) – give something that is lacking/deficient in a particular situation. 57. deficit (noun) – shortfall, deficiency, shortage. 58. preparedness (noun) – readiness. 59. dimension (noun) – aspect, feature, facet, element. 60. invariably (adverb) – always, every time, each time. 61. context (noun) – circumstances, conditions, situation. 62. standardised (adjective) – systematized, regulated. 63. acknowledge (verb) – accept, recognize, realize. 64. build on (phrasal verb) – develop, enhance, expand on. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM65. landscape (noun) – terrain, environment; the distinctive features (of a field of activity). 66. explore (verb) – examine, evaluate, consider, check out, look into.

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67. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 68. in terms of (phrase) – with regard to, regarding/concerning, in

connection with. 69. novel coronavirus (nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2) (noun) – a new strain

(type/variety) coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. 70. whatsoever (adverb) – at all.

71. pedagogy (noun) – teaching: specifically, teacher actions (teaching methods) that promote student learning. 72. catch up (phrasal verb) – reach, gain on, come to (the same standard, stage, or level of others). 73. keep up (phrasal verb) – continue, keep/go on with, carry on with, persist with. 74. leave behind (phrasal verb) – abandon. 75. fall back on (phrasal verb) – use, employ, resort to, have recourse to. 76. alienation (noun) – isolation, detachment, estrangement/separation.

77. marginalised (adjective) – treated as insignificant, treated as unimportant, neglected. 78. nothing less than (phrase) - emphasizing importance of something. 79. rejuvenation (noun) – restoration, revitalization, resurgence, revival. 80. in tandem (phrase) – alongside each other. 81. literacy (noun) – the ability to read and write. 82. numeracy (noun) – the ability to understand numbers and quantitative basics. 83. intellectual (noun) – mental, cognitive. 84. well-being (noun) – welfare, good health, happiness, comfort. 85. as a whole (phrase) – all together, in general. 86. (be) rooted in (verb) – embed, fix, firmly establish, implant. 87. lack (verb) - be without, be lacking, be deprived of, be short of. 88. splendidly (adverb) – excellently; very well, impressively. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM89. ironic (adjective) – strange, unexpected, odd, paradoxical.

Note: 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 21, 2021)

1. spy (noun) - secret agent. 2. in hand (phrase) - available for use, ready (or) receiving attention.

3. pegasus (noun) – spyware, that can hack any iOS or Android device and steal a variety of data from the infected device, developed by the

Israeli cyber-arms firm, NSO Group. 4. spyware (noun) - a category of software which aims to steal personal or organisational information.

5. come clean (phrase) - tell the truth, be completely honest, admit to one's actions. 6. revelation (noun) – disclosure, declaration, report/news, announcement. 7. surveillance (noun) – observation, scrutiny, inspection/examination. 8. potential (adjective) – possible, likely, probable. 9. vet (verb) – assess, evaluate, scrutinize, inspect. 10. vetted (adjective) – assessed, evaluated, scrutinized, inspected. 11. subject to (verb) – put through, undergo, go through. 12. forensic (adjective) – relating to the application of scientific knowledge & methods to legal problems and legal proceedings. 13. Amnesty International (noun) – founded in 1961, it is a non- governmental organization with its headquarters in the United Kingdom focused on human rights. 14. peer-review (verb) – evaluate something (research or publication) by a group of experts in the appropriate field. 15. Citizen Lab (noun) - The Citizen Lab is an interdisciplinary laboratory based at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, focusing on research and development at the intersection of information and communication technologies, human rights, and global security. 16. yield (verb) - produce, give, provide. 17. inconclusive (adjective) - indecisive, proving nothing, resolving nothing. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM18. credibility (noun) – trustworthiness, reliability, dependability.


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19. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably. 20. vicious (adjective) – terrible, dreadful, awful, cruel, harsh, ruthless.

21. abominable (adjective) – very bad, poor, terrible. 22. uncivil (adjective) – impolite, bad-mannered, disrespectful, ill-

mannered, discourteous. 23. campaign (noun) – an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making progress within a specific group.

24. entity (noun) – organization, institution, establishment. 25. the buck stops with someone (phrase) - used to describe that someone has to take responsibility for something and not try to pass it on to someone else. 26. fall back on (phrasal verb) – use, employ, resort to, have recourse to. 27. disingenuous (adjective) – dishonest, deceitful, insincere, untruthful, double-dealing. 28. provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement, condition. 29. intercept (verb) – receive message (by monitoring (radio) communications/signals secretly). 30. in the interests of (phrase) – for the benefit/advantage of. 31. real-time (adjective) – present, actual, coinciding, concurrent, simultaneous, synchronous. 32. watch over (phrasal verb) - observe/monitor, overlook, oversee, supervise; spy on. 33. intimate (adjective) – personal, private, confidential, secret. 34. have a bearing on (phrase) – have a relevance/relation to something. 35. have no bearing on (phrase) - have no relevance/relation to something. 36. public interest (noun) – the public good; the advantage/benefit of the community in general. 37. cohort (noun) – group of people (within a particular WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMcategory/classification). Note:

1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 21, 2021)

38. probably (adverb) – most likely, in all likelihood, all things considered, perhaps.

39. necessitate (verb) – make necessary, require, need, demand, call for. 40. intrusion (noun) - interruption of, intervention in, trespass on,

obtrusion into. 41. spy on (verb) – watch secretly, observe furtively, keep under observation, keep an eye on.

42. harassment (noun) – persecution, persistent annoyance, coercion/intimidation. 43. on the contrary (phrase) – conversely, just the opposite. 44. composition (noun) – formation, arrangement. 45. craving (noun) - desire, want, wish, greed, longing. 46. turpitude (noun) - wickedness, wicked character, immorality, corruptness, sinfulness. 47. voyeurism (noun) - enjoyment, pleasure (from seeing others' suffering/difficulty). 48. perpetrator (noun) – someone who does immoral, harmful, and illegal activity; offender, criminal, wrongdoer/evil-doer, culprit. 49. much more (phrase) – a lot more. 50. compromise (verb) - undermine, weaken, damage. 51. sabotage (verb) - to damage or destroy something deliberately; to prevent an effort or plan intentionally from being successful. 52. dislodge (verb) – remove, evict, unseat, topple, overturn, bring down. 53. Bhima Koregaon case (noun) – it dates back to January 1, 2018, the day of the bicentenary (200th anniversary) celebrations of the Bhima Koregaon battle. The celebration was marred by violence leading to death of one person and injuries to several others. 54. breach (verb) - break through; contravene, violate, infringe/trespass. 55. plant (verb) - put, place something secretly. 56. prosecution (noun) – legal action, legal proceeding, litigation. 57. notable (adjective) – important, significant, obvious, striking, glaring, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMvisible.


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58. context (noun) – circumstances, conditions, situation. 59. the state (noun) - the government, the regime, the authorities.

60. trample (upon) (verb) – disregard, show no consideration for, treat disrespectfully, treat with contempt.

61. plead (verb) – appeal, request, ask earnestly, call on. 62. ignorance (noun) – incomprehension, unawareness, unconsciousness; lack of knowledge/information.

63. unsettling (adjective) – disturbing, worrying, discomfiting. 64. antithetical (adjective) – directly opposed to, contrary to, conflicting with. 65. creed (noun) – system of belief, set of principles, faith. 66. unearth (verb) – expose, bring to light, uncover, find out. 67. Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) (noun) – ad hoc (temporary) Committees appointed for a specific purpose (to examine irregularities and aberrations, if any, and the consequences therefore in the implementation of Government decisions and policy prescriptions) and they (JPCs) cease to exist when they finish the task assigned to them and submit a report. 68. credible (adjective) – acceptable, trustworthy, reliable, dependable; believable, plausible, reasonable. 69. mechanism (noun) – structure, system, procedure/method. 70. clear the air (phrase) – reduce the tense situation; make peace, reconcile differences. 71. foremost (adjective) – most important. 72. skirt around (verb) - go around something.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 21, 2021) H 1. scarcity (noun) – shortage, paucity, insufficiency. 2. rather than (phrase) – instead of.

3. The Ministry of Jal Shakti (noun) - The Government of India has created the Ministry of Jal Shakti in May 2019 by integrating the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation and the Department of

Water Resources River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, with a goal of integrated water resources management under one umbrella,

so that all the issues relating to water are dealt with in a holistic manner. 4. gazette (noun) – newsletter, bulletin.

5. jurisdiction (noun) – authority, control, power, command, sway. 6. irrigation (noun) – the process of (artificially) supplying water to farmland to grow crops & plants. 7. hydro power (noun) – power derived from the energy of falling water or fast running water. 8. development (noun) – event, incident, outcome. 9. administer (verb) - manage, operate, regulate. 10. basin (noun) – the portion of land (geographical area) drained by a river and its tributaries (branch rivers). The states which are drained by a river and its tributaries are basin states. (drain simply means “flow” of water/any other liquid). 11. judicious (adjective) – wise, sensible, prudent, thoughtful, well- advised. 12. intact (adjective) – undamaged, unspoiled, unimpaired, untouched. 13. reflect (verb) – indicate, show, reveal, exhibit. 14. the equation (noun) – the situation, the problem, the case. 15. lock in (phrasal verb) - get involved in. 16. of sorts (phrase) – of a kind; not exactly the same as something. 17. utilisation (noun) – effective use of something. 18. lift irrigation system (noun) – a method of irrigation in which water is not transported by natural flow, but is lifted with pumps or other means. 19. hail (verb) – come from, be a native of, have one's roots/origins in. 20. in turn (phrase) - at the same time, alternatively. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM21. come up with (phrasal verb) – produce, put forward, present/submit. 22. of one’s own (phrase) – be related or connected to oneself only/alone. 23. go ahead (phrasal verb) – to proceed, to continue to do something, to start/begin to do something.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 21, 2021) H 24. reluctant (adjective) – unwilling, disinclined, resisting, opposed, hesitant.

25. fall in line (phrase) – conform to, comply with, abide by, obey, follow, adhere (to the rules). 26. hold (verb) - consider, have, take the view.

27. flow from (phrase) – come from, originate from, emanate from. 28. tribunal (noun) – panel, committee (set up to resolve some disputes

particularly). 29. scope of reference (phrase) – terms of reference, field of reference; scope, limits, sweep, purview.

30. move (verb) - appeal to a court with a petition to obtain a ruling or order directing that some act be done in favour of petitioner. 31. duplication (noun) - repetition, reiteration, reoccurrence, replication. 32. see to (phrasal verb) - attend to, deal with, take care of, sort out. 33. empower (verb) – authorize, allow, permit. 34. with regard to (phrase) – regarding, concerning, with respect to, in respect of, with reference to. 35. justification (noun) - reason, basis, rationale. 36. pursue (verb) – engage in, conduct, take part in, take up (an activity). 37. await (verb) – wait for, expect, anticipate, look/hope for. 38. grievance (noun) – complaint, criticism, problem, objection. 39. lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, give rise to. 40. bifurcation (noun) – division of something into two branches or parts. 41. conservation (noun) – preservation, careful management. 42. hydel (adjective) – hydroelectric; A hydel power project uses energy stored in water to produce electricity. 43. reservoir (noun) – a source of water supply; pool, lake, pond. 44. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 45. adverse (adjective) – dangerous, harmful, detrimental; unfavourable, disadvantageous, bad. 46. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM47. revamped (adjective) - improved, overhauled, refurbished, reformed, restructured. 48. look at (verb) – inspect, scrutinize, analyse, review.


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1. pegasus (noun) – spyware, that can hack any iOS or Android device and steal a variety of data from the infected device, developed by the

Israeli cyber-arms firm, NSO Group. 2. Watergate (proper noun) - It was one of the greatest domestic scandals in American political history, leading to the resignation of

the President, Richard Nixon, and the trial and conviction of many of the men closest to him. (In June 1972, an attempt was made to bug

(spy) the Democratic Party office, in a complex of buildings named Watergate, based in Washington DC. The following investigation revealed a tangled web of wrongdoing of almost unfathomable

(mysterious) scale and complexity, implicating (involving in a criminal activity) the highest levels of the White House administration up to and including the president). 3. intelligence (noun) – the collection of (military/political) information.

4. professionalize (verb) - to provide a professional quality to something. 5. oversight (noun) – supervision, surveillance, inspection, administration, management. 6. tyranny (noun) – autocracy, dictatorship, undemocratic rule, totalitarianism, fascism.

7. resistance (noun) - opposition, defiance, confrontation. 8. within reach (phrase) - obtainable, accessible. 9. in the aftermath of (phrase) – as a consequence of, as a result of. 10. aftermath (noun) – consequences, effects, results, repercussions. 11. scandal (noun) – impropriety, misconduct, wrongdoing. 12. revelation (noun) – disclosure, declaration, report/news, announcement. 13. sign (noun) - indication. 14. point to (verb) – indicate, suggest, denote. 15. spyware (noun) – a category of software which aims to steal personal or organisational information. 16. regulation (noun) – supervision, overseeing, monitoring, inspection. 17. unaccountable (adjective) – incomprehensible, unfathomable, mystifying, mysterious; unanswerable, out of control. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM18. shadowy (adjective) – indistinguishable, unrecognizable, ill-defined. 19. accountable (adjective) – responsible, liable, answerable. 20. go easy on (phrase) - take it easy; to be sympathetic with someone (and not to be harsh/demanding).

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21. liken (verb) - compare, equate, correlate. 22. body politic (noun) – all the people of a particular country.

23. come at a cost/price (phrase) - to have a negative consequence. 24. imperil (verb) – endanger, jeopardize, put in danger. 25. freedom of speech (noun) – the right to express opinions without

government interference. 26. chilling (adjective) – frightening, terrifying, disturbing/horrifying.

27. shatter (verb) - damage, destroy, wreck, ruin, devastate, demolish. 28. bedrock (noun) – core, basis/base, foundation. 29. rule of law (phrase) – it is described as “a principle of governance in

which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and

standards. 30. prosecution (noun) – legal action, legal proceeding, litigation. 31. espionage (noun) – the act of spying; obtaining secret or confidential (political or military) information of a country and/or disclosing it without the permission of that country; undercover work, infiltration, counter-intelligence.

32. proportionate (adjective) – relevant, appropriate, applicable; in accordance with, consistent with, commensurate. 33. on the contrary (phrase) – conversely, just the opposite. 34. harass (verb) – persecute, disturb, trouble, bother, torment. 35. embroil (verb) – involve, entangle, catch up, mire. 36. alleged (adjective) – supposed, claimed, professed, purported, reported, ostensible. 37. covert (adjective) – secret, furtive, stealthy. 38. admit (verb) - accept, acknowledge, own up to. 39. necessity (noun) – (essential) requirement, prerequisite, indispensable thing. 40. shut down (phrasal verb) – cease activity, close down, cease operation. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM41. public interest (noun) – the public good; the advantage/benefit of the community in general. 42. swear in (phrasal verb) – introduce, institute, initiate. 43. affidavit (noun) – sworn statement, self-attestation, self-declaration.

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44. Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) (noun) - a statutory authority functioning under the Central Board of Revenue Act, 1963. It is the

apex decision making body in matters of income tax. 45. prosecute (verb) – take to court, bring an action against, accuse, charge.

46. actor (noun) – participants (in an action). 47. non-state actor (noun) – an individual or organization that has

significant political influence. 48. state actor (noun) – a state actor is a person who is acting on behalf of a governmental body.

49. estranged (adjective) - divorced, separated. 50. spouse (noun) – husband, wife, partner. 51. be nothing to do with (phrase) - be unconnected with, be unrelated to. 52. hold someone responsible/accountable for (phrase) – blame someone

for something. 53. interception (noun) – the action of preventing/monitoring/receiving something (message/code/signal) from reaching its destination. 54. Section 92 of the CrPC (noun) – It deals with "procedure as to letters and telegrams". 55. Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) (noun) – The Code of Criminal

Procedure (in India). The main legislation on procedure for administration of substantive criminal law in India. It was enacted in 1973 and came into force on 1 April 1974. CrPC tells about the criminal trial procedure. 56. Rule 419A of the Telegraph Rules, 1951 (noun) - It deals with "directions for interception of any message or class of messages under sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the Indian Telegraph Act. 57. Sections 69 and 69B of the IT Act (noun) - The Central government, under Section 69 of the Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000, has the power to impose reasonable restrictions on this right and intercept, decrypt or monitor Internet traffic or electronic data whenever there is a threat to national security, national integrity, security of the state, and friendly relations with other countries, or in the interest of public WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMorder and decency, or to prevent incitement to commission of an offence. Section 69B deals with "Power to authorise to monitor and collect traffic data or information through any computer resource for cyber security".

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58. Information Technology Act (noun) – it is an Act of the Indian Parliament notified on 17 October 2000. It is the primary law in India

dealing with cybercrime and electronic commerce. 59. intercept (verb) – receive message (by monitoring (radio) communications/signals secretly).

60. central agencies (plural noun) – the central agencies are organizations in the executive branch that co-ordinate the activities of, and provide

guidance to the operating ministries and agencies; e.g. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Income Tax Department (IT) and etc.

61. empower (verb) – authorize, allow, permit. 62. Intelligence Organisations Act, 1985 (noun) - An Act to provide for the restriction of certain rights conferred by Part III of the Constitution in their application to the members of certain

organisations established by the Central Government for purposes of intelligence or counter-intelligence so as to ensure the proper discharge of their duties and the maintenance of discipline among them. 63. civil liberty (noun) – freedoms guaranteed to us by the Constitution to protect us from the government.

64. Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005 (noun) - An Act to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. 65. exempt (verb) – free from, not liable to, not subject to (an obligation). 66. alphabetic soup (noun) – a combination of mixed up things (that is difficult to understand). 67. statute (noun) – act/law, regulation, rule (written & laid down by the legislature). 68. fall short of (phrase) – fail to meet/reach; be deficient/inadequate/insufficient. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM69. make clear (phrase) – explain, clarify, elucidate. 70. invasion (noun) – violation, infringement, interruption, breach. 71. call for (phrasal verb) – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand. 72. legislative (adjective) – parliamentary.

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73. Parliamentary Standing Committee/Parliamentary panel (noun) – it is a committee (consisting of Members of Parliament) constituted

usually on an annual basis to enable detailed consideration/discussion on all bills (all proposed laws). 74. parliamentarian (noun) – a member of a parliament.

75. Bill (noun) – A Bill is a draft statute that becomes law after it is passed by both the Houses of Parliament and assented to by the

President. All legislative proposals are brought before Parliament in the forms of Bills. 76. lapse (verb) – expire, become void/invalid terminate, become

obsolete. 77. think-tank (noun) – a panel of experts. 78. Institute for Defence and Strategic Analysis (IDSA) (noun) - a non- partisan, autonomous body dedicated to objective research and policy

relevant studies on all aspects of defence and security. Its mission is to promote national and international security through the generation and dissemination of knowledge on defence and security-related issues. 79. parliamentary scrutiny (noun) – the close examination and investigation of government policies, actions and spending by the

parliamentary (standing & select) committees. 80. unconstitutional (adjective) – undemocratic, autocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian. 81. National Investigation Agency (NIA) (noun) – The National Investigation Agency is a central agency established by the Indian Government to combat terror in India. It is functioning as the Central Counter-Terrorism Law Enforcement Agency in the country. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is created following the terror attack in Mumbai on December 26, 2008. It came into being on December 31, 2008, with the passage of the NIA Act of 2008. 82. manifesto (noun) – a publication issued by a political party before a General Election. It contains the set of policies that the party stands for and would wish to implement if elected to govern; (policy) WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMstatement, declaration, pronouncement. 83. legacy (noun) – something received from a predecessor or from the past.

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84. Church Committee, 1975-76 (noun) - Following the Watergate Scandal, the Senate conducted a thorough review of the function,

operation, and administration of the United States intelligence community. A special committee, the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence

Activities was established to conduct the sweeping audit of national intelligence services. Known as the "Church Committee" after its

chairman Frank Church, the committee investigated not only the actions and operations of the intelligence and security services, but also abuses of those services by the Office of the president.

85. spy on (verb) – watch secretly, observe furtively, keep under observation, keep an eye on. 86. partisan (adjective) – biased, prejudiced, one-sided. 87. National Security Agency (NSA) (noun) - U.S. intelligence agency

within the Department of Defense that is responsible for cryptographic and communications intelligence and security. 88. overreach (noun) – an act of trying to do too much or overdoing something. 89. USA PATRIOT Act, 2001 (noun) - an Act of the United States Congress, signed into law by President George W. Bush. USA

PATRIOT is a backronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. 90. checks and balances (plural noun) - a system in which all departments of a government organization have right to amend/limit the powers of the other departments in order to avoid dominance of one department. 91. The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (noun) - a U.S. federal court established and authorized under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 to oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies. 92. provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement, condition. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM93. non-partisan (adjective) – fair, unbiased, impartial, neutral. 94. seize (verb) – take, capture (suddenly); take (an opportunity) eagerly. 95. seize the opportunity (phrase) – take advantage of.

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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 22, 2021)

1. play down (phrasal verb) - underemphasize, downplay, understate. 2. tragedy (noun) – disaster, catastrophe, devastation, misfortune,

affliction, blight. 3. touchy (adjective) - delicate, sensitive, tricky.

4. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.

5. ravage (verb) – devastate, ruin, destroy, wreak havoc on, damage. 6. incessantly (adverb) – constantly, continually, all the time.

7. comparatively (adverb) – relatively. 8. apparent (adjective) – evident/clear, visible, noticeable, recognizable. 9. specious (adjective) – misleading, deceptive, false. 10. demographic (adjective) – relating to the statistical study/structure of populations, especially human beings. 11. difference (noun) – dissimilarity, contrast, deviation, unevenness, variation. 12. per capita (adverb & adjective) – per person, for each, individually. 13. ferocious (adjective) – intense, extreme, strong, powerful; fierce, ruthless, merciless, brutal. 14. characterise (verb) – identify, depict, describe. 15. scenario (noun) – course of events; situation, context. 16. overrun (verb) – invade, overwhelm, swamp, spread over (a place in large numbers). 17. gasp for (verb) – breathe hard, breathe heavily, struggle for air. 18. necessity (noun) – (essential) requirement, prerequisite, indispensable thing. 19. reveal (verb) – exhibit, disclose, uncover, show. 20. spike (noun) – a sharp rise/increase of something. 21. Civil Registration System (CRS) (noun) – Civil Registration System (CRS) in India is the unified process of continuous, permanent and compulsory recording of the vital events (births, deaths, stillbirths). (A stillbirth is the death or loss of a baby before or during delivery). 22. explicable (adjective) - explainable, interpretable, definable. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM23. mortal (adjective) - destructive, deadly, fatal, lethal. 24. lack of (noun) – absence, deficiency, scarcity. 25. move (verb) – propose, submit, put forward.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 22, 2021)

26. privilege motion (noun) - Parliamentary privileges are certain rights and immunities (exemptions) enjoyed by members of Parliament,

individually and collectively, so that they can “effectively discharge their functions”. When any of these rights and immunities are

disregarded, the offence is called a breach of privilege and is punishable under law of Parliament. A notice is moved in the form of a motion by any member of either House against those being held

guilty of breach of privilege. 27. motion (noun) - It means any proposal (by a member) submitted to

the House for eliciting (obtaining) its decision. 28. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably. 29. absolute (adjective) – complete, total, utter; categorical, unquestionable, undoubted. 30. empathy (noun) – compassion, sympathy, feeling, concern, consideration. 31. acknowledgement (noun) – acceptance, admission, recognition, realization. 32. lived experience (noun) - It refers to a representation of the experiences and choices of a given person, and the knowledge that they gain from these experiences and choices. 33. want (noun) - lack, absence, unavailability. 34. appalling (adjective) – shocking, horrible, horrific, terrible, awful. 35. demise (noun) – death, dying, passing away. 36. causative (adjective) – causing something; responsible, contributive, contributing, deciding. 37. inability (noun) – incapability, incapacity, helplessness. 38. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) (noun) – the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical research, is one of the oldest medical research bodies in the world. As early as in 1911, the Government of India set up the Indian Research Fund Association (IRFA) with the specific objective of sponsoring and coordinating medical research in the country. It was redesignated in 1949 as the Indian Council of Medical Research WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM(ICMR). The ICMR is funded by the Government of India through the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. 39. bewilder (verb) - mystify, perplex, puzzle, confuse.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 22, 2021)

40. mortality (noun) – (in a particular time/for a cause) the rate/number of death.

41. under-count (adjective) – an incorrect & low count. 42. casualty (noun) – victim, fatality, mortality; death, loss.

43. counter-productively (adverb) - unfavourably, unfortunately, undesirably, adversely. 44. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.

45. impression (noun) – feeling, notion, idea, thought, opinion. 46. conquer (verb) - overcome, take control of, get the better of, cope

with. 47. chasten (verb) – subdue, flatten, bring down, humiliate, restrain. 48. abundant (adjective) - plentiful, copious, ample. 49. vulnerable (adjective) – ill-protected, easily affected by, prone to, at risk of. 50. serology (noun) – a method of diagnostic examination of blood serum concerning the immune system’s response to pathogens (the pathogen is something, like bacteria/virus, that causes disease). (serum is an amber (yellowish-orange), watery fluid, rich in proteins, obtained from blood...). 51. serology survey (noun) - A serological survey is conducted to assess the prevalence of a disease in a population. It is done by detecting the presence of specific antibodies that are produced against the virus. 52. seroprevalence (noun) – the number of persons in a population who test positive for a specific disease based on serology (blood serum) specimens. 53. erode (verb) – (gradually) undermine, weaken, spoil, deteriorate, destroy. 54. credibility (noun) – trustworthiness, reliability, dependability. Note:WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 22, 2021)

1. woe (noun) – burden, problem, trouble, difficulty. 2. mayhem (noun) – turmoil, chaos, havoc.

3. deal (noun) – arrangement. 4. revival (noun) – comeback, reappearance.

5. overwhelm (verb) – inundate, swamp, overrun, engulf, flood; overload, overburden, beset, afflict/strain. 6. suburb (noun) – outlying district, outskirts.

7. paralyse (verb) - cripple, disable, stop, bring to a (grinding) halt, put out of action, immobilize/inactivate.

8. expose (verb) - uncover, reveal, show, display. 9. parlous (adjective) – bad, awful, terrible, precarious. 10. infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure for something (to function properly). 11. intermittent (adjective) – irregular, occasional, periodic. 12. torrent (noun) – outpouring, heavy fall of rain, downpour, flood, deluge, inundation. 13. crippling (adjective) - weakening, damaging, impairing, destroying, spoiling, paralyzing. 14. influence (verb) - affect, have an effect on, prompt. 15. staggering (adjective) – astonishing, shocking, surprising. 16. inundation (noun) – flooding, deluge. 17. toll (noun) – number, count, total (number of deaths). 18. take a toll (phrase) – to cause damage, suffering, deaths. 19. landslide (noun) – a landslide is defined as the movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope. Landslides are a type of “mass wasting,” which denotes any down-slope movement of soil and rock under the direct influence of gravity; landslip, rockfall, mudslide, earthfall/slip. 20. crush (verb) – shatter, damage, devastate, demolish, destroy. 21. despair (noun) - hopelessness, desperation, distress, anguish, pain. 22. recur (verb) – happen again, reoccur, occur again, be repeated. 23. pride oneself on (verb) - be proud of, take pride in, take satisfaction WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMin. 24. enterprise (noun) – business, activity/affair, pursuit, proceeding.


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25. resilience (noun) – the ability to bounce back quickly from difficulties; strength of character, strength, toughness.

26. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of

people across a wide area. 27. malady (noun) – a serious problem. 28. pose (verb) – constitute, present, create, cause (a problem or danger or

risk). 29. jeopardy (noun) – danger, peril, risk.

30. add to (phrasal verb) – increase, amplify, intensify. 31. misery (noun) – pain, grief, anguish, agony, distress, torment, suffering. 32. vulnerable (adjective) – relating to a weak/neglected person who is in need of special care/support/protection; ill-protected, easily affected by, prone to, at risk of. 33. hovel (noun) – a small dwelling; slum, shanty, hut. 34. suburban (adjective) – suburban area is a mixed-use or residential area, existing either as part of a city or urban area or as a separate residential community within commuting distance of a city. 35. landslide-prone (noun) - in danger of getting landslide; at the risk of landslide. 36. dire (adjective) – terrible, dreadful, appalling, shocking, grave, serious, woeful. 37. in contrast to (phrase) – in opposition to. 38. keen (adjective) – enthusiastic, determined, passionate, wholehearted. 39. pre-eminent (adjective) – important, foremost, prominent. 40. metropolis (noun) – a big city/a large & busy city. 41. accommodate (verb) – adjust, adapt, attune, get accustomed, come to terms with, come to accept. 42. notorious (adjective) – infamous, of ill repute, ill-famed. 43. inability (noun) – incapability, incapacity, helplessness. 44. affordable (adjective) – economical, inexpensive, reasonably priced. 45. affluent (adjective) – wealthy, well off, rich. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM46. less affluent (adjective) – less wealthy, less well-off, poor. 47. catastrophic (adjective) – destructive, ruinous, disastrous.


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48. result in (phrasal verb) – cause, produce, effect, contribute to. 49. draw up (phrasal verb) – prepare a plan of action in detail.

50. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) (noun) – The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), headed by the

Prime Minister of India, is the apex body for Disaster Management in India. Setting up of NDMA and the creation of an enabling environment for institutional mechanisms at the State and District

levels is mandated by the Disaster Management Act, 2005. 51. storm water (noun) – inundated/flood water produced after a heavy

rainfall. 52. affairs (noun) – matters, concerns, activities. 53. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out. 54. urbanisation (noun) – a process of creating urban areas. It is a result of population migration from rural areas in addition to natural urban demographic growth. 55. recurrent (adjective) - repeated, recurring, cyclic, regular, frequent. 56. highlight (verb) – underline, underscore, emphasize. 57. fact-finding (adjective) - (of a committee) inquiry, inspection, examination, analysis. 58. deluge (noun) – downpour, torrential rain, torrent of rain; flood. 59. call (noun) – demand, need, request; requirement, necessity. 60. impediment (noun) – obstacle, barrier, obstruction, hindrance. 61. perennial (adjective) – everlasting, unending, endless, permanent. 62. rehabilitate (verb) – restore to health/normality. 63. clear the air (phrase) – reduce the tense situation; make peace, reconcile differences. 64. follow-up (noun) – continuation, development. 65. white paper (noun) – a government report that informs people concisely about a complex issue. 66. neglect (noun) – negligence, carelessness, heedlessness, lack of concern, laxity, irresponsibility. 67. amorphously (adverb) – indeterminately, vaguely, shapelessly. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM68. encroach (verb) – intrude, trespass, impinge, infiltrate, invade. 69. defence (noun) – protection, shielding, safeguarding.


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1. hesitant (adjective) – uncertain, undecided, dubious, sceptical, reluctant.

2. backchannel (noun as modifier) – a secondary or secret route. 3. parley (noun) – negotiation, talk/dialogue, discussion. 4. strategic (adjective) – relating to achieving long-term or overall goals.

5. necessity (noun) – (essential) requirement, prerequisite, indispensable thing. 6. withdrawal (noun) – retreat, departure, ending, disengagement.

7. ramp down (phrasal verb) - decrease the amount of something sharply. 8. civilian (noun) – non-military person, ordinary citizen. 9. war-torn (adjective) – (of a place) devastated, ruined, wrecked (by war).

10. brace (for) (verb) – prepare oneself for something difficult/unpleasant that is imminent (about to happen). 11. full-blown (adjective) – fully developed, full-scale, full-blooded, fully- fledged, complete, thorough. 12. civil war (noun) – a war between organized groups within the same state

or country.

13. consulate (noun) – the diplomatic office building in a foreign country where the ambassador/consul & team live and work; embassy, mission. 14. Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) (noun) - The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) Force was raised on 24 October, 1962. At present, the ITBP primarily guards 3,488 km long India-China borders ranging from Karakoram Pass in Ladakh to Jachep La in Arunachal Pradesh. 15. diplomat (noun) – ambassador, envoy, emissary, consul. 16. embassy (noun) – the diplomatic office building in a foreign country where the ambassador & team live and work; consulate, mission. 17. sway (noun) - control, domination, power, authority, influence. 18. bet on (phrasal verb) - depend on, rely on. 19. at a crossroads (phrase) – at a situation when an important decision ought to be made. 20. unfolding (adjective) – developing, evolving, happening, occurring, transpiring, emerging. 21. reset (noun) – re-establishment. 22. interest (noun) – benefit, advantage, concern. 23. half-embarrassed (adjective) - half-uncomfortable, half-unsettled. 24. accord (verb) - give, grant, present. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM25. recognition (noun) – approval, certification, endorsement, validation, ratification. 26. as far as – is concerned (phrase) – with regard to a particular person or situation.

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27. puritanical (adjective) – moralistic, tight-laced, strict;

(having strict moral and religious beliefs and not approving of pleasure, for example in sexual activity, drinking & etc). 28. delegation (noun) – a body of representatives on a diplomatic mission.

29. inaugural (adjective) – first, initial, introductory. 30. intra- (prefix) – within. 31. negotiation (noun) – discussions, talks, deliberation; discussing the

terms of, arrangement. 32. reach out (phrasal verb) – contact someone to obtain/offer help/assistance/cooperation.

33. stakeholder (noun) – a person with an interest in something. 34. pursuance (noun) – seeking of, search for, pursuit of; effecting, pursuing, doing. 35. half-hearted (adjective) – unenthusiastic, apathetic, indifferent, unconcerned, dispassionate, uninterested.

36. ideologically (adverb) – dogmatically, conventionally; in a method

which relates to an ideology. 37. meandering (adjective) – zigzag, twisty. 38. outreach (noun) – the level of reaching out/activity/effort; involvement. 39. geopolitical (adjective) – relating to (the study of) the geographical factors (a country’s position on the earth, size, climate, and natural resources &, etc.) in world politics and inter-state relations. 40. landscape (noun) – terrain, environment; the distinctive features (of a field of activity). 41. taboo (noun) – it is a subject, word, or custom that people are barred/banned from talking about in a certain culture or country. 42. unambiguous (adjective) – unarguable, incontrovertible, unquestionable. 43. rationale (noun) – reason, reasoning/thinking, logic, grounds, basis. 44. engagement (noun) – participation, taking part, involvement, contribution. 45. behind closed doors (phrase) – confidentially, covertly, privately, in private. 46. for one (phrase) – used to emphasize your opinion, even if others may WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMdisagree it. 47. nudge (verb) – push, prod, encourage, prompt.

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48. Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) (noun) – The Shanghai

Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation, the creation of which was announced on 15 June 2001 in Shanghai (China). The SCO currently comprises eight

Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) and is seen as a counterweight to NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization). It was established as a

multilateral association to ensure security and maintain stability across the vast Eurasian region, join forces to counteract emerging challenges and threats, and enhance trade, as well as cultural and humanitarian

cooperation. 49. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (phrase) - the promise (certainty) of less is preferable to the possibility (chance) of more. 50. dilemma (noun) – quandary, predicament, difficulty. 51. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.

52. monolith (noun as modifier) – a very large thing.

53. Quetta Shura/Rahbari Shura (noun) – a militant organization which is composed of the leaders (leadership council) of the Afghan Taliban, and believed to be based, since about 2001, within the city of Quetta in the Balochistan province of Pakistan. 54. on the ground (phrase) – in a situation/place where things are happening really/practically. 55. beef (noun) – complaint, criticism, objection, protestation. 56. opprobrium (noun) – condemnation, harsh criticism, censure, castigation. 57. avatar (noun) – type, case, epitome. 58. outfit (noun) – team/group. 59. court (verb) – be involved with, engage with. 60. more so (phrase) – to a greater degree; to a greater extent. 61. going forward (phrase) – in the future. 62. ascend (verb) - move up, rise. 63. act out (phrasal verb) - act, perform, play. 64. erroneous (adjective) – wrong, incorrect, inaccurate. 65. the scheme of things (phrase) – in the way things normally/generally happen or arranged to happen (when compared with/related to other WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMthings) in a particular situation; a general view of the situation as a whole. 66. statecraft (noun) – statesmanship, negotiations/discussions; the skilful management of a country’s public affairs.

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67. fait accompli (noun) – (from French) an accomplished fact, something

that has already occurred and cannot be changed. 68. legitimacy (noun) – legality, validity, lawfulness. 69. neighbourhood (noun) – (surrounding) area, region, country.

70. put differently (phrase) – express differently, put/express in other words. 71. bluntly (adverb) – straightforwardly, directly, candidly, forthrightly. 72. deep state (noun) – shadow government; influential decision-making

bodies believed to be within government and it can be any agencies (e.g., military or any other). 73. inherently (adverb) – essentially, fundamentally, basically, primarily,

naturally. 74. prop up (phrasal verb) - support financially, fund, finance. 75. servile (adjective) - slavish, abject, subservient; bootlicking. 76. worldly-wise (adjective) - sophisticated, experienced, knowledgeable. 77. sovereign (adjective) - independent, self-governing, autonomous, self-


78. call into question (phrase) – doubt, distrust, mistrust, suspect. 79. Durand Line (noun) – a borderline between Afghanistan and Pakistan. 80. contrary to (phrase) – conflicting with, opposed to. 81. next door to (phrase) – beside, alongside, at the side of. 82. infest (verb) - invade, penetrate, infiltrate, pervade. 83. end up (phrasal verb) – come/appear, find oneself (to a particular course of action in the end). 84. hedge one’s bets (phrase) - avoid, dodge, evade, sidestep the issue at hand; be non-committal, be indecisive, be evasive (to deal with a difficulty nearby). 85. precisely (adverb) – exactly, absolutely, squarely. 86. on the rise (phrase) - becoming more successful. 87. go on to (phrasal verb) – proceed (to do something). 88. highlight (verb) – underline, underscore, emphasize. 89. resolve (noun) - determination, willpower, firmness, resolution, courage. 90. suitor (noun) – admirer, beau, follower. 91. detrimental (adjective) – undesirable, harmful, unfavourable, counterproductive. 92. frontier (noun) – the political and geographical area near or beyond a WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMboundary; border, boundary, borderline, dividing line, demarcation line. 93. open up (phrasal verb) – make something present, make something available. 94. on an even keel (phrase) - in a calm and well balanced condition.

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95. consequent (adjective) - resulting, resultant, ensuing.

96. ceasefire (noun) – a negotiated agreement that will be accompanied by other associated commitments to de-escalate the fighting; a temporary stoppage of war, truce, armistice.

97. Line of Control (LoC) (noun) – it is a 450 mile-long military control line lying between India and Pakistan’s controlled parts of the former (under the British) Jammu and Kashmir. This line is not actually a

legally recognized international boundary but prevails as per de facto. After the Simla Agreement signed in July 1972, this line was officially renamed as “Line of Control” from “the Cease-fire Line”.

98. mainstream (adjective) – accepted, established, recognized. 99. heft (noun) – influence, ability; weight/strength. 100. foray (noun) – a brief & active attempt to get involved in a new activity/sphere. 101. The Indo-Pacific (region) (noun) – the Indo-Pacific region refers to the

confluence (convergence) of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, which

interconnect in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and more). 102. strategically (adverb) – in a way that is designed/planned to serve a particular purpose. 103. box in (phrasal verb) - prevent (someone) from moving freely. 104. break out (phrasal verb) – break loose from, escape from, flee from. 105. the way out (noun) – a method of dealing with a problem; solution. 106. exorcise (verb) – drive out, expel, rid/ free (evil demons/spirits (ghosts)). 107. hijacking (noun) – seizing, taking over, commandeering (something unlawfully); hostage-taking. 108. secretive (adjective) – uncommunicative, unforthcoming, silent, non- communicative, quiet, tight-lipped. 109. condemnable (adjective) – objectionable, unjustifiable, reprehensible. 110. atrocity (noun) – act of barbarity/brutality, cruelty, inhumanity. Note:WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited

H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 23, 2021)

1. cooperatives sector (noun) – The Cooperative Movement in India was formally introduced with the promulgation of Cooperative Societies

Act in 1904. The government realized that the cooperative sector plays a significant role in boosting the rural economy. It provisioned

for plans for this sector in its series of development plans Five Year Action Plans. Every village was encouraged to have at least one cooperative society. Cooperative societies in India expanded from

agricultural market to the credit sector, and later to large scale sectors, housing, fisheries, ban

2. at the cost of (phrase) – by sacrificing/losing/giving up something. 3. federal (adjective) – relating to a system of government in which establishments such as states or provinces share power with a national government. 4. certainly (adverb) – surely, definitely, unquestionably. 5. revitalization (noun) - rejuvenation, revival, renewal, resurgence, reactivation. 6. beset (verb) – trouble, bother, worry, anguish, embarrass (persistently). 7. interference (noun) – intervention, meddling, unwarranted involvement. 8. hold (verb) – conduct, organize, arrange, preside over. 9. supersede (verb) - replace, supplant, take over from, substitute for, remove, override. 10. The 97th Constitution Amendment (noun) - The 97th constitutional amendment, which dealt with issues related to effective management of co-operative societies in the country, was passed by Parliament in December 2011 and had come into effect from February 15, 2012. 11. come into effect (phrase) – become applicable; come into force. 12. infuse (verb) – inject, impart, add. 13. autonomy (noun) – independence, freedom, self- government, self- determination. 14. hold (verb) - rule, decide (verdict/judgment). WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM15. unconstitutional (adjective) – undemocratic, uncontrolled, unaccountable.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 23, 2021)

16. well-intentioned (adjective) – well-meaning; good-natured, caring. 17. quasi- (combining form) – to a certain degree, to a certain

extent, partly, relatively, somewhat. 18. quasi-federal (adjective) – referring to government organized similar

to a union of states under a central government rather than the individual governments of the separate states. 19. underlie (verb) – be the cause of, be the basis of, be the fundamental

of. 20. Part IXB to the Constitution (noun) - Part IXB describes the outlines

of what State Act on cooperative societies must have. 21. delineate (verb) – describe, set forth, set out, present. 22. contour (noun) – outline, summary, draft, plan. 23. legislation (noun) – body of laws, acts, rules, regulations, statutes. 24. ought to (modal verb) – must, should. 25. provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement, condition. 26. reservation (noun) – a system of affirmative action in India that provides historically disadvantaged groups representation in education, employment, and politics. 27. besides (preposition/linking adverb) – in addition to, as well, apart from. 28. legislative (adjective) – relating to legislation (the power to make laws); law-making, policy-making. 29. domain (noun) - an area of activity; a field of activity; sphere, realm. 30. State Legislature (noun) - the legislative (law-making) body of a state; state assembly, state government. 31. ratification (noun) - formal consent; permission, approval, confirmation, acceptance. 32. want (noun) – lack, absence, unavailability. 33. for want of (phrase) - due to a lack of something. 34. uphold (verb) – confirm, endorse/approve, vindicate/validate. 35. in relation to (phrase) - regarding, concerning, with reference to. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM36. elaborate (adjective) - careful, detailed, intricate, complex. 37. hold good/hold true (phrase) – remain true; remain valid.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 23, 2021)

38. competent (adjective) – capable, proficient, knowledgeable, efficient. 39. limitation (noun) - restriction, restraint, constraint.

40. ratify (verb) - confirm, approve, endorse, agree to. 41. State List (noun) – it includes subjects that give powers to

the state governments. (as given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India, the legislative section is divided into three lists: the Union List, State List and Concurrent List).

42. Concurrent List (noun) – the list which includes the power to be considered by both the union and state government (as given in the

Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India). 43. Union List (noun) – it includes subjects that give powers to the union government. (as given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India, the legislative section is divided into three lists: the Union List, State List and Concurrent List). 44. outline (verb) – indicate, define, summarize. 45. fetter (verb) – restrain, constrain, restrict. 46. in the absence of (phrase) – without. 47. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt. 48. prescribe (verb) – stipulate, lay down, set down, order, impose. 49. pass muster (phrase) – be acceptable, be practical, be justifiable, be convincing, make sense. 50. adverse (adjective) – dangerous, harmful, detrimental, unhealthy; unfavourable, disadvantageous, bad. 51. implications (noun) – consequence/outcome, ramification, repercussion. 52. there is no denying (phrase) - used to say that something is undoubtedly true. 53. democratise (verb) – make something available to everyone.


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1. in search of (phrase) - in quest of, in pursuit of, on the track of,

seeking. 2. alike (adverb) – similarly, identically, uniformly.

3. lustre (noun) – sheen, gloss, glow, shine. 4. immortality (noun) – timelessness; lasting fame/legendary status, something remembered forever.

5. be set in stone (phrase) – unalterable, unchangeable, established/ deep-rooted.

6. enduring (adjective) – long-lasting, continuing, permanent, constant. 7. allure (noun) – attraction, fascination, lure/draw, appeal, enticement, temptation. 8. triumph (noun) – win, victory, success. 9. Olympian (noun) – a competitor in the Olympic Games. 10. eternal (adjective) – everlasting, never-ending, enduring, permanent. 11. stamp (noun) – status, attribute, quality. 12. obsess (verb) - preoccupy, have a hold on, engross, have a grip on. 13. quadrennial (adjective) – recurring every four years. 14. congregation (noun) – gathering, assembly, a mass/group (of people). 15. finest superlative adjective of fine (adjective) - excellent, outstanding, first-class, top-notch. 16. impose (verb) – force, thrust, inflict (an unwelcome decision/ruling). 17. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 18. shadow (noun) – blight, gloom, obscurity; trace of something. 19. protocol (noun) – procedure, convention; habit, pattern, method, system. 20. in place (phrase) - in order, arranged, established. 21. spectator (noun) – viewer, watcher, onlooker. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM22. stand at (verb) – be at a particular level. Note:

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23. mark (noun) - stage, level, point.

24. considerable (adjective) – substantial, appreciable, significant, much. 25. dalliance (noun) – affair, attachment; involvement.

26. whisper (noun) – rumour, gossip, report, speculation. 27. coronavirus (CoV) (noun) – a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe

diseases. common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties. In more

severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death. 28. reveal (verb) - exhibit, disclose, uncover, show, display. 29. climb (noun) – rise, increase, expansion, growth. 30. ecosystem (noun) – complex situation/environment. 31. volunteer (noun) – participant. 32. hark back (phrasal verb) - recall, remember, recollect, think of something from the past. 33. roots (noun) - origins, beginnings. 34. hold (verb) - remain secure/intact; be maintained in a specified state. 35. excel (verb) – shine, be very good, be excellent, be successful, become famous. 36. turn up (phrasal verb) - make an appearance, appear, be present. 37. run dry (phrase) - (of a source) used up, exhausted, spent, depleted, utilized. 38. tilt (noun) – attempt on, bid for (winning something); fight, combat, contest. 39. infuse (verb) – fill, charge, imbue, inspire. 40. pathos (noun) - suffering, poignancy, tragedy, sadness, sorrowfulness. 41. legendary (adjective) – famous, celebrated, famed, renowned. 42. tear gland (noun) - an organ in eye which produces tears. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM43. die-hard (noun) – hard-core (follower/fan); traditionalist. Note:

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44. diverse (adjective) – various.

45. pursuit (noun) – striving towards, aspiration for, quest for, search for. 46. better (verb) - surpass, improve on, exceed, excel.

47. tally (noun) – total, count. 48. headline (verb) - participate as the star performer. 49. besides (preposition/linking adverb) – in addition to, as well, apart

from. 50. push the envelope (phrase) – extend the limits of what is possible; try

new things that have not been accepted or tried before. 51. yearning (noun) – longing, craving, desire/wish, appetite. 52. excellence (noun) – high quality, superiority, brilliance, greatness. 53. linger (verb) - stay, remain, wait, procrastinate. 54. sobering (adjective) – serious/sensible, thoughtful; logical/realistic, pragmatic. 55. demographic dividend (noun) – it is defined as a boost in economic productivity that occurs when there are growing numbers of people in the workforce relative to the number of dependents (or) it is the accelerated development that can arise when a population has a relatively large proportion of working-age people coupled with effective human capital investment. 56. populous (adjective) – densely populated. 57. yield (noun) – result, return, output, reward, dividend. 58. joust (noun) – (in sports) contest, tournament. 59. pointer (noun) – indication, hint/signal, suggestion. 60. infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure for something (to function properly). 61. nirvana (noun) - ideal place, paradise, heaven, Eden, bliss. 62. immune (adjective) – resistant (from the effects of something). 63. charm (noun) – attractiveness; drawing power, fascination, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMcaptivation. Note:

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1. National Curriculum Framework (NCF) (noun) – It is a means of evolving a national system of education capable of responding to India’s

diversity of geographical and cultural milieus (environments) while ensuring a common core of values along with academic components. The National Curriculum Framework 2005 (NCF 2005) is the fourth

National Curriculum Framework published in 2005 by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) in India. The NCF 2005 serves as a guideline for syllabus, textbooks, and teaching

practices for the schools in India. 2. curriculum (noun) – syllabus, course of studies, subjects. (curricula is the plural form of the curriculum).

3. National Education Policy (NEP) (noun) – The National Education Policy, 2020 proposes the revision and revamping of all aspects of the education structure, including its regulation and governance, to create a new system that is aligned with the aspirational goals of 21st century education, including Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4), while building upon India’s traditions and value systems. 4. short-sighted (adjective) - narrow-minded, lacking foresight, narrow,

unimaginative. 5. National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) (noun) – an autonomous organization set up in 1961 by the Government of India to assist and advise the Central and State Governments on policies and programmes for qualitative improvement in school education. 6. State Councils of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) (noun) - The 1986 National Policy on Education, NPE, recommended the creation of State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) in each State as a measure of decentralization of functions of quality education, research and training. 7. pertain to (verb) – concern, relate to, be connected with. 8. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) (noun) - Early childhood, defined as the period from birth to eight years old, is a time of remarkable growth with brain development at its peak. During this stage, children are highly influenced by the environment and the people that surround them. Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is more than preparation for primary school. It aims at the holistic development of a WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMchild’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. ECCE has the possibility to nurture caring, capable and responsible future citizens.

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9. template (noun) – model, pattern/example, blueprint. 10. feed into (verb) - contribute to.

11. position paper (noun) - it is an essay/report that presents one side of an arguable opinion about an issue (country's policy). 12. thereby (adverb) – as a result of that.

13. in terms of (phrase) – with regard to, regarding/concerning, in connection with. 14. personnel (noun) – force, staff, employees, workforce.

15. so far so good (phrase) - things have been satisfactory up to now. 16. questionnaire (noun) – question sheet, survey form. 17. stakeholder (noun) – a person with an interest in something.

18. curricular (adjective) - relating to the syllabus, course of studies, subjects. 19. emphasise (verb) – draw attention to, put stress on, underscore, highlight. 20. mute (verb) – restrain, subdue, silence, tone down. 21. pick up (phrasal verb) – improve, get better, make progress. 22. filter out (phrasal verb) - to remove something that you do not want.

23. ought to (modal verb) – must, should. 24. overwhelming (adjective) – very large, huge, formidable. 25. likely (adverb) – probably, in all probability, presumably, doubtlessly. 26. favour (verb) – support, back, approve of, recommend, advocate/champion. 27. interest (noun) – benefit, advantage. 28. precede (verb) – come/go before, go in advance of, lead up to. 29. managerial (adjective) – supervisory, regulatory, controlling, organizational. 30. gear (verb) – prepare, equip. 31. endeavour (noun) – activity, pursuit. 32. workforce (noun) – workers, employees. 33. chock-a-block (adjective) - overloaded, jammed, crammed, crowded, filled with people (or things). 34. furthermore (adverb) – moreover, additionally, besides. 35. a heap of (noun) – a lot, lots, a large amount. 36. devoid of (adjective) – without, free of/free from. 37. inter- (prefix) – between. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM38. interrelationship (noun) – connection, association, link, tie-up, relationship, interaction. 39. pedagogy (noun) – teaching: specifically, teacher actions (teaching methods) that promote student learning.

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40. ad nauseam (adverb) - repeatedly, frequently, often, many times, again and again (ad nauseam is a Latin term, literally meaning ‘to sickness or

to nausea’; to do something (e.g. argument, discussion, etc.) continuously/repeatedly to the point of nausea/sickness). 41. in the name of (phrase) – for the sake of, at the behest of.

42. pedagogical (adjective) – relating to teaching. 43. criterion (noun) – basis, standard, norm, specification (criteria is the plural form of criterion).

44. so-called (adverb) – commonly named. 45. crumble (verb) – collapse, fall down, cave in, break down. 46. ground (noun) - reason, cause, basis, factor.

47. run (verb) - manage, organize, direct, control. 48. self-restraint (noun) – self-control, restraint, control, self-discipline, self- possession, will power, strength of will. 49. concentration span (noun) – the amount of time spent concentrating on a task before becoming distracted. 50. self-directed (adjective) - relating to the activities under one's own control.

51. synapse (noun) - join, connection (between two nerve cells). 52. make sense of (phrase) – understand, comprehend, fathom out. 53. unlikely (adjective) – improbable, not likely, doubtful. 54. sound (adjective) - valid, reasonable, logical, solid, competent, reliable. 55. mitigate (verb) – reduce, diminish, lessen. 56. exposure (noun) – experience, familiarity, acquaintance, awareness. 57. the way out (noun) – a method of dealing with a problem; solution. 58. Secondary Education Commission Report (SECR) (noun) - The Secondary Education commission known as Mudaliar Commission was appointed in 1952 by the government of India in term of their Resolution to bring changes in the education system and make it better for the Nation. The Commission thoroughly examined the then prevailing secondary education system and gave a number of suggestions for reforms. Important ones among these were the diversification of the curriculum, and setting up a large number of multi- purpose schools. 59. Basic National Education (BNE) (noun) - It was the report of the Dr. Zakir Husain Committee appointed by the Wardha Conference on the WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM23rd of October 1937 to formulate a scheme of basic education on the lines suggested by the resolution of that Conference. 60. consensus (noun) – an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group.

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61. polity (noun) – a politically organized society. 62. in the light of (phrase) – considering, taking into account, keeping in

mind. 63. inherent (adjective) – implicit, intrinsic, fundamental, basic. 64. ideal (noun) - principle, standard, moral value, belief.

65. rigorously (adverb) – carefully, thoroughly, diligently. 66. work out (phrasal verb) – devise, formulate, draw up, prepare. 67. rigor (noun) - thoroughness, carefulness, attention to detail, diligence,

precision, accuracy. 68. in this regard (phrase) – in connection with the aspect/consideration/point referred to earlier.

69. amiss (adjective) - wrong, awry, faulty. 70. rigorous (adjective) – careful, diligent, attentive, ultra-careful. 71. derivation (noun) - deriving, deducing, gathering, drawing out. 72. starkly (adverb) – clearly, distinctly, strikingly. 73. coherent (adjective) – united, consolidated, joined, combined; logical, reasonable, rational. 74. aesthetically (adverb) – beautifully, attractively, elegantly.

75. intellectually (adverb) – cognitively, studiously, intelligently. 76. rational (adjective) – logical, well reasoned, sensible, coherent, wise. 77. exposition (noun) – explanation, description, elucidation, interpretation. 78. overwhelm (verb) – overpower, affect. 79. child-centrism (noun) - Child-centred education. It is based on the idea that students must be encouraged to learn at their own pace. 80. vague (adjective) – imprecise, inexact, unclear/uncertain. 81. lip service (noun) – a method of expressing approval/support without taking any significant action. 82. reverence (noun) - high regard, great respect, admiration, approval, appreciation. 83. stir up (phrasal verb) - work up, foment, provoke, instigate, incite. 84. cacophony (noun) – noise, din, uproar, discord. 85. assertion (noun) – declaration, announcement, assurance, attestation, affirmation. 86. wrest (verb) - take something after much effort or difficulty; snatch, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMseize, grab, take by force. 87. (be) rooted in (verb) – embed, fix, firmly establish, implant.

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1. microplastics (noun) - tiny plastic particles that are less than five millimeters (0.2 inches) in diameter/length. 2. bear witness/testimony to (phrase) – stand witness to, be evidence of,

be proof of, prove. 3. civilisation (noun) – culture, enlightenment, way of life.

4. decade (noun) – a period of ten years. 5. conduit (noun) – gutter, ditch, drain, trench, channel (to transmit (wastage)).

6. sewage (noun) – waste water & foul matter, excrement. 7. solid waste (noun) - the unwanted or useless solid materials generated from human activities in residential, industrial or commercial areas. 8. effluent (noun) – (liquid) waste, sewage, (factory) outflow/emission. 9. depressing (adjective) – upsetting, distressing, disheartening, discouraging. 10. scourge (noun) – misfortune, burden/bane, affliction. 11. alarming (adjective) – worrying, disturbing, shocking/distressing. 12. filament (noun) - cord, rope, cable, wire, thread. 13. fragment (noun) - piece, bit, particle. 14. microbead (noun) - solid plastic particles of less than one millimeter diameter/length. 15. composition (noun) – formation, synthesis, combination. 16. point to (verb) – indicate, suggest, denote. 17. broken-down (adjective) – defective, damaged. 18. article (noun) - object, product, commodity. 19. the naked eye (phrase) - the human eye alone without the help from an instrument (such as microscope & others). 20. call into question (phrase) – doubt, distrust, mistrust, suspect. 21. Swachh Bharat Mission (noun) - On 2nd October 2014, Swachh Bharat Mission was launched throughout length and breadth of the country as a national movement. The campaign aims to achieve the vision of a ‘Clean India’ by 2nd October 2019. The Swachh Bharat WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMAbhiyan is the most significant cleanliness campaign by the Government of India.


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22. Namami Gange Programme (noun) - an Integrated Conservation Mission, approved as ‘Flagship Programme’ by the Union Government in June 2014 with budget outlay of Rs.20,000 Crore to

accomplish the twin objectives of effective abatement of pollution, conservation and rejuvenation of National River Ganga.

23. rid (verb) - clear, cleanse, purify. 24. clean-up (noun) – the process of cleaning something. 25. deficit (noun) – shortfall, deficiency, shortage, lack.

26. discharge (verb) - release, eject, emit, let out, dispense. 27. activist (noun) – a person who supports a political or societal change/cause. 28. pose (verb) – constitute, present, create, cause (a problem or danger or risk). 29. hazard (noun) - danger, threat, risk. 30. outpace (verb) – surpass, outshine, do better than. 31. successive (adjective) – consecutive, continuous. 32. drop the ball (phrase) – make a mistake/error, mishandle; fail to do something, miss an opportunity. 33. tighten (verb) – make stricter, make more rigorous, make more stringent, stiffen, toughen. 34. Draft Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2021 (noun) - The draft Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2021, issued by the Union Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) on March 11, has necessitated a few changes in the country’s handling of its plastic waste. The draft proposes increasing thickness of carry bags made of virgin plastic to 120 microns from 50 microns.The draft also proposes a ban on the manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of specific single-use plastic from January 1, 2022. 35. as well as (phrase) – and also, and in addition.


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36. Solid Waste Management rules, 2016 (noun) - The Union Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) notified the new Solid Waste Management Rules (SWM) in 2016. The rules are

now applicable beyond municipal areas and have included urban agglomerations, census towns, notified industrial townships, areas

under the control of Indian Railways, airports, special economic zones, places of pilgrimage, religious and historical importance, and State and Central Government organisations in their ambit. The rules

have mandated the source segregation of waste in order to channelise the waste to wealth by recovery, reuse and recycle. 37. segregation (noun) – separation, setting apart, insulation. 38. moreover (adverb) – besides, furthermore, in addition. 39. growing (adjective) – increasing. 40. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 41. merely (adverb) – only, simply, just. 42. out of sight (phrase) – hidden, concealed, not visible, unseen, invisible. 43. costly (adjective) – expensive. 44. food web (noun) - the natural interconnection of food chains and a graphical representation of what-eats-what in an ecological community. 45. Montreal Protocol (noun) - The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (the Montreal Protocol) is an international agreement made in 1987. It was designed to stop the production and import of ozone depleting substances and reduce their concentration in the atmosphere to help protect the earth's ozone layer. 46. protocol (noun) – treaty, pact, compact, agreement. 47. Paris Agreement/Accord/pact (noun) – The Paris Agreement builds upon the Convention (agreement) and for the first time brings all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects, with enhanced support to WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMassist developing countries to do so. 48. at home (phrase) – in one’s own country.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 24, 2021) H 1. trouble (noun) – disturbance, disorder, fighting, scuffling, conflict;

problem, misfortune, difficulty, issue. 2. the Troubles (noun) – a term used to describe a period of conflict in

Northern Ireland that lasted about 3 decades, from the late 1960s until the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. However the origins of the Troubles can be traced back hundreds of years-beginning as early as

the 17th century. 3. Brexit (noun) – a term used for the (supposed) departure of the United

Kingdom from the European Union. 4. Good Friday Accord/Agreement (noun) – Belfast Agreement; This agreement (signed on 10 April 1998) helped to bring to an end a

period of conflict in the region called the Troubles (of Northern Ireland as part of the UK, and the Republic of Ireland as a separate country). 5. compromise (noun) – undermine, weaken, be detrimental to, damage. 6. Irish backstop/Northern Ireland protocol (noun) – During withdrawal negotiations the EU and UK agreed a Northern Ireland Protocol that there would be no new checks on goods crossing the border between Northern Ireland (NI) (which is part of the United Kingdom) and the Republic of Ireland (ROI) which remains part of the EU. Both sides agreed that protecting the 1998 Good Friday Agreement was a priority. This meant keeping the land border open, and instead created a trade border along the Irish Sea instead. As a result of the protocol, NI has in effect remained in the EU's single market for goods (England, Scotland and Wales have left the EU's single market for goods). 7. set the stage for (phrase) – prepare the circumstances for the beginning of something. 8. clash (noun) - confrontation, skirmish, encounter, engagement. 9. Brussels (noun) – The headquarters of the European Union. Brussels is a metonym of the European Union. 10. come into force (phrase) – come into effect, become operative, be effective (a new law, rule, change, etc.). 11. protocol (noun) – agreement, treaty, pact, compact. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM12. barrier (noun) – barricade, blockade; obstacle, stumbling block, impediment, hindrance. 13. hamper (verb) – hinder, obstruct, impede.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 24, 2021) H 14. set up (phrasal verb) – create, start, begin, initiate, institute.

15. check (noun) – checkpoint, check post. 16. in order to (phrase) – with the purpose/aim of.

17. repercussion (noun) – consequence, result, effect, outcome. 18. nationalist (noun) – loyalist, lover of one's country. 19. unification (noun) - merger, union.

20. in favour of (phrase) – in support of, to the advantage of, approve of. 21. Unionist (noun) – a member of a Northern Ireland political party, who

is in support of the unification of Northern Ireland with Great Britain. 22. ally (noun) – supporter, advocate, champion. 23. conservative (adjective) – Relating to the Conservative Party, byname

Tories, in the UK. 24. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt. 25. the way out (noun) – a method of dealing with a problem; solution. 26. enforce (verb) – force, compel, demand, insist on. 27. regulatory (adjective) – managerial, controlling, supervisory. 28. province (noun) – territory, region, state (of a country). 29. comply with (verb) – abide by, adhere to, conform to, follow. 30. clause (noun) – section, requirement, condition, provision. 31. thorny (adjective) – problematic, tricky, delicate, controversial. 32. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 33. integration (noun) – unification, consolidation, inclusion. 34. soft border (noun) - a border between two countries where people and goods are allowed to pass through with few checks. 35. (be) caught in (verb) - suddenly find oneself in (an unfortunate/bad situation). 36. thanks to (phrase) – as a result of, owing to, due to, because of. 37. consequence (noun) – outcome, ramification, repercussion. 38. in the event of something (phrase) – if something happens. 39. Article 16 of the Northern Ireland protocol (noun) - In the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, Article 16 contains provisions enabling either party (the EU or UK) to take unilateral action if the implementation of the agreement/protocol causes “economic, societal WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMor environmental difficulties”. 40. back to/at square one (phrase) - to go back to the beginning (after making no progress); to start all over again; start over.


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1. serosurvey (noun) – collection and testing of serum (or proxy such as oral fluid) specimens from a sample of a

defined population over a specified period of time to estimate the prevalence of antibodies against a given specific infectious pathogen as an indicator of immunity.

2. serology (noun) – a method of diagnostic examination of blood serum concerning the immune system’s response to pathogens (the pathogen is something, like bacteria/virus, that causes disease). (serum is

an amber (yellowish-orange), watery fluid, rich in proteins, obtained from blood…). 3. serology survey (noun) – A serological survey is conducted to assess the

prevalence of a disease in a population. It is done by detecting the presence of specific antibodies that are produced against the virus. 4. template (noun) – model, pattern/example, blueprint. 5. case study (noun) – instructive example; record, evidence. 6. threshold (noun) – it is an amount, level, or limit of something. Once the threshold is reached, something else happens or changes. point of entry, starting point.

7. herd immunity (noun) – also known as “population immunity”; it refers to a means (ways) of protecting a whole community from disease by immunizing a critical mass of its populace (population). It is also defined as a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a large percentage of a population is immune to an infection, thereby providing a measure of protection for individuals who are not immune. 8. compliment (verb) – praise, commend, acclaim. 9. seroprevalence (noun) – the number of persons in a population who test positive for a specific disease based on serology (blood serum) specimens. 10. on one’s own (phrase) – alone, all alone, by oneself, all by oneself, independently, single-handedly. 11. antibody (noun) – it is also called ‘immunoglobulin’; a protective protein produced mainly by plasma (blood) cells in the immune system in response to the presence of antigens (disease causing organisms (bacteria & viruses) and other harmful/toxic foreign WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMsubstances like insect venom). 12. Cell-mediated immunity (CMI) (noun) - an immune response that does not involve antibodies, but rather driven by activation of T cells.

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13. neutralizing antibody (NAb) (noun) - an antibody that defends a cell from a pathogen or infectious particle by neutralizing any effect it has

biologically. 14. besides (preposition/linking adverb) – in addition to, as well, apart from. 15. substantial (adjective) – considerable, significant, large.

16. proportion (noun) – ratio, section, segment. 17. sero-surveillance (noun) – serological surveillance; identification of patterns of current and past infections using serological test (blood-

based tests). Serosurveillance provides estimates of antibody levels against vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) and is considered the gold standard for measuring population immunity due to past infection or

vaccination. It is an important component of disease surveillance and complements notification, hospitalisation, mortality and immunisation coverage data. 18. waning (noun) – decrease, lessening, weakening, disappearance, deterioration. 19. immunity (noun) – the body’s defense against infections; protection, resistance.

20. progressive (adjective) – modern, advanced, new, dynamic. 21. course of action (phrase) – plan of action, action/step, procedure. 22. contact (tracing) (noun) – it is defined as the identification and follow- up of persons who may have come into contact with a person infected with the virus. 23. isolation (noun) – a complete separation from others of a person known or reasonably believed to be infected with communicable diseases. 24. periodic (adjective) – regular, recurrent, repeated, cyclical. 25. of one's own (phrase) - belongs or relates to oneself only. 26. revisit (verb) – reconsider, re-examine, re-evaluate. 27. National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE) (noun) - The National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE) was established on July 2, 1999 by merging the Central JALMA Institute for Leprosy (CJIL Field Unit), Avadi with the Institute for Research in Medical Statistics (IRMS), Chennai. The broad objectives of the Institute cover Development of human resources in epidemiology and bio-statistics, Networking of the various ICMR and WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMnon-ICMR Institutes at the national level for epidemiological purposes, and Consultancy.

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28. epidemiology (noun) – the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events (including disease), and the application of

this study to the control of diseases and other health problems. 29. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) (noun) – the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical

research, is one of the oldest medical research bodies in the world. As early as in 1911, the Government of India set up the Indian Research Fund Association (IRFA) with the specific objective of sponsoring and

coordinating medical research in the country. It was redesignated in 1949 as the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The ICMR is funded by the Government of India through the Ministry of Health &

Family Welfare. 30. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) (noun) – founded in 1942, the CSIR is an autonomous body that has emerged as the largest research and development organisation in India. It has 37 research centers and 39 field stations or augmentation focuses spread the country over. The innovative work exercises of CSIR incorporate different fields, for example, aerospace engineering, Structural engineering, ocean

sciences, Life sciences, metallurgy, chemicals, mining, food, petroleum, leather, and environment. 31. phenomenon (noun) – situation, fact, occurrence, event, happening. 32. wherein (adverb) – in which. 33. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 34. sizeable (adjective) – substantial, considerable, significant. 35. migration (noun) – the movement of people within the borders of the same country or across international borders in order to find work or better living conditions. 36. dynamics (noun) – basic/fundamental cause or force that triggers change within a system. 37. susceptible (adjective) – defenceless, vulnerable. 38. mislead (verb) – misguide, misdirect, misinform. 39. infer (verb) - deduce, reason, conclude, come to the conclusion. 40. vulnerability (noun) – weakness, defencelessness, unprotectedness, susceptibility. 41. inference (noun) – conclusion, reasoning, conjecture, speculation, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMassumption. 42. immune (adjective) – resistant (from the effects of something). 43. bird's-eye view (noun) - general view, prospect, perspective, outlook.

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44. rigorous (adjective) – careful, diligent, attentive, ultra-careful. 45. peer-reviewed (adjective) – relating to a process by which

something research or publication is evaluated by a group of experts in the appropriate field. 46. journal (noun) - periodical, publication, magazine, gazette, newsletter.

47. prevalence (noun) – it refers to the number of cases of a disease that are present in a particular population at a given time whereas “incidence” refers to the number of new cases that develop in a given period of time.

48. vaccinate (verb) – inoculate, administer, introduce (with a vaccine to provide immunity against a disease). 49. aggregated data (noun) - data that are collected and analysed

comprehensively. 50. enthuse (verb) – motivate, inspire, excite, encourage. 51. optimism (noun) – hopefulness, hope, confidence, positive attitude, buoyancy. 52. jump the gun (phrase) - to do or begin something before the proper time or before everyone else (mostly used in sports when an athlete (sprinter) starts running before firing the starter gun).

53. outbreak (noun) – outburst, flaring up, breakout, sudden appearance/occurrence of something. 54. interaction (noun) – communication. 55. seropositivity (noun) – the quality or state of being seropositive, of having blood serum that tests positive for a given pathogen (a bacteria/virus that causes disease). 56. transmission dynamics (noun) - the properties which increases growth, development, or change of something. 57. successive (adjective) – consecutive, continuous. 58. set up (phrasal verb) – create, start, begin, initiate, institute, establish. 59. sentinel surveillance (noun) – a sentinel surveillance system is used when high-quality data are needed about a particular disease. A sentinel system deliberately involves only a limited network of carefully selected reporting sites with good laboratory facilities and experienced well- qualified staff, to identify and notify on certain diseases. Because sentinel surveillance is expensive and time-taking, conducted only in selected locations, however, it may not be as effective for detecting rare WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMdiseases or diseases that occur outside the catchment areas of the sentinel sites. 60. along with (phrase) – together with, accompanying.

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61. open up (phrasal verb) – make accessible; make available. 62. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a

particular disease; immunization. 63. absolute (adjective) – definite, certain, unconditional, categorical, unquestionable, undoubted.

64. necessity (noun) – (essential) requirement, prerequisite, indispensable thing. 65. vaccine (noun) – a biological preparation that improves immunity to a

particular disease. 66. step up (phrasal verb) – increase, intensify, escalate. 67. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.

68. severity (noun) – seriousness. 69. unlock (verb) – free (from restrictions); undo. 70. constraint (noun) – restriction, limitation, restraint. 71. deploy (verb) – use, utilize, employ, make use of. 72. scarce (adjective) – insufficient, deficient, inadequate. 73. constantly (adverb) – always. 74. mechanism (noun) – procedure, process, method, technique.

75. public health (noun) – the branch of medicine handling public health; public health is also the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities through education, policy-making, and research for disease and injury prevention. 76. epidemiologist (noun) – an expert in the study of how disease spreads and can be controlled. 77. mitigate (verb) – reduce, diminish, lessen. 78. take up (phrasal verb) - engage in, participate in, take part in. 79. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests).

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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 26, 2021)

1. insure against (verb) – secure, protect. 2. inevitable (adjective) – unavoidable, unpreventable, inescapable, certain, sure to happen.

3. extremity (noun) – dire straits, extreme hardship, extreme adversity, misfortune.

4. mark (noun) - level, stage, point. 5. deficit (noun) – shortfall, deficiency, shortage. 6. revival (noun) – improvement, rallying, picking up, betterment,

comeback. 7. peninsula (noun) – an area of land almost surrounded by water (on three sides) and one side attached to the mainland. 8. instance (noun) - occasion, occurrence, representative case/example. 9. India Meteorological Department (IMD) (noun) – an agency under the Ministry of Earth Sciences of the Government of India which is responsible for meteorological observations, weather forecasting and seismology. It has the responsibility for forecasting, naming and distributing warnings for tropical cyclones in the Northern Indian Ocean region, including the Malacca Straits, the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf. 10. torrential (adjective) – (of rain) severe, heavy, rapid, copious. 11. beat (verb) - surpass, outdo, exceed. 12. characterise (verb) – identify, depict, describe. 13. variability (noun) – lack of fixed pattern; variance, variableness, changeability. 14. forecast (noun) – prediction, indication, projection, prognosis, speculation, calculation (of future events or trends). 15. accumulate (verb) – gather, collect; increase, multiply. 16. decade (noun) – a period of ten years. Note:WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H

WORD LIST-1 (JUL 26, 2021)

17. cyclone (noun) – hurricane, typhoon, tropical storm; depression. 18. Climate Dynamics (noun) - It is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Springer Science+Business Media that provides for the

publication of high-quality research on all aspects of the dynamics of the global climate system.

19. moisture (noun) - the amount of water vapour present in the air; condensation, water vapour, cloudiness. 20. Cyclone Tauktae (noun) – the first cyclonic storm that has hit India in

2021, has intensified into an extremely severe cyclonic storm and it has finally made landfall in the western state of Gujarat on May 17, 2021. (The name “Tauktae” has been suggested by Myanmar. The name comes from the Burmese language and it means a ‘gecko’ or a very hitch-pitched lizard). 21. storm (noun) – low-pressure weather system; cyclone. 22. surge (verb) – rise or increase suddenly. 23. coast (noun) - sea shore. 24. atmospheric (adjective) - relating to the atmosphere of the earth. 25. contribute to (verb) - cause, bring about, lead to. 26. spell (noun) – period, time, interval, season. 27. aerosol (noun) – In general, aerosols are liquid or solid particles suspended in the air. 28. particulate matter (PM) (noun) – a mixture of extremely small (hazardous) solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. 29. forestry (noun) – forest management, forest planting, tree growing/forestation. 30. account for (phrasal verb) – be responsible for, constitute, comprise, represent. 31. picture (noun) – situation, condition, circumstances. Note:WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H

WORD LIST-1 (JUL 26, 2021)

32. burst (noun) – sudden outbreak; storm, torrent, outpouring. 33. prolonged (adjective) – lengthy, extended, protracted, unending, unrelenting.

34. drought (noun) – dry spell, dry period, lack of rain, shortage of water. 35. heatwave (noun) – (a long period of) hot weather, hotness, humidity.

36. likely (adverb) – probably, presumably, no doubt, doubtlessly. 37. undertake (verb) – begin, start; engage in, become involved in. 38. climate-proofing (noun) - a term that refers to a process of

mainstreaming climate change into mitigation and/or adaptation strategies and programmes. 39. vulnerable (adjective) – endangered, unsafe, unprotected, unguarded ill-protected; easily affected by, prone to, at risk of. 40. evacuation (noun) – the act of moving people from a dangerous place; depopulation, clearance, emptying. 41. mark (verb) – indicate, represent, identify. 42. resilient (adjective) - strong, sturdy, tough. 43. earthquake-resilient (adjective) - relating to strong structures/buildings which can withstand earthquakes. 44. anticipate (verb) – expect, foresee, foretell, predict. 45. climate change (noun) – a long-term change in the Earth’s climate, or of a region on Earth. 46. greenhouse gas (noun) – heat-trapping gas; a gas (such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, etc) in the atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation, causing the greenhouse effect and warming of Earth’s temperature. 47. yield (verb) – produce, give, provide (results). 48. in the long term (phrase) - over a long period of time; in the future. 49. thriving (adjective) – growing, developing, flourishing, progressing. Note:WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited

WORD LIST-2 (JUL 26, 2021) H 1. digital currency (noun) - electronic/digital money; any currency that's

available exclusively in electronic form. 2. move forward (phrase) - make progress/strides; proceed, advance,

improve. 3. in contrast to (phrase) – in opposition to. 4. ambiguity (noun) – doubtfulness, obscurity, uncertainty, ambivalence,

indecision. 5. legality (noun) – lawfulness, legitimacy, validity.

6. cryptocurrency (noun) – a type of digital currency. 7. stance (noun) – position, perspective, thinking, standpoint. 8. inter- (prefix) – between.

9. fiat money (noun) - inconvertible paper money (usually issued by a country's government or central bank). Also, this type of money is not backed by a physical commodity such as gold or silver. 10. pilot (adjective) – test, trial, experimental. 11. figure out (phrasal verb) – understand, comprehend, work out, find an answer/solution to. 12. viability (noun) – ability, practicality, feasibility (to work successfully). 13. likely (adverb) – probably, in all probability, presumably, doubtlessly. 14. phased (adjective) – gradual, step-by-step, staggered, incremental. 15. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests). 16. disruption (noun) – disturbance, interruption, obstruction, spoiling, wrecking. 17. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 18. much-awaited (adjective) – eagerly anticipated, expected, long- awaited. 19. Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021 (noun) - The Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021, which will prohibit all private cryptocurrencies and lay down the regulatory framework for the launch of an “official WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMdigital currency”. 20. spook (verb) – shock, horrify, appal, shake up. 21. the central bank (noun) – The banking regulator of a county’s banking system. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the central bank of India.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 26, 2021) H 22. cite (verb) – refer to, adduce, make reference to, invoke.

23. Bank for International Settlements (BIS) (noun) - The BIS's mission is to support central banks' pursuit of monetary and financial stability

through international cooperation, and to act as a bank for central banks. 24. potential (noun) – potentiality, prospect.

25. deploy (verb) – use, utilize, employ, make use of. 26. RMB (renminbi) (noun) - the official currency of the People's

Republic of China. (While yuan is the name of the primary unit of renminbi). 27. roll-out (noun) – official launch/introduction.

28. with regard to (phrase) – regarding, concerning, with respect to, in respect of, with reference to. 29. anonymity (noun) - a condition of being unknown; quality of being indistinct; inconspicuousness, namelessness, impersonality. 30. underlying (adjective) – fundamental, basic. 31. monetary policy (noun) – monetary policy refers to the use of monetary instruments under the control of the central bank to regulate magnitudes such as interest rates, money supply, and availability of credit with a view to achieving the ultimate objective of economic policy mentioned in the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. 32. cyberattack (noun) – a malicious and deliberate attempt by an individual or organization to breach the information system (computer network) of another individual or organization. An attack on an information or computer network as an “attempt to destroy, expose, alter, disable, steal or gain unauthorized access to or make unauthorized use of anything that has value to the individual/organization. 33. exceedingly (adverb) – extremely, exceptionally, especially, tremendously. 34. compound annual growth rate (CAGR) (noun) – growth of something (economy, investment, etc) calculated over a period of years, showing the percentage increase for each year over the previous year. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM35. altogether (adverb) – completely, entirely, totally. 36. notwithstanding (conjunction) – although, in spite of the fact that, despite the fact that, even though.


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1. join the dots (phrase) - put various things together to see the whole picture.

2. coming (noun) - arrival, appearance, emergence, looming, surfacing. 3. pegasus (noun) – spyware, that can hack any iOS or Android device and steal a variety of data from the infected device, developed by the

Israeli cyber-arms firm, NSO Group. 4. shine a light on (phrase) – to make something clear or easier to

understand by giving more details. 5. civil society (noun) – civil society refers to space for collective action around shared interests, purposes, and values, generally distinct from

government and commercial for-profit actors. It refers to a wide array of organizations: community groups, non-governmental organizations [NGOs], labour unions, indigenous groups, charitable organizations,

faith-based organizations, professional associations, and foundations. Civil society - sometimes called the “third sector” (after government and commerce) - has the power to influence the actions of elected policy-makers and businesses. 6. accountable (adjective) – responsible, liable, answerable. 7. entity (noun) – organization, institution, establishment.

8. stranger to (noun) – unaccustomed to, unfamiliar with, new to. 9. shores (noun) - a country (bounded by a coast). 10. surface (verb) - emerge, appear, come to light. 11. discourse (noun) – discussion, conversation, communication, expression. 12. Citizen Lab (noun) – The Citizen Lab is an interdisciplinary laboratory based at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, focusing on research and development at the intersection of information and communication technologies, human rights, and global security. 13. call up (phrasal verb) - get someone on the phone, dial, make a call to. 14. compromise (verb) – endanger, imperil, undermine, weaken, damage. 15. stirring (noun) – the starting of a motion, activity, feeling, emotion, idea, etc. 16. die out (phrasal verb) - vanish, disappear, cease to be, cease to exist. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM17. predominantly (adverb) – mainly, mostly. 18. end-to-end encryption (noun) – a method of secure communication that prevents third parties from accessing data while it’s transferred from the sender’s system or device to the recipient’s system or device.

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19. encryption (noun) – the process of encoding a message or information to protect from unauthorized person. (Encode means converting data

into a code). 20. disproportionate (adjective) – inordinate, excessive, uncalled for, unreasonable, unfair.

21. deflect (verb) – divert, turn aside, turn away, avert. 22. saga (noun) – story, lengthy story.

23. spyware (noun) – a category of software which aims to steal personal or organizational information. 24. snoop (verb) – to look around secretly to find out (private)

information about someone/something; pry, spy on, intrude on, poke one’s nose in; investigate, ferret around in. 25. let off (phrasal verb) - excuse from, relieve from, exempt from, spare

from. 26. impression (noun) – feeling, notion, idea, thought, opinion. 27. surveillance (noun) – monitoring, observation, scrutiny, inspection. 28. contribute to (verb) – cause, bring about, lead to. 29. appeal (noun) – attraction, interest, temptation, drawing power, enticement.

30. surveillance state (noun) - it collects information on everyone, without regard to innocence or guilt, and pretends it is not surveillance. 31. prolonged (adjective) – lengthy, extended, protracted, unending, unrelenting. 32. shutdown (noun) – closure of a (complete) system; closing down, winding up. 33. sedition (noun) – incitement (to riot/rebellion), agitation, trouble making/provocation (against the established government/authority). 34. critic (noun) – censurer, attacker, fault-finder. 35. Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) (noun) – an Indian law aimed at effective prevention of unlawful activities associations in India. Its main objective was to make powers available for dealing with activities directed against the integrity and sovereignty of India. 36. legislation (noun) – body of laws, acts, rules, regulations, statutes. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM37. core sectors/industries (noun) – the eight industries comprising electricity, steel, refinery products, crude oil, coal, cement, natural gas and fertilizers are classified as core sector industries.

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38. consign (to) (verb) - to put (someone/something) in an unpleasant situation/place (or) to put someone somewhere in order to avoid

dealing with them (or) to put something somewhere in order to dispose it. 39. Bill (noun) – A Bill is a draft statute that becomes law after it is

passed by both the Houses of Parliament and assented to by the President. All legislative proposals are brought before Parliament in

the forms of Bills. 40. Parliamentary select committee (noun) – ‘parliamentary select committee’ can be formed for a specific purpose, for instance, to

deliberate on a particular bill. Once the Bill is disposed of, that select committee ceases to exist. 41. rein in (phrasal verb) - to control, restrain, restrict, limit

someone/something. 42. demonic (adjective) – wild, frenzied, feverish, hectic, frantic, furious. 43. topple (verb) - overthrow, oust, unseat, overturn. 44. picture (noun) – situation, condition, circumstances. 45. descent (noun) – degeneration, deterioration, decline, regression, degradation, comedown.

46. screaming (adjective) - long & loud. 47. reprimand (verb) – rebuke, admonish, reprove, reproach, castigate, lambast, criticize, censure. 48. raucous (adjective) – noisy, loud; wild, disorderly. 49. short-lived (adjective) – brief, short, short-term, temporary, transitory. 50. activist (noun) – a person who supports a political or societal change/cause. 51. red herring (noun) - misleading or distracting clue/information/argument; something that misleads or distracts from a main topic/subject/issue; bluff, trick, deception, smokescreen. 52. revelation (noun) – disclosure, declaration, report/news, announcement. 53. constitutional bodies (noun) - The important bodies (like Election Commission of India, UPSC, and Finance Commission of India, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMetc.) in India that derive their powers and authorities from the Indian Constitution. 54. reveal (verb) – exhibit, disclose, uncover, expose to view.

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55. central agencies (plural noun) – the central agencies are organizations in the executive branch that co-ordinate the activities of, and provide

guidance to the operating ministries and agencies; e.g. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Income Tax Department (IT) and etc.

56. distinction (noun) – difference, differentiation, variation. 57. the state (noun) – the government, the administration, the regime, the

authorities, the establishment. 58. interest (noun) – benefit, advantage. 59. prestige (noun) - status, standing, stature, image.

60. cross-border (adjective) – across a border between two countries. 61. arresting (adjective) – striking, eye-catching, conspicuous, noticeable. 62. foreground (verb) – highlight, bring/draw attention to.

63. collusion (noun) – conspiracy, understanding, complicity, intrigue. 64. intermediary (noun) – social media website, eCommerce website, blogging platform, search engine, telecom provider, Internet platform (hosting user-generated content), cloud provider, etc. 65. hitherto (adverb) – previously, earlier, so far/thus far, until now. 66. play out (phrasal verb) – happen, occur, take place.

67. dissent (noun) – disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of opinion, protest, opposition, disapproval. 68. tame (verb) – control, make less powerful, suppress. 69. realm (noun) – area, field, domain (of activity). 70. vie (verb) - compete, contend, contest, struggle, strive, fight (with others to do/achieve something). 71. coalesce (verb) - unite, join together, combine, merge. 72. surplus (noun) – the amount of an asset or resource that exceeds the portion that's actively utilized. 73. in the event (phrase) - as it turned out, as it happened. 74. stonewalling (noun) – obstruction, delaying of something. 75. playbook (noun) – strategies. 76. evade (verb) – avoid, dodge, elude, escape. 77. credibility (noun) – trustworthiness, reliability, dependability. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM78. consortium (noun) – association, syndicate, corporation, federation. 79. startling (adjective) – surprising, unexpected, astonishing/shocking. 80. ulterior (adjective) – hidden, secondary, undisclosed. 81. undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage.

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82. narrative (noun) – a representation of a particular situation; portrayal/account.

83. defame (verb) – libel, slander, vilify, tarnish, stigmatize, disparage, insult, speak ill of. 84. semantic (adjective) – lingual, linguistic.

85. quibble (noun) – minor criticism, trivial objection, minor complaint. 86. preface (noun) – introduction, foreword, preamble.

87. admittedly (adverb) – actually, truly/verily, indeed. 88. desist from (verb) - abstain, refrain, forbear, hold back. 89. sweeping (adjective) – thorough, complete, total.

90. in advance (phrase) - earlier, previously, in readiness. 91. amidst (preposition) – amid, in the middle of; during. 92. devastating (adjective) – damaging; destructive, ruinous, disastrous.

93. deliberately (adverb) – intentionally, purposely, knowingly/wittingly. 94. indulge in (verb) – become involved in (an undesirable activity). 95. wrangling (noun) – long dispute, argument, quarrel. 96. forensic (adjective) – relating to the application of scientific knowledge & methods to legal problems and legal proceedings. 97. Amnesty International (noun) – founded in 1961, it is a non-

governmental organization with its headquarters in the United Kingdom focused on human rights. 98. penetrate (verb) - infiltrate, sneak into, intrude on. 99. overwhelming (adjective) – very large, huge, formidable. 100. comprehensive (adjective) – all-inclusive, broad-based; all- embracing, complete, thorough. 101. harp on (phrasal verb) – talk or write/complain continuously and lengthy on a particular subject. 102. rest on (phrasal verb) – be based on, depend on, rely on, hinge on. 103. merit (noun) – good point, strong point. 104. obligation (noun) – duty, responsibility, commitment, necessary condition, requirement. 105. bound to (adjective) – certain, sure, very likely, guaranteed. 106. articulate (verb) – announce, express, pronounce, point out. 107.WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM remorseless (adjective) – heartless, pitiless, merciless, ruthless; relentless, unrelenting, unabating. 108. unequivocal (adjective) – unambiguous, unmistakable, indisputable, incontrovertible, indubitable, undeniable.

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109. brush (noun) - encounter, clash, confrontation, collision, conflict. 110. resolve (noun) - determination, firmness, resolution, courage.

111. wear down (phrasal verb) – diminish, reduce, lessen, decrease gradually/slowly. 112. evidently (adverb) – obviously, palpably, seemingly, apparently.

113. wait out (phrasal verb) - wait until something is over. 114. run its course (phrase) - come to an end, cease to exist, fade, draw to a

close. 115. keep/put pressure on (phrase) – to try to influence/persuade someone to do something in a certain method.

116. brazen (adjective) – blatant/flagrant; bold and shameless; unashamed, unabashed, unembarrassed. 117. brute (adjective) – absolute, out-and-out, sheer.

118. legislature (noun) – law-making or governing body; government/authority, administration, executive. 119. political capital (noun) – it refers to the goodwill, trust and influence that politicians earn or build up with the public through the pursuit of policies that people like or respect; (political) advantage, benefit. 120. firepower (noun) – capacity, ability, strength, muscle.

121. artillery (noun) – weapons. 122. judiciary (noun) – judges. 123. the judiciary (noun) – a branch of government in which judicial power is vested. 124. bulwark (noun) – support; protection, guard. 125. track record (noun) – previous performance, previous accomplishments, previous achievements. 126. make a difference (phrase) – be important, have a significant effect on, to cause a change. 127. stark (adjective) – clear, distinct, evident, obvious, striking. 128.WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM free run (noun) - a state/condition of operating independently. Note: 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H

WORD LIST-1 (JUL 27, 2021)

1. at the helm (phrase) – in charge, in command/control/authority; in the driving seat.

2. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt. 3. widen (verb) – increase, augment, develop, enlarge, make bigger. 4. base (noun) - basis, bedrock, foundation, core; (In politics, the term

base refers to a group of voters who always support a single party's candidates for elected office).

5. polarisation (noun) – separation of two contrasting groups (based on different opinions/beliefs). 6. unseat (verb) – oust, topple, overthrow, bring down, remove from office. 7. set in motion (phrase) – start, begin, activate, initiate, launch; cause, bring about. 8. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests). 9. consolidation (noun) – the process of combining a number of things into a single more effective one; unification. 10. change of guard (phrase) – It used to refer to a situation in which there is a (dramatic) change in which new people are replacing people (existing) in positions of importance. 11. in the making (phrase) – developing, burgeoning, up and coming. 12. account for (phrasal verb) – explain, give reasons for, defend, vindicate, justify; deal with, take care of, clear up. 13. ramifications (noun) - consequences, results, outcome, effect. 14. span (noun) - period, interval, time, duration. 15. point to (verb) – indicate, suggest, denote. 16. pitfall (noun) – danger, risk, problem. 17. premeditate (verb) - pre-plan, arrange/organize, intend, strategize. 18. pushover (noun) – weak-ling, unworthy/feeble opponent. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM19. agile (adjective) - alert, sharp, clever, shrewd, astute, active. Note:

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20. for now (phrase) – for the time being, for the present, for the moment. 21. cross swords (phrase) - quarrel, disagree, have a dispute, lock horns.

22. marching order (noun) – an order to leave a place, a job, etc. 23. belong to (verb) – be a member of, be affiliated to, be associated with, be connected to, be linked to.

24. displeasure (noun) – dissatisfaction, disfavour, upset, disgruntlement, discontentment.

25. seer (noun) – prophet, diviner, spiritualist. 26. come out (phrasal verb) - get out, be made public, be revealed, be divulged, leak out, be disclosed, be reported, be publicized. 27. in support of (phrase) - in favour of, giving support/backing to, displaying approval of. 28. come out in support of (phrase) - to say publicly that one supports someone. 29. displaced (adjective) - ousted, unseated, dethroned, removed (from office). 30. axis (noun) - central part. 31. mastermind (noun) – originator, pioneer, founder, initiator, prime mover, motivator. 32. undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage. 33. engineer (verb) – bring about, cause, mastermind, orchestrate, manipulate. 34. defection (noun) – desertion, absconding, decamping. 35. hand over (phrasal verb) – pass, assign, transfer. 36. pass the baton (phrase) – hand over a specific responsibility/duty. 37. defector (noun) – betrayer, turncoat, traitor (a person who changes sides). 38. in the hands of (phrase) – under the control of; in the possession of. 39. successor (noun) – inheritor, next-in-line, descendant. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM40. high command (noun) - headquarters, main office; chief of staff. Note:

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41. wary (adjective) - cautious, careful, circumspect, alert. 42. cunning (noun) - shrewdness, astuteness, sharp-wittedness, sharpness,

acuteness, acumen, intelligence. 43. a double-edged sword (phrase) – (used with a figurative meaning to explain) something which is having both good and bad outcomes.

44. on the one hand (phrase) – it is used to introduce the first of two contrasting different, points, facts, or ways of looking at something.

It is always followed later by “on the other hand” or ‘on the other’. 45. consolidate (verb) - strengthen, make stronger, secure, make stable, stabilize, reinforce, fortify. 46. part ways with (phrase) – to separate, to depart, to end a relationship. 47. brazen (verb) - barefaced, blatant, flagrant; unashamed, unabashed, unembarrassed. 48. inheritor (noun) – successor, next in line, heir. 49. mantle (noun) – role, duty, responsibility, position, task. 50. hold (verb) - contain, constrain, confine. 51. tent (noun) - camp, base, station. 52. lose one's grip (phrase) - to lose one's control over something. 53. mimic (verb) - imitate, resemble, simulate, mirror, echo. 54. arrive on the scene (phrase) - arrive, appear. 55. reconcile (verb) - accept, come to terms with, accommodate oneself to, adjust oneself to, become accustomed to. 56. compliant (adjective) - accommodating, cooperative; obedient, controllable/manageable, submissive, dutiful. 57. refrain from (verb) – stop oneself, abstain, desist from, hold back. 58. competitive (adjective) - aggressive.


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1. wounded (adjective) - damaged, distressed, tormented.

2. landslide (noun) – a landslide is defined as the movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope. Landslides are a type of “mass

wasting,” which denotes any down-slope movement of soil and rock under the direct influence of gravity; landslip, rockfall, mudslide, earthfall/slip.

3. tragedy (noun) – disaster, catastrophe, devastation. 4. point to (verb) – indicate, suggest, denote.

5. preserve (verb) - sustain, conserve, protect, maintain. 6. ecology (noun) – the distributions, abundance and relations of organisms and their interactions with the environment. 7. tragic (adjective) - disastrous, calamitous, catastrophic. 8. landslip (noun) – another name for landslide, mudslide, earthfall. 9. pointer (noun) – indication, sign/signal, evidence. 10. fragility (noun) – weakness, delicacy, unsoundness, vulnerability. 11. pummel (verb) – strike, hit, thrash, batter (repeatedly). 12. built-up (noun) – densely populated; inner-city, suburban. 13. descending (adjective) – moving downwards. 14. boulder (noun) – rock, stone. 15. destabilised (adjective) – impaired, weakened, damaged. 16. terrain (noun) – land, ground, territory. 17. crush (verb) – shatter, damage, devastate, demolish, destroy. 18. cautious (adjective) – careful, wary, watchful, heedful. 19. unwary (adjective) – incautious, careless, unwatchful, heedless. 20. fame (verb) - renown, note, esteem, admire. 21. scenic (adjective) - picturesque, pretty, pleasing, attractive, lovely, beautiful. 22. vista (noun) - view, sight. 23. relax (verb) – make something (rule/condition) less strict; moderate, ease up, lessen. 24. alarm (noun) – danger signal, distress signal, alert. 25. prospect (noun) – possibility, chance, probability, likelihood. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM26. surge (noun) – sudden increase or rise of something. 27. vigil (noun) – vigilance, surveillance, close watch, monitoring.


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28. in the wake of (phrase) – as a result of, in the aftermath of, as a

consequence of. 29. result in (phrasal verb) – cause, produce, effect, contribute to.

30. mishap (noun) - disaster, tragedy, affliction, catastrophe. 31. neighbouring (adjective) – adjacent. 32. irreversible (adjective) – unchangeable, invariable, irrevocable.

33. inevitable (adjective) – unavoidable, unpreventable, inescapable, certain, sure to happen.

34. bootstrap (verb) – get into a situation using existing resources. 35. incompatible (adjective) – inconsistent, incongruous, irreconcilable, conflicting, opposite, contradictory. 36. hydroelectric (adjective) – relating to hydel power project that uses energy stored in water to produce electricity. 37. damming (noun) - construction of a dam across a river; blocking up, obstructing. 38. invitation (noun) - encouragement, provocation, temptation, lure,attraction. 39. hydropower (noun) – power derived from the energy of falling water or fast running water. 40. tap (verb) - draw on, exploit, make use of, put to use, use, utilize. 41. green (adjective) – concerned with the protection of the environment; environmentally friendly, environmentally sound, energy-efficient. 42. green power (noun) - electricity produced from solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, eligible biomass and low-impact small hydroelectric sources. 43. fossil fuel (noun) – non renewable resources (or fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas are formed from the buried/deposited organic materials). 44. render (verb) – make, cause to be, cause to become. 45. vulnerable (adjective) – endangered, unsafe, unprotected, unguarded ill-protected; easily affected by, prone to, at risk of. 46. cloudburst (noun) – a sudden and very heavy rainfall. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM47. flash flood (noun) - inundation, swamping, deluge.


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48. Parliamentary Standing Committee/Parliamentary panel (noun) – it is

a committee (consisting of Members of Parliament) constituted usually on an annual basis to enable detailed consideration/discussion

on all bills (all proposed laws). 49. harness (verb) – utilize, use, make use of, put to use, capitalize on (natural resources to produce energy).

50. centre around (verb) - focus, concentrate, pivot, hinge on. 51. glacial (adjective) – relating to the presence of ice, particularly as

glaciers (a large body of ice which flows under its own mass). 52. valley (noun) – a low area between hills or mountains typically with a river running through it. 53. avaricious (adjective) - greedy, rapacious, mercenary, materialistic, miserly. 54. tapping (noun) - exploitation, utilization, drawing on. 55. impound (verb) – hold back (waters in dams). 56. staggering (adjective) – astonishing, shocking, surprising. 57. seismicity (noun) – a measure which encompasses earthquake occurrences, mechanisms, and magnitude at a given geographical location. 58. fatal (adjective) – deadly, lethal, killing. 59. underestimate (verb) – underrate, undervalue, play down. 60. overestimate (verb) – overstate, overemphasize, overvalue. 61. evidently (adverb) – obviously, palpably, seemingly, apparently. 62. pristine (adjective) – pure. 63. afforestation (noun) – the effort to plant trees in barren (unproductive) lands so as to create a forest. 64. catastrophic (adjective) – destructive, ruinous, disastrous. 65. inflict (verb) – cause, impose, exact, wreak. 66. ecological (adjective) – environment-friendly, eco-friendly, natural. 67. erode (verb) – (gradually) undermine, weaken, spoil, deteriorate, destroy. 68. course (noun) – plan/course of action, direction, approach. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM69. riches (noun) - resources, treasures, valuables.


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1. coincidence (noun) – co-occurrence, coexistence. 2. consensus (noun) – an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in

a group. 3. unfolding (adjective) – developing, evolving, happening, occurring, transpiring, emerging.

4. geopolitical (adjective) – relating to (the study of) the geographical factors (a country’s position on the earth, size, climate, and natural resources &, etc.) in world politics and inter-state relations.

5. strategic (adjective) – relating to achieving long-term or overall goals. 6. The Indo-Pacific (region) (noun) – the Indo-Pacific region refers to the

confluence (convergence) of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, which interconnect in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and more). 7. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests). 8. bloc (noun) – alliance, association, union. 9. high-functioning (adjective) - functioning at a high level. 10. dictatorship (noun) – totalitarianism, absolute rule, autocracy.

11. play a part/role (phrase) – contribute to, be instrumental in, be a factor in. 12. along with (phrase) – together with, accompanying. 13. make up (phrasal verb) - form, compose, constitute. 14. Quad/Quadrilateral (noun) – The ‘Quadrilateral’ is described as four democracies (the United States, Japan, Australia and India) with a shared objective to ensure and support a “free, open and prosperous” Indo-Pacific region. 15. continental (adjective) – belonging to a continent. 16. vulnerable (adjective) – ill-protected, easily affected by, prone to, at risk of. 17. Eurasian (adjective) – relating to Eurasia (the total continental land mass of Europe and Asia combined). 18. landmass (noun) – continent; a large area of land. 19. retreat (verb) – withdraw, retire, draw back, pull back, pull out. 20. take on (phrasal verb) - compete against, oppose, challenge, confront. 21. maritime (adjective) – of or related to the sea. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM22. ranks (noun) – the people belonging to a group or class. 23. aggression (noun) – hostility, belligerence, combativeness, warmongering, hawkishness.

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24. Line of Actual Control (LAC) (noun) – the de-facto (effective) border between India and China. The LAC is a 4,057-km border running

through three areas-Western (Ladakh, Ladakh (Kashmir)), middle (Uttarakhand, Himachal) and eastern (Sikkim, Arunachal). 25. irony (noun) – paradox, incongruity, peculiarity; contradiction, a

strange/funny situation where things are happening the other way around (than expected). 26. withdrawal (noun) – retreat, departure, ending, disengagement.

27. vacuum (noun) – gap, absence, lack/deficiency of something. 28. reinforce (verb) – support, strengthen, fortify, bolster up, underpin.

29. identity (noun) – individuality, distinctiveness, originality. 30. barring (preposition) – except for, with the exception of, excepting, excluding, omitting, leaving out. 31. interregnum (noun) – period, intervening time/period. 32. ties (noun) – association, relationship, bond, connection. 33. Treaty of Friendship, 1950 (noun) - In January 1950, a five-year Treaty of Friendship was signed between the Government of India and the Royal Government of Afghanistan in New Delhi. Other than affirming

"everlasting peace and friendship between the two Governments", the treaty provided for establishment of diplomatic and consular posts in each other's territories. 34. interest (noun) – benefit, advantage. 35. influence (noun) – power, authority, sway, control, leverage, weight. 36. back (verb) - support, endorse, advocate, promote, uphold. 37. oust (verb) – remove, dislodge, overthrow. 38. invasion (noun) – violation, infringement, interruption, breach. 39. run into (verb) - reach, extend to, be as high as, be as much as (amount). 40. cultivate (verb) - improve, better, refine, elevate. 41. stare at (verb) – look fixedly. 42. uncertainty (noun) – unpredictability, unreliability, riskiness/precariousness. 43. pullback (noun) – withdrawal, retreat, disengagement (troops). 44. balance of power (phrase) – stability in a system composed of a number of autonomous forces. Whenever the equilibrium is disturbed either by WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMan outside force or by a change in one or the other elements composing the system, the system shows a tendency to re-establish either the original or a new equilibrium.

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45. territorial (adjective) – local; relating to a particular territory (area/region).

46. point out (phrasal verb) – identify, mention, indicate, draw attention to. 47. nation-building (noun) – nation-building is defined as a process which leads to the formation of countries in which the citizens feel a sufficient

amount of commonality of interests, goals and preferences so that they do not wish to separate from each other. 48. neoconservative (adjective) – it is relating to a modified form of a

traditional viewpoint. 49. ideological (adjective) – relating to a system of ideas (ideology).

50. evidently (adverb) – obviously, palpably, seemingly, apparently. 51. theatre (noun) – scene, arena, field of action, sphere of action. 52. safe haven (noun) – refuge, shelter, asylum, place of safety/security. 53. deepen (verb) - increase, intensify, strengthen, reinforce. 54. commentator (noun) – critic, analyst, observer. 55. insurgent (noun) – guerrilla , rioter, subversive. 56. pledge (noun) – promise, undertaking, oath, agreement, assurance. 57. Northern Alliance (noun) – it is also known as the United Islamic Front

for Salvation of Afghanistan (UIFSA), was a coalition of militias seeking to topple the rule of the Taliban throughout Afghanistan. 58. autonomy (noun) – independence, freedom, self-determination. 59. inevitable (adjective) – unavoidable, unpreventable, inescapable, certain, sure to happen. 60. overlook (verb) – neglect, ignore, disregard, turn a blind eye. 61. Haqqani Network (noun) - a major group within the Taliban that’s driving the successful campaigns on the battlefield. 62. faction (noun) – group, section, division (within a larger group). 63. campaign (noun) – an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making progress within a specific group. 64. pay the heavy price/cost (phrase) – experience (a very) bad/unpleasant result of something that you have done. 65. quest (noun) – pursuit, search. 66. engagement (noun) – participation, taking part, involvement, contribution. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM67. broad-base (verb) - expand, make larger, enlarge. 68. legitimate (adjective) – legal, lawful, statutory, constitutional. 69. countryside (noun) – a rural district, a rural area.

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70. a foregone conclusion (phrase) – predictable result, predictable outcome, inevitability.

71. battle-hardened (adjective) – having experience of battle. 72. regime (noun) – government. 73. infighting (noun) – (internal/hidden) dissent, dispute, strife, contention,

conflict, friction, difference of opinion, disagreement. 74. incompetence (noun) – inability, lack of ability, incapability, incapacity. 75. stand up to (phrasal verb) – defy, confront, challenge, oppose openly,

resist. 76. step up (phrasal verb) – increase, intensify, strengthen, augment, boost.

77. intelligence (noun) – the collection of (military/political) information. 78. logistical (adjective) – relating to organization and planning of something. 79. crumble (verb) – collapse, fall down, cave in, break down. 80. prospects (noun) – chances, possibilities, expectations, outlook, future. 81. narrow (verb) – decrease, reduce, contract, make smaller. 82. concession (noun) – compromise, adjustment, modification. 83. convergence (noun) – junction, intersection, interchange, meeting point,

confluence. 84. tactical (adjective) – calculated, strategic, diplomatic. 85. restive (adjective) – restless, agitated; rebellious, insurgent; uncontrollable, unmanageable. 86. province (noun) – territory, region, state (of a country). 87. jihadist-oriented (adjective) - dominated by jihadist. 88. jihadist (noun) – an Islamic extremist. 89. spill over (phrasal verb) – (something like an emotion/bad condition) spread out or fan out & reach to an uncontrolled level. 90. Shia (adjective) – relating to Shia branch/sect of Islam. 91. theocratic (adjective) – relating to the rule by religious leaders in the name of guiding them. 92. Sunni (adjective) – relating to Sunni branch/sect of Islam. 93. sectarian (adjective) - doctrinaire, dogmatic, extreme, fanatical. 94. take over (phrasal verb) – assume control of, take control of, gain control of, take charge of, take command of. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM95. fractured (adjective) – broken, separated, divided, splintered. 96. ethnic (adjective) – relating to a population subgroup (cultural, national, traditional/folk) with a common national or cultural tradition.

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97. the equation (noun) – the situation, the problem, the case, the predicament.

98. legitimacy (noun) – legality, validity, lawfulness. 99. impasse (noun) – deadlock, stalemate, checkmate, stand-off. 100. personnel (noun) – staff, workforce, manpower, human resources.

101. non-conventional (adjective) - non-traditional. 102. ally (noun) – partner, supporter, confederate. 103. irreplaceable (adjective) - incomparable, unparalleled, unique.

104. stakeholder (noun) – a person with an interest in something. 105. bypass (verb) – circumvent, avoid, sidestep, evade, dodge.

106. scenario (noun) – situation, background, context. 107. in the event of something (phrase) – if something happens. 108. civil war (noun) – a war between organized groups within the same state or country. 109. carry out (phrasal verb) – conduct, perform, execute, bring about. 110. covert (adjective) – secret, furtive, stealthy. 111. slow down (phrasal verb) – reduce, lessen decrease (one's activity). 112. drop (verb) - abandon, desert.

113. go ahead (phrasal verb) – to proceed, to continue to do something, to start/begin to do something. 114. irrespective of (adjective) – notwithstanding, without regard for, regardless of. 115. bet (noun) - option, choice, alternative, course of action, plan 116. lasting (adjective) – long-lasting, long-term, permanent. 117. strike a balance (phrase) – find a fair & reasonable line of action between two contrasting things. 118. pivot (noun) – focus/focal point, foundation, cornerstone. 119. do with (phrasal verb) - have finished with, have no further dealings with, be no longer involved in, end relations with, give up. 120. consequence (noun) – outcome, ramification, repercussion. 121. stabilise (verb) – reinforce, fortify, strengthen, secure, make stronger.

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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 28, 2021) H 1. conflagration (noun) – flames, blaze, fire, firestorm, inferno. 2. clash (noun) – confrontation, brush, fight, conflict, skirmish.

3. escalation (noun) - intensification, aggravation, exacerbation. 4. dormant (adjective) – inactive, inoperative. 5. civilian (noun) – ordinary citizen.

6. counterpart (noun) – someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another; equivalent, equal, fellow.

7. skirmish (noun) – fight, conflict, clash, confrontation. 8. snowball (verb) – increase, rise, escalate rapidly. 9. point to (verb) – indicate, suggest, denote.

10. machinery (noun) – system, apparatus, structure. 11. empower (verb) – authorize, allow, permit. 12. de-escalate (verb) - diminish, lessen, decrease, dwindle. 13. paramilitary (adjective) – (of semi-militarized force) organized like a military force. 14. forces (noun) - troops. 15. curiously (adverb) – mysteriously, surprisingly, unexpectedly. 16. besides (preposition/linking adverb) – in addition to, as well, apart from. 17. ally (noun) – partner, supporter, confederate. 18. convenor (noun) - chief, head. 19. bonhomie (noun) – friendliness, warmth, geniality/affability. 20. tamp down (phrasal verb) – reduce, press down, compress. 21. status quo (noun) – a Latin phrase meaning the existing state of affairs, particularly with respect to social or political issues; the present situation, the current state. 22. fact-finding (adjective) – (of a committee) inquiry, inspection, examination, analysis. 23. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, indictment. 24. seek (verb) – ask for, request, demand, appeal. 25. intervention (noun) – mediation, arbitration, conciliation, peacemaking. 26. farcical (adjective) - ridiculous, preposterous, absurd, laughable. 27. means (noun) – way, method, mode. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM28. along with (phrase) – together with, accompanying. 29. resolution (noun) – solution, settlement. 30. inter- (prefix) – between. 31. hardened (adjective) - firm, tough, inflexible.


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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 28, 2021) H 32. stance (noun) – position, approach, standpoint. 33. deploy (verb) – (of forces/troops) employ, move into position for

(action). 34. casualty (noun) – victim, fatality, mortality; death, loss. 35. sectarian (adjective) – dogmatic, extreme, inflexible, fanatical.

36. tribalism (noun) - loyalty, allegiance, fidelity, reverence/respect. 37. bane (noun) - torment, affliction, burden.

38. underdevelopment (noun) – it is low level of development characterized by low real per capita income, widespread poverty, lower level of literacy, low life expectancy and underutilisation of

resources, etc. 39. catalyst (noun) – stimulus, motivation, fillip, encouragement. 40. knotty (adjective) – complex, complicated, intricate. 41. sure-shot (adjective) – certain to get success (as promised). 42. spirit (noun) – attitude, intention, state of mind, essense; motivating force. 43. give and take (phrase) - compromise, concession. 44. civic (adjective) – government, public. 45. engagement (noun) – participation, taking part, involvement, contribution. 46. broker (verb) – negotiate (a deal/agreement). 47. condone (verb) – approve, sanction, justify, vindicate, endorse. 48. of any kind (phrase) - of any sort, whatsoever, whatever, at all. 49. restrain (verb) – control, regulate, restrict, prevent. 50. partisan (noun) – supporter, follower, adherent, champion, backer. 51. resort to (noun) – use, utilization, recourse. 52. one-upmanship (noun) - the way of behaving in which a person attempts to get an advantage by appearing superior to/better than another person (a friend/opponent); boastfulness, showing off, self- promotion, attention-seeker. 53. prolong (verb) - lengthen, make longer, extend, protract. 54. harden (verb) - toughen, desensitize, inure, make tough. 55. subject to (adjective) – conditional on, contingent on, dependent on, depending on, controlled by. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM56. de-escalation (noun) – reduction, lessening, decrease (the intensity of a potentially violent situation). 57. prevail (verb) – exist, be in existence, be present, be prevalent.


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1. Tunis (proper noun) - The capital of Tunisia. 2. suspend (verb) - cease, dissolve, disband, terminate.

3. suspension (noun) – cessation, dissolution, disbandment, termination. 4. power grab (noun) - an attempt to get control over something

opportunistically/unethically. 5. sack (verb) - dismiss, discharge, throw out. 6. amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by; during.

7. widespread (adjective) – extensive, general/common, prevalent. 8. trigger (verb) – cause, prompt, generate, bring about. 9. Arab Spring (noun) – it refers to the democratic protests, uprisings, and demonstrations that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011. 10. transition (noun) – change. 11. dictatorship (noun) – totalitarianism, absolute rule, autocracy. 12. parliamentary democracy (noun) – a system of government in which citizens elect representatives to a legislative parliament to make the necessary laws and decisions for the country. 13. ease (verb) – lessen, reduce, decrease. 14. woes (noun) – trouble, difficulty, problem. 15. crisis-hit (adjective) - affected by the crisis. 16. batter (verb) – damage, spoil, impair/ruin; smash, hit/strike repeatedly. 17. outbreak (noun) – outburst, flaring up, breakout, sudden appearance/occurrence of something. 18. Gross domestic product (GDP) (noun) – a measure of economic activity in a country. It is the total value of a country’s annual output of goods and services. 19. contract (verb) – decline, decrease, diminish, reduce. 20. in – terms (phrase) – with regard to, regarding, concerning, as to, in respect of, with reference to. 21. trigger (noun) – cause, reason; an event that causes a particular WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMaction/process.


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22. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of

people across a wide area. 23. so far (phrase) – until now, up to the present, up to this point.

24. per capita (adverb & adjective) – per person, for each; relating to each person. 25. vaccinate (verb) – inoculate, administer, introduce (with a vaccine to

provide immunity against a disease). 26. speed up (phrasal verb) – expedite, hurry up, accelerate, step up. 27. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a particular disease; immunization. 28. stampede (noun) – people’s movement rapidly in a mass after panic. 29. subside (verb) – diminish, decline, abate, get lower. 30. break out (phrasal verb) – flare up, begin/start suddenly, erupt, burst out. 31. storm (verb) – suddenly attack and capture a building/place forcefully; attack, attempt to capture, conduct an offensive on. 32. step in (phrasal verb) – intervene, become involved, get involved. 33. the state (noun) – the government, the administration, the regime, the authorities, the establishment. 34. wound (noun) - distress, trouble, discomfort. 35. decade (noun) – a period of ten years. 36. heal (verb) - alleviate, assuage, relieve, ease, lessen, mitigate. 37. dissolve (verb) – dismiss, disestablish, disband, abolish. 38. concerns (noun) - worry, disquiet, apprehension, uneasiness, distress, agitation. 39. rather than (phrase) – instead of. 40. popularly (adverb) - democratically, by the people, by universal suffrage. (Universal suffrage/franchise is the right of citizens in a given society who are entitled to vote in an election without the discrimination of caste, class, colour, religion or sex). WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM41. backing (noun) – support, help, assistance, aid.


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42. testy (adjective) – ill-tempered, short-tempered, volatile/irritable. 43. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.

44. orchestrate (verb) – organize, coordinate, mastermind, choreograph. 45. coup (noun) – a sudden and violent regime change, seizure of power,

(illegal) takeover of power. 46. resort to (verb) – have recourse to, fall back on, turn to, make use of, use, utilize, employ.

47. pitch against (phrasal verb) - to make someone fight or compete against someone else; compete, vie, contend, battle, fight. 48. deepen (verb) – increase, intensify, exacerbate, aggravate, worsen. 49. call for (phrasal verb) – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand. 50. constitutional court (noun) – The Supreme Court. 51. oversee (verb) – supervise, be in charge of, be responsible for, look after. 52. affairs (noun) – matters, concerns, activities (of public interest). 53. day-to-day (adjective) – regular, every day, daily. 54. governance (noun) – administration. 55. constitutional crisis (noun) – it is defined as a situation when a country’s constitution is not able to clearly resolve an issue/problem/conflict in the function of a Government at it’s disposal. 56. confidence (noun) - trust, belief, faith, credence, conviction. 57. vote of confidence (phrase) – a vote of confidence, or a trust vote, is sought by the government in power on the floor of the House in order to prove the majority. 58. recall (verb) – revoke, retract, take back, withdraw, repeal, overrule, override, abrogate (a decision/action). 59. legitimate (adjective) – legal, lawful, constitutional.


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1. voice (noun) – opinion, view. 2. distant (adjective) – faraway, far off, far. 3. global power (noun) – A nation or state that has political and economic

dominance in world politics/economy. 4. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (noun) – NATO was

created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union.

5. set off (phrasal verb) – cause, bring about, begin/start, prompt, trigger. 6. churn (noun) – disorder/disorganization, confusion, disruption/chaos. 7. neighbourhood (noun) – surrounding country.

8. troika (noun) – a group of three (people, institutions, countries and etc.). 9. turn to (phrasal verb) - start doing something; get involved with something; have recourse to something. 10. Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) (noun) – The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation, the creation of which was announced on 15 June 2001 in Shanghai (China). The SCO currently comprises eight

Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) and is seen as a counterweight to NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization). It was established as a multilateral association to ensure security and maintain stability across the vast Eurasian region, join forces to counteract emerging challenges and threats, and enhance trade, as well as cultural and humanitarian cooperation. 11. the spotlight (noun) – the public attention, the focus of public/media; the public eye. 12. turn the spotlight on (phrase) – to call attention to something. 13. build on (phrasal verb) – develop, enhance, expand on. 14. factor in (phrasal verb) – take into account, take into consideration, consider. 15. keep out (phrasal verb) – exclude, deny access to, reject. 16. ties (noun) – bond, association, relationship. 17. invade (verb) – occupy, conquer, capture, seize, take over. 18. designate (verb) - classify, label, tag. 19. advocate (verb) - advise, uphold, support, back. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM20. entreat (verb) - ask earnestly, request, implore. 21. decade (noun) – a period of ten years. 22. pave the way for (phrase) – clear the way for, set the scene for, make preparations for, put things in order for.

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23. shore up (phrasal verb) – support, assist, strengthen, fortify, buttress. 24. hesitation (noun) – unwillingness, disinclination, reluctance. 25. cut out (phrasal verb) – remove, exclude, eliminate.

26. reconciliation (noun) – resolution, settlement, agreement, compromise. 27. result in (phrasal verb) – cause, give rise to, effect.

28. over-land (adverb) – by land. 29. viable (adjective) – reasonable, practical, logical, sensible, effective. 30. sanctions (noun) – action taken, or an order given to force a country to

obey international laws by limiting or stopping trade with that country, by not allowing economic aid for that country, etc. 31. in place (phrase) – established, arranged.

32. boycott (noun) – avoidance, shunning, rejection, refusal; ban, prohibition. 33. Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) (noun) – The Belt and Road Initiative, formerly known as One Belt One Road or OBOR for short, is a global infrastructure development strategy adopted by the Chinese government in 2013 to invest in nearly 71 countries and international organizations. It is also referred to as “21st century silk road”. From South-east Asia to

Eastern Europe and Africa, Belt and Road includes 71 countries that account for half the world’s population and a quarter of global GDP. 34. Line of Actual Control (LAC) (noun) – the de-facto (effective) border between India and China. The LAC is a 4,057-km border running through three areas-Western (Ladakh, Ladakh (Kashmir)), middle (Uttarakhand, Himachal) and eastern (Sikkim, Arunachal). 35. aggression (noun) – hostility, belligerence, combativeness, warmongering, hawkishness. 36. off limits (phrase) – out of bounds, out of restrictions. 37. new Quad/Quadrilateral group (noun) – The US, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Uzbekistan have agreed in principle to establish a new quadrilateral diplomatic platform focused on enhancing regional connectivity. 38. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (noun) – Established in 1961, USAID is the first U.S. foreign assistance organization whose primary emphasis was on long-range economic and social development assistance efforts. 39. run (noun) - drive, ride. 40. convoy (noun) – a group of vehicles or ships that are traveling together WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMusually for protection. 41. Tashkent (proper noun) – The capital of Uzbekistan. 42. slam (verb) - close/shut (the door) with force. 43. window (noun) – opportunity, chance, opening.

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44. Stans (noun) - the five Central Asian republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are sometimes referred to Stans as they are with a name that ends in -stan.

45. caveat (noun) – warning, caution, condition. 46. to begin with (phrase) – at first, at the outset, at the beginning.

47. light (noun) - aspect, angle, approach, viewpoint, standpoint, point of view. 48. whirlwind (noun as modifier) – rapid, fast-track, accelerated, sudden,

swift, fast, quick; (whirlwind means a busy, tumultuous (uncontrolled) activity or process). 49. mend (verb) – put right, set right, sort out, resolve, correct, amend,

improve. 50. outreach (noun) – the level of reaching out/activity/effort; involvement. 51. tilt (noun) - inclination. 52. delegation (noun) – a body of representatives on a diplomatic mission. 53. ambitious (adjective) – formidable, challenging, demanding. 54. push (noun) – effort, initiative, drive. 55. spell out (phrasal verb) – explain, make clear, elucidate/clarify.

56. plain (noun) – a large area of flat land. 57. Eurasian (adjective) – relating to Eurasia (the total continental land mass of Europe and Asia combined). 58. speak of (phrasal verb) – mention, talk about, discuss, refer to. 59. Silk Route (noun) – The Silk Road or Silk Route was an ancient network of trade routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent connecting the West and East from China to the . 60. bind together (verb) - unite, join, knit /draw together. 61. salience (noun) – prominence, importance, significance. 62. trans- (prefix) – across. 63. International North South Transport Corridor (INSTC) (noun) – a multi modal transportation established in 2000 for the purpose of promoting transportation cooperation among the Member States. It is a 7,200-km- long multi-mode network of ship, rail, and road route for moving freight between India, , Afghanistan, , Russia, and Europe. The route primarily involves moving freight from India, Iran, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMAzerbaijan and Russia via ship, rail and road. 64. architecture (noun) – structure, formation, composition, organization. 65. espouse (verb) – support, champion, endorse, advocate, approve.

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66. memorandum of understanding (MoU) (noun) – a formal (written) agreement between two (bilateral) or more (multilateral) parties outlined in a formal document.

67. Transit Trade (noun) - the business/trade that connected with the passage of goods through a country to their destination.

68. Agreement between Uzbekistan and Pakistan on Transit Trade (AUPTT) (noun) - The AUPTT would give access of Pakistani seaports to Uzbekistan and offer the access to all five Central Asian States for

Pakistani exports. 69. seaport (noun) - port city, port town. 70. calculation (noun) - assessment, judgement, expectation.

71. by extension (phrase) - so it is connected/related to the thing mentioned. 72. neighbour (noun) – a country that is next to another country; (bordering) country. 73. three-fold (adverb) – three times (as great/as much). 74. prosperity (noun) – success, welfare, comfort, security, well- being, fortune. 75. land-locked (adjective) – (a country) surrounded by land.

76. flow from (phrase) – come from, originate from, emanate from. 77. transit (noun) - movement, transportation, shipment. 78. back (verb) – support, endorse, advocate, promote, uphold. 79. mentor (noun) – instructor, trainer. 80. tie (verb) - link, connect, join. 81. modicum (noun) – little bit or small amount of something, particularly a good quality. 82. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 83. the odds (noun) - likelihood, probability, chances. 84. room for manoeuvre (phrase) – opportunity to change your plans or to do things differently in order to achieve what you want. 85. overrun (verb) – invade, overwhelm, swamp, spread over (a place in large numbers). 86. under someone’s thumb (phrase) – under someone’s influence, under someone’s control. 87. safe haven (noun) – refuge, shelter, asylum, place of safety/security. 88. jihadist (noun) – an Islamic extremist. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM89. spill-over (noun) – consequence, outcome, repercussion (an unexpected one). 90. radicalism (noun) – actions/beliefs that support thorough political or social reform.

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91. a matter of time (phrase) - used for saying that something is certain to happen at some time in the future. 92. weary (adjective) – tiring, exhausting, fatiguing, draining, sapping,

stressful. 93. tire of (verb) - lose interest in; get bored with.

94. Regional Anti-Terror Structure (RATS) (noun) – headquartered in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, RATS is a permanent organ (body) of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) which serves to promote

cooperation of member states against the three evils of terrorism, separatism and extremism. 95. step up (phrasal verb) – increase, intensify, strengthen, augment, boost.

96. make clear (phrase) – explain, clarify, elucidate. 97. boots (noun) - (military) troops. 98. Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) (noun) – it is also known as “The Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF)”. It consists of Afghan Armed Forces (Afghan National Army & Afghan Air Force), Afghan National Police, Afghan Local Police & National Directorate of Security (NDS).

99. in terms of (phrase) – with regard to, regarding/concerning, in connection with. 100. far from (phrase) – not, not at all. 101. strategic (adjective) – relating to achieving long-term or overall goals. 102. strategic partnership (noun) – it is a long-term interaction between two countries based on political, economic, social and historical factors. 103. in conjunction (phrase) – together. 104. weaponry (noun) – instruments of war, guns, weapons. 105. ammunition (noun) – bullets, shells, projectiles, missiles, bombs. 106. knit together (verb) - mend, join, fuse, draw together. 107. furtive (adjective) - secretive, secret, surreptitious. 108. envisage (verb) – expect, intend, propose, envision, contemplate. 109. fade away (phrasal verb) – diminish, disappear, decline, dwindle. 110. come about (phrasal verb) - happen, occur, take place, transpire. 111. fault line (noun) – a divisive issue; a difference of opinion. 112. rupture (noun) – rift, division, break-up, split. 113.WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM wrought (verb) – (old) past and past participle of work; cause, effect. 114. boulder (noun) – stone/rock-a big one.

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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 29, 2021)

1. virulence (noun) – a measure of the severity or dangerousness of a disease caused by the relative ability of a infectious microorganism. 2. variance (noun) – difference, variation, divergence, imbalance.

3. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of

people across a wide area. 4. strain (noun) - pressure, demands, burdens; stress, tension. 5. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a

particular disease; immunization. 6. International Monetary Fund (IMF) (noun) – an international organization of 189 countries, headquartered in Washington, D.C., working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. 7. World Economic Outlook (WEO) (noun) – A Survey by the IMF staff usually published twice a year in the months of April and October. It presents IMF staff economists’ analyses of global economic developments during the near and medium term. 8. spotlight (verb) – focus attention on, highlight, draw attention to, underline, underscore. 9. starkly (adverb) – clearly, distinctly, strikingly. 10. widen (verb) - increase, amplify, enlarge. 11. fault line (noun) – a divisive issue; a difference of opinion. 12. precipitate (verb) – bring about, bring on, cause, lead to, give rise to, trigger. 13. divergence (noun) – difference, dissimilarity, variance, departure. 14. bloc (noun) – group. 15. normalise (verb) – return to a normal situation. 16. COVID-19-induced (adjective) – produced by the COVID-19. 17. curb (noun) – control, restriction, limitation. 18. vaccine (noun) – a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. 19. forecast (noun) – prediction, indication, projection, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMprognosis, speculation, calculation (of future events or trends). 20. project (verb) – forecast, predict, estimate, calculate.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 29, 2021)

21. appreciably (adverb) – considerably, substantially, significantly. 22. percentage point (noun) – the difference between two percentages is termed as percentage point. (for example: “Interest Rates Jump From

10% to 12%”. In this case, the interest rate increased by “2 percentage points” or you can say that the interest rate is increased by 20%).

23. undergird (verb) – provide support, bolster, reinforce/strengthen. 24. anticipated (adjective) – expected, foreseen, predicted. 25. acceleration (noun) – increase, rise, surge, advancement.

26. upgrade (noun) - advancement, increase/rise. 27. on the back of (phrase) – as a result of, after, subsequent to. 28. expansive (adjective) – extensive, sweeping; thorough, broad. 29. roll-out (noun) – official launch/introduction. 30. enable (verb) – allow, permit, facilitate. 31. substantial (adjective) – considerable, significant, large. 32. normalisation (noun) – the process of bringing something (e.g. economic activity) back to a normal condition. 33. fiscal (adjective) – financial. 34. on the other hand (phrase) – as an alternative, or, as another option, as a substitute. 35. drag (noun) - handicap, burden, hindrance. 36. cut (verb) – reduce, decrease, lessen. 37. cite (verb) – refer to, adduce, make reference to, invoke. 38. downgrade (noun) – decline, downfall, degeneration. 39. lag (verb) - delay, fall back, trail, linger, dally. 40. G-20 (noun) – The G20, formed in 1999, is a group of twenty of the world’s largest economies that meets regularly to coordinate global policy on trade, health, climate, and other issues. It brings together the world’s major advanced and emerging economies. The G20 comprises Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, EU, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, , UK and USA. The G20 Countries together represent around 90% of global GDP, 80% of global trade, and two thirds of the world’s population. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM41. in the event of something (phrase) – if something happens. 42. emergence (noun) - appearance, arrival.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 29, 2021)

43. contagious (adjective) - relating to a disease/infection that can spread rapidly from person to person through direct contact, by touching a person who has the infection; communicable, transmittable,

infectious. 44. variant (noun) – different or form or version or mutant of something

(virus). 45. vaccinate (verb) – inoculate, administer, introduce (with a vaccine to provide immunity against a disease).

46. way (adverb) - much. 47. effusive (adjective) - unrestrained, unreserved, demonstrative, wordy. 48. decisive (adjective) – resolute, firm, determined. 49. fiscal (year) (noun) – financial year. 50. projection (noun) – estimate, forecast, prediction, calculation. 51. rebound (verb) – recover, rally, pick up. 52. downgrade (verb) – lower, reduce. 53. outlook (noun) – prospects, expectations, hopes, likely improvement, lookout, future. 54. substantially (adverb) – considerably, significantly, largely. 55. reflect (verb) – indicate, represent; express, communicate. 56. impair (verb) - damage, diminish, reduce, weaken, lessen, decrease. 57. inflation (noun) – simply meaning “cost of living”; increase of price level of goods & services and vice versa decrease of currency value. 58. loom (verb) – emerge, appear, become visible, take a threatening shape. 59. visceral (adjective) - emotional, instinctive, intuitive, natural, spontaneous, gut (feeling or reaction without a logical thinking). 60. traction (noun) – momentum, purchase. 61. appetite (noun) – longing, yearning, strong desire/liking. 62. hasten (verb) – speed up, quicken, accelerate, expedite. 63. war footing (noun) – a state of preparedness (for war). 64. expedite (verb) – speed up, accelerate, quicken, hasten. 65. cost someone dearly/dear (phrase) - to make someone suffer a lot (or) WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMto lose something very important (particularly, as a result of a mistake).


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 29, 2021) H 1. pegasus (noun) – spyware, that can hack any iOS or Android device and steal a variety of data from the infected device, developed by the

Israeli cyber-arms firm, NSO Group. 2. snoop (verb) – to look around secretly to find out (private) information about someone/something; pry, spy on, intrude on, poke

one’s nose in; investigate, ferret around in. 3. row (noun) - argument, quarrel, squabble, fight, dispute, clash.

4. spyware (noun) – a category of software which aims to steal personal or organizational information. 5. scandal (noun) – impropriety, misconduct, wrongdoing.

6. institution (noun) - setting up, launching; organization, establishment, initiation. 7. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, indictment. 8. surveillance (noun) – monitoring, observation, scrutiny, inspection. 9. potential (adjective) – possible, likely, prospective, probable. 10. mark (verb) – indicate, signify, represent. 11. pushback (noun) – resistance, opposition, force back, repulse drive. 12. deny (verb) – reject, abandon, discard. 13. revelation (noun) – disclosure, declaration, report/news, announcement. 14. potent (noun) – strong, powerful, effective. 15. pose (verb) – constitute, present, create, cause (a problem or danger or risk). 16. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 17. penchant (noun) - inclination, bias, proclivity, predisposition, affinity. 18. dramatic (adjective) – considerable, substantial, appreciable, significant. 19. run-in (noun) – fight, quarrel, disagreement, argument, dispute, difference of opinion. 20. dismiss (verb) – reject, deny, spurn, disregard, brush off, shrug off. 21. intelligence (noun) – the collection of (military/political) information. 22. actor (noun) – participants (in an action). 23. state actor (noun) – a state actor is a person who is acting on behalf of WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMa governmental body. 24. non-state actor (noun) – an individual or organization that has significant political influence. 25. chutzpah (noun) - audacity, guts, nerve, boldness, self-confidence.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 29, 2021) H 26. context (noun) – circumstances, conditions, situation. 27. aggressive (adjective) – assertive, forceful, vigorous, audacious.

28. cede (verb) – lose, give up, concede (power/authority). 29. cede/concede ground (phrase) – lose power, authority, position or strength.

30. growing (adjective) – increasing. 31. credible (adjective) – acceptable, trustworthy, reliable,

dependable; believable, plausible, reasonable. 32. salience (noun) – prominence, importance, significance. 33. admit (verb) – acknowledge, confess, reveal, make known, make

public. 34. invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, adduce. 35. grave (adjective) – serious; terrible, awful, dreadful; perilous, dangerous, threatening. 36. implications (noun) – consequence/outcome, ramification, repercussion. 37. public order (noun) – it is essentially the absence of disorder – the quiet and orderly behaviour of people in public space. It involves people behaving sensibly and rationally, and respecting others. 38. judiciary (noun) – judges. 39. the judiciary (noun) – a branch of government in which judicial power is vested. 40. autonomy (noun) – independence, freedom, self-determination. 41. legislator (noun) – a member of a legislature (parliament/legislative assembly); lawmaker, representative. 42. Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952 (noun) - An Act to provide for the appointment of Commissions of Inquiry and for vesting such Commissions with certain powers. 43. strategist (noun) – someone skilled in planning action/policy (especially in politics/war). 44. regardless of (phrase) – despite, notwithstanding, in spite of. 45. ground (noun) – reason, cause, basis, factor. 46. bring into play (phrase) - use, employ, exercise, make use of, utilize. 47. legitimate (adjective) – legal, lawful, constitutional. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM48. constraint (noun) – restriction, limitation, restraint. 49. for one thing (phrase) - in the first place; firstly. 50. testify (verb) – give evidence, bear witness, be a witness. 51. seek (verb) – request, ask for, appeal for.


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WORD LIST-2 (JUL 29, 2021) H 52. forensically (adverb) - legally; in a way involving scientific methods/techniques for investigating crimes.

53. infection (noun) - the presence of a virus in a mobile/computer. 54. central agencies (plural noun) – the central agencies are organizations in the executive branch that co-ordinate the activities of, and provide

guidance to the operating ministries and agencies; e.g. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Income Tax

Department (IT) and etc. 55. readily (adverb) – easily, without difficulty, effortlessly, voluntarily. 56. The Intelligence Bureau (IB) (noun) – India’s domestic intelligence,

internal security and counter-intelligence agency. 57. privilege (noun) - right (on the part of a party/witness to a case, allowing them to refuse to produce evidence in the form of documents or testimony from the person entitled to the privilege). 58. interception (noun) – the action of preventing/monitoring/receiving something (message/code/signal) from reaching its destination. 59. cite (verb) – refer to, adduce, make reference to, invoke. 60. sensitivity (noun) – delicacy, subtlety, finer feelings. 61. oversight (noun) – supervision, surveillance, inspection, administration, management. 62. parliamentary oversight (noun) – Through its core oversight function, parliament holds the government to account on behalf of the people, ensuring that government policy and action are both efficient and commensurate (appropriate) with the needs of the public. Parliamentary oversight is also crucial in checking excesses (uncontrolled/unrestricted behaviour) on the part of the government. There can be no democratic system of government without transparency and accountability. 63. how far (phrase) - to what extent/level/degree. 64. personnel (noun) – staff, workforce, manpower, human resources. 65. come to mind (phrase) - strike one, occur to one, suggest itself. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM66. wide-ranging (adjective) – comprehensive, extensive, expansive, sweeping.


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1. take in (phrasal verb) - comprehend, understand, grasp, follow, absorb. 2. spirit (noun) – attitude, intention, state of mind. 3. strike down (phrasal verb) – abolish, annul, nullify (a law or regulation).

4. The 97th Constitution Amendment (noun) – The 97th constitutional amendment, which dealt with issues related to effective management of

co-operative societies in the country, was passed by Parliament in December 2011 and had come into effect from February 15, 2012. 5. regulate (verb) – control, oversee, administer something (by using rules

and regulations). 6. cooperatives sector (noun) – The Cooperative Movement in India was formally introduced with the promulgation of Cooperative Societies Act

in 1904. The government realized that the cooperative sector plays a significant role in boosting the rural economy. It provisioned for plans for this sector in its series of development plans Five Year Action Plans. Every village was encouraged to have at least one cooperative society. Cooperative societies in India expanded from agricultural market to the credit sector, and later to large scale sectors, housing, fisheries, banking, etc. This led to the formation of different types of cooperative societies

in India. 7. come to pass (phrase) - happen, occur, transpire, take place. 8. albeit (conjunction) – though, even though, however. 9. background (noun) – circumstances. 10. come into effect (phrase) – become applicable; come into force. 11. bring about (phrasal verb) – cause, create, give rise to, produce. 12. regime (noun) – government/system. 13. Article 19(1)(c) of the Constitution of India (noun) - Article 19(1 )(c) of the Constitution of India guarantees to all its citizens the right "to form associations and unions or cooperative societies" Under clause (4) of Article 19, the state (the government) may by law impose reasonable restrictions on this right in the interest of public order or morality or the sovereignty and integrity of India. 14. Part IXB to the Constitution (noun) – Part IXB describes the outlines of what State Act on cooperative societies must have. 15. lay down (phrasal verb) – formulate, stipulate, frame, draw up. 16. granular (adjective) – detailed, precise, minute. 17. palatable (adjective) – pleasant, acceptable, satisfactory, agreeable. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM18. Article 368 of the Constitution of India (noun) - It deals with "the Power of Parliament to amend the Constitution and procedure therefore". 19. proviso (noun) – condition/term, provision/clause, stipulation. 20. ratify (verb) – approve, endorse, agree to.

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21. legislature (noun) – law-making or governing body; government/authority, administration, executive. 22. precisely (adverb) – exactly, absolutely, squarely.

23. ground (noun) – reason, cause, basis, factor. 24. violation (noun) – breach, breaking, non-observance.

25. context (noun) – circumstances, conditions, situation. 26. ought to (modal verb) – must, should. 27. all the way (phrase) - completely, totally, absolutely, entirely.

28. Government of India Act, 1919 (noun) - It was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and it was passed to expand participation of Indians in the government of India. The Act embodied the reforms

recommended in the report of the Secretary of State for India, Edwin Montagu, and the Viceroy, Chelmsford 29. provincial (adjective) – regional, territorial. 30. carry forward (phrasal verb) – have something to continue/handle at a later stage (to make progress). 31. State List (noun) – it includes subjects that give powers to the state governments. (as given in the Seventh Schedule to the

Constitution of India, the legislative section is divided into three lists: the Union List, State List and Concurrent List). 32. Concurrent List (noun) – the list which includes the power to be considered by both the union and state government (as given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India). 33. Union List (noun) – it includes subjects that give powers to the union government. (as given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India, the legislative section is divided into three lists: the Union List, State List and Concurrent List). 34. confer (verb) – present, give, grant. 35. State Legislature (noun) – the legislative (law-making) body of a state; state assembly, state government. 36. pertain to (verb) – concern, relate to, be connected with. 37. wind up (phrasal verb) – conclude, bring to a close, end/finish. 38. acquire (verb) – get, obtain, receive. 39. incrementally (adverb) – in an incremental way; gradually. 40. purview (noun) – range, scope, ambit, compass. 41. apparent (adjective) – evident/clear, visible, noticeable, recognizable. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM42. Bill (noun) – A Bill is a draft statute that becomes law after it is passed by both the Houses of Parliament and assented to by the President. All legislative proposals are brought before Parliament in the forms of Bills. 43. result in (phrasal verb) – cause, give rise to, effect.

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44. transparency (noun) – clarity, straightforwardness, openness, honesty, unambiguity. 45. provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement,

condition. 46. comply with (verb) – abide by, adhere to, conform to, follow.

47. Article 368(2) of the Constitution of India (noun) - An amendment of this Constitution may be initiated only by the introduction of a Bill for the purpose in either House of Parliament, and when the Bill is passed in

each House by a majority of the total membership of that House and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members of that House present and voting... The amendment shall also require to be ratified by

the Legislatures of not less than one-half of the States. 48. by virtue of (phrase) - because of, on account of, owing to, thanks to. 49. impinge upon (verb) – influence, have an effect on. 50. legislative (adjective) – relating to legislation (the power to make laws); law-making, policy-making. 51. mandatory (adjective) – obligatory, compulsory, binding, required, requisite, necessary, essential.

52. obligation (noun) – duty, responsibility, commitment, necessary condition, requirement. 53. legislate (verb) – make laws, pass laws, enact laws, formulate laws, establish laws. 54. clause (noun) – section, requirement, condition, provision. 55. override (verb) – cancel, reverse, rescind, rule against, revoke, withdraw, repeal. 56. The 73rd and the 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts (CAA), 1992 (noun) – These acts prescribe the states to establish a three-tier system of Panchayats at the village, intermediate and district levels and Municipalities in the urban areas respectively. States are expected to devolve adequate powers, responsibilities and finances upon these bodies so as to enable them to prepare plans and implement schemes for economic development and social justice. These Acts provide a basic framework of decentralisation of powers and authorities to the Panchayati Raj/Municipal bodies at different levels. 57. ratification (noun) – formal consent; permission, approval, confirmation, acceptance. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM58. procedural (adjective) – structured, well ordered, methodical, systematic, practical. 59. lacunae (plural of) lacuna (noun) – a gap/empty space; missing part of something.

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60. violative (adjective) - offensive, contradictory, antithetical, adverse. 61. distinction (noun) – difference, contrast, variance. 62. make a difference (phrase) – be important, have a significant effect

on, to cause a change. 63. lapse (verb) – expire, become void/invalid terminate, become obsolete.

64. insofar as (phrase) – to the extent/degree that. 65. in respect of (phrase) – with respect to; concerning, regarding. 66. get over (phrasal verb) - overcome, surmount, prevail over, get the better

of. 67. on account of (phrase) – because of, owing to, due to, by virtue of. 68. rigour (noun) – thoroughness, carefulness, attention to detail,

diligence, precision, accuracy. 69. leave alone (phrase) – stop disturbing something, stop interfering with something. 70. domain (noun) – an area of activity; a field of activity; sphere, realm. 71. province (noun) – territory, region, state (of a country). 72. mechanism (noun) – procedure, process, method, technique. 73. crop (noun) - group.

74. fulcrum (noun) – essential role, central role, main role. 75. homogeneity (noun) – uniformity, similarity, likeliness, comparability. 76. a square peg in a round hole (phrase) - something/someone that does not fit into a particular situation/position; unfit, unsuitable, unacceptable thing/person. 77. no longer (phrase) – not anymore. 78. interest (noun) – benefit, advantage. 79. take over (phrasal verb) – assume control of, take control of, gain control of, take charge of, take command of. 80. stay away from (phrasal verb) – avoid, not get involved in. 81. meddling (noun) - unwarranted or unjustified interference/involvement. 82. notwithstanding (conjunction) – although, in spite of the fact that, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMdespite the fact that, even though. Note: 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited

WORD LIST-1 (JUL 30, 2021) H 1. difference (noun) – dissimilarity, divergence, contradiction;

disagreement, difference of opinion, misunderstanding. 2. substantive (adjective) – important, significant, meaningful, considerable.

3. Quad/Quadrilateral (noun) – The ‘Quadrilateral’ is described as four democracies (the United States, Japan, Australia and India) with a

shared objective to ensure and support a “free, open and prosperous” Indo-Pacific region. 4. summit (noun) – meeting, conference, conclave. (International

meeting/conference of heads of state/government). 5. bilateral (adjective) – involving two groups or countries. 6. readout (noun) – an official statement summing up the main points of a meeting/phone call between two leaders. 7. The Indo-Pacific (region) (noun) – the Indo-Pacific region refers to the confluence (convergence) of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, which interconnect in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and more). 8. state (noun) - condition, situation, circumstances, state of affairs. 9. convergence (noun) – coming together, union, confluence. 10. divergence (noun) – difference, dissimilarity, variance, departure. 11. regime (noun) – government. 12. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 13. fallout (noun) – adverse results/consequence; after-effects, repercussions. 14. withdrawal (noun) – retreat, departure, ending, disengagement. 15. mean (verb) - indicate, signify, imply, purport, suggest. 16. enforce (verb) – impose, implement, execute, carry out. 17. ceasefire (noun) – a negotiated agreement that will be accompanied by other associated commitments to de-escalate the fighting; a temporary stoppage of war, truce, armistice. 18. civilian (noun) – non-military person, ordinary citizen. 19. take over (phrasal verb) – assume control of, take/gain control of, take charge/command of; take forcible possession of, seize, capture. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM20. militia (noun) – armed forces, military unit, soldiery (from the civil population to support main forces). 21. squeeze (verb) – impede, restrict, inhibit, obstruct, limit.


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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 30, 2021) H 22. (global) supply chain (noun) – a dynamic worldwide network when a

company purchases or uses goods or services from overseas. It involves people, information, processes, and resources involved in the production, handling, and distribution of materials and finished

products or providing a service to the customer. 23. perhaps (adverb) – maybe, possibly.

24. hold someone to account (phrase) – to require a person to explain or to accept responsibility for his or her actions; to blame or punish someone for what has occurred.

25. shelter (noun) - refuge, accommodation, place of safety/security. 26. embolden (verb) – encourage, motivate; strengthen, fortify. 27. advance (verb) - move forward, make progress, make headway. 28. tiptoe around (phrasal verb) - (cautiously) avoid dealing with a problematic or controversial person, subject, situation, issue, etc. 29. new Quad/Quadrilateral group (noun) – The US, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Uzbekistan have agreed in principle to establish a new quadrilateral diplomatic platform focused on enhancing regional connectivity. 30. cause for concern/worry (phrase) - reason to worry. 31. civil society (noun) – civil society refers to space for collective action around shared interests, purposes, and values, generally distinct from government and commercial for-profit actors. It refers to a wide array of organizations: community groups, non-governmental organizations [NGOs], labour unions, indigenous groups, charitable organizations, faith-based organizations, professional associations, and foundations. Civil society – sometimes called the “third sector” (after government and commerce) – has the power to influence the actions of elected policy-makers and businesses. 32. curb (noun) – control, restriction, limitation. 33. dissent (noun) – disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of opinion, protest, opposition, disapproval. 34. make clear (phrase) – explain, clarify, elucidate. 35. rebuttal (noun) – negation, denial, disproving. 36. backslide (noun) – degeneration, deterioration, decline, slippage, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMslide. 37. three-pronged (adjective) – having three different parts. 38. reiterate (verb) – repeat, say again, restate.


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WORD LIST-1 (JUL 30, 2021) H 39. come in for (phrasal verb) - sustain, undergo, meet with.

40. Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) (noun) – The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 seeks to grant citizenship to religious minorities of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, who had to flee

their homeland facing persecution. The six minority groups that have been specifically identified are Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists,

Christians, and Parsis. 41. Article 370 of Indian Constitution (noun) – It had “temporary provisions with respect to the State of Jammu and Kashmir” which

gave special powers to the state. The article allowed the state a certain amount of autonomy – its own constitution, a separate flag and freedom to make laws. Foreign affairs, defence and communications remained the preserve (domain) of the central government. It also allowed Jammu and Kashmir to make its own rules relating to permanent residency, ownership of property and fundamental rights. It did also bar Indians from outside the state from purchasing property or settling there. 42. Anti-conversion laws or Freedom of Religion Acts (noun) – state- level statutes that have been enacted to regulate religious conversions. 43. equate with (verb) - regard as the same as; be equivalent to. 44. lack of (noun) – absence, non-existence, deficiency, scarcity, deficit. 45. governance (noun) – administration. 46. paper over (verb) - conceal, hide, cover up, veil. 47. crack (noun) - split, fissure, rupture, breach, rift. 48. grapple with (verb) – tackle, confront, deal with, cope with. 49. build upon (phrasal verb) – develop, enhance, expand on. 50. comprehensive (adjective) – all-inclusive, broad-based; all- embracing, complete, thorough. 51. strategic partnership (noun) – it is a long-term interaction between two countries based on political, economic, social and historical factors. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM52. populous (adjective) – densely populated.


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1. vaccinate (verb) – inoculate, administer, introduce (with a vaccine to provide immunity against a disease).

2. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a particular disease; immunization.

3. drive (noun) – campaign, movement, effort, push/thrust. 4. chug (verb) - strain, struggle, move laboriously. 5. along with (phrase) – together with, accompanying.

6. sporadic (adjective) – occasional, infrequent, irregular, unpredictable. 7. burst (noun) - outbreak, outburst, eruption, flare-up.

8. frenetic (adjective) – hyperactive, fast and furious, intense. 9. inoculation (noun) – vaccination, injection, immunization; jab, shot. 10. possibility (noun) – chance, practicability, probability. 11. administer (verb) – dispense, provide, give, apply (a drug/vaccine). 12. administration (noun) – management, handling, controlling something (or) an act of dispensing, providing, giving, applying (a drug/vaccine). 13. ZycoV-D Vaccine (noun) - a three-dose "plasmid DNA" candidate vaccine being developed by Ahmedabad-based Zydus Cadila. It is a vaccine that uses a genetically engineered, non-replicating version of a type of DNA molecule known as a ‘plasmid’. If approved by the regulator, ZyCov-D will be the world's first DNA vaccine against infection with SARS-CoV-2. 14. candidate vaccine or vaccine candidate (noun) – a “potential” vaccine prepared in the research and development (R&D) centres and it can be used in human clinical trials. 15. plasmid (noun) – a small, circular piece of DNA that is different from the chromosomal DNA. Plasmids naturally exist in bacterial cells. Often, the genes carried in plasmids provide bacteria with genetic advantages, such as antibiotic resistance. 16. plasmid DNA-vaccine (noun) – It involves the direct introduction into appropriate tissues of a plasmid containing the DNA sequence encoding the antigen(s) against which an immune response is sought, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMso cells directly produce the antigen, causing a protective immunological response.


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17. efficacy (noun) – In medicine, the ability of an intervention (for example, a drug or surgery) to produce the desired beneficial effect;

effectiveness, efficiency, power. 18. phase-3 trial (noun) – In phase 3 trial, the vaccine is given to

thousands of people to confirm its safety – including rare side effects – and effectiveness. These trials involve a control group which is given a placebo.

19. phase 2 trial (noun) – In phase 2 trial, the vaccine is given to hundreds of people so scientists can learn more about its safety and correct

dosage. 20. phase 1 trial (noun) – In phase 1 trial of clinical testing, the vaccine is given to a small group of people to determine whether it is safe and to learn more about the immune response it provokes. 21. human trial/clinical trial (noun) – a type of research that studies new tests and treatments and evaluates their effects on human health outcomes. 22. regulator (noun) – The process of testing, developing and marketing of medicines has to regulated by regulator to protect the interests of the public. The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO is India's national regulatory body. Major regulatory bodies include the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in the US and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in Europe. 23. Covaxin (noun) – India’s first indigenous COVID-19 vaccine candidate (COVAXIN) developed by a Hyderabad-based company (Bharat Biotech) in collaboration with the ICMR (The Indian Council of Medical Research). 24. cohort (noun) – group of people (within a particular category/classification). 25. comirnaty (noun) – mRNA-based vaccine candidate (BNT162b2) WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMproduced by Pfizer and BioNTech. Note:

1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 30, 2021)

26. mRNA vaccine (noun) – The vaccine is a messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine, which stands for “messenger ribonucleic acid”. Messenger

RNA is essentially the blueprint that living cells use to turn gene sequences into the proteins that form their fundamental structures.

Once injected, the mRNA in the vaccine is translated into a viral protein, which our immune systems detect. The body generates an immune response in reaction to these viral proteins, which can’t by

themselves cause disease, and this provides protection against developing Covid-19.

27. Tozinameran (mRNA vaccine candidate BNT162b2) (noun) – It is a messenger RNA-based vaccine candidate produced by Pfizer and BioNTech. The mRNA instructs the cell to produce proteins of the S antigen (a piece of the spike protein unique to SARS-CoV-2) to stimulate an immune response. It is called Comirnaty in the European Union. 28. Spikevax (candidate vaccine mRNA-1273) (noun) – It is an mRNA vaccine candidate which was co-developed by Moderna and investigators from NIAID’s Vaccine Research Center. 29. reportedly (adverb) - supposedly, seemingly, apparently, professedly, ostensibly, purportedly. 30. hospitalisation (noun) – the act of taking (or) admitting someone to (or) in hospital for treatment. 31. carrier (noun) - A person or animal that harbours a specific infectious agent without discernible clinical disease and serves as a potential source of infection. (harbour means carry the germs of a disease). 32. caregiver (noun) – nurse, attendant. 33. undergird (verb) – provide support, bolster, reinforce/strengthen. 34. bring forth (phrase) - put forward, put up, proffer, present. 35. unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM36. so far (phrase) – until now, up to the present, up to this point. Note:

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37. irrespective of (adjective) – notwithstanding, without regard for, regardless of.

38. far more (phrase) – a lot more, much more. 39. pre-requisite (noun) – precondition, necessary condition, essential,

requirement. 40. bring down (phrasal verb) – decrease, reduce, lower, diminish. 41. open up (phrasal verb) – make accessible; make available.

42. boast (verb) - pride oneself on, congratulate oneself; possess, have, own.

43. constraint (noun) – restriction, limitation, restraint. 44. ramp up (phrasal verb) – increase (in amount or number). 45. stated (adjective) – agreed, declared; claimed, professed. 46. put together (phrasal verb) - assemble, compile, collect, gather together (all the information/details together). 47. imply (verb) – suggest, hint, intimate. 48. universal (adjective) – relating to all people, applicable to all; comprehensive, all-inclusive, all-round, across the board. 49. universal vaccination (noun) – vaccination for all. 50. staggered (adjective) – phased; relating to something carried out/performed/pursued in stages; timed at intervals (of something as they don’t happen at the same time). 51. fashion (noun) – manner, way, method. 52. underline (verb) – emphasize, underscore, highlight. 53. contingent on (adjective) – dependent on. 54. mean (verb) – indicate, signify, imply, purport, suggest. 55. rather than (phrase) – instead of. 56. blindly (adverb) – unthinkingly, mindlessly, recklessly, rashly. 57. emulate (verb) – copy, imitate, follow, mirror; take as a model, take as an example. 58. The West (noun) - It refers to the majority of European & North WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMAmerican countries. Note:

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1. pegasus (noun) – spyware, that can hack any iOS or Android device and steal a variety of data from the infected device, developed by the Israeli cyber-arms firm, NSO Group.

2. epoch (noun) – era, period, time. 3. cyberweapon (noun) - a cyber weapon is defined as a computer program

designed to compromise the integrity or availability of data in an enemy’s IT system for military purposes, and a cyber attack is defined as the use of a cyber weapon for offensive purposes.

4. tipping point (noun) – the point in a condition at which a small development/change causes major & unstoppable changes. 5. raging (adjective) – angry, furious, incensed, fuming; severe, extreme;

stormy, violent, strong. 6. spyware (noun) – a category of software which aims to steal personal or organizational information. 7. a great deal (phrase) - a lot, a large amount, a fair amount, much. 8. mire in (verb) – entangle, catch up, involve, mix up (a difficult situation). 9. supposition (noun) - belief, surmise, idea, notion, suspicion.

10. false trail (noun) - series, sequence, chain, string (of false information). 11. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, indictment. 12. nevertheless (adverb) – in spite of everything, notwithstanding, regardless, anyway, anyhow, however. 13. kernel (noun) – essential part, fundamental part, basic part of something, crux, nucleus. 14. kernel of truth (phrase) – a small part that is true; A core accuracy at the heart of a claim/narrative which also contains dubious elements. 15. reignite (verb) – evoke, call up, revive, awaken. 16. sporadic (adjective) – occasional, infrequent, irregular, unpredictable. 17. instance (noun) – occasion, occurrence, representative case/example. 18. cyberattack (noun) – a malicious and deliberate attempt by an individual or organization to breach the information system (computer network) of another individual or organization. An attack on an information or computer network as an “attempt to destroy, expose, alter, disable, steal or gain unauthorized access to or make unauthorized use of anything that has value to the individual/organization. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM19. infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure for something (to function properly). 20. proliferate (verb) - increase rapidly, escalate, multiply. 21. alarming (adjective) – worrying, disturbing, shocking/distressing.

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22. by no means (phrase) – not at all, in no way, certainly not, absolutely not, definitely not. 23. slumber (noun) - sleep; light sleep, nap, doze, drowse, rest; a state of

being inactive/dormant. 24. pose (verb) – constitute, present, create, cause (a problem or danger or

risk). 25. decade (noun) – a period of ten years. 26. advent (noun) – arrival, appearance, emergence, occurrence.

27. albeit (conjunction) – though, even though, however. 28. primitive (adjective) - simple, unsophisticated, undeveloped, pre- industrial, ancient.

29. in vogue (phrase) – in the current fashion or style. 30. evolution (noun) – progress, advancement, progression, development. 31. Hamas (noun) – Hamas is an Islamist militant group based in Gaza (Gaza is a self-governing Palestinian territory on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea). 32. assassinate (verb) – murder, kill. 33. intelligence agency (noun) – a government agency responsible for the

collection, analysis, and exploitation of information in support of law enforcement, national security, military, and foreign policy objectives. 34. doctored (adjective) – falsified, tampered, tinkered, manipulated, rigged, altered. 35. explosive (noun) – bomb. 36. exploit (noun) – feat, deed, act, adventure, stunt, manoeuvre. 37. utilisation (noun) – effective use of something. 38. Allied powers (noun) – a group of countries (also known as the Allies) that consisted of those nations opposed to the Axis Powers during the World War II. The major Allied Powers were Britain, France, Russia, the United States and China. 39. Axis powers (noun) – a group of countries participated in World War II opposed to the Allies. The three major Axis powers were Germany, Italy, and Japan. 40. for instance (phrase) – as an example. 41. fraction (noun) – a small part/percentage of something. 42. accomplish (verb) – achieve, complete, fulfil. 43. anonymously (adverb) – in a way without mentioning a name of the WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMperson publicly. 44. telling (adjective) – striking, strong, significant, important. 45. noteworthy (adjective) – worthy of mention, worth taking a look at, interesting, important.

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46. dramatic (adjective) – considerable, substantial, appreciable, significant. 47. bring about (phrasal verb) – cause, create, give rise to, produce. 48. merit (verb) – deserve, justify, be worthy of.

49. contemplation (noun) - thought, consideration, pondering, reflection, thinking.

50. Moore's law, 1975 (noun) - a doubling of a transistors on a chip every two years. 51. democratise (verb) – make something available to everyone.

52. avenue (noun) – direction, route, path (to make progress toward something). 53. come at a cost/price (phrase) - if something comes at a cost/price, it

happens with the sacrifice/loss/expense of something else. 54. erode (verb) – (gradually) undermine, weaken, spoil, deteriorate, destroy. 55. cold war (noun) – a state of political and military tension between two countries, especially superpowers (i.e. the U.S. and China). 56. the Cold War (noun) – The Cold War was a state of political and military tension after World War II between powers in the Western Bloc

(the United States and a group of countries) and powers in the Eastern Bloc (the Soviet Union and a group of countries). 57. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests). 58. in the hands of (phrase) – under the control of; in the possession of. 59. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt. 60. exploit (verb) – take advantage of, make use of, utilize. 61. facet (noun) – aspect, feature, characteristic/nuance. 62. tout (verb) – endorse, recommend, support, speak of. 63. dimension (noun) – aspect, feature, side, element. 64. warfare (noun) – war, fighting, combat, armed conflict. 65. domain (noun) – an area of activity; a field of activity; sphere, realm. 66. no longer (phrase) – not anymore. 67. pioneer (noun) – innovator, groundbreaker, pathfinder, experimenter. 68. cyberspace (noun) – It refers to the virtual computer world, and more specifically, an electronic medium that is used to facilitate online communication. 69. civilian (noun) – non-military person, ordinary citizen. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM70. inception (noun) – setting up, origination, establishment, institution, foundation/formation. 71. unleash (verb) – let loose, release, untie, let something go uncontrollably.

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72. Stuxnet (noun) – Stuxnet (2010) is a computer worm that was originally aimed at Iran’s nuclear facilities and has since mutated and spread to other industrial and energy-producing facilities. it exploits multiple

vulnerabilities in Windows-based computers that provide an interface to industrial control systems (ICS) that run industrial processes.

73. centrifuge (noun) – a high-precision computer-controlled machining equipment used to enrich uranium (separate uranium-235 isotopes). 74. apparent (adjective) – evident/clear, visible, noticeable, recognizable.

75. in a sense (phrase) - in a way, from a point of view. 76. rubicon (noun) – critical point, decisive point, turning point. 77. linkage (noun) – connection, relationship, association.

78. sabotage (noun) – deliberate damage, vandalism, destruction, obstruction, disruption, crippling, impairment. 79. intrusive (adjective) – intruding, interfering, unwanted, unwelcome; annoying, irritating, interrupting, disturbing. 80. surveillance (noun) – observation, scrutiny, inspection/examination. 81. sue (verb) - take legal action against, take to court, bring an action against, bring a suit against.

82. harvest (verb) – acquire, obtain, get, gather. 83. potentially (adverb) – likely, possibly, probably. 84. pinpoint (noun) - point, spot, speck, dot. 85. extract (verb) – obtain, get, take. 86. as far back as (phrase) - it means that an event goes as far back in time as some other event, which is used as a reference point. 87. spearphishing (noun) – a tricky email attack that targets a specific organization or individual, seeking unauthorized access to sensitive information. 88. vastly (adverb) – extremely, immensely, exceedingly, hugely/largely. 89. ‘zero click’ attack (noun) - it helps spyware like Pegasus gain control over a device without human interaction or human error. It does not require any interaction on the part of the device/phone owner. 90. zero-day vulnerability (noun) – a software vulnerability discovered by attackers before the software developer has become aware of it and finds a fix. This has the capability to cripple a system and could lie undetected for a long time. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM91. trans-receiver (noun) - In radio communication, a transceiver is an electronic device which is a combination of a radio transmitter and a receiver. It can both transmit and receive radio waves using an antenna, for communication purposes.

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92. root privileges (noun) - the powers that the root account has on the system. The root account is the most privileged on the system and has absolute power over it (i.e., complete access to all files and commands).

93. anonymised (adjective) – relating to the process of removing personally identifiable information from data sets, especially in the medical test

results. 94. revealing (adjective) – indicative, suggestive, telling. 95. devastating (adjective) – damaging; destructive, ruinous, disastrous.

96. Shamoon (noun) – The Shamoon virus first surfaced (in 2012) at Saudi Aramco, wiping out tens of thousands of computers and replacing the data with a partial image of a burning American flag.

97. ransomware (noun) – a type of malicious software cyber criminals use to block you from accessing your own data. 98. SolarWinds Cyberattack (noun) – The attack involved hackers, believed to be affiliated with the Russian government, who gained access to the US government and other systems through a compromised update to SolarWinds’ Orion software. 99. grave (adjective) – serious; terrible, awful, dreadful; perilous, dangerous,

threatening. 100. untold (adjective) – unreported, unrevealed, undisclosed, unpublished, secret, suppressed. 101. interfere (verb) – intervene in, get involved in, encroach on, impinge on, meddle in. 102. aggravate (verb) – increase, intensify, worsen, exacerbate, compound. 103. above all (phrase) – most importantly, primarily, essentially. 104. cloak (verb) – hide, cover, conceal. 105. anonymity (noun) - a condition of being unknown; a situation where the acting person’s name is unknown or not given. 106. unwillingness (noun) – disinclination, reluctance, hesitation. 107. acknowledge (verb) – accept, recognize, realize. 108. reprieve (noun) – cancellation, suspension, postponement (of something undesirable event). 109. undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage. 110. anonymous (adjective) – nameless, incognito, unknown/unspecified. 111. guard against (verb) – beware of, keep watch for, be alert to. 112. state-of-the-art (adjective) – modern, advanced/highly WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMdeveloped, sophisticated. 113. across the board (phrase) - applying to all. 114. bound to (adjective) – certain, sure, very likely, guaranteed. 115. infiltrate (verb) - invade, intrude on, impinge on, trespass on.

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116. immense (adjective) - tremendous, massive, enormous, huge. 117. envisage (verb) – expect, intend, propose, envision, contemplate. 118. espionage (noun) – the act of spying; obtaining secret or confidential

(political or military) information of a country and/or disclosing it without the permission of that country; undercover work, infiltration, counter-

intelligence. 119. sinister (adjective) – disturbing, menacing, threatening, alarming. 120. plunge (verb) - jump, dive.

121. headlong (adverb ) – without thinking/forethought, recklessly, carelessly, heedlessly, hastily. 122. rationale (noun) – reason, reasoning/thinking, logic, grounds, basis.

123. hardly (adverb) – almost not. 124. sophisticated (adjective) – highly developed. 125. introspection (noun) – self-observation, self-analysis; contemplation. 126. firewall (noun) – a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and permits or blocks data packets based on a set of security rules. 127. at the helm (phrase) - in charge, in command, in control, responsible.

128. remedy (noun) – solution, answer, antidote/panacea. 129. perceive (verb) – view, regard, consider. 130. despair (noun) - hopelessness, desperation, distress, discouragement. 131. evolve (verb) – alter, change, transform gradually; develop, progress, advance gradually. 132. erect (verb) – create, establish, form/set up. 133. artificial intelligence (AI) (noun) – an area of computer science that deals with giving machines the ability to seem like they have human intelligence. 134. panacea (noun) – perfect solution. 135. ills (noun) – problems, troubles, difficulties. 136. a double-edged sword (phrase) – (used with a figurative meaning to explain) something which is having both good and bad outcomes. 137. chaos (noun) – disorder, disarray, turmoil, disorganization, disruption. 138. ever-receding (adjective) - ever-diminishing, ever-fading, ever-waning. 139.WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM horizon (noun) - sphere.

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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 31, 2021)

1. patchwork (noun) - something that is made of different parts/elements; assortment, alphabetic soup.

2. insured (adjective) - covered by insurance. 3. hasten (verb) – speed up, quicken, accelerate, expedite. 4. ring in (phrasal verb) - announce, introduce, launch.

5. Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation law, 1961 (DICGC Act) (noun) - it is an Act to provide for the establishment of

a Corporation for the purpose of insurance of deposits and guaranteeing of credit facilities and for other matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

6. nod (noun) - a sign of approval. 7. perspective (noun) – viewpoint, point of view, stand. 8. be on the anvil (phrase) - in a state/condition of discussion (not implemented); being discussed or prepared but it is not yet completed to be put into action. 9. remit (verb) - send, forward, transmit (money). 10. troubled (adjective) – (of a bank) distressed, stressed, suffering, gone under (with non-performing assets/bad loans/troubled accounts). 11. impose (verb) – force, thrust, inflict (an unwelcome decision/ruling). 12. curb (noun) – restriction, limitation. 13. the clock is ticking (phrase) – the time is passing quickly and there is not much time. 14. thereabouts (adverb) – approximately. 15. outstanding (noun) – pending. 16. cap (noun) – limit, upper limit, ceiling. 17. retrospectively (adverb) – with effect from a date in the past. 18. lender (noun) – financial institution (bank) which lends money. 19. moratorium (noun) – a temporary suspension/postponement of activity (for example; payment of a debt). 20. bar (noun) – restriction, limitation. 21. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt. 22. park (verb) - deposit, put down, put, place. 23. go under (phrasal verb) - (of a business) go bankrupt, cease trading, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMgo into liquidation, become insolvent, be closed down, be shut down. 24. elude (verb) – escape from, run away from, evade, avoid, get away from, dodge.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 31, 2021)

25. fork out (phrasal verb) - pay money (reluctantly). 26. hit (verb) – reach (a particular point/level).

27. hurdle (noun) – obstacle, difficulty, problem, impediment, obstruction, hindrance. 28. myriad (adjective) – various, many and various, manifold, multiple.

29. lay down (phrasal verb) – formulate, frame, draw up. 30. incremental (adjective) – gradual, step-by-step, staggered, phased.

31. in quick succession (phrase) – following quickly one after another. 32. piecemeal (adjective) – disorganized, unplanned, unsystematic, unmethodical, step by step.

33. rather than (phrase) – instead of. 34. system-wide (adjective) – relating to the whole of a system. 35. stress (verb) – emphasize, draw attention to, focus attention on, underline, underscore, highlight. 36. nevertheless (adverb) – in spite of everything, notwithstanding, regardless, anyway, anyhow, however. 37. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind. 38. distress (noun) – (financial) hardship, trouble, difficulty, misfortune. 39. household (noun) – family, house. 40. downward (adjective) – moving toward a lower level; descending, falling, sinking, sliding. 41. momentum (noun) – pace, rate; driving power, strength. 42. due to (phrase) – because of, owing to, on account of, as a result of. 43. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 44. make through (phrasal verb) - to successfully complete (something) without significant stress/pressure. 45. din (noun) - uproar, noise, commotion. 46. renewed (adjective) – re-established, revived. 47. grapple with (verb) – tackle, confront, deal with, cope with. 48. sour/bad loans (noun) – non-performing assets (NPAs), stressed WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMassets/loans; an account where the principal and/or interest remains overdue for a period of time. 49. dwindling (adjective) – diminishing, reducing, decreasing.


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H WORD LIST-1 (JUL 31, 2021)

50. fledgling (adjective) – emerging, beginning, developing. 51. insolvency (noun) – a condition in which the financial difficulties of

an individual or organisation are such it is unable to pay its debts. 52. bankruptcy (noun) – legal state of insolvency. An individual or organisation is declared bankrupt if a court judges that the party

involved can no longer meet debt payments to creditors. It is defined as the outcome of a legal procedure.

53. framework (noun) – structure, system. 54. financial stability (noun) – financial stability is a condition where the financial system is able to withstand internal or external economic

shocks and also able to smoothly conduct its core tasks. 55. stash (verb) – store/hide something secretly & safely in large amounts. 56. mattress (money) (noun) – the uninvested savings of private individuals; money being held by the borrower in cash some place other than a bank account, and cannot be documented where it came from. 57. literacy (noun) – knowledge. 58. instrument (noun) – financial asset. 59. neighbourhood (noun as modifier) – surrounding area, local area, locale, locality. 60. up (verb) - increase, make greater, augment, enlarge, expand. 61. oversight (noun) – supervision, surveillance, superintendence, inspection. 62. moreover (adverb) – besides, furthermore, in addition. 63. provision (noun) – clause, requirement, condition. 64. in line with (phrase) – in alignment with, in accordance with, conforming to. 65. inflation (noun) – simply meaning “cost of living”; increase of price level of goods & services and vice versa decrease of currency value. 66. per capita (adverb & adjective) – per person, for each; relating to each WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMperson.


1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 31, 2021)

1. Criminal Law (noun) – a complex system of laws concerned with punishment of individuals who commit crimes. 2. legislative (adjective) – relating to a legislature (law-

making/governing body). 3. privilege (noun) – advantage, right, benefit, prerogative, entitlement.

4. Legislative Privileges (noun) – the rights belonging to the Legislature for effective discharge of their legislative functions. 5. cover (noun) - shelter, protection, hiding (place).

6. ruling (noun) – judgement, adjudication, verdict. 7. immunity (noun) - indemnity, privilege, prerogative, special treatment; exemption, exception, impunity. 8. ought to (modal verb) – must, should. 9. lay down (phrasal verb) – formulate, stipulate, frame, draw up & insist on (a principle/rule). 10. legislator (noun) – a member of a legislature (parliament/legislative assembly); lawmaker, representative. 11. charge (verb) - accuse of, indict for, arraign for. 12. unruly (adjective) – unrestrained/uncontrollable, undisciplined, troublemaking, disobedient. 13. result in (phrasal verb) – cause, bring on, bring about, call forth, give rise to. 14. offence (noun) – crime, illegal/unlawful act, misdeed, wrongdoing. 15. penal (adjective) – disciplinary, punitive, corrective, correctional, retributive. 16. free speech (noun) – the right to express one’s opinions publicly (without any restraint). 17. revivify (verb) – re-energize, fortify, strengthen. 18. prosecutor (noun) – a lawyer who presents the government’s case against someone accused of a crime; State counsel. 19. ongoing (adjective) – current, existing, continuing. 20. suffer (verb) – undergo, experience, be subjected to. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM21. setback (noun) – problem, difficulty, issue.


1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 31, 2021)

22. favour (verb) – support, back, approve of, recommend, advocate/champion. 23. seek (verb) – petition for, appeal for.

24. prosecute (verb) – take to court, bring an action against, accuse, charge.

25. ruckus (noun) - disturbance, racket, uproar. 26. boisterously (adverb) – actively, over- excitedly, unrestrainedly/uncontrollably.

27. erstwhile (adjective) – old, previous, former, then. 28. regime (noun) – government. 29. amount to (verb) - add up to, come to, total, equal to. 30. charge sheet (noun) – an official document on which a police officer enters details of the charge against a person. 31. mischief (noun) – damage, trouble, harm; misconduct. 32. trespass (noun) - wrongdoing, transgression, crime, offence, misdeed. 33. Indian Penal Code (IPC) (noun) – The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the official criminal code of India. It is a comprehensive code intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law. The draft was passed into law on 6 October 1860. The Code came into operation on 1 January 1862. The Indian Penal Code of 1860, subdivided into 23 chapters, comprises 511 sections. IPC deals with crimes and punishments. 34. Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act, 1984 (noun) - An Act to provide for prevention of damage to public property and for matters connected therewith. 35. magistrate (noun) – the judicial officers or civil officers of a state who handle (minor) legal cases in a specific area like town, district etc. 36. prosecution (noun) – legal action, legal proceeding, litigation. 37. affirm (verb) – uphold, ratify, validate, approve, endorse, consent to, assent to. 38. it is no surprise that (phrase) - as expected, as predicted, as WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COManticipated.


1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/. 2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited H WORD LIST-2 (JUL 31, 2021)

39. concur (verb) - agree to, allow, assent to, give one's consent to, accept (a decision). 40. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably.

41. alleged (adjective) – supposed, claimed, professed, purported, reported, ostensible.

42. vandalism (noun) – an intentional destruction of public or private property; a premeditated or deliberate damage to public or private property.

43. call (for) (noun) – demand, appeal; requirement, need, necessity. 44. trial (noun) – legal action, court case, lawsuit. 45. domain (noun) – an area of activity; a field of activity; sphere, realm. 46. re-appraise (verb) - rethink, review, revise. 47. apply one’s mind (phrase) – to give full attention to; to think hard about something. 48. proposition (noun) – premise, concept/idea, statement. 49. good faith (noun) – honesty, genuineness, truthfulness, integrity. 50. interest (noun) – benefit, advantage. 51. public policy (noun) – it can be generally defined as a system of laws, regulatory measures, courses of action, and funding priorities concerning a given topic promulgated by a governmental entity or its representatives. 52. thwart (verb) – obstruct, hamper, hinder, impede. 53. convict (verb) – declare guilty, find guilty, sentence. 54. take one’s cue from (phrase) – follow the example of; follow the advice of. 55. precedent (noun) – model, exemplar, example, pattern; previous example/instance, prior instance. 56. step down (phrasal verb) – resign, withdraw, quit, stand down, give up one’s job. 57. due process (noun) – fair treatment (per established principles & WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMprocedures). Note:

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1. prism (noun) – a viewpoint that clarifies/distorts something. 2. geopolitics (noun) – the study of the geographical factors (a country’s

position on the earth, size, climate, and natural resources & etc,.) in world politics and inter-state relations. 3. audit (noun) – inspection, examination, assessment, investigation.

4. overdue (adjective) – long-delayed, belated, tardy. 5. gainsay (verb) – deny, dispute, disagree with.

6. relegate (verb - downgrade, lower, put down. 7. intellectual (adjective) – mental, cerebral, cognitive; rational, logical. 8. suspicion (noun) – misgiving, doubt/qualm, distrust, scepticism.

9. rivalry (noun) – competitiveness, competition, contention. 10. invasion (noun) – violation, infringement, interruption, breach. 11. encroachment (noun) – intrusion into, trespass on, invasion of. 12. pugnacity (noun) - combativeness, aggressiveness, belligerence, hostility. 13. russophobia (noun) - a fear or dislike of Russia, its people, or .

14. sinophobia (noun) - a fear or dislike of China, its people, or , whereas Sinophilia is a strong interest and love for Chinese culture or its people. 15. phobia (noun) - dislike, hatred, obsessive fear. 16. domain (noun) – an area of activity; a field of activity; sphere, realm. 17. conceive (verb) – think up, devise, formulate; imagine, envisage, visualize. 18. scholar (noun) – academic, intellectual, expert. (decolonial scholars contend that colonialism did not disappear with decolonization. 19. extroversion (noun) - sociability, sociableness, outwardness. 20. ironically (adverb) – paradoxically, unexpectedly, strangely. 21. triad (noun) – a group of three connected/related things. 22. per se (adverb) – in itself, of itself, by itself, as such, intrinsically. 23. pursuit (noun) – striving towards, aspiration for, quest for, search for. 24. result in (phrasal verb) – cause, produce, effect, contribute to. 25. give birth to (phrase) - deliver. 26. territorialise (verb) - localize. 27. on a par with (phrase) – comparable with, equivalent to, as equal to, on a WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMlevel with. 28. imperative (noun) – necessary condition, precondition, essential requirement.

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29. nationalism (noun) – it refers to a system (with a narrow set of ideas) created by a group of people who believe their nation is superior to all

others. It is also a perception of national superiority and an orientation toward national dominance- called chauvinism (excessive nationalism). 30. transnational (adjective) – involving/relating to two/more countries.

31. landmass (noun) – continent; a large area of land. 32. case in point (phrase) – example, instance, typical case, sample.

33. avowedly (adverb) – openly, stated/admitted publicly. 34. come up with (phrasal verb) - propose, put forward, present. 35. ecosystem (noun) – complex situation/environment.

36. ecological (adjective) – environment-friendly, eco-friendly, natural. 37. parable (noun) - moral story, moral tale, lesson. 38. fathom (verb) - understand, comprehend, work out, make sense of. 39. cartographic (adjective) – relating to the science or art of making or drawing maps. 40. fixation (noun) – obsession, preoccupation, mania. 41. overburden (verb) – overstrain, overexert, overtax.

42. ecology (noun) – the distributions, abundance and relations of organisms and their interactions with the environment. 43. realism (noun) – pragmatism, practicality, matter-of-factness. 44. in terms of (phrase) – with regard to, regarding/concerning, in connection with. 45. sovereign (adjective) – absolute, unlimited, unrestricted, unrestrained, unbounded, boundless, infinite. 46. territoriality (noun) – something important (status/rank/ownership/occupancy) related to a territory. 47. in contrast to (phrase) – in opposition to. 48. conceptualisation (noun) – formulation. 49. work out (phrasal verb) – devise, formulate, draw up, prepare. 50. territorialization (noun) - the act of organizing as a territory. 51. securitisation (noun) – preservation, protection. 52. dominant (adjective) – main, most important. 53. by extension (phrase) – used for mentioning something in connection to something else. 54. discourse (noun) – discussion, conversation, communication, WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COMexpression. 55. logjam (noun) - accumulation, pile-up, excess. 56. legacy (noun) – something received from a predecessor or from the past.

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57. destiny (noun) – fate, karma, future. 58. play out (phrasal verb) – happen, occur, take place.

59. dynamics (noun) – basic/fundamental cause or force that triggers change within a system. 60. nation state (noun) – a state (country) in which a great majority shares

the same culture and is conscious of it. The nation-state is an ideal in which cultural boundaries match up with political boundaries. An

independent state consists of people from one particular national group. 61. arbitration (noun) – conciliation, mediation, intervention/negotiation. 62. transcend (verb) - surpass, excel, outdo.

63. sovereignty (noun) – authority, supreme power, control, , domination. 64. peoplehood (noun) – the condition/state of being a (unified) people. 65. bound to (adjective) – certain, sure, very likely, guaranteed. 66. predicate on/upon (phrasal verb) – base, be dependent, found, establish, premise. 67. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.

68. escalation (noun) – intensification, aggravation, exacerbation. 69. territorial (adjective) – relating to a particular territory (area/region). 70. fallout (noun) – adverse results/consequence; after-effects, repercussions. 71. infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure for something (to function properly). 72. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests). 73. statist (adjective) – relating to stastism. 74. statism (noun) – a political system in which the centralization of power (in a state) is the ideal or best way to control social and economic affairs. 75. telling (adjective) – striking, strong, significant, important. 76. defy (verb) – go against, ignore, disregard, disobey; resist, take a stand against, confront. 77. at best (phrase) – only, merely. 78. permeable (adjective) – porous, penetrable, absorbent, absorptive. 79. penetrable (adjective) - permeable, approachable. WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM80. heterogeneous (adjective) – diverse, diversified, wide-ranging. 81. account for (phrasal verb) – constitute, comprise, form, represent. 82. flow (noun) - movement.

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83. livelihood (noun) – means of making a living with the basic necessities (food, water, shelter and clothing); means of support, subsistence, source

of income. 84. singular (adjective) – unique. 85. polysemic (adjective) - having a number of meanings, interpretations or

understandings. 86. rhizomatic (adjective) - interconnected.

87. paradigm (noun) – model, pattern, case in point. 88. grapple with (verb) – tackle, confront, deal with, cope with. 89. devastation (noun) – destruction, damage, havoc/wreckage.

90. climate change (noun) – a long-term change in the Earth’s climate, or of a region on Earth. 91. trafficking (noun) – the activity of buying and selling goods/animal/people illegally; (illegal/illicit) trading, dealing. 92. migration (noun) – the movement of people within the borders of the same country or across international borders in order to find work or better living conditions.

93. exodus (noun) – mass departure, evacuation, leaving/exit. 94. scarcity (noun) – shortage, paucity, insufficiency. 95. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area. 96. set the tone (phrase) – to establish the mood/feeling of something. 97. besides (preposition/linking adverb) – in addition to, as well, apart from. 98. diplomatic (adjective) – (delicate & sensitive) consular, foreign-policy. 99. integrity (noun) – unity, cohesion, undividedness, togetherness, solidarity. 100. privilege (verb) – give a privilege/advantage. 101. anthropological (adjective) – relating to the study of the human race. 102. reflect (verb) – indicate, represent; express, communicate. 103. spatial (adjective) – relating to space; occupying space. 104. antithetical (adjective) - directly opposed to, contrary to, conflicting with. 105. go on to (phrasal verb) – proceed (to do something). 106. biodiversity (noun) – the existence of a number and variety of species WWW.EDITORIALWORDS.COM(plants & animals) in a particular geographic region/environment. 107. hotspot (noun) – a place of significant activity. 108. linguistically (adverb) – in a method correlating with language.

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109. civilisation (noun) – culture, enlightenment, way of life. 110. susceptible (adjective) – defenceless, vulnerable.

111. vulnerability (noun) – weakness/defencelessness, frailty, unprotectedness, susceptibility. 112. scholarly (adjective) – thorough, detailed, well researched, studious.

113. pedestrian (adjective) - uninspired, uncreative, unimaginative, unexciting, uninteresting.

114. evolve (verb) – alter, change, transform gradually; develop, progress, advance gradually. 115. phenomenon (noun) – situation, fact, occurrence, event, happening.

116. inject (verb) - introduce, instil, bring in, infuse, imbue, inculcate. 117. epitomise (verb) – symbolize, represent, illustrate. 118. enrich (verb) – enhance, improve, augment. 119. road map (noun) – plan/strategy to do something successfully. 120. embed (verb) – fix firmly; place, implant. 121. subjectivity (noun) – the quality by personal feelings/opinions. 122. come out (phrasal verb) – become known, become apparent, come to

light, emerge, transpire. 123. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out. 124. absolutist (adjective) – supporting absolute principles. 125. state-building (noun) – it is creating and strengthening the institutions necessary to support long-term economic, social, and political development. 126. in relation to (phrase) – regarding, concerning, with reference to, in connection with. 127. dwelling (place/area) (noun) – residence, place of residence, place of habitation, house, accommodation. 128. ambivalence (noun) - a state of having mixed feelings about someone or something; equivocation, uncertainty, unsureness, doubt, indecision, irresolution, irresoluteness, hesitation.

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