The Learning Partnerships are grouped in the Compendium according to the country of their coordinating institution.

The countries appear alphabetically and in the following order by EU, EFTA/EEA and Acceding/ Candidate countries respectively:






Support for parents with intellectual disabilities...... 16

European Learning Partnership on easy-to-read and plain language...... 17


Let’s Go For It: Learning English to start going forward into intereuropean travel ...... 19

MEET: Methods Experience Exchange Teachers...... 20

Strategies Towards Active Citizenship ( STAC) ...... 21


Secteur HORECA : Adéquation de la formation avec les attentes du terrain et insertion professionnelle...... 22

Renforcer la dimension émancipatrice dans l’alphabétisation des adultes en Europe ...... 23

Y a-t-il une Europe de la sagesse populaire ?...... 24

Mémoires d’Europe – les fils de l’immigration ...... 25

ELEMENT ...... 26

Ecoute, partage et échange autour du vécu familial des femmes migrantes et de leur intégration à la société d’accueil..... 27


ALPHA-PRO Professionnaliser le métier de formateur en alphabétisation des adultes ...... 28


Grundtvig Active Parents Education (GRAPE)...... 29

MR. DAL (Methods to Retain Disadvantaged Adult Learners on learning programmes) ...... 30

Holistic learning self-knowledge as a guideline from pre-vocational training into the labour market...... 31

DENMARK...... 32

Efficient e-learning for adult with literacy problems: conditions and effects...... 32

METODA: Methodological Exchange between Trainers Of Disadvantaged Adults...... 33

Learning Partnership for the European Institute for Performing Arts...... 34

ELPN - European Learning Partnership Network. "Get together - learn together" ...... 35

Innovative ways of reaching out...... 36

Adult Learning of Science (ALOS)...... 37

1 How to Make Integration More Efficient Through Language Teaching Focusing on Intercultural Awareness ...... 38

Nye indfaldsvinkler - Det vigtige kendskab...... 39

Learning by doing...... 40

Ways from Exclusion to Inclusion as an Active European Citizen...... 41

GERMANY ...... 42

"The Path/ Der Pfad" - Erfahrungsaustausch über die methodische Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Konzepten für thematische Lernpfade ...... 42

"Lernen für's Leben - Learn for Life"...... 43

Zivilgesellschaft in Europa - Voneinander lernen, gemeinsam handeln ...... 44

INBE — Integration by Education — The Influence of Learners on the Integrating Educational Programme...... 45

Getting experience from applying the European Language Portfolio in adult education for migrants ...... 46

CLAY- Cooperative Learning by Ambiental Activity...... 47

Competencies in Marketing for Trainers in Continuing Education (CMCE)...... 48

GILE- Generationsübergreifendes inter-kulturelles Lernen in Europa...... 49

Encourage LLL - employability for senior citizens...... 50

EduPART. Educational Partnership activates families...... 51

Strategic Perspectives for Providers in Adult Education (SPPAE) ...... 52

PAP-Prejudice as a Path ...... 53

MAESTRO - Multipliers in Adult Education - Structures and Organisation ...... 55

New Approaches to Nutritional Education in Museums ...... 56

Traditionelle Handwerkstechniken (OSWU)...... 57

Möglichkeiten der gesellschaftlichen Integration bei kulturellen und religiösen Unterschieden...... 58

Einsatz von drama-techniques in der Erwachsenenbildung...... 59

Learning is it!...... 60

Wer bin ich - bin ich wer?...... 61

KoDI Kooperativer Dialog...... 62

Ways of Internet Teaching (WIT) ...... 63

Further Education of Sign Language Teachers...... 64

Was ist denn bloß mit unseren Kindern los? Erarbeiten eines neuen Verständnisses im Umgang mit den Kindern...... 65

Leben in Europa - Menschen mit schwerer geistiger und/oder mehrfacher Behinderung entdecken die Vielfalt Europas.... 66

COMEDU-EU Community Educaiton and Non-Formal Learning in a European Context...... 67

2 QualiFLY – Quality in Family Literacy...... 68

Learning Europe towards a learning Democracy - Developing new methods for the integration of minority groups and migrants into society ...... 69

Qualitätsmanagementsysteme an Weiterbildungseinrichtungen im Vergleich und die Entwicklung eines Benchmarkingsystems...... 70


Orientation, motivation and education for young mothers...... 72

Weiterbildungskonzepte für pädagogische Professionals ...... 73

CHAT – Communication Harmoniously Agreed Together ...... 74

BICOM - Promoting bilingual and intercultural competencies in public health...... 75 horex - extension of horizon - common research on and common action against racism and xenophobia ...... 76

Intercultural learning during internships in groups of trainees from different countries INTERCULTURE GENDERED TRAINEES...... 77

Intercultural learning during internships in groups of trainees from different countries INTERCULTURE GENDERED TRAINEES...... 78

Democracy learning and civic education in Europe in the process of lifelong learning (d-learning) ...... 79

Bringing E-Learning to Life - BELL...... 80

KEYWORKERS – Learning in cultural institutions ...... 81 ...... 82





FACT- Fit for active citizenship - Innovative Bildungskonzeptionen zur Qualifizierung von Menschen im 3. Lebensalter für neue Rollen u. Formen eines freiwilligen Engagements im europ. Vergleich ...... 87




Erfahrungsaustausch über beste Konzepte interkultureller Vorbereitungsseminare - Grenzen überwinden und Mobilität fördern...... 91

Vermittlung christlicher Werte im europäischen Vergleich ...... 92

Competent and Active Citizens in Europe ...... 93

Music education in early childhood for disabled and non-disabled children: significance for parents and grandparents.... 94

Modularisierung in der Erwachsenenbildung - Transnationaler Erfahrungsaustausch zum Aufbau eines Netzwerkes ...... 95


Approaches to the Promotion of Active Citizenship with disadvanteged communities (ATPAC) ...... 97

NetCo Erfolgreiche Netzwerke und Kooperationen als eine Strategie für LLL in Europa ...... 98

TIES Theatre: Ideas by Exchange and Support...... 99

The Knowledge Shop...... 100



Meetingpoint-Ethiks...... 103

Grundtvig-Media - Blended-Learning in der eurokulturellen Erwachsenenbildung...... 104

Network of Intergenerational Learning in Europe (NIGEL) ...... 105

Deep impressions - parents learn the narrative method for parents work in drug prevention...... 106


Making Womens's History Visible in Europe ...... 108

Men and Non-formal education – participation and learning of social skills (MENPART)...... 109

ESTONIA ...... 110




OPEN WINDOWS ...... 113



GREECE ...... 116

ALPHABETBOOK (Alfavitari)...... 116

“Intercultural Understanding and Tolerance” ...... 117

New approach for the education of adult immigrants ...... 118

“Hagiography in Internet” ...... 119


Tourism and environment: The role of women in connection with social, economic and cultural growth in the light of promotion of diversity through the course to the European completion ...... 121

SPAIN...... 122

4 ICT50+ ...... 122

Europe and us. Getting to know Europe by using ICT ...... 123

Towards a better world: adult education and European culture...... 124

Archaeology Plus –Valorisation of Archaeology, Heritage and Cultural Roots...... 125

Food: fight obesity and other diseases ...... 126

In the mirror of their eyes...... 127

ENTRAMUS- European Network of Traditional Music Schools...... 128

EP-PH: On-going education for prisoners, a humanitarian project...... 129

Extract the universal vocabulary of literacy from the participants’ point of view...... 130

Barriers to employment (B to E)...... 131

To be parents today: intergenerational education in Europe...... 132

Good Practice Handbook for training ski and horse riding monitors for young palsy persons...... 133 e-trainers, Design of the Programming Course: Telementors in adult training...... 134

EUROPIZATE: Learn to prevent with Europe...... 135

Enterprise and immigration in EU ...... 136

An intercultural approach to learning foreign and second languages in Europe...... 137

Analysis of the difficulties and achievements in Adult Education...... 138

Natural and rural environment improvement through Adult Education ...... 139

LEI: to learn and enjoy through the use of information...... 140

Engaging new groups of adults into LLL. (ENGALL) ...... 141

NERO- New roads in adult language learning...... 142

ADEPA: Digital literacy in adult education...... 143

ITE: integration through education...... 144

BABELIA...... 145

EQU@LANG...... 146

SKILLNET: Continuous training in Social Skills for Adults ...... 147

ELBA: Electronic Book for Adults ...... 148

An intercultural approach to an active democratic citizenship...... 149

ENREDATE ...... 150

Social Inclusion of families at risk- Ulysses ...... 151

To know our country: similarities and differences in Europe (SADIE)...... 152

5 New approaches to the LLL process in European Dimension (AMICA) ...... 153

MusicArt: a limitless world...... 154

Teaching a second language through intercultural activities...... 155

UNITED: Unity from Diversity...... 156

IMPATH- Immigrants pathways ...... 157

FRANCE ...... 158

Echanges d’expériences et de pratiques dans les maisons de retraite en Europe ...... 158

L'apprenant adulte en situation de handicap, dans l'espace européen ...... 159

COFOPEHME- Coopération pour la Formation de personnes handicapées physiques dans le domaine mécanique et électronique médical...... 160

ADEX: Adults Development Education Exchange – Echanges d’expériences en éducation au développement des adultes ...... 161

NEWROLE: nouveaux rôles- Prévenir l'exclusion des travailleurs seniors...... 162

Insertion professionnelle des gens du voyage en Europe ...... 163

L’insertion sociale par la prise en charge des personnes en difficulté : identification et étude comparative des publics en difficulté envoie de réinsertion par l’emploi dans le secteurs éducatif, sanitaire et social...... 164


TIS et sensibilisation des publics à la protection de la nature...... 166

Publics défavorisés, pauvreté culturelle et dynamique européenne ...... 167

Le développement des centres sociaux et socioculturels du Bas-Rhin...... 168

SPRINGBOARD – Un tremplin pour l’intégration sociale et professionnel des jeunes publics en difficultés ...... 169

TIC et insertion social des usagers ...... 170

L’intégration des immigrants vers une meilleure compréhension et une éducation de qualité dans le cadre d’une coopération européenne...... 171

Intégration de la diversité dans l'éducation des adultes dans les régions ultra périphériques de l'Europe - IDEARUPE .... 172

Let’s Communicate! Migrants, Intercultural Integration through Language in the Host Community ...... 173

Be aware and let's get ready for an inclusive Europe for all!...... 174

Conter et lire avec les jeunes enfants, c'est apprendre à apprendre, c'est lutter contre les exclusions et construire la citoyenneté européenne...... 175

Développement d'outils et de méthodes pour le respect de la diversité et l'éducation interculturelle dans les lieux d'accueil de la petite enfance...... 176

Echange sur la Littératie en Entreprise...... 177

La dynamique intergenerationnelle ...... 178

6 Promouvoir la qualité globale de la Conciliation dans les institutions et les services : Une nécessité pour harmoniser vie familiale et vie professionnelle...... 179

Partages et échanges interculturels pour l'insertion par la culture et le chant choral...... 180

Référentiel d'observations en milieu de travail ...... 181

Bibliothèque européenne...... 182

Compétences Actives (COMPACT)...... 183

Echange de pratiques de formation pour les acteurs de la filière agriculture biologique...... 184

Echanges et bonnes pratiques touristiques en espace rural...... 185

Echanger sur les méthodes d'éducation des adultes...... 186

AMIE (Acteurs Milieu Rural Enfance) : Une formation des acteurs de la vie locale en milieu rural fragile ...... 187

Motiver des jeunes aux métiers de l'artisanat (Artisan'Aventure)...... 188


Europe festivart ...... 190

Participation locale, engagement citoyen et intégration des immigrés...... 191

Les langues à travers les cultures...... 192

Des agriculteurs, acteurs de leur environnement professionnel, social et culturel...... 193

La mixité dans les métiers d'aide à la personne ...... 194

Compétences pour les entreprises et les personnes en recherche d'emploi...... 195

TIC-TAC (technologies de l'Information et de la Communication - Technologies Adaptées aux Chercheurs d'emploi ...... 196

IRELAND...... 197

MELT (Methodologies in Education for Learners and Tutors ...... 197

MENPART - Men and Non-formal Education - Participating and Social Skills...... 198

Dialogue Through Tradition ...... 199

SUITCASE Sharing Understanding of Identity Through Culture, Art and Self Expression Citizenship...... 200

LinxXchange...... 201

A.P.P. - Assessment/Progression Project...... 202

Empowering mentors and other bilingual adults to work within the wider community...... 203

ITALY ...... 204

Cooperatives of Women for the commercialisation of local products from handicraft and the ago-food sectors in order to stimulate the socio-cultural development and the promotion of loca traditions in a European perspective...... 204

Alternative jobs using creativeness ...... 205

7 Development and valorisation of competencies in social tourism ...... 206

The European integration through language learning...... 207


Educazione allo sviluppo sostenibile e alla qualità dell'Ambiente (ESSQA) ...... 209

Democratic Arts for Citizenship ...... 210

SCHOOL FOR ALL ...... 211

SPALL - Strategies for promoting adult immigrant participation to the Life long learning...... 212

Museums tell many stories – The use of museum collections to promote interculturality...... 213

Language Learning Ware ...... 214

PORTFOLIO ...... 215


Development of Competences and Methodologies in the field of Adult Education with the focus on ICT...... 217

E.D.O.L. (European Digital Older Learners) ...... 218

A trip to the roots of Europe: sharing culture and traditions with the help of New Information Technologies...... 219



European Citizenship: from North to South, from East to West...... 222

GENDER T.I.D.E. – Gender Training for Information and Documentation Experts ...... 224


Il Merletto: a European Net...... 226

Day Centre for Mental Health in Europe: a comparison between the European standards ...... 227


TELLING EUROPE - Stories’ network for matching different European culture...... 229

Diversity and Identity of European people - DIEP ...... 230

Women: active citizens ...... 231

E.T.N.A. Adult Education takes @ new approach...... 232

A Learning Partnership in Conflict Management (ALPICOM) ...... 233


CITTA’: women learning for an active citizenship...... 235

European Citizenship: from North to South, from East to West...... 236

L.I.S.T.E.N. Lifelong Info on Studies and Training for Educational Needs ...... 237

8 T.A.C.S. Traditions and current affairs in the Santiago Way...... 238

LATVIA ...... 239

E - LINK ...... 239




LITHUANIA...... 243

The models of adult educational organisations ...... 243

Awareness of needs for continuing learning/ motivation & sensitising - measures...... 244

SOCIMMA - Social integration of immigrants increasing their intercultural knowledge trough e-learning environment..... 245

Practice Makes Perfect: Promoting European Citizenship Through Language Practice ...... 246

Social inclusion of persons returned from imprisonment ...... 247

Healing Yarns of Music Notes ...... 248

Aesthetic and Artistic Activity for Silver Age...... 249

Seniors On Stage...... 250

Parents education in pre-school institutions: spreading European experience...... 251

HUNGARY...... 252



MALTA ...... 254

Curricular Education for Professionals Allied to Medicine working in Epilepsy ...... 254

Developing European Citizenship and intercultural Awareness throughout adult tourism and food preparation...... 255






AUSTRIA...... 260

9 LANDMARK ...... 260

Juvenile drop-outs...... 261

Spaceship Earth...... 262

COMmon, comMENT- COMParison and developMENT of teaching methods in adult non formal education...... 263

Young Women: Fit for Politics...... 264

C´you- C´me. Looking both ways ...... 265

[edu:comm.] Education via communication in communities...... 266

Woman´s health in Adult Education ...... 267

Imagine Peace ...... 268

Regionalgeschichte- archäologische Spurensuche im Bodensee- und Alpenraum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Römer...... 269

Zielgruppenorientierte Bildungsangebote- Methodik und Didaktik zur Stärkung der Lern- und Handlungskompetenz ..... 270

ARTE ...... 271

Theatre as a scope of experience for developing new methods in the education of little children: A learning partnership for educators in day nurseries, for kindergarten teachers and leaders of parent- child- groups ...... 272

Lernen für eine Kultur des Lebens: Konzepte zur lebensbegleitenden Förderung von Selbstbildung und sozialer Verantwortung (Lernmotive- Lernbiographien- Lernarrangements) ...... 273

Bridging the cultural divide...... 274

European Music schools Unison...... 275

SGE Safety goes Europe...... 276

Dyslexia- Parents´ and Teachers´ Collaboration (DYPATEC) ...... 277

Promotion of Women in European Regions - POWER ...... 278

GEnFOOD- InfoNet (Genetically Engineered Food- Information and Education Network)...... 279

Performing Life: Site Specific Performance as a Means of Active Citizenship...... 280

POLAND ...... 281

Development of competences and methodologies in the field of Lifelong Learning in scope of environemental protection ...... 281

Learning languages through lyrics, “Music is Culture”...... 282

Education for counteracting HIV/AIDS...... 283

Diagnosis of teachers’needs and evaluation of teachers’ development forms in partner countries – comparison and looking for the most effective solutions...... 284

Korzenie - Roots ...... 285

VISION 21 – Volunteerism and social services: teaming up to tackle social exclusion in the 21st century ...... 286

10 Professional activation of practically incapable people, unadjusted to challenges of modern job market and information society – based on knowledge ...... 287

EUFORCOM...... 288 www.golden.age ...... 289

ITAL 40+ IT teaching to adults learners - brainstorming European ideas/didactic problems...... 290

READCOM – Reading Clubs for Adult Learning Communities ...... 291

PORTUGAL ...... 292

Habilitas ...... 292

Maré-Alta ...... 293

LIMA - Life Management Skills ...... 294

SALK – Sharing of Affection and Life Knowledge...... 295

Avoid info-exclusion - Open a New Window ...... 296

Traditional Cloth and Patterns applied on Modern Design...... 297

TÁGIDE – Senior Expertise for Social Development ...... 298

Mental Health – The Socially Inclusive Life Project...... 299

Adult Students – LET’S KNOW EACH OTHER ...... 300

SLOVENIA...... 301

Lifelong learning opportunities for adults with learning disabilities...... 301


Weblogs for Senior Learners – The Story of my Life...... 302

Travail Social En Europe...... 303

European dimension of teaching and training of the seniors...... 304

International Exchange Program “Region-Build”...... 305

FINLAND...... 306






The Adult Education Network in the field of Ecological and Rural Tourism (AENERT) ...... 311

11 MERLIN, Storytelling as Lifelong Learning ...... 312

SWEDEN...... 313

Connecting People...... 313

Adult immigrant Learner’s needs for Socio-cultural Integration...... 314

Cotell (Coming together through European Language Learning)...... 315

Accents on Entrepreneur-ship in Adult Education (AccentrrAed) ...... 316

Equal visions for European Women in Adult Education...... 317

Europe in Person ...... 318


PACT (Parents and Cultures Together)...... 319

Tandem Plus Learning ...... 320

BERNIE (Building education resources and networks in Europe) ...... 321

Professional Standards for Adult Education...... 322

PACT (Participatory Active Citizenship Tools)...... 323

RAOUL (Raising awareness of the use of languages)...... 324

Social Inclusion for Adult Learners with Learning Disability...... 325

My Voice...... 326

INTERWRITE...... 327

Explorations in European Economic Education...... 328

The Three Cs – Coping with Cultural Changes in different European Areas...... 329

Empowerment and Disability: Informal learning through self-advocacy and life history ...... 330

Re-Vision: Celebrating Diversity through Photography ...... 331

Research and Development of Appropriate Interpersonal Skills and Qualities in Supporting Open, Flexible and E-Learning ...... 332

RACATEL (Raising Civil Awareness Through English Language)...... 333

It’s all in the mind...... 334

Women Across Europe ...... 335

TEDDY BEAR Twinning the Elderly Disadvantaged and Disabled with the Young By Enabling Active Reminiscence...... 336

Building Bridges into the Community...... 337

Embracing E-Learning ...... 338

Motivating the Disadvantaged through Empowering Learners (MODEL)...... 339

12 Voices in Action (VIA) (Previously VOCAL) ...... 340

POPPIE – Promoting the involvement of older people in partnership learning experiences ...... 341

LIVE – Learning in Voluntary Experience ...... 342

Welcome to My Home – International Tourism from a Community Perspective...... 343

Second Chance Working Winners...... 344

Belonging ...... 345

No Barriers ...... 346

WINGS (Women in Need of Greater Support) across Europe ...... 347

Marginalised Young People – Cultural Similarity, Diversity and Good Practice...... 348

Tandem Learning...... 349

Basic Skills and Social Enterprises...... 350

Smiley Faces – European Learning Bags ...... 351

Cultural Integration and Citizenship Experiences of Migrant Learners...... 352

ICELAND...... 353

Teaching Flex: Teaching and learning in distance / flexible education...... 353

Women's empowerment for active citizenship...... 354

NORWAY ...... 355

“Tourism in coastal areas”...... 355


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among inmates in prison...... 357 e-ValEurop...... 358

BULGARIA ...... 359

Future Workshops for Europe...... 359

16+ ...... 360

Development and Delivering of Good Practices for Information and Guidance for Supporting Transnational Regional Collaboration - DDGIG ...... 361


Initial Application of an Educational Strategy Measures on Children Internet Safety for Teachers and Parents...... 363

ISEM Improvement of Strategies for E-Learning in a Multicultural Context ...... 364

Improved Service Delivery in Prison Education...... 365

13 Knowledge of the Nature...... 366

Transfer and implementation of European best practices in the sphere of guidance /counseling/ of young adults /CYA/.. 367

ROMANIA...... 368

Improvement of Employment Chances of the Unemployed and Visual and Audible Disabled by using Virtual Learning Application - IECUVADVLA ...... 368

PHOTO AGORA – New methods of adult learning for improving the sense of self-identity in Europe today...... 369

Design Intercultural Education at Community Level...... 370

YnterACT (YouNgsters Together for European Research of Active eduCational Tools) ...... 371

Eliminate POverty – Development of the entrepreneural spiril in rural Areas, through ITC and Business...... 372


Internet for Autonomous Lifelong Learning...... 374



Educational Partnership ‘JOIN US!’...... 377

Social Innovation in the Textile Sector ...... 378

La découverte et la découverte de soi-même en ce qui regarde la personnalité – comme but du conseil concernant la carrière - « EUROCONSEIL »...... 379


TRA.C.E.C: Traditions and customs in the context of European community...... 381

A New Approach to the Teacher-Parent-Learner Relationship ...... 382



Social Innovation in the Textile Sector ...... 385

MEDIALITE – Media Literacy in Adult Education...... 386

TURKEY...... 387


Systems of Integration of People With Disabilites Into Labour Market ...... 388

LINGUA – Learning Innovative In Disadvantaged Rural Areas ...... 389

Transnational Education For Adult Migrants ...... 390

Women Enterprises: To Gain Woman To Economic And Social Life...... 391

E-Learning For Adults...... 392

14 INDEX...... 393

15 Belgium (Flemish Community) BELGIË

Project reference: 05-BEN01-S2G01-00033-1

Support for parents with intellectual disabilities

In this project the partner institutions, with their specific expertise, will exchange new approaches and support for people with intellectual disabilities who have problems with parenting. The new ideas and insights will be used for exchange and application in the participating partner institutions. Staff members and teaching staff of this partnership will gather in seminars and taskforces, in order to work out new training models which will contribute in a better quality of support for the target group. In a first phase the partnership will collect data and basic information. In a second phase different taskforces in each country will work out specific aspects in the support for parents with intellectual disabilities from different perspectives. In a last phase, the partnership will organise a seminar in which an evaluation will be made of the collected information and insights of the different taskforces.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Education for parents Gender issues Health

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Marginalised groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Universiteit Gent – Vakgroep Orthopedagogiek Name of the contact person: Dieter Windels Address: Henri Dunantlaan 2 – B 9000 Gent - Belgium e-mail: [email protected] tel: ++32 9 264 64 65 fax: ++32 9 264 64 91 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Instituto de Estudos da Criança- Universidade do Minho - Portugal Universität Siegen : ZPE – Zentrum für Planung und Evaluation Sozialer Dienste - Germany Die Brücke -- Südwestfalen - Germany Stichting Arduin - Netherlands



Project reference: 05-BEN01-S2G01-00034-1

European Learning Partnership on easy-to-read and plain language

In many countries of the EU 25 % or more of the adult population cannot use written information effectively to cope in daily life. Everybody has the right to information on their own conditions. The use of plain or ‘easy-to-read’ language can help all people with reading or writing difficulties to become a full member of society. Since many years, in several countries of the EU exist ‘easy-to- read’ newspapers and/or ‘plain language centres’. In this project partners will form a learning partnership to exchange experience, practice and successful methods, make an inventory of the present situation and needs in the field of easy-to-read and plain language in the participating countries and carry out joint actions.

The result of this partnership must be a strong European network where partners can work together on o quality improvement, marketing-strategy and web-strategy for their newspapers; o a European easy-to-read newspaper on current affairs in the EC; o awareness campaigns on the need of easy-to-read or plain language in the EC; o plain language rewriting services and courses; o testing methods to evaluate rewritten texts; o an easy-to-read and plain language quality label; o and other...

Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Languages Media Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities People with reading and/or writing difficulties for whatever reason


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Vlaams Ondersteuningscentrum voor Basiseducatie Name of the contact person: Karine Nicolay Address: Kardinaal Mercierplein 1 – 2800 Mechelen e-mail: [email protected] tel: 015/44.65.12 fax: 015/44.65.01 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Centrum fôr Lättläst (Centre for Easy-to-read) – SE Eenvoudig Communiceren BV – NL The Norwegian News Agency Inc, Division Klar Tale – NO Pt Tekst I/S – DK Kehitysvammaliitto ry – FI Plain English Society Limited - UK



Project reference: 03-BEN01-S2G01-00057-3


By art education of any kind, which is music, word art, (gymnastic) dance and visual art, the project aims to collaborate between some organisations of different European countries to exchange experiences and to work out common programs for teaching and active citizenship building. The main target groups are ethnic and other minority groups of every kind, disadvantaged people and disabled persons. By better integrating these target groups in our organisations we want to lower barriers to reach better acceptance and understanding in both directions, create possibilities for active citizenship and change pedagogical attitudes of the teachers. We are convinced that the personal expression has a good chance to be a key for reaching our aims. In a later stadium our experiences will be very helpful to work out anti prejudicing training programs for teachers that are not provided in pedagogical and didactical high school education for the moment. Through the project we also can create opportunities for our learners to become teachers themselves, apply for learning other subjects or integrate in the community in general and in organisations that promote chances for the target groups.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Sustainable development Project Objectives - Building active citizenship through cultural exchanges by ART-education - Create possibilities to facilitate the contact between minority and majority groups through art and artistic expression - Lower down barriers between majority and minority groups in order to reach better acceptance and understanding - Reaching more learners from target groups: equal chances - Facilitate the access of minority groups / Roma to educational institutions - Better integration into common living circumstances - Change pedagogical attitudes of teachers for target groups through exchange of experiences - Reflection and development of new methodology in adult education - Development of independent learning processes - Development of process orientated and discovering learning Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Gemeentelijke Academie voor Muziek en Woord Name of the contact person: Hiëronymus Van Hileghem Address: Kroninglaan 42 – B-1200 SINT-LAMBRECHTS-WOLUWE e-mail: [email protected] tel: +32 2 7611127 (16h00 – 19h00 ) or +32 497 200940 fax: +32 2 2756691 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) • The Public Institution Roma Community Centre of Vilnius (LT) • SPORT SOCIETY FOR PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS "IRIS KAVALAS" of Kavala (GR) • International Centre for Cultures and languages of Vienna (AT)



Project reference: 05-BEN01-S2G01-00010-1

Let’s Go For It: Learning English to start going forward into intereuropean travel

The project aims at promoting language learning among adult learners by introducing them to attractive and up-to-date means of cross-border communication. The purpose is to break down resistance to e-learning particularly among senior citizens and reduce cultural prejudice by organising effective means of communication between the learners and members of staff of the institutions concerned. The project should develop the learners’ aptitude at self-learning as well as stimulate team work; it should lay the foundation of a group of friendly relations within the enlarged European framework.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Other : social network communication Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) 1. Senior citizens 2. Other: Mixed-age groups of learners 3. Local community groups


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CVO De Bargie Name of the contact person: De Wilde Marijke Address: Bargiekaai 1 9000 GENT e-mail: [email protected] tel: 09-225 68 05 fax: 09-225 03 46 website:

Partners Kauhavan-Härmäin kansalaisopisto (FI) Life 90 (CZ) Volkshochschule Lingen GmbH (DE) CEA “CASA DE LA CULTURA” DE GETAFE (ES) Lodz University for the third age (PL) PANCYPRIAN ORGANISATION FOR ADULT EDUCATION CENTRES (CY)



Project reference: 05-BEN01-S2G01-00043-2

MEET: Methods Experience Exchange Teachers

We have two meetings per year during the two years of the project. The teachers visit the partner institutions’ school and give lessons focusing on communication skills. During the lesson, they use the methods they use in their home countries with the topic of the country they come from. Afterwards teachers evaluate the lesson, discussing what worked well and what did not. After the visiting teachers leave, the hosting teacher evaluates the experience with his students. The results of this evaluation are sent to the partners via e-mail. We will record the lessons. We put all the lessons and the evaluations on a website.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2

Area(s) covered Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Local community groups


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs Name of the contact person: Anna D’Huys Address: Rode Kruislaan 27 3700 Tongeren e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0032.12.232460 fax: 0032.12.391574 website:

Partners 1 Institut für Weiterbildung Belgium 2 Mackenzie Nyelviskola Hungary 3 Centro Público de Educación de Personas Adultas ‘Alto Gállego’ Spain 4 Trollhättans Folkhögskola Sweden



Project reference: 05-BEN01-S2G01-00044-2

Strategies Towards Active Citizenship ( STAC)

The STAC Project brings together various Programmes/Processes concerned with the dynamics of Active Citizenship in a European context. Each Partner shall develop a local project/process and shall report, in an agreed and structured way, on its different phases using ICT. The general aim is to develop, learn and disseminate practical pathways towards this goal. The Partners strongly share the view that this growing group of European Citizens can play an increasingly important role in society through their involvement in local and regional projects. Involvement has a positive impact on the well being and quality of life of the Older Citizen as well as in the general area of Social Capital. STAC will exchange expertise and good practice in relation to enrolment, retention monitoring, managing, and assessment and progression strategies. The dynamics of learning and teaching will benefit both partners and participants.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups Senior citizens


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: UVV ( Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen) Name of the contact person: Suzy Mommaerts Address: Paleisstraat 7 box 16, B 2018 Antwerpen Belgium e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 32 32160926 fax: + 32 32160926 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL: FACULTY HUMAN SCIENCE – vakgroep AGOGIEK - VUB (BE) BELFAST ISTITUTE OF FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUCATION (BIFHE) (UK) HOFMANN-WIZARD – Personali Management s.r.o. (CZ) SPECTRUM Instelling voor Maatschappelijke Welzijn (NL) UNIVERITA’ DEGLI STUDI DEL MOLISE – Campobasso (IT)

21 Belgium (French speaking community) BELGIQUE

Project reference: 05-BEF01-S2G01-00032-1

Secteur HORECA : Adéquation de la formation avec les attentes du terrain et insertion professionnelle

Le projet vise, dans le secteur HORECA, à une meilleure adéquation de la formation avec les attentes du terrain. Les partenaires du projet sont des établissements de formation d’adultes, de formation continuée, organisations professionnelles du secteur de différents pays européens. Deux groupes cibles sont concernés : les stagiaires en formation et/ou en réinsertion dans les différents organismes partenaires ; les équipes pédagogiques des organismes partenaires qui pourront améliorer leurs prestations auprès des apprenants. A travers ce projet, les différents bénéficiaires pourront : • Faire un état des lieux des procédures de formation dans les différents pays intégrés dans le projet ; • Présenter les différentes formations organisées dans le secteur par pays ; • Mettre en parallèle les contenus des formations ; • Relever les attentes des professionnels du secteur et de la clientèle dans les différents pays ; • Analyser de manière critique les contenus des formations en fonction des attentes ; • En guise de conclusion, élaborer de propositions visant à améliorer la situation actuelle.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Basic skills Consumer education Environment Learning about European countries/the European Union Other (describe if applicable): Exchange of good practices Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Senior citizens


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: IPEPSHO Name of the contact person: Marie-Jeanne Depret Address: Rue Paul Pastur 49 – 7900 Leuze-en-Hainaut (B) e-mail: [email protected] tel: +32 69 67 21 26 fax: +32 69 67 21 27 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

- PL : Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Cracovie - KRAKOW – [email protected] - BE : IPEPS – BINCHE – [email protected] - BE : CPEPSB – SAINT-GHISLAIN – [email protected] - FR : GRETA des métiers de l’hôtellerie – [email protected] - IT : IPSSAR – PAOLA – [email protected] - ES : Escuela de hosteleria y turismo de Valencia – VALENCIA – [email protected]



Project reference: 05-BEF01-S2G01-00008-1

Renforcer la dimension émancipatrice dans l’alphabétisation des adultes en Europe

Echanges, mutuellisation et évaluation critique, entre partenaires éducatifs actifs dans l’alphabétisation des adultes en Europe, d’outils, de méthodes, de pratiques et de processus méthodologiques qui contribuent à l’autonomie et à l’émancipation individuelle et collective dans le champ de l’alphabétisation des adultes, et plus largement aux pratiques citoyennes. Ce projet vise, par l’échange organisé, à renforcer la dimension émancipatrice dans les pratiques pédagogiques pour adultes. Concrètement, il s’agira de : • L’apprentissage d’une langue (celle du pays d’accueil) • Les pratiques de lecture et d’écriture avec la pédagogie développée dans l’atelier ECLER • Le processus participatif pour l’émancipation individuelle et collective avec l’approche REFLECT ACTION • Les critères de qualité au sein des dispositifs d’alphabétisation, impliquant participants, formateurs et directions.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues Languages Other (describe if applicable) : pédagogie émancipatrice Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other (describe if applicable) learning of languages Target Group(s) illiterates Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Other (describe if applicable)


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Collectif d’alphabétisation Name of the contact person: Anne Loontjens Address: 12 rue de – 1060 Bruxelles (B) e-mail: [email protected] tel: +32 2 538 36 57 fax: +32 2 538 27 44 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

- UK : North Lanarkshire Council – STEPPS – [email protected] - FR : Association ATELEC « Lettres pour l’être » - BOURG-EN-BRESSE – [email protected] - DE : Iwd – SAARBRUECKEN – [email protected] - BE : FAFEP – HUY – [email protected] - BE : Lire et Ecrire Hainaut occidental – Tournai – [email protected]



Project reference: 05-BEF01-S2G01-00014-1

Y a-t-il une Europe de la sagesse populaire ?

A partir de plusieurs milliers de proverbes allemands, anglais, espagnols, français et luxembourgeois, montrer qu’au-delà des convergences économiques, juridiques et politiques qui font aujourd’hui la cohésion européenne, il en existe une très ancienne et très profonde qui fait l’union des peuples autour d’un même bon sens populaire. Les proverbes sont collectés dans les six langues et publiés de telles manières que les résultats puissent servir de base à une méthode innovante pour l’apprentissage des connaissances linguistiques.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Other (describe if applicable): family, society… Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable): collecter des éléments de la sagesse populaire et présenter les résultats obtenus de manière telle qu’ils puissent servir de base d’apprentissage et à l’approfondissement des connaissances historiques et linguistiques européennes. Target Group(s) Senior citizens Other (describe if applicable): young people


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Centre Universitaire du troisième âge de Namur Name of the contact person: Paulin Duchesne Address: 61 rue de Bruxelles – 5000 NAMUR e-mail: [email protected] tel: +32 81 72 46 87 fax: +32 81 72 55 01 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

- FR : Université tous ages – VANNES – [email protected] - ES : Agrupacio de formacio permanent d’aules a la gent gran de Catalunya – BARCELONE – [email protected] - LU : service RBS asbl – ITZIG – [email protected]



Project reference: 05-BEF01-S2G01-00005-2

Mémoires d’Europe – les fils de l’immigration

Le projet Mémoires d’Europe – les fils de l’émigration a pour but de promouvoir l’échange d’informations et la coopération entre des associations de migrants de différents pays de l’U.E. L’objectif est, d’une part, de favoriser une meilleure intégration des émigrés en veillant au développement de leur vie sociale et culturelle dans le pays d’accueil et au maintien de liens avec le pays d’origine et, d’autre part, de faciliter l’intégration des ex-émigrés rentrés dans leur pays d’origine tout en s’attachant à maintenir les acquis culturels du pays qui les a accueillis. Les activités prévues porteront sur les pratiques pédagogiques et/ou de formation des associations (apprentissage des langues, formation professionnelle, séminaires d’information sur les droits des migrants (protection sociale, retraite, démarches à suivre pour retourner dans le pays d’origine, construction européenne et migration, …)) ainsi que sur leurs différentes activités culturelles (musique, théâtre, gastronomie, fêtes, …).

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd year

Area(s) covered Basic skills Gender issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: L’Aquilone Name of the contact person: Nicolino Briale Address: Rue du Laveu 112 – 4000 Liège (B) e-mail: [email protected] tel: +32 496 21 50 46 fax: / website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

- BE : communauté Hellénique de Bruxelles – BRUXELLES [email protected] - BE : Union des émigrés siciliens et familles – ST NICOLAS [email protected] - ES : association sévillane des émigrés retournés – SEVILLE [email protected] - GR : business consulting group AE – THESSALONKI [email protected]



Project reference: 05-BEF01-S2G01-00011-2


L’enseignement pour adultes tout au long de la vie est non seulement un outil indispensable à l’épanouissement des compétences personnelles mais aussi le moyen de mieux s’intégrer dans les communautés locales et régionales. Outre l’enseignement tout au long de la vie et la bonne utilisation de méthodes d’e-Learning. Le but principal de ELEMENT est de permettre aux enseignants et employés de centres d’enseignement pour adultes d’utiliser les techniques et méthodes d’e-Learning pour une co-opération et collaboration européenne. Grâce à des réunions et exemples de « meilleures pratiques» des pays participants, les apprenants seront capables d’améliorer et mettre à jour leurs capacités à organiser des séminaires, des réunions, des formations, dans le contexte de projets européens dans les domaines d’e-learning, de cours de langues, de remédiation, d’échanges inter-culturels mais aussi de disséminer dans leur région.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd year

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Sustainable development Other (describe if applicable): e-learning Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Ecole industrielle de Marcinelle-Monceau Name of the contact person: Véronique Bequet Address: Rue du chemin Vert 66 – 6001 Marcinelle e-mail: [email protected] tel: +32 71 36 50 39 fax: +32 71 36 50 39 website: /

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

- FI : INNOVA : centre d’education pour adultes – LAITITIA [email protected] - EE : tartu vocational education centre – TARTU [email protected] - ES : adult education center Francisco largo caballero – TOLEDO [email protected]



Project reference: 05-BEF01-S2G01-00019-2

Ecoute, partage et échange autour du vécu familial des femmes migrantes et de leur intégration à la société d’accueil

Ce projet a pour principal objectif de permettre aux apprenants adultes de s’exprimer librement autour de leurs vécus familiaux et d’intégration et, en base aux prises de parole différentes, facilitera socialisation des divers vécus. En plus de cette prise de conscience, le projet vise aussi à renforcer les compétences des femmes migrantes en termes de réflexion et de synthèse. Chacun des partenaires travaillera dans son propre champ d’action (expositions, conférences, ateliers, …).

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd year

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Gender issues Health Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Le monde selon les femmes Name of the contact person: Lidia Rodriguez Pietro Address: Rue de la Sablionnière 18 – 1000 Bruxelles (B) e-mail: [email protected] tel: +32 2 223 05 12 fax: +32 2 223 15 12 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

- ES: asociation salud y familia – BARCELONA [email protected] - PT : association GRAAL – LISBOA [email protected] - BE : Ligue des familles – BRUXELLES

27 Belgium (German speaking Community)


Project reference:

ALPHA-PRO Professionnaliser le métier de formateur en alphabétisation des adultes

Public cible : les formateurs travaillant dans le champs de l‘alphabétisation et de la lutte contre l’illettrisme et donc indirectement, l’amélioration des interventions auprès des publics d’apprenants.

Objectifs : *Mettre en oeuvre des moyens qui permettront de (re)connaître et visibiliser des pratiques de formation des formateurs ; *Susciter l’échange et la mutualisation de ces pratiques ; *Identifier les éléments clé qui en font des pratiques « efficaces » (efficient practices) ; * En définir les caractéristiques, les conditions de réussite ; *Veiller à introduire ces éléments dans les programmes et contenus de formations des formateurs ; *Inscrire cette réflexion dans une perspective plus large de valorisation et de reconnaissance du métier de formateur en alphabétisation des adultes ;

Calendrier / Programme : -dépôt du projet :1er mars 2005 ; -déroulement du projet : de août 2005 à juillet 2007 -Alterner des temps d’échanges avec des temps de mise en pratique et de réflexion/systématisation

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1

Area(s) covered

Project Objectives )

Target Group(s)


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Kulturelle Aktion und Präsenz VoG –KAP, Eupen, Belgique, Name of the contact person: Martine SCHEEN Address: e-mail: tel: fax: website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Agence Nationale de Lutte Contre l’Illettrisme – ANCLI, Lyon, France, Eli MAROUN Vansbro Learcentrum, Vansbro, Suède, Gunnar LINDHOLM Bildungswerk Neubrandenburg, Neubrandenburg, Allemagne, Rainer STENZEL

28 Czech Republic CESKÁ REPUBLIKA Project reference: 05-CZE01-S2G01-00083-2

Grundtvig Active Parents Education (GRAPE) The project aims to develop a model (strategy) that could be used to help parents, who are in some way disadvantaged, improve the way in which they might be able to better understand developmental problems of their children, to help them improve their understanding of how the education system works, and thus enable them to take a more active part in the education of their children, so the children themselves could become more active in creating their own future within the European Community. Our project will further include a comparative evaluation with respect to similar studies and projects already carried out elsewhere in Europe. At the same time we will aim to exchange professional insights between different European partners with respect to their experience in the area of dealing with disadvantaged parents with respect to the above, and to establish a European network of professionals from various fields and institutions in social and educational environments in order to promote the issue of lifelong and life-wide education in relation to developing citizenship skills particularly of disadvantaged social groups. The project will focus on the following: - improving socially disadvantaged parents’ understanding of the educational system; - developing a positive and outgoing attitude with respect to co-operation with the school and the teachers; - giving them specific strategies for becoming more involved in the education of their children and thus enable them to overcome their sense of being socially excluded or in some way marginalized; - improving parent-child relationships in the sense of becoming more supportive towards their children in their educational struggles. The project will be developed in three stages. Stage 1: includes the following: identifying individual beneficiaries; sending out and collecting questionnaires; analysing the data gained through the questionnaires; finalising the interview procedures on the basis of the feed-back from questionnaires; overall evaluation of stage 1 Stage 2: conducting interviews; analysing data; developing two versions of a manual, one for professional workers, the other for beneficiaries Stage 3: trial run of the manual in the partnership and other European countries; final evaluation of the manual; final evaluation of the project, including a comparison of results with other similar projects; publication of the manual in respective national languages

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Education for parents Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners….

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Jihoceská univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta Name of the contact person: Václav Soucek Address: Jeronýmova 10, 371 15 Ceské Budejovice e-mail: [email protected] tel: +420 387 773 233 fax: +420 386 354 927 website:

Partners Asociatia de educatioa adultilor“RADACINI SI ARIPI”, Suceava, RO Tarptautine moteru organizacija Zonta Alytus Club, Alytus, LT Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum (ROC) ASA, buurtwinkel De Binnenloper, Utrecht, NL Escola Profissional Cristóvão Colombo, Funchal , PT



Project reference: 05-CZE01-S2G01-00018-1

MR. DAL (Methods to Retain Disadvantaged Adult Learners on learning programmes)

The project aims to identify the factors that enable disadvantaged adult learners to remain on learning programmes. Partner organisations will jointly develop a research framework and reporting methodology to identify key factors, trial and test them in a variety of settings and evaluate their effectiveness. The project targets adult learners from disadvantaged backgrounds, for example, people who have not completed their education, women experiencing disadvantage, those with mental health problems, learners who live in rural isolation, those experiencing social exclusion, people from ethnic minorities, older learners and single parents.

Each partner will establish a retention baseline at the start of the project. This will describe retention patterns within their own institution. Along with the baseline, the partners will describe strategies used within their own teaching practises to encourage adult learners to stay on course and also the factors that they believe adversely and positively affect retention.

Over the two year period, partners will exchange ideas and try out new strategies and tactics to improve their own organisation’s adult learner retention rates. The findings of the two year research project will be disseminated through publications, a summative conference for both tutors and learners, and web sites.

Year one activities will focus on the compilation of retention baselines and strategies. Year two will focus on the implementation and evaluation of strategies in partner organisations and dissemination of findings.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Disabled persons Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Ústav jazykové a odborné prípravy Name of the contact person: Václav Götz Address: Vratislavova 10, 128 00 Praha 2 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +420 224 990 411 fax: +420 224 990 440 website:

Partners Cornwall College Camborne, Redruth, UK VUC Kolding, Kolding, DK Aftenskolen Høyres Studieforbund, Oslo, NO Yorkshire and Humber Development Consortium, York, UK Cooperativa Cramars Scarl, Tolmezzo, IT e.V., Ausleben, DE



Project reference: 05-CZE01-S2G01-00026-1

Holistic learning self-knowledge as a guideline from pre-vocational training into the labour market

This project will focus on a ‘personalised approach’, ensuring that diversity of learning styles are catered for, and equipping learners with required skills for employment in the 21st Century. Lifelong learning represents a key tool for adaptation of people on the dynamic job market. So, the aim is supporting lifelong learning as a common practice emphasising non-formal and informal training. Each partner will exchange experiences and methods in training courses ‘Learners: how to learn to learn’ and ‘Teachers/lectures: how to guide, support and teach’: training of lecturers in partner’s institution in order to use the experiences of learning and guiding processes for students with their own specific and special needs. In the background, a quality plays an important role: it is necessary and essential to keep in mind demands of quality in training and educational processes of learners. The objectives in this project are the following: - To gather partners’ different ways/methods of assessment of learning styles, guidance, advising and supporting students’ learning processes, e.g. to find individual learning styles and techniques - To exchange ways to bring out what and how to assess and guide students in their learning process - To use an Internet-based virtual system to exchange and gather the a.m. methods, techniques etc. - To provide training courses for teachers, trainers and guides concerning how to guide & support students towards a holistic self- knowledge and course for learner how to learn to learn - To benchmark good practices - To disseminate good practises and methods via project’s website and workshops

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Training and education of people with special needs Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CC Systems, Inc. Name of the contact person: Ilona Storová Address: 17. listopadu 1a, 690 02 Breclav e-mail: [email protected] tel: +420 519 330 760 fax: +420 519 330 760 website:

Partners ASV Horsens, Horsens, DK County Longford Vocational Education Committee, Longford, IE VHS Regen, Regen, DE Vitus Bering Denmark, Horsens, DK

31 Denmark DANMARK

Project reference: 05-DNK01-S2G01-00002-1

Efficient e-learning for adult with literacy problems: conditions and effects

In the “Lisbon strategy” (2000) ICT were identified as playing a key role in achieving higher growth, more and better jobs and greater scoial inclusion. E-learning is one of the ICT tools, and the last years there has been an increasing use of e-learning. Adults with literacy problems are one of the groups who might take advantage of using e-learning and ICT in education and every day life. Effective e-learning could be one step forward closing the “digital divide” and may help improving employability and adaptability to the job market, for adults with literacy problems. The partners in this project, who already provide e-learning, want to exchange experiences and good practice. The project will focus on ongoing experiences with e-learning for adults with literacy problems. We will share and disseminate good practice, how to make e-learning effective and easier for all kinds of adult learners as a way to give equal possibilities to everyone. We will make a framework for evaluation of the effect of e-learning for adults with literacy problems. The successful implementation of these new learning possibilities requires new literacy and e-learning competencies which are central challenges both world-wide and regionally.

Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1.

Area(s) covered Basic skills Information technology Other (describe if applicable): Literacy, Dyslexia, Media literacy and E-inclusion Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, Other (describe if applicable): Adults with literacy problems


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Nordjyllands Amts Taleinstitut Name of the contact person: Anders Sigh Address: Borgmester Jørgensens Vej 2, DK-9000 Aalborg, e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 98144144 fax: +4598147844 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

AGORA, Lorient, France. Collectif Formation Société, Bruxelles, Belgium Thüringer Volkshochschulverband e.V.



Project reference: 05-DNK01-S2G01-00003-1

METODA: Methodological Exchange between Trainers Of Disadvantaged Adults

We are six organisations from different European countries and we have different kinds of services, but we all have the same objective: to involve young adults who are marginalised in society into lifelong learning. We want to investigate, exchange and develop different methods how to engage young disadvantaged adults into learning activities and to keep them motivated for learning and for future projects of work. To achive this the Learning Partnership plans: o to exchange different pedagogical methodologies used in the various partner organisations o in particular to learn from each other about different methods of engaging and motivating into learning o to investigate the potential of peer learning and mentoring approaches o to develop and implement a transnational seminar to train trainers in the participating organisations in these methodologies o to apply these training methods in the partner organisations and evaluate their suitability for the respective target groups o to develop and implement a transnational seminar for learners of the participating institutions in which the acquired methodological knowledge is applied where the participants form all the countries involved can discuss and evaluate together the various methodologies they have experienced thorugh the project and can experience the European dimension.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1.

Area(s) covered Basic skills Information technology Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Produktionsskolen i Hvidovre Name of the contact person: Martin Taarup Address: Stevnsbovej 1, DK-2650 Hvidovre, e-mail: [email protected] tel: 36779110 fax: 33773804 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Die Berater, Wien, Austria Grado 16 - Officine dell`autopromozione, Milano, Italien. Service Enfance/Jeunesse/Médiation, Sorbiers, Frankrig. Mensajeros de la Paz, Madrid, Spain Highland Community Learning – Library Support Unit, Inverness, UK



Project reference: 05-DNK01-S2G01-00005-3

Learning Partnership for the European Institute for Performing Arts

The objective of the project is to establish a learning partnership for a new and innovative European institute of performing arts. The tuition of the institute will focus on aesthetic subjects: theatre, dance, music, but with a multi-aesthetic and interdisciplinary approach. Through focus on artistic professionalism the project wants to enhance the learning process with personal development, the meeting of cultures and vocational/personal qualifications such as the willingness to adapt, commitment, attentiveness, mobility, tolerance, interpersonal skills, responsibility, creativity and entrepreneurial skills and problem-solving ability and other life competencies. The institute will be called Performers House, and will basically address young Europeans with creative abilities but without education. Through interaction between theory and practice, interaction with the research environment and an international network, the project will create a knowledge centre for aesthetic interdisciplinary learning processes. This will ensure development, documentation and the spreading of experience within the area. An international artistic and educational council will be connected to the institute with representatives from a wide European network. The council will meet once or twice annually and will be a steering body to the institute and help initiate activities. The European network will recruit students from non-formal education and make it possible to use experienced European teachers.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3.

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Højskolen Performers House Name of the contact person: Lars Ilum Address: Åhavevej 2A, DK-8600 Silkeborg, e-mail: [email protected] tel: +4586800820 fax: +45 86890169 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten; Amsterdam; The Netherlands Magyar Népföiskolai Társaság; Budapest; Hungary L'Outil; Montpellier; France Studio Maria P; Voorhout; the Netherlands CODARTS, Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the Netherlands



Project reference: 05-DNK01-S2G01-00006-2

ELPN - European Learning Partnership Network. "Get together - learn together"

The idea of the project is to promote lifelong learning focusing on innovative teaching and learning methods. The project will explore the effect and efficiency of different ways of planning and practising training in terms of place, time, appearance and pedagogical methods. The target group is less educated adults who need to be motivated to continue life long to build up competencies, which can help them to keep up with the growing demands on the labour market or for unemployed to get a job. The project will try to find answers to questions like: Does the way of planning the education have an effect on whether students get their certification or drop out? Can e-learning be the answer to continue learning instead of dropping out? The partners represent a varity of institutions with very different experiences. Best practice examples to inspire trainers to deliver more qualified education and a living network of teachers, coaching groups and students groups in the partner countries will be some of the useful results. The project is planned as a two-year project. In the first year the partners plan to exchange practice and experience. In the second year the focus will be on transformation of ideas in different structures (groups, countries, subjects) and if possible we will experiment with various forms of flexible learning. This approach gives a new dimension to the idea of lifelong learning.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2.

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Information technology Intercultural issues Media Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Center for Fleksibel Voksenundervisning Name of the contact person: Lene Sandholdt Address: Simmerstedvej 1 2.sal., DK-6100 Haderslev, e-mail: [email protected] tel: 73613333 fax: 73613399 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Dalslands Folkhögskola; Sweden Association for Development and Reforms; Razlog; Bulgaria A.I.J.E.Z. Asociacion Independente de Jovenes Empresarios de Zaragoza; Zaragoza; Spain Volkshochschulverband Mecklenburg- Vorpommern e.v.; Schwerin; Germany KEK NA/NELE KAVALAS, Kavalas, Greece



Project reference: 05-DNK01-S2G01-00007-3

Innovative ways of reaching out

The purpose of the learning partnership is the experience on innovative ways to reach marginalized groups or such groups threatened by marginalisation and ensure the completion of the courses through pedagogical and educational strategies. These groups vary between regions, but they have certain traits in common: 1) difficulties in obtaining steady jobs, 2) they are disincline to participate in education voluntarily and 3) they are not affected by traditional methods of marketing education. The learning partnership is a transnational cooperation between different teaching institutions with a common wish to try to use untraditional ways of reaching these groups. Each institution has targeted a group that it will attempt to reach and engage through educational activities. The framework for the cooperation is: an internet conference with a common homepage. The coordinator is responsible for constructing and maintaining the site technically. Partners regularly exchange experiences on information material, marketing strategies etc. an annual conference (preceded by a preparatory meeting for key staff) in alternating countries to exchange experiences directly and strengthen the European dimension.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3.

Area(s) covered Basic skills Health Information technology Active Citizenship Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Women


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Københavns VUC Name of the contact person: Anne Jelsøe Address: Helgolandsgade 6, DK-1653 København V, e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 82326605 fax: +45 8232 6601 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

GRETA Vaucluse Nord; Carpentras; France Volkshochschule Reutlingen GmbH; Reutlingen; Germany Volkshochschule Meiding: Vienna; Austria



Project reference: 05-DNK01-S2G01-00038-2

Adult Learning of Science (ALOS)

The project aims at exploring multicultural varieties of adult teaching and learning strategies within the area of science and it will involve both learners and teachers in the process. The project intends to develop an international network of science teachers, for exchange of experiences and development of new methods. One problem is whether and how the various methodologies and ideas used by each institution can be integrated in order to foster common or new educational methods. The project intends: Explore the teaching and learning strategies in the different participating countries. Establish a network between teachers in different countries. Create a web-site for exchanging learning and teaching experiences in science. Establish a science competition for learners at the participating institutions. Make use of the institutions’ particular resources to promote and add to the success of the cooperation

Duration: 2 year Funding year: 2

Area(s) covered Information technology Other : Science

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: Adults who need accredited courses in science in order to continue higher education


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: VUC Roskilde Amt Name of the contact person: Lene Hedegaard Jensen Address: Læderstræde 4, DK-4000 Roskilde, e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 46 30 86 40 fax: +45 46 30 86 19 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

ROC (Regionaal Opleidings Centrum) Deltion College Unit Educatie, AH Zwolle, Holland. Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Prague 2, Tjekkiet. Berufskolleg Senne der Stadt Bielefeld; Bielefeld; Germany Statl. Weiterbildungkolleg Westfalen-Kolleg, Bielefeld; Germany Osrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli, Slupsk, Poland



Project reference: 05-DNK01-S2G01-00040-3

How to Make Integration More Efficient Through Language Teaching Focusing on Intercultural Awareness

The project aims at becoming familiar with learning systems in the partner countries and from that then selecting and improving the tools used in teaching immigrants. The project will focus on learning and observation of partners ‘in action’, exchange of curricula and study plans and organisation of relevant events with the students. Selected curriculum and study plans will be translated, compared and evaluated and teaching strategies through practical examples will be exchanged. During visits class-room observation will be video-taped and brought back to the students and fellow teachers/trainers. Current documentation of the findings will be elaborated.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3.

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: VUC FYN Odense Name of the contact person: Bent Funder Address: Jernbanegade 20, DK-5000 Odense C, e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 63139393 fax: +45 63133394 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

AOF Svendborg Sprogcenter; Svendborg; Denmark IPSSCT 'Marisa Bellisario'; Milano; Italy Centro de Educacion de Adultos 'Manolo Collado'; Sevilla; Spain Jyväskylan tysväenopisto; Jyväskylan; Finland



Project reference: 05-DNK01-S2G01-00042-3

Nye indfaldsvinkler - Det vigtige kendskab

We mean that the differences between those taking part in this project shall be considered as strength. We will make new recognition and pedagogical products for our work with disabled adults. We will allow new thoughts and exchange experiences, and remove the acts and thoughts that appear from the habit in our culture, just as we shall create proper opportunities to realize the new pedagogical methods in each country. The partners have met at executive level the 1st year, where new approaches were in focus, by this we have obtained “the important knowledge” that aims at individual service to disabled persons and towards lifelong learning for all involved. A shared homepage is created for all material gathered. The second year the employees/learners have had an active role in preparing seminars for colleagues in the participating countries, they have worked with different subjects and made a coherent view of life with the focus on work situations, quality of life, understanding for disabilities and a social network. In the third year our residents (vulnerable people with mental and physical disabilities) are learners in lifelong learning together with their contact person in summer school in creative forms of expression and community.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3

Area(s) covered Basic skills Information technology Intercultural issues Sustainable development Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Landsbyen Sølund Name of the contact person: Britt Bach Madsen Address: Dyrehaven 10, DK-8660 Skanderborg, e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 87931122 fax: +45 86521185 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Quinta Essencia; Cascais; Portugal V.Z.W. Den Dries; Evergem; Belgium



Project reference: 05-DNK01-S2G01-00045-3

Learning by doing

The project will develop good practice in education, training and guidance as a means of integrating migrants and others in the labour market. ‘Learning by Doing’ will identify the social skills, cultural understanding and communication codes used in various types of workplaces, and facilitate the transformation of this knowledge into good guidance, teaching and training practices. The project will also identify methods to help learners find jobs in the countries they live in, as well as to improve the teaching process in the field of practical use of learned skills and knowledge. The project partners will exchange experiences in discovering the non-formal competencies of the target group and of making the target group aware of these competencies. Finally, the project will attempt to influence policy in the private and public labour market, so they become more receptive to ethnic minorities and to people with special educational needs .

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Women


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Videnscenter for Integration Name of the contact person: Ib Jespergaard Address: Havneparken 2, DK-7100 Vejle, e-mail: [email protected] tel: +45 7643 2271 fax: +45 7643 2297 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Strand Voksenopplæring; Jørpeland; Norway Organism de Formation de Rocher de Guyenne; Rudeau; France Ländlische Erwachsenenbildung Prignitz-Havelland e.V.; Rathenow; Germany SOZE Sdruzeni obcanu zabyvajcich se emigrantly; Brno; Czech Republic Vantaan aikuispisto; Vantaa; Finland


DANMARK Project reference: 05-DNK01-S2G01-00062-2

Ways from Exclusion to Inclusion as an Active European Citizen We are five partners from five different European countries sharing a common idea: A project for our learners: excluded groups of citizens, threatened by marginalization of different reasons (immigrants, refugees, young unemployed, workers, Muslims, disabled). We intend through various activities: o to open the local community for the excluded by visits in organisations etc. o to present for the majority group the personal and cultural strengths of the excluded group through exhibitions or meetings, presented by the project group, o and to give common experiences to the (former) excluded minority and the majority in the local society. The project will work on the inclusion of the learners as active citizens in different ways in the five countries, according to the target group and the conditions of the organisation.(see C.1.3) The project will include corporation with various local organisations and groups of people, and we want to utilize the resources in the partnership. This will be done by continuous interaction between the partners by exchanging innovative methods and examples of good practice. The medias for performance and dissemination in the local community shall be for instance photo, video, drawings, drama, lectures, and exhibitions. The continuous interaction between the local participants and partners is secured o through dialogue between staff, teachers and learners in a frame of activities such as meetings, courses, and supervision for learners o through IT correspondence with the partners, and o through personal meetings of learners and staff from the five partner groups in seminars in the countries. The dissemination of the project will be both on the local, the national, and the European level.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2. Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Media Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Frit Oplysningsforbund i Jægerspris Name of the contact person: Agnete Andersson Address: Vestervangsvej 3, DK-3630 Jægerspris, e-mail: [email protected] tel: +4547522206 fax: website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Vereinigung voor Ontwikkeling en Emancipatie van Moslims - VOEM vzw; Antwerp; Belgium Työväen Sivistysliitto TSL ry Opintokeskus; Helsinki; Finland Towarzystwo Oswiatowe "Integracja"; Warsaw; Poland Marieborgs folkhögskola; Norrköping; Sweden


Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00001-1

"The Path/ Der Pfad" - Erfahrungsaustausch über die methodische Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Konzepten für thematische Lernpfade

Die Idee der neuen Lernpartnerschaft beruht auf der gemeinsamen Spezifik von strukturschwachen ländlichen Regionen der LP- Mitglieder und der Entwicklung von Bildungsangeboten für Bewohner und Gäste. Hinter der Idee der Lernpfade verbirgt sich ein realer Weg (Wander-, Radweg, Straße) zu bestimmten Themen, wie Kultur, Religion, Gesunde Ernährung, Technik etc. In der Uckermark bietet sich hierfür das generationsübergreifende Lernthema „Erneuerbare Energien“ für einen solchen Lernpfad an. Lehrende und Lernende beschäftigen sich mit der Energieerzeugung von Gestern und Heute, entwickeln Methoden zur Heranführung von Bewohnern und Gästen unterschiedlicher Altersgruppen an das Thema, Betreiber der Anlagen werden in die Arbeit einbezogen. Die Erfahrungen sind abstrahierbar, unter konkreten thematischen Ansätzen und Bedingungen der beteiligten Regionen nachnutzbar. Lernende werden motiviert und sensibilisiert sich mit ihrem Umfeld auseinander zu setzen. Durch den transnationalen Aspekt der LP erhalten sie Einblicke in andere Länder und Kulturen. Dies fordert Auseinandersetzung mit dem europäischen Gedanken, erhöht die interkulturelle Kompetenz. Das Thema zeigt Lernenden Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten auf. Lehrende setzen sich mit anderen Lehrmethoden auseinander, wobei transnationale Erfahrungen der Partner der LP einfließen. An konkreten Standorten werden didaktisch-methodische Konzepte zur altersgruppengerechten Besucherbetreuung entwickelt. Die Arbeit der LP wird durch Erstellung und Pflege einer Webseite unterstützt. Darauf werden Lernpfade der einzelnen Länder gezeigt. Im Ergebnis der Arbeiten entsteht eine zusammenfassende Projektbroschüre.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Sustainable development Arts, music, culture Environment Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Tourists/visitors of the regions


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ABU Akademie für Berufsförderung und Umschulung gGmbH Name of the contact person: Hans-Joachim Borchert Address: Beilsteiner Straße 118, 12681 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0) 30-54 99 60 248 fax: +49-(0) 30- 54 99 60 111 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Büro Verzahnung & Chancengleichheit Uckermark, DE Moy Valley Tourism Ltd, IR INSTITUTO ANTONIO PROVOLO, IT "Gartenstraße Kärnten" e.V., AT HT-Metka Oy, FI Stowarzyszenie Ekologiczno-Kulturalne ZIARNO, PL



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00002-1

"Lernen für's Leben - Learn for Life"

Das Verhältnis zum lebenslangen, eigenverantwortlichen Lernen wird beim Übergang ins Erwachsenenleben wesentlich geprägt. Sozial benachteiligte junge Erwachsene sind durch fehlenden Zugang zum Lernen und andere Gründe in ihren Entwicklungschancen eingeschränkt und zunehmend von gesellschaftlicher Ausgrenzung bedroht. Ziel der Lernpartnerschaft ist ein europäischer Erfahrungsaustausch unter Praktikern der Erwachsenenbildung über erfolgreiche Lernstrategien und -praktiken zur sozialen Integration dieser Zielgruppe in städtischen sozialen Brennpunkten. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei das informelle Lernen im sozialen Umfeld. Themen des auf 3 Jahre angelegten Erfahrungsaustausches sind u.a. Motivation für informelles Lernen; interessen- und praxisbezogenes Lernen; Dokumentation informell erworbener Kompetenzen; Modularisierung Zugangsmöglichkeiten; Unterstützungsstrukturen; Anreizsysteme; Vernetzung; Lernberatung; Verknüpfung von Lernformen zur Förderung persönlicher Entfaltung, aktiver Staatsbürgerschaft, sozialer Integration sowie Entwicklung von Beschäftigungsfähigkeit junger Erwachsener. Bestimmte Benachteiligtengruppen finden besondere Berücksichtigung (z.B. junge Erwachsene mit Migrationshintergrund, alleinerziehende junge Mütter, Bildungsabbrecher, junge Langzeitarbeitslose). Der Erfahrungsaustausch findet unter Einbeziehung von Lernenden bei den Lernpartnern vor Ort statt. Die Einbeziehung von Vertretern aus Politik und Öffentlichkeit in den trans-nationalen Erfahrungsaustausch soll diese für die Erwachsenenbildung sensibilisieren, um verbesserte Lernbedingungen für sozial benachteiligte junge Erwachsene in den beteiligten Regionen zu schaffen. Der Erfahrungsaustausch wird durch eine Website und Webdiskussionen unterstützt. Die Ergebnisse werden dokumentiert.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services ) Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Tourists/visitors of the regions

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ABU Akademie für Berufsförderung und Umschulung gGmbH Name of the contact person: Hans-Joachim Borchert Address: Beilsteiner Straße 118, 12681 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0) 30-54 99 60 248 fax: +49-(0) 30- 54 99 60 111 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Escuela Adultos & Programa Garantia Social - Ayuntamiento de Segorbe, ES ANJAF - Associaçao Nacional de Jovens para Acçao Familiar, PT Szaraznad Nevelesi - Oktatasi Központ Ovoda, Altalanos Iskola, Szakiskola es Pedagogiai Szakszolgalat, HU Associazione N.E.T., IT The Cresco Trust Limited, UK Irfa est interregion, FR Associazione Europa, IT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00004-1

Zivilgesellschaft in Europa - Voneinander lernen, gemeinsam handeln

Bei dem Projekt handelt es sich um eine Kooperation zwischen gemeinnützigen Einrichtungen aus 8 Ländern, die in verschiedenen Feldern der Erwachsenenbildung tätig sind: sie arbeiten mit Behinderten, in räumlich benachteiligten Regionen, in den Bereichen Gender und der interkulturellen Erziehung. Ziel des Projektes ist es, auf verschiedenen Ebenen voneinander zu lernen: 1.Kennenlernen der anderen Organisationen mit ihren Methoden und Arbeitsweisen 2.Sensibilisierung im Hinblick auf die jeweils von der eigenen Einrichtung nicht abgedeckten Bereiche. Der vielschichtige Lernprozess vollzieht sich durch "aktives Lernen“ im Rahmen von Projekttreffen in jedem Land: 1. Die Empfangsorganisation stellt ihre tägliche Bildungsarbeit vor. In Kleingruppen sollen die Lernenden der anderen Länder möglichst konkret die typischen Arbeitsfelder der Organisation kennenlernen. Im Vorfeld können zudem an den Gastgeber spezielle Programmwünsche abgegeben werden, z.B. „Wie wird Fundraising in einem diesbezüglich relativ erfahrenen Land wie GB organisiert?“ 2. Gemeinsame Diskussion und Reflektion über das Erlebte. Wo bestehen Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten? Inwiefern hat sich unser Erfahrungsschatz erweitert und zwar: a) in Bezug auf meinen persönlichen Horizont? b) Kann ich das Erlebte für meine nationale Bildungsarbeit nutzen, eventuell Methoden übernehmen oder Arbeitsweisen verändern? Zwischen den Projekttreffen wird der Lernprozess mit Hilfe von Fragenkatalogen evaluiert und dokumentiert. Neben der Integration von Methoden anderer Bereichen in die eigene Arbeit ist ein weiteres Ziel die Entwicklung innovativer Projekte, die einige der vier Bereiche miteinander kombinieren (z.B. ein interkultureller Austausch zwischen 2 Behindertenorganisationen).

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Project Objectives Management of adult education organisation / insti

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Disabled persons Hauptamtliche und ehrenamtliche Bildungsverantwortliche


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Interkulurelles Netzwerk e.V. Name of the contact person: Sebastian Maass Address: Christinenstr. 18/19, 10119 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0) 30-54713910 fax: +49-(0) 30- 54713911 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) REDS Red Europea de Diálogo Social, ES Ufficio Scambi Internationali, IT ADAPT (Action by Differently Abled People in Tynedale), UK Union Peuple et Culture, FR



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00005-1

INBE — Integration by Education — The Influence of Learners on the Integrating Educational Programme

Lingual, economic and social isolation determines the life of immigrants. Integrating educational programmes trying to overcome this isolation are designed according to concepts, needs and (at last financial) possibilities of the host communities. Depending on these programmes offered immigrants seem to be confined to a mostly passive role and a wait-and-see-attitude from the start. Low expectations and identification diminish the success of the programmes, at least a part of the effort is given away. Six European institutions of special integrative expertise and expertise within adult education want to analyse and to evaluate the actual situation concerning the design of integrating programs in the partner countries. Do learners have any influence on contents and methods of the programmes? Are there already approaches to improve this situation? The aim of the project is to explore together ways to examine and to identify actual training needs of immigrants and to find out how we can enhance the designing influence of learners on their integrating educational program. We want to learn from each other how to improve the designing influence of immigrants by exchanging experiences and good practice. Project activities consist of visits and meetings by partner institutions, project work with the learners and staff, culminating in an international workshop. Immigrant learners take part in every phase of the project.

Total DURATION: 1 year FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Management of adult education organisation / insti Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Arbeit und Leben Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Mecklenburg–Vorpommern e.V. Name of the contact person: Heike Deul Address: Eckdrift 83, 19061 Schwerin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0) 385-6 38 32 91 fax: +49-(0) 385- 6 38 32 95 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Comisiones Obreras, ES Etelä-Karjalan Koulutuskuntayhtymä, FI VUC FYN International Udvikling, DK Viittakivi International Centre, FI



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00006-3

Getting experience from applying the European Language Portfolio in adult education for migrants

The project aims at getting common experience in applying the European Language Portfolio (ELP) in adult education for foreigners. Specific objects are: - Use of tools for self-assessment - Intercultural communication (two-way learning, teacher-learner) - Exchange of experience in Foreign Language Teaching methodology - Involvement of learners in structuring and planning learning processes The target groups are foreigners, migrants who are adults or young adults who are not involved in formal education. The main activities are the introduction of different tools for the active involvement and self-assessment of language learners. The project implementation will consist mainly in the application of the European Language Portfolio in current language courses for foreigners of partners’ institutions. The project evaluation will take place mainly in international seminars / workshops.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Akademie Klausenhof Name of the contact person: Barbara Spannhake Address: Klausenhofstr. 100, 46499 Hamminkeln e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)2852-89-1358 fax: +49-(0)2852-89-3300 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Vantaan Aikuisopisto, FI Arendal voksenopplaering, NO EDUCA-vzdelávaci centrum, CZ Escuela Oficial de idiomas Melillia, ES Weiterbildungs-Testsysteme GmbH, DE



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00011-1

CLAY- Cooperative Learning by Ambiental Activity

The aim of the CLAY-project is that all participating partners examine some of their regional and global problems, exchange information and ideas and disseminate their results in order to learn from one another and to create a sense of awareness which will lead to a different attitude towards environmental issues. In addition, CLAY will promote the partners examining traditional and long established methods of dealing with everyday problems and altering their habits by applying newer technologies and modern approaches. It is not the aim of the project to solve these problems but to expose them and to learn from the endeavours of the partners to solve them. The long-term aim is also to hold courses at schools and institutions of adult education in order to interest people in environmental issues and to promote changes in their attitude. These changes should include the use of modern technologies as well as the re-use of historic but effective methods. Hence the name of the project CLAY: Cooperative Learning by Ambient Activity.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship European countries / European Union Information technology Environment Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Local community groups Women Senior citizens


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Schrobenhausen e.V. Name of the contact person: Roland Schneidt Address: Lenbachstr. 22, 86529 Schrobenhausen e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0) 8252-89400 fax: +49-(0) 8252-89392 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Demos Agiou Athansiou, CY Centro Risorse Territoriale "Essere Al Centro", IT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00012-2

Competencies in Marketing for Trainers in Continuing Education (CMCE)

Die tatsächliche Entwicklung der überregionalen europäischen Kooperationen im Bereich der Weiterbildung bleibt weit hinter den neuen Herausforderungen und der gewünschten Kooperationskultur zurück. Eine europäische Zusammenarbeit von Bildungsanbietern erfolgt bisher lediglich in Einzelfällen. Der Weiterbildungsmarkt hat sich verändert. Das Marketing wird für kommerzielle und nichtkommerzielle Institutionen zu der wichtigsten Quelle des Unternehmenserfolgs. Um sich professionell auf dem Markt zu behaupten müssen auch Bildungsanbieter ihr Know-how an neue Marketing-Konzepte anpassen. Kleinere Anbieter sollten sich darauf vorbereiten, dass unter dem Zeichen der Globalisierung auch eine Internationalisierung der Weiterbildungsträger bevorsteht. Das Projekt will die Marketingpraxis kleiner europäischer Weiterbildungsanbieter erfassen und optimieren und eine neue europäische und transnationale Kooperationsform im Bereich der Marketingstrategien initiieren. Damit sollen deren Planungskompetenz sowie die Effizienz und die Transparenz ihrer Unternehmensführung für den regionalen, nationalen und europäischen Markt verbessert werden. Die teilnehmenden Organisa-ionen und deren Lehrende / Beschäftigte - lernen im Sinne des dialogischen Lernens voneinander in der Vermarktung ihres eigenen Angebots, - erhalten die Möglichkeit, ein klares Bild nach außen (Werbung, Akquisition, Medienauftritte, Webseite) zu entwickeln, - erhalten Zugangsmöglichkeiten zu europäischen Projekten und Aufträgen und verbessern die Qualität ihrer Arbeit Das Projekt soll sich im 2. Jahr auf folgende Schwer-punktthemen konzentrieren: 1. Self- Marketing, 2. Exchange of Marketing- experiences between public and private sectors on the European Market, 3. Best practice.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active cititenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union Marketing / Präsentation / Unternehmensführung Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Target Group(s) Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Lehrende, Dozenten, Kursleitende, Beschäftigte bei Bildungsanbietern

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ttg team training GmbH Name of the contact person: Annerose Walter Address: Holzmarkt 7, 72070 Tübingen e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)7071-51396 fax: +49-(0)7071-51396 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Société Civile Auvillaraise De Contacts, FR Mainstreaming Agenda, IT Buskerud University College, NO Behacker & Partner OEG, AT Fundacion Objetivo 1, ES Initial-Training e.V., DE Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri, IT Telsiai Teachers Education Center, LT ATHENA - Association for Training and Development for Women, CZ



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00013-3

GILE- Generationsübergreifendes inter-kulturelles Lernen in Europa

Der biographische Ansatz in der Erwachsenenbildung kann den Prozess lebenslangen Lernens effektiv unterstützen. Er fördert das gegenseitige Verständnis individueller Erfahrungen, Probleme und Motivationen. Besonders produktiv kann die biographische Methode in gemeinsamen Lernprozessen von Teilnehmenden mit unterschiedlichen persönlichen Erfahrungen, Altersstufen und beruflichen Zusammenhängen sein, vor allem dann, wenn die Teilnehmenden unterschiedlichen Generationen und unterschiedlichen Nationalitäten angehören. Ziel des beabsichtigten Projektes ist es, diesen Bildungsansatz in gemeinsamer Arbeit von Bildungseinrichtungen verschiedener europäischer Länder weiter zu entwickeln und damit neue Zugänge, Lehrpläne und Methoden für das lebenslange Lernen zwischen Generationen, in internationalen Lerngruppen und Lernprojekten zu erarbeiten. Dabei stehen der Austausch individueller Perspektiven, die Wissensvermittlung über aktuelle soziale Veränderungen und europäische Entwicklungen im Vordergrund. Mit dem Projekt soll zugleich ein konkreter Beitrag zur Integration der mittel- und osteuropäischen Beitrittsländer/Beitrittskandidaten geleistet werden. Das Projekt sieht vor: - Internationale generationenübergreifende Lernseminare zu projektieren, durchzuführen und zu evaluieren ; - Experten/Lehrer für entsprechende europäische Ausbildungsprojekte im Rahmen einer Zusatzqualifikation auszubilden; - die Erfahrungen in gemeinsamen Seminaren/Konferenzen auszutauschen und in internationale Lernprozesse einzubinden, sowie - die weitere Anwendung in unterschiedlichen regionalen Bildungszusammenhängen der beteiligten Partner vorzubereiten.Das Projekt will insbesondere ältere Personen und Jugendliche integrieren. - die Erarbeitung einer mehrsprachigen pädagogischen Arbeitshilfe

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Active cititenship Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Senior citizens Lehrkräfte / Multiplikatoren


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Thüringen Name of the contact person: Helmut Schuchardt Address: Regierungsstr. 73, 99084 Erfurt e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)361-3792740 fax: +49(0)361-3792702 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Latvijas Universitate, LV Fundacja Krzyzowa dla Porozumienia, PL Evangelische Erwachsenenbildung, DE



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00014-2

Encourage LLL - employability for senior citizens

Under the habit to "prolong active citizenship" we understand learning from one another, reflecting own habits and experiences, learning to learn, enhancing motivation and active participation of learners, understanding other cultures and countries, intergenerational contacts, making new friends. For people aged 50 and over the working world may appear to be closed. At this stage in life it is often assumed that one has reached the stage of un-employability. At the same time children leave home and people are faced with the possibility or necessity to re-structure or even change their jobs or working patterns. It is possible to identify a trend of lacking expertise in companies. This phenomeneon has led to the first attempts to bring older people back to work. There is a growing need throughout Europe to provide opportunities for people over 50 to use their learning and life skills in a range of socially valuable contexts. The project intends to increase the capacity of senior citizens for active citicenship and their way back to working context by improving their cultural awareness, by increasing their employab., by upgrading their gen. skills. In workshops carried through in the particip. countries they will be trained in different packs, to learn from one another, to exchange and to pass special examples of good practice in order to transfer them into their own institutional and learning contexts

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active cititenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development Environment Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Senior citizens Local community groups Women


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Kulturkuratorin GbR Name of the contact person: Dr. Jutta Thinesse-Demel Address: Geyerspergerstraße 42, 80689 München e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(ß)89-5806664 fax: +49(0)89-5803466 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) University of Strathclyde, UK Trondheim Kommune, NO European Citizen's Awareness, GR



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00015-1

EduPART. Educational Partnership activates families.

Das Projekt zielt auf die Entwicklung einer Lernpartnerschaft zwischen insgesamt 5 Einrichtungen aus Deutschland, Litauen, Polen und Österreich. Inhaltlich konzentriert sich der Austausch auf den Bereich der Eltern- und Familienbildung als einer wichtigen Dimension der Erwachsenenbildung. Es soll dabei zunächst die Gestaltung der Erziehung in der Spannung zwischen familialen und beruflichen Anforderungen erörtert werden. Die Umsetzung erfolgt im Rahmen eines strukturierten und ergebnisorientierten Austausches zwischen den Einrichtungen. Im Rahmen von zwei internationalen Familienkonferenzen realisiert sich (1) der Austausch über die soziale Situation von Eltern und deren Familien in den jeweiligen Ländern als lebensweltlicher Kontext der Elternbildung in den Partnereinrichtungen; (2) der Austausch über die Praxis und Erfahrungen in Bezug auf Elternbildung; (3) die Wahrnehmung von sozialen Differenzen und Mentalitätsunterschieden in den jeweiligen Ländern und (4) der Austausch bzw. die Reflexion über deren Bedeutung für die jeweilige Praxis der Elternbildung. Die genannten Dimensionen des Austausches sollen dazu beitragen, eine tragfähige und effiziente Arbeitsbasis zu erarbeiten, auf der die teilnehmenden Einrichtungen evtl. gemeinsam Strategien der Elternbildung entwickeln, insbesondere für solche Eltern, die sich mittels der herkömmlichen Orte und Methoden der Erwachsenbildung nicht oder nur schwer motivieren lassen, an Bildungsangeboten teilzunehmen. Der aktivierenden Elternarbeit kommt hier eine zentrale Funktion zu, die sich auch im Titel des Lernprojekts ausdrückt. Der Austausch von Lehrenden soll den Erfahrungs- und Wissentransfer realisieren helfen und eventuell den Ausbau der notwendigen Strukturen vor Ort fördern.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Education for parents European countries / European Union Active citizenship Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Management of adult education organisation / insti Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Women Eltern/Erziehende


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Familienbund der Katholiken im Bistum Erfurt und im Freistaat Thüringen Name of the contact person: Dr. Kurt Herzberg Address: Herrmannsplatz 3, 99084 Erfurt e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)361-5 66 20 83 fax: +49-(0)361-5 66 20 84 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Familienbund der Katholiken im Bistum Mainz, DE Pal. J. Matulaicio seimos pagalbos centras, LT Akademie für Familienpädagogik, Schönstatt am Kahlenberg, AT Miejski Osrodek Pomocy Rodzinie, PL



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00017-1

Strategic Perspectives for Providers in Adult Education (SPPAE)

Strategische Perspektiven für Akteure in der Erwachsenenbildung. "Wer und was wollen wir sein in einem Europa des Wissens?" Diese Zukunftsfrage nach Vision und Leitbild steht am Anfang der Strategieentwicklung für eine Partnerschaft bestehend aus Erwachsenenbildungsorganisationen mit unterschiedlichem Profil. Innovative Akteure erkennen, dass sie ihre Existenz längerfristig nur mit Blick auf die gemeinsamen europäischen Problemstellungen hinaus sichern können. Der Wettbewerb und die Konkurrenz werden härter. Um weiterhin wettbewerbsfähig bleiben zu können muss die Erwachsenenbildung auf den Einspartrend bei den öffentlichen und privaten Geldgebern reagieren: Kernangebote ändern, Angebote entwickeln, die einen Markt finden. Jede Organisation hat eine Strategie und agiert im täglichen Geschäft nach spezifischen Grundüberzeugungen. Häufig ist die Strategie eher intuitiv, die strate-gischen Vorstellungen über das was die Auftraggeber, die Lernenden und die Zukunft wollen, bleiben unausgesprochen. In dem Projekt empfehlen sich für die strategische Analyse und den Blick in die Zukunft die Stakeholder-Analyse und die Szenario-Methode. Hauptthemen des Projekts sind: aktuelle und zukünftige Bedürfnisse der Lernenden, Markt und Angebote, Ressourcen, Stärken und Schwächen und die Analyse der europäischen Wettbewerbs- und Branchenlogik. Die Stakeholder-Analyse kann hier die sozialen Beziehungsgeflechte zwischen den Bildungsakteuren und den relevanten Interessengruppen erfassen. Die Zukunftsschancen der Organisationen hängen davon ab, wie sie im Erfahrungsaustausch von ihren europäischen Partnern lernen und zu einem gezielten und fortlaufenden Strategieentwicklungsprozess finden.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Target Group(s) Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Lehrende, Dozenten, Kursleiter/innen, Beschäftigte bei Bildungsanbietern

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ttg team training GmbH Name of the contact person: Annerose Walter Address: Holzmarkt 7, 72070 Tübingen e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0) 7071 / 51396 fax: +49-(0)7071 / 51396 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) IDAP Institut de Développement des Activités de Proximité, FR R&R.COM Renk & Reyeros GbR, DE Behacker & Partner, AT Fondo Formación Euskadi S.L.L.



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00021-1

PAP-Prejudice as a Path

This project explores the cultural and emotional differences that create the barriers for a better acceptance and intercultural understanding. It aims at promoting the idea of European citizenship according to the motto of the European Constitution “unity in diversity”. We will start by confronting the participants/ learners with their own prejudice and those of others. This will be done through workshops with the learners in each partner organisations. The participants will subsequently initiate learning processes at a national and transnational level. We have to take into account that prejudice might be difficult to overcome but it can also be used as a positive tool for mutual understanding and respect. Finding the common ground of European culture will open learner´s minds to accept diversity and view it as an enrichment of their own individual horizon. This will establish innovative methods emerging from the different cultures and an awareness of one´s own identity. It will involve teachers and students alike. The aim is to empower individuals to influence their own situation through better understanding of their own and others´ cultural background. A collective approach to this issue will enhance effectiveness, efficiency and innovation. The exchange of information, ideas and expertise between transnational project partners will take place during seminars and visits in order to : - Deepen the awareness of own cultural identity, - Develop and share methods of how to cope with and understand the reasons behind prejudice and xenophobia, - Actively involve learners; - Take the step from prejudice, to discovery, to curiosity, to reflection; - Identify alternative solutions or approaches; - Adapt pedagogical approaches to situations in each member state.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Young adults at or about to start vocational training and adults alike


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: May-Eyth-Schule, Alsfeld Name of the contact person: Arno Zierk Address: In der Krebsbach 8, 36304 Alsfeld e-mail: verwaltung@ tel: +49-(0) 6631-9760-0 fax: +49-(0)6631-9760-35 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) James Watt College of Further & Higher Education, UK Odensetekniske skole, DK Instituto Provincial de Educación de Adultos, ES Escola Tecnológica, Artistica e Profissional de Pombal, PT Ljudska univerza Kranj, Center za izobrazevanje, SI Escuela oficial de idiomas de linares, ES



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00022-2

Gender meets Reality

The partners of the Learning Partnership RealGeM compare their experiences and methods of their respective activities and working fields to implement Gender Mainstreaming. The different experiences and practices of the partner organisations will be compared, integrated and assessed in terms of transferability, in order to facilitate a trans-national and trans-sectoral learning process. More detailed, this learning process contains several elements: Two steps are in the centre of the first year which are: (1) A discussion of the role of Gender Mainstreaming in the profile of tasks/in the self-conception of bodies and institutions in the above mentioned areas for conceptual educational work and (2) An identification of aspects, demands, and themes in connection with Gender Mainstreaming that are characteristic for the above mentioned areas, with the focus on educational practice. The Learning Partnerships work of the second year will concentrate on the opening of new areas for Gender Mainstreaming which build a potential transition between general adult education, the consolidation of daily life knowledge and professional knowledge, e.g. tackling consumers policy and participation and future-oriented governance strategies taking into account the perspective of gender equality. In summary, RealGeM in its second year continues to orientate on different policy fields with their demands on participation and gender equality mentioned in the general policy of the European Union, representative is for example Art. 3 of the Treaty of Amsterdam.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Consumer education Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Gender equality Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s) Women Local community groups Women and men in political adult education namely Gender Mainstreaming processes

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: DISSENS / GenderWerk Name of the contact person: Andrea von Marschall Address: Allee der Kosmonauten 67, 12681 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)30-549875-35 fax: +49-(0)30-549875-31 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Grameipuls, Societat municipal de Santa Coloma, ES Frauenservice Graz/Genderwerkstätte Graz, AT Verein Männerberatung Graz, AT Mirovni institut Institute za sodobne druzbene in politivne studije, SI



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00025-2

MAESTRO - Multipliers in Adult Education - Structures and Organisation

In diesem Projekt soll es darum gehen, Erwachsenenbildung an sogenannten „anderen Lernorten“ zu stärken. Es werden jeweils eine Einrichtung der Erwachsenenbildung mit einem regionalen Museum zusammen arbeiten, um gemeinsam mit den Fachleuten des Museums Module zu entwickeln, die für „Lerneinheiten im Museum“ oder zur Unterstützung der Erarbeitung historischer, künstlerischer und kultureller Themen geeignet sind. Es sollen in dieser Zusammenarbeit gemeinsame Konzeptionen erstellt werden, die mit den europäischen Partnern ausgetauscht werden sollen und die ggf. auch zu einem Material bzw. Personalaustausch führen können. Zusätzlich soll begleitend zu dieser Lernpartnerschaft ein Grundtvig 1 Projekt beantragt werden, in dem es darum gehen soll, Kompetenzen zu entwickeln und zu schulen, die gerade in diesem Schnittbereich Bildung / Kultur wichtig sind. Geplant ist ein kleiner „Lehrreicher Museumsführer“, der es Einzelpersonen, Gruppen oder auch Seminarteilnehmern ermöglicht, Ausstellungen unter solchen Aspekten zu erkunden, die bewusst in Frage gestellt, problematisiert, reflektiert, in einen größeren Kontext eingebracht etc. werden.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Media Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Senior citizens


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Westfälisches Forum für Kultur und Bildung e.V. Name of the contact person: Dr. Ulrike Kurth Address: Oberntorwall 25, 33602 Bielefeld e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)521-69893 fax: +49-(0)521-69893 Organisation/Project website: --

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) CVO Tweedekansonderwijs vzw, BE(FL) Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, NL Moysikologiki Etaireia Kyproy, CY Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kinderphilosophie, AT MetocickoPedagogicke Centrum, SK Kadrioru Väliskunsti Muuseum, EE



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00028-2

New Approaches to Nutritional Education in Museums

Nutrition-related disorders are on the increase throughout Europe. The controversial discussion about what constitutes ‘proper’ nutrition underlines the need for up-to-date nutritional education in place of the insufficiently effective classical nutritional education, particularly for adults. What is more, the food sector is also subject to increasing global uniformity, associated with a loss of diversity. Since nutrition is closely related to traditions and lifestyles, museums – as places of historical and social reflection and of aesthetic perception – can combine these two aspects. By offering sense and taste-training sessions and events that emphasise the enjoyment of food and regional specialities, these extra-mural places of learning can play an important role in the development of responsible eating habits. Furthermore activities on local food products can be an important chance to point out scientific topics such as genetically modified food and biodiversity. The project is intended to discuss these challenges by promoting an exchange of experience between museums and scientific institutions, in order to improve the partners’ practice-oriented programmes. The partners will bring in different approaches to the subject and a variety of cultural backgrounds. Discussion of these will provide the museums’ educational staff with new ideas for nutritional education, emphasising regional and cultural peculiarities and facilitating inter-cultural dialogue. The target groups are people with disabilities, senior citizens and other sections of the population who are not usually accessed through mainstream educational institutions and - for various social reasons - can't receive an adequate nutritional education in their families or peer groups.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Consumer education Sustainable development Health Environment Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Disabled persons Senior citizens Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Stiftung Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden Name of the contact person: Jörg Naumann Address: Lingnerplatz 1, 01069 Dresden [email protected] tel: +49 (0) 351 4846 777 fax: +49 (0) 351 4846 587 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Eesti Tervishoio Muuseum - EE Agropolis-Museum - FR Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza - IT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00030-2

Traditionelle Handwerkstechniken (OSWU)

In 2004 nicht zu entziffern, in 2005 keine Angabe

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Languages Arts, music, culture European countries / European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Verein zur Beruflichen Förderung von Frauen in Sachsen e.V. Name of the contact person: Ilona Seifert Address: Elsasser Straße 7, 09120 Chemnitz e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)371-5605194 fax: +49(0)371-5605186 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Langhe Monferrato Roero Soceta Cosortile ar.l., IT Knihovna Kraslice, CZ



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00033-1

Möglichkeiten der gesellschaftlichen Integration bei kulturellen und religiösen Unterschieden

Angesichts der gegenwärtig aktuellen Entwicklungen (11. September, Situation in den Niederlanden), der Fundamentalismusproblematik sowie der Entwicklung von Parallel-gesellschaften kommt der Religion / den Religionen für das Zusammenleben von Men-schen unterschiedlicher ethnischer Herkunft und Religion in den einzelnen Nationen und im Kontext der Diskussion um kulturelles Zusammenleben bzw. der Integration verschie-dener Kulturen und Religionsformen in einem Staat im Moment und auf Zukunft eine hohe Bedeutung zu. Das Lernpartnerschaftsprojekt will - angesichts kultureller und religiöser Unterschiede (möglichen interreligiösen Konflikten) in den einzelnen Ländern - die Rolle und Bedeutung sowie die Wirkungen von Religion auf die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen, z.B: Wahl der Lebensformen, Regeln des Zusammen-lebens, Bildungsvorstellungen, Geschlechterrollen (Genderfrage), untersuchen. Der Schwerpunkt des Projekt liegt auf dem Austausch über die Wahrnehmung und von Ansätzen sowie Konzepten der Integration in den beteiligten Ländern und Partner-einrichtungen und insbesondere darauf, welchen Beitrag und welche Unterstützung Bildungsarbeit (Ansätze und Konzepte) zu für eine gelingende Integrationsarbeit für die jeweiligen Zielgruppen leisten kann, eine Integration, die die Ausbildung von sog. Parallelgesellschaften zu verhindern hilft. Ziel der Lernpartnerschaft ist die Ermöglichung eines Austausches zwischen Angehörigen unterschiedlicher Kulturen und Religionen, um gegenseitige Vorurteile abzubauen und eine Verständigung über Integrationsansätze und erprobte Konzepte von Integrationsarbeit in der Bildungsarbeit.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues gesellschaftliche und politische Bedeutung von Religion Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Heimvolkshochschule - katholische Bildungsstätte Haus Ohrbeck Name of the contact person: Wilfried Prior Address: Am Boberg 10, 48124 Georgsmarienhütte e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)5401-336-38 fax: +49-(0) 5401-336-0 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Volwassenenvormingswerk VPKB vzw deelgenoot van Motief vzw, BE Melanchthon Akademie Köln, DE Centrum pro Studium Migrace Univerzita Carlova, CZ Dom Spotkan im A. Silesiusa / Centrum Studiow Spolecznych, PL Katolsk Social Akademi, SE Kerkinactie/proestantse Kerk in Nederland, NL



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00037-1

Einsatz von drama-techniques in der Erwachsenenbildung

Das Projekt dient dem gemeinsamen Lernen bei der Umsetzung von Theater und Spiel (drama-techniques) als soziale Lernform und sinnvolle Freizeitbeschäftigung junger Erwachsener. Veränderungen im Leben in der Gesellschaft verlangen Antworten darauf, welche Kompetenzen zu entwickeln sind und wie der Lernweg drama-techniques das unterstützt. Lehrende sollen Grundlagen der drama-techniques so verstehen, dass sie als Methode bei Projekten eingesetzt werden können. Ergebnisse eigener Arbeit werden überprüft und neue Ideen für die eigene Arbeit entwickelt. Es sollen u.a. Freude am Spielen, Darstellen und Präsentieren gefördert; Kommunikation und Konfliktbewältigung erprobt/bewältigt; Hemmungen überwunden, Toleranz u. Rücksichtnahme stärker ausgeprägt werden. Die Partner sind Einrichtungen, an denen junge Erwachsene lernen und tätig sind und kompetente Nutzer von drama-techniques. An den Einrichtungen sind unter den jungen Erwachsenen z.T. Migranten. Aktivitäten konzentrieren sich auf das Realisieren einer gelungenen Aufführung der jungen Menschen zu einem selbstge-wählten Thema mit transnationaler Bedeutung. Der Erfolg wird durch mehrere Treffen und rege Nutzung des Internets durch alle Beteiligten gesichert. Hauptergebnis: Antwort zu folgenden Themen: - Stellenwert der drama-techniques in den Partnerländern - Erfahrungen hinsichtlich Motivation und Sicherung des Bildungszieles bei kleineren Rollenspielen und beim Tanztheater - Wie überwindet man Scheu, sich in einer Gruppe im Spiel zu betätigen? - Bewährte Methoden und Techniken - Wie wird die Qualität des Prozesses des Miteinanderarbeitens gesichert? - Welche Qualifizierung brauchen Lehrende? - Welche erprobten Ergebnisse sind hinsichtlich des Verständnisses für kulturelle Unterschiede übertragbar?

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues

European countries / European Union ) Arts, music, culture Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Local community groups Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: GiS Gesellschaft für innovative Strukturentwicklung mbH Name of the contact person: Jörg Stingl Address: Leipziger Str. 160, 08058 Zwickau e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)375-3322219 fax: +49-(0) 375-3323860 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centro Italiano di Solidariterià di Roma, IT Theaterpädagogisches Zentrum Hall in Tirol, AT Verein music creativ e.V., DE Istituto Tecnico di Stato per il Turismo "Livia Bottardi", IT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00039-1

Learning is it!

There are three aspects to look at the problem of rising rates of young unemployed people. 1. They have not enough knowledge and competences. 2. They lost their motivations. 3. There are too less perspectives for them for life and work. What do the societies do, to solve this problem? What is successful? And why? Aims of the Learning partnership are: - to find out how to promote learning competences - how to rise motivation and - how to give perspectives in job and life for this people. One way might be to show the competences the people have got formaly and informally. The chance is to support the strength, which the young people have and to power their belief in themselves. During the project the partners find out criterias to value the activities and results and they will benchmark the instruments and methods of motivation and finding job-perspectives. In the end there will be (on web-site, CD and paper) - a benchmark-system to value and compare activities and their results (to use for controlling and quality management and to support the work of teachers and coaches of young adult learners) - a list of good-practice of motivating young people for learning - a short description of the situation in the participating countries especially the perspectives of young job-seekers and consequences for the work.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Employability. Benchmarking Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Young adult teachers


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Soester EntwicklungsNetz – Qualifikation und Arbeit für Jugendliche und Erwachsene e.V. Name of the contact person: Ulrich Meyer-Kocot Address: Leipziger Str. 160, 08058 Zwickau e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 2921 – 66392 - 10 fax: +49-(0) 2921 – 66392 - 90 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Escola dÀdults de Macanet de la Selva, ES Pitsilia Youth Centres Net-Work, CY Business Link, s.r.o, CZ Rize Halk Egitim Merkezi, TR



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00041-2

Wer bin ich - bin ich wer?

Dieses Projekt greift den Bedarf an (nachholenden) Intergrationsangeboten für viele bereits in Deutschland, in Österreich und in den Niederlanden lebenden Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund auf. Im Vordergrund steht die Entwicklung, Erprobung und Verbreitung von Modulen für Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund und/ oder sozio-kulturellen Randgruppen. Zum einen werden sich die regionalen Organisationen, die mit Migrantinnen arbeiten, untereinander vernetzen und sichtbar gemacht werden. Mit diesen regionalen Organisationen sollen Strategien zur Erreichbarkeit der Frauen mit Migrationshintergrund entwickelt werden um anschließend nach einer Bedarfsanalyse entsprechende (nachholende) Integrationsangebote in Form von Modulen der Erwachsenenbildung zu erproben. Die Frauen sollen durch Module der Erwachsenenbildung in ihrem Selbst- und Fremdbild als qualifizierte und anerkannte Individuen in den Gesellschaften gestärkt werden. Diese Module werden unter den Projektländern ausgetauscht, ausgewertet und veröffentlicht.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2004

Area(s) covered Active citizenship ) Individuum und Gesellschaft, Rechte der Frauen auf Landes- und Europaebene Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s) Women Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: KoKoLeLe e.V. Kommunikation und Kooperation in Lehre und Lernen Name of the contact person: Kerstin Till Address: Obertorwall 25, 33602 Bielefeld e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)5205-6 98 93 fax: +49-(0)5205-6 98 93 Organisation/Project website: .

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kinderphilosophie, AT Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, NL Deutsch-Bulgarisches Berufsbildungszentrum DBBZ Pleven, BG



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00047-2

KoDI Kooperativer Dialog

Das Projekt zur Förderung eines "kooperativen Dialogs" wird beantragt, weil mehrere Projektpartner in den letzten Jahren in ihren Einrichtungen festgestellt haben, dass es Defizite in der Dialog- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit von Gesprächspartnern gibt. Dabei handelt es sich sowhl um den Dialog zwischen Eltern und Lehrern, zwischen Auszubildenden/Arbeitnehmern und Arbeitgebern als auch zwischen Antragstellern und Verwaltungsbeamten in verschiedenen öffentlichen oder privaten Einrichtungen. In vielen Fällen kommt es zu Mißverständnissen, zu Fehlverhalten, zu Informationsdefiziten und dadurch zu falschen Entwicklungen und Entscheidungen, weil Gesprächspartner nicht (mehr) in der Lage sind, miteinander einen kooperativen Dialog zu führen, was meint, sachlich, symmetrisch und ergebnisoffen miteinander in einen Kommunikationsprozess einzutreten und die Fähigkeit zu entwickeln, diesen Prozess auch zu gestalten und in Gang zu halten. Das Projekt hat zum Ziel, Strategien zu entwickeln, zwischen den Partnern auszutauschen und zu erproben, die dazu dienen, einen solchen "kooperativen Dialog" zu initiieren, zu intensivieren und für positive Entwicklungen im gesellschaftlichen Miteinander zu nutzen. So lange es Berührungsängste, Vorbehalte, Gesprächsunfähigkeit, Fehleinschätzungen, Schuldzuweisungen und Problemverlagerungen gibt, kann ein solcher "kooperativer Dialog" nicht gelingen. Module zu entwickeln und Spielregeln zu erarbeiten, die den Einstieg erleichtern können, ist Ziel dieser Lernpartnerschaft.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Consumer education Environment Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Eltern, Lehrer, Schüler


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Pellionis-Verein e.V. Name of the contact person: Dr. Michael Lönz Address: Obertorwall 25, 33602 Bielefeld e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)5205-6 98 93 fax: +49-(0)5205-6 98 93 Organisation/Project website: .

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Towarzystowo Skutecznego Dzialania, PL Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, NL



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00051-1

Ways of Internet Teaching (WIT)

This project intends to consider the different ways and possibilities of teaching to adults' groups in an enlarged Europe by including the use of internet and e-learning as a daily tool in classroom and home work. It will open internet teaching/learning possibilities to a large group of learners and offer e-learning as an everyday mean of communication well adapted for lifelong learning in different fields. It will also propose to senior citizens the possibility to develop their skills using internet and improving language knowledge with the help of this modern tool.

Total DURATION: 1 year FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues Languages Information technology Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s) Senior citizens Disabled persons Adult learners of different ages - Citizens needing improvement of language knowledge, general knowledge or health for their work


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Olching e.V. Name of the contact person: Hélène Sajons Address: Hauptstr. 82, 82140 Olching e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 8142-489027 oder 28 fax: +49-(0) 8142-489015 Organisation/Project website: www.

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centro de Educacion de personas adultas, ES Lieksan kansalaisopisto, FI Kauno Kolegijos Kédainiu Jonuso Radvilos Studiju Centras, LT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00052-1

Further Education of Sign Language Teachers

For about 400,000 Deaf people in Europe sign language is the principle means of communication. To improve or minimize communication barriers between the deaf and hearing world, sign language courses have been implemented and deaf people across Europe have encouraged hearing people (especially parents of deaf children, teachers and colleagues of the deaf) to attend these courses and learn sign language. In fact, the acquisition of a sign language has gained much in popularity and in many European countries the enrolement in sign language classes is currently booming.

To satisfy the requirements for an adequate supply of high quality sign language courses, teaching curricula have been developed in several member states and many deaf teachers have attended training courses in sign-language teaching at adult educationion centers and colleges. Although this is a big step forward, the developed course curricula are diverse in form and content and very often they offer a different assortment of educational tools and support services.

The aim of the learning partnership is therefore a transnational evaluation and exchange about existing sign language teaching courses, i.e. curricula and innovative classroom materials, and the situation and further education of sign language teachers. National concepts shall be introduced, compared and analysed during different workshops, in order to gain knowledge about the participating institutions, of their methods of working, their curricula and educational tools. In the long run the learning partnership might result in an improvement of sign language teaching courses at adult education centers and colleges.

Total DURATION: 1 year FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Languages Information technology Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Universität zu Köln, Seminar für Hör- und Sprachgeschädigtenpädagogik Name of the contact person: Dr. Claudia Becker Address: Klosterstraße 79 b, 50931 Köln e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 221 – 470 5562 oder 5564 fax: +49-(0) 221 – 470 5579 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Polycollege, AT Hogskolen i Sor-Trondelag, Avdeling for laerer- og tokeutdanning, NO Koc Universitesi, TR Viesoji jstaiga Surdologijos centras, LT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00053-1

Was ist denn bloß mit unseren Kindern los? Erarbeiten eines neuen Verständnisses im Umgang mit den Kindern.

Auf einer breiten gesellschaftlichen Ebene wird immer wieder die Frage aufgeworfen, was mit unseren Kindern los ist. Sie sind einerseits reifer und sensibler, andererseits partiell unkonzentrierter und aggressiver. Viele Kinder fordern ihre Eltern, Lehrer und Erzieher heraus, neue Wege im Umgang mit ihnen zu suchen. Ratlosigkeit und Überforderung seitens der Lehrer, Erzieher und Eltern haben zu verstärkten Aktivitäten im Bereich der Familien-/Elternbildung geführt. In vielen europäischen Ländern wächst der Bedarf an Aufklärung, Beratung und Hilfe. Bestehende Bildungssysteme sind oft überfordert. Elterninitiativen und Elternbildung nehmen einen immer größeren Raum bei der Übernahme der Verantwortung für unsere Kinder ein. Die kleinste Zelle der Gesellschaft, die Familie, ist aufgefordert, mit Verantwortung zu übernehmen. In diesem Prozess entscheiden sich immer mehr Eltern ihrem Kind eine Ausbildung mit individueller pädagogischer Ausrichtung zukommen zu lassen. Statistiken zeigen, dass z.B. in Deutschland seit 1995 ca. ein Viertel mehr Kinder eine Alternativschule besuchen. Nicht jedem Kind ist dies möglich. Eltern suchen auch innerhalb bestehender Bildungseinrichtungen nach Lösungen. Dennoch fühlen sich viele Eltern überfordert. Es fehlt ihnen das Wissen, wie sie als Eltern ihr Kind komplementär begleiten können. Eltern sind bereit, gemeinsam mit Pädagogen stärker Verantwortung für die Entwicklung der Kinder zu übernehmen. Unsere Lernpartnerschaft setzt genau an diesem Punkt an. Die angestrebte Lernpartnerschaft hat sich die Aufgabe gestellt, Informationsmaterialien für Eltern auszuarbeiten, Wege der Elternbildung aufzuzeigen und im 2. Jahr einen inhaltlichen Kurs zur Elternbildung zu entwickeln, der seine Anwendung in den beteiligten Partnerländern finden soll.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Education for parents ) Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner

Target Group(s) Eltern, Pädagogen


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Bildung der Kinder e.V. Name of the contact person: Ute Brinkmann Address: Georg-Knorr- Str. 4, 12681 Berlin e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 3338 – 707028 fax: +49-(0) 30 –5536091 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) SchülerInnenschule im WUK - Verein Gemeinsam Lernen, AT "LosPicones" Centro de Ecucación de Adultos de Jamilena, ES Astrid Lindgren Zentrum, Verein für Pädagogik und Kultur, AT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00055-1

Leben in Europa - Menschen mit schwerer geistiger und/oder mehrfacher Behinderung entdecken die Vielfalt Europas

Ziel dieser Lernpartnerschaft ist der Erfahrungsaustausch über Möglichkeiten der Erwachsenenbildung für Menschen mit schwerer geistiger und/oder mehrfacher Behinderung. Lernende aus Tagesstätten aus Spanien, Belgien, Griechenland und Deutschland bilden sich weiter anhand des Themas ‚Leben in Europa’. Sie erfahren die Vielfalt der Lebensmöglichkeiten in Europa wie z.B.: - Leben auf dem Lande oder in der Großstadt - Kultur und Kunst, Arbeit und Tätigsein - Geschichtliche Ursprünge und Zukunftsperspektiven Die behinderten Teilnehmenden können sich - ausgehend von ihren individuellen Fähigkeiten - dieses Thema mit allen Sinnen, mit innovativen, kreativen Methoden und mit Formen unterstützter Kommunikation erschließen. Die Partner informieren sich gegenseitig darüber hinaus über vorhandene Bildungs- und Arbeitsmöglichkeiten in den einzelnen Tagesstätten. Die beteiligten Fachkräfte erwerben durch das Projekt Kompetenzen für die Bildungsarbeit mit schwerer behinderten Menschen. Die eingesetzte Didaktik wird ausgewertet, gesammelt und einem größeren Interessentenkreis zugänglich gemacht.

Menschen mit schwerer (geistiger) Behinderung werden in ihren Bildungsmöglichkeiten benachteiligt, da es nur wenig Angebote für sie gibt und sie auf lebensbegleitende Unterstützung angewiesen sind. Die Forderung der EU nach Chancengleichheit für benachteiligte Personen, wie sie im Sokrates-Programmes beschrieben ist, setzen wir in die Tat um. Die politisch geforderte Teilhabe aller Bürgerinnen und Bürger an gesellschaftlichen Prozessen kann so der zunehmenden Ausgrenzung entgegenwirken.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union Arts, music, culture Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Disabled persons


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Barmherzige Brüder Straubing Name of the contact person: Anna Rieg-Pelz Address: Äußere Passauer Straße 60, 94315 Straubing e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0) 9421 – 978200 fax: +49-(0) 9421 – 41499 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Sant Joan de Deu-Servis de Salut Mental, ES Behindertenstätten Eupen VoG, BE



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00060-1

COMEDU-EU Community Educaiton and Non-Formal Learning in a European Context

Gegenstand der Grundtvig Lernpartnerschaft ist der Austausch über die verschiedenen nationalen Aktivitäten auf dem Gebiet der "community education" und der Förderung des nicht-formalen Lernens hinsichtlich der spezifischen politischen, rechtlichen und administrativen Rahmenbedingungen kommunaler Bildung sowie deren organisatorischen Strukturen und Finanzierung, der unterschiedlichen Anforderungen und Erfahrungen bei der Einbeziehung benachteiligter bildungsferner Gruppen, der Methoden der Förderung nicht-formalen, selbstorganisierten Lernens, der Verbindung von Bildung mit sozialer Stadtentwicklung und "Neighbourhood Renewal". Im Fokus stehen Konzepte kommunaler Lernservice-Zentren und das schwedische Studienzirkel-Modell. Daneben tauschen sich die Projektpartner über unterschiedliche Methoden der Kompetenzanalyse und des Assessments aus, sowie über die Frage der Anerkennung informell erworbener Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten. Die nationalen Erfahrungen werden hinsichtlich ihres Transfers und der Verbreitung in andere Länder ausgewertet und in einer Projektdokumentation zusammengefasst. Das Projekt zielt auf die strukturelle Verbesserung des Zugangs benachteiligter bildungsferner Gruppen zum Bildungssystem und auf die Effizienzsteigerung von Bildungsangeboten durch regionale Kooperation und Vernetzung der Akteure und Institutionen. Die Projektpartner planen, im zweiten Jahr der Lernpartnerschaft die englische Organisation NIACE - National Institute of Adult Continuing Education wegen deren großen Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet der "community education" als weiteren Partner zu gewinnen und in das Projekt mit einzubeziehen.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Target Group(s) Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Arbeit und Leben DGB/VHS Hamburg e.V. Name of the contact person: Rüdiger Winter Address: Besenbinderhof 60, 20097 Hamburg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0) 40 – 28401623 fax: +49-(0) 40 –28401616 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) AOF RANDERS, DK DEMA - Departament d'Estudis des Medis Actuals, ES



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00061-1

QualiFLY – Quality in Family Literacy

Family Literacy represents an intergenerational and community learning approach – linking elements of adult education, parents’ education and pre-school or primary education – to enhance the literacy of both adults and children and support teachers and parents in preventing future drop-outs. While a few European countries have a long-standing experience with „Family Literacy“ programmes, most European countries have only little or no experience with the approach. The QualiFLY project aims at promoting „Family Literacy“, and especially promoting good quality in “Family Literacy” programmes by experiencing, observing and monitoring best practice in “Family Literacy” in a range of cultural settings through - the exchange of ideas and best practice between different European institutions running “Family Literacy” programmes or aiming to set up such a programme; - disseminating best practice through the creation of a “knowledge base” website; - reviewing monitoring and evaluation methods to identify quality indicators and promoting new approaches for effective programmes; - creating a core group of expertise in each partner country through the active involvement of tutors in the project; - doing advocacy work for the “Family Literacy” approach through the website of the partnership and the individual networks of each partner.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Education for parents Teacher training Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Promote good quality in Family Literacy programmes Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, u Women


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: UNESCO Institute for Education Name of the contact person: Maren Elfert Address: Feldbrunnenstraße 58, 20148 Hamburg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0) 40 – 448041-0 fax: +49-(0) 40 –4107723 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung (LI), Hamburg, DE Foundation Etnokulturen Dialog, BG National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA), IR Universita popolare di Roma, IT Fondazzjoni Ghal Servizzi Edukattivi, MT Anne Cocuk Egitim Vakfi (ACEF), TR



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00066-1

Learning Europe towards a learning Democracy - Developing new methods for the integration of minority groups and migrants into society

The aim of the project is to exchange practical experience and to learn from the other partners how they enable minority groups, migrants and the disadvantaged to retain their cultural identity, whilst integrating them into the democratic structures of their (new) home country. Our aim is that they should become active citizens being acquainted with democracy - in the European context.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Integration Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minoritiesDisabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, u Local community groups


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Institut für Migrations- und Aussiedlerfragen Heimvolkshochschule St. Hedwigs-Haus e. V. Name of the contact person: Gabriele Meymann-Christians Address: Hermannstr. 86, 33813 Oerlinghausen e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0) 5202-9165-0 fax: +49-(0) 5202-6654 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) lisalmen Nourison Tuki ry, FI Inkerikeskus , FI Centro de Educacion de personas adultas virgen de la Victoria, ES Diefthinsi Defterovathmias ekpedefsis nomou fthiotidas, GR Mediterranean SOS Network, GR



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00070-1

Qualitätsmanagementsysteme an Weiterbildungseinrichtungen im Vergleich und die Entwicklung eines Benchmarkingsystems.

Das Projekt verfolgt folgende Ziele: den Aufbau eines Benchmarkingsystems und ein Review der bereits implementierten Qualitätsmanagementsysteme in den Partnerorganisationen. Die geplanten Workshops und Konferenzen dienen dazu, ein gemeinsames effektives und effizientes Kennzahlensystem zu entwickeln, um sich besser vergleichen zu können und auf dieser Benchmarkbasis Stärken auszubauen und Verbesserungspotenziale gemeinsam zu identifizieren und zu priorisieren. Ziel ist es außerdem, einen gemeinsamen Weg zwischen der von den Zuschussgebern geforderten Wirtschaftlichkeit und dem häufig gesetzlich verankerten pädagogischem Auftrag zu finden.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Information technology ) Sustainable development Consumer education European countries / European Union Qualitätsmanagementsystem als Führungsinstrument Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner ) Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Target Group(s) MitarbeiterInnen der Organisation, welche das QM-System in der Einrichtung leben sollen


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Vaterstetten Name of the contact person: Jürgen Will Address: Wendelsteinstr. 10, 85591 Vaterstetten e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 8106-3590-35 fax: +49-(0) 8106-3590-16 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Budapesti Müvelödési Központ, HU Kulturverein Brixen, IT Volkshochschule Götzis, AT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00072-1


Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht der blinde oder sehbehinderte Mensch und seine Chancen in der Gesellschaft. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt der Lernpartnerschaft liegt hierbei auf der europaweiten Verbesserung der Integrationsfähigkeit für diese Menschen. Kern des Projektes ist die Organisation einer bisher nicht vorhandenen multilateralen Kooperation der Bildungseinrichtungen für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen. Durch Austausch von Erfahrungen über praktische Erleichterungen im Alltag, barrierefreies Lernen und einen effektiven Wissensaustausch zwischen den beteiligten Bildungs-einrichtungen wird eine Brücke über die enormen Niveauunterschiede bezüglich technischer Ausstattung und Ausbildungsstandards der beteiligten Projektpartner gebaut. Unser Ziel ist die verbesserte gesellschaftliche Integration, die aktive Teilnahme an der Bürgergesellschaft und die Erfahrbarmachung der europäischen Integration, die Chancengleichheit in der Bildung und im Berufsleben für Blinde und Sehbehinderte. Die beteiligten Schulen haben sich in dem EU Projekt GD EAC Nr. 55/03 "European Conferences for Equal Chances and Social Integration and against the Discrimination of Disabled People" kennengelernt. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass ein großes Interesse an einer vertiefenden Zusammenarbeit besteht. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Lernpartnerschaft steht daher nun der Erfahrungsaustausch über die didaktische Grundlagen und Methodik im Bereich Blinden- und Sehbehindertenbildung, mit Schwerpunkten in den Bereichen IT und Kunst. Dies geschieht auf 3 Konferenzen und der Möglichkeit für Lernende und Lehrende, an einem Austauschprogramm teilzunehmen. Ein weiteres Mittel ist die Einrichtung eines Internet Forums zum Erfahrungs- und Best Practiceaustausch für Schüler und Lehrer der beteilten Bildungseinrichtungen.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Arts, music, culture Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Disabled persons Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Deutsche Blindenstudienanstalt e.V. Name of the contact person: Jürgen Hertlein Address: Am Schlag 8, 35037 Marburg e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 6421-606 101 fax: +49-(0) 6421-606 229 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Liceul pentru Deficienti de Vedere Cluj-Napoca, RO Osrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy dla Dzieci Niewidomych i Slabowidzacych, PL L'Institut Montéclair, FR



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00080-1

Orientation, motivation and education for young mothers

Starting situation: The welfare services observe the rise of young mothers without vocational training, partly also without secondary education. The extended maternity leave is an education-free time. The unfavorable consequence of this situation is, that the vocational integration of the target group is very difficult.Target group: Young mothers aged between 16 and 25 years with young children, without vocationnal training and secondary education, who are threatened with social exclusion Objectives of the project 1. Exchange with transnational partners - How and where is the target group advised and cared for? - Which educational provisions are there for the target group? - Which education-motivating measures are offered? 2. Improvement of education consulting processes - Skills extension of employees in the advisory boards 3. Motivation of the target group - Production of documentation, in order to lead young women to the education - Motivation campaign - Participation of the target group in the process

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Education for parents Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Women Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Caritasverband für die Region Mosel-Eifel-Hunsrück e.V. Geschäftsstelle Cochem Name of the contact person: Birgit Reuter Address: Herrenstraße 9, 56812 Cochem e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 2671-9752-0 fax: +49-(0) 2671-91299 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Asgon Servici SRL , IT Verein für Sozialprävention und Gemeinwesenarbeit, AT The straight talking project, UK Instytut Naturalnego Planowania, PL Alytus Labor market training and counselling, LT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00089-1

Weiterbildungskonzepte für pädagogische Professionals

Die Weiterbildung pädagogischer Professionals stellt in allen EU-Staaten eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Pädagogische Professionals verfügen über implizite und explizite Theorien ihres beruflichen Handelns und beanspruchen als Lehrende Kompetenz bei der Unterstützung von Lernprozessen. Dies gilt es für pädagogische Weiterbildungskonzepte zu beachten. Das lange Zeit vorherrschende normative Verständnis in Weiterbildungskonzepten, Lehrenden immer neue "bessere" Lehrkonzepte anbieten zu wollen, hat sich als ungeeignet erwiesen, denn Lernanforderungen in Fortbildungsmaßnahmen führen nicht automatisch zu Veränderungen in der Praxis. Untersuchungen belegen, dass Weiterbildungsprozesse an den identitätsrelevanten Stellen einsetzen müssen, dort wo die Lehrenden ihr praktisches Handeln problematisch empfinden. Die Aufgabe einer gemeinsamen Qualitätsentwicklung und Professionalisierung der Weiterbildung steht über Ländergrenzen hinweg im europäischen Raum an. Die Notwendigkeit einer verbesserten/effektiveren Fort- und Weiterbildung pädagogischer Professionals ist umso dringlicher, je mehr die Anforderung besteht, Bildungseinrichtungen zu innovieren und in ihren Qualitätsstandards weiterzuentwickeln sowie die Erwartungen der Lernenden an individuelle Lernbegleitung (im Zuge gesellschaftlicher Individualisierungsprozesse) zu erfüllen. Dieses Ziel soll durch die Nutzung der vielfältigen nationalen Ansätze und verschiedenen Weiterbildungskulturen unterstützt werden. Die Qualität der Fort- und Weiterbildung pädagogischer Professionals soll mittels einer grenzübergreifenden Lerngemeinschaft verbessert werden.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues European countries / European Union pädagogisches Wissen Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / insti Target Group(s) pädagogische Professionals


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Universität Potsdam, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft Name of the contact person: Dr. Uta Lehmann Address: Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25, 14476 Potsdam e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 331-977-2144 fax: +49-(0) 331-977-2618 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Verband Wiener Volksbildung, AT Stoas Onderwijs BV, NL Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, AT Open Universiteit Nederland - Ruud de Moor Centrum, NL



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00090-1

CHAT – Communication Harmoniously Agreed Together

The purpose of this project as a learning partnership is the transnational exchange of ideas and practice in the field of non-violent communication between institutions whose target groups are socially disadvantaged young people who are unemployed and at the risk of further social descent. As initial position can be seen complaints of employers which are regularly expressed in newspapers, tv and also by unemployment offices concerning the social competencies of young people who come from school and want to enter the employment market. A lot of young people cannot get a vocational training because they don't fulfil the basic qualifications which are needed. To work with non-violent communication strategies can be the first step to develop and improve social competencies of socially disadvantaged young people.

During the meetings the experts of the participating institutions will first compare and analyse their experiences, national conceptions and ideas concerning non-violent communication. In a further step the experts can extend their competencies concerning non-violent communication by incorporating an external adviser into the discussion. Following to these learners of the institutions are to be enabled in workshops of multinational groups to carry out non-violent communication strategies and they are to be encouraged to test them. As they will be transnational groups of learners who probably don’t have a common language we will also use games and body language and we will work creatively like making collages. In the second year of the project there shall be visited institutions that have already worked with non-violent communication strategies in order to inspire further discussions among the experts.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Social competencies Project Objectives

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Fürth gGmbH Name of the contact person: Susanne Scharrer Address: Hirschenstr. 27/29, 90762 Fürth e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0) 911-974 1711 fax: +49-(0) 911-974 1706 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Banbury Homes - Foyer, UK C.E.P.A. Pan Bendito, ES Naturskolen, DK Ogres vakara vidusskola, LV



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00094-1

BICOM - Promoting bilingual and intercultural competencies in public health

Medical care for patients with limited proficiency in the national language causes serious problems in European hospitals. Staff members are not equipped to communicate in foreign languages. The use of English as a lingua franca depends on the educational background of both the patient and the health care provider. In view of these limitations, bilingual staff members or relatives of the patients frequently act as ad hoc-interpreters. In some countries professional interpreting services for medical purposes exist, but due to financial and organisational reasons they are not accessible in all hospitals. Regardless of whether professional services are available or not, ad hoc-interpreting will continue to play a major role in communication with non-native patients in all European countries. During a two-year exchange process leading clinic employees, linguists, and cultural scientists, public health-experts and ad hoc- interpreters (employees or volunteers) will come together to highlight multilingualism among clinic employees as a human resource. This resource, however, requires constant encouragement and promotion. The overall goal is to maintain the EU’s linguistic diversity and to foster and enhance linguistic competencies among clinic employees with non-native linguistic background. In the project conditions and existing practices in different European metropolitan areas will be investigated. This will be done via group discussions, meetings with local experts and excursions. Participants will bring in their own experience and reflect on the local initiatives for ameliorating medical services for non-native patients. Together, they will develop a brochure depicting local and national experiences and initiatives.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Languages Health Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women Angestellte im Gesundheitswesen


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: dock europe GmbH Bildung-Beratung-Moderation Name of the contact person: Dr. Bernd Meyer Address: Fischers Allee 9, 22763 Hamburg e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 40-39 900 900 fax: +49-(0) 40-39 109 216 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) University College London, UK Cooperativa Sociale COOSS Marche ONLUS Soc. Coop. p.a., IT Utrecht University, NL


DEUTSCHLAND Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00096-1

horex - extension of horizon - common research on and common action against racism and xenophobia

An der Lernpartnerschaft sind 6 lokale Organisationen beteiligt, die sich mit der Integration von benachteiligten Personengruppen beschäftigen. Sie alle haben in ihrer täglichen Arbeit mit Rassismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Diskriminierung auf vielerlei Art zu tun. Sei es, dass rassistische oder fremdenfeindliche Einstellungen unter ihren Lernenden in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß verbreitet sind oder dass die Lernenden selbst Opfer von fremdenfeindlichen Handlungen oder Einstellungen sind. Daher besteht die Notwendigkeit sich mit dem Thema auseinander zu setzen. Es existieren in jeder Einrichtung bereits Konzepte und Methoden, um das Thema mit den Lernenden zu bearbeiten. Zusätzlich gibt es aber weiteren Lernbedarf. Zielgruppen der Lernpartner-schaft sind zum einen junge Erwachsene, die von sozialer Ausgrenzung bedroht sind bzw. sozial/ beruflich nicht integriert sind. Zum anderen werden die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der beteiligten Partnerorganisationen als Lernende einbezogen. Ziele der Lernpartnerschaft sind: - die Verbesserung des Informationsstands in Bezug auf die Phänomene Fremdenfeind-lichkeit und Rassismus in den beteiligten Ländern; - Kennen lernen des Umgangs mit den o.g. Phänomenen in der alltäglichen Arbeit mit den Zielgruppen, die damit erzielten Erfolge und aufgetretene Hindernisse; - Reflexion und Optimierung der bisher angewendeten Konzepte und Methoden in transnationalen Arbeitsgruppen; - Entwicklung von konkreten Projekten für die Zukunft, z.B. ein spezielles themenbezogenes Konzept für einen Austausch von Zielgruppenteilnehmer/innen; - Verbreitung der Ergebnisse in der jeweiligen Region (z.B. in Schulen), in der die Organisationen tätig sind, und via Internet und/ oder in Druckform an einschlägige Institutionen.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services ) Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Name of the contact person: Angelika Funk Address: Krummbogen 3, 35039 Marburg e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 6421-9636-0 fax: +49-(0) 6421-9636-37 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Probens, ES ADCAVL - Ass. Dromoise Chantiers - Animation et Vie Locale, FR KAOS - Bildungservice gGmbH, AT Associacion Semilla, ES Euroatlantic initiative foundation, BG



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00102-1

Intercultural learning during internships in groups of trainees from different countries INTERCULTURE GENDERED TRAINEES

Organizers of European sponsored traineeship exchange programs are facing similar problems as well on the organizational as the pedagogical level. Currently there is a strong tendency towards a preponderance of female candidates for such subsidized exchange programs. Any organization is trying to have a more equilibrated gender composition of their trainee groups which involves differntiated publicity and counselling as well as special encouragement or even incentives. Those procedures merit to be exchanged and collected thoroughly in order to help one another in achieving a commonly shared goal ranging within the gender mainstreaming initiative. Also the type of traineeship positions may have a role to play in this respect, so the process of matching qualification and intentions of candidates for the traineeship with the demands of the enterprises or institutions offering those internship places are to be taken into close consideration. Another aspect meriting closer study is the possibility of intereuropean learning processses as the trainee groups usually living together are composed of different European regions from different countries. Though the common interest is in the culture, language and economy of the hosting country there are nevertheless occasions for learning more from the origin country of the other trainees. Those learning processes should be systematically stimulated in order to create a sense of the common European heritage and common challenges facing most european citizens of the same adult group between 25 and 30.

Total DURATION: 1 year FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union gender Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, u young jobless adults with formal qualifications


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: F+U-Bildungseinrichtung Rhein-Neckar gGmbH - Heidelberg Name of the contact person: Karl-Heinz Wieland Address: Hauptstr. 1, 69117 Heidelberg e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 6221-912013 fax: +49-(0) 6221-23452 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Akershus fylkeskommune, Fagoplaeringen, NO APRECA - Action pour la promotion des Echanges, Conseils, Assistance, FR



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00112-1

Intercultural learning during internships in groups of trainees from different countries INTERCULTURE GENDERED TRAINEES

The aim of the project is to develop a toolbox to raise intercultural awareness and counteract the 'shock' often felt by people confronting other cultures either at home or abroad. The project is particularly aimed at adults who have had little or no opportunity to travel and experience other countries. The toolbox will also enhance a better knowledge of each other's culture and habits, making it possible for workers to cross borders and find suitable jobs. The emphasis will be on the process of engaging learners in defining and understanding culture in terms of the everyday aspects such as daily routine, food, travel and work, differences in social norms and interaction, the role of multiculturalism within the participating countries, linguistic diversity and an appreciation of cultural products such music, art and crafts. Activities will be integrated into a variety of different curriculum areas such as foreign language classes and language clubs, communication classes and creative arts and multimedia as appropriate to the individual partner. There will be opportunities for learners to focus on presenting aspects of their own culture and gaining information about others by communicating via email and Internet chat-rooms. Learners will be responsible for planning the contents of the pilot version of the toolbox in a variety of media and presenting the results at a learner conference in the Spring of 2006.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Information technology Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Adult learners likely to come into contact with other cultures of the European Union for reasons of work, recreation or retirement


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Max-Eyth-Schule Name of the contact person: Gerhard Zinßer Address: Wallgasse 7, 36304 Alsfeld e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 6631-96700 fax: +49-(0) 6631-967035 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Einstein Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Einstein - Alberghiero, IT Daomaine de al faye lycée agricole, FR Coleg Harlech WEA, UK Mikkelin ammattiopisto MAST, FI



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00114-1

Democracy learning and civic education in Europe in the process of lifelong learning (d-learning)

This learning partnership project which is designed for three years aims to develop a sustainable European network of organisations and institutions promoting “democracy learning” and civic education in different contexts. The partners have composed a study group integrating learners from their local networks. This group - reflects on European democracy in transformation, - compares the conditions of civic education on national levels, - exchanges ideas, concepts and methods in order to create an integral concept of “democracy learning” and develops and implements tools, methods and projects. The approach of the project with regard to “democracy learning” pays particular attention to interfaces of civic education regarding formal and non-formal learning and participation of young adults and minorities in local contexts. The participants work together in an intercultural and intergenerational learning process. Reflection groups are formed in order to work on particular aspects and contexts of democracy learning. An internet platform assures a continuous collaboration of the partners. The results of the learning partnership are published online continuously and are also multiplied by means of publications and/or an international conference.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Local community groups Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Zeitpfeil e.V. Studienwerk Berlin-Brandenburg im Politischen Arbeitskreis Schulen (PAS) e.V. Name of the contact person: Christian Ernst Address: Zeppelinstraße 98, 14471 Potsdam e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 331- 5858089 fax: +49-(0) 30- 68054359 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Citizens in Action, GR ICE Instituto das Comunidades Educativas, PT Service municipal de la jeunesse de Gennevilliers, FR



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00123-1

Bringing E-Learning to Life - BELL

The results from the previous GR2 learning partnership “New confidence in e-learning” brought to light that the drop out rate was fairly high, the image of the demands required for studies in learning surroundings was often diffuse and needed technical skills not qualified enough. What could not be solved were the reasons behind these outcomes. We know that e-learning supplements the range of learning opportunities and that it will meet the need of many for whom conventional education is inappropriate or unavailable – i.e. people living in rural areas and disabled people. Another advantage of e-learning is that it will lead to a better exchange and network both locally and throughout Europe. How can we convince learners/students of e-learning? This learning partnership will focus on a) the tutors/teachers and staff of educational institutes as well as on the companies dedicated to further education. Some of our institutes are situated in rural areas and for them the integration of e-learning will be of particular importance because of the spatial distance. If we can motivate them to methodically apply e-learning to their lessons and to provide a learning infra-structure, it will considerably increase the acceptance of learners/students regarding e-learning. b) the educational institutions which provide the learning environment. They have to provide the infra-structure so that e-learning courses can develop and anxiety and uncertainty will be removed. Examples of good practices of institutions in Europe will point out that e-learning can add value to the learning experiences. They have to take care that the experiences of the first project in constructing online collaborative learning structures will be integrated in the conceptions of the follow-up projects.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship European countries / European Union Information technology Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / insti Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Tutors/teachers and staff of our organisations

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Lingen gGmbH Name of the contact person: Margrit Lehmkuhl-Wiese Address: Am Pulverturm 3, 49808 Lingen Ems e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 591-91202400 fax: +49-(0) 591-91202199 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code), AT Masarykova Universizita, CZ Kuressaare Ametikool, EE


Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00125-1

KEYWORKERS – Learning in cultural institutions

In the last 6 years museums, art galleries and libraries have proven to be important agencies of new learning societies. Their roles are both educative and educational. Learning environments and the creation of general dispositions to creativity and learning are crucial for the participation of people in learning activities throughout life. There is a growing market to offer learning opportunities in cultural areas but at the same time a lack of knowledge for learners about the “superlearning-effects” by using the cultural environments for learning. These examples reflect some of the richness and diversity of lifelong learning in the area of museums and libraries: 1. learning in museums, art-galleries, libraries and archives can support the (re-)integration of foreigners (e.g. language-learning- courses in the museum), of women after the family-break, of young adults (e.g. apprentices-workshops), the re-habilitation of patients, the unemployed, and inter-generational dialogue. 2. Information, guidance and counselling: advocacy, facilitation of access to learning opportunities, creating a learning culture and supporting partnership based working. 3. Bringing together learners and learning opportunities: Encouraging and supporting learning in cultural environments, e.g. learning in libraries In workshops carried through in the participating countries the learners will be trained in different packs, to learn from one another, to exchange and to pass special examples of good practice and to get informed about the growing opportunities to make use of training offers in their own countries in order to enable them to make use in their own countries of these learning opportunities.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / insti Target Group(s) Women Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Senior citizens


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: KulturkuratorIn GbR Name of the contact person: Dr. Jutta Thinesse-Demel Address: Geyerspergerstr.42, 80689 München e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 89-5806664 fax: +49-(0) 89-5803466 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Pécsi Tudományegyetem University of Pecs, HU Associazione Culturale "Il Filo d'Arianna, IT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00131-1

Ziel des Projektes ist die Förderung von Konzepten zum Sprachenlernen mit Neuen Medien unter besonderem Einbezug interkultureller Aspekte. Im Best-Practice-Austausch aller teilnehmenden Einrichtungen und unter wissenschaftlicher Beratung und Begleitung der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg (koordinierende Einrichtung) wird ein Konzept/Kurs zum virtuellen sprachlichen und interkulturellen Austausch von erwachsenen Lernern unterschiedlicher Muttersprachen entwickelt, erprobt und evaluiert. Dabei wechseln sich Online-Phasen auf einer virtuellen Kommunikationsplattform mit begleitenden Präsenzphasen und tutorieller Betreuung vor Ort ab (Blended Learning). Die Lernenden kommunizieren online in Dreiergruppen mit zwei Lernpartnern anderer Nationalitäten, deren Sprache sie zumindest in Grundkenntnissen (aktiv oder rezeptiv) beherrschen. Sie bearbeiten gemeinsam Aufgaben, Themen oder Projekte mit Lebens- und/oder Berufsweltbezug und erhöhen dabei gleichzeitig drei Kompetenzen: ihre Fremdsprachenkompetenz, ihre interkulturelle Kompetenz sowie ihre Kompetenz im Umgang mit Neuen Medien. Alle drei Kompetenzen spielen im erweiterten Europa, hinsichtlich des Erhalts und der Förderung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit sowie der sich immer weiter etablierenden Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft eine entscheidende Rolle. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, Defizite in diesem Bereich zu beheben und die Projektergebnisse über die bestehende Partnerschaft hinaus zu verbreiten und damit gleichzeitig in einen öffentlichen Dialog zum Thema "Sprachen lernen mit neuen Medien in der Erwachsenenbidung" zu treten.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Languages Intercultural issues Information technology Media Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Disabled persons Erwachsene Lerner/innen jeden Alters

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg Name of the contact person: Ulrike Steiger Address: Reuteallee 46, 71634 Ludwigsburg e-mail:[email protected] tel: +49-(0) 7141-140-324 fax: +49-(0) 7141-140-709 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Escuela Oficial de Idiomas A Coruna, ES Volkshochschule Stuttgart, DE Volkshochschule Götzis, AT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00138-1


The partners from BE, DE, HU, LV, PL are committed for the improvement of target group orientated media pedagogic concepts. In the partnership, citizens’ media centres and further training institutions offer open training services. The emphasis in the knowledge transfer is on the use of audio-visual media. By involving local communities, the participation of citizens is facilitated. Learning partnership intends to facilitate at the European level the exchange of successful practices in the transfer of media-pedagogic knowledge for target groups enlisted below. This should be the start for new impulses in the media-studies for adults. An exchange with like-minded from other countries shows the differences and expands the learners’ and teachers’ personal horizon. This increases the learning motivation in the target group adult learners. The project partners focus especially on the exchange of target-group oriented media-pedagogic concepts for disadvantaged groups. No modules are developed in this learning partnership. The use of technical support like web-tv and an Internet platform emphasises the trans-nationality and creates European added value. This is strengthened by in the planned exchanges for teachers and trainees. The partnership agreement plans networking and a sustainable continuation of the activities.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Media Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, u


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Bürgermedienzentrum Bennohaus Name of the contact person: Benedikt Althoff Address: Bennostr. 5, 48155 Münster e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)251 60 96 73 fax: +49-(0)251 60 96 777 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Europejski Dom Spotkan - Fundacja Nowy Staw, PL Rigas Domes Izglitibas Jaunatnes un Sporth Departments Skoltaju, LV ROM SOM Alapitvany, HU



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00145-1


This project intends to reflect upon the different possibilities and ways of teaching to certain adults learners' groups in an intercultural context. It will also develop appropriated teaching material for senior citizens. One of the approaches will be to include arts as a support in teaching languages. Aims: preparation and implementation of different approaches and materials including internet material and material based on the involvement of arts in language classes Objectives: - to recognize the needs of different groups of Adult learners, especially of seniors citizens - to check the learners' expectation in the countries involved in the project and reflect on some effective and appropriated ways of responding to their demand and to the educational challenge of an ageing population in an enlarged Europe - to reflect upon innovative and appropriated intercultural teaching methods for each group, e.g. by working together with arts sections or including arts in language teaching and learning - to improve the learners' knowledge in the cultural and intercultural fields of language (impact of history on arts, impact of arts on languages, sounds related to ceremonies, to situations, …) - to involve internet use in teaching and learning and as a communicating tool between learnerss of the different countries involved in the project - to motivate the learners to share their experience through internet or in meeting with learners' groups of all countries involved in the project

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Languages

Arts, music, culture

Information technology Brain training Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services

Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s) Senior citizens Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, u Citizens needing improvement of language knowledge (even of their own)


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Olching e.V. Name of the contact person: Hélène Sajons Address: Hauptstr. 82 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)8142-489027/28 fax: +49-(0)8142-489015 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) CEPA Francesc de Borja Moll, ES Rete CTP della provincia di Padova, IT Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Oviedo, ES



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00146-1


Twenty-five staff members, learners and affiliated professionals of different educational organisations from six European countries (Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands) that work with different groups of people who face social and educational disadvantages in their lives for various reasons will exchange their knowledge and train their skills with regard to practices and methods that focus on the resources of the disadvantaged learners, that promote self-expression and creativity and that provide opportunities to disadvantaged learners to share their creativity and the results of self-expression with the larger community. Through their involvement and participation in activities, disadvantaged learners will experience social integration. These practices are also expected to increase the self-confidence of disadvantaged learners, to further build up their resources, to encourage them to take up lifelong learning and to train social skills and competences. Over a period of two years the partners will first exchange and collect good and interesting practices and then implement one practice that fulfils resource-oriented approach at each organisation. During the second year the partners will in addition develop "learn to learn"-modules based on the results of the first year and teach them to other professionals who work with and for disadvantaged learners.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Social integration Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Unemployed and other disadvantaged sectors of society


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: IN VIA Landesverband Bayern e.V. KOFIZA Name of the contact person: Agnes Calda-Ranzinger Address: Lessingstr. 3, 80336 München e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)89-54497240 fax: +49-(0)89-54497-232 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) CFFPA Jules Rieffel, FR Center for kompetenceudvikling, DK Diözesan-Arbeitslosenseelsorge, DE ROC Rijn Ijssel, NL Burgenlandi Felnöttképzési Intézet Szombathely, HU REINTEGRA, CZ



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00166-3


Building an international e-learning network of adult learning institutions in the Baltic Sea area – through 1. focussing, during last year of this Learning Partnership, on dissemination – with responsible learner participation as a necessary prerequisite and sustainability as indispensable condition for spreading project activities to many more participants and organisations in the Baltic Sea area and beyond 2. recruiting additional partners in Denmark and Estonia and in other member countries – to extend the network and spread its activities 3. consolidating previously developed and formalised contacts between adult learning organisations in Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden 4. consolidating previously initiated and formalised contacts with a co-operating organisation in St. Petersburg, Russia, as integral part of network spanning the Baltic Sea area 5. developing and piloting educational projects with and for young adult learners – projects on current developments in European Union and on intercultural understanding and cooperation 6. actively involving tutors and young adult learners, thereby preparing them for future network activities as well as improving their media competence for demands of virtual international communication 7. testing tools and formats as well as new approaches to integrating information and communication technologies into international educational activities.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Arts, music, culture Communication skills and competence Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Young adults (18-30 years)


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Hamburger Volkshochschule Name of the contact person: Hans-Hermann Groppe Address: Schanzenstr. 75, 20357 Hamburg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)40-42841-2751 fax: +49-(0)40-42841-2788 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Vanajaveden Opisto, FI Vilniaus suaugusiuju mokymo centras, LT Zachodniopomorskie Centrum Edukacyjne, PL Malmö Folkhögskola, SE



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00167-2

FACT- Fit for active citizenship - Innovative Bildungskonzeptionen zur Qualifizierung von Menschen im 3. Lebensalter für neue Rollen u. Formen eines freiwilligen Engagements im europ. Vergleich

In diesem Projekt werden Bildungskonzeptionen zur Qual. von Menschen im 3. Lebensalter für neue Formen des ehrenamtlichen Engagements ausgetauscht und weiterentwickelt. Dabei wird die Vielfalt an modellhaften Konzeptionen, die in den europ. Ländern auf je unterschiedl. hist., pol., wirtschaftl. und soz. Realitäten entstanden sind, gewürdigt. Im interkult. Dialog werden neue Perspektiven gewonnen und Synergieeffekte erzielt. Eine nachhaltige europ. Zs-arbeit in der Qualifizierung zum freiw. bürgerschaftl. Engagement ist angestrebt. Um Befreiungspotentiale und Autonomiespielräume zur Entfaltung der Persönlichkeit und zur aktiven Beteiligung am soz., kult. und pol. Leben zu entdecken und zu gestalten, muss Identitäts- und Partizipationskompetenz entwickelt werden. Empo-werment-Strategien bieten Rahmen, Konzeptionen und Methoden für ein eigenver-antwortetes Finden von Engagementformen. Sie stellen Lernarrangements bereit für eine Qualifizierung zum selbstbestimmten freiw. Engagement. Die Erwachsenenbildung unterstützt auf diese Weise Such-, Erprobungs- und Findungsprozesse einer neuen Verantwortungsrolle im freiw. Engagement. Damit kann ein hohes Potential an Gemeinwohl-Aktivisten/innen und „sozialen Netzwerkern/innen“ für die Gesell. in Europa nutzbar gemacht werden. Die Lernenden in den Qual.-massnahmen werden selbst zu lokalen Multiplik. u. Moderat. der Erwachsenenbildung.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active cititenship freiwi. Engagement Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Target Group(s) Senior citizens Local community groups Lehrende in Projekten der Qualifizierung für ein bürgerschjaftliches Engagement


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: kifas gGmbH, KAB-Institut für Fortbildung und angewandte Sozialethik, Waldmünchen Name of the contact person: Bernhard Eder Address: Hofgartenstr. 2, 93449 Waldmünchen e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)99 72-9414 60 fax: +49(0)99 72-94 14 65 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Národni centrum pro rodinu, CZ Uniwersytet Jagiellonski UTW, PL



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00175-2


Through the means of a travelling exhibition EuroVisio wants to disseminate the idea of life long learning as well as to motivate learners, facilitators and funders through good practice. Personal interviews illustrate how life-changing events (migration, unemployment over 45, health problems, family care, ..) result in a new occupation through a learning process. Projects or courses attended by the interviewed persons on their path are presented. First year: the main focus has been building the learning partnership (communication structures, work and timetables, monitoring of the learning partnership) and creation of the exhibition (content and producing the exhibits, organising the event within the local community). Second year: transfer of good practice and know-how: - Like the Olympic flame the exhibition will be travelling from country to country: Greece as final destination. - Workshops will be organised and held by the exhibiting country for the partners to deepen their under-standing on the exhibited themes and social systems in different European countries. The goal is to gain an insight into the different approaches and to transfer practical know-how. Learners from the communities will be included. - Evaluation of the learning partnership (key questionnaire, project diary) and presentation of results by the website to secure transfer and mainstreaming – providing vital clues for the building of learning partnerships. - Development of Grundtvig 1 application

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Health Education for parents Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, u Senior citizens Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: FWZ Frau und Technik gGmbH Name of the contact person: Ursula Lemmertz Address: Günterstalstr. 17, 79102 Freiburg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)-761 28 85 92 fax: +49(0) 761 28 85 02 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) South Trafford College Manchester, UK Associcao de Jovens Professores da Regao, PT KEK Evros Ekpedeftiki, GR



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00177-2


Dem erklärten Ziel der EU der Chancengleichheit bei der aktiven Gestaltung eines zukünftigen Europas sowie der Erreichung der Ziele des lebenslangen Lernens LLL steht eine große Anzahl benachteiligter Gruppen gegenüber, die aus sozioökonomischen oder anderen Gründen notwendige Herausforderungen nicht bewältigen können. Die bisherigen Erfahrungen aus der Arbeit mit Suchtmittelabhängigen zeigen, dass Lernanreize, bis hin zur gesellschaftlich gewünschten Eigenverantwortung des Einzelnen nur marginal wahrgenommen werden. Klassische schulische Methoden vermögen nicht, Lernmotivation zu schaffen. Im Gegensatz hierzu könnten im Sport- und Bewegungsbereich Möglichkeiten liegen, positive Motivations- und Lernimpulse zu erzielen.

Das Projekt richtet sich an ausgrenzungsgefährdete oder bereits ausgegrenzte männliche und weibliche Erwachsene, die aufgrund ihrer Lebensumstände nicht (mehr) dazu neigen, an Initiativen für Erwachsenenbildung und Lebensbegleitendes Lernen teilzunehmen. Ziel des Projektes ist es, herauszufinden, ob es in den Ländern und Arbeitsfeldern der Projektpartner schon Angebote oder Nutzen gibt, die sich aus dem Gedankengut des LLL in Verbindung mit Sport ergeben. Sollten Erfahrungen vorhanden sein, ist zu eruieren, ob spezifische Effekte aus dem Sportbereich zu generalisieren und in andere Lern- und Lebensbereiche zu transformieren sind. Sind keine Erfahrungen vorhan.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner

Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar sozial benachteiligte Erwachsene


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Fachklinik Im Deerth Name of the contact person: Marion Wassermann Address: Im Deerth 6, 58135 Hagen e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)2331-908418 fax: +49-(0)2331-908490 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Langhe Monferrato Roero Soceta Cosortile ar.l., IT Stadtsportbund Hagen e.V., DE Probens, ES Volba pro Slavonicko (VPS), CZ OHP Slaska Wojewodzka Komenda Ochotnichych Hufcow, PL



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00178-2


Menschen lernen nicht nur in der Schule oder in der Weiterbildungseinrichtung, sie eignen sich Kompetenzen bei der Ausübung ihrer privaten Interessen, im Rahmen ehrenamtlicher Arbeit oder im sozialen Kontext an. Informell erworbene Kompetenzen rücken immer mehr in den Fokus bildungspolitischer Überlegungen. Menschen, denen klar ist, was sie alles können, wird auch klarer, wo sich sich einbringen und wie sie sich weiterentwickeln können. In dieser Lernpartnerschaft werden die Lernbilder der beteiligten Einrichtungen analysiert und diskutiert und unter dem Kriterium beleuchtet ob der Lernende in der einzelnen Institution durch die Brille eines Defizit- oder eines Potentialansatzes betrachtet wird. Die Kommunikation der einzelnen Partner über ihre Konzepte von Lehrenden und Lernenden mündet in die Betrachtung der Unterschiede bzw. Gemeinsamkeiten bei den einzelnen Einrichtungen/Ländern. Als zweiter Schritt werden die verschiedenen Konzepte diskutiert, wie informell erworbene Kompetenzen bei Kursteilnehmern identifiziert und berücksichtigt werden, bzw. welche Möglichkeiten praktikabel sind. Die verschiedenen Konzepte werden mit den Vertretern der einzelnen Einrichtungen auf einen gemeinsamen Symposium diskutiert und die Ergebnisse in die einzelnen Einrichtungen zurückgespiegelt. Ziel ist es, best practice Modelle aufzuzeigen und eine Entwicklungslinie in den Weiterbildungseinrichtungen zu stärken, die von einem Potentialansatz getragen ist und Methoden fördert, die bei Kursteilnehmern die vorhandenen Kompetenzen identifizieren. Ggf. können in Zukunft diese Kompetenzen mit Mitteln wie einem Weiterbildungs- bzw. Kompetenzpass dokumentiert werden.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Sustainable development Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Direkt : Haupt- und nebenberufl. Lehrende; indirekt: Teilnehmer von Weiterbildungsangeboten


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: HeurekaNet – Verein zur Förderung von Lernenden Regionen e.V. Name of the contact person: Max Baltin Address: Windthorststr. 32, 48143 Münster e-mail: [email protected] tel: (+49) (251) 39 99 59 42 fax: (+49) (251) 39 99 59 43 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Burgenländische Volkshochschulen, AT Akadémia vzdelávania, SK Bildungswerk der Katholischen Arbeitnehmerbewegung (KAB), DE ROC van Twente, NL



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00180-2

Erfahrungsaustausch über beste Konzepte interkultureller Vorbereitungsseminare - Grenzen überwinden und Mobilität fördern

Um Europa als Arbeits- und Lernort für alle Zielgruppen real werden zu lassen ist es insbe-sondere für nicht akademisch gebildete Menschen, für junge Arbeitnehmer in der beruflichen Erstausbildung oder in der Weiterbildung, eine wesentliche Unterstützung der Mobilitätsabsichten, wenn sie diesen Schritt über die Grenzen durch ein interkult. Trainingsseminar vorbereiten können. Durch eine intensive interkult. Vorbereitung kann der Aufenthalt im Ausland optimiert und die Betreuungsintensität durch die aufnehmenden Einrichtungen erheblich abgebaut werden. Im Rahmen der LernP sollen Ausbildungscurricula für die sprachl. u. insbes. interkult. Vorbereitung von TeilnehmerInnen, verglichen, evaluiert und gute Beispiele ausgetauscht werden. Auf der Grundlage der verschiedenen Lehr- und Lerninhalte soll bei jedem Partner ein Seminar exemplarisch durchgeführt u. von den Ausbildern u. Lehrkräften der beteiligten internat. Partner hospitiert und evaluiert werden. Das Ziel der LernP besteht in der nachhaltigen Kenntnisnahme der inhaltl. u. method. Instrumente, die die Partner für ihre Zielgruppen einsetzen u. welchen Nutzen dies für die Teilnehmer bringt. Die Ergebnisse werden dann für alle Partner und Interessierte dokumentiert u. können so zur Optimierung der europ. Berufsbildungsabschnitte von Mobilitätsteilnehmern im Ausland nutzbar gemacht werden.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Women Junge Menschen in der berufl. Aus- und Weiterbildung


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Arbeit und Leben DGB/VHS Hamburg e.V. Name of the contact person: Hans Thormählen Address: Besenbinderhof 60, 20097 Hamburg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)40-28401621 fax: +49(0)40-28401616 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Société Philomathique de Bordeaux, FR Tartu Haritlaste Liit, EE



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00182-2

Vermittlung christlicher Werte im europäischen Vergleich

Unsere Gesellschaften benötigen Werte, auf welchen aufbauend sich menschliches miteinander Leben gestalten kann. Vielerorts wird ein Werteverfall beklagt. Auch für das zusammenwachsende Europa stellt sich die Frage gemeinsamer Wertegrundlagen. Ziel des Projektes ist es, sich mit der Vermittlung christlicher Werte in verschiedenen Ländern Europas auseinanderzusetzen. Am Projekt sind kirchliche Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen aus Deutschland, Litauen und Polen beteiligt. In einer ersten Phase beschäftigen sich die Beteiligten mit der Vermittlung christlicher Werte in ihrem eigenen Land. Dabei wird auch die Rolle der Kirchen und kirchlichen Einrichtungen beleuchtet. Mögliche Orte der Untersuchung werden Schulen, katholische Gemeinden und Erwachsenenbildung sein. Aus diesem Grund richtet sich das Projekt an Religionslehrer, Katecheten, Pastoral- und Gemeindereferenten sowie ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiter in katholischen Gemeinden. Diese sollen nach Beendigung des Projektes als Multiplikatoren fungieren. Die Arbeit in den einzelnen Ländern wird in zwei multilateralen Treffen fortgesetzt und erweitert. Beim ersten Austauschtreffen steht die Bestandsaufnahme der aktuellen Situation in den Partnerländern zu Möglichkeiten, Orten und Formen der Vermittlung christlicher Werte im Mittelpunkt. Beim zweiten Treffen soll die vergleichende Methodik und Didaktik im Vordergrund stehen. Im zweiten Projektjahr wird der Hauptakzent auf Hospitationen und Praktika von Lernenden in den Partnerländern liegen, um das Kennenlernen neuer pädagogischer Konzepte und die spätere Erprobung im eigenen Umfeld zu ermöglichen. Die Projektergebnisse sollen über Internet, Radio und Broschüre veröffentlicht werden.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues Media European countries / European Union importing values Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Katholische Erwachsenenbildung im Land Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. Außenstelle Halle Name of the contact person: Sabina Lenow Address: Bernburger Straße 12,06108 Halle /Saale e-mail: [email protected] tel: (0049) (345) 5220023 fax: (0049) (345) 5235380 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Kaisiadoriu vyskupijos katechetios centras, LT Kuria Metropolitalna Wydzial Katechizacji i Szkol Katolickich, PL



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00190-2

Competent and Active Citizens in Europe

Using Citizenship (Local, National and European) studies to teach language to refugee & migrant groups to promote social inclusion at work and leisure. The project will examine and develop the ethics, approach, syllabus, materials and methodology of active citizenship teaching and learning. Developing intercultural competences of teachers in order to enhance competences of learners. Creating learners’ awareness of their strengths and weaknesses to help the learner to clarify realistic possibilities and potentials to make a meaningful contribution to their new community. Conducting field research, evaluation and then exchanging good practice between the partners’ teachers. Although at 8 participants the size of the group will present a challenge in respect of co-ordination and communication it is also a significant advantage in addressing the size, complexity and diversity of the issues active citizenship learning presents. The possibility of dividing the work into two groups at various stages is clear and may well be implemented.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Refugees, Asylum Seekers


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Kommunaler Eigenbetrieb “Kultur und Bildung” Name of the contact person: Ute Grun Address: Heinrich-Mann-Str. 35, 02977 Hoyerswerda e-mail:[email protected] tel: 0049 3571 6079943 fax: 0049 3571 6079939 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) CO Wexford VEC, IE ROC van Amsterdam, NL Stovring Hojskole , DK Volkshochschule Schaumburg, DE Rosenhof voksenopplaeringssenter, NO Westminster Adult Education Service, UK



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00191-3

Music education in early childhood for disabled and non-disabled children: significance for parents and grandparents

„Wer unterschiedliche Menschen zusammenbringen will, muss eine gemeinsame Sprache finden.“ Diese gemeinsame Sprache ist zweifelsohne die Musik, das ureigenste Kommunikationsmittel. In der heutigen Zeit ist Musik überall präsent, aber im Bildungsverständnis hat Musik in den europäischen Ländern einen unterschiedlichen Stellenwert. Wir wissen, dass unser Ohr das Organ ist, das die ersten und die letzten Reize in unserem Leben aufnimmt. Noch ungeboren begegnen wir mit dem Herzschlag der Mutter erstmals dem Rhythmus und damit der Musik. Und wenn sich viele Jahrzehnte später der Lebenskreis schließt, ist unser Ohr noch aktiv: Auch in der Narkose, während hohen Fiebers oder im Koma hören wir mehr als wir fühlen, schmecken oder riechen. Die Lernpartnerschaft stellt die Bedeutung der Musikerziehung im frühkindlichen Bereich für behinderte und nichtbehinderte Kinder sowie die Bedeutung der Musik für den älter werdenden Menschen in den Mittelpunkt. Mit dem Vergleich kultureller Unterschiede in der Musikerziehung und in den Angeboten für das Lebensbegleitende Lernen soll aus der Lernpartnerschaft eine Lernende Partnerschaft (Eltern – Großeltern, Erzieher/innen, Lehrer/innen, Ärzte, Wissenschaftler) für Kinder werden, die den Aufbau eines europäischen Netzwerkes „Musizierende (cantare et sonare) Kindergärten und Schulen mit Eltern und Großeltern“ initiieren möchte. Dadurch wird die Fähigkeit durch Stimme und Sprache mit anderen zu kommunizieren gefördert, der Dialog der Generationen unterstützt und der Einsatz von Musiktherapie bei Sprachbehinderung besonders beachtet. Für die Laufzeit 2005 - 2006 wollen wir die die Ergebnisse gegenüberstellen und den Aufbau eines Netzwerkes planen.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Health

Education for parents

European countries / European Union Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Local community groups Senior citizens

Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas



Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Elternverein Baden Württemberg e.V. Name of the contact person: Dr. Renate Heinisch Address: Kurpfalzstr. 37, 97944 Boxberg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)7930-8851 fax: +49-(0)7930-8852 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Metodicko-pedadogicke centrum Presov, SK Lietuvos Muzikos Akademija, LT Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Musikerzieher, AT Kauno vaiku darzelis Sarkele, LT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00192-2

Modularisierung in der Erwachsenenbildung - Transnationaler Erfahrungsaustausch zum Aufbau eines Netzwerkes

Im Mittelpunkt der Lernpartnerschaft steht die Modularisierung von Bildungsangeboten der Erwachsenenbildung im transnationalen europäischen Kontext. Lernen in Modulen mit (Teil-) Zertifizierungen ist in den Partnerländern nach Modellversuchen und Übergangsphasen auf je spezifische Weise eingeführt worden oder in Planung.

Ziel ist es, sich über modularisierte Angebote insbesondere im Bereich e-leraning auszutauschen, voneinander zu lernen und ein gemeinsames Netzwerk aufzubauen. In allen Partnerinstitutionen ist eine weitergehende Modularisierung des Bildungsangebots vorgesehen. Dafür sollen die unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen zunächst evaluiert werden, um über einen intensiven partnerschaftlichen Austausch mit Lehrenden und Lernenden das jeweilige Bildungsangebot zu verbessern.

Eine Folge der individualisierten Lernprozesse in Europa ist das Anliegen vieler Erwachsener (Teil-) Kompetenzen transnational zu erwerben. Dies trifft insbesondere auf Migranten zu. Die wechselseitige Anerkennung von Zertifikaten erfordert auch die stärkere Einbindung von interkulturellen Lernkonzepten in modulare Lernsysteme. Gemeinsam werden die Projektpartner daher best-practice- Module entwickeln und in dem geplanten Netzwerk weiter entwickeln.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues Information technology Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Women Migrantinnen und Migranten


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Landesinstitut für Schule NRW Name of the contact person: Andreas Disselnkötter Address: Paradieser Weg 64, 59494 Soest e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)2921-683292 fax: +49-(0)2921-683326 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centrum voor Talen en Techniek Limburg, BE VUC Fredericia, DK



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00194-2 OPEN DOORS FOR EUROPE (ODE)

Im Rahmen des Projektes wirken die beteiligten Institutionen (aus Deutschland, Italien, Polen u. Spanien) aktiv an der Erstellung von didaktischen Modulen u. Arbeitsmaterialien mit. Im Sinne der Aktionsforschung erfolgen Bedarfserhebung, reale Erprobung u. multimediale Aufbereitung. Durch diese Identifizierung bestimmter länderspezifischer Informationen (Basics) wird älteren Menschen die Beteiligung an europäischen Begegnungen und Austauschprogrammen erleichtert, somit werden „Türöffner für Europa“ erarbeitet. Das geplante Ergebnis ist ein Repertoire an Basics über die jeweils anderen Kulturen. Diese „Basics“ umfassen Schlüsselinformationen, - situationen, -themen, -wörter, Rituale, Lieder, alltägliche Umgangsformen etc. Dadurch werden Grundlagen erarbeitet, die den Zugang zu anderen Ländern u. Kulturen Europas erleichtern und die Einstellung zum Fremden verändern können. Der Projektverlauf der einzelnen Gruppen wird auf einer projekteigenen Webseite dokumentiert ( Modellhaft zu entwickelnde Arbeitsmaterialien sollen mit jeweils einem Partnerland erprobt und nach Ablauf der Projektphase von verschiedenen Bildungsträgern verwendet werden. Die Ergebnisse sollen in Form einer multimedialen CD-ROM einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt u. für zukünftige Projekte im Bereich der Seniorenarbeit, aber auch für andere Zielgruppen, genutzt werden.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Senior citizens Women Local community groups


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Verein Institut für virtuelles und reales Lernen in der Erwachsenenbildung an der Universität Ulm (ILEU e.V.) Name of the contact person: Carmen Stadelhofer Address: Universität Ulm, Kloster Wiblingen,89069 Ulm e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)731-5023-193 fax: +49(0)731-5023-197 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Lodzki Uniwesytet Trzeciego Wieku, PL Association de Alumnos y Ex-Alumnos de la Unversidad de Alicante, ES Towazystow Wolney Wszechnica Polskiej, PL Das Istituto di Scienze Sociali “Nicolò Rezzara”, Vicenza, I



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00200-2

Approaches to the Promotion of Active Citizenship with disadvanteged communities (ATPAC)

Approaches to the Promotion of Active Citizenship with disadvantaged communities (ATPAC). ATPAC aims: ATPAC is seen as a network of NGO`s and other organisations devoted to promoting a better understanding of Acitve citizenship. In order to ensure greater respect for democracy it is necessary to seek practical means of promoting active citizenship. These practical means will be results of a fruitful learning partnership. The ATPAC will serve as a platform for partnership cooperation and for the development of a strategy for European aspects in the context of active citizenship. This platform will facilitate communication, the sharing of experiences related to the promotion of active citizenship and the creation of a process for dissemination best practices. These goals are achieved on theree levels: 1.On the organisation level to develop an understanding about methods, skills and tools to work on the different fields of active citizenship. To discover a common strategy of project management on European level as a result of work with target groups in the participating countries. 2. On the participation level to profit from the experiences in other European countries. To adapt best practices to empower individual citizens and groups to make full use of their democratic rights. 3. On the European level to organize, to develop and to test European partnership as a process within different organisations, working in the field of active citizenship. Through the European coorporation ATPAC will encourage corporation with other NGO´s, educational institutions and relevant organisations to contribute to current debate with regard to active citizenship and life long learning.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Target Group(s) Local community groups Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison, people with low literacy skills


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. Europäische Tagungs- und Bildungsstätte Bonn . Name of the contact person: Gitta Geißler Address: Langer Grabenweg 68, 53175 Bonn e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0049 228 8107166 fax: 0049 228 8107111 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Vincentian Partnership für Social Justice, IE AAPA Establecimiento Penitenciario de El Rosario, ES Katholike Hogeschool Leuven, BE (Fl) Aulas De Educacion de Adultos del Cenetro, ES ROC van Amsterdam, NL



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00203-2

NetCo Erfolgreiche Netzwerke und Kooperationen als eine Strategie für LLL in Europa

The European Learning Partnership „NetCo“ shall contribute to improve the regional and transnational structures of life-long-learning and increase the professional competences of educational suppliers in networking and cooperative working. It has to be assumed that networks and cooperation have varied potential for the improvement of regional and European educational structures at their disposal. At the same time networks and cooperation represent sensitive systems, which are susceptible to disruption. There are specific professional competences required to build up and manage them. First of all within the bounds of the Learning Partnership the following aspects shall be examined: - With what target the educational suppliers develop networks and cooperation in the involved partner countries? - In what way networks and cooperation contribute to achieve new target groups for example people, who are not used to education, people in regions with rural character, employees in small and middle sized enterprises or other target groups, which are difficult to get hold of. - There will be compiled a list with examples of good practice of successful networks and cooperation, where educational suppliers are involved in. There will be worked out a recommendation on the basis of the inquiries and comparisons: - How are successful networks and cooperation built up and managed successfully in the educational market? - What is the feature of educational suppliers, which are capable of cooperating? - What kind of need for support and qualification do employees working in educational institutions and other participants have, to organize networking and cooperation successfully? - How could a European characterized network- and cooperation competence be defined and qualified?

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Information technology

Sustainable development

European countries / European Union Netzwerkbildung, Lernen und Lehren im Verbund Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services

Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Management of adult education organisation / insti Target Group(s) Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Employees in small and middle sized enterprises


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Move OrganisationsberatungGbR Name of the contact person: Stephanie Frenzer Address: Alter Steinweg 46, 48143 Münster e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)251-44042 fax: +49-(0)251-44137 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ROC Utrecht, NL Romanian Institut for adult education, RO Landesinstitut für Qualifizierung, DE Miluse Jurosková Business link, CZ



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00204-2

TIES Theatre: Ideas by Exchange and Support

Vor dem Hintergrund des Europäischen Jahres der Menschen mit Behinderung kommen Einrichtungen, die mit Menschen mit Behinderung arbeiten, miteinander in Kontakt und tauschen ihre Ideen und Erfahrungen in der Arbeit mit Menschen mit Behinderung (meist geistig behindert) aus. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Unterstützung von Freizeitaktivitäten der Lernenden, denen die Möglichkeit geboten werden soll mit Menschen mit Behinderung aus anderen europäischen Ländern in Kontakt zu kommen. Die bereits bestehende kreative Arbeit - Musik in einigen Einrichtungen, Theater und Tanz in anderen - soll während des Projektes zu einer gemeinsamen Aufführung am Ende zusammengeführt werden. Da der Schwerpunkt in der Kommunikation der Lernenden auf Rhythmus und Musik liegt sind keine größeren Probleme durch die Sprachbarrieren zu erwarten. Ziel ist die Ermutigung zum Selbstausdruck, die Gewinnung von Unabhängigkeit und Selbstvertrauen und die Beweglichkeit in der Öffentlichkeit. Die Integration von Menschen ohne Behinderung und die höhere Präsenz von Menschen mit Behinderung ist Hauptziel des Projektes. Partner im Projekt sind eine Vereinigung zur Arbeit mit Behinderten in der Slowakei, ein Berufsbildungsinstitut in Finnland, eine integriert arbeitende Oberschule in Portugal, ein Tageszentrum für Jugendliche mit Behinderung in Litauen und eine Volkshochschule in Deutschland.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Arts, music, culture Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Disabled persons Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar Ökonomisch und sozial benachteiligte Personen


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Solingen Name of the contact person: Jürgen Lenski Address: Mummstraße 10, 42651 Solingen e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)212-2903254 fax: +49-(0)212-2903259 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Escola Scundária de Oliveira do Bairro Oliveira do Bairro, PT Kauno Neigaliojo Jaunimo Uzimtumo centras Kaunas, LT Zdruzenie Divadlo z Pasaze, SK Alavus Eritysammattikoulu, FI



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00210-3

The Knowledge Shop

The projekt "Knowledge Shop" develops a concept of how to involve "learners" more actively in the process of learning and in the development of courses´, and of how to integrate their experience and preferences. During the first two years we conducted six meetings in plenary and workshop session to meet and discuss with learners. We reflected on new culture of learning, service centre, boundary conditions, methods and approaches, learners' functions and atmosphere of the service centre. We designed a questionnaire on learning situations and processes dedicated to learners, to see their preferences and dislikings. This questionnaire will be available in April 2005 in print version and online on the Knowledge Shop webpage. This webpage was - designed by all partners - set up and is maintained by the Bulgarian partner. The online version of the questionnaire is expected to be filled in by 500 learners from all involved countries, and the data will help us to precise our outlines of the Knowledge Shop concept. The third year will be the year of dissemination and sustainability: following an initial training session in Rome all partners will conduct Scenario Workshops which involve relevant local actors (learners, VET providers, policy makers and the economy) in the design of the Knowledge Shop concept and function. Questionnaire and Scenario Workshop will collect data, opinions and strategies of an effective realisation of the Knowledge Shop concept. By the end of the third year a prepoposal for a cooperation project will be submitted under Grundtvig 1: it will aim at producing guidelines for the construction and maintenance of a Knowledge Shop, about methodological aspects and also on architectural visions of a House of Knowledge.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship European countries / European Union Information technology Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Akademie Überlingen N. Glasmeyer GmbH Name of the contact person: Hugo Kirchhelle Address: Wasserstr. 55, 48431 Rheine e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)5971-929455 fax: +49-(0)5971-929472 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Institut FBI, AT Kuldigas 73. Arodvidusskola, LV Bourgas Free University Burgas, BG



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00213-2


The Participants have been learning about a) target groups of Second Chance Education in Europe b) strategies to decrease drop-out rates/re-integration of drop-outs c) methods used to achieve school leaving certificates d) organisational aspects i.e. advertising, recruitment, finance. Also methodology and didactics of social integration. A key aspect being the integration of minorities and under- priveliged adults. The participants have been able to improve practise through the exchange of information and experiences additionally using the opportunity to consider current activities in a european perspective. Teachers and associated members of staff´have been given the chance to improve abilities and skills in the field of organisation, methodology and didactics in Second Chance Education; and this process will be continued. The project 2005/06 will include workshops and seminars organised and held in the premises of the institutes involved. In the second year the focus will be on learner participation. In order to develop and widen language knowledge, while encouraging european identity. We will implement themes that are of interest to all participating students. Each institute will prepare and use questionnaires and surveys, take part in workshops and make presentations per internet as well as the planned intensive seminar together.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues Languages Media Re-integration of adult learners to education Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner ) Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule und Kulturbüro Osnabrücker Land gGmbH Name of the contact person: Christa Rapp Address: Johann-Domann Str. 10, 49080 Osnabrück e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)541-5005613 fax: +49-(0)541-5005615 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Instituto Diarkous Ekpaideysis Enilikion, GR Zspól Szkól Zawodowych w. Dobrym Miescie, PL



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00222-2


Die Partner werden Wissen und Erfahrungen zu Gender Mainstreaming Implementierung in der Sozialpolitik und der Sozialarbeit austauschen und praktisch anwendbare Gender Mainstreaming Kompetenz für Prozessgestaltung erwerben. Sie wollen in Lern- und Bildungsarrangements Methodenkompetenz erarbeiten und verbreiten, und mit öffentlichkeitswirksamen Präsentationen das Thema umsetzungsorientiert bearbeiten. Die Durchführung einer europäischen Konferenz zum Abschluss der Projektarbeit soll Arbeitsergebnisse der Partner für eine breite Fachöffentlichkeit verfügbar machen. In der transnationalen Arbeit wird durch gemeinsames Lernen (common and mutual learning) den jeweils spezifischen Transformationsprozessen und daraus für die soziale Arbeit resultierenden Konsequenzen in den Partnerländern entsprochen.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues European countries / European Union Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner ) Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s) Disabled persons Women Tätige in sozialen Diensten, Sozialpolitiker, ErwachsenenbildnerInnen


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Strategy transnational e.V. Name of the contact person: Dr. Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka Address: Theaterstr. 76, 09111 Chemnitz e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)371-3346015 fax: +49-(0)371-3346015 Organisation/Project website: --

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Amimbo GmbH, AT Institutul Roman de Educatia Aduldilor (IREA), RO



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00223-2


Combined development and realisation of intercultural composed, structured Blended-Learning-Concepts regarding topics of ethical education. Meeting with/of tutors to exchange tendencies of Blended Learning in the particular countries. Expansion of experiences by international exchange and comparison. Introduction of learners, to learn working with new multimedial forms of education. Intercultural exchange of ethical opinons by learnes of different nationalities.

Further, we provide a server on the Internet, to enable every partner to develop Blendid-Learning-Projects for their own organisations.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Information technology Education for parents Health Sämtliche ethisch relevanten Fragestellungen können eingebracht werden Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Target Group(s) Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other (describe if applicable) People with interest in ethical question and life long learning strategies referring to new pedagogical forms of e-learning/blended learning


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Katholische Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Erwachsenenbildung Name of the contact person: Helga Gisbertz Address: Joachimstraße 1, 53113 Bonn e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)228-90247-15 fax: +49(0)228-90247-29 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Gyvenimo ir tikéjimo institutas, LT Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg, DE Ausbildungsinstitut für Mitarbeiter in der Erwachsenenbildung, AT Mykoro Riomerio universitetas, LT Leidybos ir informacijos centras Uz gyvybe, LT CON.E.DIS soc. Coop. Sociale a r.l., IT Katholische Sozialakademie Österreichs, AT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00229-3

Grundtvig-Media - Blended-Learning in der eurokulturellen Erwachsenenbildung

Das Projekt „GRUNDTVIG-MEDIA“ erkundet, systematisiert und verbreitete in den beteiligten Ländern in Europa Aktivitäten zu Blended-Learning in der eurokulturellen Erwachsenenbildung. Dazu wurde und wird in den Projektjahren 2003/2004 und 2004/2005 in jedem Land ein GRUNDTVIG-MEDIA – Wettbewerb zur Ermittlung qualitativ guter Weiterbildungsangebote zu Blended-Learning in der eurokulturellen Erwachsenenbildung organisiert. Im Zentrum des Erneuerungsprojekts stehen Verbreitung und Transfer beispielhafter Bildungsangebote und Multimediaprodukte zu Blended-Learning für die eurokulturellen Erwachsenenbildung. Dazu werden folgende Aktivitäten durchgeführt: - Systematisierung und Veröffentlichung aller 2003 und 2004 ermittelten und ausgezeichneten Blended-Learning-Projekte und Multimediaprodukte in einer Internetpublikation. - Veröffentlichung beispielhafter Bildungsangebote und Multimediaprodukte zu Blended-Learning für die eurokulturelle Erwachsenenbildung auf den Internetseiten der beteiligten Einrichtungen und in den Fachzeitschriften der beteiligten Länder. In Deutschland erfolgen 2 Veröffentlichungen in der Fachzeitschrift L.A. Multimedia, die an alle deutschsprachigen Bildungseinrichtungen verschickt wird. - Versenden von Newsletter in jedem beteiligten Land mit Informationen zu den beispielhaften Bil-dungsangeboten und Multimediaprodukten zu Blended-Learning für die eurokulturelle Erwachsenenbildung

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Sustainable development Intercultural issues Information technology Media Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Women Senior citizens Lehrende in der Erwachsenenbildung, alle Personen, die sich mit selbständigem lebenslangen Lernen mit Multimedia und Internet befassen


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Institut für Bildung und Medien (IB&M) der Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information e.V. (GPI) Name of the contact person: Dr. Bernd Mikuszeit Address: Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60 (Haus 14), 10315 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)30-51069333 fax: +49-(0)30-51069333 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Infinity GmbH, HU ASCoR, The Amsterdam School of Communications Research, NL Universität Wien, AT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00233-3

Network of Intergenerational Learning in Europe (NIGEL)

In the two years of the Nigel learning partnership the foundation of a network of intergenerational learning between the participating partner organisations was achieved. Some other National, European and International Organisations and Networks became interested in our topics and contexts in which it is applied (remembrance, peace education and conflict management, opening the school for community development, environment and sustainability). We plan to spend the third year finding ways to share this knowledge more widely in Europe so that many more people can benefit from understanding the concept and practice of intergenerational learning and the range of national and community contexts in which it can be of use. We started a discussion about the further steps to facilitate and sustain intergenerational learning. Our goal is now to build on this, and explore the feasibility of creating a Forum of Intergenerational Learning in Europe. In order to achieve it, we will use the third year of our learning partnership for • pulling together the resources of the Network (training tools, curriculum, evaluation tools, some theoretical background, the website) • making visible the resources of the Network by developing a poster exhibition and a booklet in the current languages of the learning partners • promoting knowledge about intergenerational learning in the fields of adult education, voluntary services, schools, community development, remembrance and peace education, environment and sustainability • the provision of learning opportunities which reflect the identified learning needs of members

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active cititenship Intercultural issues

Sustainable development

European countries / European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Networking Target Group(s) Senior citizens Local community groups Children and young adults

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Projektebüro “Dialog der Generationen” Pfefferwerk Stadtkultur gGmbH Name of the contact person: Iris Marreel Address: Fehrbelliner Str. 92, 10119 Berlin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)30-44383475 fax: +49(0)30-44 383451 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Alapitvany az Emberi Jogok es a Beke Oktatasaert, HU Intergen Sale, UK Ost-West-Europäisches FrauenNetzwerk, DE Gernika Gogoratuz Asociacion Bizkaia, ES



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00234-2

Deep impressions - parents learn the narrative method for parents work in drug prevention

The target group of the project are parents who are active in parents work. The parents will learn a method for convincing other people– the narrative method-. They will be able to understand it, use it for themselves and other people in various areas in parent education. The narrative method shows how an emotional access to a theme can be used to get a deep impression on a target person to make it able to refer with the theme and to process solutions. Starting point of the learning process is the common visit of an international appreciated interactive exhibition on the field of drug prevention in Hungary, where this method is used successfully. The project participants of four European countries attend the learning process by visiting the exhibition and exchanging their impressions and learning to represent the process of the own deep impressions to make it accessible and usable for other people, too. The project progress will be represented by the learners themselves through a material collection (letters, photos, draws, poems, reports and so on to use for the method) and evaluated on international meetings. By this way the learners will process their experiences and make them usable for themselves and other people.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union Education for parents Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas parents


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ländliche Erwachsenenbildung Thüringen e.V. Name of the contact person: Evelyn Sittig Address: Hinter dem Bahnhof 12, 99427 Weimar e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)3643-749813 fax: +49-(0)3643-749810 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Siauliai Didzdvaris gymnasium Siauliai, LT Köztes Atmenetek Egészségmegörzö és Kommunikációs Köshasznú Társaság, HU Polo Europeo della Conoscenza Scuaola Media, IT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00235-2

CHALLENGING ACTIONS IN GENDER MAINSTREAMING - STRATEGIES AND TOOLS FOR IMPLEMENTING GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN EUROPE The overall aim of the project is to compare, develop and improve strategies and tools for gender mainstreaming implementation. The persuance of this aim will entail an investigation and exchange of good practice in the field of gender mainstreaming (GM) and the use of information technology in delivering training courses for trainers: 1. We will start comparing the work that every partner and organisation participating in this learning partnership has already done in consulting and training concerning GM in public, private, political and educational sectors throughout Europe. 2. The result will be obtaining a general idea of good practice. We will identify criteria and necessary skills in implementation of GM, gender training and training teachers and trainers acting gender sensitive in their work. These outcomes will have an improving impact on our work concerning gender equality. 3. The improved knowledge we will transfer to our clients, the decision makers, change agents and members of our own organisations. 4. In this way the learning partnership will contribute to the development of improved cohesive strategic plans and training courses in operation.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries / European Union gender mainstreaming Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Women men, decision makers, citizens and municipal employees, educational institutes


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Mänz + Rossmann organisationsentwicklung GbR Name of the contact person: Heike Mänz Address: Callinstr. 43, 30167 Hannover e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)511-1318929 fax: +49-(0)511-1318941 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ADT Center SARL, LU VSI Du Pasauliai 2 IR KO, LT Aberdeen College, UK



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00239-2

Making Womens's History Visible in Europe

Die Lernpartnerschaft hat das Ziel, im zusammenwachsenden Europa durch gemeinsame Lernprozesse die Unterrepräsentanz von Frauengeschichte sichtbar zu machen und für die Verstärkung geschlechtergerechten historischen Bewußtseins zu wirken. Die Verbreiterung und Stärkung des Anteils frauengeschichtlicher Präsentationen in historischen Museen Europas und die Förderung eines geschlechterdemokratischern Perspektivenwechsels in den unterschiedlichen Darstellungen sind projektübergreifende Zielstellungen aller Projektpartner. Durch das Kennenlernen und Wertschätzen sowohl der Unterschiede als auch der Gemeinsamkeiten sollen die Zugänge zu gemeinsamen Wurzeln in der kulturellen Überlieferung erweitert und in entsprechenden Bildungsangeboten sichtbar gemacht werden. Die Partner werden in einem Symposium Sichten auf einen frauengeschichtlichen historischen Zeitraum zusammentragen, sich über die jeweilige Methodik des gemeinsamen Vorgehens sowohl bei der Arbeit zu den auf Geschlechtergerechtigkeit zielenden Inhalten als auch in einer die Vielfalt wertschätzenden Arbeitsweise bei der Durchführung des Lern-partnerschaftsprojekts verständigen. Sie wollen sich im Verlauf des partnerschaftlichen Austausches mit Formen webbasierter Museumsarbeit bekannt machen und bedienen sich im Prozeß der Projektdurchführung verschiedener Arten von neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken (e-mail- Austausch, Online-Meetings). In Transnationalen Projektteamtreffen werden Lehrende und Lernende prozeßorientierte, partizipative, dialogische, Kooperation praktizieren. Von einem gemeinsamen Ausgangspunkt streben sie mit ihrer aktiven Partnerschaft eine nachhaltige Vernetzung an, um weiterhin effizient zu kooperieren. Zu diesem Zweck wird die Partnerschaft im 2. Projektjahr erweitert.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues Sustainable development Arts, music, culture Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp. Target Group(s)

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Haus der Frauengeschichte e.V. Name of the contact person: Prof. Dr. Annette Kuhn Address: Rodderbergstr. 95, 53179 Bonn e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49-(0)228-8579036 fax: +49-(0)228-345422 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Seminario de Estudios de la Mujer Universidad Oviedo, ES Südwind Entwicklungspolitik Niederösterreich, AT The Women's Museum Denmark, DK Research Centre for Gender Equality, GR Neolithia Foundation, MT



Project Reference: 05-DEU03-S2G01-00247-2

Men and Non-formal education – participation and learning of social skills (MENPART)

Since men's participation in adult education activities throughout Europe is low, new approaches are needed to reach men.

This project aims to research men’s participation in education primarily on an informal or basic skills level. We intend to look at what attracts men into the education field. The research projects´ starting point is to look at what educational programmes are provided for men and what men's participation levels are in other courses as well. This research will be compared by the learning partners. We will then analyse the results on a European basis. This will give us an overall indication of what men’s interests are in different countries and what is being provided educationally for men. This will provide us with information about the uptake of men in adult education courses. We also intend to examine if men’s educational needs are being met. The learning partner’s will collate this data and make it available to others. We then intend to produce a document of Good Practice which will inform workers in the adult education field about the models of education which encourage men’s participation. The primary goal of this learning partnership is to examine men’s current participation level in education and to see how their participation level can be improved.

As this project has developed the opportunity has arisen to document the learning process on video. This video will form part of our final submission in addition to the above.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active cititenship Mens social learning through education

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Frauenbildungsnetz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V. Name of the contact person: Dirk Wilke Address: Heiligengeisthof 3, 18055 Rostock e-mail: [email protected] tel: +49(0)381-4583143 fax: +49(0)381-4907714 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Coiste Gairmoideachais Thiobraid Arann Thuaidh, IE Kolding Pädagogseminarium, DK Zentrum Bildung der EKHN, DE Amimbo GmbH, AT Kauniaisten Kaupungin Kansalaisopisto, FI

109 Estonia EESTI

Project reference: 05-EST01-S2G01-00009-1


This project will contribute to the improvement of youth health through removing gaps and increasing communication between generations and European society. As a matter of fact, there is little knowledge about parents´ sensibility and cognition of youth health needs. In addition there is a lack of understanding of their children´ needs and problems. Therefore, the main aim of the project is to facilitate an awareness of parents of issues young people face. This aim will be achieved through identification of the main areas of concern, establishment of local and international collaborating network, exchange findings and best practices in empowerment of parent and dissemination of information. The implementation of the project will increase collaboration between parents of different countries, spread stories of success and stimulate better communication between generations and nations. The main expected outcomes of the project are the following: a) to increase local community awareness about the importance of protecting and nurturing health of young people; b) to establish local and international network of parents, youth, educators and health care providers; c) to conduct research; d) to disseminate and discuss results at meetings and seminars; e) to prepare educational package for parents´ education.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Education for parents Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Tartu Folk High School Name of the contact person: Marge Kohtla Address: Pepleri 4, Tartu e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 372 736 1540 fax: + 372 736 1540 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1. Agentur Kultur GbR (DE) 2. Municipality of Strovolos – Multi-Dynamic Municipal Centre of Strovolos (CY) 3. Youth Health Center (LT)



Project reference: 05-EST01-S2G01-00008-1


Adult education institutions from present project have a lot of experiences in providing courses in accordance with learners´ needs and market demand and supporting active citizenship. At the same time in most partner-countries the dialogue between teachers and learners themselves is missing. The lack of the possibility of joint discussions and co-operation, also exchange of experiences with other learners from different countries, has been constantly brought out as a weakness in adult education by learners themselves. The aim of the present project is to diminish the above mentioned disagreement by initiating an Adult Learners Forum (ALF), developing a partnership at national and European level and involving adult learners. As a basis for that the model of ALF will have to be worked out. The ALF is the place where learners´ meetings, workshops and seminars will take place, where they could discuss their problems, hold dialogues with training providers and social partners, and make proposals for solving their problems. During the project duration the learners will be involved in elaborating the ALF model, developing their networks, and disseminating the project outputs, both in their countries as well as the international level. Different learners target groups will be represented in the permanently operating ALF, whereas highly motivated learners could act as promoters for the disadvantaged learners and/or women with lower educational level, who need support and encouragement in their learning activities.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learners´ network Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Women


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Association of Estonian Adult Educators ANDRAS (AEAE Andras) Name of the contact person: Sirje Plaks Address: Valge 10, Tallinn 11413 e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 372 6211 671 fax: + 372 6211 670 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1. Association of Romanian Popular Universities (ANUP) (RO) 2. TECNOPRAC (IT) 3. Association of Educational Activity (AEA) (FI) 4. Association for Education and Development of Woman (ATHENA) (CZ) 5. AIDLEARN Human Resources Consulting (PT) 6. Olympic Educational and Development Association (GR) 7. FEPAMUS-GU (ES) 8. TERTULIA, Socio cultural association (PT)



Project reference: 05-EST01-S2G01-00012-1


The project aims to enhance cooperation in the field of education, in particular by encouraging innovation in the development of educational practices and material, thus tackling the future challenges to life long education and training systems. The project will equip language teachers with innovative teaching methods, helping learners become more effective communicators, developing self- directed learning skills, encouraging creativity and team-work.

Specific objectives are: a) to study of teachers/learners needs and expectations to language teaching/learning in partners organisations; b) feedback of the results of partners study, application of appropriate innovative methods related to needs analyses and exchange of teaching experience; c) permanent development and dissemination of supportive material to language teachers of adults, based on our project and good practice.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Languages

Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Language teachers for adults


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Language School SUGESTO Ltd. Name of the contact person: Monika Veisson Address: Narva mnt. 6-9, Tallinn 10117 e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 372 6601 559 fax: + 372 6601 343 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1. The Academic and Research Computer Technology Institute (GR) 2. Educational Centre EDUCA (CZ) 3. Adults Education Centre Vasa Arbis (FI) 4. Association Forumul Cetatenesc Pentru actiune Sociala Si Educatie Civica (RO) 5. Kristiansund Educational Centre (NO)



Project reference: 05-EST01-S2G01-00010-1


The main aim is to improve the methods of dealing with socially disadvantaged people (disabled, immigrants, school-system drop- outs) and become more effective offering higher quality services through intercultural exchange and experience. The project objectives will be achieved through the following activities: working in local teams in cooperation with local communities and authorities, partner meetings, exchanges of staff, creation of a website, making a questionnaire, establishing e-mail cooperation between the learners, publishing methodological materials and the final conference. The website of the project will include information about the institutions, events, good practices, results and findings of the project. The methodological materials will include findings of the project, recommendations on working with the target groups, examples of best practices, etc.

Duration: years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners….


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Narva Vocational Training Centre Name of the contact person: Jelena Lohmatova Address: Kreenholmi 45, Narva 20104 e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 372 356 9341 fax: + 372 356 9370 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1. Roc Rijn I Jssel, De Pasvorm & Educatie (NL) 2. Tysvær Opplæringssenter (NO) 3. Technological Educational Institute of Messolonghi (GR) 4. EHSAL Europese Hogeschool Brussels (BE)



Project reference: 05-EST01-S2G01-00015-1


The main aim of this project is to support disadvantaged groups in acquiring entrepreneurial knowledge so that they could achieve a better chance to succeed in setting up their own enterprise. The objectives of the project are: a) to exchange experiences in adult training methods for counsellors to improve their skills in promoting disadvantaged learners; b) to use entrepreneurship as a method for the immigrants to learn a second language and acquire knowledge about the society; c) to develop co-operation between partners. The aim of the first phase of the project is to give to the counsellors the chance to exchange their training methods and bring out the problems in teaching and promoting the disadvantaged groups. The aims of the second phase are to test the acquired knowledge on disadvantaged groups (unemployed, people living in the rural areas, immigrants) to encouraged them to set up their own business. By the end of the project will be published special materials outlining the specific aspects to be added to existing courses in entrepreneurship for disadvantaged persons. It will also contain “success-stories” in training disadvantage groups.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture Basic skills, Consumer education Education for parents, Environment Health, Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology, Intercultural issues, Languages Sustainable development, Entrepreneurial skills Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners….

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Movements of Villages and Small Towns of Estonia KODUKANT Name of the contact person: Sirje Vinni Address: Väike-Ameerika 19 – 205, Tallinn 10129 e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 372 6466 636 fax: + 372 6466 636 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1. Senter for voksenopplæring SeVo (NO) 2. Norges Teknisk Naturvitgenskaplige Universitet (NO) 3. Alfa-College (NL) 4. KLGconsultancy (NL) 5. Center of Civic Initiatives (CCI) (LT) 6. Jyväskylä Vocational Institute, Technology College (FI) 7. Vocational School Cristóvão Colombo (PT)



Project reference: 05-EST01-S2G01-00014-1


The aim of the project is to decrease the risk of committing new crimes by sexual-criminals and drug-addicts after imprisonment. Purposeful preventive work with these people is actual in all participating prisons. The most effective and successful activities are the group works and - therapies carried out among criminals by social-workers and psychologists. On the first project year the main activities are directed to the observing of practical activities in prison and organising the thematic seminars, where experiences are analysed and systemised. On the second project year there will be formed experimental groups of sexual criminals and drug-addicts for implementing innovative methodological principles.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Learning about European countries/the European Union Exchanging experiences Acquiring new knowledge about resocialising in (and after) imprisonment Project Objectives Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s) Social workers Psychologists Contact persons


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Murru Prison Name of the contact person: Ele Mälk Address: Haapsalu mnt. 11, Vasalemma 76102 e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 372 6729 275 fax: + 372 6729 238 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1. Valmiere Muiza (LV) 2. Justizvollzugsanstalt Tegel (DE) 3. Justizvollzugsanstalt Wien-favoriten (AT)


Project reference 05-GRC01-S2G01-00093-1


The ALPHABETBOOK is an educational process that combines cultural, artistic and learning goals. In the various stages of the ALPHABETBOOK the participants will create images that are illustrations of a word that derives from a letter of the alphabet from the culture where they come from. This process will demand skills that have to be learnt and, more important, understanding of various concepts (aesthetic, social, artistic). Each partner will choose their learner’s group, and organize them in workshops. These groups will be selected on the basis on whether the process of the project can help the struggle of the particular group against prejudice and xenophobia. The partners will decide whether they will be working with the same group for the whole period of the program or if they will work with different groups in various periods of time. The process can incorporate art forms other than the visual ones, such as theater or music. The main concept of the ALPHABETBOOK derives from the belief that culture and education are probably the most powerful tools for the empowerment of the individual. The final outcome will be an actual book, the ALPHABETBOOK, and it will prove that various ideas and concepts can find common ground under the same format and thus create new interpretations.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills√ Learning about European countries/the European Union Languages√ Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) √

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Marginalised groups


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Cultural Center of Chalkida Name of the contact person: Ioannis Ziogas Address: Agiou Dimitriou sq. Chalkis 34100 Greece e-mail: [email protected] tel: 003022210 81811 fax: 00302210 86366 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Institution for Adult Education Skofja Loka SI Faculty of Health Care LT Community Action Network IE Planina Vedez Sentjur SL Federatie van Vlaamse Simileskringen VZW BV (Flemish Speaking Belgium)



Project reference: 05-GRC01-S2G01-00096-1

“Intercultural Understanding and Tolerance”

This is a three year project in which participate three Organizations from Southeast Europe. The target group are the parents of Primary and Secondary Education Students. The aim of the project is the development of a spirit of mutual understanding and acceptance among parents of different nationalities, origin and culture that coexist in the School communities of the participating countries Greece (coordinating organization), Bulgaria and Italy. The main objective is to educate a team of parents in each of these countries, who will act as multipliers for the promotion of the project. To fulfil the above aim for the first two years the focus will be on the training of the learners. During the third year the learners will share the knowledge and the experience they have gained with other local organizations and the School community, organizing different activities. These activities will include preparation and evaluation meetings, workshops and also production of material with the participation of the parents. There will also be some selected material published on the website and meetings of the learners, so that they can exchange experiences, ideas and material of intercultural activities (e.g. music, theatre, ethnic festivals) with the cooperation of parents, teachers students and local citizens in general.

Duration: 3 (three) years Funding year: (1st)

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Education for parents Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Other (describe if applicable) Parents -Students


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Union of Parents Association of the First Thessaloniki Area (UPAFTA) Name of the contact person: Ioannis Stavropoulos Address:39 G.Viziinou St. 54636 Thessaloniki Greece e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0030 2310960697 / 0030 2310 213133 fax:0030 2310238494 website: -

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

ASOCIACIA RODITELI - BG AGICAM (Associazione dei Genitori dell’Instituto Comprensivo “A Manzioni”) - IT



Project reference: 05-GRC01-S2G01-00008-2

New approach for the education of adult immigrants

Our project intends to build a new approach concerning adult education through three strategic aims: 1. The collection of information about each country’s foreign adult education system. 2. The acquisition of knowledge concerning the methods and ways of teaching within the frame of education and social integration of immigrants, refugees and repatriated people. 3. The creation of competence to use innovated methods in groups of socially excluded foreigners Through operational aims: 1. Familiarization with the culture and religion of the communities of immigrants and refugees 2. Familiarization with the methods of resolving problematic situations regarding nationality, religion and tradition 3. Familiarization with the way in which we deal with social integration 4. Learning the procedures of acquiring citizenship in each country 5. Learning the parameters of the work of teachers who deal with these people 6. Learning the methods and teaching methodology used in the education of groups with different culture 7. Creation of a new approach in teaching foreign groups 8. Engagement in activities oriented towards the solution of problems relating to the education of socially excluded groups 9. Development of information activities

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered 9 Active citizenship 9 Arts, music, culture 9 Basic skills 9 Education for parents 9 Learning about European countries/the European Union 9 Intercultural issues 9 Languages 9 Sustainable development Project Objectives 9 Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning 9 Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) 9 Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) 1 Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities 2 Young adults at risk of social marginalisation 3 Local community groups


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Regional committee of Lifelong Learning of Kavala - KEK N.A. N.EL.E Kavalas Name of the contact person: Papas Nikolaos Address: K. Piiti 18 – Kavala 65201 Greece e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0030 2510 831126 fax: 0030 2510 838634 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Teacher continuing education institute PL Permanent territorial centre CTP - Comprehensive school “Maria Capozzi” IT



Project reference: 05-GRC01-S2G01-00005-2

“Hagiography in Internet”

The content of the project refers to Hagiografia Art combined with Internet use (by navigating in Religious Art galleries, focused on the work of famous Iconografers). The activities included are tutorials in Hagiografia Art and historical roots, cultural visits in local monuments of Christianity, participation in art laboratories (attending or active participating), searching in internet for galleries in Iconografia. The most important is the involvement of deaf people in all activities as tutors or as learners also, in an open-learning environment. The main objectives of the project are the social incorporation of the deaf people and their active participation in a variety of activities, the enhancement of their special abilities of communication using art and technology as a vehicle of internal feelings and needs. The final product will be a collective edition of the experiences in each country. The project has been developed as a case study of Grundtvig 2 learning partnership and its contribution in the social empowerment of the disable people (learners perceptions, needs or level of satisfaction and further development in the concrete fields, their representation of what European Union is and their personal sense of participating actively in all the transnational activities). In general, the expected outcomes are: mobility of the deaf people, social incorporation, vocational orientation in Hagiography, their personal development, improvement of self-esteem, basic skills in computing (especially navigating in Internet), information about the European Union and the equality of opportunities. The educational programme will generalize experience of 5 countries and will be adaptable to other societies, too.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship √, Arts, music, culture, √ Basic skills √ Consumer education, Education for parents, Environment, Gender issues, Health, Learning about European countries/the European Union √ Information technology , √Intercultural issues√ Languages ( sign language issues introduction) √ Media, Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning √ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) √ Guidance / counselling or other support services √ Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Disabled persons √ Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. : unemployed people√ Local community groups, Marginalised groups, Senior citizens Women, √ Young adults at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: DAFNI KEK Name of the contact person: TSEKOURA VASILIKI Address: GIROKOMIOU 94-96 PATRAS GR. e-mail: [email protected] tel: +302610624213 fax: +302610624214 website:




Project reference: 05-GRC01-S2G01-00068-1

PARENTS SKILLS IN DEVELOPING THE CITIZENS OF TOMORROW, IN A UNITED EUROPE “PA.CI.EU” The project will help parents develop the necessary skills and knowledge that will enable them to provide the necessary guidance and support to their children. It should help parents learn how to lead their children into becoming useful members of the European society, who will in turn help shape up a better tomorrow for the world. The project will equip parents with knowledge on how to communicate more effectively with their children, knowledge on how to inform them of the risks, opportunities and threats of society, knowledge on how to become active citizens, knowledge on how to plan their lives, how to access the necessary European Union data banks in finding information, etc. The project will stress the use of technology, as a necessary tool that each parent should have access to in order to help his or her children.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: (1st…)

Area(s) covered X Active citizenship X Arts, music, culture X Basic skills X Education for parents X Environment X Learning about European countries/the European Union X Information technology X Intercultural issues X Sustainable development Project Objectives X Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning X Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) X Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) X Disabled persons X Local community groups X Parents of teenagers


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Parents’ Association of 3rd High School of Kilkis Name of the contact person: Solomon Ananiadis Address: P. Mela 12, 61100, Kilkis, Greece e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00302341027273 fax: 00302341027273 mobile 0030 6944918115 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Parent’s Association of Primary School of Kamares, CY Institut Psychoterapii I Pedagogiki, Warsaw, PL Sticthing Enova Emancipatie adviesbureau Drenthe, NL Ampa Fathers and Mothers Association, ES.



Project reference: 05-GRC01-S2G01-00056-1

Tourism and environment: The role of women in connection with social, economic and cultural growth in the light of promotion of diversity through the course to the European completion

The project provides the import of women with low socio-economic profile, that they have developed or intend to develop, experiences in the space "tourism-environment", under the spirit of European collaboration, including citizens and professionals in the project. Similar objectives, are expected to be achieved with the realization of the present project through which, seminars will be carried out on issues as: the feminine enterprising spirit dexterity, the history and the institutions of European Union, the models of European completion, the use of new technologies, the multicultural model in the achievement of European collaboration. Moreover, is provided the linguistic preparation of instructors and educated, for the overshooting of communication obstacles that result from the national identity of each inter-country institute. Thus, is achieved the real communication between the inter-country partners so much at the exchanges (visits in different states) that at their attendance in the seminars with various thematic units (tourism, environment, technology of information, business dexterity, European Union). With the development of this project, are expected the achievement of educative growth and the improvement of conditions of socio-economic life participating in the project. Final objective, the creation of the conditions for future forms of cooperatives and the growth of commercial relations through the acquaintance of inter-country partners under a historical, cultural and environmental prism, as expressions of communication and exchange

Duration: 2 years Funding year: (1st)

Area(s) covered Active citizenship √ Arts, music, culture √ To be chosen from the list Basic skills √ Environment √ Learning about European countries/the European Union √ Information technology √ Intercultural issues √ Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas √ Women √ Young adults at risk of social marginalisation √

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: MUNICIPALITY OF DYMI Name of the contact person: Vasilis N. Kanellopoulos Address: Plateia Dimokratias 1, Kato Achaia e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] tel: +30 26930 25720 fax: +30 26930 25720 website:



Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00066-1


We intend to create a working group with institutions related to the education of people over 50 in the area of ICT with the purpose of sharing good practices in the field of education, and collecting methods and techniques to design courses aimed at stimulating the use of ICT by older people, so that they can control better their environment. The objectives are: - Share guides, practices, techniques and relevant documentation. - Share approaches to stimulate older people to use ICT. - Develop courses to increase the use of internet for their own personal purposes: how to improve their health, languages, culture, leisure, and stimulate intercultural communication. - Improve social interaction and older people participation.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Health Active citizenship Intercultural issues ICT Project Objectives Strategies to stimulate adult education demand Management of adult education institutions

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Disabled persons Senior citizens


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Universidad Jaume I Name of the contact person: Roger Esteller Address: Av. Vicent Sos Banyat, s/n, 12071, Castellón e-mail [email protected]

tel: +34 964 72 80 00 fax :+34 964 72 90 16 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. Suomen MS-liitto ry, Masku, FI 2. Landästorget Seniorsenter, Bergen, NO 3. KEB Rheinland-Pfalz Lag, Mainz, DE 4. CC Systems, Hodonin, CZ 5. Senioren Lernen on-line, Kiel, DE


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00077-1

Europe and us. Getting to know Europe by using ICT

Europe and us intends to create a transnational working framework to share the experience in the use of ICT in AE and develop training materials that can help learners to understand Europe via internet and similar tools.

The project will do that by means of an on-line course. And this course should improve the knowledge of the participating institutions of ICT in AE.

Total DURATION: 1 year FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered European countries/European Union ICT

Project Objectives Experimenting new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s) Economically and socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners Women

Others, adults with very low basic skills


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Consortium of training and initiatives Bages Sud Name of the contact person: Angeles Fusté Address: C/ Montserrat, 50 , 08295, San Vicente de Castellet, Barcelona e-mail : [email protected] tel: +34 93 833 13 11 fax:+34 93 833 10 53 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. Libera Universitá Europea terza etá Campania, Napoli, IT 2. Prosperitá, OPS, Praga 9, CZ



Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00069-3

Towards a better world: adult education and European culture

The project intends to compare methodologies to accept cultural differences in Europe, know the main cultural traits of the participating regions, exchange materials on this issue, produce a website to disseminate the materials and products, celebrate multilateral meetings and produce a handbook.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year:2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues

European countries / European Union

Information technology Languages Art, music, culture Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups

Migrants/travellers/ethnic and other minorities


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centro Público de Educación de Personas Adultas de Aznalcollar Name of the contact person: Angel Muñoz Address: Avenida de Andalucia s/n, 41870 Aznalcóllar (Sevilla) e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 954 13 31 63 fax:+34 954 13 54 78 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Assoziazione Culturalle "Rafaello", Cosenza, IT Zentrum für Erwachsenenbildung Stephansstift, Hannover, DE Midstöd Simmentunar a Sudernesjum, Keflavik, IS


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00088-1

Archaeology Plus –Valorisation of Archaeology, Heritage and Cultural Roots

The project addresses adults living in rural areas of archaeological interest. It will have three phases. The first one will include research about similar activities carried out in the areas of the partner institutions and develop materials that answer the need of the participants involved. In the second phase each institution will test the materials developed by means of different pilot activities like workshops, seminars, conferences, training courses, with the aim to disseminate the results of the research phase and to promote archaeology and acknowledgement of their own cultural heritage among adults living in rural communities. The third and last phase will consist of the organisation of study tours in sites of archaeological interest.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries/European Union Sustainable development Art, music, culture Project Objectives Strategy to stimulate AE demand Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Migrants/travellers/ethnic minorities


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Asociación Emprendedores para el Empleo Name of the contact person: Jesús Sánchez Address: C/ Santander Mediterráneo, 9-2º D, 50300, Calatayud (Zaragoza) e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 976 89 72 00 fax:+34 976 89 72 00 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) E. Portuoli SIA E.E., Faliro, GR Asociata Feneilor Din Romania, Bucarest, RO


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00090-1

Food: fight obesity and other diseases

The project “Food -fight obesity and other diseases”, wants to develop an innovative training course as a tool for parents, teachers and trainers to qualify them in educating children about adequate nutritional habits and health matters.

The European Union estimates that effective strategies are necessary to protect children in their food intake. Children are vulnerable consumers. Sophisticated techniques of marketing bombard every day our children with advertisements of hyper caloric food and drinks.

One of the main results is children overweight and obesity. In Spain, the obesity in 6-12 year old children has grown from 4,9% in 1984 to 16,1% in 2000, being one of the Member States with highest figures. (source: Ministry of Health). Illnesses linked to obesity go from situations that affect the quality of life to very serious cases that can even result in premature death. Children need an appropriate education in nutrition.

In this project partners from different countries will do a comparative study about the causes of diseases connected with food (obesity, anorexia, bulimia, binge disease) among children from 6 to 12. And they will develop a training course to respond to the needs highlighted in the research, and finally this course will be experimented on sample groups of adults.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Consumer education Health Education of parents Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Strategies for stimulating demand of AE Target Group(s) Local community groups Others- people involved in the education of children and in health matters


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Asociación Alternativa Ambiental Name of the contact person: Cristina Correa Address: Avda. Pintor Portella, 34 B-9º N, 30203 Cartagena (Murcia) e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 968 08 39 65 fax:+34 968 08 39 35 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Passeport Europe, Loupiac, FR Noi del Battisti, Fano, IT


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00094-1

In the mirror of their eyes

It is a multicultural project that intends to share different experiences with migrant people of diverse background, coming to the EU from all parts of the world, and becoming learners in our adult education institutions.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic minorities


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CEPA Pablo Guzman Name of the contact person: Piedad Hernández Address: C/ Andorra, 19, bis , 28043, Madrid e-mail : [email protected] tel: +34 91 300 37 25 fax:+34 91 300 37 25 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Istituto tecnico per attivita sociali Pietro Scalcerle, Padova, IT GRETA Val Guvey Leman, Oyyonax Cedex, FR


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00097-2

ENTRAMUS- European Network of Traditional Music Schools

The revival of traditional music is a cultural and pedagogical issue that tries to value the native European cultures but is usually dealing only with the local ones. The traditional music in AE has the advantage of proximity, dejà-vu of most materials, that encourage and stimulate the demand of adult learners. The partnership will try to reach the target groups in rural areas which have a more difficult access to learning, through a training course of traditional music and dancing, exchange of trainers and the creation of a network of cooperation with the partner institutions.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Art, music, culture Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Disabled persons


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Escuelas de música tradicional de la comarca de la sidra Name of the contact person: Luis Carlos Vecino Address: Paraes, 33529 Nava e-mail [email protected]

tel: +34 985 71 84 13 fax: +34 985 71 85 31 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Loimaan Seudun Musiikkiopisto, Loimaa, FI Associaçao Tocandar, Marinha Grande, PT Association Tera, Saint Groux, FR Scuola Comunale di Musica G. Verdi, Prato, IT



Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00100-1

EP-PH: On-going education for prisoners, a humanitarian project

The project targets at one of the groups most marginalised in our society: people deprived of their freedom. This LP thinks necessary to have an educational project that adapts and defines again the curricula to the needs and circumstances of prisons. As well it is necessary to establish the staff and means required and also the administrative measures for putting them into practice.

This project comes out of the great interest and deep social commitment that all of us feel and we will try to analyse and change the prevailing situation in prisons and offer a humanitarian alternative to the learners in their educational process, without forgetting that it is through education how they can be inluded again in society and that the integral development of their personality is based on education that takes into account human needs.

Total DURATION: 1 year FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Others, on-going and formal education for prisoners

Project Objectives Strategy to stimulate adult education demand Guidance/counselling/information services Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Methods to validate knowledge acquired in informal environments Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25) at risk of marginalisation Other groups economically or socially disadvantaged, unemployed, prisoners


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Instituto Provincial de Formación de Adultos de Jaén. Name of the contact person:Pilar Alvarez Address: Carretera de Madrid, 2, 23009 Jaén e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 953 28 07 21/24 fax:+34 953 28 15 63 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Unión Sindical Obrera, Jaén, ES Association Development of the Personality and Human Communities, Pleven, BG Kirsehir Halk Egitim Merkezi Ve A.S.O. Müdürlügü, Kirsehir, TR


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00105-2

Extract the universal vocabulary of literacy from the participants’ point of view

The project comes out of the need to have up-to-date and adapted materials to be used with adults to be taught reading and writing, and based on the philosophy of Paulo Freire imbedded in the western society.

It intends to develop active methods to detect needs and interests of the participants in these groups, systematize the selection of content and vocabulary main axis of the literacy process.

These processes to detect needs can be common to different languages and societies, but the concrete field of generating words will depend on the progression criteria that each language requires when being learnt.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Others: expression of needs and interests Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s) Women Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: FECEAV (Federation of groups of adult education in Valladolid) Name of the contact person: Elvira Ana de Rosales Address: Villanueva, 6-1º C, 47013 Valladolid e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 983 291396 fax: +34 983 291396 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) RECIF, Paris, FR CONEDIS, Torino, IT


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00111-2

Barriers to employment (B to E)

Many people with disabilities have to face a lot of barriers to get a job. There is no organization that can provide the full support and help they need. This project intends to create a framework of integral assistance to facilitate a common strategy. The standards of qualifications are an important element to get a job or to be promoted in the job, and one of the lacking skills is ICT, for the public in general and for disabled persons in particular.

That is one of the main barriers for this group in all the participating countries in this LP, and the result is marginalisation, discrimination, difficulties in communication and also in access to services.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Information technology Others: Integration of persons at risk of social exclusion Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services ) Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Fundación INTRAS Name of the contact person: Pablo Sánchez Address: Santa Lucia, 19, 1º, 47005 Valladolid e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 983 399633 fax: +34 983 217565 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Toucan Europe, Manchester, UK CESIE, Palermo, IT CJD, Dortmund, DE


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00120-2

To be parents today: intergenerational education in Europe After analysing the work done on parenthood in the first year, we decided to broaden the aims of this project and that will allow us to know about new experiences and tools.

We already have a grasp about how each partner institution was working on this issue, and now we need to analyse and define the best methods, measure their impact, and finally define the new skills required from the trainers and social workers.

We count on the collaboration of the University of Castilla La Mancha to help us with research tools and methodology, and also with the validation of the tools.

We intend to use a tool that is a scale that measures the parental competence of parents and that will allow us to work out many of the issues involved in the relationship parents-children. We will also try and validate this tool to be used in Mediterranean countries and later on in the whole education community.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries/European Union

Project Objectives Strategy to stimulate adult education demand Management of adult education institutions

Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other groups socially or economically disadvantaged Senior citizens Local communities


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ayuntamiento de Cuenca Name of the contact person:Julio Pareja Address: Plaza Mayor, 1, 16001, Cuenca e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 96 92 4 00 53 fax: +34 96 92 32 7 95 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Asociación de padres de alumnos del colegio Makenoditissa, Nicosia, CY Centre social mer et colline, Marseille, FR


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00125-2

Good Practice Handbook for training ski and horse riding monitors for young palsy persons

In the framework of the 2004 International Sports Year, we intend to use our experience in the field of sports education for people with disabilities to improve their life standards and their mental and physical wellbeing, and in that way also improve their socialization and physical rehabilitation. In this process the role of monitors is essential. Both ski and horse riding are very beneficial practices for these persons. Objectives: -Determine the objectives of each sport for people with palsy: the beneficial results, applied methodology, adaptation of materials… -Guidance on how to use the materials -Putting together all the materials in a Handbook of Good Practices -Exchange between the monitors and the learners -Dissemination and publishing of Handbook.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Others: Sport for persons with palsy Health Intercultural issues Active citizenship Art, music, culture Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Asociación Esclat Name of the contact person: Lola de la Fuente Address: Rambla de la Montaña 61, 08041 Barcelona e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 93 4501150 fax:+34 93 4560246 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) GIMC, Paris, FR Assoziazione Vivalda, Genola, IT SONCEK, Ljubljana, SI Folkuniversitet, Sôdertâlje-Sôdermanland, SE


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00149-1

e-trainers, Design of the Programming Course: Telementors in adult training

Considering the role of new technologies in life in general and in education in particular, the aim of the project is to design a course targeted at tutors of adult learners to train them in e-learning, so that they develop new didactic tools for distance teaching.

We intend to exchange training methods in teletraining and programming.The final product will be a Didactic Handbook, Telementors in Adult Education, that will integrate the experience of all partners and will help in disseminating the results.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered European countries/European Union ICT Others, Educational Methodology, e-learning

Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Strategies to stimulate AE demand Methods to validate knowledge acquired in non formal learning Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women Others, Adult Education Trainers


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Fundación Andaluza Fondo de Formación y Empleo. Name of the contact person: Marta Toronjo Address: Avda. De Alemania, 27/29, 21002 Huelva e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 959 26 28 11 fax:+34 959 26 28 75 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Profit, LT Company, Znojmo, CZ Norges Teknik Naturuitenska Pelige Universitet, Trondheim, NO


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00150-2

EUROPIZATE: Learn to prevent with Europe

The project intends to create a transnational learning association for adult learners to prevent working risks. The objective is to train agricultural workers in inland rural areas, in risk of social exclusion due to geographical isolation. As main objectives we envisage: a) a reduction in working accidents, b) improvement of working health and security, c) promotion of equal opportunities for men and women, d) encourage the use of ICT and e) provide information about outside training opportunities and make them useful. We plan two main activity blocks: Analysis and research of training needs. Development and experimentation of tools and methodologies: in classroom and distance learning modules through a web and forum of virtual learning. Finally, we’ll produce a handbook-CD so that the Association can go on working after the project is finished.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Information technology Learning about European countries/the European Union Others: Prevention of working accidents Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Unión Provincial de Cooperatives del Campo de Castellón Name of the contact person: Elena Miralles Address: Polígono Industrial el Mijares, C/ Comercio, 3 12550 Castellón e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 964 503250 fax: +34 964 563950 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centrul de asistenta rurala, Timisoara, RO RESTAT, Sainte Livrade sur Lot, FR ITACA, Cellino Atanasio, IT


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00154-1

Enterprise and immigration in EU

The project intends to help employers and employees to understand better the multicultural people they work with. The origen and sociocultural situation of the countries where the immigrants come from will be taken into account. It is important to understand these facts when working in a multicultural milieu. The philosophy behind the project is “kowledge versus ignorance” to help keep Europe at peace and combat racism and xenophobia. Immigrants are potential workers in all European countries and their employers do not know their languages, culture, traditions, ways of life etc… Nowadays we can find training courses for immigrants about the culture, language and ways of life of the countries they have emigrated to, but there are no training courses for employers and colleagues about the culture and languages of this labour force coming from very different countries in the world.

The aim of the project is to integrate the immigrants better in their jobs and in their new countries through training courses that can help to have a better mutual understanding of their traditions, ways of thinking and peculiarities.

Total DURATION: 1 year FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy to stimulate adult education demand Guidance/counselling/information services

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic minorities Women Others, Employers and emplyees who work with immigrants


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Instituto de Formación Integral S.L. Name of the contact person:Berta Martínez Address: C/ Aduana, 33, 28013 Madrid e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 902 15 49 10 fax:+34 902 15 49 06 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Carpiformazione, Carpi, IT Europahuset Västra Götaland, Axvall, SE


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00160-1

An intercultural approach to learning foreign and second languages in Europe

The LP intends to help all partner institutions to explore intercultural issues via teaching and learning European languages (even the minority ones), in a varied context, and involve learners and trainers in a process of reflection on non formal and LLL, and share ideas and good practices in this field.

We will develop materials and training modules, strategies and action research with the aim to promote intercultural topics in foreign and second language teaching and learning.

All these products will be shown and disseminated in a web site.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered European countries/European Union ICT Basic skills Languages Intercultural issues Art, music, culture Project Objectives Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Strategies to promote AE demand Methods to validate knowledge acquired in non formal environments Target Group(s) Economically and socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Others, adults involved in language learning


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: English Matters Name of the contact person: Eduardo Marín Address: Avda. De Madrid, 35, P. 7-4º Izda., 23008, Jaen e-mail : [email protected] tel: +34 677565600 fax:+34 953 27 56 42 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Museums Pädagogische Werstatt Schloss, Obernzenn, DE Instituto de desenvolvimento social, Lisboa, PT Hendek Halk Egitimi Merkezi, Sakarya, TR Young Teachers SIG, Narva, EE Yorkshire and Humber development consortium, Bradford, UK Second chance school of Lamia, Lamia, GR Lenka Pavilkova-channel crossings, Praha 2, CZ


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00190-1

Analysis of the difficulties and achievements in Adult Education

We intend to do a comparative analysis among adult learners of the participating countries of the attitudes and sociocultural values that make adults enrol in AE training.

This analysis will allow us to detect and compare the motivation of those who demand education, whether it involves basic skills or not, in order to clarify concepts and basic strategies that can help to provide an adequate intervention in this educational field.

We will try and develop the social skills in a structured way because this reflects the way other skills are acquired, and that will help us detect the previous cognitive abilities and facilitate the learners a positive interpersonal relationship.

The main aim is to innovate and improve the education quality in a collaborative way with all the partners, and to learn about other cultures and languages.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered European countries/European Union ICT Active citizenship Languages Intercultural issues Art, music, culture Media Education for parents Project Objectives Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Strategies to promote AE demand Methods to validate knowledge acquired in non formal environments Guidance, counselling, information services Target Group(s) Economically and socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Women


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: IES Politécnico de Las Palmas Name of the contact person: Inés Martel Address: Canalejas, 43, 35003 Las Palmas, Islas Canarias e-mail : [email protected] tel: +34 928 36 17 24 fax:+34 928 36 08 48 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centro cultural hispano-heleno, Federico García Lorca, Tesalonica, GR Centre for continuing education, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00193-1

Natural and rural environment improvement through Adult Education

The project intends to make the participants from urban milieu aware of the importance to safeguard the rural environment by means of knowing and understanding a surrounding area. The exchange among partners will allow to contrast the different ecosystems valuing what is common and what is different (geographical, economical, social… )

The aims are: -To establish the relationship between environment and health. -To value a healthy environment near the urban centres. -To know the natural resources of the environment of each partner institution. -To make participants aware of the importance to preserve the environment as a means to develop rural areas. -To create a CDROM with all the educational process.

Total DURATION: 1 year FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Sustainable development Environment Project Objectives Strategies to stimulate the demand of AE Experimenting with new pedagogical approaches Target Group(s) People who live in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Asociación Cultural La Unión-Valladolid Name of the contact person: María Teresa Carrascal Address: C/Tórtola, 2, esc. Izda. 2º G, 47012, Valladolid e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 933 30 93 32 fax: +34 983 21 01 62 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Fundatia ACTIVITY, Resita, RO Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem Mezogazdasagi Foiskolai Kar, Hodmezovasarhely, HU Tempo training and consulting, Ostrava, CZ


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00215-3

LEI: to learn and enjoy through the use of information

Libraries in our society are a basic cornerstone in LLL for all people that through information can become citizens with better skills and abilities and therefore more free. The project intends that adults, specially parents, value and know the possibilities and resources the libraries may offer them and use them as LLL tools sharing reading activities, both fiction and information, with their children in their leisure time. We will go on working on two types of activities: reading groups and workshops to improve digital literacy, using the experience and models that we can share with our European partners. We also intend to disseminate the project at local and international levels by means of talks, conferences, and a course for professionals at international level, with the aim to make reading a daily task for most citizens, and taking the libraries into account as the best tool to achieve this purpose.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year:2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Education for parents European countries/European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Disabled persons Local community groups Migrants, travellers, ethnic minorities


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ayuntamiento de Oviedo Name of the contact person: Consuelo Veiga Address: Plaza Lago Enol s/n, 33010 Oviedo e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 985 11 40 42 fax: Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Associazione Culturalle Raffaello, Cosenza, IT Karmoy Skole-og kulturetat, Pedagogisk Senter, Kopervik, NO Albertslund und pedagogisk Center und Albertslund Public Library, Albertslund, DK


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00218-3

Engaging new groups of adults into LLL. (ENGALL)

All adult education institutions both private and public have undergone important changes in Europe in recent years. Managing and planning issues get more and more complicated while funding gets more scarce. And also these institutions have to attract clients as if they were private enterprises and their managing teams lack the needed training for that, and they have also to care for their educational objectives and commitments with society. It is necessary to give them the required competences to engage new groups of adults and at the same time to care for their traditional customers and provide them with new competences and skills required in the information and globalized society of nowadays, and that requires new managing skills that this project intends to clarify and provide. After the first year, we focused our tasks in paying special attention to those persons with no basic skills or who have them at a very low level, unemployed and those who have been working at the same place for years without any further training. We decided to join forces and research, compare, practice benchmarking, trying new ways of doing, innovating our teaching and learning methods.... In this third year our main aim is to facilitate the mobility of learners so that they can know the meaning of living, working or studying in other countries, and get the feeling as we as trainers have, that they are members of a community with very different partners but common and shared interests, worries, ways of life and expectations. We specially intend that they understand that cultural diversity and different languages are not an obstacle to common understanding, friendship, active citizenship and a better society.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year:2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries/(European Union ICT Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Others: learners


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: : Instituto Provincial de Formación de Adultos Name of the contact person: Carmen Alvarez-Amandi Address: Hernando de Magallanes s/n, 14010, Córdoba e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 957 26 14 50 fax: +34 957 43 13 36 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) EOI de Lleida, Lleida, ES Volkschochule Lörrach, Lörrach, DE KVS Institute, Orivesi, FI


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00236-2

NERO- New roads in adult language learning

When dealing with questions referring to adult education and the acquisition of language skills, we intend to analyse the present situation of language teaching/learning, classify and evaluate materials and multimedia contents being used in the classroom, following a communicative approach and use ICT as a working tool. We start from the mother tongue of the countries in the partnership adding the vehicular language more used in the EU, English, and as topics we will be using mainly those dealing with intercultural content and European citizenship.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Information technology

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centro del Profesorado y Recursos Nalón-Caudal Name of the contact person: Aurora Roces Address: Hornos Altos s/n, 33930 Langreo, Asturias e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 985 678000 fax:+34 985 674944 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Istituto nacionale di recerca educativa del , Lazio-Roma, IT Centro territoriale permanente per l’instruzione e la formazione in Etá, Agira, IT CVU Kobenhaven og Nordsjaelland, Hillerod, DK


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00286-2

ADEPA: Digital literacy in adult education

Due to the relevance of LLL in the EU and also the relevance of ICT, we intend that adult learners can improve their education in this field. The project will include exchange of experiences and know-how through visits and meetings to be able to grasp the reality of each participating country. The different strategies used in reference to this topic will be observed in situ and also the cultural and social situation of each partner as well as the methodology used.

The participants, by means of good practice observation, will thus improve their personal training and their professional performance.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Learning about European countries/EU Information technology The media Intercultural issues Arrt, music, culture Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Management of adult education organisation/institution Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CP para la educación de personas adultas “Barea” Name of the contact person: Ramón Carmona Address: Labradores s/n 04620 Vera (Almeria) e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 950 390473 fax +34 950 390473 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centrum VUX, Haninge, SE A.P.S.P., Biarritz, FR CP para la educación de personas adultas “Pablo Freire”, El Ejido (Almeria), ES


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00290-2

ITE: integration through education

The main objective of this project is social inclusion through education, and the tasks and partial objectives are: To develop innovative methods to: • Stimulate the participation of learners with very basic skills • Integrate immigrants and ethnic minorities through education • Provide flexible and individualized educational programmes to care for the needs of participants. Giving a quality service to our learners, we will encourage their integration in our society.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CEA Centro Oriente Name of the contact person: María Belén Pidal Address: Asturias s/n, 33510 Pola de Siero e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 985 726014 fax:+34 985 726014 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Jonava Adult Education Centre, Jonava, LT Westmeath Vec. Atholone Vtos., Atholone, IE Flexible Learning Centre, Sotherhamn, SE


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00323-1


This Learning Partnership is composed by public adult education institutions from France, Romania and United Kingdom and Spain with the priority aim to promote and stimulate language learning among adult learners and trainers in order to improve the communication skills.

Active citizenship and intercultural education will be stressed and the interest of participants in the culture, language, folklore, food, and traditions of the participating countries will be stimulated by cultural and linguistic activities. ICT will also be promoted.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues ) Languages European countries/European Union ICT Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategies to stimulate AE demand Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic minorities Senior citizens


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CEPA de Parla Name of the contact person:Juan Sabe Address: C/ Galilea, 11, 28980 Parla, Madrid e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 91 698 64 30 fax:+34 91 699 93 23 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) CFPPA St Yrieix, St Yrieix, FR The Foundation Resource Centre, Cluj-Napoca, RO Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education, Belfast, UK


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00360-2


One of the most evident manifestations of gender discrimination is language. Its influence in thought and social attitudes is strong and makes acceptable some attitudes that then turn into aggressive behaviour and ill treatment to women. This project, imbedded in the field of coeducation, intends to consolidate gender equality and for that will create a learning network for the use of non sexist language in primary and secondary education. This will be achieved by training adults (parents, teachers and educational staff) in the use of non sexist language as a key point in the transfer of values to boys and girls in schools.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Education for parents Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Target Group(s) Others: Mothers and fathers, teachers and other educational staff


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ayuntamiento de Cullera Name of the contact person: José Salvador Martínez Sansó Address: Plaza de la Virgen, 46400 Cullera (Valencia) e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 96 1723447 fax: Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Coop. Soc. le Studio e Progetto, Oristano, Cerdeña, IT di Latina, Latina, IT Popular University, Rheda-Wiedenbrück, DE Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, ES


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-00362-1

SKILLNET: Continuous training in Social Skills for Adults

The students in training courses aiming at getting a job, are lacking in basic and instrumental skills. Basic skills are acquired in formal education through subject matters like maths, native language, sciences, etc… Social skills are acquired informally, they are not included in a formal curriculum, though they are important to get a job, and when the candidates are deficient in this area, they are bound to be excluded professionally and socially.

We intend to analyse the social skills required in social and professional relationships, so that we can determine the concrete training needs of the users of Continuous Training Courses for Adults. Then this experience can be transferred to trainers, parents, teachers, etc.. Our partnership will try to create training modules in social skills that could be of general use.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills ICT Others, Training in Social Sills for adults Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Strategy for stimulating AE demand Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Management of AE institutions Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ayuntamiento de Vinalesa Name of the contact person: Francisco Ramón Ample Address: C/ La Fábrica, 1, 46114 Vinalesa (Valencia) e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 96 149 97 98 fax: +34 96 149 56 21 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Casa Corpului Didactic Prahova, Ploiesti, RO Çukurova Developmental Institute Society, TR Editim Müdürlüdü, TR Ayuntamiento de Pobla de Vallbona


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-05007-1

ELBA: Electronic Book for Adults

The aim of the project is: -To study the literature of the participating countries that corresponds to a certain period or thematic area within a period. Specially focused to the creation of an anthology of XXth century poetry of the participating countries where the values of interculture and multiethnic integration are underlined. -To integrate ICT so that the participants can be familiar with the electronic books and digital libraries.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues ICT

Art, music, culture Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Strategies to stimulate AE demand Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Migrants/travellers/ethnic minorities

Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners



Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ALDESOC Name of the contact person: Pilar Cataño Address: Calle Moratín, 48-2º, 28014 Madrid e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 91 429 40 46 fax:+34 91 429 40 46 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Vilnius Gabrieles Petkevicaites Bites Suaugusiuiu Mokymo Centras, Vilnius, LT Adult Educational Centre, Larnaka, CY EPTHB Scientific and Educational Union, Livadeia, GR Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, TR Carpiformazione, Carpimo, IT Associazione Kelidon, Milano, IT


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-05008-1

An intercultural approach to an active democratic citizenship

The aim of the project is to research how the minority cultures are represented in the EU. The starting point will be the definitions in the EU official documents, specially the European Active Citizenship in the Constitution,part I, articles 1-10.

The project intends to analyse this definition and see if this definition is valid and inludes all minority groups. When special needs are detected in these groups, we will work on ways to integrate them and reinforce a common cultural understanding.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries/European Union

Project Objectives Experimenting new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/other ethnic minorities Young adults (15-25) at risk of marginalisation Other groups economically or socially disadvantaged, unemployed, prisoners


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: AIPC-Pandora Name of the contact person:Ana Eseverri Address: Gran Vía 71, 2pl, 28013 madrid. e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 91 758 37 32 fax: +34 91 559 06 79 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Department of LLL, University of Wales, Bangor, UK Istituto comprensivo statale di asolo, Veneto, IT Centrul municipal de assistenta psichopedagogica-Inspectoratl, Buchartest, RO G. Olivotti societá cooperativa, Venecia, IT Associaciao para unha formacao socioeducativa, Lisboa, PT


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-05029-1


The influence of ICT in people is reflected in their social, cultural, economical, working and even in their political life. The technological development has changed ways of life, work, access to education, public services, communication and learning tools…, having become one tool of everyday life. However, its use requires specific knowledge and skills that if not attained will increase the differences between those who have those skills and those who have not, creating a new way of social exclusion: technology. The LP will work on new approaches from the detected needs in ICT and from a perspective of gender. The ample experience of the participating institutions will guarantee an enriching debate on the practice, methodology, materials and techniques on Women and ICT. And that will produce materials (training modules, handbooks, website) to be disseminated at European level.

Total DURATION: 1 year FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues ICT Media Project Objectives Strategies for stimulating/promoting AE demand Guidance/counselling/information services Experimenting new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s) Women


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Universidad Popular de Cartagena Name of the contact person:Fulgencia Plaza Address: C/ Jacinto Benavente, 7, 1º, 30203 Cartagena, Murcia e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 968 12 88 59 fax:+34 968 12 88 54 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centro territoriale nº 8 A Narbone per l’instruzione degli adulti, Caltagirone, IT Groupement d’interet public formation professionnelle, Limoges, FR


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-05033-2

Social Inclusion of families at risk- Ulysses

The project intends to promote the community cohesion, the social inclusion of families at risk through local networks of support articulating the process for developing schools in the community. The objectives: - For learners: • to promote the access to social services and their facilities • development of personal and social skills • guidance and counselling to sustain their self-development • learning to solve their own problems and those of the group • ICT use • development of active citizenship - For trainers: • ongoing training within the project • creation and consolidation of a local network among the social, economical and cultural partners

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues

Information technology Sustainable development Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minority groups Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in



Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centro de investigación para el desarrollo Name of the contact person: José María Bernal Address: Carlos V-1-1º Drcha. 30205 Cartagena, Murcia e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 968 08 53 55 fax:+34 968 08 53 56 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) FEPAMIC, Córdoba, ES Association for distance learning of disabled people, Bucharest, RO Debrecen University, Debrecen, HU Altalanos Belvarosi Iskola, Jaszbereny, HU Foundation for Human relations, Sofia, BG


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-05034-2

To know our country: similarities and differences in Europe (SADIE)

The objective of this project is to make people aware of the similarities and differences in Europe with the purpose of creating a better understanding and break down the barriers to communication. It is open to adult learners in six European countries and it will intend to create an awareness of their own cultural identity to increase their self-esteem and develop their communicative skills.

The participating institutions will exchange methodologies and teaching/learning materials to improve their teaching practice and make the learning experience more attractive and effective for all learners and in that way motivate them to go on with LLL activities.

“Blackboard” is a virtual learning tool to be used in the project to facilitate communication among learners and teachers in all six countries. Through it information will be exchanged and linguistic, communicative and information technology skills will be developed.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Languages

European countries/EU

Art, music, culture Media Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new methodological approaches

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Albacete Name of the contact person: Pilar Turégano Address: Jesús Nazareno s/n, 02002 Albacete e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 967 215465 fax: +34 967 218101 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Tampere College, Tampere, FI Telford College, Edinburgh, UK King William I College, Hertogenbosch, NL EUC Syd, Sonderborg, DK Lithuanian Technical library, Vilnius, LT


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-05035-2

New approaches to the LLL process in European Dimension (AMICA)

The majority of the problems we face in adult education deal with the affective component of the learning process that is left aside by the traditional teaching approaches. Our course proposal for adult educators intends to address all these issues using new methodologies in the light of psycho-pedagogical research.

The main objective of the project is to create an innovative active-learning training course for a broad group of adult educators with the intention of bringing together and adapting various non-traditional user-friendly methods for different subjects, fields, levels and ages of students and countries. During the project phase series of pilot courses will be held in the different partner countries using various languages, and different alternative approaches and avant-garde methods will be presented in several course modules, namely: Motivation in the Adult Classroom, Techniques to increase Self-esteem, Anxiety reduction for Adult Learners, Drama Techniques, Affective Component of Adult Learning, Mental Imagery as a Tool to Foster LLL. Great importance will be given to the European Dimension of the course through European evenings and European learning/teaching “brain-storming”- exchange of ideas and experience and team of trainers from different partner countries.

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Languages

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Senior citizens Other groups economically or socially disadvantaged, unemployed, prisoners


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CETA, Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Córdoba Name of the contact person: Francisco Javier Avila Address: Plaza del Cardenal Salazar, 3, 14071 Córdoba e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 957 218124 fax:+34 957 218427 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Euro-Schulen, Görlitz, DE Catalyst, Firenze, IT Technology Educational Institute, Heraklion, Crete, GR Asociación Cultural Comenius, Mejorada del Campo, ES Escola básica dos ciclos Falho de Almeida, Cuba, PT


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-05041-1

MusicArt: a limitless world

The Schools of Art, Music and Dancing have a long history in most European countries. They fulfil an important social role in their communities because they target at very different types of learners: children, adults, disabled, socially disadvantaged persons etc… They are educational institutions of “culture”, in which are carried out the same methodological and didactic processes as in formal education.

Our project will exchange know-how and teaching experiences among the different partners as the approaches in this type of education depend on the traditions and culture of each country. We intend that the trainers learn experience and research the strategies developed in the different countries and that both trainers and learners share experiences and appreciate the identity of each country and learn their cultural traditions.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries(European Union Art, music, culture Others: Analysis of other pedagogical approaches/Art as a way of getting a job/Art as leisure Project Objectives Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Management of AE institutions

Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons Women


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Escuela Municipal de Música y Danza “Eusebio Rubalcaba” Name of the contact person: Desirée Martínez Address: Matadero, 17, 45600 Talavera de la Reina, Toledo e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 925 821 069 fax:+34 925 820 966 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Kulturskolan Stockholm, Stokholm, SE Utrechts Centrum Voor de Kunsten, Utrecht, NL


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-05045-1

Teaching a second language through intercultural activities

There are many adults learning a second or third language with different aims in mind. Though some of these learners travel to other countries, they have hardly any opportunity to communicate with native speakers or other learners. Many of them have skills that could help them in this communication: dancing, music, painting, artistic crafts etc… Aims: -to make them aware of their cultural heritage -to promote tolerance to cultural diversity -to encourage social integration Objectives: -to help participants to get a good command of the language by providing appropriate communication skills and learning experiences -to develop self-esteem and self-confidence by encouraging a multi-disciplinary approach to language learning

Total DURATION: 3 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Health Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries/European Union ICT Art, music, culture Environment Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategies to stimulate AE demand Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic and other minorities Local community groups Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CEA San Matías Name of the contact person: Antonio Segarra Address: C/ Castañeda, 23, 18009 Granada e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 958 22 87 83 fax: +34 958 22 87 83 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Tech Amergin Community Education Centre, Waterville, IE Volklshochschule Kleve, Kleve, DE Cornwall College Saltash, Cornwall, UK Cech Kameranov slovenska, Levice, SK


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-05067-1

UNITED: Unity from Diversity

We intend to know how elderly people from different European countries organize their time and also discover their interests, worries, expectations and needs, to look for common points, to connect, unify and try to satisfy them through common educational programmes designed for elderly students.

The work will be two-fold: a) To know leisure habits, lifestyle, needs, of people older than 60, who live in urban areas and who demand education, with the aim of designing a syllabus adapted to their interests. b) To analyse the education of elderly people in the different countries and try to improve it with the shared good practices helped by ICT.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries/European Union ICT Sustainable development Art, music, culture Consumer education Health Media Environment Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Strategies to stimulate AE demand Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Management of AE institutions Target Group(s) Senior citizens


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Asociación Nacional de Gerontología Name of the contact person: Ramona Carmona Address: Campus Universitario de La Cartuja, 18011 Granada e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 958 24 28 48 fax: +34 958 24 28 48 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Universidad de Almería, Almería, ES Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Szialwesen, Kassel, DE Nyiregyhaza Foiskola, Nyiregyhaza, HU


Project Reference: 05-ESP01-S2G01-05089-2

IMPATH- Immigrants pathways

The project intends to create a framework for exchanging the different practices for the social integration of first and second generation immigrants in the participating institutions. Each country has its own outlook and reality concerning immigration but they also share things in common, and that includes countries with a long tradition of immigration (France) and those where the phenomenon is relatively new (Finland, Ireland and Spain). Along the first year the partners have been able to know the situation of their colleagues, problems and methodology used as well as the concrete projects about inclusion and fight against it that each institution develops. In the second year the work will be focused on the exchange and experimentation of the best practices selected by each partner. All these tasks will be published and translated to the different mother tongues of the partner institutions, adapted and disseminated as best they can.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries/EU Art, music, culture Education for parents Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategy for stimulating(promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minority groups Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Local community groups


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: AIPC-Pandora Name of the contact person: Ana Eseverri Address: Gran Vía 71-2 Pl, 28013 Madrid e-mail [email protected] tel: +34 91 7589732 fax:+34 91 5590679 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Jyväskylän Christian Institute, Jyväskylä, FI Association for the development of citizens and European activities, Rubaix, FR South Kerry Development Partnership, Kerry, IR


Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00372-1

Echanges d’expériences et de pratiques dans les maisons de retraite en Europe

Permettre aux différents acteurs travaillant dans les métiers de service dans les maisons de retraite de valoriser leur vie sociale et professionnelle. Grâce à des échanges transnationaux, tous les acteurs pourront acquérir une dimension européenne et internationale. Ce projet entend servir de tremplin à toutes ces personnes afin qu'elles prennent conscience que leurs préoccupations et interrogations se retrouvent dans d'autres pays européens. A travers des échanges de pratiques éducatives et de solutions entre les partenaires du projet, l'objectif commun sera d'aider les personnes travaillant auprès de personnes âgées à avoir envie d'apprendre en se tournant vers les autres pays européens, ainsi que les personnes âgées à être plus autonomes et à ne pas se sentir exclues. Nous viserons à améliorer la qualité des services apportés à ce public et à créer des échanges via Internet. Le projet a pour objectif d'éduquer tout citoyen pour que chacun prenne conscience que tout individu quelque soit son âge a droit à sa place dans la société.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Health Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Marginalised groups Senior citizens


Coordinating institution/ Name of the organisation: GRETA PARAMEDICAL ET SOCIAL Name of the contact person: Madame Véronique DALLES Address: 9, rue Francis de Croisset Antenne AISP 75 018 PARIS e-mail: [email protected] tel: +33 (0) fax: +33 (0) website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00376-1

L'apprenant adulte en situation de handicap, dans l'espace européen

Projet axé dans un premier temps sur l'échange entre partenaires européens, des pratiques et modes de prise en charge de la problématique de la réinsertion ou de la prévention de l'exclusion sociale de l'adulte en situation de handicap, quel qu'en soit la nature, avec des difficultés sociales et professionnelles. Cette mise en commun des différentes techniques et expériences dans la prise en charge de la réinsertion doit permettre d'enrichir nos savoir-faire et de créer des outils communs (guide des pratiques en Europe à l'égard du traitement des populations en situation de handicap). Ce projet a également comme objectif de préparer l'apprenant à une plus grande autonomie en participant activement aux échanges européens, en l'intégrant dès la première année dans la mise en place des échanges et dans la participation aux meeting, puis les 2 années suivantes comme acteur principal des échanges d'apprenants dans les pays partenaires. Le projet lui permettra de dépasser sa situation de handicap, de lui redonner confiance afin d'entrer dans une dynamique professionnelle et sociale et de lui permettre une intégration durable et qualifiée. La situation d'handicap, dans l'espace européen, ne doit plus être un frein à l'insertion !

Duration: 3 years funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Other : Connaissance des institutions sociales et médico-sociales oeuvrant autour du handicap et de l’emploi Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: UGECAMIF- CENTRE DE READAPTATION PROFESSIONNELLE POUR ADULTES DE BEAUVOIR Name of the contact person: Christophe GINER Address: 33 avenue MOUSSEAU 91 035 EVRY CEDEX E-mail: [email protected] tel: +33 (0) 1 60 79 51 00 Fax: +33 (0) 1 60 77 14 09 Website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00378-3

COFOPEHME- Coopération pour la Formation de personnes handicapées physiques dans le domaine mécanique et électronique médical

Réalisation d'échanges qui permettront l'installation de 5 ateliers de formation et de travail pour personnes handicapées et en difficultés d'insertion. Les partenaires du projet sont des institutions belges, italiennes, espagnoles et françaises ayant une ou plusieurs compétences dans la formation - emploi des personnes handicapées dans le domaine de la mécanique et de l'électronique médicale. Les partenaires réalisent les activités suivantes : 1) Etude de faisabilité destinée à : - L'installation d'un centre de réparation biomédicale en France, commune aux partenaires - L'installation dans chaque pays partenaire d'un atelier de réparation de matériel mécanique (soit 5 ateliers au total) - La mise en place d'une structure commune destinée à promouvoir et coordonner l'activité des ateliers 2) élaboration du projet, organisation du réseau, définition des rôles et recherche de financements pour l'installation de 5 ateliers de production. 3) Echanges pour la mise en place des ateliers et pour l'organisation des modules de formation.

Duration: 3 years funding year: 3rd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Health Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: HANDICAP ET LIBERTES - HAL Name of the contact person: Maria Luis VEIGA Address: 13, rue Nélaton 92 800 PUTEAUX E-mail: [email protected] tel: +33 (0) 1 47 74 62 19 Fax: +33 (0) 1 47 74 62 19 Website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00381-2

ADEX: Adults Development Education Exchange – Echanges d’expériences en éducation au développement des adultes

Echange de réflexion et bonnes pratiques entre 4 pays partenaires + 1 nouveau candidat qui travaillent tous pour l'éducation d'adultes à des niveaux variés d'expérience en matière d'éducation au développement. Exploration des contextes de travail et des stratégies, des approches et des activités déployées par chaque pays partenaire (cf. la résolution européenne sur l'Education au Développement du 8 novembre 2001). Chaque organisation partenaire accueillera au moins une rencontre pour : - Présenter ses actions en matière d'éducation au développement pour adultes avec visites des installations ; - Faciliter l'organisation de séminaires, ateliers et conférences sur ses approches éducatives, y compris pour impliquer les groupes de minorités ethniques en la matière ; - Faire participer des apprenants locaux et des représentants de la société civile. Les mobilités impliqueront au moins 5 personnes (éducateurs et apprenants, personnel, autant que possible). Le projet, pendant 36 mois, porte sur un échange d'expériences, qui bénéficiera à tous et permettra : - L'accès à l'information nouvelle et l'acquisition de connaissances et de capacités spécifiques ; - La mise en oeuvre de certains projets, productions, matériaux éducatifs circulant librement ; - L'enrichissement des groupes cibles d'apprenants par l'acquisition de savoirs et le développement de nouveaux savoir-faire. Chaque organisation partenaire diffusera largement les résultats du projet et toutes les ressources de ce partenariat éducatif pour démultiplier l'impact du projet.

Duration: 2 years funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Other : Egalité des chances pour les femmes et les hommes


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: UNAPEC – Union régionale des associations pour la promotion pédagogique et professionnelle dans l’enseignement catholique Name of the contact person: Fulgence KONE Address: 35 rue VAUGELAS 75 015 PARIS E-mail: [email protected] tel: + 33 (0)1 53 73 73 60 Fax: + 33 (0) 1 53 73 73 37 Website: Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)




Project reference: 04- FRA1-S2G01-00382-3

NEWROLE: nouveaux rôles- Prévenir l'exclusion des travailleurs seniors Des études locales conduites par les partenaires du projet ont confirmé que les travailleurs " seniors " affrontent un plus grand risque de se faire exclure du marché du travail que les personnes plus jeunes. Les partenaires sont arrivés à la conclusion que si les travailleurs " seniors " doivent être soutenus, soit pour rester dans leur lieu de travail, soit pour y être réintégrés, les partenaires doivent maintenant se concentrer sur un travail avec des employeurs et d'autres organismes afin de soutenir leurs besoins en formation et en développement. Pour certains partenaires, ceci représente un changement dans leur rôle habituel. Afin de partager et de coordonner les compétences existantes à l'intérieur du groupe, nous continuons à utiliser une méthodologie de recherches sur l'action. Bien que des approches communes envers une conception et un développement des programmes d'apprentissage soient possibles, le partenariat a noté que chacune des organisations partenaires doit subir un processus de changement d'organisation et de développement. Ceci pour répondre aux questions les plus vastes en termes d'éducation, d'organisation et de fonction sociale qui se présentent, afin de garantir que l'organisation de chaque partenaire réponde mieux aux besoins des employeurs et des seniors. La check-list (liste de contrôle) qui est à établir à la fin de la 2e année, constituera la base du développement pour l'organisation que chaque partenaire aura réalisé. Une information reçue très récemment de nos partenaires à l'issue d'une réunion qui s'est tenue à Bruxelles, suggère que notre projet NEWROLE est le seul projet de type GRUNDTVIG 2 qui propose une approche tant individuelle qu'organisationnelle des besoins relatifs aux salariés seniors. Dans ces conditions, les différents partenaires du groupe NEWROLE souhaiteraient explorer tout au long de la 3e année les perspectives d'une application GRUNDTVIG 1. Les recherches actions, le travail autour de la méthodologie, se poursuivront, ainsi que le partage des productions réalisées par le groupe d'expertise.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Senior citizens Other: Travailleurs “seniors” avec qualification inadaptée

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: GRETA AMPERE- Pôle Bourse Name of the contact person: Daniel PILLON Address: 27 rue Gentil 69 002 LYON e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] tel: +33(0) 4 72 10 65 96 fax: +33 (0) 4 78 28 59 15




Project reference: 04- FRA1-S2G01-00386-2

Insertion professionnelle des gens du voyage en Europe

Le mode de vie des " Gens du voyage " en Europe constitue un obstacle à leur intégration à des sociétés dont les modes de fonctionnement sont très différents des leurs. Les systèmes d'éducation et de formation professionnelle (initiaux ou continus) ne sont généralement pas adaptés à leur fréquentation irrégulière, et ne permettent pas une progression pédagogique normale pour les membres de ces communautés. Ce contexte ne leur permet pas d'élaborer un projet professionnel et donc d'envisager une formation qualifiante. Le problème est encore plus aigu pour les femmes. La finalité de ce projet est de contribuer, par la recherche de nouveaux moyens et de nouvelles méthodes, à améliorer : - le taux de poursuite de la formation au delà de la période obligatoire (notamment en formation professionnelle qualifiante) des jeunes issus de ces communautés. - leur taux de participation aux actions de formation professionnelle continue des adultes (notamment les jeunes adultes de 16 à 25 ans sortis du système scolaire). Les objectifs et activités spécifiques du projet sont : - élaborer et publier des fiches de " Bonnes Pratiques " (accessibles en ligne et imprimables) qui ont amélioré, dans les pays du partenariat, la formation qualifiante et l'insertion professionnelle des Gens du voyage - réaliser et publier une étude consacrée aux besoins particuliers des Gens du voyage en matière d'organisation des systèmes d'éducation et de formation - rechercher les méthodes et outils pédagogiques innovants qui pourraient contribuer à l'élévation du niveau de formation, de qualification et d'insertion professionnelle du groupe cible.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: GIP-FCIP (Groupement d’intérêt public Formation continue-insertion professionnelle) CLERMONT- FERRAND Name of the contact person: Christian LALLIAS Address: 3 avenue Vercingétorix 63 033 Clermont-Ferrand e-mail: [email protected] tel: +33 (0) 4 73 99 35 73 fax: + 33 (0) 4 73 99 35 71




Project reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00388-2

L’insertion sociale par la prise en charge des personnes en difficulté : identification et étude comparative des publics en difficulté envoie de réinsertion par l’emploi dans le secteurs éducatif, sanitaire et social

Travailler entre partenaires européens d'origine professionnelle et/ou universitaire pour repérer la nature des besoins à couvrir en terme d'assistance dans les champs éducatif, sanitaire et social auprès de publics en difficulté. La connaissance des publics en voie de réinsertion et de leur inscription sociale et professionnelle autorisera la compréhension des métiers d'assistance et des formations formelles ou informelles à mettre en place.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Health Other: apprentissage et intégration culturelle et sociale

Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: AIFRISSS- Association Internationale de Formation et de Recherche en Instruction Spécialisée Santé et Social Name of the contact person: Bernard SEIGNUIER Address: 5, place de la république 33 270 FLORAC e-mail: [email protected] tel: +33 (0) 5 56 86 75 38




Project reference: 04 – FRA1-S2G01-00389-2


Objectif principal : conduire une réflexion collective sur les méthodes formelles et informelles, traditionnelles et modernes identifiées dans les organisations participantes, visant à prévenir toute forme d'exclusion, qu'elle soit sociale, professionnelle ou ethnique. Il s'agit de permettre à différents groupes cibles en difficulté, recensés au sein des organisations partenaires (chômeurs de plus de 45 ans, prisonniers, immigrés) d'accéder à une citoyenneté active, une plus grande employabilité et une réelle insertion sociale et professionnelle. Les thèmes de réflexion du projet sont les suivants : - Les outils transférables d'une structure à l'autre pour lutter contre l'exclusion - Les stratégies à adopter pour favoriser l'insertion d'un groupe cible : méthodes traditionnelles et/ou modernes, formelles et/ou informelles ? - Le développement personnel et social : l'estime de soi, l'autonomie, la confiance en soi - Les moyens de communication : indentification des stratégies transférables favorisant l'insertion sociale et professionnelle - La formation professionnelle comme facteur d'inclusion.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: GRETA INDUSTRIEL DES TECHNOLOGIES AVANCEES Name of the contact person: François ROCHER Address: 74 avenue Philippe Auguste 75 011 PARIS e-mail: [email protected] tel: +33 (0) 1 43 70 22 48 fax: +33 (0 ) 1 43 79 10 72 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)




Project reference: 04 – FRA1-S2G01-00390-1

TIS et sensibilisation des publics à la protection de la nature

La sauvegarde de l'environnement est une préoccupation mondiale qui figure au rang des objectifs majeurs des nations. La Communauté européenne à maintes occasions a inscrit cet impératif parmi ses priorités, tout en prenant en compte la nécessité de valoriser les activités économiques et industrielles dans la logique du Développement Durable. Notre projet s'oriente vers une analyse du rôle des TIC dans la sensibilisation des publics adultes à la protection de la nature. L'étude portera plus précisément sur des territoires géographiques qui présentent la double particularité d'être d'une part des zones sensibles du point de vue des écosystèmes végétaux et animaux et d'autre part des régions à forte fréquentation touristique. Dans cette situation paradoxale, il s'agit de voir comment des intérêts à première vue contradictoires peuvent se concilier tout au moins en partie grâce à l'information et à la formation des publics. Il s'agit d'observer les dispositifs mis en place dans plusieurs pays européens par des structures comme les parcs nationaux et régionaux, les collectivités locales et territoriales, les associations, à destination des visiteurs. Puis, après analyse et comparaison, de procéder à un échange de bonnes pratiques. Cette procédure sera facilitée par la mise au point de fiches, site web, colloque.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Environment Information technology Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Local community groups Other : parcs naturels, associations Collectivités locales


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: CEMIC-GRESIC Université de Bordeaux III – Michel de Montaigne Name of the contact person: Lise VIEIRA Address: Esplanade des Antilles 33 607 PESSAC e-mail: [email protected] tel: +33 (0) 5 56 84 68 14 fax: +33 (0) 5 57 12 45 28 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)




Project reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00392-1

Publics défavorisés, pauvreté culturelle et dynamique européenne Le projet vise à créer une dynamique de réflexion pédagogique sur les nouveaux moyens qu'offre un partenariat européen, en termes d'outils éducatifs de mobilisation des publics sur la culture (histoire, géographie, art, etc.) ; sortir nos publics de leur ghetto de pauvreté sociale et culturelle pour les mettre dans des situations d'accès à une vision élargie et à une culture de base vitale pour leur insertion sociale et professionnelle ; développer la curiosité et l'intérêt culturels de nos publics défavorisés, leur permettre un accès minimal à de nouvelles connaissances culturelles, par une implication concrète d'accueil et de participation active dans un partenariat européen ; mettre en valeur leur culture de base fondée sur leur propre vécu, leur milieu d'origine, leur histoire, et leur apprentissage professionnel. Pour les formateurs/éducateurs : réflexions sur les déficiences et régressions culturelles des publics, comparaison des études et moyens mis en oeuvre dans chaque pays ; étude du minimum culturel vital nécessaire à l'insertion des publics, élaboration de pratiques communes de partenariat ; préparation culturelle, linguistique des apprenants en vue des échanges et des perspectives d'opportunités d'expériences européennes d'insertion. Pour les bénéficiaires : connaissance du projet, sensibilisation à cette opportunité culturelle, sociale et d'insertion ; rafraîchissement des acquisitions de base de la culture de leur propre pays dont ils seront les hôtes d'accueil et les ambassadeurs dans les différents échanges ; découverte, approfondissement des caractéristiques culturelles des pays partenaires. Public visé : jeunes et adultes en difficulté d'insertion sociale et professionnelle, jeunes et adultes en situation de réentraînement, d'apprentissage professionnel ; publics sans emploi, en situation de précarité, avec des besoins de guidance, de revalorisation. Compte tenu des lacunes à combler, le projet se déroule sur 3 ans, afin d'obtenir une maturité d'ouverture culturelle de nos publics, opérante en terme d'insertion. - année 1 : Connaissance des partenaires, mise en place des méthodes et outils communs. - année 2 : Etude pédagogique des déficiences, implication progressive d'accueil par les bénéficiaires. - année 3 : Mise en application des acquis culturels des publics par l'accueil et les séjours transnationaux.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: A.D.S.E.A.LOGIS FORMATION Name of the contact person: Sylvère COCHELIN Address: 2, rue de l’église, Saint Germain-laxis 77 950 MAINCY e-mail: [email protected] tel: +33 (0) 1 64 14 42 00 fax: + 33 (0) 1 64 52 43 76 website:




Project reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00393-1

Le développement des centres sociaux et socioculturels du Bas-Rhin

Objectifs globaux : - construire des partenariats européens entre associations implantées localement en zone urbaine et rurale / publiques et privées pour analyser des méthodes et processus ainsi que pour des bonnes pratiques de développement culturel. - Favoriser une meilleure connaissance des pratiques non formelles dans des champs d'intérêts communs : développent de la participation active des habitants, à partir des modes d'expression artistiques et culturels. Tout autant nous mènerons : - Des analyses de politiques de l'éducation non formelle et des pratiques de nos associations et terrains respectifs. - La promotion et l'accompagnement des pratiques culturelles dites populaires permettant la coopération apprenant (salarié ou volontaire) et artiste. - La collecte des pratiques et outils innovants. - La réalisation d'un site Internet.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Fédération des centres sociaux et socioculturels du bas-Rhin Name of the contact person: Patricia BRENNER Address: 1a Place des orphelins 67 000 Strasbourg e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] tel: +33 (0) 3 88 35 72 30 fax: +33 (0) 3 88 35 00 31

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)




Project reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00398-2

SPRINGBOARD – Un tremplin pour l’intégration sociale et professionnel des jeunes publics en difficultés

Objectif principal : permettre à de jeunes personnes en difficultés et à de jeunes handicapés de s'intégrer dans la vie sociale et dans la vie professionnelle. Grâce à des échanges transnationaux, les formateurs et les bénéficiaires pourront acquérir une dimension européenne et interculturelle. Ce projet entend servir de tremplin à ces personnes afin qu'elles prennent conscience que leurs préoccupations se retrouvent dans d'autres pays européens. A travers des échanges de pratiques éducatives et de solutions entre les partenaires du projet, l'objectif commun sera d'aider ces jeunes personnes en difficulté à trouver leur place dans la société, à être plus autonomes et à retrouver une confiance en soi. On visera également à améliorer la qualité des services apportés à ce public et à créer un site Internet qui facilitera échanges et formations. Le projet a pour objectif d'éduquer tout citoyen pour que chacun prenne conscience que tout individu a droit à une place dans la société.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Information technology

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: GRETA PARAMEDICAL ET SOCIAL – ANTENNE AISP Name of the contact person: Anne VERGER Address: 29 Bis rue de Cronstadt 75 015 PARIS e-mail: [email protected] tel: +33 (0) 1 53 68 06 90 fax: +33 (0) 1 42 50 48 98 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)




Project reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00400-3

TIC et insertion social des usagers

Cette recherche s'oriente vers une analyse des TIC dans le contexte professionnel et pour les personnes en recherche d'emploi. L'objectif est de concourir à réduire les inégalités sociales par l'intégration des TIC, afin que les usagers réutilisent ces compétences dans leur activité professionnelle et participent ainsi plus activement au développement économique. Notre stratégie consiste à observer et analyser le fonctionnement de structures qui se sont fixé ces objectifs, d'élaborer des préconisations, une modélisation afin d'envisager une diffusion et des applications concrètes dans le contexte régional. Ce projet revêt une dimension internationale en associant 6 laboratoires de recherche européens (Gresic, Ce-Trans, Creatic, IEPB, NT-Lab, ISOL) qui ont chacun des partenaires dans les institutions et entreprises au plan régional et national. Plusieurs réunions les regroupant ont eu lieu à Cesena (septembre 2002), Bordeaux (septembre 2003), Bruxelles (Janvier 2004), Barcelone (juin 2004), Bordeaux (septembre 2004), Bologne (février 2005). Nous avons élargi notre partenariat à 2 pays d'Europe non contigus et présentant la particularité de pratiquer des langues " rares " : la République d'Irlande et la Grèce. Notre objectif est d'approfondir le travail élaboré en commun concernant notamment les axes et méthodologies de recherche, les projets d'action sur les différents terrains, la diffusion des résultats dans la perspective du développement de projet dans le cadre de Grundtvig 1.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd

Area(s) covered Information technology Intercultural issues Other (describe if applicable)

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Other : Personnes désirant s’informer sur les métiers et les professions, jeunes diplômés en création d’entreprise.


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: CEM-GRESIC –Université de Bordeaux III Michel de Montaigne Name of the contact person: Lise VIEIRA Address: Esplanade des Antilles 33 607 PESSAAC Cedex e-mail: [email protected] tel: +33 (0) 5 56 84 68 14 fax: +33 (0) 5 57 12 45 28 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)




Project reference: 04-FRA1-S2G01-00402-3

L’intégration des immigrants vers une meilleure compréhension et une éducation de qualité dans le cadre d’une coopération européenne

Faciliter l'assimilation des immigrants dans les pays des partenaires. Toutes les institutions des partenaires offrent déjà des formations pour les immigrants. L'objectif principal du projet consiste à fournir des informations sur les systèmes d'éducation pour les immigrants des différents pays et à développer la même approche pour leur intégration. Ce projet permettra également aux professeurs et aux apprenants des pays partenaires de communiquer entre eux et de partager leurs expériences. L'idée consiste à créer un site Internet qui présente les institutions des partenaires, leur(s) programme(s) de formation pour immigrants, des informations sur les législations européennes et nationales concernant le processus d'intégration, un forum de discussion pour les professeurs et les apprenants. Nous prévoyons de mettre en place une Journée de l'Immigration, dite " Journée Interculturelle " dans chaque pays partenaire basée sur des événements spéciaux et des activités créatrices ainsi qu'une possibilité d'échange de professeurs.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: GRETA DES PAYS CHAMPENOIS Name of the contact person: Patrick GAILLARD Address: Chemin de la Fontaine du V2 51 120 SEZANNE e-mail: [email protected] tel: +33 (0) 3 26 81 44 87 fax: +33 (0) 3 26 80 60 87 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00403-2

Intégration de la diversité dans l'éducation des adultes dans les régions ultra périphériques de l'Europe - IDEARUPE

Nos objectifs sont de travailler ensemble sur des thèmes d'intérêt commun ; de mutualiser, partager les expériences, analyser les méthodes de formation d'adultes ; de sensibiliser à la diversité culturelle, sociale et économique en Europe ; de promouvoir la coopération entre des organismes travaillant sans le domaine de l'éducation pour adultes ; de favoriser l'ouverture au monde et l'accès aux valeurs universelles ; de valoriser la richesse culturelle de sa région. Notre organisme a besoin de bases solides pour identifier les attentes de notre jeunesse et jouer pleinement notre rôle d'accompagnement. Aussi elle se félicite de la création de cet espace de réflexion, d'observation, d'analyse et de pratique commune. Nous avons déjà engagé une coopération avec un pays de la Caraïbe (Trinidad) afin de rapprocher nos jeunes de ceux du bassin environnant pour qu'ils apprennent à se connaître et s'apprécier malgré la différence de langues. Les scolaires et les associations sont invités à nous suivre dans cette démarche d'ouverture. Nous proposons maintenant la coopération avec des organismes de l'Europe afin d'enrichir et de parfaire la vision du monde antillais, européen et plus tard... mondial... Nous aborderons l'analyse et la comparaison des systèmes éducatifs et de formation, les liens entre la communauté éducative / élus, associations.... Stratégies mises en place pour la formation de ceux qui nécessitent une remédiation dans chaque pays. Examen de la situation des jeunes ayant quitté le système éducatif ; une attention particulière pour les 16/25 ans (aspects psychosociologiques). Séminaires à organiser chaque année ; conférences / débats sur l'inter culturalité, sur le multiculturalisme. Dialogues nationaux, internationaux. Recherche transnationale. Travail sur le terrain. Travail sur les langues régionales. théâtres, spectacles. Formation à distance. Publication d'études, de rapports, d'ouvrages.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) Disabled persons Local community groups Other (Young adults)


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Mairie de La Trinité – Service culturel Name of the contact person: Monsieur Daniel PHANOR Address: Quartier Desforts – 97220 TRINITE e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 596 582 012 fax: 00 33 596 586 559 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00414-1

Let’s Communicate! Migrants, Intercultural Integration through Language in the Host Community

Le principal objectif de Let's communicate! est d'encourager des migrants à apprendre la langue de leur pays d'accueil afin de leur assurer une meilleure intégration. Dans le cadre de ce projet, afin d'assurer la qualité de l'apprentissage, nous souhaitons dans un premier temps que les enseignants engagés dans ce travail échangent des méthodologies alternatives d'éducation linguistiques. Pour ce faire, les enseignants devront se rendre dans les pays partemaires. A ce terme de ce projet, nous souhaitons assurer une meilleure compréhension et appréciation des cultures, des langues, des méthodologies et des besoins des apprenants : migrants et réfugiés. Par ce biais, les enseignants seront donc mieux à même d'enseigner les langues à ce public cible et de les encourager à apprendre la langue du pays d'accueil ; assurant ainsi une meilleure intégration.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Centre de Culture Européenne Name of the contact person: Madame Jennifer FROST Address: Abbaye Royale 17400 Saint Jean d’Angély e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 546 326 060 fax: 00 33 546 326 070 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Centre of Adult Education Antwerp – South, BE Kristiansund Educational Centre, NO Sykkylven Educational Centre for Adults, NO Secondary School of Vila Real de Santo Antonio, PT



Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00415-1

Be aware and let's get ready for an inclusive Europe for all!

4 organisateurs de Belgique (Bruxelles), Italie (Sardaigne), France (Rhône-Alpes) et Portugal (Portalegre) travailleront ensemble pour la : 1. "sensibilisation - augmentation de la prise de conscience " (awareness raising) de leurs personnels pour : découvrir d'autres réalités européennes dans le travail d'éducation / formation / insertion de jeunes adultes pas ou peu qualifiés, échanger sur leurs pratiques professionnelles, partager leurs compétences ; 2. " dynamisation-habitation " (empowerment) de leurs organisations pour de futurs projets européens impliquant leurs publics. Les activités consistent dans la réalisation de visites de courte durée auprès de chaque partenaire par 16 personnes (4 par organisations), et la production de matériels (document, CD-R) présentant les réalisations du projet pour diffusion auprès des réseaux locaux / régionaux des organisations. 4 particularités du projet sont : - 4 organisations sont expérimentés dans l'éducation non formelle / la formation / l'insertion de leurs publics cible localement et régionalement ; - 2 organisations (Italie, Portugal) sont situées sur des territoires ruraux isolés et travaillent en réseau avec des organisations locales sur la place de la tradition orale dans la transmission entre générations des savoirs (patrimoine culturel) et compétences (métiers traditionnels) ; - 2 organisations (Belgique, France) font partie de réseaux de Missions Locales travaillant notamment dans des zones périurbaines rencontrant des difficultés d'emploi et de cohésion sociale - les 4 organisations n'ont jamais utilisé l'outil Grundtvig (les 4 utilisent JEUNESSE, 1 utilise LEONARDO, 2 le FSE).

Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Other : place de la tradition orale dans la transmission entre générations des savoirs (patrimoine culturel) et compétences (métiers traditionnels) Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Jeunes Emplois Mobilité Rhône Alpes (JEMRA) Name of the contact person: Monsieur Benoit MIDA-BRIOT Address: 37 rue Saint Isidore F-69003 LYON e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 437 561 943 fax: 00 33 472 363 382 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Associazone Interculturale NUR, IT OCRE, Associaçao para a Valorizaçao do Ambiente, Cultura, Patrimonio e Lazer, PT



Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00422-1

Conter et lire avec les jeunes enfants, c'est apprendre à apprendre, c'est lutter contre les exclusions et construire la citoyenneté européenne

Dans le cadre d'un partage d'expériences à propos de différentes pratiques innovantes autour de conter et lire avec les jeunes enfants impliquant les professionnelles de l'enfance et de la culture (non qualifiées), les bénévoles (personnels non qualifiés) et les familles. Il s'agit d'organiser à partir de contes et albums pour jeunes enfants : - des formateurs de formateurs en direction de ces populations pour leur faire acquérir une qualification liée aux pratiques innovantes spécifiques à chaque partenaire : Contes, Raconte Tapis, Création de livre, Création de vidéos, Kamishbal à partir de contes et d'albums des différents pays partenaires - des groupes de parents et de référents adultes, des jeunes enfants qui participent à des ateliers de contes avec écriture de contes communs aux différents pays, des ateliers de création de livres, des ateliers de création et d'utilisation de Raconte Tapis, des ateliers de création de vidéos à partir d'albums, une sensibilisation de ces différents acteurs à la diversité linguistique. Ces temps de créations et d'échanges permettront, par des démarches innovantes, aux professionnels non qualifiés et aux parents, de s'approprier autrement les albums et de s'inscrire dans une démarche d'apprentissage. De plus, nous développerons une démarche de communication directe en direction des parents des jeunes enfants par l'utilisation de journaux publicitaires gratuits : " journaux toute boîte " en y associant les structures d'accueil. Ainsi, ce projet mettra en évidence comment les activités de création autour des contes et des albums peuvent contribuer au renforcement de la parentalité par le resserrement des liens et des échanges au sein des familles ; de la responsabilisation parentale en permettant aux parents d'être acteur de la création d'objets culturels pour leurs enfants ; des compétences et des motivations des personnels d'accueil de la culture et de la petite enfance (non qualifiés) et des parents, dans une approche de transversalité nécessaire dans la lutte contre les exclusions et l'inscription des adultes non qualifiés dans une démarche d'apprenant. Cette coopération par sa dimension européenne contribuera à sensibiliser les intervenants locaux à la richesse de la diversité des cultures et des langues et participera ainsi à la construction de la citoyenneté européenne.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups Marginalised groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 – Réseau Girondin Petite enfance Familles, Cultures et Lien social Name of the contact person: Madame Martine JARDINE Address: 146 rue Léo Saignat 33076 BORDEAUX CEDEX e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 556 879 279 fax: 00 33 556 878 104 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Comune di Bologna – Servizi all infanzia, IT Escola Superior Maria Ulrich, PT Association P’tite Pomme, FR



Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00427-1

Développement d'outils et de méthodes pour le respect de la diversité et l'éducation interculturelle dans les lieux d'accueil de la petite enfance

Les responsables de ces 7 organisations travaillent sur des outils et des méthodes pour favoriser un travail autour du respect de la diversité sociale et culturelle et l'éducation interculturelle dans les lieux d'accueil de la petite enfance. Ces outils et ces méthodes ont pour objectif de favoriser un dialogue interculturel entre les familles et les professionnels des lieux d'accueil. Ils ont aussi pour objectif de mettre en place une pédagogie en direction des enfants qui les sensibilisent à la diversité. Ces responsables ont eu l'occasion à travers le réseau DECET d'échanger sur ces outils et méthodes et ont constaté qu'elles étaient complémentaires les unes des autres. Parallèlement, chacun des partenaires a mis en place dans son pays des formations et des actions de sensibilisation pour diffuser ces outils et ces méthodes. Il s'agit par ce programme de permettre aux parents et professionnels bénéficiaires de ces formations de participer à des séminaires européens communs pour analyser ces outils et méthodes, en élaborer d'autres, stimuler leur apprentissage et leur engagement, afin qu'eux mêmes puissent à leur tour transmettre et diffuser ces outils et méthodes. Une approche pédagogique participative et adaptée à chacun sera mise en place pour favoriser la participation active de tous les parents et les professionnels (possibilité d'utilisation des langues maternelles, d'activités artistiques... ). 2 produits seront réalisés : une vidéo et une plaquette présentant ces différents outils. Ces produits ainsi que les résultats seront largement diffusés au sein des pays partenaires et au niveau européen.

Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Education for parents Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Association des Collectifs Enfants Parents Professionnels (ACEPP) Name of the contact person: Madame Emmanuelle MURCIER Address: 15 rue du Charolais 75012 PARIS e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 00 33 144 738 529 fax: 00 33 144 738 539 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Childhood & Families: research and development centre, UK Institut für den Situationsansatz des Internationalen Akademie GmbH an der Freien Universität Berlin, DE Stichting Mutant, NE



Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00434-1

Echange sur la Littératie en Entreprise

Un constat du processus de Copenhague paru dans un mémo de décembre 2004 à Bruxelles établit que la proportion élevée de personnes à bas niveau de compétences est plus importante en UE qu'aux USA, au Canada, au Japon, en Australie et en Corée du Sud. Plusieurs connaissances de base nécessaires à une autonomie dans la vie quotidienne et professionnelle. Ces personnes disposent d'autres compétences qui leur permettent de répondre à certaines exigences de leurs environnements mais ils peuvent être rapidement en difficulté s'ils subissent des changements. Il nous paraît donc important de chercher des éléments de réponse avec des partenaires européens. Il s'agit d'un échange autour des pratiques et des méthodes concernant la sensibilisation et la formation des encadrants en entreprises pour le repérage et l'accompagnement des personnes en situation d'illettrisme ainsi que l'articulation entre connaissances de base et situation professionnelle pour les mêmes publics. Cet échange s'appuiera sur la base d'un état des lieux régional chez tous les partenaires transnationaux et permettre la rédaction d'un rapport de synthèse comparatif qui sera diffusé au plan régional chez chaque partenaire.

Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Basic skills Other : formation des adultes

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Other : salariés en situation d’illetrisme


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Association Agora Name of the contact person: Madame Katalin FINTA Address: 2 A boulevard d’Esperey 56100 LORIENT e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 297 217 202 fax: 00 33 297 212 119 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Association Morbihannaise d’insertion sociale et professionnelle, FR Kecskemeti Regionalis Kepzo Kozpont, HU Ergomathisi Learnjob SA, GR



Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00440-2

La dynamique intergenerationnelle

Le monde moderne développe pour chaque génération une culture qui lui est propre. Nous voudrions rechercher dans chacun de nos pays ce qui caractérise la culture de chacune de ces générations, (Génération des 60 ans et +, celle du " baby boom ", celle des 25-40 ans, des 5-25 ans et la toute dernière : 0-5). Pour cela, nous nous sommes fixés les objectifs suivants : - Observer des situations pouvant caractériser l'attitude ou la réponse d'une génération - Enrichir nos réflexions par ces apports mutuels - Proposer des solutions : créer ou recréer des liens entre générations pour aider la dernière génération (celle des 0-5 ans) à se construire.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Education for parents Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution

Target Group(s) Local community groups Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other (describe if applicable)


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Centre de Formation initiale et continue pour adultes et association de parents d’élèves Name of the contact person: Madame Viviane DEVRIESERE Address: 54 boulevard Godard 33300 BORDEAUX e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 556 398 106 fax: 00 33 556 431 328 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Agrupamento de escolas Dr Antonio Augusto Loura-Centro de formaçao Rui Gracio, PT IPSS Rosa luxembourg, IT



Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00442-2

Promouvoir la qualité globale de la Conciliation dans les institutions et les services : Une nécessité pour harmoniser vie familiale et vie professionnelle

Etudier et développer des critères de qualité dans les organisations et les services concernés par la consolidation, pour permettre aux familles de faire les meilleurs choix et de trouver un équilibre entre vie professionnelle - vie familiale - vie sociale. Construire une charte de qualité et l'intégrer dans les procédures et les règlements des institutions ou des organisations concernées.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Consumer education Education for parents Information technology Languages Sustainable development Other : validation des acquis Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Other : parents d’enfants de 0 à 10 ans


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Association Ségala Limargue Name of the contact person: Monsieur Jean-Yves LANDAS Address: Rue Principale 46120 LEYME e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 565 359 817 fax: 00 33 565 389 994 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Commune de Bologne, IT Bureau National de l’Enfance, UK



Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00444-1

Partages et échanges interculturels pour l'insertion par la culture et le chant choral

Le patrimoine artistique et musical est riche et souvent mal connu. Dans notre société, les individus vivent souvent de façon isolée pour des raisons professionnelles ou de précarité d'emploi. La pratique d'un art ou d'activités musicales, notamment dans le cadre du chant choral est source de rencontres, d'échanges, de partages qui conduisent les individus à renouer des liens sociaux qui sont porteurs sur le plan social et économique et sources d'enrichissements culturels. L'ouverture aux pays européens et à leurs ensembles artistiques, instrumentaux ou de choristes, permettra aux apprenants et au personnel de s'approprier de nouvelles richesses culturelles, de découvrir un espace élargi de citoyenneté européenne, voire même dans certains cas d'envisager un emploi dans les pays découverts. La réalisation de manifestations artistiques communes, dans chacun des Etats-Membres partenaires, facilitera la création d'un esprit européen, fait de découvertes et de reconnaissance réciproque. Ces manifestations seront médiatisées et les résultats seront diffusés auprès des réseaux des partenaires et de leurs sites web, afin de faciliter les transferts méthodologiques des institutions qui souhaiteraient s'associer aux partenaires et/ou créer leurs propres réseaux. Le succès de ce projet permettrait de développer des réseaux interartistiques, de façon non formelle ou dans le cadre de Grundtvig 1.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Association Schola Elzear Genet Name of the contact person: Monsieur Jean Sarrade Address: Centre culturel “La Charité” 84200 Carpentras e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 871 222 175 fax: 00 33 490 624 508 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Association Pop Up, FR Liceul de Arta , RO Agenzia Speciale per lo Sviluppo Locale et la Formazione Permanente, IT Consorzio “La Terra Impareggiabile”, IT Associacio Artistico-Musical “Sant Blai”, ES



Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00447-1

Référentiel d'observations en milieu de travail

Depuis 2 décennies, l'ensemble des pays européens développent des outils pour répondre au problème endémique du chômage de longue durée. Les résultats n'ont pas été à la hauteur et la problématique persiste. L'emploi reste donc une priorité au centre des préoccupations des états membres. Ceux-ci ont développé des stratégies d'éducation tout au long de la vie en améliorant la qualité et l'efficacité des systèmes de formation, afin de permettre à tous les individus d'acquérir les compétences nécessaires à une main d'oeuvre moderne. Ainsi, les collectivités territoriales ont développé des dispositifs pour répondre aux difficultés de recrutement exprimées par les milieux économiques et pour surmonter les obstacles de l'insertion des publics fragiles. La juxtaposition de ces différentes politiques en faveur de l'emploi des plus démunis n'a pas permis d'obtenir des résultats significatifs. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons de mettre en oeuvre une réflexion dans le cadre d'un partenariat transnational pour la construction d'outils visant à améliorer les situations actives d'insertion. Notre action devrait déboucher sur une approche et une lecture globale des difficultés rencontrées par les publics ; une lisibilité de l'ensemble des outils d'insertion et de formation existants ; une mutualisation des bonnes pratiques à l'échelon européen ; une proposition des analyses des pratiques professionnelles transnationales ; une démultiplication des compétences, des expériences et des cultures. Au travers de ce projet Grundtvig, nous avons l'ambition d'être une force de propositions pour politiques publiques et pour les décideurs des territoires tant au niveau de projets innovants que par la définition de critères d'évaluation.

Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Other : insertion par l’économique Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Union Régionale des Fédérations des Oeuvres Laïques de Bourgogne (URFOL) Name of the contact person: Monsieur Salvatore MARTEDDU Address: 63 rue de Strasbourg 71000 MACON e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 385 388 689 fax: 00 33 385 384 469 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Diputacion Provincial de Almeria, ES Baranya megyei munkaugyi kozpont, HU Acçoes e territorio, PT IREFORR, IT



Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00449-1

Bibliothèque européenne

Oeuvrer concrètement en posant les pierres d'une bibliothèque européenne dans le souci de récolter, diffuser les productions des stagiaires. La place des textes écrits pendant la formation, leur utilisation et leur préservation sont un problème majeur en alphabétisation. Pour valoriser et donner un sens à cette étape d'écriture et de lecture, la mise en ligne est un outil efficace qui permet d'actualiser et diversifier le réservoir de lectures des groupes en formation en fonction des intérêts. Dans une démarche commune d'ateliers d'écriture, la bibliothèque européenne prend en compte toute production écrite quelque soit le niveau du formé pour en faire un outil directement utilisable en cours et à partir duquel se bâtissent des apprentissages. La souplesse de la démarche créatrice incite le stagiaire à devenir curieux et productif. La mise en ligne est une solution réaliste pour la mise à disposition du public à un autre public. Pour cette action nous souhaitons nous appuyer sur une démarche commune. Lors des scénarios et des propositions élaborées en ateliers, repérer et prendre en compte les particularités linguistiques pour les introduire dans des scénarios et fabriquer du texte ciblé facilitant la compréhension d'une langue et l'accès à la structure du texte.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Information technology Intercultural issues Languages

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Institut Régional de Formation pour Adultes (IRFA) Sud Name of the contact person: Madame Ghislaine TAFFOREAU Address: 30 avenue Maurice Planès – Val de Croze e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 467 070 430 fax: 00 33 467 070 431 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Banlieues ASBL, BE Lire et Ecrire Bruxelles, BE BEST-Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH, AT



Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00455-1

Compétences Actives (COMPACT)

Pour les adultes en recherche d'emploi, l'accès au travail est souvent conditionné par le niveau d'étude et/ou de qualification professionnelle. L'Europe élargie à 25, renforce les incertitudes en terme d'emploi pour les chômeurs peu ou pas qualifiées. De nombreuses études démontrent que le chômage persistant conduit à une perte de confiance durable et une appréciation négative des capacités individuelles. Cependant et pour être compétitifs, ces publics doivent démontrer des compétences actualisées et une réelle adaptabilité... En réponse à cette problématique, ce projet vise à améliorer les chances d'accès à l'emploi des adultes au chômage. Plus précisément, il s'agira de produire de la connaissance pour et avec chaque apprenant, afin d'optimiser l'orientation vers l'offre d'apprentissage existante et/ou à construire. Aussi, le processus d'apprentissage intervient comme une étape conduisant à l'emploi. La dimension européenne permettra la réflexion comparée et le transfert des expériences. La démarche consiste à valoriser des connaissances et des compétences dans un projet professionnel. Les activités prévues sur 24 mois, permettront d'expérimenter auprès des publics cibles, la mise en oeuvre d'outils et méthodes élaborés en partenariat. Les apprenants seront accompagnés par périodes de 6 mois. Le projet s'organisera en 3 phases : 1) conception - élaboration 2) expérimentation 3) évaluation - production.

Duration: years Funding year: (1st, 2nd…)

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: DEVeloppement MEDiterranée (DEVMED) Name of the contact person: Madame Elena BLANCO Address: 8 bis rue Maurice Ravel 13200 ARLES e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 671 350 022 fax: 00 33 490 967 415 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Estudios, Proyectos y Asesoramiento Linguistico, S.L., ES Libera Universita Europea Terza eta Campania, IT Stromso upper secondary school, department of Drammen prison, NO



Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00458-1

Echange de pratiques de formation pour les acteurs de la filière agriculture biologique

Dans le cadre du plan d'action européen de 2004 sur l'agriculture biologique, la formation et l'éducation s'avèrent être des leviers indispensables à son développement. Les actions éducatives sur l'agriculture biologique sont nombreuses et diffuses à l'échelle européenne. Cette agriculture ne relève pas exclusivement d'une discipline technique, mais aussi d'une remise en cause de la raison sociale de l'agriculture et de ses modes de pensée. L'agriculture biologique invite à l'innovation dans les actions éducatives. Notre objectif dans le cadre de ce projet s'inscrit sur le long terme, et vise à la mise en place d'un réseau européen d'éducation sur l'agriculture biologique pour l'ensemble des acteurs adultes de cette filière. Ce réseau doit permettre d'organiser une offre éducative, selon des modalités adaptées aux besoins et caractéristiques des publics adultes, et selon des stratégies qui tiennent compte des transitions que suppose le passage à l'agriculture biologique. Le présent projet se veut initier cette démarche. Il s'appuie sur l'organisation d'échanges entre partenaires européens pour expliciter et capitaliser lors d'un séminaire final les pratiques et stratégies des différentes expériences éducatives en agriculture biologique en Europe.

Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Consumer education Environment Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Other : Des agriculteurs qui veulent se reconvertir à l’agriculture biologique, des technicians conseillers et les vendeurs dans la fiière biologique


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: CFPPA THEODORE MONOD Name of the contact person: Monsieur MORIN Jean -Marie Address: La Houdinais 35160 LE VERGER E-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 299 079 868 Fax: 00 33 299 079 868 Website:




Project reference: 04 – FRA1-S2G01-00459-1

Echanges et bonnes pratiques touristiques en espace rural

Procurer des outils aux populations situées en zones rurales afin qu'ils puissent vivre de la valorisation de leur patrimoine par le biais du tourisme rural. La pertinence des réponses issues de ce partenariat tiendra de la richesse des échanges, assurée par une large diffusion des résultats (publications et événements). L'ouverture du partenariat à des organisations extérieures à " Echanges et bonnes pratiques touristiques en espace rural " est souhaitée pour pallier ses éventuels manques et aboutir à une réflexion et à une mise en place d'actions pertinentes pour les populations rurales et pour les territoires. Les prolongements de l'action du partenariat sont dès lors multiples à la fois pour les populations apprenantes mais aussi pour les territoires (insertion sociale, égalité hommes/femmes, professionnalisation des acteurs, développement durable du territoire).

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Environment Intercultural issues Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: CENTRE DE RESSOURCES DU TOURISME ET DU PATRIMOINE Name of the contact person: Mme SURVILLE Cécile Address: Enita – BP 35 63370 LEMPDES e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 473 981 316 fax: 00 33 473 981 368 website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00467-1

Echanger sur les méthodes d'éducation des adultes

Améliorer la dimension européenne en matière d'innovation et d'accessibilité de l'orientation professionnelle tout au long de la vie des adultes de tous niveaux d'enseignements. Nouer des partenariats éducatifs avec différents organismes des états membres de l'Union Européenne et aux pays associés d'Europe Centrale et Orientale afin de préparer des projets GRUNDTVIG dans le cadre de déplacement. Initier des acteurs de la formation à un outil présentant le parcours professionnel d'adultes, de jeunes. Elaborer la construction d'une base de données commune d'expériences professionnelles d'adultes et de jeunes à partir d'un support multimédia (son, image, texte, séquence vidéo, dessin, etc.) pouvant être enrichi régulièrement. S'entretenir avec des adultes, des jeunes, quel que soit leur diplôme, leur capacité physique, leur parcours professionnel et diffuser leur caractéristique, leur environnement afin de le communiquer à toute personne souhaitant s'orienter, se renseigner sur une activité professionnelle quelle que soit ses connaissances et ses qualifications élémentaires. Mettre au point à terme un support informatique et un système d'accompagnement à distance (lieu de travail, domicile, centre de ressources pédagogiques) reprenant la description des profils des apprenants à destination de personnes vivant dans des régions rurales ou défavorisées. Apporter une solution pragmatique au travers de la description personnalisée des métiers de chaque apprenant pour des publics ayant des besoins spécifiques en matière d'éducation tel que des notions concrètes de la recherche, de la préparation d'une formation ou d'une insertion professionnelle.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Media

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE DU PAYS D ARLES Name of the contact person: Monsieur MOYNE Frédéric Address: Chemin du Temple - ZI du Nord 13200 ARLES E-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 490 990 827 Fax: 00 33 490 990 800 Website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00468-2

AMIE (Acteurs Milieu Rural Enfance) : Une formation des acteurs de la vie locale en milieu rural fragile

Ce programme prend place dans le cadre d'une mise en réseau de 3 organisations en Europe (France, Espagne et Portugal) qui se sont données pour objectif de mutualiser et produire des connaissances sur les questions d'éducation, de participation des parents et habitants concourant au développement des territoires ruraux fragilisés. Si des réflexions se mènent dans ces organisations pour autant, il était important de permettre la montée en compétence, l'enrichissement des acteurs eux-mêmes impliqués dans ces territoires ruraux. C'est pourquoi l'objectif de ce programme consiste à former des acteurs (parents, habitants, professionnels petite enfance, socio- professionnels, élus locaux, techniciens des municipalités) agissant dans les territoires ruraux. Pour ce faire, ces formations s'appuieront sur l'appréhension et l'acquisition : - de pratiques de terrain et d'expérimentation au travers de visites et de stages - d'apports théoriques et méthodologiques par le biais de séminaires, forum et publications. La base de ce programme est sa dimension collective : échanges dans un même pays et avec les autres pays, avec des acteurs à différents niveaux afin de mutualiser, d'échanger sur ces méthodes et pratiques. Les différents acteurs sont : - les parents qui renforcent leur capacité auprès des enfants et deviennent responsables associatifs de services à l'enfance créant ainsi des dynamiques dans les territoires ruraux, - les professionnels (éducateurs, professeurs et techniciens des municipalités) qui renforcent leur compétence professionnelle et leur capacité à encadrer et animer des groupes d'enfants et de parents et à créer du lien avec l'environnement local, - les développeurs, coordinateurs et animateurs locaux qui mobilisent les parents, les habitants et les élus locaux en les mettant en relation afin de leur donner la motivation et la capacité d'initier des projets et d'en assumer la responsabilité de fonctionnement dans la durée.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Education for parents Environment

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION A.C.E.P.P. Name of the contact person: Madame BROCHET Françoise Address: 15, rue du Charolais 75012 PARIS 12 e-mail: [email protected] - [email protected] tel: 00 33 144 738 529 fax: 00 33 144 738 539 website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00470-2

Motiver des jeunes aux métiers de l'artisanat (Artisan'Aventure) L'artisanat, en France, mais aussi dans de nombreux pays européens, souffre depuis plusieurs années d'une dédicace d'image liée aux représentations véhiculées. L'abandon progressif des formations techniques au profit de formations générales, les conditions de travail difficiles, les niveaux de rémunération peu attractifs et les difficultés d'installation pour les jeunes sont autant de raisons qui expliquent le désengagement des jeunes dans ce secteur professionnel. Bien qu'étant encore à ce jour considéré comme la 1ère entreprise de France (si l'on considère le nombre de salariés qui y travaillent), le secteur de l'artisanat doit faire face, d'une part à un manque de main d'oeuvre qualifié, d'autre part à la disposition progressive d'entreprises, du fait du non remplacement du chef d'entreprise à son départ en retraite. Cette situation est d'autant plus dramatique en secteur rural, car la disparition d'activités en milieu rural contribue au déséquilibre économique. C'est une situation que nous rencontrons notamment en Alsace (Pays de Saverne Plaine et Plateau). Selon la Chambre Régionale de l'Artisanat, seuls 12% des créateurs d'entreprise sont âgés de moins de 25 ans. Cette préoccupation est identique sur l'ensemble du territoire européen (les échanges effectués avec nos partenaires au projet le confirment) et nous souhaiterions, au travers de ce projet, proposer une démarche commune. Dans un premier temps, il convient d'échanger et de mettre en commun les méthodes pratiques et outils qui sont utilisés et connus des uns des autres, et qui amènent les jeunes à s'intéresser aux métiers de l'artisanat. Ces échanges avec nos partenaires ayant tous de l'expérience dans l'orientation et la guidance porteront sur : l'image du travail artisanal en Europe (valeurs, conditions de travail, place, reconnaissance..), les stratégies de motivation pour amener les apprenants à s'orienter vers ces métiers, l'organisation des parcours éducatifs. Les échanges permettront de construire ensemble une action " prototype " qui sera testée et évaluée la 2ème année. Dans un second temps, nous organiserons des échanges de formateurs et d'enseignants ainsi que d'apprenants. Enfin, pour accompagner ces échanges, nous créerons un site Internet (présentation des partenaires, diffusion des informations, forum net liens) et pour diffuser les résultats, nous proposerons l'organisation d'une manifestation finale, rassemblant les acteurs locaux et les partenaires.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: INSTITUT DE FORMATION IRFA EST INTERREGION Name of the contact person: Monsieur STEYER Richard Address: Institution Régionale pour la Formation - Voie Romaine - BP 30086 57301 HAGONDANGE CEDEX e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 387 516 270 fax: 00 33 387 804 970 website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00474-2


Ce projet propose : - d'organiser des séminaires pour comparer et échanger les différentes pratiques pédagogiques en prenant en compte les sensibilités diverses (culturelles, sociales, économiques) des partenaires - de réunir des partenaires travaillant dans le domaine de l'enseignement pour jeunes et adultes afin de permettre (dans une 2ème phase) la mise en oeuvre du projet CINEMA-EUROPE - de développer des actions communes avec les pays partenaires - de comparer les différentes expériences - de procéder à des échanges entre les différents groupes - de définir une méthodologie commune pour la réalisation du projet CINEMAVILLE Les résultats de cette étude serviront de base au projet final dont le contenu succinct est le suivant : Dans plusieurs villes d'Europe, des groupes de jeunes racontent leurs histoires, écrivent leurs scénarios et tournent les films correspondants. Préalablement à cette action, les stagiaires reçoivent une formation initiale dont le contenu sera adapté aux habitudes pédagogiques et à la sensibilité de chaque pays, mais dont le fond sera commun à chaque action. Une grande manifestation annuelle (2 journées) sera organisée, durant laquelle, stagiaires, pédagogues, représentants des organismes et institutions publics, représentants des médias, seront réunis. Au cours de cette manifestation, tous les films seront présentés au public par les stagiaires eux-mêmes. Cette manifestation pourra se tenir chaque année dans un pays différent.

Duration: 2 years funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION L'IMAGE DES MOTS Name of the contact person: Monsieur Jean-Pierre DUPUY Address: 13 Rue Etienne Marcel 75001 - PARIS 01 E-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 145 081 214 Fax: 00 33 145 081 214 Website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00487-1

Europe festivart

Le principe selon lequel les hommes doivent apprendre à se connaître et à échanger leurs valeurs pour mieux se comprendre, s'accepter et coexister, est à la base de ce partenariat visant à promouvoir le multiculturalisme de l'Union Européenne par le biais de l'apprentissage formel et informel. Il s'agit de permettre à tout apprenant et groupe de la communauté locale d'exprimer leur identité culturelle et leurs traditions, de les partager et de les échanger en utilisant les moyens d'information et de communication (journal écrit, internet, visioconférence et autre support) mais également à travers des visites et séminaires. Le projet comprend l'organisation d'un festival européen des arts et traditions qui se tiendra sous forme d'ateliers artistiques, animations culturelles, exposition et autre spectacle pour promouvoir les arts locaux, l'artisanat, le folklore, la gastronomie de différents pays d'Europe. Ce projet contribuera à la construction de passerelles interculturelles entre les populations et à une meilleure prise de conscience par les citoyens de leur appartenance à une même communauté, à la sensibilisation à la diversité culturelle des pays de l'Union. Il s'attachera à pérenniser les liens et contacts pour garantir le dialogue interculturel en Europe à travers des actions futures.

Duration: 3 years funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Local community groups


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION VILLANELLE Name of the contact person: Monsieur MALET Harry Address: 164 route de Notre-Dame de la Paix 97418 PLAINE DES CAFRES E-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 262 592 657 Fax: Website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00490-2

Participation locale, engagement citoyen et intégration des immigrés

Etant donné que l'Union Européenne accore beaucoup de crédit à l'Education des Adultes tout au long de la vie et qu'il est essentiel d'intégrer les Nouvelles Technologies dans la société de l'information et de la connaissance, notre projet consiste en l'Alphabétisation Numérique dans l'Education des Personnes Adultes pour que les citoyens puissent améliorer et actualiser leur formation tant sur le plan académique que numérique. Ce projet se réalisera au travers d'échanges d'expériences et de connaissances, de visites et de réunions où il sera possible d'observer les stratégies utilisées dans le cadre de cette thématique, les différentes réalités culturelles et sociales de chaque institution ainsi que les méthodes utilisées. Grâce à ces connaissances, les participants pourront enrichir leur formation professionnelle tout en améliorant leur travail professionnel. Il s'agit en somme d'apprendre à être partenaire, à coopérer et à échanger de sorte que tous les citoyens bénéficient des mêmes chances et puissent s'adapter de façon positive aux changements économiques et sociaux, ceci en vue de participer directement à la construction de la future Europe.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: FEDERATION DES CENTRES SOCIAUX DE SEINE SAINT DENIS Name of the contact person: Madame Marie-Chantal DURU Address: 63 rue du 18 Juin 93220 GAGNY E-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 143 518 680 Fax: 00 33 143 307 467 Website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00492-1

Les langues à travers les cultures

* Encourager la motivation des apprenants en langue étrangère en leur donnant d'utiliser leurs compétences dans des échanges réels et d'avoir des contacts internationaux. * De développer une compréhension interculturelle et un goût pour la diversité en échangeant des infos, des expériences dans des contacts uns à uns et donner la possibilité aux apprenants de visiter les pays de l'autre. *Améliorer la connaissance de nos différences régionales et nationales en observant nos coutumes, nos folklores, nos traditions culinaires, artistiques, musicales, festives. Ces travaux de recherches et de mise en commun feront l'objet de productions telles que des livrets de recettes, petits dictionnaires de survie, posters,....

Duration: 2 years funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning

Target Group(s) Other : Apprenants adultes en formation continue


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CFPPA DE YVETOT Name of the contact person: Mademoiselle EBRAN Judith Address: BP 30059 76192 YVETOT CEDEX E-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 235 955 110 Fax: 00 33 235 566 961 Website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00503-1

Des agriculteurs, acteurs de leur environnement professionnel, social et culturel

Le thème propose de mettre les hommes et les femmes du monde agricole, au coeur de la réflexion sur leur environnement professionnel et extra-professionnel. Le 1er objectif est d'identifier et de comparer le fonctionnement des organisations professionnelles. L'histoire, l'économie fournissent des éléments majeurs pouvant expliquer l'organisation de la profession à travers l'Europe. Le projet se propose également de replacer l'agriculteur dans son environnement social. La population agricole est souvent le moteur de la vie locale et rurale. Sous quelles formes cette dynamique se traduit-elle ? Les évolutions de l'agriculture en Europe vont-elles modifier cet équilibre ? Ces réflexions doivent inciter les agriculteurs à être acteurs de leur environnement. Enfin, l'image véhiculée par l'agriculture sera abordée. Analyser le regard et les attentes de la population est un point essentiel de la réflexion afin de positionner l'agriculteur dans la société nationale et européenne. L'Europe élargie a fait naître des attentes, quelquefois des craintes sur l'avenir de l'agriculture. Des rencontres et des témoignages permettront de découvrir les diverses facettes de l'agriculture européenne, les similitudes et complémentarités des modes de vie et de lutter contre des idées reçues.

Duration: 3 years funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution

Target Group(s) Other: Agriculteurs, jeunes agriculteurs et futures agriculteurs.


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CFPPA DE LAVAL Name of the contact person: Monsieur Sébastien BOIS Address: 341 Route de Saint-Nazaire BP 1319 – 53013 LAVAL cedex E-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 243 682 497 Fax: 00 33 243 683 168 Website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00507-1

La mixité dans les métiers d'aide à la personne

Objectifs généraux : - Recenser et analyser certains métiers ou activités d'aide à la personne, en regardant particulièrement la dimension de la mixité dans ces métiers, - Traduire en compétences professionnelles les activités familiales et domestiques, - Mettre en relation ces 2 analyses pour proposer des pistes d'insertion professionnelle à des femmes et l'ouverture de ce secteur d'activité aux hommes, - Etudier l'influence de la technologie sur l'évolution de ces métiers et sur l'égalité professionnelle Hommes/Femmes, - Proposer à des bibliothèques et à des associations du droit des femmes d'être ces centres de recherche, d'information et d'orientation sur les métiers, afin d'attirer plus de visiteurs et de participer au développement durable d'une zone géographique ou d'un secteur professionnel. Objectif spécifique : proposer une méthodologie et des outils qui permettent de réaliser ces objectifs. Moyens : - Recherches documentaires, réunion d'échanges, constitution de fiches, - Expérimentation avec des associations et des bibliothèques, - Validation de la démarche pour une expérimentation à grande échelle la 2° année du projet.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Sustainable development Other : Orientation et emploi Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: CENTRE D’INFORMATION SUR LES DROITS DES FEMMES Name of the contact person: Madame TOMAS Blandine Address: 5, Rue Moustiers 13001 MARSEILLE E-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 33 496 110 799 Fax: 00 33 491 555 725 Website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00509-1

Compétences pour les entreprises et les personnes en recherche d'emploi

Tous les partenaires de ce projet partagent un même constat dans leurs différents contextes locaux et nationaux. Même si des services et des projets réussis ont été et sont menés dans le champ du conseil et de l'orientation socioprofessionnelle par ces partenaires, ils se retrouvent face à de nouveaux défis. En effet, le développement, au niveau européen de la culture de formation tout au long de la vie implique la création de nouveaux outils, approches et comportements de la part de tous (salariés, entreprises, services d'orientation et de conseil, agences de l'emploi, centres de formation, etc.). Des changements dans les méthodes de travail, de nouvelles méthodes d'apprentissage, de nouvelles manières d'évaluer les compétences et les formations ainsi que la reconnaissance des compétences acquises sont à appréhender et à prendre en compte dans les pratiques professionnelles de chacun. 2 objectifs principaux : - organisation d'échanges et de production d'outils sur et pour les différentes méthodologies et méthodes de conseil et d'orientation socioprofessionnelle aux personnes en recherche d'emploi ou aux personnes souhaitant changer d'orientation socioprofessionnelle (en incluant le bilan et la validation de leurs compétences dans les différents cadres de loi des pays partenaires). - organisations d'échanges et de production d'outils sur et pour le travail qui doit être mené avec les entreprises (spécialement les PME/PMI) pour mieux identifier les compétences dont elles ont besoin et être capable de mieux conseiller les personnes en recherche d'emploi ou celles désireuses d'un changement d'orientation socioprofessionnelle. Au premier niveau seront impliquées les professionnels de l'orientation socioprofessionnelle et les personnes qui travaillent avec les entreprises pour développer des réseaux et des coopérations entre elles et avec elles. Au deuxième niveau seront impliqués les entreprises elles-mêmes et les personnes en recherche d'emploi ou de réorientation socioprofessionnelle dans les années suivantes de ce projet qui aura une durée de 3 ans. Les activités proposées seront des visites d'études entre pays partenaires et des séminaires. Les productions seront des boîtes à outils communes (newsletters, étude de cas et guide de bonnes pratiques).

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Sustainable development Other :Intégration socioprofessionnelle et validation des compétences Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Other: Professionnels de l’orientation socioprofessionnelle et des competences – Entreprises – Chercheurs d’emploi ou personnes en reorientation socioprofessionnelle.


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION M.E.F. Name of the contact person: Monsieur FREDERICK Steve Address: COMITE DE BASSIN D'EMPLOI - 1, rue d'Anjou - B.P.81 50130 CHERBOURG OCTEVILLE E-mail: [email protected] - [email protected] tel: 00 33 233 016 470 Fax: 00 33 233 016 460 Website:




Project reference: 05-FRA1-S2G01-00510-1

TIC-TAC (technologies de l'Information et de la Communication - Technologies Adaptées aux Chercheurs d'emploi

Le terme de Technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) couvre un large éventail de services, applications, technologies, équipements et logiciels (outils comme la téléphonie et l'Internet, l'apprentissage à distance, les télévisions, les ordinateurs, les réseaux et les logiciels nécessaires pour employer ces technologies). L'appropriation des TIC nécessite la mise en place de politiques volontaristes dans le secteur de l'éducation/formation/insertion afin d'éviter qu'un fossé ne se creuse entre " ceux qui savent " et " les autres ". Au delà de ce constat évident, il s'agit aussi, dans un monde où les TIC sont devenues des outils de travail et de communication incontournables d'éviter que les méthodes d'enseignement, les modes de communication et les activités de consommation en ligne posent des obstacles supplémentaires à l'intégration des personnes défavorisées ou en situation de recherche d'emploi. Donc, les technologies recèlent un potentiel énorme peu exploité en matière d'insertion socioprofessionnelle, qu'il vaut la peine de stimuler et de valoriser par une " alphabétisation technologique ". Les partenaires de ce projet échangeront et expérimenteront au travers de visites d'étude et de séminaires sur des méthodes pédagogiques d'enseignement des TIC pour favoriser les parcours d'insertion socioprofessionnelle et pour développer et assurer des méthodologies et moyens d'apprentissage tout au long de la vie. Des échanges thématiques (citoyenneté, mixité, éducation) entre stagiaires et personnel pédagogique permettront à ceux-ci d'expérimenter ces TIC, tandis que les formateurs pourront ainsi affiner les outils et méthodes développées.

Duration: 3 years funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Information technology

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners….


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION M.E.F. Name of the contact person: Madame COUVERT Barbara Address: COMITE DE BASSIN D'EMPLOI - 1, rue d'Anjou - B.P.81 50130 CHERBOURG OCTEVILLE E-mail: [email protected] - [email protected] tel: 00 33 233 016 470 Fax: 00 33 233 016 460 Website:



Project reference: 05-IRL01-S2G01-00014-2

MELT (Methodologies in Education for Learners and Tutors

This project was developed by the partner organisations during a contact seminar in Bratislava from 12th to the 15th June 2003. The aim of this project is to explore adult education for people with intellectual disabilities*. The project will produce a framework of good practice in adult education provision with a specific focus on the appropriate methodologies for learners with intellectual disabilities. The project focuses on "improving the content and delivery of adult education" as set out by the Commission in the Call for Proposals under the Annual Action-specific Priorities for Grundtvig Learning Partnerships. The project will achieve this outcome through a series of workshops and through a process of joint reflection of adult learners with intellectual disabilities and adult education tutors. The project will place the adult learners at the centre of the process through joint consultation and encouraging critical reflection. The project involves partners from the formal and non-formal sectors of adult education thus promoting interaction between the sectors. The inclusion of a partner from an EU Accession State (Slovakia) enhances the project's capacity to promote mutual awareness between existing and future EU Member States. *THROUGHOUT THIS PROJECT WE WILL USE THE TERM "INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES" TO INCLUDE ALL LEARNERS WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES, INCLUDING LEARNERS WITH BRAIN DYSFUNCTIONS.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Consumer education Education for parents Environment Gender issues Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Media Sustainable development Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) D Methods for providing accreditation of competenciesD Other: Adult Education MethodologiesD Target Group(s) Disabled personsD


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Dun Laoghaire VEC Name of the contact person: Deirdre Keyes Address: Century Court, 100 Upper Georges Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 353 1 2147200 fax: 00 353 1 2850920 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Teatret Ekinox, DK Instituto Tecnico Commercilae Statale "Guiseppe Rosati", IT


Project reference: 05-IRL01-S2G01-00011-2

MENPART - Men and Non-formal Education - Participating and Social Skills

Since men's participation in adult education activities throughout Europe is low, new approaches are needed to reach men. This project aims to research men's participation in education primarily on an informal or basic skills level. We intend to look at what attracts men into the education field. The research projects' starting point is to look at what educational programmes are provided for men and their participation levels are in other countries as well. This research will be compared by the learning partners. We will then analyse the result on a European basis. This will give us an overall indication of what men's interests are in different countries and what is being provided educationally for men. This will give us an overall indication of what information about the uptake of men in adult education courses. We also intend to examine if men's educational needs are being met. The learning partner's will collate this data and make it available to others. We then intend to produce a document of Good Practice which will inform workers in the adult education field about the models of education which will encourage men's participation. This primary goal of this learning partnership is to examine men's current participation level in education and to see how their participation level can be improved.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Consumer education Education for parents Environment Gender issues Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Media Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learningD Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) D Other (describe if applicable) Mens social learning through educationD Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas D Other (describe if applicable): MenD


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: North Tipperary VEC Lifelong Learning Service Name of the contact person: Lorraine Duane Address: Martyrs Road, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00353 67 31845 fax: 00353 67 46025 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) AMIMBO GmbH, AT Frauenbildungsnetz M-V e. V., DE Kolding Pedagogseminarium, DK Kauniaisten Kaupungin Kansalaisopisto, FI Zentrum Bilding der EKHN Fachbereich Erwachsenenbildung, DE


Project reference: 05-IRL01-S2G01-00034-1

Dialogue Through Tradition

The project seeks to provide a learning experience of the traditional arts. Arts education affords a learning opportunity that transcends language. Barriers are broken down through music, dance etc. Adults of varying abilities and experience will enjoy and learn from this experience. It is a two part learning process. Initially facilitators will learn about other countries creative traditions. Following this these facilitators will offer this learning to the wider community in their home country. The adult learners will be provided with learning of partner country's traditional creativity in the areas of music song, dance and folk art of other countries. The adult learner participants will vary from country to country. The project will have a learning process that includes, experiencing different cultures, learning the traditional music, dance and folk-art of partner countries, passing on this learning to an identified adult group in home countries e.g. isolated geographical area, socially isolated population, senior citizens etc. Possibility of an end presentation of learning experience to share learning about other cultures through music, dance song and folk art, produce a DVD and a website to share the learning experience and evaluate the effectiveness of the project.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Arts, music, cultureD Learning about European countries/the European UnionD Intercultural issuesD Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas D Local community groupsD


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kerry County Council Name of the contact person: Kate Kennelly Address: Rathass, Co Kerry e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00353 66 7183541 fax: 00353 66 7183613 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Pammessogiaki traditional Choir 'The Melodic Arch', GR Valasske Sdruzeni Dubrava


Project reference: 05-IRL01-S2G01-00068-1

SUITCASE Sharing Understanding of Identity Through Culture, Art and Self Expression Citizenship

‘Identity’ as a concept has been undergoing a number of changes over the last few decades on both a social and cultural level. Factors such as opening the European borders, migration, the accelerated technological development and the broad distribution of new communication resources influenced these changes SUITCASE aims to work with adult learners in exploring these concepts on a personal, local/regional and European level, in order to promote mutual understanding and enable new forms of cultural exchange. Each partner will set up a Project Working Group incorporating staff and learners. The primary activities of the group will be an art exchange facilitated by workshops in which learners create artefacts under a theme of culture and identity and then send them to learners in partner countries. The receivers are then tasked with responding to the piece with an artwork of their own. Information on the sender’s culture will be intrinsic to the piece as art is always in some way a reflection of the culture that creates it. Transnational visits will also play an important role in the project and will involve both staff and learners in group meetings, exchange of experience and expertise, engagement in cultural activities and foreign language

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Arts, music, cultureD Learning about European countries/the European UnionD Intercultural issuesD MediaD

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learningD Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) D

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minoritiesD Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners….D Young adults at risk of social marginalisationD


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: The Darndale Belcamp Resource Centre Name of the contact person: Linda Devlin Address: Darndale, Dublin 17 e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 353 1 877 1500 fax: 00 353 1 877 1510 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Vraa Hojskole, DK CTP 5 Circolo Didattico Portici, IT CVO Antwerpen Zuid, BE Vapaa Taidekoulu, FI Gerede Municipality Preseidency, TR


Project reference: 05-IRL01-S2G01-00042-1


The main aim of the LinxXchange project is to promote an increased awareness of other cultures through language learning. The project arose following a Grundtvig contact seminar in Murcia, Spain: INTERCULTURAL LEARNING IN ADULT EDUCATION (May 2004). One split into groups where partner countries identified their areas of expertise, the area of language learning and ICT in particular was identified as a common weakness by all partner countries, which had the potential to open up new intercultural teaching and learning opportunities for adult educators and learners. LinxXchange aims to use ICT as a tool to engage students & staff in language learning through the development of a on-line newsletter that can be accessed and updated by students in participating countries. Students will be encouraged to write articles on an aspect of their culture in one of the languages they are studying, to then be submitted to the newsletter. In undertaking this activity the LinxXchange project will directly contribute to the key theme identified as a Grundtvig action, namely to "improve adult learners' knowledge of European languages and cultures". The project will also improve the content and delivery of language teaching and learning, which is cited as a priority area for Grundtvig projects.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Arts, music, cultureD Learning about European countries/the European UnionD To be chosen from the list Information technologyD Intercultural issuesD LanguagesD MediaD

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learningD Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) D

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minoritiesD Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners….D


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Ballsbridge College of Business Studies Name of the contact person: Peter Keogh Address: Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00 353 1 6684806 fax: 00 353 1 6682361 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Santiago de Compostela, ES CVO Temse, BE Savon Koulutuskuntayhtma, FI Nova College, NL


Project reference: 05-IRL01-S2G01-00017-1

A.P.P. - Assessment/Progression Project

The project aims to explore from a theoretical perspective assessment methodologies and progression routes to support learners who are long term unemployed and/or disadvantaged. The application of theories selected by partners together will promote transnational learning and good practice among partner organisations as well as a number of experimental projects. The idea of this project emanated from learning that emerged from work undertaken between ROC Rijnlssel College and Tallaght Partnership who co-operated in the Grundtvig 1 Flex All project. The partners involved will; share academic knowledge and facilitate agreement on theories regarding assessment/progression to be explored; exchange information regarding one another’s work in the area of assessment/progression routes for vulnerable learners; design, test and evaluate experimental pilot projects regarding assessment and progression routes will adult learners; disseminate learning from partnership work undertaken together at local, regional, national and transnational levels. The partners in this project represent a variety of institutions with very different yet inter-related experience in this field.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Assessment methodologies and best practice specific to the needs of disadvantaged learners. D

Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) D Guidance / counselling or other support servicesD

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas D Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners….D Other (describe if applicable) Marginalised men who are vunerable learnersD


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Tallaght Partnership Name of the contact person: Mary Sheehan Address: Killinarden Enterprise Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24 e-mail: tel: 00 353 1 4664 280 fax: 00 353 1 4664288 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum Rijnljssel, NL North Western Institute of Further and Higher Education, Derry, UK Institut fr Bildung und Beratung GmbH, DE


Project reference: 05-IRL01-S2G01-00013-3

Empowering mentors and other bilingual adults to work within the wider community

The partners to this project work with adults from marginal and minority groups in projects throughout Europe. The activities of the projects include host country language teaching, mother language support, social and cultural orientation and the involvement of incoming migrants as language & cultural support mentors. The purpose of this project is to exchange learning between partners, to identify aspects of good practice which are transferable and to explore methods by which such transfers can be achieved. The project will explore different understandings of the role and practice and such resources as may be practicable. Finally the project will explore various pedagogical approaches to areas such as language learning and mentor training. The project will develop a website as prime point of contact and exchange. It will use mobility visits to inform its members of the work of each partner and to assess the impact of each partners work in the broader context of the Grundtvig partnership.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd

Area(s) covered Active citizenshipD Basic skillsD Learning about European countries/the European UnionD Intercultural issuesD LanguagesD

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learningD Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) D Guidance / counselling or other support servicesD

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minoritiesD Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners….D Local community groupsD WomenD


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Midwest Development Education Centre Name of the contact person: Denis Bates Address: Block F, CBS Primary, Sexton Street, Limerick e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00353 61 311155 fax: 00353 61 362690 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Oulu Settlement Association, FI Institute of the Blind, DK Hvidovre Language Centre AOF, DK Hospitable City, GR Minority Ethnic Curriculum Support Service, UK


Project Reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00005-2

Cooperatives of Women for the commercialisation of local products from handicraft and the ago-food sectors in order to stimulate the socio-cultural development and the promotion of loca traditions in a European perspective.

The projects aims at the inclusion of women with a low level of education who want to establish or have already established new cooperatives or commercial organisations for the promotion of local products all over the world. Therefore the goals of this project are the following: 1. to provide the future entrepreneurs with the skills and the know-how required for their mission; 2. to stimulate and to facilitate the international exchange among women coming form different countries 3. to establish and to enforce commercial relationships among the counties taking part in this project

Total Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture

Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Guidance/counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Women


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ASSA (Association for the safeguard and the development of Acaya-Lecce- Italy) Name of the contact person: Esposito Irene Address: via Pascoli, 27 – Acquatica di Lecce – Fraz. Di Vernole (LE) [email protected], [email protected] tel: 0832/891379 fax: 0832/823125 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) ƒ Arcimondo – Pisignano (LE) – IT ƒ Municipality of Agros – CY ƒ University Polithecnica of Bucarest – RO



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00006-2

Alternative jobs using creativeness

The Project has two main goals: to rediscover and to bring out local handicrafts and to compare and exchange cultural knowledge and experiences among the learners of the partner countries. In the first year, students will do a research project about their own culture's origins, history and handicrafts. The learners will visit studios, interview artisans and then describe the tools, techniques and the materials used. At the end, they will record all documents produced (slides, photos, video, boards, interviews, learners' opinions . . .) on a CD ROM and insert into a web site and in brochures. The partner learners will exchange and compare this material to find similarities and differences between their traditions (pottery, for example.)

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Environment Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners….


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CENTRO TERRITORIALE PERMANENTE “SCUOLA MEDIA STATALE G. B. GRASSI PRIVITERA” Name of the contact person: LILIANA NARO Address: VIA PRINCIPE UMBERTO 305 – 90047 PARTINICO (PALERMO) e-mail [email protected] oppure [email protected] tel: 091 8906320 fax: 0918902616 Organisation/Project website :




Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00010-2

Development and valorisation of competencies in social tourism

The project wants to be addressed to all persons that work in the social tourism in disadvantage areas for economic-social-structural- cultural problems. During the activities the target group will develop and improve their abilities and competences by meeting other organisms working in the same area of working, in order to exchange good practises, experiences, methods, knowledges and. The partnership wish to develop the following activities: ƒ Development of Seminars for agents and teachers coming from every partner. ƒ Monitoring of the activities realised in the partner countries for training of adults in the sector and methods of realization of related activities. ƒ Improvement of training actions to operate with disadvantaged adults or with particular problems. ƒ Realisation of didactic materials in a single standard. ƒ Creation of an educational program for adults in the tsector of tourism, related to local activities. ƒ Use of information and communication technologies to exchange experiences and for the promotion of good practises. ƒ Distribution of concrete products realised in all partners’ offices, especially directed to teachers and students. ƒ Diffusion of the results of that activities by media and bodies working on a regional, national and international level to give insurance of valid channels of divulgation. Evaluation of obtained results

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Languages Sustainable development Environment Other (describe if applicable): tourism Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Youth Europe Service Name of the contact person: De Rosa Maria Domenca Address: Via Orazio Flacco, 19 – 85100 Potenza (ITALY) e-mail [email protected] tel: (0039) (0971 - 34058) fax: (0039) (0971 - 34058) Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)




Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00020-1

The European integration through language learning

The project aims at improving European integration through foreign language learningin a aprocess of “life long language learning “ looking a multilingual training. The projects intends to contribute in promoting the feeling of “belonging” to the European Community giving real occasions of communicative interaction with European citizens from other Countries, giving a special value to the cultural backgrownds also of the linguistic minorities through the use of the foreign language as a vehicular language. The knowledge of other European languages is an essential condition for an real mobility within the Union , improving work, study, travel opportunities all over the continent and rising the consciousness of we have in common , giving a good value to the cultural differences , considering the mutual respect

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Intercultural themes languages, European countries / European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Migrants , travellers /,ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Other: Linguistic minorities


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Università delle LiberEtà del Fvg Name of the contact person: Giuseppina Raso Address: Via Ippolito Nievo 16/a 33100 Udine Italy e-mail [email protected] tel: 0039 0432 297909/295961 fax: 0039 0432 297033 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)

SosuMedia, The Social and Health College Aarhus DK Universidade de Évora PT



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00032-1

CINEMA FOR FAMILY SCHOOL Identification of the relations within a family and social relations (integration between family and school, parents and teachers, parents and parents, parents and other institutions) through the analysis of a specific selection of some films concerning these themes. The program includes a training section on some forms of communication to develop the co-operation among parents, trainers and other professionals working in different educational contexts attended by their children. The project use cinematography as a valid tool to stimulate social aggregation and socialization. It’s foreseen a seminary for adults and young people about: 1. theoretic and critical analysis of the film; 2. history of national cinematography; 3. research about the main authors who carried out some films regarding family relationships; 4. compositions of didactic clip regarding family relationship; 5. main skills about a short film composition; 6. main skills about screenplay composition; 7. film shooting techniques; 8. film-editing techniques; information about the carrying out and running of a television network (TELESTREET) in the neighbourhood.

Total Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues Other (describe if applicable) Education for Parents Health Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Guidance / counselling or other support services To stimulate civil engagement and solidarity Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation

Senior citizens Other (describe if applicable)


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: FONDAZIONE IL FORTETO ONLUS Name of the contact person: Valentina Ceccherini Address: Frazione Orticaia, 16 e-mail: [email protected] tel:+39- 055 8448376 fax:+39- 055 8387589 Organisation/Project website: we don’t have any website

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centre for the children’s and youth’s development programmes PLEIADA TV - Lakatamia – REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS Escola Secundaria D.Sancho I – Vila Nova De Famalicco – PORTUGAL Asociacion Cultural “UBU TV” – Barcelona - SPAIN



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00051-1

Educazione allo sviluppo sostenibile e alla qualità dell'Ambiente (ESSQA)

The project theme is education in the field of sustainable development and the environment in a European dimension. The project will develop a research-action on the following topics: management of the water resourches along the coasts, waste recycle, biodiversities and agricolture. Besides the project will train facilitators that will inform and train the target groups (mainly local communities) about environmental themes.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Environment Gender issues Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ARPAT – Agenzia Regionale protezione ambientale Toscana Name of the contact person: Luca Petroni Address: via Porpora, 20 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +39-055-3206421 fax: +39-055-3206324 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Vandspejlet Environment Centre – DK Organizatia Ecologista Neguvemamentala Mare Nostrum – RO Comune di Halki – GR Centro de Formacao de Professores do Centro do Istituto Irene Lisboa- PT



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00053-1

Democratic Arts for Citizenship The project joins different Institutions who work both In the field of the citizenship and the education in order to make the people aware of 1) their potential as citizens (rights and duties); 2) their role in the specific community in which they live; and in order to make them able to “read”, interact and transform the local realities. The project intends to reach these goals through a wide choice of activities such as the “Theatre of the Oppressed by August Boal” or the traditional theatre, arts and photography, courses and meetings, workshops, fieldworks and more. Through this partnership we would like to learn different ways of approaching the young adults and adults so that they take part in the public/political life. At the end of the project we want that all the people involved in it – teachers and learners – choose a specific and practical action of public relevance, do it as a test of people democracy. In addition, we expect the young adults find a space of participation to the community life through which to speak to the local Institutions.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship The media Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Health Consumer education Environment

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other (describe if applicable)


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Adult Education Centre – Centro Territoriale Permanente “Biancheri – Cavour” Name of the contact person: Maria Paola Rottino Address: 61, Roma str. – Ventimiglia 18039 (IM) Italy e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] tel: 0039 0184 351180 fax: 0039 0184 239364 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Gesellschaft fur innovative Strukturenwicklunh mbH - DE E.P.A. Galdakao - ES



Project Reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00063-1


Social inclusion and mainstreaming education of children and young people with disability is going slowly and inequally within the European Union countries, but the quality of this inclusion often remains poor. This project will focus on : 9 Sharing experiences of disabled children’s parents, comparing fulfilments and realities of social and school inclusion within the countries-partners of the project, and recording good practices. 9 Together building up tools to evaluate social and school inclusion devices, as well as to improve these devices. These tools which will be usable in each partner country. 9 Defining and elaborating training, intervention and communication strategies, to reach the target publics: parents, teachers, sportive and sociocultural educators, social and medicosocial workers, etc. 9 Proposing recommendations and spreading them to the governmental and European organisations and to the concerned european and international NGO’s. Planned on 3 consecutive years, this project uses peer counselling, support and active citizenship principles. It is based on experiences sharing and mutual learning, enhanced by intercultural education and the approaches diversity. The aim of the project is to improve the life quality for disabled children and their families, and so to promote a better social cohesion and solidarity.

Total Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship

Intercultural issues, Learning about involved European countries Information technology Project Objectives Experimenation with new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Other: teachers, parents living with disables


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ASSOCIAZIONE INTEGRAZIONE ONLUS Name of the contact person: DAL MOLIN MARIA RITA Address: PIAZZA DEL POPOLO 1, 36030 VILLAVERLA (VI) e-mail: [email protected] tel: +39 0445 855671 fax: +39 0445 350224 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Groupement pour l’Insertion des personnes Handicapées Physiques Midi-Pyrénées (G.I.H.P. Midi-Pyrénées) 31100 TOULOUSE (France) Pancyprian Association of Parents of Deaf Children 1661 NICOSIA (Cyprus) Centre for Independent Living – Sofia 1000 SOFIA (Bulgaria) Disabled’s Education and Solidarity Foundation of Turkey (OZEV) ANKARA (Turkey)



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00071-1

SPALL - Strategies for promoting adult immigrant participation to the Life long learning

In this project educational strategies to promote the involvement of immigrants in the life long learning will be exchanged and further developed. Respect will be paid to the variety of exemplary concepts, which have arisen in European countries out of different historical, political, economic and social situations in intercultural dialogues, new perspectives will be won and synergy effects aimed for. Life long learning for immigrants offers “a better chances of freedom and citizenships feeling” beyond the demands and obligations of the labour market. It opens chances for a self-determined life for a weak sector of the society, in the sense of further personal development and social integration. The immigrants involvement in LLL (life long learning) is a key aspect for immigrant integration and the arising of a feeling of citizenship in the hosting country. Through the strategies exchanged will be possible to enhance the quality of the adult educational centres for immigrants offers, being more attractive from an immigrant point of view even for an improving of the personal skills and abilities, but mainly for the knowledge of the unwritten society rules and expectations. Empowerment strategies offer frameworks, concepts and methods for responsible finding of forms of involvement.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Other (describe if applicable): develop of strategies for promoting LLL Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Other (describe if applicable): Educational Institutions and associations


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Polo Euroeo della Conoscenza – Scuola Media Statale A Manzoni Name of the contact person: Stefano Cobello Address: Via Ruffoni, 7 – 37136 Verona e-mail [email protected] tel: 0039 3482681898 fax: 003902700447981 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Karmøy kommune, skole-og kulturetaten, pedagogisk-psykologisk senter - NO Ercmove (economic resource center for migrants and overseas employees) – NL Verein” allein mit dem kind” – AT Ipf / iniciativas para la formación - ES Intercollege – CY The professional school cior – portugal - PT



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00077-1

Museums tell many stories – The use of museum collections to promote interculturality The idea behind the project “Museums tell many stories” is that of using museum collections, objects and artefacts to promote multiculturality as well as interculturality and to enhance ways of looking at the cultures represented in a museum (often the dominant ones) from different perspectives and viewpoints. Provided that museum objects can tell stories about the culture which originates them in very many different ways, depending on how they are interpreted and put into a context, the project aims at developing the competencies of the personnel in charge of museum education to provide them with the skills needed to develop the narrative related to museum items, to communicate it to the public, to involve the public itself in activities of story telling and engage it in meaning making processes related to the collections. - The impact of the project in terms of multicultural learning derives from the fact that the focus will be on two main aspects:interpreting “foreign” objects to local audiences (therefore bringing out elements to encourage and support intercultural education and communication) - interpreting/mediating objects belonging to our culture/cultural heritage to audiences of a different cultural background and different ethnic groups. The project will consist mainly in the organisation of meetings, seminar and study visits involving the partners and other adult learners/museum educators with the objective of sharing experiences and developing models of good practice.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable): Museum educators, Adult educators, Cultural mediators


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Istituto per I Beni Artistici Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia Romagna Name of the contact person: Margherita Sani Address: Via Galliera 21, 40121 Bologna - Italy e-mail [email protected] tel: 0039 051 217 400 fax: 0039 051 232599 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) - Chester Beatty Library – Dublin - IE - Settore Educazione al Patrimonio – Città di Torino - IT - Imagine IC - NL - Engage - UK



Project Reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00103-2

Language Learning Ware

The aim of this project is to gather research and discuss ideas from various participating partners of European countries in the planning stages of a didactical language teaching and learning system. These modules are to be complimented by developed final exams certified by the European Union. This system is to be designed to maximize the learners participation in the various mental processes involved in learning. Each partner is to be selected in response to the individual aspects of the material to be designed.

Total Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Languages

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning

Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) Marginalised groups


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Global Input Name of the contact person: Daniele Piacenti Address: Piazza Clai 6 e-mail [email protected] tel: +39.06.22420671 fax: +39.06.233291004 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)

American University in Bulgaria - BG POSTIGO PONCE, MIGUEL ÁNGEL - ES MONDO Consulting @ Training Srl – RO Euro-Projektservis s.r.o. - SK



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00112-1


Actuellement beaucoup de personnes qui s'inscrivent aux cours de formation professionnelle ou aux cours pour l'obtention de titre de étudie, ont des vieilles expériences que, si documentées, peuvent constituer crédit pour la continuation des études et référence pour le monde du travail. Le projette entend mettre à point un formulaire partagé entre tous les partenaires sur lesquels faire paraître, justement, adresse et expériences précédents, ainsi que certifier les compétences acquises dans le segmente de formation en cours et leur utilisation dans le monde du travail et dans le monde de l'instruction/formation. La majorité des États de l'EU a déjà rédigé des épreuves de travail sur les standards: on traite donc de amalgamer les attentes de chaque Pays et partager une format reconnaissable dans toute l’ Union ainsi comme il a été fait, par exemple, avec le curriculum vitae européen.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Young adults at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ISTITUTO TECNICO CAMILLO RONDANI Institut Technicien CAMILLO RONDANI Name of the contact person: BRUNA BASSI Address: VIALE MARIA LUIGIA 9/A – 43100 - PARMA - ITALIA e-mail [email protected] [email protected] tel: 0039.(0)521.28.70.68 0039. 0521.23.44.63 0039.348.66.46.393 fax: 0039.(0)521.23.00.97 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Association pour l'insertion et l'education des personnes atteintes – FR Acib Associacao Comercial e Indiustrial de Barcelos – PT For. P.M.I. Prometeo – IT



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00121-3

UNDER EUROPEAN SKIES The focus of the project is an exchange of observations of the sky ant its star phenomenon (Sun, Moon, planets, stars and visible constellations) and weather phenomenon made by the learners involved in the project. The other aspect deals with cultural elements as regards to the organisation of time and space: celebrations, traditions, rituals, monuments, buoildings, churches, towns. Moreover the observation of the sky will include an exchange of stories, myths, religions, literature, art and science.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd

Area(s) covered Basic Skills Intercultural issues ) Information technology Art , Music, culture, Environment, Other: Astronomy, Cosmology, Mythology, Antropology Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult Learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Young Adults at risk of social marginalisation Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other: Adults that did not comple their formal education


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: C.T.P. 11 C/O 1 C.D. MAFFI ROMA Name of the contact person: Marina Tutino Address: VIA PIETRO MAFFI, 45 - Roma e-mail [email protected] tel: +39-06-3070579 fax: +39-06-3070579 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) • I.E.S. De Rodeira-Gangas – ES • CFPA San Vocente Ferrer – ES • Sosna Civic Association – SK • Escola Professional Do Alto Minho Interior – PT • Escola Agricola A. Duarte – PT • Komvux Södervärn Rosengård –SE • Cultural Association Oi Lazaioi –GR


ITALIA Project Reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00139-3

Development of Competences and Methodologies in the field of Adult Education with the focus on ICT.

This project has as first aim to give the teachers/trainers of the partner institutions involved new chances for increasing and improving their professional competencies in the field of adult education and to offer to the Institutions\Schools, involved in adult education and vocational training, methodological support to effect innovation in teaching-learning methods through the use of ICT. Schools face new tasks: they need to become active interlocutors for Regional Centers and Institutions involved in Life-long Learning and play a new role in the study and elaboration of Methods and Best Practices to be used in this field. The Schools will be able to give a contribution to the development of an Educational Network for Adult Education, which will be of great cultural importance for disadvantaged areas. On the basis of a regional analysis the project will offer new chances to improve and enhance the Specific Educational Offer of each institution involved and will allow the direct exchange and confrontation of didatic practices, planning of activities, training in other institutions (seminars and workshops), thanks to the mobility of teachers inside the partnership, the use of new means of communication and information.

Total Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3 Area(s) covered Basic skills. Information technology. Languages Sustainable development. Cultural heritage. Project Objectives Management of adult education organisation/institution Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Local community groups. Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons. Women.

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation. Name of the organisation: Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore Tecnica Commerciale e Professionale Alberghiera: “G. Salvemini”. Name of the contact person: Prof. Anna Santoro Address: Via Attoma 72015 Fasano (BR) Italia. e-mail: [email protected] tel: +39\080\4414286 +39\080\4414697 fax: +39\080\4414286 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Virtuelles Institut für Fort- und Weiterbildung. Austria - AT University of Malta: Dept of Maths, Science and Technical Education. Faculty of Education. Malta -MT Amedì Multimedia e Formazione – Ostuni -IT



Project Reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00142-2

E.D.O.L. (European Digital Older Learners)

Overall aim of the project: create a collaborative e-learning environment where all the learners can acquire and improve their digital skills, and seek innovation and best practices in the delivery of E-Learning and digital communication. Developments in new technologies, especially computing and telecommunications will transform the opportunities available for adult learners. They will make some forms of learning more accessible to some people, but may risk excluding those who do not have access to computers or who lack confidence to use them. The project would suggest that learning how to use a computer may help to compensate for some of the problems and conditions which commonly accompany older age. Ageism can lead to the social exclusion of older people, particularly if we understand “social exclusion” to mean more than a simple lack of economic resources. Age is a major discriminating factor in computer use in many countries: demographic researches today show that there are more elderly people in society than ever before, but the number of older old people using computers is nevertheless small compared with other age groups. The project aims to identify/study the needs of older in order for them to take part in the evolving Digital or Information society and investigated appropriate ways of meeting those needs.

Total Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Information technology

Learning about European countries / the European Union

Basic Skills Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation

Target Group(s) People living in rural or disadvantaged areas; Senior citizens; Other: Trainers/carers


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Cooperativa di Solidarietà Prometeo – Cooperativa Sociale a r.l. Onlus Name of the contact person: Dr. Carla Palmieri Address: M. R. Imbriani, 191/b – 70059 Trani (Ba) - IT e-mail:[email protected] tel: 0883/58.58.95 fax:0883/50.14.44 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centrum voor Talen en Techniek - BE VUC FYN Glamsbjerg - DK Nagle Centre - IE Inishowen Partnership Company - IE ROC Deltion College / Cluster P & R - NL Associação de Professores para o Desenvolvimento e Solidariedade - PT EducaLine- ES The Forum Trust Ltd - U.K. The Vauxhall Centre / U.K. Foundation LERIS IASI (Romania)



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00144-2

A trip to the roots of Europe: sharing culture and traditions with the help of New Information Technologies Having established the grounds for a project based on sharing culture and traditions with the Grundtvig 2 project of the year 2004- 2005, the present project is the actual building of a net of mutual cooperation between the institutions involved in the development of the project. In the first stage of the project we’ll give a step further in the process of studying history, culture and local traditions, sharing it through a common space online which will allow us to learn from each partner institution simultaneously. Likewise, the present project will mainly focus on the personal contact among students through direct contact with weblog, email, mailing list, videoconferencing and the consideration of an eventual personal contact, with the objective of reinforcing the main subject worked along the current year, and which was transmitting and sharing as a base for respect and tolerance. Finally and in the same way as the year before, a material to be shared will be built with the help of all the learners of all partner institutions, material which will lead us to show , explain and understand our own roots and consider them as part of the common reality of the Europe of the 21st century.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nD

Area(s) covered Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: TECNOPRAS s.a.s. Name of the contact person: CRISTINA MILIACCA Address: Via XXIV Maggio 53 – 02036 Passo Corese (RI) – Italy e-mail [email protected] tel: +39 0765 488160 fax: +39 0765 488160 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) IES 1° Ribeira (ES) Swarthmore Education Centre (UK) Northumberland College (UK) Ekpaideftiria Kaloskami.S.A (GR)



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00179-2


The project aims at deloping researches and to discuss about innovative ideas for the language learning. It will develop a pedagogical system dedicated to teaching and learning.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Languages

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: LINGUAPIU DI NOSSA IVAN Name of the contact person: Nossa Ivan Address: Via matteotti, 5 treviglio (BG) e-mail [email protected] tel: +390363304652 fax: +390363308714 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centrum Vux, Haninge-Svezia (SE) ASOCIACION EMPRENDEDORES PARA EL EMPLEO – Spagna (ES) PROMOIMPRESA SRL – Italia (IT)



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00216-2


Live English is a project aiming to establish an effective European cooperation among institutions which provide adult lifelong education. The project aims to improve the didactic methods and the knowledge of the English teachers from the partner institutions involved in this cooperation. The project is addressed to English teachers for adults. The main objective of the project involves an exchange, among teachers, of language teaching techniques and experiences, in order to improve the adult student learning process.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Women


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: LUETEC Name of the contact person: Romaniello Maria Giovanna Address: Via Scarlatti 150, 80127 Napoli e-mail [email protected] tel: +39 (081) 3721073 fax: +39 (081) 3721073 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Women’s issues information centre lithuania (LT) Varkaus senior high school Finland (FI) Chambre de Commerce-Arles (FR) Università della Terza Età –Mola di Bari - IT



Project Reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00228-1

European Citizenship: from North to South, from East to West.

- Facilitate the transmission of knowledge in the group and between the partners to make people access to culture all life long. - Facilitate the approach to old handicraft tecniques comparing them to those partners_handicraft tecniques having a common root: the name of the town. - Enhance the European dimension giving the right value to artistic heritages and the specific local identities. - Improve the dialogue and the productive cooperation between individual from different cultures.

Total Duration: 24 months Funding year: 1

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Active citizenship Arts, music, culture

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning

Target Group(s) Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Senior citizens Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Disabled persons


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF VILLAFRANCA SICULA Name of the contact person: Domenico Balsamo Address: Via Marco Polo, 2 _ 92020 Villafranca Sicula (AG) e-mail [email protected] tel: 0925550151 fax: 0925550043 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) COMUNE DI VILLAFRANCA TIRRENA (ME) _ Italia; AYUNTAMIENTO DE VILLAFRANCA DE NAVARRA_ Spagna Junta de Freguesia de Vila Franca de Xira_Portogallo; Junta de Freguesia de Vila Franca das Naves_Portogallo; AYUNTAMIENTO DE VILLAFRANCA DE LOS BARROS - UNIVERSIDAD POPULAR (CENTRO DE FORMACIÓN) _ Spagna



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00240-1

BRIDGE: donne verso l’economia sociale / BRIDGE: women in social economy

The Learning partnership aim is the transnational exchange of experiences in the field f the social enterprise management with the objective to build an European handbook as supporting mean for the female self entrepreneurship. The general objective is to choose the best practices of each Country and to collect them in a unique handbook. The beneficiaries will be women who need to re-acquire an active role within the society and who want to re enter the labour market: women who suffered social exclusion. The effective exchange of information among European Countries will be a learning moment, it will be a winning opportunity. Winning because the beneficiaries will, once trained, become again actress of their own life and of the society around them. The learning partnership will be focused on fundamental elements of the social enterprise: the legal and fiscal framework, setting up and management solutions, social communication and marketing, financial and business support, the Social Auditing and finally the found raising. The objective will be the exchange of good practises concerning these themes. For the implementation of this project transnational meetings and seminars in collaboration with some experts of the third sector will be organised and above all some visits to some not for profit organization of each Country will be planned.

Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Sustainable development Other: third sector, social enterprise Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Women Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social exclusion Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed people, ex prisoners.


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Associazione N.E.T. – Networking Education and Training Name of the contact person: Mirna Fusaro Address: via Alfieri, 9 35020 Roncaglia – Ponte San Nicolò (Padova) e-mail [email protected] tel: 00390498961994 fax: 00390498961993 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) FUNDACION DIAGRAMA (ES) WESTDEN RURAL LINKS (UK)



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00255-1

GENDER T.I.D.E. – Gender Training for Information and Documentation Experts

The project aims to develop new methodoloiges in order to train the people working in the following institutions: women centres and organisations. The partnership will create a European formun in which there will be an exchange of experiences and best practices. Besides the project will produce a compendium that contains the direct experience of the partners, the existing and tested teaching methods and the training approaches. Starting from what has been already devolped, the partneship will create new models and innovative methodologies. The final goal will be the creation of a new curriculum for experts in the field of documentation with a gender orientation.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Information technology Other (describe if applicable): services for information and documentation, advanced communication competences Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups Women


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Associazione Orlando Name of the contact person: Marta Garro Address: Palazzo dei Notai, Via Pignattari, 1 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +39-06-51-239788 fax: +39-055-263460 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Gender Studies o.p.s.- CZ Mona- Foundation for the women of Hungary – HU Amazone - BE



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00260-1

ECOATTITUDE The aim of the learning partnership is to study a social and professional integration model addressed to disadvantaged adult learners. Partners will focus in particular on methodologies used to develop a certain “eco-sensibility”, as the exclusion of these people is also due to a lack of social and environmental integration. The main result is an innovative training path where beneficiaries will be educated through a new approach to nature and their environment. In this way disadvantaged people will self-include themselves in the community through the acquisition of new social and professional skills. They will be opened to a wider space made of innovation and renewing of practices. They will develop a personality more direct and responsible towards the Community, thus improving their self esteem, as members of a whole. Through the transnational meetings, partners, governmental and private, coming from different countries, will compare their points of view on the reciprocal integration processes and exchange their own local best practices and methodologies on the social inclusion and teaching techniques for disadvantaged people

Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Learning about European countries / the European Union Environment Active citizenship Sustainable development Health Information technology Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison

Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CPIPE Centro Professionale di Istruzione Professionale Edile (Provincial Building vocational training centre) Name of the contact person: Vincenzo Gottardo Address: Via Basilicata, 9 e-mail [email protected] , [email protected] tel: (0039) (049) 761168 fax: (0039) (049) 760940 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Komvux, Socialförvaltningen,Svalövs kommun SE Greta de Caen Bayeux FR



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00267-2

Il Merletto: a European Net The project aims to promote the European cooperation between LLL Institutions. The projects wants to give a European training to the embroideries’ craft women, in order to learn and teach the principal techniques of European embroideries, develop working opportunities, learn about other types of embroidery in Europe and preserve the art of the traditional embroidery.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Marginalised groups Senior citizens Women


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Regione Abruzzo Name of the contact person: Rita di Matteo Address: Piazza San Silvestro e-mail: [email protected] tel: +39.0862.364255 fax: +39.0862.364207 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) PSAD Soprintendenza al patrimonio storico artistico – L’Aquila - IT FIDAPA – L’Aquila – IT Forum Alte Spitze Gbr – DE Association Dentelles et Blondes – FR Gymnasium Lace School – SI



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00272-2

Day Centre for Mental Health in Europe: a comparison between the European standards The projects aims to study the services (education, job opportunities) offered by the Centres of Mental Health in the partners’ countries with a research of the national standards. There will be a comparison of the services offered in the different countries and the results of the research will be presented during a European Conference. The Conference aims at finding shared minimum standards and developing a model for the Health Centres interested on such themes.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Health Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Disabled persons Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Regione Abruzzo Name of the contact person: Carla Mannetti Address: Piazza San Silvestro snc e-mail: [email protected] tel: +39.0862.364273 fax: +39.0862.364247 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Richmond Foundation - MT Geneva initiative on psychiatry - LT ASL 004 Centro di salute mentale – IT AWAKENINGS Foundation - HU



Project Reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00286-1

BLENDED LEARNING FOR ADULTS The project is focused on Learning Distance for adult and it wants to realise an exchange of best practices and valid experiences about this topic among the member of the Learning Partnership. En particular the project will select “practical example” that represent a good case about how E-learning and Blended Learning can be used as instruments to be involved in the adult education. The maturity of E-learning and its diffusion need more and different answer able to adapt the technologies potential to the learning purposes. E-learning brings up several problems already known by the learning world and the project offers the chance to find and to test new answers such as: Internet platforms; co-operative learning; the mix among distance learning, tutoring and workshops; the mix among online learning, the use of Cd-Rom and DVD, TV instruments, books and workshops; opportunities and options to customise learning process, the certification of results achieved, blended learning for adults, blended and distance learning for disadvantaged people The comparison with several experiment, different experiences and different typologies seems to be really important. The project wants to select and put together the best has been done till now about E-learning and would like to realise a significant synthesis that could be reconsidered and extended in future projects through the network support.

Total Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European Countries/the European Union Information Technology The media Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance/counselling or other support sevices

Target Group(s) Local community groups Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Consorzio Formasud Name of the contact person: Tito Livio Mongelli Address: Via Addone, 17 - 85100 Potenza e-mail [email protected] tel: +39 097134621 or +39 0655389446 fax: +39 0971411330 or +39 0655300358 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) FOREM, Spain (ES) PRO-MED, Poland (PL) OIC Poland, Poland (PL) ASTRA Association for the Promotion of the Technology Transfer, Slovakia (SK) FUNDATIA PENTRU MESTESUGURI/CRAFTS FOUNDATION ROMANIA (CFR), Romania (RO)



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00287-2

TELLING EUROPE - Stories’ network for matching different European culture Project is based on two assumptions: ¾ The existence, in various European countries, of archives that keep individual memories and institutions which work in “Culture memories” promotion field. ¾ The usefulness of creating an iter of sharing and diffusion of those memories, also for the purpose of increasing an idea of European citizenship. Project consists in linking groups of citizens who every year develop a research on memories kept in archives. This above mentioned research, will always be connected to a common topic, chosen within the relevant topics of European citizenship. Meetings in the different countries participating to the project would also be arranged in connection with the territorial work, with the aim of coordinating work groups and increasing a network that may continue to develop even after the project ended

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages * (see below) Learning about European countries / the European Union Arts, music, culture Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Other (describe if applicable): Citizens of all the age and culture

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: UNIVERSITÁ POPOLARE DI ROMA (POPOLAR UNIVERSITY OF ROME) Name of the contact person: FRANCESCA LANDI Address: via del Corso 101, 00186, Roma e-mail [email protected] tel: +39 06692043310 fax: +39 066780702 Organisation/Project website:;

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) FONDAZIONE ARCHIVIO DIARISTICO NAZIONALE ONLUS - (National diary archives Foundation ONLUS) - IT ARXIU DE LA MEMÒRIA POPULAR. LA ROCA DEL VALLES - (Peoples’ memory archives of La Roca del Valles)- ES Heimatmuseum Treptow & Stadtgeschitliches Archiv - DE ASSOCIATION POUR L’AUTOBIOGRAPHIE ET LE PATRIMOINE AUTOBIOGRAPHIQUE DE BELGIQUE (APA_BEL) (new partner) - BE UNIVERSIDAD DE LLEIDA Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Departamento de Sociología - (UNIVERSITY OF LLEIDA- FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES- SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT) (new partner) - ES Theatriko Ergastiri “Plateia” - (Theatre Laboratory "Plateia")(new partner) – GR Università Popolare di Melfi - (POPOLAR UNIVERSITY OF MELFI) (new partner) - IT



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00290-1

Diversity and Identity of European people - DIEP

Diversity is a great value because it represents our historical memory, our culture, the origin of the progress. Studying the concept of diversity we have developed tolerance, multicultural education, promoted peace and friendship among European countries. However, identity can be a dangerous concept because, frequently in the past, it has been the origin of contrasts and wars, but also the origin of Home, legality, and welfare. Our Home is now Europe, therefore we have to study European identity in all its aspects otherwise we would only have a technical union, thus losing the best part of our own culture. Some months ago we signed the European Constitution in Rome, now we have to build the European people, otherwise this Fundamental Law could become a chart and not the Chart. We think that European identity will grow around 2 angular stones: knowledge and work so our project intends: 1) To develop the employability and adaptability of our students/workers 2) To improve the formative offer of our schools 3) To improve the net knowledge in didactic environment. 4) To test the process of cooperative learning, using ICT among different people 5) To contribute in giving to the workers an effective/real right to work in any country of the EU.

Total Duration: 3 YEARS Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Information technology Project Objectives Strategy for stimulationg/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Eonomically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, prisoners Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Technical Secondary school “Alessandro Volta” private recognised by the Board of Education Name of the contact person: Maria Fanizza Address: via G. Fortunato 8/M Bari 70125 e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0039 080 5026453 fax: 0039 080 5026453 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) SECONDARY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL “András Fáy “ - HU Galician Education Institute INGAFOR – SPAIN - 36204 Vigo - ES



Project Reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00293-1

Women: active citizens

The Project intends to search new methodologies and useful aids for young women who want to enter or come back to the labour market. Each partner will study proper strategies to help these women, expelled from the labour market, in order to make them aware of their needs and their personal resources. It is necessary to build a professional project of life, in order to acknowledge women’s personal value and the connected satisfaction. The Project will be addressed to women with no school or professional qualification, to unmarried mothers, to unemployed, to women belonged to ethnic minorities. All of the Partners will use techniques of orientation, such as the counselling, in order to make the women aware of their needs, to support them in overcoming the difficulties, so they will be able to face the labour world.

Total Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Education for parents

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside Target Group(s) Women


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Gruppo Euroconsult Name of the contact person: Maria S. Di Rosa Address: Via Messina, 438 – 95126 Catania e-mail [email protected] tel: 0039 095 7128904 / 0039 095 492540 fax: 0039 095 4032897 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centro Territoriale Permanente n° 6 - IT Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Giurgiu - RO Långbro folkhögskola - Longbridge Folk High School - SE TWICS- training for Work in Communities - UK Ufficio Scolastico – Consolato d’Italia a Bruxelles - IT Регионален Инспекторат По Образование - BG



Project Reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00294-2

E.T.N.A. Adult Education takes @ new approach

The project wants to increase the awareness of the different cultures, lifestyles, traditions, environments, languages and different methodologies of teaching and learning. Every school in the partnership will compare the different systems, their organisation, the impact on the environment and on the labour market. Through this project, course trainees and students will be aware that in the whole Europe it is possible to share a range of experiences in the field of education. The students involved in the project will be encouraged to find common ground and the differences among the lifestyles and the local environment through an initial virtual contact (internet or e.mail) using the English language in order to get to know other identities, and learn from each others.

Total Duration:2 years Funding year: 2

Area(s) covered Languages Information technologies Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with ne pedagogical approach(es? Target Group(s) Local community groups Women Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners….


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Istituto Comprensivo E. Fermi CTP n.10 Name of the contact person: Matassa Concetta, Corsaro Agata Address: Via Morgione, 15 e-mail : [email protected] tel: +39-095-7411764 fax: +39-095-7514642 Organisation/Project website:




Project Reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00298-1

A Learning Partnership in Conflict Management (ALPICOM)

The aim of the project is to bring together many of the existing networks, some of the most active European adult training centres, research bodies and associations working on conflict management, non-violence and intercultural communication representing many different European countries. This partnership will improve the quality, content and methodology of peace education and training in conflict management across Europe responding to a strongly recognised need to pool different lessons-learned and best-practices. Through developing the co-operation between the partners it will promote the systematisation of informal exchange of good practices and help the gathering of the knowledge and experience from 10 countries for new innovative approaches in this field. It is also aimed to increase the understanding of EU politics of lifelong learning and the management capacities to use EU programmes, especially Grundtvig within the partner organisations.

Total Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1 year

Area(s) covered Active citizenship; Intercultural issues; Learning about European countries / the European Union Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s) Local community groups Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centro Studi Difesa Civile Name of the contact person: Vanessa Conigli Address: Via Salaria 89- 00198 Roma e-mail [email protected] tel: 0039 06 8419672 fax: 0039 06 8841749 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) University Of Florence (Italy) – IT Institut De Recherche A La Résolution Non-Violente Des Conflits (France) – FR AUSTRIAN STUDY CENTER FOR PEACE AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION (ASPR), Austria – AT Institut für angewandte Kutlruforschung e.V. (IFAK) – DE Norges Fredslag (NFL), Norway – NO NOVA-Centre per a la Innovació Social, Spain – ES Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia (PDCS) – SK BOCS Foundation (Hungary) – HU Nederlands Expertisecentrum Alternatieven voor Geweld (The Netherlands) – NL Mouvement pour une Alternative Non-violente (MAN) - FR



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00319-1


The basic aim of the project is to promote intercultural awareness by developing competences in a global context for adult educators. In order to achieve this basic aim we have set a number of objectives to fulfil being: - To exchange experiences in adult education and pedagogical and didactic approaches to intercultural training in order to improve the quality of teaching - To identify and exchange best practices in order to motivate learners - To find valid practices in order to learn to learn as to teachers and students - To develop group management methodologies for adult teaching - To define language teaching platforms available for a multilingual development - To adapt and converge with suitable techniques for a multilingual computer assisted language learning - To promote culture as language carrier and developer

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Information technology; The media; Arts, music, culture; Languages (Spanish, French, Italian, English) Learning about European countries / the European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Local community groups

Disabled persons


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti – Centro di iniziativa per l’Europa Name of the contact person: Giampiero de Cristofaro Address: Via Tito Angelini, 19 - 80129 - Napoli e-mail [email protected] tel: +39 / 081 578 82 95 fax: +39 / 081 2141590 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. Aksaray LİSESİ –Turkey - TR 2. Escuela Oficial de idiomas de Murcia Extension Molina de Segura – Spain - ES 3. GIP Groupement d'Intérêt Public Formation tout au long de la vie – France - FR 4. Uludag University – Turkey - TR



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00322-1

CITTA’: women learning for an active citizenship.

The general objective of the project is the possibility of working in a territory where social living in absolutely impossible in terms of respecting the law and legacy starting from school attendance of children, labour market accession in accordance with labour laws. The specific objectives will be as follow: a) as far as the process is concerned: starting up of a training and self training system for the women of the block to give them the opportunity to access the labour market. We have to keep into mind that women target of this project cannot have access to the labour market following normal access ways. For them work means prostitution, drug dealers, hidden work,. The project should actually change the idea they have of themselves as workers give them the possibility of trying new experiences.. b) as far as the contest is concerned, some social and cultural actions are planned in the block see that nowadays, in Enziteto there are not meeting places. A long training course and some short training paths are also planned to give them the opportunities to enter the labour market and a series of further opportunities for a personal growth and to actively promote their citizenships. This would be an important contribution to change their situation of disadvantaged people. c) as far as the objectives are concerned the project, thanks to the different Institutional partners connect the need of normality of inhabitants with a series of tools and actions to have back the awareness above all of women to convinve inhabitant to start a new path to overcome present social exclusion. The project plans to consider the results of the learning partnership to be the basis for a future collaboration project (Grundtvig 1) for the development of training methods, emancipation, specific learning of the target group by using new information and communication technologies.

Duration: 1 years Funding year:1st

Area(s) covered Basic skills Information technology Active citizenship ntercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Other, namely: …… …Equal opportunities Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Women

Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation

Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison.


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ASSOCIAZIONE SPORTIVA CULTURALE EUROPA Name of the contact person: Rosa Matera Address: vico XV, Corso Vittorio Emanuele n°8 e-mail [email protected] tel: 00390805306320 fax: 00390805306320 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Municipality of San Andrés del Rabanedo - ES IBB Dresden GmbH - DE Newham College of Further education - UK CNA- CEFAG – FR



Project Reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00331-1

European Citizenship: from North to South, from East to West.

- Facititate the access to different cultural, social and economic opportunities in the European areas. - Form the _European Citizen_ following the method of comparison, the method of research increasing their capacity to understand similarities and differences between the partner countries. - Enhance the European Citizenship dimension through each member_s cultural and artistic heritage. - Improve lifelong learning and increase the education to democratic coopeation in the group and between the groups. - Enhance their capacity to make use of the acquired competences in order to have a better economic, social and professional development.

Total Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Active Citizenship Learning about European contries/the European Union

Project Objectives Facilitate the access to different opportunities Increase the European dimension in culture and heritage

Target Group(s) Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Union of towns_ ALTO VERDURA E GEBBIA_ Name of the contact person: Domenico Balsamo Address: Via Marco Polo, 2 _ Villafranca Sicula (AG) e-mail [email protected] tel: 0925550151 fax: 0925550043 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Telsiai Regional Centre of Vocational Training _ Variai - LT Terciforma _ Estudos de comércio e serviços, S.A.- Porto - PT CEA _Miguel Hernàndez_- Estepa - ES Komvux Södervarn _ Malmoe – SE



Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00363-1

L.I.S.T.E.N. Lifelong Info on Studies and Training for Educational Needs The project aims to trace the motivations which drive adult learners coming from different experiences and situations to start school again, and so to develop and increase the motivation to learning of disadvantaged adults ( young people socially marginalised, unemployed, people in prison etc.) and to improve the professional skills and competence of the teachers through the exchange of good practice. In the first year the teachers will meet twice and will create a portfolio with the information of their experiences. The experiences of the teachers, dealing with innovative approach, solution of particular problems, particularly motivating methodologies etc. will be presented during a seminar and will be collected in a CD-Rom or in another suitable form, in English. This will encourage the teachers to use their abilities in the use of the technical equipment and of the English language, both essential in school today. During the second year the methodology of biography will be used to motivate and encourage adult learners in their learning path. They will be invited to write their personal stories as adult learners. Every partner will choose 3-4 stories that will be translated in English and collected in a CD-Rom. The students will compare their experiences in a workshop during a meeting. In every meeting the hosting partner will organise the educational visits and will invite experts to talk on social aspects in adult education.

Total Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Information technology Basic skills Active citizenship Languages Learning about European countries / the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Other: Adult Trainers


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: IPSSCT DON ZEFIRINO IODI Name of the contact person: TERESA CAPRARA – GRAZIELLA DAVOLI – IVANA SIMONINI Address: VIA DELLA CANALINA, 21/1 – 42100 REGGIO EMILIA ITALIA e-mail [email protected] tel: +390522325711 fax: +390522294233 Organisation/Project website:




Project reference: 05-ITA01-S2G01-00364-1

T.A.C.S. Traditions and current affairs in the Santiago Way

The project involves Italian, French, Portuguese and Spanish partners. We want to investigate the historical, antropological, cultural, religious, scientific and social aspects of the Santiago Way, which have been during the centuries a very important step for the creation of a European awareness. Project target: teachers, joung and adult people sharing both historical research and Santiago pilgrimage (Cultural Association G.B. Lampi) and adult people of the University of the Third Age. The organisation of a pilgrimage involving young and adult people represents a very significant part of the project; this pilgrimage will end with an European meeting which is going to be held in Santiago during the second year.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other (describe if applicable)


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Comune di Fondo, Assessorato alla Cultura Name of the contact person: Remo Bonadiman Address: e-mail [email protected] tel: +39-0463831102 fax: +39-0463830314 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Enaip Trentino, Clès - IT Assocacion Gallega de Amigos do Camino de Santiago- ES Associacao Amigos do Caminho de Santiago do Norte de Portugal - PT


Project reference 05-LVA01-S2G01-00018-2


The main goal of the project is the development of e-learning in the area of adult education by exchange of experiences and good practice. The main focus is on the capacity building of the teachers, tutors, managers and counsellors. The main objectives are: • Increase capacities, skills and know-how of teachers and management in the areas of e-learning • To describe good practice examples of e-learning: keys to success and pitfalls • Establish new trans-national links in the area of e-learning via exposure to national network • Implement a European dimension into the development of e-learning.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Information technology Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Local community groups Women Teachers, tutors


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Latvijas – Igaunijas institūts Name of the contact person: Laila Ontensone Address: Beverina 3, Valka, LV-4701 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +371 4781193 fax: +371 4781194 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Eesti-Läti instituut, EE Instituto Regionale di Ricerca Educativa (IRRE) Emilia Romagna, IT



Project reference: 05-LVA01-S2G01-00012-2


People living in rural and disadvantaged areas have a lack of consumer information and education. The project addresses this need by summarising the best practice and adapted for rural target group by members of European network. The project runs under General European Commission annual priority - sustainable development covering economics, societal - cultural, environmental aspects in a mutually reinforcing way. The overall objective of the project is to empower a rural consumer. The project purpose is to provide opportunity for consumer specialists from different countries and organisations to learn from each other. The aim is to provide education and advise adult educators from disadvantaged areas via informative and teaching material. Final results of the project are: created learning partnership, designed and implemented research about the best case practices of "empowering consumer" from participating countries, the research outcome documented and disseminated. The best case practices of "empowering consumer" will be summarised, adapted for national needs and prepared for use in educatory and consulting work. The results will be disseminated in arranged seminars and international conference.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Consumer education Active citizenship Sustainable development Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Biedrība “Latvijas Praktisko Mācību Priekšmetu Metodiskā Apvienība” Name of the contact person: Vija Dišlere Address: Čakstes bulv. 5-437, Jelgava, LV-3001 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +371 3080692 fax: +371 3020762 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Padagogische Akademie des Bundes in Wien, AT Kodanikuhariduse Keskus, EE Lebensministerium, AT



Project reference: 05 – LVA01 – S2G0100003-1


Analysis in project partner countries regarding the situation of the deaf and hard of hearing people shows that the difficulties are quite similar in all partner countries to enable the dialogue between deaf and hearing people. In some old EU countries, e.g. Ireland, there are good solutions of the problem found, but in new EU member states the problems of deaf people considering good social communication and lifelong learning are very actual. The integration of deaf people into community as well as into labour market is still complicated. The problem is even more acute in rural areas, regions and countryside. Deaf and hard of hearing people are a very special and reserved part of community, which need to be accepted and motivated in and by the community. The main target audience is the leaders and workers of NGO-s and other organisations working with deaf and hard of hearing people. During the implementation of the project the target group will be acquainted with the conditions and background of the work of the Irish Health Service Executive, his social partners and other organisations in partner countries. The long-term objectives are improving the position of deaf and hard of hearing people in the community, helping them to break out of social isolation and developing social skills by improving their basic competences for better participation in society, and to help deaf and hard of hearing people enable their dialogue with the hearing world. During the project some partners will research the situation of young adult deaf people, to clarify the main problems and to work out the proposals of solution for new EU member states on the basis of experience of old EU member states. Our aim is to help citizens with special needs to take full advantage of the benefits that new information technology can offer them as a factor of social integration and improvement of their quality of life.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Education for parents Educating the staff working with deaf people Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) Disabled persons Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Staff working with deaf community


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: SALO BALTIC INTERNATIONAL SIA Name of the contact person: GUNTRA CIRULE Address: Sadovnikova Str. 39 , Riga, Latvia e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 371 7358676 fax: + 371 7358677 website:



Project Reference: 05-LVAO1-S2G01-00002-1


An analysis of the situation in partner countries shows that museums working in association with adult education institutions have a significant contribution in creating knowledge society based on principles of learning partnership and the use of modern information technologies. The project meets a number of objectives that are essential in creating a strong partnership/cooperation among small-scale partners from France, Italy, Malta, Greece, Lithuania and Latvia. Expanding the role of historical/ cultural heritage in adult education at European, national, regional and local level is foreseen. The gathering and mutual exchange of information and experience about two aspects of adult education in the partner countries: historical/cultural heritage and availability of modern information technologies for needs of adult learners will be addressed. In addition to this the use of newest developments of ICT in adult education/ artistic-cultural organisations (museums, specialized schools, organizations of adult education, library stocks, funds, associations and other) practise will be analysed and performed. A main effort will be to make a strategy of development for the innovative management of a museum. Strengthening the links among the museums, adult education organizations, artistic- cultural organizations, local authorities, NGO, and senior associations will be a natural development.

Total DURATION: 2 years FUNDING Year: 1st

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Information technology

Learning about European countries/the European Union Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution

Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s) Senior citizens Women

Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Riga Technical University Name of the contact person: Augusts Ruplis Address: Lepju 15/1-23, Riga, LV-1016, Latvia e-mail: [email protected] tel: +3719334332 fax: +3717089187 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1. Folklore Company of Varnava, GR 2. University of Malta, MT 3. Consortium for the Euromediteranean and for Other countries Development, IT 4. Irfa Est Interregion, FR 5. Lithuanian Art Museum, Centre for Cognition of Art, LT 6. The Danish University of Education, DK


Project reference: 05-LTU01-S2G01-00004-2

The models of adult educational organisations

The aim of the project: to get acquainted with the models of adult educational organisations for people coming back to school and to compare them. The objects: to get acquainted with the partners' adult education documents; to carry out a questionnaire in every country partner and find out the reasons why adults are coming back to education; to present and analyse the adult educational organisations and their teaching process in every partner country in these fields: organisational structure; content of education; methods; teaching aids and teaching material; intelligence and competence of adult teachers; integration of formal and non-formal education in an adult school; social, psychological etc. environment in adult education. to study the evaluation system; to find out the possibilities to organise the education for adults in rural and geographically far away areas; To publish the booklet of the project. During the project the work groups will find out the reasons why adults are coming back to education in different countries; get acquainted with coordination of pedagogics and andragogics. The experience of every partner country will help to improve adult education and create better conditions for adult learners to achieve the best results.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Basic skills

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Other (describe if applicable): headmasters, specialists and teachers of adult educational organisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kauno rajono svietimo centras Name of the contact person: Laimute Ruzgiene Address: Saules g 12, LT-50239 Kaunas, Lithuania e-mail [email protected] tel: +370 37 33 25 29 fax: +370 37 38 00 47 Organisation/Project website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Adult Education Centre, DK Lucus Augusti High School, ES CVT SBIE Ltd (The Centre of Vocational Training), GR Garliavos Jonuciu vidurine mokykla, Garliava, LT



Project reference: 05-LTU01-S2G01-00005-2

Awareness of needs for continuing learning/ motivation & sensitising - measures

This project is set up to rise awareness for continuing learning. Main target groups of the project are the following groups of society: employees of small and medium enterprises (SME’s), uneducated people, jobless people and women, who’d like to enter or re-enter the regional labour market. Further the project directs to the related target groups qualified to support the process of how to sensitise, inform and encourage people to start on continuing learning: e.g. staff of labour offices, adult education institutions, politicians. The main aims of the project are: 1. To encourage the main related target groups named above to cooperate in the sphere of life – long learning and continuing learning; 2. To build up a network of SME’s, labour offices and adult education institutions, which will work effectively concerning adult learners’ needs; 3. To raise awareness within adults about the need of continuing learning; 4. To encourage jobless people to participate actively in labour market; 5. To exchange information, training and counselling concepts between participating countries in the sphere of continuing learning.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Women Other (describe if applicable): heads and employees of SME’s


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kedainiu suaugusiuju mokymo centras Name of the contact person: Zilvinas Kapocius Address: Dariaus ir Girėno 52, LT-57153 Kėdainiai, Lithuania e-mail [email protected] tel: +370 347 60403 fax: +370 347 60403 Organisation/Project website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Pocking Adult Education Centre, DE Adult Municipal Education of Falkenberg, SE Selb Adult Education Centre, DE Talsi Night and Extra-mural Secondary school, LV



Project reference: 05-LTU01-S2G01-00006-2

SOCIMMA - Social integration of immigrants increasing their intercultural knowledge trough e-learning environment

The aim of the project is to create and promote the alternative learning environment targeted towards the ethnic minorities. The goal is to help the immigrants to enter the social and economical areas of a new country and to successfully integrate in a new country, considering their natural, cultural backgrounds. The task of the project is: using the research, analysis and experience of the other countries in this field, design an interactive learning setting, with a concrete learning materials to fit directly the immigrants needs. The natural environment intended to help, provide learning material and learning possibilities, promote discussions and problem solving solutions to be formed. The partner countries’ experience of the culturally different immigrant groups, shared knowledge of the particular experience and combined research are crucial for the success of the project. Starting from the learning experience of each partner’s institution and considering to alternative learning environments – from traditional education methods to innovation methods it will be created environment to adult learners get used knowledge on education, other cultures and plurality of languages using ICT.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Sustainable development Other (describe if applicable): Lifelong learning support Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Klaipedos socialiniu mokslu kolegija Name of the contact person: Agne Zubricakite Address: Puodziu g. 1, LT-92127 Klaipeda, Lithuania e-mail [email protected] tel: +370 46 397074 fax: +370 46 397077 Organisation/Project website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Analysis Consulting and Interdisciplinary Research, AT Centre for Development of Education, Training and Integration for Migrants and Refugees, DK TRANSFER Slovakia, Ltd., SK Resources Ltd., IT GiovanEuropa, IT



Project reference: 05-LTU01-S2G01-00003-3

Practice Makes Perfect: Promoting European Citizenship Through Language Practice

The project will examine how command of foreign language helps promote the intercultural awareness and active participation of European Citizens, and therefore, break personal, cultural and social frontiers. It will search for possibilities to put adult European students in contact, so they can practice the target languages authentically. The main objectives are: to promote European citizenship and intercultural exchange between adult learners on local, national and European levels; to induce critical thinking about our own country, and tolerance towards other European ones; to establish a permanent transnational European network of electronic learning facilities in which cultural, historical, economical and geographical information can be exchanged by adult learners to promote their knowledge of foreign societies and cultures; to offer learning opportunities to socially excluded groups; to improve spoken and written language use in local target community groups by authentic target language practice and encourage their personal development; The strategy involves the procedures of language practice, investigation and analysis of the impact of learning on the adult students, assistance to the students, implemented by modern ICT means: e-mails, chats, discussion boards, videoconference, also visits and exchanges, magazines and newspapers, leaflets. Disseminating the information concerning the project in participating countries on a web page and written documentation.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Senior citizens


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: VsI Soros International House Name of the contact person: Daiva Malinauskiene Address: Konstitucijos pr.23 A, LT-08105 Vilnius, Lithuania e-mail [email protected] tel: +370 5 2724892 fax: +370 5 2724839 Organisation/Project website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Official School of Language of Lugo, ES Public Adult Education of Ourense, ES International Forum, RO



Project reference: 05-LTU01-S2G01-00001-2

Social inclusion of persons returned from imprisonment

Every year, large number of jailed Europeans leaves prison and return to society. Majority of them are uneducated, unskilled, often without social support, they experience serious social and psychological problems after release. The great part of them is rearrested, many of them within 1 year of their release. The project “Social inclusion of persons returned from imprisonment” aims to prepare an educational programme, with helps ex- prisoners to reintegrate into society and prevents them from further criminal behaviour. The educational programme would include: development of interpersonal skills, communication skills, job hunting hints, encouragement of entrepreneurship, orientation in changing labour market, training on use of information and communication technologies, literacy courses, programs for psychosocial support and other related topics. The educational programme will generalize experience of 5 countries and will be adaptable to other societies, too. The programme will be prepared to be taught to prisoner and ex-prisoners.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable): Inclusion of marginal groups

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Elektrenu profesinio mokymo centras Name of the contact person: Brone Vilutiene Address: Rungos 18, LT-26109 Elektrenai, Lithuania e-mail [email protected] tel: +370 528 39523 fax: +370 528 54301 Organisation/Project website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Association Préformation Lorraine / ALAJI-APRELOR, FR Vocational Training Center DAFNI, GR Pazangos centras, LT



Project reference: 05-LTU01-S2G01-00016-1

Healing Yarns of Music Notes

“Healing yarns of Music Notes” HYMN - is project reflective different cultural attitudes toward family relations and psychological security in a family. The projects “HYMN” aim is to consolidate families through music. Our target group are: families, who have disabled children, or families, where children have experienced loss or stress. These adults feel tired, nervous, they have to care their disabled children and very often they are unemployed. Music activity with children is a good reason to improve their self-esteem. Children will not feel lonely and scared when they play and sing with their family members. Countries participants (LITHUANIA, LATVIA, GREECE, TURKEY, ITALY) will improve foreign language and share ideas how to organize music activity – sing, play together with grandparents, parents and children. Project meeting in Latvia, staff meeting in Greece, learners and staff change and final concert in Lithuania will be organized. Methods and national repertoire will be discussed and published in a book “HYMN”. Questionnaire will be made about learner’s feelings, behaviour. Results will be discussed in the regional and local press.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Education for parents Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Alytaus muzikos mokykla Name of the contact person: Aldona Vilkeliene Address: Sporto g. 12, LT-62152 Alytus, Lithuania e-mail: [email protected] tel: +370 315 74115 fax: +370 315 74115 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Libera University, IT Kutahya Community Education centre and Evening art school, TR



Project reference: 05-LTU01-S2G01-00015-1

Aesthetic and Artistic Activity for Silver Age

The aim of the AAASA project is to integrate the elderly to a social activity through the art in the field of cross-cultural exchange. The project AAASA is seeking for effective ways to enhance the quality of life for elderly. Partners from different countries work together, change experience, research, create new methods, programs, study new themes of social integration trough art and use it in practice – in daily organizations work and international exchanges of elderly learners To locate all this collected and useful information we will create the project web site and the book-brochure as “Social integration trough art”. On purpose to increase the quality of communication we plan to organize the sessions of learning English for different participants, which will improve this skill while artistic sessions. Project activity will refill cross-cultural exchanges of elderly learners and the results of previous year activity will be used. In the meetings the participant learners will have artistic workshops, natural exchanging of aesthetic and emotional experience, art therapy, seminars, sessions with people of the same age from different countries. The participants from different European countries will work, create together making paintings, pictures, sculptures, fancyworks, straw works, ceramics also essays etc. We will organize the exhibitions of their works created in meeting and we will visit similar organizations. The material come from these meetings will be located to web site and new book- brochure as “Art of Silver Age”.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups Senior citizens


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Vilniaus dizaino mokymo centras Name of the contact person: Arvydas Bagociunas Address: Kalvariju g. 125, LT-08221 Vilnius, Lithuania e-mail: [email protected] tel: +370 5 2778751 fax: +370 5 2778751 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Bekirpasa Municipality, TR Zielona Gora University of the Third age, PL Service center for the Golden age, CY



Project reference: 05-LTU01-S2G01-00014-1

Seniors On Stage

The main aim of this project is to bring seniors creativity to society. We choose theatre as a tool using it to reach this aim. During this project seniors will be introduced to the basics of theatre, they will get a chance to talk about their problems on a stage. Being on stage should give them more self-confidence and courage to speak to audience and to all society. Also, during this project seniors will be able to share their problems with the same people from the other countries. Participants of the project will learn about life in the other parts of the Europe. They will have possibilities to make strong international connection between organisations, local communities and also between individuals. Seniors would learn the basics of non-verbal theatre, what would help to communicate with the people even without knowing the language. Working together in the workshops, creating performance together they could talk about their problems in the international theatre language. Also this could be a strong basement for an international friendship.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning

Target Group(s) Local community groups Senior citizens


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: VsI “Baltupiu sviesa” Name of the contact person: Vilija Pleskaite Address: Baltupio g. 49-29, LT-08323 Vilnius, Lithuania e-mail: [email protected] tel: +370 5 2713486 fax: +370 5 2480985 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Instituto tecnico industriale statale, IT The territorial permanent centre, IT Theatre pedagogical centre TPZ, DE Varėnos technologijų ir verslo mokykla, LT



Project reference: 05-LTU01-S2G01-00013-1

Parents education in pre-school institutions: spreading European experience

The main aim of the project is to share, examine and generalise experience of different European countries on parents education in pre-school institutions. The project combines knowledge and skills of institutions of formal and non-formal education: kindergartens, non-governmental organisations, research and training institutions. Parents of the project will analyse European perspectives of kindergarten – family relations. Methodical recommendations will be prepared, how to develop meaningful, closer and effective links between home and kindergarten. Recommendations will involve the following issues: encouraging and educating parents to be included into all levels of education in kindergarten, including governance; promoting quality and innovations of parents education; empowering mother and fathers; involving hard-to-reach parents; dealing with pressure groups; assisting parents in preparing children for school; etc. The project will promote equal opportunities and combat social exclusion.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Basic skills Education for parents Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Other (describe if applicable): parents of children attending kindergartens


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Pazangos centras Name of the contact person: Neringa Vilutyte Address: Sviesos g. 16-21, LT-26109 Elektrenai, Lithuania e-mail: [email protected] tel: +370 687 96156 fax: website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Parents association „Silvium“, IT Community for social solidarity, PT Resourses and training centre of a Coruna, ES Chasten Educational Complex „Svetlina“, BG Langley First School, West Monkseaton, UK IV kindergarten „T.Fiore“ primary school of Gravina, IT Honningsvag Barnehage, Honningsvag, NO San Andrea Early School, Zebbiegh, MT Vilniaus „Vandenio“ lopšelis-darželis, LT


Project reference: GR2-2005-re39


The learning form study circle is a common learning form in Sweden, but not very known in South Eastern Europe. The Project tries to intoduce the study circle and its history in this area trough establishing an European study circle with partners from Austria, Hungary, Sweden and Slovakia. The partners have the possibility to carry out a common research and to exchange each other on a self-defined subject with changing emphasis on different fields of attention. The main subjects are peace and global learning and within this context the partners work together on the fields of intercultural communication, improvement of relations to ethnical or gender minorities in the own surrounding, new forms of learning for lesser qualified members of society, information competence and its relevance for democracy and try to express their results in different forms of publications. The theoretical part of the study circle is guided with a practical travels to the roots of adult education where knowledge and practical skills are generated, i.e. places like librarys, museums, fabrics, universities, artists studio, etc and reflected in group based work in its local context.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: (2nd)

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Gender issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups Marginalised groups Senior citizens Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Széchenyi István University Györ, Hungary Foreign Language and Communications Departement Name of the contact person: M.A. Björn Freiberg Address: Egytem Tér 1, H-9026 Györ, Hungary e-mail: [email protected] tel: (++36)/(06) -96-503484 fax: (++36)/(06) -96-613553 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Austria: Südwind Entwicklungspolitik Niederösterreich Süd Slovakia: Katedra germanistiky, Filologická fakulta Univerzity Mateja Bela Banská Bystrica Sweden: Library of the University Växjö



Project reference: GR2-2005-23

TO LEARN TO PROGRESS The main target of the project is to share experiences and models of good practices in the not regulated vocational training of young and adult people who are in the situation of social disadvantage with exclusion risk and with labour insertion difficulties. According to the present necessities of the rural zones, the project will be based on the not regulated vocational training that affects the impulsion of new occupations related to the conservation and involution of the environment as a resource for the sustainable development of these zones. In order to achieve these goals, the learning partnership will develop a process in which the participants exchange experiences about the training strategies used with these target groups, with the purpose of obtaining a flexible method of learning that optimises its educational process, improves professional competences and qualifications, improves the basic social abilities of participants and facilitate their labour insertion. The strong and weak points of the pedagogical methods used in the not regulated vocational training of each region or country will be analysed. In the analysis, special emphasis will be put on the pedagogical methods that use Information and Communication Technologies as a resource or tool to obtain the education-learning process and the labour insertion objectives. As result of the project, a compendium of pedagogical methods will be elaborated to collect the good practices detected in the analysis. This compendium will allow obtaining the fixed objectives.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Environment Information technology Sustainable development Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) 1. Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas 2. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation 3. Women


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: “EGYÜTT A JÖVŐNKÉRT” ALAPÍTVÁNY (“Together for Our Fututre” Foundation) Name of the contact person: dr. Kancsal Károlyné Address: H-8300, Tapolca, Gyulaffy u. 3. e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 36 87 321 444 fax: + 36 87 413 688 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de la Drome – CFPF (FR) Centre Tecnológic Forestal de Catalunya – CTFC (ES)



Project reference:

Curricular Education for Professionals Allied to Medicine working in Epilepsy

This learning partnership aims to mobilize resources and improve competences among the partners for training, education of the adults working in the medical field with an in interest in Epilepsy. This project would thus provide European professionals with tools and methods to improve knowledge and expertise for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment in epileptology and thus help to improve the quality of care to patients with epilepsy.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Information technology Other (Health)

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups Marginalised groups Senior citizens Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Malta Epilepsy Association Name of the contact person: Janet Mifsud Address: C/O7, Zenit Triq Pawlu Borg e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00356 2340 2845 fax: 00356 21320 181 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Danish Epilepsy Hospital in Epilepsihospitalet – Denmark Epilepsy Centre Bethel – DE Budapest Bethel Epilepsy Centre Foundation – HU European Epilepsy Academy – EUREPA – DE



Project reference:

Developing European Citizenship and intercultural Awareness throughout adult tourism and food preparation

The project will implement a closer partnership and collaboration between the European bodies on the subjects of common interest so that one can promote a dialogue, share resources, exchange experiences, favour the comparative analysis, enhance the development of sustainable European overtures and in general, exploit synergies and value, analyze and transfer the experience, the results and the acquired lessons consequential from the use Grundtvig to the education and the formation in Europe related to adult tourism.

Duration: years Funding year: (1st, 2nd…)

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Education for parents Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Media Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Computer Domain LTD Name of the contact person: Nick Callus Address: Curate Schembri LTD, MOSTA MST 04, Malta e-mail: [email protected] tel: 00356 21 433 688 fax: 00356 21 438 729 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

International Forum – Romania University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration – Faculty of food sciences, Department of Food Engineering - Hungary


Project reference: 05-NLD02-S2G01-00002-1


The central learning question in the ‘Sporting Chance Partnership’ is: “In what way can a sporting environment contribute to learning activities?” The initiators established support centres at local sports venues for young people, who are socially disengaged and underachieving. This project provides an alternative means by which they can access the environment of their ‘stars’ and feel connected with a potent symbol of the local community. The challenge is to create physical locations that utilise this brand image and to use learning methods that engage and motivate. The locations can be within or related to the sporting venue. Teachers have to create assignments that utilise these ‘new’ learning environments in a meaningful way. Managers need to link these approaches to local political organisation so that the opportunities can be expanded and sustained. To this effect each partnership involves representation from key authorities. ICT is a key tool to the success of the project. In the Learning Partnership new and ‘old’ partners will discuss opportunities and share their findings and experiences. We want to explore how the concept can be improved and developed to include new audiences and new approaches. We want to create a European wide learning network based on ‘Sporting Chance’ partnerships, utilising the power of new technology to support effective communication. In this way we hope to identify non-traditional sources of funding and provide alternative approaches to teaching and learning for groups that have become disconnected from mainstream provision. It will also identify methods and ideas that can be implemented for the benefit of all learners. The involvement of political organisations will help to ‘cement’ the concept within local planning and administration.

Total duration: 12 months Funding year: 1

Area(s) covered Basic Skills Information technology Other: learning communities and cities/regions Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners….


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ROC Nijmegen e.o. Name of the contact person: Mr. W. Koekkoek Address: Wolfskuilseweg 279, 6542 AA Nijmegen e-mail: [email protected] tel: +31 24 3813200 fax: +31 24 3813299 website:

Partners Flexible Learning Associates (UK) Best Training (AT)



Project reference: 05-NLD02-S2G01-00003-1


The project “From Migrant to European Citizen” is aiming to prepare migrants from Turkey better for their new life in a West- European society. Therefore learners and teachers are brought in contact in order to exchange experiences and examples of good practice. Together the actors in this project will investigate what existing materials and methods (for learning a new language and knowledge of society) used in their country are successful; teachers will exchange expertise and learners will become more aware of their role as European citizen, because they get a realistic view on their new country, its inhabitants and values. Learners will learn from each other by talking together frequently, using MSN (computer chatting). They can share their experiences and help new migrants to learn about their new country. They will also visit each other’s countries, in order to complete the picture. Teachers will visit each other’s classes, learn from their methods, and learn to understand each other’s values, way of life.

Total duration: 24 months Funding year: 1

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries/the European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ROC Albeda College Name of the contact person: Ms. M. de Meurichy Address: Houtlaan 21, 3016 DA Rotterdam e-mail: [email protected] tel: +31 6 48133439 fax: +31 10 2061548 website:

Partners VUC Vestegnen (DK) TOMER Turkçe Yabanci Dil Arastirma ve Uygulama Merkezi (TR)



Project reference: 05-NLD02-S2G01-00005-1

IMMIGRATION PROFESSIONALS EXPERIENCE INTEGRATION IN TURKEY (IPEIPIT) This project arises from the serious need to tackle the issue how to understand and deal with other cultures. The integration of European professionals in the real world of immigrants has been taboo. The aim of this project is to develop a wide network of European countries dealing with integration policies and integration of minorities. The involvement of professionals in this learning partnership project will be an eye-opener to realize that while making an integration policy program for immigrants one should first focus on the needs and expectations of the people who will work with the target group. For a well prepared integration means not only dismantling of the barriers which prevent many immigrants from participating in local cultural life, but also enabling policy makers and educators to understand easily what are the needs and wishes of the target group. The main objectives are: - To raise awareness of the importance of this issue as a tool for implementing the intercultural competence; - To increase the motivations of educators and policy makers involved in this integration field through their involvement in this project; - To establish a network for European discussion on the intercultural competence. The target groups are policy makers, educational researchers, educational institutions that are involved in integration programs. Expected outputs: a conference, video, handbook, documentation, a network and further project proposal. The last forum in The Netherlands will focus on the presentation of the video and on issues of good practice. All interested parties will attend.

Total duration: 24 months Funding year: 1

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Other: Educators learn and understand other cultures Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Other: Educators, policy makers

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ROC Midden Brabant Name of the contact person: N. Erradi Address: Apenijnenweg 4, 5022 DV Tilburg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +31 13 5830933 fax: +31 13 5830960 website:

Partners ROC Rijn Ijssel (NL) C.T.E.A. "Felipe II" (ES) MångfaldsUtveckling (SE) AlÞjóðahús (IS) Antalya Çağdaş Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfi (ANTÇEV) (TR) Oravais Flyktingförläggning (FI)\ Rosenhof voksenopplæringssenter (NO) ORFEO Società Cooperative Sociale a Responsabilità Limitata (IT)



Project reference: 05-NLD02-S2G01-00024-3


The ALIA (Adult Learners in Arts) project aims at bringing in contact European adult learners who are attending informal / non-formal courses in the fine arts (painting, drawing, sculpture). These easy-to-enrol courses are often the start of further education in the framework of lifelong learning. Contacting each other and exhibiting their pieces of arts, they will discover that extra skills are needed. This will encourage learners to attend new courses: IT courses, language courses, (cultural) history courses. Extra skills the learners will develop in this project: - making use of internet based communication platforms - language skills - knowledge of cultural history of their home country and of the participating countries - organising and exposition Pieces of art made by the students as well as an introduction into the highlights of their national arts history are put on a web based platform ( and are exposed in the participating countries. Mobility of students will be used to attend lessons in other countries. The learning partners (staff) will discuss in this project how to bring the adult learners from informal / non-formal education in arts to formal education and collect their good practices.

Total duration: 36 months Funding year: 3

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Languages Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Senior citizens


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ROC Albeda College Name of the contact person: Mr. F. Bastemeijer Address: Postbus 9451, 3007 AL Rotterdam e-mail: [email protected] tel: +31 6 53728337 fax: +31 10 4120525 website: /

Partners Unified Vocational Training Centre of Cyclades (GR) Cheadle and Marple College (UK) Foundation for Vet EPA 21st Century (BG) Folk University Alcobendas (ES) Middlesbrough College (UK)



Project reference: G2-05-1-K-F-355 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00078-1


Dieses Projekt soll mit verschiedenen Methoden der Erwachsenenbildung Personen in strukturell benachteiligten ländlichen Regionen den Zugang zu Wissen über ihren Naturraum und Kunst ermöglichen, wobei eine aktive Beteiligung der Lernenden wichtig ist. Die Regionen, in denen das Projekt stattfinden soll, zeichnen sich durch besonders schützenswerten Naturraum aus. Dies ist jedoch der Bevölkerung oft nicht bewusst bzw. birgt Konfliktpotential in sich, weil es kaum ausreichend Information dazu gab. Durch das Wissen um die Wichtigkeit und die Schönheit „ihres“ Naturraumes sollen einen neue Wertigkeit und Stolz auf die Region entstehen. Weiters sollen die Lernenden angeregt werden, sich selbst mit ihrer Region zu beschäftigen. Da eine Auseinandersetzung mit Natur auch immer mit der sozialen, kulturellen und historischen Dimension der dort lebenden Personen zu tun hat, erfolgt eine umfassende Sicht auf die eigene Heimat. Die Ergebnisse („Gelerntes“ und selbst recherchierte Inhalte) sollen in einer öffentlichen Ausstellung in der jeweiligen Region präsentiert und anschließend zusammengefasst als Wanderausstellung wiederum in jedem Partnerland gezeigt werden. Als zusätzlicher Schritt soll die Einbeziehung von Land Art Künstlerinnen (Land Art ist eine Kunstrichtung, bei der KünstlerInnen vor Ort in der Natur, oft dort mit dort vorgefundenen Naturmaterialien arbeiten und Besonderheiten durch künstlerische Ausdrucksmittel verstärken) eine neue Sichtweise jenseits der herkömmlichen naturwissenschaftlichen Annäherung ermöglichen. Auch dies soll unter Einbeziehung der Lernenden in einer Ausstellung präsentiert werden.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered ƒ Arts, music, culture ƒ Environment ƒ Intercultural issues ƒ Media ƒ Sustainable development Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) ƒ Disabled persons ƒ Local community groups ƒ Women


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Nöhrer Verlag Name of the contact person: Margit Nöhrer Address: Wolfau 238 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/3356/7561 fax: +43/3356/20426 website:

Partners ƒ BNVS - Belgische Natur- und Vogelschutzgebiete, Burg Neuland, BE ƒ Matsalu Rahvuspark, Läänemaa, EE ƒ Parco Natura Viva, Bussolengo, IT ƒ Centro de Formación e Recursos, A Coruna, ES ƒ Gemeinde St. Johann in der Haide, AT



Project reference: G2-05-1-K-F-360 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00090-1

Juvenile drop-outs

Drop Out- status A lot of studies resulting programs on the labour market are dealing with young people looking for orientation on the job market- who have already completed their education or already had their first experience in a job. Only few studies or programs are dealing with drop outs from schools and trainings .Exactly in this field there is a need for action. The young person runs the risk of loosing the used structure and the chances to find a job are not the best. Disorientation and frustration at the job search do not help to motivate the young job finder. This could have consequences not only on their career path, but also on their life planning.

Duration: 1 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered ƒ Basic skills ƒ Intercultural issues ƒ Sustainable development ƒ Other : Juvenile unemployment Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) ƒ Guidance / counselling or other support services ƒ Management of adult education organisation / institution ƒ Methods for providing accreditation of competencies ƒ Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) ƒ Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Business coaching partners GmbH Name of the contact person: Thomas Strobach Address: Landstraßer Hauptstraße 97-101, 1030 Wien e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/1/242460 fax: +43/1/24246-55 website:

Partners: ƒ TEKSAV - Tekniker Egitim, Kültür, Saglik Vakfi,Ankara, TR ƒ IES ALCARRIA BAJA, Mondéjar (Guadalajara), ES ƒ Folkuniversitetet, Kristianstad, SE



Project reference: G2-05-1-K-O-286 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00015-1

Spaceship Earth

The project deals with the awareness of global crisis in European adult training. There are indications to believe that the awareness of global crisis is based on cultural constructions. The ideas of “world”, “end of the world”, “salvation of the world” are influenced by old narratives, than the tackling of global crisis could be seen as an intercultural task. The learners will observe the perception of the global crisis phenomena (for example: change of climate) in their country and the international efforts to tackle the crisis (for example: through world- conferences, concepts of sustainable development, millennium – targets). The observed discussions are going to be compared according to a defined concept. Especially interesting could be the comparison between societies with protestantic, catholic, orthodox or muslim background. The knowledge gained will finally be transferred in a game: The spaceship earth is caught in a problem. The multicultural crew (portrayed in likeness of the European society) tries to analyse the problem, understand the situation and to deal with it together.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st for AT, others 2nd year

Area(s) covered ƒ Arts, music, culture ƒ Learning about European countries/the European Union ƒ Intercultural issues ƒ Sustainable development ƒ Other: Religion Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) ƒ Senior citizens ƒ Young adults at risk of social marginalisation ƒ Other: Citizens engaged in global movements (like Attac, World Federalist Movement)


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Europahaus Burgenland Name of the contact person: Johann Göttel Address: Campus 2, 7000 Eisenstadt e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/2682/ 704 5933 fax: +43/2682/ 704 5931 website:

Partners ƒ Edaforum - Forum Permanente per l'educazione degli adulti, Florenz, IT ƒ I.E.P.S.A. Instituto 2002 de Estudios Politicos y Sociales de Aragón, Zaragoz, ES ƒ Loo Keskkool,Saha Loo, EE ƒ Gölbhasi Halk Egitim Merkezi Müdürlügü Ankara, TR



Project reference: G2-05-1-K-O-317 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00039-1

COMmon, comMENT- COMParison and developMENT of teaching methods in adult non formal education

Primarily, this project seeks to identify the incentives that make adults join LLL. In particular, the partnership has been designed to examine the participation of adults in LLL, differences and motivation that make adults joining widely in education. Secondly, the partners aim to examine certification and accreditation of knowledge in non formal education in partners’ countries and adopt the best practices to their own needs. Thirdly to work out an active citizenship training module implemented in non formal adult education. Involvement of the learners in the development process and using e- format to disseminate the results will enable non formal education providers to benefit from innovative material in their work.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered ƒ Active citizenship ƒ Basic skills ƒ Learning about European countries/the European Union ƒ Intercultural issues ƒ Languages Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning ƒ Management of adult education organisation / institution ƒ Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) ƒ Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas ƒ Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners ƒ Senior citizens ƒ Women


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: VIF- Virtuelles Institut für Fort- und Weiterbildung Name of the contact person: Ewald Obermaier Address: Mühlgasse 4, 7322 Lackenbach e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/2619/ 5005 fax: +43/2610/ 5005 website:

Partners ƒ ESCUELA OFICIAL DE IDIOMAS, Cuenca. ES ƒ Verein Bildungsnetzwerk Burgenland, Eisenstadt, AT ƒ Veszprémi Egyetem- Tanácsadó, Veszprem, HU



Project reference: G2-05-1-K-O-345 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00082-1

Young Women: Fit for Politics

Um die gleichberechtigte Teilnahme von Frauen an politischen Entscheidungsprozessen zu fördern ist es nötig, Programme zu entwickeln und durchzuführen, welche die vielseitigen Potentiale junger Frauen als Ansatzpunkt für ihre spätere aktive Partizipation und Mitbestimmung nehmen. Young Women: Fit for politics! Ist eine einmalige Initiative, die interessierte und engagierte jungen Frauen in die Position versetzt, aktiv für eine Sache einzutreten und einen Beitrag für die Gesellschaft zu leisten. Sie soll die Horizonte der teilnehmenden Frauen mit Rücksicht auf ihre direkte Umwelt erweitern und grenzüberschreitende Projekte sowie langfristige Kontakte initiieren. Das Hauptziel des Projektes besteht darin, in jungen Frauen zwischen 16 und 25 Interesse für Politik zu wecken und Möglichkeiten und Chancen aktiver politischer Partizipation zu trainieren und anzubieten sowie die Vermittlung konkreter „Führungsqualifikationen“. (Rhetorik, Präsentationstechnik, Durchsetzungsfähigkeit, Selbstsicherheit, konsensorientierte Diskutieren, Teamarbeit, etc.) Diese Ziele werden durch die Entwicklung eines interaktiven Curriculums erreicht, welches praktische Übungen ebenso wie theoretischen Hintergrund für das als Workshop durchgeführte Training von Führungsqualifikationen enthält. Schließlich wird einmal pro Jahr in jedem teilnehmenden Land ein Modell- Workshop organisiert, bei dem 10-20 Frauen trainiert werden. Der Workshop enthält Exkursionen zu politischen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen und wird den jungen Frauen weibliche Rollenmodelle als Expertinnen vorstellen.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered ƒ Active citizenship ƒ Intercultural issues Project Objectives ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) ƒ Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) ƒ Women ƒ Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Frauen ohne Grenzen Name of the contact person: Elisabeth Kasbauer Address: Salzgries 19/21, 1010 Wien e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/1/ 5334551 fax: +43/1/ 5334552 website:

Partners • Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, Nicosia, CY • Toplumsal Katilim ve Gleisim Vakfi-ARI Hareketi, Istanbul, TR



Project reference: G2-05-1-K-O-352 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00047-1

C´you- C´me. Looking both ways

The project involves 5 partners from EU countries, some experienced and some total novices in European cooperation. The main goal of the project is to develop and share expertise among the learning partners about the tool of forum theatre as a means to increase people’s awareness of their own roots and to deepen their understanding of different cultural backgrounds. C´you – C´me aims to raise people’s conscious awareness of the cultural traits and specific they are born into, by exposing them to a different language and culture. Through desk and field research they explore and learn to understand a foreign culture, which is than displayed in a forum theatre role- play, played by the researchers and trained actors. The results of research in form of the interactive role-play are put on stage in the host countries with an active role of the audience. All researchers and actors are part of the audience in case of a role- play, done by another partner and experience themselves and their culture through the eyes of the observers- like a mirror role- play. The stage role- play and interactive audience responses are kept on video and are displayed to a larger audience throughout a culture festival.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered ƒ Arts, music, culture ƒ Intercultural issues ƒ Languages ƒ Other: personal awareness and self responsibility Project Objectives ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) ƒ Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas ƒ Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. ƒ Women


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: The business club Name of the contact person: Ingrid Wagenhofer Address: Trubelgasse 24/16, 1030 Wien e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/2232/78248-30 fax: +43/2232/78248-21 website:

Partners • Salonkylän Nuroisoseura ry, Kaustinen, FI • Hortiatis theatrical team multicipality of hortiatis, Thessaloniki, GR • Aknistes domes amaterteatris, Akniste, LV • Malta Drama Centre, Blata I Bajda, MT



Project reference: G2-05-1-K-O-358 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00091-1

[edu:comm.] Education via communication in communities

The [edu:comm] learning partnership focuses on the development to new approaches in adult education dealing with the term community – in the sense of local groups brought together by a common social background or interest. How can communities use local media as a means of adult education? The key approach will be an integrative one in which communities do not teach or get taught, but find solutions of learning from each other- a process which is based on participation, self- organisation and (self-) empowerment. Community media intend to play an active part, initiating this process and developing it further. Local media offer media competence as adult educators, communities offer competences in local community work. The learning partnership aims at uniting these factors and find new concepts of education, participatory methods and community work.

Duration: 1 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered ƒ Active citizenship ƒ Arts, music, culture ƒ Intercultural issues Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) ƒ Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) ƒ Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities ƒ Local community groups ƒ Women


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Verein Freies Radio Wien- Orange 94.0 Name of the contact person: Eva Kuntschner, Franz Hagen Address: Schubertgasse 10, 1090 Wien e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/1/3190999 fax: +43/1/3190999-14 website:

Partners • Radio Vallekas, Madrid, ES • Salto omroep Amsterdam, NL • Radio Regen, Manchaster, UK • Inst. f. Sprachwissenschaften, Wien, AT



Project reference: G2-05-1-K-O-376 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00094-1

Woman´s health in Adult Education

Ziel ist, Partnerorganisationen aus unterschiedlichen europäischen Staaten, die sich im Rahmen der Erwachsenenbildung u.a. mit Frauengesundheit beschäftigen, zusammenbringen, um sich über ihre Arbeit auszutauschen, voneinander zu lernen (Arbeitskonzeption, Methodik wie z.B. Beratungsmethoden, Trainingsmethoden usw.) bedeutsame Themen zu diskutieren und die Resultate ihren MitarbeiterInnen, ihren Zielgruppen und einer breiten Öffentlichkeiten zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ein weiteres Ziel ist die Gewinnung von neuen Erkenntnissen, sowie die Verbreitung dieses gesellschaftspolitisch wichtigen Themas in den jeweiligen Regionen der Partnerorganisationen im Sinne von Bewusstseinsbildung und Sensibilisierung. IN der Folge sollen die selbstverantwortlichen Bemühungen der Frauen um ihre eigene Gesundheit noch ernster genommen und noch stärker unterstützt werden. Die teilnehmenden Einrichtungen lernen unterschiedliche Arbeitsmethoden kennen und üben sich in transnationaler Kommunikation. Die VertreterInnen der Partnerorganisationen erweitern ihr praktisches und theoretisches Wissen, welches an die MitarbeiterInnen und Zielgruppen der Organisationen weitergegeben wird. Zielgruppen sind Frauen der teilnehmenden Organisationen, andererseits deren KundInnen und KlientInnen. Eingeschlossen sind sowohl von Gewalt betroffene Frauen, Migrantinnen, Frauen unterschiedlicher Herkunft, Frauen, die auf Grund von Behinderungen Diskriminierungen ausgesetzt sind und alle am Thema Frauengesundheit interessierte Frauen.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered ƒ Active citizenship ƒ Basic skills ƒ Environment ƒ Gender issues ƒ Health ƒ Learning about European countries/the European Union ƒ Information technology ƒ Intercultural issues ƒ Other: empowerment Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) ƒ Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) ƒ Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities ƒ Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas ƒ Women


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Verein Frauen für Frauen- Burgenland Name of the contact person: Renate Holpfer Address: Spitalgasse 5, 7400 Oberwart e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/3352/33855 fax: +43/3352/33855-4 website:

Partners: ƒ Institut Im Kontext, Wien, AT ƒ An Eochair. Belfast, UK ƒ The Feminist Group Ottar, Oslo, NO ƒ Populus-studieforbundet folkeopplysning, Oslo, NO



Project reference: G2-05-1-K-O-379 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00103-1

Imagine Peace

The idea of this project is based on the question “What is peace?” Peace often gets described as the opposite or absence of war. But we know that peace as the absence of war is often rather the threatening or arming for wars. Peace must be more- something quite different. Therefore this project aims to visualize and illustrate peace as something new, we don’t yet know. And how could we live it if we don’t know it? We want therefore to invite and encourage young people in European institutions in workshops and to develop ideas accordingly in images, music, dance, theatre, photos, etc. The workshop will be designed to transform new notions and conceptions of peace through personal creativity, imagination and intentions- developing positive images as pieces of art. The group should also exchange ideas, building a network on the forum In April 2006 we shall invite delegates of all groups to Vienna, where they introduce their working results and discuss it with international peace activists. It will be a peace conference with unusual approaches in remembrance of Bertha von Suttner and her innovative peace activities. An accompanying evaluation and scientific study will be published.

Duration: 1 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered ƒ Active citizenship ƒ Arts, music, culture Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) ƒ Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Konfliktkultur, Verein zur wissenschaftlichen Erforschung und sozialpolitischen Verbesserung von Konfliktverhalten Name of the contact person: Susanne Jalkotzy Address: Stadiongasse 5/2, 1010 Wien e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/1/ 9441392 fax: +43/1/ 9441392 website:

Partners : ƒ Universität für angewandte Kunst, Wien, AT ƒ Alapitvany az Emberi Jogok es a Beke Oktatasaert, Budapest, HU ƒ Germika Gogoratuz Asociación, Gernika, ES ƒ Kulturkontakte e.V., Berlin, DE



Project reference: G2-05-1-K-V-282 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00006-1

Regionalgeschichte- archäologische Spurensuche im Bodensee- und Alpenraum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Römer

Ziel des Projektes ist es, ein Bildungsangebot zu entwickeln, das zu besserem Verständnis bzw. zum Vergleich der verschiedenen Kulturen, historischen Hintergründe und Verbindungen der Regionen um den Bodensee bzw. Südtirol beitragen kann. Dies geschieht anhand der Dokumentation gemeinsamer historischer Wurzeln mittels archäologischer Zeugnisse (Ausgrabungen, Bauten, museale Fundstücke aus dem römischen Alltag, Schmuckstücke). Diese bereits vorhandenen Quellen werden nach den neuesten Lehr- und Lernmethoden aufbereitet und den Lernenden in Form von Seminaren, Führungen, Exkursionen und Vorträgen angeboten. Gemeinsam werden dazu die Grundzüge für die regionalen Seminare und Veranstaltungen entwickelt. Das so erarbeitete Kooperationsprogramm wird von allen beteiligten Volkshochschulen im jeweiligen Gesamtprogramm publiziert. Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen haben dadurch die Möglichkeit, den gemeinsamen und doch unterschiedlichen Natur-, Kultur- und Wirtschaftsraum zu erleben.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered ƒ Active citizenship ƒ Arts, music, culture ƒ Learning about European countries/the European Union ƒ Intercultural issues ƒ Sustainable development Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) ƒ Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) ƒ Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas ƒ Local community groups ƒ Senior citizens


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Bregenz Name of the contact person: Andrea Häfele Address: Römerstraße 9, 6900 Bregenz e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/5574/525240 fax: +43/5574/525244 website:

Partners ƒ VHS Kempten, DE ƒ VHS Radolfzell, DE ƒ VHS Wangen, DE ƒ Verband der VHS Südtirols, Bozen, IT


ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-05-1-K-V-316 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00045-1

Zielgruppenorientierte Bildungsangebote- Methodik und Didaktik zur Stärkung der Lern- und Handlungskompetenz

Um elementaren Interessen, Kompetenzen und Fragestellungen von benachteiligten und von Ausgrenzung bedrohten Personengruppen (so genannter bildungsferner Personen) gerecht zu werden, ist die Erwachsenenbildung gefordert einen Perspektivenwechsel vom Defizit- zum Potenzialansatz vorzunehmen. Dazu bedarf es eines Beratungs- und Bildungsangebotes mit entsprechender Didaktik und Methodik. In diesem Projekt geht es um die Sichtung und Identifizierung von bereits vorhandenen Methoden und Materialien, Angeboten und Erfahrungen in den beteiligten Bildungsinstitutionen, die diesen Anspruch erfüllen. Inhalte dieses Projektes sind:

1. Feststellung von vorhandenen Lernerfahrungen/Lernbiographien, Wissen, Können und Fertigkeiten (Einstiegsphase) 2. Lern-, Bildungs- und Förderpläne zur Stärkung der Lern- und Handlungskompetenz (Orientierungsphase) 3. Begleitungs- und Unterstützungsangebote (Umsetzung- /Durchführungsphase) 4. Anforderungen an Lehr- und Betreuungspersonen

Themenfelder: u.a. Lebensrealitäten und Alltagsanforderungen; Zugangsmotivation; Lernzielentwicklung; Nachhaltiger Kompetenztransfer unter Berücksichtigung des Potenzialansatzes; Aufrechterhaltung der Lernmotivation; Anforderungsprofile

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered ƒ Active citizenship ƒ Other : competences, enhancement Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) ƒ Guidance / counselling or other support services ƒ Methods for providing accreditation of competencies ƒ Other: competences of knowledge Target Group(s) ƒ Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Burgenländische Volkshochschulen Name of the contact person: Elisabeth Deinhofer Address: Pfarrgasse 10, 7000 Eisenstadt e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/2682/61363 fax: +43/2682/61363-3 website:

Partners ƒ Zala Megyei Müvelödesi, Képzési Központ és Szakiskola, Zalaegerszeg, HU ƒ Bildungszentrum des Handels e.V., Iserlohn, DE



Project reference: G2-05-2-K-C-302 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00021-2


This partnership is willing to promote the dynamization of an open space, in a context of lifelong learning, directed to a deprived population, victim of social exclusion. The general idea is to create a classroom where materials will be available to the community intending the production of art objects and traditions exchange. This class can be attended in a free basis and will be animated by a facilitator. This way we want to contribute to an intercultural dialogue in the community and between communities, and to the improvement of individual self- esteem, which represents the first step towards inclusion. The main objective is the creation of an autonomous and motivated group, which will be enthusiastic in proceeding social and cultural activities in the community, behind the end of the project.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd year

Area(s) covered ƒ Active Citizenship ƒ Intercultural issues

ƒ Learning about European countries/ the European Union Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning ƒ Guidance/counselling/information or other support services

Target Group(s) ƒ Senior citizens ƒ Women

ƒ Local community group


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Woman Craft Link Name of the contact person: Lydia Zettler Address: Schützenstraße 14, 6832 Sulz e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/5522/45808 fax: +43/5522/45808 website:

Partners ƒ Zespol Szkol Budownicttwa okretowego, Gdansk PL ƒ Iecavas Novada Dome, Iecava, LV ƒ LBC-NVK Centrum voor volwassneonderwijs Bogerhout-Merksem, Borgenhout, BE ƒ Centro Social Paroquial de Cristo Rei, Monte de Caparica, PT



Project reference: G2-05-2-K-C-364 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00119-2

Theatre as a scope of experience for developing new methods in the education of little children: A learning partnership for educators in day nurseries, for kindergarten teachers and leaders of parent- child- groups

A Learning partnership for developing soft skills, creativity, communicative competence and attention of pedagogues and parents in their dealing with little children. Theatre for toddlers will be the scope of experience for developing new methods. Main activities of the project are: ƒ The educators visit theatre- workshops and theatre- laboratories of various artists to educate their own abilities of creative express. ƒ The educators and their toddler-groups visit theatre performances of the professionals. They experience the various reaction of their children to the richness of the immediate theatrical actions. They initiate new possibilities of communication based on the individual creativity, imagination and expressive skills of adults and children. ƒ In “learning by doing” the educators integrate theatrical methods in the daily work with their groups, continuously being in exchange with each other and with the professionals.

The practical experiences continuously are combined with theoretical knowledge, added by specialists form various scientific disciplines (pedagogic, psychology, anthropology, science of arts etc.) (15 lines maximum)

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd year

Area(s) covered ƒ Intercultural issues ƒ Learning about European countries/ the European Union ƒ Sustainable development ƒ Education for parents Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

ƒ Management for providing credit for knowledge or competence

acquired outside Target Group(s) ƒ Persons living in disadvantages areas ƒ Local community group ƒ women


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Toihaus, Theater am Mirabellplatz Name of the contact person: Helga Gruber Address: Franz Joseph Stra0e 4, 5020 Salzburg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/662/874439 fax: +43/662/874439-4 website:

Partners: ƒ ACTA - compagnie Agnès Desfosses, Villiers-le-Bel, FR ƒ La Baracca - Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Bologna, IT ƒ Katholisches Kreisbildungswerk Traunstein e.V., Traunstein, DE



Project reference: G2-05-2-K-E-294 Parntership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00022-2

Lernen für eine Kultur des Lebens: Konzepte zur lebensbegleitenden Förderung von Selbstbildung und sozialer Verantwortung (Lernmotive- Lernbiographien- Lernarrangements)

Die Frage, welche Kompetenzen Menschen angesichts großer kultureller Herausforderungen heute brauchen, um in ihrem Umfeld “vernünftig” leben zu können, ist Ausgangspunkt einer Reflexion der Strategien in der Erwachsenenbildung als Grundlage der Entwicklung neuer Konzepte. Das bisherige Denken war vor allem am Können der Menschen interessiert. Nun kommt in Ergänzung dazu wieder stärker ein Denken in den Blick, welches das Leben insgesamt, die Bewältigung des Alltags und der gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen betont. Die Folge ist eine Verschiebung des Bildungsverständnisses in Richtung eines Kompetenzparadigmas (Funktionswissen- Orientierungswissen-Kompetenzen). Dazu gehört die Förderung nach Selbstbildung und sozialer Verantwortung, zur Förderung der individuellen Entwicklung und Erhaltung demokratischer und mitmenschlicher Gesellschaften. Austausch und Reflexion zu folgenden Fragestellungen leiten u.a. das Projekt: ƒ Welche Perspektiven bietet der Kompetenzbegriff über ein reines Qualifizierungsverständnis hinaus? ƒ Die Weiterentwicklung einer „Kultur des Lebens“ ist auf die Dimension Wissen- Information, soziale Netzwerke- Werte/Sinn angewiesen. Mit welchen Bildungsvorgängen tragen wir zur Förderung und Erschließung von Wertorientierungen( Erlebniswerte, Einstellungswerte, schöpferische Werte) bei? ƒ An welchen Lernmotiven knüpfen unsere Bildungsangebote an? Gibt es typische Lernmotive und Lernbiographien, die stärkere Berücksichtigungen finden sollten? Welche Lernarrangements (unter Berücksichtigung biographischen Lernens) fördern Selbstbildung und soziale Verantwortung?

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd year

Area(s) covered ƒ Active Citizenship ƒ Intercultural issues

ƒ Sustainable development ƒ Art, music, culture ƒ Health ƒ The media ƒ Education for parents Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) ƒ Senior citizens ƒ Women

ƒ Local community group

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Bildungszentrum St. Virgil der Erzdiözese Salzburg Name of the contact person: Michaela Luckmann Address: Ernst-Grein-Straße 14, 5020 Salzburg e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/662/65901534 fax: +43/662/65901509 website:

Partners ƒ Forum Katholischer Erwachsenenbildung, Wien, AT ƒ DEAE Deutsche Evang. Arbeitsgemeinschaft f. Erwachsenenbildung, Frankfurt/Main, DE ƒ KNFE Verein für christliche Frauenbildung, Budapest, HU ƒ ASKOV Hojskole, Vejen, DK ƒ Verein Christl. Bildungswerke/Stiftung Homo Homini, Krakow, PL



Project reference: G2-05-2-K-E-303 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00011-2

Bridging the cultural divide

The aim of the project will be ƒ to gain a more in – depth understanding of the European Union ƒ to break down the barriers through heritage and culture ƒ to identify common themes in heritage, culture and traditions ƒ to investigate similar historical influences that have occurred ƒ to facilitate better communication between citizens of the member and candidate countries

The project will impact learners as per the aims described above. It will also impact the staff which will be involved in the project, as they will improve their skills of cooperation and they will have to transmit their knowledge to learners from different origin/ countries. They ill also learn the methods (didactical and others) that other organisations use. The local community will also have benefits of this project through the promotion of intercultural activities. CDs and presentations to Schools will increase knowledge about Europe and us.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd year

Area(s) covered ƒ Basic skills ƒ Intercultural issues

ƒ Art, music, culture ƒ Learning about European countries/ the European Union Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning ƒ Management in adult education institutions

Target Group(s) ƒ Persons living in disadvantages areas ƒ Senior citizens

ƒ Local community


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Welterbestudienzentrum Salzkammergut Name of the contact person: Michael Kurz Address: Goisern 650; 4822 Bad Goisern e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/6135/20880 fax: +43/6135/830130 website:

Partners ƒ Municipality of Philippi, Krinides, GR ƒ Associazione culturale e sociale delle eta libere, Tricesimo, IT ƒ Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council, Penderyn Nr. Aberdare, UK



Project reference: G2-05-2-K-E-325 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00060-2

European Music schools Unison

Die Entwicklung der Alterststruktur der Westeuropäischen Bevölkerung sowie eine Reihe wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Trends bringt es mit sich, dass der Anteil erwachsener Schüler an Musikschulen langfristig im Steigen begriffen ist. Diese Schüler bringen: ƒ andere Bedürfnisse als Kinder. Ihr Alttag ist geprägt durch Technisierung und Automatisierung, Stress, Verschärfung der wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen und Vermarktung. Die Folge ist Bedarf an Ausgleich, wie durch Autonomie, Kreativität, Selbsterfahrungs- und Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten, Freiheit von fremdgesteuertem Leistungsdruck und Leben von Werten um ihrer selbst Willen. ƒ andere Voraussetzungen, z.B. eine ausgeprägte Individualität; eigene Absichten, Wünsche, Hoffnungen, Erwartungen, Lernen, Üben und Recherchieren; verschiedene Aspekte anzuerkennen und einzubeziehen.

In Anbetracht dieser Tatsachen und des Mangels an spezifischer pädagogischer Vorbereitung soll dieses Projekt konkrete Vorgangsweisen und Methoden a) entwickeln bzw. b) identifizieren, welche den Lehrern ermöglichen, auf die besonderen Bedürfnisse erwachsener Schüler einzugehen und ihre Voraussetzungen optimal zu nutzen und zu fördern. a) der Zugang zu erwachsenen Schülern wird unter dem Gesichtspunkt „der Schüler als Partner“ von erfahrenen Lehrern entwickelt werden b) teilnehmende Lehrkräfte werden sich spezifische didaktische und musikalische Vorgangsweisen in Seminaren aneignen.

Die Effektivität des Unterrichts wird am Beginn und Ende des Projekts direkt und durch Auftritte der Lernenden in Konzertabenden evaluiert um durch den Vergleich die Wirksamkeit der neuen Methoden zu überprüfen.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd year for AT

Area(s) covered ƒ Intercultural issues ƒ Art, Music, Culture

ƒ Learning about European countries/ the European Union

Project Objectives ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) ƒ Other: Teacher and adult musicians


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Landesmusikschule St. Georgen an der Gusen Name of the contact person: Christian Fürst Address: Linzerstraße 12, 4222 St.Georgen an der Gusen e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/7237/2452 fax: +43/7237/2452-5 website:

Partners ƒ Ecole de Musique d'Amboise et de sa region, Amboise, FR ƒ Musik-, Tanz und Kunstschule Bannewitz, Bannewitz, DE ƒ Institut für Musikerziehung in deutscher und ladinischer Sprache, Bozen, IT



Project reference: G2-05-2-K-L-277 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00002-2

SGE Safety goes Europe

Safety is a central topic of the European community; numerous guidelines are issued as EU adaptation laws. Safety concerns everyday life. Safety awareness of the citizen is not achieved by law. Prescriptions have only favourable effects, if their sense is understood. SGE aims at motivation of the active knowledge citizen concerning safety competence. Life long learning is necessary for achieving those knowledge and skills allowing knowledge- based self protection and enabling to take knowledge-based decisions. The target group of the SGE are adults having to be encouraged to life long learning. Adults are often sensitised by their children in sense of family education, the reason why besides the informal education the formal one is important. Special risk competence must be provided for disabled persons. SGE also improves the teaching methods in formal and non- formal education. Tutorial has to provide also methodical- didactical competence for improving the learner’s motivation. The partnership will exchange their different priorities to develop a “good practice” on a European platform with educational publications. Educational curricula as well as teaching and learning material available for every learner and teacher, integrating the different fields of safety are developed. Women are encouraged to become active also as trainers.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd year

Area(s) covered ƒ Active citizenship ƒ Consumer education ƒ Health ƒ Sustainable development ƒ Other: family learning based on formal school education Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) ƒ Guidance / counselling or other support services ƒ Management of adult education organisation / institution ƒ Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) ƒ Local community groups ƒ Senior citizens ƒ Women


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Pädagogische Akademie des Bundes in Wien Name of the contact person: Hans Fibi Address: Ettenreichgasse 45a, 1010 Wien e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/1/6029192- 245 fax: +43/1/6029192- 245 website:

Partners ƒ Panepistimio Critis, Rethymno, GR ƒ Masarykova Univerzita v Brne, Brno, CZ ƒ Universitatea "Stefan cel Mare" din Suceava,Suceava; RO



Project reference: G2-05-2-K-L-284Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00008-2

Dyslexia- Parents´ and Teachers´ Collaboration (DYPATEC)

The debate on dyslexia has become a world wide issue in every country and it affects children in all languages. This project focuses on the interaction of professionals and other adults, particularly parents who share the responsibility of supporting children and young people with dyslexia. Practice has shown that bringing these parties together can provide the most effective support for children. In this project parents, teachers and other professionals will be given an opportunity to discuss the most relevant matters on dyslexia from their perspectives. All participating institutions will contribute in organizing a symposium that will be of benefit for all adults involved, directly or indirectly in dyslexia. This teamwork underlines the interdisciplinary and multicultural character of the project which will be reflected in documentation based on the symposium. The principal final product – a parents´ guide on dyslexia including a CD-ROM for language practice- will be based on the discussion and the interactive work throughout the project. It is anticipated that this project will have a significant impact on adult learners in relation to understanding dyslexia and identifying the most appropriate supports within the family and the community for children and families.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd year

Area(s) covered ƒ Basic skills ƒ Intercultural issues

ƒ ITC ƒ Health ƒ Education for parents ƒ Population with special learning needs (dyslexia) Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learner’s demand for learning ƒ Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support services

ƒ Management in adult education institutions Target Group(s) ƒ Persons living in disadvantages areas ƒ Local community groups

ƒ Adults with children who have got special learning needs (dyslexia)

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Pädagogische Akademie des Bundes in der Steiermark Name of the contact person: Hermine Posch Address: Hasnerplatz 12, 8010 Graz e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/316/683189 fax: +43/316/683189-20 website:

Partners ƒ Verein Arkus- Arbeitskreis für Kind und Schule, Lienz, AT ƒ Steirischer Landesverband Legasthenie (STILL), Graz, AT ƒ Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz, AT ƒ Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Prag, CZ ƒ Sozialpädiatrisches Zentrum, Klinikum Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg, DE ƒ Dyslexia and Special Needs Luxembourg DYSPEL, Luxembourg, LU ƒ Polskie Towarzystwo Dysleksji, Gdansk, PL ƒ Dyslexia North West, Lancashire, UK ƒ Praxis für Integrative Kindertherapie (PIK), Berlin, DE



Project reference: G2-05-2-K-O-290 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00024-2

Promotion of Women in European Regions - POWER

Ziel der Lernpartnerschaft ist es, vor dem Hintergrund der bevorstehenden Erweiterung der Europäischen Union die Situation der Frauen in den Nachbarstaaten Österreich, Ungarn und der Slowakei zu analysieren, auf Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede hin zu untersuchen und durch Vernetzung einen Schritt in Richtung einer transnationalen Kooperation von Frauenorganisationen zu setzen. Einen Schwerpunkt bildet dabei der Grenzraum Burgenland- Westslowakei – Westungarn, der sehr unmittelbar von der Erweiterung der Europäischen Union betroffen ist. Die Lernpartnerschaft will Fraueneinrichtungen in den angrenzenden Regionen miteinander in Kontakt bringen, um ein Frauen- und Gendernetzwerk als eine überinstitutionelle und überparteiliche Plattform zur grenzübergreifenden Diskussion von Frauen- und Genderfragen aufzubauen, mit dem Ziel der Entwicklung gemeinsamer frauenpolitischer Handlungsstrategien. Einen Schwerpunkt bilden dabei Fragen der Qualifikation von Frauen in den Regionen, ihrer zukünftigen Stellung in einem grenzübergreifenden Arbeitsmarkt, der Austausch von Erfahrungen und Methoden im Bereich des lebensbegleitenden Lernens, die Sensibilisierung für die sozialen, politischen , kulturellen und ökonomischen Unterschiede in den Partnerländern sowie die Identifikation von gemeinsamen Interessen.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd year

Area(s) covered ƒ Active citizenship ƒ Gender issues ƒ Intercultural issues Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning ƒ Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) ƒ Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas ƒ Women


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Burgenländische Forschungsgesellschaft Name of the contact person: Judith Jakowitsch Address: Domplatz 21, 7000 Eisenstadt e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/2682/6688612 fax: +43/2682/6688620 website:

Partners ƒ Nök a XXI. Szazadert Egyesület, Keszthely, HU ƒ Centrum Rodovych Studii, Bratislava, SK



Project reference: G2-05-2-K-O-299 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00019-2

GEnFOOD- InfoNet (Genetically Engineered Food- Information and Education Network)

After long negotiations EU- members, EU- parliament and EU- commission have come to terms: the identification and the access of genetically modified food to the market are laid down by law. This law will come into force all over EU in April 2004. Due to the realisation of this law, consumers get plenty of information for which they are not having full consciousness. The aim of our project is to close the gap between pure information and consumer decisions by education and informational work. The main focus of the first year of the of the project is on the one hand the knowledge- transfer from experiences in educational work in this subject and common learning through best practice examples. On the other hand the main emphasis is put on the exchange of experiences concerning the realisation and the handling of the new law, regarding the duty of marking food in the partner countries. On basis of the results the main focus of the second year of the project will be a common development of creative and innovative concepts and ideas concerning the education and informational work for consumers, multiplicators and all people interested. The emphasis of the partner countries is put on the predominant, multilingual, documentation, publication and distribution of the results as well as the development of materials for the distribution of information. The realisation of these aims will occur through methods corresponding to the character of each institution.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd year

Area(s) covered ƒ Basic skills ƒ Consumer education

ƒ Health ƒ Environment Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) ƒ Consumers, Multiplicators ƒ Women


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: DOKU Graz Name of the contact person: Angela Resch- Reisinger Address: Hans- Sachs- Gasse 12/ III e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/316/820628 fax: +43/316/820628-4 website: www.doku.graz

Partners: ƒ Animacija PLUS, Ptuj, SL ƒ INFOgen / IFZ, Graz, AT ƒ Öko-Institut (Institut für angewandte Ökologie), Freiburg, DE ƒ Umanotera, Slovenska fundacija za trajnostni razvoj, Ljubljana, SL


Project reference: G2-05-2-K-U-320 Partnership ID: 05-AUT01-S2G01-00114-2

Performing Life: Site Specific Performance as a Means of Active Citizenship

Das Projekt will die Möglichkeiten von site specific performances auf dem Gebiet des Lebenslangen Lernens erforschen und aufzeigen, in welchem Maß diese Methode zu aktiver Staatsbürgerschaft beitragen kann. Die Arbeitsweise der site specific performance thematisiert in ihrer praktischen künstlerischen Arbeit die „Schauplätze“ von Aufführungen in ihrer Mehrfachbedeutung als Orte und soziale Räume. Die Basis der Arbeit bilden Recherche und ein hoher Grad an Sensibilität dafür, was die vorgefundene site zu sagen hat. Der künstlerische und pädagogische Prozess sowie die Aufführung geben Antworten darauf und gehen so aufgeschlossen wie möglich auf neue Kontexte zu, um mit Mitteln der Künstlerinnen und Künstler darauf zu reagieren. Im Projekt „performing Life“ Arbeiten vier Institutionen, die in Forschung und Lehre seit längerem die Schnittstellen zwischen Kunst und Sozialem untersuchen, zusammen. In den zwei Jahren werden in jeder der vier Städte jeweils zwei site specific perfomance Projekte durchgeführt, wobei in einem Rotationsprinzip jeweils Lehrende und Lernende aus den anderen Städten beteiligt sind. Drei Projekttreffen dienen dem Austausch der Praxiserfahrungen und der gemeinsamen Theoriebildung. Die Website des Projekts gewährt Einblicke in den aktuellen Stand der Dinge. Eine ausführliche Projektdokumentation sowie ein Thesenpapier in allen beteiligten Sprachen geben am Ende Auskunft über die entwickelte pädagogische Methode.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd year

Area(s) covered ƒ Active Citizenship ƒ Art, music, culture

ƒ Health ƒ Learning about the European countries/ European Union Project Objectives ƒ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning ƒ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) ƒ Young adults ƒ Local community group


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: uniT- Verein für Kultur an der Karl Franzens Universität Graz Name of the contact person: Edith Zeier Draxl Address: Mozartgasse 14, 8010 Graz e-mail: [email protected] tel: +43/316/380-7481 fax: +43/316/380-9112 website:

Partners ƒ Ernst Moritz Arndt Universität Greifswald, DE ƒ Zakladni umelecka skola, Prag, CZ


Project reference: 05-POL01-S2G01-00002-1

Development of competences and methodologies in the field of Lifelong Learning in scope of environemental protection The undertake of the project will be realizing in a form of international exchange of experiences between partners which will transiting each others thematics, methodologies and technics of evaluation in the field of disseminating knowledge in scope of enviromental protection. The subjects of meetings will be elaborating innovative tools for transit knowledge, explorer expectations our recipients and promotion. In effect, we will elaborate a Compendium about optimal solutions in the field of education in the scope of European enviromental protection, it is mean such wich will can use in each region and for various target groups. During the project will be four several-days meetings where different themes will be worked out. During each meeting will be an open regional conference, where householder invites representatives of local community employing for enviromental protection. We will take activities to assure participation of experts representative national authority responsible for enviromental protection. At the same time the project will be a subject of public debate in Internet. In order to achieve this objective, we will create an internet project’s page, where first we will present assumptions of project, and next we will complete it during progress of work. During realizing whole project, internauts will express and report their opinions and prepositions to our solutions in the field of Lifelong Learning in scope of enviromental protection. To debate we will directly invite participants of our courses in this field, trainers and persons who will participate in open regional conferences. In this way, we will use their indicators and proposals for verification and perfection acted Compendium and elaborating variantly solutions suitable for specific target groups. The next partners, communicating by internet lines, will elaborate final version of Compendium in leader’s language of project (english). In order to disseminate results of projects we will make translations of Compendium in national languages, each of partners and other european languages too. At the end this version of Compendium will be publicated on internet project’s page, which in addition will be kept after end of this project. Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Basic skills Environment Information technology Languages Sustainable development Other (describe if applicable) Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Local community groups Women Other (workers of private companies)

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Ekologus Sp. z.o.o. Name of the contact person: Marcin Jakubik Address: ul. Karpacka 22, 43-300 Bielsko-Biala e-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] tel: +48 33 496 03 28, 13 fax: +48 33 496 03 22, 21 website:

Partners Gutwinski Management Gesellschaft m. b. H., Perchtoldsdorf, AT Ekocentrum, Goteborg, SE Merkantli Organisation AB, Aneby, SE BBJ Consult d.d., Podružnica v Sloveniji, Ljubljana, SL



Project reference: 05-POL01-S2G01-00021-1

Learning languages through lyrics, “Music is Culture”

The project helps adults to learn English and other European languages in a simple, innovative and enjoyable way. The activities build on language courses with usage of the learner’s interests in music and culture.

Cultural exchange will enrich the personal development of participants.

An extra benefit is the enhancement of the ICT and basic skills of individuals.

During the first year, learners will translate lyrics from their mother tongue into English, and the English participants will translate English songs into Spanish, German, Italian or Polish. The translations are placed in files which serve as a songsbook.

During the second year, learners translate songs back to their native languages. Annual music festivals will make the process enjoyable and enable participants to perform their songs and meet participants from other European countries.

A new methodology of learning will be piloted. Initial assessments (start tests) and ongoing assessments (result tests) will be developed to evaluate the learner’s progress in English and other European languages.

Participants targeted will include young peolple, adult learners, community groups, immigrants and disabled learners.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Basic skills Education for parents Gender issues Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Marginalised groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Stowarzysenie Instytut Educacji i Rodziny Name of the contact person: Maria Szczepańska-Szewczyk Address: ul. 11 Listopada 3, 05-825 Grodzisk Mazowiecki e-mail: [email protected] tel: +48 22 755 60 56 fax: +48 22 633 96 26 website:

Partners Centro de Educación de Personas Adultas „El Fontan”, Oviedo, ES Cumbria County Council Adult Education Service, Cumbria, UK Katholisches Jugendsozialwerk Munchen e. V., Landshut, DE Ascom Services srl, Pistoia, IT



Project reference: 05-POL01-S2G01-00022-1

Education for counteracting HIV/AIDS The aim of our project is ti create the syllabus – “Education for counteracting HIV/AIDS” which is to be oriented at adults who by virtue of the syllabus will be able to play the role of HIV/AIDS prophylaxis instructors. Using experience of different countries in HIV/AIDS problem we have enhanced chance to create a universal syllabus which is possible to implement widely in many (if not all) European countries. AIDS is a worldwide illness which is also in Europe. The number of HIV infection is growing in Eastern Europe and it is one of the biggest one in the world. This fact will endanger spreading up the disease to other European countries if we are not able to stop its territorial scope. HIV infection ends with death in shorter or longer time. Knowledge that upgrades the level of people’s awareness about the problem and that enables to take proper decisions and choices in life situations may prevent infection. An argument that supports the necesity to improve awareness in this aspect is frequent situation to reject infected peolple by society. Our syllabus is to prevent discrimination against ill children, youth and adults. In connection with social consequences of women’s infection (malfunction of the family) it is necessary to pay more attention to their education. The syllabus is designed for adult instructors. This group includes teachers, tutors,parents, health service workers, social workers and everybody whose profession or function gives possibility to transfer knowledge and skills about HIV/AIDS subjects to other. This form of syllabus should ecourage future instructors to use it for their courses. In the second year of the planned project we provide for pilot course (syllabus) and its verification. We plan to make the syllabus public via lessons to be taught by trained instructors, access to on-line seminars/trainings (different language versions). The syllabus will be elaborated in Braille alphabet in relief for the blind and partially sighted in the whole world. To sum up, by our syllabus we would like to prevent infections, break barriers and tame the HIV/AIDS problem. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Education for parents Health Information technology Other (prophylaxis) Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Women Other (Adult instructors who can teach and share experience about HIV/AIDS subject in connection with theri job, work and occupation)


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Ośrodek Edukacyjny Taurus s.c. Name of the contact person: Bożena Strzemieczna Address: ul. M. Sklodowskiej – Curie 8 m 27, 05-825 Grodzisk Mazowiecki e-mail: [email protected] tel: +48 022 724 18 35 fax: +48 022 755 67 92 website:

Partners Fundacja Pomocy Niewidomym, Łomianki, PL Casa Corpului Didactic,RO The Polo Europea della Conoscenza, Verona, IT Denizli Halk Egitimi Aksam Sanat Okulu, TR Hellenic Regional Development Center, Patras, GR



Project reference: 05-POL01-S2G01-00033-2

Diagnosis of teachers’needs and evaluation of teachers’ development forms in partner countries – comparison and looking for the most effective solutions

The main objective of the project is to get to know the teachers’ development and training systems in participating countries as well as to exchange learning and teaching experience. As the subject of common interest is gathering the data on topics of courses and opinions about courses’ arrangements, the starting point will be the presentation of diagnosis forms, and then working out a common suggestion including the possibility of an interactive research via the internet. After the first diagnosis, the conclusions will be prepared, presented and published on the internet. In the following year the topic of the research will be evaluation of the form of teachers’ training. After the presentation of the methods of evaluation made by the participants, a common suggestion of a survey will be worked out, which will be then carried out by every participating institution in pen-and-paper form and via the internet. The results will be available freely for all the participants of the project, and the final report will be published on the internet. The project will be followed by a serie of international seminars addressed to headmasters ans teachers in partner countries. The results of the carried out research and also teachers’development and training systems in partner countries will be presented on these seminars. The project will also be summed up by the presentation of the teachers’ development systems in partner countries ( on a CD-ROM in English), preparation of a document with the description, analysis and conclusions of the suggestions of a common diagnosis of teachers’ needs concerning professional development (based on an interactive survey via the intenet) and also methods of the evaluation. A web site available for all the teacher in European countries will be created and all data concerning developement systems and diagnosis and evaluation methods, reports from the diagnosis and evaluation, and all the documents from the international seminars wil be published. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli w Koszalinie Name of the contact person: Anna Walkowiak Address: ul. Ruszczyca 16, 75-654 Koszalin e-mail: [email protected] tel: +48 94 34 76 724 fax: +48 94 34 76 715 website:

Partners Centro de Profesores y de Recurso de Talavera, Talavera de la Reina, ES Centro de Profesores de Recursos de Tomelloso, Tomelloso, ES Pedagogiko Instituto Kyprou, Nicosia, CY Rigas Rajona Padomes Izglitibas un Kulturas Parvalde, Riga, LV



Project reference: 05-POL01-S2G01-00093-1

Korzenie - Roots Uneducated people who are menaced of social exclusion have problems with definition of their identity. They haven’t knowledge abuot their region hitory, tradition and culture. The can not identify with acceptable worth’s present in their local community. They join with similar people and create social structure with criminogenic behaviour model (youth gangs, criminal groups, sects). They do not see what happens outside their community. They do not know own situation compared to another culture and nations. Low level of education, no motivation to learn and personal evolution cause that distance between them and the rest of society is bigger every day. The aims of the project are: The counteraction of relationships by persons menaced with social exclusion with structure presenting the pathological patterns of behaviours. The help in identifying of the participants’ identity by identification with present worth’s in tradition of region Learning of tradition and culture of different nations Learning of living together from different people and be tolerant and indulgent Awake motivation to learn, study and develop Develop skills to work with prisoners by shape social attitudes The following methods will be used during the project: Prepare information about history and present day a family place / town/ region Prepare and show popular tradition from family region Meetings with interesting people Exchange experiences between partners Organize competition about history and tradition of family region Prepare guide book about realization of the project Make thing which are typical for region

Duration: 3 years Funding year:1st Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Zakład Karny w Rzeszowie Name of the contact person: Marek Poteka Address: Załęże 16, 35-959 Rzeszów e-mail: [email protected] tel: +48 17 858 07 00 fax: +48 17 853 54 20 website:

Partners Ustav na Vykon Trestu Opatia Slobody, SK Tallinna Vangla, Tallinn, EE Valtó-sav Alapitvany, Budapeszt, HU Prison Fellowship, CY Prison in Gent, Gent, BE Vilniaus jaunimo ir suaugusiuju konsultacinis bendrojo lavinimo centras, Vilnius, LT



Project reference: 05-POL01-S2G01-00114-2

VISION 21 – Volunteerism and social services: teaming up to tackle social exclusion in the 21st century

This two-year project will facilitate cross-national exchange and dissemination of good practice in the cooperation between social workers and voluntary organizations: it will learn how to effectively recruit, train and supervise volunteers for the purposes of social work. During the first year, partners held meetings at country level to pool local knowledge, and reported on the results during the working meeting in Warsaw. Then a seminar in Poland shall inaugurate the cycle of national presentations on the best national practices. The first year main product of the project is an international web portal. During the second year of the project, the partners will carry on the cycle of seminars presenting in the other countries the best national practices. Using the material presented at all the four seminars, which will document the subject matter input of the partner states, as the basis, the partners will develop a new handbook for social workers- to be translated into the 4 partner languages. These two products of the project- the web portal and the handbook- shall be presenting and disseminating durign the final conference planned in Poland for summer 2006.

Duration:1 year Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Consumer education Education for parents Environment Gender issues Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Media Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Instytut Rozwoju Służb Społecznych Name of the contact person: Krystyna Kocerba Address: Marszalkowska 34/50, 00-554 Warsaw e-mail: [email protected] tel: +48 22 621 04 23 fax: +48 22 629 40 18 website:

Partners Institut de recherche et d’information sur le volontariat, Paris, FR Instituto de Educacion Secundaria “San Isidro”, Azuqueca de Henares, ES Lunaria, Roma, IT



Project reference: 05-POL01-S2G01-00116-1

Professional activation of practically incapable people, unadjusted to challenges of modern job market and information society – based on knowledge

The project is to counteract the phenomenon of social rejection, which results from helplessness and lack of adjustement to challenges of modern job market and demands of the development of knowledge-based information society. Especially, the project will be directed to women after a long-term maternity leave who discontinued their work and are now facing problems with taking it up again, mainly due to improper or incomplete level of education ( the project will encompass primarily lone mothers) and people 40/45 years of age who for different reasons fell out of the job market and they lack qualifications, courage and motivation to join the stream of economic life.

The group, selected on the basis of social research, surveys or data from national employment agencies, will be actively participating in the works of the partner team and will additionally be equipped with tools necessary for functionning on modern job market, including the basics of English, law, using office servicing software (Word, Excel, Outlook) as well as the internet. All particpants will also undergo training in self-presentation (a course in PR as well as professional CV creation) as well as in motivation for personal and professional development.

As the employees of all partner institutions will come into contact with the people from target groups, the project assume training them in such a way to make them sensitive to the needs of these people.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Consumer education Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Media Health Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other (people 40-45 years of age who do not possess proper qualifications for joining the job market)


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Wyzsza Szkola Komunikowania i Mediow Spolecznych im. Jerzego Giedroycia w Warszawie Name of the contact person: Wojciech Wloch Address: 8 Rydygiera Street, 01-793 Warsaw e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 48 22 832 1522 fax: + 48 22 833 8118 website:

Partners Reduta Berlin, Schauspieleschule fur Theater und Film Staatlich anerkannt, Berlin, DE Epsilon Formation, Lyon, FR



Project reference: 05-POL01-S2G01-00037-1


The aim of the project is training adult persons with use of the media and ICT. The project will enable to exchange experiences between praticioners from partner countries working in the field of formal and informal education. The project is devided into 4 stages: 1. conducting a search and analyses of the needs, 2. planning and implementing common activities in the field of adult training, 3. analyses of the achievements, 4. dissemination of project’s results in the publication; design of traing modules which will be conducted in the second year Results of the project will be also disseminated via the website: which is a product of previous Grundtvig 2 project.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Basic skills Information technology Media Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Other :teachers, trainers


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Polskie Stowarzyszenie Wychowania Pozaszkolnego Name of the contact person: Alicja Szpot Address: ul. Krowoderska 8, 31-142 Kraków e-mail: [email protected] tel: +48 12 422 44 42 fax: +48 12 422 52 05 website:

Partners Centres D'Entrainement aux Methodes D'Education Active, Paris, FR Centri di Esercitazione ai Metodi Dell'Educazione Attiva de Piemonte, Turin, FR Institut Deti a Mladeze MSMT, Prague, CZ



Project reference: 05-POL01-S2G01-00035-2


The main topic of the project is introducing seniors to the IT. The project focus on different aspects of teaching/learning process and also how to improve the functioning of elderly citizens in the Information Society. IT skills have become “basic skills” without which it is very difficult to function in the modern society. Although in all European countries the population of seniors is growing, their IT skills remain very low. There are very few initiatives in Europe trying to solve this problem. This project has the aim of trying to fill this gap. The work will be centered about 6 seminars: one in each partner-country. Each partner will be responsible for one seminar devoted to one subtopic. Furthermore each partner will run an Internet activity involving all partners. Already exists a special webpage where information and experiences from all partners can be collected and shared The project involves both teachers and senior students in all activities.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Other : seniors Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Senior citizens


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Stowarzyszenie Akademia Pełni Życia im. Joanny Boehnert Name of the contact person: Barbara Kaszkur-Niechwiej Address: ul.Juliusza Lea 5a/4, 30-046 Kraków e-mail: [email protected] tel: +48 12 294 81 35 fax: +48 12 294 81 35 website:

Partners VUC FYN Adult Education Center Funen, Munkebo, DK Vaasan tyovaenopisto, Vaasa, FI Pagyvenusios moters veiklos centras, kaunas, LT Budapesti Muvelodesi Kozpont, Budapest, HU Cepa "Las Rosas", Madrid, ES



Project reference: 05-POL01-S2G01-00119-2

ITAL 40+ IT teaching to adults learners - brainstorming European ideas/didactic problems

Information Technology (IT) is one of the most dinamicly developing sciences. The lack in IT education affects mainly adults learners. Therefore it is necessary to create new effective didactic programmes to supplement the adults’ knowledge in this area. It should be adapted to perception posibilities emerge from the break in education. Another problem is students’ psychical resistance in front of a new tool – a computer. This is why a new attractive form of curricula is needed to overcome this problem. A brainstorming of European experience would bring a huge impact to this matter. The most valuable experiences and achievements would be of great value to create common effective, didactic informatics programme for adults. In the first year following problems to solve during the second year have been identified, e.g.: how to boost the female participation in IT courses?, how to lead an advertising campaign for IT courses? , how to teach IT to disabled persons?

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Information technology Languages Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Disabled persons Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Other : Persons over 40


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Informatyczna Name of the contact person: Beata Kałuska Address: ul. Stokłosy 3, 02-787 Warszawa e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] tel: +48 22457 23 70 fax: +48 22 457 23 71 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Osrodek Edukacyjno-Rehabilitacyjno-Terapeutyczny, Warszawa, PL Esculea Oficial de Idiomas de Murcia, Murcia, ES ROC West Brabant, Ettenleur, NL Educaline Centro de la Ensenanza Profesional, Lograno, ES Ministry of Education and Culture, Larnaka, CY



Project reference: 05-POL01-S2G01-00128-1

READCOM – Reading Clubs for Adult Learning Communities

The development of reading habits among adults is one of the best way of making them intelectually and socially active. READCOM – Reading Clubs for Adult Learning Communities enables participants to share experience, best practice and develop knowledge through reading materials (i.e. diaries, books, literature in translation), chosen by the members of the clubs Europewide. The mentoring and leading of Reading Clubs needs to be planned: how to invite people to participate, how to choose reading materials, how to define the pedagogical and didactical approaches to using the reading materials, how to train the mentors of such clubs and keep the interest and the motivation. The aims of the project are: - to promote groups of adults (particularly seniors) interested in LLL, as well as intellectual and social development through READCOM; - to network these groups across European space; - to develop training sessions for mentors of such clubs among participants of the groups, educators and all others who are willing to engage in the activities of local communities; - to develop a webpage for communication among READCOM groups, promoting the exchange of practice and information; - to develop appropriate pedagogical strategies for the organisation of reading clubs; - to promote European actions like “Grandparents read to children”, “The passion of reading”, “Literature in translation” - to encourage members of reading clubs to start their own Reading Clubs; - to organise discussion pannels for readers and diarists who take part in the READCOM project; - to publish written guides in the languages of the participating countries on methodological approaches to the activities of Reading Clubs, suggestions of reading list and examples of best parctice.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Education for parents Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Local community groups Senior citizens Women


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Biblioteka Publiczna im. Władysława Jana Grabskiego w Dzielnicy Ursus Name of the contact person: Piotr Jankowski Address: ul. Plutonu Torpedy 47, 02-495 Warszawa e-mail: [email protected] tel: +48 22 662 70 01 fax: +48 22 662 70 01 website:

Partners CEMIM -Centrum Edukacji Międzykulturowej i Medialnej, Warszawa, PL Volkshochschule Donaustadt, Wien, AT Instituto Politecnoco de Portalegre, Portalegre, PT Escola Superior de Educacao do Instituto Politecnico de Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, PT


Project Reference: 05-PRT01-S2G01-00006-1


The youngsters involved in our project experience in their daily life some negative effects like segregation, intolerance and prejudice. For many defferent reasons they can not get integrated in a society unable to deal with people having difficulties and problems of different nature. Therefore, they are less prepared to enter vocational education and trainning and they have fewer possibilities on the labour market. The partners in this projects wish all students who belong to this target group do not accept the negative image they have and want to encourage them to fight for good work placements during their studies and for equal chances on the labour market.

The project partners will help these youngsters to prepare themselves for labour market through the simulation of activities of real professional situations, and exchange best practices concerning the actual participation of youngsters in education, labour market and social life during transnational meetings. Through the several foreseen activities and enthusiasm these yougsters will be able to influence fellow students, parents, employers, local and regional politicians and other decision takers.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services«Stimulating_adult_learner_demand»«Credit_for_competencies» Target Group(s) Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities


Coordinating organisation AEVA - Escola Profissional de Aveiro (PT) Contact person – Ana Ribeiro Estrada Nacional, 109 (sobre PBI) – Ap 490 3811-911 Aveiro Tel: 00351 234910160 Fax: 00351 234910169 E-mail: [email protected] Website –

Partners SAVAS (FI) Asociación Comumbares (ES) UMAD – (ES) Instituto di Instruzionne Secondaria Superiore D. Fioritto (IT)


Project Reference: 05-PRT01-S2G01-00011-1


Informal long life learning has a major role to support the inclusion process of families at exclusion risk, specially if learning focuses at access facilitation to welfare society facilities, to long life learning, to individual motivation and self- help, inducing an effective participation in community and the segregation’s barriers braking. Self- determination plays then a great role enabling for self- confidence and maturation of a liable life projects. The aims of this project in are: 1) to sustain a proximity and flexible learning environment, capturing families adhesion and to providing tailored made non- formal learning to meet there needs and inclusion pathways, 1) to empower the families ant its members in order they have more hope, take positive decisions and to plan life goals achievement; 3) to empower social support organisation and the community to create better condition for families inclusion.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Other (describe if applicable)«Other» – group dynamics Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services«Stimulating_adult_learner_demand»«Credit_for_competencies» Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Women


Coordinating organisation Outra Margem – Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social (PT) Contact person – Rita Pinto Rua 27 de Julho, 6 2825 Trafaria Tel: 00351 21 290380 Fax: 00351 21 2903809 E-mail: [email protected] Website -

Partners Ozel Ceceli Okullari (TR) Tempo – Training and Counselling (CZ) Home for Children deprieved of Parental care (BG) Skaiskane Local Community (LV) Cumulus Society of Social and Educational (PL)



Project Reference: 05-PRT01-S2G01-00026-1

LIMA - Life Management Skills

In each partner’s country there are at risk groups who are threatened by a social exclusion. Most of these people have very low level of education and consistently an instable position in the labour market, i.e. they switch frequently from employment to unemployment. This happens not only because of their educational deficits but also because of lack or insufficient use of life management skills (knowledge about their rights, possibilities of counselling and health services, learning opportunities — improvement of basic skills and language, etc.). Despite of training and counselling provision offered by the partner’s institutions they are mostly short-term employed and get back to their “passive” role again.

The project aims at enhancing the training of the trainers who work with people with low education level and enable them to counsel and train their course participants in a more effective way.

Apart from this primary project target group (teachers, trainers and counsellors from all partners’ organizations being involved in training and counselling of people with low education level), the training participants from each partner’s organization are the beneficiaries of the project.

A holistic approach is an answer for designing a more successful and individual-centred training and counselling provision for people with low education level. The acquired life management skills should enable the participants to feel responsible for their lives and participate actively in our society taking advantage of life long learning possibilities. Sharing the ideas and best practices between project partners will enable the trainers to improve and modify their training concepts and curricula.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Basic Skills Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)«Stimulating_adult_learner_demand»«Credit_for_competencies» Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Other (describe if applicable -Trainers and teachers


Coordinating organisation Associação de Mulheres Contra a Violência (PT) Contact Person – Carla Pinto Alameda D. Afonso Henriques, 78 - 1º Esq 1000-125 LISBOA Tel: 00351 21 3802160 Fax: 00351 21 3802168 E-mail: [email protected] Website –

Partners Berfsfortbildungswerk Gemeinnutzige (DE) General Worker’s Union (MT) Fundación Assistencial Mujeres (ES)



Project Reference: 05-PRT01-S2G01-00067-1

SALK – Sharing of Affection and Life Knowledge

The long life learning aiming to value elder’s knowledge from life experience can the same way promote their autonomy, self esteem and recognition, becoming a natural and “emotional” commitment to support the inclusion itineraries of other persons or groups at exclusion risk in the community. Old people main expectations are to maintain or recover the necessary conditions for an active existence adapted to 3rd age conditions, but not to loose or accede to a grateful environment- family, neighbourhood, friendship or other links. You can say than besides the survival needs their biggest lost can be an individualised natural relationship. As the global society more and more give no chance for humanised environments the more fragile suffer the most with institutionalisation or self isolation solutions, when not abandon The aim of the project is to show are beautiful, attractive and useful elder people can be to their fellow citizens and whole the community, creating condition for them to “learn” to share their affections and life knowledge, with other groups who may value and use them. The objectives of the project are 1) ameliorate elder people life conditions, self confidence and autonomy learning for a better living; 2) value life knowledge and organise it’s sharing with other community excluded group, learning for socialisation; 3) ameliorate new basic skills in ITC, traditions and culture; 4) interact with other partnership groups to view the European Union challenges; The target group is non-institutionalised old and pensioners.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Information technology Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services«Stimulating_adult_learner_demand»«Credit_for_competencies» Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Senior citizens


Coordinating organisation Sociedade Filarmónica Agrícola Lavradiense (PT) Contact Person – António Sousa Pereira Avenida J.J Fernandes, 41 2935 Lavradio Tel: 00351 21 2042576 Fax: 00351 21 2042576 E-mail: [email protected] Website -

Partners Libera Universitá Europea Terza Éta Basilicata (IT) Metropolitian Municipality of Konya (TR) Lielvardes pensionaru Bierdriba (LV)


Project Reference: 05-PRT01-S2G01-00086-2

Avoid info-exclusion - Open a New Window

Nowadays, lifelong learning skills and ICT are essential for integration in a competitive Europe. To achieve this, it is necessary to guarantee the effective and inclusive access to learning skills and to ICT. Digital literacy, learning skills and the ability to take part in an evolving community are a prerequisite for active citizenship of the European community.

This project offers to disadvantaged groups the appropriatte exposure to lifelong learning through ICT. The development and exchange of the approach strategies and pedagogical methodologies between the partners will enhance the building of inclusive learning communities in Europe. The partners in this project will have an opportunity to provide an adapted approach strategy and pedagogical methodology tailored to meet specific needs and enhanced through sharing of expertise.

New technologies will be used to support collaboration and to ensure a broad dissemination of the experiences and results of the project. With this project we want to “open a new window” to the realities of a new Europe.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/EU Information Technology«Other» Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning «Management_of_AE_institutions» Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) «Stimulating_adult_learner_demand» «Credit_for_competencies» Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Local community groups


Coordinating organisation Esc EB 2,3/S Ferreira do Zêzere Contact Person – Margarida Gomes Praceta Dr. Guilherme Felix Faria Soeiro 2240-346 Ferreira do Zêzere Tel: 00351 249 361198 Fax: 00351 249 361720 E-mail: [email protected] Website –

Partners Provinciaal Centrum voor Adult Education – PVCO Gent (BE) Gloscat (Gloucestershire College of Art and Technology (UK) Clare VEC Adult Education Service (IE) Bibliotheek Assen (NL) Kutahya Ticaret Meslek ve Anadolu Ticaret Meslek Lisesi (TR)



Project Reference: 05-PRT01-S2G01-00091-2

Traditional Cloth and Patterns applied on Modern Design

The highest objective of this project is to ressuscitate and bring to today’s light our countries old traditional clothes (cotton, wool, linen, etc) and patterns (their shape, colours, meaning of those patterns, coulours and shapes, etc) from traditional clothes and costumes, home articles and preserve this knowledge for future generations. Therefore, the project consists on the following work: - research of traditional cloth and patterns of each country; - research the meaning of the patterns, the meaning of colours

There will be final products and workshops in each participating country involving theachers ans learners, visits to some museums, companies. The project intents to create didactical material to be used in classrooms.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/EU Arts, music, culture«Other» Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning «Management_of_AE_institutions»Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquire «Stimulating_adult_learner_demand»«Credit_for_competencies»outside formal education Target Group(s) Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Women Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison


Coordinating organisation CENATEX II - Formação e Serviços, lda. Contact Person – Sónia Barreira Av. D. João IV - Ed. D. João IV, nº 187, 2º and 4810-531Guimarães Tel: 00351 253 415705 Fax: 00351 253 415705 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Partners Institut für Fortbildung und Projekmanagement (DE) Asociatia Comunitara Romaneasca din Miercurea Ciuc (RO) UAB Kauno Petrasiunu darbo rinkos mokymo centras (LT) Scuola Media nº 4 (IT)



Project Reference: 05-PRT01-S2G01-00096-2

TÁGIDE – Senior Expertise for Social Development

The target group of this project are senior citizens and its aim is to bring forwoard the social role of the elderly through an active participation in the community’s life while sharing their knowledge and experiences and ensuring their autonomy.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active Citizenship Languages Art, music, culture«Other» Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance « __counselling» «Management_of_AE_institutions»Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Senior citizens Local community groups Women


Coordinating organisation CRIVA – Centro de Reformados e Idosos do Vale da Amoreira Contact Person – Marta Marota Largo das Dálias, Bloco 51 a 54 Cv esq 2835-204 Vale da Amoreira Tel: 00351212039198 Fax: 00351212032246 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Partners Grupul pentru Integrare Europeana (RO) Alytaus Darbo Rinkos Mokymo ir Konsultavimo Tarnyba (LT) CORISS – Cooperative Riunite Socio Sanitarie (IT) Europa Formazione (IT)



Project Reference: 05-PRT01-S2G01-00100-2

Mental Health – The Socially Inclusive Life Project

The goal of our project is to provide our clients learning opportunities regarding the development of each one life project and social inclusion within their environment community, and in the society, implementig better lifelong learning practices and innovative methods. We will do this by developing and implementing a mapping exercise to know each individual’s skills and needs. Then we will research and develop a core curriculum on areas such as empowerment processes, social roles, how to look and manage work, advocacy, human rights. We expect with this to maximize empowerment processes that will lead to greater inclusion. Our main objective is that our users can participate through the all phases of development of the project.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Basic Skills Active Citizenship Health Other: empowerment processes«Other» Project Objectives «Guidance__counselling» «Management_of_AE_institutions» Target Group(s) Disabled persons Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison


Coordinating organisation PERSONA - Associação de Apoio a Doentes Mentais Crónicos Contact Person – Marta Lopes Rua Bertholot, nº 1 – Quimiparque 2830-137 Barreiro Tel: 00351 212060999 Fax: 00351 212067050 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Partners JOIA – Associació Joventut Organitzada I Activa (ES) Association for Child and Famaly Mental Health (PL) Interminds (UK) Fundatia Estuar (RO) Ceska Asociace Pro Psychicke Zdravi (CZ)



Project Reference: 05-PRT01-S2G01-00088-3

Adult Students – LET’S KNOW EACH OTHER

With this project, we intend, most of all, to involve Adult Students in questions so pertinent as the European Dimension, make them aware, help them understand that we are citizens of the same Europe, because we cannot forget that, when these questions start to be approached, this population, given their social-economic status, used to be (and in a way still is, if they are not motivate) inattentive to this issues. With their horizons ascribed to the area where they live, they cannot (and are not interested) in learning this feeling of European Citizenship.

Acquisition, the development, the confrontation in terms of pedagogical and methodological approaches in the field of Adult Education, will always be the vector that will remain subjacent to all this cooperation activity that we aim to enrich along the Project. All this taking into account the creativity, diligence and motivation of the learners.

Since this is a very specific student population group, we hope the selected sub-themes be directly related to the life experience of the students and/or the training they are receiving, so we considered professional expectations/training motivation/local or national economic activities/work market situation/social and cultural aspects.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Languages History/Economics«Other» Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning «Guidance__counselling» «Management_of_AE_institutions»Experimentation with new pedagogical approach (es)«Stimulating_adult_learner_demand»«Credit_for_competencies» Target Group(s) Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women


Coordinating organisation Escola Secundária de Carvalhos Contact Person – Manuela Mendes Rua do Roseiral 4415 Pedroso Tel: 00351 22 782 30 77 Fax: 00351 22 783 49 19 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Partners Établissement Public d’Enseignement Professionel Agricole (FR) Educational Cooperative Institute (SK)



Project reference:

Lifelong learning opportunities for adults with learning disabilities

The aim pf project is to create a learning partnership to examine the role of education and work opportunities for adults with learning disabilities. Aim of project is to promote European cooperation in lifelong learning by sharing, disseminating and putting innovative learning processes including new methods and taking into consideration all, medical, educational and social needs of adults with learning disabilities.

One of project goals is to create a positive attitude in the society and understanding for lifelong learning also for that social group. LP would like to ensure that young people and adults with learning diabilities have access to provision, witch meets their needs, and, where appropriate, to additional support. Final results wiil be: clarification of theoretical bases for people with learning disabilities compared in participating countries, development of better lifelong learning possibilities for people with learning disabilities, presentation of a good working practice, identification of a high quality learning policies, programmes and models in participating countries, setting up internet site, presentation of activities on DVD and presentation of The manual for lifelong learning which will include all gathered practical activities based on research and experiences in practical work.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: (3rd)

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Consumer education Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Media

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Institution for education, health care and nursing of children and adults with learning disabilities Name of the contact person: MS. Marija Turman Lemajič Address: Draga 1, 1292 Ig, Slovenia e-mail: [email protected] tel: +386 01 3003633 fax: +386 01 4202626 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

1. partner: Red2Green (UKj4) 2. partner: John Paul II centre of support to people with profound handicap (Portugal) 3. partner: Vocational training center of Thrace Athena (Greece)


Project Reference: 05-SVK01-S2G01-00013-1

Weblogs for Senior Learners – The Story of my Life

The aim of the project is to get people together via telling their life stories and experiences. The given target group offers a wide range of interesting material. Use of ICT is very important for the project as it will enable the participants to develop their skills and spread their works all around Europe. Personal meetings and development of individual creative abilities are also clearly stressed in the project. Final outcome of the whole story-sharing process should be a booklet consisting of best stories translated to various languages.

Total Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Languages Learning about European countries / the European Union

Project Objectives Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Senior citizens Local community groups

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ACTIVE- jazykové štúdio,Košice, Slovenská republika Name of the contact person: Brigita Wallová Address: Južná trieda 13, 040 01 Košice e-mail [email protected] tel: 00421 55 678 72 98 fax: 00421 55 677 11 88 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Rauma Adult Education Centre /FI/ Inlingua /LU/ Escola Secundaria de Monserrate /PT/ Centro de Educacion de Personas Adultas, Santa Lucia /ES/ Centro de Education de Personas, Ingenio /ES/ Akadémia vzdelávania /SK/


Project Reference: 05-SVK01-S2G01-00061-2

Travail Social En Europe

Un échange d´expériences dans le domaine social par le biais d´internet et pendant les rencontres des participants du projet dans les trois pays, des organismes de formation, des assistants sociaux de municipalités, d’ONG, des gens étant dans leur travail quotidien au contact direct avec les personnes défavorisées, entre les experts, professionnels de différents pays européens: Slovaquie, Belgique, France, doit permettre d´améliorer la formation et le travail des travailleurs sociaux, et ensuite la situation des groupes marginalisés. Le document final – une étude de cas, de bonnes pratiques – servira aux organismes de formation dans le domaine social des trios pays.

Total Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1

Area(s) covered Basic skills Learning about European countries / European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners´ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organization / institution

Target Group(s) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Senior citizens Women

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Slovenská združenie Svetovej federácie miest a obcí /SK/ Name of the contact person: Lenka Korchanová Address: Námestie sv. Egídia 11, 058 01 Poprad e-mail [email protected] tel: 00421 52 7721330 fax: 00421 52 7721330 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Cités Unies Belgique /BE/ Comité des Jumelages de la ville d´Angoulême /FR/ Bratislavská občianska poradňa /SK/


Project Reference: 05-SVK01-S2G01-00018-1

European dimension of teaching and training of the seniors

The core of the project is senior education (in form of training of mental abilities and memory) aiming at preventing them from social exclusion. There are 4 partner institutions involved in the project. The result of the project should be an overall understanding of different approaches in the field and the creation of a training program usable in all the involved countries. Included in the project is the training of further trainers.

Total Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1

Area(s) covered Basic skills Health

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulatiny/promotin adult learners´demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Seniors

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centrum MEMORY n.o. Name of the contact person: PaedDr. Mária Čunderlíková Address: Mlynarovičova 21, 851 03 Bratislava e-mail [email protected] tel: 00421 2 62414143 fax: 00421 2 62414143 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Lachesis Office of expertise on ageing and gender education&research 50-plus /BE/ Athens Association of Alzheimer´s Disease and Related Disorders /GR/ Educational Centre „Socialization“ /LV/ Municipal Company for Vocational Training and Studies – Deekme /GR/


Project Reference: 05-SVK01-S2G01-00003-1

International Exchange Program “Region-Build”

The basic of the project is to set up a framework for international co-operation between regional and local authorities, educational institutions, NGOs from Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Poland, Greece as a prerequisite for common strategy in developing and improving suitable way of education in the area of building up regional competitiveness. Next step is to transfer and to disseminate examples of good practice at local, regional and international level as strategic grounds for the development of the above mentioned fields in participating.

Total Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners´ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalization

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Únia miest Slovenska, Bratislava, Slovenská republika Name of the contact person: Jana Péliová Address: Prepostska 4, 811 01 Bratislava e-mail [email protected] tel: 00421 2 54435914 fax: 00421 2 54435914 Organisation/Project website:

Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Vocational Training Centre /GR/ House of Europe /LT/



Project reference: 05-FIN01-S2G01-00002-1


This project aims to showcase best practice and raise awareness and understanding of the processes involved in successfully negotiating and implementing public and socially engaged art. This will be achieved over three years and will involve active participation of professional artists, arts educators, learners and staff from each organisation through a research programme, participatory contextual art projects, seminars and workshops. This partnership of higher educational institutions and organisations engaged in contextual arts practice aims to:

ƒ develop strategic links between formal and non-formal education providers ƒ conduct research into best practice in the domain of art and society and the developing role of the artist in this context ƒ develop quality criteria for maintaining and improving professional standards ƒ be instrumental in combating social exclusion on a social and cultural level ƒ identify models of good and innovative practice nationally and internationally ƒ create models of good practice ƒ develop a module descriptor that will accredit learning associated with project activities ƒ promoting professional contextual arts practice through education, information and research ƒ integrate different communities ƒ provide opportunities for learning experiences in art and environment projects

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Turku Polytechnic Continuing Education & Services Name of the contact person: Taina Erävaara Address: Kaskenkatu 5, 20700 Turku, Finland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +358-(0)50-5985283 fax: +358-(0)10-5535200 website:

Partners National College of Art & Design, IE COOPERATIONS asbl, LU Svenska yrkeshögskola, Kultur, FI



Project reference: 05-FIN01-S2G01-00040-1


The project aims to activate elderly people to participate in the life-long learning and thus maintain their intellectual activity and memory and to avoid exclusion from the role of active citizen. During the project we will arrange study groups where the attendants can remember and record old memories.

In connection with the project the participants will also learn to use services provided by the Internet when retrieving and presenting information. Also the group leaders have possibilities to become acquainted with the methods that are used in different countries. For the group leader there will be a short training, too.

Local schools, tourist’s entrepreneurs, quid’s, archives and museums will also exploit the material that is collected and recorded in study groups. Personal memories complement historiography and make it live.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: (1st)

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Other (describe if applicable) Local history and tradition Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Senior citizens

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kuusankosken työväenopisto / Adult Education Centre of Kuusankoski Name of the contact person: Mr. Seppo Tahvanainen Address: Valtakatu 38 B, 45700 KUUSANKOSKI, FINLAND e-mail: [email protected] tel: +358 5 2804 449 fax: +358 5 2804 493 website:

Partners Pärnu Rahvaülikool, Rääma Noorte Ühing Noorus / Pärnu Folk University EE Biersted Lokalhistorisk Forening / Local Historical Association of Biersted in cooperation with LOF of Aabybro DK Petöfi Kulturális KHT / Cultural Centre HU



Project reference: 05-FIN01-S2G01-00039-2


To give the sport and the youth leaders in European countries opportunities to obtain education, knowledge and contact surfaces in an European environment. To develop different possibilities for young people in Europe to combine sport and education and in that way contribute education and also prevent the elimination among young people. To show that sports in Europe can statue example where young people do not have to choose whether they prefer to concentrate on a sports carrier or on an education carrier. To consider the problems related to the education of young sportsmen and sportswomen concerning by ever earlier sporting carriers. Gives the young athletes and leaders opportunities to education and training through shorter and longer stays in other countries in a good environment with good leaders and in that way be able to take part in the long and many times successful combination of training methods and studying which exist in many branches of sports in other countries. To develop different methods to integrate young immigrants into respective countries social structure by the help of sports

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1: 1.8.2004-31.7.2005

Area(s) covered Basic skills Health

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Guarantee Association of Norrvalla Sports Institute Name of the contact person: Olav Björkström Address: Vöråvägen 305-307, 66600 Vörå FI e-mail: [email protected] tel: +358 50 5559715 fax: +358 6 3831009 website:

Partners Eslöv Folk High School, SE Ogre Sports Center, LV



Project reference: 05-FIN01-S2G01-00096-2


The project will promote the preservation & awareness of European cultures & traditions. Working with visual arts & crafts, teachers & learners will work together across the Learning Partnership to share teaching methods & crafts skills, and ensure the preservation of these skills.

The Project will produce a multi-cultural visual archive & glossary of craft techniques used by each partner organisation.

In the 3rd year, the Project will pilot the archive & glossary with groups of younger learners, so that these skills are not lost, also promoting greater inter-generational communication and understanding.

During the course of the project, each partner organisation will host an exhibition & workshop to which all partners will be invited to contribute, sharing their teaching methods & skills at first hand.

The Project will promote a boarder awareness of other European cultures and tradition, & an opportunity to learn and share trans- European experience at first hand for groups of older people who may have faced significant social and economic barriers to continuing education. By working primarily trough a visual medium, the Project will minimise the difficulties arising from the lack of a common language, recognising that the majority of participant have faced significant socio-economic barries to the acquisition of foreign language skills. The project will enhance the confidence and self-esteem of teachers and learners by recognising the importance of their skills, & providing opportunities for these skills to be shared across a number of countries and cultures.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: , 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Senior citizens Other (describe if applicable) people interested in preserving crafts and heritage

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Perhonjokilaakso Open College Name of the contact person: Maria Keltti-Heikkilä, headmaster Address: Kivihyypäntie 1, 69700 VETELI, FINLAND e-mail: [email protected] tel: +358 6-8608266 fax: +358 6-8608200 website:

Partners Age Concern Calderdale, UK Universite Popolare Contemporanea La Grazie, IT Ballybeen Womans Centre, Nothern Ireland SO Manai Mazpilsetai Aknistei, LV



Project reference: 05-FIN01-S2G01-00042-2


The project will bring together main stream persons and persons with special needs trying to attain more interaction and mutual understanding and prevent social problems. The project aims to help participants to identify and strengthen their creative resources and develop their creativity and artistic resources present in every individual. Means in the project is to use waste materials in order to transform them into useful objects. For example puppets, musical instruments and other products from recyclable materials in workshops. With puppets and musical instruments the project group prepares a performance. The staff can exchange their experiences and extend their knowledge about drama pedagogy, voice therapy and other teaching and guidance methods used in partner organizations.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2 nd

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Environment Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: The College of the Home Mission Society of the Church of Finland Name of the contact person: Leena Tiitinen Address: Huvilakatu 31, 76130 Pieksämäki, Finland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +358-15-415 2552 fax: +358-15-415 2595 website:

Partners Centro di Crescita Comunitaria IT ARGO, GR



Project reference: Nro 05-FIN01-S2G01-00084-1

The Adult Education Network in the field of Ecological and Rural Tourism (AENERT)

The main aim is to set up an Educational Network between adult education staff and adult students in the field of ecological and rural tourism, and to improve the training for adult providers of nature based and rural tourism by intercultural cooperation, exchange of experience and development of new courses in different aspects of this sector of local economies. The Target groups are: educational institutions engaged in ecological and rural tourism education; adult providers of rural and eco- tourism who are seeking diversification of their business; women and young adults living in rural areas. Main activities include initial meeting, awareness raising, workshops and seminars for the development and elaboration of currcula focusing on sustainable tourism product development with concideration of the local condition and international demands. This curriculum will include ecological and socio-cultural aspects, and will result in the production of educational manuals, brochures and a web-site. At the end of the project a final conference will be held. Expected outputs: transfer of know-how between adult educational institutions in the field of ecologocal and rural tourism, methodology and curricula development on ecological and rural tourism for adult provaders of tuorism in rural area. Producing manuals, leflets, articles and web-site.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Environment Intercultural issues Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Tampere College, Kuru Institute of Forestry Name of the contact person: Jukka Aro Address: Metsätie 1, 34300 KURU, FI e-mail: [email protected] tel: +358 20 714 7905 fax: +358 20 714 7911 website:

Partners Luua Metsanduskool (Luua Forestry College), EE Rize Halk Eğitım Merkezi (Rize Vocational Training Centre), TR



Project reference: 05-FIN01-S2G01-00059-1

MERLIN, Storytelling as Lifelong Learning

The storytelling should get reactivated both as art and cultural treasure of the people. The telling of fairy-tales, legends and stories about the regions makes up one part of it. Furthermore, the discovery and reconstruction of stories, which fell into oblivion, is utterly vital. The exchange of experiences of all the countries will develop a real learning partnership. Aims: 1) The main aim is to use storytelling as a tool for life-wide learning. The project aims to use storytelling as a tool to explore cultural identity and awareness and to faciliate the growth of personal development. 2) To make the organisations get involved in an attractive destination of dynamic cultural growth, where people may explore their roots. 3) The project will also attempt to use storytelling as a vehicle for promoting understanding and co-operation on local and global level.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Media

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Marginalised groups Senior citizens Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Oy Yleisradio Ab. Draamaosasto Name of the contact person: Leena Virtanen Address: Radiokatu 5, PL 91, FIN- 00024 Yle, FI e-mail: [email protected] tel: +358 40 869 1159 fax: +358 9 148 1809 website:


1) AOF Svendborg Daghoejskole, Adult Learning Centre, 2100 Copenhagen, DK 2) Adulta Oy (Adultan radio- ja televisio-opisto), 00410 Järvenpää, FI 3) Zaidimu teatras, LT-08105 Vilna, LT 4) The Cyprus Sociological Association, Nicosia 1700, CY


Project reference: 05-SWE01-S2G01-00008-1

Connecting People

The project aims to find out and describe in what way popular movements and public institutions, in cooperation can contribute to combat prejudice and xenophobia. The project will use existing institutions and popular movements as an arena for crossover meetings and stimulate established groups to integrate excluded citizens. The partnership will exchange experience of methods used to reach a successful meeting between people.

Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Sustainable development Cooperation between formal and informal sector Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners….


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Europe House of Västra Götaland Name of the contact person: Mr Kent Kling Address: Axevalla folkhögskola, SE 532 72 Axvall, Sweden e-mail: [email protected] tel: +46 511 620 40 fax: +46 511 269 99 website: -

Partners Adult education centre of Ormoz, Sl Lieporiu school community, LT



Project reference: 05-SWE01-S2G01-00015-1

Adult immigrant Learner’s needs for Socio-cultural Integration

The project focuses mainly on immigrants who want to pursue a professional career in another country, or their family members, and those who have met their spouse in an international context and moved to that country. Some of the immigrants cope badly with the educational system. We are not good enough at motivating them and meeting their expectations in order for them to be integrated into society fast enough. Cultural understanding, both from teaching staff and immigrant learners, is not good enough to avoid problems in communication. Through the learning partnership the aim is to use introspective fieldwork in order to produce SWOT-analyses and learn from each other’s experience on good teaching practise. The learning partnership also wants to find ways to validate prior knowledge and introduce that perspective into their institutions. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues

Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Municipal Adult education of Lidköping Name of the contact person: Mr Jörgen Öberg Address: Lidköpings kommun, komvux, Tornväktargatan 14, SE- 531 53 Lidköping, Sweden e-mail: [email protected] tel: +46 510 77 09 51 fax: +46 510 77 10 95 website:


Rete CTP della Provincia di Padova, IT Provincial Directorate of Salamanca, ES Gaspar Andras Secondary Vocational and Boarding School., HU Adult Education Centre Albunol, ES Itäkeskus Upper Secondary School for Adults, FI Ålesund Centre of adult education, NO



Project reference: 05-SWE01-S2G01-00022-2

Cotell (Coming together through European Language Learning)

The project aims to increase the motivation of older European citizen to learn a foreign language and to encourage intercultural communication using a common foreign language.

Duration: 1 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages (German, English, Spanish)

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Senior citizens


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Ädelfors folkhögskola, (Ädelfors Folk High School) Name of the contact person: Pelle Nordin Address: SE-570 15 Holsbybrunn, Sweden e-mail: [email protected] tel: +46 383 571 00 fax: +46 383 500 65 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Ronda (Ronda Official Language School), ES NCO Metodinis Sambüris ( NGO Methodological Circle), Onuté, LT ROC Deltion College, Unit Educatie, Zwolle, NL Centro de Educacion de Personas Adultas (Education Centre for Adult People, Pozuelo, ES Volkshochschule Oldenburg e.V., DE Kingston Adult Education Centre, UK



Project reference: 05-SWE01-S2G01-00024-1

Accents on Entrepreneur-ship in Adult Education (AccentrrAed)

The project will focus on the spirit of entrepreneurs-ship, personal skills, feasibility of entrepreneur-ship and aftercare, offered by institutes and colleges, providing adult education.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Information technology Media Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other (describe if applicable) starting entrepreneures


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Nybro kommun Name of the contact person: Lars Carlsson Address: Dunderbergsgatan 2, SE-382 80 Nybro, Sweden e-mail: [email protected] tel: +46 481 450 00 fax: +46 481 452 01 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

VSI Kompiuteriniu programu mokymo centras (Trainging Centre for Management, marketing and Entrepreneurship), Vilnius, LT Coleg Glan Hafen (Glan hafen College), Cardiff, UK Karolyi Mihalyi Kereskeldemi es Vendeglatoipari Szkepzo Iskola (School for Business and Catering), Celged, HU



Project reference: 05-SWE01-S2G01-00026-1

Equal visions for European Women in Adult Education

The aim with in this project is to study and develop methods to enable adult education for visually impaired women. Special attention will be paid to ways of working with integrated groups (visually impaired and sighted participants). The project also has the ambition to work for increased awareness/consciousness of sighted groups.

Duration: 1 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Gender issues Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages (Braille, German, Italian, English) Sustainable development

Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Women


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Stiftelsen Kvinnofolkhögskolan (The Womens Folk High School) Name of the contact person: Bodil Alvarsdotter Address: Första Långgatan 28 B, SE-413 27 Göteborg, Sweden e-mail: [email protected] tel: +46 31 85 94 90 fax: +46 31 14 65 29 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

Zentrum Integriert Studieren, Graz University, AT I.Rl.FO.R Sezione Provinciale di Firenze, IT



Project reference: 05-SWE01-S2G01-00037-1

Europe in Person

The project will motivate adults to develop communication skills, confidence and understanding of their European partners by getting them to publish onto a web site; setting up a web site for this purpose; and by involving a wide range of learning groups in using the site.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages (French, English) Media

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Vuxenutbildning I Sandviken (Adult Education in Sandviken) Name of the contact person: Yann l’Harridon Address: Kyrkgatan 16, SE-811 80 Sandviken. Sweden e-mail: [email protected] tel: +46 26 24 19 00 fax: +46 26 25 99 75 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

City of Edinburgh Council, UK Association “Savoirs pour réssir”, Marseille, FR Cumbria County Council Adult Education Service, UK


Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00099-1

PACT (Parents and Cultures Together)

The aim of this project is the empowerment of parents and carers at risk of social exclusion – newcomers, immigrants, unemployed people, Black and minority groups etc. - through learning. Via activities such as workshops, exchange of experience, intercultural learning, cultural projects, researching skills and other methods, the project aims at encouraging and empowering these groups as well as widening their participation in society.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Education for parents

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Target Group(s) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP

Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: All Cultures Together in Education (ACTE) Name of the contact person: Mr Maloud Alouane Address: 1 Quarry Court, Helen’s Bay, Bangor, Co. Down, BT19 1TY, Northern Ireland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)28 91 852976 fax: +44 (0)28 91 852967

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Urad prace v Semilech (CZ) RISO – Antwerpen (BE) Barn och Utbildningsforvaltningen, Tjorns kommun (SE)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00097-1

Tandem Plus Learning

The aim of this project is to develop a learning / e-learning partnership, to facilitate mutual contact between language learners of English, German, Spanish and French by means of computer-based activities and exchange visits, and to engage adult learners through collaborative language and cultural activities. The envisaged results of this will be international friendships and visits, improved language skills, quizzes in four languages on eight European areas, and visitors’ packs in four languages with various tourist / cultural / language themes.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Languages Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Arts, music, culture Information technology Environment Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Senior citizens Adult Language Learners regardless of age or background


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education Name of the contact person: Babet Gray Address: Brunswick Street, BELFAST, BT2 7GX e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)28 9026 5184 fax: +44 (0)28 9026 5101

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Wicklow Further Education Centre (IE) Centre for Vocational Training and Agricultural Promotion (FR) Schorndorf Community High School (DE) North Yorkshire County Council (UK) Drummond Community High School (UK) EOI TOLEDO (ES)


UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00100-1

BERNIE (Building education resources and networks in Europe)

This project will concentrate on the themes of human rights and citizenship within Europe. Students will be involved in the production of an information pack which will give advice and information to those released from prison and their families on matters around these issues. Each partner will produce three lessons per year on a topic to be decided at project meetings. All will be published on a website to be created during the course of the project.

The overall aims include examining common topics specifically within Adult Education which have National and European themes, including responsibility, culture, traditions and music; establishing networks with partners, enriching students’ lives by making them aware of the needs/feelings of others, and helping them identify as European citizens with the ability to access essential information around the issues of human rights and citizenship in their mother tongue.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Languages Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Arts, music, culture Information technology Environment Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Detainees


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Education Department, HMP Maghaberry Name of the contact person: Sheelagh Wilson Address: Old Road, Upper Ballinderry, Lisburn, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)28 9261 4794 fax: +44 (0)28 9261 4893

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) VPU 'Pop Mincho Kunchev' (BG) Kvadraturen School Centre Dept of Prison Teaching (NO) State technical secondary school "Antonio Gramsci" (IT) Dublin Vocational Education Committee (IE) ARSIS Association for the Social Support of Youth (GR)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00157-1

Professional Standards for Adult Education

This project will seek to identify and share good practice in the development of professional standards for people working as Adult Educators (Andragogy) in the partnership countries.

Good practice identified will ultimately be disseminated widely across the Adult Education sector in Europe.

Duration: 1 year Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Teacher training for Adult Education

Project Objectives Management of adult education organisation / institution

Target Group(s) Teachers working in Adult Education


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Lancaster & Morecambe College Name of the contact person: John Perry Address: Morecambe Road, Lancaster, LA1 2TY e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1524 521 216 fax: +44 (0)1524 843 078

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Andras (EE) Mersin University (TR)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00091-1

PACT (Participatory Active Citizenship Tools)

PACT, Participatory Active Citizenship Tools for Engagement in the Educative and Political Process, will focus on practical tools or methods for assisting adult learners to participate fully in their decisions about learning and about engagement in democratic processes, thus becoming more active citizens. The tools that each partner will bring and therefore the topics of the project will depend on the methods in use in each partner’s country and the ones we choose to focus on will be established at the research and collation stage, and then several of these will be examined further through seminars and with the help of participants. Specific examples of these tools in the UK are: Philosophical Inquiry, Participatory Appraisal, Collaborative Inquiry, Planning for Real, and Appreciative Inquiry.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Active citizenship

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Local community groups


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Learning Link Scotland Name of the contact person: Shirley Catherine Grieve Address: Suite 6, 2 Commercial Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6JA e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)131 553 7992 fax: +44 (0)131 553 3870

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Centre for the Protection of the Consumer (BE) Baaring Folk High School (DK) Oslo Adult Education Centre (NO) Lisbon University Foundation (PT) Plus Ultra Secondary Education for Adults (ES)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00132-1

RAOUL (Raising awareness of the use of languages)

RAOUL has arisen from the conviction of its partners that the potential benefits of being able to use a language other than one’s own are overlooked by significant numbers of adults. RAOUL enables its partners to benefit from a pan-European approach to raising awareness among individuals of the impact of other language competence in workplaces. The development of a motivational tool using the experience of teachers, learners, employees and potential employees in the partner countries will permit participants to explore and promote the advantages of being a competent linguist at work. The longer-term aspirations of the project will be that, in applying the promotional tool, interest in and demand for language learning will increase. In encouraging adults, as individuals, to recognise that language skills may enhance their employability, the project will also embrace consideration of the profile of languages in workplaces within the partner countries.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Languages Learning about European countries / the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services

Target Group(s) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Leicester Adult Education College Name of the contact person: Pauline Swanton Address: Wellington Street, Leicester, LE1 6HL e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)116 233 4343 fax: +44 (0)116 233 4344

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Associazione Internazionale Impegno Civile (IT) Folkeuniversitetet Innherred (NO) Society for Intercultural research and friendship (TR) Volkshochschule Schopfheim (DE)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00050-1

Social Inclusion for Adult Learners with Learning Disability

This project offers providers of social care and adult education from different EU countries the opportunity to compare services particularly tailored for Adults with Learning Disabilities. Staff from these agencies will be able to collaboratively assess National Legislation for Adults with Learning Disabilities, self-advocacy, travel and housing matters, issues linked to the transition from young person to adult, education and employment opportunities, benefit systems and person centred planning.

This comparison will enable the agencies to identify, apply and disseminate good practice to other appropriate organisations locally, nationally and internationally.

The aim of the project is to support Adult Learners with Learning Disabilities so that they have a better chance of living independently. The project will improve services and raise the profile of successful work currently done in each partner’s country in isolation.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Learning about European countries / the European Union Information technology Education for parents Health Social inclusion, Life skills, Advocacy, Quality, Person Centred Planning Project Objectives

Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Disabled persons (Learning Disability)


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Middlesbrough Council, Department of Social Care Name of the contact person: Gabriela Rea Address: PO Box 234, Civic Centre Middlesbrough, TS1 2XH e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1642 729 545 fax: +44 (0)1642 729 984

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Iliana Papi Training Centre (GR) Turkey Disabled Education & Solidarity Foundation (TR)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00159-1

My Voice

This project considers the development of learner focused community education that is based on the personal needs and circumstances through the active listening of potential learners so that they can actively design learning programmes that meet their needs. This will be initially achieved through the research and examination of different European approaches and methodology in engaging the participation of hard to reach learners and citizens within rural and urban districts. Adult and Community Education (Life Long Learning) has a variety of aims and objectives that differ from country to country. This project concentrates on the learning providers being non-formal community and voluntary sector based organisations that have the mutual aim of encouraging active community participation. A key objective in all countries is the active participation of the most disadvantaged members of the community and the active encouragement to become active citizens. The project aims to examine the learning and empowerment journeys of European citizens that want to learn in order to improve their circumstances but lack the confidence and resilience to make steps into formal education or take part in community initiatives.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Sustainable development Learning about European countries / the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Local community groups


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: My Time Ltd Name of the contact person: Emma Twigg Address: 172 Herbert Road, Small Heath, Birmingham B10 0PR e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)121 766 6699 fax: +44 (0)121 766 6699

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) National Ed. & Health Training foundation (TR) Paritaetische Bundesakademie GmbH (DE) Local Activity Support Centre CAL (PL)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00083-1


The project consists of writing workshops in participating countries as a means of encouraging adults with reading and writing difficulties to find their voice. Through the medium of web pages, adults with reading and writing difficulties will communicate by stories, letters, pictures and/or questions via a dedicated website. A translation facility will enable effective dialogue and a face-to- face meeting of participants will permit further sharing of experiences and motivate all those involved.

Duration: 1 year Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Information technology

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Senior citizens


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: New Leaf Publishers Name of the contact person: Anne Chester Address: 5 Wardley Road, Walton, Warrington, Cheshire e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1925 267855 fax:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) South East Derbyshire College (UK) GAMA (ES) Komvux Halmstad (SE)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00075-1

Explorations in European Economic Education

The project aims to enhance the skills of teachers and assistants by devising innovative education programmes that develop, with disadvantaged people, economic understanding – essentially: the value and uses of money for commercial exchange which improves opportunities, choices and quality of life for individuals and groups.

The partners will achieve the aim by: developing contextually appropriate experiential and active learning programmes based on agreed underlying educational principles; by encouraging staff and students to develop their economic understanding.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Basic skills Basic economics Consumer education Information technology Environment Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Disabled persons


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Pathways: Inspirational Development Ltd Name of the contact person: Ian Ball Address: Y Bwthyn Bachaethlon, Sarn. Newtown Powys e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1686 670 505 fax: +44 (0)1686 670 505

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) G. Galilei Commercial Technical Institute (IT) Nicolina Technical High School (RO)



Project reference 05-GBR01-S2G01-00085-1

The Three Cs – Coping with Cultural Changes in different European Areas

Each partner has identified major socio-economic changes within the area where they work. All have access to, or are working with, groups of adult learners who have experienced these changes, but often find it difficult to cope with them. Partner members will use different media as innovative learning tools, e.g. drama, creative writing, art, digital photography, language with their target groups in order for the learners to gain greater understanding of how their lives have been affected by change and how they can best cope with those changes.

The sharing of this learning will enable to target groups to appreciate not only the differences, but also the similarities between the various cultures of the partnership.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Arts, music, culture Health Environment Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Pendrell Hall College of Residential Adult Education Name of the contact person: David Evans Address: Codsall Wood, Staffordshire WV8 1QP e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1902 434 112 fax: +44 (0)1902 434 113

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Community Safety and Meditation Centre (RO) IRFATA (IT) The EB/Birgitta School Health Care Program for Adults (SE) Senioren-Buro mit Info-Zentrum Pflege (DE)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00029-1

Empowerment and Disability: Informal learning through self-advocacy and life history

This project promotes exchange between people with learning difficulties who are experienced self-advocates and university researchers that have worked with them to identify the extent and depth of their learning and the learning needs of people in their position. Its purpose is emancipatory. It aims to develop learning content and curriculum for experiential learners and identify ways of recognising the mainly informal educational and related achievements of people with learning difficulties in ways that challenge and help to transform socially excluding stereotypes. This entails developing increased numbers of self-advocates and furthering the place of people with learning difficulties in further and higher education in Europe. The project is inclusive and the outputs will be jointly authored. In a variety of ways, people’s positive life histories as learners will be used to develop relevant, challenging and advanced curriculum material that meets the research and learning demands of self-advocacy and helps secure a recognised place for self-advocates in universities. This will include opportunities to teach and learning experiences that can be accredited.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning disability

Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Learning difficulty


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: The Open University Name of the contact person: Dr Ian Buchanan Address: Walton Hall, Milton Keynes e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)908 659 583 fax: +44 (0)908 868 280

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Our New Future vzw (BE) University of Dublin, Trinity College (IE) Haskoli Islands (Uni of Iceland) (IS)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00160-1

Re-Vision: Celebrating Diversity through Photography

Seven European centres engaged in teaching and learning through practice in visual arts, crafts, design or media are co-operating on a shared programme of creative learning for socially disadvantaged adults. This innovative project is employing creative approaches to the practice of photography and IT, and led by experienced facilitators in local centres, adult learners create images and texts about how they see themselves and their circumstances. Such collaborative ‘learning through doing’ not only enables learners to re-view themselves in a positive and celebratory way but also encourages self-confidence and stimulates ambition. A website, created as a virtual gallery of learners’ products, provides a means of learner interaction across all centres. The Re-Vision project is monitored through meetings for managers, facilitators and learners held in different centres within the partnership, alongside public exhibitions of learners’ texts and images. Virtual and physical dissemination of products and processes thus enriches the experience of participant learners, actively promotes social inclusion, shares good practice and innovative ideas, and provides a platform for further trans-national collaboration.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Bournville Centre for Visual Arts, University of Central England in Birmingham Name of the contact person: Tom Jones Address: Linden Road, Bournville, Birmingham, West Midlands, B30 1JX e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)121 331 5775 fax: +44 (0)121 331 5779

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Ankara University (TR) ECO Mountain Club Carol Lehmann (RO) Co. Westmeath VEC Midland Arts (IE) LEB Thuringen e.V. (DE) Korsholms vuxeninstitut (FI)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00166-1

Research and Development of Appropriate Interpersonal Skills and Qualities in Supporting Open, Flexible and E-Learning

The aim of this project is to research, develop and disseminate effective practice in supporting flexible learning in adult education. The project partnership will identify successful strategies and work practices used by practitioners to support new and marginalised participants in lifelong learning.

A consortium of 8 adult education institutions will be created, each from a separate European state, with a goal of researching appropriate interpersonal skills and qualities of practitioners in supporting open, flexible and e-learning. Each partner will analyse the interpersonal qualities and skills of practitioners in supporting the delivery of such programmes within their own institution, identifying effective practice. An electronic forum will be created to enable communication between participants. The project will identify a “Good Practice Framework”, which outlines effective social support strategies in supporting flexible learning, and which identifies interpersonal skills and qualities essential to practitioners.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Information technology

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: West Lothian College Name of the contact person: Andrew Murray Address: Almondvale Crescent, Livingston, EH54 7EP e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1506 427 953 fax: +44 (0)1506 409 980

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Vector Interdisciplinary Centre (BG) Association of environmental educators in Cesis region (LV) Innovative and Other Educational Services (DE) Greta du Velay (FR)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00069-1

RACATEL (Raising Civil Awareness Through English Language)

This project will broaden civil participation by studying and comparing the municipal websites of each partner in terms of their accessibility and effectiveness for local citizens.

The various municipal websites will be studied, with executive summaries being created in English. Each will be compared and assessed, and discussed with the different partners. A plenary assessment will be undertaken before a final study document is published in traditional and electronic formats.

Through this activity, the project partners hope to improve internet skills, promote learning and discussion, gain understanding of similar contexts in other EU member states, and develop language skills.

Duration: 1 year Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Languages Learning about European countries / the European Union Information technology

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Local community groups Women Senior citizens


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) Name of the contact person: Edward Hartley Address: 99 Wickersley Road, Rotherham, S60 3PU e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1709 360 886 fax: n/a

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Link School of English (MT) Escuala Oficial de Idiomas (ES) Law university of Lithuania (LT)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00012-1

It’s all in the mind.

The project will work with a number of European partners to establish the training and support needs of training/teaching staff. This is to ensure that they are better able to work with, and support, learners experiencing mental health problems. The aim of this is to allow people with mental health problems to access mainstream learning as opposed to learning within dedicated or specialist environments.

The project will define the term mental health disability for the purposes of this project and will identify the scope of disabilities which can be included for any training materials produced to support training staff. A literature review will be conducted by each participating organisation to establish the current strategy for supporting learners with mental health disabilities and to establish to what extent teaching staff are trained and supported. Furthermore, teaching methodologies will be explored together with identification and sharing of good practise.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Capacity building through shared expertise

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services

Target Group(s) Disabled persons


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Yorkshire and Humber Development Consortium Ltd (YHDC) Name of the contact person: Khawar Iqbal Address: The Haweli, 2 Yew Tree Crescent, Bradford, BD8 0AG. e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1274 223 784 fax: +44 (0)1274 498 224

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre (UK) Co Donegal VEC Adult Education Services (IE) Basbakanlik Ozurluler Idaresi Baskanligi Prime Ministry (TR) Djurslands folkehoejskole (DK) Babes Bolyai University, Faculty of Psycology and Science of Education (RO)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00019-2

Women Across Europe

The aim of this project is to promote the value of education and training amongst disadvantaged women in Europe, with a view to using their skills and knowledge to develop an information bank in the form of an online directory of locally based women’s services and groups and ultimately to establish a women’s network. The directory will be a useful resource for community women’s groups trying to make contact with other similar groups throughout Europe. It will also be a good point of reference for individuals and organisations working within communities, e.g. social workers, doctors etc. It is anticipated that approximately 120 adult learners will be actively involved. The project will promote a collaborative approach to learning. Learners will have the opportunity to share information and learning and develop ICT and language skills by contributing to the transnational newsletter.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Basic Skills Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries / the EU Information Technology Sustainable development Arts, music, culture The Media Education for parents Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Target Group(s) Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Ballybeen Women’s Centre Name of the contact person: Tanya Hughes Address: 34 Ballybeen Square, Dundonald, Belfast, BT16 2QE e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)28 904 81632 fax: +44 (0)28 904 84077

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) I.FOR. P.M.I. PROMETEO Puglia (IT) Ballymun Women’s Resource Centre (IE)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00113-2

TEDDY BEAR Twinning the Elderly Disadvantaged and Disabled with the Young By Enabling Active Reminiscence

This is an intergenerational project involving older people (50+) from all sectors of the community, including those suffering from disadvantage and from mild dementia, sharing their life histories with young children in primary schools (6-12 years). The older persons will encourage the children to respond to their shared life histories with structured questions and by producing creative work such as artwork, drama or written text. The children in turn will act as mentors to the older persons by assisting them with their computer skills. The long-term aim of the project is to encourage the whole community to adopt a more caring approach to its older residents.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Information technology Arts, music, culture The media

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Senior citizens Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: County of Herefordshire District Council Name of the contact person: Paul Olver Address: Plough Lane, PO Box 4, Hereford HR4 0XH e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1432 260192 fax: +44 (0)1432 383031

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Sastamala Community College (FI) Cooperativa Sociale Itaca SCARL (IT)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00118-2

Building Bridges into the Community

The partner institutions, all small specialist education institutions, will design and deliver projects which bring in learners from local businesses and communities to study media/multimedia topics including website design, documentary-making, digital storytelling.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Information technology The media Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Local community groups Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP

Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Cumbria Institute of the Arts Name of the contact person: Karen Bassett Address: Brampton Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA3 9AY e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1228 400318 fax: +44 (0)1228 514491

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Idevarlden (SE) Interactive Media and Marketing Academy (DK) Universidada Catolica Portuguesa - Escola das Artes (PT)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00147-2

Embracing E-Learning

The project will test the potential for e-learning and m-learning (learning objects delivered to learners on mobile devices) to engage adult learners fully in lifelong learning. This will be achieved by staff meeting in workshops to experiment with different pedagogic approaches to e-learning, sharing good practice with partners and exploring the potential for m-learning in order to stimulate adult learners demand for learning. Learners from the different partner organisations will also work together to try out and test e-learning and m-learning, discussing and exchanging views face to face. Staff and learners will also engage in the design and evaluation of accessible interfaces for learning with mobile handheld devices. The project will build a learning portal to test the different approaches and will design a model of good practice to share with others.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered E-learning

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP

Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Middlesbrough College Name of the contact person: Alastair Smith Address: Marton Campus, Marton Road, Middlesbrough TS4 3RZ e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1642 296932 fax: +44 (0)1642 313290

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) e-bfi telelearning GmbH (AT) Universita del Terzo Settore (IT) Escola Secundaria Rodreigues de Freitas (PT)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00145-2

Motivating the Disadvantaged through Empowering Learners (MODEL)

The project aims to develop new and innovative strategies for engaging disadvantaged groups in learning. Each partner will identify a target group and will work with them to define and collect their specific conditions, difficulties and educational needs so that relevant engagement practices can be developed. Target groups to be included in the project are the unemployed, ethnic minorities (including gypsy travellers), single and other disadvantaged parents, and socially disadvantaged young adults. Other agencies with specialist knowledge as well as representatives from the target groups themselves will work with the project partners to develop strategies and appropriate materials designed to promote positive attitudes towards learning and provide for pathways to further opportunities.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Basic skills Information technology Education for parents

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP

Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Orpington College Name of the contact person: Janis Kent Address: The Walnuts, Orpington, Kent BR6 0TE e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1689 899700 fax: +44 (0)1689 877949

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Paideia Iasi (RO) Instituto de Ensenanza Secundaria Francisco Giner de los Rios (ES) Scottish Wider Access Programme (UK) Centro Territorriale Permanente c/o Istituto Comprehansivo F Negri (IT) Centro Territoriale di Educazione Permanente No 2 Pardo (IT) POE EDUCO Ltd (CZ)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00141-2

Voices in Action (VIA) (Previously VOCAL)

The project aims to develop a learning programme that empowers older people who experience disadvantage to take a more active role in issues which affect their everyday lives. The partners will map out what provision and methodologies currently exist to promote the concept of active citizenship among older people in Europe. They will consider the barriers that isolate older people from learning opportunities and will develop creative strategies to try and overcome these barriers. They will develop a curriculum which will contain several units based on values and beliefs of inclusion and empowerment. The curriculum will be piloted in each country and further adaptations will be made. The partners then hope to apply for further funding to implement and evaluate the course.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about other European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Target Group(s) Senior citizens


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Royal Bank of Scotland Centre for the Promotion of the Older Person’s Agenda, Queen Margaret University College Name of the contact person: Belinda Dewar Address: Clerwood Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 8TS e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)131 317 3575 fax: +44 (0)131 317 3605

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Felagsbjonustunan I Reykjavik (IS) Helsingin Yliopisto, Avoin Yliopisto, Ikaimisten Yliopisto (FI) Rhodda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (UK)


Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00080-2

POPPIE – Promoting the involvement of older people in partnership learning experiences

The POPPIE project has been developed in response to the need for consumer education for older people and their workers so that effective involvement in the delivery and development of services can be promoted. The main aim is to ensure that older people feel confident and have the necessary skills to work in partnership with a range of public services of importance to them. The identified services include health, social care, education, housing, transport and prevention of crime. The project will explore the different approaches being taken across Europe, both from the perspective of older people and workers. Training requirements of older people and trained workers will be identified and good practice guidelines will subsequently be developed. It is anticipated that the project will lead to the development of informal and formal life long learning opportunities for older people.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about other European countries/the European Union Consumer Education

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information of other support services

Target Group(s) Senior citizens Local community groups Disabled persons


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Sheffield Hallam University Name of the contact person: Dr Gail Mountain Address: Collegiate Crescent Campus, Sheffield S10 2BP e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)114 225 5759 fax: +44 (0)114 225 2430

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Sheffield University, School of Nursing and Midwifery (UK) University of Maribor, University College of Nursing (SI) Consortium a.r.I (IT)


Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00073-2

LIVE – Learning in Voluntary Experience

A key theme of the LIVE partnership is to share experiences among the partner organisations in recognising the worth of the volunteering experience and to develop tools which acknowledge this informal and non-accredited learning. The groups targeted by the project include asylum seekers, ethnic minorities, disabled people, homeless people, ex-offenders, single parents, drug/alcohol misusers and other people facing social exclusion. It is recognised that volunteering can help develop the confidence and personal aspirations of individuals which often leads to further learning, social inclusion and employment. The aim of the project is to widen participation in learning by involving these disadvantaged groups in volunteering activities.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Basic Skills Active citizenship Arts, Music, Culture

Project Objectives Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education.

Target Group(s) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP

Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: South East Derbyshire College Name of the contact person: Sue Pilbeam Address: 1-5 Church Street, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3BU e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1773 744 426 fax: +44 (0)1773 741 520

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Stichting Educatieve Projekten (NL) Pilot Centre for Special Education and Recuperation for Children Primavera (RO) Umbruch – Bildungswerk für Friedenspolitik und gewaltfreie Veränderung (DE) Kiuruvesi Adult Education Centre (FI) Amics de las UNESCO de Barcelona (ES) Cultural Association of Modena (IT)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00042-2

Welcome to My Home – International Tourism from a Community Perspective

This project is based upon two premises: firstly that tourism is a growth industry across Europe with sub-regions seeking to develop their own identity and unique selling points to potential visitors. Secondly, within each region there are minority communities whose perception of the identity of their region is strongly influenced by their own history, heritage and status within the local society. The project will bring these two aspects together by enabling groups of minority adult students to prepare for and participate in study visits. The Learners will explore the concept of their area as a tourist destination by preparing a web based presentation linked to hosting a visit by other learners / staff in the partnership. Staff and Learners will thereby gain ICT skills, inter-cultural competencies and an increased awareness of the cultural, social and economic diversity of Europe.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural skills Learning about other European countries / the EU Information Technology Arts, Music, Culture Tourism as a study / career choice Project Objectives Strategy for simulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services

Target Group(s) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP

Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: The University of Liverpool Name of the contact person: Tricia Jenkins Address: Sir Alastair Pilkington Building, Mulberry Street, Liverpool L69 7SH e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)151 794 1314 fax: +44 (0)151 794 1310

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) UPI-Ljudska univerza Zalec (SI) Pohjois-Karjalan ammattikorkeakoulou (FI) La Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Lugo (ES)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00154-2

Second Chance Working Winners

The project intends to increase the employability of older people by establishing and developing learner competencies and assessing training needs. The target group is older people (40+) who are either unemployed or in work and require 'upskilling' / re-skilling. The partners intend to share the methods used and thus develop models of good practice. Staff, learners and employers will all be involved in the evaluation process.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Workforce development

Project Objectives Strategy for simulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Target Group(s) Senior Citizens Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Third Age Foundation Name of the contact person: Sylvia Francis Address: Britannia House, 1-11 Glenthorne Road, London W6 0LH e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)20 8748 9898 fax: +44 (0)20 8748 4250

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Initiative 40 (AT) Hogor Instituut Voor Gezinswetenschappen vzw (BE) AGORA (FR) Komvux / Municipal Adult Education (SE) Förderverein Akademie 2, (DE)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00122-2


Belonging aims to develop materials and teaching and learning approaches to encourage citizenship amongst asylum seekers and refugees. The project will share and develop good practice on a transnational basis, develop standards in integrating citizenship in ESOL programmes / second language programmes and promote innovation for learners, enabling them to establish contact with learners in other countries. Learners will develop citizenship and ICT skills as part of their ESOL programme. The project aims to increase attention, motivation, independence and benefit in relation to further education, sustainable employment and good quality of life – with ongoing changes. Through a range of activities, it will confront cultural, social and physical obstacles.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Basic Skills Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Information Technology Sustainable development The media Project Objectives Strategy for simulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Target Group(s) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP

Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Thomas Danby College Name of the contact person: Marguerite Hogg Address: Roundhay Road, Leeds, LS7 3BG e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)113 284 6208 fax: +44 (0)113 284 6441

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) City Akademin (SE) Lodzkie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli I Ksztalcenia Praktycznego (PL) EPLE, Ste Livrade sur Lot (FR)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00014-2

No Barriers

The project aims to provide adults from under-represented learner groups with the opportunity to access learning in new and innovative ways by identifying and trying to overcome any barriers such learners may face. By taking part in the project, learners will gain in self confidence and will become more aware of opportunities that allow for progression through to other levels of learning and development. The partners will share approaches to supporting students and overcoming barriers to learning, thus contributing to better knowledge and awareness of both different and common elements of learning environments in the European Community.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries and the EU Information Technology Arts, Music, Culture Project Objectives Strategy for simulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services

Target Group(s) Adults from under-represented learner groups Women Disabled persons


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: University of Wales Institute Cardiff Name of the contact person: Miss Kay Howells Address: Cyncoed Campus, Cyncoed Road, Cardiff CF23 6XD e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)29 2041 6288 fax: +44 (0)29 2041 6715

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Marieborgs Folkhögskola (SE) Volkshochschule Löbau (DE) Trollhättans Folkhögskola (SE) Kreisvolkshochschule Friesland (DE) Centro de Educacion de personas adultos “Aljibe” (ES) Centro de Educación de personas adultos Granja Delicias (ES)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00028-2

WINGS (Women in Need of Greater Support) across Europe

The aim of this project is to provide educational support to pregnant teenagers and young parents, helping them to remain in formal education. An assessment of existing learning provision, and an exercise involving learners in identifying their own needs, will identify strengths and weaknesses in the existing provision of informal learning. Gaps in provision will be used to inform the development of a Parenting and Life skills programme in a format that will facilitate progression into formal learning and which will be made available to all pregnant teenagers and young mothers. Using a mentor/tutee process, trainers and teachers will have the opportunity to up-skill in areas of identified need as part of their continuing professional development.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues Learning about European countries and the EU Consumer education Health Education for parents Project Objectives Strategy for simulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Target Group(s) Young Mothers who have dropped out of formal education due to pregnancy Young adults (15-25) at risk of social marginalisation Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: U-Too Community Business Ltd Name of the contact person: Carolyn White Address: The Link Centre, Whitehill Way, Swindon SN5 7DL e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1793 465409 fax: +44 (0)

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Dar Guzeppa Debono (MT) Bessborough Care Centre (IE) Planet Design Bt. (HU)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00103-2

Marginalised Young People – Cultural Similarity, Diversity and Good Practice

The project aims to create a platform for marginalised young people to share and contrast social and cultural experiences, thus enriching and promoting their profile. It will also provide opportunities for practitioners from different European cultures to share good practice. It is expected that the project will contribute to both teaching and learning. A visual presentation will be produced which portrays social issues, cultural diversity and youth empowerment. Central to the aims will be the development of successful strategies that help young people overcome social, psychological and economic barriers to active citizenship and economic participation.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries and the EU Information technology

Project Objectives Strategy for simulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP

Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: West Lothian College Name of the contact person: Andrew Murray Address: Almondvale Crescent, Livingston, EH54 7EP e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)1506 427 953 fax: +44 (0)1506 409 980

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Greta du Velay (FR) Adults’ School Aranjuez II, Madrid Vi (Penitentiary Centre) (ES) Vierema Municipality Community Collage (FI)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00058-3

Tandem Learning

This project aims to motivate adult learners to improve their foreign language skills and to provide them with an authentic language learning context through direct communication with learners in other countries.

Adult learners will work collaboratively with learners in the partner countries to create language learning materials reflecting their respective cultures. All materials will be personalised/localised to add interest. The materials produced will be evaluated by tutors and learners, reproduced in photocopiable booklets, supported by video and audio cassettes, and disseminated within the partner countries.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: third

Area(s) covered Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Arts, music, culture Education for parents Sustainable development Health The media Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside Formal education Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas 16+ learners of languages Local community groups


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Fermanagh College of Further and Higher Education Name of the contact person: Joan Major Address: Fairview, 1 Dublin Road, Enniskillen, BT74 6AE, Northern Ireland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0) 28 66 342262 fax: +44 (0) 28 66 326357

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Gmuender VHS (DE) Instituto Comprensivo Sciviero (IT) Universidad Popular para la Educacion y la Cultura de Burgos (ES)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00004-3

Basic Skills and Social Enterprises

The aims and objectives of the Learning Partnership are to identify good practice developed by partners in engaging normally disaffected adults in lifelong learning, particularly where there is a need for basic skills development. In many cases, these people have been ‘turned off’ learning by previous unsatisfactory experiences and are thus apprehensive (if not antagonistic) to re-engaging with an educational organisation. However, many of these people are attracted to the operations of social enterprises or co- operatives which are not seen as representing ‘establishment’ organisations. In particular, this project will identify good practice where social enterprise organisations and learning providers work together to reach the target groups and, by developing flexible and non-threatening programmes, encourage them to re-engage with learning and address basic skill needs. The involvement of learners throughout this project, including transnational visits is therefore essential.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: third

Area(s) covered Basic skills Information technology Environment

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP

Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Lancaster and Morecambe College Name of the contact person: John Perry Address: Morecambe Road, Lancaster LA1 2TY e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0) 1524 521216 fax: +44 (0) 1524 843078

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Furniture Matters (UK) Vaxjo City Council (SE) Institute of Continuing Adult Education (GR)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00017-3

Smiley Faces – European Learning Bags

The overall aim of the project is to increase the child development knowledge and basic skills of childminders and parents and, through them, improve the early years education of children aged 3 – 12.

The adult learners (childminders and parents) will develop a range of ‘Smiley Faces European Learning Bags’ and supporting training materials for use in the education of children. Each ‘Learning Bag’ will contain resources (toys, games, stories, songs, etc) created, recorded and handcrafted by the learners themselves. The ‘Learning Bags’, which will also reflect the cultures of the countries involved, will be exchanged with partners and piloted with groups of children across the partnership. The bags will also incorporate a project logo to reflect the differing cultures and will explore the use of a ‘Travelling Teddy’ to accompany the bags across the countries. The project will also deliver a basic child development course to provide learners with the knowledge and skills necessary for the development of educational resources. It will also devise and deliver training in child observation techniques as well as training in the use of the learning bags.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: third

Area(s) covered Basic skills Arts, music, culture Education for parents

Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches

Target Group(s) Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Northern Ireland Childminding Association Name of the contact person: Bridget Nodder Address: 16 – 18 Mill Street, Newtonards BT23 4LU, Northern Ireland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)28 9181 1015 fax: +44 (0)28 9182 0921

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Centre of non-Material Aid (PL) Association DIA SPORT (BG) Kelme English Club ‘ABC’ (LT) Parents Association of the Makedonitissa B Elementary School (CY)



Project reference: 05-GBR01-S2G01-00151-3

Cultural Integration and Citizenship Experiences of Migrant Learners

The project aims to develop a transnational community creative writing and educational guidance skills programme with learners from migrant communities, especially women. It will utilise an informal approach, allowing learners to increase their capacity to play a full and active role in society. This will be achieved through educational guidance tools for addressing the specific needs of migrant learners. Learners will be given the opportunity to express their cultural, social and economic experiences in relation to citizenship through essays, journals and workshops. Support and guidance systems will be put into place for developing self-confidence, motivation and educational awareness. The project’s outcomes will include case studies, publications, an exhibition and partnership exchange visits allowing for wider dissemination across local, national and transnational communities.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: third

Area(s) covered Educational guidance Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Sustainable development Health Environment Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP

Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Sherico Care Homes Ltd Name of the contact person: Noor Hasmat Ali Address: 2 Balmoral Road, Leyton, London E10 5ND e-mail: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)20 8518 7896 fax: +44 (0)20 8539 6422

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Transcultural Therapeutic Team for Young Immigrants and Refugees (DK) Otava Folk School (FI)



Project reference: 05-ISl01-S2G01-00008-1

Teaching Flex: Teaching and learning in distance / flexible education

Teaching Flex, teaching and learning in distance/flexible education is a collaborative European project to guide teachers in a distance/flexible learning environment. The aim is to meet the needs of teachers in new learning/teaching environment. New technology, computer programs as well as new kinds of communication tools calls for other/different teaching methods. The project aims to enhance the basic skills of teachers in using learning theories, blended teaching methods and in understanding diverse learning styles. The use of modern technology is of consideration when teaching and learning in distance/flexible education.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st year

Area(s) covered Basic skills Information technology Other: Teaching and learning in a distance / flexible environment

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Other: Teachers to teach and learn in distance / flexible education


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Kennaraháskóli Íslands, Símenntunarstofnun Iceland University of Education, Department of Continuing Education Name of the contact person: Ms. Sólrún B. Kristinsdóttir Address: v/Stakkahlíð, IS-105 Reykjavík, Iceland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +354 563 3861 fax: +354 563 3981 website: and

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

SE partner Väglednings – och lärcentrum (Guidance and learning centre), Kristianstad, Sweden GR partner Hellenic Open University, Faculty of Humanities, Patras, Greece GR partner Hellenic Network of Open and Distance Education, Patras, Greece ES partner Centro de Educación a Distancia ‘Profesor Féliz Pérez Parrilla’, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria FR partner Association ‘Savoirs Pour Réussir’, Marseille, France CZ partner Ostravaská Univerzita v Ostrave, Ostrava, Czech Republic



Project reference: 05-ISl01-S2G01-00010-2

Women's empowerment for active citizenship

The main aim is to support women to raise their self-confidence through empowerment with guidance in using ICT and practice in public speaking in order to encourage active citizenship. The project is to offer women, who participate, the opportunity to widen their horizon by learning about women’s social and private situation in different countries for comparison. Encourage women to think about and discuss their private and public role. Offer women training in speaking in public and how to do so with the help of highly visualized materials, ICT and new technologies.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Languages Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Other: Women’s empowerment Target Group(s) Women


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Uppsprettan ehf – Enska fyrir alla The Fountain of Education – English for All Name of the contact person: Ms. Erla Aradóttir Address: Fagraberg 24, IS-221 Hafnarfjörður, Iceland e-mail: [email protected] tel: +354 891 7576 fax: website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

DE partner Volkshochschule /Frauenakademie, Schwäbisch Hall, Germany FI partner Ammattiopisto /palveluopisto, Paikkakunta, Finland ES partner Centro de Educación de Adultos Concepción Arenal, Santo Dominguito de Val s/n, Spain TR partner MEB Ciraklik ve Yaygin Egitim Genel Müdürlügü, Teknikokullar, Ankara, Turkey DK partner VUC Vestsjælland Nord Holbæk, Denmark


Project reference: 05-NOR 01-S2601-00040-1

“Tourism in coastal areas”

Tourism is one of the most important economic activities in the regions taking part in the European partnership. Therefore it is desirable to stimulate students in adult education to look for jobs in the field of tourism. International cooperation during educational training can guide students in looking for jobs in this sector of the economy. Development of innovative strategies and methods in career guidance and exchange of experience between the partners will allow these schools to work both more and better in the fields of European inter-action. Main aims: -Promoting international mobility for students and teachers. -Improving knowledge of foreign cultures and languages. -To stimulate adults under education to apply for jobs in the branch of tourism. -To try out innovative methods, including education based on ICT. -Promoting career guidance.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Information technology

Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Other : Promotion of students’ and teachers’ international mobility Other : Improvement of know-how about foreign cultures and languages Other : More intensive contacts between Northern and Southern Europe Other : Adults under education will get more eager to apply for jobs in the field of tourism. Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: OPUS – Vadsø videregående skole/OPUS – Vadsoe upper secondary school Name of the contact person: Jens Pedersen Address: Karl Rasmussens plass 1, 9811 Vadsø e-mail: [email protected] tel: +47 78 95 57 01 fax: +47 78 95 39 59 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale e Liceo Scientifico Tecnologico “Augusto Righi” (IT) Tornedalsskolan/Upper Secondary School of the Torne Valley (SE) Istituto Compresivo L. Pirandello Centro Territoriale de Educazione Permanente Disretto 052 Taranto (IT) Escola Secundaria de Peniche (PT) Escola Superior de Tecnologico do Mar (PT)



Project reference: 05-NOR 01-S2601-00016-1


The project aims to change attitudes and achieve social inclusion and community cohesion through learning and developing methods for motivating both majority-dominated institutions/organisations and minorities. The target groups are 1. (Minorities): ethnic minorities, handicapped and socially marginalized groups, including women in rural areas. 2. (Majorities), members of our organisations local community members and staff. Staff and learners will meet twice a year in different European countries, taking part in study visits, learning from each others’ experience and learning the Process Work method as practised by the partners in UK and Slovakia. Process work is an innovative and cross-disciplinary approach to facilitate individual and collective change. It provides a practical framework through which each individual and group can interact, bringing out all points of view in order to achieve a “deep democracy”, the stage where all parts of the group or society is valued and accepted as they are. Thorough facilitation of the gathering of groups and individuals who are often in conflict or isolation, leads to greater awareness on each side and allows interacting with more understanding. The tools of process work are particularly useful for coping with prejudices, barriers and for empowering the individuals and groups from within, by seeking for the inner resources of power, often hidden under conflicts or painful experiences of marginalisation. The project will evaluate if and how the Process Work method is of practical use to the partners’ activities.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Sustainable development

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners….


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Folkekulturforbundet/The Folk Culture Association Name of the contact person: Trine Thommessen Address: Vågå Næringshage, 2680 Vågå e-mail: [email protected] tel: +47 61 23 82 50 fax: +47 61 23 82 59 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Lietuvos Etniniu Mazumu Asociacija/Lithuanian Ethnic Minorities Association (LT) Arendal voksenopplæring, Arendal kommune/Arendal Centre for Adult Education, Arendal Municipality(NO) Biuro Obslugi Inicjatyw Europejskich/The European Initiatives Office Ltd. (PL) Caritas Archidiecezji Katowickiej, osrodek dla Osob Niepelnosprawnych “Milosierdzie Boze” / Caritas of Katowice Archdiocese, Center for Disabled Persons “Divine Mercy” (PL)



Project reference: 04-NOR 01-S2G01-00017-2

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among inmates in prison.

It is estimated that 30% of the inmates in prisons suffer from ADHD, which may create problems for themselves and for the prison. ”How can health/welfare and school departments cooperate in finding a positive way of improvement?” Is ADHD a disorder which starts during childhood? How much attention does school give to the disorder? Is ADHD one of the causes of teenagers’ deviances? Which perception do penitentiary institutions have of ADHD among juvenile and adult inmates?

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Health Information technology

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. 1 Young adults at risk of social marginalisation 2 Other 3: People affected by ADHD within the educational context


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Hønefoss videregående skole Name of the contact person: Jarle Ellingsen Address: Osloveien 17, 3517 Hønefoss e-mail: [email protected] tel: +47 32 11 34 40 fax: +47 32 11 34 99 website:

Partners Rummu Erikutsekool (ET) BRESOP e. V.: Bremer Verein zur Forderung der interdiziplinarien Zusammenarbeit Zwischen Wissenschaft, Praxis und Politikk im Breich sozialer Probleme (DE) Istituto Tecnico Statale per Geometri „Andrea Palladio“ (IT)



Project reference: 05-NOR 01-S2601-00025-2


A Grundtvig 2 Learning Partnership over two years (August 2004 – July 2006) including one annual visit in each country.

Meetings with mutual exchanges of information and experiences concerning skills validation in five European countries: France, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Norway: -financial and juridical aspects -quality assurance -how the systems give adults the possibility of adult education and lifelong learning -the use of ICT to help adults in rural communities to achieve the formal competencies they wish to acquire -aim groups: Personel working with skills validation and teaching adults in a perspective of lifelong learning

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Other : Adults having at least 3 years of professional experience and who wish to accomplish validation of the assets


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Nordhordland realkompetansesenter, Knarvik vidaregåande skule / The Center of Validation of the Assets at Nordhordland Name of the contact person: Øivind H. Solheim Address: Kvernhusmyrane 2, 5914 Isdalstø e-mail: [email protected] tel: +47 56 35 54 00 fax: +47 56 35 54 01 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

GIP FCIP d’Aquitaine – Dispositif Académique de Validation des Acquis (DAVA) (FR) IPSIA Don Magnani (IT) Directora Unidad de Promoción y Desarrollo de Navarra, Camara Navarra de Comercio e Industria, Pamplona, Navarra (ES) KompetensCentrum Tidaholm (SE)

358 BULGARIA България

Project reference: 05-BGR01-S2G01-00012-1

Future Workshops for Europe

The Future Workshop (FW) is a methodology that helps people learn about Europe and European institutions and empower citizens to meet the challenges of a knowledge-based society. We will use FW to reach out to disadvantaged groups through multipliers, like teachers, youth and social workers, and trainers. The FW is an innovative and well-structured process which has been used for many years to find solutions, and for community-based planning. The FW was originally developed for citizen groups with limited resources who wanted a say in the decision-making process. It is a technique meant to shed light on common challenges, to genrate visions about the future and to discuss how these visions can be realised. In this case, we will use the FW to work with educators and other multipliers from rural and local areas in order to train them in the methodology. We plan to train self-sufficient teams of trainers who can support each other in implementing the process in their home communities. These teams will use the FW process with their communities to create adult education programs for the purposes of teaching about Europe and European values and promoting active citizenship.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Local community development Learning about European countries / the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/counselling/information or other support activities Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association Name of the contact person: Maria Todorova Address: 1000 Sofia, 147, “Kniaz Boris I” str e-mail: [email protected] tel: +359 2 983 65 43 fax: +359 2 983 64 82

Partners o Bavarian Adult Education Association, (DE) o Gourri Community Council, (CY) o Kashubian Folk High School, (PL) o Public Training Centre, (TR) o ZORG om Boer en Tuinde, (NL) o European Institute of Social Services, University of Kent, (UK)

359 България

Project reference: 05-BGR01-S2G01-00016-2

16+ The basic document for defining the idea to develop this project is the commitment of the Community manifest in the Treaty of Amsterdam to combat social exclusion in ways consistent with promoting a ‘Europe for all’.

Work on this statement the project is aiming at bringing in contact European adult learners who are one of the disadvantage and possible social exclusion group – young adults which are the contingent of the special institutions - foster home/foster care -till they come of age. After this period they are under of obligation to leave these institutions and to star their independent/self-dependent life. Really their life during the leaving this environment was easy but not in every case useful. There is a lack of understanding, knowledge and skills for survival without any negative consequences, other words, these people form a social group, which can easily become social excluded. WITHIN THIS CONTEX THE PROJECT WANTS TO FOCUSE ESPECIALLY development ‘’MEDIA –LESSONSON’’ directly with the participation of these young adults, to encourage them to share their experience and understanding for possible way of adequate life outside this institutions, when they became more than 16 and have to leave the institutions.

To contact each other and to discuss their understanding for active citizenship and easy integration in a society after leaving, they will discover that extra skills are needed. This will encourage the participating learners to help their younger friends from that institution and to support the staff of the same institution in organising and participating in such activities. This first phase of the project will be compare and confront the different national experience in this area in the participating countries trough actively involvement of the staff of the respect organisation. It will be defining several main teams for media – lessons, for example in the next directions:’’ how I live now’’, ‘’what can be happen with me after leaving’’, what I want to be my future life outside’’, what happened’’ and etc. The next phase will deal whit development of national workshops with young adults and staff from the foster home and participants from partners’ organisation – in Italy, in Spain, in Cyprus, in Portuguese, In Bulgaria, in Lithuania. Final phase will analyse the project results and provide dissemination of them to other institutions and customers and prepare action plan for future development of the project. The project output will consist media lessons, chat room, cartoons and action plan for future development of the project.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries/the European Union Project Objectives Guidance/counselling/information or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Center for educational services and innovation- Europa, LTD Name of the contact person: Mario Petrov Address: ul.’’Buzemska’’ N2. 1618 Sofia e-mail: [email protected] tel: +359 (0)2 850 16 67 fax: +359 (0)2 850 16 67

Partners o Department Studys of Current Means Asociation (ES) o TRISYS LTD (CY) o SVTC - SOCIALISATION VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE (LT) o D&S Group S.C.p.a. (IT)



Project reference: 05-BGR01-S2G01-00039-2

Development and Delivering of Good Practices for Information and Guidance for Supporting Transnational Regional Collaboration - DDGIG

The DDGIG (Development and Delivering of Good Practices for Information and Guidance for Supporting Transnational Regional Collaboration) project is aiming at bringing in contact European adult learners who are working in the sphere of information and guidance and labour market development – representatives of state policy institutions and representatives of regional municipal authorities – to introduce and share experience about: - information and guidance services - establishment of the sustainable relation between labour market development and delivering appropriate information and guidance services - implementation of ICT technologies for collecting assessment and delivering of information and guidance free of charge at regional level - development and upgrading database used in the process of information and guidance for regional purposes To contact each other and to share their knowledge, experience and practice, they will discover that extra skills are needed. This will encourage the participating learners to upgrade their personal competence. Extra skills the learners will develop in this project: - making use of internet-based communication platforms - language skills - knowledge of cultural history of their home country and the participating countries Organising of a Virtual window for introducing their possibilities and demand for information and guidance at transnational regional level and promote future collaboration in different field of economic environment. Virtual window based on the web platform and are exposed in the participating countries. Mobility of Municipality officials also will be used to attend the workshops in the other countries.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development Learning about European countries/the European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support services

Target Group(s) Local community groups Senior citizens Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: National Agency for Vocational Education and Training Name of the contact person: Dean Pushkarov Address: 125, Tsarigradsko shosse, block 5. 1113 Sofia e-mail: [email protected] tel: +359 (0)2 875 02 23 fax: +359 (0)2 875 02 23

Partners o Unified Vocational Training of Cyclades (GR) o D&S Group – Women for Development (IT) o Spanish Confederation of Education Centre (ES)



Project reference: 05-BGR01-S2G01-00042-1


The project aims at exchanging knowledge and good practices about mentoring for women entrepreneurs as an alternative learning form, and promoting mentoring for women entrepreneurs as a way to overcome gender disparities, social exclusion and poverty by empowering women to participate more actively in national economy. It will analyse the existing gender disparities and/or inequalities in Bulgaria, Italy, Slovakia, Turkey and Greece, concerning the economic activity of men and women by preparing four overviews of the different experience in training women in entrepreneurship in the participating partner countries. The main focus of the activities will fall on the exchange of experience and good practices in mentoring for women entrepreneurs through four site visits and an e- forum on the project co-ordinator’s website. This learning experience will allow the partners to analyse possibilities to create mentoring training programs for Bulgaria, Italy and Turkey based on the Greek and Slovak partners’ experience in mentoring for women entrepreneurs as future joint activities in the field. The project experience and outcomes the results a will be widely disseminated to the whole learning community through the e-forum, five web pages on each partner’s website about the project and three roundtables in the learning partners’ countries.

Duration: 1 year Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Other, namely: Entrepreneurial Skills

Project Objectives Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution

Target Group(s) Women


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CENTER OF WOMEN’S STUDIES AND POLICIES FOUNDATION Name of the contact person: MAGDANELA DELINESHEVA Address: TRIADITSA 6, FLOOR 1, OFFICE 101, SOFIA 1000 e-mail: [email protected] tel: (+359) (2)980 6265 fax: (+359) (2)980 6265




Project reference: 05-BGR01-S2G01-00043-1

Initial Application of an Educational Strategy Measures on Children Internet Safety for Teachers and Parents

The project extends an already existing partnership, established under a previous Grundtvig 2 project of European organisations working in the field of consumer protection. It aims at initial implementation of a commonly developed strategy for the informal education of European adult citizens on protecting children from Internet genrated risks. It also aims at exchanging know-how, practical information and expertise between partners and their educational staff in the relevant field. The project envisages the implementation of two workshops, creation of educational web site, development of on-line and paper-based educational tools (in six languages) for trainers, parents and teachers an effective instrument and precondition for applying other protection measures.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Information technology Consumer education Education for parents

Project Objectives Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s) Others, namely: teachers and parents whose children are Internet consumers Trainers on Internet safety for children


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Bulgarian National Consumer Association Name of the contact person: Bogomil Nikolov Address: 1000 Sofia, “11 August” str. 10, floor 1 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +359 2 989 01 06 fax: +359 2 989 01 07

Partners o National Consumer Confederation, (LT) o Association of Polish Consumers, (PL) o Association of Consumer Organisations in Slovakia, (SK)



Project reference: 05-BGR01-S2G01-00053-2

ISEM Improvement of Strategies for E-Learning in a Multicultural Context

The project Improvement of Strategies for E-Learning in a multicultural context (ISEM) aims at exchanging information, know-how and good practices in the field of e-learning among 4 European countries (BG, IT, ES, DE). The so created Learning Partnership involves a diversity of organizations providing formal, informal and non-formal training to learners with special needs. The project envisages 6 mobility actions (partners meetings, staff exchanges and a closing seminar) to be held within a period of two years. Both mobility actions and country-based activities (data collection, analysis, and research) will allow the partners to gain insight into the needs of the learner, to identify existing Lifelong Learning (LLL) gaps. The Learning Partnership will agree on concrete measures to support the launch of innovative actions and alternative LLL pathways that better meet the diversity of learners’ needs and demands. In addition to that research, the project also focuses on reviewing positive practices and transfer of know-how in the field of LLL and e-learning. The project results will be widely disseminated by setting up an online database (web page) on good practices.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered ™ Active citizenship ™ Intercultural issues ™ Information technology ™ The media ™ Other: e-learning education

Project Objectives ™ Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning ™ Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) ™ Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education

Target Group(s) 1. Others: adult trainers; adult people 2. Disabled persons 3. Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: VISTA Company Ltd. Name of the contact person: Violina Kostova Address: 15, Sveti Naum Blvd. 1421 Sofia e-mail: [email protected] tel: +359 (0)2 980 4832 fax: +359 (0)2 989 0107




Project reference: 05-BGR01-S2G01-00073-1

Improved Service Delivery in Prison Education

The project is designed to increase the knowledge of partner institutions in the diversity of educational systems in prisons around Europe. Project partners will seek to learn from each other and develop good practices for implementing the Recommendation No.R(89) of the Council of Europe. They will consider different types of programmes and establish effective, creative and learning teams for prison education. All project partners will involve prison administration, educators and prisoners in cultural and social activities throughout the project. Significance will be given to creative and cultural activities because they will enable prison and prisoners to develop and express themselves and to minimize the detrimental effects of imprisonment.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Basic skills Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries / the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution

Target Group(s) Prison administration; Prison educators;Women Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Society for European Educational Cooperation Name of the contact person: Valentina Petrova Address: 5500 Lovech P.O.Box 65 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +359 68 604 330 fax: +359 68 603 847

Partners o Vězeňská služba České republiky Střední odborné učiliště ( Vocational Training Centre), (CZ) o 2ο Γυµνάσιο & Λυκειακές Τάξεις Αυλώνα-Αττικής ( 2nd Gymnasium with Lyceum Classes of Avlona-Attica), (GR) o Bredtveit fengsels-, forvarings- og sikringsanstalt (Bredtveit prison), Grønland voksenopplæringssenter (Grønland adult learning center), (NO) o Male Prison-Lovech, General Directorate “Execution of Sentences”, Ministry of Justice (BG)



Project reference: 05-BGR01-S2G01-00078-2

Knowledge of the Nature

The present project will enrich the knowledge of informal ecological education among teachers and leaders of ecology clubs and organizations from European countries. The participating organizations will introduce their successful practice and rich experience in the interpretation of the common European subject of environmental preservation and prudent use of local natural resources. Through scientific and practical seminars the participants will display new commonly applicable methods of teaching, emphasizing on non-standard forms and ways of acquiring knowledge about nature in the open air. Two workshops are to be held in 2005 – in April in Bulgaria and in June in Italy. The teachers in natural sciences and the leaders of ecology clubs are to release their most creative and applicable interpretation practices and experience in a Guide of Informal Ecological Teaching and on a CD to disseminate their experience in other European countries. We intend to create a network of school (children and youth) ecology clubs and organizations, for cooperation work on common European environmental problems, and on developing joint projects of The European Council Programmes. A work meeting of the partners was held in Sliven in 2004, where the Bulgarian trainees – teachers in natural sciences, were introduced. The cooperation work resulted in applying with a new project under the Youth for Europe programme which envisages organizing an international youth ecology camp in July 2005 in Sliven with some new partners from Germany, Slovakia, and Romania. The Technical University, Sliven, Bulgaria, and the Tecno- Group from Benevento, Italy, have signed an agreement of collaboration in scientific and technological research and transfer of environmental know-how regarding services, the ambient and quality of life. We have also started the preparation of the web site of the project, the design of which will be presented at the workshop in Sliven in April 2005.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: second

Area(s) covered Environment Learning about European countries/the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Target Group(s) Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP

Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: NGO “Club Blue Rocks” Name of the contact person: Emilia Boeva Address: General Stolipin St. 14 Sliven 8800 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +359 (0)44 62 46 32 fax: +359 (0)44 66 29 61

Partners o TECNO BIOS LTD (IT) o Infinity – language a educational center (CZ) o Slovenské múzeum ochrany prírody a jaskyniarstva (SK)



Project reference: 05-BGR01-S2G01-00098-1

Transfer and implementation of European best practices in the sphere of guidance /counseling/ of young adults /CYA/

The theme of the project proposed by the Learning Partnership is transfer and implementation of European best practices in the sphere of guidance /counseling/ of young adults. The specific topics and aims of the partnership are exchange of best practices among the partners in the selected topic; motivation of young adults through acquisition of practical knowledge and skills in the sphere of IT and job application corresponding to EU standards; improvement of the competences of consultants /counselors/ and strengthening their role in the vocational training system; increasing of the knowledge about the significance and the role of EU in the new EU member states and/or EU associated countries; dissemination of the project results, thus enhancing the European dimension in education, widening the partners’ cultural outlook and increasing the level of knowledge about the European traditions, culture and spirit. The project will pass through three phases: a phase of preparation, including first international meeting and exchange of consultants /counsellors/. The active phase of the project includes adaptation of the training materials for counselling, elaboration of an information brochure, testing, mobility /second and third project meeting/ and elaboration of a Web site by the participants in the testing. The third phase is the final phase during which the “end products” will be translated and disseminated. The “end products” are training materials for counselling, brochure for the EU market labour market; reports from the testing; Web site. During that phase the final evaluation of the project will be done and an evaluation report of the project success will be elaborated and disseminated. The Learning partnership consists of 6 partner organizations from Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Spain and Germany. One of the best advantages of this partnership is that it combines the expertise of old EU member states, new member states and associated countries, thus providing an opportunity for sharing and exchange on different levels of experience and strengthening of the European dimension.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: first

Area(s) covered Basic skills Information technology Learning about European countries / the European Union

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services

Target Group(s) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP

Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Bulgarian-German Vocational Training Center – Pazardjik /BGCPO Name of the contact person: Aleksandar Trenkov Address: 4400 Pazardjik, Plovdivska St 17, Bulgaria e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] tel: +359 34 404 501; 404 520 fax: +359 34 404 514

Partners o Fundaţia Româno-Germană /Romanian – German Foundation/, (RO) o Zentralstelle für die Weiterbildung im Handwerk (ZWH) /Central Office for Continuous Vocational Training in the Skilled Crafts/, (DE) o FOREM EXTREMADURA. Fundacion Formacion y Empleo Extremadura /FOREM EXTREMADURA. Training and Employment Foundation Extremadura/ , (ES)


Project reference: 04-G2-12-B-RO-C

Improvement of Employment Chances of the Unemployed and Visual and Audible Disabled by using Virtual Learning Application - IECUVADVLA

The project “Improvement of the Employment Chances of the Unemployed and the Visual and Audible Disabled by using Virtual Learning Applications” – IECUVADVLA - is initiated and will be developed in the frame of a Learning Partnership of five participants countries: Romania, Germany, Hungary, England and the Netherlands.

The aims and objectives of the project IECUVADVLA are to improve the chances of employment of the senior unemployed, especially of the unemployed with visual or hearing impairments. In the project IECUVADVLA these aims will be reached by investigating the existing situation in the countries represented in the partnership concerning the educational assistance by electronic means that is given to the senior unemployed often having a moderate level of education and more specifically also to the (unemployed) disabled with visual and hearing deficiencies.

In the next phases of the project IECUVADVLA informative assistance will be provided based on the results of the investigations and also general models of virtual learning applications and some specific demonstration courses will be determined, developed and produced in order to improve the employment application techniques of the target groups concerned, their awareness and knowledge about their rights. The main focus of the project’s activities is on these target groups in Eastern Europe.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Target Group(s) Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Romanian Foundation for Quality Promotion (RFQP) Name of the contact person: Drăgulănescu Nicolae, General Secretary Address: Str. Obcina Mare 1/15,sect. 6, 061591 Bucharest-66, Romania e-mail: [email protected] tel: 021 4133357 fax: 021 4133357, 021 4991458 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Institut Arbeit und Technik (IATC) Institute for Work and Technology - DE Stichting International Excellence Reserve - I.E.R. - NL Fry-Samuels & Associates (Lymington ) Limited - UK Szechenyi Istvan Egyetem ( Szecheny Istvan University ) - HU Liceul "Octav Onicescu" - "Octav Onicescu" High School - RO



Project reference: 05-G2-05-G2-19-B-RO-C

PHOTO AGORA – New methods of adult learning for improving the sense of self-identity in Europe today

Based on intercultural learning approach, the project aims to raise interest on a new vision on Europe’s cities today focusing on people’s sense of local identity of individuals and communities.

Cultural intervention - using arts - is an important tool toward creative communities. It is a tool that helps people and local communities to explore their needs and an creative and constructive way for further community development; Increase creativity of people which is a key ingredient for positive strategic thinking; increases people‘s sense of local identity (which is a basis for deeper involvement in community life).

Adult educators and trainers, media experts, young students will work together in order to understand each other cultural values and find the most appropriate ways of adult learning that strengths the sense of local identity in each individual and community. Adult learning methods will be used altogether with cultural intervention tools such as photography and story telling/interviews.

The project will create, by collecting people and communities’ visions and testimonials, a “common identity sense of the North, East, South and West Europe today”, a cultural subjective map ready to share and guide people through living experiences of Europe’s cities today by the means of photography and story telling/interviews, in a very personal style.

Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Media Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Local community groups Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: MEDIA ART & EXPERIMENT SOCIAL FOUNDATION Name of the contact person: Cristiana Vlad Address: 36 Batistei St. e-mail: [email protected] tel: (40) ( fax: (40) ( website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) Association of Civil Society Animators “SAS”, PL Centro artistico “Grattacielo”, IT


ROMANIA Project reference: 05-G2-33-B-RO-C

Design Intercultural Education at Community Level

The project will be dealing with skill innovation of teaching methods in intercultural adult education. Our partners will be from the Germany and Spain.

The objective of the project is to map out required skills of a teacher, innovative teaching methods in adult education concerning existing learners and co-operation with our partners in the field of intercultural adult education. It is evident that in our society there are constantly a growing number of people who need intercultural education. However, obstacles also exist. Demands on specific knowledge and skills increase constantly. Also teachers can become agents of change promoting intercultural education al local level in community development perspective, too. Individual countries have different experiences. Therefore we have created the partnership and we want to deal with those problems. The period of the project is two years. The target groups are teachers/trainers in the further education as well as informal education of adults and youth.

The main activities will be analysis and data processing, information exchange, discussions, workshops. The output of the project is a summary of the required skills and mapping out the possibility of teacher’s cooperation. The asset of the project is to make responses to contemporary intercultural educational needs more flexible, recognition of target group needs and role specification of teachers.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing competencies certification Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Teachers


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Academy of Economic Studies – Teacher Training Department Name of the contact person: Corina Cace Address: Piaţa Romana nr. 6 e-mail: [email protected] tel: 004 021-319.19.19 fax: 004 021. 318. 19. 99 website:

Partners Dock Europe GmbH, Bildung-Beratung-Moderation (Dock Europe Education – consulting – mediation), DE Federación de Asociaciones de Educación de Adultos (Federation of Associations of Adults Education), ES


Project reference: 05-G2-34-B-RO-C

YnterACT (YouNgsters Together for European Research of Active eduCational Tools)

Nowadays it is said that a normal human being is involved in as many interpersonal communication situations in one week as our ancestors four centuries ago in their whole life. In 2005 we have TV, radio, phone, fax, Internet! They make communication a lot faster, but not necessary more manageable! On the contrary, the truth is that the speed overwhelms many of us! YnterACT aims to give communication and education a more… human face! And in the process to promote the use of new pedagogical methods! How? We do not need to reinvent the wheel. There are already so many tools on the market. The best, cheapest and most effective solution is to identify those that we need and to adapt them to our needs as individuals and as members of a institution. Educational tools like formal debate, role simulation, lateral thinking, creativity games are the right instruments. They are effective because they are fun and one can learn in the same time. YnterACT aims to create a network of Creative Communication Clubs where young adults would have the chance to meet and practice the above-mentioned educational tools.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: (1st)

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Communication Skills

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Asociatia Studentilor Europeni – AEGEE Bucuresti Name of the contact person: Radu Racareanu Address: Calea Dorobantilor, nr 15-17, ASE, Cladirea Virgil Madgearu, cam 2218 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +40723331987 fax: +40213145075 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) (KINISI FITITON GIA TIN ENOSI TIS EUROPIS) –GR Das Europäische Studentenforum - MUENCHEN e.V. - DE



Project reference: 05-G2-37-B-RO-C

Eliminate POverty – Development of the entrepreneural spiril in rural Areas, through ITC and Business

The project wishes to foment the diversification of rural traditional economies in the rural areas powering new emergent and innovative activities as results of gaining knowledge an studying the greatly different rural realities in Europe

All partners intend to give better knowledge to adults from disadvantaged rural areas about possibilities for further improve their personal development in the entrepreneurial spirit.

The aims of the present learning partnership project is to increase opportunities of the people from rural areas through the effective use of information and communication technology and promoting the entrepreneurial activities and to create an European network of experience exchange against poverty in the rural areas of participating countries in the project. A solution to eliminate the poverty is to get New Technologies closer to the every-day life disadvantaged rural areas, to help them to get an approach to other kinds of culture and languages

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Gender issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Women


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASOCIATIA FEMEILOR DIN ROMANIA Name of the contact person: Liliana PAGU Address: Victor Eftimiu 2 etj 6 cam 401 , Bucharest , Romania e-mail: [email protected] tel: fax: 40-21-3159859 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) University of Szeged College of Agriculture, Hungary, HU Trebag Property- and Projectmanager LTD, HU INTERKULTURELLE PERSONALENTWICKLUNG, Austria , AT



Project reference: 05-G2-39-B-RO-R-C


This project implements long learning based on: - a process allowing the parents to identify their needs and expectations for the resolution of their problems; - an exchange of life experience and share of knowledge in order to develop their competencies as educators; - the support of their motivation and intervention on the education and socialization of their children; - the interaction with the community to develop the education and social processes. The target groups in each context are the parents of children with permanent needs or/ and learning difficulties, and at educational or social exclusion risk. The general objectives are: the diagnostic of parents needs and motivations as educators; the preparation altogether of a work plan answering to those needs and motivations; the adaptation and implementation of a learning program having in view to implement the family advocacy oriented to the parents self determination, the development of personal motivations and competencies, an articulation with available services providing counselling, guidance, social support to parents needs, the creation or consolidation of local networks to support the social and educational development and the on job training of the technicians. The strategies/ methodologies are to: stimulate the parents as individuals and learners group; the stimulation of their participation in the educational and social processes; create natural networks; development of representative structures of parents; enlargement local support partnership.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: (3rd)

Area(s) covered Basic skills Education for parents Health Sustainable development Inclusive approach for social development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups Marginalised groups Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: THE SOCIAL AID OF THE FAMILY SAINT ANDREW Name of the contact person: HAGIESCU – MIRIŞTE ANCA Address: ŞOS. COLENTINA, NR. 28, BLOC 65, APPT. 27 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +40 21 655 25 18 fax: +40 21 655 25 18 website:




Project reference: 05-G2-46-HG-RO-R-C

Internet for Autonomous Lifelong Learning

The project aims the promotion of using Internet in order to help adult learners get access to basic education (e.g.: language learning, ICT, basic mathematics knowledge, writing skills) and develop subsequent lifelong learning activities, while improving their personal and/or professional skills.

The main outcome proposed will be a curriculum including new, innovative methodology of efficient and effective Internet and information resources use. The curriculum will be published in form of a brochure (for group of adult learners with reduced access to internet), web site and CD and it will be valorised within Grundtvig3 courses in each of the participating countries.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Basic Skills Intercultural issues To be chosen from the list Information technology Sustainable development Stimulating adult learners demand Guidance and Counselling Autonomous learning through access to web based learning materials Project Objectives The project aims at using Internet to help adult learners get access to basic education (e.g.: language learning, ICT, basic mathematics knowledge, writing skills) and develop To be chosen from the list subsequent lifelong learning activities, while improving their personal and/or professional skills. The objective of our cooperation would be to develop a Curriculum on How to Use Internet Efficiently and Effectively for the Purposes of Autonomous Lifelong Learning. This topic will foster indisputably the adults’ autonomous lifelong learning, personal and professional development process. Target Group(s) Adult learners willing to take part in formal and non-formal educational activities and without continuous access to basic education To be chosen from the list Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups


Coordinating organisation: Name of the institution: Soros Educational Center Foundation – Miercurea Ciuc Name of the contact person: Ms Zsófia Pál Address: Str. Kossuth Lajos, nr. 9, et. III, 530220, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania e-mail [email protected], [email protected] tel.: +40-266/371799 fax.: +40-266/371799

Partners Associazione Kelidon, Milano, Italy, IT Veb Consult S.r.l., Florence, Italy, IT EKPAIDEFTIRIA KALOSKAMI S.A., Attiki, Greece, GR



Project reference: 05-G2-47-B-RO-R-C

“AMIC” PROJECT - ART AS MEAN OF IMPROVING SELF CONFIDENCE OF SOCIAL DISADVANTAGED YOUNG PEOPLE The AMIC Project has as aim to support the youth with economic and social difficulties in a view of their better integration in the social life.

The beneficiaries of the project are young social disadvantaged people are encouraged to express their feelings and to surpass the their lack of self confidence, by art – as common language (painting, ceramics, literature or theatre). They also benefit of English lessons, cultural preparation and are involved in daily activities or group discusions for developing basic skills of independent life. In the first year we organized exebitions with our learners works during art workshops and theatre shows for different events, in cooperation with other NGO’s. At the final of the first year we elaborate a magazine with articles about the participant countries, reflections of the experts and learners, news about the participant organisations and the project. In the second year we will design and elaborate a web site. It appeared also the necessity to keep a diary during the project, to easy evaluate the project unfolding and to can extract from there articles for the magazine.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Basic skills Intercultural issues Languages Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Foundation ARMS (“Aid and Medical Social Rescue for Children and Youth at Risk”) Name of the contact person: Laura Molnar – project coordinator Address: no. 14; Ilarie Chendi street; sector 2; Bucuresti e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] tel: 021/2527658 fax:021/2527658 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code): • Logis Formation – FRANCE, FR • Ogre District Adult Education Centre – LATVIA, LV • Belen Foundation – SPAIN, ES



Project reference: 05-G2-61-BN-RO-C


The project will develop a dynamic exchange process within the learning community created among project partners and other organizations that will be involved. We recognized that people need more than occupation specific or technical skills to be competent in employment, and employment brings with it a special stress on lifestyle. That is why trough the project CORE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT – THE CAPACITY OF CHANGING PEOPLE LIFESTYLE, the partners intend to increase the capacity for changing people’s lifestyle by the development of the lifelong learning based on key skills, basic skills and entrepreneurial skills that can be found under the umbrella of core skills. The project proposes to promote lifelong learning as an opportunity to develop people’s careers and to prevent social marginalization or exclusion. It is focused especially on the definition of basic and core skills, on non- formal and informal education & training instrument creation.

The project aims are: - identification of core skills that can determinate the modification of curricula and of the learning process by its transformation into learning objectives - friendly re-definition of main and specific concepts - identification and development of learning model that can be interactive and of a learner centred teaching process development of learning communities - contingency management

Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Marginalised groups Women


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE OF BISTRITA-NASAUD COUNTY Name of the contact person: BARBOS ELENA Address: BISTRITA 420081, STR. P. ISPIRESCU , NO. 15A e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0040-263-230640, 230400 fax: 0040-263-230640, 230400 website: www.

Partners 1. Centre Régional D’information Des Droits Des Femmes (Fédération Régionale des CRIDF), FR 2. ASSOCIATION ACARE ENVIRONNEMENT, FR 3. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Gdańsku - Voivodship Labour Office in Gdańsk, PL 4. Club Amici di Quasimodo, IT



Project reference: 05-G2-63-DJ-RO-R-C

Educational Partnership ‘JOIN US!’ It's very important today for all the educational systems the social participation and family-school partnership is well known. All the children must have a good project for integration. This project is specific child’s average, his competence and his aspirations.

With our project we make account of all the informations to the parents’ needs. Our programmes have theoretical moments and practical exercises. In this work there are many teachers, parents, psychologists, doctors and pedagogues. For a school adaptation the teachers must offer continuity and morale and practical support. The main rights include fundamental truth of equality of the children and a big participation in the community life. So, it is very useful this project for exploring all the possibilities to join the family to school and for assurance a good school social way for all the children.

"JOIN US!" is a pilot – programme (it is a course for parents with problems in their families so we want forestall problems), but soon will be many other programmes (courses) including many teachers and parents. We want to be a way for all the teachers to know about the possibilities to communicate and to co-operate with the pupils’ families for a good adaptation, for a very good family environment and school integration for all the children. This project will change all the relations between parents and their children, for many years. .In this way our activity will have positive results are to grown parent's skills, to develop better communications way for creation of integrated system in adults education.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Education for parents

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) Local community groups Parents


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Scoala cu clasele I-VIII nr.24 "SFANTU GHEORGHE", Craiova Name of the contact person: institutor TEODORA DANIELESCU Address: Str.Colonel SCARLAT DEMETRIADE,bl.I7,sc.2,ap.4,Craiova e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0251592259; 0744324088 fax:0251432411; 0251552205




Project reference: 05-G2-64-B-RO-R-C

Social Innovation in the Textile Sector

A successful children education needs families’ support and the parents kust know some education and counselling principles in order to sustain their children. The counselling services have the mission of helping and also have to support approaches both of them parents and teachers, finally aiming children’s benefice.

The project proposes a new methodology for counselling parents having difficult children with the view to improve the education and counselling modalities by innovative practices concerning the methods, integrating them into practitioners activity, promote the European dimension in this field.

The LP is a challenge for enriching counsellor’s experiences from integrating with friendships and experiencing innovative strategies and interventions in the case of parents having children and teenagers with difficulties.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Education for parents

Project Objectives Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Parents having children and teenagers with difficulties


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Institutul de Stiinte ale Educatiei, Bucharest Name of the contact person: Angelica Mariana MUSCA, researcher Address: Bucuresti, str. Stirbei Voda nr.37, 010102 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +40-21-314 27 82 fax: +40-21- 312 14 47 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) P&W Praxis und Wissenschaft Projekt GmbH, DE Northumberland College, UK Siauliai University, Faculty of Special Education, LT Euro Net, IT Educational Projects Office and Consulting EPO, TR



Project reference: 05-G2-65-DJ-RO-R-C

La découverte et la découverte de soi-même en ce qui regarde la personnalité – comme but du conseil concernant la carrière - « EUROCONSEIL »

Le projet réside en l’utilisation du transfert de bonne pratique dans le domaine du conseil et de l’orientation concernant la carrière des jeunes qui ont terminé un cycle d’études et qui sont des chômeurs, ainsi que des personnes à handicap physique ou psychique qui proviennent de l`enseignement spécial et qui ont été integrées dans l`enseignement de masse et dont les compétences de base en éducation ou en qualification professionelle sont déficitaires.

Le caractère innovateur de la proposition suppose une nouvelle manière d`aborder les méthodes et les techniques de conseil; on propose de nouveaux instruments d`autoévaluation et d`autoconnaissance des jeunes, peu exploités jusqu`au présent dans le domaine de l`éducation des adultes, les produits finaux pouvant être des instruments pratiques utiles appliqués sur le groupe-cible (on va réaliser un guide pratique de conseil et d`orientation en ce qui concerne la carrière adéquat aux besoins du groupe-cible et un CD).

Les instruments élaborés auront en vue des groups compacts de jeunes ayant comme point de départ l`égalité des chances en éducation professionnelle, ainsi que des groupes de personnes à déshabilités dont le risque d`être exclues du marché de travail est grand.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: (3nd,)

Area(s) covered Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Languages Orientation concernant la carrière Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services Identification des méthodes d`aborder et de motiver les groupes désavantagés qui conduisent à une attitude positive de ceux-ci envers l`activité de conseil; Développement des actions qui contribuent à l`égalité de chances femmes – hommes, à l`égalité de chances sans tenir compte du statut socio- économique, à l`instruction concernant la tolérance envers les adultes à besoins spéciaux. Target Group(s) Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Marginalised groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Jeunes ayant des besoins éducatifs spécifiques,qui provient de l’enseignement spécial , integrés dans l’enseignement normal


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: GRUPUL SCOLAR ILIE MURGULESCU - CRAIOVA - ROMANIA Name of the contact person: Prof. GOICEANU DORINA Address: STR. BRESTEI , NR.154, 1100 CRAIOVA , DOLJ, CRAIOVA - ROMANIA e-mail: [email protected] tel: 004-025-422937 fax: 004-025-432929 website:




Project reference: 05-G2-66-IS-RO-R-C


The project Pro-Art intends to promote social inclusion of Adult People from rural areas through Lifelong Learning. The objectives are: To promote inclusion of Adult Education from rural areas by art, and rural handicrafts in Adult Education using ITC in rural areas; to explore the effects of cultural action approaches in adult education in three different European communities; To bring together adult educators and students working in these communities to share their practices in cultural action initiative; to provide information and increase knowledge about European cultures, traditions and language; To explore how cultural education that focuses on the development of indigenous culture may lead to wider economic, social and political developments; to learn about historical and contemporary developments in traditional arts and language and to experiment with innovative cultural action approaches in the three communities. The outcome of the project will be to publish and disseminate the findings of the research through professional journals in the fields of arts, adult education and community development and to produce a practical guide book for cultural action workers which may be used as training manual. The project intends to promote a better knowledge among adults from disadvantaged rural areas about possibilities for further improvement of their personal development.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Social inclusion Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Multiplicators

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: TEACHER TRAINING CENTRE IASI Name of the contact person: LILIANA RUJANU Address: ION NECULCE STREET e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0040 232 232 843 fax: 0040 232 267 731 website:




Project reference: 05–G2-77-DJ-RO-C

TRA.C.E.C: Traditions and customs in the context of European community The problems of encounter among cultures and of lifelong learning in the “knowledge’s society” require answers and proposals suitable for assuring an effective confrontation that makes reliance on methodologies of teaching/learning able to stimulate creativity’s forms. It is manifest the osmotic relation that comes to create in a situation of integration and social inclusion begins by the “other’s” knowledge with reference to personal experienced and to stores roots of different ethnologies.

We will work to increase acceptance and respect among and within cultural values discovering strategy for stimulating adult learners’ demand for learning, the way to avoid the social barriers which are imposed to certain disable people, to reach through the knowledge of the different cultures that exist in every region, country, the comprehension of the role that every one of these cultures play in the actual societies.

To be European citizens means to look at the right, at the micro history, at the local history, with the availability to the focus of fundamental problems with a net of relations for significant developments, in view of recovery and exchange. Researching, narrating, building together, but also, rebuilding, revaluing, recovering the heritage of popular and local culture: this is the aim of our proposal. The challenge is in the present that looks at the past and the future in a “pro positive” way, bringing in our every day life Europe Dimension.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Education for parents Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Marginalised groups Senior citizens Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: SCHOOL INSPECTORATE DOLJ COUNTY, CRAIOVA, ROMANIA Name of the contact person: TIMPLARU ROXANA Address: BRESTEI, nr. 97 e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0727800359- fax: 0251 421 824 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1. ISTITUTO Tecnico Commerciale “G.Amendola” – IT 2. INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY VENHER, 38611 San Isidror, Tenerife, ES 3. UNIVERSITATEA DIN CRAIOVA, Craiova, Romania, RO 4. SEPTEM NOSTRA, Ceuta (Spain) North Africa, Ceuta, ES 5. INTERNATIONAL ‘’ Small Hands Academy’’, Etiler, Istanbul, TR



Project reference: 05-G2-91-BV-RO-C

A New Approach to the Teacher-Parent-Learner Relationship

The project proposes the application in education of a new modern concept concerning interpersonal relationships, based on the latest research on human brain functioning, Transactional Analysis, emotional intelligence, theories of necessities, communication, personal development principles, and lifelong learning, as a base for the cooperation among teachers, parents, and learners within the educational process. The concept is presented in the book “Lumina” (The Light), available in English, edited by Partener Foundation (project coordinator) as result of a previous Grundtvig2 programme.

The methodology implementation of the concept will be interactive, participative known as “Forum Theatre” and others drama techniques, meant to ensure a learning based on discovery and practise of behavioural models, which allows the spectators to become actors, provoking exchange of roles, learner to parent or teacher and vice-versa.

The project intends to produce a strong impact in the way parents’ conscience perceives the “other”, but also in the conscience of those involved in adults’ education. This is achieved in the context of their participation and confrontation within pilot groups, which also contain learners (children), who, this time, will have the opportunity to “grade” their parents’ and teachers’ behaviour. The next stage will be the cooperation among the three parts in finding together solutions concerning the prediction and solving of problems / conflicts, taking into account the interests of all parts.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: ( 1st )

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Education for parents Intercultural issues Languages Media Sustainable development New methods in education Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Parents


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: FUNDATIA PARTENER Name of the contact person: Razvan ARDELEAN, president Address: STR. ROZELOR NR. 48, BRASOV, 500381 e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] tel: +40 268 325749 fax: +40 268 325749 website:




Project reference: 05-G2-117-DJ-RO-C


The main objective of this project is to provide the assistance and counselling for the parents or adult people who want to adopt or who have already adopted children.

The most important objectives are: Understanding of the psychology of child; Exchange of information about the legislation in the field in all the participating countries; Provide information and consulting services for the parents or adoptive parents: how to find and adopt a child; Strategies of integration of children in the adoptive family.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: (1st)

Area(s) covered Education for parents

Project Objectives Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation (Adoptive) Parents


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: SAVE THE CHILDREN Name of the contact person: PASARE Cornelia Address: Mihai Viteazu nr. 12, CRAIOVA e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0040 251 410531 fax: 0040 251 410531 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)

University of Free Ages of FVG – ITALY, IT HOFEROEG AUSTRIA, AT



Project reference: 05-G2-134-MM-RO-C


The project “IT&C - A GATEWAY TO FUTURE FOR DISABLED PEOPLE” aim is to improve the quality and accessibility of disabled people to education, by finding, creating and putting into value the best methods used at European level in the field of using IT&C for disabled people. Through the European partnership will be identified, developed and produced learning materials that will improve the methods of using IT&C for disabled people and for the people taking care of them (parents, social assistants, nurses etc). Partners will share, learn, promote and apply good and modern practices, experiences and methods. The participating institutions will use the modern techniques of communication (e-mail, e-groups, blogs) for keeping in contact in order to develop the project activities. The work-groups and the channels for dissemination will be open to other actors from the countries involved, organizations, institutions and authorities, who will benefit from the experience acquired. This will also help to shaping a positive attitude of the society towards this marginalized group. The end product will be a bilingual manual of good practices, in English and in each partner’s language, published on paper and on the Internet Website and Webblog specially created for this purpose.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Education for parents Health Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Disabled people education Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Marginalised groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Parents

COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ESPERANDO ASSOCIATON Name of the contact person: DANIEL FILIPAS Address: 430284 BAIA MARE, STR. G. COSBUC 6/6 e-mail: [email protected] tel: 0040-262-220413; 0040-362-401363 fax: 0040-401364 website:




Project reference: 05-G2-143-TR-RO-R-C

Social Innovation in the Textile Sector

Project description (15 lines maximum)

The project aims to identify the triggers that will strengthen the attitude towards lifelong learning and consciousness of selecting personal specific qualifications for permanent education and better integration in the society of particular disadvantaged target group: young people living in rural and urban areas, especially women, with low income or unemployed.

The results of the project will reside in a comparative methodological guide, that includes CD Rom, website regarding the steps that shall be taken by institutions/ organisations dealing with young people in their attempt to motivate them to accede adult education courses.

The courses are focused on flexibility and mobility as far as employment concerns, the new competencies in ICT, commercials sectors, languages, communication start-up oriented to the textile sector, personal skills and other abilities (team work, stress and conflict management and so on).

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Basic skills Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution

Name of the organisation: Casa Corpului Didactic, Teleorman Name of the contact person: Dumitru Adrian CEPAN Address: Alexandria, str. Carapati nr. 15 e-mail: [email protected] tel: +40-24315636 fax: +40-24315636 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) ALYTUS HANDY CRAFT SCHOOL/ AHCS, LT TRAINING 2000, IT Hochschule fur Angewandte Wissenshften Hamburg, DE


Project reference: 04-G2-56-B-RO-R-C

MEDIALITE – Media Literacy in Adult Education

"Media literacy” – the ability to critically consume and create media – is an essential skill today. Media literate individuals are better able to decipher the complex messages they receive from television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards and signs, packaging and marketing materials, video games, and the Internet. Media literacy skills can help one understand not only the surface content of media messages but the deeper and often more important meanings beneath the surface. Media literacy education seeks to give media consumers’ greater freedom by teaching them to analyze access to, evaluate and produce media. The goal is a citizenry that critically analyzes what it reads, sees and hears. While media literacy educational approaches have enjoyed remarkable expansion during the past decade, most of them limit to instructing students to create media. Therefore, the project seeks to alleviate this by constructing a critical framework able to contribute to awareness raising on the importance of education regarding decoding media, envisaging its future integration across curricula in the informal education of adults, while designing educational guidelines and a virtual resource centre.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Consumer education Media Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Epsilon III Association Name of the contact person: Gabriela Popescu Address: Romania, Bucharest, George Valentin Bibescu, 18 e-mail: [email protected] tel: fax: website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) South East Derbyshire College, UK Euro-Schulen-Organisation Gorlitz, DE


Project reference: 05-TUR01-S2G01-00138-2


The role of parents is very important for the success of the children. Unfortunately most of the parents living in the slums and rural areas are not well educated. Many of the parents are unskilled and jobless. Some of them are even illiterate. They do not join the economical and social life of the city. They are not familiar with ICT and do not speak any foreign language. All of these factors reduce self esteem of the parents and they do not know how to deal with the education of their children. There is not much link with school and parents in the mentioned disadvantaged areas. The case is the same for the parents of the disabled children. This project aims trying new strategies to involve and motivate the parents in the education of their children and of their own.

The aspects of the project are: 1) European dimension of life long learning through sharing of experience, innovation and best practices, 2) Increasing self esteem and active citizenship of the parents, 3) Establishing link between school and family.

The objectives are: - The participation of parents to the economical and social life of the community, - Promoting parents for a life long learning, - Planning and improving short courses for the parents, - Use of ICT, - Promoting parents to participate in parents’ organisations in schools, - Creating a manual for organisations and institutions for training of parents.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd

Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Education for parents Information technology Languages Other (describe if applicable) Womens’ human rights Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Disabled persons Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Antalya Cagdas Egitim ve Kultur Vakfi Name of the contact person:. Suheyla DOGAN Address: Milli Egemenlik Caddesi Kent Is Merkezi No: 24/43 07100 Antalya e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] tel: +90 286 752 6863, +90 242 247 21 89 fax: +90 242 247 21 89 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1 -Information Society Open To ImpairementS (e-ISOTIS) (GR) 2- Terras Dentro-Association For The Rural Micro-Regions (PT)



Project reference: 05-TUR01-S2G01-00110-1

Systems of Integration of People With Disabilites Into Labour Market

This project will work with a number of European partners to exchange information on the systems of integration of PWD into labour market for constructing a better vocational training and integration into labour market. Objectives of the project is set as to identify problems of the system in general, share best practices and identify the needs of the trainers who provides vocational training and rehabilitation and accordingly to form a training program for trainers. In this learning partnership project, participant organisations will first introduce their existent employment system for PWD and legislation on disability. At the following phases, problems in the employment system for PWD will be discussion focus, problems and needs of the trainers will be analysed in detail with a questionnaire survey. Best practices will also be introduced and in each meeting visits to centres will be organised by host organisation. According to implications of these analyses, a training program will be formed to increase trainer’s teaching capacity. Thereafter, GRUNDTVIG 1 project on the increasing teaching capacity of trainers will be formed. To increase the multiplier effect, CD, which will include the reports and materials, will be published.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable): Capacity building through shared knowledge

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Methods for providing accreditation of competencies

Target Group(s) Disabled persons


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Basbakanlik Ozurluler Idaresi Baskanligi Name of the contact person: Betul Yalcin Address: Ihlamur Sok. No: 1 06440 Kizilay / Ankara e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] tel: +90 312 419 79 23/2209 fax: +90 312 417 76 20 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1- Labour Office in Nachod (CZ) 2- Dublin South Supported Employment Ltd. (IE) 3- Association For The Disabled, Joy For Life (PL) 4- Asociaciacion de Minusvalidos Fisicos Frasquito Espadas (ES)



Project reference: 05-TUR01-S2G01-00121-1

LINGUA – Learning Innovative In Disadvantaged Rural Areas

Project description (15 lines maximum) The project wants to develop pilot experiences about teaching foreign languages to unemployed people of all ages coming from rural areas/disadvantaged communities to improve their language skills in the sector of rural tourism. The targeted people will include: young people from 18 to 35 who wants to live in rural areas, women who wants to combine their own house with touristy rural houses, people over 45, that want to develop activities related to tourism in an alternative way to traditional tourism activities and increase their level of quality of life. In the first part of this project professionals (teachers, trainers etc.) from different countries will prepare researches about rural tourism activities in their own countries. Each partner country will prepare a short survey on ‘how to promote rural tourism’ and make proposals for the teaching methodology. Together they will develop an innovative strategy, new materials and new methodologies to promote foreign languages and vocational training in disadvantaged areas that will be translated in each language. Each country will choose 2 languages and will test the materials and the innovative methodology prepared in the previous phase through the implementation of a pilot experience. As a last phase of the project we will disseminate the results of the research, the new materials and the evaluation of the pilot experiences through publications. This project intends to promote vocational skill of unemployed adults giving them expertise in a particular sector to help them in developing future employment in that same sector. The objectives of the pilot language project are to promote new skills in rural sectors, giving the participants an input to start their own activities or to work in the rural sector. The outcome of the project will be to publish and disseminate the innovative methodology and the training materials, to support adults to develop and organize activities related to the rural tourism, improving their quality of life.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Basic skills Languages

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Genc Iletisim Dernegi Name of the contact person: Ufuk Karaoglu Address: Yesilyurt Mahallesi 35. Sokak No: 4/A 01150 Seyhan / Adana e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] tel: +90 532 540 50 62 fax: +90 322 227 54 49 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1- Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem Mezogazdasagi Foiskolai Kar (HU) 2- Institut pre Vzdelavanie (SK) 3- SC FiaTest Centru Educational SRL (RO)



Project reference: 05-TUR01-S2G01-00002-1

Transnational Education For Adult Migrants

The project aims eliminating the communication breakdowns between the learners (migrant workers) and trainers by creating a methodology for the adult learners coming from developing countries (basically from Turkey, Poland, Romania and Czech Republic) to the developed countries.

The main result received from the project is to settle good citizenship of the migrants in the society where they live in order to solve the problem for highlighted as a bottleneck of good citizenship philosophy of migration.

The programmes in two Adult Education Centres will be analysed, the problems of learners (migrant workers) will be designated and cultural, social and religious reasoned problems will demote to minimum. By the contribution of Danish, German, Italian, Romanian, Polish, Luxembourg and Czech partners, a new type of methodology, which includes the perspectives of all countries, will be developed for Adult Migrant Workers.

Duration: 1 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Other (describe if applicable): Social integration of immigrants coming from developed countries

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Hydra Uluslararasi Proje ve Danismanlik A.S. Name of the contact person: Ela Gokalp Address: Ugur Mumcu Caddesi 41/4 06700 Gaziosmanpasa/Ankara e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] tel: +90 312 437 98 96 fax: +90 312 436 63 23 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1- AOF – Vejle (DK) 2- VHS – Lauf Zweckverband Volkshochschule Unteres Pegnitzal (DE)



Project reference: 05-TUR01-S2G01-00019-1

Women Enterprises: To Gain Woman To Economic And Social Life

The creation of a European Learning Partnership has the aim of supporting the women with economic and social difficulties for their better integration in the social life. The partners are all working in adult education field or are supporting young social disadvantaged persons. The beneficiaries of the project are young social disadvantaged people that will be encouraged to express their feelings and to surpass their lack of self confidence, by art – as common language (painting, ceramics, literature or theatre). The main steps in the unfolding of the project are: - Meetings of the partners for exchange experiences and good practices in the field of social disadvantaged people support, - Workshops with beneficiaries: Basic skills for the social integration, Art therapy (drama, role playing, theatre, music), Basic skills for using computers, Entrepreneurship courses, Cultural preparation and English lessons. - Meetings of the beneficiaries, - Elaboration of an e-magazine, with articles about the participant countries, reflections of the experts and learners, news about the participant organisations and the project, stories written by the beneficiaries, etc. - Designing and elaborating of a web site.

Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services

Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Senior citizens Women


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kadinlar Birligi ve Dayanisma Dernegi Name of the contact person: Aydanur Mursal Address: Akay Caddesi 15/2 Lale Apartmani Bakanliklar Ankara e-mail: [email protected] tel: +90 312 419 76 12 fax: +90 312 417 26 04 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1- Toucan Europe (UK) 2- Coscienza Giovanile (IT)



Project reference: 05-TUR01-S2G01-00121-1

E-Learning For Adults

The project consists in establishing a partnership medium where best practises related to vocational systems, e-learning, online courses, software platforms, etc. can be shared, always within the context of formulating a model for providing quality and efficient e- learning solutions. The project has two major target groups: tutors and learners. However I would add some more like teachers educators and the people interested in teaching and learning online. Tutors will use the resources available (information, best practices, models) to improve the design and delivery of training content and to adapt current training content to e-learning platforms. Learners will participate directly in all discussions and their opinions and suggestions will be included in the model that the project will recommend to training professionals.

In particular, the project web site will present the following end products: - Vocational guidance and tools for tutors; - Effective ways of teaching, best practices and shared experience; - Discussions on important subject (topics will be determined every month by the project managers) - Chat for better communication and online sessions during the entire project; - Surveys to collect and present opinions of tutors, learners and other involved in the training process; - Links to documentation and specialized software; - Online tutoring for selected topics and in predetermined times.

Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st

Area(s) covered Information technology Other (describe if applicable): Guidence to adults on how to use e-learning areas.

Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other (describe if applicable): Teachers


Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: TEV Mubeccel-Albay Serafettin Gezgic Mesleki Egitim Merkezi Name of the contact person: Mehmet Karaman Address: 100. Yil sanayi Sitesi Mesleki Egitim Merkezi Tekirdag e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] tel: +90 282 26 20 416 fax: +90 282 26 20 416 website:

Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) 1- Associazione Kelidon (IT) 2- Vidzeme University College (LV)



Project Areas, Objectives and Target Groups

Page number Active citizenship 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 89, 93, 97, 99, 100, 107, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116, 117,118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 132, 133, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 149, 150, 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162,165, 168, 169, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 179, 181, 183, 187, 188, 190, 191, 193, 196, 197, 198, 203, 205, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 215, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 235, 236, 237, 238, 240, 241, 244, 245, 246, 249, 252, 255, 257, 258, 263, 264, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 273, 276, 278, 280, 285, 286, 287, 289, 291, 292, 293, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 305, 306, 307, 309, 312, 313, 316, 317, 319, 321, 323, 325, 326, 330, 332, 333, 335, 337, 340, 341, 342, 343, 345, 346, 348, 352, 354, 356, 357, 359, 360, 361, 364, 369, 370, 371, 372, 376, 377, 380, 381, 382, 384, 386, 387

Arts, music, culture 18, 19, 21, 22, 27, 31, 34, 38, 41, 42, 55, 57, 59, 66, 71, 81, 84, 85, 86, 94, 99, 108, 110, 114, 118, 119, 120, 121, 165, 168, 168, 180, 190, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 204, 205, 206, 210, 213, 222, 225, 226, 229, 234, 248, 249, 250, 252, 259, 260, 262, 265, 266, 268, 269, 282, 285, 286, 291, 295, 297, 301, 306, 309, 310, 312, 317, 318, 320, 321, 329, 331, 335, 336, 342, 343, 346, 349, 351, 356, 365, 369, 375, 376, 380, 381, 387, 391

Basic skills 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 26, 29, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 41, 43, 44, 46, 54, 60, 62, 63, 68, 72, 74, 76, 80, 81, 85, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 100, 101, 102, 108, 109, 114, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 128, 130, 131, 135, 137, 141, 143, 144, 146, 147, 150, 151, 155, 157, 162, 163, 169, 172, 177, 181, 183, 189, 196, 197, 198, 203, 208, 216, 217, 218, 221, 231, 235, 237, 241, 243, 245, 250, 251, 252, 255, 256, 261, 263, 267, 274, 277, 279, 281, 282, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 293, 294, 297, 299, 300, 301, 303, 304, 308, 314, 316, 317, 318, 321, 325, 327, 328, 332, 335, 337, 339, 342, 345, 347, 348, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 357, 361, 365, 367, 370, 373, 374 ,375, 376, 380, 381, 385, 387, 389, 391


Consumer education 22, 54, 56, 62, 70, 114, 119, 126, 156, 179, 184, 210, 240, 276, 279, 286, 287, 301, 328, 341, 347, 363, 386

Disabled persons 16, 17, 18, 29, 30, 31, 36, 39, 41, 44, 56, 63, 64, 66, 69, 71, 82, 99, 102, 113, 119, 120, 122, 128, 131, 133, 140, 154, 159, 160, 169, 172, 174, 197, 211, 215, 222, 225, 227, 234, 241, 248, 251, 254, 260, 282, 283, 290, 292, 299, 301, 304, 306, 310, 313, 317,325, 328, 330, 334, 341, 346, 350, 355, 356, 358, 364, 368, 373, 379, 381,384, 387, 388

Economically or socially 16, 21, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 40, 41, 68, 69, 77, 83, 84, 88, 97, 111, disadvantaged group, 113, 114, 119, 123, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 137, 138, 144, 148, 149, unemployed, prisoners…. 151, 153, 158, 159, 160, 163, 164, 165, 167, 168, 170, 174, 175, 176, 177, 180, 181, 182, 183, 196, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 209, 212, 217, 219, 223, 224, 225, 226, 232, 235, 237, 240, 244, 247, 248, 249, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 263, 265, 285, 286, 294, 297, 299, 300, 301, 303, 306, 309, 313, 316, 318, 319, 321, 323, 324, 325, 327, 328, 329, 331, 332, 336, 337, 338, 339, 342, 343, 344, 345, 348, 350, 352, 356, 357, 358, 361, 365, 367, 368, 372, 373, 375, 376, 379, 383, 386, 391

Education for parents 16, 29, 51, 65, 68, 72, 88, 94, 103, 106, 110, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 126, 138, 140, 146, 157, 176, 178, 179, 187, 197, 198, 208, 231, 241, 248, 251, 255, 272, 273, 277, 282, 283, 286, 291, 319, 325, 339, 347, 349, 351, 363, 373, 377, 378, 381, 382, 383, 384, 387

Environment 22, 42, 47, 50, 56, 62, 114, 120, 121, 139, 155, 156, 166, 184, 185, 187, 197, 198, 205, 206, 209, 210, 216, 225, 253, 260, 267, 279, 281, 286, 310, 311, 320, 321, 328, 329, 350, 352, 366

European countries / European 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 38, 41, 44, 47, 48, 49, 51,52, 53, Union 54, 57, 59, 66, 69, 70, 73, 74, 77, 79, 80, 88, 90, 92, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 105, 106, 107, 110, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 132, 134, 135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 149, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 167, 168, 171, 172, 174, 175, 180, 183, 186, 188, 190, 192, 193, 194, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 205, 207, 211, 218, 219, 223, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240, 242, 244, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 255, 257, 259, 262, 263, 267, 269, 271, 272, 274, 275, 280, 284, 285, 286, 287, 289, 291, 296, 297, 301, 302, 303, 306, 309, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 320, 321, 324, 325, 326, 327, 329, 333, 335, 340, 341, 343, 346, 347, 348, 349, 352, 358, 359, 360, 361, 365, 366, 367, 372, 349, 380, 381, 391 Experimentation with new 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, pedagogical approaches 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 ,54, 55 ,56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 125, 128, 130, 131, 134, 15, 137, 138, 139, 141, 143 ,144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 160, 161 ,169, 170, 171 ,172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 191, 193, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208 ,209, 210, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234,

394 235, 237, 239, 242, 245, 246, 248, 249, 252, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 275, 276, 279, 280, 271, 282, 285, 286, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293, 294, 295, 297, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 309, 310, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317 ,318, 319, 320, 321, 323, 326, 327, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 345, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 356, 357, 359, 362, 364, 365, 368, 369, 371, 372, 375, 376, 378, 380, 381, 382, 384, 385, 386, 389, 391, 392

Gender issues 16, 25, 27, 54, 77, 78, 102, 107, 119, 144, 146, 150, 197, 198, 209, 224, 252, 267, 278,282, 286, 317, 362, 372

Guidance / counselling or other 16, 21, 22, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 43, 46, 48, 50, 52, support services 55, 58, 60, 62, 67, 71, 72, 73, 76, 80, 81, 82, 84, 98, 100, 103, 105, 107, 110, 111, 113, 114, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 133, 135, 136, 138, 140, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 155, 156, 157, 162, 164, 165, 166, 170, 171, 172, 174, 177, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 191, 193, 194, 195, 199, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 227, 228, 231, 237, 238, 240, 241, 244, 245, 248, 253, 254, 255, 258, 261, 264, 267, 270, 271, 276, 277, 283, 284, 286, 287, 291, 292, 293, 295, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 315, 316, 317, 321, 324, 334, 335, 337, 339, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 350, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 362, 363, 367, 370, 371, 374, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 383, 384, 387, 389, 390, 391, 392

Health 16, 27, 36, 56, 75, 88, 94, 103, 110, 114, 119, 122, 126, 133, 155, 156, 158, 160, 164, 197, 198, 208, 210, 225, 227, 248, 249, 251, 254, 267, 273, 276, 277, 279, 280, 283, 286, 287, 299, 304, 308, 317, 325, 329, 347, 349, 352, 357, 373, 384

Information Technology / ICT 19, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 47, 63, 64, 70, 71, 78, 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 89, 95, 98, 100, 103, 104, 107, 113, 114, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 131, 134, 135, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 147, 149, 150, 151, 155, 156, 166, 169, 170, 179, 182, 186, 196, 197, 199, 201, 211, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 224, 225, 228, 230, 231, 234, 235, 237, 239, 242, 244, 245, 246, 248, 249, 251, 253, 254, 255, 256, 259, 267, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286, 287, 288, 290, 295, 296, 301, 302, 305, 316, 317, 318, 320, 321, 325, 327, 328, 332, 333, 335, 336, 337, 339, 343, 345, 346, 348, 349, 350, 353, 354, 355, 357, 363, 364, 367, 372, 374, 379, 380, 384, 385, 387, 392

Intercultural issues 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 63,64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 161, 162, 163, 165, 167, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 178, 180, 182, 185, 189, 191, 192, 194,197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 205, 207, 208, 210, 211, 212, 213, 216, 219, 221, 222, 223, 225, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 236, 242, 244,

395 245, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 255, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 269, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 277, 278, 282, 285, 286, 287, 289, 291; 296, 297, 300, 302, 305, 307, 309, 310, 311, 312,313, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 327, 329, 335, 343, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 352, 356, 359, 360, 361, 364, 365, 369, 370, 374, 375, 376, 380, 381, 382, 384, 385, 391

Languages 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 38, 40, 41, 46, 48, 52, 53, 57, 63, 64, 66, 75, 77, 78, 82, 84, 93, 96, 101, 106, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 119, 124, 137, 138, 141 ,142, 145, 152, 153, 154, 155, 167, 173, 179, 182, 192, 197, 198, 201, 203, 206, 207, 214, 217, 220, 221, 229, 232, 234, 237, 244, 245, 246, 248, 249, 255, 257, 259, 263, 265, 281, 283, 285, 286, 287, 290, 291, 298, 300, 302, 315, 317, 318, 320, 321, 324, 333, 335, 346, 349, 354, 360, 375, 379, 380, 381, 382, 384, 385, 387, 389, 391

Local community groups 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 41, 47, 50, 54, 57, 59, 64, 67, 69, 79, 80, 87, 92, 94, 96, 97, 98, 103, 105, 106, 109, 110, 112, 113, 118, 119, 120, 124, 125, 126, 128, 137, 138, 139, 140, 143, 147, 155, 157, 161, 166, 168, 172, 173, 175, 176, 178, 179, 180, 190, 199, 203, 206, 207, 209, 210, 217, 224, 228, 229, 232, 233, 234, 238, 239, 240, 243, 246, 248, 249, 250, 252, 254, 255, 258, 260 ,266, 269, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 280, 281, 282, 284, 286, 288, 291, 295, 296, 298, 302, 305, 306, 307, 310, 323, 326, 332, 333, 335, 337, 341, 343, 345, 349, 359, 360, 361, 366, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 376, 377, 379, 380, 383, 386, 387

Management of adult education 22, 25, 30, 43, 44, 46, 48, 51, 52, 54, 55, 67, 70, 73, 77, 80, 81, 95, organisation / institution 97, 98, 103, 111, 114, 117, 119, 122, 132, 143, 147, 154, 156, 162, 178, 181, 193, 199, 206, 213, 217, 218, 224, 225, 227, 231, 233, 241, 242, 243, 252, 254, 255, 261, 263, 269, 274, 276, 277, 278, 284, 286, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 303, 311, 313, 315, 321, 322, 335, 345, 358, 360, 362, 365, 366, 370, 372, 380, 381, 392, 397


Marginalised groups 16, 114, 119, 158, 175, 214, 226, 252, 254, 282, 312, 373, 376, 379, 381, 384

Media 17, 35, 41, 55, 82, 83, 92, 101, 104, 119, 138, 143, 150, 152, 156, 186, 197 198, 200, 201, 210, 234, 255, 260, 273, 286, 287, 288, 301, 312, 316, 318, 335, 336, 337, 345, 349, 364, 369, 382, 386

Methods for providing 19, 26, 30, 31, 33, 38, 40, 43, 46,54, 61, 62, 63, 64, 69, 75, 83, 84, 90, accreditation of competencies 95, 102, 108, 114, 115, 119, 126, 133, 143, 147, 148, 151, 156, 162, 164, 174, 175, 181, 183, 187, 195, 196, 197, 199, 231, 233, 240, 242, 247, 248, 249, 253, 254, 255, 261, 263, 266, 270, 276, 281, 282, 285, 286, 287, 290, 291, 297, 301, 306, 308, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 319, 321, 328, 329, 330, 331, 335, 340, 342, 344, 345, 347, 349, 3.53, 358, 360, 363, 364, 366, 370, 372, 388

Migrants /Immigrants/ethnic or 17, 18, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 34, 38, 40, 41, 45, 46, 53, 58, 59, 61, 64, other minorities 68, 69, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 85, 88, 93, 100, 112, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 124, 125, 127, 130, 136, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145, 148, 149, 151, 155, 157, 158, 163, 165, 169, 171, 173, 175, 176, 182, 200, 201, 203, 207, 212, 222, 229, 233, 236, 245, 252, 254, 256, 257, 258, 266, 267, 282, 292, 296, 312, 314, 319, 321, 324, 326, 327, 331, 339, 342, 343, 345, 347, 352, 355, 356, 359, 364, 370, 373, 381, 382, 385, 390

Persons living in rural or 16, 26, 30, 42, 44, 46, 48, 52, 55, 57, 58, 62, 67, 72, 76, 78, 80, 82, disadvantaged areas 90, 92, 94, 97, 98, 100, 103, 106, 109, 110, 111, 114, 116, 119, 110, 111, 114, 116, 119, 121, 122, 124, 128, 134, 135, 140, 142, 143, 145, 147, 151, 152, 162, 167, 174, 175, 179, 180, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191, 194, 198, 199, 202, 208, 209, 210, 216, 219, 228, 240, 241, 243, 246, 252, 253, 254, 263, 265, 267, 269, 278, 284, 288, 290, 293, 295, 296, 305, 307, 308, 311, 318, 319, 323, 324, 326, 328, 329, 332, 335, 336, 337, 338, 342, 348, 349, 351, 355, 359, 372, 374, 380, 381, 385, 387, 389, 392

Senior citizens 19, 21, 22, 24, 47, 49, 50, 55, 56, 63,81, 84, 87, 88, 94, 96, 104, 105, 119, 122, 132, 145, 153, 156, 158, 162, 208, 218, 222, 226, 242, 246, 249, 250, 252, 254, 259, 262, 263, 269, 271, 273, 274, 276, 289, 291, 295, 298, 302, 303, 307, 309, 312, 315, 320, 327, 333, 336, 340, 341, 344, 361, 381, 391

Strategy for stimulating / 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, promoting adult learners 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 128, 131, 135, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 147, 151, 152, 153, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 229, 231, 232, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240,

397 241, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 295, 296, 297, 298, 300, 301, 303, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 315, 316, 318, 319, 320, 321, 323, 324, 326, 327, 328, 329, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 349, 350, 352, 353, 354, 356, 357, 359, 361, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 370, 371, 372, 373, 376, 377, 380, 381, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392

Sustainable development 18, 26, 35, 36, 38, 39, 42, 50, 56, 67, 70, 90, 95, 98, 102, 104, 105, 108, 114, 118, 119, 120, 125, 139, 151, 156, 160, 161, 166, 179;, 184, 185, 188, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198, 205, 206, 217, 223, 225, 240, 244, 245, 249, 252, 253, 255, 260, 261, 262, 269, 272, 273, 281, 282, 286, 2902, 305, 311, 313, 316, 317, 326, 335, 345, 349, 352, 356, 361, 368, 372, 373, 374, 382, 385

Women 18, 25, 27, 36, 37, 40, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 68, 72, 75, 81, 91, 92, 95, 96, 100, 102, 104, 107, 111, 119, 121, 123, 130, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 148, 150, 154, 155, 171, 178, 203, 204, 217, 221, 223, 224, 226, 228, 231, 232, 235, 239, 242, 244, 245, 252, 253, 254, 260, 263, 265, 266, 267, 271, 272, 273, 276, 278, 279, 281, 283, 284, 285, 287, 290, 291, 293, 297, 298, 300, 303, 308, 311, 312, 317, 329, 333, 335, 338, 346, 351, 352, 354, 362, 365, 366, 367, 369, 372, 373, 376, 381, 382, 385, 387, 391

Young adults at risk of social 16, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, 41, 85, 110, 118, 119, 121, 159, 160, marginalisation 163, 164, 165, 167, 169, 171, 174, 175, 178, 182, 189, 200, 206, 208, 210, 215, 216, 219, 220, 222, 227, 230, 234, 236, 238, 241, 242, 245, 247, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 261, 263, 264, 268, 270, 282, 285, 287, 292, 293, 297, 300, 301, 308, 310, 311, 312, 316, 318, 357, 368, 369, 371, 373, 375, 379, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 392