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Abdominal Wall CT : HOWIDOIT

Ⅲ A Detailed Account of a Newly Established Preoperative Imaging Technique1

Timothy J. Phillips, MBBS, GradDipSurgAnat Institutional review board approval was obtained for this

REVIEWS AND COMMENTARY Damien L. Stella, MBBS, FRANZCR study, and all patients gave written informed consent. Warren M. Rozen, MBBS, BMedSci, Autologous surgical breast reconstruction with use of ab- PGDipSurgAnat dominal wall donor flaps based on the deep inferior epigas- Mark Ashton, MBBS, MD, FRACS tric (DIEA) and one or more of its anterior muscu- G. Ian Taylor, MBBS, MD, FRCS, FRACS, AO locutaneous perforating branches (DIEA perforator flap) is being used with increasing frequency instead of breast reconstruction with use of traditional transverse rectus abdominus musculocutaneous and modified muscle-spar- ing flaps. Preoperative mapping of the DIEA perforators with abdominal wall computed tomographic (CT) angiog- raphy may improve patient care by providing the surgeon with additional information that will lead to optimization of the surgical technique, shorter procedure time, and reduction in the frequency of surgical complications. The branching pat- terns of the DIEA, the segmental of the anterior adipocutaneous perforating branches of the DIEA, and the importance of these features in pre- and intraoperative surgical planning necessitate a different approach to ab- dominal wall CT angiography than that used with other abdominal CT angiographic techniques. In abdominal wall CT angiography, the common is used as the bolus trigger, CT scanning is performed in the caudocra- nial direction, the automatic exposure control feature is disabled, a scaled grid overlay tool is used to present information to the surgeons, and radiation dose is mini- mized (average dose, 6 mSv). The anatomic accuracy of abdominal wall CT angiography has been investigated in cadaveric and surgical studies, with sensitivity of 96%– 100% and specificity of 95%–100%. This detailed descrip- tion will allow other radiologists and surgeons interested in free DIEP flap to incorporate this useful tool into their practice.

௠ RSNA, 2008

Supplemental material: http://radiology.rsnajnls.org/cgi /content/full/249/1/32/DC1

1 From the Department of , the Royal Melbourne , Grattan Street, Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria 3050, Australia. Received November 26, 2007; revision requested January 15, 2008; revision received March 21; final version accepted April 3. Address correspondence to T.J.P. (e-mail: timothy.john.phillips@gmail .com ).

஽ RSNA, 2008

32 Radiology: Volume 249: Number 1—October 2008 HOW I DO IT: Abdominal Wall CT Angiography Phillips et al

utologous surgical breast recon- (hereafter, perforators) are termed ested in abdominal wall CT angiography struction with abdominal wall do- DIEA perforator flaps, and they are be- with a step-by-step manual that de- Anor flaps has evolved since its in- ing used with increasing frequency to scribes our approach to this modality. troduction in the late 1970s and early replace the traditional transverse rectus Included are considerations regarding 1980s (1,2). Free flaps based on the abdominus musculocutaneous flaps and appropriate patient selection, contrast deep inferior epigastric artery (DIEA) the modified muscle-sparing flaps (3–6). material enhancement, image acquisi- and one or more of its anterior muscu- The DIEA perforator flap is used to har- tion and reconstruction parameters, im- locutaneous perforating branches vest fat and skin (adipocutaneous tis- age display and analysis techniques, and sue) without muscle and has resulted in the radiology report, which includes the fewer abdominal wall complications— presentation of data to the referring Essentials including hernia, bulge, and weakness surgeon. An explanation of the surgical Ⅲ We have detailed the use of radio- (3,7–10)—and shorter hospital stays, and radiologic anatomy of the DIEA and logic classification of the segmen- with a cheaper overall cost of treatment the characteristics that define favorable tal anatomy of the anterior mus- (11,12) when compared with alterna- perforators is also included. These rec- culocutaneous perforating tive surgical techniques. The superficial ommendations are based on the au- branches (hereafter, perforators) inferior epigastric artery can also be thors’ experience in performing and in- of the deep inferior epigastric ar- used for an adipocutaneous muscle- terpreting the results of 65 abdominal tery (DIEA) and the surgical rele- sparing flap, and it is the preferred sur- wall CT angiographic examinations and vance of this classification for free gical option for an abdominal wall free on close collaboration between the de- adipocutaneous flap harvest. flap, as it does not require incision of partments of radiology and plastic sur- Ⅲ We have developed a CT angiog- the anterior rectus sheath and thus has gery at our institution. raphy acquisition technique opti- minimal donor site morbidity (13,14). mized for imaging the DIEA and However, this vessel is not uniformly the anterior musculocutaneous present or of sufficient caliber to per- Anatomy branches (perforators) supplying form the operation. the abdominal wall. The branching pattern of the DIEA DIEA Classification Ⅲ We have described CT angiogra- and the location of its perforators vary, Cadaveric and surgical studies have phy postprocessing techniques and each patient’s anatomy dictates the been performed to classify the branch- optimized for display of the surgi- DIEA and perforator(s) on which the ing pattern of the DIEA. The branching cally relevant findings. flap will be based (15,16). Preoperative classification first described by Moon Ⅲ We have demonstrated a volume- (US) is useful and Taylor has been widely adopted and rendering color look-up table opti- when defining the DIEA branching pat- is shown in Figure 1 (15). In addition to mized for imaging of anterior tern; however, locating and choosing the major branching patterns (types I, musculocutaneous branches of the perforators was previously com- II, and III) of the DIEA above the arcu- the DIEA in the subcutaneous fat plete only after intraoperative abdomi- ate line, early branches also include a of the abdominal wall. nal wall dissection. Identification of op- pubic branch, muscular branches, and Ⅲ We have demonstrated a real- timal perforators on which to base the an umbilical branch (15). time volume-rendered image ma- flap is highly desirable. There is evi- Type I (single trunk) and type II (bi- nipulation reading technique that dence that flaps based on fewer perfora- furcation into two trunks) branching enables preoperative mapping of tors have a lower incidence of fat necro- patterns occur more commonly than DIEA perforators. sis (7). Harvesting a flap supplied by one does the type III pattern (division into Ⅲ Autologous breast reconstruction perforator requires the identification of more than two trunks). The other rele- with use of adipocutaneous free a perforator with optimal characteris- vant characteristics are the caliber of flaps (DIEA perforator flap) is the tics (discussed in detail later in this arti- the trunk(s) and any intramuscular optimal standard of care after cle). mastectomy. Abdominal wall computed tomo- Ⅲ Preoperatively mapping DIEA graphic (CT) angiography is a new tech- Published online perforators with this abdominal nique tailored to assist in locating and 10.1148/radiol.2483072054 wall CT angiography technique characterizing the perforators, with re- may improve patient care by pro- ported sensitivity and specificity of Radiology 2008; 249:32–44 viding the surgeon with additional 96%–100% and 95%–100%, respec- Abbreviations: information that leads to optimi- tively, in cadaveric and clinical studies CLUT ϭ color look-up table zation of the surgical technique, (17–23). In addition, this technique can DIEA ϭ deep inferior epigastric artery ϭ shorter operative time, and a re- be used to define the branching pattern MIP maximum intensity projection VRT ϭ volume-rendered technique duction in the frequency of opera- of the DIEA (18,23). The intent of this tive complications. article is to provide those who are inter- Authors stated no financial relationship to disclose.

Radiology: Volume 249: Number 1—October 2008 33 HOW I DO IT: Abdominal Wall CT Angiography Phillips et al

Figure 1 course. Usually, the DIEA enters the rectus sheath superficial to the arcuate line and courses superiorly between the posterior layer of the rectus sheath and the rectus muscle. It is not uncommon for one or both of the DIEAs to pene- trate and course within the rectus mus- cle for some part of their length (15,24,25).

Segmental Arterial Anatomy of DIEA Perforators

The descriptions and nomenclature ap- plied to the variations in perforator anatomy in cadaveric studies and surgi- cal observations are diverse, but the key findings are similar (24–26). The course a perforator takes from its origin at the DIEA through four anatomic spaces to Figure 1: Three-dimensional graphic illustrations show the classification of DIEA branching described by its end supply of the subcutaneous fat Moon and Taylor (15). Type I (single trunk) and type II (bifurcation into two trunks) branching are more com- and skin of the anterior abdominal mon than type III branching (division into more than two trunks). The umbilical and descending pubic wall is shown in Figure 2. We refer to branches are seen regularly. The level of the umbilicus (ϫ) is indicated on each illustration. EIA ϭ external the portions of each perforator de- iliac artery. fined by the anatomic spaces as seg- ments (Figs 2, 3). Perforators originate from the DIEA, which is usually located between the posterior layer of the rec- tus sheath and the posterior border of the rectus muscle. The perforator pene- trates the posterior surface of the rectus abdominus and has a variable intramus- Figure 2 cular segment. In cases where the ar- tery penetrates a musculotendinous in- tersection, the intramuscular segment may be absent. Often, this segment pen- etrates the anterior surface of the rec- tus sheath and the anterior layer of the fascial sheath simultaneously; however, it can alternatively have a varying sub- fascial segment between the anterior border of the rectus muscle and the an- terior layer of the rectus sheath. The course and branching of the subcutane- ous segment within the subcutaneous fat is variable and involves varying anas- tomoses with the superficial inferior epigastric artery. Perforators originat- ing from type II DIEAs are often ar- ranged in two rows along the course of each trunk. Some authors refer to these Figure 2: Three-dimensional graphic illustration of the course of a perforator (anterior musculocutaneous as medial and lateral row perforators. branch) from its origin at the DIEA between the posterior layer of the rectus sheath and the rectus muscle, its In addition, some authors refer to per- intramuscular segment within the rectus muscle, its subfascial segment (not always present) between the anterior aspect of the rectus muscle and the anterior layer of the rectus sheath, and its end branching (subcuta- forators that penetrate the anterior rec- neous segment) within the subcutaneous fat of the anterior abdominal wall. (Image courtesy of Francesco tus sheath near the umbilicus and sup- Gaillard, MBBS, , Australia.) ply the adjacent subcutaneous fat as

34 Radiology: Volume 249: Number 1—October 2008 HOW I DO IT: Abdominal Wall CT Angiography Phillips et al

Figures 3, 4

Figure 3: Axial 50-mm section thickness maximum intensity projection (MIP) Figure 4: Axial 50-mm section thickness MIP image shows a perforator with a image obtained with abdominal wall CT angiography shows the labeled segments long intramuscular segment coursing medially toward the umbilicus. The subfas- of a perforator originating from the right DIEA. cial and subcutaneous segments course away from the umbilicus. Some authors refer to these as paraumbilical perforators or paramedian perforators.

Table 1

Relevant Characteristics of the of the Anterior Abdominal Wall and Their Importance to DIEA Perforator Flap Surgery Abdominal Wall Artery Relevant Characteristic Importance to DIEA Perforator Surgery

DIEA Caliber A large-caliber trunk is a more favorable pedicle. DIEA Branching pattern (type I, II, or III) The DIEA branch forms the pedicle for the anastomosis. Type I and type II arteries have perforators with shorter intramuscular segments. Type II arteries often have perforators arranged in rows along each trunk; two or more of these perforators may be dissected to a single trunk. Type II and type III arteries have a lateral branch that is in the vicinity of the motor nerves to the rectus abdominus; dissection of this branch raises the risk of muscle denervation. DIEA Any intramuscular course Any intramuscular course makes dissection of the DIEA more difficult. DIEA perforator Intramuscular perforator Direction and length Oblique intramuscular segments require more dissection of the rectus abdominus. Perforators that penetrate a musculotendinous intersection may not have an intramuscular segment and are preferred by some surgeons. Subfascial perforator Length and direction Radiologically, the subfascial segment origin can be confused with the subcutaneous segment origin. Long subfascial segments require careful dissection to preserve the perforator when incising the rectus sheath. Subcutaneous perforator Location and caliber Large-caliber (Ն1 mm in diameter) arteries supply a greater volume of adipocutaneous tissue and represent better vascular pedicles. Preoperative knowledge of the subcutaneous segment origin facilitates accurate planning of dissection. Superficial inferior epigastric artery Caliber and location Use of a large-caliber superficial inferior epigastric artery as a vascular pedicle for a free flap is favored by some surgeons.

Radiology: Volume 249: Number 1—October 2008 35 HOW I DO IT: Abdominal Wall CT Angiography Phillips et al

Table 2 Table 3

Acquisition Parameters Reconstruction and Image Display Methods Used in Abdominal Wall CT Angiography Somatom Somatom Reconstruction Method Image Display Method Parameter Sensation 64 Sensation 16 Reconstruction generated automatically at Thin overlapping 0.75/0.4 mm axial images, thick contiguous Collimation (mm) 64 ϫ 0.6 16 ϫ 0.75 CT scanner workstation 20/20 mm MIP images, or thick overlapping 50/20 mm MIP Helical beam images* pitch 0.9 1.13 Reconstruction generated at CT scanner Coronal MIP image with voxels cut away to demonstrate the Tube voltage (kV) 120 120 workstation by imaging technologist DIEA branching pattern Tube current Reconstruction manipulated in real time at VRT images or multiplanar reformation images (mAs) 180–200 180–200 reporting workstation by reading Rotation time radiologist (sec) 0.37 0.5 Reconstructions created at reporting VRT reconstructed abdominal wall images with perforators Reconstruction workstation by the radiologist for marked or coronal MIP images with perforators marked section presentation to the surgeon thickness (mm) 0.75 1 Note.—VRT ϭ volume-rendered technique. Reconstruction * To ensure the entire course of each perforator is captured on one image, both thick contiguous MIPs and thick overlapping section spacing MIPs are created. The thick overlapping MIPs are used only when the entire course of a perforator is not evident on the thick (mm) 0.4 0.7 contiguous MIPs, as these images contain many overlapping vessels.

paraumbilical or paramedian perfora- tors, an example of which is shown in Figure 5 Figure 4.

Important Anatomic Features for DIEA Perforator Flap Surgery Table 1 details the relevant character- istics of the DIEA, the segments of the perforators, and the superficial infe- rior epigastric artery. Both type I and type II branching patterns have been shown to have perforators that have a shorter intramuscular course than do perforators in patients with type III branching patterns (20). Individual perforators can be traced to individual branches, and the branch forms the pedicle for the anastomosis. A type II or type III branching pattern has a lateral branch that is in the vicinity of the motor nerves to the rectus abdo- minus. Leaving this lateral branch in Figure 5: Coronal MIP image with voxels cut away from the three-dimensional dataset to optimize display situ by removing a medial branch only of the branching pattern of the DIEAs from their origins at the external iliac arteries (EIAs). The right DIEA has a leaves those nerves undisturbed. De- type II pattern, and the left DIEA has a type I pattern. The umbilicus is visible. The deep circumflex iliac artery nervation of the rectus abdominus de- (DCIA) can also be seen branching from the external iliac arteries. feats the purpose of a muscle-sparing adipocutaneous flap and is highly un- desirable. Preoperative knowledge of the DIEA branching pattern may forator flap, and it influences surgical that is at a musculotendinous intersec- therefore aid the surgeon’s choice of planning and technique (20,21,26). A tion are preferred by some surgeons which perforator to use and the large-caliber (Ն1 mm in diameter) and anecdotally have shorter (or ab- hemiabdomen of choice. perforator with a large subcutaneous sent) intramuscular and subfascial Perforator anatomy is used to de- segment will supply a larger volume of segments. Knowledge of the subfascial termine the surgeon’s choice of perfo- adipocutaneous tissue. Perforators segment (if any) is desirable, as these rator(s) on which to base a DIEA per- with a subcutaneous segment origin segments require careful dissection. A

36 Radiology: Volume 249: Number 1—October 2008 HOW I DO IT: Abdominal Wall CT Angiography Phillips et al

long intramuscular segment with a Patient Selection intraoperative position. It is important substantial lateral or medial compo- for patients to not wear clothing that Planned autologous breast reconstruction nent to its course requires more dis- deforms the contour of the abdominal with use of an abdominal wall donor flap is section of the rectus muscle. Extensive wall. This includes the patient’s own an indication for abdominal wall CT angiog- rectus muscle dissection is not desired clothing, as well as any strings at- raphy. The technique may also be per- and theoretically increases abdominal tached to hospital gowns. The Velcro formed for other planned abdominal wall wall morbidity. A more medial perfo- straps (which may compress the ab- flap–based reconstructions, such as those rator means that dissection through dominal wall and force the patient’s that use the superficial inferior epigastric the rectus muscle is less likely to de- clothing to lie close to her skin) ensure artery, deep circumflex iliac artery, or su- nervate the muscle that receives its stable patient position and prevent the perficial circumflex iliac artery. The only ab- nerve supply laterally. Denervation of patient from falling from the CT scan- solute contraindication is a previous ana- the rectus muscle negates the abdom- ner table. These straps are placed out- phylactic reaction to intravenous iodinated inal wall morbidity benefits of the side the scanning range to optimize contrast material. Severe renal impairment DIEA perforator flap technique and is subsequent image reconstruction. may also preclude the use of intravenous highly undesirable. A row of perfora- material. tors in a sagittal plane originating from Acquisition Volume and Range the same DIEA trunk is favorable for The superior extent of the tissue volume surgeons who prefer to base DIEA Image Acquisition to be characterized is the superior limit perforator flaps on more than one per- of the planned (donor site) surgical forator, as the rectus muscle can be Patient Positioning and Preparation field. This is a point 3–4 cm above the split in a sagittal plane to dissect these Ideally, patients undergo imaging in umbilicus. The inferior extent is the or- vessels to their origin. the supine position, as this mimics the igin of the superficial inferior epigastric artery from the common femoral ar- Figure 6 tery. Contrast Material Enhancement and Scanning Direction The DIEA and superficial inferior epi- gastric artery fill from the external il- iac and common femoral arteries, re- spectively, in a caudocranial direction. Thus, contrast material enhancement of the inferior epigastric vessels is op- timized by timing the CT acquisition with use of bolus tracking at the com- mon femoral artery rather than at the aorta and scanning in a caudocranial direction. A total of 100 mL of an in- travenous, low-osmolar, nonionic io- dinated high-concentration (350–370 mg/mL) is adminis- tered with a dual-chamber injection pump at a rate of 4 mL/sec and imme- diately followed by a 50-mL saline bo- lus flush administered at a rate of 4 mL/sec. For the suggested injection rate, the choice of high-concentration (Ͼ350 mg/mL) monomeric iodinated contrast material may aid in the iden- tification of tiny perforator branches, particularly intramuscular segments. Figure 6: Oblique VRT image obtained with use of our customized CLUT to optimize visualization of the The evidence for this possibility comes anterior rectus sheath, the subfascial and subcutaneous segments of the perforators, the musculotendinous from literature in which researchers insertions, and the superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA). Small blue arrows ϭ perforators that emerge evaluated visualization of small vessels from the sheath without a substantial subfascial segment, black arrows ϭ subfascial segments, green ar- supplying the , , pancreas, rows ϭ subcutaneous segments of perforators with subfascial segments. , and (27–31). Alternately,

Radiology: Volume 249: Number 1—October 2008 37 HOW I DO IT: Abdominal Wall CT Angiography Phillips et al

Figure 7 Figure 8

Figure 8: Screen-capture image obtained dur- ing real-time manipulation of a VRT image, as seen from the right side of the body. The umbili- cus, several perforators (short arrows), and a large left-sided superior-inferior epigastric artery (long Figure 7: Oblique close-up VRT image shows the subfascial (white arrows) and subcutaneous (yellow- arrow) are visible. green arrows) segments of a right-sided perforator. The proximal subcutaneous segment (blue arrows) of a left-sided perforator is also visible.

Figure 9

Figure 9: Screen-capture images obtained during real-time manipulation of a VRT image, with volume cropping in a coronal-frontal orientation. The umbilicus (white arrow) and three large perforators (blue, yellow, and green arrows) are visible. Three perspectives (left anterior inferior oblique, anteroposterior [AP], and right anterior inferior oblique) of the same cropped volume with the same perforators marked are shown to demonstrate the benefit of real-time image manipulation. Note the subfascial course of the perforator indicated by the blue arrow is more apparent on the anteroposterior and right anterior inferior oblique images.

use of a monomeric iodinated contrast the z-axis. Acquisition begins with the matom Sensation 16 and Somatom Sen- agent with a concentration of 300 minimum delay achievable, typically 4 sation 64; Siemens Medical Solutions, mg/mL and an injection rate of 5 mL/ seconds, on modern multidetector CT Erlangen, Germany) used to perform sec should produce equivalent vascular scanners. abdominal wall CT angiographic exami- attenuation results. The trigger for acqui- nations, we used settings that balanced sition is attenuation of the common fem- Acquisition Parameters low radiation dose with good image oral artery to a level of more than 100 HU Contiguous isometric acquisition data quality; this is known as the ALARA (as at the axial level of the pubic symphysis. obtained with thin-collimation helical low as reasonably achievable) principle This level also provides a landmark CT are ideal for quality CT angiography. (Table 2). Diagnostic-quality images were for the inferior limit of the scan volume in On the multidetector CT scanners (So- obtained with both scanners. Use of

38 Radiology: Volume 249: Number 1—October 2008 HOW I DO IT: Abdominal Wall CT Angiography Phillips et al

120-kV tube voltage and 180–200-mAs angiography performed with dose mod- but with dose modulation enabled or tube current results in high-quality im- ulation disabled, we found that disabling disabled. It is assumed that the per- ages and acceptable effective dose esti- dose modulation resulted in a similar ceived improvement in image quality mates for the limited scanning range of dose estimate and, subjectively, less im- could have been caused by the angular abdominal wall CT angiography. With age noise in the abdominal wall (there- modulation algorithms, which were this technique, the effective dose is 6 fore enabling better visualization of the designed to optimize signal-to-noise mSv for an average-sized patient with a tiny perforator branches, particularly ratio in the intraabdominal region of scanning range of 30 cm (ImPACT CT the intramuscular segments). The dose the images rather than in the abdomi- Patient Dosimetry Calculator, version estimate was determined by evaluating nal wall (32). 0.99w; St George’s Hospital, London, effective dose in an average-sized pa- England). Automatic exposure control tient who underwent imaging with dose was notable for its absence from our modulation enabled and subsequently Image Reconstruction scanning protocol. calculating the effective dose had dose In our clinical practice of abdominal wall Modern multidetector CT scanners modulation been disabled. Both tech- CT angiography, all image reconstruc- have software that can be used to mod- niques resulted in a dose of 6 mSv. The tion is performed at a Leonardo (Sie- ulate tube current in two axes. Modula- similar dose estimate is not surprising, mens Medical Solutions) workstation tion in the z-axis based on the varying as the scanning range almost entirely equipped with imaging software (Syngo shape of the patient and angular modu- covered the bony pelvis, where dose 3D VRT and Syngo InSpace 4D, version lation is adjusted in real time with a modulation techniques had little effect 2006A; Siemens Medical Solutions). single gantry rotation delay (32). When in reducing dose. Image quality was The images in this article (except when we compared abdominal wall CT an- judged subjectively by comparing side- stated otherwise) were created at this giography performed with dose modula- by-side studies of patients with similar same workstation with the same imag- tion enabled with abdominal wall CT body habitus and scanning protocols ing software. None of the tools used in this study—including the grid overlay Figure 10 tool—is vendor specific, and all are available on all CT workstations en- dorsed by major vendors. Table 3 lists the image reconstruction and display methods used. Thin overlapping axial images and thick MIP axial images are preprogrammed into the CT scanning protocol for automatic reconstruction at the scanner console. The thin overlap- ping axial images are used as image data for multiplanar reformations, as well as to generate the MIP and VRT images created by the technologist and radiolo- gist. Experienced technologists spend an average of 10 minutes per patient on image reconstruction. The reporting ra- diologist (D.L.S.) spends an average of 7 minutes per patient on image recon- struction. Given the usual course of DIEAs, the image data effectively provide images in the transaxial plane in most pa- tients and are therefore used to measure the caliber of the DIEAs, as various in vivo and in vitro studies have shown the use of MIPs and multiplanar reforma- tions alone is prone to inaccuracy in Figure 10: Step 1 of surgical map creation. VRT image seen from the coronal-frontal perspective with the skin cropped vascular imaging (33–36). to reveal subcutaneous segments of the perforators. This same image is used for Figures 11 and 12. The radiologist marks We prefer to use thick axial MIP Ն perforators (arrowheads) at the point that they penetrate the anterior rectus sheath. Blue arrowheads indicate a large ( 1.0 images to demonstrate the intramuscu- mm diameter) perforator; yellow arrowheads, a small perforator (Ͻ1.0 mm diameter); and green arrowheads, perforators lar and subcutaneous segments of the superior to the umbilicus that are not surgically relevant. A large superficial inferior epigastric artery is also seen (arrow). perforators. Figure 3 is a 50-mm axial The umbilicus skin is visible in the middle of the image. MIP image obtained with abdominal

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Figure 11 wall CT angiography that shows the in- tramuscular, subfascial, and subcutane- ous segments of a perforator and its origin from the right DIEA. Certain subtypes of perforators de- scribed by some authors are well dem- onstrated on thick axial MIP images. Figure 4 shows a perforator with a long intramuscular segment coursing medi- ally toward the umbilicus. The subfas- cial and subcutaneous segments course away from the umbilicus. Various au- thors refer to these as paraumbilical or paramedian perforators (24,26). When present, this perforator is often a con- tinuation or branch of the umbilical branch of the DIEA. As discussed previ- ously, a long intramuscular segment is an unfavorable characteristic. Coronal MIP images are obtained to determine the branching pattern of DIEAs. Figure 5 is an MIP image that shows a type II DIEA branching pattern on the left side of the image and a type I pattern on the right side of the image. These images were created by the med- Figure 11: Step 2 of surgical map creation. A grid is overlaid to facilitate measurement of the subcutaneous ical imaging technologist at a CT work- perforator origins in orthogonal axes from the umbilicus. station. The cut-away feature of the workstation can be used to remove parts of the volume anterior (skin) and posterior (omental and/or mesenteric arteries and enhancing bowel wall) to tors. The skin has a range of attenua- against the green surface of the re- the region of interest to better depict tions that overlaps with that of the rec- mainder of the anterior rectus sheath. the DIEA course. tus sheath and the perforators. The This is the only image format in which VRT is an image display technique CLUT is designed to color the skin pink, the musculotendinous insertions are that is used to assign color and opacity which allows these structures to be dis- delineated as being separate from the values to voxels and display a two-di- tinguished from each other, and adds muscular rectus. Figure 7 is a close-up mensional representation of the three- realistic surface rendering of the ab- image acquired with VRT that high- dimensional dataset. Additional fea- dominal wall skin for the images pre- lights the subfascial and subcutaneous tures and graphics-processing methods sented to the surgeons. We have devel- segments of a perforator. Figure 8 vary between software vendors. Com- oped working CLUTs for both Syngo demonstrates the ability of the OsiriX mon to all VRT software is the color InSpace 4D software and OsiriX open- software to perform this function with look-up table (CLUT), which is used to source software (http://www.osirix-viewer a similarly customized VRT CLUT. assign voxel color and opacity on the .com/) distributed under the GNU general Real-time manipulation of the VRT basis of CT numbers. We have devel- public license. display involves use of volume cropping oped a CLUT that optimally displays the VRT images obtained with our and clip planes by the radiologist to fa- subfascial segments of the perforators, CLUT are optimized for visualization cilitate mapping of the locations of the the location at which perforators pass of the subcutaneous and subfascial points at which the perforators pene- through the anterior rectus sheath, segments of the perforators. The shiny trate the anterior rectus sheath and any and the branching and caliber of the green surface of the anterior rectus subfascial segments. The radiologist subcutaneous segments. This CLUT is sheath demonstrates the contour of uses this method to ultimately construct designed to make the subcutaneous fat the subfascial segments, and the red- a scaled map that the surgeon uses in- completely transparent and maximize green surface shading of the subcuta- traoperatively. the surface contours of the anterior neous segments is highlighted against With use of a VRT image viewed rectus sheath and the subfascial and the transparent fat (Fig 6). The mus- from an anterior anatomic coronal subcutaneous segments of the perfora- culotendinous insertions appear red perspective (effectively viewing the

40 Radiology: Volume 249: Number 1—October 2008 HOW I DO IT: Abdominal Wall CT Angiography Phillips et al

abdominal wall from in front), an an- the multiple VRT rotations that occur Radiology Report terior coronal clip plane, volume crop- during the mapping process. These ar- ping, or both are used to cut away the rowheads are located outside the VRT The key information obtained with ab- skin and varying amounts of subcuta- volume, so they do not inadvertently dominal wall CT angiography is docu- neous fat to survey the anterior rectus move during image manipulation. A mented in the radiology report and sheath and locate the point at which scaled grid is applied to the image with distributed to the referring surgeon. the perforators penetrate the anterior the 0,0 point of the axis at the umbilicus The important findings are listed in rectus sheath. Identification of the (Fig 11). The clip plane is removed, Table 4. Reconstructed standard axial critical anatomy is also aided by rotat- leaving a surface-rendered view of the abdominal images, which are essen- ing the VRT image into the perspective anterior abdominal wall, with the ar- tially late arterial phase images ob- most suitable (usually much closer to a rowheads still marking the location of tained through the lower abdomen, view perpendicular to the surface of the perforators (Fig 12). This is one of are also reviewed to exclude gross in- the abdominal wall) to verify that a the images the surgeon uses intraoper- traabdominal abnormalities detected suspected perforator is a real finding atively. The same grid and arrowheads within this scanning range. The sur- (Fig 9). are overlaid onto the coronal MIP image geons at our institution review all im- The steps the radiologist takes to previously described (Fig 13). This sin- ages presented to them on the picture create the final images for presentation gle image facilitates a spatial apprecia- archiving and communication system, to the surgeon are outlined sequentially tion of the relationship between the per- and they use these images to plan the in Figures 10–13. The radiologist uses forators and their parent DIEA trunks, surgical procedure. Intraoperatively, arrows to mark perforators (Fig 10), allowing the surgeon to easily identify they use the picture archiving and with color coding used to denote large large perforators that have long oblique communication system to view the (Ն1.0 mm diameter) and small (Ͻ1.0 intramuscular or subfascial segments. VRT perforator map to mark the per- mm diameter) perforators. It is ensured Two movies demonstrating this process forators on the patient’s abdominal that the VRT image is restored to the in real time are available online as AVI wall with the aid of a ruler and perma- original scanning orientation when the files (Movies 1, 2; http://radiology nent marker pen. arrowheads are placed to avoid misreg- .rsnajnls.org/cgi/content/full/249/1/32 istration artifacts that may result from /DC1). Discussion Figure 12 Abdominal wall CT angiography is a newly developed technique used for preoperative imaging that may im- prove the standard of care for autolo- gous breast reconstruction with a free DIEA perforator flap. To our knowl- edge, Masia et al (17) are the only authors to have related the use of ab- dominal wall CT angiography to the surgical outcome. In two cohorts of 30 patients in whom the same surgeons performed surgical breast reconstruc- tion with DIEA perforator flaps and (a) with preoperative abdominal wall CT angiography in one cohort and (b) without preoperative abdominal wall CT angiography in the other cohort, Masia et al (17) reported that the pa- tients who underwent preoperative CT angiography had an average per-patient reduction in surgical time of 100 min- utes, one less total flap failure, and one less partial flap necrosis when com- pared with the patients who did not un- dergo preoperative CT angiography. Figure 12: Step 3 of surgical map creation. Anterior volume cropping is disabled, allowing a realistic ren- They failed to report whether these dering of the skin surface. findings were significant. The anecdotal

Radiology: Volume 249: Number 1—October 2008 41 HOW I DO IT: Abdominal Wall CT Angiography Phillips et al

Figure 13 experience of our surgeons supports these findings. In this article, we have described a novel approach to abdominal wall CT angiography that differs substantially from typical abdominal CT angiographic techniques, in that the common femoral artery is used as the site for the bolus trigger, scanning is performed in a cau- docranial direction, the automatic expo- sure control feature is disabled, and a scaled grid overlay tool is used to optimally present information to the surgeons. In our experience with 65 patients, we have had no technical fail- ures, and we have obtained diagnostic- quality images in all patients. We have not observed venous contamination with this technique. Venous contamina- tion potentially would result in a promi- nent being mistaken for a large ar- terial perforator. We have not encountered any com- plications. Use of a common femoral ar- tery bolus trigger site theoretically min- imizes the risk of substantial stenotic atherosclerotic aortic disease affecting bolus arrival if an upper abdominal aor- tic bolus trigger site has been used in- stead. This bolus trigger site may not Figure 13: Step 4 of surgical map creation. This image was obtained in a different patient than the one prevent substantial stenotic atheroscle- whose image was used for Figures 10–12. The same grid and arrows are overlaid onto the coronal MIP image. rotic disease from affecting unilateral For the surgeon, this facilitates a spatial appreciation of the relationship between the perforators and their common iliac or external iliac arteries, parent DIEA trunks on a single image. The 0,0 point of the grid marks the umbilicus. as this might theoretically result in dif- fering arrival times of contrast material within the common femoral arteries. We have not encountered substantial atherosclerotic disease in small or large Table 4 arteries in any patient. This likely re- flects the fact that most patients who Information Obtained with Abdominal Wall CT Angiography and the Image Display, undergo breast reconstruction are rela- Reconstruction, and Reformation Technique That Best Demonstrates These Findings tively young and healthy. The oldest Information Obtained with Abdominal Wall CT patient we examined was 64 years old. Angiography Images That Best Demonstrate These Features* This technique has proved accurate in Branching pattern of the DIEAs (type I, II, or III) Coronal MIP image the assessment of three patients who Number and location of large perforators Manipulated VRT image display, grid maps underwent previous extensive abdomi- created from manipulated VRT image display nal wall surgery and consequently had Caliber of large (Ͼ1.0-mm diameter) perforators Multiplanar reformations, thick axial MIPs gross distortion of the normal vascular Intramuscular segments of large perforators Thick axial MIPs anatomy, including absence of one or Subfascial segments of large perforators Thick axial MIPs, manipulated VRT image display both of the DIEAs. Surgical findings en- Subcutaneous segments of perforators Thick axial MIPs, manipulated VRT image display abled us to confirm the abdominal CT Anterior rectus sheath and musculotendinous Manipulated VRT image display angiography findings and allowed confi- insertions dent planning of abdominal wall flap Caliber and course of the superficial inferior Multiplanar reformations, thick axial MIPs, surgery, with an excellent surgical out- epigastric artery manipulated VRT image display come in these three patients. * Data are taken from our anecdotal experience. We created from scratch a VRT

42 Radiology: Volume 249: Number 1—October 2008 HOW I DO IT: Abdominal Wall CT Angiography Phillips et al

CLUT that was specifically tailored to giography early in our experience, de- gists and surgeons interested in free abdominal wall CT angiography on the spite misgivings about the use of ion- DIEA perforator flap surgery to incor- basis of the attenuation of (a) contrast izing radiation. Giunta et al (39) re- porate this useful tool into their prac- material in the DIEA and its branches, ported a high rate of false-positive tice. (b) muscle of the rectus sheath, and findings with use of Doppler US (17). Acknowledgments: We thank Francesco (c) subcutaneous fat. Contrasting colors To our knowledge, there have been no Gaillard, MBBS, PG Dip Surg Anat, Royal Mel- (red and green) were chosen. This large head-to-head comparisons of US bourne Hospital, for the three-dimensional il- CLUT enables one to quickly identify and abdominal wall CT angiography lustration of perforator anatomy; Francesca the location where the perforators pen- for preoperative perforator flap plan- Langenberg, DCR, The Royal Melbourne Hos- etrate the anterior rectus sheath when ning. In a recent report of eight pa- pital, for assistance with acquisition and post- clip planes are used (average reporting tients who underwent DIEA perfora- processing CT protocols; and Paul Einsiedel BSc (Hons), The Royal Melbourne time, 7 minutes). Clip planes are neces- tor surgery, researchers compared Hospital, for performing CT dosimetry. sary, as the skin is not transparent with preoperative Doppler US with abdom- this VRT CLUT. We have no data to inal wall CT angiography and found References show that the VRT CLUT is more or less that US could not be used to detect 1. Holmstro¨m H. The free abdominoplasty flap accurate than vendor-provided CLUTs; perforators or to identify DIEA ana- and its use in breast reconstruction: an ex- however, we noted that reporting times tomic variations, whereas CT angiog- perimental study and clinical case report. were at least halved in several cases in raphy could be used to identify 22 per- Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg 1979;13:423– which the experience with this newly forators with 100% specificity (23). 427. created CLUT was comparable with High-spatial-resolution magnetic reso- 2. Granzow JW, Levine JL, Chiu ES, et al. that with several vendor-provided nance (MR) angiography has the poten- Breast reconstruction with perforator flaps. CLUTs that were compared side by side tial to provide results similar to those Plast Reconstr Surg 2007;120:1–12. in the same patient data sets. We have provided by abdominal wall CT angiog- 3. Nahabedian MY, Momen B, Galdino G, et al. not used other VRT CLUTs since. 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