On Ancient Maps, 135, 144, 145 166 Grenacher, Franz, 27 Periods, 130 of Hecataeus, 134, 135 Grids, 505, 506
General Index Italic page numbers indicate that the topic appears in an illustration Authors are listed in this index only when their ideas or works are or in its caption on the cited page; the topic may also appear in the discussed; full listings of their works as cited in this volume may be text of that page. found in the Bibliographical Index. Aardenburg (Zeeland), 485 Aegean Sea, 133, 387 Agbaron, 265 Abbreviations and Buondelmonti's island book, 482, Agennius Urbicus, 217 on portolan charts, 402 483 Ager arcifinius, 218, 220 Roman, 215, 222 n.42, 223, 226 n.51 on Greek maps, 144, 145 Ager publicus, 222 Aberdeenshire, 82 periploi of, 237 Agisymba, 172, 179, 184, 189 Abraham bar Chiia, 494 on Peutinger map, 240 Agosta (Augusta), 382 Abravannos River, 193, 194 on portolan charts, 421, 438, 448 Agrarian law of 111 B.C., 210 Abu Salabikh, 107 Aelian, 139 Agricola, Gnaeus Julius, 178 Academicians, Platonic, 154 Aenon, 265 Agriculture Acanfora, Maria Ornella, 83, 90 Aerial Photographic Archive for Babylonian, 110 Accuracy Archaeology, 241 n.39 and constellations, 85, 92 of ancient maps, 276 Afonso V (king of Portugal), 315, 324 cultura promiscua, 79 n.119 and cartographic progress, 3-4, 10 Africa. See also Agisymba; Exploration, of and fear, 86 and cosmological maps, 507 Africa; Libya; North Africa Agrigentum, 236 and mappaemundi, 288, 342 Kamal's facsimile atlas for, 18, 294 Agrimensores, 212. See also Corpus of portolan charts, 371, 445, 446 on mappaemundi Agrimensorum Achaea, 328 legendary figures and races, 331, 332, survey methods
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