Ministère de l’Education Nationale L’Université Valahia Târgovi şte Faculté de Sciences Humaines


SECTION d’Archéologie et d’Histoire



Valahia University Press Târgovi şte Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire publie des mémoires originaux, des nouvelles et des comptes-rendus dans le domaine de l’archéologie préhistorique, de l’histoire du moyen âge, de l’environnement de l’homme fossile, de l’archéologie interdisciplinaire et de patrimoine culturel.

Rédacteur en chef: prof. univ. dr. Marin Cârciumaru

Rédacteur en chef adjoint:

C.S.II dr. Elena-Cristina Ni ţu

Secrétariat de rédaction: prof. univ. dr. Ioan Opri ş, dr. Denis C ăpr ăroiu, dr. Radu Cârciumaru, dr. Monica M ărg ărit, dr. Marian Cosac, dr. Roxana Dobrescu, dr. Ovidiu Cîrstina, dr. Daniela Iamandi, dr. Adina Elena Boronean ţ.

Comité de rédaction: prof. dr. Eric Boëda, prof. Marcel Otte, prof. dr. Răzvan Theodorescu, prof. dr. Victor Spinei, prof. dr. Sabin Adrian Luca, prof. dr. Gheorghe Lazarovici, prof. dr. Carol C ăpi ță , dr Marylène Patou-Mathis, dr Marie-Hélène Moncel, dr. Cristian Schuster, dr. Dragomir Nicolae Popovici, dr. Adrian B ălăş escu.


prof. Jacques Jaubert, prof. Jean-Philippe Rigaud, prof. Árpád Ringer, prof. Alain Tuffreau, dr. Aline Averbouh, dr. Nejma Goutas, dr. Alain Turq, prof. Ivor Jancovi č, prof. Ivor Karavani č, dr. Eugen Nicolae, dr. Emilian Alexandrescu, dr. Sergiu Iosipescu


drd. Remus Constantin Dumitru Dinc ă

Revue indexée B+ par CNCSIS et B par CNCS - Roumanie

Indexée dans:

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Tout ce qui concerne la Rédaction des Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire doit être envoyé à: [email protected],

ISSN: 1584-1855; ISSN (online): 2285–3669











Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste, Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire, Tome XIX, 2017, p. 81-88 ISSN: 1584-1855; ISSN (online): 2285–3669

I. D. Petrescu and the Romantic Historiographical Perspective on the Romanian Middle Ages

Minodora Cârciumaru*, Radu Cârciumaru**

*The National Complex “ The Royal Court ” of Târgovi şte, Str. Justi ției, nr. 7, Târgovi ște, 130014, Târgovi ște, Dâmbovi ța County, e-mail: [email protected]. ** “Valahia” University Târgovi şte, Faculty of Humanities, Str. Locotenent Stancu Ion, nr. 34-36, Târgovi şte, 130018, Dâmbovi ţa County, e-mail: [email protected].

Abstract : I. D. Petrescu is an outstanding historian of the 19 th century. As a participant in the great revolution of 1848, he was strongly influenced by Romantic historiography. After several decades of working as a teacher, he came to Târgovi ște in 1868 and embarked on an extensive publishing activity in which his studies on the mediaeval period held the most important place. His preoccupations open up certain paths in the Romanian research work and, in this sense, we should mention the first writing dedicated to the reign of Radu the Great or the first monograph of the city of Târgovi ște. In his books, the author complies with the scientific rigors of the time, using the most significant resources and studies. That is why many of I. D. Petrescu’s conclusions deserve a special analysis and great emphasis in the scientific field.

Key-words : Romantic historiography, monograph of Târgovi ște, oral history, tradition, research direction.

I. D. Petrescu was born at V ălenii de Munte in unforgotten, respectable, blessed predecessors. 1818. As a young man, he stood out through his Maybe I have not equalled them in value, but at least teaching activity that was animated by the I have been passionate about all that has to do with innovative ideas of the 1848 generation. The education and done it all with devotion’). The pride revolutionary years would find him teaching at the of being Romanian, along with the ardour with Buz ău Episcopacy Seminary and also working as a which he inspired his students in learning history, school inspector in Muscel and Vâlcea counties (I. did not desert him throughout his life and was the D. Petrescu, 1892). His passion for the teaching foundation for all his scientific works: “ …buc ăţ i din activity is best emphasised by the author himself in istoria na ţional ă sunt înv ăţ ate de elevi atât de bine, an autobiographical work: “ Dou ăzeci şi unul de ani că sunt gata la orice explica ţiune a faptelor mai de labore şi devotament depusam…urmând a importante, şi auzit ă narat ă din gura unor copii de continua apostolatul, sau a direge opera 9-10 ani, se mi şcă toate fibrele şi se înal ţă în ochii neuita ţilor, demnilor şi ferici ţilor mei no ştri înşine, nu numai pe marii domni români, dar predecesori…cu a c ăror valoare dac ă nu m-am şi numele de român. ” (I. D. Petrescu, 1892) (‘… egalat, dar cel pu ţin c-o vie dorin ţă eu i-am urmat, pieces of the national history are learned by students în tot ce s-a referit la ale înv ăţă mântului şi so well that they are ready to explain the more devotamentului în cestiune ” (I. D. Petrescu, 1892) important deeds and, when I hear it narrated by (which roughly translates as: ‘Twenty-one years of some 9 or 10 year old, it touches every fibre our hard work and devotion… and then I continued my being and makes us mighty proud not only of our mission and followed into the footsteps of my great Romanian princes, but the name of Romanian

81 Minodora Cârciumaru, Radu Cârciumaru itself’). secondary. Therefore, he dedicates many of his He began his scientific activity at the dawn of eulogies to Alexander the Good, in whose times the revolution by writing short studies such as Moldovia raised to prosperity, founded the first Cathehismul orthodox or Martirii crucii din ambele literary and religious institutions (I. D. Petrescu, Dacii . His arrival in Târgovi şte, in 1868, increased 1870), and neglects such as Petru I or his passion for history under the ruins of the old city, Stephen the Great. as he himself would later on state: “ Afar ă din cercul In his work, he puts historical personalities in laborios alu catedrei şi alu zelului predecesorilor opposition in an attempt to encourage the reader to mei, mai aflaiu ân Târgovi şte ş-un alt câmp de distinguish the good from the evil. It is the reason munc ă mult mai întins de cât acela alu şcolei; c ăci why an arch is built over time, by comparatively acesta localitate fost-a mult timp re şedin ţa ţerei şi analysing the evolution of the church under Iacob prin urmare e terenul atâtor fapte istorice din tote Heraclid Despotul and Vasile Lupu. The former is a timpurile şi epocele românilor. ”(I. D. Petrescu, crowned monster who devastated Moldavian 1892) (‘Here I was, outside the laborious circle of churches and banished all Orthodox people, as he education and beyond the zeal of my predecessors, intended to replace the ’ Orthodoxy with in Târgovi şte, on a much larger field than that of the the adventurers’ Protestantism. In contrast, almost a school; for this place was, for a long time, the capital century later, Vasile Lupu “ făcu multe lucruri of the country, hence the land of so many historical demne de memoria Prin ţilor celor mai în ţelep ţi… ” deeds from all times and all ages of Romanians’). (i.e. ‘did many things worthy of the memory of the Thus, the year 1870 would mark the wisest Princes’), even if the Orthodox Church went appearance of a remarkable work within the through great turmoil in his time as well. I. D. historiographical field: Mitropoliele Tierrei (I. D. Petrescu extensively refers to the Synod of Ia şi, in Petrescu, 1870). It is actually a history of the 1642, that condemned the writing of patriarch Cyril Romanian church, an admirable attempt of a Lucaris, published in Geneva in 1629, which seminary teacher (at Arge ș, Câmpulung and deviated from the Orthodox faith. He emphasised Târgovi ște, as he used to sign) given that most of the powerful role played by the Moldavian mediaeval documents were not published. That who managed to gather so many wise men prepared explains the numerous, particularly chronological, to root out such manifestations (I. D. Petrescu, inadvertences that are present in the book. 1870). As regards the beginnings of Christianity in The religious history of Wallachia could only Moldavia or Eastern Dacia, as presented in the start with Arge ș, first seen as a lofty Dacian citadel, book, the entire construction is fanciful. The then as a centre of Orthodoxy. Before Prince Cumans are seen as the successors of Avars and that Neagoe’s “godly temple”, I. D. Petrescu dwells is why even the Metropolitan Church of Moldavia upon the princely church, supposedly the only thing was called ‘of Cumania’(I. D. Petrescu, 1870). In that was left from Negru Vod ă, along with his small the 13 th century, the territory of former Romanised fort (the ruins of the voivodal court) which could Dacia was divided into several small states, only serve as defence for the southern part of the federative duchies, and one of the oldest was that of town (I. D. Petrescu, 1870). Bogdan I, the duke of the countries “ din ântru ” The foundations of the religious organisation (‘inside, within’), whose bishop was David. Around were also set up by Negru Vod ă who, in 1290, “ ca 1260, Bogdan II was the duke of Maramure ş and uă concep ţiune cruciat ă” (‘as a crusading Moldavia, with his own episcopacy (I. D. Petrescu, conception’), started off to Arge ş to save the eastern 1870). His reign over Maramure ş prompts one to Orthodoxy and brought along the bishop of F ăgăra ş, think that the author refers to Bogdan Simeon. Based on a source which unfortunately was Desc ălec ătorul ‘the founder of the Moldavian state, cited only in this book, a fictitious continuity is erroneously placed in time. built, as the hieromonachs Mihail and Eremia, who We should note the accurate, though not supposedly shepherded these lands until the arrival complete, presentation of the succession of to the throne of Wallachia of “ Vladu I ” (Vladislav Moldavian princes. However, I. D. Petrescu is I), whose rule is erroneously assumed to have begun especially interested in the periods of prosperity of in 1360 (I. D. Petrescu, 1870). Moldavia and less in its leaders, which are The book also mentions the effort of the

Tome XIX, 2017 82 I. D. Petrescu and the Romantic Historiographical Perspective on the Romanian Middle Ages

Catholic Church to attract the believers of this Daciei , Cronica românilor by Gheorghe Şincai, country during the reign of Alexandru Basarab, Andrei Şaguna’s Istoria bisericeasc ă, alongside of around 1353, and emphasises his effort to support original sources such as Chronograful Arge șului de the faith. In 1355, Alexandru Basarab called up a dasc ălul Enache , gr ămăticul lui Iosif al Arge șului , large assembly:” …compus ă din Mitropoli ţii ţerei, whose authenticity our historiography doubts (G. între cari erau: Calist allu Constantinopolei, Ștrempel, 1997). Mitropolitul Târnovei, allu Vidinului, allu A decade after the appearance of his first Dobrodiciei, allu Severinului allu Albei Iulii şi allu extensive work, I. D. Petrescu chose to dwell upon Preslavei, în a c ăror presin ţă se f ăcu decisiunea, ca a personality of the Romanian Middle Ages that was Mitropolia Daciei Australe, s ă oficia şi de aici less known to his contemporaries: Radu the Great. nainte tot la Arge şiu, în Bisecica Sântului The lack of documents, most of them unpublished, Nicolau… ” (I. D. Petrescu, 1870) (‘consisting of the made the author’s endeavour difficult and it was Metropolitans of the country, among whom: because of this only that his mistakes were accepted. Kallistos of Constantinople, the Metropolitan of However, this is the first volume dedicated to Târnova, of Vidin, of Dobrudja, of Severin, of Alba- the great prince, Radu the Great (1490-1508) , Iulia. With all present, a decision was made, that the which went out at Târgovi şte, in 1880. Chronology Metropolitan Church of southern Dacia should, errors, which are visible in the title itself and which from then on, preserve its see at Arge ş, at St. have been explained above, are offset by the Nicholas Church’). The author also refers to a author’s use of the still living tradition, in the mid- Metropolitan of Ungro-Wallachia, other than 19 th century; he thus opened a direction of research Iachint, namely Antim I, who, according to I. D. he perseveringly pursued in his later studies. The Petrescu, was acknowledged as such by all the bibliography provides soundness to the work and above-mentioned hierarchs. includes, among others, Magazin istoric pentru Inaccuracies also occur as regards the rule of Dacia , Aaron Florian’s Istoria românilor or . The author admits that the Treboniu Laurian’s Temi şanas . country’s Metropolitan See remained at Arge ş, but The text structure is clear and concise; the he puts forward an unsubstantiated assumption, author first deals with the country’s evolution namely that the princely seat was moved to during the prince’s reign and then with the Târgovi şte in 1401 (I. D. Petrescu, 1870). monuments he founded. The main aspect that has to Church hierarchs are also regarded as historical be emphasised is the assumption, ground breaking personalities. In this context, our attention was in that age, according to which it was Radu the Great drawn by the pages dedicated to Antim Ivireanul who began the construction of the Metropolitan and the author’s fierceness (under the influence of Church of Târgovi şte (I. D. Petrescu, 1880). the Romantic school) to promote the Romanian I. D. Petrescu himself was convinced that this origin of the metropolitan (“ Biografia lui Antim, was a pioneering study, one which had to be martirul ţerrei nostre, ânco nu este cunoscut ă; c ăci continued by a thorough research, especially since i se neg ă chiar şi origina sa român ă…”(I. D. the eminent historians of the country could not have Petrescu, 1870), which translates as ‘The biography the final say in this matter. This can only be of Antim, the martyr of our country, is not yet explained by the fact that a way to “… desgropa known; for his very Romanian origin is disputed’) trecutul nostru atât de mult în ţelenit de câmpul and deny his Georgian descent which he dismisses des ăvâr şitei uit ări ” (I. D. Petrescu, 1892) (‘… as a trifle. The metropolitan is, according to I. D. uncover our past, so deeply buried in the land of Petrescu, the son of some Moldavian fugitives who complete oblivion’) was not yet found. left along with voivode Ştefan Tom şa and found The next historiographical attempt was refuge around the Azov area. completely original and had been meant to be that The bibliography used to write this first way. In 1888, I. D. Petrescu published the first extensive work is not to be neglected, as the author monograph of Târgovi ște. The author mentions the uses the most important sources of the age. Thus, longstanding documentation, as some of the sources there are quotations from Magazin istoric pentru and documents are novel: Chronograful Arge șului , Dacia , edited by Treboniu Laurian and Nicolae Epistola tipicar ă a Mitropolitului Ștefan ot Bălcescu, Dionisie Fotino’s Istoria general ă a Târgovi ște , Epoca lui Vasile Lupul și a lui Mateiu

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Minodora Cârciumaru, Radu Cârciumaru

Basarab written by the historian G. Missail or reign of . In-between, there is only Grigore Tocilescu’s Istoria Român ă. the memory of Vlad Dracul and his conflict with In addition, I.D. Petrescu also relies on the Iancu de Hunedoara resulting in the plundering and extremely valuable oral history as a working burning of the city by the Turkish troops that were method: “…cu atari isvore în mân ă, în cursu de mai bringing the son of Mircea back to the throne. mult timpu de când suntemu stabili ţi în capitala Târgovi ște was not meant to die but to revive, Basarabilor (20 ani) şi pururea aflându-ne în arising from the ashes like the Phoenix during the amenun ţite cercet ări, f ăcute printre b ătrânii din age of Ţepe ş. The author assumes that it is then that localitate, dintre carii mul ţi numai the city fortifications with water-filled ditches were tr ăiescu…putur ămu stabili de o cam-dat ă nesce built to prevent the attacks of sultan Mehmed II’s atari preliminari, ce ne conduser ă în şirul acestei army. The prince’s efforts were in vain, for his schi ţă ri istorice şi topografice… ” (I. D. Petrescu, brother, Radu the Great: “ …strica şian ţurile şi 1888) (which roughly translates as: ‘having such tăriile, d ărâma şi Curtea-Domneasc ă de aici… ” (I. sources at hand, for so many years since we settled D. Petrescu, 1888) (‘… would destroy the dikes and down in the capital of the Basarabs (20 years) and fortifications and pull down the Princely Court constantly carrying out thorough research among here’). According to I. D. Petrescu, this moment was the elders of the city, many of whom no longer with crucial, because Târgovi ște, though restored, us, we have been able to establish some seemed to lose the status as capital of Wallachia and preliminaries which have led us to this series of became the summer residence of the Basarabs (I. D. historical and topographical sketches’). Petrescu, 1888). After a brief geographic presentation, the study The war fought by against deals with the beginning of the city, but regrettably the Turks brings the old city back to the fore. Sinan the conclusions have nothing to do with the Pasha occupied the city and set up his defences here, historical truth. Although I. D. Petrescu admits that at the Princely Court, for it had the shape of a castle no chronicle specifies when it was founded, he and could shelter up to 4-5,000 soldiers. A considers that Târgovi ște played an important role monastery nearby the court was turned into a in 1240-1716 (I. D. Petrescu, 1888). The first date fortress and a rampart with palisades was built is not chosen by chance, but taken from Istoria around. The author assumes, without providing român ă written by Grigore Tocilescu, who solid arguments, that the city may have been erroneously believed that Târgovi ște was the centre surrounded by a stone wall and beams, in addition of Seneslau’s voivodeship. The two writers had to a very deep 12 feet wide ditch. All these elements similar working methods. Just like Tocilescu, I. D. of fortification were destroyed by Michael the Petrescu would complement his historical view by Brave, who had returned from , and gathering information from the local people, by were brought back to life by (I. D. travelling and carrying out field investigations (I. B. Petrescu, 1888). Cătăniciu, 1991). The author is familiar with the difficult He would continue Grigore Tocilescu’s theory moments Târgovi ște went through in the 17 th and and consider that three decades later, around 1272, the 18 th centuries, as he mentions Grigore Ghica’s Litovoi’s brother, B ărbat, having been set free by order that all fortifications should be pulled down King Ladislaus IV of Hungary, had been sent to and the burning of the city under the rule of Târgovi ște as well (I. D. Petrescu, 1888). And this Constantin Mavrocordat. The restoration works of is how Târgovi ște became, in the works of the the Princely Court, initiated by Grigore II Ghica, is second half of the 19 th century, a true voivodal seen as having a hidden purpose, namely to search centre of a structure that had political and dynastic for the alleged treasures and even plunder the continuity. In the decades to come, a thorough princely tombs (I. D. Petrescu, 1888). research of the sources and the beginning of the first Chapter III deals with the city of Târgovi ște systematic archaeological excavations would during Matei Basarab’s reign, for: “ Cea mai mare şi completely discard these views. mai vie lumin ă ce a streb ătutu asupra vechei Unfortunately, in his book, the history of str ăluciri a Târgovi ştei este cea din timpul lui Târgovi ște during the 14 th -15 th centuries pendulates Mateiu Basarab şi a Mitropolitului s ău Ştefan. ” (I. between the rule of Mircea the Elder and the second D. Petrescu, 1888) (i.e. ‘The greatest and most vivid

84 Tome XIX, 2017 I. D. Petrescu and the Romantic Historiographical Perspective on the Romanian Middle Ages light that shone upon the olden glory of Târgovi ște author thoroughly analyses all tomb slabs and their is that which glowed in the times of Matei Basarab inscriptions. But he makes a mistake as regards the and his Metropolitan, Stephen’.) stone on Mateia ș’s tomb when he takes for granted It is on this occasion that an outstanding source the information provided by the priest Musceleanu is mentioned, The Typical Epistle of the who served at the Princely Church. He thus assumed Metropolitan Ştefan ot Târgovi şte, which minutely that the bowl-shaped stone, used in child baptism, describes a rain procession. The author tries to rule in which there was an inscription in the form of out any doubts regarding this source by showing in poetry, had been taken out from the prince’s tomb a note that it was copied, word for word, from the when his remains had been moved to Arnota (I. D. original epistle that was in the care of the priest Petrescu, 1888). In fact, it is the epitaph dedicated Daniel from ‘Sfânta Vineri’ Church in Câmpulung to Mateia ș Basarab by his own father, the writer (I. D. Petrescu, 1888). Its originality was later Udri ște N ăsturel, in 1652. disputed by historians such as who I. D. Petrescu does not forget to mention would not find, in any of these lines, the style of Coconilor street, which was inhabited, on the right Matei Basarab’s epoch. Nevertheless, it remains of side of the palace, by the Dr ăcule şti branch of the great importance, as it is the oldest source which family and, on the left, by the D ăne şti branch. He mentions the Gates of the city of Târgovi şte, a key also refers to the baths near the princely gardens, that can help reconstruct, as accurately as possible, considered to be an imitation of the public baths of the fortifications built by Matei Basarab (D. P. Constantinople, and to Matei Basarab’s printing Condur ățeanu, 1886; V. Dr ăghiceanu, 1915; R. house that was located further on, “ la B ărb ătescu ” Gioglovan, 1973; A. Erich, M. Oproiu, 2012; M. (I. D. Petrescu, 1888). Cârciumaru, R. Cârciumaru, 2017). The City Gates hold a special place, as he got Petrescu uses the data gathered from the elders his information from eyewitnesses and the tradition when he analyses the Princely Court and the passed on from the elders. Thus, there were four mediaeval monuments of Târgovi şte, to which he gates: one to the north-east, The gate of Dealu; to devotes important pages in the book. In our opinion, the east or south-east, The gate of Buz ău, where it is extremely important that the author cites older there was the district of Ro şiorii de ţar ă (later the works, which can provide an earlier picture of the seimeni ), beyond the Biserica Alb ă; then, lower great restoration carried out by Prince Gheorghe down, southwardly, beyond the shops which sold Bibescu. Genovese, Venetian, Constantinopolitan goods and An 1816 report mentions that the Princely which were located parallel to the Metropolitan Court ruins continued to cover a pretty large area. Church, there was The gate of (in the area Of the numerous vaults, corridors, halls, barracks, of the future Ciocârlan barrier). The last Gate was only two rooms, near the Church Gate (the Great to the west, called Poarta Arge şului “ …ce mai ducea Princely Church), still stood. Important details also şi la Dolgopol (Câmpulung), aici era târgul concern the size of windows, the length of which glotelor, pronun ţat azi Oborul-Vechiu ” (I. D. was a man-high, or the princely cellars that were in Petrescu, 1888) (‘which led to Dolgopol very good shape and needed only little upkeep. (Câmpulung) and where there was the fair of mobs, Chindia Tower is analysed based on the information today known as Oborul-Vechiu ’). provided by an 80-year-old from Stelea Monastery As regards the population, I. D. Petrescu used who said it had been in good shape around 1805, the information received from the traveller Paul of when on top of it was a beautiful wooden turret Aleppo, according to which there were more than resting on stone columns (I. D. Petrescu, 1888). 70 churches in the city, hence the conclusion that The Princely Church was “ de o rar ă frumuse ţe there must have been around 60-65,000 inhabitants. a timpului ei ” (‘of rare beauty in its time’), with its Still, this information is compared to the situation iconostasis brought all the way from Italy, at the presented by Dionisie Fotino in his history of the order of Petru Cercel and, in the nave, a early 19 th century, which mentioned that Târgovi ște representation of rulers dressed in their imperial had three monasteries (the Metropolitan Church, robe, a sign of power and of their status as founders Stelea, Polni ța-Biserica Alb ă), a high tower in the (I. D. Petrescu, 1888). The secular history and its courtyard of a ruined palace and 22 churches, of hardships are presented fairly accurately. The which three were desolate and five without a name

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Minodora Cârciumaru, Radu Cârciumaru

(I. D. Petrescu, 1888). as early as the ’ invasion of 1242, of The last part of the book deals with the federations of cnezats , grouped under their administration and the army, which the author voivodes, that had to withstand this disaster caused analyses only over certain periods, the most by invaders. Having retreated to mountainous areas, preferred being the ages of Matei Basarab, they went out about four decades later and Constantin Brâncoveanu and the end of the submitted their voivodeship to a supreme duke, Phanariote epoch. Negru Vod ă, the ruler of F ăgăra ș and Amla ș (I. D. In the end, we note the author’s regret for the Petrescu, 1894). unjust fate of Târgovi ște. He does not try to find From here, the author steps again into the those responsible for the decline of the city, even if realm of imagination, by inserting numerous he briefly mentions the measures imposed by the geographical elements. Thus, he imagines that Turks. To I. D. Petrescu, Târgovi ște represented the Negru Vod ă chose either the valley of the Lere ști perfect city of Wallachia and the comparison with river that bathes Dolgopol and ramifies in Mount Bucharest is eloquent. Târgovi ște had larger and Păpu șa or the little Ruc ăr river, a tributary of the more beautiful houses, larger neighbourhoods, and Dâmbovi ța. He speaks about two troops that longer, wider and straighter streets than those of supposedly climbed down the two valleys to meet Bucharest (I. D. Petrescu, 1888). somewhere in the Dâmbovicioara area (I. D. The closing tone is sad and Vasile Cârlova’s Petrescu, 1894). These groups were made up of the lyrics emphasise this. Nevertheless, we are left with families of those who would set up villages here: the Petrescu’s message addressed to the indifference of Lere ști family, the N ăma ți (N ămăie ști), the B ădeni, the future fathers of this city, saying that the ruins the Stoene ști. of Târgovi ște are not those of Bastille, Arnota or Negru Vod ă dismounted at Câmpulung Plumbuita, but are the holy relics of the skeleton of probably, I. D. Petrescu thinks, because he wanted our glorious past (I. D. Petrescu, 1888). to escape “ suprema ţia ungureasc ă” (‘the Hungarian The book which concludes the studies on the supremacy’). Wallachia had to be released first and Romanian Middles Ages is special owing to the Petrescu reveals that the old tradition preserved the chosen topic. I. D. Petrescu acquired enough memory of a captain of Negru Vod ă, Cotea (who experience to deal with one of the most gave its name to the village Cotene şti), who controversial figures of our history: Negru Vod ă. A frightened the Tatars to death. One of his prods to century of historiographical analysis was not battle was collected by the author from the elders of enough to unravel the mysteries surrounding him those places: “ Voi cu ghiogele de ulm/ C ăuta ți-vă de and that is precisely why the perception of this drum/ Și ăia cu traiste de tei/ Iat ă treaba ce v ă cer:/ legendary character in those times is extremely P-ăi cu tolbele de țap/ Lovi ți-i mereu la cap, / interesting, especially as the lack of awareness of Cur ățind țara de ei/ C ă-s pr ădalnici și prea r ăi. ” (I. documentary and archaeological sources leaves D. Petrescu, 1894). room for interpretations that are unacceptable Negru Vod ă settled at Dolgopol with the nowadays. consent of the chiefs of those places, whom the Desc ălicarea lui Negru Vod ă și Cetatea sa voivode gave many lands in mountainous areas. I. dup ă Dâmbovi ța (1290) was published in 1894, at D. Petrescu is confident of this information the age of full scientific maturity of the author. I. D. especially after talking to the 80-year-old Popa Petrescu started his writing with a literary exercise. Macarie from Valea Mare and the former poteca ş He speaks about the P ăpu șa Massif, a mountain that ‘border guard’ of the mountains, Ion Milo ş from connects Transylvania and Wallachia and along Lere şti, who divulged that they had seen Matei whose paths the traveller is taken right to Basarab’s charter which confirmed all these land Câmpulung. According to an old tradition from grants made by Negru Vod ă (I. D. Petrescu, 1894). around F ăgăra ș, Negru Vod ă, a great voivode, It is not the only document about Negru Vod ă the would hunt in these mountainous woods to please author saw. In the house of the vestry of the his princess who greatly appreciated the game here Câmpulung estate, I. D. Petrescu studied a (I. D. Petrescu, 1894). document from which he extracted the names of the In showing the dismounting process, Petrescu five captains of Negru Vod ă: Cotea, Leresu, returns to scientific arguments, noting the existence, Nămătu, Badea and Stoian. This document is

86 Tome XIX, 2017 I. D. Petrescu and the Romantic Historiographical Perspective on the Romanian Middle Ages mentioned only in this work and it seems pretty brave men killed them./ They all shouted: “Your obvious that it is a fake. The reasons why and the Majesty!/ Give us one Basarab./ Basarab from conditions in which it was made remain unknown. Caloian/ For he is of Olt origins/ from Craiova/ Give Having dismounted at Câmpulung, Negru one to us/ To be our ban / And then the lady gave Vod ă was confronted with the Tatars’ advance them/ The strongest to be their wise prince/ From along the Dâmbovi ţa river; that is why he decided Olte ț as far as Cerne ț’). to close this valley where its sides were closest. The lack of specialised bibliography points to According to tradition, the fortress lay on both how precarious information on this historical figure banks connected by a bridge; however, I. D. was. Furthermore, it reveals the direction of Petrescu is aware that the traces of a citadel can only research of I. D. Petrescu who, for the first time in be seen near the rock hewn church of Cet ăţ eni: this book, abandons other authors’ information and “Cine a vizitat aceast ă barier ă natural ă a piscurilor relies exclusively on the tradition provided by the ar ătate, lesne poate în ţelege cât de formidabil ă a people of those lands. He rejects studies that fost atunci baricadat ă valea Dâmbovi ţei prin t ăria thoroughly approach this topic, such as Istoria acestei vechi şi naturale redute. ” (I. D. Petrescu, critic ă a românilor (Bogdan Petriceicu Ha șdeu, 1894) (i.e. ‘Whoever visited this natural barrier of 1875) or the extensive synthesis of A.D. Xenopol, these peaks can easily understand how formidably Istoria românilor din Dacia Traian ă (A. D. barricaded was, in those days, the valley of the Xenopol, 1925). Dâmbovi ţa by the strength of this old and natural Ioan D. Petrescu’s view of Negru Vod ă is not, redoubt’). The authore collected here several folk therefore, one of a pronounced scientific nature. The songs which preserved the memory of the enigmatic absence of sources pushed him to build history by figure. One of them goes even further than the himself, to create scenarios where there was no trace legend recorded in chronicles and emphasises the of support. Nevertheless, he opened up a path of coming into power of the Basarabs from beyond the research that, decades later, would be preferred by a Olt river: “ Negru Vod ă mun ţi str ăbate/ Ca s ă ridice- part of modern historiography, which of the o Cetate/ P-ale Dâmbovi ței stânci/ Ap ărate de tradition preserved from generation to generation, voinici/ O zidi și-o înt ări/ Și din cuibul ei s ări/ Cu- completed by interesting analogies built up by ai lui so ți și mari gloate/ Pe t ătari c ă mi ți-i bate./ means of toponymy and hydronymy. Țar ă nou ă î și a șaz ă,/ Rânduindu-i a șa paz ă./ La The novel Buchetul , I. D. Petrescu’s last Cetate-n Dâmbovi ța/ El avea și o domni ță ,/ extensive attempt, published in 1889, comprises, as Domni ță cu dragi coconi/ De vi ță Basarabeni,/ shown in the title, various sayings and maxims. Domni ța cu ei tr ăia/ Și-n paz ă bun ă-i avea./ Pe când Some of these have historical themes and are of nimeni nu gândea,/ Oaste mare n ăvălea/ Cetatea o- particular importance to mediaeval history. n presura/ Dar voinici-i omora./ Când lupta s ă For example, he analyses the cruelty of Prince înglota/ To ți striga: „M ăria Ta !/ Alei doamn ă mai Vlad the Impaler, a topical theme in that epoch as degrab/ D ă-ne nou ă-un Basarab./ Basarab din well, mentioning the episode of the field of pales Caloian,/ C ă-i s ămân ță de Oltean/ De Oltean de during the Sultan’s campaign of 1462. His Craiovean/ S ă ne fie nou ă Ban/ Domni ța atunci le conclusions are accurate, Petrescu suggesting that dete/ Pe cel mai lat între spete,/ S ă le fie domn iste ț/ these practices and barbarisms were common in that Din Olte ț pân ă-n Cerne ț.” (I. D. Petrescu, 1894) age and other Romanian rulers, such as Stephen the (roughly translated as: ‘Negru Vod ă crosses the Great, also made use of them as (I. D. Petrescu, mountains/ To raise a fortress/ On the rocks of the 1892). Dâmbovi ţa/ Defended by brave men/ He built and Speaking about the death penalty, the author consolidated it/ And from this nest/ He swooped reveals the place where the spears and gallows were down upon the Tatars/ And defeated them. / He placed in Târgovi şte: at the end of the Câmpulung founded a new country/ And prepared its defences./ barrier, where once were the gate of Arge ş and the At his castle upon the Dâmbovi ţa/ He had a people’s fair, or later the old market. In those days, princess,/ A princess with beloved children/ Of the house of the merchant Mihai St ătulescu was still Basarab blood./ The lady lived with them/ And was there. His words have gone through the times and guarded well./ While no one was thinking,/ A great reveal the bad fate that forced his ancestors to build army attacked / And surrounded the castle/ But the homes and shops here, in this cursed, vile place

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(I. D. Petrescu, 1892). Dr ăghiceanu, Virgil , 1915, Buletinul Comisiei In conclusion, after completely examining Monumentelor Istorice , Not ă. the historical writings of I. D. Petrescu, we can Erich, Agnes; Oproiu, Mihai, 2012, Cultura assert that they remain a significant barometer of the medieval ă târgovi ștean ă, Ed. Transversal, progress made at historiographical level in the Târgovi ște. second part of the 19 th century. In fact, Petrescu is Gioglovan, Radu, 1973, Cetatea Târgovi ștei , not in the middle of the scientific world and in Chronica Valachica , pp. 85-105 therefore he is not aware of its unrests and doubts. Petrescu, I.D., 1870, Mitropoliele Tierrei , However, he manages to bring forth some Bucure şti, pp. 39, 44, 45, 47, 54-55, 74, 75, 76, 78, unclarified aspects of the Middle Ages. His 112, 113. contributions regarding Târgovi şte and its Ha șdeu, Bogdan Petriceicu, 1875, Istoria monuments, the carefully arranged data about the critic ă a românilor , vol. I, Bucure ști, pp. 71-81. reign of Radu the Great or the tradition regarding Petrescu, I. D., 1880, Radu cel Mare (1490- Negru Vod ă, all are meritorious attempts which 1508) , Târgovi şte, p. 14. needed to be recorded and never be forgotten. Petrescu, I. D., 1888, Târgovi ştea. Schi ţe istorice şi topografice , Târgovi şte, pp. 6, 8-9, 12, Bibliography 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 34, 36, 37-38,48-49, 52, 80, Cârciumaru, Minodora; Cârciumaru, Radu, 81, 82. 2017, An Issue of the Middle Ages. The Moat and Petrescu, I. D., 1892, Buchetul , Târgovi şte, pp. Bulwark of the city of Târgovi şte between history 110, 111, 112, 117, 131, 181. and patrimony in Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis, Petrescu, I. D., 1894, Desc ălicarea lui Negru XVI, p. 81-98.. Vod ă și Cetatea sa dup ă Dâmbovi ța (1290) , Cătăniciu, Ioana Bogdan, 1991, Grigore Târgovi ște, pp. 5-6, 10, 11-13, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27. Tocilescu-întemeietor al școlii de arheologie Ştrempel, Gabriel, 1997, Antim Ivireanul , Ed. româneasc ă, in Ephemeris Napocensis, vol. I, p. Minerva, Bucure şti, 1997, p. 19. 194. Xenopol, A. D., 1925, Istoria românilor din Condur ățeanu, D. P., 1886, Geografia Dacia Traian ă, ed. a III-a, vol. III, Ed. Cartea jude țului Dâmbovi ța, Târgovi ște. Româneasc ă, Bucure ști, pp. 11-35.

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