A number of objects of Romanian origin or containing information conceming the Romanians, can be currently found at Mount Sinai. They testifyto the relations maintained by the Romanians with this major monastic centre of the Orient, within the broader context of political and religious links of the Romanian Principalities with the Orthodox East. The Romanian Principalities thus prove to have been a reliable, faithful supporter of the Christians in the first lands to hear the preaching of Christ's gospel. Beside objects donated by Romanian rulers, who maintained relationships with the Holy Mountain, Sinai also holds items brought by Sinaite monks having spent a while in the Romanian Principalities, as well as important catalogues of documents and records. The Romanian foundations at Mount Sinai are also beautiful architecture monuments, certainly benefitting from the material

support ofthe above-mentioned princes. All these items - liturgica! objects, manuscripts, rare books, art and architecture vestiges, etc. - enrich the vast treasury that belongs both to Sinai and Romania, albeit outside the country's boundaries.

• The present study is the English translation of the slightly modified original text of the chapter (pp. 477-530) bearing the same title in our work, St. Catherine Monasteryof Mt. Sinai and its relationships with the Romanian Principalities. A historical-patristic approach, published in the year 2009 by Sophia Publishing House in . In researching and writing it, we referred to: V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii româneşti peste hotare. Mică enciclopedie, voi. I (Bucharest, 1991) and II (Bucharest, 1998), issued by the Publishing House Ed. Enciclopedică. We have not only drawn on the bibliography presented in these works, which identified the tokens of Romanian relationships with Mt. Sinai in the specialized literature, but also preserved the clearly defined structure of the written material. Thus, although documents are more important to us, we have insisted on the objects which can be found here - not necessarily of Roman ian origin - which convey information conceming the Romanians. Moreover, we have also maintained the general notion of „object" we have employed on other occasions, designating all types of goods offered to Mt. Sinai by the Romanians, or functioning as tokens for such donations. We hope not only to highlight the elements of Romanian history and post-Byzantine culture hereby presented, but also to provide a starting point for further research which will make them better known.

Etudes Byzantines et Post-Byzantines, p. 445--485, 20 1 1 VI, 446 Adrian Marinescu 2


The major figure in the realm of researching and inventorying the objects of Romanian origin, which can now be found in the East, is M. Beza. He travelled, collected data and took important photos to document the relationships of the Romanian Principalities with the Orient, and presented them in reference books. The assessment given by M. Beza, N. Iorga and others to this information is still almost entirely valid today. M. Beza's early 201h century project was continued by V. Cândea during the 1990s. We add further information obtained through our research activity so far, to the extent that we have had access to the respective sources. The bibliography we have employed is the following: Cata/ogus Codicum Ma nuscriptorum Graecorum, qui in Mo nasterio Sanctae Catharinae in Monte Sina asservantur. Tomus I: Codices manuscripti notabiliores bibliothecae monasterii Sinaitici ej usque metochii Cahirensis, ab archimandrita Porphyrio (Uspenskio) descripti, Auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae sumptibus legati Porphyriani, Porphyrii descriptionem in ordinem redactum atque suppletam edidit, V. Benesevic, Petropoli, 1911; Cata/ogus codicum manuscriptorum graecorum qui in monasterio Sanctae Catharinae in Mo nte Sina asservantur, Torni III pars I, Codices numeris 1224-2 150 signati, Auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae sumptibus legati Porphyriani edidit V. Benesevic, Petropoli, 1917; 'EililTŢVLKrJ {3tf3ilwypacpia (1466-1800) , T6µoc; npwwc;, Mcpa�11nial Kai. XQOVOAoyud] avaKa'ra'ral;.i.� 8wµa. 1. U710 IlarcaborcovAov, TIQayµa'rdm TI]� AKabî]µia� A811vwv, T6µ� 48, A8f]vm, fQacpdov �11µoou:uµa'rwv TI]� AKabf]µLa� A8î]VWv, 1984; Evpnr]pwv apxaiwv lv-rimwv lKfJâaEUJV n]c; MovfJc; LLVa (1540-1900), una wu AQXLµavbQ(wu fQTlYOQ(ou Mavt.a'r611ouAo�, 'Ev Ka"LQ

TfJc; 'lEpac; MovfJc; L:tva, BwaailoviK1], 1953; S. BARBU -BUCUR, Cultura muzicală de tradiţie bizantină pe teritoriul României în secolul XVIII şi în ceputu/ secolului XIX şi aportul original al culturii autohtone, Bucharest, 1989; M. BEZA, ,,Biblioteci mânăstireşti în Palestina, Cipru şi Muntele Sinai", in: Analele Academiei Române, Me moriei Secţiei Literare, Bucharest, 1932, Seria II, Tomul VI, Mem. 7, pp. 89-97; M. BEZA, Urme româneşti în Răsăritu/ ortodox, Monitorul Oficial şi Imprimeriile Statului, Imprimeria Naţională, Bucharest, 1937; M. BEZA, Pe tărâmuri biblice. Palestina, Siria, Chipru şi Mu ntele Sin ai, Ed. Ziarului Universul, Bucharest 193 7 (cap. „La muntele Sinai", pp. 167-173); J. BIELZ, L 'A rt des orfevres saxons de Transy/vanie, Bucureşti, 3 Romanian items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 447

1957; 8Eµ. BOAIL'lOY, 'JawptKa lyypacpa wv I:tva rcEpt TfJc; tv Ovyypof3Aaxil;l: MovfJc; MaT<';tvaviov, A8iiva, 1906; V. CÂNDEA, C. SIMIONESCU, Prezenţe culturale româneşti, Is tambul, Iesuralim, Paros, Patmos, Sinai, Alep, Ed. Sport-Turism, Bucharest, 1982; V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii româneşti peste hotare. Mică enciclopedie, voi. I, Ed. Enciclopedică, Bucharest, 1991; V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii româneşti peste hotare. Mică enciclopedie de creaţii româneşti şi de izvoare despre români în colecţii din străinătate, voi. II, India­ Olanda, Supplement: Albania-Grecia, Ed. Enciclopedică, Bucharest, 1998; J.G. HERZOG SACHSEN, Das Katharinenkloster am Sinai, Leipzig-Berlin, 1912; N I ZU . ORGA, ,,Noi obiecte de artă găsite la Ierusalim, la Mânăstirea Sf. Sava şi la Muntele Sinai", in: Buletinul Comisiei Mo numente Is torice, 70, 1931, pp. 181-183; N. IORGA, ,,Legăturile româneşti cu Muntele Sinai. Observaţii la comunicarea d-lui M. Beza'', in: Analele Academiei Române, Me moriei Secţiei 1932 1933 6 335 346 N Is torice, Bucharest, - , Seria III, Tomul XIII, Mem. , pp. - ; . IORGA, „Evangheliarul lui Alexandru Vodă Mircea la Muntele Sinai", in: Buletinul Comisiei Monumente Is torice, 27, 1934, pp. 185-186; N. IORGA, „Două hrisoave domneşti pentru Mânăstirea Mărgineni, închinată Muntelui Sinai", in: Analele Academiei Române, Me moriei Secţiei Is torice, Bucharest, 1935, Seria III, Tomul XVII, Mem. 1 , pp. 57-68; N. IORGA, „Consideraţiuni istorice asupra documentelor prezintate de dl. Marcu Beza", in: Analele Academiei Române, Memoriei Secţiei Is torice, 1935, Seria III, Tomul XVII, Mem. 6, pp. 136-139; K. MANAIr., I:tva. Oi 817aavpo[ TfJc; MovfJc;, 1990 'EKbatLKÎ] A8f1VWv, ; K.N. I1AJIAMIXAAOTIOYAOY, H Movr]wv 'Opovc; 1932 I:tva, A8iivm, ; i"l.. ITATIAI:TPATm::, O atvaiT17c; Xaw17KmaKrjc; EK Xwpac; BovpAa, ypaµµcna-l;vAoypacpiEc;, 1688-1 709, A8tjva, 1981; J.G. NANDRIŞ, „The Role of Vlah and its Rulers on Athos and Sinai. Reflectionson a portrait of Constantin Brâncoveanu, Prince of , at St. Katherine' Monastery on Mt. Sinai'', in: RESE, 3, Bucharest, 1981, pp. 605-610; C. NICOLESCU, Argintăria laică şi religioasă în Ţările Române (s ec. XIV-XIX) , Bucureşti, 1968; C. NICOLESCU, Istoria costumului de curte în Ţările Române, sec. XIV-XVIIL Bucharest, 1970; C. NICOLESCU, Arta metalelor preţioase în România, Bucharest, 1973; I.O. SUCIU, R. CONSTANTINESCU, Documente privitoare la istoria Mitropoliei Banatului, Timişoara, 1980.

9.1. Liturgical and art objects

W e do nat have an exhaustive list of this type of objects at Mount Sinai. We note, however, their diversity and unique artistic quality. There are nat only silverwork items (censer, tabernacle (artophorion) for the altar table, holy table Cross (blessing cross), vigil lamps, dikiron-trikiron, Gospel Book overlay, as well as metal cover of the reliquary). 448 Adrian Marinescu 4

1 1. Panagiarion, cca 1500 ; 2. Tabernacle (arto phorion), 1542-15452; 3. Tabernacle (artophorion), 156<1: 4. Censer, 15694;

1 „Panagiarion, Moldavian workshop (?), circa 1500" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ II, p. 65, nr. 9); C. NICULESCU, Argintăria„„ pp. 215-2 16 (2 similar panagiaria are displayed here, according to the infonnation provided by Manafis); K. MANA of Mount Sinai by Gheorghe, bishop of Rădăuţi (Slavonic inscription). Shaped as a church, late Gothic omaments" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„., II, p. 65, no. 11; J.G. HE SACHSEN, Das Katharinenkloster am Sinai, Leipzig/Berlin, 1912, p. 19, fig. 24; K. MANA 5 Romanian items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monasteiy 449

5. Gospel Book cover (1 61h century). Greek text. Silve1Work, Wallachian workshop. 3312 2 cm. Donated by Prince Alexandru II Mircea (I568-I 577/; 6. Gospel Book cover, donated between 1583-1584 by Mihail, great vornic of Wallachia6; 7. Gospel Book cover. Hammeworked silver binding, showing the Lord's Resurrection on the front cover and the Ascension on the back cover. The Mo ldavian coat of anns, Greek text written in capitals7; overall impression. Unlike the rest, the upper part, which is held by the hand while censing, displays fine Ottoman floral designs. The Sinai censer îs part of a series of similar items belonging especially to the l 61h and early I ih centuries, al so present in iconograhy, and inspired by the elaborate censers of the universal Gothic style. The Sinai censer has an austere outline and clearly defined characteristics, peculiar to the 161h centul)', however without being one ofthe most beautifulitems ofthis genre, such as the censer of Banja Monasteiy în Priboj, which according to the !atest assesments comes from Transylvanian workshops"), 288, fig. 14 (colour reproduction), p. 391, note 87). 5 „Gospel Book, 16lh centuiy (?). Greek text. Silver cover, Wallachian workshop. 33x22cm. Cover I: ; cover IV, and the portraits of Alexandru II Mircea, prince of Wallachia, lady Ecaterina and their son Mihnea, with the inscription attesting the donation to Mt. Sinai" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ I, p. 244, nr. 124); N. IORGA, „Evangheliarul...", pp. 185, 86, fig. 2 and 31; M. BE , Urme româneşti„„ pp. 103 (: „From Alexandru, son of Prince Mircea Voevod, 16th centul)', Mt. SinaiZA received a Gospel Book written în Greek, sized 0,40x0,30, with illuminated pages and beautiful covers, showing on one side the Crucifixionand on the other the Transfiguration, under which are the images of Prince Alexandru, his Lady Ecaterina and his son. The latter portraits, as well as the Transfiguration scene, are encircled by an undated inscription, stating that the Gospel Book was sent «to Mount Sinai from the pious Prince Alexandru, ruler of all Ungrovlachia, and Lady Ecaterina» ['Eyyoaµ11µa Kal br/;LOTT]Tl TOU ruarf3wnhou Au8rvr<'><; lw AAEl;avbQOV Borf36ba miari<; OlryyQof3Aaxia<; T1J Mµva Aiiwife:E Ecaterina and their son Mihnea, are still remembered în the Monasteiy not only as they are honoured as founders of the chapel St. John the Baptist, but also as they are shown în prayer on the back of a highly valuable silver cover of a Greek manuscript dating from the 11lh centuiy. The main scenes depicted on the covers are the Crucifixion and, respectively, the Transfiguration, surrounded by orthogonal frames containing busts of prophets, evangelists, saints, anchorites. This silver cover, which is not the only one held by the Monasteiy, evinces the characteristics of a set of l 6lh--centuiy pieces crafted în the Roman ian workshops: rows of austere, rigid, sketchy forrns lacking volume, surrounding a central scene, rendered în low relief barely protruding above a blotched field, delineated by rough floral omaments, more or less influenced by Ottoman art. It is not known today whether the pricely fam ily donated the valuable cover together with the manuscript. An inscription on another Gospel Book with silver covers, donated by the Moldavian prince Ieremia Movilă [1595-1606) provides inforrnation on the times' practice which may have also applied to the donation of Alexandru II of Wallachia: «„.we took it [the Gospel Book] from the Monasteiy în order to give it a silver overlay în Wallachia, then retumed it to the Monasteiy»"). 6 „Another cover was donated by the great vornic of Wallachia, Mihail (Sept. 1583-March 1584) and his wife Maria" (K. MANAIl:, I:iva„„p. 391, no. 84). 7 „Ieremia Movilă's Gospel Book has masive, strongly hammered silver binding, one side depicting the Resurrection and the other the Ascension. At the bonom, on the back cover, there îs Moldavia's aurochs encircled by the text: �t'T]at<; wv bovt\ov wv 8fou lwavvou lrQrµ[ou Moylt\a Borf36ba<; aµa auµf3[ou Kal TWV TEKVWV avwv, ETO<; 1598 («The prayer of God's 450 Adrian Marinescu 6

8. Cross with c/ock8; 9. Buckle, 17169; 10. Silver vigil lamp. Greek text: «Remember, Lord, Thy servant Prince Alexandru lp silanti, Lady Ecaterina and their sons, Al. Ralu and Const. Ralu, 1785»10;

servant, prince Ioan Ieremia Movilă, with his wife and children, year 1598». On a page: fEKoaµf]8f] TO 1!aQOV E�ayyiALOV b a EE,obov TOU EUUE:�wnhou KaL vboE,w-rarnu au8EvToc; lwv. EQEµiou BoE�oba 7!UUf]c;t MovAbo�Aaxiac; avv TtJ EUUE�WTUTL( v-roµv� llUTOU 'EAriaavrn ÎKat -rov iov au-rwv lwv. Kwvarnv-rivou BoE�ovba EV i'Tnl:Qc; ', µrivtM aQ. Kwvc;. KQoa ric; Ka.i'Q da jn Candia («tThe present Gospel Book was adomed, at the expense of the most pious -rand glorious prince Io Ieremia, ruler of all Moldovlachia, with his most devout Lady Elisaveta and their son Prince Io Constantin, in the year 7106, month of March. Const. The Croatian Cai"· of Candia» ). The following note accompanied the bringing ofthe manuscript to Mt. Sinai: ţ AcptEQ08f] To TiaQWV uayyEAtov EE,Eµou AQaEviou -raxa Kat iEQoµovaxov ovtaav µm Eyw -rac; xaQ T]c;Kai -rac; EµiAavac;, KaL hric; UTEQLcrt;] am: TI]v µov�v TOU ayiou QO c; fava va EXEL Tac;T aaQac; TWV ay(wv nri ' 8rncj>WQWV 1!aTEQWV TWV a[ NLKlll� TO 1!QOTWO U auvav8Qf]U8EVTWV, EV µf]VL louAl!!:, I:tva.. , pp. 269 (: ,,An inscription on another Gospel Book with silver covers, donated by the Moldavian prince. Ieremia Movilă [ 1595-1606] provides information on the times' practice which may have also applied to the donation of Alexandru II ofWallachia: « ...we took it [the Gospel Book] from the Monastery in order to give it a silver overlay in Wallachia, then retumed it to the Monastery »"). 8 „Cross with beli, Transylvanian workshop, . Gilded silver, with carved wood inlays and enamel omaments. Crafted by Michael Renner. Metal case with the craftsman's initials T.M. Donated by abbot Joasaf (inscription)" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , II, p. 65, nr. 13); K. MANAI!:, Elva .. , pp. 276-277, 298, fig. 27, 29 (colour reproductions); p. 393, no. 169- 170. 9 . „Buckle, Braşov workshop, crafted by silversmith Stephan Waltzer II, 1716. Silver, L 23 cm. Engraved the allegorical scene . Latin inscription" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii ..., II, p. 65, nr. 14); J.with BIELZ, L'Art des orfevres saxons de Transylvanie, Bucharest, 1957, p. 35; K. MANAIl::, I:tva . , pp. 277, 305, fig. 40 (colour reproduction). .. 10 K.N. TIAnAMIXAAOnOYAOY, 'H Movry wv Dpovc; I:tva, pp. 350-372; M. BEZA, „Biblioteci ...", p. 215; „Silver vigil lamp with the Greek inscription of the donors' names 7 Roman ian items and testimonies, currently held în the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 45 I

11. Crosier. lvorytop , representing the adoration of the magi, sent in 1856from the Romanian Principalities to Parthenius of Sinai, whose initials are engraved11; 12. Portrait of Prince Constantin Brâncoveanu12• Nicolae Iorga lefi a beautiful description of this painting sent to Sinai.

Princes! But how could we identify them? Only on a silver hanging vigil lamp, I decipher the Greek inscription: «Remember, Lord, Thy/ servant AlexandruIpsila nti/Voevod, Lady Doamna Ecaterina/and their sons, Al. Ralu and/Const. Ralu, 1785»". 11 „Ivory-top crosier, representing the Adoration of the Magi, sent from the Romanian Principalities, în 1856, to the monastery's abbot, Parthenius of Sinai" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii... , I, p. 248, no. 184); M. BEZA, „Biblioteci ...", p. 215; M. BEZA, Urme româneşti . .., pp. 12 („And in the guest room I find a bishop 's crosier, with a handle carved în ivory, showing the adoration of the magi, and bearing the initials A.P.S. - Archimandrite Parthenius of Sinai, the name of the abbot to whom it was sent from Wallachia in 1856"), 8, 9 (pages with the photo reproduction of the "archimandrite's" crosier); V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii.. . , I, no. I 84, p. 248. In this case, the crosier cannot have belonged to a Sinai abbot, as was M. Beza's opinion which V. Cândea adopted as well. As far as we know, there was no abbot named Parthenius at Sinai, certainly not in the period mentioned on the crosier (1856). It belonged, most likely, to archimandrite Parthenius who, before 1861, was an abbot of the Dormition

Monastery in . Sărat, and after this date became an abbot of the Frumoasa Monastery in Iaşi; both Rm monasteries were metochia (dependencies) of Sinai. Parthenius was, probably, „expelled" from . Sărat because of his poor management of this Sinai dependency in Wallachia. We also leam that,Rm on June 28, I 863, together with the abbots of St. Catherine Monastey and that of Fâstâci Monastery, both Sinai dependencies (metochia), Parthenius was also removed from the office of abbot of Frumoasa Monastery, for having documents and objects «sent to the archdiocese», that is Sinai (see C. BOBULESCU, Cronica Sf Ecaterina din Bucureşti, 1577-1 octombrie 1924, Institutul de Arte Grafice Convorbiri Literare, Bucharest, 1927, p. 61). Most likely, the crosier was one of the items sent to Sinai. Nothing more is known about Parthenius.

M. BEZA, „Biblioteci ... ", p. 215; M. BEZA, Urme româneşti.. . , (colour reproduction on a plate inserted12 between pp. 12-13), and on pp. 12-13 the following text: „Then we entered a hali whose walls, all around, displayed the portraits of the monastery's deceased abbots. Archbishop Porphirios presented each of them, then stopped before one portrait that did not belong to the series: an oval face, a bent moustache joining the beard, an ermine fur-lined cloak, his right hand, wearing a ring, resting on the table ... «Can you recognize him?», the Archbishoped asked me. «Come closer and read!». At the top was written: «Constantinus Brankovan/Supremus Valachiae Tran-/salpinae Princeps Aetis 42 Ao Dni 1696>>. I couldn't believe my eyes ... I contemplated it, not without pious emotion, which the Archbishop seemed to share; for I heard him say: «Not only did he defend his faith, or make donations, or do much charity ... But he also laid down his life for the sake of Christianity. He îs worthy, indeed ... worthy of canonization!»"; J.G. NANDRIŞ, „The Role of Vlach ... ", pp. 605-6 10; „Constantin Brâncoveanu, Prince of Wallachia, 1696. Oii on canvas portrait" (V. CÂNDEA,

Mărturii. . . , I, p. 247, no. 180). V. CÂNDEA, C. SIMIONESCU, Prezenţe culturale româneşti, lstambul, lesuralim, Paros, Patmos, Sinai, Alep , Bucharest, Sport-Turism, 1982, pp. I 1 0--1I I; The National Art Museum: reproduction, oii on canvas, around 1930--1932. We quote Nicolae Iorga's description of this painting: „Beside a banal silver vigil lamp, donated by Prince Alexandru lpsilanti, there îs the portrait, so far unknown, of the young Constantin Brâncoveanu. The prince is wearing the usual cap, ofwhich only the clasp is visible in the painting, but not the panache. Over a floral-pattemed brocade undercoat, he is wearing the fur-lined mantie, with three sets of four braids each. He is holding a scepter; on the table, there is the princely crown with fur, fourrows of pearls and the cross. At the top right, under the same crown, now entirely adomed with pearls, is the coat of arms,with the raven on a branch, flanked by the sun and the moon. The inscription reads: «Constantinus Brankovan Supremus Valachiae Transalpinae Princeps Aetis 42 Ao Dni 1696». We thus have the year ofthe prince's birth. 452 Adrian Marinescu 8

13. Dikiron-Trikiron. Richly decorated silver. Inscribed with the fo //owingCreek text: «Prayer o the servant of God, Io. Prince Nicolae, Lady Maria and sons, July 21, 1745» ,{'3; 14. Altar doors curtain. Fine embroidery (136x34) with episodes of St. Catherine 's life. Crafted in Vienna. Donated in the year 1770. Offering of the Ma cedo-Romanian Nicolae Dimitriu of Moldovişte (near Bitolia/4; 15. Reliquary15; 16. Icon. The Sinai metochion in Egyp t a/so held a Romanian icon representing the Ho ly Trinity, an offering made by Nestor Ureche and his wife, Mitrofana, to Secu Monasteryon March 6, 1609. The icon was looted bythe Turksand sold16; 17.The chapel dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Founded between 1568-1569 by Prince Alexandru II Mircea (1568-1577), ruler of Wa//achia, and his wife LadyEcaterina 17;

Born in 1654, he never knew his father, who had been killed in the uprisings of mercenaries that occured at the end of Constantin Şerban 's reign. Upon his terrible death, the «Christian prince of old lineage» was oly sixty years old. The painter was a Westerner, most likely a Transylvanian, and his renderinş of the hands evinces great talent" (N. IORGA, „Noi obiecte„.", p. 187). 1 M. BEZA, Urme româneşti„., pp. 103 (: ,,A pair ofsilver candlesticks, richly decorated, bear the inscription: «Prayer of the servant of God, Prince Io. Io. Nicolae, Lady Maria and sons, July 21, IO. IO. 1745 [M aL<; wv bovAov wv 8rnu. NLKoAaou Borţ3oba, MaQia<; L'16µVT]<; Kat -rwv TEKVWV. fJ1ouAlou 21, 1745]»"), I 04 (photo reproduction); „Decorated silver festal candlesticks (2), with the Greek inscription: and donated by Nicolae Dimitriu, a member of the Greek-Romanian colony in Vienna" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„., I, p. 248, no. 182); K. MANAIi::, I:ivâ„., f· 255 (colour photo reproduction). See the reproduction at the end ofthe presen! study. 1 „Reliquary, crafted by the silversmith Demetriu, commissioned by a Romanian" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„., I, p. 248, no. 185); M. BEZA, „Noi urme„.",p. 18, note I. 16 N. VORNICESCU, ,,An unknown manuscript ofstaretz Andronic: The history of Secu Monastery", in: N. VORNICESCU, Biruit-augândul. Studii de Teologie Istorică Românească, Craiova, 1990, p. 48 1. 17 „The chapel (Prodromou), founded by Alexandru Mircea, prince ofWallachia, and Lady Ecaterina, 1576" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii..., I, p. 242, no. 91); M. BEZA, Urme româneşti„., pp. 8 (: „Below the cells' porch, în front of the church, there îs the Chapel of the holy 9 Roman ian items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 453

18. Chandelier, craftedby two Macedo-Romanian brothers of loannina18.

9.2. Manuscripts

We note the presence at Sinai of manuscripts, especially liturgica! ones, employed in either common or private praying. Some of these manuscripts were written outside the Romanian Principalities, but provide information conceming the Romanians; others were transcribed in Moldavia or Wallachia by certain Romanians, for various reasons, or were commissioned by Romanian or Sinai officials. There are also other manuscripts, however much fewer, containing lay texts. 1. Notitia ep iscopatum, l 8'h century19; 2. Anonymous universal chronic/e, prior to 1204. Greek language text. 141h­ century transcription, an account of the Vlach-Bulgarian rebellion of 1185-1186 . (ms. 1117,jf 324v-326v/0; 3. Triodion-Pentecostarion, Sf. ms. 24 (1360); Bulgarian recension, Serrai; copyist Gavriil; note: «Sinai 1622, belonging to Calistru of Putna>/!;

Prodromos, a 1576 foundation of Prince Alexandru Mircea, who, as the Greek note adds, «alsa endowed his monastery with estates and income from Wallachia»), I 04, 107 (inside and outside views); N. IORGA, „Evangheliarul...", p. 85, fig. I; V. CÂNDEA, c. SIMIONESCU, Prezenţe .. „ I, p. 115. K. MANA<1>u:, E1 va„., pp. 269 (: „The faith and generosity ofWallachia's ruler, Prince Alexandru II Mircea, his wife Ecaterina and their son Mihnea, are etemally remembered by the Monastey not only as founders of the chapel dedicated to St. John the Baptist..."), 391, no. 82 (: „M. Beza [op. cit., p. 8] writes that this chapel was founded in the year 1576 by the ruler of Wallachia, Prince Alexandru II [ 1568-1577]. This dating, alsa mentioned in other docurnentsofthis prince's donations to the Monastery, îs probably based on an older description ofthe Monastery [IlEQLYQa� LEQll TOU ay[ou Kal8rn�b(oi:ou "OQou<; favâ, f.v BEVET� 1817, reed. Athens 1978, p. 135]. In 1569 this chapel already existed, since Ruxandra Lăpuşneanu donated a censer to it. It must have been built between the years 1568-1 569"). 18 K. MANA1i:::, 1:1va„., p. 255. 19 „Notitia episcopatum, Constantinople, 18th century, mentioning the town of Tibiscum (Timiş Castle, that is Timişoara) în the list of the eparchies under the jurisdiction of Ohrid archdiocese. Excerpt (ms. 482, 976, 992)" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ II, p. 64, no. 6); I.O. SUCIU, R. CONSTANTINESCU, Documente„., p. 21. We know that Sinai had a metochion at Timişoara and that Sinai monks frequently visited Timişoara and Belgrade. This document may concern Sinai's interests in the area. See below the inforrnation on the Sinai metochion in Timişoara. 20 „Anonymous universal chronicle, ante 1204. Greek text. A 14'h-century copy, containing the account of the anti-Byzantine uprising of the Vlachs and Bulgarians, between 1185-1 1 86, the establishrnent of Asen Empire, as well as the reign of John [Ioannitsa] Kaloyan (ms. 1117, f. 324v- 326v)" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii.„, I, p. 244, no. 119); P. SCHREINER, Die byzantinischen„„, I, Vienna, 1975, Pfi" 129- 155. 1 „Triodion-Pentecostarion, 1360. Slavonic text. Note dating from 1622, Sinai, by Calistru of Putna (SI. ms. 24)" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„., I, p. 244, no. 120); Manuscrise„., p. 170, no. 873. 454 Adrian Marinescu 10

4. Great Octoechos, Sl. ms. 22 (Mo ldavia, 151h centwy); S/avonic recension; note: «Sinai 1622, belonging to Calistrn of Putna>/2; 5. Great Octoechos (Mo/davia, 1566); S/avonic recension23; 6. Gospel Book, Greek language, 13th century, 207ff., 15,5x20,8cm, with miniatures on each page; silver binding, Romanian workshop (?), 11h century, front cover - the Crucifrxion, and back cover - the Resurrection; on cover II, a note attesting to the donation of Prince Alexandro li Mircea, the rnler of Wallachia (1568-1577); ms 2400 fo nd Rockfeller Mc Connick4; it isnoi known whether this is the Gospel Book mentioned by a Western expert, who notes that on a 1 ih-century silver-bound manuscript, appears the prince ,.Ioan Mihai/"25; 7. Gospel Book6; 8. Gospel Book (161h century/7; 9. Music miscellany (16'h-11h century/8;

th 22 „Great Octoechos, Moldavia, 15 centwy. Slavonic text. A note written at Sinai, 1622, by Calistruof Putna (ms. sl. 22)" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii ... , I, p. 244, no. 121 ); Manuscrise... , p. 25, no. 1 13. 23 „Great Octoechos, Moldavia, 1566. Slavonic text" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii. .. , I, p. 244, no. 122); Manuscrise .... p. 25, no. 115. 24 Edgar GOODSPEED, As I Remember, New York, 1969, pp. 224-239; Maria GOLESCU, „Colophon of Voievode Alexander II of Wallachia on a Byzantine miniatured manuscript at the Library of Chicago University", in: RER, 15/1975, pp. 194-198; Constanţa COSTEA, „Ilustraţie de manuscris în mediul cărturăresc al mitropolitului Anastasie Crimcovici. Apostolul (Viena, Nationalbibliotek, cod. sl. 6)", in: SC/A , Arta plastică, 3911992, p. 42; Donald W. RIDLLE, The Rockfeller Mc Cormick New Testament, I-III, Chicago, 1932. Ali information, as it is hereby presented, was supplied to us by Virgil Cândea who had collected it for the third volume of his encyclopedia Mărturii ..., with the request to do furtherresearch and add new details. We do not know whether this volume was completed and published. We hereby present the information supplied by the reputed specialist, to whom we extend our gratitude. 25 „Another twelfth-century lectionary (Gr. 208) was equally impressive with a silver-gilt cover showing the Voivode John Michael and two others kneeling, and bearing the inscription ofthe Voivode John Alexander whose rule extended over Sinai" (Kenneth W. CLARK, „Exploring the Manuscriptsof Sinai and Jerusalem", in: Th e Biblica/ Archaeologist, voi. 16, 2/ 1953, p. 30). 26 „Tetraevangelium, decorated by Constantine the Croatian of Candia, March 1598, expense covered by the Moldvian prince Ieremia Movilă. Greek language text. Page borders and initials in gold and colours. Silver overlay: cover I „The Resurrection"; cover II „The Ascension", with Moldavia's coat of arms andthe donation inscription in Greek" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , I, p. 244, no. 125); N. IORGA, Noi obiecte ... , p. 185; M. BEZA,„Biblioteci ...", pp. 214-215; V. CÂNDEA, SIMIONESCU,Prezenţe ... , I, p. 1 13. th 27 „Tetraevangelium, 16 century (?) with silver overlay, donation of Mihail, great vornic of Wallachia and his wife Maria (Slavonic inscription, September 1583 - March 1584)" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ..., II, p. 64,no. 7); K. MANAIl::, l:iva.. . , pp. 269, 391, note 84. 28 „Miscellany, l6'h-17th century. Also contains: Callistos (archimandrite of Nicea), Scrieri, Moldavia, l6'h-17th century. Greek language text" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii. .. , I, p. 244, no. 126); Catalogus ... , Torni III pars I, p. 12, no. 1265. „Music miscellany, Moldavia, l 6th-17'h century, written by archimandrite Callistos Nikaias. Greek language text (ms. 1265)" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ..., II, p. 65, no. 8); S. BARBU-BUCUR, Cultura muzicală de tradiţie bizantină pe teritoriul României în secolul XVIII şi începutul secolului XIX şi ap ortul original al culturii autohtone, Bucharest, 1989, p. h h 228, no. 697. In BENE�EVIC, Catalogus codicum ... , III-I, p. 12, no. 1265 we find in this l6' -17t 11 Romanian items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 455

JO. Gospel Book. Silver binding, the front cover presenting the scene of the Resurrection, with Jesus reaching aut to a kneeling man, while an the right stands a crowd led by an emperor and his wife. The Apostles app ear in the corners, among the medallions surrounding it. Scenes of the LastJudge ment, the Paradise and Hei/. On the back cover, the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul hold together a typ ical Romanian church, with two steeples surmounted by three angels symbolizing the Holy Trinity. lt is one of the mast beautiful art works ever produced in the Romanian Principalities. Text: «Gabriel of Philippopolis offe rs this godly and holy Gospel Book to the mast enlightened and virtue-loving Lord and master, prince Io Duca of the entire Moldovlachia, in the year 1670, November 3, 9'h indictiom>. Adornedand written by Luke of Buzău, 1616: «This godly and holy Gospel Book was written by myself. the humble metropolitan of Ungrovlachia Luke, under the reign of the mast pious and God-loving aur Lord Prince Io Radu, in the year 7124, month of May, day5 1h>/9; 11. LiturgyBook, ms. 1052 (1 641/0; 12. Psalter (1655/1; 13. Pantelimon (Paisie Ligarides), 'E�fJyryarn; Ele;; TOV lJla A.Tf[pwv, ms. 1907 (1 696/2; 14. Miscellany (1 ?1h century). Greek language text. Information an Joachim of

Wallachia, the chapel dedicated to „ St. John the Baptist" fo unded by prince Alexandru li Mircea (1568-1577), the consecration as a dependency of the Dormition AdormireaMo nastery (R m. Sărat) and the Fâstâci skete (Vaslui/3;

century Sinai miscellany (15xl0cm), a fifth work: «KaMiarnu UQXtµavbQirnu Nucaim; iK xwQac; MoAbopiac;» (of Callistos, archimandrite of Nicea, from Moldavia), followed by another work «Mt:At:Tioufa vahou» (by Meletios ofSinai). 29 „Gospel Book, written and decorated by Luke of Buzău, 1616. Greek language text. Frontispieces decoratedwith vegetal and zoomorphicpattems" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , I, p. 244, no. 128); N. IORGA, „Noi obiecte ...", pp. 185-186; N. IORGA, „La figuration... ", p. 124. 30 „Liturgy Book, written by Antim of Ianina, Wallachia, 1641. Greek language text (ms. 1052)" �V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii... , I, p. 244, no. 129). 3 „Psalter, written by , Walachia, 1655. Greek language text. Miniatures representing the three holy hierarchs, Basil, Gregory and John, as well as

John Kukuzelis. Romanian language note of 1661" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii . .. , I, p. 244, no. 130); Catalolffs ... , III, I, p. 19, no. 1297 (erroneous dating 1665). 2 „Pantelimon , Exegesis eis ton Psalterion. Copy written by Mihail Bizantios, in Radu Vodă Monastery of Bucharest, 1696, for stolnic Constantin Cantacuzino, with his libris. Part II: psalms 109-151 (ms. 1907)" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii... , I, p. 245, nr. 131); exCatalo us ... , Tomus I, pp. 77-78, nr. 64. 1 h 3 „Miscellany, I 7' century. Greek language text. Contains information on the Romanian hegumen Joachim the Vlach, the chapel , founded by prince Alexandru II Mircea (1576), the consecration of the Dormition Monastery of Râmnic and the Fâstâci skete - Vaslui as dependencies of Mount Sinai" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii... , I, p. 245, no. 132); M. BEZA, „Biblioteci ...", p. 214. 456 Adrian Marinescu 12

15. Misce/lany (11h century/4; 16. Sinodikon, ms. 1605 (1718/5;

„Miscellany, I 7lh century. Greek language text. Contai ns rhymed prayers to the Mother of God, composed34 by Athanasius, fonner ecumenica! patriarch, and dedicated to Vasile Lupu" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii ... , I, p. 245, no. 133); Catalogus... , III/I, pp. 224--226, no. 1828. „Sinodikon, 1718, of Jeremiah, patriarch of Constantinople, conceming Zlătari Monastery in Bucharest,35 a metochion ofthe Patriarchate of Alexandria (ms. 1605)" (V.CÂNDEA, Mărlurii... , I, p. 245, no. 134, refers to V. BENESEVIC, Catalogus... , I, pp. 403, 419-421, 531). The work of V. BENESEVIC, Catalogus... , I, pp. 419-421 states that the grammata issued by Patriarch Jeremiah, in the year 1718, month of August, indiction 11, concems Zlătari Monastery of Bucharest, a dependecy of Alexandria. The manuscript referred to by V. Benesevic presents at 199'-199v the following text of the above­ mentioned grarnmata: «'ETIEtb� TOLyaQOVv UVT]VEX8TJ i]µivff. auvobtlov KaL auMELTOUQYOU Tf)c; �µwv µETQLOTT]Wc;, on ay!.WTawc;, KaL UTIOOTOALKOc; Tia:TQLaQXLKoc; 8Q6voc; Tf]c; AAd�avbQEiac; EXEL EV TcfJ BouKOUQWTlctJO Tf]c; EUaEţ3WTctTT]c; KaL EKAaµTIQOTctTT]c; au8EvTEla:c; 00yyQo(3Aaxla:c; i'.moKnµiVT]V auTcfi µo�v, ETI'ovoµan nµiwµivî]vTf]c; {mEQayiac;i]µ wv 8rnT6Kou, TWV ZAmaQtbwv ETILKEKAT]µivî]V, flvmQ{mo 8dou Ct']Aou KaL EUAa:(3Ela:c; KLVOUµEvoc; 6 EV µaKaQU;t Tij µvt'JµlJ adµVT]OTOc; au8iVTT]c; lwavvî]c; KwvarnvTivoc; MTiaaaQaµTiac; (3oE(36bac; acţ>LEQWaaw TcfJ aUTcfJ TiaTQLaQXLKcfJ 8QOV4J Tf]c; AAEE,avbQEiac; ETIL TWV i]µEQWV wv EV µa:1aAiaac; �V acţ>LEQWOLV TaUTTJV bt'oiKELOU TE au8EVTLKOU XQUao(3ouMou KaL yvwµ1J KaL auyi8aaE µivwL TIQOLKobo'rf]am KaL acţ>LEQWaaa8m TaUTIJ TU XQELWbî] KaLavayxaia TIQOc; aUarnatv a:u'rf)c; KaLKU{3EQVT] OLV, Wc; d8tam wic; acţ>LEQWµivou;, KaL KLVbUVEUEL �bî] avaarnwc;yEvfo8m i] au� µo�, Wc;wic; Tiâat,KaTctbî]AOV, aTiav(Covaa KaL UOTEQOUµEVT] TWv avayxaiuN TIQOOOOwv. Av8'owu 6 Qî]8dc; µaKaQLWTawc; Tia:TQtllQXT]c; AAEl;.avbQEla:c; KUQ Eaµo�A, µ� aVExoµEvoc; TiaQOQâV au�v KLVbUVEuouaav EQT]µw8f)vm, aMa TIQOVoouµEvoc; KaL 7lQ08uµouµEvoc; UTIEQ Tf]c; auaTaaEwc; av'rf)c; KaL btaµovf]c;, i]l;.iwaE �V i]µwv µETQLOTT]rn Kal T�V LEQUV oµtjyuQLV TWV auva:bEAcţ>wv i]µwv UQXLEQEWV avnt\a:(3fo8m Tf]c; aUTfJc; µovf)c; KLVbUVEUOUOf]c;, KaL bWQtjaaa8m cţ>tt\a:v8QWTIWc; TcfJ aytW'"CllTC/) 8QOV4J Tf]c; AAEl;.avbQELac; TOV EV TlJ 00yyQo(3AaxU;t EUQLOKOµEvov, TOV KaL yEyov6Ta: ETIL Tf]c; TiaTQLaQXEiac; wv TIOTE KUQ Ttµo8fou KaTil w CQKE0 aTio KQLaEwc; Koaµou EWc; Tia:TQLaQXLKOV maUQOTITJYLaKOV vaov TOU EV ayimc; Tia:TQOc; i]µwv NLKOAaou MvQWV Tf]c; AuKiac; wu 8a:uµa:wuQyou wu TCEQVLKa, KaTa T�v wTio8Eaiav KEiµEvwv fQa:VTLOTE Ev wic; OQLOLc; wv TIOTaµou KoAEvT[vac;, Ka8wc; TO Eµcţ>avta8(v i] µiv Iaov wv TIQWWTvTiov myLAAtwbouc; wv KUQ Ttµo8fou TiaTQLctQXOU btaAaµ(3avn waTE dvm Tov · auTov va:ov t'moKEiµEvov µf:v TcfJ 8QOV4J Tf]c; AAEl;.avbQELac;, µETOXLOV bt Tf]c; QTJ8d0f]c; av'rf)c; µovf]c; Tf]c; UTCEQayla:c; i]µwv 8EOTOKOU, EmKaAouµivî]c; TWV ZAa:TctQLbwv, µETil TIUVTWV TWV KTT]µctTWV KaL acţ>LEQWµctTWV avwv, OTiwc; 7lEQt8aATioµivî] bt' avwv KaL i] Qî]8Eiaa: µov� TWV ZAmctQLbwv a4'CTJTaL btil TiaVTOc; KaL btaKU{3EQVâTat aµETaTI"CWWc;, TIQOKOTiwvaa Eic; au/;.î]atV KaL (3EA'r[wmv oTiou yE µMta"Ca KaL i] LEQil Kal 6voµaa� TiaTQLaQXLK� µo�, KaL EAoµTioCla:, i] l)T[OKELµivî] TcfJ aytoTctTC/) 8QOV4J AAE/;.a:vbQEla:c; i] 13 Romani an items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 457

17.AMBR OSIUS MARLIANUS, Bdnpovrroil mKOV, 1750 (ms. 1678/6; 18. ATANASIE COMNEN IPSILANTI, 'EKKilryataanKa TE Kat rroilLTLKa [3tf3ilia OOOEKa, 72, 21.ff.lms. 136, 19.ff., (the second halfof the 18'h centwy/7; ms. 19. Grammar book (JB'hcentu ry/8; 20. Eirmologion (18'hcentury ). Written by hieromonk Genadius from Mo ldavia, a hegumen o/ Curtea de Argeş Monastery. Greek text39;

KaTa TOV UATov, 1ÎLL YclQT]Ua ovoµa(oµt'Vî], i)y'�c; LKaVt'] TCQOUoboc; TCQOUEviµETOau-r4J TE -r4J 8QOVYJ Ti]c; AAEţ;, Kai -rl] ELQT]µt'vt;] f.v BouKOUQWTLYJ µovl] -rwv EAa-rciQtbwv µLKQci ne; potj8na Kal Kupt'QVTJULc;, tjxµaAw-r[a8TJ TE Kal Kaubacj>ia8Tj -ra 8' i:'TEQa bUo µovtjbQLa, Kal au-ra KaTa TOV UATov, Ta W; µETOXLa -rije; au-rije; ELyciQî](aL, TO Ernvfon bî]Aabt'] Kal 6 AQxciyyEAoc; 1ÎQT]µW8î]UaL, KaL bliµELVEV 6 au-roc; acj>twrnwc; 8Q6voc; EaTEQT]µt'voc; TWVTCQOUOVTWV aUTYJ LEQWV µovaUTI]QlwV, KaL UXEMVTCaVTOl wV TCQOaobwv t . aµ 'Toxcx; il YE ELQT]µEVT] µovt'] TWv Z\mciQLbwv [199V] bLaTEAEi UKUPEQVTJTO<; Kal TWv XQt;]AOVTUN Ei.c; mJUTaULV TCclVTt;] ărcqxx;. Touwu XclQLV Tt'jv aţLwalvVvV [aLTI]ULV] Ti]c; auwu µaKaQLOTI]TO<; EuµEvwv Kai cj>LAabtAwc; arcobEţaµEVOL, TOUTO µtv bliX -rt']v TCQOc; TOV ayLW-rawv 8Q6vov AAE�; EuAcipELaV, TOUTO bt Kal bliX TOV Ktvbuvov Ti]c; Qî]8EiUTjc; µovijc; TWV Z\mc'>Qbwv (!) Kal Tt'jv aixµaAwai.av, wc; ELQT]TaL, TWV TCQOVTCaQXOVTWV Kal l1TCOKELµivUN au-r4J -r4J Ti]c; AAEţ; 8QOVYJ TLQWv µovaUTI]QLWV, -r4J au-r4J TOUTYJ 8QOVYJ AAEţavbQEiac; f.cj>LAmµtjaaµEv auvobLKWc; TOV EUQT]µt'vov UTaUQOTCTJYLaKOV vaov TOU ay[ou NLKOAaou Kal bi] yQcicj>ovuc; arcocj>mvoµE8a... i'.va 6 blaAî]cj>8dc; UTaUQOTCTJYLaKOc; vaoc; TOU ay[ou NLKOAaou TOU T(EQVLKa ... µETa TWV KTI]µci-rwv KaL acj>LEQwµa-rwv auwu, XWQlwV briAabtj, µwmwv, XWQacj>iwv, Cwwv rcavw[wv, LEQWV UKEUWV, Kai arcaţarcAwc; anav-rwv KlVTJTWV TE KaL UKLVtj-rwvµ UTCclQX\l UTCO Tt'jv bwnoui.av Kal f.ţoual.av TOU ayLWTclTOU 8QOVOU AAEţavbQELac;... Kai miaav -rt']v TCQOUObov auTOU KaL KaQTCOOQlaV arcovt'µw8m-r4J ayLWTclTYJ 8QOVYJ Tije;AAEţavbQELac; Eic; µVTJfoauvov TOU KTfÎTOQOc;Kal TWV acj>LEQWUclVTWV au-rov. .. ». 3 „, Theatron politikon. Greek translation by Ioan Abramios, under the patronage of Nicolae Mavrocordat. Copy of 1750 (ms. 1678)" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărlurii... , I, p. 245, no. 135); Catalogus ... , I, p. 430, no. 537; A. CAMARIANO, „The Greek translation of political theatre", in: RIR, 11-12/1941-1942, p. 2221. 37 „Athanasius Comnen lpsilanti, Ekklesiastikon te kai politikon biblia dodeka, the second half th of the 18 century. Volumes VIII, IX and X contain information conceming the historyof the Romanian Principalities and their religious relationships with the Near East. 40 leaves ofthis manuscriptbelong to the collection Porfirij Uspenskij ofthe Libraryof the Science Academy in Leningrad, ms. 72 (21 f.) and ms. 136 ( 19 f. )" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , I, p. 245, no. 136); G. AFRONIDES, Ekklesiastikon kai politikon ton eis dodeka biblion, Constantinople, 1870; HURMUZAKI, XIII, pp. XI, 513-53 1; HURMUZAKI, XIII, pp. XII, 465-480; Catalogus ... , I, pp. 450-5 14, no. 549. 38 „Grammar book, 181h century. Greeklanguage text, with notes made on December 9, 1729, mentioning Prince Nicolae Mavrocordat" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii... , I, p. 245, no. 138); Catalogus ... , III/I, p. 157, no. 1698. 39 „Eirmologion,written by Genadius, a hieromonk fromMoldavia, and a hegumen of Argeş, Wallachia, l 81h century. Greek language text" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii ... , I, p. 245, no. 140); Catalogus ... , III/I, p. 60, no. 1492. 458 Adrian Marinescu 14


„Nicolae Milescu, Perigrafe tou Kitai para tou archontos Spathare kyriou Nikolaou, <18th 40 century >. Translation fromGreek ofthe Description of China" 0/. CÂNDEA, Mărturii.. . , I, p. 245, no. 141); Catalogus ... , I, p. 447, no. 545. 41 ,,Miscellany, 18thcentury. On pages 1-4:Historia syntomos peri ton prophanon aition di'has be Blachia orge Theou epeirasthe < ... > (Brief history ofthe clear reasons why Wallachia wassmit ten by the wrath of God), with information on the demise of princes Ştefan Cantacuzino, Nicolae Mavrocordat and the accession of Ioan Mavrocordat to the throne of Wallachia; followed by grammar notes from the princely Grammar Academy of Bucharest, of teachers George of Trapezunt and Mark of Cyprus, I 715-1716" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , I, p. 245, nr. 142); Catalogus ... , III/ I, p. 171, no. 1731. 42 „Miscellany, l 8th century. Contains: George of Trapezunt, Themata eis ton tou sophotatou Corydaleos epistolarion hos en eidei epistolon, course held at the Princely Academy of Bucharest, 1716; Mark of Cyprus, Themata eis ten grammatiken tou [ ...] kyriou Alexandrou tou Exaporreton, course held at the Princely Academy «În Dacia», 1715; Tou sophotatou Corydaleos eis ta eide epistolon, 181h century, and various notes" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii... , I, p. 245, no. 143); Catalogus ... , 111/1, p. 215, no. 1810. This Gospel Book bears the following note: «With the blessing of the Father, the aid of the Son and43 the work of the Holy Spirit, this Gospel Book was written at the urging of our Lord Io Istratie Dabija Voevod (1661-1665, our note), Prince ofWallachia, and his Lady Caterina, andthey donated it to the holy monastery called Caşin, dedicated to the synaxis of the archangels Michael and Gabriel and the heavenly hosts, without any payment, forthe remembrance and prayer forthemselves, their children and their parents. In the year717 3, month February, day 16» (N. IORGA, „Noi obiecte ...", pp. 186-187). „Anthologion, sec. XVI-XVII. Slavonic text. Contains Patristic writings and a Paterikon. Note writ44 ten in Kiev, 1622, by Petru Movilă (Sl. ms. 32)" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii... , I, p. 244, no. 127); Ma nuscrise ..., p. 25, no. 1 14. 45 Manuscrise . .., p. 25. 15 Romani an items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 459

27.Great Octoechos: S/. ms. 19; Bulgarian recension, Athos, 15'h century with Mo ldavian notes, early 17'h century; notes: 15'h century the Great Lavra (f.21 7), Mo ldavia?, logofătGheor ghe 1609, 1622 Sinai (1/6; 28. Great Octoechos: ms. s/. 20; Bu/garian recension, Macedonia; l 41h century, with Moldavian notes, ear/y 17'h century; notes: 15'h century(M acedonia, logofăt Gheorghe); 1622 Sinaz47;

9.3. Old (Romanian) books

Books of Romanian origin make a rich body of writings, that holds an important place in the Monastery's library. Some books are rare ones, others bear various notes conceming Romania, as accounts of certain events or written in the peace of churches or princely schools. Many books, printed in the Romanian Principalities forthe Eastem Orthodoxy, can be foundhere.

1. NExrapiov llarp uipxov 'IE:poao).vµwv, 'Emwµif rfj� 1cp01coaµ11crj� 1aropia.�... Jzop()w()ciaa. A.µppoaiov I'pa.&viyov ... , 'Ew:rir,az (Venice), 1Ca.pix N1KOAa4J rc!J I'AvKEi, 1677 (dedicated to Antonie Rusei, prince of Mo ldavia); reedit. 1758 and 1805. TheSinai collection contains 11 copies of thefirst edition (year 1677; 18x12,5; 448 pp.), 2 copies of the second edition (year 1758; 18x12,5) and another 2 copies of the third edition (year 1805; 18x12,5; 412 pp.). Ali of them are identifiedby the call number: I 1648;

2. NcKra.piov llarpzapxov 'IE:poao).vµwv, llp o� rix1Cp omcoµza()cfaa.� Bi:acz�... llcp t

rfj� apxrj� WÎJ avrippytm�... , 'E v 'la.af4J (Iaşi) ..., EV rij... µovij Ayiwv

46 Ma nuscrise ..., p. 170. 47 Ma nuscrise„., p. I 70. 48 K. AMANTOY, l:tvamKa µvriµElaavEKOorn, A8f]vm, I.N. fabiQii;, I 928, p.; EVpE'rrjpwv apxaiwv lvn'.mwv h66aEWV rr]c; Movr]c; LLVa (1540--1900), TOU ĂQXLµavbQLTOU fQfJYOQ(ou Mavum'.mouAoc;, 'Ev KaTQ(f!, 1964, p. 69, no. I 16vreo0, I 161, 162; 'EAAT"fVLKTJ {3tf3Awypacpia (1466 ci.-1800), TOµoc; TCQWrOc;, Mcpa�f)TLKÎJ KaL XQOVoAoytKÎJI avaKarnrnl;,lc; UTCO ewµa 1. TiarcaborcouAou, TIQayµau(m rije;AKabf) µtac;A 8f)VWV, TOµoc; 48, fQacpdov �f)µomrnµa•wv rije; A.KabfJµiac; A8fJVWv, A8f]vm, 1984, pp. 323-324, no. 4362, 4364 (the author ofthis comprehensive „encyclopedia" employed, as the annotations show, the above-mentioned work Evpnrjpwv. .., to which he refers; our own references concern both works, in the order of their importance as sources; the Greek titles of the works mainly refer to the second work); „Nectarius (patriarch of Jerusalem), Epitome tes hierokosmikes historias, Venice; ed. 1677, dedicated to Antonie Ruset, princeof Moldavia; 1758; 1805" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii.„, I, pp. 245-246, no. 144). 460 Adrian Marinescu 16

A. ar6A.wv... Ko.Aovµi:w] T(crar(ovia (..n apa M11rp o

49 EvperfJpwv... , p. 11, no. 130; EAAryviKr)pifUwyparpia ... , I, p. 324, no. 4367; „Nectarius (patriarch of Jerusalem), Pros ta proskomistheisas theseis [ ... ] peri tes arches tou Papa antirresis, laşi, 1682" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii... , I, p. 246, no. 145). 50 EvperfJpwv... , p. 15, no. 208, 209; EAAryviKr) pipAwypa 17 Romanian items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 46 1

7. LlomBi:ov Norapă, T6µoc; Karillayrjc;... Ivnpa

12. LlomBi:ov Norapă, T6µoc; Xa.păc;... Tv'lrwBdc; Ev rfl E.mmcomj P17µviKov (R âmnic) ... c51a Ei;6c5ov Kat E.mµekiac; wv... ' AvOiµov wv Ei;'l f317piac;, 1705, 640 pp ., (2 3,5xl 5) . The6 copies are identifiedby the callnumber: L133 59;

54 Evperr)pwv„., p. 38, no. 558; EAAT]VtKi/{31{3 !..wypaia.. . , I, pp. 331-332, no. 4445; „Dositei Notara,Georgh ios Koressios, Tomos katallages, Iaşi, 1694" (V.CÂNDEA, Mărturii„ „ I, p. 246, no. 150). 55 Evpnr]pwv.. „ p. 15, no. 193; EA.A.T]VtKi/{3t{3 1..wypmpia„„ I, p. 339, no. 4555; „Petru Movilă, Orthodoxos homologia tes katholikes kai apostolikes Ekklesia tes Anatolikes [„.]. Orthodoxa Confessio [„„], interprete Laurentio Norrnano,Leipzig, 1695" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii„ „ I, p. 246, no. 151). 56 EvpErr)pwv.. „ p. 38, no. 557; EA.A.T)VtKi/ {3tf31..wypaia„„ I, p. 331, no. 4443; „Dositei Notara, Tomos agapes, laşi, 1698" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii„„ I, p. 246, no. 152). 57 Cata/ogus. .. , III/I, p. 39, no. 1378; „Ştefan Brâncoveanu, Logos panegyrikos eis ton megan Kostantinon, Bucharest, 170 I; printed by Antim the Ivirian. Bound together with a manuscript, a Venetian book of 1680 and Logos panegyrikos eis ton endoxon metastasin tes aeiparthenou Theometeros, Bucharest, 1703" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„ „ I, p. 246, no. 153).

58 Evperr)pwv„., p. 13, no. 162; EA.A.T]VtKi/ {3tf31..wypaia. .. , I, p. 240, no. 3240; „Sevastos Kymenites, Dogmatike didaskalia, Bucharest, 1703, printed by Antim the Ivirian, dedicated to Dositheos, patriarch of Jerusalem" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„ „ I, p. 246, no. 154). 59 EvpErr)pwv.. „ p. 38, no. 556; EAAT]VtKi/ {3t{31..wypaia„„ I, p. 33 1, no. 4444; „Hrisant Notara, Thomos charas [„.] typotheis [„.] para ( ....] Anthimou ex lberias [„.], Râmnic, 1705" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„ „ I, p. 246, no. 155). 462 Adrian Marinescu 18

13. L1oa1Bi:ovNo rapâ, 'lowpia7CE:p l rwv tv 'fapoaokvµozc;7Car pw.pxwaavrwv.... 'Ev BovKovpeari(f.J (Bucharest)... , JwpBwaez M17rpo 1a Kwf3ir(17, 171460, 631 pp „ (3 0xl9,5). The Monastery's collection only holds 2 copies of voi. 1, identified by the call number: L1 3361; 14. Aki!"avJpov Ma vpoKopJarov, 'Jaropia 'u:pa ijroz ra 'JovJai'KO.. .„ tmµE:AEiC?f, 'lwawov roi> llomdviKov. 'Ev BovKovpeari(f.J (B ucharest) .. „ LJwvvaiov ).dJpov, 1716, 384 pp„ (23x14,5). The 8 copies are identified by the call number: iar. 6562;

15. Xpvaavwv NoTapâ, Elaaywyi] Ele; Ta yEwypa

Thewriting of the patriarch of Jerusalem was dedicated to the son (= Scarlat) of Nicolae Mavrocordat, prince of Walla chia. The 4 cop ies are identified by the call number: X 963; 16. N1KoA

Tp a7re(ovvriov... 'Ev BovKovpeari(f.J (Bucharest) ..„ (6 lmararrtc; rf/c;... EKTV7CWO'E:Wc;... rrwikac;... 1aKwf3ir(17c;), 1719, 176 pp. (14x10). The9 copies are identifiedby the call number: I 1964; 65 17.E MMA EL ROMANITES, D µnav6wv 6L6aaK6µEvoc;, Venice, 1742 ; NU 18. 'H 7rt::p1ypa KvKKov... (. ..L1zi/ Y1Jazc;... JwpBwBâaa ... V7CO... 'E

Maniatopoulos mentions the year 1715. Cândea indicates 1714, as in 'E,.\,.\T/vlla) 60 {3tfUwypa1Jia:.. „ I, p. 331, no. 4442, a work he referred to. 1 6 Evpnr)pwv.. „ p. 17, no. 313; 'E,.\,.\T/vLKT) {3tf3Awypa:1Jia.. . , I, p. 33 1, no. 4442; „Dositei Notara, Historia peri ton en Ierosolymois patriarcheusanton, Bucharest, 1714" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii . I, p. 246, no. 156). . „ 62 Evpnr)pwv.. „ p. 18, no. 344; 'E,.\,.\T/vtKr'/{3tf3Awypa:1Jia: .. . , I, p. 282, no. 3807; „Alexandru Mavrocordat, Historia hiera etoi loudaika [ ...] epimeleia Ioan nou tou Postelnikou, Bucharest, 1716"

(V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii .. „ I, p. 246, no. 157). Evpnr)pwv.. . , p. 6, no. 30; 'E,.\,.\T/vtKr'/ {3tf3Awypa:cf>ia... , I, p. 330, no. 443 1; „Hrisant Notara,63 Eisag oge eis ta geographika kai sphairika, Paris, 1716, dedicated to Scarlat, son of Nicolae Mavrocordat, prince ofWallachia" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii. .. , I, p. 246, no. 158). Evpnr)pwv... , p. 53, no. 841; 'E,.\,.\T/vtKr'/ {3tf3Awypa:1Jia.. . , I, p. 283, no. 3814; „Nicolae Mavrocordat,64 Peri ton kathekonton [ ...] epimeleia [ ... ] Georgiu Trapezountiou, Bucharest, 1719" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , I, p. 246, no. 159). 65 'E,.\,.\T/vtKr'/ {3tf3Awypa:1Jia... , I, p. 316, no. 4271; „Emmanuel Romanites, Ho metanon didaskomenos , Venice, 1742, dedicated to

Constantin Mavrocordat, prince ofMoldavia" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii .. „ I, p. 246, no. 160). 19 Romanian items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 463

signed by Grigorie li Ghica, prince of Wallachia - Oct. 5, 1750), 76 pp . The two copies held by the Monastery 's libraz (one of which printed in 1819; 154 p.) are identifiedby the call number: II19 6;

19. MARLIANUS ÂMBROSJUS, 8tarpov 1roA.mK6v, µcrayA.wmaBi:v. .. napa... N1KoA.6.ov ... Ma vpoKoJpawv [s ic!]. .. 'EmµclEiqc. I:ep at:pdµ... II1aaz&iov... 'Ev

Azi/fla... , napa 'lw6.VV1JI' 6rr2on 'EµµavovEA.Ilp i:i'TKomp, 1758 (translation by Ioan Abramios, commissioned by Nicolae Mavrocordat, prince of Wallachia). The library of Sinai Monastery holds 6 copies of this work, 3 of the 1758 edition (1 6x9; 504 pp.) and 3 of the 1776 edition (16x9; 504 pp.), al! identifiedby the call number: e 267; 20. H J\oyLKrJ... avwpavLa8Eiaa imo . .., arrovoij... Bwµâ MavoaKaaov ... 'Ev J\ rnpi0'.···iEV Tij wrroypaia wv BpE"iTK6rr, 1766 (1 7xl O) , (dedicated to the prince of Moldavia, Grigore III Ghica), 586 pp. The 5 copies are identified by the call number: J\4 68; 21. I:w zxt:ia

iJzopBwBi:vm. .. iJno A.µf3poaiov... Ilaµni:pt:w�. T6µo� A '(-B ). 'Ev At:11f1i0'.. Ev Tij ronoypa

EvpETr)pwv„.,p. 80, no. 1339, 1340; 'EAA.TJVLKrJpipAwypacpia . . . , I, p. 356, no. 4771; „He Perigraphe66 tes sebasmias kai basilikes mones tou Kykkou, Venice, 1751. On pages 68-7 1: the donation document signed by Grigore II Ghica, prince of Wallachia, on October 5, 1750" 0/. CÂNDEA,

Mă rturii„ „ I, p. 246, no. 161 ). 67 Evpecr)pwv... , p. 80, no. 1323, 1324; 'EAATJVLKrJpipAwypaia ... , I, p. 280, 614 no. 3778; ,,Ambrosius Marlianus, Theatron politikon, Leipzig, 1758, translation by Ioan Abramios commissioned by Nicolae Mavrocordat, dedicated to Constantin Mavrocordat, prince of Wallachia" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii... , I, p. 246, no. 163). 68 EvpETr)pwv... , p. IO!, no. 1732; 'EAATJVLKrJpipAwypa cpia„„I, p. 106, no. 1432; „Eugenios Boulgaris, He logike, 1766, dedicated to Grigore III Ghica, prince of Moldavia" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii„., I, p. 246, no. 164). 69 EvpETr)pwv. .., p. 71, no. 1206, 1207; 'EAATJVLKrJ pipAwypacpia. .. , I, p. 423, no. 5613; „NichiforThe otochi, Stoicheia physikes Leipzig, 1766. Textbook employed by the PrincelyAcademy oflaşi,where the author was a professor1-11, and headmaster" 0/. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii .. „ I, p. 247, no. 165).

70 EvpETr)pwv.. „ p. 55, no. 888; 'EAATJVLKrJpipAwypacpia ... , I, p. 330, no. 4434; „Hrisant Notara, Egcheiridion [ ...] peri tes kat'exochen hyperoches tes [ ...] poleos Hierousalem, Bucharest,

1768" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii .. „ I, p. 247, no. 166). 464 Adrian Marinescu 20

23. . 7om]

paa8Eiaa KaL auxovpy178âaa napa KwvaTav-rivov LlanovTE wv„. Kacaapiov.„ 'EvETi1JatV (Venice), napa Ll17µ17Tpicp E>t:oooaiov... , 1770 (13x9), 440 pp. (pp . 412-419: lefter of Daponte to Ioan Mavrocordat). Theonly co py is identi.fiedby the call number: X 673;

26. NICHIFOR THEOTOCHI, l:t:1pa l::voc; KaL nt:VVjKovra vnoµV'Y/µ 1 wv de; d]v m m 'O aT xov KaL Ta Twv Bamk1wv„. T6µ oc; np wroc; (- &:6Tepoc;). 'EvAe1 1ţ1it;r [ . .] EVKT n] wrvnoypa

1675pp.), Ee1pa 51 'YnoµV'Y/µa wv de; TOV 'lrtaoiiv roii Navij, rovc; Kpirac;, Po6() (voi. II; Leipzig, 1773; mrr32xl6,5; 959 pp.), dedicated to the prince of Mo ldavia, Grigorie III Ghica, with his portrait frontispiece. Thefive copies of each volume are identi.fiedby the call number: Eas 1 74; 27. {HOBNER JOHANN}, 'lEpov amiv8taµa... , µerapaa8i:v... vno

noilvxpoviov Ll17µ17Tpiov... 'Ev J\.rnjJit;r (Leipzig).. „ EV Tlj wnoypacf>it;r wv L.6µµEp, 1775 (13,5x7), (dedicated to Grigorie III Ghica, prince of Mo ldavia; it

1 7 Ei>pE'rfJpwv ... , p. 41, no. 629, 630, 63 1; 'EAATTVLKrJf3if3Awypacf>ia . . . , I, pp. 109, 610, no. 1474; „Iosif Bryennios, Ta heurethenta, I-II, Leipzig, 1768-1 784, dedicated to Grigorie III Ghica, prince of Moldavia" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ I, p. 247, no. 167). 72 EvpE'rfJpwv.. „ p. 13, no. 157; 'E AAT)VLKrJ f3if3Awypacf>ia„„ I, p. 350, no. 4693; „Meletie Pigas, Orthodoxos didaskalia, Bucharest, 1769" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ I, p. 247, no. 168). 73 Ei>pE'rfJpwv„„ p. 51, no. 790; 'EAATJVLKrJf3if3Awypacf> ia„„ I, p. 115, no. 1559; „, Chrestoetheia, rnetaphrasteisa kai stikhourgetheisa para Konstantinou Daponte, Venice, 1770. On pages p. 412--419: epistle of Daponte to Ioan Mavrocordat" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ I, p. 24 7, no. 169). 74 EvperfJpwv. .. , p. 21, no. 425, 426; 'EAATJVLKrJ f3if3Awypacf>ia.„, I, p. 423, no. 5612; „Nichifor Theotochi, Seira henos kai pentekonta kypornnematiston eis ton Oktateuchon kai ta ton Basileion, I-II, Leipzig, 1772-1 773, dedicated to Grigore III Ghica, prince of Moldavia, with his portrait as frontispiece" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii... , I, p. 247, no. 170). 21 Roman ian items and testimonies, currently held în the archives ofSt. Catherine Monastery 465

contains the portrait of the prince as well as both coats of arms of the Roman ian Principalities), 390 pp. The only copy in the collection is identifiedby the call number: iaT. 5875;

28. Ni::ov 'Emawilâpwv... 'Ev llrnjJit,l'. (Leipzig) ..., 1778. EvpiaKETat DE EV Bt:vt:Tif,l'. napa L117µ17Tpicp <3rn6oaiov (13x9), 278 pp. (alsa contains the appellations employed in the civil and religious hierarchy of the Romanian Principali/ies). Theonl y copy in the collection is identifiedby the call number: E 6076; 29. 'Emawilâpwv ii 'EmawilLKOc;; xapaKTifp ... T6µoc;; npwwc;;. .. 'E ETiT]OlV (Venice), napa NtKoilacp filvKEi... , 1781 (13,5x8,5), 215 pp. (alsa containsv the appellations employed in the civil and religious hierarchy of the Romanian Principalities). The only copy in the collection is alsa identified by the call number: E 6077; 30. MW::riov Apxzrn. AOYJvc!lv, 'EKclYJma.awq frrropia..„ µt:rt:Vf:XOeîaa.... d� r:6µov� r:p el�„. I'ewpyiov Bt:V'56q... , '51 'Emma.aia.�... lloA.vt;dJY/

Aa.µrra.vzr:t;uhr:YJ... , 'Ev B1i:vv1J.. „ 'lwaf/rrcp Ba.vµa.i"ar:tpcp.„, 1783-1784 (r:r:.

'-{J ' 1783, y' 1784) (llpoaOljKYJ r:f[� ']� iar:opia.�... Epa.v1aOeîaa.... a r:. rra.paI'e wpyiov Bt:V'56q... T6µ o� L1' ... 'EvB1 i:vv1J ..., Ev r:ij... r:vrroypmpi(,l'.I'ewp yiov Bt:V'561:YJ, 1795) (dedicated to the Wallachian princes: Nicolae Caragea, Mihai Şuţu, Alexandru Moruzi and the Moldavian princes: Alexandru Mavrocordat Delibei). In the Sinai collection, the fo llowing copies are identifiedby the call number iar:. 49: 5 copies of voi. I (19,5xl 5; Vienna, 1783; 428 pp.); 6 copies of voi. II (19, 5x15; Vienna, 1783; 445 pp.); 7 copies of voi. III(19,5xl 5; Vienna, 1784; 490 pp.); 2 copies o/ voi. IV (19,5xl5; Vienna, 1795; 319 pp.). Under the call number iar:. 50: 5 copies of voi. I, second edition (18,5xll,5; 1883; 427 pp/8;

75 EvperfJpwv... , p. 55, no. 890; 'EAATŢVtKt'J f3if3Awypacpia.. . , I, pp. 213, 612 no. 2895; „, Hieron apanthisma [ ... ], metaphrasthen [ ... ] hypo Polychroniou Demetriou, Leipzig, 1775, dedicated to Grigore III Ghica, prince of Moldavia, with his portrait as well as both coats of arrnsof the Romanian Principalities" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii. .. , I, p. 247, no. 171). 76 EvpnfJpwv... , p. 79, no. 1299; 'EAA17vtKt'J f3if3Awypacpia.. . , I, p. 160, no. 2147; „Neon epistolarion, Leipzig, 1778. Also contains the appellations employed în the civil and religious hierarchy ofthe Romanian Principalities" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii.. . , I, p. 247, no. 172). 77 EvpnfJpwv„., p. 79, no. 1300; 'EAA17v1Kt'J f3if3Awypacpia... , I, p. 161, no. 2149; „Epistolarion e epistolikos charakter, I, Venice, 1781. Also contains the appellations employed în the civil and religious hierarchy ofthe Romanian Principalities" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii. .. , I, p. 247, no. 173).

78 EvpcrfJpwv.. . , p. 17, no. 322, 323, 324, 325, 326; 'EAATŢVLKtJf31f3Awypacpia . . . , I, pp. 284-285, no. 3829; „Melethios (metropolitan of Athens), Ekklesiastike historia, I-IV, Vienna, 1783-1784, 1795, dedicated to the Wallachian princes Nicolae Caragea (I), Mihai Şuţu (III), Alexandru Moruzi 466 Adrian Marinescu 22

31. 1mmj7rov rov Mo ia16JaKo<;. LY/µt:1wat:1<; rpva10Â.oy1Kai... , 'Ev

ft:wpyiov BEVTOT1J„. 'Ev BLi:vvq (Viena) . ... napa 1waf]n4J BaovµEi'aTEp4J, 1787 (tAA.-yaAA.) (14x8,5), 301 pp. (dedicated to the prince of Wallachia, Nicolae Ma vrogheni). Thetwo copies in the collection are identifiedby the call number: 11s8°; 33. {GEMJNIANO GAETI}, Tp 67Cazov Tf/<; op()oJ6(ov 7Ciort:mr;. Il6VY/µa J\vrmviov Mavov�Â...„ µrra


35. ADAM ZOERNIKAU, Ilt:p l Tfj<; i:K7Copt::Vat:m<; WÎJ A.yiovIlv t::Vµaro<;„. Toµo<;a' (­ p ') [µ[<;Evytvw<; BovJ...yapz<;}. 'Ev rc!J TV7Coypa

(IV, added by G. Vendori), and the Moldavian prince Alexandru Mavrocordat Delibei (II)" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ I, p. 247, no. 174). 79 Evpcrr]ptov„„ p. 98, no. 1684; 'EAAT/VLKT) f3if3Awypacpia„„ I, p. 319, no. 4311; „Iosif Moisiodax, Semeioseis physiologikai [„.], Bucharest, 1784" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„ „ I, p. 247, no. 175). 80 Evpnr]pwv„„ p. 10, no. 112; 'EAATfVLKrJf3if3Awypacf> ia„„ I, p. 44 1, no. 5874; „Giovanni Zanetti (loannes Tzanetos), Kata Okkelou, Vienna, 1787, dedicated to Nicolae Mavrogheni, prince of Wallachia" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii..„ I, p. 247, no. 176). 81 Evpnr]pwv„„p. 16, no. 308; 'EAATfvLKT){3if3Awypacpia„„ I, pp. 175-176, 612, no. 2338; „, Tropaion tes orthodoxou pisteos, Vienna, 1791. Translation from Italian by Antonie Manuil, fonner great serdar in Moldavia, printing expenses covered by the great sword­ bearer Ioan Văcărescu" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ I, p. 247, no. 177). 82 Evpnr]pwv„„ p. 67, no. 1133; 'EAATfvLKT) f3if3Awypacpia„„ I, p. 267, no. 3621; „A L, Historia ton dyo eton 1787, 1788 periechousa tas praxeis ton paronton polemon meson ton austro-rosson kai ton othomanon, Venice, 1791. Contains infonnation on the military operations canied out on the tenitory of the Romanian Principalities, during the Russian­ Austrian-Turkish war of 1787-1791, as well as the peace negotiations which also concemed the status ofMoldavia and Wallachia" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ I, p. 247, no. 178). 83 Evpcrr]pwv„„ p. 13, no. 147; 'EAATfvLKT) f3if3Awypacpia„„ I, p. 45 1, no. 5980; ,,Adam Zoemikav, Peri tes ekporeuseos tou Hagiou Pneumatos, Sanktpetersburg, 1797. Translation by 1-11, 23 Romanian items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 467

36. 'Jawpia Tije; 'Pwµaviac;, (15x9), 181 O, 471 pp. The only copy of voi. I is identifiedby the call number: I 8584; 37. ft·wypacf>LKOV'P ovµaviac;, (17,5xll,5), 1816. The only copy is identifiedby 85 the call number: r 21 ; 38. noilLTLKOc; KwtnE, Tije; Moil6af3iac;, (12,5x14,5), 1817, 8913 08 pp. 6 + 67/99pp. The2 copies are identifiedby the call number: II44 8 ; 39. 'Iawpia Tije; nailauic;Llaxi ac;Kai Tpavavilf3aviac;,voi. I (14,5x 7; 1818; 320 pp.) and voi. II (14,5x7; 1818; 568 p.). The 2 copies, voi. I and IL are identifiedby the call number: I 8987; 40. LloaL8i:ovT6µoc; KaTa Kailţ3LVLOTWv, (11,5x8,5), 1694, 108 pp . (written by Dositheos of Jerusalem). Five copies under the call number: L1 3388; 41. 'EyxELpiowv wv Op8oo. Xpwnavov AilEE,avopov L.wvp,a, under the call number E 3: 1 copy (22,5x9; 1828; 329 p.) and 3 copies (15,5x10,5; 1857; 261 pp/9•

9.4. (Romanian) land grant and other documents

Whereas he gold- and silverware items held by the Sinai collection have great material and artisic worth, the Romanian documents that can be found here are mainly important forthe information they provide. They cover the period between Dec. 20, 1610 and the year 1869, and concern especially Wallachia and Moldavia90•

Out of the 65 documents identified at Sinai, 33 - therefore half of them, is the

Eugenios Voulgaros. Also contains the Dogmatic Epistle ofTheophil Corydaleu to Sophronius Pocapskij, hegumen ofthe „Three Holy Hierarchs"monastery oflaşi" (V. CÂNDEA,Mă rturii... , I, p. 247, no. 179).

84 Evperrjpwv. . . , p. 66, no. 1112.

85 EvpETrjpwv. .. , p. 6, no. 14. 86 EvpETrjpwv... , p. 25, no. 460. 87 EvpETrjpwv... , p. 66, no. 1114 and 1115. 88 Evpccrjpwv.. . , p. 38, no. 559.

89 EvpETrjpwv.. . , p. 13, no. 168 and 169. 90 We are surprised at the late date confirrningthe oldest documents conceming the Romanians, held by Sinai. Admittedly, we do not yet have complete inforrnation, conceming all such documents that can be found in the Sinai archives (around 700, according to sources close to the Sinai circles). Our surprise is so much greater, as Romanian archives mention the beginning of Romanian-Sinai relationships on September 15, 1497 (Acad. Rom. CCCXCVIl/10), as we have mentioned elsewhere. It is also known that documents dating between 1577-1583, mention St. Catherine Monastery of Bucharest as a dependency of Sinai; this monastery as well as other Sinai metochia in the Romanian Principalities indicate an older relationship with Sinai. Moreover, the same Romanian archives contain countless documents from the period 1500--1600, conceming these metochia (we shall enlarge upon this in a study currently under print). 468 Adrian Marinescu 24

number of documents issued by Romanian princes, found „in a case" («Here is the 1 !ist of real property documents and letters in the case: ...»9 ) by archbishop Dorotheos (1794-1 797), a former hegumen of Frumoasa Monastery in Iaşi, a Sinai metochion. lt is not known „where" and „when" the case was found: at Frumoasa Mo nastery or Sinai Monastery. Most likely it was found in Moldavia, which would account for both the available time and the willingness to draft the respective !ist. We may assume that this !ist acompanied the respective case containing documents and that they reached Sinai together. Beside the Romanian documents held by Sinai, there are severa! letters that constitute the correspondence of the „epitropos" of Mount Sinai in Europe, Hagichiriachis of Vurta. This correspondence provides ample information t concerning the Romanians and their relationship with Sinai between late 17h century and early 18th century. Naturally, this information is highly relevant. Regarding the Romanian documents held by Sinai, amounting to 700 according to certain sources, we know that in the late 1990s, they were „in disarray" in the Sinai archives. Sinai representatives have repeatedly shown their willingness to publish these documents, while the translation of those drafted in Romanian is a minor drawback. They coexist, of course, with countless documents drafted in either Greek or another language, which could not only be easily made available to researchers by the Monastery, but also contain in their turn substantial information on the Romanians and the Romanian Principalities. 1. December 20, 1610 (7119): document drafted in Romanian and issued by prince Constantin Mo vilă (1606; 1607-1611), together with a codex containing ot\ovi;wvc; Timovc; Tije; Ayiac; napaaKwijc;.It is not known what these typ oi refe r to. Most likely, it is the mobile and immobile assets of St. Paraskevi Monastery. Of course, they may as well contain references to the typ ikon or the internaiorder of this monastery92; 2. Dec 21, 1610 (7119): decree drafted in Romanian, by which Constantin Mo vilă (1606; 1607-1611), prince of Moldavia, declared St. Paraskevichurch of Iaşi a metochion o/ St. Catherine Monastery ofSinai93;

91 The beginning ofmss. 2255, unpaginated, cf. K. Evvwµoc;... , p. 100. 92 „"Ev XQUCTo(3ouMov rnv KwvaTaVTtvou Mo(3lAMANTOY,t\a (3oba µETayAwTnaµivov Eic; TO (>wµaClx:ov, 6µov x:ai. lvac; KWDLKac; 6n:ov bLaAaµ(3avn oAouc; muc; n'.mouc; Tije; Aytac; naQaax:wijc; (n:i. irnc;7119 Mx:Eµ(3QtOU 20--1610 µ.X." (K. Evvwµoc;. .. , p. 100, ms. 2255, unpaginated: Catalogue of princely /etters, made by archbishopAMANTOY, Dorotheus; it concerns letters and land grant documents which were kept in a case in the limes of archbishop Dorotheus ). 3 9 „"Ev XQUCTo(3ouMov TO x:a8auTo wv ăvw8Ev XQUCTo(3ovMou wv KwvaTavTtvou Mo(3lt\a (3oba in:i. irnc; 7119 Mx:Eµ(3QLOU 21" (K. Evvwµoc;.. . , p. 100 - ms. 2255); on this document, also see: M. BEZA, „Biblioteci ... ", p. AMA213; „grantNTOY, document, dated Dec. 21, 161 O, by which Constantin Movilă, prince of Moldavia, granted to the monastery of Sinai, as a 25 Roman ian items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 469

3. Dec. 2 7, 1618 (712 7) : grant document issued by Prince Radu Mihnea (1 616-1619/4; 4. Apr. 17, 1663: grant document issued by Prince Eustatie Dabija (1661-1665), 5 considered µava Twv xpvaof3ovi\wvfo r the wayii is decoratecf ; 5. March 12, 1689: grant document issued by Prince Constantin Brâncoveanu (1 688-1 716) granted to Matei Filipescu, a fo rmer great aga96;

metochion, the church of laşi. Copy" (y. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ..., I, p. 242, no. 93); N. IORGA, ,,Două hrisoave... ", pp. 2-10; DIR,Moldova, pp. 336--339; Acad. Rom., photo XXVII/31. 94 „"Ev XQUOO�ouMov TOU 'Pabov �6ba XVTI,hoc; 7127 Mxt:µ�QLOU 27" (K. AMANTOY, bd . . „ p. I 00 - ms. 2255). Lvvwµoc;95 „"Ev XQU06�ouMov TOU EuaTQUTLOU �aµnil;;a �6ba, TO onoiov ovoµal:t:Tm µava TWV XQUOO�ouMwv µf: TO va cpavt:QWVTJ bu't mic; µouaiatc; Kai bu't wvc; KaTl:L�EAouc; ygacpn xai bu't TO xoTUQL Tije; ngoatAvtTl:ac; ini hoc; 7171 AngLMiou 17'' (K. AMANTOY,

... , p. 100-ms. 2255). Luvwµoc;96 „Land grant document issued by Constantin Brâncoveanu, prince ofWallachia, by which he confirms the property rights of Matei Filipescu, the former great aga, and his sons. Parchment, 38,5x30,4cm, with red wax seal in a metal case. Romanian language text" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , II, p. 64, no. 5); K. MANA!I:, ... , pp. 361, 377, fig. 24. Here is the text, so far unknown, of the document: «In Christ our God,LLva the faithful, devout and Christ-loving Io Constandin Basarab the sole ruler of all Ungrovlachia, a grandson of the great late prince Io Basarab. I so order that the honorable, faithful boyar Mateio Filipescu! vei (great) aga and his sons, as many as God will give to him, will have as their estate in the village of Pietrariul ot sud (in the county ot) Dâm(boviţa) all the inheritance of Pătru logof(ăt) [chancellor] son of Pătru the cup-bearer. To Stoica the sword-bearer fromCeptu rile. One third of half of the village Pietrariul shall belong to the cousins of Dumitraşco and Drăghici son of Dumitru post(elnic) and to Vlad son of Pădure post(elnic) whether it is field or woods or rivers with water mills or the village or the lands that provide millstones, and the entire income provided by all these, a third part of that half of the village and all the peasants, namely: Stanciu! son of Stoica and Stoica son of Radu Gălteanul (Bălteanul?) and his sons named Radu!, Stoica and Ionu and Cârstea and the brother of Gheorghe and Stroe sons of Dumitru Labeş and Neagoe son of Mihailă Gălteanu and all their sons and their successors. Because this part of the estate, with the peasants of the village Pietrariul was bought by my boyar Mateio aga Filipescu! from his oncle Pătru /og(ofă t) son of Petru the cupbearer of ot Cepturile, paid in cash 229 talers (half of the sum), with a sale contract signed by his own hand with many boyars as witnesses, and he also presented the old contract for this estate, with the above-mentioned people. Therefore, seeing the contract and documents, I have also granted this document to my honorable and faithfulboyar Matei aga Filipescu! to have the village of Pietrariul as his estate, but only the third part ofhalfthe village and the lands providing millstones and the third part of the entire income and the above-mentioned people and their fam ilies. May it be his estate and legacy. And may he own it in peace as well as his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. And no one shall breach it, according to my decree. My great boyars and the great council: Vintilă Corbeanul veliki ban, Ghinea Rustea Văleanul veliki [great] vor (loc gol) vei /og, Ieordakie Cantakizino (sic) vei sp at, Cârstea Popescul great treasurer, Alexandru Alexeanu veliki cluci, Dumitraşco Caramanlân vei post, Barbu! Urdeareanul veliki , Diicul Şerbănescu! vei stolnic, Şerban great equerry, ls Burnea vei sluger. Written by myself, Radu Şufariul son of Gheorghe Şufariul ot (of) Târgovişte, in the capital Bucharest, in the month of March 12, year 7197 since the genesis of the world. Io Costandin Voivoda. Dictated by: Io Costandin voievode, by God's mercy the Prince. Tag seal. The country 's coat of armsat the top». The 470 Adrian Marinescu 26

6. Apr. 8, 1669: grant document issued by prince Duca (1665-1666; 1668-1671; 1672; 1678-1683)97; we believe it is the same as a land grant document issued on the same day by the prince98 as confirmation of the properties owned by Mo nasteries St. Paraskevi (Iaşi) and Gafata de Jos (laş i) of Gligheni village (on the bank of river Prut, laşi county), donated to Sinai by the great logofătSo lomon Bârlădeanul and his wife Ana, by which the respective village wasexempt from payingtaxes in money (various currencies), butter, wax an other products; 7.Ju ly 20, 1692: /etter sent from Bucharest by Chrisant Notara to Hagichiriachis o/ Vur/a, highly praising stolnic Constantin Cantacuzino99; 8. Feb. 22, 1694: letter sent by Timotei, the hegumen o/ St. Paraskevi Monastery of laşi, to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, concerning a loan100; 9. Aug. 2, 1697 (7105) : land grant document issued by prince Ieremia Movilă (159 5-1 600; 1600-1606) 6ux T1]v (,,i(,,ia (probably Jitia skete}'0';

JO. Oct. 15, 1698: a letter addressed by Joannikios, the archbishop of Mount Sinai, to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, mentioning the stolnic Constantin Cantacuzino102;

trasliteration was done by Rev. Dumitru Bălaşa, to whom we extend our gratitude for his contribution in the various matters pertaining to our research into the relationships between Mount Athos and the Romanian Principalities. 97 „"Ev XQVaopovMov 'WU L'iouKa poba, 6noiov ovoµa(;Ernl Kal UU"CO µava "CWV XQVaopovMwv µf: va bu:v\aµpavi:i µEQLKWV"[Q µouatWV "Ca ovoµarn E7tl hoc; 7177 AnQt.Alou 8" (K. AMANTOY,"[Q I:vvwµoc; , p. 100-ms. 2255). 98 Moldova, I, p. 282,... no. 885. CA TALOGUI1AnALTPATOL..., l::, aivaiTT)c; XaWT)KlptaKrjc; EK Xwpac; Bovplta, ypaµµarn­ . l';vltoypacf>iEc;,99 Li 1688-1709, Athens,O 1981, pp. 50--56; „Letter from Buharest, 20 July 1692, sent by Hrisant Notara to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, highly praising the stolnic Constantin Cantacuzino" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , I, p. 242, no. 95). We confine ourselves here to merely referring to sources, as the scarce space does not allow us to provide the translation of the letters sent and received by the Vurla epitropos of Sinai. We shall present elsewhere these texts, which are relevant not only for the history of the relationships between the Romanian Principalities and Sinai, but also for the Romanian history at large. 100 TIArIALTPATOi::, aivaiTT)c; . , pp. 57-58; „Letter, dated February 22, 1694, written by Timotei theLi. hegumen ofthe monasteryO oflaşi to Hagichiriachis ofVurla, regarding a Ioan" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii ..., I, p. 242, no. 96). 101 „"Ev xQua6pouMov wu 'IEQEµ(ou MoptjAa poba bta "C�V CtCLC< hoc; 7105 foi. AiJyofowu 2 - 1697µ.X." (K. AMANTOY, I:vvwµoc;. . . , p. 100 - ms. 2255). 102 TIArrAl::TPATOl::, aivaiTT)c; . , pp. 60-63; „Letter dated October 15, 1698, sent by Joannikios,Li .archbishop of MountO Sinai, to Hagichiriachis.. of Vurla. In his notes, he mentions stolnic

Constantin Cantacuzino" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii. . , I, p. 242, no. 97). . 27 Romanian items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 471

11. 1699: letter written by Hagichiriachis of Vurta, probably addressed to Joannikios, the archbishop o Sinai, mentioning Romanian towns and regions: Moldova, Galaţi, Braşov etc. fo_03;

12. May 1 O, 1700: letter from Silistra, sent by Cosmas, protosyngellos of Jerusalem, addressed to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, in Wallachia. Mentions the stolnic Constantin Cantacuzino104; 13. Nov. 6, 1700: letter sentfrom Focşani by Hrisant Notara, to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, who was then at Râmnicu Sărat. Mentions the latter's activity in Râmnic and Bucharest105; 14. June 20, 1701: letter sent from Bucharest by the great sword-bearer Mihail Cantacuzino to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, who was then al the Dormition Monastery (Râmnicul Sărat), asking the latter to assist abbot Averkius in the management of the monastery106; 15. July 25, 1701: letter sent from Adrianopolis by Dositheos of Jerusalem to Hagichiriachis of Vurta, in Wallachia, regarding the settlement of a debt through the hegumen of St. George church of Bucharest, a metochion of the Holy Sepulchre107; 16. Feb. 1702: letter sent by the sword-bearer Mihai Cantacuzino to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, who was then in Wallachia, about the Dormition Monastery, a Sinai metochion of Râmnicu-Sărat/08;

103 OAnM:TPATOJ::, aivaiTryc;... , pp. 66--70; „Letter, dated 1699, sent by Hagichiriachis of Vurla, probablyti. addressed toO Joannikios, archbishop of Mount Sinai, concerning various matters, with Romanian references: Moldavia, Galaţi, Braşov etc." (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii ..., I, p. 242, no. 98). 1 04 0Af1AHPATOJ::, aivaiTryc;. .. , pp. 71-72; „Letter rrom Silistra, May 10, 1700, sent by Cosma, theti. protosyngelos of Jerusalem,0 addressed to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, who was then in Wallachia. In his notes, he mentions stolnic Constantin Cantacuzino" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ..., I, p. 242, no. 99). 1 05 0AI1ALTPATOJ::, aivaiTryc;. .. , pp. 73-74; „Letter from Focşani, November 6 1700, sent by Hrisantti. Notara, to HagichiriachisO of Vurla, who was then in Râmnicul Sărat. In his notes, he speaks about his activity in Râmnic and Bucharest" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ..., I, p. 242, no. 100). 1 06 0ATIAJ::TPATOJ::, aivaiTryc;. . . , pp. 75-76; „Letter rrom Bucharest, June 20 1701, sent by great ti. sword-bearer MihailO Cantacuzino to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, who was then at the Monastery of Râmnicul Sărat, asking him to assist hegumen Averchie in the management ofthe monastery" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii... , I, p. 243, no. 101). 10 7 OATIAJ::TPATOJ::, aivaiTryc;. . . , pp. 77-78; „Letter from Adrianopolis, July 25 1702, sent by Dositheos,ti. patriarch ofO Jerusalem, to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, then in Wallachia, concerning the settlement of a debt through the hegumen of church of Bucharest, a metochion of the Holy Sepulchre" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii .. , I, p. 243, no. 102). 1 IlAfIA . 08 • r:TPATOi:::, aivaiTryc;. . . , pp. 79-80; „Letter, dated February 1702, sent by the great sword-bearer Mihai CantacuzinoO to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, who was then in Walachia, concerning the monastery in Râmnicul Sărat, a metochion of Mount Sinai" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , I, p. 243, no. 103). 472 Adrian Marinescu 28

17. Jan. 4, 1703: letter sent by Constantin Brâncoveanu to Hagichiriachis of Vurta who was then at Râmnicu Sărat, urging him to seek refuge at the Dormition Mo nastery, in the event of a Tartar invasion109; 18. Aug. 30, 1707: letter sent from Târgovişte by Chrisantos of Jerusalem, to Hagichiriachis of Vurta who was then at Bucharest, asking him noi to leave Wallachia110; 19. Sept. 5, 1707: letter sent by stolnic Constantin Cantacuzino to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, urging him noi to leave the country111; 20. Sept. 20, 1707: letter sent by Nikifor Glyki, abbot of the Dormition Mo nastery of Râmnicu Sărat, addressed to Hagichiriachis of Vurta, who was then in Constantinople or the Chios !stand, about monasterya.ff airs112; 21. Dec. 16, 1707: letter sent by Nikifor Glyki, abbot of the DonnitionMo nastery in Râmnicu Sărat, to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, who was then in Constantinople or 11 the Chios Jsland, about monastery a.ffairs 3; 22. Feb. 7, 1708: letter sent by hieromonk Philotheos, abbot of St. Catherine Monasteryof Bucharest, a metochion of Mount Sinai, to Hagichiriachis of Vurta who was then in Chios. Infonnation conceming Antim the lvirian, the metropolitan of Wallachia, and the Creek scholars Gh. Maiota and Markos Porfiropoulos114;

109 TIATIAi:::TPATOl:, aivairryc;„„ pp. 81-82; „Letter, dated January 4, 1703, sent by Constantin!::i.. Brâncoveanu, ruler Oof Wallachia, to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, who was then in Râmnicul Sărat, advising him that in the event of Tartar invasion he should seek refuge in the monastery" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ I, p. 243, no. 104). 1 10 TIAITAl:TPATOi::, aivairryc;„„p. 85; „Letter fromTârgovişte, August 30 1707, sent by !::i. Chrysanth, patriarh. of Jerusalem,O to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, then in Bucharest, asking him not to leave Wallachia" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii„„ I, p. 243, no. 105). 111 !::i.. TIAITAl:TPATOl:, aivai'rryc;„.,pp. 86-87; „Letter, dated September 5, 1707, sent by stolnic Constantin CantacuzinoO to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, insisting that he should not leave Wallachia" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ I, p. 243, no. I 06). 112 !::i.. TIAITAi:::TPATOi::, aivai'rryc;„„ p. 88; „Letters (2), dated September 20 and December 16, 1707, sent by Nichifor O Glyki, hegumen of the monastery of Râmnicul Sărat, to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, who was then in Constantinople or Chios island, conceming the monastery's affairs" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii„„ I, p. 243, no. 107). 113 TIAITAl:TPATOl:, a1vai'rryc;„„p. 89; V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ I, p. 243, no. 107. 114 !::i.. O !::i.. TIATIAi:::TPATOi::, aivai'rryc;„„ pp. 93-95; „Letter, dated February 7, 1708, sent by hieromonk Philotheos, hegumenO of monastery of Bucharest, a metochion of Mount Sinai, to Hagichiriachis of Vurla, who was then în the Chios island. Among others, information conceming Antim the Ivirian, the metropolitan of Ungrovlachia, and the Greek scholars Gheorghe Maiota and Marcos Porfiropoulos" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ I, p. 243, no. 108). 29 Romanian items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 473

23. Dec. 9, 1708: letter sent by exarchs Laurentius and Simon, who were then visiting the Donnition Mo nastery of Râmnicu-Sărat, to Athanasius, archbishop of Mo unt Sinai. Various infonnation conceming Wallachia and Russia115; 24. Dec. 16, 1708: letter sent by Philotheos, abbot of St. Catherine Mo nastery in Bucharest, to Hagichiriachis of Vurta, who was then in the Chios island lnfonnation conceming Gh. Ma iota, Mihail Cantacuzino, Ma rcu Poifrropoulos, Constantin Brâncoveanu etc. 116; 25. Feb. 2, 1709: letter sent by Hagichiriachis of Vurta to Athanasius, archbishop of Mo unt Sinai117; 26. Apr. 8, 1709: letter sent by Hagichiriachis of Vurla to Athanasius, archbishop of Mo unt Sinai118; 27.Ju ne 9, 1709: letter sent by Hagichiriachis of Vurta to Athanasius, archbishop of Mo unt Sinai//9; 28. Oct. 6, 1709: /etter sent by Hagichiriachis of Vur/a to Athanasius, archbishop of Mo unt Sinai'20; 29. September 14, 1709: letter sent by Anatolie, hegumenof Pavso/ipi Monastery in Chios, to Athanasius, archbishop of Mount Sinai, with news conceming the metochion of Râmnicu-Sărat' 21; 30. December 6, 1713 (7222): document issued by Nicolae Alexandru Mavrocordat (1 711-1715), stipulating that the hegumen (?) should take 100 groszsfrom the customs (?) and sent the money to Mount Sinai122;

115 TIAITAETPATOE, aivaiTr/<;... , pp. 105-106; „Letter, dated December 9, 1708, sent by exarchs Laure/1. ntius and Simon,O who were then visiting the Monastery of Râmnicu-Sărat, to Athanasius, archbishop of Mount Sinai. Various information conceming Wallachia and Russia" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , I, p. 243, no. 09). 116 TIAITAETPATOE, aivaiTqc;I ... , pp. 109-111; „Letter, dated December 16, 1708, sent by Philotheos,/1. abbot of O Monastery in Bucharest, to Hagichiriachisof Vurla, who was then in the Chios island. Information concerning Gheorghe Maiota, the sword-bearer Mihail Cantacuzino, Marcu Porfiropoulos,Constantin Brâncoveanu ş.a." (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii . . , I, p. 243, no. 11 . O). 117 TIAITAETPATOE, aivaiTqc;... , pp. 113-124, 126-131, 134- 139; „Letters (4), dated February 2,/1. April 8, June 9 andO October 6, 1709, sent by Hagichiriachis of Vurla to Athanasius, archbishop of Mount Sinai, containing various news, including some of Wallachia, especially the monastery of Râmnicu Sărat" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii ..., I, p. 243, no. 111). 118 TIAITAETPATOE, aivairqc;... , pp. 113-124; V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ..., I, p. 243, no. 111. /1 119 11.. IlAIT Al:TPATOE, O aivairqc;... , pp. 126-131; V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , I, p. 243, no. 111. TI 0 120 AITAETPATOE, aivairqc;.. . , pp. 134-139; V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , I, p. 243, no. 111. 2 /1. O 1 1 11. TIAITAETPATOE, aivairqc;.. . , pp. 132-133; „Letter, dated September 14, 1709, sent by Anatolius, hegumen of PavsoO lipi Monastery in Chios, to Athanasius, archbishop of Mount Sinai, with news concerningthe metochion of Râmnicu Sărat" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii ... , I, p. 243, no. 1 12).

122 „"Ev XQVaopovAAov wv NLKoAaou AAd;,avbQov poba, To 61w[ov bLaAaµpavEL bu't Ta 100 YQOULa va Ta TCa[Qvr;i 6 TjyouµEvoi; âTCo TO paµa Kai va Ta aTiAvi:i Eli; TO

Elvmov 'OQoi; '(TCLiroi; 7222 11EKEµPQtOU 6" (K. AMANTO!, �vvwpoc;. . . , p. 100 - ms. 2255). 474 Adrian Marinescu 30

31. 1718 (7226): document issued by Ioan Mihai Racoviţă (1 715-1 726), concerning (various) affa irs123; 32. September 18, 1720: document by which Prince Nicolae Mavrocordat (1 719-1730) declares Mărgineni Mo nastery of Wallachia a dependency of Sinai124;

123 „"Ev XQUa6f3o8Mov wv lwavvov MLXâî]A 'PaKof3i-rl;:a f36ba bi.i:t aoKOTEAv(Koui; i:nl iwi; 7226" (K. AMANTOY, Lvvwµo<;... , p. 100 - ms. 2255). 124 „Document, dated September 18, 1720, by which Prince Nicolae Mavrocordat declares the monastery Mărgineni of Wallachia a dependency of Sinai. Translation into Greek of the Romanian original, held by the National Historic Museum of Athens. Appendix: infonnation conceming the death of Nicolae Mavrocordat in 1731, the appointment of Constantin Mavrocordat, the accession to the throne of Mihai Racoviţă etc." (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii... , I, p. 427, no. 371, p. 243, no. 113); the original document can be foundat the National Historic Museum in Greece; Arh. St. Buc., fond Acad. Rom., LIII/26; M. BEZA, „Biblioteci ...", 213; M. BEZA, Urme româneşti... , pp. 123 ( „There are a number of documents, conceming the Sinai Monastery, which I sought there to no avail,: only to find them now in the library of the Etnographic Museum [They had been offered for sale in Constantinople, where a Greek patriot, namely Theodor Mavrocordat,bought them and donated them to the Museum of Athens] ... There follows the document by which Nicolae Mavrocordat donated Mărgineni Monastery to Mount Sinai, in 1724. Mărgineni is also the subject matter of the 1751 document, issued by Constantin Racoviţă. These two latter documents are the most beautiful ones I have ever seen. The text is bordered, written on parchment; the fonner has the dimensions of 1,36/0,46, and the latter 1,85/0,50; the beginning and the end are wonderfully adomed with vignettes; equally decorated are the engraved silver sheaths covering the seals of both documents"), 124-125 (photo reproductions), 196--197 (: ,,As I have mentioned, the same library of the Etnographic Museum holds the document by which Nicolae Mavrocordat declares Mărgineni Monastery a dependency of Sinai. A Greek translation is also held by the Sinai library, together with the following explanation of the historical context, written by some monk: «ln 1731 31 Roman ian items and testimonies, currentlyheld in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 4 75

33. 1724: document issued by Nicolae Ma vrocordat (1719-1730/ 25; 34. March 21, 1727 (7235): decree issued by Prince Grigore II Ghica (1726--1733; 1735-1 739; 1739-1741), stiplating that Mo unt Sinai should receive 100 groszsfrom the customs (?/ 26; 35. 1729-1747: memorandum written by Nikifor Mariali, abbot of St. Catherine Monastery of Bucharest, providing informa/ion on the role played by Princes Nicolae Mavrocordat (1 711-1715) and Grigore II Ghica (1726--1733) in his appointment as an abbot (1 728) and on the destructionof Romanian dwel/ings in Constantinople, during the fire of July 1729127; 36.Fe bruary20, 1730 (7238): register with the seal of Prince Grigorie II Ghica (1 726--1733; 1735-1739; 1739-1741), recording al/ the holy vestments and silver icon lamps, as well asother si/ver items and books128; 37.17 30 (7238): document issued by Prince Grigorie II Ghica (1 726--1 733; 1735-1739; 1739-1741), mentioning certain donations129; insistence of Her Highness Lady Ana, and with the urgings of hegumen Kir Cosma, His Highness decided that since Prince Nicolae had declared Mărgineni Monastery a dependency of Mount Sinai without the intention and knowledge of the Cantacuzino founders, thatact should be void, however the Monastery should be now made a dependency of Mount Sinai by Cantacuzinos, to remember the long deceased founders. And at once he gave a princely decree, also ordering the Cantacuzino boyars to writea donation contract and signit and hand it to hegumen K.irCosma. And he restored Kir Cosma to the office of abbot and gave him the princely document and the donation contract, and all was well»"); N. IORGA, „Two documents .. ", pp. 13-18, pi. I-II; V. CÂNDEA, C. SIMIONESCU, Prezenţe„ ., p. 136, fi . 141; p. 137, fig. 142; p. 143, fig. 149. 12 ş M. B , Urm e româneşti„„ pp. IO and 12 (,,Archimandrite Joachim produced another chest and togetherEZA with His Holiness and Archbishop Porfirios, we started to examine every piece of paper, setting aside those concerningus: .. .the third one, dated 1724, issued by Nicolae Mavrocordat... But where could the other ones be? For Princes Vasile Lupu, Mihai Racoviţă and Constantin Brâncoveanu in their turn had endowed Sinai Monastery with rich donations. It was towards their generosity and piety that the monks always turnedto, fordonations, oftentra velling to Bucharest and Iaşi, and always obtaining what they had requested. And, beside money and estates, how many of the liturgica) objects in today's Sinai church, preserved exactly like it was in Justinian's times, with its carved wood gale, with its Byzantine pillars, how many are noi due to the same unsurpassed generosity of our Princes! Who can teii?"). 126 „"Ev XQU06f3ouMov 'îOU fQTJYOQLOU fK(Ka [36ba 6rcou biaAaµ[3avn va rca[Qvi;i TO L:(vmov UQoc; arco [3aµa YQOOl.lX, 7235 MaQTLOU 21" (K. L.vvwµoc;„„ p. I 00 - ms. 2255). 100 AMANTOY, 127 ,,Memorandum, dating from 1729--1747, written by NichiforMart ali, abbot of monastery of Bucharest, with information on the role of Princes Nicolae Mavrocordat of Wallachia and Grigorie II Ghica of Moldavia, in his election as abbot (1728) and on the destruction of the princely residences in Constantinople, during the fire of July 1729" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„„ I, p. 243, no. 1 14); D. IONESCU, „Ştiri greceştiprivitoare la istoria noastră", in: RI 18, 1932, p. 259. 128 „"Ev KaTâanxov f3ouMwµlvov wu fQTlYOQLOU fK(Ka [36ba, TO 6rcoiov bi.aAaµf3avn OAa Ta iEQa ăµcpi.a Kai Kavbr]At.a iE[3QoUaQ(ou 20" (K. L.vvwµoc;„„p. 100 - ms. 2255). 12 AMANTOY, 9 „"Ev XQUa6[3ouMov wv fQTlYOQLOU fK(Ka f36ba bta EAET] ( ) 7238" (K. L.vvwµoc;„„ p. 101 -ms. 2255). ; AMANTOY, 476 Adrian Marinescu 32

38. January 20, 1731 (7239): decree issued by Prince Grigorie II Ghica (1 726-1733; 1735-1739; 1739-1 741), stipulating that the Mo nastery shouldbe orever exempt om taxatwn. 130; fi fa 39. June 3, 1733 (7241): decree issued by Prince Ioan Constantin (1 731-1733) stipulating that the two monasteries (St. Paraskeviand Frumoasa of laşi)should be exempt om taxatwn. 131 ; fa 40. June 7, 1733 (7241): decree issued by Prince Ioan Constantin Nicolae (1 731-1733) stipulating that Mount Sinai should receive 100 groszsfrom Târgşor, as paymentfo r the priests of the Holy Archangels (Frumoasa) Monastery132; 41. June 16, 1733 (7241): decree issued by Prince Ioan Constantin Nicolae (1 731-1733) concerning certain estates and a tavern133; 42. June 27, 1736 (7244): decree issuedby Prince Grigorie IIGhica (1 726-1 733; 1735-1739; 1739-1 741) stipulating that the two monasteries (St. Paraskevi and Frumoasa of laşi) should beforever exemptfrom taxation134; 43. August4, 1736 (7244): decree issued by Prince Grigorie IIGhica (1 726-1733; 1735-1739; 1739-1741) mentioning that a pond, the monastery 's bees and animals, should be fo rever exempt from taxation, and mentioning other donations as well135;

130 „"Ev XQVaof3ovN\ov TOU fQTJYOQLOU fKLKa f36ba onou bLLXAaµf3avEL bi.ix va dvm 1:0 µovaaTI]QLOV 7tCtV'maaUbOTOV f7tl hoc; 7239 1avovaQLOV 20" (K. AMANTOY, Lvvwµoc;„„

101 - ms. 2255). p. 131 „"Ev XQUa6f3ouAAov TOU 1wavvou Kwvmavi:[vou NLKOAaou f36ba onou bLLXAaµf3avnn)v aauvboaîav bl>oµova UTT]Qlwv f7tlii:oc; 7241 1ow[ou 3" (K. AMANTOY, 't:Wv Lvvwµoc;„„ 101 - ms. 2255). 132 „"Evp. XQUa6f3ouAAov TOU 1wavvov Kwvai:avi:[vou N LKOAaou f36ba, 1:0 ono[ov bLLXAaµf3avn fxEL va na[QV\] 1:0 LLVaLOV 'DQoc; ana 1:0 Tî]QYOUOQT] YQOU(La) 100 bi.ix on µLa8ov i:wv nanabwv, 6nou (dvm) de; µovaau']QL TOU AQxayyiAou fnl hoc; 7241 1:0 1ouv[ou 7" (K. AMANTOY, Lvvwµoc;„„ 101 - ms. 2255). 133 „"Ev XQUa6f3ouAAov TOU 1wavvovp. Kwvai:avi:[vou f36ba onou bLaAaµf3avEL

µEQLIo µovaai:tjQLa

navi:a am)born E7tlii:oc; 7244 1ouv[ou 27" (K. AMANTOY, Lvvwµoc;„„ 101 - ms. 2255). 135 „"Ev XQUa6f3ouAAov TOU fQTJYOQLOU fK(Ka f36ba onou bLLXAaµf3avELp. bi.ix 1:0 XEAwi:fo KaL bi.ix i:a c:}Jal;; TOU µovaa'rî]QLOU KaL µEAlaaLa va dvm aauboi:a Kal ăAAa on iAET] int t'rnc;7244 A0youarnu 4" (K. AMANTOY, Lvvwµoc;„„ 101 - ms. 2255). p. 33 Romanian items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 477

44. September 15, 1737 (7246): decree issued by Prince Ioan Nicolae, stipulating that the two monasteries as well as two tavems in the town should be exempt from taiation136; 45. December 13, 1737: decree issued by Prince Grigorie II Ghica(17 26-1733; 1735-1 739; 1739-1741) stipulating that the monasteries Frumoasa and St. Paraskevi should be fo rever exempt from taxation, even the diocesan fe e paid by priests, both laypriests and the monks wishinB to join one of these monasteries, and mentioning various affa irs and donations 7; 46. May 1, 1738 (7246): decree issued by Prince Grigorie II Ghica (1 726-1733; 1735-1 739; 1739-1741), stipulatingthat the two monasteries (St. Paraskevi and 138 the Holy Archangels = Frumoasa) should merge info a single one ; 47.No vember 4, 1750: document by which Prince Grigorie II Ghica of Wallachia 139 donates 15 OOO groszs to St. Catherine Mo nastery ; 48. September 13, 1753 (7262): document issued by Prince Ioan Matei Ghica (1 753-1756), conceming al!his donations140; 49. April 15, 1756 (7264): decree issued by Prince Constantin Mihail Racoviţă (1749-1753; 1756-1 75 7), stipulating that the two monasteries should beforever exemptfr om taxatwn. 141 ; 50. June 12, 1757 (7265): document issued by Prince Ioan Scarlat Ghica (1 757-1 758) conceming 40 registers of the Monastery142;

136 „"Ev XQUao13ouMov wu lwavvou NLKoAaou 136ba onou bi.aAaµ13avn n'lv aauboaiav TWV µovaCTTT]QlwV Kai va CTKOUTll)] KaiMo nil3vrri'.;;t:c; t:ic; TO nai'.;;UQL E71l hac; 7246 Ernuµl3Qiou 15" (K. AMANTOY, L.vvwµoc;... 101 - ms. 2255). 137 „"Ev XQUao13ouMov TOU fQfJYOQLOU fKiKa, p. 136ba 0710U bi.aAaµ13avn Ta Mo auTa µovaan']QLa Cl>oQµoaa Kai ayia naQam

51. December 16, 1758 (7267): document issued by Prince Ioan Teodor Callimachi (1 758-1 761) mentioning 40 registers143; 52. Ma rch 1, 1764: note (in mss. 2197, f 418) conceming the joumey of archimandrite Jeremiah of Crete to Sinai 's metochion in Belgrade , mentioning documents concerninganother metochion in Timişoara144; 52. November 15, 1764 (7273): decree issued by Prince Grigorie Alexandru Ghica, stipulating that the Monastery should receive 100 groszs from the fe e charged an candles145; 53. June 9, 1768 (72 76): document issued by Prince Ioan Alexandru Ghica, mentioning tax exemption146;

143 „"Ev xQuuof3ouMov wi.i 1wavvov 8wbwQov f3oba onoi.i bt.aAaµf3avEL bui 40 uoKon:Av(Kouc; ini ETOc;7267 MxEµ[3Qiou 16" (K. AMANTOY, I:vvwµoc;„., p. 101 - ms. 2255). 144 «1764 MaQ-r(ou a'. 'Ef3ya.AaµEv -rovbLbaUKat\ov KVQ 1EQEµLav bui -ro -ral;dblov NEµ-rl;:[ac; KaL MmALyQab(ou. Toi.i ibWuaµEv iva urnVQOV EuµoQcpov, KEKouµî]µtvov µt µaQyaQnaQLa EiKomEn-raKai m-rQabLaTQ Lav-rabt!o xwQic; -ra4, 6noi.i dvm Eic;-rov nawv wD a-ravQoi.i- [v ETCLTQaxtjALOv KaLVOUQyLOv, iiyLOv t\E(ij.iavov ctUT]µwµtvov wi.i Ayiou 1yva-r(ou TOi.i8rncp6QOU Kai ETEQOV µLKQUKL TOV Ay(ou CTQOKOn(ouKal au-roctUT]µwµtv ov, Eva axnvaµt µt nQUULVOV aavbaAL, yQaµµa wi.i MmALyQab(ou KUQ BLKEVTLOU bLa TO µETOXL TOi.i LLVă, onoi.i dvm de; MnEALyQabL, xo-rl;:En TOUQKLKOV TOU avwv µETOXLOU, ETEQOV cpEQµavL µt TOUQă TOi.i Mi] nauă, yQaµµa UEQ[3LKOV bui TO µnoxl TOU TLµLacpaQLOU nwc; TO ay6QaUEV 6 nană ELAf3WTQOc;, ETEQOV YQliµµa TOU avwu µETOXLOU imo TOV VOLKOKUQT]V onoi.i TO ELXE nQWTOV. Ta ăvw8Ev Ot\a dvm va µăc; cpEQT;] nMLV on(aw. "EAaf3E Kai -ra E/;oba wv yQoo(La) aQaTCLKa nEvi]vrn KaL KaAov wv Ka-rwobLov» [March 1, 1764. We have sent teacher Jeremîah on a trip to Austria and Belgrade. We gave hîm a beautîful cross, adomed wîth 27 pearls and 32 gems, besîde the 4 gems în the base, a new epitrachelîon, a silver-coated shrine with the relics of St. Ignatîos Theophoros and a smaller one wîth the relîcs of St. Procopîus, silver-coated too, a Turkish document wîth a green seal, a letter to Vicentius of Belgrade, for the Sînaî's metochîon în Belgrade, another Turkîsh document of this metochion, another decree issued by Ali Pasha, a Serbîan letter statîng that the metochion în Timişoara had been purchased by father Silvester, another letter from the same metochîon,written by its previous owner. He must bring back all these things. He also received money for hîs expenses, 50 Arabîan groszs, and „Farewell!"] (K. AMANTOY, I:tvai'nKaµvryµEia avi'Koorn, p. 85). 145 „"Ev xQuu6f3ouMov wD fQ'lYOQ(ou AAEl;avbQov fK(Ka f36ba onoi.ibt.aAaµf3avEL on va na[Qvi:i TO µovaaTtjQL YQOULa 100 ano TO f3aµa ano ayLOKEQL ino E-roc; 7273 NoEµ[3QLOU 15" (K. AMANTOY, I:vvwµoc;„., p. 102 - ms. 2255). 146 „"Ev xQuu6f3ouMov wi.i 1wavvov fQTJYOQ(ou AAEl;avbQov fK(Ka f36ba, onou bt.aAaµf3avELbui TI]v aaubooLac; ini E-roc;7276 1ouv(ou 9" (K. I:wwµoc;„., p. 102 - ms. 2255). AMANTOY, 35 Romanian items and testimonies, currently held in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 479

54. August 23, 1768 (7276): decree issued by Prince Grigorie Calimah (1 767-1 769) stipulating that the monastery should charge halfan aspron per okka[1 , 283 kilos} of candles sold (aywKi:pt/47; 55. 1770: note on Nicolae Dimitriu, a member of the Greek-Romanian community in Vienna, who donat ed to Sinai Mo nastery a curtain fo r the altar 's holy doors, embroidered with ep isodes of St. Catherine 's life, dated Vienna,

177014 8: 56. March 7, 1776: decree issued by Prince Ioan Alexandru Ghica, stipulating the half aspron to be charged by the Monastery per okka of candles (a yLOKEpt/49; 57. October 5, 1793: document issued by Prince Ioan Mihail Şuţu, concerning a . prmce y uonatwn. ; l J 150 58. June 3, 1795: document issued by Prince Ioan Alexandru Callimachi

(1795-1 799), conceming a princely donation 151;

147 „"Ev XQUaoţ3ouM.ov TOU fQT]YOQLOU KaAtµâx11 ţ3oba 6nou bLOQLl:ELon va EXEL va naLQVl:J TO µovaCTTTJQL µtao ăanQO Eic; n)vOKa ana ayLOKEQL (ni. hoc; 7276 Airyovawv 23"

(K. AMANTOY, I:vvwµoc;... , p. 102 - ms. 2255). 148 V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , I, p. 248; M. BEZA, Urme româneşti ... , pp. 105 (mention of the altar doors curtain of Sinai; see the subchapter concerning Romanian items at Sinai), 108 (photo reproduction of the curtain). „AcptEQWCTEV Eic; TO iEQOV Tjµwv µovaaTr')QLOV 6 nµtwTawc; Kai. XQT]atµwrnwc; EV nQayµaTwrnic; Kai. inhQonoc; Kai. abEAcpoc; TOU LEQOU Tjµwv µovaCTTT]QLOU KUQLOc; KUQ NtKOAaoc; L'1î]µT]TQLOU µ[av WQGllaV nuA11v XQUCTOKEVTT]TOV OA11v btil µayyv[ou rxovaa n)v µEyaAoµâQTUQGl ay[av AiKaTEQLVGlV EV T

0KTWţ3QLOU5" (K. AMANTOY, I:vvwµoc;... , p. 102 - ms. 2255). 151 „"Ev XQUaoţ3ouM.ov wu lwâvvou AAEl;âvbQOV KaALµâXT] ţ3oba btil iAEî], 1795 louviou 3" (K. AMANTOY, I:vvwµoc;.. . , p. 102 - ms. 2255). 480 Adrian Marinescu 36

59. the 18'h-19'h century:Russian-l anguage document concerning St. Nicholas church of Galaţi152; 60. June 4, 1828: letter by which the heirs of Grigorie Palade complain to the bishop of Sinai about the hegumen of Buhalniţa Monastery153; 61. 1869: a Gennan-language document concerninga church in Bukovina154. We add the followingdocuments: 1. a new decree issued by Prince Alexandru lp silant, renewing Kil17poooaiav hrnacj>iov requested from the country's diplomatic representatives by the monastery's hegumen155; 2. two confessions of Kyrillos, archbishop of Sinai156; 3. document issued by Prince Constantin Moruzi157; 4. letter sent by Prince Ma tei about a pawn given by his fa ther, Prince Grigorie, to archbishop Constantine, and seized by the country 's diplomatic . representat1ves 158; 5. three decrees issued by Prince Nicolae IL son of Constantin Brâncoveanu, and by Mihail Racoviţă; they stipulated that every year, the princely treasury of Wallachia should provide 100 groszs as princely donation to the metochion St.

152 „Document, drafted in Russian in the 181h-19th century, concerning church in Galaţi" (V. CÂNDEA, Mă rturii.„, I, p. 243, no. 116); M. BEZA, „Biblioteci ..." , 213; M. BEZA, Urme româneşti„., p. 10 (which states only: „ ...the second [document] în Russianp. on St. George church of Galaţi"). 153 „Letter, dated June 4, 1828, by which the heirs ofGrigoriePalade complain to the bishop of Sinai about the hegumen of Buhalniţa Monastery" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„., I, p. 244, no. 117); N. IORGA, „Legăturile„.", p. 346. 154 „Document, drafted in German, 1869, concerning a church în Bukovina" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii„., I, p. 244, no. 1 18); M. BEZA, „Biblioteci„.", p. 213. 155 „"Ev vfov XQUU6[3ouAAov TOV ĂAE�aVbQOV 'Yl/nlAavrnu [3oE[36ba avaKlUVLU8i:v bilX TI)v KrJQOboalav wv imwcj>[ou, KaTa TI)v BAaxiav bilX YQ· Ta 6rmia Aaµ[3livoµEV KaTfroc;; ano TOuc; i:vwma KaITOUKEXayllibEc;"(K. AMANroY, I:wwµrn;100,... , p. 96 - 2208, 145'). 156 „�Uo 6µoAoylat TOU UQXLE7ILUKOITOU µac; KUQLOU KvQiAAOV ocj>ELAoµEvmms. f i] µi:v naQa wv µaKaQiTDv MaT8aiou [3oE[36ba bilX yQ6. 500, i] bi: naQa Tov 1wavvou ZanµE°i­ (abi: YQ· 500 ai'.nvEc; cj>uAaTTovrnt f.v T4' aEVTOUKL µETa TWv Aomwv yQaµµaTwv" (K. AMANTOY, I:vvwµoc;„., 1953( p. 96 - ms. 2208, f. 145'). 157 „"Ev XQUa6[3ouAAov i:AAT)VLKOV wv KwvarnvTivou MouQOU(TJ [3oE[36baăvrnc; TOV 8Q6vov Tf]c;MoAbo[3(Aaxlac;;) TTJVivTEu8a KTJQOboalav rnu imrncj>iou bi.itYQ· 10de;0, Ta onoia Aaµf3avoµEv KaTEToc;; ano TOiJc; KaITOUKfXayllibEc;" (K. I:wwµoc;„., p. 97 - ms. 2208, f. 145'). AMANroY, 158 „"Eva yQaµµa TOU Mm8aiou [3oE[36bac; bta Eva aµaviTL 6nou (bwaEV 6 naTTjQ rnu fQTJYOQLOc; [3oE[36bac; Tou UQXLEmaKonou KVQ KwvmavTiou, TO 6noiov TO i:Aaf3av oi ăQxovTEc; 1 Annex

1h Fig. 1. Ms. 22/N, f. 92', Psalm Book, 15 centwy, Fig. 2. Letter (1699) sent by Hagichiriachis Moldavian recension (loannis C. Tarnanidis, The of Vurla to the archbishop of Sinai s/avonic manuscripts discovered in at St (L\. cnvain1c; XawrpcinaKl)c; EK Catherine's Monastery on Mo unt197 5Sinai, Xpac;rIAIIAE BovpA.a,TPATOE, ypaµµa-ra-E;vA.oypacţJiEc;, O Thessaloniki, 1988,p. 213). A0t1va, 1981,pp. 144-145, fig. 5. 1688- 1709,

Fig. 3. St. John the Baptist Chapel, St. Catherine Monastery of Sinai, exterior view (M. BEZA,Urm e româneşti în Răsăritulortodox, ediţia a II-a, Monitorul Oficial şiImprimeriile Statului, Imprimeria Naţională, Bucureşti, 1937, p. 107). Fig. 4. St. John the Baptist Chapel, St. Catherine Fig. 5. Altar doors, St. John the Baptist Chapel of Monastery ofSinai, interiorview (M. BEZA, Urm e Sinai (K. .Eivâ. Ol 811aavpoi -rfit; româneşti în Răsăritul ortodox, ediţia a II-a, Movfit;,'EKb MANAct>U:,O'ttid) AEh]VWv, 1990,p.215). Monitorul Oficial şi Imprimeriile Statului, lmprimeriaNaţională, Bucureşti, 1937,p. 104).

Fig. 6. Censer donated by Lady Ruxandra Fig. 7. Tabemacle forthe Holy Table, donated by Lăpuşneanu to St. John the Baptist Chapel of bishop Gheorghe of Rădăuţi to St. John the Sinai (K. .Eivâ. Ol 811aavpoi -rfi<; Baptist Chapel of Sinai (K.. .Eivâ. Ol Movfit;,'EKbcn:ua'J MANAct>U:,A0livW\I, 1990,p. 288). 811aavpo/. -z:fit; Movfit;, 'EKbo'ttidJMANAct>IE, AEh]VWv, 1990, p. 289). Fig. 8. Altar Doors curtain donated to Sinai Fig. 9. Tabemacle donated to Sinai by the Princely Monastery by the Aromanian Nicolae Dimitrie Court of Wallachia (K. MANA

Figs. 10-11.Gospel Bookcover, donated to Sinaiby PrinceAlexandru IIMircea ofWallachia (K.MANA Figs. 12-13. Cross with clock for the holy Altar Table, Transylvanian workshop (K 871CJavpoi -rije;Movfic;, 'EKbo-ruo'J A0r]vWv, MANA�U:, 1990, p. 298). I:ivâ. Ol

Fig. 14. Clasp, Transylvanian workshop (K. 871CJavpo!-rije; Movfic;, 'EKbo-roo) A0r]vWv,MANA�U:, 1990, p. 305). I:tvâ. Ol

Fig. 15. Chandelier, Ioannina workshop, Fig. 16. Icon lamp donated by PrinceAlexandru Aromanian craftsman (K. ..Eiva. Ol lpsilanti Mount Sinai (M. BEZA, Urme 811aavpol. 'rije; Movijc;, 'EKl>cn:ua'JMANAct>U:, A0T)VWv, româneştito în Răsăritul ortodox , ediţia a II-a, 1990, p. 307). Monitorul Oficial şi Imprimeriile Statului, Imprimeria Naţională, Bucureşti, 1937, p. 8). Figs. 17-18. Crosier, belonging to abbot Fig. 19. Note at the end of the Gospel Book Parthenius of FrumoasaMonastery in laşi, later belonging to Prince Ieremia Movilă (M. BEZA, archbishop ofSinai (M. BEZA, Urm e româneşti în Urme româneştiîn Răsăritulortodox, ediţia a II-a, Răsăritulortodox, ediţia a II-a, Monitorul Oficial Monitorul Oficial şi Imprimeriile Statului, şi Imprimeriile Statului, Imprimeria Naţională, Imprimeria Naţională, Bucureşti, 1937, p. 12). Bucureşti, 1937, pp. 8-9).

Fig. 20. Portraitof Prince Constantin Brâncoveanu, Fig. 21. Candlesticks donated to Sinai (1745) by held at Sinai in theroom displaying the portraits of Prince Nicolae Mavrocordat (M. BEZA, Urm e Sinaite abbots (M. BEZA, Urm e româneşti în româneşti în Răsăritul ortodox, ediţia a II-a, Răsăritulortodox, ediţia a II-a, MonitorulOficial şi Monitorul Oficial şi Imprimeriile Statului, Imprimeriile Statului, Imprimeria Naţională, lmprimeriaNaţională,Bucureşti, 1937,p. 104). Bucureşti, 1937,pp. 12-13). Figs. 22-23 Cross donated to Sinai by Prince Istratie Dabija (M. BEZA, U româneştiîn Răsăritul ortodox, ediţia a II-a, Monitorul Oficial şi Imprimeriile Statului, Imprimeriarme Naţională, Bucureşti, 1937, p. 106).

Fig. 24. Document issued by Prince Constantin Brâncoveanu and currently held by the Sinai archive (K. .Eivâ. Ol 817aavpoi -rijt;;Movij t;;, 'EicbIL, Figs. 25-27 Document issued by Prince Nicolae Mavrocordat for Sinai, the original currently held by the Libraryofthe Etnographic Museum in Athens, anda copy by St. Catherine Monastery of Sinai; detail showing the document's seal, rendering a typical Sinaite icon (M. BEZA, Urm e româneşti înRăsăritul ortodox, ediţia a II-a, Monitorul Oficial şi Imprimeriile Statului, Imprimeria Naţională, Bucureşti, 1937,pp. 124-125). Figs. 28-31Document issued by Prince Constantin Racoviţă forSinai, the original currently heldthe by Library ofthe Etnographic Museum Athens and a copy by St. Catherine Monastery of Sinai; detail showing the document's seal, renderingîn a typical Sinaite icon (M. BEZA, Urm e româneşti înRăsăritul ortodox, ediţia a Monitorul Oficial şi Imprimeriile Statului, Imprimeria Naţională, Bucureşti, 1937, II-a, pp. 125-126). Figs. 32-39. Pages of the Gospel Book whose cover was crafted at the expense of Prince Ieremia Movilă (Nicolae Iorga, ,,Noi obiecte de artă găsite la Ierusalim, la Mânăstirea Sf. Sava şi la Muntele Sinai", BCMI, 70, 1931,pp. 18în:3-1 85. Fig. 40. Page ofthe Gospel Book whose cover was Fig. 41. Gospel Book cover craftedat the expense crafted at the expense of Prince Alexandru II of Prince Ieremia Movilă (M. BEZA, Urm e Mircea (K.. .Eivâ. Ol 871aavpol Tr}; româneşti în Răsăritu/ ortodox, ediţia a II-a, Movfic;,'EKbo'tLKÎJ MANAU:,ASrivWv, 1990,p. 330). Monitorul Oficial şi Imprimeriile Statului, Imprimeria Naţională, Bucureşti, 1937, p. 7).

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Figs. 42-43.Document issued byPrince Grigorie Ghica (M. BEZA, Urme româneşti în Răsăritu/ortodox, ediţia a II-a, Monitorul Oficial şi Imprimeriile Statului, Imprimeria Naţională, Bucureşti, 1937, p. 11). Fig. Page of the Gospel Book whose cover was crafted44. atthe expense ofPrince Ieremia Movilă (M. BEZA, Urme româneşti în Răsăritul ortodox, ediţia a II-a, Monitorul şi Imprimeriile Statului, ImprimeriaNaţională, OficialBucureşti, 19 37, p. l O).

Fig. 45. Gospel Book cover donated to Sinai by Prince Alexandru II Mircea, detail deringthe princely family (M. BFZA,ren­ Urme româneşti în Răsăritul ortodox, ediţia a II-a, Monitorul Oficial şi Imprimeriile Statului, Imprimeria Naţională, Bucureşti, 1937,p. 107).

Fig. 46. Document issued by Prince Constantin Movilă, held by the Etnographic Musewn of Athens(M. BEZA, Urm e româneşti înRăsăritul ortodox, ediţia a II-a, Monitorul Oficial şi Imprimeriile Statului, Imprimeria Naţională, Bucureşti, 1937,p. 123). 37 Romanian items and testimonies, currentlyheld in the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 481

John the Baptist, fo r KArypo6oaiav lmTacfJiov , and that the Monastery's hegumenshou/d request the moneyfrom the country's diplomatic representatives159• Other documents of interest for the Romanians, that can be foundat Sinai, are160; 1. the copies of two decrees concerningMă rgineni Mo nastery161; 2. various „papers " concerningthe secularization of monasteryestates; . . 3. Epzsto lar zon 162;

159 „TQia au8EVtLKa XQUa6f3ouMa 13"-axLKit a' TOU µaKaQLTOV NLKOAaov f3oEf36ba13' wv vioii wv Kwvarnvrivov f3oEf36ba Kai. y' wv MLxaiJA 'PaKof3L1:1',;a f3oEf36ba, Ta c'moia bLaAaµf3avouv va blbwvrnL Km' hai:; Ct1'î0 TTJV au8EVTLaV Tije; BAaxiac; EKaTOV YQOU. i:'Awc; TOU iv8aurnO'îl µnoxiov TOU ay. 1wavvou blit Ti]v KT)QOboaiav TOU imrncj>[ov Kai va Ta /',;T)TtJ va Ta Aaµf3avi:i 6 KaTa KaLQOV i]youµEvoc; Ct1'î0 wu(c;) KU1'îOUKEXllYLUbEc; Tije; BAaxiac;"(K. AMANTOY, I:vvwµoc;... , p. 98 - ms. 2208, f. 144'). 1 60 M. BEZA, „Biblioteci ... ", pp. 213-2 15. 161 M. BEZA, „Biblioteci ...", p. 213, note 2. 162 1h „Epistolarion. Contains letters (30), dated around 1590 - mid l8 century, sent by the patriarchs of Alexandria, Meletios Pigas, Samuel, Jeremiah, Joasaf, as well as other hegumens of Monastery of Sinai, to princes Ieremia Movilă, Vasile Lupu, Nicolae Mavrocordat and Lady Maria, Constantin Mavrocordat, Mihai Racovită, Grigore II Ghica and others, to metropolitans of Moldavia and Wallachia, conceming the metochia belonging to the Patriarchate of Alexandria and to the Sinai Monastery, on the territory of the Romanian Principlities (ms. 1605)" (V. CÂNDEA, Mărturii ... , I, p. 242, no. 92, sending to V. BENESEVIC, Catalogus... , I, St. Petersburg, 191 1, pp. 392, 395-396, 399, 402--404, 407--409, 41 1--415, 530--531). the above-mentioned work of V. Benesevic, we find the following references: fl[va� nr.TOU TiaQ6vwc;In imawAaQiov EK TWV wv MEAn[ou TIUTQLUQXOU AAE�avbQEiac; wv TIT)yă: imawAwv (The contents of the presen! epistolarion [containing] the letters of the Patriarch of Alexandria, Meletios Pigas): - 'EmawAi] TI13'dc; lEQEµiav i]yEµ6va MoAbof3Aaxiac;... 53 (Epistle 82 to Ieremia, prince of Moldavia ...); - 'EmawAi] <:;13' de; Eu8uµLOv Oi}yyQof3Aaxiac;... 58 (Epistle 92 to Ephtimios of Ungrovlachia... ) (this on p. 395); - 'EmawAi] QL( Eic; TOV MoAbof3Aaxiac; fEwQyLov ... 73 (Epistle I I 7 to Gheorghe of Moldavia); - 'EmawAi] QLTJ ' de; lEQEµiav t']yEµ6va MoAbof3Aaxiac;... 73 (Epistle 118 to Ieremia, prince of Moldavia) (this on p. 396); OiKovoµLKTJ NLKT)cj>OQOV UQXLEmaK61'îou wv I:Lvă: OQOUc; mQi. µErnxiou Tije; MTioybaviac;.. .. 265 (Financial records of the archbishop of Sinai, Nikephoros, conceming the metochion of Bogdania) (p. 400); - Eaµovi]A 1'îaTQLUQXOU AAE�avbQEiac; mQi wv ţ3aKaQiwv Tije;BAaxiac; ... 327 (p. 402) (Samuel, patriarch of Alexandra, on the tax on cattle in Wallachia... ); - EvvobLKOV wv TIUTQLUQXOU KwvaTavnvovTI6AEwc; KVQ 'IEQEµiov blit TO iv BAaxiq µovaaTtjQLOV TO E1'îovoµal',;6µEvov Twv ZAaTUQLbwv

(mJm1 ' ) ...34 1 (Sinodikon of the patriarch of Constantinople Jeremiah, forthe Wallachian monastery named Zlătari ... ); - Tov avwv yQaµµa blit TO f3aKUQLTOU Tije; BAaxiac;... 345 (Letter ofthe same patriarch, on the tax on cattle in Wallachia ...); - Tov AAE�avbQEiac; (Cyrillus Lukaris?) TIQOc; TOV t']yEµ6va OuyyQof3Aaxiac; 'IwciVVTJV NLK6Aaov AAE�avbQov ...362 (Of [patriarch of] Alexandria to the prince of Wallachia, Ioan Nicolae Alexandru. ..); - Tov avwv 1'îQOc; TOV auT6v ...363 (Of the same to the same ...) (p. 403); - Tov TiaTQLUQXOV AAE�avbQEiac; KVQ Eaµoui]A TIQOc; TO TIQiyKma �T)µtjTQLOV KwvarnvTivov ... 375 (Of the patriarch of Alexandria Samuel to prince Dimitrie Constantin ...); - Tov avwv 1'IQOc; ewµav KavrnKOV/',;T)VOV 482 Adrian Marinescu 38

4. A leather-bound collection of letters, bearing a seal of Mărgineni Monastery, donated by the fo unders afi er it became a dependency, containing princely decrees and patriarchate 's letters; they confirm this status as a dependency of Mo unt Sinai163•

11QWTOa11a8aQLOV... 376 (Of the same to the great sword-bearer Toma Cantacuzino... ); - To0 avw0 11QOc; u)v Mµvav KUQlaV MaQLaV ... 380 (Of the same to Lady Maria ...) (p. 404); - To0 I:Lva[ou -r4J au8EVTIJ MoAbol3iac; c:ic; mJOTaOLV vfou i]youµivou.. .458 (Recommendation of Sinai to the prince of Moldavia, for a new hegumen ...); - T4J au-r4J m:Qi vfou i]youµivou .. .459 (To the same, about a new hegumen ...); - T!J Mµv� m:Qi i]youµivou vfou .. .460 (To the Lady about a new hegumen... ); - T4J I:Lva[ou 11aQa T00 au8ivwu 11EQL TWV EKEi µovaOTT]QLWV µac;.. .460 (To Sinai from the prince, on our monasteries there ...) (p. 407); - 1aov Kai ăµmov 61100 fo-rnAav oi aLva'LTm (6 I:Lvaiou 1waaa) Eic; -rov MoAbol3iac; i]yi;:µâva 13aalAnov Kma -ro0 AAd;avbQEtac; (i'.;Qv(.').. .524 (Similar [letter] sent by the Sinai fathers [Joasaf of Sinai] to the prince of Moldavia Vasile [Lupu] against [the patriarch of] Alexandria [7157]) (p. 409); - To0 I:Lvaiou 11Qoc; fQTJYOQCtaKou 11QWT] i]yi;:µova MoAbo!'iac;... 594 (Of Sinai to Grigoraşcu, a former prince of Moldavia ...) (p. 41 1); - To0 avw0 auyxaQT]TLKOV 11QOc; NLKT]OQOU µT]TQ0110AlTT]V MoAbo!'Aaxiac;... 598 (Of the same, letter congratulating Nikephoros, the metropolitan of Moldavia ...); - To0 avw0 11Q(x; Kwvarnv-rivov 13Di;:l300av MoAbo!'Aaxiac;... 598

(Of the same, to prince Constantin of Moldavia); - To0 avw0 11Qoc; 1wavvriv Mrixm'JA 'PaKol3iTi'.;L 13m:13âba OuyyQo!'Aaxiac;... 598 (Of the same, to Ioan Mihail Racoviţă, prince of Wallachia... ); - To0 avw0 11QOc; TOV 11QWT]V i]youµEVOV MaQT]/'.;T]Vav[ou KUQ Koaµav ...599 (Of the same to the former hegumen of Mărgineni Monastery, Cosma ...); - To0 avw0 11Qoc; Av8Lµov i]youµi;:vov -ro0 MaQT]/'.;T]vaviou... 600 (Of the same to Antim, hegumen of Mărgineni Monastey); - To0 avw0 11QOc; TOV i]youµEvov 'PLµVLKOU KUQ I:uµi;:wv... 600 (Of the same to Simeon, hegumen of Râmnic Monastery... ); - To0 avw0 11QOc; TOV OuyyQol3Aaxiac; NEOuwv... 60 1 (Ofthe same to Neophytos ofWallachia... ); - To0 avw0 11QOc; AiKUTEQLVT]V Kal Avvav Mµvav BAaxiac; Kai M11ouybaviac;... 603 (Of the same to Ecaterina and Ana, ladies of Wallachia and Bogdania); - To0 avw0 11Qâc; nva ăQxovrn ri]c; BAaxiac; Kai 11QOc; UQXLEQfo bl1Xi'.;f]T litvov... 606 (Of the same to a certain Wallachian magistrate and to the bishop conceming ... )

(p. 412); - L:xibla w0 vfou i]youµivou MaQT]/'.;T]vav[ou Av8iµou ...678 (Plans of the new hegumen of Mărgineni, Antim ...); - To0 I:Lva[ou 11QOc; TOVau8 iVTT]V BAaxiac; Kai u)vMµvav TOU ...680 (Of Sinai to the prince of Wallachia and his Lady ...); - Ele; T�V Mµvav Kai au8EVTT]V

BAaxiac; auarnnw bl1X TOV i]youµEVOV 'PLµVLKOU I:uµi;:wv.. . 688 (To the Lady and Prince of Wallachia, recommendation letter for hegumen Simeon of Râmnic ... ); - L:xibLa vicp i]youµivcp ri]c; M11ouybaviac;... 704 (Plans for a new hegumen in Bogdania... ); - 1aa -rwv yQaµµa-rwv

NLKT]OQcp a,aQxcp BAaxiac;... 713 (Of the letters ofNikephoros, exarch în Wallachia) (p. 414); - I:uyxaQT]TLKOV [w0 Avnoxi;:iac;???] 11QOc; TOV au8EVTT]VOiJyKQo13Aaxiac;, 61100 inaviAa!'E -rov 8Q6vov w0 ... 730 (Congratulation letter [sent by the patriarch of Antioch?] to the prince of Wallachia, on his regaining the throne ...); - To0 I:Lva iou 11QOc; -rov oiKouµEVLKOV Kai -rov au8iVTT]V MoAbal3iac; bl1X va auaujaovv TOV UQXLµavbQLTT]V µi YQLiµµa-ra wuc;... 733 (Of Sinai to the ecumenica! patriarch and the prince of Moldavia, asking them to recommend the archimandrite in their letters ... ) (p. 415). 163 In the archive of Sinai, codex 2208, containing a catalogue of the patriarchate's documents held by the Monastery - found în a case belonging to a Sinaite person remained unknown, because of 39 Roman ian items and testimonies, currently held în the archives of St. Catherine Monastery 483

9.5. Sinaite Items in the Romanian Principalities

Unfortunately, following the secularization of monastery estates, the former metochia-monasteries that had been dependencies of Sinai became lay parishes, and the Sinaite items on the territory of the Romanian Principalities were almost all lost. Of course, the Sinaites remaining here strived to return to their homeland, taking with them most of their personal belongings. This is why today, very fe w objects of Sinaite origin can be found in Romania. We would be happy to discover new ones in the future. Engaging in such research, however, according to the information we have so far, is bound to fail. What could still be researched, are the signatures of Sinaite monks, held by the Romanian archives. 9.5.1. Art objects. The icons adorning the iconostasis of today's St. Catherine church in Bucharest (the chapel of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Bucharest) have been probably brought from Sinai. Also, a few Greek votive inscriptions (Bucharest, Râmnicul Sărat) mention Sinai's contribution to the management of the Romanian worship places. Although they are the work of Romanian craftsmen, these votive inscriptions can be considered to be Sinaite items, commissioned and maybe even designed by Sinai monks. Sirnilarly, certain mural representations (such as those of St. Catherine's church in Bucharest) can be deemed to be Sinaite. 9.5.2. Letters. Ms. 974 BAR (Ii h and 181h centuries), a collection of letters, paper, 336 pages, written by various persons, hardcover, 21O letters of which 3 letters written by the Sinaite abbot Cosmas (l702 -1707). The manuscript belonged to I.O. Rallis, then to Tombazis Mavrocordat, who donated it to the Romanian Academy through Romania's ambassador N. Filodor who was then in Athens 164•

Letter 112, f. 182r: Cosmas of Sinai to Ralachi Cariophil, great rhetor, Egyp t, July 15, 1700. Autograph. ff. 182v-183r: blank; f. 183 v: the address of the letter.

Letter 113, f. 184r: Cosmas of Sinai to Ralachi Cariophil, great rhetor. Autograph. f. 184v: the address ofthe letter with red wax seal, incompletely applied. the bad state of the manuscript; on page 144', we findthe following note: «"Eva btµa µi: myu\!Wbî] yQci:µµarn f.v µEµ(3Qci:vau;wv µovaOTIJQLOU MaQTCLvav(ou nîc;BAax(ac;, ""Ca 6rcoia ibwaav oi K"'CfÎTOQEc; µE"'Clt TI]v acţJLEQWCTLV TOV µovaa""CT]QLOU Kai laa av8EV"'CLKWV XQUao(3ouA.wv Kai na""CQLaQXLKWV auvobLKWV yQaµµa"'CWV f.m(3E(3mouvrn TIJV acj>LEQWCTLV TaUTI]V, wc;

EvA.6ywc;Kai bLKaiwc; yLvoµtv11v Eic;""CO L'.(vmov ăQoc;» (K. AMANTOY, I:vvwµoc;... , p. 93). 164See Analele Academiei Române, Memoriile Secţiei ls torice, Series Tome 39, I 9 I 9 I 9, p. I 90. II, I� 484 Adrian Marinescu 40

Letter 117, f. 1 90 : Cosmas of Sinai to Ralachi Cariophil. Mount Sinai, November 29, 1700. Autograp' h. ff. l 90v-l 9 l ': hlank; f. 19lv: the address ofthe letter; tom seal165.

9.6. Conclusions

An inventory of the items of Romanian relevance at Sinai, contains: 17 art and liturgica/ objects, 28 manuscripts, 41 copies of old (R omanian) books, 61 (R omanian) princely decrees and do cuments. This amounts to much more than the Sinaite items extant in Romania. Our more thorough, more complete analysis of the specialized works, especially those drafted in Greek, has added a significantamount of information to what was previously known in the hody of Romanian specialized litera ture. The Romanian items, or those having Romanian relevance, currently held hy Sinai, are closely connected to the donations made to Mount Sinai hy Romanian princes or their suhjects. Their study easily demonstrates their diversity and their wide time span (161h to l91h centuries). They were donated not only hy the princes and the princely courts, hut also hy ordinary people, devout worshippers who offered part of their few possessions to support the strugglers of the Holy Land as well as in order to he granted forgiveness of their sins and eternal life. Moreover, we note that Romanians outside the Romanian Principalities also contrihuted to the richness of Sinai's patrimony, hy supporting the donation policy of their hrethren and following their example. W e mu st also note that these items originate from all three Romanian provinces Wallachia, Mo ldavia and Transylvania or some of them helonged to the various- Sinaites residing in the Romanian Principaities,- while others were donated hy the Greeks living in the Principalities. Anyway, it is ohvious that most donors were wealthy persons. Both the diversity and the impressive amount of these Romanian donations illustrate a theology of he gifl, a theology of the ohject offered as a token of gratitude, glorification, or supplication. The ohject offered shows the character of the donor and is, most often, very valuahle. lt is not cheap and perishahle, hut a lasting item. Such a gift can only he made with great difficulty, and at a high cost, hut it is precisely this great expense that hrings the satisfaction of hoth the giver and the receiver. Such ohject is carefully kept and venerated. We note that most of the Romanian donations to Sinai have a liturgica/ character par excellence, therefore they are meant to serve God either in common or in private prayer. This character

165 Catalogul Manw;criselor Greceşti, tome drafted by Nestor Camariano, the Romanian Academy Library,Monitorul Oficial,Imprimeri ile Statului, ImprimeriaIT, Naţională, Bucharest, 1940, pp. 72-1 16. 41 Romanian items and testimonies, currently held in the archives ofSt. Catherine Monastery 485 points out that Romanian practice of offering various things to Sinai is par excellence a theological and ecclesiastical undertaking, with deep, personal significance. Their liturgica! character demonstrates that they were not intended by Romanians as museum exhibits, but to serve and exalt God. Therefore it is not about gifts made to people, but offerings made to God through people, although the donors were obviously aware that the support granted to one's fe llow people is actually dedicated to God and, ultimately, granted to oneself. In Sinai's collection of valuables, Romanian items stand out not only due to their material worth, but also due to their artistic value. These objects, preeminently liturgica!, thus count among the items belonging today to Romania as well as various Balkan and Eastern archives, European in general and especially non­ European ones. Thus Sinai's collection holds epitomes of outstanding Romanian art, evinced in silverwork, as well as the miniatures contained by the manuscripts and documents issued by Romanian chancelleries. lt also evinces the craft of printing which produced a great number of books and works, not only in Greek but also in other widely used languages. Besides, even though it is still not certain whether Sinai has any Romanian icon, this is highly likely, thus asserting a full, complex Romanian cultural presence at Sinai, a concrete, living testimony to the Byzantine culture surviving the ages and the earthly existence of the Empire. These items reached Sinai in various ways: through the Romanian pilgrims arriving there; as gifts offered to the Sinai monks coming to ask for the support of the Romanian Principalities; some of them were commissioned and bought by these monks from the Romanians; or taken by Sinaite dwellers from the metochia dependent on Sinai, etc. They testify to the diverse manifestations of Romanians' attention towards Sinai. The items of Romanian origin or relevance held by Sinai throughout the times and today, have in a way bridged the gap between this land and the Romanian Principalities. One might say that these Romanian objects found at Sinai assert, confirm and strengthen the Romanian-Sinaite relationships. Given the extent of these relationships, we may assume that Sinai holds further Romanian items and testimonies awaiting discovery, which thus increase our interest in, and curiosity about the Monastery. lt is highly likely that elements of old Romanian history, still unknown to specialists, exist among these Romanian objects held by Sinai. Anyway, even the scarce information available, on the existence of such documents at Sinai, allows us to obtain a much more complete picture of the relationships between Romanians and the lands trodden by the Lord.