Development of the Cambazlı (Turgutlu/MANISA) Fissure-Ridge

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Development of the Cambazlı (Turgutlu/MANISA) Fissure-Ridge ARTICLE IN PRESS Quaternary International 199 (2009) 157–163 Forum Communication Development of the Cambazlı (Turgutlu/MANISA) fissure-ridge-type travertine and relationship with active tectonics, Gediz Graben, Turkey H. Haluk Selima,Ã,Gu¨rsel Yanikb aDepartment of Geology Engineering, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli 41040, Turkey bDepartment of Geology Engineering, Dumlupınar University, Ku¨tahya, Turkey Available online 28 May 2008 Abstract Travertine occurrences in the Cambazlı village area exist at the western edge of the Gediz Graben, comprising the Turgutlu Neogene basin. The ‘‘Cambazli travertine’’ was classified into two main groups based on physical, mineralogical and petrographic properties. Occurrences of travertine are probably due to faulting between the Paleozoic units of Menderes Massif and the Pliocene Kanlıtepe Formation. Group I travertine is horizontal and oriented NE-SW and NW-SE, whereas Group II travertine occurrences are oriented E-W direction. The Cambazlı travertine is a fissure-ridge type. Travertine continues to develop both in fissures and on the topographic surface as bedded deposits. Layered travertine is deposited on both surfaces of fissures. It develops either symmetrically or asymmetrically with respect to the centre of the fissure. Kinematical analyses of listric normal fault measurements demonstrate that NNE-SSW extension occurred. The Cambazlı travertine in the Gediz Graben has been deposited by hydrothermal waters rising through fracture systems, probably related to an active listric normal fault developed in the north of the study area. r 2008 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved. Keywords: Extensional tectonics; Fissure-ridge type travertines; Gediz Graben system; Active tectonics 1. Introduction and also between faulting, a major mechanism for the transfer of hot water into to the surface. Fissure-ridge Hancock et al. (1999) discussed the use of travertine travertine occurs as water flow in both sides of fissures. deposits as indicators of active tectonics. Their study was Fissure-ridge-type travertine formations are deposited by based on observations in several Mediterranean areas, Na-bicarbonate waters rising through fissures and flowing including some of most well-known deposits, such as to the topographic surface around this fissure. As a result, Pamukkale in Turkey. Grabens of western Anatolia, a ridge is formed by the accretion of Na-bicarbonate together with several Mediterranean areas are extremely deposits along the fissure (Fig. 2). rich in travertine deposits. The Cambazlı travertine is part of the Gediz Graben system (Fig. 1). In western Anatolia, travertine occurrences formed in the active fault zones have 2. Geological setting been observed by many researchers (Altunel, 1994; C- akir, 1996). Wyatt (1986) emphasized that travertine is generally 2.1. Stratigraphy deposited around springs. Altunel (1994) and Altunel and Hancock (1993, 1996) examined the joints developed in In the study area, the basement is formed of the travertine of the Pamukkale (Denizli) area. Sibson et al. Paleozoic Menderes Massif, mica schist, phyllite, meta- (1975) and Barnes et al. (1978) indicated a close relation- sandstone and crystallized limestone. Gray crystalline ship between travertine occurrences and tectonic activity, limestone at the base grades to white dolomite at the top. Ophiolitic rocks of the I˙zmir-Ankara Zone overlie marbles ÃCorresponding author. Tel.: +90 262335 1148; fax: +90 26 2335 2812. of the Menderes Massif rocks along a low-angle thrust E-mail addresses: (H. Haluk Selim), fault. The ophiolitic complex, including serpentines, (G. Yanik). extends towards the west and north-west. The Kanlıtepe 1040-6182/$ - see front matter r 2008 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2008.04.009 ARTICLE IN PRESS 158 H. Haluk Selim, G. Yanik / Quaternary International 199 (2009) 157–163 Fig. 1. Location map of Cambazlı travertine, grabens and fault system of the western Anatolia (view of the Landsat 7). Fig. 3. Stratigraphy of the study area (Yanık, 2005). level. The most prominent elements of the geomorphology Fig. 2. A model of deposition of fissure-ridge-type travertine occurrences in the region are uplifted and depressed areas bounded by (Altunel and Hancock, 1998). normal faults. The youngest units in the region are located in the lowest area while the oldest units are located in the ¨ formation consists of Pliocene sediments (Unay et al., highest area. In addition, antithetic faults trending NW–SE 1995; Emre, 1996; Yusufog˘lu, 1996). The Quaternary in the basin are intersected by normal faults (Fig. 6). The alluvium and travertine are the youngest units at this study area was initially raised along the low-angle normal margin (Fig. 3). Travertine occurrences have been classified faults, but later the margin was elevated by the high-angle into two different units (Groups I and II) based on normal faults which cut and displace the low-angle faults field observations and mineralogical–petrographic studies (Yanık and Selim, 2004; Yanık, 2005)(Fig. 7). The (Figs. 4 and 5). Travertine in the region developed above northern margin of the Gediz Graben is morphologically the faults between the Paleozoic Menderes Massif rocks less marked and has seismically inactive high-angle normal and the Pliocene Kanlıtepe formation. Group I travertine faults (So¨zbilir, 2002). oriented NE–SW and NW–SE and is horizontal. Group II Travertine covers an area of 5 km2 at present. Tempera- travertine is oriented E–W (Yanık, 2005). ture of the hot waters varies from 34 to 85 1C and pH values vary between 6 and 8. Travertine occurrences are 2.2. Tectonic setting products of the faulting between the Paleozoic Menderes Massif and the Pliocene Kanlıtepe Formation. The The topography is asymmetric, being steeper along the Cambazlı travertine, located 10 km NE of Turgutlu, northern side of graben where Mount C- aldag˘rises to over generally consists of layers with 50–200 m length and 1000 m from the present-day graben base, 100 m above sea 10–60 cm thickness. The southern outcrop of the lower ARTICLE IN PRESS H. Haluk Selim, G. Yanik / Quaternary International 199 (2009) 157–163 159 Fig. 4. E–W trending Group II travertine photographs (a and b). level is steep-sided and collapsed in some places along the Gediz River. Travertines have irregular and various size pores from mm to cm scale. Some macropores and fractures were filled by seepage of white marl at the top. In microscopic scale, small pores are partially or com- pletely filled with light-coloured calcite spar. Hot waters emerging from fissures and saturated with sodium bicarbonate and minerals deposit orange, brown and cream colored travertine in the walls of fissures. On the walls of the fissures, parallel to the fissures, compact thin layered and hard laminated travertine crusts have been deposited. The Cambazlı travertine has been assigned to two groups, band thickness and erosion rate. Group I consists of eight fissure-ridge travertines exposed in the study district, with a band thickness ranging from 10 to 60 cm (Fig. 8). The Group II travertine occurrences are light beige-white, whereas thin banded older (Group I) traver- tine is light beige-yellowish. The massive Group II travertine has highly porous mosaic lenticular textures. Fig. 5. The Group I-layered travertine occurrence and fissure (a–c). Group II travertine contains Fe-oxide minerals and plant remnants. Physical and mechanical test results for this ARTICLE IN PRESS 160 H. Haluk Selim, G. Yanik / Quaternary International 199 (2009) 157–163 Fig. 6. Geological map of study area. Fig. 8. Morpho-tectonic map of fissure-ridge-type Cambazlı travertine. Table 1 Properties of the Groups I and II travertine Properties Group I travertine Group II travertine CaCO3 (%) 96.7 97.4 MgCO3 (%) 2.6 2.2 SiO2 (%) 0.04 0.05 Insoluble material (%) 0.6 0.4 Specific gravity (gr/cm3) 2.7 2.4 Fig. 7. The cross-section of Cambazlı travertine and listric normal faults. Water absorption (%) 1.0 2.0 Porosity (%) 2.5 3.0 Compressive strength (N/mm2)60 3 travertine are shown in Table 1. The Group II travertine Index of whiteness (%) 75 83–90 has an 83–90% index of whiteness. Physical and mechanical tests such as specific gravity, water absorption, porosity and compressive strength values 3. Discussion for the Group I travertine were 2.7 gr/cm3, 1%, 2.5% and 60 N/mm2, respectively. For the younger (Group II) Western Turkey comprises several continental fragments travertine, the corresponding values are 2.4 gr/cm3, 2.0%, with distinctive stratigraphic, structural and metamorphic 3.0% and 3 N/mm2. The Cambazlı travertine occurrences features that were amalgamated by continent–continent also provide information about the direction and rate of collision during Alpine orogeny and the following con- recent crustal extension in the Gediz Graben. Banded sumption of the intervening Neo-Tethyan oceanic litho- travertines are formed by precipitation from rising hot sphere by northward-dipping subduction (S-engo¨rand water on the fracture walls. The precipitation develops Yılmaz, 1981; Okay, 1989). West Anatolia lies within a progressively from the outer wall to the center of the region of rapid continental crustal extension (S-engo¨r et al., fracture during the opening of the fracture related to the 1985; Bozkurt, 2000) and is a counterpart of the Aegean regional extension. Sea in the eastern Mediterranean (Westaway, 1990). ARTICLE IN PRESS H. Haluk Selim, G. Yanik / Quaternary International 199 (2009) 157–163 161 Different mechanisms have been proposed for the origin of extensional tectonics in the Aegean horst-graben system. The Gediz Graben is a part of basin and range style graben system in the western Anatolia. The Gediz Graben (also known as the Alas-ehir Graben) is an arc-shaped structure trending NW–SE between Alas-ehir and Salihli, but trending E–W and ENE–WSW between Salihli and Turgutlu.

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