STREET FIGHTER by Luis Filipe Based on Capcom's videogame "Street Fighter II" Copyright © 2019 This is a fan script
[email protected] OVER BLACK. All we hear is the excited CHEER of a crowd. Hundreds of voices roaring in unison, teasing something to come. Under those voices, there is also the rhythmic sound of TRAMPLES on the floor that sound like drums. CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT A dirty, dimly lit corridor. A few meters ahead, a beam of light leaks through a door that gives access to another scenario. Standing in the corridor hidden in total shadow, a barefoot MAN attired in a white karate gi uniform tightens a black martial arts BELT. We do not see his face. The cheer continues, seeming to be coming from beyond that door in the hallway. After putting on the belt, the man takes a pair of RED GLOVES from his duffel bag, which is on a bench beside him. He wears them calmly. Finally, he also grabs a RED HEADBAND from the bag and ties it around his head. All this is almost ritualistic for him. When completed, the mysterious man walks toward the corridor door where comes the intense light. INT. STREET FIGHTER ARENA - NIGHT A large warehouse-like room. Wooden boxes surround the boundaries of the fighting area. And behind these boxes are the spectators, some sit in stands and others stand on feet. Our mysterious man comes in, revealing his face for the first time: RYU. A Japanese experienced martial artist. The audience goes wild to see him there.