LMP Appendix 1

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LMP Appendix 1 Appendix 1 of Part 2 of the MHC Land Management Plan This spreadsheet presents all the features listed in Part 1. They are grouped by topic in the tables below. On each topic page the features are named and their level of importance is identified in three categories - Internationally Important, Nationally Important and Locally Important. This allows the recognition of the more important features present on MHC's land which helps focus our resources in Part 3 of the Plan. MHC LMP. Part 2 - EVALUATION GEOLOGY internationally nationally FEATURE (taken from Part 1) important important locally important Malvern Hills SSSI (parts) Wide Valley, Worcs Beacon SSSI Local Geological Site Rushy Valley, Worcs Beacon SSSI Local Geological Site North Quarry SSSI Local Geological Site Swinyard Hill Quarry SSSI Local Geological Site Tank Quarry SSSI Local Geological Site Westminster Bank Quarry, Worcs Beacon SSSI Local Geological Site Gullet Main Quarry, Swinyard SSSI Local Geological Site Gullet Top Quarry SSSI Local Geological Site Ivy Scar Rock, North Hill SSSI Local Geological Site Broad Down Quarry SSSI Local Geological Site Park Wood Quarries Local Geological Site Brockhill Stream Section Local Geological Site Brockhill Quarry Local Geological Site West of England Quarry SSSI Local Geological Site Upper Tolgate Quarry SSSI Local Geological Site Dingle Quarries, West Malvern SSSI Local Geological Site Earnslaw Quarry SSSI Local Geological Site Gardiners Quarry SSSI Local Geological Site Clutters Cave SSSI Local Geological Site Castlemorton Common (SSSI) Local Geological Site Sycamore Tree Quarry SSSI Local Geological Site White-leaved Oak Quarry SSSI Local Geological Site Chase End Quarry SSSI Local Geological Site Clocktower Car Park SSSI Local Geological Site Little Malvern Quarry (Berringtons) SSSI Local Geological Site 25 Candidate LGS sites: Broomhill Quarry, West Malvern SSSI Dogleg Quarry (Hayslad) SSSI Wyche cutting (not all on MHC land) SSSI MHC LMP. Part 2 - EVALUATION LANDSCAPE internationally nationally FEATURE (taken from Part 1) important important locally important landscape (within AONB) aonb y y landscape (outisde AONB) y MHC LMP. Part 2 - EVALUATION ARCHAEOLOGY internationally FEATURE (taken from Part 1) important nationally important locally important Shire Ditch Scheduled Monument Y Herefordshire Beacon Camp Scheduled Monument Y Barrows on Pinnacle Hill Scheduled Monument Y (Midsummer Hill) (Scheduled Monument) (Y) undesignated archaeology Y MHC LMP. Part 2 - EVALUATION BUILT HERITAGE internationally nationally FEATURE (taken from Part 1) important important locally important grade 2 listed St Anns Well building Y grade 2 listed Stocks, animal pound and whipping post building Y grade 2 listed Sewer gas vent building Y Edwardian and Victorian heritage Y (built) conservation area - great malvern Y (built) conservation area - colwall Y (built) conservation area - newland Y (built) conservation area - madresfield Y (built) conservation area - malvern wells Y (built) conservation area - malvern trinity Y (built) conservation area - malvern link Y (built) conservation area - castlemorton Y MHC LMP. Part 2 - EVALUATION HABITATS internationally locally nationally important FEATURE (taken from Part 1) important important SSSI UK priority* Acid grasslands (U1, U2, U4 & subcommunities) SSSI Y Y Heath communities (H8/U20b) SSSI Y Y Calcareous grassland (CG10) SSSI Y Y Lowland neutral grassland/meadow (MG6, MG5, MG9, MG10) Y Y Lowland neutral grassland (MG1, MG7, OV21, OV23) Y Mire incl M23 SSSI Y Y Bog communities (remnant) Y Y Broadleaved woodland (W8, W16, W10) SSSI Y Y Wet woodland (W2) Y Y Wet woodland (W6 alder woodland) SSSI Y Y Unclassified woodland (including secondary woodland) Y Waterbodies (A2, A7, A8, A17) Y Y Other water related communities (MG11, OV28, OV35) Y Swamp (S12, S19, S22) Y Y Tall herb and bracken (U20, W25) Y Disturbed ground flora (OV24, OV25, OV26, OV27) Y Scrub (W23, W21, W22, W24) Y Wood pasture Y Y Notable trees Y Hedgerows Y Y Traditional orchards Y Y *UK priority as recognised by Natural Environment & Rural Communities Act 2006 (section 41) and UK Biodiversity Action Plan MHC LMP. Part 2 - EVALUATION SPECIES FEATURE (taken from Part 1) internationally important nationally important regional (local) local UK Status via: National Red Data Book / Priority Birds of Conservation Concern list / Species* SSSI feature IUCN & JNCC data Common name Scientific name Feature type Common toad Bufo bufo Amphibian Y Common frog Rana temporaria Amphibian Great crested newt Triturus cristatus Amphibian Y WorcsBAP Palmate newt Triturus helveticus Amphibian Smooth newt Triturus vulgaris Amphibian Little grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis Bird Amber status (RSPB) Fairly common Scarce Canada goose Branta canadensis Bird Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Bird Amber status (RSPB) Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula Bird Amber status (RSPB) Mandarin duck Aix galericulata Bird Uncommon Scarce Goshawk Accipiter gentilis Bird Scarce Rare Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus Bird Fairly common Fairly common Buzzard Buteo buteo Bird Fairly common Fairly common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Bird Amber status (RSPB) Fairly common Fairly common Hobby Falco subbuteo Bird Uncommon Scarce Peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus Bird Scarce Scarce Red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa Bird Scarce Pheasant Phasianus colchicus Bird Moorhen Gallinula choloropus Bird Coot Fulica atra Bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Bird Y Red status (RSPB) Fairly common Scarce Snipe Gallinago gallinago Bird Amber status (RSPB) Unknown Unknown Jack snipe Lymnocryptes minimus Bird Amber status (RSPB) Unknown Unknown Woodcock Scolopax rusticola Bird SSSI Amber status (RSPB) Fairly common Scarce Stock dove Columba oenas Bird SSSI Amber status (RSPB) Collared dove Streptopelia decaoct Bird Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur Bird Y Red status (RSPB) Fairly Common Fairly common Wood pigeon Columba palumbus Bird Cuckoo Cuculus canorus Bird Y Red status (RSPB) Barn owl Tyto alba Bird Amber status (RSPB) Declined Rare, HBAP Little owl Athene noctua Bird Scarce Tawny owl Strix aluco Bird Long-eared owl Asio otus Bird Scarce Rare Swift Apus apus Bird Amber status (RSPB) Kingfisher Alcedo atthis Bird Amber status (RSPB) Not recorded Rare Green woodpecker Picus viridis Bird Amber status (RSPB) Great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus major Bird SSSI Lesser spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus minor Bird Y SSSI Red status (RSPB) Fairly common Scarce Skylark Alauda arvensis Bird Y Red status (RSPB) Very common but declined Swallow Hirundo rustica Bird Amber status (RSPB) House martin Delichon urbica Bird Amber status (RSPB) Tree pipit Anthus trivialis Bird Y Red status (RSPB) Fairly common declining Meadow pipit Anthus pratensis Bird Amber status (RSPB) Grey wagtail Motacilla cinerea Bird Amber status (RSPB) Fairly common Scarce Pied wagtail Motacilla alba Bird Wren Troglodytes troglodytes Bird Dunnock Prunella modularis Bird Y Amber status (RSPB) Robin Erithacus rubecula Bird Very commoon Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos Bird Amber status (RSPB) Uncommon declining Scarce, WBAP Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus Bird SSSI Amber status (RSPB) Fairly common Stonechat Saxicola rubicola Bird Scarce Fairly common Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe Bird Amber status (RSPB) Declining Scarce Blackbird Turdus merula Bird Song thrush Turdus philomelos Bird Y Red status (RSPB) Mistle thrush Turdus viscivorus Bird Amber status (RSPB) Fairly common Grasshopper warbler Locustella naevia Bird Y Red status (RSPB) Uncommon Scarce Lesser whitethroat Sylvia curruca Bird Fairly common Fairly common Whitethroat Sylvia communis Bird Amber status (RSPB) Garden warbler Sylvia borin Bird Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla Bird Wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix Bird Y SSSI Red status (RSPB) Declining Scarce Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita Bird Willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus Bird Amber status (RSPB) Goldcrest Regulus regulus Bird Spotted flycatcher Muscicapa striata Bird Y SSSI Red status (RSPB) Fairly common Scarce Pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca Bird SSSI Amber status (RSPB) Not recorded Fairly common Long-tailed tit Aegithalos caudatus Bird Marsh tit Poecile palustris Bird Y SSSI Red status (RSPB) Fairly common Scarce Willow tit Poecile montanus Bird Y SSSI Red status (RSPB) Fairly common Rare Coal tit Periparus ater Bird Fairly common Blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus Bird Great tit Parus major Bird Nuthatch Sitta europaea Bird Fairly common Treecreeper Certhia familiaris Bird Jay Garrulus glandarius Bird Fairly common Magpie Pica pica Bird Jackdaw Corvus monedula Bird Rook Corvus frugilegus Bird Carrion crow Corvus corone Bird Raven Corvus corax Bird Uncommon Fairly common Starling Sturnus vulgaris Bird Y Red status (RSPB) House sparrow Passer domesticus Bird Y Red status (RSPB) Abundant declining Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Bird Greenfinch Carduelis chloris Bird Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Bird Siskin Carduelis spinus Bird Rare Scarce Linnet Carduelis cannabina Bird Red status (RSPB) Common resident Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula Bird Y Amber status (RSPB) Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella Bird Y Red status (RSPB) Common declining Fairly common Reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus Bird Y Amber status (RSPB) Common declining Scarce Curlew Numenius arquata Bird Y Amber status (RSPB) Lesser redpoll Carduelis cabaret Bird Y Red status (RSPB) Fieldfare Turdus pilaris Bird Red status (RSPB) Redwing Turdus iliacus Bird Red status (RSPB) Ring ouzel Turdus torquatus Bird Y Red status (RSPB) Barbastelle bat Barbastella barbastellus Mammal Y Near threatened WorcsBAP,
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