Tijdschrift 265 Feestrede G

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Tijdschrift 265 Feestrede G 14 december 1974 jaargang 40 nederlands Inhoud II Mededelingen Agenda Binnenland Buitenlandse congressen Correspondentie tijdschrift 265 Feestrede G. Klein 267 Greek observational astronomy before Ptolemaios by Frans Bruin voor 271 Astronomical observations and instruments of Islam, idem 276 Boekbesprekingen Personalia hart index '73 natuurkunde 19 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 I-1- - - -- - · fl- -I- Q« « 14 ra nonZA 4 «0 « 1 m O O e Redactie: / rt . ir Hoofdredacteur: Dr. ir. H. van Krugten, ad interim BP n Redacteuren b. 1. ' Dr. H. J. A. Bluyssen (instrumentatie), C drs. J. G. Bonenkamp (onderwijs), dr. H. G. M. Heideman (boekrecencies). Phy- (f#A sisch laboratorium, Sorbonnelaan 4 St»li. t 1- Utrecht, dr. J. Polman (algemeen), prof. ,/%7 dr. Ph. B. Smith. Redactieraad: -\ ,/.- Prof. Dr. L. J. F. Broer, Prof. Dr. A Dynamus, Dr. J. Fahrenfort, Dr. Ir. H. M. 1 A. Ferdinande, Prof. Dr. L. van Gerven d»53» Dr, P. W. M. Glaudemans, Prof. Dr. S. R. t-tolot: 12&5'- :itastteoloe ro H. F. Vrehen, Prof. Dr. H. de Waard, Prof. Dr. R. van Wageningen, Prof. Dr. A. H. Wapstra, Prof. Dr. Ir. W. J. Witteman. Redactiesecretariaat: Drs. R. E. Kisman, Stichting Uitgeverij Sigma Chemie, Post- bus 1767, Den Haag, Telefoon 646915*. Artikelen, korte mededelingen, actualitei- _ -,t -1 ten op fysisch gebied en varia kunnen - f worden gezonden aan de redactiesecreta- ris. -==» Aankondigingen van lezingen, vergaderin- gen, congressen e.d. uitsluitend bestemd Voor het Iange kerstreces: twee artikelen van Frans Bruin over astronomie, toepasselijker voor 'Agenda binnenland', zende men aan kan het niet. Het eerste gaat over de resultaten die de oude Grieken behaalden op dit de Stichting Uitgeverij Sigma Chemie, gebied, waarbij zowel de Ioniirs als de Alexandriijrs aan de orde komen. Het tweede postbus 1767, Den Haagt.a.v. mej. Ir. Ch. handelt over het werk van de astronomen uit Voor-Indii en de Islamitische astronomen. M. van Dijk. Telefoon (070) 469406* Tien pagina's astronomie (267-276) en nog weI in het Engels: een stuk nascholing. Administratie: De Nederiandse Natuurkundige Vereni- ' - - -- - ging, Van der Waals-laboratorium, Vale- kenierstraat 67, Amsterdam (C), telefoon G. Klein index '73 020-226237, postgiro 263079. De admini- staatssecretaris van O&W opende deze Bijna waren we het vergeten. maar dank- stratie behandelt alle zaken betreffende zomer twee gebouwen van het universi- zij Geert van Heusden is het nog gelukt de het lidmaatschap van de N.N.V., abonne- teitscentrum De Uithof: het Transitorium index '73 in 1974 te publiceren. Op de menten op het N.T.v.N., evenals alle III en het gebouw voor experimentele hartpagina's van dit nummer staat het betalingen. Voor inlichtingen betreffende fysica. In de rede die hij bij die gelegen- afgedrukt, dus makkelijk uitneembaar. advertentietarieven en opdrachten tot het heid afstak benadrukte hij de noodzaak Aan het register '74 wordt al gewerkt, dit plaatsen van advertenties in het N.T.v. N. tot het gezamenlijk benutten van appara- ter geruststelling. wende men zich tot de stichting Uitgeverij ten en gebouwen. Daardoor komt men tot Sigma Chemie, postbus 1767, Den Haag een meer doelmatige besteding van over- t.a.v. de heer A. W. L. op der Heijde, heidsgelden. Gezien de beperkter wor- telefoon 070-646915*. dende middelen geen overbodige zaak. .' : - --- - - - - r 1 astronomie de of stars. In order to obtain latitude as indirect way, usually with the moon as an declinations, but not always the corres- well as longitude or, more precisely, intermediate step. The solar position is ponding right ascensions, as one would do equatorial declination and either right found in sunlight by turning the relevant today. Instead, like Kallippos, he read the ascension or mediation, it is necessary to ecliptic degree towards the sun, until the mediation, i.e. the ecliptic longitude of the 1 mount two rings instead of one on an ecliptic ring shadows its lower half. Next ecliptic point that culminates with the equatorial axis. By aligning each ring to a the pair of inner astrolabe rings are turned star. Later (140 AD) Ptolemaios built a star, one can measure the declination of together into their shadow, whereafter the different armillary astrolabe (Fig. 5), each as well as their difference in right exact position can be read. The position of without a fixed ecliptic ring, but in which ascension. Thus a startable can be set up the moon can now be ascertained by the astrolabe rings revolved around the and used to construct a celestial sphere. In means of the outer astrolabe ring, which is axis of the ecliptic instead of around the Alexandria, Hipparchos seems to have then fixed to the spindle with a wooden equator, and by which ecliptic longitude been the first to construct an instrument peg. After sunset, the inner astrolabe and latitude could be measured directly. of this kind for this specific purpose. He rings with the sights are free to sight a star. This was done in order to account for the called it 'Astrolabon Organon' but, in Subsequent stars can then be measured progression of the tropical points, a phe- accordance with the later custom, we will with respect to the first one without nomenon discovered by Hipparchos, and name it equatorial armillary astrolabe. further use of the moon. nowadays described as precession of the The instrument looks like PIaton's spind- Of this first complex scientific instrument equinoxes. The latter found that since the le, without the terrestrial globe in the the original description is lost. Yet it is time of Timocharis the star Spica had center, mounted on an equatorial axis and quite certain that such an instrument was moved two degrees in ecliptic longitude held within one fixed prime meridian ring, used. From the numerical data it can be away from the autumnal equinox, while it or perhaps within a pair of rings, like those concluded, as was done for Kallippos, had retained its ecliptic latitude. This of Kallippos. The 'spindle' consists of a that the rings of Hipparchos's celestial indicated a slow rotation around the eclip- pair of perpendicular colure rings, inter- globe and armillary astrolabe had divisi- tic pole, which seemed to make ecliptic secting at the axis around which they can ons for degrees and half degrees, so that coordinates more practical for future use. rotate, and of an equator ring of the same he could read or estimate to 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, This most important discovery in ancient diameter, but perpendicular to the axis 2/3 and 3/4 of a degree. To permit this, the astronomy shows the complete confiden- (Fig. 4). To this rigid structure is added an rings would have to be about one cubit in ce of an observer as critical as Hipparchos inclined ring representing the ecliptic. diameter. in measurements to within a fraction of a This ring is useful for measurements on Hipparchos used his equatorial armillary degree at a time as early as Timocharis. the sun, or with respect to the sun, astrolabe mainly for compiling a better whereas it also allows the measurement of and larger star catalogue. '- He tabulated 1. Bruin. F.. The Earliest Astronomical Observations. Ned. ecliptic longitude and mediation. the coordinates of some 800 stars with Tijdschr Natuurk 39 (1973) 315-319 During 2. Dreyer. J. L. E., A History of Astronomy from Thales to measurements, the spindle is kept in a such precision that no substantial impro- Kepler (1905) Dover Publ. Inc., New York 1953 position corresponding to the sky over- vement was achieved until Brahe. 3. Grant, M.. The Myths of Hyginos. Poetica Astronomica, Tycho Book II, Univ. of Kansas Publ.. Humanistic Studies No. 34, head. Between the spindle and the fixed (Measurements on a number of funda- Lawrence 1960 meridian rings, which carry everything, a mental stars with the equatorial astrolabe 44. Manitius, K. Hipparchi in Arati et Eudoxi Phaenomena. Commentariorum, Teubner, Leipzig 1894. fits which can rotate a ring freely around show errors of the order of only 1 /10th of a 5 Dicks, D R., Early Greek Astronomy to Aristotle, also: diameter as celestial axis, and which degree, which is about the limit of the Solstices. Equinoxes. and the Presocratics. J. Hellenic Studies serves to sight a star 86 (1966) 26·40. and measure its ancient armillary instruments in general. 6 Vitruvius. Book nine of The Ten Books on Architecture, coordinates on the spindle. In addition The majority of stars show mean devia- Translated by M. H. Morgan, Dover Pubi. Inc., New York there is a double ring sights 1960. with mounted tions of roughly 1/4 degree in mediation 7 Waerden. B L van der, Die Astronomie der Pythagoreer, similarly inside the spindle. These rings, and 1 /2 degree in ecliptic longitude. The Royal Netherl. Acad Sciences. Section Physics, First Series, the pair Volume 20 (1961) No. 1, pp. 6-80. Also: Basic Ideas and inside and the one outside the latter error is partly due to the use of the Methods of Babylonian and Greek Astronomy, Symp. on spindle, are called astrolabe rings, becau- moon as intermediate and errors in the Scientific Change, Univ. of Oxford, July 1961. se they are used to 'take 8. Manitius, K.. Handbuch der Astronomie des Klaudios the stars'. The calculation for the correction of the paral- Ptolemaios, Two volumes. Teubner, Leipzig (1911) 1963. ecliptic ring and one of the inner astrolabe lax. 9. Bruin. F. Vondjidis, A.. The Books of Autolykos. Amen can University of Beirut, Beirut. 1971. rings are divided into 720 parts. Theoretical historians and astronomers 10 Heath, T L. Aristarchos of Samos. Clarendon Press, Using the two astrolabe rings simultane- alike, having no direct personal experien- Tford 1913 Also: Greek Astronomy.
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