Early Alfonsine Astronomy in Paris: the Tables Ofjohn Vimond (1320)

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Early Alfonsine Astronomy in Paris: the Tables Ofjohn Vimond (1320) Early Alfonsine Astronomy in Paris: The Tables ofJohn Vimond (1320) José Chabás and Bemard R.. Goldstein lt has beco clear for many years lhat medieval European astronomy in Latin \Vas heavily dependent 00 sources from the Iberian península, primarily in Arable, bUI also in Hebrew, Castilian, and Catalan. The Castilian Alfonsine Tables, compiled by Judah ben Moses ha.cohen and Isaac ben Sid under the patronage of Alfonso X (d. 1284), weTe ao importanl vehicle for the transmission of this body of knowledge lO astronomers north of the Pyrenees, bUI the delails of Ihis transmission remain elusive, in part because only the canaos lO these tables survive (sec Chabás and Goldstein 2003a). In Ihis paper we build 00 OUT preliminary studies of a figure who previously had barely beco mentioned in the receot literature 00 medieval astronorny (Chabás and Goldstein 2oo3a, pp. 267­ 277, and 2003b). John Virnond was active in Paris ca. 1320 and, as we shall see, his tables have much in common with Ihe Parisian Alfonsine Tables (produced by a group in Paris, notably John of Murs and 10hn of Ligneres), bu! differ from them in many significant ways. As far as we can tell, there is no evidence for any interaction between Vimond and his better known Parisian contemporaries and in our view the best hypothesis is that they al1 depended on Castilian sources. As a result of our analysis, we are persuaded that Vimond's tables are an intelligent reworking of previous astronomical material in the Iberian peninsula to a greater extent than is the case for the Toledan Tables (compiled in Toledo about 2 centuries before the Castilian Alfonsine Tables). It is most likely that Vimond's principal source was the Castilian version of the Alfonsine Tables. Paris, Bibliotheque nationale de France, MS lal. 7286C is a 14th· century manuscript containing an unusual sel of tables (ff. Ir-8v) as well Suhayl4 (2004) 208 J, Chabás and B. R. Goldstein as the canaos and tables of 1322 by John of Ligneres (ff. 9r~58r). In a brief text al the end of the first sel of tables they are attributed lo John Vimond (Iohannes Vimundus), an astronomcr who compiled them "for the use ofstudents at the University of París" (f. Bv): El ill hoc termillalur opus /ohannis Vimundi baiocellsis dyocesis de disposicionibus plalletarum el ste//arum fixarum; el cum istis sequitur de hiis que per ipsum ordinantur ad cOllversionem temporum verorum el equalium sociatorum, el de disposicionibus eclipsalibus solis el lime sibi pertil1entibus, el de aliis disposiciollibus ipsorum el aliorum corporum celestium, ad u/nitatem seolarium universitatis parisiensis el offlnium a/ionllll. Here ends the \Vork by John Vimond of the diocese of Bayeux on the dispositions of the planets and Ihe fixed stars; (... ) and on the dispositions of solar and lunar eclipses and [other syzygies] corresponding to them, and on the orher dispositions ofthese and other celestial bodies, for the use of students at rhe University of Paris and a11 others. The complete set of Vimond's lables are uniquely extant in this manuscript, and no canons for them have been identified. They are a coherent set of tables with a11 the elements needed to compute the positions of the celestial bodies, much in the tradition of the Arabic zijes and their derivatives. The exact date of composition of Vimond's tables is not given in the text, but they were probably produced shortly before 1320. In the paragraph preceding his tables, Vimond tells us that they were compiled for Paris with 1320 as epoch (f. Ir: see below) and this date is confinned by recomputation. These tables also include a calendar with the dates ofsyzygies: this strongly suggests that they were constructed prior to the year of the calendar because lhe astronomical information would no longer be of any use after the year had passed. However, the calendar poses special problems which will be discussed below. Vimond's only other known work is a short treatise on the constrUClion of an aSITonomical instrument, extant in Erfurt, MS CA 2° 377 (fr. 21r-22r), beginning Planicelium vero componitur ex eis que su"t diversorum operum.", and ending Explicit tractaius johannis vimundi... in a manuscript containing vatious works by other Parisian astronomers Early Alfonsine ASlrollolllY in Paris: The Tables o[Johll VimOlld (J 320) 209 such as Joho of Murs aod Joho of Ligneres (Thorndike and Kibre 1963, coL 1050; Saby 1987, pp. 471, 474). John Vimood aod his works were seldom meotiooed by his cootemporaries. However, io Vaticao, Biblioteca Apostolica, MS OUob. lat. 1826, we are told that Joho of Spira (14th ceotury), the author of a cornmentary on Joho of Ligoeres caoons (Thorndike aod Kibre 1963, col. 204), composed his own caooos to several oC Vimood's tables (for a descriptioo ofthis maouscripl, especial1y fe. 148-153, see F. S. Pederseo 2002, p. 177). This manuscript ineludes a text that begios on e. 148ra ascribed lo a certain M. J. c., Canon tabulae sequentis quae inlilulatur tabula lIIotus diversi solis et lunae in una hora el semidiametrorum secllllllum labulas Alfonsi, at the eod ofwhich Joho Vimood is mentioned. 00 the other hand, Vimond is nol menlioned in Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, MS 4238, a manuscript containing a few tables that can be altribuled to him, as well as a copy of Ihe Parisian Alfonsine Tables compuled for Morella (io the provioee of Valencia) for the years 1396 and 1400 (Chabás 2000). As far as we can tell, Joho of Murs aod Joho of Ligneres do not refer to Vimond at a11 in any of their numerous works, but it seems implausible that they did not know him or his work which was addressed to !he sludents at the University oC Pans. Indeed, there were not so many competent astronomers working in Paris around 1320 aod both Vimood and Murs carne from the same regian, Nannaody, from places about 70 km apart, Bayeux and Lisieux, respectively. We wauld expeet Vimond to be wen known aod frequeot1y cited by practitiooers of astraoomy, for he is oamed as one of the outstanding astronomcrs of his time by Simon de Phares in his Recueil des plus celebres aSlrologues (1494--1498), a chrooologically ordered list with comments, edited by Boudet (1997-1999, 1:467). In faet, Vimond is mentioned before John oC Ligneres, John of Saxony, Joho of Janua, aod Joho ofMurs: Maistre Jehan Vymond fut a Paris, }¡omme moult singulier el granl aSlrologien, lequel eut en ce temps grant cours pour la sciellce des estoilles. Entre ses euvres, jist ulle verifficacioll de la conjU1/Clion des lu[mi]naires, al/ssi des eclipses el eSlOil!es fixes pour plusieurs ans. Ceslui predist les grans vellS qui Juren! en son lemps el jiSI plusiellrs beaulx jugemens, donl il acquist gran/ loz el renommee en Frallce el fw moltlt devos! en Noslre Seiglleur. 210 1. Chabás and B. R. Goldstein Master John Vimond ¡ived in Patis, a most singular man and a great astrologer, who had at that time much prestige because oC (his knowledge oi) the science of the stars. Among his work:s is a verification afthe conjunction ofthc iuminaries, as we1] as eclipses and the fixcd stars, for many years. He predicted the great winds which took place in his time and marle many fine judgments for which he acquired great praise and renown in France and he was most devoted to our Lord. The "verifficacion de la conjunction des lu[mi]naires" refers to Vimond's tables. These tables are arranged very differently from those of his Parisian contemporaries and are based, in part, on parameters 1hat probably. carne [rom the Castilian Alfonsine Tables or a tradition c10sely associated with them. Of special interest is the proper molion of the solar and planetary apogees, a feature previously unknown in medieval tables produced outside Spain and North Africa. We are convinced that Vimond's tables provide an indication of the arrival in Paris of new astronomical material coming from Castile, in the sense that they propose new approaches to replace those based on the Toledan Tables and developed al the end of the 13th century by astronomcrs working in Paris such as Peter Nightingale, Geoffreoy ofMeaux, and WiIliam ofSt.-Cloud. Furiher, we believe that Vimond's tables are prior to, and independent of, the tabular work developed in the early 14th century, which we call the Parisian Alfonsine Tables, by the group of Parisian astronomers that included John of Murs and John of Ligneres, which were also based on Castilian sources. Vimond's tables and the Parisian Alfonsine Tables have many parameters in conunon both for mean motions and equations. In principie, it is possible that one set oftables depended on the other, but the differences between them suggest to us that it is far more likely that they depended on a cornmon source. Moreover, ifVimond composed his tables prior to 1320, he did so before any datable text of the Parisian Alfonsine Tables. A description and analysis of Vimond's tables follow. f. Ir The first numerical infonnation given in this set of tables is the "radix for mean conjunctions of the Sun and the Moon": 13;54,54d. In modem tenninology, the initial time for a set oftables is called its "epoch" whereas its "radices" are the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, etc., at Ear/y A1foflSi,.~ Astronomy in Pori$: T1r~ Tobles o[Joh,. Yimond (JJ20) 211 that time. The medieval convention, however, is to use "radix" for both the time and the position. \Ve are convinced that the author refers to the time, in Pans, orthe mean conjunction on March lO, 1320.
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