Volume 5 Summer 2013 Academic Partners Cover image M.C. Escher, Dewdrop (1948). Mezzotint Editors Ulisses Barres de Almeida Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas
[email protected] Juan Rojo TH Unit, PH Division, CERN
[email protected] [email protected] Academic Partners Fondazione CEUR Consortium Nova Universitas Copyright © 2013 by Associazione EURESIS The user may not modify, copy, reproduce, retransmit or otherwise distribute this publication and its contents (whether text, graphics or original research content), without express permission in writing from the Editors. Where the above con- tent is directly or indirectly repro- duced in an academic context, this must be acknowledge with the ap- propriate bibliographical citation. The opinions stated in the papers of the Euresis Journal are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editors or the members of the Euresis Association or its sponsors. Euresis Journal (ISSN 2239-2742), a publication of Associazione Eu- resis, an Association for the Pro- motion of Scientific Endevour, Via Caduti di Marcinelle 2, 20134 Mi- lano, Italia. www.euresisjournal.org Contact information: Email.
[email protected] Tel.+39-022-1085-2225 Fax. +39-022-1085-2222 Graphic design and layout Lorenzo Morabito Technical Editor Davide PJ Caironi This document was created us- ing LATEX 2" and X LE ATEX 2 Letter from the Editors Dear reader, As with our previous four issues, we are glad to present the proceedings of yet another San Marino Symposium, which took place in 2007, on the theme of "Science, Reason and Truth". These proceedings were originally meant to be published elsewhere, but due to reasons external to Euresis, the process was greatly delayed and we finally publish this volume within our Journal.