International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, November 2019 “Perception of Employees on Organizational Culture of Singareni Collieries Company Limited (With Special Reference to Kothagudem Mines, , State)”

E. Venu Madhavi, M.Srinivasa Sesha Sai

ABSTRACT: Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) To overcome these challenges, SCCL has to make changes is the second largest coal mining company in after Coal not only in the contextual factors such as structure, India Limited (CIL) with a total man power of 56,282 during processes, strategies or technologies but also in the job, 2016-17. It is a public sector coal mining company jointly owned environmental, behavioral and in particular cultural factors by Telangana State Government (51 Percent share capital) and such as values, beliefs, practices etc. This is because, the Government of India (49 percent share capital). The company’s accredited function is to explore and exploit coal culture provides the energy needed to function well by deposits in the Godavari Valley coal field area covering the four ensuring as it were a proper circulation of blood through all districts of Telangana State namely Adilabad, Karimnagar, the organs. Further, when values and beliefs become Khammam and Warangal. The company markets its coal to embodied in work, they can intensify employee‟s diverse industries such as thermal power plants, cement, steel, commitment, enthusiasm and drive making the organization paper, textiles, tobacco, ceramics, pharmaceuticals, distilleries a much stronger one. It is a fact that shared values can give etc. With spurt in industrial growth and the resultant increase in employees an incentive to work longer hours and do harder, demand for electricity, the company has been playing a key role more careful work, leading to increased production and in the growth and development of the nation. Further, the new productivity. Thus, it is rational and logical to conclude that Electricity Act providing opportunities for independent power production and distribution, the demand for coal has increased culture with its different dimensions has a significant phenomenally. In short, the demand for its coal is more than influence on organizational performance. Further, the what it can supply to the market. Hence the company has to take assessment of culture helps the management to know the measures to increase its coal production and productivity, which type of culture (Strong culture or weak culture) that prevails in turn to a large extent depends upon positive organizational in the company. It is a fact that companies with strong culture. In a dynamic and changing environment, culture’s cultures have competitive advantage over their rivals and flexibility, adaptiveness and responsiveness create organizational vice-versa. Further, strong culture is associated with capabilities. Organizational culture plays a vital role in the organizational effectiveness. In view of this, a study has survival and success of organizations. Hence, the present article been undertaken on the topic- “Perception Of Employees focuses on the perception of employees of SCCL on the Organizational Culture that is prevailing and whether the On Organizational Culture Of Singareni Collieries present Organizational culture is conducive to the productive company limited (with special reference to Kothagudem performance or not. Certain Statistical tools like Chi-Square test, Mines, Khammam District, Telangana state)” ANOVA and T-test have been applied to validate the perception of employees. II. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: The present study is conducted primarily to understand I. INTRODUCTION the culture that exists in Singareni Collieries Company 1. NEEDAND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Limited, Kothagudem Mines. The specific objectives of the Public sector undertakings play a significant role in the all- study are stated as under: round development of the country. They need to operate at  To study the organizational framework and operational the maximum level of efficiency to improve their policies of SCCL, Kothagudem Mines, Khammam performance. Performance improvement in their working District, Telangana State. gives a fillip to national economy and prosperity for the  To assess the organizational culture in terms of values, entire nation. Hence, public sector undertakings and in beliefs and practices that exists in the selected company. particular Singareni Collieries Company Limited has to  To ascertain the dimensions of organizational culture and improve its performance. But, the company has been facing leadership that prevail in the company in terms of various challenges such as slow growth of production and autonomy, position structure, reward orientation, career productivity, increased wage burden due to the growth etc. implementation of pay commission recommendations,  To find out the various measures undertaken by the increased cost of production in underground mines, non- company to create a good organizational culture, and also availability of land for open cast mines, and high to know how far these measures are successful. absenteeism.  To know the effectiveness of culture on the performance

of the company and also to make appropriate suggestions

Revised Manuscript Received on November 05, 2019. to the authorities of the company under study. Dr. E. Venu Madhavi, Associate Professor & HOD, Dept. of Management Studies, Vignan‟s Nirula, Guntur, A.P. Dr. M.Srinivasa Sesha Sai, Professor, Department of CSE, KKR & KSR Institute of Technology and Sciences, Guntur, A.P.

Retrieval Number: L36031081219/2019©BEIESP Published By: DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3603.119119 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering 1772 & Sciences Publication

“Perception of Employees on Organizational Culture of Singareni Collieries Company Limited (With Special Reference to Kothagudem Mines, Khammam District, Telangana State)” III. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY lunch breaks and at times in the houses / quarters of Application of appropriate methods and adoption of respondents. Extensive personnel interviews were scientific techniques is a sine-qua-none of systematic conducted with all the respondents. The interviews were enquiry. This has an important bearing on the collection of often prolonged and spread-over multiple sessions. Since reliable and accurate information as well as on the outcome the interviewer personally visited the company, the of the study. The present study is a combination of technique of non-participant observation was also used, historical and survey methods. The historical method is which enabled the researcher to get better perception and used in tracing the genesis of the policies and practices more insight into the phenomena. relating to management of SCCL. Opinion survey of the C) STATISTICAL TOOLS USED employees constituted the survey method in the study. In The data are analyzed with the help of statistical the present enquiry, SCCL, a public sector coal mining tools and techniques like percentages, weighted averages. company is taken up for study and almost all the facets of Further, Chi-square test, ANOVA test and T-test have been organizational culture have been studied in depth. conducted to interpret the data. A) SELECTION OF SAMPLE ORGANIZATION AND RESPONDENTS IV. SCOPE OF THE STUDY The present study is an attempt to make an enquiry into the As it was felt to take up a study on Organizational Culture various facets of organizational culture that prevails in in SCCL, the investigator wrote to the Chief G.M (HRD) of SCCL, Kothagudem Mines, Khammam district, Telangana Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Kothagudem, state. The scope of the present study is both wide and khammam District. With lot of efforts, the researcher could narrow. It is wide because it covers the history, growth and get permission from the Chief GM (HRD) of Singareni development of SCCL over a long period of time. The Collieries Company Limited, Kothagudem to collect the scope of the study could also be viewed as narrow for it necessary data. The management also permitted the covers only one mining area of the total 11 mining areas. researcher to elicit the views of employees on This need not be a limitation of the study as an in-depth organizational culture in the company. Hence, the study is enquiry lends itself to incisive analysis and comprehensive confined finally to SCCL, kothagudem Mines, Khammam coverage to get better insight into the issues relating culture. District, Telangana state. The sample size for the present Thus the scope of the present study is confined to studying study is 10 percent of the total manpower in Kothagudem the various organizational cultural related factors, like Mines. The details of the sample size have been presented vision and mission related values, style related values, in table-1.1. It is to be noted that stratified random sampling beliefs and organizational practices and several other technique has been employed in the present study. dimensions emanating the organizational culture of SCCL. Table-1 Total manpower particulars of Kothagudem Mines and Sample size V. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Manpower-Cadre Sample S.No. Total manpower The study has the following limitations. The researcher has wise size to make indefatigable efforts to collect relevant information 1 Executives 622 62 by running from “pillar to post”. Employees were hard pressed for time in view of the job demands, and rigorous 2 Non-executives 5,819 582 work schedules. The researcher has to persuade them for sparing time for responding to the questionnaires and Total 6,441 644 interviews. When he found that the respondents were not in B) SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTION a position to spend adequate time for the purpose, he had to Data were collected both from primary and request them to allot time at a later date. Establishing secondary sources. The researcher personally visited the rapport with the respondents posed a problem initially. To Kothagudem Mines between July and December 2017 and overcome the suspicion of the sample respondents, the collected the first hand information through personal researcher took the help of few senior employees‟ in the contacts, and extensive interviews. Data collection is a company in establishing identity, and explaining the nature pains-taking effort and hence all endeavors were made to and purpose of study. The generalizations of the study collect the relevant information with missionary zeal. cannot be expected to have universal application. Even Secondary sources of data were also collected, which when one tries to apply to the organizations of similar include annual reports& accounts, and un-published nature, these must be applied with caution and care. Further material of the organization as well as books, and relevant the study is confined to only SCCL, Kothagudem. All the Government publications. Data were collected through the same, the opinions of sample respondents may change over principal tools of questionnaires, interviews and a period of time. In addition to the above, the sample observation. It is to be noted that a questionnaire has been respondents are selected only from among employees designed and developed after referring various standard text working at Kothagudem mines. Hence, their opinions may books and referred magazines, and journals. The sample is not fully represent the opinions of other employees working found suitable to serve the purpose of the present enquiry. in the company. Above all, the primary data are based on The questionnaire was administered to all the sample the opinions of the employees. Any deficiency in their respondents. Interview technique too was used to opinions may partially affect the results of analysis and supplement the data obtained through questionnaires. An interpretation. interview is sure to be qualitatively better than any other tool. Convenient timing for the interviews has been fixed in advance mostly during the early office hours or during the

Retrieval Number: L36031081219/2019©BEIESP Published By: DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3603.119119 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering 1773 & Sciences Publication International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, November 2019

FINDINGS:  Among the statutory welfare facilities, conservancy and  The organizational culture and in particular the mission rest shelter facilities are absent in underground mines and and goal related values of SCCL is characterized by the same are inadequate in opencast mines. Hence, the honesty and fairness, growth and profit orientation, management has to address these two problems at the employee welfare, payment of bonus and community earliest possible time welfare.  Among the non-statutory welfare facilities, the company  The work related values of SCCL are characterized by did not provide either a Degree college or a junior college promptitude, work orientation, safety and adherence to for the male children of employees. While the consumer rules and regulations but not creativity and innovation. cooperative stores do not grant loans to executives.  The style related values are characterized by job security Hence, the management has to address these problems by and long term service of employees. Surprisingly, providing adequate conservancy and rest shelter facilities initiation and participative decision making is absent. at least by providing adequate conservancy and rest  Regarding employees beliefs about the company, it is shelter facilities at least in open cast mines besides noticed that the company contributes in a fruitful way to establishing one degree college and one junior college society. All the same, its employees are efficient and exclusively for the male children of employees. work with cooperation and coordination. The negative  The company recovers performance linked bonus from beliefs of employees about the company reveal that it is executives when their pay is revised. In this regard, it is not a good place to work. All the same, the atmosphere suggested to the management to withdraw the practice of in the company is not warm, friendly and relaxed. In recovering performance linked bonus from executives. addition, employees are not ready to take risks.  The community welfare orientation of the company  The company follows good business practices as evident helped in providing employment to the unemployed from the fact that its strategies are supportive to the youth. All the same, some young people become organizational purpose. All the same, it exploits entrepreneurs. In addition to the above, the company opportunities. In addition, its practices are result oriented. needs to adopt a few backward villages which help in  The organizational dimensions such as positive structure, improving the quality of life of people of these villages. reward orientation, expression of opinions freely and  The data about accidents reveal that fatal accidents are frankly, promotional opportunities, control of employee more than doubled. Though serious accidents declined behavior reveal that good culture exists in the company. considerably, still these accidents are high. In view of Since autonomy is absent, it acts as a barrier to good this, it is suggested to the management to bring all these organizational culture. accidents to zero level by improving the existing safety  The company has taken several measures such as practices. celebration of special occasions, implementation of dress  Earlier, the company is known for its creativity and code and counseling employees. Those measures helped innovation. Of late, creativity and innovation is absent in in creating good culture in the company. But the company the company. In this regard, it is suggested to the does not consider whether the new incumbents fit into the management to create R & D department. It is also existing culture or not during the interview process, all suggested to the management to allocate more funds to the same, jargon or special code language did not develop the R & D department so as to develop inventions and among employees and hence these two factors act as innovations. barriers to good organizational culture.  The two important style related values employee initiative  The existing culture helped in improving the performance and participative decision making are absent in the of the company on all major parameters such as company. In this regard, it is suggested to the production, productivity, sales, profits, net worth and management to encourage initiative and participative earning per share with the exception of the year 2013-14. decision making for those two factors create a good But the cost of sales to sales is alarming at 94.66% in organizational culture. 2016-17. Further, the culture helped in achieving  The company is not a good place to work. All the same, industrial peace but failed to control absenteeism. To sum the atmosphere in the company is not warm, friendly and up, the culture of the company is good and hence the relaxed. These beliefs among employees can be attributed performance improved. to the nature of work and act as barriers to good organizational culture. Hence the company needs to SUGGESTIONS: change the negative beliefs of employees by stating how it  The financial benefits given to the dependents of ex- is committed to the safety and welfare of employees. employees are very low. Hence, it is suggested to the  Autonomy is absent in the company due to which management to double the quantum of lump sum payment employees do not have the discretion to change the from Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs or monthly monetary methods of work. All the same, they cannot take decisions compensation from Rs. 6000 to Rs. 12,000 since these on their own. In view of this, it is suggested to the measures will be a great financial relief to those who do management to entrust the required autonomy to not opt for dependent employment. employees.  The company has grown on all major parameters like  In SCCL, promotions are not timely as employees have to production, productivity, sales, net worth and earning per wait until vacancies arise in higher position leading to share. But the annual growth rate of these parameters employee dissatisfaction. In view of this, it is suggested to neither increased steadily nor declined steadily. In view of the management to promote this, the management has to ensure steady growth with the employees by designation help of strategic management measures. to a higher grade subject to

Retrieval Number: L36031081219/2019©BEIESP Published By: DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3603.119119 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering 1774 & Sciences Publication

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Hence, it is suggested to the management of SCCL Acharya Nagarjuna University, India in 2000, Master of Philosophy in Management from Madurai Kamraj University, India in 2004, and Ph.D. in to continue and uphold the same Organizational Culture at Commerce and Business Administration from Acharya Nagarjuna all its mining areas. University, India in 2019. She is currently working as Associate Professor in the Department of Management Studies in Vignan‟s Nirula Institute of VII. SCOPE FOR FURTHER RESEARCH: Science &Technology for Women, Guntur, India.

There is a lot of scope for further research in the company. Dr. M. Srinivasa Sesha Sai, received B.Sc. degree from Acharya Nagarjuna For instance, similar types of research studies can be taken up University, India in 1994, Master of Computer Applications from Acharya Nagarjuna University, India in 1997, Master of Philosophy in Computer in other coal mining companies and also in other large non- Science from Alagappa University, India in 2004, Master of Technology in coal mining companies. Further, a number of organizational Computer Science & Engineering from Dr. M.G.R. University, India in behavior related topics such as job contentment, employee 2007 and Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering from Acharya motivation, employee commitment, Quality of work life etc. Nagarjuna University, India in 2011. He is currently working as Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, in KKR & KSR can be undertaken by potential researchers. Institute of Technology & Sciences, Guntur, India. He is a DEL-EMC certified Data Associate in „R‟ Language. His area of interests are Data REFERENCES: Science, Data Analytics and Internet of Things & its applications.

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Retrieval Number: L36031081219/2019©BEIESP Published By: DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3603.119119 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering 1775 & Sciences Publication