Minutes of a Meeting of V,lhi.tfleld Parish Council held on 14 January, 1992, in the Fecneation Ground Pavllion al 7.30 p.m.

Present: Counci]1or W.R.Slmcock, Chairman. Councillors: R.Cox, J.Hammond, J.Johnston,M.Keyser, 0.Kj-nson, G.Morgan, M.Morgan, S.Rashid, N.Shand, G.Stevens. P.H.Cox, C1erk. 3 members of the public includlng PC Mike Cronin, Village Policeman. Apologies: CI1rs. P.Martin, J.Offord.

Minutes of the previous ordinary Meeti-ng. It was Proposed by C11r.M.Morgan and Seconded by Cllr.N.Shand that the Minutes were a true and accurate recond of the proceedlngs. Carried. Matters Arlsing. l.Applicatlon for Bye-Law bannlng dogs in recreaLion ground. As Minuted,l2/11/91, the,application las been withdrawn pending further discussron on the subject at the AnnuaI Parish Meeting. 2.Provisi,onof Bus Shelter-Hammonds porecourt. More OrFerral Adshel Ltd., have stated that due to the present economlc climate they are unable, at the present time, to consider supplying a bus sheLter on Hammonds Forecourt. Clerk to ask assistance of M/S Esso. 3.New Bo11er Flue-Pavil-ion. Confirmed that the ffue has now been fitted but some problem being experienced wilh down draught extinguishing pilot Iight. ClIr. Hammond to follow up. 4.Vi1lage Pharmacy. At present awalting the result of an appeal by the Local Medical OmIELe agafist the l(ent Family Health Services Authori.ties decision that Whitfield is only part rural. 5.Bequest to Whiffleld P.C. As previously Minuted the money, t2000, is to be spent on improving street lighting in the Village in Archers CourL Road-Mayfie1d Drive-footpath Napchester Road/ Whitfield CIub. The estimated cost is tl515. Two other lamps, awaiting estimates, are to be provlded on the Nursery Lane footpath leadlng to the guldes hut and 1n Napchester Road. Wootton with Denton P.C.-donatlon. Informed that this P.C.was not 1n a positlon to donate to their Tag/McLaren Action Group Campaign. Footpath Bewsbury Cross Lane/Trtang1e Stores. Mr.Watkins, proprieterof the Stores,has confirmed that he will repair the footpath as soon as the weather permits Provision of Pedestrian Barrier-Beauxfleld/Whitfield Club footpath. This has been erected. Pedestrlan Crosslng-A256 Sandwlch Road.K.C.C. state that the provision of the crossing is a strong contender for the 1992/93 prograrnme. Update to follow in due course. Proposed Walting Restrictions-Sandwich Road. K.C.C. state that if the proposed pedestrian crossing is provided the area causing concern because of parking will be cl-eared. |king-Cranlei-gh Drive. K.C.C. state that bad parking 1n the area is a natter for po11ce'to - uffidthereforeisunab1e,oassistusintheprob1em. S.Damaged Kerbstone outside 57 Sandwich Road. K.C.C. hope to repain this within the next 2 weeks. /.Footpath Napchester Rcad/Church Whitfield-potholed. K.C.C., Barbara Andrews, to study a recent survey of all footpaths in the area and advise us on any actlon !o be taken. 3.Lamp falling to Illumlnate-Cranleigh Drlve. The lamp,recently vandalised, has been re-wired and now awalting connection to main power supply. Village seats-maintenance. AlI seats in and around the ViIIage,9in total, have now been weather probfdd. Iron frameworks will be painted when weather permits. l. Turfing of section of Recreation Ground. M/S Marleybrooks informed that their estimate has been accepted and work wiII be completed by 17 January. l.Whitfield Primary School P.T.A.-donation for bulbs. P.T.A lnformed that this P.C. wiIllng to . No acknowLedgement to date. 1.The Archers P.H.-stale of disrepair. M/S Charringtons has been asked to make repairs to lhe become verY dilaPidated. Pavilion doors-extra security. AII door panels have been strengthened by inf111ing with od. Security light-entrance door to pavlIion. Lamp has now been replaced.

M\tl. Matters Arising contd... 2. 2.Letter to Supt. Police-lack of Police presence in the Village. Superlntendent Wharf has replied to our letter and states that PC Flike Cronin is now the Village Policeman followlng the retirement of PC John Brew. Clerk to reply explaining why we felt it necessary to forward copies of our l-etter to Supt.l,trharf, to David Shaw M.P. and the Chief Constabl-e. PC Cronin outlined to the Meeting his duties generally and said he saw no reason why the cooperation previously e,xperienced between ourselves and John Brew should not continue. 3.Beacon Europe-planting of trees. No progress report due to absence of Cllr.Martin. Annual Parish Meeting-choice of Speaker. It was agreed that we approach Mr.Denyer, Crabble MiI Trust, and request him to give a talk on the rRestoration of Crabble M1II!. It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting takes place on Wednesday 22 April, 1992, in the V111age Ha1I at 7.30 p.m. Financlal Statement. The Financial Statement, previously clrculated, was discussed and it was Proposed by ClIr. G.Morgan and Seconded by Cllr.M.Morgan that it be accepted. Carried. 4.Purchase of Hedgetrimmer. Affer discussing several makes of hedgetrimmers it was Proposed by Cllr.Stevens and Seconded by Cllr.Shand that we purchase a Golden Star double sided machine at a cost of 1229 from M/S PauI Tong [Power Products] of Sandwich. Carried. 5.Punchase of White Line Marker. It was Proposed by ClIr.Shand and Seconded by ClIr.Johnston that we purchase a Matchline System from M/S Maxwelf Hart at the cost of t330. Carrled. ut estimates were to hand and 1t was Propsed ,'ili:"Rogers & Barker be given the work aLa cost of t476.73. Carried. Correspondence. 7.A tetter fromMr.P.Boast,Chairman of lhe 6th Whitfield Cubs Scout Group, requesting use of the pavillon for two nights a week for Cub and Scout meetings, was discussed. It was Proposed by ClIr. Stevens and Seconded by Cllr.Shand that, as a temporary measure until the scouts obtain other accommodation, we agree to the request which will be reviewed monthly. Caried. Fees of t2 a meeting were agreed to cover costs of heating etc.. A tetter from Mr.Tolhutst, Beauxfield, protesting over the possible ban of dogs in the recreati-on ground,was read to the Meeting. Clerk reported he had previously replled to letter. S.Request from Clrcus Carousel, Clacton,Essex, for use of recreation ground for sma11 circus during either May, June or July, 1992. Council agreed to this request on sight of the Public Liability Insurance Certificate, that the Circus state they possess. A fee of fl5 a night for ihe use of the ground was agneed to. Carried. ?.Letter from Mr.Williams, Archers Court Road, stating that he is taking action over excesslve nolse levels eminating from hls neighbouns property which he thinks is being used asa business. Cl-erk to fol-Iow up with Director of P1annlng, D.D.C. Itter from Mr.Redfern, Newlands, who has written to D.D.C. in respect of rubbish, mainly Esco plastic bags, on the verges of the A2 Whitfield to Guston roundabout. Clerk conf irms that this litter has now been cleared by the D.D.C. Contractors-quotes of t428.50 and t93.09 for gang mowing lhe recreation ground and verge cutting Sandwich Road respectfully. It was Proposed by CIlr.Johnston and Seconded by Cllr.Kinson that these quotes be accepted. Carried .'--. O. I-etter from Mrs.Marsh, Whitfield Mother & Toddler Group, requestlng financial help to -1s91q-!-.' ' towards the cost of new toys etc.. Although the group is non profit maklng it was thought that a donation could set a precedence for tike requestsin the future. It was suggesled, and agree the group could be afforded a loan of f50 repayable by the end of the year. GameTime-p1ay schemes brochures K.C.C.-A256 Improvement Whitfield to . D.D.C.-Dover and Western Parlshes Local P1an. K.A.P.C.-Plannlng Information Day'l1th March 1992, booking form. D.D.C. Ptanning & Technical Services-Tree Preservation Order No8, 1981' Land at V,trhitfield. Maxwell Hart-technlcal price guide for sports K.C.C.-North Downs Way Management P1an. K.R.C.C.-Village Halls Conference 1992, 21st Christmas Card-Dover District Contractors. P.C.-update on the propos K.C.C.-Loca] Government Beview brochure. K. C. C.-Kent Communique Magazine. A.C.R.E.-rura1 vlewpoint December 1991. D.D.C.-Street Sweeping and Cleani-ng of Public .)

Correspondence contd. . . .

Waymarker-Dover and Thanet Rights of Way Society Newsletter December 1 99'l . K.C.C.-Elements, environment newspaper of K.C.C. 1..Kent Association of the Bllnd-Vlsion 2OO0 Appeal.. K.R.C.C.-Oast to Coast Journal Winter 1991 - do - Various papers relating to Village Ventures-Local Charity etc.. NatWest Bank-charges for customers booklet. A.W.Gore & Co.-transfer of Justices' Licence in respect of the Royal Oak P.H. Commercial Transport Services-advertising material. C.P.R.E.-Council for the Protection of Rural journal. K.A.P.C.-Parish News, November and December 1991 Post Office Countens Ltd.-notice of closure of Whitfield PO. K.C.C.-RaiLink update October 1991 Mid-Kent College of Hlgher Education-advertisement of courses for C1erks and Councill-ors. K.C.C.-In Touch Posters. D.D.C.-Parish Council Electlons 2 Flay 1991. Relurning Officers Expenses. C.P.R.E.-Countryslde Campaigner Autumn 1991 . Home Office-Clv11 Protection Booklet. K.A.P.C.-Minutes of Meeting 19th September'1991 and Agenda for 16th January 1992 Whitfield HaIl-Balance Sheet and Accounts 31st August 1991- D.D.C.-Nationa1 Non-Domestic Rate Bill 1991/92 in respect of pavil-ion. Whitfield Village HalI Management Committee-increase of rent for Parlsh Offi-ce of 5%. D.D.C.-Mlnutes of Meeting with Representati-ves of Town & Parlsh Councils held 28th Nov. 1991 fe Tidy Britain Group-Litter Matters South Eastern Regional Newsletter Winter 1991/92. E0.C.-BaIance on Parochial Councll Account at 31 March 1990. K.C.C.-Waten fon the Future in Kent, Development P1ans, leaflet. PubIic Participation. 2.Mr.Fisher, of Beauxfield,reported that a street lamp outside of his property is st1II failing to illumlnate following three requests to D.D.C. to attend to.Clerl< to foll-ow up,once agaln. Reports from Committees. Planning Eight planning apptications returned to D.D.C.-no objections from this Committee. Three previous applications granted fulI planning approval by D.D.C. Roads & Footpaths No report. Hecreation The Chairman said that CIlr.Cox was the acting Chairman of this Commlttee until Cllr.Cave resumed attendances at the Meetlngs. Committee to meet 4th February in order to discuss hiring fees for recreatlonal facilities. Report from Representatives K. A. P. C. No report @.C11r.CoxreportedthattheA.G.M.waspoor1yattended.TheHa11isfinancia11y sound. Decorating of the interlor is going ahead. A.0. B. l.31lr.Keyser reported that St.Peters Churchyard was to close but no official notlfication of this has yet been published. CtIr.G.Morgan, a Parochial Church Councillorrsaid a Ietter would be in the possession of this Councll within a few days conflrming notice of this closure. 1. Village Sign, A256, i-n need of attentj-on. Clerk to contact the makers. It was suggested, and agreed, that we print in the Whitfield News the cost of vandallsm in the Village especially that incurred in the recreatlon ground. There beirgno further business to discuss the Meeting closed aL 9.48 p.m. Financial Statement January 1 9!2

Expendi-ture f.p C.Beaumont, groundsman, wages 301 .25. Southern Fire Protection 47 .54 D.D.C.-Pavilion rates 501.80 Relmburse Clerk-J.Johnston supply & fix security lamp-pavilion 20.00 Power Products-hedge trimmer 235.00 Audit Commisslon 232.07 MaxweII Hart-white liner 388. 33 Society of Local Council C1erks-annual subs. 34.00 Marleybrook Landscapes-turfing recreation ground 1 434 .10 Brltlsh Gas-pavilion account 59.69 F, O. Water - rr tr 12.18 E. Wj-lIson-Vi1lage Cleaner 35.20 P.H. Cox-January salary 394.85 P.H.Cox expenses-m'lage !.20.96, rphone f3.10, to J.Bond bus shelter repair €20 44.06 " petty cash 48.21 Inland Revenue 240.93 Fox Valley Systems 65.21 Bank Charges-vouchers 2.00 4 .096.82

Tncome Hire footbatl pitch 45.00 Hlre pavilion 20. 00 St.Peters PC-Ioan repayment ffi88. 02

Balance 'vc hand 31/01/92 Bus. Res. Account 11 ,521 .29 Deposit Account 2,142.04 13,663.33. 5.

Minutes of a Meeting of Whitfield Parish Council held on 1 1 February , 1992 Ln the Recreation Ground Pavil_1on aL 7.30.p.m.

Present:Councill-or W.R.Slmcock, Chairman. Counclllors: R.Cox, J.Hammond, O.Kinson, G.Morgan, M.Morgan, J.Offord, N.Shand, G.Stevens. P.H.Cox,Clerk. 5 members of the public and Rev.John Philpott. Apologies: Cllrs.J.Johnsbon, M.Keyser, P.Martin, S.Rashid.

Minutes of the previous ordinany Meeting. It was Proposed by Cllr.Kinson and Seconded by CI1r accuraterecordoftheproceed1ngs.Carried. Matters Arising. Banning of Dogs Bye-Law. It was agreed that the subject of proposed banning of dogs in the necreatiori ground will be an Agenda item for the Annua} Parish Meeting in Apri1. 1 . Provision of Bus Shelter-Hammond Forecourt. Esso Ltd., has been asked to assist in the provision of the shel-ter. No reply to date. 2. Bo11er Flue-Pavilion. The pilot J-ight continues to extinguish during high wlnds and it was aEffir is examined professionally. l. Village Pharmacy. ResuLt of the appeal by the Kent Local Medical Commlttee agai-nst the that Whitfield is only part ruraI, not yet to hand. Clerk to up. J".l"ion foIlow 4. Bequest to Whltfield P.C.-provision of 1amps. The f2000 to be used to provide ex'ura lighflng in the Village: Archers Court Road-Footpath l,rlhitfield CIub/Beauxfield-Napchester Road-Mryfie1c Road and on footpath Nursery Lane to Guldes Hut. The estlmated cost of f3,356.00 to be subsldised from general funds. Agreed. Damaged kerbstone-70 Sandwich Road. This has now been repaired. !. Footpath Napchester Road/Church Whitfield-potholed. Recent survey of all footpaths in the area, forwarded lo K.C.C., not yet analysed. Clerk to folIow up with Mrs.Andrews. 6. Lamp failure-Cranleigh Drive. Not yet coupled to maln supply. Clerk to fo1low up. Turfing-Recreation Ground. Now completed. 7. Whltfield Primary School P.T.A.-donation for bulbs. Still no acknowledgement to our letter 14 November 1991. .r The Archer P.H.-state of disrepair. The premises have now been decorated. Letter to Supt. Dover Pol-ice. No reactlon to our l-etter explaining why we though it necessary ^to pass copies of our letlerrcomplaining of lack of police presence in the Vi11age, to |)"uiO Sfraw, we, and the Chlef Constable. B. Beacon Europe-plantlng of trees. No progress report. Annual Parish Meetlng-cholce of Speaker. Mr.Denyer has been approached and he is pleased to accept our invitation to speak on the Restoration of Crabble MlII. Clerk neported that the Vil-lage HaIl is not available for Lhe 22 Apri1. Agreed that the Meetlng is helcj 29 April 1992, Purchase of Hedgetrimmer. Hedgetrimmer now to hand. Purchase of Whi.te Line Marker. Now to hand. 9. Replacement of manhole covers-pavilion. Contractor hopes to commence work thls week. 1 0. Scouts-use of pavilion. A letter from Peter Boast requesting further use of the facility unt11 other accommodation is obtained, was read to the Council. It was agreed that the scouts conlinue to use the haII for the time being. 11. Carousel Clrcus-request to use recreation ground. No reply to our letter i7 January 1992. Complalnt of excessive noise from neighbour-Archers Court Road. D.D.C. building inspector has visited the site and reponts that complainant is now satisfled with the present situation. 12. Whitfield Mother & Toddler Group. No reply to our l-etter 17 January 1991 when we offered help 1n the form of a no interest loan to assist the group. 'l 3. Kent Association of the B1ind-Vlsion 2000 A Seconded by C11r.Cox that we donate the sum 6.

Matters Arlsing contd. . . '14 Street Lamp Beauxfield. Although thls has now been attended to the lamp extj-nguishes at 10.30 and the Clerk has requested D.D.C- to adjust the time setting. Proposed CLosure of St.Peters Churchyard. Passed to Public Participation. 1 5 V1l1age Si-gn. M/S Orionllght have been been asked to estimate the cost of repair to the name IWHITFIELDI.

1 6 Vandallsm to Council property. C1erk reported that since December 1989 the cost of repairs attributable to vandalism in the Village,and the recreation ground and pavilion in particular, has amounted to a staggering t12,137. Insurance claims have totalled 97,394 and the shortfal of t4,743 has been met by the Whltfield community Charge payers. It was agreed that these figures are printed in the Whitfield News and updated as and when appropriate. Flnancial Statement. The Financial Statement, previously circulated, was discussed and 1t was Proposed by Cll-r. Stevens and Seconded by ClIr.Kinson that it be accepted. Agreed.

1 7 Revislon of recreational hirlng fees. It was Proposed by Cllr.G.Morgan and Seconded by Cllr.Slevens that al1 fees, with the except- ion of Junior Tennis to increase by approximately '10%. Agreed.

Jrrespondence. i Bletter of resignation from Cl-1r.Cave. K.C.C. Meeting with Parish Council Reps. at Barham 1B March. Chalrrnan or Clerk to attend wlth Councillor Hammond. D.D.C. Law & Property-rParlsh Review of Boundariesr. Capel-Le-Ferne P.C.-saLe of rendundant play equipment. St.Peters P.C.C.-Churchyard Maintenance Account 1991. P.C. contrlbution, 50%' t480.35. K.A.P.C.-Councill-ors Information Day 7 March 1992. 19K.R.C.C.-donation request.Proposed by CIIr.M.Morgan and Seconded by CIlr.Hammond we send t15. South East Kent Health Authority-request we post notices advertislng a health survey 1n April Denton-with-Wootton P.C.-Minutes of a Meeting re Tag MacLaren Racing Circuit at . 20 The Good Weekend Guide-request for information on our area for entry in new guide book. K.C.C. Hlghways-advertisi-ng talks on therNorth Downs Way'. K.C.C.Railink update January 1992. K.C.C. Commercial Services-'The Bullelin''.advertising bookl-et. Bishops-sport and leisure catalogue. K.C.C.-amendments to A255 Improvement Whitfield to Eastry. K.R.C.C.-'Your Woodlandr, Parish centenaries. -KimberleV-Ctark. Tidy Bnitaj-n Group 'South East in Bloom'. GtWest adverti-sing 'New Capital Reserve Accountr. J.Whyatt Landscaping-advertising safety play surfaces. Hecreation Supply Services-play area safety inspections and buildings etc.. N.A.L.C. rreviewr. JournaL of the National Association of Local Councils.

Public Participation A letter from St.Peter P.C.C., referrlng to a proposal to close the Churchyard,copies of whlch had already been circulated to al1 Councll1ors was read to the Council ard discussed to some Iengths. The Reverend John Phil-pott braved a barrage of questions from bolh Counclllors and members of the pub11c The consencus of opinion was that the churchyard should be extended prior to cl-osune of the o1d section. At the conclusion of the discussion the Reverend Philpott said that before any final decision could be made detaiLs of the proposed closure would need to be advertised in local newspapers and public meeting held in order to obtain the views of everyone affected by a possible closure. 21 lyir. Keyser asked if his Radio club could have use of the pavilion each Wednesdry evening for l training and transmitting. The Chalrman asked Mr.Keys.er to wrlte giving full detalls of his requirements including any structural al-terations he woul-d need to make.

Reponts from Commiftees over... .// ///il*'/ 7.

Reports from Committees. Planning 1 appllcation returned to D.D.C.-no objections from this Committee. 2 previous applications approved by D.D.C.:Proposed business development centre-Whitfield Training Centre-Conversion of garage to bedroom, 2 Archers Court Road. 22 Recreation. CIlr.Cox asked that M/S Marleybrook be contacted with a view to them returning and rolling the turf they recently laid in the recreation ground. 23 He continued to report that the BMX Track had become an eyesore. Chairman said that the Committee should get logethqf_and decide what they would wlsh to see done wlth it. 24 Clerk to write to"a 4E*##'fdJioent who 1t appears has dumped tree cuttlngson the track'. 25 IL was asr

Financial Statement February 1 992

Expendlture f.p C.Beaumont,' groundsman, lrages 24O.gO SeeBoard-pav1lion account 45.25 Southern Water rr rt 12.89 CPRE - donation 1 5.00 Churchyard Maintenance @ 50% 480. 35 Kent Association for the blind-donation 10.00 P.H.Cox-petty cash 46.99 P.H.Cox expenses-m'Iage !.26.02'phone !.3.75 Reimburse-sealer f31 .48 61 .25 E.Willson-Vi1lage Cleaner 35.20 P.H.Cox February salary 394.72 InIand Revenue 240.81 Bank charge-return of vouchers 2.00 1 , 585.36

Income Hire of football pitch 45. 00 St. Peters P.C.C.-loan repayment 88. 02 -Hire of Pavilion-6th Whitfleld Scouts 32. 00 a 165.02

Bal-ance on Hand 29/02/92 Bus. Res. Account Deposit Account o

Minutes of a Meeting of Whilfield Parish Council held on 1 0 March 1992 in the Recreation Ground Pavil-ion aL 7.30 p.m.

Present: W.R.Simcock, Chairman. Council-Iors: R.Cox, J.Hammond, M.Keyser, O.Kinson, G.Morgan, M.Morgan, S.Rashid, N.Shand, G.Stevens. P.H.Cox, C1erk. PC Cronln and 3 Members of the Public. Apologies: Councill-ors J.Johnston, J.Offord, P.Mantin. Minutes of the prevj-ous ordinary Meeting. Following one amendmentr pa8e 7 under rRecreation' line 5-Beauxfield to read Alison Crescent, it was Proposed by ClIr.Shand and Seconded by C]Ir. Stevens that the Minutes were a true and accurate record of the proceedlngs. Matters Arislng. '1. Provision of Bus Shelter Hammonds Forecourt. No replles to our letters to M/S Esso Ltd., of 19 January and 7 March. 2. Boiler FIue-Pavilion. Pilot light st1I1 extingulshing during high winds. Ctlr. Hammond attempting to contacL a boiler engineer with a vlew to examining the problem. Vitlage Pharmacy. No reply to our letten to the Appeal Unit, Family Health Services, requestinl result of the appeal by local doctors against the decision that Whitfleld is only part rural. 4. uest lo Whitfield P.C.-provlsion of lamps. Five new lamp standards have been erected the Village and now awaiting connection to power supply by Seeboard. Footpath Napchester/Church Whitfield. CIlr.Hammond has met with Mns.Andrews, K.C.C. Highways, and discussed the poor state of the Pathway. Mrs.Andrews wiII follow up. 6. Lamp fallure-Cranl-eigh Drive. Seeboard not yet coupled lamp to power supply following re-wirlng after vandalism to Iamp. D.D.C. is persuing. Whitfield Prlmary School-donation for bulbs. Letters of thanks received from P.T.A. Secretary and Head Teacher. Agreed, as requested in Mr.Waller's Letter, that the donation of !20 can be used to purchase shrubs and other perennials. 7 Beacon Europe-plantlng of trees. No progress report. Replacement manhote covers-Pavilion. Now completed. a Scouts-use of Pavil-ion. It was agreed the scouts can contj-nue to use the pavllion on Mondays and Fridays unt1I suitabl-e alternative accommodation is found. Circus Carousal-use of recreation ground. No reply received to our letter 17 January. l,Jhltfield Mother and Toddler Group. Letter of thanks received for our offer of help in the form of a non interest loan but group is now financlalJ-y sound following a grant from the Or... Kent Blind-Vlsion 2000 Appeal. t10 donation forwarded and a l-etter of thanks recelved. Street lamp-Beauxfield. Lamp has now been re-timed and residents satisfied with outcome. 9. Whitfield Village Sign. M/S Orlonlight have not yet had opportunity to examine with a view to repairing the letters. Vandalism to Councll Property. A furthet 2 door panels of the pavilion have been damaged and both glasses of Cranteigh Drive notlce boards smashed. Repaired at a cost of 9126.50 Hevision of recreatlon hirlng fees. One amendment made to the cost of hirlng football pitch. t15.60ine1udingVAT,foruseby1oca1adu1tteams. Resignation of ClIr.Cave. A letter of thanks for his past services sent to AIan Cave. Donation to K.R.C.C. gi5 donation forrnrarded as Minuted 11/02/92. 'lO.Badlo Club-use of pavilion on Wednesdays. The contents of a letter, detailing the al-terations paviI1on,waSdiscussedandMr.Keyseristoforraard sketches of these. Suggested that a fee of S66 a calendar month would be charged. Rolllng of new turf-recreation ground. M/S Marleybrooks have now carried out this work. 11.Future of BMX track. C1lr.Cox to contact K.R.C.C. for ideas regarding woodland. Tree Cuttlngson Bi'IX track. Offending cuttings have now been removed. 10.

Matters Arising contrd... . l2.Recreation ground hedges. Clerk reported'"hat the work would be completed this week.

Financi-al Statement. The Financlal Statement, previously circulated, was discussed and it was Proposed by CIlr. Hammond and Seconded by CIIr. M.ilorgan that it be accepted. Agreed. Storage-PaviIlon Extension. 13.The Chairman said that as there was llmited storage for our equipment the Councll should seriously consider extending the pav111on for use of both storage and wonkshop. Following some discussion on the subject it was agreed that we obtaln permission for borrowing and then contact an architect to draw up the necessary plans. Proposed by Cllr.Hammond and Seconded by CIIr. Shand that the project be accepted 1n principle. Agreed. Correspondence. 14.K.C.C. Planning-conference booklet available on Common Land at cost of f5. l5.Barnardos - request for donation. l6.Hadlow CoIIege of Agriculture-request for donatlon towards 'rQ.E. 1I Wood'r D.I.AL. Kent-lnformation for notlce board. K.R.C.C.-Oast to coast Magazine Spring 1992. D.D.C.-list of Community Changes in the distrlct. j\B.C.C.-Best Kept Viltage competition. tfO.C.-request for use of Recreation Ground and pavition for Playscheme'92. Agreed. Lydden Circuit-Joint Acfion Committee letter and report on Noise Assessment. 16aK.C.C. Highways-confirmation of work to be carried out re pedestrian barriers in Whitfield. Playflex-playground safety system brochure. K.A.P.C-Parish News 18 Februany 1992 K.C.C. Legal Services-notices of cancel-l-ation of recent proposal-s on improvements Lo A256 17.St.Peters P.C.C.-request for financial assistance to purchase of lawn mower. Agreed we pay 50% of the cost. Proposed by ClIr.Kinson and Seconded by Cllr.M.Morgan. St.Peters Church P.C.C.-Ietter of thanks for our contrlbution of 50% of churchyard maintenance costs. Public Participation. 1B.A letter from Mr.Davls of Mayfield Road was read lo the Council tlecontents of which referred to the congested state of the road, by cars, when children are taken to and from school. PC Cronin sald that he has in the past attempted to persuade parents to park in the Village HaII car park but with littl-e success. He is, however, to meet with the schoolrs P.T.A. and the Head Teacher when he will put forvuard some ideas which, if acted upon,might help to alleviate the situation. frf"""n.e was made to the vandalism which appears to be on the increase in the vicinity of the recreatlon ground. PC Cronin said that although police patrols visit the area it was very untlkely that damage woul-d be occunrlng at Lhat precise time. He said that our only option was to dlal the emergency service when it vras thought vandalism was taklng pIace. It appears that teenaged offenders, when apprehended, are-- only cautioned on a first offence. The Chairman stated that the Council intended to take to court parents of youngsters caught creating damage. Council agreed. Reports from Committees. Planning. Three applications returned to D.D.C.-no objections from this Committee. Three appllcations with Committee. Two applicatj-ons approved by D.D.C.:erection of house and replacement garage-23 Lenacre Lane and change of use to nurslng home-North End, Beechwood CI. Site inspection recently held in respect of the formatlon of hard standing for car parking- 13 Lenacre Lane. CIlr.Rashid attended and reporLed that no deci.sion had been reached at this stage. We had not previously obiected to the applicatlon. Roads & Footpaths. Cllr.Stevens was in possession of several- Letters complaj-nlng about the speed of vehicles using Nursery Lane and Slngledge Lane during peak traffic perlods. It was suggested that complainants be encouraged to write letters of complaint to the appropriate authorlties. 19.C]Ir.Hammond had had a recent on site meetlng wi-th Mrs Andrews, K.C.C. Highways, in regard to a proposal to extinguish footpath ER66-Coffin Hill to Napchester Road. The Committee objected to this proposal on the grounds that, followlng the construction of the bypass and^ Possib[e development of houses j-n the areas, the path could well be used more freq"."t Uj$yA 11. Roads & Footpaths Contrd... 20.A,dip in Archers Court Road has recently been levelled off but potholes either side Ieft. Clerk to contact K.C.C. Hlghways with a view to having holes fllled. 21.IL was suggested, and agreed, that we write to Charrington Breweries thanklng them fon the improvements they have made to The Archer public house. 22.Recreation. ClIr.Shand sald that we should be inspecting play equipment on a regular basis anrecoroingtheoutcome.C1erktoarrangeforarecordbooktobebroughtintouse. Men of the Trees. No rePort Reports from Hepresentatives. K.A.P.C. No rePort. ViIIage HaIl. No rePort. 23. Clerk informed the Council that there had been no applications fecelved''for':rlhe:vaCancy 6f Parish Council-Ior.

There being no further business to discuss the Meeting closed at 9.24 p.m. 12.

Fi-nancial Statement l4arcYt 1992 Expenditure t.p

Batchelor & Lee-litter pickers 31'90 British Telecommunications 17 .53 C. P. R. E. Subscription 12.00 K.Rogers-pavilion manhole covers 47 6.73 C. Beaumont, groundsman, wages 241 .05 Clerk-reimburse:pavlng slabs at Pav. 830/Pav.security to doors t126.50 156.50 Dover Harbour Board-2 stroke o11 1 3.61 D. Griffiths-T/Ct honorarium 10.00 D.Jarvest - n rr 10.00 E. Willson-Village Cleaner 44. 00 P.H.Cox-March salary 395.13 rr -expenses: Mileage t32.22/T rphone f 3.80 36.02 rr -Petty Cash 37 .26 Fields Secretarial Services 29 -zz K.C.C. Common Land Registration 5.00 Inland Revenue 246.15 Lond Nelson F.C.-return of deposit less f5 damages 15.00 D.D.C.-provlsion of 5 lamp standards 1 060. 44 charges-return of vouchers 2.00 Jank 2,839.60


Hire of football pitch 30. 00 Lord Nelson F.C deposit 20. 00 Loan repayment St.Peters P.C.C. BB. O2 Cllr.Martin returned advance 50. 00 Oo, repa5rment 382.99 Interest Bus. Res. Account 214 .86 @

Ba]ance to hand 31/03/92 Bus Res.Account: 7536.15 Deposit Account: 1148.05 8,684 .20 Mlnutes of the Whitfield Council Annual Parish Meeting held on 24 April 1991 in the Village HalI aL 7.30 p.m.

Present:J.P.Shearn, Chairman. Council-lors: J.Fagg, J.Hammond, D.Heath, O.Kinson, J.Offord, R.Simcock. P.H.Cox, C1erk. Terry Sutton, Dover Expness. PC Brew. 35 members of the public. Guest Speaker: Mr.Kirk Alexander, White C1iffs Countryside Projects.

Apologies: Council-Iors: A.Cave, J.Johnston, P.Martin, N.Shand. The Chairman welcomed all present and remarked upon the good attendance. Minutes of the previous Annual Parish Meeting. It was Proposed by Mr.Smith and seconded by Cl-lr.Simcock that the Minutes were a true and accurate record of the proceedings. Matters Arising. Rubbish on pathway Archers Court Road/Recneation Ground.FolIowing Mr.Devines complaint the pathway has been cleared of rubbish,and Oog fouliqg;several times during the past year. Library/Mayfield Road Footpath. In reply to Mr.Spitlettrs request that the footpath be re-surfaced K.C.C. state that they wiI- attend should the pathrs surface deteriorate.Clerk to continue to persue. 2. -speed restriction sign-A256. Following Mr.Andrews observation that the sign, on entering the aNllaee from the Eastry directi-on, was not well slted K.C.C. Highways are to re-examlne its !""""it positlon. Clerk to persue. Finance. The end of year financial statement, prevlously circulated, was discussed and 1t was Proposed by Cllr.Hammond and Seconded by Cllr.Davis that 1t be accepted. Agreed. Chairmans Report. The past year had seen the passing of Eddie Wouldham who, as a Parish Councillor, had done so much for ihe Vi11age. A seat to his memory and suitably inscrlbed now stands at the junction of Sandwlch Road and Bewsbury Cross Lane. During the past year K.C.C. repaired the road serving the shop area on the Sandwich Road,although 1t was not responslble for the maintenanc of the area-a footpath and lamp column has been provi-ded from Cranleigh Drlve to the pavili-on a new lamp has been erected in Joyes Road-thanks to the Junior Leaders the old play equipment has been removed,from the recreation ground,which is to be repl-aced this year-following some flooding last yean the pumping station lagoon on the Sandwich Road has now been excavated. Future pl-ans include a footpath in Bewsbury Cross Lane and the alignment of the road-lhe A2 underpass is to be refurbished. The Village Ha11 benefited financia1ly from the Boot Fair held in July-the 0ctober AnnuaL fcotpath WaIk was well attended thanks to the organisers, Cl1r.Fagg and his Committee-the Po 3.-Health Tax, paid for by the Districts Community Charge payers, is to be re considered by Central Government following this Councils protests supported by aII Parlsh Councils in the district-we conlinue to support Parish Council- in its fight against the site being used as a waste tlp. Vandalism still abounds in the area of the tennis courts and recreation ground generally-our hopes of selling the old pavilion were recently dashed when fire damage necessitafed it being wrltten off. The daffodils on the Sandwlch Road and Whitfield Hill were pleasing to see this year but it was pitiful to note that the affect was spoilt somewhat by the parking of cars on the grass verges. In conclusion the Chalrman thanked all Councillors,and the C1erk, for the hard work they had put in during lhe. past'year; Any Other Business. 4" Mr.Devine, referring back to the Chairmans mention of the tennis courts, suggested that the gate should be left open to discour€e children climbing the fence in order to retrieve bal1s. Council to gj-ve this suggestion consideration. Estimates to be obtained for repairs. It was reported that ther"e might be a recreatlonal centre in Whltfield in the near future. Reports from Village Organisations. Sunday School. Sheila Thompson reported that the school now meets in the URC Chapel. 23 chj.ldren now attend on a regufar basis and they meet in St Peters Church on Easter Sunday and perform a Christmas play there on'lst Sunday in January.Sta orld 1s the subject of many teachings, the Famine in Africa Appeal raising f d.over..... tl00 has been saved for the Rumanian Relief Fund. Many joined the sponsored walk for Christian Aid. Although there were 4 confirmations last year an improvement on this is expected thls year.The School is hoping to obtain a further 2 teachers. W.I. [evenings] Mrs.Hazeldene reported thai an energetic group of 36 members meet at 7.30 p.m. on 3rd Monday in the month, the evening be-rg taken.-,up-with games. On Friday the keep fit cl-ass and craft classes are well attended. \'lsits to Kew Gardens and the Heritage Centre are planned. The,Tri AGM to be held in Blrmingham i-n the future. There is to be an'open eveningr in OctobLr vJhen it is hoped that new membe:"s wiII come along. Knitting Club. Mrs.Booser said that the club has 30 members who meet regularly on the 3rd Monday of the month. Charlty garments have recently been given to the William Harvey baby unit and a sta1l 1n the hospital was used to sel-I garments-Ieft overs were donated to lhe Hospice. 1 member gives demonstrations at the cl-ub which would welcome new members, the membership fee belng €'10 which includes refreshments, speakens and outings to exhi-bitions. Vl}lage HaI1. Stan Spillett thanked hls Committee for the hard work they had put in over the year. He reported that bookings were high for both the HaII and Library.He was pleased to say that local organisations had conlj-nued their support. Recent repalrs hare included the Library roof and several cracks in the wall-s. Kitchen units have now been renewed and a toilet for the dlsabled installed.,Local organisations had contributed towards the Christmas decorations. Whitfield W.I. Mrs.hake reported that 60 members meet on the 2nd V,lednesday of the month. In the past year members had jolned in a strailrberry tea,visited Windsor Castle, House of Commons, Bromley and enjoyed a Christmas luncn folloved by musical- entertainment. In April Bob CoIfC, of Radj-o Kent, gave an interesting talk on gardenlng and answered many questions. The'ci)E['ityr for the year was Kent Association for the B1ind. BelI ringing takes place fortni-ghtly. Mrs. Hake concluded by invlting new members to join. W.A.T.C.H. Mr.Devine said that from 3 members two years ago the membership has risen to 35. The club can manage thls number but only with assistance.More helpers would be appreciated. 2 chlldren attended the Meetlng and gave account- of their activitles which included badger watchi-ng, tidying nature reserves and the study of nature generally 6th Dover Scouts. The Group Leader, Mr.Yorke, said that the group still has use of the OId ffii1it1esforitsmeetings.I,1embershipnowlota1s22Scoutsand3Leaders and 36 Cubs with 5 Leaders. There is a committee of parents. Both Scouts and Cubs donated towards the purchase of vitamin tablets which were despalched to Rumania. Mr.Yorke said that all the youngsters benefited from hard work and dedicatlon. '1 4th Cub Scouts. Mr. Smith, GrouP Leader, said that thanks to helpers and the committee the pack was thriving. The Pack meet 1n lhe Llbrary on Thursdays and has 22 boys. Finances are sound thanks to Arneri-can Suppers and Jumble Sales.The 14th won the District cross country run. St peters Church. The Reverend Philpott reported that the highli-ght of the yean was the @Festiva]-towhich7O0peop1ev1sited.MoneycoI1ectedwasdonatedto. childrens funds. Duiing 1990 approxirnatety 93000 was'given to charltj-es. A S5000 repalr sc-rteme r,,,as under way added to which th'e church pathway was in urgenr- need of repair. Rev.Phllpott thanked the Parlsh Councll for its support over the year. Whitfield Gardeners Association. The Chalrman, Mr.Farr, thanked alI leaders of organisations 1cation.[Meetingagreed]TheC1ub,whichmeets2ndMondayin the 11brary, is financially sound and thriving. The Club features speakers on gardening and recently enjoyed a visit from a repnesentative of StapJ-e Vineyards. Mr.Farr said that new members are welcome the joj-ning fee being only t1. Village Policeman. PC john Brew reported crime was up generally but comparitively low 1n ffiesintheVi}1agehadshownas11ghtincreaseandheadvisedanyone golng away to report the fact to the police and he would patrol their property.PC Brew also slressed the lmportance of contactlng the pol1ce in regard to known squalting taking p1ace. Guest Speaker. The Chairman introduced Mr.Alexander, Whlte Cliffs Countryside Projects, who gave an il-lustrated talk on ihe work he and volunteers perform in the area covering clearing of paths, tidying up of areas of natural beauty and wafks taken at weekends to which the pubIlc were invi ted. At the conclusion of his talk the Chairman thanked Mr.Alexander for his j-nterestlng and very enlightenlng Presentation. Tfre Cnairman also thanked the ladles of the Whitfletd W.I. for provlding the There being no further business to dlscuss the Meeting closed at 9.15 / .t\

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Present:Counci]Ior W.R.Simcock, Chalrman. Council-lors: R.Cox, M.Keyser, G.Morgan, M.Morgan, J.Offord, S.Rashld, N.Shand, G,Stevens. P.H.Cox, C1erk. PC I'like Cronin, PC Ian Cutter, 3 members of the public. Apologies: Councj-Ilors J.Hammond, 0.Kinson. Minutes of the previous ordinary Meeting. ft was Proposed by Cllr.Stevens and Seconded by CIlr.Shand that the Minutes were a true and accurate record of the proceedings. Matters Arising. Provisi-on of bus shelten-Hammonds forecou:"t. No replies to our letters to M/S Esso Ltd., of '19 January and 16 March. It was agreed that this subject 1s taken off mattersarising and referred to again in the Autumn. 1. Boil-er f'Iue-Pavifion. As Cllr.Hammond has had no success in locating a boiler engineer 1t was agreed that a local heating engineer be contacted to examine reason why the pilot light extinguishes during high winds. 2. Village Pharmacy. Sti]I no replies fnom the Family Health Servlces to our letters requesting result of the appeal by local doctors on ihe decision that Whitfield is only part rura1. 3. Bequest to P.C.-provision of lamps. The five new lamp standards have st1lI yet to be to the power supply. Clerk to persue. -connected 4.OSi;reet 1amp-Cranleigh Drive. Not yet coupled to powen supply-D.D.C. persulng with SeeBoard.

5. Use of pavilion by Scouts. It was agreed that they continue to use the facility. 6. Whltfield Vlll-age Sign. As M/S Ori-onlighf, have stilr not been able to attend to the sign it was suggested and agreed that a local- signwriter is used to attend to the necessary repain 7. Radio Cl-ub-use of paviIlon. It was reported that the CIub woul-d contact us further following itrs A.G.M. 8. BMX lrack. CIIn.reported that he had made contact with a K.C.C. representative with a view to planting woodland on the track. Hedges-Recneation Ground. All hedges have now been cut back. 9. Storage-pavilion extension. It was suggested and agreed that a local- architect is contacted with a view to drawing up plans. It was thought that an extension of at least 12 feeL would be appropriate. Clerk to make the necessary arrangements. CIlr.M.Morgan suggested that a clock tower be provided on the extension. Conference booktet on Common Land. This has now been punchased and with Recreation Chairman. O- ed we do not donate. Hadl-ow College-donatlon to QueenEl-izabeth 2 Wood. Agreed not to donate. 'lO. Re-alignment of pedestrian barriers. This has now been done to allow free passage for wheel- chairs. Path Napchester/Beauxfleld should be re-surfaced t}:is month. 11. St.Peters lawnmowen. A letter from the P.C.C. thanking us for agneeing to pay half cost. . PC Mike Cronin said lhat since our article appeared 1n the the safety of the children who attend the primary school there has been a s11ght lmprovement with more drivers using the Vlllage HaII car park. proposed cessation of F/P 8R66. Clerk has written to the K.C.C. highlighting Councillors opposition to the proposal. iZ. Pothol-es-Archers Court Road. Previously reported potholes have been attended to with a few excepti-ons. Clerk to persue in an effort to get aII potholes fiI1ed. Archers Public House. M/S Charringtons thanked for the work that has been done to the exterior of the premises. This is now being carrled out and results of damge, if any, nspections take pl-ace month1Y. Co-option of Councll}ors. Three applications having been received for the two vacancies ;eceSSitatedffieetingpriontothisMeetinginordertod1scussandvoteonapp1icants. As a result G.Brenton and J.Mckay were successful and took theirseat 14. Financial Statement The financial statement previously circul-ated was discussed and it was Pnoposed by CIlr. Stevens and Seconded by ClIr.Keyser that -t be accepted. Agreed. At this point in the proceedings the Chalman suggested that Agenda item No.B be brought forward as PC Ian Cutter had another meet:ng to attend. All agreed. PubIic Participation Referring to the reported speeding of veh:cles in Nursery Lane at peak traffic times, Minutes 10/03/92 refer, PC Cutter said that he thcught the only solution, in order to make the thonoughfare safer, was to lntroduce a one way system to part of Nursery Lane. He is to meet with K.C.C. to discuss this proposal. In answer to a question from a member of the public PC Cutter said that although the Whitfield bypass w111 ease the traffic now using Nursery Lane he did not think that this woul-d infl-uence any decision make by K.C.C. 13. Mrs.Morris asked if the Tri-ang1e Stores car park could have an rrINrr and rrOuTrr drivefrom and to Bewsbury Cross Lane. It was explained ;hat we had no junisdiction over the subject as bhe car park is private property. l3a.Agenda for Annual Parish Meeting It was agreed that the following should be subjects of the APM Agenda: Possible banning of dogs in the Recreation Ground and Parish 3oundary Review.

1 4. Additional Village Cleaning We have been approached by Serco Serve to take on l-itter picklng for the whole of the Village rThry would pay 8640 per annum and supply any necessary protective clothing. Following some Udiscussion on the subject it was Proposed by Cllr.Shand and Seconded by Cllr.Cox that we accept the offer. AII- agreed. Correspondence Letter of resignation from ClIr.Martin. Letter from David Shaw, MP, referring to the Port Health Tax. K.A.P.C. Parish News 6th April plus information pack. 15.Dept.of Environment-Green Rights & responslbilities booklet. 1 6.Countryside Commision-Parish Paths Partnership. I C . P. R . E. -Countryside Campaigner Sprlng 92 . K.C.C. Railink update-March '92 VAT repayment pf credj-t L382.99 Men of the Trees-Trees are News, March 1992. 17.C.P.R.8.-invitati-on to visit Goodnestone Park and Mansion June 6th @ €5 a head. Home Office Publication-Clvll Protection Sprlng 1992. The House Builders Federation-Housing update Spring 1992. D.D.C. remj-ttance-advice of Precept. K.A.P.C.-Clerks Informalion Day and article on Campaign on Responsibl-e dog Ownership. Or"""""0* Form of appeal against non-domestic rating charged on the pavilion. Forwarded to Valuation Offj-ce, Inland Revenue, Folkestone on 29/03/92. Reports from Committees Planning. B Planning apptications dealt with and returned to D.D.C.-no objections fnom us. 7 previous applications granted ful-I Planning Permission by D.D.C. 3 applications refused Planning Permission by D.D.C.:outl-ine bungalow rear of Forge Lane and fronting Orchard Close-provision of advertising board on land south side of A2-erection of 4 bungalows with garages on land adjacent to Bonne Chance, Singledge Lane. CIIr.Keyser suggested that, as some planning applicatlons lead to controversy between this Committee, applicants, adjacent neigbours and the D.D.C., she thought it would be wise for the Committee to discuss any applicatlon thought to be controvensial prior to the inspection. Meeting agreed and Cl-Ir.M.Morgan sald that he would fill the gap as Chairman, a vacancy created by the resignation of Cl-Ir.Martin. Recreation CIIr.Cox, neferring back to the plantlng of trees on the BMX Track, said that thffi-ewoufO be no need to level the ground prior to planting but the area would require cleaning up. He volunteered to lake over the vacany of Tree Warden and The Men of the Trees. 18.Ttre C]erk reported that we had had two enquires for the job o.f Groundsman/Han9yman.Il was agreedthat the Cl-erk and CIIr.Cox would interview applicants. 15.l

Roads & Footpaths. It was reported that Nursery Lane and Grace Meadow footpaths harcrecently been re-surfaced. ClIr.G.Morgan sald that a 1amp, whlch had nol been illuminaling in Cranleigh Drive, had now been repaired but was burning for 24 hours. A written report was to hand from C1lr.Hann:ond who had recently attended a K.C.C. Highways Meeting for Parish Councillors at Barham. Reponts from Representatives K.A.P.C. No neport. Village HaIl. No report. There being no further business to discuss the Meeting closed at 9.15 p.m. I 16a

IN CONFIDENCE The Council met prior to the ordinary Parish Meeting, '12 April 1992, in order to discuss three appl-ications received for the two existing vacancies for Parish Council1or. 1. Mr.John McKay, 2 Burgess Close, Whitfield. 2. Mr.Garry Brenton, 1b Newl-ands, Whitfield. 3. Mr.R.Cope, BB Alison Crescent, Whitfield.

The Chairman read to the Council the three applicatlons and the Council voted, by ballot paper, and the result of the ballot was as follows: John Mckay 6 votes Garry Brenton B votes Ron Cope 2 votes.

Accordingly Mr.Cope was informed that he had been unsuccessful on this occasion.

///h,/ d" 16.

Finance April '1992 f.p C.Beaumont, wages 111.70 D.D.C., pavilion rates 54.60 Northbourne Engineering, mower service 52.03 R.J.B.Plant, carpet cleaning machine-hire 23.51 W.V.H.M.C, offlce hire 142.00 K.A.P.C., annual subscription 352.50 Kent County Playing Fields, subscription 30.00 Folkestone & Dist.Waten Co.. 14.64 Brltish Gas 86.98 Power Products Sandwich, Church mower 550. 00 E.Willson, Village Cleanen 35.20 Fie]ds Secretarial Services 41 .34 Reimbursements, Clerk. Advert tl9.09. C.BeaumonL f.27. Expenses f39.48 85.57 P.H.Cox, April salary 406.85 Inland Revenue 235.72 Petty Cash 41 .34 Bank charges, returned vouchers 2.00 2,265.98

Income. D.D.C. Precept 26000. 00 Repayment St.Peterts loan BB. O2 Half cost church mower 234.04 Pavilion hire, scouts 1 6.00 rr rr Mrs. Ellis 20. 00 Hire pitch, football 1 6.60 28,663.95 -o

Balance on hand 30.04.92 Bus. Res. Account: 31 ,536.15 Deposit Account: 1 ,401 .97 32,938-lz \ 17. Minutes of a Meeting of Whitfiel-i Parish Council hel-d on 12 l4ay 1992 tn Lbe the Recreation Ground Pavilion aL 7.30 p.m.

Presenl;Councillor W.R.Simcock,Chairman. Counclllors:G.Brenton, R.Cox, J.Hammond, M.Keyser, O.Kinson, J.McKay, G.Morgan, M.Morgan, J.Offord, S.Rashld, N.Shand, G.Stevens. P.H.Cox, C1erk. P.C. Cronin. 1 member of the public. Apologies: Nil

Election of Chairman Cllr.Offord asked for nominations for this office and j-t was Proposed by him and Seconded by CIIr.Shand that Cl-lr.Simcock continues as Chairman. There being no further nominations CIIr. Simcock was duly el-ected to serve as Chairman for a further year.Carrled. Cllr.Offord, on behalf of the Council, thanked Cllr.Simcock for his Chairmanshio durlng bhe past year. Agreed. Election of Vice Chairman. The Chairman asked for nominatlons for this office and it was Proposed by C11r.Kj-nson and Seconded by CIlr.G.Morgan that Cllr.Offord continues as Vice Chalrman. There being no further nominations Cllr.Offord was elected to serve for a further year. Carried. F11l-ing of 1 vacancy. Mr.R.Cope, as the successful candldate from three applications received for the office of of offi-ce and took his seat on the Council.

It was Proposed by Cllr.Stevens and Seconded by C1Ir. Keyser that the Mlnutes were a true and accurate record of the proceedings. Carriid. Matters Arising. 1. Boiler Flue. A 1oca1 plumber is 1n the process of experimenting with wind deflection shields Famil-y HeaIth Services-Appeal- on Rurality of Whltfield. The appeal has been dismlssed. 2. Bequest to P.C.-provi-sion of 1amps. Although the ! new lamps have been coupled to the power supply they do not as yet Illuminate. Clerk persulng. 3. Lamp Cranleigh Drive. Still not llluminating-Ctenk persuing wlth D.D.C. and SeeBoard. 4. Use of pavllion by Scouts. It was agreed that they continue to use the facllity. It was also agreed that they have the pavilj-on for 2 hours on 7th June, the fee bei-ng waived, on a Proposal by Cllr.Shand and Seconded by ClIr.Stevens. 5. V111age Slgn. A Dover firm of slgnwrlters have examlned the sign and quoted €250 for i-trs repair. It was Proposed by Cllr.Rashld and Seconded by Cl1r.Cox that lhe necessary work is lrrled out. Carried. It was suggested and agreed that the 15 faces on the sign be removed. 5. Radi-o Club-use of pav1I1on. In the ab'sence of her husband Cllr.Keyser said that the Club had not yet made any decislon on the subject. 5. Future of BMX Track. Cl1r.Cox reported that he was awaiting further information regarding the possible planting of trees on lhe site. He has already written to several sponsorS hoping to obtain a grant for tree planting. 1. Storage-pavil-1on extension. It was Proposed by Cllr.Stevens and Seconded by Cllr.Hammond that we approach 3 archltect/builders to tender for the work..- B. Re-surfacing footpath Napchester,/Beauxfield.The wonk is due to start this month. St.Peterrs Church lawnmower. This has now been purchased at a cost of €550. Thls Council has March 1 P!2 referl Potholes - Archers Court Road. These have now been attended to-K.C.C. Highwalts. !. Repair to footpath-Triangle Newsagents. Mr.Cotin Watkins has confirmed that the work will be carried out during the next 8 weeks. lO.Addltional Village Cleaning. The Clerk confirmed that we were now responsibl-e for litter clearance for the whole of the Vi11age. Serco Serve is to pnovide protective clothlng. 11.Dept.of Environment-Green Rights & Responsibilities booklet Matters Arising contrd.

1 2.Count,ryside Commission-Parish Pafhs Partne:"sh papers on lhe subject would be made at the Ju C.P.R.E. visit to Goodnestone Park June 6tr.

1 3 . Employment of new groundsman/handyman. CIII". viewed Mr.Corri-ngton and agreed that he apf,ea due to commence Monday 18th May. It was Prop that Mr.Beaumont receives 2 additional wee

Reports from Committees

Planning. 4 Planning Applications dealt with and returned to D.D.C. We objected to one only: 'Conversion lo Nursing Home rrRoad SiderrSandwich Roadrwhere we thought that the driveway would create hazardous conditi-ons for motorists as it was situated on a bend on a fast section of the road. 4 Applications granted fuII planning by D.D.C. - we had no objections to tbe original planning applications. Roads & Footpaths. 1''Cl-Ir.Hammond reported that a grass verge, Guilford Ave./Forge Lane, had been damaged by heavy machinery during recent path resurfacing. Cl-erks said that he was dealing wlth fhis case at 2.'the moment. It was queried wlowas responsible for cutting grass on the corners of Joyes Road and Archers Court Road. Clerk to make enquiries. 3.CtIr.reported that a tractor cab was parked dangerously in Farncombe lJay and PC Mike Cronin said that he woul-d check it out. 1.C1erk reported that K.C.C. is looking at the grass bank on the corner of The Drove/Sandwich Rd. with ihe view to having the tall grass and nettl-es cut back in order to improve the visibilify for motorists when leaving The Drove. L t7t-AFcL- AV t;atoE u p rtAOlt- Pr+rll, J.Recreatlon. Cllr.Cox to obtain the cost of repairing parts of the football pitch with turf. To save the cost of bramble bushes around the tennis court it was suggested that an earth hrk is built to dlscourage the kicklng of footballs agalnst the fencing. 5.!,-r.Cox said he was to obtain an estimate for the cost of flailing the BMX Track whlch had become overgrown. 7.Men of the Trees/Tree Warden. CIIr.Cox said that he was attending a Tree Warden seminar to be held at Wye College on Sunday 17th May. 3.Beacon Europe uras dlscussed and 1t was queried what trees to obtain and where to plant them - one suggestion was to uti-Iise the grassed area leading to the recreation ground from the Sandwich Road. Further discussions at the June Meeting. Reports from Representatives. K.A.P.C. No report. Village HaII. No report. Thene being no further business to discuss lhe Meeting cfosed aL 9.20 p.m.


The Council met on Friday 8th May to discuss 3 applications received for the existing vacancy for Parish Councillor. Apologies were received from Councillors O.Kinson and G.Stevens.

Appllcants: Mr.R.Cope, 77 AIison Crescent, Whitfield Mn.R.Pascal-l 5 Beechwood Close, Whitfleld Mr.R.Woolloff, 61 Cranleigh Drive, Whltfield

The result of the votlng, by ball-ot paper, was as follows: Mr.Cope 5 votes Mr. Pascall 3 votes Mr.Wool]off 3 votes Finance ['-zy 1992

Expenditune f.p C. Beaumont 234 .40 J. Corrlgan 99.54 SeeBoard 65.95 D.D.C.-pavilion rates 52.00 CIIr. R. Cox-travelling expenses 1 4.67 Southern i,later 15.25 Fields Secretarial Services 19.70 P.H.Cox-relmburse. J.Bond t34.89-mower pet:"ol €8.90-tools f71.19 11 4 .98 P.H.Cox-petty cash 46.17 P.H.Cox-May salary 406. 85 P.H.Cox expenses- mrlage f.26.20-rphone €3.40 29.60 E. lrliIlson-Vi1lage Cleaner 44. 00 Inl-and Revenue 268.42 tihitfield Village HaII Management Committee 75.00 Bank Charges-vouchers return 2.00 i,488.53


East Kent Fair-donatlon 75.00 Hire of pavilion 10.00 Tennis Courts 23.40 m6:25

Balance on hand 31 /05/92

Bus Res Acct: 30,036.15 Deposit Acct: 21 . Minutes of a Meeting of Whitfield Parish Council held on 9 June j99Z in Lhe the Recreation Ground Pavilion aL 7.30 p.m.

Present:Councillor W.R.Simcock, Chairman. Councillors:G.Brenton, R.Cope, R.Cox, J.Hammond, M.Keyser, J.McKay, G.Morgan, M.Morgan, J.Offord, N.Shand, G.Stevens, O.Kinson. P.H.Cox, Clerk. PC Cronin, 3 members of the public. Apologies : ClIr. S. Rashid. Mlnutes of the previous Annual Meeting. Following the insertion of one omission,report.from ClIr.Stevdns of alunmade section of path- way in Lenacre Avenue, it was Proposed by Cllr.Kinson and Seconded by Cl-Ir. Shand that the I{inutes were a true and accurate record of the proceedings. Matters Arlsing. Boiler flue. A wind deflection shield has now been fitted on the outside pavilion watl- around the fluers exit. 5 New lamps 1n the Village. These have now been connected to power supply and working. 1. Lamp not illumlnating Cranleigh Drive. D.D.C. are stlll persuing this item with SeeBoard. Vlllage Sign Now renovated. It was decided to let_ the faces pemain for the prese4t. 2. Use of pavilion by Radio CIub. No decision has yet been made by the Clubrs committee. 3.^jl'4x Track-tree planting. CIIr. Cox said his enqulries,for the eventual purchase of trees, !:re progressr-ng. 4. Pavillorstorage extension" After a lengthy discussion on the subject of extending the presen' building it was agreed that we obtain plans and planning permission this year and obtain estimates April/llay 1993. Once the cost of the project is l

Expenditure 8.p

J . Corrigan- groundsman 1 98. 58 D. D. C. -pav. raLes 52.00 K.A.P.C.-seminar fee 17 .63 Signright-Vil1age Sign repairs 293.75 G.Rogers-boiler flue alteration 41.00 CPRE-donation 15.00 D.D.C.-gang mowing 288.20 Telecomms-office I phone 20.78 Petty Cash 47.67 D. Griffiths-t/cts honorarium 'l 0. 00 A. Lowley rr rr 'l 0. 00 FieIds Secretarial Services-photocopying 20.10 E.W1I1son-Village Cleaner 35.20 * Clerk-reimbursements & expenses 1 1 6.86 Cl-erk-June salary 406.85 In1and Revenue 317 .97 Bank Charges-vouchers return 2.00 | 1 ,893. 59

Income VAT repayment 333.12 6th Dover Scouts-pav.hire 32.00 Sercoserve-ViI1age cleaning 320. 00 Interest Bus. Res.Acct. 522.02 1 ,207 .14

Balance on hand 30.06.92 Bus. Res. Acct: 29 ,808.17 Deposit Acct: 1 ,024.02 30, 832. i 9 x Details overleaf Clerkrs reimbursements and expenses: 11 1 6.86 cheque No. 'l 477

Hammonds petrol mower/strimmer 16.13 Texas-brushes and paint 8.78 Groundsman-pet . allowance B. 8lr J.Bond-bus shelter repairs 24.00 " supply and fit lock pavilion 24.00 Mileage 118x26.2p 30.91 Telephone 4.20 r 11ffi6 25. Minutes of a Meeting of Whitfield Parish Council held on i4 July 1992 in the Recreation Ground Pavilion aL 7.30 p.m.

Present:Counclllor A.J.Offord, Chairman. Councillors: R.Cope, R.Cox, J.Hammond, J.McKay, M.Morgan, G,Stevens, 0.Kinson. P.H.Cox, Clerk. Mr.J.Moir, Chief Executive D.D.C. 3 members of the public. Apologies: Councillors G.Brenton, M.Keyser, G.Morgan, S.Rashid, N.Shand, R.Simcock. PC Mike Cronin sent apologies.

The Chairman brought forward Agenda item No.5 to enable Mr.Moir to leave the Meeting at the earliest. Mr.Moir spoke on the suubject of the Local Government Review foll-owed by questions and answers session. It was felt that the Council was now more enlightened on the subject. Minutes of the previous ordinary Meeting. Proposed by ClIr.R.Cope and Seconded by ClIr.M.Morgan the Minutes were accepted as being a true and accurate record of the proceedings. Carried. Matters Arising. Unmade section of pathway-Lenacre Avenue. The necessary work has now been carried out. ![ind shield-boiler flue. Unvoice for f41 has been paid. oIamp not illuminating-Cranleigh Drive. This has now been attended to. Use of Pavil-ion by Radio CIub. The Club has decided not to take up the offer of the pavilion. t. Tree planting-BMX Tnack. CIlr.Cox reported that progress was being made. He has had no offers regarding grants for the project but has arranged help when the time comes to plant. - 2 Storage extension-Pavj-l-ion. It was agreed to form a sub-committee of all Chairmen, including the vice Chairman, in order to discuss our requirements prior to having plans drawn. up. ') Resurfacing of path-Napchester/Beauxfield. Work how due to commence August 1992. 4. Repalrs to footpath-Triangl-e Newsagents. No progress to date. Clerk will continue to persue. Green Rights and Responsibilities booktet. 6 further have now been obtalned and dj-stribut,ed. 5. Parish Paths Pantnership. Further information on the subject not yet to hand. 6. Poop Scoop Bins-Recreation Ground. 4 are now on order. 7. 30 mph repeater signs-Sandwich Road.K.C.C. have yet to examine the area. B. Mrs.Morris confirmed tha+" the team has pment: posts nets etc.. 9. Boot Fair & Fete JuIy 25th. Mr.Meyer has been asked to rope off the Childrenrs Play Area in order that the equipment can be used without having to pay an entrance fee to the ground. It had been previously agneed that Mr.Millard will be serving teas etc. from the pavilion on the day. HaIf profits to P.C. Cutting of grass on verges Archers Court Road, Bewsbury Cross Lane. K.C.C. have attended to. tt Turfing of football pitch. Cllr.Cox said this would be attended to in August.

11 . Flailing of BMX Track. Still being persued. CPRE request for donation. As agreed f15 forwarded. D.D.C. Law & Property-Meeting with Councillors. Cllrs.R.Simcock and A.J.Offord atbended. t) Proposed Pharrnacy at Tesco Stone. Kent Family Heatth Services Authority informed of protest from this Council over the proposal. t3. Excessireroad noise from l-orrles using Sandwich Road. K.C.C. Lo arrange to have several No guarantee this will- cure the pnobtem. r4- Tree obscurrirg lampAlison Crescent. K.C.C. to arrange to have offending branches cut back. . What was thought to be extensive house of a garage. No plannlng perrnission needed. Tree branches over footpath Archers Count Road. These have now been cut back. -l t tl llluuul 26. Matters Arising cont'd..

15. Loss of Strimmer. A new one has now been purchased and claim for loss forwarded to insurers. Weeds rCornfieldsr/Cranleigh Drive. Offenci-ng weeds and some hedging trimmed back. '16. Moving of football- pitch. New post sockets cn order. 17. Repairs to tennis courts. In the process of being carnied out. 18. Bramble bushes around tennis court. CIlr.Cox said that the cost of the project would be in the region of tl00. Chairman said that subject to be discussed further at September Meeting. YaIe lock to rCornfieldsr end of pavilion door. Attended to. 19. Bus shelter-vandal-ism. Recent cost of repairs to shelter amounted Lo 124. It was suggested that we consider a more resillent bus shelter. Financi-al Statement. The financial statement, previously circulated, was discussed and it was Proposed by CIIr. Kinson and Seconded by Cllr.M.Morgan that it be accepted. Carried. Correspondence. 20. WVHMC nequesting we consider financing the provision of a concrete or paved pathway along the front of the Village HalI leading to the car park. Clerk to obtain an estimate for the work. lMrs.Keyser, Rosemount, Chunch Whitfield highlighting the traffic dangers at present existlng Urn the lanes at ChlWhitfield. Letter to be forwarded to K.C.C. Highways. WVHMC thanki-ng us for t75 donation we had obtained from East Kent Fairs. Kent County Constabulary-Chief Constabl_ers Annual Report for 1991. K.C.C. Planning-Kent Structural Plan Third Review:Consultation Document. Home Office-Civil Protection Summer 1992. K.C.C. Highways-Road Squads leaflets. Waymark-Dover & Thanet Rights of Way Society leaflet. Internatlonal Tree Foundation-Trees are News newsl-etter June 1992. ACRE-rura] viewpoint newsl-etter June 1992. CPRE-Countryside Campaigner Summer 1992. CPRE-Campaign for the Countryside 1992 Annual Report. KRCC-Oast to Coast Summer 1992. KAPC-Parish News B June 1992. K.C.C.-Ralllnk update 1B June 1992. 21. LyOaen Action Group Committee Meetlng lth July. No representative from Councll available to attend. Carried to September Meeting of PC. PubIic Particlpation. ^No business. On"po"t" from Committees. Planning. Foun planning applicatj-ons dealt with and returned to D.D.C. No objections. Three previous applications granted fuII planning permission. One application refused planning permission-Roadside, Sandwich Road. We had objected. Roads & Footpaths. Footpath Whltfield Club to Church Whitfield-slight modificafion to route agneed. Footpath ER66-modificatlon to route agreed. 22. House agents in respecL of 2 Beauxfiel-d to be asked to cut back hedge around property. 23. Recreation. It was agreed that the scouts continue to use the pavilion Mondays and Fridays. Leak from cistern has been attended to in the pavilion ladies toilets. Cost 814.75 24- Approximately four pavilion roof blles appear damaged. Clerk arranging for necessary repairs. )-5. Agreed to obtain new cups and saucers for kitchen at cost of approximately t75. Proposed by Cllr.M.Morgan and Seconded by Cll-r.Cox. Men of the Trees. No report. Reports from Representatives. K.A.P.C. No report Village HaII. No reporL.

There beirgno further business to discuss the Meeting closed at 9.24 pn. il( 27.

Flnance July & August 1992 Expenditure t.p .I. Corrigan-wages 414 .28 Rogers & Barker-sand & conveying goalposts 38. 00 Municipal Mutual Insunance 92.78 Kingsland Isandwich] - strimmer 289.64 D.D.C.-loan repayment 4732.00 Men of Trees-subs 15.00 D.D.C.-non domestic rates-pavilion 1 04.00 Whitfield C.P. School-donatlon 20. 00 x P.H.Cox-reimbursements and expenses 166.31 D.Millard-pavilion crockery 62.08 Folkestone & Dist.Water Co. 12.90 Seeboard 86.59 Britlsh Gas 36.15 P. H. Cox-salarles 81 3.70 E. WlIlson-Village Cleaner 83.16 P.H.Cox-petty cash 97 -45 Inland Revenue 624.92 Bank Charges 4.00 scoop bins 316.87 ^Gl-asdon-poop (Gourn""n water uo. 12.30 D.D.C.-additional Village street lights 2429.50 K. J . Landscape- turf ing 89.00 Northbourne Engineering 20. 83 r. Til,s5f,45

Income Hire of Pavilion 44. 00 n rr il Scouts 6.00 Tennis Courts 26.35 Boot Fair-profit from sale of teas etc. 50. 00 Insurance claim-stnimmer 246.50 liast Kent Fairs-donation 1 00. 00 47 2.85

Balance on hand 31 /08/92 Deposit account: 1149.70 Bus. Res. account: 19508.17 t 20,657.87

x Details overleaf. 27a



Groundsman Present WPC Total + 5% WPC Total ins ins cost f.63.20 f.2.92 66.12 t66.36 t3.06 t69.42

Year 1eez/e3 = ;:d:;-:'ffi:3i[:-"x,li3;13 | iLiL.'rZ Total of t 1q5.15 remaining at 31 /03/93 Present hourly rate f 3.'1 6 New hourly rate 93.32

Village CInr. Present x 4hrs + 5% New hrly hnly nate wkly rate t2.20 f8.80 t9.24 s2.31

Year 1 992/93 39 weeks remalning x t9.24 = 9360.36 rr tr budget allocatlon remaining t?8q.60 Total of F. 29.24 remaining at 31/03/93 Following the departure of the Public the above rates of pay were discussed and it was Proposed by Cllr.Hammond and Seconded by CIIr.Cope that the new nates will apply wef 7/7/92 Agreed. 28. Minutes of a Meetlng of Whitfield Parish Council- held on B September 1992 in the Recreation Ground Pavilion aL 7.30 p.m.

Present: Council-}or R.Simcock, Chairman. Councillors: G.Brenton, n.Co[e , n.(*, O.r:-ison, J.McKay, N.Sland, G.Stevens. P.H.Cox, Clerk and 1 member of the OubLic, Apologi-es: Counclllors: J.Hammond, t"t.fefser, C.tlKean, V.tt{rgaq A.J.offord, S.Rashid. Apology also received from PC Mike Cronin.

I,linutes of the pnevious ordinary Meeting Proposed by ClIr.Kinson and Seconded by CIlr.Stevens that the Minutes were a true and accurate record of the proceedings. Carried. Matters Arising. '1 .Tree Pl-antlng BMX Track No further progress to date. 2.Storage Extension-Pavilion Fol}owing the sub-committeefs ragreement on the requirements for the extension it was Proposed by CIIr.Cope and Seconded by CIlr.Stevens that we proceed to have plans drawn up. Carried Re-surfacing path-Napchester/Beauxfield. This has now been attended to. Triangle Stores-repairs to pathway. These have now been attended to. 3.O'ish Paths Partnership. No further information to hand. .Poop Scoop Bins It was agreed that a bin is placed at each of the four entrances to the recreati-on ground. 5.30 mph Repeaters Signs-A256 K.C.C. has not yet had the opportunity to examine. 6.Junior Football The team is to be known as the Whitfield Wanderers and Mrs.Morris produced fixture list-the first match being on Sunday 27th September. ?.Boot Falr and Fete. East Kent Fairs had written requesting use of the recreatlon ground for a Boot Fair 24th JuIy '1993. It was Proposed by ClIr.Cox and Seconded by Cllr.Cope that the request be granted. Carried. Enclosed with the letter was a cheque for t1 00 as a donatlon the V111age HaIl. Football- Pitch-re-turfing This has now been done. Flailing of BMX Track The project has been started by the groundsman. Whitfield Pharmacy-propoed site at Tescos Stores. Over 160 Parishioners attended a publlc st when they voted, al-most unanimously, to reject the slting of a pharmacy at the Tescos Stores. It was quoted,in a Dover Express fi.ic1e on the subject, that this Council was supporting the Doctors implying that we were J.rind them in retaining the dispensing service in the Vi11age, whereas we were 1n accord with them only in the reje'ction of the proposed site. Manhole Covers-sandwich Road These have now been brought level to the surface of the road. It is yet to be confirmed that the noise from heavy lorries has abated. 8.Tree branches obscuring street lamp-Alison Crescent K.C.C. aYe still dealing with this. Strimmer-Insurance Claim Our claim fon the Lost strimmer has been met-9246.50. !.Moving of Football Pitch This has been done but still awaiting new post sockets. Broken Strainlng Wires-Tennis Court These have now been replaced. Bramble Bushes-Tennis Courts The proposal to place bramble bushes around the outside of the tennis courts to removed from Matters Arising. A discussion took place place at this point in the proceedings relating to canera security in the area of both courts and pavll-ion. Replacement Bus Shelter-Sandwich Road shop area It was agreed not to proceed furthen, at this stage, in replacing the present wooden shelter. 0.Pathway Village Hatl to Car Park The cost of providing a pathway has been estlmated ata pprox. f1,3OO. As the Council- is in no position,financially,to promote the project it was agre ed that the Council would loan the W.V.H.M.C. hatf the cost. Proposed by cl1r.t'","jil Seconded by CIIr.Cope. Carried. ,l finfi 29.

Ilatters Arising contrd. .

Lydden Action Group Committee No volunteers were forthcoming to repnesent this Council at Tag McClaren Action Group meetings. Wootton PC to be informed. ll.Overgrown Hedge-2 Beauxfield M/S Tersons have been requested to contact executor with a vlew to haringthe hedge cut back. 12.Scouts-Use of Pavilion It was agreed that the Scouts can to continue to meet at pavilion. Damaged Roof Tiles-Pavilion Now replaced at cost of f12 plus 12 tiles which were on hand. Additional Cups & Saucers These have now been puchased at a cost of t62.08. Flnance. The Financlal Statement, previously circulated, was discussed and 1t was Proposed by CIlr. Kinson and Seconded by Cllr.Stevens that it be accepted. Carried. Additional Tables & Chairs-Pavilion It was Proposed by ClIr.Cox and Seconded by Cl-Ir. Stevens that we purchase a further 4 tables, @ ffi.% each, ard 30 chairs aL f.6.74 each. Carried Pelican Crossing Sandwich Road The above was discussed to some lengths and it was Proposed by Cl1r.Cox and Seconded by CIIr. !-nson that it be sited between Mayfield Road and the new post office. Carried by 6 votes to T against-C1lr.Cope. It was agreed that barrlers be placed on the corners of Mayfleld Road. 13.Dover and Western Parishes Local Plan-Landowner Representations The plan lncl-uded the infilllng of land in Whitfield for housing etc. and 1t was thought that such a project should be put to the Vitlagers for their approval or otherwise and, therefore, it was agreed that a survey 1s done withi-n the Village in order to find out the wishes of Parishloners on this and other topics of i-mportance. It was suggested that perhaps a student at present at college would be willing to take on the task of compiling a questionaire and analysing the resultant answers on itsr return from householders. Correspondence 14.K.C.C. Highways invitation to a representative to attend a site meeting, 15th Sept. 1n Nursery Lane to discuss the possibility of introduction of a one way system. Cllr.Stevens to attend. 15.K.C.C. Gypsy Policy 1n Kent. IIJ-egaI camping and reform of the Caravan Sites Act 1968. CPRE requesting donation. A donation had been forrnrarded during June. D.I.A.L. Kent-Disablement Information and Advice. Oast to Coast-KRCC publication Autumn 1992 CPRE-Autumn walks and notice of Autumn Conference. JCC-Liason with your Member of Parllament llterature. V.D.C.-Ilsted buildlngs leafIet. KAPC-Minutes of Meeting 4th June and Agenda for Meeting 17th September. K.C.C. Planning-Minerals and Viaste Disposal Publications. ACRE-rrural viewpoint' publication AugusL 1992. KAPC-Parish News 20 JuIy 1992. D.D.C. Planning Div.-Wider Publicity for Planning Applications. K.C.C. County Planning-Kent Structure Pl-an Third Review Consultation Document. Cambark-advertising material . N.A.L.C.-Local Council Revlew Summer 1992. D.D.C. Law & Property-Parish Review update on Parishes affected. Correspondence sent Great Pineham Farm requesting cutting back of hedges in Archers Ct.Rd. Now in hands of K.C.C. Owner of 83 Sandwich Road requesting cutting back of hedges. Since attended to. Tersons requesting cutting of hedges 2 Beauxfield. PubIic Particlpation Mrs.Morris asked questions in regard to the commencement of the under 12rs football league relating to posts and nets etc. Reports from Committees Planni-ng 1o Planning Applications returned to D.D.c. No serious objections tr\;rr:}"".

ln)' Reponts from Committees cont'd.. Planning 1 Planning Application withdrawn and resubmitted-inflIl at Aspen Unit to fo_ql a new computer room-Whitfield CP School. FulI Planning Prmissior given to 8 Applications previously dealt with by this Committee Roads & Footpaths It was agreed to hold the Parlsh Annual Footpath WaIk on Sunday 25Lh Oct. commencing aL 2.0 p.m. from the pavilion. Recneation. ClIr.Cox is to arrange for wine clips to be obtained for tennis courts in order to-E' back the straining wires to the main fencing"Clenk reported damage to pav. gutterlng. K.A.P.C. No report

Reports from Representatives K.A.P.C. No report. ViIlage HaII Some redecoration had taken place recently including the Llbrary.

There being no further busj-ness to discuss the Meeting closed aL 9.25 p.n. o

l,trt/*/ 30a

During the Meeting, after the member of the pubtic and CIlr.Shand had left, the Chairman bnought to the attention of the Council an anticle printed in the KAPC publication Parish News rel-ating to Councillors' Interests and Arrears of PolI Tax or Counci-I Tax. Quote: The effect of Section 106 of the Local GovernnentFinance Act 1972 on Town and Parish Counci1s is as follows: lf,when a local council is considering budgetany items or its precept any Councill-or is in arrears for more than two months with his poII tax, oF, in later years, council tax payments he must decl-are that Section 1 06 applies and nej-ther speak nor vote on the matter before the Council. Fallure to observe these rules renders the Councillor to pnosecution by the Director of Public Prosecutions and on conviction in the courts to a fine. INALC Circu]-an 1476 refersl Unquote. 31

Fi-nance September 1 992

Expenditure t.p J . Corrigan-Groundsman 257 .80 Brlt/Telecomms 29.30 WVHMC-donation 1 00.00 D.D.C.-5 lamps in Viltage-VAT 425.16 D.D.C.-Non domestic rates 52.00 Archers Court School-annual donation 20. 00 E.Willson-Village Cleaner 36'9o P.H.Cox-salary plus increase back pay 469.22 P.H.Cox-reimbursements and expenses 50.23 A.Low1ey -Tlcts. key holden 10.00 D.Griffiths- il il il 10.00 Fields Secretarial Services-photocopying and materials 19.20 P.H.Cox-Petty Cash 49.17 Inland Revenue 37 4.34 Bank Charges 2. 00 go5.38 f i ,

Income Hire of pavilion 32.00 rr rr tennis courts 7 .40 rr rr football pi-tch and dressing rooms 33.20 Interest on Business Reserve Account z9e.st ""t'"n 573.19 Jr 1 ,044.36

Balance on hand 30/09/92 Bus. Res. Account: 18,106.7 4 Deposit Account: 1 ,281 .67 t 19,388.41 32.

Minutes of a Meeting of Whitfield Parish Council held on 13 October 1992 in the Recreatlon Ground Pavilion aL 7.30 p.m.

Present: Councillor R.Simcock, Chai-rman. Councill-ors: G.Brenton, R.Cope, R.Cox, J.Hammond, M.Keyser, 0.Kinson, J.McKay, G.Morgan, M.Morgan, S.Rashid, N.Shand. P.H.Cox, Clerk. PC Mike Cronin. Apologies: Councillors A.J.Offord, G.Stevens.

Minutes of the previous ordinary Meeting It was Proposed by C1lr.O-Kinson and Seconded by Cl1r.Cope that the Minutes were a tnue and accurate record of the proceedi-ngs. Matters Arising 1. Tree Planting BMX TFack. No further progress to report. 2. Storage Extension-Pavilion. P1ans are in the process of being drawn up. AII Chairmen of Committees and Chairman and V-Chairman to have sight prior to November Meeting. 3. Parish Paths Partnership. CI1r. Hammond is in possession of information pack. Poop Scoop Bins-Recreation Ground. Four are now in sltu. Repeater MPH signs-Sandwich Road. K.C.C. Highways state signs i-n accordance with Roads Act. fn:-or Football- Team-Whitfield Wanderers League matches now commenced. Boot Fair & Fete 1993. East Kent Fairs informed that they may have use of Recreation Ground for their Boot Fair in JuIy 1993. A letter of thanks received from W.V.H.M.C. for receipt of cheque for f1O0 bingthe Fairrs donation for use of Ground 1992. Trees obscuring lamp in Atison Crescent. Trees have now been trimmed back. Football post sockets. Now installed. 4- Camera security in Recneation Ground., Clerk awaiting details from a local security firm. Offer of half cost loan-W.V.H.M.C. Having had rio nesponse to our offer of a l-oan for half of the cost of providing a footpath from Viltage HaIl to car park it is assumed that the offer is not bo be taken up by the Committee. 5. Overgrown hedge-2 Beauxfleld. M/S Tersons again requested to arrange for the hedges to be trimmed back. 6. Scouts use of Pavilion. It was unanimously agreed that the scouts continue to use facilities. 7. V111age Survey. University of Kent and South Kent College written to requesting a suitable xLndidate to organise and conduct a Village survey. 3.;" Way system-Nursery Lane. A site meeting was held recently attended by K.C.C.-Dover C.C. and several local residents in regard to the possibility of the introductlon of a one way system from Bewsbury Cross Lane to Singledge Lane. No conclusions yet to hand. g. Annual Councit Footpath V,lalk. C1lr.G.Morgan agreed to provide and serve the refreshments to walkers on 25Llt October. Overgrown hedges Archers Court Road/Pineham Court Farm. Now attended bo. Damaged guttering-Pavilion. Damage previously reported by Clerk has now been repaired. Flnancial Statement The Financial Statement, prevlously circulated, was discussed and it was Proposed by CIlr. Kinson and Seconded by Cl1r.M.Morgan that 1t be accepted; Carried. Correspondence 10.Letter from a Parishioner protesting oven the siting of a DcgScoop Bin and commenting on vandalism in the Recreation Ground. 1 1 Mutua1 Insurance informing customers that they are not renewing cies. 12 protest from this Councit bo D.D.C. in respect of a proposed hol night warehouse on the Business Park. l, Annual Meeting of K.A.P.C. 24Lh October 1992. Cl1r.Cox unable to -l "4 ?2 Correspondence contrd. . . Kent Association of Boysr Clubs annual dinrerSutton Valence School 3rd November. N.A.L.C. Local Council Review Autumn'1992 K.C.C. Commercial Services-The Bulletin magazi-ne for Commercial Services Customers. K.C.C. Planning Department-'elementsr: the Environment Programme newspaper. K.A.P.C.-Parish News lBth September 1992. " Finance lnformation Day 'l4th November 1992. Home Office-Civil Protection Autumn 1992. Dept.of Environment-Local Government Review consultation papen. White Cliffs Country-Discussion Draft of Dover District Arts Strategy. l3Audit Notice-12th 0ctober 1992 K.C.C.-Kent Structure Plan Third Review Consultation Document. Reports ''f rom Committees Planning B Planning Applications dealt with and returned to D.D.C.-no objections. 4 previous applications given full planning permlssion by D.D.C. 1 application refused-erection 3 bedroom. bungalow,2T Archers Court Road. 1 previous application, refused, gone to appeal-erecti-on 4 bungalows Bonne ChancerSingledge.

Recreation It was agreed the Comririttee study..costs for. the provision of the following items: lz+f.frot caUinet or electric stove with oven for the purpose of heating food and/or platJs 2.a pick-up type vehicle for use of groundsman around the Vi1lage. /5It was Proposed by CIlr.Cox and Seconded by Cllr.Kinson that the Committee purchase 4 wall cupboards for use in kitchen. Agreed. As CIlr.Simcock had a pecuniary interest in the subject i-]eft the Meeting during discussi-ons. Cost t20. r6DETing the general discussion it was also suggested that a hot water unit over the sinkrmight be purchased-Clerk to obtain prices. lTCLlr.M.Morgan suggested placlng of paving slabs outside of pavilion door football pitch side. rBIt was agreed that we pay the groundsman for attending Sunday morni-ngs to direct footballers cars on to the hard standingrProposed by Cllr.Cox and Seconded by ClIr.G.l(organ.tz- /9Clerk to write to Wi-cksteed Leisure in regaril to safety standard-'of, Rockingharn-.FA:L.z

l0Roads & Footpaths CIIr.Hammond said the Annual Footpath Wal-k was in hand. 2lReport of earth etc. on roadway Lenacr:e Lanei Cler*'to-.f,o}Iow up. ?2Reported that pathway on corner Cranleigh Drive appears damaged. Clerk to report to K.C.C. Men of the Trees No report. Reports from Representatives K.A.P.C. No report Village HalI No report. lChairman asked all Chairmen to meet and discuss the Parish Precept for 1993. It was agreed

There being no further business to discuss thd Meeting closed at 8.35 p.m. 34.

Finance 0ctober i 992

Expenditure f.p

J . Corrigan- groundsman 211.69 E.WiIlson-VilIage cleaner 36.96 Brit. Gas 63. 84 Southern Water 12.73 Seeboard 39. 09 Folkestone & Dist.Water 12.42 K.Rogers Pavilion repairs 115 .7 2 Dover Dist. Contractors-gang mowing 324.66 W.V.H.M.C. -office rent 142.00 Dover Dist.Contractors-football pitch sockets 61 .69 rr marking 1 00.70 D.D.C.-non domestic rates 52.00 P.H.Cox-expenses & reimbursements 298.51 P.H. Cox-October salary 422.52 Inland Revenue 329.89 2,224.42

Income Hire of Pavilion 27.00 Hire pitches and changing rooms 72.00 Hire Pavilion-Scouts 36. 00 135.m

Balance on hand 31 /10/92 Bus. Res. Account: 17 ,106.7 4 Deposit Account: 1 ,824.65 18,931.39 Minutes of a Meetlng of Whitfield Parish Council held on 10 November 1992 in the Recreation Ground Pavilion aL 7.30 p.m.

Present: Councillor R.Simcock, Chairman. Councill-ors: G.Brenton, R.Cox, M.Keyser, 0.Kinson, J.McKay, G.Morgan, M.Morgafl, A.J.Offord, N.Shand, G.Stevens. P.H.Cox, Clerk. 1 member of the public.

Apologies of absence: Counclllors R.Cope, J.Hammond, S.Rashid. Minutes of the previous ordinary Meeting It was Proposed by ClIr.Kinson and Seconded by CtIr.M.Morgrn that the Mlnutes were a true and accurate record of the proceedings. Carried Matters Arising 1.Tree Planting-BMX Track. No further progress at this time. CIIr.Brenton said that the locaI Cub/Scout group were willing to donate up to 1 2 trees towards the project. 2.Storage Extension-Pavilion. Plans harc been drawn up and now awaiting completion of specifications. ",.- 3.Camera security-Recreation Gnound. It was decided that a security firrn representative be noached with a view to discussing the subject further. It was agreed that we speak wlth C.P.0. at Dover Police Station and request possible use of an indoor Video camera. Since the latest bout of,vandalism,-.vhen the Pavllion verandah railings were pulled over, the Clerk had obtained an estimate of f '1200 for the removal of pavin'g slabs and both sets of railings to be embedded in concrete. As this estimate was thought to be excessive it was agreed that the Clerk obtalns further esbimates for the removal of both slabs and railings and verandahs lai-d to concrete. Cllr.Cox to look into the cost of supplyin$ folding doors enclosing the verandahs. 4.Overgrown Hedge-2 Beauxfiel-d. Following negative response to our requests for the hedge to be trimmed" M,/S Tersons, K.C.C. have been informed of the situation. Scouts use of Pavilion. A letter to hand from Peter Boast, 6th Dover [WhitfielO] CuU/Scouts, @uphasnowobtainedpermissiontoreturntothescouthutinO1dPark Barracks. The Council- were thanked for the help and assistance the group had recelved. 5.Village Survey. No response to our letters to Unlversity of Kent and South Kent College requesting use of a candidate to carry out the survey. The formen has acknowLedged our letter. One-Way System-Nursery Lane. No funther progress from K.C.C. It was agreed that the subject 1s Eemoved from Matters Arising pending a decision by K.C.C. O.?nuaf Footpath WaIk. Rpp"o*i*"te1y 15 waLkers took the walk and it was suggested, at the time, that a Spring/Summer wal-k be arranged. For further discussion at January Meeting. The Parishionen who had previously protested over the roperty had been written to when it was explained that the bin would be regularly cleared and a suitable disinfectant used. No response to oun letter.

T. Insurances! Following the col-l-apse of Municipal Mutual Insunance a1I policies have been EFans-rred to Connhill fnsurance. on property damage and theft a 9.250 excess applles and the flrm is to asked if an additional premium can be paid to cover theft new for o1d. B,.Mixed Emotions Promotions. No further information has been received fo11owing our letter of o1dingofanindoorententainmentontheWhj-tfie1dBusinessPark. Audit 1991/92. This has been successfully completed. g. . It was Propsed by Cllr.Shand and Seconded Carcied lO.Vehicle for use of Groundsman. It was declded not to persue the matter further at thi-s stage, edif-he.iSwi1tingtotowasuitabIetrai1eraroundtheViI1age/. llllal1 cupboards. These will be del-ivered within the next week or two. 12 It was decided to wait the outcome of cost of removal of dahs. i3Attendance ofGroundsman on Sundays. The attendance of the Groundsman to direct footballer's cars on to the hard standing has proved successful. 36.

1,4.Safety Standards-Rockingham Fort. M/S Wlcksteed Leisure written to requesting lhein views on the subject of safety in regard to handrails etc.. Earth on Roadway-Lenacre Lane. This has now been cleared. 15.Damage to Footpath-Archers Court Road/Cranleigh Drive. Reported to K.C.C. Highways. Finance The financiai statement was discussed and it was Proposed by Cllr.Kinson and Seconded by CIlr. M.Morgan that it be accepted. Carried. Pnecept 1992/93

16.The above was discussed and it was Proposed by Cllr.Offord and Seconded by Cllr.Shand that we precept for the sum of t26,780. Carrled. '17.Hot Water Unit-Pavilion Kitchen. FsubjectitwasProposedbyC11r.G.MorganandSecondedbyCIIr. Stevens that we purchase a Hydnoboil, capable of supplying sufficient boili-ng waten for 45 cups of hot drj-nks at any one time, at the cost of €348.50 plus VAT. Carnied

Correspondence jOuest f rom Whltfield Wanderes Youth football team to use the pavilion for discussion and V-'ep fit classes on@a week during the Winter months. It was Proposed by Cllr.Offord and rB fi8fi?3t"fl"8{rf;1}5,iHa[?I6fi!"E[At"EhF5"b3 e}l8g?g"the racilitv at a concessionarv rate' carried. C.P.R.E.-request for donation. Proposed by Cllr.Stevens and Seconded by ClIr. Kinson that we forward t'l5. Carried. Kent Family Health Services Authority-confirming that a pharmacy will be l-ocated at Tescos. 1 9 Letter from Carroll Moore complaining of the number of cars parking 1n Cranleigh Drlve that are creating an accident hazard and of the slow response to the salting of roads in the Winter. Notice of 69th Annual Meeting of the Kent Rural Community Councit on 20th November 1992. 16p'British Trust for Conservation Volunteer-invitabion to plant a tree at the cost of tl2. Kingsland Sandwlch-offering 20% discount if grass cutting machinery is serviced during Decenbe Kent County Constabulary-Criminal Damage to Railing at Pavilion. Crlme registered. NatWest Bank-booklet outl-ining charges for business customers, clubs and societles. Home Office-Civil Protection magazine Autumn 1992. RaiLink update-1ssue 19th October 1992. K.C.C. Highways & Transportation-Directorrs Report 1991 /92. A.C.R.E. -ruraI viewpoint October 1992. K.C.C. Chief Executivg-Channel Tunnel Jolnt Consul-tative Committee meeting 10 June 1992. ,&C.C.-Kent Communique publicatlon Issue 1 1992. e C.C. Commercial Services-introduction of new financiat system. PubIic Participation Mrs.Morrls, referring to the presence of children in the Recreation Ground after dark, said that in her opinion they congnegate on bhe Pavilion verandah and in the viclnlty of the pJ-ay area because of the presence of seats asr-,there was nowhere else,'in the Vi11age, fo-r them to meet.sdcial-ty af ter. school. Reports from Committees Planning.l only plannlng appllcatlon received and returned to D.D.C. No objections. lTRoads & Footpaths. Committee to look into the following: lack of streettighting in Alyson Close and in the proximity of 24 Nursery Lane. Recreation No report. i8Men of the Trees. Cllr.Cox reported that he can obtqin trees for planting to celebrate the British entry into the E..E.C. but had not yet decided where they should be planted. Reports from Representatives. K.A.P.C. No report. Village Hall.Approximately t8000 is to be spent on repairs to the roof. There being no further business to discuss the Meeting closed at 8.53 Finance November & December 1992

Expenditure 8.p

J. Corrigan 437. BB Kingsland ISandwichJ 14 .73 S. Cox 99.00 K.C.C. ICounty Supplies] 425.75 D.D.C. Inon-domestic rates] 1 04. 00 P.H.Cox ISatary] 844.88 D.Griffitfrs It/cts key holder] 'l 0. 00 A. LowIeY rr It rt 10.00 E. Willson 83.16 P.H.Cox IPetty Cash] 91.42 P.H. Cox IReimbursements] 7 4.99 P.H.Cox IExpenses etc. ] 78.91 Inland Revenue 663. 1 B Bank Charges 4.00 Cornhill Insurance 383.53 C. P.R.E. IDonation] 1 5.00 in. simcock 20. 00 llerds Secretarial Services 20.85 P.0. Counters ITelephone Account] 1 7.88 British Gas 81.35 3480.51

Ilire Football Pitch 1 1 0.80 .-lire Pavilion 76.00 Int. Bus. Res. Acct. 179.69 166.19

Balance on hand 31 /12/92

Bus. Res. Account: 1 3,036.43 Deposit Account: 1,738.13 14,77 4.56