Jack and Agnes got married below the White Cliffs of in 1914 just before the outbreak of World War One...

Join them on their 100th Anniversary journey through the district and discover the hidden gems of White Cliffs Country. visit white cliffs country DOVER • DEAL SANDWICH 1 CONTENTS... Welcome 5 White Cliffs Country and the First World War 48 Hours Dover 139 Deal 1511 Sandwich 17 Castles and Forts World War Two and more Gardens, Parks & Wildlife 19 Get Active 21 Photography throughout this publication has been supplied by: Walks and Cycle Rides 23 Council; Working Heritage 27 Paul Wells; White Cliffs Countryside Partnership; What’s On in 2014 28 Peter Smith Photography; National Trust (credited against individual photographs) Places to Go 30 and individual advertisers. Places to Eat 34 This publication was designed and produced by Places to Stay 38 Dover District Council, Creative Design and Tourism Departments 43 and printed by Adams Printers, Dover, on FSC paper. Dover Town Map Deal Town Map 45 For further information: Sandwich Town Map 53 Dover Visitor Information Centre How to get here 54 Dover Museum, Market Square, Dover, Visitor Information Centres 55 CT16 1PB 56 Tel: 01304 201066 Email: [email protected] 56 Web: 3 Our fictional First World War couple welcome you to whitecliffscountry their personal anniversary tour... WELCOME... Agnes gave Great Britain and especially Dover, Dover Town Hall was once used as up her job as the ‘Gateway to Britain’, has been a pilgrim’s hostel - welcoming in the Pay praised for its warm welcome and the travellers from far and wide – try Office on legacy of the 2012 Olympic volunteer and catch one of the tours to see and Jack hear more about it. is in the marrying Jack greeters is now recognised across the in March 1914. world. We aim to reflect that when you Royal Navy Dover Castle sitting high on our In October, when arrive in White Cliffs Country. Whether Volunteer white cliffs is where Henry II Reserve Jack joined the catching a first glimpse of the sea from welcomed his guests from abroad, Anti-Aircraft RNVR she got a job rail or road or if your first sight of wining and dining them in the Corps Dover. as a clippie on the the district is the mighty chalk cliff- magnificent Keep, before they Dover trams. She face as your ferry reaches Dover harbour travelled to the capital. We can’t This Corps felt herself lucky - we want to extend that welcome. promise you quite such regal performed a as Jack was in Dover splendour but there are so many valuable task and not going to the The neighbouring towns are no different. fascinating places to visit we are watching the skies front. The motto of Deal is “Adjuvate Advenas” sure you will forgive us! over Dover night or “Befriend the Stranger” and the town after night for also has Welcome Walkers status. Along Walking, sailing, cycling, sightseeing - you can do it all in enemy Zeppelins the coast, Sandwich has been offering White Cliffs Country. Come for a week and aircraft. a safe haven to refugees and visitors or a day, there’s a packed programme since the Middle Ages. planned for 2014. Photographs: Main picture: Iconic White Cliffs at St Margarets Bay. Have a great stay! Left to right: White Cliffs Country Greeters; pilgrims badge depicting Thomas Becket; the wonderful Stone Hall at Dover Town Hall; a King’s welcome at Dover Castle Great Tower 5 WILKOMMEN... Großbritannien und vor allem Dover, als Das Rathaus von Dover war einst eine das,“Eingangstor nach Britannien”, sind für ...les voyageurs de tous horizons. N’hésitez Pilgerherberge, in der Ankömmlinge von nah und BIENVENUE ihren herzlichen Empfang und das Vermächtnis fern herzlich empfangen wurden. Machen Sie pas à emprunter les navettes du circuit La Grande-Bretagne, et en particulier Douvres der freiwilligen “Greeters” bei den Olympischen sich ein Bild und nehmen Sie eine der Touren touristique pour en savoir plus. dans son rôle de « Porte du Royaume-Uni », Spielen 2012 gelobt worden, die nun die ganze Welt in Anspruch, um mehr darüber zu erfahren. ont été louées pour leur accueil chaleureux kennt. Genau das versuchen wir zu vermitteln, wenn Le château de Douvres, sur les hauteurs Sie in White Cliffs Country ankommen. Egal, ob et l’héritage des agents d’organisation des Das Schloss von Dover, das sich hoch oben auf de nos falaises blanches, est le lieu Sie einen ersten Blick auf das Meer aus dem Auto Jeux Olympiques de 2012 est désormais reconnu einer weißen Klippe befindet, ist der Ort, an où Henri II accueillait ses invités oder dem Fenster Ihres Zuges erhaschen, oder ob dem Heinrich der II. von seine aus à travers le monde. Notre veillons à ce que étrangers, festoyant avec eux dans le Ihr erster Eindruck der Gegend von dem Blick auf fernen Landen angereisten Gäste begrüßte, cela se reflète lorsque vous arrivez dans magnifique donjon, avant de se rendre den mächtigen Kreidefelsen entsteht, sobald Sie um mit ihnen zu dinieren und ihnen Wein le Pays des falaises blanches. Par train ou den Hafen von Dover per Fähre erreichen - diesen à la capitale. Nous ne pouvons pas vous auszuschenken, bevor sie in die Hauptstand par route, avec vue sur la mer, ou en ferry Willkommensgruß der Natur möchten wir persönlich weiter zogen. Auch wenn wir Ihnen solch einen promettre un banquet royal mais les lieux dans le port de Douvres avec vue sur les unterstreichen. königlichen Empfang nicht bieten können, sind fascinants sont si nombreux à visiter immenses falaises de craie blanche, nous vous wir sicher, dass Sie uns dies nicht nachtragen que nous sommes certains que vous nous accueillons à bras ouvert. In den benachbarten Ortschaften ist es nicht werden, wenn Sie die vielen faszinierenden pardonnerez ! anders. Unter dem Motto “Adjuvate Advenas” oder Orte besuchen! “Befriend the Stranger” (z. Dt. freunde dich Les villes voisines ne sont pas différentes. Randonnée, plaisance, cyclisme, visite, mich dem Besucher an) heißen wir unsere Gäste in Wandern, Segeln, Fahrradfahren oder La devise de Deal est « Adjuvate Advenas », le Pays des falaises blanches vous dem Städtchen willkommen, das außerdem “Walkers Sightseeing - in White Cliffs Country ist ce qui signifie « L’étranger est notre ami », attend. Pour une semaine ou une journée, are Welcome”-Status als besonders Fußgänger- nichts unmöglich. Sie haben die Wahl zwischen et la ville arbore également le pavillon du découvrez le programme de 2014. freundliche Stadt besitzt. Entlang der Küste einer Woche oder auch nur einem Tag, für das réseau « Welcome Walkers ». Sur le littoral, bietet Sandwich seit dem Mittelalter einen gesamte Kalenderjahr 2014 gibt es ein volles Sandwich est un véritable paradis pour les sicheren Zufluchtsort für Abenteurer und Besucher. Programm. Passez un bon séjour ! réfugiés et les visiteurs depuis le Moyen- âge. Genießen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt!

La mairie de Douvres était autrefois utilisée comme hôtel pour les pèlerins, accueillant 7 In late White Cliffs Country and July 1914 windows in the Rectory and knocked the 12 ‘Tribal’ the First Worldgardener, MrWar... James Banks, out of a tree class destroyers To Dover goes the dubious honour of he was pruning. arrived in Dover. being the place where the first bomb The Dover Patrol fell on British soil. Around midday A moonlight raid on Dover at 1 a.m. on 23rd January 1916 saw nine bombs became one of the on December 24th 1914 a German plane was spotted over the town. Its pilot dropped. One fell on the roof of the most important Royal Lieutenant von Prondzynski leaned over Red Lion Inn in St James’ Street, Navy commands of the the side of his plane and saw Dover killing one man and injuring two others. First World War. Jack Castle and the great naval harbour some Another fell on the malthouse of the and Agnes went up 5,000 feet below him. He lifted his bomb Phoenix Brewery and caused a fire which was soon extinguished. Three children onto the cliffs to in both hands as his knees held his “joy stick”, heaving the bomb over the side were injured at Golden Cross Cottages. see the fleet. of the plane he let it fall. By the end of the First World War, 184 The bomb dropped towards the Castle but bombs dropped from enemy aircraft and 23 Lt. Prondzynski was about 400 yards shells fired by enemy ships had fallen short of his target, no mean achievement on the town. There were 113 air-raids in days when bomb-aiming instruments in all, 23 people were killed and 71 were unknown. The tiny bomb landed in injured. the garden adjoining St James’ Rectory Photographs: and made a crater about four or five Main picture:Royal Marines, Deal. feet deep. The blast smashed some Left to right: All Clear Siren; Dover Siren, Lizzie; Dover Tram staff. 9 48 HOURS...

48 hours is not enough time to experience White Cliffs Country, but if that’s all you have then try some of our suggestions! Day Two Soak up some café culture and shopping It was Day One in Deal. The colourful seafront plays Christmas Immerse yourself in history at Dover Castle host to a wide choice of excellent pubs Eve 1914 and experience the royal court of Henry II or and restaurants. Wander through the and the travel deep into the White Cliffs and visit High Street and explore fantastic small, first bomb the newly refurbished Wartime Tunnels. After independent shops and delicatessens, to fall on a spot of lunch, take advantage of a free which rival The Brighton Lanes! British soil fell guided walk and explore one of our many walks Head along to Sandwich and discover one in Dover. Jack had and trails with a volunteer greeter. For the of the most intact, historic medieval two days leave and more adventurous, take to the water. Try towns in the country. Take a tour of the the weather was water activities or see the sights of Dover 16th century Guildhall or follow the bright and sunny so from a boat. And at the end of your busy town trail, much of it runs alongside he took Agnes on a day, try one of our great places to eat and the River Stour. From here you can take roller-coaster trip relax, with a great range of locally sourced the River Bus and see the seals or a around the district produce, you won’t be disappointed. short walk from the town centre are the to cheer her up. beautiful Secret Gardens. Haven’t found time to fit it all in...?

...then stay a little longer! Photographs: Main picture:Dover Castle fun. Left to right: white cliffs up close; great places to eat and relax; River tour wildlife;Secret Gardens discovered 11 in Britain. If you need a break from DOVER... history and fancy a bit of shopping In Dover town you will find many unusual there is only one place to visit. After Dover, and hidden gems to explore. the devastation suffered in the war, known as the entire Harbour and seafront area ‘Fortress was completely rebuilt but now some Dover town nestles under the shadow Dover’ was of the surviving warehouses have been of its magnificent castle. The busy put under transformed into a fantastic designer port boasts some wonderful churches martial law shopping outlet – De Bradelei Wharf. - the remains of St James’, preserved in 1914. Agnes was It’s right beside the yacht marina as a ruin after shelling during the very vigilant to any and close to the seafront and you will Second World War, is one of three Dover stranger who got on to find plenty of easy parking. churches mentioned in the Domesday book her tram although this Once all the sight-seeing has built up was sometimes difficult and the Parish Church of St. Marys, located in the town centre, has been your appetite, you could try one of because the trams were the many restaurants, cafés and pubs often overcrowded. She witnessing the Christian faith for over 900 years. in the town. Then walk it all off with thanked her lucky stars a stroll along the newly refurbished she was not on duty seafront promenade. Here you can take in when one went out of Dover Museum and the Bronze Age Boat a panorama of the channel and see across control coming down Gallery, sits behind the old Market to the coast of France - maybe tempting Crabble Hill and Hall facade and is spread over three you on a day-trip on one of the regular overturned. floors, telling the story of Dover from ferries sailing to Calais. Don’t forget Roman times to the present. Just up Main photograph: your passport! Dover Seafront from Market Square is the Roman Painted promenade. House - a fine example of a Roman house Left to right: St Mary’s Church clock; Dover Museum frontage; De Bradelei Wharf Shopping Outlet. 13 DEAL... Walk to the modern award-winning restaurant at the end of Deal’s 1000ft long pier and look back at a view that A short stroll from the seafront you has hardly changed in over a century. will find more examples of Deal’s Royal heritage in the churches, houses and Marines, Deal’s unspoilt seafront is a wonderful pubs crowding the narrow lanes around many based collection of colourful buildings that historic Middle Street. You’re not the at Deal, led stand out in a unique vista of jumbled first to enjoy the charm of this town the Zeebrugge and traditional roof lines – modern though - Lord Horatio Nelson himself was Raid. This was box-like symmetry is for other seaside a regular visitor to Deal, coming ashore an attempt by towns! Once there was a row of rickety from his ship moored in the Downs to the British Royal houses between Beach Street and the entertain his friends, Sir William and Navy to block the sea but the Victorians demolished it Lady Emma Hamilton, at the Royal Hotel, Belgian port of to create this elegant promenade. Now where you can still dine and stay. Why Bruges-Zeebrugge whilst enjoying the many cafés and not also indulge yourself at a wonderful by sinking older restaurants or just sitting on a beach tea shop specialising in hand-made British ships in side bench you can enjoy uninterrupted chocolates or visit an artisan bakery the canal entrance, sea views. just a few steps from a delicatessen in to prevent German the High Street, along with independent submarines from wine merchants, quaint gift shops, art leaving port. galleries and antique emporiums, all here in Deal.

Photographs: Deal Pier Left to right: Deal Pier Cafe; Middle Street; traditional phone box; painting by local Deal artist Clive Metcalfe 15 A secret “Q” port on 1384 and one of the two surviving original the River SANDWICH... medieval town gates - the other is the Stour, near Barbican which later served as a toll gate the sleepy There is a wealth of unspoilt medieval for the bridge. Throughout the town are town of buildings and interesting areas that make some fascinating houses that reflect ththe Sandwich, was you feel you have stepped back in time in important architectural influence that the starting point this special town. came from Flemish refugees in the 16 of a hidden ferry century – they also brought the idea of service for equipment Sandwich was once a bustling and market gardening to England. and munitions to prosperous port, some say the greatest France and Flanders. in England, but as the years passed the Food has always beenth century associated the Earl with of the Camps on the fields river silted up and the shipping trade town – in the 18 below dropped away. As a result there was little Sandwich is reputed to have devised the were occupied by development - buildings stayed as they had popular snack and its memory is revived thousands of soldiers looked for hundreds of years with very few with a number of food festivals and fairs who serviced the changes made to their traditional timbered that take place annually. Good eating workshops and train frontages. Now it is said to be “one of is also on the menu at the many pubs, ferries constructing the most well preserved medieval towns in restaurants and cafés found in the winding and shipping material Britain”. lanes of the town. to the Western Front. Built in 1579, the Guildhall dominates the From Sandwich Quay nature lovers can Market Square that was first a corn market combine a leisurely boat ride with a and then a cattle market and still has chance to see an abundance of birds and weekly produce and monthly farmers markets seals as well as the remains of the secret Photographs: Sandwich Quay held there. It is well worth a wander down “Q” port. Left to right: Medieval detail; the Quayside to Fisher Gate - dating from old market; Tom Paine’s Cottage plaque; Red Cow pub sign 17 Photographs: Main photo: Dover Castle Left to right: Richborough Fort; Dover Castle Wartime Tunnels. Dover Castle Britain’s spirit of resistance to Roman unwanted invasion over the years is best symbolised by the magnificent Invasion.. Dover Castle. Built in the 1180s by King Henry II, it is located on When the first Roman Invasion of There were top of the famous White Cliffs and England occurred, in 55 BC, Julius overlooks the Channel, with views three Caesar is reputed to have landed searchlight across to the French coast. You can on the shingle beaches near also see an Anglo Saxon Church and locations looking to conquer new territory that Roman Lighthouse on the site - keep – though it wasn’t until AD43 that worked at Jackon a rota your eyes peeled as you explore the system - at the top the full invasion began. The most fascinating Secret Wartime Tunnels of the Keep at Dover impressive legacy of their ongoing located in the cliffs - rumours of a Castle, at Langdon occupation is the huge fortified wandering soldier’s ghost are not to Battery and at the old remains at Richborough Fort near be ignored! Down in these tunnels you Napoleonic Fortress Sandwich – built on the site where will find a dramatic recreation of of the Drop Redoubt. the invaders arrived. This area of the Dunkirk Evacuation, complete with It was quiet work raised ground was originally on the spectacular projections of swooping where no talking was shoreline giving good visibility Spitfires and original film footage. allowed as everyone across the sea and, once fortified, had to listen for the Above ground in the Great Tower you became the landing place for Roman can go further back in history and Zeppelins or aircraft. fleets and the entry point to the Jack couldn’t wait to re-live the splendour of the royal Roman Empire in Britain. It was also get home each morning court of King Henry II. for a good natter with the starting point for the famous Agnes. Watling Street that went directly to London. 19 Western Cinque Ports.. World War Two and more... The Confederation of Cinque Ports was Dover’s unique position only 22 miles efforts of those working in the fields Heights... formed c.1050 in the time of Edward from the French coast pushed her into These massive military fortifications during this period are remembered at the the Confessor when Hastings, Romney, the front line during the Second World known as the Western Heights housed Women’s Land Army Museum on Hythe, Dover and Sandwich assumed War. The town stood as a symbol of thousands of troops at the time of Farm where you can also visit their café responsibility for ‘ship service’. Britain’s defiance in the face of enemy the Napoleonic Wars. Given commanding and bakery and let the children stroke This was a special arrangement between bombardment and quickly earned the views over the town and Western Docks the animals. these towns and the King whereby, in title of “Hellfire Corner” as it bore the soldiers’ role was to guard the return for the provision of ships and the brunt of enemy shelling. From this vital harbour and coast line. However The ravages of war did not stop in men for 15 days free service a year to dark period the White Cliffs of Dover following the road from their base 1945. On the grassy seafront at Deal the Crown, the town’s Portsmen received came to symbolise the hopes for peace, to the port was over a mile, so to stands the Memorial Bandstand - built in many privileges. These gave the Portsmen as summed up in the famous wartime song get them speedily from barracks to 1992 as a memorial to the eleven Royal full self-government allowing them their “There’ll be Bluebirds over the White sea level they would use the Grand Marine Bandsmen who tragically lost own taxation and legal systems.They had Cliffs of Dover”. The war also took Shaft constructed between 1806-09. their lives as a result of the bombing their own courts, could judge and punish its toll on those in the skies above the This unique triple spiral staircase of their barracks in 1989. Although now criminals, levy tolls and claim any district and a memorial to commemorate is 140 feet (42 metres) in height stationed elsewhere the Royal Marines wreckage found in the sea or on shore. the pilots involved during the Battle of and 26 feet (8 metres) in diameter. return each year to perform here. In the In addition they controlled the yearly Britain is on the cliff top at Capel-le- The three staircases of the Grand summer months it also hosts a variety Yarmouth Herring Fair, a tradition which Ferne. A replica Spitfire and Hurricane Shaft allowed the “Officers and of musicians on Sundays – so a great brought them into frequent conflict with stand nearby as a reminder of the iconic their Ladies”, the “Sergeants and place for a picnic and easy access for the Portsmen of Norfolk. machines they flew to victory. The their Wives” and the “Soldiers and bathing. There is still a Lord Warden of the their Women” to ascend and descend Cinque Ports today whose official separately – how very proper! residence is Walmer Castle. Photographs left to right: Pill Box Coastal Defence; Battle of Britain Memorial; Photographs left to right: Western Heights Women’s Land Army Museum at Re-enactment; Grand Shaft; View of Docks from Farthingloe; Deal Bandstand Western Heights; Walmer Castle; Deal Castle. and the Royal Marines Band 21 One night Discover the fascinating and sustainable there were GARDEN OF ENGLAND... Pines Garden. This organically managed so many In the 16th century King Henry VIII 6 acre area has a lake, a sensory garden bombs that encouraged the development of many and sustainability trail for children, Jack and new orchards in Kent - including his a grass labyrinth and organic kitchen Agnes took favourite cherries that are still grown gardens with over 40 different species shelter in locally today. The fruit itself is of fruit and vegetables. And don’t the nearest dug delicious to eat and a visit to White forget the wonderful tea room selling out. The dug out Cliffs Country in spring when the apple home made produce – much of it grown in in Connaught Park, and cherry blossom is out is a beautiful the gardens. near Dover Castle experience. Just as agriculture was principally continued to be vital to Kent’s In Sandwich you will find the Secret created to shelter economy and landscape, many formal and Gardens that are encircled by the the children playing ornamental gardens were also being old stone town walls - an oasis of there during the created by imaginative and enthusiastic serenity just waiting to be explored. daytime, but these landowners. In White Cliffs Country we The Salutation was designed by renowned shelters were often are proud to have a wonderfully varied English architect Sir Edwin Lutyens used at night by the selection to offer to visitors. From the and surrounding it are the beautiful local residents. beautiful gardens at Walmer Castle, the gardens, created by Gertrude Jekyll result of the personal enthusiasm of which have been restored and opened to the Lord Warden William Pitt, then later the public. enjoyed by the Duke of Wellington when Photographs: Pines Garden, St. Margarets. in residence, through to the exquisite Left to right: Kent’s orchards are still Secret Gardens in Sandwich. famous for its apples and cherries; Walmer Castle Gardens; Secret Gardens of Sandwich 23 Explore and Relax... Wildlife... Wingham Wildlife Park has all the Famous People... Don’t think the district only has formal Another new landscape can be found near excitement kids (and adults!) could Many of the fascinating houses you can visit gardens where you can relax. Deal. Fowlmead Country Park, using want - with tigers, crocodiles, in the area also have associations with owners land once occupied by our coal mining who are important figures in the worlds of Art, With great views over Dover you will meerkats and a massive variety of industry, it has now been reclaimed as a Literature and History. find the town’s Connaught Park which beautiful country park offering walks, birds including penguins; a great café dates back to Victorian times. As well and toddlers play area complete the mountain-biking and cycling trails, a The author Jane Austen was a regular visitor as the main gardens and ornamental pond lake and ponds plus activities such as picture. to Goodnestone Park when her brother lived on the more active will find hard and soft archery, bushcraft and fossil-collecting the Estate. Covering around 14 acres there are tennis courts, a children’s playground – and it’s free to enter. Nature lovers can combine a leisurely romantic woodland areas, an historic walled and a 5-a-side football pitch. boat ride with a chance to see an garden and spectacular pond and rockery. If you are looking for unspoilt beauty The public garden at Kearsney Abbey is abundance of bird and marine life with Immediately after staying here in 1796, Jane where you can just escape and enjoy Seal spotting trips from Dover and began writing her first novel, Pride and a relaxing place for families to enjoy nature in its purest form, visit the picnics, feed the birds and let the Sandwich – you are almost guaranteed Prejudice – what inspiration will you get from National Trust’s iconic White Cliffs. a visit? children play in the newly refurbished Here you can appreciate their beauty and a great sighting of these fascinating play area – but don’t look for the abbey enjoy their special appeal through the creatures all year round. – there has never been one on the site! St Margarets, on the White Cliffs, has its own seasons by taking a dramatic clifftop micro climate – maybe this is why famous figures White Cliffs Countryside Partnership Samphire Hoe is a truly amazing place. walk offering unrivalled views of the such as Noel Coward and Ian Fleming chose to have loads of countryside events It was created from around 5 million busy English Channel and the French live here. cubic metres of chalk dug to make the coast. Or search out the reserves at for children and adults - see their Channel Tunnel - offering something for Whinless Down in Dover or Gazen Salts in website: In New Street,Sandwich, you can see, or even everyone with wild flowers, sea angling Sandwich offering a variety of habitats stay in, the house where Thomas Paine, one and walking. and wildlife typical of the area. of the Founding Fathers of the United States, lived in the 1790’s. Photographs left to right: Tiger at Wingham Wildlife Photographs left to right: Park; Egret on the River Stour Kearsney Abbey Gardens; Estuary, Sandwich; Two views Samphire Hoe; Fowlmead Country of Goodnestone Park; Thomas Park; White Cliffs. Paine Blue Plaque Gareth Wiltshire 25 As the RNVR was a naval at Dover and Deal. Fancy being by or on operation GET ACTIVE... the water rather than in it then we have Jack was required In White Cliffs Country there’s a lively fishing from Deal Pier and Samphire Hoe. to go on swimming range of things to do from swimming, For the more adventurous experience the training and Dover tennis, cycling, walking, fishing, golf, areas marine heritage first hand and learn Borough Council sailing and even motor sport. to sail, windsurf and get power-boating at agreed a special the award-winning Dover Sea Sports Centre rate of just 4d per Our world-renowned golf courses boast a - which also has an excellent restaurant head with Dover history of international competitions. with great views of the harbour. Swimming Baths. In 1964 author Ian Fleming was nominated Jack and Agnes loved President-Elect of the Royal St George’s - Back on dry land Fowlmead Country Park going there together which he thinly disguised as the Royal St offers walks, mountain-biking and cycling whenever their days Mark’s when James Bond and his adversary trails - bike hire available on site. See off coincided. Goldfinger had their famous contest. If the following pages for all the walking you’d prefer a crazy round of golf take and cycling trails. the kids (under 10’s) to Walmer Paddling Pool for a splash and a putt. Swimming is For those who are looking for a bit of great fun for the whole family and you can adrenalin pumping motor racing Race follow in the footsteps of Matthew Webb Circuit is just outside Dover on the A2. who, in 1875, started the long tradition There is something for everyone in White Photographs: of Channel Swimming and take a dip from Cliffs Country! Main photo: Tides Leisure Centre, Deal. one of the many beaches in the area. In Left to right: Golf links at Royal St George’s; chillier weather there are indoor pools Walmer mosaic at Walmer Paddling Pool; Dover Sea Sports Centre; Fowlmead Country Park 27 Miner’s Way This circular trail, approximately 28 miles in length, CYCLING... explores picturesque countryside, linking together WALKING... Skylark Trail pretty villages, grand country estates and remains of Cliffs and Castle Route Frontline Britain Trail Take the country road to the cliffs, from this areas industrial and mining heritage. The route from Sandwich to Dover follows part Follow this exciting circular walk and explore the Walmer Station to Guston and Dover through open of National Route 1 passing three castles and wildlife and history surrounding the cliff top village Stour Valley Way beautiful countryside. of St Margarets-at-Cliffe. The Stour Valley Walk follows the River Stour, through stunning, unspoilt coastline. the Low Weald and Kent Downs from its source at Lenham Miner’s Way Cliff Top Walks to the sea at Sandwich Bay. Pick up leaflets and maps from Discover six Circular Walks ranging from 1 mile to 6 The Miner’s Way cycle route parallels much the Visitor Information Centres miles starting at either the National Trust Centre or Long Distance Walks of the walking trail, passing the sites or go to our website for the extensive fortifications at Western Heights. From If you fancy a longer walk, then follow a National of , and the starting point at the National Trust Visitor Centre links. Trail. The North Downs Way and Saxon Shore Way are Collieries. on Langdon Cliffs you can enjoy a 10 mile walk to the both long distance trails, which run through White town of Deal. Cliffs Country. The Sandwich Way Town and Village Walks Guided Walks and Events Route 15 follows an imaginative route through A lot of our villages have country walks - for instance The coast and countryside in White Cliffs Country are beautiful rolling countryside, past ancient the village of Goodnestone is the starting point of world class for their wildlife and history and are churches and villages. a fine walk through fields and woodland. Sandwich, world famous for being the Gateway to England. Deal and Dover have Historic Town Trails with historic information panels along the way. The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership helps to Cathedral to Coast preserve the environment and develop sustainable The ‘Coast to Cathedral’ route is a spectacular Samphire Hoe tourism. They organise many guided walks and special 50 mile (80km), circular ride on Regional Enjoy magnificent views along this coastal walk events throughout the year for families. Find out through the newest part of Kent, created from the more about Green Gang events for children and guided Routes 16 and 17 linking Dover, Folkestone and spoil excavated during the construction of the Channel cycling and walking dates. Canterbury. Tunnel.

David Lewing 29 1910-1914 saw the working classes responding to the WORKING HERITAGE-Coal... terrible conditions Fishing, farming, trade (legal and imposed on them illegal), coal mining and tourism At its height just after the Second by taking mass have all played a part in shaping the World War, the industry employed around industrial action in landscape and its people in this special 5,000 people – many having re-settled what became known as corner of England. from other parts of the . the ‘great unrest’. The Victorian diggings for a channel Jack’s wages had Whilst the sea has always created tunnel had first exposed coal in 1890 been dramatically employment in White Cliffs Country, near the Shakespeare Cliff and this reduced so he was from fishing and Cross-Channel trade started a formidable local industry. By grateful for the to smuggling and tourism, the district the time Tilmanstone closed in 1986 it additional money had another major industry that lasted had produced over 20,000,000 tons of from the RNVR. for nearly a century - coal mining. coal – some from a depth of almost one This was vital for the area, not only kilometre under the Kent countryside. providing direct work within the three The final colliery, Betteshanger ceased major pits at Tilmanstone, Betteshanger production in 1989 and now the Fowlmead and Snowdown but also encouraging Country Park has been created on the site. The emotive “Statue of the Waiting Photographs: Main photo: the development of the railway, with East Kent Railway, . its associated engineering and supply Miner” standing at the entrance to the Left to Right: Sculpture ‘Playday services, as well as the construction of park serves as a lasting memory to at Snowdown Colliery, ; the workforce that helped support the Statue of The Waiting Miner, new pit villages at Aylesham, Elvington Fowlmead and Mill Hill. South’s industry and railways throughout the 20th century. 31 Lighthouse, Mills and Port... At the end of the century radio telegraph machinery for grinding, kids can try pioneer Marconi set up a transmission mast something of their past in a really fun their hand at mini replica wheels and you WORKING HERITAGE-the Sea... at the South Foreland Lighthouse. From way. can sample the produce in the tea-room It’s no surprise that trade on the water here the first ever ship-to-shore wireless th that looks out over the millpond. Making has been vital in a distict edged by the th centuries Deal had messages and international wireless and 19 flour has always been essential, and In the 18 transmissions were sent. Dramatically, sea and with the world’s most active where a suitable river wasn’t available no harbour but was still recorded as in 1899, the first telegraphed distress shipping channel. Long before the Royal to provide the power, wind did the the third busiest port in England with message was also sent by one of Marconi’s Navy and car ferries or Spanish galleons job. You can see beautifully preserved shipbuilding yards and provision stores colleagues working on the South Goodwin and oil tankers worked their way through windmills at and Sandwich that supported Nelson’s campaigns Lightship after it was rammed by a steamer the passage between England and France, which offer a fantastic chance to get against Napoleon. The last remaining – happily no lives were lost. the earliest traders had started doing close to these iconic structures. evidence of this naval era is the The River Dour flows through Dover to business. The highlight exhibit in Dover Today, Dover still depends on the Time Ball Tower on the seafront. Now a the sea. In Roman times this created a Museum is the oldest known sea-going harbour for much of its prosperity. It Maritime Communications Museum it was large estuary which has now silted up vessel – The Bronze Age Boat. Discovered is the busiest Passenger Ferry Terminal originally built as part of a chain of and been masked by the harbour, but the in 1992 just yards from where it is now in the world, the busiest Cruise Liner semaphore stations in the fight against river has been used since Saxon times exhibited, this stunning archaeological Terminal in Britain and a major port for smuggling. Later it was used as a very to power various watermills along its find is around 3,600 years old – that’s freight, particularly for fruit and other accurate time piece - its ball dropping route. These included eight corn mills as old as Stonehenge! It is now housed perishables imported via the massive at precisely 1pm every day - for and five paper mills. Although a number in an award winning gallery that you cargo ships. signalling Greenwich Mean Time to ships of these buildings have been converted can visit along with many other superb to residential use you can still get to in the Channel, so helping mariners But above all we rely on providing a warm artefacts from Dover’s working heritage. see a fully working mill in the village calculate their longitude positions. reception for our most cherished industry The museum also hosts many free family of River. Crabble Mill uses the original – tourism... days during the year – so make sure you Welcome to White Cliffs Country! give your young ones a chance to learn

Photographs left to right: Photographs left to right: South Foreland Lighthouse; Crabble Corn Tiling in the underpass where the Bronze Age Mill, River, Dover; working models at Boat was discovered; Bronze Age Boat Gallery, Sandwich White Mill; Dover harbour from Dover Museum; Time Ball Tower, Deal; the White Cliffs National Trust David Lewing 33 Despite the early closure of public houses and WHAT’S ON IN 2014 theatres,there were regular concerts and dances in the May June Dover Town Hall and other venues Sandwich Celebration around the town. Le Weekend Two day food fayre in the Two day festival in Sandwich One of Jack and heart of historic Sandwich Town Agnes’ favourite including an authentic Normandy with stalls focused on quality Market, food stalls, music, performers was local products. Celebrate Lance Corporal classic cars and Can Can the sandwich with the famous Dancing. William John Thomas “Sandwich Bites” sandwich (Billy) Beer of the making competition to find “the Royal Engineers. sandwich of Sandwich 2014”. Western Heights Open Weekend March Walmer Brocante View the Western Heights Antique and Collectables Fair during one of the Open Weekends Dover Film Festival on Walmer Green held on May when the Drop Redoubt, one of A unique film, recording the Bank Holiday weekend. the two forts on the Western events and lives of the people Heights and the Grand Shaft of Dover, over the past year. will be open to visitors plus re-enactors will be on site to make the weekend come alive. 35 July August December Dover’s Armed Forces Deal Festival of Port of Dover Sandwich Festival Deal Folk by the Sea Sandwich Christmas Community Regatta Popular annual event with Weekend of music shanties Community Fayre Day Weekend Music and the Arts street stalls, Italian food and stories to celebrate A fantastic festival of family Held on the Guildhall Forecourt Enjoy a free weekend, centred International and national market, street music and Deal’s maritime heritage held fun on land and sea! Square in the heart of medieval around a programme of bandstand artists perform at venues in classic car meets. throughout the town. entertainment along with Dover, Deal and Sandwich at Sandwich Town. Stalls selling historic military vehicles the annual popular two week Deal Carnival November hot food, mulled wine and and displays, all set in the festival showcasing everything Walmer Christmas gifts. Carol singing backdrop of Dover’s magnificent from street music to opera and and Regatta Picnic on the Green around the Christmas tree adds castle. local art. Considered the South East’s Community picnic on Walmer Dover, Deal and a truly seasonal feel to the oldest and finest carnival and Green with stalls Sandwich Christmas day. regatta. The packed programme Goodnestone Park Sandwich Folk & Ale Lights includes live music, firework September Gardens Festival displays, a rowing regatta, Christmas carnivals, parades and lights switched on across Beautiful gardens near Annual festival with music and culminating with a colourful For more detailed information Deal Braderie the district. dancing in Sandwich pubs and carnival. log onto the What’s On page at: Sandwich, with connections to Open air antiques and streets. Range of folk musical Jane Austen. Enjoy lively memorabilia fayre held through styles with an outdoor stage on music events and performances the town. held in the gardens. the Guildhall Forecourt. 37 10 Dover Castle 25 20 Gazen Salts Nature Reserve 30 Sandwich Guildhall Tours t: 01304 211067 t: 01304 617197 t: 01304 617197

45 20 29 31 PLACES TO GO 11 Dover Leisure Centre 46 Goodnestone Park Gardens Sandwich River Bus & Seal Spotting Trips 30 33 t: 01304 201145 21 31 35 t: 01304 840107 t: 07958 376183 28 1 1 Vineyard t: 01304 812530 m: 07770 482883 12 Dover Museum and Bronze Age Boat Gallery 22 Kearsney Abbey 32 South Foreland Lighthouse t: 01304 201066 t: 01304 824880 t: 01304 852463 18 Battle of Britain Memorial 21 2 23 Kent Battle of Britain Museum foreland-lighthouse/ 7 t: 01303 249292 13 Dover Sea Safari t: 01303 893140 8 t: 07870 738 580 33 St Peter’s Church, Sandwich 38 3 Coker Sea Fishing Charters Little Farthingloe Farm Dover Transport Museum 24 37 6 t: 01303 872329 14 01304 212040 34 The Pines Garden Tea Room & Museum t: 01304 822409 t: 01304 851737 (Garden) / 01304 41 25 Richborough Roman Fort and Amphitheatre 853173 (Tea Room) 4 Connaught Park t: 01304 612013 15 Dover White Cliffs Tours 40 t: 01304 832938 (to book Tennis Courts) t: 07971 301379 / 01303 271388 35 The Secret Gardens of Sandwich 5 Crabble Corn Mill 16 26 Roman Painted House t: 01304 619919 t: 01304 823292 t: 01304 203279 16 East Kent Railway t: 01304 832042 19 The Women’s Land Army Museum 36 34 6 Deal Castle 27 Samphire Hoe t: 01304 212040 14 32 t: 01304 372762 26 4 44 t: 01304 225649 10 43 17 Fire Fox Fishing Charters 37 Tides Leisure & Indoor Tennis Centre 12 t: 01580 891198 39 11 t: 01304 373399 9 17 15 7 Deal Maritime & Local History Museum 22 5 28 Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory & Field 24 36 3 13 t: 01304 381344 Centre 42 18 Fowlmead Country Park t: 01304 617341 38 Timeball Tower Museum 27 t: 01304 615390 t: 01304 360897 2 8 Deal Pier 23 t: 01304 363815 Sandwich Guildhall Museum Frontline Britain Trail 29 19 t: 01304 617197 39 Tours of the Realm t: 01304 241806 t: 01303 863869 / 07595 769615 9 De Bradelei Wharf t: 01304 226616 39 40 Walmer Castle & Gardens t: 01304 364288 GOODNESTONE PARK GARDENS WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER SOUTH FORELAND LIGHTHOUSE Considered to be one of the best gardens in the South Goodnestone Park Gardens East. 14 acres including woodland area and walled garden. Nr Wingham, Canterbury, 41 Walmer Paddling Pool Fine trees, large collection of roses and herbaceous plants. Kent, CT3 1PL t: 01304 373399 Connections with Jane Austen who frequently visited. t: 01304 840107 Opening Hours and Admission e: enquiries@ 23 Feb – 13 Apr Sundays only 12noon–4pm 42 Western Heights – Local Nature Reserve 15 Apr – 26 Sept Tue-Fri 11am-5pm, Sun 12noon–5pm w: www. t: 01304 241806 Closed Saturdays and Mondays except Bank Holiday Mondays Adults £6.00, Senior Citizen £5.50, Students £4.00, Children (6-16yrs) £2.00, Family £14.00, Groups 20+ £5.50 43 White Cliffs of Dover t: 01304 202756 ST PETER’S CHURCH, SANDWICH

44 Whinless Down – Local Nature Reserve St Peter’s, in the centre of Sandwich – England’s most St Peter’s Church Sandwich t: 01304 241806 complete medieval town – has eleventh century origins, Market Street and is where Thomas Paine, who wrote The Rights of Man Sandwich and coined the phrase The United States of America, was Kent CT13 9DA married in 1759. The church has a secret garden and a w: www.stpeterschurch- 45 White Mill Rural Heritage Centre t: 01304 239544 curfew bell that rings daily. Accessible on foot from the White Cliffs Visitor Centre, South Foreland lighthouse was a Opening Hours and Admission life saving beacon for mariners guiding ships around the treacherous Goodwin Sands. Built Open daily from 10am to 4pm in 1943 this striking Victorian landmark was the site of Faraday’s work on electricity and the 46 Wingham Wildlife Park Free entry t: 01227 720836 There can be no doubt that The White Cliffs of Dover are one of this country’s most location for the first international wireless transmission by Marconi in 1898. Today you can spectacular natural features. They are an official icon of Britain and have been a symbol of take a guided tour of the lighthouse, learn all about its famous historical connections and hope and freedom for centuries. While here, enjoy exhilarating cliff top walks which offer enjoy spectacular cross Channel views or just relax in the quirky surroundings of Mrs Knott’s WALMER CASTLE & GARDENS unrivalled views of the busy English Channel. Learn more about their fascinating military Tearoom. TOURS OF THE history, savour the rare flora and fauna only found on this chalk grassland or just watch the From Henry VIII’s fort to residence of the Lords Warden, Walmer Walmer Castle & Gardens ships passing in the channel from the comfort of our coffee shop. South Foreland Lighthouse REALM has been home to an incredible range of characters. See the Kingsdown Road, Deal, Kent The Front, St Margaret’s Bay, Dover, Kent original Wellington boots and stand where the Duke of Wellington CT14 7LJ White Cliffs of Dover t: 01304 853281 Private sightseeing tours of rural and historic Britain. Per- died. Explore the magnificent gardens including the broad walk, t: 01304 364288 Langdon Cliffs, Upper Road, Dover, Kent, CT16 1HJ t: 01304 202756 e: [email protected] sonalised itineraries, tailored to the interests of the client. kitchen garden, and contemporary Queen Mother’s garden. e: customers@english-heritage. w: Relaxed, fun and informative. Opening Hours and Admission Prices 2014: e: [email protected] Tours of the Realm 1 Apr-30 Sep, Daily*, 10am-6pm *Closed 11-13 July for Lords Warden w: w: PO Box 1023, Canterbury, Kent CT1 9GR 1 Oct-2 Nov, Daily, 10am-5pm walmercastle Opening Hours and Admission t: 01303 863869 / 07595 769615 For winter opening dates, please refer to website Opening Hours and Admission Open from Monday 10th March - end of October on Fri-Mon inclusive and open every day e: [email protected] Members Free, Adults £7.90, Concessions £7.10, Child £4.70, Visitor Centre open all year from 10.00am in spring and summer. in local school holidays. w: Family £20.50 Car parking £3.50, free to National Trust members Guided tour prices £5 per adult, £2.50 per child, £12.50 per family. 41 DOVER MUSEUM DOVER TRANSPORT MUSEUM AND BRONZE AGE BOAT GALLERY PLACES TO EAT

All Things Nice, The Old Lantern Inn, Fishermans Wharf, The Railway Bell, Sandwich Martin, Near Dover Sandwich Dover t: 01304 612596 t: 01304 852276 t: 01304 613636 t: 01304 268227 The Mermaids Locker, Sandwich Gardener’s Kitchen Tea Rooms, The Plough Inn, The Pines Garden Tea Room t: 01304 619311 Valley Garden Centre Ripple-by-Dover St Margarets t: 01303 893351 t: 01304 360209 t: 01304 853173 Walletts Court Country House If you Hotel, Restaurant & Spa, want St Margarets The Chequers Restaurant, Marine Court Table Table, The district’s largest and most varied museum, to know Dover Transport Museum is set in nearly two acres of attractive grounds, with ample free t: 01304 852424 Golf Road, Deal Dover has a range of fascinating real objects, models car and coach parking. The museums two large galleries include over fifty road vehicles, more t: 01304 362288 t: 01304 218260 and original pictures showing the history of many of them arranged in period street scenes, with shops and displays showing off the Dover. Included in the admission charge is about many exhibits and artefacts. From bicycles to buses, the vehicles include many which are The Bay Restaurant at the entry to the award winning Bronze Age Boat unusual or unique. Working model railways, hundreds of models, and many displays which Jack and White Cliffs Hotel, Gallery with interactive exhibits, computers go beyond just transport, make for an enjoyable visit for everyone. The Old Lantern Inn and microscopes. Regular family days and Agnes’s war why not St Margarets events – ring for details. drop into Dover Dover Transport Museum t: 01304 852229 16th century English Inn just 5 minutes The Old Lantern Inn Museum and they Willingdon Road, White Cliffs Business Park, Whitfield, Nr Dover, CT16 2JX drive from Dover in a picturesque village. The Street, Martin, Nr Dover, Dover Museum t: 01304 822409 and Bronze Age Boat Gallery will guide you Kent, CT15 5JL e: [email protected] Dunkerley’s Restaurant, Fresh home-cooked food and traditional Market Square, Dover, Kent, CT16 1PB around the World w: Bar & Bistro, ales served all week. A traditional T: 01304 852276 t: 01304 201066 War One Exhibition. atmosphere with a warm welcome. w: Deal Opening Hours and Admission t: 01304 375016 Extensive, lovingly tended gardens Opening Hours and Admission 29 March to end October 2014: Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays 10.30 – 5.00pm, Wednesdays 1.30pm – 5.00pm. with a children’s play area. Holiday Open all year 10am-5pm Mon-Sat accommodation also available. Sundays Apr-Sept 10am-3pm. November to Easter 2015: Sundays only 10.30am – 3.00pm. There is a small admission charge - please see our website. for details Adults £5.00, Senior Citizens £4.00, Children £3.50, Family £15.00. 43 All Things Nice The Chequers Restaurant Sue & Pete Caton On the Ancient Highway beside Royal Cinque The Chequers Restaurant 22A King Street, Sandwich, Kent, CT13 9BT Ports golf course, Chequers serves South Stephanie Hayman PLACES TO STAY T: 01304 612596 African specialities alongside modern English Golf Road, Deal, CT14 6RG DiSCLAiMeR AND SyMBoLS cuisine. Lunch and a la carte menus for all When you choose to stay in White Cliffs Country, you can Guest Accommodation Visitor Information Centres T: 01304 362288 This guide is published by Dover District Council, within their national level. All inspected p Parking F French spoken tastes and budgets. Check website for our be confident that it has been checked out before you arrive. Properties are likely to be smaller than hotelsDiS withCL perhapsAiMe a Rfamily A NDContact Sy oneMB ofo ourL VisitorS Information Centres (see page 36) whose practice is to promote only establishments are Tourism Related and as such will NL Dutch spoken Family run coffee shop having a selection of [email protected] All accommodation featured in this guide has been quality homeaTchcios mfeelgumido eandd ias tpio uapproachnb, liswhheidc hb yh aDandso bvee rea nD less isatsrsi ecstructuredts sCedo uanncdil, service.NwOithTin h outshee airs ylunmat sioeneakel rs,l erewho,vfeulg. eeA sfor lol r paine sosmallppelec toe ndfee, should˙ DPa orbegksin agableccept etod bookF accommodationFrench spoken popular cookery demonstrations and special p German spoken assessed by either Visit England or the AA or has recently gwrhadoesed by parna cotfifcicei al niast iontaol schpemroem soutceh as oAnAly geostvaebrlnismhmenetn stsu parpeo Trot.u rism Reforlate dyou. and Alternativelyas such will you canChil dcallren in when youNL arriveDutch insp oWhiteken homemade cakes, scones, pastries, hot and cold events. Friendly, welcoming atmosphere. accommodation, which has been assessed and NOT house asylum seekers, refugees or people on ;˙ wDeolgcso macecepted Washing applied for a rating and is awaiting assessment. Selfo rCatering Visit Britain. Establishments also sign up to Dover Further information can be oCliffsbtaine dCountry. from: They can also Book a Bed Ahead` mG foraecrhm inyou.aen &spoken Dgriasdtreicdt bCy oanu nocfiflisc iaCl onadteio noafl sPcrhaecmticee s, ucwhh iacsh A Ais AgoAv eHrnomteeln St esurvpipceosr, t. Fanum House, Basing View, - Cohtilsd rpernovided drying facilities snacks, soup. Pets welcome. Walkers, cyclists, motorists and golfers all Theor Vlayoutisit Brit aandin. Es tdesignablishm eofnts thealso saccommodationign up to Dover Fandurth ether inf orangermatio nand can be obtained from: ; welcome Washing available at all establishments in this guide. Basingstoke, Hants, RG21 4EA Outdoor ` Lminaecnh inheir e& welcome! qualityDistr icoft Ctheou nkitchencils Co dequipmente of Practic eis, assessedwhich is asQA wellAua lHityo asitne Tl otheSuerris vmqualityic,e Fsa, rFnacn oummb ePayments,H Hoouusese, , BFaasrinn Cancellationcgo Vmiebwe,, p and Complaints Ratings made easy All the accommodation featured in this guide has - sCwoimts mprinogv ipdoeodl t sderryvinicge facilities andav comfortailable at a ofll e sbedroomstablishments andin th ibathrooms.s guide. Braosiandgwstaoyk, We, HR1an2t s7, LRTG21 4EAMaking a booking is a legally binding contract and therefore Accommodation in this guide is rated with stars. The star been quality assessed by either Visit Britain or the IOnduotdoor osrwimming Liinen phriroevided Quality in Tourism, Farncombe House, Farncombe, qp swimming pool t service AAll ,t hoer ahcacso mremceondtalyti oanp pfeliaetdu rfeodr ina trhaitsi nggu idane dh ais cancellation procedures shouldpool be checked swithf reachee of charge ratings are designed to meet expectations of consumers with PBaroymadewnta ya, nWd RC1a2n c7eLlTlation Holidayabweeanit inq guParks, aalsitsye sass msCaravanseesnset.d P bleya seeit andhbeer aV wiCampingsaitr eB rtihtaaitn roart inthges establishment before qtbooking.TInedleovo isEachri osnw inm establishmentming a DLiins ehhasnw pas rhaoev rided regards to quality and facilities. AA, or has recently applied for a rating and is Establishments will generally accept credit card bpeodorloom/unit s Lfriecen ocfe cdh calrugbe/ Dunkerley’s Restaurant, Bar & Bistro 2 AA Rosettes Starm aratingsy chang ereflect through otheut t heoverall year. quality of the parkPay mfroment a ndone Ca ntoce llfiveatio n cancellation clause which will be strictly enforced if you do Gardener’s Kitchen Tea Rooms awaiting assessment. Please be aware that ratings bookings by telephone and payment of a deposit BTelveevriasigoen t rinay in a} bDairs howna ssihteer Establishments will generally accept credit card t bedroom/unit Hotels starsSmea lfy– C cfiveahtaenrgine gstars t Ahrgoeu ngcbeinghieosut treservedhe year. for parks of exceptionalmay be requ equality.sted. You shouldnot be agiveware adequatethat this is notice.< | FLoicoedn coeudt lceltub/ The Guide in accordance with Dover District cboonoskidinegrse bdy ate lfeoprhmo noe f ancdo nptaryamcte nint olaf wa daenpdo sait MBeavjoer acgree dtrita yc ainrds } Mbairc roonw saivte in Alkham Valley Garden Centre, Alkham Valley Road, Come and enjoy our warm hospitality in a Dunkerley’s Restaurant, Bar Must have a minimum of five bedrooms, be licensed (unless Ò< bedroom Ø RatingsCSeoluf nCc aiexplained:lt ePriancgt iAceg ealnscoi einscludes self-catering agencies cmoamy pbeen rseaqtiouens fteeed .m Yoauyb seh ocuhladrShould gbeed a two ay royoueu trh a cthave ctohuisn i tscause fora ccomplaint,cepted you should| eFao cinformohd u onuittle t Alkham, Dover, CT15 7EW friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Renowned & Bistro categorised as a Metro Hotel) and all bedrooms must be wTheo fGeautiudree 1in0 0a%cc aosrsdeasnseced pwroitphe rDtioevse. r District icf oynosuid deroe dn oat afrorrivme aotf thceo netsrtaacbt lisinh mlaewnt atn dth ea Òn NMoaj osmr corkeidngit cards W RMeicfrriogewraavteo rin in * SimpleCouncil andPrac tipractical,ce also incl unode sfrills self-catering agencies compensation fee maybe chatherged managerto your ac corou nownert at theeasctcae bptimelitsehdme ofnt your Østay, ewhileach un theyit 19 Beach Street, Deal, Kent, ensuite or with private facilities. Facility and Quality Grading Standards time agreed or cancel your booking with the each unit T: 01303 893351 F: 01303 893356 for our fresh, local seafood we are dedicated ** wWellho fe apresentedture 100% a andssess ewelld pr orunperties. pif royopuri edto r noort maarrniavgee ar. tY othue a rehavees taadbvl isthehedm techanceon tc oant ttahc etto put thingsNo s mright.okiing You can alsoER lecontactfcrtirgiecr hatooor kthe i nup The national assessing bodies now assess ^n reosotamblsis ahvmaielanbtle )W CT14 7AH Facility and Quality Grading Standards atinmde reaqgrueeesdt for tchaen cperl oyvoiduerr ’sb ooowknin gt ewrmitsh atnhde Neaicgh tu pnoitrter on E: [email protected] to serving mouth-watering cuisine, enhanced Budget Hotels ***ac cGoodommo dlevelation ofto tqualityhe sam eand stan dcomfortards and award relevant assessment agency:GNr usmndo kflionogr M or www. The national assessing bodies now assess cporondpirtiieotnosr. oIt ri sm naonta gneor.r Ymoaul atroe aasdkv iysoeud to cpoany tfaocrt ^ dEuletcytric hook up T: 01304 375016 ****one Excellent to five st aservicers. Thes ethroughout star ratings reflect the and request for the providtheAA.comer’s own term s and 9 rooms avaiillablle ) by an extensive choice of fine wines, from Part of a large ‘branded’ Hotel Group offering clean and oacvceoramllm qoudaalittiyo no tfo tthhee seaxmpe rsiteanncdea. rTdsh ean dty apwe aordf the full amount for your stay in advance unless this Å SNhioghwte prsorter on ***** Exceptional with a degree of luxury conditions. It is not normal to ask you to pay for CGarfoéu/rneds tfalouorarnt M duty E: [email protected] comfortable en-suite facilities, 24-hour reservations and a aocnceo mtom ofivdea tisotanr sis. Tshoewsen sctlaera rrlya tbineglso wre tfhleec ts ttahres is for an inclusive holiday. Some proprietors may m9 rooms available ‡ Gas/electricity classic French varieties to exciting discoveries cthear fguell aa msuopupnletm foern yto tuor c sutsatyo iEstablishmentsmn eardsv panaycien gu nblye scsr e thdwillist generallyFit nacceptess credit cardÅ bookingsbSyh omweetresr by All day food menu made in our own kitchen. consistent level of facilities. aonvde rianlcl luqdueasl:ity of the experience. The type of $ cCeanftér/ere/gsytmaurant accommodation is shown clearly below the stars cisa rfdo rt oa nc oinveclru tshiveeir hcolmidmayi.s sSiomn ceh pargoepsr ioevteorr st hmosaey m Í SGhaosp/e olenc tsriticeity from the new world. Booking• HOT EinformationLS charge a supplement to custotelephonemers paying bandy cre paymentdit ofAF ialtcn odepositehsosl licenc maye be‡ meter It Cream teas, afternoon teas, freshly ground coffee, •an Gd UinEcSluTd AesC: COMMODATION paying by cash or cheque: they are obliged under $} centre/gym Maid service Contact the accommodation tchaerd l atow c otov eirn tfhoermir c oyomum iifs ssiouisnc h cnot haa rs gunormalepsp olevemr et nhtoto s iesask you toEv payening forme athel by full amountÍ aSvhaoil paof bolen your site • SHEOLFT-ECLASTERING aArlrcaonhgoelm liecnetnce K cakes baked by us. Book directly with the accommodation you’ve chosen,appapyilnicga bblye or c heque: thstayey ar ein o advancebliged und eunlessr o }this is for an inclusive holiday.Maid sSomeervice • HGOUELSIDTA AYC, TCOOUMRIMNOGD &A CTIAOMNPING PARKS Evening meal by Mobility details• SE LareF-C AonTE ReachING of the advertisements. Pleaseth emention law to i nthatform you if suproprietorsch a supplem mayent ischargeÌ a supplementGolf (18 holes) to customersK availa bpayingle Guide to Awards The new common standard star rating have been applicable. o arrangement • HOLIDAY, TOURING & CAMPING PARKS Special Requirements Lift Level 1 youin tfoundroduce dyour and aaccommodationre designed to mee int t hthee g rWhiteeater Cliffs Country guide by credit card to cover« theirGo lcommissionf (18 holes) chargesM ooverbility those Gold and Silver Awards from Visit England are given in The new common standard star rating have been If you have any special requirements – dietary, Ì Level 2 whenexp ebookingctations o fdirect. consumers with regard to quality Special Requirements paying cash or cheque; theyCh areildre nobliged’s under theLev elawl 1 to The Plough Inn Fishermans Wharf recognition of exceptional quality within a property’s ainntdro fdauciclietide sa. nInd arded idtieosnig ntoed N toat imoneaelt rtahtein ggrse aytoeur accessibility or otherwise, please notify the >« fLaicftilities/playroom pIfr oyoprui ehtoavr ew ahneyn bspoeockiainl gr.equinformiremen tyous – difi esuchtary, a supplement is applicable.Q Level 3 star rating or for outperforming a star rating. Yellow mexigphetc taatlsioon sf ionfd cosunspupmleemrse nwtaitrhy reagwaradrd tso, qwuhailcithy ı SCehciuldrree snt’sorage Level 2 Onlineand facilities. In addition to National ratings you accessibility or otherwise, please notify the > ffoacri lcityiecsle/pslayroom The Plough Inn, Church Lane, Ripple-by-Dover, With its perfect waterfront location and its Fishermans Wharf Stars from the AA are for providing Highly Commended reflect properties, which exceed expectations proprietor when booking. Q Level 3 Visitm also find supplementary awa randds, wcheckhich out short break Special Requirementsı Secure storage Kent, CT14 8JH warm, friendly atmosphere, the Fisherman’s accommodation. reflect pTrhoep eGrrteieesn, Twohuicrhis mex Bceuesidn eesxs pSecchtaetmioen sis the leading environmental accreditation system of tourismfo rr ecylactlesd businesses in Europe. There Chris Ash ideas anda specialre curr eoffers.ntly ov er 1300 members in the UK who have made a coIfm youmitm haveent t oanywa rspecialds redu requirementscing the impac t- odietary,f their b accessibilityusiness on t hore T: 01304 360209 E: [email protected] Wharf is the perfect food venue in Sandwich, The Quay, Sandwich, Kent, eTnhveir Gonremeenn Tto. Mureismmb Beruss ianrees sc oScmhmemittee dis ttoh eb leesatd einngv ieronnvimroennmtael nptraal catcotherwise,iccer eadnitda tuionnd epleasesrygsote imn d notifyoefp teonud rtheeisnmt aproprietorrsesleatsesmd ebnuts i onwhenef stsheesir i cEtuivriotiepse.. There Breakfast Awards are currently over 1300 members in the UK who have made a commitment towards reducing the impact of their business on the Kent whatever the occasion, whether it is just CT13 9RU Visit England Breakfast awards are made for choice of environment. Members are committed to best environmental practice and undergo independent assessment of their activities. breakfast, service and hospitality over and above their star a snack at lunchtime, or a family celebration. T: 01304 613636 Accommodation Colour Guide Sandwich Accommodation Located on the quayside in the ancient rating. 17th Century Village Inn – renown for its home E: [email protected] Sandwich Accommodation Cinque port town of Sandwich our menu AccommodaHtiotne Clsolour Guide Rural Accommodation cooking and traditional ales – with excellent en-suite The Green Tourism Business Scheme includes fresh seafood, fish & meat dishes at Awarded to accommodation providers on their effort Dover AHccootmelms odation SelfR-Cuartael rAincgc Aomccmomodmaotidoantion accommodation. Free parking prices to suit all. to reduce their environmental impact. DDoevaelr A Acccoommmmooddaatitoionn Self-CaterCinagm Apcsciotemsmodation Deal Accommodation Campsites 45 County Hotel - Dover ##VB County Hotel - Dover ##VHBotel Townwall Street, Dover, Kent CTH16o 1tSeZl Contact: Reservations To: 0w1n3w0a4l l5 S0t9re9e5t5, DF:o 0v1e3r, 0K4e n2t1 3C2T3106 1SZ rCeos@ntaccotu: nRteys-ehrovtaetli-odnosv wT:w 0w13.c0o4u n5t0y9-9h5o5te Fl-: d0o1v3e0r4.c o2.1u3k230 [email protected] Lwowcawt.ecdo uinn ttyh-eh octeenlt-rdeo voef midway between the Eastern and WLoecsatteerdn inD othcek sc, etnhter eC ofu Dntoyv Herotel omffiedrwsa ayc bcoetmwmeeond athtieo nE aaslotenrgn wanitdh a wWideest rearng De ocf kbso, th eB Critoisuhn tayn Hd otel Cofofenrtsin aecnctoaml cmuiosidnaet.ion along with a wide range of both British and RCooonmtins:en7t9al cuisine. B&B: £25 - £50 FRaomoimlys r:o7o9m: P.O.A. B&B: £25 - £50 pFaqmilyÒ room: P$.O.A}. q Ò Prices shown for all establishments (unless stated) are per person sharinpg a twin mor $dou}ble room Prices shown for all establishments (unless stated) are per person sharing a twin or double room Dunkerley’s Restaurant & Hotel - DEAL 2AA Rosettes AA Hotel The Lodge at Prince’s - Sandwich 2 AA Rosettes AA Hotel BEST WESTERN PLUS Dover Marina Hotel & Spa - Dover Our award winning restaurant and accommodation An intimate venue in Sandwich Bay offering stunning AA Hotel in the heart of historic Deal, a stones throw away views across the English Channel and White Cliffs of from the beach. We are in easy reach of Dover, Ramsgate. The Lodge is a unique golfing and restaurant Canterbury, Sandwich, Ramsgate and France. venue on the South East Coast. It has 38 bedrooms all Renowned for fresh local seafood, passion and with ensuite facilities. Our warm and friendly welcome dedication dictate Dunkerleys culinary successes. will ensure that you feel relaxed throughout your stay. Key to symbols There is an abundance of unique shops close by, The Lodge offers a lift and accessible bedrooms, free DiSCLAiMeR AND SyMBoLS in a beautifully lit seafront promenade, the perfect wi-fi throughout and extensive free car parking. In setting for a romantic evening. Looking for action? the Lodge’s 2 AA Rosette restaurant the Brasserie on This guide is published by Dover District Council, within their national level. All inspected p Parking F French spoken Championship golf courses or a spot of fishing are the Bay menus are created to coincide with seasonal whose practice is to promote only establishments are Tourism Related and as such will NL Dutch spoken accommodation, which has been assessed and NOT house asylum seekers, refugees or people on ˙ Dogs accepted close too. Whatever your reason for staying at German spoken produce and wherever possible local Kentish providers graded by an official national scheme such as AA government support. Children Dunkerleys you will enjoy thoughtful service and are chosen. ; welcome Washing or Visit Britain. Establishments also sign up to Dover Further information can be obtained from: ` machine & attention to detail in a charming location. District Councils Code of Practice, which is AA Hotel Services, Fanum House, Basing View, - Cots provided drying facilities available at all establishments in this guide. Basingstoke, Hants, RG21 4EA Outdoor Linen hire Prince’s Drive, Sandwich Bay, Kent, CT13 9QB Quality in Tourism, Farncombe House, Farncombe, p All the accommodation featured in this guide has swimming pool t service Ian Dunkerley Broadway, WR12 7LT T: 01304 611118 F: 01304 410001 been quality assessed by either Visit Britain or the q Indoor swimming Linen provided 19 Beach Street, Deal, Kent, CT14 7AH E: [email protected] AA, or has recently applied for a rating and is pool s free of charge Payment and Cancellation T: 01304 375016 F: 01304 380187 awaiting assessment. Please be aware that ratings Television in a Dishwasher Establishments will generally accept credit card t bedroom/unit may change throughout the year. Licenced club/ E: [email protected] bookings by telephone and payment of a deposit Beverage tray in } bar on site Rooms: 38 Self Catering Agencies may be requested. You should be aware that this is < bedroom | Food outlet Rooms: 16. Single: From £80 - £110 B&B: £60 - £120 The Guide in accordance with Dover District considered a form of contract in law and a Ò Major credit cards Microwave in Located on the seafront, a few minutes walk from the accepted Ø Double/Twin: £50 - £60 per person Council Practice also includes self-catering agencies compensation fee maybe charged to your account each unit p ; WiFi town square, with the ferry and cruise terminals nearby, who feature 100% assessed properties. if you do not arrive at the establishment at the No smoking Refrigerator in Principle Double/Twin: £65 - £75 per person $ it is a great place for an overnight stay. Facilities include n establishment W Facility and Quality Grading Standards time agreed or cancel your booking with the each unit a restaurant, coffee shop, bar, three meeting rooms, gym, proprietor or manager. You are advised to contact No smoking Electric hook up p Ç WiFi The national assessing bodies now assess ^ rooms available ) m sauna and three spa treatment rooms. Free Wi-Fi internet accommodation to the same standards and award and request for the provider’s own terms and Night porter on available. conditions. It is not normal to ask you to pay for Ground floor M duty County Hotel VE Hotel one to five stars. These star ratings reflect the 9 rooms available the full amount for your stay in advance unless this Å Showers overall quality of the experience. The type of Café/restaurant Ramada Hotel - DOVER AA Hotel The County Hotel is conveniently situated for Reception accommodation is shown clearly below the stars is for an inclusive holiday. Some proprietors may m Gas/electricity Waterloo Crescent, Dover, Kent, CT17 9BP charge a supplement to customers paying by credit Fitness ‡ by meter easy access to the town centre and is a ideal Townwall Street, Dover, Kent, and includes: $ centre/gym Contact: Reservations card to cover their commission charges over those Í Shop on site The 4 star Ramada Dover is set in 4 acres of Singledge Lane, Whitfield, Dover, stopover for guests travelling to Europe by CT16 1SZ T: 01304 203633 F: 01304 213826 • HOTELS Alcohol licence ferry. We offer a heated indoor swimming pool, • GUEST ACCOMMODATION paying by cash or cheque: they are obliged under } Maid service gardens making it ideal venue for an overnight Kent, CT16 3EL T: 01304 509955 F: 01304 213230 E: [email protected] the law to inform you if such a supplement is Evening meal by K available gym, free Wi-Fi. Our Christos Restaurant offers • SELF-CATERING o arrangement K stay before going on a cruise or ferry to Europe. Contact: Reservations E: [email protected] • HOLIDAY, TOURING & CAMPING PARKS applicable. Facilities include restaurant, Costa Coffee lounge, T: 01304 821230 F: 01304 825576 traditional home cooked meals. All rooms offer Golf (18 holes) Mobility The new common standard star rating have been Ì bar, mini gym, two meeting rooms, Grand E: [email protected] ensuite facilities. Parking available. Level 1 Rooms: 81 introduced and are designed to meet the greater Special Requirements « Lift Marquee for weddings, Free Wi-Fi and car parking. If you have any special requirements – dietary, Rooms: 80 Bed: From £29 per person expectations of consumers with regard to quality Children’s Level 2 Rooms: 68 Bed: £20.00 – £40.00 on a twin share basis and facilities. In addition to National ratings you accessibility or otherwise, please notify the > facilities/playroom - qt n proprietor when booking. Q Level 3 Bed: From £24.50 per person m B&B: £26.00 - £52.00 might also find supplementary awards, which ı Secure storage p n WiFi on a twin share basis p WiFi reflect properties, which exceed expectations for cycles $ m Family room: P.O.A. $ m The Green Tourism Business Scheme is the leading environmental accreditation system of tourism related businesses in Europe. There are currently over 1300 members in the UK who have made a commitment towards rePricesducing tshownhe impa forct o fall th eestablishmentsir business on th e(unless stated) are per person sharing a twin or double room 47 environment. Members are committed to best environmental practice and undergo independent assessment of their activities.

Accommodation Colour Guide Sandwich Accommodation Hotels Rural Accommodation Dover Accommodation Self-Catering Accommodation Deal Accommodation Campsites

County Hotel - Dover ##VB Hotel Townwall Street, Dover, Kent CT16 1SZ Contact: Reservations T: 01304 509955 F: 01304 213230 [email protected]

Located in the centre of Dover midway between the Eastern and Western Docks, the County Hotel offers accommodation along with a wide range of both British and Continental cuisine.

Rooms: 79 B&B: £25 - £50 Family room: P.O.A. p q Ò m $ } Prices shown for all establishments (unless stated) are per person sharing a twin or double room Wallett’s Court Country House Hotel, Restaurant & Spa – Dover Heathers Woodlands Bleriots AA Highly Commended Guest Accommodation Number One Guest House VE Guest House 2 AA Rosettes / Green Tourism Silver Award VE AA Hotel Ideally located our ‘AA 3 Gold Star Award’ M Casey VE Guest House Victorian Residence within easy reach of 47 Park Avenue, Dover, An historic country house hotel with an award Reservations Beautiful location. Cosy basic and ensuite rooms. Dover Road, Westcliffe, St Margarets-at- Scrumptious breakfast served early. Off road parking. Restaurants, Town Centre, Dover Castle, White Kent, CT16 1HE A Grade II Georgian winning restaurant and luxury health spa nestling Cliffs, Train Stations and Ferries. Channel Tunnel T: 01304 211394 property located below in the heart of White Cliffs Country, 10 minutes Cliffe, Dover, Kent, CT15 6EW Undercover garaging. Five minutes to port. T: 01304 852424 F: 01304 853430 Heather & Barry Waller 9 miles. En-suite, Single, Double, Twin and E: [email protected] Dover’s historic castle. drive from Dover. With stunning four-poster Family rooms. Breakfast from 7.00am (Adult Close to town centre bedrooms in the old manor and contemporary E: [email protected] Woodlands, 29 London Road, River, Dover, CT17 0SF T: 01304 823635 £6, Child £3). Security lit, walled and gated on restaurants and amenities. rooms in converted Kentish barns set in acres of site parking. Rooms: 8 Convenient for Port, beautiful landscaped gardens. Rooms: 17 E: [email protected] Bed: £60 - £115 Rooms: 3. Bed: £25 - £30. B&B: £27 - £32 Bed: £26 - £30 Cruise Terminal and B&B: £32 - £36 Channel Tunnel. Cosy p qÒ B&B: £60 - £115 p ; t Ò n p ; t Ò n WiFi m 9 } Family Room: From £170 per room < < Family room: £70 - £78 (room only) en-suite rooms with TV. Breakfast served in your bedroom completes a White Cliffs Hotel Castle House Guest House Maison Dieu AA Guest Accommodation snug atmosphere. Secure AA Rosette/ 2 AA Rosettes / Green Tourism Silver Award VE AA Hotel garage parking available VE AA Perfect stopover or great for a short break! Barry & Diane French and long term discounted The stylish White Cliffs Hotel nestles in the Reservations Affordable and delightfully presented Single, 89 Maison Dieu Road, Dover, parking can be arranged. heart of the picturesque village of St Margarets- High Street, St Margarets-at-Cliffe, Ideally located Double, Twin & Family Guest Rooms (sleep Kent, CT16 1RU at-Cliffe under a mile from the beautiful beach Dover, Kent, CT15 6AT below Dover 3-5), AA 4 Star quality to ensure a comfortable T: 01304 204033 at St Margaret’s Bay yet only ten minutes drive Castle, close Margaret & John Reidy T: 01304 852229 F: 01304 851880 stay. Free Wi-Fi and parking – just minutes from F: 01304 242816 1 Castle Street, Dover, Kent, CT16 1QH from Dover. At the hub of the recently restored E: [email protected] to the town ferry, cruise, bus, train, shops and restaurants – E: [email protected] historic inn is a light and contemporary bar and centre, seafront, T: 01304 202007 and a great breakfast too! E: [email protected] restaurant. Rooms: 15 ferries and Rooms: 7 Cruise Terminal. Bed: £44.50 - £59.50 Bed: £24.50 - £35 Rooms: 3. Bed: £27 - £30. B&B: £32 - £35 B&B: £49.50 - £64.50 Sharon and B&B: £30 - £40 p ; Ò n ı WiFi Family room: From £75 - £80 p ; Ò Family Room: From £129.00 - £159.00 Vaughan Family room: From £68 (room only) m 9 } offer genuine p ; t Ò n hospitality and an excellent breakfast available from 6.00am. < WiFi The en-suite bedrooms are all individually and tastefully St Martins Guest House AA Guest Accommodation Amanda Guest House VE Guest House furnished. Off-street parking available on request. Wi-Fi available. Situated on A258 Dover Castle route this C Morriss This lovely Victorian house built by Sir William Anne and Mike McFarnell internationally recommended non-smoking 17 Castle Hill Road, Crundall is situated in a quiet cul-de-sac below 4 Harold Street, Dover, Mrs Sharon Matthews establishment offers en-suite rooms with tea/ Dover, Kent, CT16 1QW Dover Castle. The en-suite rooms retain much Kent, CT16 1SF coffee making facilities, hair dryers & TV. Ports, T: 01304 205938 of their original character. Close to Town Centre T: 01304 201711 10 Castle Hill Road, Dover, Kent, CT16 1QW T: 01304 201656 cruise liner terminals and town centre minutes F: 01304 208229 and five minutes from Port and Cruise Terminal. E: [email protected] away. Channel Tunnel 10 mins drive. Ideal E: [email protected] A non-smoking house. Free Wi-Fi. E: [email protected] Visit our website touring base to see Kent. Major credit cards accepted. Wi-Fi. Rooms: 3 Rooms: 6. Bed: £33.00 - £38.00. B&B: £35 - £75 Rooms: 6 Bed: £30.00 - £33.00 Bed: £25.00 - £30.00 for further details B&B: £32.50 - £35.00 Family: From £80.00 p t n ı ; t Ò n WiFi B&B: £30.00 - £35.00 < WiFi ; - t ı WiFi < Family room & Single room: P.O.A.

Prices shown for all establishments (unless stated) are per person sharing a twin or double room 49 Longfield Guest House VE Guest Accommodation Hubert House Guest House The Malvern Lenox House VE Silver Award VE Bed & Breakfast VE VE Guest House A large unusual house set in the heart of St Sheena Isaacson The Longfield is your one stop for quality VE Gold Award/VE Breakfast Award Margaret’s Bay above White Cliffs. Spacious 27 Granville Road, St Margaret’s Bay, accommodation and secure parking. Visit our AA attractive bedrooms with stunning views across Dover, Kent, CT15 6DS Gold Star Award Guest House the Bay. Ideally situated for ferries or Channel T: 01304 853253 website and book your rooms online instantly Tunnel. Superb cliff walks over National Trust E: [email protected] and securely. We have single, double, twin and Highly land on the doorstep, or the cathedral city of family rooms. All our rooms are en-suite except recommended. Canterbury. Garage facilities by arrangement. our single rooms which are shared bathrooms. Hubert House is an WiFi available. Rooms: 3 Bed: From £50 All our rooms have television, tea/coffee facilities award winning family run establishment. B&B: From £45 and central heating. We are 2 minutes from Perfectly located ; t < n WiFi Family room: From £155 (for 4 people) Dover Priory Railway Station and Town Centre, 5 just below the minutes from the Ferry Port and Cruise Terminal, White Cliffs and 10 minutes from the Channel Tunnel. We serve Dover Castle and Rolles Court VE Guest Accommodation moments from all English/Continental breakfast from 7am. Private major transport A quiet village location five miles from Dover Mrs Jill Montgomery security lit car park or garage (locked overnight) links, town centre ferries it’s ideal for travellers to/from Europe. Road, for cars, bikes or trailers. and beachfront. This On national walking and cycling route. Perfect Dover, Kent, CT16 3HY beautiful Georgian accommodation for short breaks with a large T: 01304 827487 George or Maria Vladimirou Rooms: 7 townhouse offers garden and swimming pool. Rooms are en- E: [email protected] a touch of luxury, 203 Folkestone Road, Dover, Bed: £21.50 - £28 Welcome to our home, 2 Victorian Houses made into suite, spacious and comfortable. Renowned Kent, CT17 9SL B&B: £23.50 - £30 lots of comfort and for breakfasts. Wi-Fi, Private Parking. Garage for excellent value. one. Attractive rooms, all en-suite with 2 rooms with T: 01304 204716 Family room: From £67 luxury Private bathrooms. All have flat screen TVs cycles and motorcycles. Rooms: 3 E: [email protected] and DVD players, Radio Alarms, Trouser Presses, Mini/ Bed: £35 - £45 p ; t n Ç WiFi Snack Bars, Tea & Coffee making facilities. Breakfasts are B&B: £40 - £50 Mr Peter & Luke Hanson served from 7.00 to 10.00am. Ideally situated for town p ; p < n WiFi Family room: P.O.A. 9 Castle Hill Road, Dover, centre, castles, golf courses, ferries, Channel Tunnel and Kent, CT16 1QW Canterbury. Solley Farm House VE Bed & Breakfast T: 01304 202253 Molland House VE Gold Award/VE Breakfast Award VE Guest Accommodation VE Gold Award / VE Breakfast Award F: 01304 210142 Derek & Pauline Barnes E: [email protected] 5-7 Ranelagh Road, Deal, Award winning B&B. 5 star with gold award. Tracy Marchant In a peaceful conservation area overlooking Sandy Hobbs Kent, CT14 7BG 13th century Historic Manor House, luxury Molland Lane, Ash, the tranquil village pond, this charming 18th The Street, Worth, Nr Deal T: 01304 372944 rooms with amazing en-suites, beautiful views, Canterbury, Kent, CT3 2JB Century farmhouse with beamed ceilings Kent CT14 0DG Rooms: 6 E: [email protected] peace and quiet with plenty of free parking. T: 01304 814210 and inglenook fireplaces is the perfect place T: 01304 613701 Single room: From £45 Everyone welcome, children and the family F: 01304 800088 to relax. E: [email protected] Double room: From £60 pet. Evening meals available which are all E: [email protected] Family rooms: AOR Rooms: 9 homemade. Enjoy homemade scones on arrival Scrumptious breakfasts and luxury touches Continental buffet breakfast included. B&B: £40 - £45 for a complimentary cream tea. at every turn - fruit, flowers, toiletries, Rooms: 3 Other breakfasts are optional extra. Family Room: From £85 Rooms: 5 bedside chocolates, soft towels and robes in B&B: From £60 - £75 B&B: £45.00 - £60.00 p t Ò ı WiFi p ; t Ò n the sumptuous ensuite bedrooms. p t < Ò n WiFi < ; t Ò 9 } Family room: From £150 - £170

Prices shown for all establishments (unless stated) are per person sharing a twin or double room 51 Strathmore VE Fisherman’s Cottage VE Self-Catering

VE Silver Award / VE Breakfast Award B&B A256



a 2






A (

y r



Cosy terraced Fisherman’s Cottage within Mrs Catherine Tsoukkas r e





C ’

Charming Edwarian Coach House with spacious luxury, t




conservation area. Overlooks the sea across 162 Wimbledon Park Road, r


a d





2 A


Ground Floor Suite, courtyard and parking. Rural, peaceful

A258 Eastern Docks


Walmer Green. Three bedrooms, sleeps five. London, SW18 5UG




6 A25


location in an AONB.





Sunny, sheltered paved small garden. Shops, T: 020 8874 2170


2 l A257


FOLKESTONE a pubs, buses nearby. Car parking in road outside E: [email protected] A253 A2 0

Mrs Tina Irvine, 37 The Droveway, St Margaret’s Bay, Dover, A e


0 26 A

Kent, CT15 6BZ cottage. Gas central heating, telephone for Number of units: 1 8



A T: 01304 853631 incoming calls. 15 minute walk by the sea to Open: All year East Cliff

A290 A2


Deal centre. Max persons per unit: 5 E: [email protected]



CP Price per unit per week: Min £180 / 1



Main Traffic Routes One Way System Precinct Pedestrian Cycle Routes Toilets Car Parks Coach Parks Visitor Information Centre


Max £410 a

Rooms: 2. B&B: From £40 - £50 o


l l



Minimum nights stay: 7 e

t ; t Ø W ‡ l

p n WiFi t

9 s

9 < a CP


4 Alkham Court Farmhouse y mapping, A2 Updown Park Farm, Nr Sandwich VE Gold Award VE Self-Catering ve d a d o a R Connaught Park o

R e t rn t

e h d u S g b d

er District Council 2008 y l

u d R e

VE a L ro t dnance Sur

n a a n H e o ue e r

e VE Gold Award / VE Breakfast Award Two cottages set in 30 acres of peaceful Mrs J R Montgomery C n n a © Dov

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v P


A t ces.

yright Or e w

l e e e

National Excellence Winners ‘Gold’ S

t u


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Little Brooksend Farm, Birchington, v


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private parkland to walk and enjoy and yet A o

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a d R

Best B&B Accommodation a

P G a a S


d R r 11

A2 d R w


e Kent, CT7 0JW e

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within easy reach of Canterbury, Sandwich, o


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t S

a Winners of England’s ‘Best Bed and Breakfast’. Four luxury bedrooms. o

T: 01843 841656 i








Pencester Pencester Gardens

Deal, Thanet’s miles of sandy beaches, golf F



oduced fr d


a t w Stunning views. Excellent farmhouse breakfast. Complimentary hot 12 Pr

updated fr o


F: 01843 841656 n ee y R r

St 7

r e

n ou d


o c links, channel ports and tunnel. Both with

t a


tub and sauna. s r

a L


8 e

E: [email protected] B

19 r

10 e



Wendy Burrows t

d 9

three ensuite ground floor bedrooms and tree

i S k

or o

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t l



Alkham Court, Meggett Lane, South Alkham, Nr Dover, tr


h e


twin beds on upper. Wheelchair friendly. i Prince of Pier Wales t



Open: Mar-Dec and New Year a

u 3

Kent, CT15 7DG T: 01303 892056 n






Relax, unwind! Number of units: 2 d

n e

E: [email protected] la


k r



u Price per unit per week: min £420/max £800 S

B d

a e

- ` o

R d t p ;

WiFi n 1

a o a

s d

Rooms: 4. B&B: £65 - £85 1

Max persons per unit: 6/7 n g

o o


t Ò L 0


p ; n WiFi R







S Union Street


6 d


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H a t


o b



l R u 16



ab o

r e t

To Folkestone To ROUTE 17 CYCLE

d Pilgrims Nook Holiday Cottage C r

n e


Freedom Holiday Homes Agency Self-Catering o 0 R

t 2

Dover Priory Dover Railway Station

s N Western Docks p


e o

k r


VE Self Catering D



a d



o 15

We are the leading provider of self-catering 15 High Street, Cranbrook, o



Family run luxury holiday cottages in the heart of rural Kent. Good

e y





Kent TN17 3EB b l

cottages in Kent & Sussex with a selection


connections to London, the Port of Dover, the city of Canterbury, a






T: 01580 720770

the town of Deal and the Cinque Port of Sandwich. Includes indoor

b of nearly 250 individually selected letting


E: [email protected] o swimming pool facilities and landscape gardens.


properties. Established for over 20 years we are Buckland Hospital


C 2

Tim Phipps,


a family business with an excellent reputation

Pilgrims Nook, Willow Woods, , Dover, CT15 5BH Crabble Athletic Ground

Museum & & Museum

T: 01304 611235 E: [email protected] for providing quality-assured accommodation. Book online or call our Reservations Team. Number of units: 4


Cruise Terminal 2 Terminal Cruise

Cruise Terminal 1 Terminal Cruise

Kearsney Abbey Kearsney

Crabble Mill Crabble

Bleriot Memorial Bleriot

Police Station Police

Bus Station Bus

Roman Painted House Painted Roman

Dover Sea Sports Centre Sports Sea Dover

Library incl. internet access internet incl. Library

Drop Redoubt & & Redoubt Drop

Grand Shaft Grand

Leisure Centre Leisure

De Bradelei Wharf Bradelei De White Cliffs White

WiFi Castle Dover

Open: All year p t ` s q







11 10

To Folkestone To ROUTE 2 CYCLE

19 Town Hall Town 19

18 Hoe 18 Samphire


Cinema &


Bronze Age Boat Gallery Boat Age Bronze

7 Dover

Western Heights Western




3 2 Max persons per unit: 8 p n ` 1 Price per unit per week: Min £675 / Max £1,250 s WiFi DOVER MAP TOWN

Prices shown for all establishments (unless stated) are per person sharing a twin or double room 53 15 17 17 15

16 16

16 16

The Bulwarks Bulwarks The







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Mill Wall Wall Mill

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8 S


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Main Traffic Main Traffic Routes One Way System Cycle routes Toilets Car Parks Visitor Information Centre open (Guildhall, summer only).



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Main Traffic Main Traffic Routes One Way System o Precinct Pedestrian Cycle routes Toilets Car Parks Visitor Information Centre


l l i M 6

7 Ro h ad Golf Courses Landmark Centre Maritime Museum Hall Town Astor Theatre Station Police Deal Pier Pool Tides Leisure Pool Paddling Walmer Deal Castle Timeball Tower Bus Station Library Castle Walmer Golf Course & Campsite Country Park Fowlmead 6 g u

o Camping & Park Caravan or 5 b Old Customs House 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Centre Tennis & Indoor Bandstand & Green Walmer 17 A257 TO ic 9 13 Bus Station R 10 The Quay 11 Barbican 12 Tours River 14 Church St Peters 15 Sandwich Bay 16 Golf Courses 1 Hall & Museum Town Guildhall 2 Sandwich Sports Centre 3 Cinema 4 Library 5 White Mill Museum 6 Roman Fort Richborough 7 The Salutation Gardens 8 Fisher Gate & LONDON 16 CANTERBURY CANTERBURY A258 to SANDWICH


Within easy access of London and the continent makes White Cliffs Visitor Country easy to reach and perfect for a short break. France is only 75 minutes on a Cross Channel ferry, the M20 and M2 roads link Information us to the city and the rest of the south east plus the new High Speed Rail Link make us only just over an hour from London on the train! Dover, Deal, Sandwich and our countryside are Centres serviced by regular trains and buses both locally, as well as, to and from London.

By rail: By local bus: Making the most South Eastern operates services from London Detailed times of all local bus services are available of your visit to Charing Cross and London Victoria to Dover, Deal from Stagecoach Buses. Stagecoach 0871 200 2233 and Sandwich. Look out for their Group Save offer White Cliffs Country where 4 people travel for the price of 2 (terms and conditions apply). By bike: Dover Visitor Information Centre National Rail Enquiries 08457 48 49 50 There is an extensive network of cycle routes T: 01304 201066 throughout White Cliffs Country. E: [email protected] Continental train connections can be made at For full details visit our website. Ebbsfleet and Ashford International. W: Eurostar 08432 186186 By car or motorbike: Deal Visitor Information Centre By coach: Both the M20 and M2 connect directly to White Cliffs T: 01304 369576 National Express operates a regular direct link from Country. E: [email protected] London to Dover and Deal. W: For times, fares and information: Cross Channel travel: National Express 08717 818178 Ferry and train crossings between Dover to Calais Sandwich Visitor Information and Dunkirk operate on a regular basis throughout Centre (Seasonal) the day. P&O Ferries 08716 642121 T: 01304 613565 Myferrylink 0844 2482100 E: [email protected] DFDS Seaways 0871 574 7235 W: Eurotunnel 08443 353535