Name: ______

Date: ______

Laboratory Assignment Skeletal System Overview

1. Match the cell with the proper function: a. osteoprogenitor cell b. c. d.

______cell formed from the fusion of several stem cells. These cells are involved in the dissolving of bone, helping with the reshaping of the bone when necessary.

______cell that is considered to be mature; completely surrounded by bony matrix that it helps to maintain.

______cell that deposits bony matrix, helping to form and repair bone as needed.

______stem cell that can transform into that deposit bone matrix.

2. Identify the following cells seen in this slide of spongy bone: osteoblast, osteoclast, osteocyte

3. the following structures seen in this slide of compact bone (ground): , central canal, concentric lamella,

5. After viewing both bone types using your microscope and slides, what are the primary structural differences between compact and spongy bone?

6. Identify the following structures that are marked by leader lines in the following illustration of a : canaliculus, central canal, circumferential lamellae, compact bone, lacuna, lamella, nerve, osteocyte, osteon, perforating canal, , spongy bone.

7. Label the following structures that are marked by leader lines in the following illustration of a long bone: medullary (marrow) cavity, , , , proximal , distal epiphysis, periosteum, blood vessel, compact bone, spongy bone, articular . (Terms may be used more than once)

8. Match the following bone markings/bony structure with the correct definition: a. crest e. fossa b. process f. fissure c. head g. sulcus d. foramen h.canal

______a bony slit. ______a rounded end or extension. ______a narrow ridge. ______a bony prominence. ______a hole through a bone. ______a shallow, broad depression. ______a bony tube or passageway. ______a groove for a blood vessel, nerve or tendon.

9. Identify the following bone markings/bony structures that are marked by leader lines in the following illustration:

10. What do , facets and heads have in common?

11. What are the primary differences between endochondral and intramembranous ossification?

12. Identify the following bones and associated structures of the skeletal system that are marked by leader lines in the following illustration: carpal bones, clavicle, ribs, coccyx, costal , femur, fibula, humerus, metatarsal bones, patella, pelvic girdle, sternum phalanges, radius, sacrum, scapula, skull, tarsal bones, tibia, ulna, vertebral column. (Terms may be used more than once)

upper extremity

13. List the bones you identified above that are part of the axial skeleton.

14. List the bones you identified in the illustration above that are part of the appendicular skeleton.