C.193.1935.VII. Conrniunicated to the Council
LEAGUE OF NATIONS C.193.1935.VII. Conrniunicated to the Council. Geneva, May 15th, 193J FRLE CITY 0? DANZIG Situation of -lews in Danzig. The Secretary-General has the honour to communi cate to the Council a letter from the High Commission er of the League of Nations in Danzig, dated May 11th, 1935, transmitting a petition addressed to the League of i étions from the "Verein ,iUdischsr Akademiker1’ and the "Vereinigung selbstHndiger jUdischer Danziger Gewerbetreibender und Handv/erker in der Freien Stadt Danzig ', dated April 9th, 1335, as well as the obser vations of the Senate of May 11th, 1935. Danzig, May 11th, 1935. To the Secretary-General. Sir, I have the honour to enclose herewith a copy of the petition dated April 8 th, 1935, from the "Verein der jUdischer Akademiker" and "Vereinigung selbst&ndiger jUdischer Danziger Gewerbetreibender und Hendwerker in der Freien Stadt Danzig ', as -.veil as the Senate’s answer which I received to-day. In requesting that the matter should be considered by the Council at its approaching meeting I beg to refer to the letter, dated June 10th, 1925, approved by the Council and. subsequently addressed to the High Commissioner, relative to the procedure to be followed regarding petitions which re late to the danger of infringement of the Constitution of Danzig, placed under the guarantee of the League of Nations. I have the honour, etc., (Signed) Sean LESTER, High Commissioner. (Translation furnished by the petitioners). PETITION from "Verein der jUdischen Akademiker" and "Vereinigung selbstëndiger jUdischer Danziger Gewerbetreibender und Handwerker in der Freien Stadt Danzig”.
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