Table 5-8 for Examples (2, 14, 37, 112)
M05_MURR8663_08_SE_CH05.QXD 5/27/08 10:19 AM Page 131 Chapter 5 Sociocultural Influences 131 Influences of Culture on Health dark and light, hot and cold, hard and soft, or male and fe- male. An excess or shortage of elements in either direction causes discomfort and illness. CONCEPTS OF ILLNESS Many cultures explain the cause of and treatment for illness in one or Because every culture is complex, it can be difficult to deter- several of the following categories (2, 14, 37, 112): mine whether health and illness are the result of cultural or other elements, such as physiologic or psychological factors. Yet there are 1. Natural: Weather changes, bad food, or contaminated water numerous accounts of the presence or absence of certain diseases cause illness. in certain cultural groups and reactions to illness that are cultur- 2. Supernatural: The gods, demons, or spirits cause illness as pun- ally determined. ishment for faulty behavior, violation of the religious or ethi- Culture-bound illness or syndrome refers to disorders re- cal code, or an act of omission to a deity; or as a result of black stricted to a particular culture because of certain psychosocial charac- magic, voodoo, or evil incantation of an enemy or sorcerer. teristics of the people in the group or because of cultural reactions to the 3. Metaphysical: Health is maintained when nature and the body malfunctioning biological or psychological processes (2, 37, 112). See operate within a delicate balance between two opposites, such Table 5-8 for examples (2, 14, 37, 112). Culture and climate in- as Am and Duong (Vietnamese), yin and yang (Chinese), fluence food availability, dietary taboos, and methods of hygiene, which in turn affect health, as do cultural folkways.
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