'a I > t

i * TUESDAY, SEPTSMBEB IMS I M y Hal P Ths WsstlMr f ig a a i IM8 e U L M N e t o 4Utuli»c^ gpMtteg l»raU> 9 ^ Sten-e C h * wffl be e W ______lE iiP tttttg H rra U i naltaB Hlebolaon, Antotea ■ ^'1 Annual Bazaar Slartla Burna. Antheay lai«n*L will 1 Anbtn haada tha Vajar- Hnwcfcggfgr A O ty • / VQUge O im rm XbontTown win ha aadated hyO af- HALE’S ****?!S* '**wonkiy * . At S t F ra n d s' Weddings ______jhdaoa, 0 a m VOL. LXVHL, N a 899 ea fsge U) NANCHESTBB, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1949 (TWENTY PAGES) pRioirouROri vttA WUUara Baaa, Thaaraa RdUy, Wed. Morning Speciah m a u r Franda MeOrath. South Wiudsor Parish Tha aaiaS toy both, BUa I d a ^ ^ ^ __ AObory Propurinig for Erentt ehaiga, aaalatodSgr H m O w l: •. MnL'San toy booth ONE GKOUF OF FI— IW Follow Explosion as Train Hits Gas Truck r ’ca w A h - j J ^ m t to T h e C o m m i t t e e s KnsdimMa hi chaise, aaddad %y Acheson Believes Truman Asks Steel Bophla and S ly g ^ *fSysTir SVaaoto o f Aariol ohureh, tho candy horibooth, erlth UM In dw rse, Ann l nd Mlaii win *• *wwpa> whieii la aitnated oa Itoato Sd, B - DRESSES °rsr 2l?^.'5f iS a «laM n ta«^ —cM«»- *•* Sngton road. South WIndmr, an- IheFloh Pend, Sira. ThemM East-West Rows S S ” Boptomhor * . ot • oeto*. joa tha opoaiag af tta Math Deherty in charge, aadatnl J 7 Strike Truce Last Haaifw tf g«— • tTShiS^ ggai: nl Raaaar, Friday ovanlat, Mra. BtaUa SaleiSia, Sira. S te ^ Reduced for Final C leanm ee a Ig krritod. H w hersi^ otooy Stead. Mra. Martha Rairiaoa. S te a tM o r H—ka » at Soptombor tS at alght e’cloek and cotttocted to hr^ ^ tha foUowlag ovantog. Saturday at Oartnida Lawla. Sira. AUaa lltor- Can Come to End to como V aaam hour. bartek; the punch with Mra. omownt 0* » « J T - - £ ? m h toT John Cttrtln to charge, aadatod to td r Wtw TMk to- ca The kaanar win foature 10 REG. VALUES Warns Peacefnl Sola- tions D TSTt or p r * » o * ~ Mie. Jaaea CalUbaa. Mra. Joaai^ For Days More S m thuimtay. An o m « ^ bootha. letroAunant stead and a $3.00 - I w o ( Hi t ****""- who mtoa hoeth. Piteoa wUI ha award­ KUdry, Sira. Joba Lawton. Mra. T O $ 8 .9 8 Hon Win Not B e nHt«*"g ot » o'clodi win procodo Bdward CWtln, Onrlana Bautha. News Tidbits ■t tho Hotel Oon* tho onppor ___ ed b o tt Bighta. Quick or Easy; Prom- COmmHtpoa arraagtag tha affair Slary CUrtln. C a M PiMB (m Wires Also Requests Direei u ei Oonaral Chalrmaa. John Law- RefraahmanU will bs lahen cars iaes 59 National Dele­ Lewis Turns T o Hang mnXim In tho h**®!*®* ton; ehairlady, Mrs. Allan Barb*- of by Mt. and Mrs. Paul Blalakc ALL SALES HNAL Bargaining Betwneii rick; tieaauror, John Curiln. 0th- and Mr. and Sira. WlUiam Kata- gations Nation Ready Dofanaa oomtanda that prooaeo- convocotlon wWch te to te M O t*v W U«* Si wook hy t^ hi U WlUloBm, doughtor ot l ^ o M ■arvo: Food and fancy artlcloo, aadatod by >!'• X?- can ba ended peacefully, but o S u ^ t y T. A Pot Lock ou w « Mra. Itogor O. WlUloma, ot Buc»- mto T. Savery, of US Oroon rood, MANCHBSTllk COMM* tha ■ariloat rooonaldrraUon by m orrow at Pitt8bur|j||. ■uroneo Oo. ot Tf. T , o< which ho ausplcoo Rooaiy ARar Sodoty, O'Oonndl and Batty Ann fcnaa. warned that a solution will WMte Sulphur Springs W. Va., 5 o i ^ w ^ tho hoolnooo mooting. la o l oproomtotloo.______S 5 . wdJotai Tuno. o c ot Adorn and Wlchotoo Anthony rorrlgno, both paitlao ot our Inadoquata un- Mrs. Stanlay Money la charge as- not bt quick or easy. In a omployinant eompanaatkw lawa In Bept tl—(F>—John L. Lewis TuUo of WiUtogten. took Ptoto to non of Mr. and Mia. Anthony For- dated by Sira. Julian Baals, Sits. Waahington, Sept. 21.— ifAAv GL y —TUT Tint* o ootUag ot oroigrooM soltmn American policy tho tntaroata o f tho wolfara o f tho turned to vital contract talks with ^ j l noM • mooting tooUght ot S ot A ot tho rigno, of le MonUoaOe atraot. W ll- Alto Hallowall. sera. Jamaa OaUap wbols —President Truman, seeking ■otardoy oftonoon ot baa, Harry Odhna. Mm. Antbony ■peach before tha Unlt^ Na- I at a I hi Port Fettevflte. Pa, after a nortberB and western coal opera­ 47 Moplo fltroot. Father and Son church. won marrtod Saturday UN apaelal ooramlarioo on Ralk- to block a week-end stao Saeoad OemgrogaU^ 5?“^ •vantag In St Mary*B Bptacopal Sagorakl. Mra. Hardd Tunor. HALE'S Ueae AaramMy, A ehrao* pram- aad tom iwnnbera of tlw train crew tors today after aerring a blunt Rov. Lotoad Hunt porforsjod » lead the it natkmnl delegntlotw ■trike, today asked six moia eharch. Iha doabte-rlng candle­ Mra. John Lawton. Sira. J a M ana * * ^ 2 * ^ 2 m narrisir n a£ (AF wlwphriol* "pay up” ultimatum to southern Banquet Date donblo rtng coromoay end O. AL the Unitod Stotea la raady to da days of truce, and direct bort Poorooa organtot, aeoompe^ light eeronnony waa pornrm od by Lawlor. Mra. Ooorge Stona, Sira. along northarn bordaro of mine owners. the rector, Rov. Atfrod L., WU- Anthony XogonU. Headquarters Ma part. Aa •apaetad, kla taaa gaining between union al|3 lod tba oolotet. Mtoa A rlw ojto^ t itewM. The traditional bridal mu- waa eondUntory. Graaea. . . Congraaalanal laadara As coal pita acroaa th* nation Tho Mon'o Club of tho South of Brtotol. who oaag Amuaemant booths. In A arge oC wm dtocnao wttn Praoidant Tru­ remained Ml* for th* third straight the steel companies. In a 1^' Mothodlot church h onnouncod ale waa play^ by Ofgaalat John tha Mon’a Cluh and CathoUc War FOR Hla danlaratlon .Mamad Wnaria Sailor Admits ter to both sides, Mr. and “At Dawning, ’ and ptayod tho Ooekarham, and white chryaontho- TIME is MONEY man toniorrow tha laglaiatlaa that Political Crisis Faced day, Lewis’ United Mint Workers tho doto of rridoy oYonlng. Octo- woddtog marebao Vatorana of St Francia Poet 000. Ibr tha -profound amaa af inaa- may ho eawaldarid la ramalndar of union gave notice that It would man said: t- bor *S. for tho onnuol Fothor oad muma and wWto pompotna daoo- TTinnIi Rlordan who haada tha a n rltjr'w h M i ha aaM haa aaval- Praomitodla ^ ratod tha altar. two oandau a f Oaugraao. . . Sixth Man not bargain further with t l again emphasis* that tha ma Son bonquot which to olw^to (athar, tho brldo wofo a ChantlUy opad lam nraaa of tho world and of IX Communlat oonaplracy trial eouthemers until the operators Uonal Interest requires, and MM of tho outotmndlng ooelol ovonU ot Given la marriaga by hor father, haa lad to aneh atapa aa tho By Labor Govemmeiit laoo gowa ot Vlctorlaa a^to^th tho bride waa attoruM by M m Evary you pet into oar Optkmsl SsviBgs PIbb dafondaata takaa vritntaa atoad have peld up their royalty contrl- American people have a rlghtiSS a owoothoart nocklliia odg^ i^th Butlon af tha North Atlantic alU- after Slagar Paul Robaoen'a vain Marlon Lana of Hartford aa maid naea. Undertaker Diseopered buUona to tha miners’ b i^ th and ■torgaret Wltflanm (above), SI expect, an early setUemaaL" ***A*TOmmlttoo hoodod hy tte •aod poarto. Tha oklrt. win lurriBgi y ou capital and earn a sahstaatlal dlvt. The a o United Steelwortusia Quiet Dignity nowly-otoctod prooldont of too o f honor, brtdaamaldi were Mra. AUTO GLASS It la tha mala taak qf tha Aaoom- welfare fund. ^ year- *M member of Bril*la*a a poplum la tha back, aataadod In­ Richard Batoa of Oovantry ^ Dead in. New York Owe* Aaao)meea Stand Wemea's Royal A'rmy Corpa, w answer to thq president’a reqiMBt club, Mortto Koldorltog, to wock- to a cathadral length train. Hor y i— Nancy Leonard of Oohimbla, MIRRORS t o d . As tisM cow by th* dollars and intcrast pyrapU My. ha aaM. to try to aolva tha Toothful ontborata to Hartford will be decided at a meeting a t ThoM who attend IM oa plono ond bonding ovory proUama whleh lay bahiad tho ooM UMW Secretary Treasurer John se*te*eed to death to Loedoh for thraa g u a r ^ l^ C to voU o f both conalna of tho brldo. An­ war. oavorot waiha ago woro not “gang City Hotel Room Today R«oh‘ X SJSj^***"?® "**® ** the oaurder o f her Army sergMMt the union’a Wage-PoUcy oomatt- ■ervicM here never effort to moko thto <»a of tho h od roitod kroachyrwdi thony A. rorrigao. Jr, of Wim- ■p and bafor* yoe KNOW it, yoor aawts wlH tma ys«r wara" but “minor tofractlonr’ Owen announced that stand yes­ tee to Pittsburgh tomomW: bonqnota ertr glron by tho moo a ”1 pMgo for tho Unitod Btatao Higher Prices Result-1 T ra d e R a p u cd terday at Bluafleld, W. Va , where huabeiM. Mestague WUIIame. ia fail to remark on the plaoa by a Jullot oap Anddod wttt m o ^ c , wao beat man for hla atmllar to thooa tndulgad to by Now Toth, Sopt SI — (F) — A AiMtrla last July. Mra. WU' Cynu Ching, government club. ^ B toel boadi. Sba carrlod a caa- brothor, and uahara were Richard prechms plans or draania into cwumI roality. Don*t 1st unraaorvad aupport and davoUon many praoant-day paranta wbon the union has been holding con­ aerenity which reaulta to a oooeartad offort to thla Pa^uckot R. L, undortakor eraa ing from Deyaluation^ ____ IBIS’ defeaae was that she h*f Uon chief, said th* steel rurtiior onnouncomont oo to tho cado of white roaoa. j. Savory, of Daytona Roach, Flor­ thoy wara youagar, aaya majority tract talks with the southern op- panics had promised to give from the quiet dignity ottooliori ond ontorlotowont jmrt tho fstSTS pass yoB by—atart aavinc far tuaiorraw ha aaM. found dead la a room of Uw Hotel eraton. hae* Mt by ber huabeed aad that Mtoa Edith A WlUlama, ida, brother of tho bride, and Jo- Aobtaow mada ao dlract appaal optalon of OHy Ourlaw raaunittoo. Wherry Tabs Adminis­ e had bad tee oaneb te drink. answer soon. and smooth efficiency of tho program win bo moda from of tho bcldo, waa tho hoaor a t t ^ a o ^ Fterlgno. o f WlUlmonUe. .. Right wiiig laadara at United Edieon today today under mye- London, Sept. 21.—(A*)— Lewis attended only th* opening Today! Inqair*. to Rnaria lo r n gaaoral aatUamant, southern negotiations at Bluefleld Mr. Truman asked that tba ptl8^ with which we carry tiaao to ttmo, and a u h man of tho Mit, and brtdaamalda wora Mra brother of S o bridegroom. but dM oaU for Sovlat oooporatloa Bteetrical Woriian eoavantlon to teriouo elrcunwtancas. Britain’s Labor government tration Plan ^Another ent truce ending Saturday mfd^‘ oot every funeral church to roquootod to koop tho John Bwaaaoa, Jr., of B o lW Tho brido'a gown of caadMUght Ranges, Refrigentor* oa aavaral ipaelSc prabloow Clavalaad claim union’a laftlat ad- PoSoo found Uw mido body of last May. But he waa on hand for night be extended until 13:01 a.*ML‘ llftot. Knapp, Mra Joaeph Htoaky aatla waa daalgnod erlth a modl- faced a political crisia in ita Blow at Business' the bargaining with northern end plan. abovo data opon. M tbR RbOUMI dUBVM Mid mlntotratlon la paring «ap far ArthM T. GoaUgan, 60, of SOS own ranks today. Trade Welfare State Saturday, Oct. L o f Wool WlUtogton. a *5* Sad awoothoart nockUna. lee^ W ashers and AO Bovlot roralgn Mlalatar Andrai woariaa from a o . Broadway. Pawtucket on Uw floor western owners—snd for separate brldogroom; Mtoa Horn! O o ^ ^ riaevoa af eordod aatto coming to ALL SAVINGS INSURED UP TO I5.00* unions threatened to revolt talka with representativee of Rams StambKag Blsek " T. VMUaaky araa not pcaamt aa Formar Hartford Mayor Bdward of hla hotel room after CumocUcut Washington. Bept. 31—tocoa to fron t with bluo rlbtom to and believed ba bad Mlled Mm. Snirder advised committee mem­ meetings between th* UnlM Min* “ em*>g*ucP)—Ns- _ dieaa of navy bluo chiffon for hor ceremony. wh^ Waahlngtoa, SapL Sl—o«ora- Urtal for U. cash propoaed for arms aid. Uw hotel to July, IMS. The man­ w ^ Negro singer’s performance. German Chancellor Konrad Ade- Mm of more thaa gflb tbto aflsfw tto w Oeorge a Aahton. o r g a ^ Uw Houao Annod Sorvlooa com' And tf this move faile, Knowland Three of them are teen-agers. naur Informing the three allied America aa "moving toward mass agement sent him to Halloran Gen- 20.000 Troops Revolt slavery" to a vehicle known as the aooa, be toM poHce. Wetoer, btoed to 6 p.m . Every bay Except Sunday. of tha ohuK* gave mlttoo hoM boarlnga and oald It aaid In a prepared speech, then he oral hoapital on Staton Uand to . «to«no—Tha The technical count ia malicious Omitting discussion ^ Dulles’ Now Bavoa, Bept tl- UNTIL SEPT. 26 From Navy Chpt John G. Crom •errioea commlttaea. Ha la a mem­ jforitiOT o f tho TToasury Septom- northweotem Nlngaia province and The occupation statute gives the KeOeber, M, of North boat man for hla brother and tho '40 OLDS 2-D O O R...... 4 9 5 ber o f Uw latter oommlttea. mischief, a misdemeanor. Germans far greatsr rights of views, LaFoUette continued: uahora wora Philip T urktoi^. an- nwlln. tho oourt got a prodlcUon Four others charged with over­ gone over to the Reds. fonaer Vala hoaor stu that Worth ovontually “wUI bo But be aaM many who voted for Not budget rocelpte, $674.SM,- The Moriems belonged to the self-government than they have "What Mr. Hoover and Mr. o tte brathar. Samuel furktogtom '89 DODGE 2-DOOR > ...... 4 5 0 the maaaura dM so with a firm un- turning a parked car, were accuasd possessed atoc* th* war. Under Byrnes say they are argtUng ed of abdaetlag bla eatraagsd vtndlaaUd in tho oyaa of tho Tt4.88; budget expondituros, $1M,- of felonloud malicious mischief. command of Gen. Ma Hur.g-Kwel aad a Mead whom ha etabbad Jr oouatn; Robert McCann and I $sa,4g$.M; cash balanco, $4,SSg,- who W estimated to bave 80,000 the statute, the alUea retain con­ against la ’government spending. Albart Flachang ®f W ator^ . '37 PACKARD SEDAN ...... 395 AoMrican poojdo.” CroaunoUn aup- They are William B. WUllama, a ptotol, was owrioaeod t* pUad a sonoatlon o f hla own tan « ■1 0 fl,l»lA d . men under hla command to trols only over such key affslra as Since both agree that adequate PMonted to marriage by h « LV 30, And D avid.F. MUIer, 16, both foreign trade and raUtlons, f expenditures for defense and to- Bwatba la Jail today, *87 FORD 2-DOOR...... 125 dayo 4go with a charge that Air o f PoakriUlL and Vincent F. Doher­ Ningsia. Ma has been to Cbung- wbea* lawyer eaM tba father, tho bride wore a go^ „of ktag trying to get Chlang Kal- mUItarlaatlon, decarteliaatlon and teniatlonal commitments are nec­ White falUo. with high nockltoo '87 PLYMOUTH COUPE...... 95 Fmeo and Armv genorala arc ty, l i , and Samuel J. BlonU, 17. essary, they must be thinking of aautt oocurrad aaly ba lAMYMWACITfl ruining tha Naivjra fighting power. of neaihy CroUm-on-Hudson. ShoK to allot much naodod armo to displaced persona. FUEIOI ■ad long aloovao termUiatlng to Adenauer described th* occasion public expenditures for domestic K*Ucber*a friead histotod oa potatoow tha wriate. Har ftig«^ '37 FORD STATION WAGON .. 395 Worth, under auoponolon aa apo­ School Health Program The atacUi man, Robert Lent 36- Ms troopa. lag boro,” pleaded d a l aaoiatanC to Navy Ubdoreocro- year-oM Peekaklll war veteran, Th* Ntogala revolt report fol­ as th* “first contact between the governmental programs — the ip voU o f Uluslon waa drapad fh «a lowed word both to Nationallat Germans o f the federal rapuMIe $7,000,000,000 out o f a $43,000.- ebarges of asasalt witl ■ dooba o f Uw white fallla, and aba LEHIGH VALLEY '39 BUICK 2-DOOR...... 4 9 5 tary Dan Kimball, gave hla ver­ waa charged with carrying con­ waapea aad oartyiag a SjSidl a white prayer book vrtto sion of a mooting laot i^ril in Seen Glaring Deficiency cealed weapons, also a f«lony. He China and Communist Shsnghsi, and th* Allied High crnnmMon.” 00,000 budget that goes for beslth, MEW orchid marker and otroamara ofl ’39 PACKARD SE D A N ...... 395 Martln’o BalUmora offhw. allegedly had two knives, one that 100,000 Nationalist troops to He aaid that tha occupation statute wolfara, aocurlty, farm supports Bulyuan ptovtoco, also to the waa a “new chapter Tn German Hnrriraaa la atmbanoUa and Ivy. ANTHRACITE /47 CHEV. AERO ...... 1395 It had dlffaront touehaa from tho strapped under each panUeg. Mlaail, Ha, Sapt. tl—(ff) fta matron at honor woro ai aceounts prerioualy gtvon to Lillis waa continued to custody northeast had gone over to the post-war history.” (Ooattaaad aa Fag* ■) ' B t o s r a i '47 PONTIAC SEDAN^...... 1395 Mattln, Navy Cbmdr. Tliomaa B. Hartford, Bept It—(^ —Con-ahoalth, should bo th* onoo roopon- of hla father, and the others re- Reda with Uirir arma. OLDSMOBILES foam graoB oatUi i nooUout’a “moat glaring deficien- ribi* for - th* ...... health problem In the malned" free on ball ranging from Private reports here today aaid of rad and white dablloo. I Darios and H ardd Moater, Wash­ ey" In the field of child ear* la In la tbs goBoral dtowtioe ed the I Codl that Snib^UrT '46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ...... 1195 ington nttomoy for tho Mnrtla Air­ schools. Th* Dopartmdnt of $350 to $500. a strong Communlat force was Pill That TankI Tho maid of honor wora aattquol Its ochool hoalth program. Dr. BducaUon should bo raoponribl* mtolcaa ropabllr. MOST BODY STYLES - ppi ontin and bar eaaeado bouquet I craft Company. No Date Bat Far Trial striking westward toward Ntogala oouthwostMB Fa '47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ...^ -1 2 9 5 Worth tootlfl^ that many of tho Ollvor L. Btringfirid, Now Bnglaiid for tlw oducaUonat aspocte In tho No date waa set fo r trIaL from adjoining Inner Mongolia. Report Diabetica Can Get Putting off that foal order wao of honay dabllaa. district chairman of the American ochooL IMMEDUTELY AVAILABLE The mother of Uio brldo rocolvod I h t s b — tt a "lEADIR" *1 Ivtls fw glaiM t ■ ctntBry '46 CHEV. SEDAN ...... -1 0 9 5 pointe that later appoarad In hla More than 100 persona were In­ Fighting tar th« Mg seaport of Buy nieaa that yoa’D be memo ware oovorod In Uw dlocuo- Academy of Pediatries, ttoclarod at Two Phoeeo Overtep jured to Uw barrage of stonae and Amoy rooe to full crooeendo to­ ti a teal blua droaa *^*8 gray ac- a Community ChUd Hoalth con- “Thao* two phooea overlap and Along Without Insulin Hit caoght wHh an em p^ tank '48 PACKARD SEDAN ...... 1 8 9 5 riona. Bo oaM aonw wara rvinora sUcka that met Mpartment con- day In Uw w akt o f Ohianr Kal- ilB parlJ coewiriae. andbritoroo*"*;” **!^ To pralocl etolM l wibsHMieao end lolorior ceoli-w that Iw haard for Uw'^ffrot Uma foronc* today. tlwro ahouM bo a coeporaUvs gr> cert-goera, followtng an anU-Oom- flhok'a appeal to reMi Communlat ia a sodden eald a tool blaa dwoi with gfoy 1 Dr. Btrlngftrid, apeaklng to Con- A Larga Satectlon Of Good Uacd Cars On Hand Mflw. Both mot hero wore I tasM en M e T lA O at OP rU lU r *49 PACKARD SEDAN ...... 2 1 9 5 from Martin—Iw thinks. rangoment mada ao the cMM wlU munlst veterans* parade outeMe aerfdom and rave (Jhtoa from bri tlnri HiU hril to doctera, oduoatora not M caught botwoon Uw two. In Booton, Sopt. tl—(ff>—Dr. How-aJ., that N per cant of adults with eoraaaot of white (awn dahUaik A | Ono of thoso rumora wao that the-conoert grounda. A half dosen oomlng a Russian vasaal. WE HANDLE AUTNniitio sureiguTOtt '49 NASH SEDAN...... 2095 Induatrlaliat Floyd Odium was oiu and Paront-Teaelwr aaaoolaUon the aehools w* hnvo tlw groateat cars were overturned. ard F. Root proaldont o f tbo dlabetaa can get along without rao^ n ea fo r I7B g iM ^ (oUowod Official dtspatchoa said thro* f ganlilng a merger of varloua alr- Isadora. aaM It is “ u ^ rtu n a to ’’ opportunity for iwchtog. nil tho The Uidictawate oame as West­ Rod Armloa with two artillery rog- Aawrtcan Diabetos D ittos asaoelatioo. Insulin with a now diet troatmant tho ooromonynony la the church par-1 O tP. ATLANTIC TRADES—TERMS eraft oompanlos and Symington that th* rosponriblUty for sohool illdran of tlw state.” chester Dlstriot Attoenqy Oeorga Imonto In aupport wore aooault- tost night tarinod "mlatoadlng” « Dr. Root in a triogyam to Dr. hi waa to raaign and run It Both health In this stats is dlvldsd hs- Tbo conforence was sponsored M. FanelU aaaounosd a fiw - ing th* one* thriving port fTB sUtomoat by. a S t Louis Macbeto* Llaua Pauling, prooldont at *"whaB the c^plo IjRJw • . twesn ths Hoalth and EducaUon gaady •• MANCHESTER Furnaco Oil trip to Now Torti city the Manch«tf$r Lumber ond Odium and Symington hnvo. doniod by th* Woman’s auxiliary of Uw sealed grand Jury tavasUgatlon to' miloo oaat-norttioaat of (Janton. tot that M par oant of dtobatier AoMTloan Chemical aoeiaty, a. Bb ( a that they oven ao much aa dls- dopartmonts. Btata Modleal aeiolaly with Uw so- to Uw violsnea will bagtai O ot $. Fall of Amoy, mainland hMd- can got along without Insulin. *Tnaulbt if sUn tha moat off active hrtoo wao waartog a salt and [ “In my oplnlom** - ha aaaartod, popper twood suit with black ac- euaaad anything Ilka th a t oloty. Btata IHparUnont of Hoalth, Fanelll aaM the regular October quartora of th* NatiaaaUat aouth- Dr. Mlohael S m o o t Mpritomtot treatmaat (or * dtobatoa” Ha Fuel Co. / Odhnn la praaldant of Ui* Atlso “Uio Oei^rtnwnt^ of Hoalth, Uw State Dopartnwnt of EduoaUon, county grand Jury will conduct the COEiOriOi aast China command, probably o f the Jewish hoo^tal In* 6 t asked Dr. Pauling to Inform th* SALES L t . WOOD 255 CENTER ST. TEL. 5145 BRUNNER’S-PACKARD eorparatien which controls Oon- Btata Modleal oocloty and Uw State Dental asaoclaUon and State Inveatigation, rather than a would herald a Mg Communlat Louis, Ma, told the 116th annual Diabataa aaaoctotlon of Dr. 8om- 358 BAST CENTER STREET aoUdatod-Vulteo, maker of Uw ihyriclana In thrir various locslod, Parent-Taaolwr aaoootation «a eo- drive from th* coast on alragdy convention a t th* Amoriean C3iom- ogyi’s quaUSoatlon for troatasanl IPEN EVENINGS thrir dopartmanU of soofwora. throatonod Cantos. leal society in Atlantic aty. ,N: of dtobetle patianta See Raymond B, Gorman fW ^ W■* yeo---- tsalik I * |8 WSSY CBHTBR 8Y. MANCHESTER Unoo of toouronco. 41 Brookfield | Phono 4496 BtrooL Phono 487L i '

lU|(GM ItBiU CXMm, WSONltt>AT. itfffitttit tl. 1M» ttAKCBtsm iVtMMO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MAMCHEITBB. CONN., WEDNfeMDAY. SEPTEMBER 81. 1849 rrM R. adgsr. wtM t«*« • |lulUni Group* Army* Navy Club * laiRioif!;... fOftli To Elect Officer* Vote to Combine State Jsr^^XiBslies Out StpItRibtr 22 to warn uMuibam. Itar. Robaat 0»l- Tba annuel maatlng aad alao- MOW rLA flM ' At iMtUnai t t tlM lin v pttto araa paator a t tba abnreb tlon at offtoam at tba Anny aad m tarlU M — C M Mii iMd to IMS. and It waa M n Navy dub wttf tab# ptoda to tba ,At Real Estate Men I Um OluMM* OwikAMI IteeMtjr. It aSudmaato nant Wadaaaday ave* I wM vstM U aMCf* tiMM tw« m- SSSS,’Sl.T K 5‘-“^ ntog. gBto—8*f K DpenM Ham- oallvo" load ba plaeod am a tty tba wenMtt at laaat nUgbt ba togway anaouncad today. Mam- TowiTs Major peveloper farMA btiilB. iirftik md MBMB . '□m HandMatM^IUlUa Am H- working for tba charcb. M n Oat* ban of tba Club am u rg ^ to make m A oeftocUbU mitU ouah “Inactive'' j r [can CM la Um cMcat tU&na m- pitta ttma la Mairoaa, M an tbair raaarr^Qna with tba daw* I r U by RuiMrIw at feMbaad dtod M rabraary. iMd, loads am opaa aa tar homa build­ d«ty la MaachMcr and Um OIu* a r t Immadlnaly. DaadtoM PuMie HeRring^ on ing. t t was oaplatood dRHng tba nappe OnrtfcnMl loatnty U Um lent tba Into M n gmdarlek Achar> raaarvatloaa will ba FrMay > angnatad tba name at "Tba fSr dtocuaokm Jbat raoaat tagtototlon. I on. formed In Uria Uwn lamlYin* bMM* Anton Kanak la rpUrlng — Sobdividlon Ihilee ----- *-* ataso tha pautlen waa sub- TEENS — YOUR lUUan raaMaata. In the aanr ftt* af tiM club. ______has gonaratty amt tha m- tan , Um caiMnad gnapa «n*«a itdd an granpa b^MalM A apacial faatum of Uw nMOt* Itaanatnai and haaim m Um toad ware nattan natoar li« wW ba Um pmaantatlon of Aggmvatod by whal ha tortoad qulraamato of tba maltem to thto I MaiMlMatar.ItaUaa AMiriean Ctab, I, Wacaan’a laalaty tor aavaral aoml.pm boning maUbas. tba *bly digs of raaltoaa aad law- odfiiiTtfcnn CAMEL COAT iTba niuhirtali at tba aaw a»> garrIoA At tba pn Kid Kaplan. e*-fe«berwalgbt il yma” toirtag laM nlghfa haaring The fifth l agmat sought the m- lelatp will antaraea Um tnaiaar twa obampion of the world from Hart- ducUcm to mlnlaaim oqnam foot* rJCST-* on prepoaad mlaxatlon ofManchaa to the A sons from tha cur- I aaoiatiaa and «ni haaa man thaa fbrd la anpaetad to rafamt tbaaa tata mMMOkm ragulatlona, Atax- in luxurious worilen |d0> ■awihaaa. Thia wtu raaatt M -----1,100 oquam fast to 000 dghtSL •adar Jarvis aboutad to a major oquam fast Tha raquost was Info^ |tlM largaat Italian aad aty In Man- mpraaaatatton a t Um towa’a real Special Displays, Special Values Minor Accident IY0UN6-H0LM amato bnalnaaa paopla "tt you had ataOp dtocuaaad, but without togal I crap UgbSar affoef toaco octloa. It waa sU tK U m poapwaa at tba new aaalata Ottawa, ■apt SI—orv—c »’a the guta aad motoe 1 ham had and I wOl ba to nponaor ltallaa*Anarf. weutd bo'wflltng to go out nad got can aaly‘ follow “ a duly adm I ..r t i s h I aaa aeUvItlaa, baaaeta, rat mat Mn. Reported Here potato (3rep . to _ 11.000.000______tba baataata, you wouldn’t bo bam formal palMto haaring. It latMMp. a Mgbtor than toat yaar'a arop tonight,” thoagbt that such a haaring oa To Make Homes More Enjoyable Cam drives ky Mwaid A. Ba- ^KdOO.OOO buabala, the CBM Jaavto bubad out at provtous tbuTtopte might ba bald by i I t RorUcultural oouacU anaouncad ttt. as, at N Cbartar Oak Mmat, WTnmSTABLK’ apaakam after B. J. HoU bad m- October. EVERY ONE OF THESE A SPECIAL VALUE today. Ricauia a t ahott mpply, On Tba 9am» ghaw — markad that with axeapUona ”Uka Ihla. onoa again broogbt protatt, I Group Celebrate* aad Ototos a ■ragg. K M tt pftosa win rise oiiiMlilarahly as tto tba watl-haatod Mr. Jarvto,” praa­ far It was argued by Alton that . IN KEITH'S NEW MODERN SECTION takSaM atmat, warn l a m ^ to aaaaon advaacn tba counoU aald. Key Ragtrs and Triner ant raatrtcUona Umttad tba doval- tba dactolon would coma so tote tt I*. f 20th Annivertary A Bttaar aoddast Iasi ntgkt as hi opoMnt bald ham ao that tba avar- would not benefit building thto ataaat near tka totamaatlon ''SUSANNA PASS’* a n mipi ooold no hmgor atay to yMfa ‘.8a« tba Mwaat In at«ak modern OURS ALONE Um bualnaaa. John R. AUan and In explaining tha first request, ■tylliig . . . all valua-piicad for tlM qiianim amnp ad Um li Attorney Harold W. Oarrtty also jdathadMt W ACA ahaicmd that to do away «rith tha require- Horn? raaMen Tima. Scores of ad. ssbda no armau. bad ratocrad to the raatrlettoaa as meat that a davalopar tnp dress ■w darigna. I tarnntlatli year ad aarvloa to Um penoa raport that RlaUa kaok creating a oondlUon "to which tba roods In a subdivision. It waa I ebimh hy a pat Inek anp. ad o«t af a p ar< '^ placa into tba only oaa or two can oparato"—evl- claimed that tha town can do thto in Faille... I procram Moaiilay aranlac at Um Bragg vablrta.______ircle danUy taken by Jarvto as a par- work for a vary much lower coat eboreh. A hiBtory a( tba C OWING Bonal radectloa. than a private naraon ean secure, aatlaa. Ito abaa and -aeo Attentat Ta MaOUy Jarvto and that baoicaUy, It to not unfair in Crepe.., oMnta waa pmparad by tOan Oart* A OIIOOtY riCK Immadlatoly after the Jarvto to aak tha town to aoauma thto K r o eh ler" a tvda Abbey. aOaa Abbey. J i n Hospital Note* m AVAOAtONIR blow-up. HoU uroaagto atato that ■ham of a a ^ highwav. ArUinr Qlbsoa, M n Mary O n and MRVYN 80U*iA6 hU ramarka ahould In no way bo tliat having N ew est . . . M n Haaal Andaman warn tba . i MtoWHiGnaaMMi totondad aa alighting to Jnrvto, ^ ------j of curbs, only charter mambara at tba graap f f M l O S t O aaaaaabaeaa•• nnd ba aald It wo«M ba tbs last praaant. Onaoto warn M n Baa. Adadttod yaatotUay: M n ] walks, and the pravtoion of a aore- me WUay. I t Dudley Mmet; 1 tuMOart thing ba would wtoh. to Hurt Jar- ty bond, brought on tha moat dls- aar WUaon, preMdant of tba < ^ 1 *fheRflMT8***W vW aafanga HoD j m oaadad to cuaalon Mnad groupa at tba Wamin’a Otodya Webb. 84 Mgatow aU pay Jarvto d cRnpIMHBt for THE olaty tor Chrtatlan ganrlea; ^ ^ nuat-naariugrtay” ntto Industry aad aniiauag.* At- the minlatar o< Boutb Unreh. Itor. Mn Harriet Pettar, m i 1 daainafer* tomyr Oarr apoheaqMn. eapacUny Attomaya atraat; M n Mary Dtota ^ Oairity and LaBalto, atrossad that manong Janria. aald ha had no da- It waa becoming particularly clear “BRYSON nar atraat; Myrton Wright, ttock- aim to aiMBa blttamaaa by bto ro- vUla; Tbamaa Raukl. Marlborougb; marka. with new types of construction, Mrs. Jaaa Hood. Id Waat O n M that walka sm not a darimbla faa­ Some Don't* Not moOttad, Jarvto loudly aa- tum, that curiM am unnacaoaary. A new kind of lounge______chair . . . eapMlally CLASSIC* B tr^ ; Mlaa JudlU Mtoar. IM aortod that am now trying derignad to be comfortable .for ...... BO’TH...... men MlddM TumpUto. aaat; rrank EA.STWOOD Word E. Krout« to atnooth thtoga ovor after apentr aad th a t In any avaat where a for Pimplot Qwarek. BS2 MlddM Turnpike, large area to laid out with a likeli­ and women. Deep and restful, yet not over­ Don’t aemteh—don't sqtMeaa lag the whola night ahooting at hood that its davalopmant may not powering In size. Smart tinea harmoniM waot; Lynn Rlckmowd. IT Myrtle rr»T «ARiAir» . me.” ba complatad for yearn, Immodiata with any Kroahler living rooma. plmplaa—you riak InfaeUoal Don’t atraat: John Uaugh. Tl Garden Jarvto affirmed that ” I bam al- aattar from Itchtng plinploa. angry atraat; M n Qartruda Hanburda. VAK MttMSOII oomplata atraat walk and curb In- rad blotchaa. aeaama or other tr- raady sold ton bouaaa on my now staUationa should not ba raquirad. 1.98 aa ntraat atraat -in yae eeo» oua atiun»- tract that aren’t even ptostarod Nor.Nor, Itit waa asoartad.artad. should tha rltatsona when aootblng Itotacaon’a Admlttod today: M n JaaaM m l Olatmant offer 'yea fast mSaf. TIttk’‘-lB V I yet aad if you want the buttmaa great coot of a adraty bond ba tan- Makaa akin look batter, ftol batter, iMwia, 104 Watout atmat; Joaaph eSRrinet • SRXO|^one you con gat I f ' posed on a dmrolopar to guarantaa Burka. Varaan; Dnvld Ratoon. Maachaatar'a major dovalopor, ouch Installations. To gat such a 40e aU druggists- t>na awHcatton Olaatonbury: Richard Tbompaon. Keith’s new main floor Modem Section, just completed for Home New Plaatie d^ghta or money back, ntaraon’a Jarvto uraa tba only panca at the bond, it was claimed, a small op- Fashion Time celebration. New modem designs for bedrooms, liv­ M Haynaa atmat; Kdarto Hack. Trumpet • Trombone hearing who apaka out to oppoal amtor uaually did not have tha C o v e r s . . . Otntmant allaya Itchy feet eracka RockvUto: Cbarlaa Waanaakl. Jr., tion to Um sevoral ralaaaUofu at ready aosata or financial poaltion ing rooma and dining rooms in a smart, harmonious setting. 1.98 iMtwam toaa. 5S Daapareod drtm. STUDIOt 87 WaiRRt S t of Um ragutoUoiM favorod by required by toaurance com pan lea. Dlaebargad yaatarday: Loutoa Mancbaatar Board of Raaltom. vAnd It was further brought out SuUlvaa. 48 Ooopar atraat; Mlaa PhoM ISS6 n tto a» tba Maattag as a concrata axampl^bf tha fact .95 Edna Dowd, dl Madiaon atraat; About ftfty warn praaant at tba that dimplata Immadlata Installs- UQUOR DEPT. John HantattMl. 148' noranoa baartog, moat of them ooiuiacted tlona am not ahraya daairabto, that KroehUr*t Famous atmat; WUUam Bmtoard. TT Nocth m ■oewjiwisi we utoauve with roal aatato and building, aa on aoma of E. J. HolTa • property Modem open-arm oee^ We judt know youll love thii werm giowint cemel Hoan 8 a. m. to School atraat; Mlaa NaUla TOobey. tba Jotot Board of Dlmctora and to which cortw and walks warn rional chrir, bkmda or coot. So tmdrt, ao chic, ao rightly atyled for t l Cbaatnut street; M n MUoant Town PlaanlBg Oommtotoon In­ yaara ago UMtalled, that they win mahogany flntohad 1 1 p . m . formally hoard tba vlawa axprtao- SOFAS you . . . Hewitt «T LUae atraat now have to ba rainatalled bMauaa frame. Duran covi Arthur Dm g Stores Dtaehargad today: M n Caama ad. of the punishment of irears during the new plastic wM lata, aa rolay atmat: Martin lb s paUUoa aatttog for tba Jotot wfileh the davalopnMnt did not looks and faato Ml Qoay. 406 Harttord road; Joaapb baaabig waa niad aariy to tba etna- prngraoa. leather, but defies w sl. 100% Boft and anuggly wool. A 100% wool shell PhOUpa, i n Hilliard atraat; M n mar, and tbam waa oonsldarabla In ragnri to ttta walk queotlan. Decorator paatal oMoix. EadUDittngty femlne and daUghtfully tnilorbd if lining end e reyon aetin outer lining. Mary Urlano aad daugbtar. 4# tmpatianoa avManoad by real as- It was ookad why tha town can to- and up Suaunar atraat; Outaeppa Laona, tata apokaamen at the delay In Um ■taO oa and gravri walks, in soma tl^^a lordly clAddic drasa . . . atylad in myon Cbn* BARBER WANTED New York City. of tka hearing. This wna requlm davalojpam to toil enpo and doft fniUe. Drean It up with toudios In beautiful clnaaic boy atyle; double breeated, Btrtb yaatac^: A aon to Mr. d , . howovar. aa dua to 4 ' ita.coocfata yob. ? each aectioii IN MANCHESTER nuRMal conaant agraenMnt m N w w , 'brought out thK of fptor or iporkling jewelry. Created exchieitrely buttona, belted half beck, 2 half pockets, aad M n Nonnan Cba^gtaa, Rock. *59 ViU#. town offidato aad the them Is no uniformity ta tba aida- fot* UB . . . deeifned for youl Sited 12-20. vent beck. Sites 10*16. Rtrth today: A aon to Mr ratory of the Board of Raaltora, walk aituatlott to town. tlaaa. Oaad pay. naanHaara S to S. M n Raymond Lnmry, 4 FairfMd tba paUUanlng body. "Thera to case after caoa,” At­ SVHto ^nam M . atraat . JANET BIAIR ■am to Ba Advertised tomay LaBalto aald. "whara you .,BLAChBURN TWINS Wbatt It was hfmtoht out that moat walk long diatanaaa In tha .Matching Tables I yi one of the oubjacte of tba paUUoa, road, la going from one aldawalk that of a radn^on In the aquom area to another.” ifl Blonde Oak aiaito nafa.1 Attomay Garrity aald tha argu Plea **Tna af foot ndnlmuro in A s o i m s would ^masasTi leihto* ham to ba adverttoad and beard by menta in favor of ouch InataUa- Streamlined modern tabtoa to tba proper aonlng autboriUea for tlona requlramants were "full of the sunny blonde oak tones li|kt il lilt tir togel consideraUoo, the tttuatloB holes.” .tunning with modern grov pravokad a mild attack by Arthur He askad tba Boards to consldar Inga. Note Keith’s low yaji ’EM Kaofla and AJlaa who noted that for a moment tha casf of a man wl*e pricaa, then hurry to! . 'fe- SWrCH who might own a whole block of .1^0- ■' Uto request l6r a baartog. Mad land, with frontage In four dirac- i-V r> aoqM montlto^go "Ohould by thto tiana on existing roads. Ha daaircs Utoe have baen acted on ao there Im p Tabto ....g ld J g FREE MOVIES would be no delay*’. They felt that to develop thto frontage, and also "It to pretty lata for you ganUaman opaa up the interior of the block. End T ib ia ...... flASg to ba taUlng ua thto paUtlon to not Qlvm Aa Example r i "Well,” the attorney said, "If Cocktafl T able..glT K 7:30 O'CLOCK TONIGHT to proper form” and thought It waa tba man rafraina from filing a plan, "unfortunate’’ that "foore co-op- Step T able...... glTAd Step bHiMf this taamn aratlon" waa not forthcoming he doesn’t need to come near any In/Mtimar that **leaa tba Join the thronge that have beca ofllcisl except tha building Inspec­ $8.50 fMm the town efftciato concerned. tor.” Corner Table ...g tiJ a mark” far appaaHny attendimr theee free movies at Mfr • ‘ *~On tha whole, the exchanges and t*yU and twiiaf mmfart. Ray’s. 'Acy make for a deHghtfnl, “Let ua asaume,” Garrity aald. C . dtoauaaton ware matralned, and "that he has 8,100 feat on each of CMnfmUy trt/ta d inexpentive eveniag for the whole coBstructlva crIUctom and ques­ the four outside streets—or at TO • V Natural SHdpe gfcaaa* family. tioning filled In the more than two feet frontage par lot, 80 lota on ' T ■ V »- hours In which the hearing each street, or 120 lots on the four carrlad on. > outsida atreeta. . •RARTIR MdlS r tt At the outsat. Judge John D. MATVIAL VAUIRC "This man can go* ahead and tmBalto and Attomay Garrity, build. Ha can btold 130 houses both mpreaentlng cUanU a m o n ^ Wtdtha McRAY’S without Installing a i^dawalk. or . «a..rtfi.a M AA toO the real aatata people praaant, without making any ttvestmsnt In veans stated UMr position In regard to InstallatloBa—aa long as ha does anas NevtsMirnid aaa 4^ to t Um five arUetoa in tha peUtlen. not fito a subdivtoloii plan. • Details of PetlUea ' "But what happmia whan ha Briefly, tha paUtlon raqueeta starts to develop tha Interior of hto * "Chlnejie Flgunne." Gmy tha following: that instoad of re­ Uockt Mind you. he didn’t have orChartreuae glase. Flare quiring a grqdad grsvaUed or trap to Install sldawalka on the outride .A n y doltor parchment ahade, K rock ballaatad road, paved with existing roada, wham presumably lacquer^ in harmonizing W E R B N E R ’g top coaUng of tar or aaphalt, all tralBc would have been haavlaat. ookir. Inatallad at the davelopar's cost^ When ha gata to tha interior lots, YQU SH O E S T O R E tha requirement aa to tar or aa- 626 MAIN STREET phalf be cut, tba town to put on ■(Ctonllnnee an Paga Tkirtaan) this top drcaslng. *lTito, It was claimed, would Java tha developer |M on a TO foot lot. Second, where now tha rulaa ra- fflR BKl— " " " f ' quim that curbs and aldewalka ba Wonderful new modem sectionals! The ex­ Inatallad by tha davalopar, It was SHOE REPAIR citing new kind of furniture that’s sweeping asked that such Inatailation ba toft the country . . . a favorite with everyone. entirely at the option of tha futdm home ownera. It was claimed that You’ll love the way you can atrange and re­ much of the new type of ranch arrange the pieces in countless delightful h'ouoa building to not of a sort to combinations. You can change the whole looks require eithor walks or curbs, lIlllimU-iDflIT Use them aa saporata of yonr room at will . - . and with the same One Ottba '• which. In fact, warn said to ba chairs . . . ss a chair furniture! You can even make one of "the big otoataadtog ' ’TM artom** detiimant In,many outlying ^ m l and love aaat . . . 8 or 10 foot sofas by adding extra sections. Aa o«*77eiar. areas. a Mg roomy aofa. Aa another part of this aaotlon. U jU k T im i’c ,, It was aakad that tha raqulramant that a davalopar post a aurety bond Insuring that ha will Install such Wide Choice of Sectional Stylea in ■ 1 f walks and curbs within a earUIn "Flab." Chartrauaa g|ai [a h ’’*1 time be cast out lastaad. It was baas with oval charimuaa suggested that a cavaat might ba Colors and Covers of Your Choice. laequarad pembmeiit 1 ' n e . ^ , put«n tho land records as a noUea M NKW shade. Striklag wttb «■■• Watear Brae. era. k to the purchasing public of ths ' High or low arm styles . . . smooth backs or chan- 1 velopmant situation. HUDSON salad backs . . . atmight or curved' aaotloaa. Tou Third, the raaltom askad that Oafivemfi Ham Pbity ean have your plaoas covered to your Individual wbofi storm water aowam am to i ' order. Tour cM ea of decorator fam es and colora tiJw « 1■ ' sUUad, a davalopar ba aaoai Tax got mam famWara fiallar . . . bouctoo, tapaatriaa, friasaa, matalamaa, bro- ' -m1 • Voke al »• flaatlaf only sueb ooot oa saay artoa from tftoa any otbar cktritos. FREE PARKING ia Keitli’a Owa Lot AdloialRC tha tha actual drainage of watara ofig- wNb I»1 Kr Mgb. Stors . . . Drive ia'Rlght Off Mafai 8L InaUng on hto tract; that any to' M mgtoa. IM taeb flowing accumulation ba m (Lacal taxaa la ba tatoad, nod that such oxtra pipe aa afifiafit. THEY*RE ALL WONDERFUL BUYS! may ho required to bam for this oOaly tba Slorld ^ outsida accumulation ba propor­ arfiar tionately placed on thoaa property auaab or Mma ______OPEN "T H E 68®^' owners, or on tha town, xdiam tho a Wllb ar wMbaut trofia-ta Tharaieya V. L 8.—•Vwy Importeht Seperetee—right out of tho pegoa of MADEMOISELLE! Hare ere ell wool abirts, water does hot origtoato. • Oaafi aBowanco tar your f A.M.tatP.1%1 at to your fancy, ■ for ‘ you to...... awitch marrily with.... Saemiy skirts. ■ ”Have )^or ekirt • • in.. soft, - caahroere, . - - light ^ L T S B Y ” Pet ail Deferred R car wc ■ and have it ’’Beo^ine” or gently flared, th f wool skirts, mind you. are all washable. Now have fun The fourth reqiieat was on# ask IMMRINATR ORMVKRT owHt lt*t a wondtrlul buy! Miatia lisaa* ing that a new tract, wbcm ON aOMC M onciR Other '1:^ water and sewer Unea am totally 9A .|l.4R ^elf| lastoltod, or wham such McCT.URE AUTO ^ ^ - V t nscemaiily Installed across other ITS Mato flt. itotUM ttlnurt property I to manh a development, W 3-6443 that ouch Inst'altoUons aetoas "tn-


CandR a Btedu to ITkdrtrt^^ %vTIC> i « on rrtd ay aftoraooa, Septambor Is batac m ^ to havoldtat, oommoaty kaowa aa m ^ h s a a T ^ aU who w aat|vato ohy o h . la lot w ^ c a 1 ^ laatiOopoa. Church to Hold n. P^ood will go oa aala at 4 Maw Havoa. S ap t • St—<*>— i 5 jT?a?JS5r in srts :rr,-£ Today*s Radio w niT— M o’clock tftd will taeloda a variety them thta 144A JwA sppaaito Boltoa Laaa. WM Oot tor Woo. 1. m m u—^issa Changed Mm. Harhart Ru^ Mra.’Anwui ' ' _"" dmiwad with aantag couatortoit •qrSF** la ti pemmtt SSSU, J r , c f cakes, plea, broad. roUa. cooMoa ameay, Jo a ^ Raaao. S8, of S0T4 WOMB - 141# UeyagM riMt WHAV-eiS ICn. CMffor* Troat, Waranoko Sale on Friday •ad tba eapMlaSy popular McKlnasy aaS 'M n. Wsodrowl Mora thaa StS Rad Cross SM* ■neooodo wfll edadaot Uw aaM.iwartMn.ara aarrtag U. B. topopa FoMMId avaaaa Bridfoaort was T» cf*p tirod raOtoc; proas ha- For Victory Party lUm*, wbo aia menrimrahlp co* "tjuarryvllla'* bakad baaaa. Da- toroaa waxad papor.______anmuld tha woathar ho aafavoraMo bald ta hoada of $8,000 by Jadgo timely suits and coats cbaltmon. tho WB.OB. of United Metodiot maad aacoedo* tha aupply oa tWa flftS O — laat Itam at a food aala hy this tho food.wlB bo aoM la tha vaatl- WX>RC—Nawa; Boat tha Ooeh. WONB—News. church In Bolton will hold another touM of tlM cMurtL Ualto* Motha- food aale on the lawn of the church aamo group laat'meath and avoiy Y m o —Oatoa Draka. WDRC—CaplUd Cloak Room.i S n ------men* uf ttoA Church to Form 4 lU — WTHT—On Trial, . WTlO-SUUa nellaa. w n c—Curtain Tima. • a a always in the fashion- circle WICNB-^Nawa: Saoiab maratac* n ila An Adult Choir Atlas. WTHT—Mualcal PieaMnada. YYHAT—Tima, Plana, Bhow. tisn* 11 too— ^ Msm du* mei^Mn yy>rmatiofi of aa adnit choir for Nawa On AU Btotlona. 25J^^TeUier coeuBlttmmiU •» WDRC—Naw Onglaad Noto- gt. Jamoo’ church will got uwJor- ,b oah . I l l l 8— la •*“* wtahe* to aUm* /#’« A Scientific Fact - - - - YYDRC—YYortd Tonight ^ may with aa orgaalaatka mooUn* 0 WTHT —Bandataad; Nawa. tonight at eight o’clock. All InUr- W no—Loraiwo Jooaa. WTHT—Joa Haaal. *!SS**'alw> m»* that t^ YYHAT-MoanMght Mntinae. II •F ^M rtnc OB tlm UJoirtAo® oot •«* •ated persona arc aakod to attoad WOOO—Nawa; ISM C h ib., CABLUIIIS Studenb Who Do Thor Work On A Typewriter WHAT Chaetor. tba Gertoue WONB—Bop Bhow. this meeting, which wlU bo hold a t cameL YVnC—New*. the diurch. „ UiiO— S T cta ^ «■ *«oit to raioo fu»^ Mlm Jan* Nackowskl, w«n- WONB—Dance Orch.; News. CURT * 2 w r ^ balBiicB ol tlm toam-o koown local vocalist, win diroct itr ic —Yeung Widdar Brown, i WHAT—Tiny Tot Tunas. WTHT—W aether Roundup; S S S fu th o natlooal Uw*a- GET HIGHER GRADES! Dance Orcheatra. wtddta, Kaaooa. * ^ t * ^ S i n t 8t. Jamoa> , church Site— WOltO—Old Racord Shop. w n c—Dance Orchestra. has a Boys’ Choir. Pregneney Madalatien " A ta m oiowd la oxpwAad a t Oy WHAY—Btary Quaan. iSatho numhor o< por- WKNB—Nawa; Raquaat Ma- WFHA— IM.T MC. I'adergsea Bye OperaMaa Unac. YYDRC—TM B8.7 MC. n Msdtod. TWwta may WTHT—PM t t e l MC. J H J r th a a li from Urn olob otaw- WTHT - Cballenga of tha Tukon ■ ■ ______Lakeland. PTa., Sept « . —<»>— 17 % more work done. . . 40^ WONg—B-Bar-B Reach, P. M. any offloor or mom Bame as WTHT. t**• e if• tlii ip<^ __eommltUi.a ful A tuu j ^ recent ieiioua inne«, hid fewer words misspelled . . . 82% w n c—Whan a OIrf Marrtaa. ,WOOC—Junior Dine Joakaya. 6:80—Berano Oammell; Wrath> ,,,n - *la^w in ha 0«f^*f ,n eye operation here yeate-’^av. fewer errors in English . . . dsIS— cr. tiMia win u dancing tmW 1 «• ^g-ycar-oM author cama baro WHEN STUDENTS USE A WDRC—Tha Old Raeord Shop. 4:48—Concert Hour. tpaclal r » o ^ hasp h y i im rt^ ^ome a t Sebring. TYPEWRITER. See Marlow’g WHAT—Maat tha Band. Yvnc—PM 48A MC; MA MC. STtU aul and tho gw«» apaaker WOCC—Malodle Mooda. WDRC—PM On Ihe air I p. m.- mill ho anaoaaco* ooo*»- tomorrow for- YOUR TYPE­ p. m. WRITER! POLO SHIRTS y m e—Portia Facaa Ufa. 11 eiT von Fia mi Beys* Cattoa $iS0— Same aa Y^DRC. TUB NEW GRAY MAGIC Strtpaa WCOC—Nawa;.Big Brothar Bill WPHA— . I Season to Open * .WTHT—Jack Armstrong. 4:18—Sporta Newsreel. ALI.-NEW 1950 3 ^ WON8—Curlay Brndlay Show. 4:48—840 Club. ROYAL PORTABLES Bas B-14 Y m e - J u a t Plata BUI. 8:00—Anything Ooes: Newa. For Women’s Qub SMITH-COROHA gilg - WTHT—PM On tlM air 8 p. a a -It WDRO—Curt Maraay and Mar­ ■ p. m. tha TUtOB. Same aa WTHT. TIM Womea'sCM PORTABLES Tw Svff DtisHnf to^hoM «• “Ti, WHAT—gporto. YYTIO—PM Oa the air 8iU a. m.- Beautiful new COLORSPEED PlatHc Aprons W nC—Proot Paga Parrall. «m iMsealeel, ArtMtilt UMS full-size office keyboard. 8 models: GRANTS WASHAtlf Bias— Bama aa w nc. JS S T h in i!f Clipper, Sterling and Silent. * • Bcaatifnl patteraa and colors. WOCC—S porta. TatevMaa S S t h . Tho p r y w ^ NUT-WML rUM T ML U M a Bvanlag YYNHC—TV. • mac Arnold prosa ta ho faodiiat- diOe— P. M. fmg nad aatortalahic. T?unD B A T ~Wan RtqfOR Blouses WDRC—Nawa. 5KX)—Taletainas. WM Beth Cary. moB ol^^^ r*n«ae” OB Baraw for WCCC-WU At 81*. 6:48— Howdy Dowdy. will praoont “O iarocio^ SPECIAL! W ON S-N ew a. 8:00—Small F ry Club. m tho Modem Mmn«. WTHT—Ban gcoraa; Mualc At 4:80—Easy Does I t SCmwIdAy k i^ Smith-Corona Clipper—Reg. $79.50 Tht nuadard typawiltor to pactaMa Bib Style 2 For $1 81*. 4:55—Weatherman. oatortaiamato atafo Stas, with a eonqilato, fnlhabM* h a y YYHAT—Nawa. 7:00—Kukla. Fran and OUle. Mloa Mlao Cary la a gradoau m board roBNnCAL. to the keyboard of w n c —Nrwa. 7:80—Showroom. IgaUlaad Powart School of Um the Royal Office typewriter. ’The Ideal WKNB—Nawa; Bporta; Wrath- 7:48—Vincent Lopes. hsm STwy drsp of eU. Phoaa us $ 5 9 . 9 0 Bhrrn-glo Coat high* Thf-*— In Boatca. and bar tto- (Plus Thna) portaM for atudenta. RAYON UNDIES 8:00—Arthur Godfrey Show. hr dsIsBs. Bipwt hwullatioa. d ull— lighted with tuxnrl* 0:00—Program Playhouee. nu« Mudknit pock* •‘^-'^sssrs.ssssjJSsr. Lm Ii al this Kodehad sNtcKJ Women’s rayon panties la WDRC—Jack Smith. Sporta 0:80—Mama. M appoaraneoa bofom inp aa Grants Weusasl Yaw'd . Special. et*. 10-lA LIBERAL TRADES, EASY TERMS white, pink, bhi*, mafaM. SImb 10:00—WreatUng. Kv r lialHnr cIphA dmrehao, eol* pwy dahatt atata bwt''Cfonts WON8—Bporta. I fiatanm l organlmktlaM. 11m Manclieslcr Lumliepi I S„ M„ L. WHAT—Supper Saranada. la ta charga of REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES ADDING pries is sstra lawl WMta, WTTC—Strictly Sporta; Weath- ptah, bhw, ataiia. 32 ta 31. ar. •“-J S .2SKT 5: A F imI Co. WANTED _ I orin bo eo-chalnnan MACHINES Experienced Salengirl ■c. «BL.m« for WTHT—iportapaga. Orry Lamb collar SMITH-CORONA WDRC—Racord Album. Htatioacry and and aleevf trim -.^ .^ rrs^ -ta*.* of th. UffttfACHfO . FOR EVERYTHING VICTOR *!$• — Greetinir Carda dreaa up Uila box > to tha TMtod Natlona at WONB—Tha Anawer Man. Steady Ponitibn coat ld-44; 10Lite HUDSON A UADfR IN RISAU VAIMI Have you received your free chance to win a pair National AntomobOa Daalms A a w ^ * 1.77 Craftsman of these 6ne ahoea? You do not have to buy anythlRff r»g. 2*49 ^ ation Official Uaed C ar O eM boeka Dance Studio to receive your free ticket. So pay us a visit tomor* abow "atapHtown” daaignad Hudamm AUTO BODY oommandiiic top prioM UR th * ■•non • row—we’ll be open front 9 to 9 . . . We are girlnff 884 Uhsritr Oak St. Aeierif a'l Seorfeil Wellieg Slaai uMd car markauf Toha yo«» peebY choke of etylM. eoeh ta away 1R pain, of shoes and the drawing wiD b# hold ^ w oaa wo imtot? Widi tiio Now Hudson Yea, the New Hudson ia widely aodaimed tparkling ehlao wHh Roeol and gold trim. Phon# 21848 i;' wfaninf now frianda coast to coast by the Amerioa’s d-Mosf Car! In performance, far ^ Septem ber 2 4 October I. ^ hondrada of thooaaada, wa havo an oppwtunity ample, Hudaon’a high-oompwaaiori ftipar-8tt Ouantlliae ora Bmiltd. Marry . . . $AVII Noted fur the Best * Wailing for tuu—Ch a llbyc s, the comfortable, to piah that tida of popularity even higher angina—the nation's meet powerful ato—or the Work in Timn I comfortable walking nhoc with the wonderful, wooderful hone fat tU a a n a l oven more powerfal Super-Eight join up wite a appearance! It’s made in a choice of fineal katbera and it'a THE SHOE SALON is owned by Jocnl poophh flo' right now—we're oObring tha brat trades ”atep-down” designed low build to make thia u r m w ACROBATIC, TAP, TOE, luxurtout tlirough and ihnmgh. An unhdievablr 28 Years Kxp#rl#nce Henry S. Gryk and Mrs. Wesley C. Gryk. It i# com te a d a c a d a l car the moat alert, fleetoet, atoadkai riding auto­ NON-WILT Resannable Prices value al ilii* drram-low ^ricr! Come in for your pair today. atmapiag aalra aoooem pnvidaa you mobile of them all! SHADES BALLET , n . vcnicntly located acroaa from the Pont Office, n#gg Pr## Entimateo \ i*M INNA JItIK* wta, ______r ahaBea to own thto yaara-ahaad naw LePa take that Revelation Ride in dm New Rio plootad, heaela-trlmmad all the bus lines, and wher# plenty #f fr## parking o ar s o a pMMfc frm oalila bmigt Plastic Dropat Work ttaUed P m aa# Itonvere# BATON TWIRUNG M* m 4* N iIm, I W II acttotalOiooM from 4 caloni ,ua« AAAAAWIU la always availabla. . • • Coma ini Snioy a thrilling Ravelatkm Ride in Hudson real ao«i. And when you vldt ua, brmg your car along. Youll be surprised at bow mudi HUDSON We handle any |oh from the car that M agi you, not Joat a ttttla more, toYtr CM tr/nr nusnp ir,rof.1.1«- -974 6 b a t dm aiort o f th a 6m t daingi paopla want moat It win bring traded in on a the smail##t aerttf^ to the CloMMet and Private jnaoaatemntiila lraiity,room?aam,ft)q

Mi' MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER CONN.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. IM t UANCHMT** *VWIWO HBKAU). HANUHianil. COKN. WKDNSM)AT. (fcrTEMBBR tl. 1M» .Mad i oiB lMen C eaf sronoe of cusslons that tha reimposition of ru a ry, 1M 7, to IS.IM ia July of as this sltosUon caatlnuet. ae reimpositlon of the tariff would ■ _____ ■ ...... —... ' ' "Brass mMufacturers In tka •I .-hick Um RockvtlM and Vamon tbe duty would hove here in Con- IStS. la the same period the aver­ Mad to further cuts in production S b v b 4 R IF alaunaia ngraamanto nad kdvdr^ bn Mgned Rva dean M e r nad eap- flockville G>pper Tariff nectlcuL age work week kss dropped from state have mformed me that tbd and aggravate this already die- pIna loenl howbig airtheHttaa «dU ntrnctlM wm begta Ow b u m dnt. Jsthodlst cburelMa are a part Is lafuittri mat tka amandtoaat SmrtMafareontmet M m p iw la g for Mda wna aamml nMatha, mndaetiag a drtva far psnsiene 40S hour* to 23J. price rise which would accompany tressing unemployment picture." nnd tha normalBl kUhMWnir l tng portedparted wen The B^Mtaf cM traM wm i----- **“ "The msantseture of brsse and kjr AfX< PraMPwt M ans S p e e d jpcto immadMIaly taanca tor the rottred minlators to the tmm three to fourfoar waMU.waMA see dnya for fun luaatrari P lw Opposed otbev copper products is ons of our' "In addition to the human hard­ t o l ^ WIlBam'Oraan. **• agraamaiitoag raamarito area n ranched.ranched Thia win tha pro)acC, with St aNIta . . esMuat Of SSStJSS. together with mast important induatrtes," bo* ship and mteery that lie behind Oraan haa urgad aO ATL pborton-w . tha MddtM —, paitod and In the drat trlM of tha new pMa 2 Youths Held la wm he ndrartlnad M 140 dnya, nnoUiar SO untta an atoouat af STBOOO tor tba youth told Lacss. ‘Tt M conoentratod la thaas Sgurea I would Hk« em­ fadaratkap oantral W mt For Housing nnnatt n gnlclur atnrC Ma eoaatni»> nt BrIatoL M da ------■aptombar >#-«•, Md wW be M IN dnyp aad nnolhar M M IN camp named Camp Aldmggtok ar Bowles Urges CoBgrena tha Naugatuck valley, an area al­ phasise the waste of our produc- L - M Ifir & M I lon^s F o e » yatooa aiwl locala dlra'aia. M lR R O tS Mirths 6ro«p« eoaatltutioa racoBuaaaiAM ky a ISc a wosk tor a parted of 100 nor Bowlas hw urgod Obagreas not' laCottatyCMit heehs. ThM M tbe freataot aad to reiaotato a two eoots a poundII Hartford. ■apt. ai—(0 h -n u d lor of Norwalk, JoJm mOtit of o im of tho moot worthy drives the tariff bn Uaportod copper. N «w M W B. $tpt. Hartford aad Harold falaiaatk of to givo aUto honatae ptojaet ^ New Bngland Boutbsm Cwtor- BIULIMfKH OF SPECIAL OFFER! hnSidup" troatmant arara noekvlIM. SI—iSpetMl)— "Sueb a maaaure would be ex-, OnaiMOeut rateatlon at U » « f Now HaToa. ___ _ YQUR CHOICE OF A MODERN tm o^ t-«o|2J5 Aljmae Couture, i r „ IS aad Albert aaee, eoaatotinf ef approximstoly tremely detrimwtal botlrto the 1m l nouncad Mat nlfht by Boualiif ^ lt« 4M Tha cooatitntlonal raataloo waa « M P T E Mm L. Roberto, SI. bath af WUHmaatle Its cburchea, bw svsr conductod. teresU ef ... Owaactlcut aad to’| AMESITE DRIVEWAY Rednccd prken for s Hoiited Jlo e only.' CsH 2-2447 M l M p *• ^ to oome bafara tha oooTantlon at HOntotrator Barnard B. LMB« The eonfwenoe Is trying to stob- to dttMiMwiiw |*M P atm 4.7$ a«o 3.60 ware feoad guilty, af rape at tba tba aattenel wetfarr.'* the Daaw- AIM Tarsia ind Asphalt and MB for appointmont. a latar aaaaion. troatmant arm bo appUad stm |i$ twa S.K maaleaa af the ToOaad OSuiity s Mm s paaaton fund for the mlnM- craUe chief apoeutive said ia a . iS L m >i|ip a i w ta ters wbo are new rottrwl snO wbo BKIJABIJC » BCAaonaiu.B - wtMin to tk* coiwUtutta*, «» ** Labor Baeard BH ■aat to an ■0-nalt kuOdtac jd a w ^ Utm m O i»tm 4,1 Superior Court sn Tueedey aftor- latter aeat yeetorday to U JI. Stne- ,i €rvi Boen fonowliig a three hour trial w ill retirs at tbs age of 06 yaara to r Scott L ucoa the CttBocreUc l* utAffANTCBO - rage b u t i m a t u i Z u m M III* «Ut» oowwtioB Taatarday’a opaalng aaaaion of k * tka Briatol Houalnc anthoHty Mam $•< or beyood. tha four-day convaaOtm j i far which now finaadac u r a i ^ and Judge Edward J. OUy aiw Soor leador. j MMilMy ffayawate II Deelred OMiiU wara apprwad by atata «il> ■eunoed that ha would Impees Tbe fbpper u r jS wea^uapeaded { MARY CROSSEN R.N., Prop. ortMlaattM afflMiW w toouaht an attack on tka labav Tbc foUewtag casba am llatod yaeord of tha 1949 Oanaral A a M - aentonoea on Prlday. Thr accuaed la 1S4T bscauae of s. cr1ft»al ehort- 8«» MAIN STREET OVER MARIXIW’S U mat undM dm are being kept at TWIand Jail un- for tha TbunMay seaskm of the DEMAIO BROS. tiflia or tUT P** W r and damanda that tha fadara* ago of the metal la thia country. * I HIM Ueatpt St Son atap up lU political action tU Prlday. ToHand Oounty Superior ceurt A bill pendlBg In Congreoa eroiid, Offict Houra: 9:.T0 A. M. to 3 P. M. Fbeeltme Tepa ■Cl aWwatM Um vlolaiit ot storllag at 10 ajn .; Paul W. Wat- S IN C E If2 0 TELEPHONE 7R91 Robert J. A. JaoqusA S8 of BMt put H bask In fores. Med. AftemooM and Eveninga By Appointment 355. PwTlnMIt-tlow ■rotram. . . Uvermore, Maine aad Dorm B. kifia and Peter Oolab, Stotutory Store Pmote. Fletnie S aBawd r*pr#»*iit*tton !■ tka Caiv Ooram or Bowlaa, arhadulad •• Ooveroor Bowtes said he ----, Waltora. 38 of BaadfleM. Maina. e pe; Braaat S. Bead and Murray “eapeclaUy disturbed by the reper- < iSSeS raW>tk« af t^kar addraai the convontion lato today. both of whom wore nbargid with Morton, Stoallag and Mall- fa g M M i k)r Oraaa Whito Side Wdll eerrytng dangerous weapons In a eioualy -KlUing Cattle; Sarah L. X U « r « M a OToala. aaata^t motor vehicM ai»d who ontoted a CuUlns end Darrell U Chapman, aittotirr at tka FadaMtlon. taM Tlinouiy m. VrVMMbW wa.an ' ma IA N S ns p a n Adultery. *ff44i4UPtP Jostph M. RoortiSa TIRES Ptoa of guUty Mot Pndoy ware blamad lUpubllcana and tha O n tt- 4H* 3W granted pi rmlmioa to chatige their Iggtl Httkm tocturara aaaodatlon cf Connacti- IV4* 55^ pMe aftor tha court waa taforawd eut for tha dafaat of mudi labor Recapped 10* 5U of tha rireumaUnoaa .a tbolr eaaa Wet Towels Used V r a " ft t W T o r P k o ^ w iwia aad they were found not guilty. at Baaahaaiar within aad for *''' lh«'*'* laglalatlon. la (Hnr B k e trie Rabbet Dougiu W. Smith, SI o f Now tha IMh IMffera In Appradanl %\M mewfie# Mtneha^. ea W « U t r 1.65 linden. Wise, fonnerly of Rock- To Commit Suicide am It ■aptamba^ IMI. ■Ute Labor CommlaaMnar Jphn \ vuia waa ebatipd with forgery on Praaaat. joioa J. WAUJcrr. j. Cagan, a formar aacratary- NlMil4B.rtw4Ma 1.95 two couate, and was gtvon one JadfO. L m t m yoar white tide* 2.65 Jeraey a ty. N. J , Sept. 31.— NIW L-O-W-l-R Batata of Thomaa A H«hett, lata traaaurar of the radamtlon, dW- 32.95 yaar at TeUand JalL the seatoaoe of MaaChaatar In atM diattwt. dacaaa farad with CoUlna and Itonrko la w a lk aboolately white, ae to be suspended when restitutton —Pence aald a man took bis own SALE! 3 .9 8 SPORT SHIRT hla appralaal of the laplalatlTa aaa- heat oMtfca, bieoiiehes or Im niAdib Ufa la a hotel ream here by atand- PRICI.'. . KNIT upon tha applltatloa of Tha Hart- Melrta B. Tripp. 35. of big on wet towels aad clutobUtt r^.'l foripeonnactleat Trual OoMpany. •d- ■kwA . . . dkeoloratloiiA K|T4 n Mid no nnU«unloii in _ wires Nagged Into etectrie wall RAYON OOWNf Sa'latrator d.h.n.. W a^ nartford, a bua driver erbo was sockets. tkorlty to flra coaroatlnB daada of arara paaaad, a point concadad by to ^ v e d in aa aoetdsnt at Ogdsn’a IN 9 WASHFAST COLORSl cOTtafti pfamlaaa purportad to ha« RourkA and contandad that a CAMPBELL'S Comar, two months ego^ was A manager of the Hotel Plaae haan eoaroyad hy aak.- do(yaad aa to atata’a labor record abculd fo «^ not guUty of violation of the found the electrocuted body yee- • 4 1 4 4^ll«wtlon mer« MIp sppw*. Judged on tha baala of what It haa AUTO SERVICE motor vemeM Mwi. terday when ha opened the door dona over a period of yeara ad Com' la tm caao o f Leon N, Miner, erith a paaskey. Police aald the ''cStORiusO: That ito farafainr^ak: N N lIM .i 134.95' LUXURY TECA RAYON! allMtlnti bo h a ^ aad datanalaod at p a r^ with other aUtoa M »aaell 8t. TeL 1 1 1 7 a . aad Stophanle Tedryartt. 40, man had bean dead about taro tha Pfobala oBka In HaOrhaWr In Tha commlaaloner aald ha a H N lltB .i t 5.95 ooto o f Union, charged with daya. I 6.95 adid platrlet, on tha nth day t* proud that through tha yaara no Give yoar old diamond NNiaibi ovM saanmIfON*. i •dultory, they wore given aik He was tdenUSed tentaUvely by •aptaaahar. A D.. 1M». at tan o'clock Isolation haa bean paaaad which a new lease on life! mrmths auspended jail santancea police aa William Taylor, 36. The Ovr tp.c.ol ptic* r.tarj a M tha forenoon, aad that nMlm m Yoor cholN of HNif-fB might drive Induatry from the Select a smart, new aad placed on probation for otu only addrsaa. availabM was "U. S. coving for yoji You'll bgr.« ftaan to all paraooa lata^od In ^ d atata or diacouraga now Induatrlaa HaMsTlfB.t . year. Army traaspdH General TayMr. aatota of the padaaey of aald appll- mooating from this yoOow N wMte tti.t* gowr.i or* a real veiuil .tloa and tha tlaa* and place of hoar- from coming Into Connactlcttt. PRESCRIPTIONS McCollum. Port of New York BmbarkaUon," . lad tharaoo. by puMlablnc a copy of ‘•Connecticut haa tha moat aaccially priecd groRP •Old froN H i. 40. e f Veman. charged alUr operat- police said. Knif royon . . . uoty-to-woib ... thia oadar In aoma nawipapar haylna akIUad labor In America," ha aald, TM x m u i ^ a mo4ar vehicle erMM under CAtLED FOR that win enhance the ruquirui no ironing. Two n.w a alraaiatlon la aaM dlatiirt, at 1 ^ "and the moat produetbm. Bo kmg timelcN heanty of Flatiaam from 2SL 32.95 the Influence of liquor waa as- Itaa daya bofOra tha iky of aald hoar- aa we keep that up, wa naad not Mgned for trial on September ST, Irimfnud in la c . BIj#, laA to appear If they aao cauaa at AND yoar old gems. Con- 3gt 3.45 J d tiaaa aad plaeo and Be hoard r j ^ have any faara for Connartlcut In* IS7.S0 ta 1125 SPAGHETTI MEAT pnt, ro'zc, lilac or nil#. Uad tha^o. and make ratom to tbia duatry.” DEUVERED salt oar expert Jewel­ 4 0- 3.75 IKLJS'cISSKS "" AM ers today WITHOUT SSL 3.95 SAUCE [Mira hrgi «< m ...... 1.08 ****" JOHN J. WalXJCTT. JudfO. OBLIGATION. Shown -toeenh Jamaa Smith, U o f Id I P T . 60c A t A eotn rr o r f h o b a t i baid PINE aro hut a few from our Oxford atreet Mancheator, a Csrm- at ManChaalar arttbln and tor tha TIA K im s er restdmt o f Rockville, died yes- ComoUo^g Epicure i D latririM Mandteaur. an the Ittb yride Mlection- W ords usual low price, cot for this sale NghtC M iflbs PHARMACY •* Mancheoter M a tn ^ ’ Cap of aoptamber, lt«». M su 34.25 faU b o s p ^ . Ha waa bom to Rock­ 4* ; That tba *th day of /# n Relief Oarpo A at tan o'alocA-iataaoon. Lowest Prices in Connecticut There wlU be a meeting of the Extra Monty Today af Oia 'iifakato o n u in the Municipal auUdla?MN|I Burpee Women’s Rallaf Corps this tba aaoM 0 (0 6 4 5 1 * * a heartne on •vaning at eight o'clock at tba O. tba allowanto af aald admnllitratlun has booB • "llAOilR" of fools for oliBMt ■ NBtory A. R. hall. ammat wito aaM aatala and tbla Court Maarbiator Msettog dfraato that'potlce of tba timo and To proiaci ogointl tubtliiirtient and inferior conIt—' On Pridayr September 3S, In s, plaea aaalgaad for aalf haarinr be ■fean to,w paraona known to be in- place of Thursday, SapL S3, tba toroitod itbwalb to appear ant.' be iniiti on thii "IE/(DER OE FUaS' data originally seL the Sub-Dto- BUILDING baard OiripB by publlehlnp a copy of ym» You lUtould Buy trict mMtlng of the Pension Fund tbla dikP lo aome newipaper havint aUTNOSIZtO o is t ii'iu io t i Campaign will be hold at the South a ewBatten la aald Dtotrict. at leapt Manchester Methodlat church ' LOTS 2.98 aaiNT PAJAMAS Ova daya batoea tba day'af aald hear- atortlng at 7:30 p.m. NatlonsL ' Ma and by malltnc In a raclatered TelerMon at fglff'e ICMar aa ar before September M, IMt. Confarenca and District Isedws RAYON, SANFORIZID a aapw pf tbla order Loulaa |L Bnin- Manch«ster Lumbsr ond w ill be pteaenL A ll Roekvine For Sale aar. >M Main atraat Hartford. Conn.; 1. BU Y FOR LESS M ONEY and Vemon church mtmbtrs are JalM B MUlaa. » Undan atreet Mm - urged to attend. The Now Eng- Main Stroet CC iu iier of > atoator. C<>nB.t4ylria A Taewaaa. Sit Fuel Co. FtANNIL OR BROADCLOTH Oaktoad atraat, Manahaatar,to Conn.; Wadsworth StmoiM t lOBOd Fradarick H. Sankey, 33S Oakland 2.S5 CENTER ST. TEL. 5145 2. INSTALLATION BY EXPERTS for Bosinsss Six# 140 _ atraat. Mancheater, Conn,; Harold B. ■onbay. lib Oaklant; etreet. Hanchee- Teke ik h 140 (mors or lass). Ainozing price for pajamot ef tor, Cm b . ____ H yaw knva nay praMamt with yaw baatMi plani let m halo yoo. 3. SERVICE PROMPT AND JOtOI A ’WAiXaTT. Judge. Ic m Pharmacy Broad Street toned for this quality* Fine broadclothv EFFICIENT light industry.. Stss 00 s rayon crepet, worm (tonnels. SPECIALIZING 200. Owner out of town. Nuw poitel stripes, patterns Come in and tee the list of ClA¥F*s satisfied is PretsripHoeil Willing to sscrtfice. and solid colors with piping. customers. It is the largest in town. Peo­ IS lots ont block west of Vot-dyed—pre-shrunk. Coot or -■ V. - V J . ple are smart in buying from a television ex- Main. Idsnl for small bnild- middy styles. Buy now—sove/ wlmouixse * / lag developmsnt. Win sell P # rla as a whole or in part. $4 e9 5 Now England woathw caOs for a paint ^ tk 8 lots on Chesinnt Stroot W e ’ U W a s h Gallon pkAty of body-Hi point that can *Takc It,** Rri- between Park nnd Forent. In H o o m L e ts GiffDoMNot] Near nehook aad bminesa a n d Mar point lOa tho bUl porfoctly—mad has boon sections, with lots of ^ a ^ . S T E R I L I Z E Soil pots and pans, dishoo, stove pipes, lawn mowers, doing It for over a han^^ yoarsu You ace, Brl- Three lots, Scarborough snow shpvcla, curtains, blankets, lamps, htds. iMsg %— u$.for oU your Road. Folly improvtd. Ex- Mar Is amde la Nsw Bnglmid cxprossly for Now room faraitnro. clocks, watchca, diamond rings, gas, celloat boy for builder or ptHnting neetU. tiroa or aatomobiles. Cliff concentrates In giving you Y o u r P illo v r s EnglaBd homoo, and b sold only ‘fa Now England. private owner. television pleasure. FAMOUS'PINEHURSTS ■fe-, BRUSHES It*a the one paint made with a formola to with, Tee, year Pbyeiciaa kaowa Five lots. Littls Street tka value ofperibHeed serv­ near Broad Street B tone. STEP LADDERS stand hot oummors sad eoU wiatom of Now Eng* t; cm Only Sell* - ice. Thai's why so maay A Had for nian bailder. SHARPLY REDUCED! EXTENSION LADDERS land- Next timo yon'ro painting try Bri-Mar. YnuH medical maa recammead a . . aad tboy 0004 it aftor tho hottest summer ever. We^ famish new ‘ dMi paiiems kriag compU- Aboot forty-live lots, ' , j. tid iinr too, if yoa oay tho word. LINSEED OIL ho glad yoa didi' aated as wsU ss miMr pm Wsst of Brood Street. All FNthoro SteriUied OQ BADIO Airo tcripdoas « as. Aad tiacs that Is Isft ont of a thou­ PUTTY TicUac IVORY Washed aTO our prices sro ae kigher, sand lot dovciopment in thia why oot lot 00 parvo you ia Complete Renovation. Sterilization M w Q TURPENTINE. Etc. aacthm. Priead low to clear. . ‘evsiy lanaaca? Your pa-' Win acll one or alL ^ and NEW Tieking An 17 TM.EY 1S1 0 H iroMgs is gresily valasd. m Year pillows come hack to yoa freoh, owoet, ahsolutely CLEAN , soft and Plenty.-ef lots to choose 8.50 Buy from'a television export and hssio N O RTH END from at Bolton Lake. Run 10% OISCOLNT. Cash and Carry^For Pick up, CaU 2-OOSO nfng water, electricity. 4 loo fsiews-making sa/ei Compare Pinshuritiwith nation­ YOVR set correctly insiaUed. ^; t PHARMACY eottoges for sale. Ckll sales­ I tk ■ ■ ■ ■ • ...... ally advsrtiisd ihosi costing far mors. See the 1 Dspot Sqasrs TsL 6545 man at telephone 89S9. Your ftitisfsction Absolutsiy Guarantesd t Frso Delivery fins,' islscted leathsn, the extra dstsili that mean mcGILL-COnUERSE IRC. “We Cat The Earth To i Open Sundnya All Day Suit Yoor Taato“ long-wearing comfort! Than rsmember how much 445 Main SL # 9 1 8 C C ^ m » you save on all this^ualjtyl Brown, tizst 4 to II. ToL 4g87 Froe Parking ■ S t e l e v i s i o n Edwonl J. Holl HBALTOR Is Ha 445 Hartford Road, Cor. McRot Stcoot^Phogo t-4204 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ &£JUmO£R£»S porfclog arts ■pxt m mh 1009 Main Street atopA Opop Evenings TUI 7—-Thars. and iW . Till # TeL 5117 Or 5118 MANCHESTER . • e J 1 « u •*1^- T V A :• A/ \ , 'fd /. r*

'tK-Sh i MANCHBrrEl EVINWG REIULO. OOMN, WEDHSeDAY, tEWEMBEE H, IHt MANCHKtn'ICK BVIINIMU MfCKAl^. MAMCHJUri KK. iX»NN„ WEUNfCSUAT, SEPTEMBER 2 1 , 1M 9 P A o a , la to Tom ato Suppfy « a 9M M«i •»«•••••! Piloting Coumc 0 wtth a m Mr. U0 » to fM ip « B o l l o o a way thati Taaag Seen DecreM faig l u Itoft PM »«• b Being Taught Oraaga, irtttoto ; f«r« to fwtoto »to ««*r—to • Tto. gave a I « . aad M l pag|p tor iha aauala. Taatarday*a marfcat raptot^ JaaMo Omaaa. SehaM alroal, D inner to Honor dtotrtot aad voaM that tomatoes aad eauUflm^ At tta anaud amotlng paraalthal ihar ahawar Sm la Haw tai* thia towa. aaaauaaea aat a t a •r aaadhHm to ba tto aaly trata ■etton rahlit Ubeaiy oomatttaaa tor a niatlag Chna aa State O fficial gafSaa peoSaato aold at tto Char- moeo ila Iw ^ ***!^ ifet.' Saatambar M. aaa w( tor^atreetrounta tloa to tto Bem w itaryac^k^ Shower b Given A n n a Tmtai UddUac? IhMISinMr to reanhtag the Thprai Baatley. town Mbrartaa marhat In taifir qaanUtlea new. ----iVudBiiater mmiBffi w ______a s Kipling said they aeror weald te glTllUyrem rlo^ Hartford, at TiM p. aa. F or 'Bride-to to ■Met, and then taasper aad tota* tha Unltod Btalaa Powar Smu t a sS S ^ A high efm o aaSakw wore added to tto MU "agrsj»au...e~- af IIJ S . cnee aae aaether. If the creed «kto ym r. The t a ohhiMMt reptot fpao of charge, tt M toagM by Martgart, •f /to whidi la the anewer to an human ■bowed an averaga a# *1 ■*l#a Jamaa BatoU af Hartfard. wha haa £ i K S r r i ^ % ‘3B! two a*4la A haa haaa ht aar Sanaa Ito I IMM T«to ...... to # haadtod tto oouraa aucraaatony tha a amabar af bitoM ahn her wtth aliatn eal The oaranert-wae Snd neo AUTO STORES traveled aaeh mouth to eerre 44 to w r -----MWk ...... lU-to doubta. which la tto route (or tto paat amrerM yagaa. ITth Oentttry Kuropean galraL YOUR FIRESTONE DEALER world's forward progreas, la e ■tope. arcuUttoo by tto Bookmo­ The purpeaa of tha , PUatk LAto la A S gtot bar i bile was IIT* bo aha •voivcd. Tto quesUoa has h Tto budfM tor tha Batol yoar that of how tautt aad Wool, not September I4. , i a 4» .l« 0 w aw jJt-S ssjsrrr' tto ooM war dielatoa, hut tto copied. The AhUowiphlcal erorld dlrlalon, would ebange amoeig Ubrartee to tkto S mm m rnmi II win he held at TWlaad Puh- All nfito ~ ever meet. Uc Ubrary aa Thureday. O rto^ 'bu? Offers Now there is a powdbUlty that g. light novela, mystafto# aad to H. a A. they are to proecaa of meeting, erectem etorlea are iaeho?g»4 oa toen at these meottofs to tecreem i under condiUons where they may tto variety ofUUee available Ha« influence each other, under poUti- througb the perUclpattog Ubrarlea ^toage^ Deifeti Aua eal end power poUUca eonditioae Mre. Myron Leo Is chairman of ■UMAO UI which ere conaicitred highly dan­ the library committee on wWch A Complete Line Of tancptATitutoMHIUMto AWOn Mrs. Bentley, Mra. Roy Boeworth, gerous. But the eventual result ot Mro. WllUem Head, Mre. * . B. " iB , ■m M■> —^ a tia a i«gAato*Aiitu M their meeUng may outrank any Herrick, Mteo Adella Loomis, Mra 9£|mM*tol ««Tof« •Ato^to J" to mere power poliUce to impor­ Alexander Bunco end Mrs. Joseph tance. lyitaUa also serve. grCMKiitotott totoiM iwAto. There wUl be a meeting o f ^ Tto place where East aad Watt ^ WtitoMdAjr. U fU m h m n committee in charge Of ^ Kol* may be meettog la to CSitoa. Tto ton fire Deportment Rheephake « EYE thureday evening. Bepumber » Ttom CtoMtoTi BMlnt t Is already there, wwlttog for centuries with oertaln phUceophl' at g ;80 at tto nrebouaa ^ MtachMUr's toW charUt to* rangementa wlH ba made for the cal eencepta weU piaatrved to department’s aamiat outing at tonOto to provia#, • • P>A‘«>y “ the thought end eptrit of Its peo* ■perry*# Pond on Bout# M on Sun­ that no town offltoal towato RCA VICTOR Pto. even though tto political and day, September » . M*®***” "? to Aagacto to any atUtoc of any* economic progreaa of tto country reminded that Uehat return# should Hl***l^ to tto town of IfantoiAtoar bo made to LaeUo M to n . troamtr- may be lacking. Bo later then Seturdey, the l E V I ^ lA any of lU dtparUnoato. Wbat China haa to odTor any Mth. It inttndwl to ptwlto that to* one who cornea under its epeU is iAaM tto framora of tto CharUr a mixture of Oaafndaalim and Management Unit V lrflnla Chtppendala lAMW woU anoufh tto natwo of Ticiam, In which humenltarlan as low as Drrgger Baae. 5 ^ Ito ytUaUs wMek to aloof tto ];?■ lam. sodel Justice, tagal aocurlty drawerg ...... ,. 1*IJ 0 yttH to any coinhlnatnio of puhtte W ill Hold -SesEion for tto IndlvldnaL • deep belief la New Bngland Chlppendala torviot with prlrato proto, tt to- JIg-eaw Mirror...... BTJS the latrUulo g edta eM of hum ItoAtd to provlto that toeauao tt New Haven, Sept. M— The nature, aad a deep aeaoe of tto tontorsUly wantad to and tto fhurth annuel conference of tto holy. • deep par^pattoa la the pnMaa by which totorlAoala a five Connecticut ctoptere of tto 1^^ emotion of reUglouo awe. are all Sodety for the Advancement of pobUc offleo to order to gain a phUoaophical factors. Management will be held tomorrow Pina fel.12 prtoarantUl poatUoo to tto dUtrl- at the WinchesUr Repeating Arms Fed. Tax feottoo of poblla tottnaaa The ta d t social and acoaoi company pismt Now Towo CbOMol Charlaa a decency of tto east, tta eonoopt of In addlUoo to many guaeto from [Rooio haa mlad that tto Charter the Ideal govemmant ruMag with Hartford, Stamford, Bridgeport, gentle and perauaMvo Juatlce, and Norwich aad New Haven, whidi ipaaa todaad pravida what tt to- have chaptere, vldtore are expect­ jton’ilil to profMa. Ha haa nade iU deep myeUdem aro all waltlag ed from every section of tto etate 'M o aleaiontal mitof that the tow for their true and laUmato maei- The theme of tto meeUng I Ig um igir. iag with the phllaaephy ot the *Venegement-Means Lsedershlp. W est On the eftemeon program, begin­ i The tow la «laar. Town ag cta li ning at 3 n. m.. win eppemr Oen ItotoMi not aaU anythtof to tto The phUoaophy of tto W est un- Leslie R. Orovea. who directed the towa. That MeaM ha that fortunauly, goes lato China in development end prodtwtlen of the Term* ns L oui ns $ 2 0 Down i Bayaad thto Charter toar, there tto guise of tta own moot first atomic bomba. He la now vice ■ wN .5' ' j la a aMral tow wMoh atoo ought tremely materialistic product tto president of Remington Rand, tne., flmth Norwalk. Yea’ll have no doubt about the television set you want when {to rato to Maaehaatar. Not only collectivism of Mooeow. For tt u Virginia Chippendale ' f. ' m ■ ■ *»•**•**» /'.I * I aheuM team oindato not do boat- Russia which haa oarrtod all tto Chest ot Drawon U 1JS you act this set! For g spccisl occasion .... a special low prke for aaaa with thatr awa towa. but main phUoaophical tandaades of RCA Victor quality. .May atoo toould ho. aaaaadtogly tto West to ttolr extreme, whlcb MODEL Never a better picture! Never a lower price! So many features I hkoat dahw hnatoaqa with has taken Mandim, tto Waat’a there’s not space enough to do them Justice! H m a n a few: Big, Ipoopto who are doing boatoaoa most dynamic phUoaophical prod­ AIRPLANES 61-sqttaro inch , locked in tnne pictarcs with the RCA Victor i with tto towa. Thoro ara many uct tha end rooult of our matarl- Eye Witness Picture Synchronizer, smartly designed cabinet, big ' toatoaeaa w han thto to pwrfocUy allatle thought sbd attemptod to BOA’TS superscfuitivc speaker, RCA Victor Mnlti-Channel Station, seizo r, f-(jy hom al and ronttaa. TItora are put it Into actual praetloo. Many for oasicr tnning, “Golden Throat” tone system, phone-jack for easy dthen where toteooeta dotag : of ua commonly thlak of Ri CARS attachment of RCA Victor's 45 r.p.m. record changer. aa oriental aad eaatem. But that aeee with tto towa atop thtak or Yea, RCA Victor’s 9T246 has all thaae AND THIS INSTRU* j any actually tad tt adraatogeoua ia not Ruaala’a dlatinctlon. It is HOBBY SHOPPE Ruaaia’s distinction that sto has MENT SELLS FOR A NEW LOW PRICK! Come in and set it far ttom to do pclwate boa Six Griswold St. 323S today. with aooM towa ofWee holdtr. taken and bmtowed and aot out ao matter how Innooeat or guUo* to exemplify tto Waot’a worst Opes Bvaniiigs The RCA Victor telcvisron owner contract, covering comsicts laaa or roultoo thto auy aaiai to eroed—that of matarlaUam. New installation and guaranteed performance for a full year, M availabls tto partMpaatob tt aA too often that Weatora creed, by Rueelan tor a reasonable fee. r .afhea the auggaaUoa that public Influence aad teaching, la oa Its FOR ONE WEEK ONLY aMaa to bttog aoannarctollaad. way for a trial ia China. ». - Tha naw towa Charter a Weatom religion ahuna ecntact A SPECIAL GIFT WITH EVERY RCA VICTOR TELEVISION high toaadaNa. That was tha r with MftVXiMBt ^EClUtalf It un- See Feanaytvaata Spool aaa ^ waa draara, and adopted. ■peakaMe, deolartag two laala- # # • • • SOS S 0 SB o a a 1 6 IN. PICTURE ■ 'r Lefa hr* np to thoaa ataadarda, tlona, one Christian, one Cbmmn- .fey heU the letter and the spirit nlat, in the world. But la China - at the tow. there will be no such comfortable (Left) fist Top Quasa Aaaa Highboy •••.IFIJO banleta between tto twoi. The Chinese may perhaps agre4 with I' New Paasion CempUcation many of the economic Uaeto of Tseterdey we Invited our read- Marxiam. But they will still be \ frs to consider tto complicated asking, from the depth of what la .aature of the penslen laaae. We to them centuries of philosophical looked at the threatening truth, where the aplrlt la, where - Strike, where Philip Murray’s de- the aoul la,* where the vision is, •ui^d la for a non-ooatrlbutory where le tto aacredaaas of tto in- . yenalen plan eaaetly Uka that rec- dlvldusL where are tto things a n d RUGS at ;dannended by the PreeldenUal that human beings really live by. '|Mt*fladlag board. Wa thought And It will aak these queatloas in jifeat tnduetrlai penatea ayatems no more rhetorical (aahlen, but in WATKINS itaeuld ba centrlbutory. the shaping M tha Ufa It toads in I BuL at tto aame tlma, we contact with the materialism of IN MANCHESTER |pelBted out that what Mr. Murray the West PbUosoptore of a fvanU, and what we think ought thousand years from now may RCA Victor tX M l ^ ' b e denied to Mr. Murray, le have quite a time, we imagine, Mmething John L. Lewis end hie charting Just what the meeting of The “Golden Throat” RCA Victor’s famous three miners elready have. The Marx wtth Cbnfudua aad Tao did G et to th e way Acoustical System means, dollar for dollar, tbs BsfSetory Tabu wtth Bvsakst*fea«a Carnar finest tone you can buy. Only RCA Victor has it. iitbem mine owners are trying to world phUoaophy. X-baaa (Inatoad af Saq- esMaat; ahM mstif BS.*S ^ take it away again, but it can Ma.T ahown) ffee aaaiwned that tto pension plan WORLD fattU ha k ep t it ’s a good hot that win win hla strike. (Laft) Cwboard sida- Now, as if such oontradlotlon beard with gaUary sol eaougk. the Ford Motor SERIES ton ...... UL 4S enneuncee that tt RCA Victsr 9T270 RENTA ** \ THE OPTIONAL RCA VICTOR TELE* wllltng to create twe tta The biggest direct Eye Witncaa tele* m a pwmioa plan, etmiiar vision ever offered 1 Yes, you get big pietore VISION OWNER CONTRACT COVERS tfest Mr. Murray to arUng. television (145 square-inch screen) when you s a s w COMPLETE INSTALLATION AND * |S« wiiat iNwr A great leader NORTHIEND buy this aatoniahing new RCA Victor tele* ttto autoaietlve industry to I *H A R M A C Y viaioR instmment. In addition you gpt apodal 299» GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE FOR to graat one great uataa MBFRimABlJBM BFEim ABU BBBVIOfe RCA Victor features including the Automatic Here Is bigger, better Eye Witness Teigvi* toto stool taduatry tefnsea to Tw. ssa Station Selector, a phono Jack for attach* ONE FULL YEAR. tto unlea. If Ford sloa, with a highlight, new 12^ inch picture tube. 3 A . ment of record playing equipment, the RCA And the pictures are locked in tune by RCA Vie* aaeh a peaaloa plan, to tto I Victor Eye Witness Picture Synchronixer tor’s Eye Witness Picture Syadiiw iur. You iWtoa ever golag to he eat* .and the “Golden Throat” tone system. See uatU tt geto tt toot la tto also get the rich full tone quality that cornea from fAba\’a) ExUsalan >rap* RCA Victor’s biggest 16-iiich value today. RCA Victor’s famous “Golden Throat” acoustical to^Uatoy StoBg to ha ahto to laal Tsbla, opaas to AC operation. systeSL Y o u C fi^ Buy All These Sets On Easy Term* It iw tonrl^T tAbova) Saivtag TSWa IT lachaa ...... 1M.SS Mr* Murray waato Mr. ^ t h m alf ...... BBJS Naw Bngland Concord StoaaO kag aad MT. Km - Vannaat Arro4 Back Laddarback Chalra. isa alrasdy hacn eftored. Hichflst Qssttty MstsrlslB BRUNNER’S Chaita. datt^ about Arm Chair ...... gZAO i MkntotoaS la all three caeai iTiO. Ann C tii^ . . . .l t .4S U i PACKARD Matching Concord Lad* iM Worinsssshif Gasimstsid Matchbig Arraw Beak d an sck SIda C hain IM S 3S8 Esst Cmttr St. Skla Chalra ...ft.,..tA44 I to MS Is fVMxlpio. TIm s PajrBMBts APfSBgsd E^fes siftoNi St to fetl Opsn: Mon.. Wgd.« eentraetor had ptaaltlla waa arrested followlag Rotmrt H. Saalth, visa praaMaat: O C c e iJ a R e n ts S la sh ed mushroom poisoning died yester­ of *rhompeon. Re waa brought atatloned at defense bases then. leased from the Jail cell be bm a contempt a f < an ' accident la which his cm Super Sedaaette. Oolar t IVfiedo, 0 „ Sept. 31,—« n - Chargaa of theft and attamptad Is Elected Head Raymond Jewell. iHefleetary; and Make Report struck soma fence poata FrankUn Arthur KanSa, troasasar. Mr. ROASTING 2-toM gray, fa ly eqelpped. Then waa a alight oversight against OiHaapy Ijedne, toM tbs oourt that tha aoeMawt eo- Oarka reported that tbd mitnkar Bowlea Aiinonneea Re* oa tha part af worke n who Rdiance mi Worthleaa ^ ^ w b a a ha triad to light a Of Insurance Men had put a new roof on the tt and a chaiga of tMR agalnrt a ship Is now lA CHICKENS Tem Coffta W ife o f Lsilu Dsanor LsowA 3fli elgaretto wkUe driving his car. docUons la Effect in homo o f Mm. PaUy Woodruff. nm F«n Mwdiig Adolph J. Bdinan, 9 9 .^ New $1595 New Tork Oty, wan contlM ^ to Edgar Clark* waa elscted praai- Tha MflHset Mg league batting t q £ g j S f f W* feafVB team fiwfii at traam Seven Commanitiea Mrs. Woodnfif was atartlsd Profeaaor Her Life i y L o c a l Orfaaisstion; •aptambar 39 by Judge Waslay Tork City, forfeited a 936 bond daat of tha Manchastar Aaaoeia- average of all tun* waa Rogers mmaMB9etaflfoiiee.naoloiily a* a* timaw InaMhie BrnMaym yostorday to find smoke pour­ ------rk in Town Oourt this morn- when ha failed to appear on a tlon of Insuraaea Agents at the HonM y** .494. nUevee OBch cow il^ Morioity Bro$. ing from the sUlo akortly flgnrea Cifca ha eonUnuaaoo was nquest- q>Mding c h ^ . looeenfl np phlegm and uiakee It 'ROGER OLGOTT Hartford, tape 91—«P>—Rants after m * bad Ughtad a stove New Havan. fispt. 31—(ff>—Re- Attorney John Rottnar, ra- Thomas Dawson, 39, of 8* Park easier to raise, pmxnmn ■ On fhs Level afi (Muter 4 Braui hav* basa rsdu^ In steto hoii la the front room. She called Haaoa on on eld fashioned but •aiptgad as eounsal for the atreet received a ftva-day sus­ TUfkeni waa lag project* la seven Oooneetlcut firemen, Igit they could find worthless test af tha edibtuty ef tha pended seataace and waa placed en S S f M^Afy efeertae tor old munlolpallUee. ______I iM n iiis I PMMoaf fosffaf / no fin . a BUMbroom coat tha wife o f a *• •“ .sli.'ssa*' 8 ^ on a in a s ^ waa roducad probation for at* month* for In- The cMuctkma, ranging from iUtoeteUM w«« ttto wt » t> District Fin Chief Karl Tala prefeaanr bar life. Medical from 93.000 to 98.000, whUa bond toBlcation. St Francis of Assisi Church 99JW 1 ^ 1 3 monthly, wom a Bchaidler finally found the tlM WtMti * * 0 0 ^ ^ ■ on his companion was reduced Judgment araa suspandad en aouaoad by Gov. Chaator Bowles Bxsaslaer Dr. Marvin ficaihrough ttr Maaorua ttd§pitMl two other intoxication charges cause. The roofen had for­ from 93.000 to 9780. R o tte r ysatarday la babnlf of kicnl hous­ gotten to put back the chim­ rllaclnaed last night. M n. lUyiMr. tha mintaig anpar- quested the lower bond so that his against John J. Morrissey, 48, of 86 ROUTE SO ELUNGTON ROAD SO. WINDSOR ing authorltlea tn the seven coro- alaar n a a tha iallowiac raport: Chapel street. Hartford, and Leo ney and covered the hole Mrs. Chartott* A. Wohlsnbarg, cUenU could gain their freedom munttiea—New Haven. Weterbury, urlth shlnglaa forcing all the P ir ll^ tha BMath of Ju m ,_T49 flald St. Amant, SO, of the aam* ad­ Middletown. Marldsn, Wethers­ about 90, tha wtf a of the dean of and aid him In his Investigation. amoks lato Om attic, fichetd- ila lu 'w a n taada and IM naw •Hm case* of Beniamin Macri, 04, dress. Directs Attention To It* field, WUUataatlo and Botnblngton. tha Tala ffiiginaaring school waa H AN D SO M i fgfia aran aaan. Of this total of of Nye street, and Mn. Mary Bon- Bdmond J. Connett, S3, of 63 Watch That Balance A total of 938 dwrlUng unite tha vlcUm. She dlld Monday lUght •or ealla. «T1 wan wparvialw ino, 49. of 33 Bdrldgs Winter street, waa lined 9106, with already buttt or under oonatnie- from the sffact of sating a polm - PRACTICAL eaia, and 4M wan nunlnc caUs. continued to October 1 at the re­ 930 remlttad. for drunken driving, SIXTH ANNUAL BAZAAR Uoa ere effected by the reduo- ous mushroom, the medical exam­ Twantp-alfht cUnlca wan hold, quest of thalr lawyer, George and Albert T. Jackson, 33. of 63 Uooa. Of them, 313 nr* now oocu- Women’s Group iner aahL Wtth a total attandanca of ono Lsasner. Macri was found guilty Winter street, was lined 930 for nted end 13* are reported aa rondp Dr. Scarbrough aald that Mr*. intoxication. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Grow Through YEAR-ROUND hvadnd flftT'taro. last week of adultery and Intend n r occupnay. •To VIbU Home Wohlenberg found tho muohroom, Than was a slight d a cn M in ad amault wtth a dangerous weap­ Attorney Jay RuWnow, counsel Sept. 2S, >4—t P. H. ~rm pleased and gratified to be which he'ldm tlfted aa a “death tha Biwnbar of patWBts aaan by tha on and Mr*. Bonlno was Judged for the accused, immediately re­ able to approve and report Um cup,” In a field near her home lest aanaa in July. 81* hundnd thlrty- guilty of adultery. Sentanoe ^ quested an appeal and bond for ap­ Consistent Saving! slgalfloaat rsduetloas,” aald Oov^ The Womaa’B Miaatonary 8oel*ty Friday. To test Its edibility she aU flald alaiu wan mada, and be given at the October 1 a****®" peal was set at 9200 for Oonaett amor Bowtas. m ta f are the first of the Bmaaurt Lutbaran church pkMsd tt in bet water with a eU- Breach'of peace chargee against and 980 for Jackson. of many steps la our long fight to aSTOBty-two new case* w en seen. 10 Btwo clinics wan hold, w it* field, 49, ahd Raymond Stansfleld, centiy In the local court, the lack by OMUMetlcut*a savar* houateg eran Hoom la Middletowa. Tha lo­ of expert medical testimony con­ Test •‘Akaetntety Worlhleee" 100% W O O L alihty-Blna In attaadance. 34. of 104 West street, w en also Admiaalon Ercc! Come One, Come AD! anoruge." cal group w ill laav* from tha continued to October 1. . L cerning the sobriety teat* given The rsduetloas affect so-called She beoam* in that night Dr. ^ 7n rtaU visits drunken- driving _ suspecU was eburrti at IKM p. aa. lliosa who Durinf Aufual 797 Held visit* Samuel W. Franklin, 38, of Oo- SAVE 'Vhelter rente” onto. On top o f wish to atteod am raqueatad to gat Scarbrough dsclarad that the teat GABARDINE sn n made, and thane chargaa for ban aeeommo- In touch with tha ttaaqwrtauim nasd by M n. Wohlenberg waa ~ ■sen. Of this total of 931. four datlona. tenants must pay for tho oomnfitUa, Mrs. Hugo Fsataeu or s(fintely worthlsaa.” A U t t U coot o f host, water and other ntil- tandnd forty-sl* wen *u ^ 4 Mrs, Bite Andanow. ruaeral sarvtcsa fo r M n. Wohl- lUaa. anberg win bs bald In Dwight Mo- alalon case*, and four hundred TheffO a nmOt o f A program wtU ba pnsanted at a|ahty-flv* nunln* cases. Tan Every Pay Day win bo Tkroo factora mada the reduo- the Homs, and rafrashmante wiU mortal chapsi. Tala university thla audca wan held with thirty-two ■fitisfficUoB oa voar fact, too, Uons poaalble. Governor BowUn ba sarvad by a coiumlttao uadar RftfffllOOQe aald. Hating them aa: . TOPCOAT if yoa do as mimoaa of othani ■h* laavaa bar husband. Wqjter SUIT la attaadance. * dtraetkm of Mm Harman Mrs. Lean Dobkln. assistant 1. Tha ahort term loan provis­ Jobnaon. llia r* wtU ba aa oppor^ J. Wohlanherg who baa bean asso­ do who art M viag soaiathlfHr ions s f the new bousing prognm. tatasunr, nportad that about ofidi waak fro m tbtfar pay tunity for afi to ia^wet the baau- ciated with Tal* alac* 1916; a sis­ 91,700 ha* been received to date 3. Tbs drop In bulldl^ costs tlful appoInteBaute and epaeiotts ter. Mlaa N ettl* Bpanglar o f Free­ fn m the 1949 drive from 613 con- ehccfcfi. over the past year. ounds of tha atwiy-acquired port Neb.; three brothem, Roy of trlbnton. Mon people gave to the 3. Local tan nmlaalone. V.. church propsAy ba MlddlttowB. Manhattan, M ont; Mason of Los drive this year than aver brton. In New Haven, 300 apartmente Although tha Individual contrlbu- war* affected. On one-bedroom unite, the rant waa reduced from Oaa In many cases was smaller Deposit Your Savings In 947 to 937, on two bod-rooms, than In pnvlous yean, tha aggn- from 989 to 946, and on three gnU was larger. ThU was most rooms from 362.80 to 353. iratlfylng to tha Drtve Oommlt- C£>al Peaway NOTES—Dis- < Noao flnarl RnffM QniHod Syracuse, Rochester snd Buffalo, eafeteria. Adjwtnblt ktiaoiet eicb vellum, Werigrodn Chair IPads 59e ’ ‘Questions Jesua Aakad’* win be I Metal Poles fh* Bilhjaet of a aariaa a f fimiday ASPIRIN rialB Calae* .avanlng madltattons to ba fivan eOLOATi. For Stagla Psaewaya at tha Covenant-Coagragauoaai 1 199teMate*iiJclAVI 98c each Re*t Y om Weary Head A u rd i, 43 Spruce atraat, it was I DINTAL WAV m o m n o M i announced here today hy tha pas-1 4 9 c each T* lia ta ll On a Fine Textile Pillow tar. Cart M. Halgeraon. Tha first I CRIAM feck cepMfe 'AeteiiM wm ba given Sunday at 7:10 p. m., •igfcc etMoUef rileeifm and wIB oonMder tha quaatlbn, '...... 4 3 c^ Is enere iwceuery rH- ’’Who touched me?” , recorded in tmit fnulie. In Our Downstairs DepL IsdM 8:48. Pravloua to each of G ilit t f t ttea* aarvlcas, Paul Palga, the AYTINAL (8-iR-AII) Orate foungast church organist in the ■iLTmi vnuiw iu ii ^ ,PINB QDAUTT alty, plays request numbers on the 0fIM9l4 ll9 Hammond organ at 7:16. Worthmors CAPSULES . . swfisioo POOTMU RLAPES i l i WALE CORDUROY . .$1.69 Yard Sfieeharin The Wsalayan Servica Guild of I Id Oltften OLEUli tsiC.iM W ^- .98c l 1 AB Now FbE Whidi Mr*. R. E. Holmes is praal- Bottir of 1606 PireoMirphHi dant win meet tblb evening at sight o'cMck at the North Method-1 SOcc 2 * Is SATIN BACK CREPE ____ $1.59 Yard iat church. a e * ' e e a e IF NOT SPECIALLY PURCHASED YOU’D PAY $70 CoAcsntrsmfi drops. 9* 43 In. Fan gbafiaa pgfiradn^Book, eacy.to glv* le toby- •ffsrvi'ateaat MOIRE TAFFETA df((our NMRN Personal Notices | RROOMO 99 la. WIfie. Fall Ihafiee BED PILLOWS SpaeloK Pina OwaWa SELTZER Unotoum deeie^l Card of Thaakfi *2.N M r Imported, all-white f o o t !?...... 5 7 c^ $1*39 yard feathera. You don’t need to pay a penny W« visb to («p r«H our thanks to I Brttk lay for this tressure-trova o t derorat- YOU'D EXPEa TO PAY $35 YOU’D EXPECT TO PAY $35 ear relAtlvM and friends for cards and [ Ohhtt ing infornulkml “Answers to the Spring Glory will be your pattern at aow«rt. sad tiMir many sets of klnd- VITAMIN A SUHM POTENCYn i:3 t . w . GaaHght Gaietlea first s%htl For here is a design fresh, Rcas snd exprcHlons of synipsthy dur- . COI LIVEI COTTON PRINTS $2*98 each , Mott Fraqoenily Asked Questiont Inr our roe«nt bertarMBoat. Ihi d*ath | on Homs Decorating” is a brand- j different, svondctfully graceful. Its FOR THIS AU-WOOL SUITI FOR THIS ALL-WOOL TOPCOATI tt our sister Ksthertn* Q Doylt. OIL CAPSULES OLAVITE Wf» vP EvfrylhinK You Nff <1 in the Way of WM. ANDERSON GINGHAMS m u P E in c 50% White Goose Down naw book packed with brilliant exquisite clarity of detail and delicate Ktllls Doyte. ISJIOO W full-color photographs, brimmiog 50% Whit# Gooao Foathera openwork are signs o f fine worlunan- jos«eh 0. Dori*. High nttursi pot­ Mito ioo'i..O~ CAPSULES SCHOOL SUPPLIES Abo Jockey Sod Fin# over with frmh idm . Ttetethy Doyl*. ency viiamlM AAD Otafawt toted, fcrtrt COTTON FLANNEL It's prsparsd for you by lbs iUp every woman recognises. They’re Card of Thankn ikhteriwmle*.. $5-98 makers of fine Naim Inlaid Lino­ ogns o f the century-old skill o f the leum to help you solve your own W* wish to thank ill *f our nrl(1i-| 7 9 c yard world’s largest silverware maker. Let bars, leisUns and fr|*ad> for thtlrl Haavy Satin covered piUowa decorating pro*’!®™ • • • «> us show you the lovely silver itself! RMay acts of ktndoow snd lympsthy I AU M l ‘you all khkla of wonderfbl ways SUIT A l O M COAT A L O M shown us In our recant b*r«>.v*m«nt. with Imported Enropenn to make every room in your house W* aUo thank those who Mnt the I t besutUul florsl tributes sad loened | PERCALES White Goom Down. gayer, smarter, ason livablel A tlx-pisc* plocs selling in any ef tha iflJ it* use of their can. iMI-littaa Drop in today at your nearest polterns shewn b ...... $22.48 Naturally the quantity it limithdl Wu drovu tha hardest bargain LIICN fioor covoing daalar and tet your' / (Ind. fad. fax) \ The Hassett fsinlly. fbuertemi new tone WiHiilii.toMm.« n a ^ KieiL BOX $9.50 each Not ju8t ffibardlne—but 100% two-ply wonted gabardia* TURfUi**I h e f f ie 3 9 c yard' free copy. WhU# you’n there, of the season to bring you suits of fhlt quality at such a low Card of Thanks Oompkif take e look at Naira Inlaid Lino­ in this handsome eoat! It’* water repellent treated to aarve LAST 4 DAYS leum-you'll see why it'e tbe price. 100^ wool gabardines In plain weaves and shadow- We wish to exprees our stoesy eoh*ri}imH'iooK prize Unoleuffl of aUl Oongoleum- tbsahs to otir nMuiy relsUvss, InsndsJ woven plaid and Kerringbone detigni. All carefully tailored. you as topcoat and shower-coat, too. Also 100% w <^ covert sad nelfbbors tor their - beautiful ] ALARM CLOCKS S R StM seeseoeoo Naira lae.. Rsaray. N. 1. fend end imss eCerlnp as well THE TEXTILE STORE Single or doul^ breotteds— regulorL shortL longL top coats converts to an overcoat with the extea att-wool K tbeir expMwIoas of htftttwee Md| •M IM M liAM 1.00 JEWELERS maivethr during, tbe i|l**e* end r*-| ZIPPER TVPE-Hsndy. A. L. SLOCOMB, Prop. gip-in liner. New shadeaof tan. Limited quantity in all sitea* sMt 4**tb of dqr slrttr m4 east Mag, $ 833 Mala Street Manchester E ik Mary UlMr Itohr. 1 1.49 euviiM 4* 918 MAIN STREET NEAR THE BANK WITH EXTRA TROUSERS?$10 EXTRA FnBy Gnaranteed -ta- twx 20* Mrs. Nenie OeidMn i t a tomtiy.l Mr. end Mrs. John ttttjr end] irdllll|llltl||limiMUUIUIlMIIUIIIUUIIIUIIM^ > itff, "ttralluu


MANCHB8TBS ■VKNINO HERALD. MANCH®rrtR, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER SI, 1949 inUmatton that praaaat taxpayws ateta Um probtsaa must be takoa dM la ctartlag thla P. T.'A. graup. ara Intonatad ta tha darrlofraant ears of. faraeabto raaatlea. Tha praaaatatioa eras aaado ay tea ad that bur group hhe . asads 6 costs arguaMat ■as Always Cowpatafead Season Opens LEARN TO BxaeuUya Coounittaa la cumpeaad Howard L Jaoobo, Departawat a< Jarvis Lashes Out Tha Beardo wiB further prooMsat, Mra Harry Bras n a Octotor a, k« atu^ of looal gavaraasant af tt wfea aaggiatii that davalop- Aa a BWtter o f fact, O so seal tho altaatMa arivataly U m aaw lUiMlnaflna ehalrama win lU fi o f Mra Froak M ckBore. Mra. El­ Board Backs wklah tha vnUag lafommttan la a ra ba ebargad oolv tor tba oost Managar Qaorga H. Waddall Post, Auxiliary mar Hlea. aad M io JaoMa Roy- John Orlflla. DaparteMnt of JO ANN day sight barara anaeonelng ana a V ForPTAUnit fw the year la Mra Joaaph Fray. ■tMOda w tfc« eteMM that hav* Hlatorian, Fnmets PerkUM, and .part, and wlahad to etraulola tha of draining watar from davalopad polo tad ouL the town always has Her duUaa wlU ba to heap a d i YM. kMB —ee^MTuPy ginnm la tha^—t Flrat District Oomamador John tefWBMtloa as a pubSg aaarlaa. Rm im r m itd A d i^ a o r At Real Estate Men loads—that adjomnt owners or co-oparated ertUi dapatopara In o f ODograoa puhtteaUoaw aad soa w o o d w o r t^ Women^s Plan the town hear tha coat af acaamu- storm wateF inapoaal, aad haa .f . cooWii*. ■rrliig. Seats Officers Flyaa. W aflhiiifton SdMiol Or* lii Operation -ottary, b o e « « n ^ Mra. Eaeila Laraaque. tha PaM tha g aaaral opUdaa af tha Board lotad laBewlag never piled coat oa to Indlvidua la. 2 ie oMkthaina&oa. Praaldant of tha local unit, pra- Faat Oomasaadsr Fraaala Mtaar. vtly travelled Ca^rpwniUii*.___ ilMirtlMaa that tha tewa adght pruporly pur- Advleo aa AB Affslrs sf o f the This waa admIUad by aavaral af Cheney Brothers ganintion Has • Sue* Tte”aaytMi «Mit— U aaatad Mm. U ttla with a boauUfuI on bahaN of tha local poet pra- Directors to Sponsor cboaa tha material from tha parte of town ^TberS are no rroDu the real aotete awn pnomiL KncUUi Joint InsUllalion Cere* sented Past Oommaadar John S. Ufs* as must flie a plaa, ha aauat make Dtraetor Oeepar aokad why an After the buMaaaa awatlaB; far~ tboM pMP>« laarntiif bokat of nowara aont bar froln LaagM for a nominal auaa, have at an, but a davsioper must put extsUng taxpayer should bo "pen- cTBifnl M eednf >Slx Local Pcnoiu Are tbs Maaehaatar Oranga and a Q. Rottaar with Paat Oommaadara Publication G i v i n g new roods, ha mast put bi wanes It waa tha general aontanUon Party Is Pnt Off Jaaaas Klar af Uw program ooaa* m onies Are H eld at the It pubHahed and appoint the them la oema rameta aaw area. aliaad" aa Uwt a ra^ aotete da- of the raaltocd that If thalr ra- auttoo took aharga Ha tatroducad laathar bag from tha Auxiliary. Biwigo. aad outbs aad ha must flia a bond 'Hila Is aa irapoaltioa." r Now oaUataad Public •Hm ako«« cou m a wfU m givaa Voting Inform ation League aa tha dtatributor of tha Rasdlngs CenldestlaL ' saying bo will oomplato this an la roiopor oeuM aiaka money. quoate art granted, tha aat saving Woohlagten Behool Parent Lawtenoa Bpaaea aaw dtoaofeor of FILLUPMOUR* •Min tt tlM ragli*faUci>_wanraaU Legion Home Oraatbigs wara racalead and glean Fottewtag tha caramonlaa ra- oomptetad pubUeatloa. Tha proponeate of tha ehaaga A epek aamaa for Uw Chaaay by Mra. Catharine DeHau thine. fraohmaate wars aanrad by tha a eararia Bxod than.” -Buppoaa you have tha case af In Um ooat of davttopisig tba aver- Taoebat'a AsaactoUan opened ita audto-viaual aMs la tha Mannhaa IH ; GN^Warwfaig i t aaM Mr. Robtoaoa. Ouot** ' A mare for tba aduoatlon of tha It was suggaatad that 8.0M eap- Stt Arr Stroot—Off MsIb •n laughingly caught up by Dir a troet of load near aa axlatlag age bulldbig tot bare will bo 18 Brothaia AthlaUa AaaoclaUaa an- round of aeUvRlas lost avsBlng ter oehoolB, wha was praaaat aa a Sihar Mltfaauwni ta Idot of the First Olatrlct, Auxiliary Unit aad dancing was lao bo pubUshad at a coot o f ant Tha aHuatlan, Atteraay Oarrity nctor Raymood C oo^ after they Mlcbaal McDoanaO sad Mra. Mra. Jeaae Pallottt. D ept o f Coon.. anjoyod tbs rsnmlaad of tha rre- rating pubUc was andeiwrittoa said. ”la far fM n eeaalataaL" texpayar,” Oaopar sold. "Tau par front fast or 8850 on a 70 houacad thla morning that tbo aat- with a auccaaaful pot luck auppar guaat. Aaethar foatura at Uw pan- •nOelOTit tetaraat la ifcawii, i ovar 1800, and a vote to thla affoat had made rather stirring ptoas for foot t o t gram waa a oaovta, as 1 frn m wwNr c onitt *«*■ Wilbur UtUa win hand tha DU- Junior Vice Commander of Woman nlag. The rafraobmaat committee last night whan tha Board of Dt- TaL t-lS79>-Hartford Aad Attoniay LalMlo noted develop the traet. tboa you claim bads party .plaaiMd for thla oro- la Uw oehool eafataste. Ovar two addad. prevailed. Prior to pubUcattoo, low oost bouaing aad tita aasd to kuadrad paopto attamtod the aup­ cartoon. onUUod "Brothirhood of wortb-Coraall-Quay, Boat 10*. Loglonnatroo, aad many praoldanta waa haadad by Mrs. Jana FItsgar- raetoro uoanimoualy rated to spon- tha entire work win bo reviewed that tkora haa baan soma talk that ha la oonUIhuUng watar to your No ooouraaeo woo glraa, how­ nlBg haa been eonooUad. or ropraoantatlras of local dlotriet aor a pubUcatlon "Voting In Man- reduce development oost to se­ dratnoga prahloai. ao. baeausa you ever, that such O 8860 rodoetton par aad awa ^ g whiab foltowod la Maa.” Theogh Mwet aad haamr- AmaHcaa Logloa. and tha Woman’a aid and inchidsd Mrs. Emil taraa- by town offiriala as a check on Its tha town has grown tea rapMBy— cure IL and had than nasd the ar­ Tba bowUng eommlttaa has mat SSSH H S'i^ and state vateran auxiliary unite. quc. Mra. Ruth Hldmx. and Mra. cheater,” compiled by Um Proria- have BMvad la, ba has to pay a arouM Immadlataly ba roBaetad ta tha Want BMa MacraaUoa huUdUiig. ouo, Um film drove hoow Uw polat Auxiliary for tha conUac yaar. complata accuracy. ' that thoao tm m taka ntora giite- gument o f doing away with aomb and made proparaUana .for tho la a vary feccoful maaaor, that 4 aTioariaMii y r f***^_S Ifl Honor Guest Tha Installation cere monlee of Harold Balchar. ional Uaagua of WomanA^otera bi nalaaaB la powiing now projacta to bUl.” Than, said Cooper, ba tot prteos bore Mwuld ralaxatlona league Uwt Is aebadnlad each yaar ■atia tahlae had to ba oat up to ' catillM ii tiM pwMic to M etfoM Tha two offlcata aad thatr a ^ a town. Inatallatkma to batter causa tha new tow coot houa he made. taka care of tha ovorttow. Tha ra- thora Is ac basic dUfaranea la pa^ i •bMt Wurew llqaor the Post Offlcara wara executed by date higher eeet booMi from fan until Spriag. VNiIl da- At Shower Party. wara inatallad at a Jotat iaatalla- the Forty and Eight Degree TOam. Dlraeton axpnaaad themoalraa Daath Thkaa BUhari Dta ' "doaon't pay Ite way In taxation. The infaranra. however, was fraehaaant eemnUttaa, Mrs. Las plaa otbar than akia eetor. 1 iw w y toa»iitni i -A ad y a t" bq said. *Yea amka tails arm 'hs aniwuncad after tha The thcaac "Worid Uadcratead- ttan oaramoay parfonnad at tha headed by WlUlam Deanlo, Cbef as baing mush impraoosd by a Los Angalaa. Sapt 81— WANTED This brought tram Attorney Um currant texpayar may have to that UUs saving wauM ba passed aaxt meeting of tba cmamRiaa. Fracehta, Mra Alphanoa Rubaeba. Amartcan Loflon Honw on lopn- to maka a gradual LaBelle the stetament that ha lag,” will ba Um bacto of an Uw tealarr aaao- dcOare Paaae, Volture No. STO. Be- romplata axplanatlon of Manchca- Richard DIx, who for 88 yaors atoo pay a hlghw tax to maka up along to tiM lot eaotomor. Mra Edward Woraor.'Mra Jaoaph •r nqaar daalarrT fiM Vlrtlnta Thornton of ard atraat laat mcht by laadins Waahtngtoa, Bapt *1—(F) -Tha iL kgr Inalatuig oa a thought no hard and fast rale progranw this yaar. I poaOac ataa Mdes Commander McDonaell. tbe tar voting Information and pro- paraoniflad tha ririla outdooraaaoa G m Station Attendant wmaaea bond that Umite tha tha dUfaranea. TMa ha feR, was In o ahert private dlaruaalon Oroagar, Mrs. Alfred Oagana, aiM ! dntlMM dOeaaaad Um Madteor atraat waa fueat of honor •tata offlcar aad tha Forty and Interstate Oommaros eommloston be employed In all an Impaoltlon for the benefit af Mra Thoowa KaiiCfnwn. uador waaka a(o- Jndfa arrk following offleers wera Installed: caooaa submlttad for thalr tnopae- In daring otaga aad acrata ax- la whieh o o m ^ ta InateDa- after the hearing was adjourned, •t a mlacellanaoua ahowar Satur­ Eight Dw*y Tow Flrat Vlca-Oommander, Walter T. eald today the railroads* psraiager plolte, died of a chronic heart all- Bnergotie, wUHn# to worti C he thought that each type of da- tba dovolapar. town officials dM not kMIcata Uw capsMa dlraeUon o f Mra Rob­ Only One Md Ob ChcaasI Jab ^ »t«a tfeat tha p crpoaa -r — o.. ( tha_ .... Auxiliary Offlcara wara la- Uon by Laagua membera. tioaa aiay ha ntedo.” f __ goyngemeal Tha ‘ Mabonay: Sacond VIca-Oommaa* death rate laat yaar sras tha low- Mra. Charlaa E. Jacoboon, Jr., mant yoMarday in a Hollywood and aanrt the pnbMe. velopmant ohouM ba oonaldarad Thla snijact was not purouod. that they wara graaUy hapraaetd ert Bchubort dM a superb Job In B|M li ta hate thoaa hahltuala aM day evaninf. glean by Mlaa Joyca ■UUad by tha Dopt. o f Conn. Praol R waa at this polat that vari- ea Its marita sad on Rs loeattaa. iSZmtm 111 Viiit aria who can't hatp dar, WaadaU J. Haydaa; A djutant aat In a dacada. Daaths o f travalan spaaklng for the League, explaln- bospltel. Ha waa 54. ooa Miaakara aaM that the rago- No a tte i^ rras made laat night hy moot of the argumaate. planaing tho cupper, and are to Bootoa. BopL *1— U. B. A r­ Watharan and Mlaa l aahalU Dum dant. Mra. Mahal Wlntara. a a a l ^ WUUam J. Staeanson; Aaolsteat In train aeddante during l*4g CaB In Ptraon Aaairflng, that "If eom ba eoogratulatad oa Ite auonaaa my anglaaarn today aaacuaead on­ •t tha homa of Mlaa WatharMt 18 by tha Dapt. Sgt. at Anna, Mra. latiaae rrota ouch that only a vary to teba Into eonstdoratlon Moa- The Insistanea on haste, for . Haww-WeigB Adjutant MaroM J. Deoao. Ft totelsd 58—a r..te of 1.S8 daaths l-*goty flaaaeod operator can any diaagea ara not forthooming, no ehoatar'a leaping public utlUUas axampla, was talked down as it ly aaa firm bM to arMaa the Naw Sprint atiaat Mlaa Thomtmi waa Taroaa Shandian, both of Watar- par billion paasangar milas o f op­ owner will even consider brlaglag Mrs. O. Bugosw Haana M Lah D u ^ g Uw bualnaaa masting, Haven. Oona., barber fkaaaal tharwrtplant of many nanoo Offlcar, Frad W. Wood- McCLURE*S SUPER tairaar da hualnaaa In Manchestor. instanatlon ooate as heavy daval- waa atetad one of the awat dia. bury. Mra. UtUa w o ra-alactad houae; Chaplain, William C Pit­ erations. This comparaa with 75 any mera Iota to a aala polnL vUla, N. T., has aonouacad Um aa- to a IMdO £ a or a 7 ^ ^ to aaotbar tarm. Otbar offtcam of K J. IM l Moartad that the Ira oproent eonUmiea. tufbad davatopara, Mr. Allan, had Mra Edwin Brown, prsoMant of Anwrlcaa Dradglag company, cf mtmm ar both. Any attanpt by which wera ?*?““ * kin; Historian, Antotna D. St passenger fetelltiea In 1M7 and SERVICE STATION HoU aokad the Town Ploanlag gagaoMat of bar daughter, Ellta- the aooodaUon for tba past taro FbUodolphla, oiferad a unit ooct CDflL.QIl baantlfully draaaad brlda doo. tha AuxlU^ ara Flrat Vlca- ta^ position of Um ntloa had "rulnad la eoaiMcUon with tha sswerlMg not takon the traublo to fito. aa Piarro; Sgt at Arma. Hanry J. n s In 1M6. my hualnaaa*' and ha aaM that Cbmmlaoloa how long It had baan of drainage water, R wae broi^t y e t certain rouUna InfonaaUoa both, to Michael Waloa o f Bebaaoc- yaaia, was praaaatad with a post- bM o f 44J eenta a cubic yard. A daUdooo huffat hinchaon w o Proaldant, Mlaa Barbara W i ^ t ; SS7 MAIN gT. alnea any Indapeadaat i* i 5 •anrad by Uw h oataoj^ h ^ ^ Klaln; Sarvlca Officer, Thomaa J. III ha waa not olona. out Uwt now,' no bard aad iitH on hla tra ct tody, N. T„ son af Mr. aad Mra praaideat's pin and a coraoga of Award fo r Um 8B0,000-«ubie yard Sacond VIca-Praaldant. Mlaa Fraa- Swoanay, Jr.; and tha ExeeuUva had brought la a subdivlrioa of hy Mra. Howard Thoawton M caa Wallatt; KaconUnf SacraUry. Rapraaintetiva tharwood O. way of doing this aaloU. It was However, there was taMUcatlon Jdba Walaa of Lynoao atraat this gardenias on behalf of tba awm- Job Is axpoetod ta about 10 days, Board. Bmllo Laetaqua, Walter Borrara, fOrnMr maw bat o f tba building lota for sals. brought out Uwt tho rulos merely that argunwnte oa walks, eutba town. I bars for tbo marvaloua work aha Um englaecra aaM. Rocky HUU Mtb. Douglo Hlckox; Financial W H im YPMR The membera could not recall. No NiMDUuiations c«ko w o ooa of tha fr^M y Secratary, Mrs. Randall Brm Hanaan, Theodore Fatibanks, An­ ff Board M Dlraeton at tha time tha tha avanlng. Mra. Daeld O. Thorn­ Treasurer, Mra. Robert <2«ran; ton Kanak. Oaorge F rost and 1949 FOOT BIN I rogulatkaw wart aatablMhad, and -MeeepeUetle Prateettoa" ton of Waot Hartford and Mra Chaplain, Mrt. Anthony Ssullli- Jamas Arthur. new ongagad la doratofdng a tract It waa then ooserted that Man To Fill Vacancy Ixnita Albaal of thla town pouro cote; Hlatorlan, Mlae Faith Fuller; O W te PPMMt MERCURY naOr tha Booth Windsor Una, arose Ouasta prmant who addreaaed FREE choater'a reotrlctiona, which bar Mlaa Tbom toa win bacoaaa tha Past Preaidant. Mia. Emile Leves- Damomtrator. Color: « to stats that ha fait that walks looal rani ootote awa from aa ap- Ward of Bdueation at ite brlda of Oaerga M. Johaaon of oue; Sgt. at Anne. Mrs. Vera tha gathering concerning L «|^ Y»m*d ntvw gu n s how^ aad carbo la ateay tooatloaa arora portuBlty to May la buriniaa "ara t Blfht mcaUac ofBola . Blgalcw atraat. Saturday, Oetohar Halilday, and Aaelatant Sft. at •ffatm and programa ware De­ Maroon. fsBy oqnippcd. Delivory Sorvics net naeoaaary. Ha aacoodad claims partment of Goan. OoBMnander, being token up as monopolistic ; tha raaignaOaa o f oaa of A Mrs. Scott toresque. The roofsiy thty a rt! o f othara that such lastollatioas protection" by "autetde of otate ___ kara, Chrl W . Noraa. for- Onr frae delivery add t« the coat of houstag, offac- building operators who have no ■Mrty aC too WaaMng Um Mraat $1995 acnrice is avallabit Uvoty barriag any ou^ thlag aa Interest berq except to make a Mr. Ifaraa haa morod. from Man low cost hoMlag la Manehootar, U lllng." Gouple Cel^rat© to yoo for all year Ho aaM that ha thought tha ra- mo quastad chaagaa NwoM ba made Mr. Hon aald that ka wouM van- *5aTix)ard wtad to inaorpotwta Tbs NBW Moriorfy Bros. aMne eviJM needa at any U tura to ateta that no man can af­ M Na aooaptaaea tha thanka and 40th Anniversary Bowel's stead Immadtetely ROAD On tha Level at Omter A Bread meru! air M l t f air >W and for any qnan- ford to bring a land area to da- aawfirlar— of tha board for tha PBOVEN brought HoU to Ma fbat. M r a i C U R T 5188 buth late ilWM kandwmc Bate* OHg> ti^ . Jast call PINE BMtng that ba w u gratified ta valopmeat today with the sole laithfai aarvlea of Mr. Noraa. Mr. and Mra. Andrew L lshraan The plaoa on tha board raeatad inili give* your feet room to ipreid raARMACY and oaa n iu *Ttr, Bowers has bona, Man o f oallhig bulkUng lote. He of North ebrantry 8alabratad thalr fitted by expwlaaca,” Hon i was aacendad by Attornay Oorri- hr Mr. Noraa. arbo war aacratary. forUath wadding annlraraary, ^ n - oiik every Iresd. Suit enjoying thU yoqr order will he Z a not yat baan flUod. Board DELIVERED IN delivered iniinedi- that "R shouM ba an axampla to ty who aald that tbe rock bottom day, Saptembar 18, with a tamUy new Uad of foot eemfect todiy. otbar awmbers of tha Board of Sgure to bring any buUdlng let to MTW arm aalact a peraon to got-togsther. Tba actual date ' ately. aatU tha aaat alactlon. Dlraeton, whoa so strong an ad­ a point whore It can ba sold in thalr marriage sraa Saptembar 4. l ^ i L l MW MANCHESTER vocate of tha rogulatloaa aa was Manehaatar Is 1800—this to be 1908, aad tha caraaaony waa par- Mr. Bowsra, fSola tba'oaraonal af- tacked oa to tha orlgiaal lot fornwd la Bridgeport. > I Only I7S.50 Bltnithly. Your Praswit Csr Msy eLfiC«\T0N€ facte o f thaoa raetfleUana.” value. ONLY TILL SATURDAY! CUT- Register Date,s Mr. liabman. who la a fannar. I Equal or Excetd tha Roquirod Down PsyaMut WASHl M IRON! In Cordovas Tfie Air Raplytiig, Bowara oaM that ha When the Item on the inotalla- and hla wife and family have Uvad and Brown Calf Leather dM aot mean fee convey that ho tion of storm water oewera was In Coivantry for 88 years. Sevan , IMMEDIATE DELIVERY caaridrrad the rogulatloaa toteUy reached, the bearing got Its Brat PRICES LIKE THESE! HURRY IN! For Night School children were horn to them. The America’s Flaest Conditioned uaBt; ha eoaoMarad that Ilka all daughters are Margaret, Mrs. Antematle Washers laglalatlea they have baaa feoad Oaorge Larson of 386 Parker atraat RaclatraUon for Bvaainc ochool Aathariaed Dealer to oeatola ’TMta,” and that U Lt t s Tui' I A Ride claaoaa ariU ha held Saptembar 30. thla town; Helen, Mrs. John PINE should bo Iroaod out. SO and M at tha aupartatandeat'a White, siso of this town snd Bstte, Harry RaraiH. mambor of the Mra. MUsn Bericak of Putnam. CEHOUSESSON In That cdka la tha Hl(h achool from 7 to T h » sons ara John of Manchsster, PHARMACY Teara Ptaaalag COmrnlraloa. aald t p. BL. It waa announced today “AvJlr., • ' CTrtfbiSTOSf ha would like to question tba wM- Aadraw and Louts of Coventry MANCHESreS. rELCPNONE ) ! ) » by Chaatar L. RoWaaoa. who haa Tel 8-44S6 W E GIVE ^v^ G P E ^ N s t a m p s 664 Center 8L TaL 2-9814 dom of doing array with walks dlraetad Krenlny aetwOt aeUettlaa snd St^hen of Bolton. They have 545 Mala St. fifteen grandchildren. and onrba. He oaM "I eramot Nfw I9.S0 PACKARD' far tha paat aavaral yaara. O ar lleve that the realtors really think t that It would bo a good thing to I. >. ■ f i i 99 have davalepmanta without walka or curbs." In M A N( Hi , T Thla brought rtaaoertlon that the raalton Mt that abaototh baaaBte raoultad. partieulariy la tbo caaa o f ranch style homao. COOP HEW S IBiia\ from tha absanos af both. It rvaa explaiaod that rural, landicaping la aot la kaapiag rrith thaoo aub- I , , M ' As haa always haea oar I urban Bxturas. . » ., •* %ili - I A Ml-. BURSACK'S AMm Abaat BaBrly PMfew a DI : >DAY eosteoii, wa win be rfaeed all Director T. J. Croekott quoa- . HU'ri NOW day Saturday In observance tioned the safety factor If aldo- c l o s e d A L L ^ walka a n omitted. Ha was in- of Jewlah New Year. formad that in most locaUUaa J whan walks are located, "chil­ - 'rir SATUROAT.s e • dren don't stay on them but ara NEK’S PACKARD aU over the road.” It also rras stated that In many 139.95 RADIO-FHONOl BOTH FM AND AMI SMASH VALUII CHAMSIDI RADIO-FHONO M-W LONO SHimU Siwmo MACMNi Mossiva Alrtlna combination I Rich, Choose yaur antarioimwnt from your Stitch ragwialor parmitt larga or full, daor tone I Phono changes both 114“ cosy choirl Phono changes both 10 7 6 “ smoM stitchas. S ^ in g spaed eon* q # JO and 12 Wi. records oufomatically I ' u j j and 12' records. Tuneful radio. Mo- 4SA0I trolled by knaa. Good-looking woL ^ ~ Dawn, SHOP EARLY FOR Manchester \5falnut vanaar cobinall Seva nowl isi. Msaak hegonyvonaercobinat! Record tpgcc. nut cabinet. With ottochmants. . m YOUR WEEK-END NEEDS! CARPET CENTER **The Special Shop far Rug$ and Carpet*'* FRESH DRESSED HEN Lipton's Tomato Vegetoblo T U R K E Y S <^5 9 * ALL TYPE - ALL SIZES SOUP 3 P k fa 35c A LL GRADES F R E S H P O R K Lipton't Chicken Noodle PICNICS lb. WaS-To-Wan ImtBllaUoBB Reasonable PriceSf Free Estimate* SOUP 3 p k i s 33c EXTRA FANCY BEEF • AIm Rapairing aad Biadiiig of Carpet.

L b . Produce M odel RB.32 BUTTER 69c EVERY ITEM REDUCED! QUANTITIES LIMITED! HURRY IN TO WARDS AND SAVE! FANCY FUNUDA PINU MOEAT C on ven ien t GULF FUEL OIL PABMAY ■V' .? ‘ > T erm s GRAPEFRUIT SALEI “STANDARD" OLEO L b . 3Tc SWBBT POm MBAT, CALIFORNIA ^ it Your Best Bet For Wintor CANTALOUPES •ATTERY DEL MONTE Qeaner Burning More Economical WiakrMra - - CAUPOnNlA, VAUENOA fs Ybur Best Buy by for/ SALE! M IY OR You Out Your Monoy*B W orth * % JUICE ORANGES Alwaya Plentiful 24 month guorontaal 45 plates. PINEAPPLE Hara’s Iha wondarful aleetrie range you’ve alwayi wanted, and TAN WORK SBTSl PANCT NATIVB NO. t In PodrturoB Alonol Equal to notlenolly known bat. JUICE 1 8 0 Z .T II I 15c R’s priced amaaingly tow. Hotpoint’a brilliant 1949 Model RB-33 ZIP-FIY PANTS torios tolling for much mere! TOMATOES offers cooking perfection . . . phw many outstanding features CONVERT NOW TO OtL HEAT CeavaBiant—EfffeicBt—Eeanonical M S “ AIR-CUSHION'* ■OVAI* BOAEUBT found only in more expensive ranges. For proof, consult the list o Ceefcing luifaie Top ianip 2 37 2 *^ at left. Then come in end ace this beautiAil Hotpoint Range for CXJNVEhSION BURNERS BOILER-BURNBR UNITS ilK B TIRE 157 a Ovon Indjealar tiBnal tamp yourself at .our store. 844.1881Igka I PURE STRAWBERRY COMPLETE HEATING SYSTEMS am.8.8p ■ra-s-w PRESERVES 1 Lb. Glass 39c ♦ Maosurad Soifaca CaahlaB Haati ivmrybody^g M nHng 19 i Rivortido balloon bika tiroi 2 -p l/ EASY PAYMENTS—S YEARS TO PAY Husky Sanfiarixad twill— , cord protects against looks. a Fuat ^ariing, pa* htaf teB Calradt like the Army weera for s D v n a o n V aaaabB«a^aa*« MaaHnB M R s ELECTRIC parade-ground tmort- • Autonuitic Umbig RANGES nast, rugged i ^ r . Pants FANCY WHITE hove dapondobia Tolon REGo 2l95 r o o f i n g . zipper, dran-lype saoms, r u . n , 90-LB. ROLL ^ 6 9 FRIMIUM QUALITY W Ril RROUCm MEAT TUNA 39c cuffs. Shirt is full cut, p w k w W ILLIAM S strongly toilorad. Sava) Caraarie-aatM t ag.* Rivorilda DoUtw fa nef imt flrtf.nr It's rnmium quaHiyf No 6nqr lira \\4S i awda—wa toyf OfinY aiiai iMs i t FRUITS -1 Lb. Jar ,29c M p is a n JOHNSON BROTHERS OIL SERVICE All sitae radutod 'iH Salwdoyl ELECnUCAL CONTRACTORS ♦ . ♦ ' X


ti e praaantmraa tt tha original 13 lag afficar at the Qraton barracka. Wtohaa." It was the work of Mrs. Robarts said that he could art Sevend Showeri MiltDIlf. Robbers Given overtook the fart that they were mamtarn Mttom tlM ■iM rtkir ■Utoa baoMa outnght nmnay ata Major Osrroa aald the Navy Board Grants National Guard Launches Acheson Believes Higher Price Carter Finn’s a)paad to tarn RoUi aver ta tha Miss Thrall and her fiance, Mr. armed when they held up Bobby’s HmnM b « « I M . "It to trua, of eouraa," ha said, Clark, wore honor guests at a din­ H m post to OM «< tha meat "that a lot of u«a govamnwni’s atata polloa and that tha aBogad For Bride-Elect Prison Terms Snack bar her* last June S. ■ertaat. ftam atantfpa^ aC ner givtn by Mr*. Morris Clark, his East-West Rows help to private mialnaaa wakbased Bid Accepted IdUar, who has agraad ta watvo ^ n e C h a n g i '' Drive fo r 45^000 New Men mother; and atotor, Mlae Betty CHARLOTTE R. C R A Y -fl tka teara’a ftitara, la Ota local gav- Paid Winner •AradlUan. would arraigned M oa t-io bellaf thai tha gaaaral vel- Miaa BSoabeth N. ThraU, daugh­ Otork, at their home In Rocky Hill. minted aranaat. tara would banaSt..but the ebje,:- Oraton Tbwn eaurt aa a taglUva Hartford, Sept 31—-iF)—Frank Can Com e to En'd te r at Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. 'ThraU. They received many choice gifU J Cofflno. 83. of Springfield. r'( Uvoa of daoant auacatlan and yaba To Furnish Five New from Justloa. Tbwn P iB n n e r s Hold 'H itt In tht'Oattrd'^ is a stogant aitd NaUon'taa cofistant source of Bloomfield Firm Buys for all, adequate^ hoatth care and Now York oaOea are on rauto ta that you will miar oonaamusly for pride. ^ of 377 Mlddlo. ‘Sumplke, east, Masa.. was aentoncad to atnto’s . Teacher of Voice • i ) Oaat LLuclng, aqual trantment fo r Mb Oraton to taka klm lato suatady Spcdal Meeting to In war. the National Guard haa whaoa amrriaga to Frank M. prlsdn fo r two to four years and Political Critis Prise • Winning Beef Police Cruisers to Re> the next tw o months. The new 4 t raucs and raiiglana—In anort Majar Osrroll said. fought In a lfof our majM battlea, dark, aea of Mr. and Mrs. Morris UConn Building George J. Seetak, 39. atoo of t m a VABASVS CoamiiMioB faeratary at tUta Ckrlae Havla. equal opportunlUaa lor aach'tadi- piece Present Antos y chairman of tha Town Flanalng will be aa M-Dav force, trained * New and UsfNl * Obaarvara regarded tha TUC the main post-war adJustmanU 4-H club baby beef club auction of Umber g and nara opened Sap- Oofaunlaatoa aald la K nlgkL Tha the Guard in O o m M y A o f the PrtociBa MeCialUad. a cteoa friend. Ih e insprovemento Include a • a JCr. Lata, a Lincoln, aald Lar'oUatta, summod l99Qi Infantry Regiment. and eqaliiped for Irnmadfate action Thirty rolattvaa aad friends were $800,000 admintotratlon aidin g, rahictaaca to taka a poaltlva atand have bean complatad and It to Eastern SUtaa axpoalUon. tembar IS. Only a few of Man­ To Turn Ovmr Stdlor rsqusat had baan brought batata bi anyny nabonal Arthar Drug Stores M Ova. to a graduata aa daraluatlon aa evidence at a poasibla to aao with more clarity The price par pound was HAS. It up whan ha aald: " ■Tha lagtU- chaatar nMRor oar aganclaa ahowed New London, BepL 31 — — tha Ownmlaaion nt its hanrlag n e OuaM'e traCUon of aarvioe a $500,000 pharmacy building snd • Homes of • at I M atfatatoL waa promlnaat la what tha real problems are. a 55-cenU incraasa over last yaar’a mate object of govammant to to Intaroat In this buslnass. SUU pohoa of tha Groton bar­ to lu country m umoo of aaier- In only three years of roorganl- Whan tha bride alert entered tbe $200,000 In ctoas room additions. apHt la Labor*a own ranka. teat Thnradny and wns Uhlad. A batlon. the NoUonal Guard has al­ •oom aka eras aaat sd bofora a torgt Mairta atoctoa kara aad to now am TU C laadara ao fa r have back- Some of tbam, ha said, "are of Uq> rata. do for tha pauple what noada to ba Tho Carter Srm won out with a racks this mamlng wore waiting aaselal moattng waa enUad tost gendy gm a back to 1SS5 tn Maana- The committoe UMed plans for * OntsUmdlnf Values * an a Coraman at tha Kop- dona, but which lhay cannot by in- etmaoUa whan the OM Narth Ragit ready grown to a strength of more box. baauUfutly doeomtod In pink, a $450,000 la u n ^ bulldtng at thb ad tha govern riant’a araga-fraaaa a U rrlblo eorlouaneaa." ' | Lnroy Stevens of Turner, Ms., net bid of $3,323 plus tha tumln of for Navy autborlUas at tha ^ b - mght betara tha Joint meeting ■a at ISAM -'. paca Ooka Oaaapany. who captured rasarva bonora la dlviduat effort do at all or do ao the present cruiaera. This was martna Base to turn over to them ment waa tarmad from trained than 388,000, a strength greater yellow and gresn. which was UleC State hospital at Mlddlatown. policy agalnat heavy praaaura H$ sAdsd? with tha DIraetars. and It waa i*«nd’ ■•'<'ady in extotanoa. In then that wtiieh tha Oimrd took In­ to overSowtag with boantifol gtha CHESTEB. uS bp 3 A »- * Would You kather^Orlve A appolatmant at Luta eaaM from thair rank and file mem- •Thoy are too deeply rooted. In yaatarday’a contest aald bia wall tbamaalvos.’ not tba lowaat bid. On another a sailor ManUOad aa Fraqk U voted to approve tha change. attar Jaka *namaT, flrat laaattoaad "The baaic culturaT and political Pmrto- fDce. tha praaent Guard to World War H. ObJecUvo at tha Dejiriooe rofrertunents ___ Advertisement— VIS. Von - s g ta n s • 1947 bara who have boon daamadlng many Inatancaa, to ba rapidly today for 70 canU a pouaA otodal, ca rte r offered ta auppty Rush, 19, o f ateubenvllto. O - H m property la qoaatloa to “Get In the Guard" campaign to aa served by.the hcatoaass, the eenter- vonr atamm w a ll anpplp tom « . tka paat. had dacUaad It Maurtta A . Dunn o f Derb>’, ideology o f tha United Staua," ha tinifs trace their anceatry back to NEW 1949 PONTIAC? higher wagaa. Tradaa unloatota ax ovcrcoma by partuaalon or com­ Sva vehlclaa for $LS47. How- to reported ta hrva told hto aupar- next to tha HUSardvlIla aallla eon- 1910 when Penoa de Laon com- additional 48.000, tha Mmit to pieca babig a large eaka, daeoratod Bee Raymond B. Gorman for all • wHb the boms vw Ssrtrw 9 aaaaa at tka praaaura a t — conn., sold hto third place beef for contlnuad, "demands a nation m avar, tha accepted moAs LIUlt As 95 P«r Month Moriarty Bros. 165 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER to marriad to — tha— formar— - - - Bdna crtala. lawanoa $5,635, not coat tor Sva aotind o f tha deatroyar aamrt U. B- 1813. Abraham Llheqjn com­ elvllinn Income nt Regular Army Tad 4113. m s o r * tha Balkan prohlam, Korea. Pal- third, John Lindsey. Lovartsvllla. Bowloa. hallavaa In. $3,491.35 total. 8. Maloy to aiilch Ruah U attach- and Air Farce of pay. There On tba Laval at Center * Bread OabalhM at H artford and haa two -Oa glaw- Mavaaaent Mated estino, Italy's African colonies, •If this is to ba tha •walfara manded a mtIlUa eemaany In the ratoe Bntorprtoa SS8S Y o b O bb ANraya De BHtor At Rakh's Ooncrata avldanca o f union dla- Va.; fourth, Norman Hatch. Dillon Salta and Service Ford S To Get Citation Bla^ Hawk War. Cheater Ar­ to opportunity for advancement Ttfepbone 5138 oconomle .davalopmant of back- Hampden. Maaa.; fifth . Donald state' It is tha state to which AMESITE DRIVES ~

V rvyT‘ - llANCHCfTnEIt EVINING HERALD. MANCHERTER. COMN« WEDNESDAY, SEj^fEMBER 21, 1>4> MANCHE8TIR IV IN lN a BIRALD, HANCHE8TER. OONN, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER <1,1949 PAOII Neatly Tailored Thintf Bargains Card^ and Dodgers Open Vital Three Game Series Today Seeks QuaUty Listed by The Inquirer Hackney to Return as Country Club Pro Birds Hold Wt G am e Margin in Close Race a few eapera to mayoonalafl or with a package of white cake mUi,- Crocheted SUp^n TRAMirAiaoHT_JPirAfUBn* v«Lvrr m •” -a fm«. -no eraamy aalad draflfltnf. atore-bought icecream and a aanee. T taali CluuRp Gsmalss Jm DiMagfio Confliwd ■iwrWd of RlHmmtrUiff enirtfs colors ftndand «tiAkA AS w>on fts mixsd ko it xrtU B y VW-VrnUflS » brunant not be loo dlhited by molting km- ' DscUtt T» TRm Pr> T* Hb iUora With Grip Rirals Play Twin BUI MmSEr WATCHES la an TOWLE STERLINO SILVER la Popular Pro Unanimous Cop Playoff Title Im m aw OMimy a atylea are eery good*looklng at the choice of both dlecrtmtnaUng E A R L W . • «NM« 0» olofwmo to! n e w E U »A N C K » bridee and experienced horoe- New Tnrtt BepC 91 — W V- New York, SepL 91.—(A)— Totlay; Yankees Scfum w i o r ’ h j e w e l r y s t o r e , w t From new on RioiMnand (Paa- rM tn n a »* aw m ctlr* tr»dd^ng», RT U conaplcw w Main BtreeL Inctudod are water* makcra becauae of Ita gleaming ale- YOST Joe DlMaggio, $80.000-a-year Over Chicago and Red play at MAKER S AT TOT CW - gance m a wide varietyety flf------®atln- Choice of the Members etao) Oonaalaa will play twailo New York Tainkce outfielder, ■ng Mfbally «* ***• <*■"*? * 2 * proof waUditflfl and draofly watchea (or awney Inotadd o f fua and Sports MHar •ng a tlh a hwrthrtdo. b o ^ r n W ^ TTO. ritry opala «a^ on handaomfl expanalon bracaleU liahed pattema The DEWEY- ANGUS was confined to his ;ioUI room Sox Blast Oerelaiid ■ro iMT In float at (IHeNarr color In a p a n ^ ^ l l that are lorely off-duty and a®- .UCHMAN CXJHPAKY. T67 Metal fkicy. today with a,severe attack of gUCynaCItfl RFVNANT 8ALK8- aar^nga - prlcad at onw fio.aa dent on duty. A w y thoughtful Street, diaplaye Ramblar Roaa, La- Chicopee Native Most Ttae M-jreer-eM Menricaa- grip, a chib spokeamaa an­ ROOM. _____ for th T aat, *■22^ fayetta. Symphony. Caacada, Roy­ G o U P r o Amerieaa man Los Angelee, *«nd, hla right sye was barely open. nounced. By Balpli Brara A aUtnnlng art aurrounda Mac gift for a girt who’a going In train­ ing! al Wtadaor. Looto XTV. and many Soecessfal in First winner e f Uw U. B. Amateur A eollsge foatball eoack would Psp was unmarked. The baseball star has not ^rcona wlTth bHlIlanU more artlat-lnaplrad daaigna In •Inglaa tltla this aad laat year, It app*appeared from riagride that The knock down, drag out bat­ out on Ony gold a^Aflfl. A grtd Year Here; Ranked never get gray hair, loaa aay played since last Saturday. tle being waged by the St. Loula Ttwra’a a new feeling In the open atock. Statgla plecaa. placa hardly had bopped off a plane Pep could have put Oompo to He developed a cold and fever chain ending m gold taaaflU aatUnga, aervlng plecea—aU maka from fcia benw tow s yesterday 9 or Wright ar be the target sleep at will. Pep had toe much » I • Cardinals and the Brooklyn Dodg­ camMitM alwmn *»Y!. bfl matched In flar-rlnga ^ PARADE o r PALL SHOES at Highly as lnBtni4;tor following New York’s 5-4 de­ ers for the National LeaipM pen­ noM with thfl flpflclal cn. Ho haa full control of aU golfing •portswriters througbout the New York 99 61 .543 — 11 MIrkey Katkaveek By Mra. Ab m Oaba> desiiwd, and the Pattern Num ^r 99; DUHi«er. M . LaMa. 18. October 8 for Ite leven-week Boston 90 56 .521 8 9 been nominated to pitch the day ; of » eanU a aquara yard. * acttvlUoa at wall aa ttaa locker Harvard Elnroute country, ttae 80 college head autumn meeting. . . Small on of­ crochet this aleeveleaa sUp-on to Sue Burnett The Mancheater tonuo vMom Mimomn or mt L.. CWJUt*.lN» iis .4 t .iS * MABTFORD rooma. cosetwa eomprlalag Uw AU-Amar- fense, Mg and burly on defense, O lds' Max Lanier (4-3). Preach­ Brides, bridcamaida and mothera of Proper Ironing can mean the •neater for that oertain man In Evening Herald. 1150 Ave. Ameri­ 40; Stepbana Beaton, M. icn Board. SelecUona ercre con­ New York—Home (7) Boston Ga., Beers won their second your Ufo—tt’a surfl to be warmly o IMV.n* c««»e able to win as gle. Parnell moved to second on small son’s cowlicks. A special of­ Boston 4, Pittsburgh 9. that right now. /I JackeU come In brw^ J?" An appropriation was voted Only gamsS achadulcd. Brooklyn in Town dowa for a ground balL many games as the 1919 and the a bunt and scored on a single by navy cordusoy at 12.99 and 33 59 fer prices both Suave and a fine Eddie Kaaak, the regular third Nothing was arid about a third Bobby Harria High end and which will ajlow Uw local club to NatteaM 1948 W ashln-'-n teams did. Each Johnny Peaky. Lemon then Creme Shampoo (a 31.10 value) at qenter, will misa Saturday’! irame purchase birds In sufflcisnt num­ at. LouIb, SepL 31—<#) — Tha has#man, ta still unable to maneu' Pep-Saddler punchfest. That o f thoae won 55. walked Ted Williams and Vera No fabric haa won and kept ewh only 3.89 at the WELDON DRUG W L P et OBL ver on hla lame left ankle, and would be a real pay nIghL with HaU High In West Hartford ber so that prhen the stocking Is St. L o u is...... 99 99 .539 — 8L Louis cardinals were a confi­ The present .-.enatora have won Stephens to lopd the baaee. B o b ^ COMPANY. YOUl NEW SEWING MACHINE due fd poison ivy. Hama was also Tommy Glavtano Is subbing for For his victory over CTompo, a Doerr forced Pesky at the plata done by the state and with the Brooklyn ...... 91 64 .528 1% dent but crippled lot today aa they 45. And since they have only 10 FAIUJB* TA?^l^.*^«MM»>»y«^*" out of the opener last Friday night natural reprodi.cUon which haa him. former sparring partner whom gamea to go. It'a pretty obvious but A1 ZailUa and BlUy (kiodmaii Shoulder pads ihould be .. PhUadriphla . . 77 39 J127 13 prepared to face Brooklyn’s de­ Pep poHahed off In 41 seconds o f against Leavenworth. been very high thla aeason, expec­ Boston ...... 71 74 .490 21H In addition. Max Lanter, the that 55 victorlea Is the^ieat they followed with two run douMes to moved when dresaea or suits are chunky aouthpaw who Is elated to the aeventh, WUUe scored flnan- clinch the game. evening gowns sent to be cleaned. Some new tations are that there will be more Nsw York .479 23 termined Dodgers^lhe team they can do. Lea DeGon, manager o f the birds than ever before In ths Man- hurt one o f today’s games, haa bean daUy, too. The uneven match You have to go all the way tiaek The Philadelphia AthleUca dresses, and dressy, suits and pads made of sponge rubber Ig Pittsburgh .438 99 must turn back In order to win the drew a surprlalngly large crowd Bowling G fe^ said last night otaester permit areas this season. CtaictauiaU .403 U H National League Bag. complaining of a sore left shoulder. to 1909 to find a Washington team turned back the Detroit Tigers, . ffiMinoroiia for bedapreada and nlte spontaneously In the cleaning three teams In the Northsrn.Om Despite these physical handi­ o f 10,722 for a groea of 339,931. dll?es t5e 50-lnch talU. procesa and others dry out. For It should be boras In mind, too, Chicago . . .893 35H Injortea during the laat couple that did worse. That one won only 8-0, on Pete Suder’a three-rua ' nseticut Bowling LeagtM would that every bird -uleaaed this year caps, the Carda think they can Oompo, who weighed 124 1-9 to eighth Inning homer. 85 S n U a safe xleanlng all pads should bs of dkya has mad# the outfit look 126 for the champ, Just wasn't In S3 gBOiWs b r o t h e r s REJdNANT SALES­ call the Bowling Green their home la potential bag aa both hena and Nsw York .343 — take the Brooks. strangely, thla year’s team Rookie Roy Steven Breve la six : removed. lanes this sessofi. In addlUon to more like a clinic than a ball elub. WUlie's league, llie champ's bul­ cocks may how • shot legally al­ Boston a a a e e .591 9 started out aa If it might amount rune to lead the St. Louto Browns ROOM. The latest to ba- hit was Stan let like punches nearly blinded I lf MARK-DOWNS IN WATCHES the Blue Ribtwns, lesgus. state though the daUy and season hag D strrit . A71 10 to something. to a lfi-5 night game triumph and New England ehamplena, the naial. tha man -the (3arda could EMdte early. WUUe was In charge A uNsspoou of anchovy paste are well worth a visit to WIOR’S, IlmlU remain the same as in past Ctevsland . A33 1014 ■Boat la afford'to loae. Australian Tag... . It once won ten gamea In a row, over Waahtaigton. Savltt Gome and Manchester Motor from the first puadi. and by the The Boston Braves down tfia and a teaspoon of 977 Main Street Ladles’ watches— ysars. Ptalladriphla A U 15H Mualal pulled a muscle In hla which ao overwhrimad long suffer­ Sale# win also use the Center Chicago ... .410 ttik end of the fifth round, both he Pittsburgh Pirates, 4-X In tha onkm (P«’ P Jeweled and guaranteed are re^ 'v 'V street lanes. All three teame will It Is planned to get Sunday’s event left teg yesterday while beating Match Tonight and the crowd were urging Ref­ ing local fans that they staged a ed to a package o f oream eneeas prtett from 329.95 to 315.90, tax underway about 10 with the run­ St Loula . A40 44 big weleome-honM. National’s only night gams with and then used for a cracker sprett be seen in action tonight at the WaahingtoB A19 47% out an taSeld hit in the third in­ eree BUly Oooway to halt the one­ a three run rally In the ninth. Included. A special group of men’s if Green starting at 5:30 In league ning of the Puppy Stake. AU en­ ning agataist the Phlladel|diia sided battle to save (he chaUenger Tha Senatora have won only U to earve with- • toniato Juice cock* watchea are eelllng for 312.50 and tries in any etake must be In be­ TefiayisOaaMS la accocdanca with hla polcly of of their past 57 gamaa, and only 14 taU. Soften a three^uce ^okage competition. Ben Avery will run FtalUteo. He aggravated the In­ from further punishment Sllglit MIsundentaadtog 7^^ to 10^^ up. the Motors. Ben and Jmry Smith fore the first brace la drawn, as no Eastera Ptayana jury two ttalnga later when he out- Introducing “new faces” to Hart­ The 91-year-old .Cktmpo, six of their last 31. of the cheeae and mix in the an; eatrtea win be accepted once a Wtlkoa-Barre at Binghamton. ford fans. Prosooter Manny Lri- SoBM tsama have thrir pitching chovy and onion flMo«1ngs thor­ win be the local representatives Mggad «' throe-baae hit, and w; yeara younger than Pep, hit the Thurmont. Md., Sept 81---Gn— The Inquirer Easr-opennng, light-running • i i it's the with the Motor Sales' sntry. atake haa gotten underway. With Nattenal forbad to roUra from the game. beit haa arraagod an outstanding deck twice In the fifth for the go sour, or their batters grow oughly. Sprinkle a MtUe finely Brooklyn at St Loula—(9, day- waqk, or thrir defenae blows up. Two Baltimore huntera are 1300 unproved New Home icwmg machine. With the fairly large crop of promlalilg While Manager Eddie ^ e r was program of sight top-notch mat- count of nine and again In the poorer today becauae p( a rilgkt Silk City football team will prac pupplea that are around among night)—Newcomba and Roa (13-5) roen, four o f whom are making •The Senators have had thrir share su^ advanced fcscurcs ss "Ncvr-Lock" stitch­ opUmtartlo about Mustal’a avail­ eeventh before the flnl^ It came misunderstanding In,tha iald. tlce tonli^t at 5:15 at Charter the members, thla stake should be . . . v4 Lanter (4-3) and Brechsea ability against the Dodgers today, their first Hartford appearance at with Goldie Goldfarb, Oompa’a o f each o f thaae, and sometimes aU • Cecil D. Wihlln paid twe 3100 ing actioo thu will ooc iam i c. beckwud and Oak Lota. Night lights fo> prae- weU patronised. To be eligible to (18-3). tha fact remained that Stan was the Hartford Auditorium arena to­ chief second, waving a towel aad three at ones. fines on ebargss of shoottaig a 30- focwitd sewmg with a flip oi a switch . . * tlee purposes have been installed run In this class, a puppy must Boaton at Plttebargh-(nltat)— tai terrtSo pain last, night The night It’a the second show of ths yelling that the Idd was through. Oh. wsU, there’s always another pound fawB and poassaalag dear Kemp's Record Department SuggesU Voterite (7-7) va Waria (11^). year. Help can come up from their darning adiuitmem;. , . Floating Presser Foob at Charter Qak Lots. have been whelped after June 1, hurt to up near the g r ^ aad nsw wrestling asaaon and It’a aura Referee Qmway agreed. meat 1348. New York a t ClnrtnnaU—(9 )—» to bo another "hit-parade’’ card. farm clubs, maybe. Cteurad Ropprit waa Baad |10B RADIO HITS FOR YOUR HOME Modem designed ctbineta. See the beautiful Jaiwsa (15-18) and Koalo (3-13) than te ao doubt it would hamper In the dreering room, Vlacual Good Beuad Advica The second atake to be run will hla awing. The feature attraction will be thought Pep'a ninth defenae of But thrir two main farms are on the poseeaslon charge. A Magic Staircase of Shoes New Horae sewing machine todaf! va. . . . Wahawlr (U-10) and Pox at Chattanooga and Oiarlotte, WibUn explalaad Jast how K “I NEVER SEE MAGGIE ALONE” be the Derby Stake, and thla wiU (3-13). Stan went to ateep with an elec- aa over popular AuatraUan tag the UUe be won la 1343 probably Phlladalphta, Sept. 91— for a one fall, 30 minute affair, in ■quahble when the champ first bandlera who have made names At Aoviam i* IN 763 MAIN STREET JELJ680 * THa: Br>rr i.% nuMs a p p l i a «n c i::> orivad a dsap i^lka wound la hla tha opsnlng eonteat which will be ■riUed I t t 3-4, 19 ouficea ovat the Hnmenf krisHliilre f0r> ttaBwdvss and Uwlr dogs la left thigh ta a at the plata Umlt Two hours latet, after 705 MAIN STREET F v m itiire mmI M usic Loo Angalea—Irish Bob Mur- Albuqusrqus, N. M,—BriM Nstf a 30 nUaute oaa faU canteaL two PLAINVILU STADIUM PtlONB 3-1485 545 MAIN BY past field trials have been con- Monday algtat, 'hw wound requir­ walk, and a trip to hla hotel, phy, 179, San Dlqgq, stopped I P**t o r tta iia ,. Gity, ou ^oin tef mors "aaw fMsa,” Johnny Galla ftpUTE 79 P in k ie Pu|ilele, 1(N, BskeiuflUd. I tseted and have agrssd to ket aa Peswte Sw tilglea' 119, , Los An ed four atltchea. gher, and Harry Armua will battle hit the required 195 nounda. 4 IQu lJudget. friaa, 13. K4,pisyed a major part la the It out. im t bout IS Hated at 8:30 Because both boys ^tracted to I UANCHESTSft EVENING BEtALD. MANCHESTER. CUNN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, IM t PACHI

U A N C H E S m EVBNINO HBRAID, MANCHI8TEIU OOMII, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER »lt 1>49 ItNlAKiit ll.l.h MH.K; BY FONTAINE PO l to the vrorld^tbo ana thegr’va^hr Haw ! 78 I Sense and N onseniie lad to roftHo and osat gat la "JTM Bail ■iCi P|4a 41 •1 WilhsRi Boors 4P O L D M A N * F i s h d r ' s F a m o u s F l i v v e n 14 ■ u e M b b S t "It a Bstsea win sat vary alewty. 9ot9ai$ 4 NICE PLEASANT room for re­ SIXROOM atofto, tosatod betwosa JdATTRSBaBK. lo m aM nwt* DOOjrociDi, tB f g m and uaao- YOUNO COUPLE PROM Bast center sad Porter atroste. bla haalai wfll »a nach kattar,” »> ■wao8 Taaoff TMog — Wha4 a CARPEirrBR Wart oC ail BRISTOL. COW .____ lUUo eenele orar tw» girls. Kltch- says a phyatetoa. Not to the case Many Idas! e x t r a c l e a n CARR AT and al- tiaas btorOiaad aad ramada Uke ea prieuegeo. Laundry sad alak rosst pantry, r e d u c e d PRICER 'Boot*, etdlnga. adt ‘ ta UP ROUSEiaaENNo ot a gr^ n g boy. If he ato slow­ abjadto wtth a pto- E v Friend—Every tima 1 Mas taiU nna A bo not aaw. Oal ienm iWattura aad of fund tore was aoU to qnlred. Phono 3-14S4 after 4. oU hot Enter boat Master bed­ yen tt makaa mo a batter meat 1#«7 PLTM0UTH '44>R. RPBC1AI» floor Oavortaa. IS OU. 1H. 9- room with drssslag room. Newly ly, he’d aeon starve to death.— tuiaaaua clarity. WkaaI traaolatadtr ‘ DELUXE—Radio, baatar, andir* RlaRart. Pbona S-OM. Mr. aad Mm.------pa May 14th. Kttchenar Oat Cba., Raeord -^Bl Baatopl WlH 19U. Uafortuaately. this youag ooapb decorated, oopper plumbing. Re­ dsnT try to eeexpleUly roform la iiifiiliw eitft fH?a***»R aad plaatio aaat oavara. c a r p e n t e r Work ot an ktada. ROOM POR rent Oreea oeetioa. cently pslntod. P m t end back —— I CigaiaUA Paper Extra daan. lariiiewtg oontmetora. AtOea tn - MATTREBSEa Re-mads and stsr- hava baea compelled to glee up Vrofaoser-Mr. SmlUi. wlU you vioDVA rite wagaa; TslsehonA aSm ^TbS. aMtoMT^dolMas vPMNry.aaA BEpplta 46 tbetar tUndture. A few 4byp ago, Board If doolred. 3-4444. porctaaa. Oosnsr lo t tw o-csr gs< csLAwiPim A orr. 1940 PLYMOUTH 4-DR, DEIAJXB labad. eabinat arork. altaratloiw. Utosd, Uks now. Wo caU for aad rags. Pries $ lt040. Ebra Tyler, ton^mT^y^ ^ at ^ ly optoym .______r e d a n —Radio and bcaUr. Oom- daivar aoywbarA Frank Fatt. 89 tMs fundtore was retumed to ae TWO LARGE joeeae tor tight oJrtlsman Instruasant: M ^ Eariy fistog has been defined by “ 5 m . Bou w * Darilnx R Daria. S and lu Wad- agaat watch so often? on# arrltor as mind ever mattrooA ^ fiaie motor oratbatd and aa«r Sooth Mato atraat, Oblehaatoa, BROILERa, 9 to 8% lbs avoraga, aad althongh R has beta uaod a hsuoekceplag tor couple. Also two Studsnt (suavely)—Yes alrl (IptettBs Tboator, i^lactrlcity Aradia peritomW’a wtfa kaamp' % m A, M ^»4»4S P. M. daB rood. Pbaoa *.R*R4 abort Usee, It looks Uke new aad shadow hen; life tnouraacA Man ohitoh. , Oran. Pbona Oolehooter 8SR 78a sock. PhoiM 94398. Slagle reoBM for goatlemaa. Can SPECIAL— Six roosm, ell b ^ t was afraid, aif, that you wouldn’t Doetor—n i oaamlaa yon for 95. 1940 PLYMOUTH »-DR. DELUXE alterations aad addlUono, Is folly gnarantoed. basement gnrage. Built in 18S8. have time to finish your tatorast oM-sge guarantee to fast at ease. cestlag ttoM, onyarap. r e d a n —Radio and baatar. Ex- TO SObfB RBSPONSIBLB Pattont—Okay. If you ftod It, SEE PAGE POURTEBIf eomplata dteban ramodaUag. Oa> Madeline Smltb, Rsaltof. 3-1443 laeturA rirl n i split wtth you. t n €Wmii» ragaa with gtaraatoad orarboad Pm ato iBalnirtlaEa 28 W aete6-j25"-PEUlry—^ PBRSeN WE WILL LEASE OOMPORTABLB room la prtvato Ha—Yon look sweet anongk to THIS PURNITURB POR THE or 4479. A woman was entertoinlag har IdM CHRYSLER 4-DR. ROYAL- doora. Bortoo A. Rica. Phooa S- hoBW. Near school sad bus. Oa­ friend’s small son: eaL WINDSOR. Extra daan. Radio BALLARD^a DMvtaf Sekool, taka UNPAID BALANCE ON EASY rage avaUable. Phoas 3-SS83. MANCHESTER—6-room Case Cbd It’s a qnsar world. 9S74. advaataga of aur ixpsrliaei aad Woman (after watching higt Remato aUeot and ethers eua- ■be—I do aaL Wlwra sbaff wa and baatar. „ WANTED -Oawa, aoivos and beat MONTHLY PAYMENTS with attached garaga. EnlR ta otraggls) — Aro you sure you goT , UtT HUD40N T«mpUn«, 4.^oor 194d CHRYSLER *-DR. SEDAN ana raputaUoa. AJI.A. aortlSsd to addition to tho fundturo. In- TWO OOMPORTABLB bed roosm paet that you are ignaraat; oatUa. otoo hoiaaa. Wa pay tka 1941. Located la qotot residential con cut your HMOtr Talk, and yon rameva an doubt m^Uk. rwilT. hMtar. lUeseesbU, —Radio and baaUr. A niM ear "Florists—NBiserlee 14 Msttnetor, dual eoatroMad oars. otaded Is a **Pldleo'' Electric Re- fbr couple or gsntlesua. Fho aelgbbothood. Beautiful groonda Uemms toeladod. Pbboa 9-t989. top dollar. Ptoia Eraa >84 Md- ■mall Bey (wKheot leokti^ up o f IL Wifa-Joha. dear, ooek M add ICaaebM^r an tba way. t frip ra to r, and a **BcagaT eem- 3-1430. T. J. Crockett broLef. Phone from his ptoto) — Oh, ysA Wa 19M DaSOTO 4-DR—Radio and PIRST-CLASS laadaoaplng won otrooL Maation range. thing happened today. TIm alodh kuar SCLL INt U vtm ry Making naw lawns aad p 9419. often have it as tough os this nt litU o WoBBsa (oemptatotog)— feU o ff Uw wan, and U tt h ^ boaUr. A real eraam puff- lid o furniture Ip Mioem by eppolat- hems. fsUsn a moment soottar, tt % s o li «• go tato I''« a 4MS- _ —Radio and haaUr. Oaan tnaida evening. If naeeaaery. Phone Hert­ ToRnsrsts 68 beat erreeas, laundry la baee- Hosband—1 alwayo said tho8 and o u t Oood tlraa. aaaortmant o f blna aprti i PIANO TUNWa rspatia, raaoa- ford 4-0388. Ask tor Mr. AlborL Bteat 7 years okL Near bue Bne, At what room UmperaturA If Husband (ratorttoa) — Disturb IM l PACKARD M in* dub eonpa. dRlontog. ate. Joha Oockarbam. BON Ant Pont BxooUttit oca eon- A TWO-ROOM tomlahed apart­ any, can a ataa aad woman be yen? Wby, I alopt like n leg. clack was alow. Opan Mon. and Thora. Branlnga arargraan traaa SOe aad i dlUanor. Rayomnd D. Mahnnty. ALBERTS Miapping canter aad sehool. Price Radio aad baatar. MacbaalcaUy BROWN-BEAUPRE. toe. 9-SOSl batwaan 5-4 aranlai 89 Btfrlow atraat Pbona 831R ment AU eoavealenees. Steam eomfortsbls when the wroman la tittle Woman (wailing)— Yoa good. Prirata owMr, 9d75. OdI 78 Wolant ottooL Maaohootor. 48 AOyn S t. Hartford 49.3M. Tsiepbaae Chartee Lssper- wearing one pound of dothkig Uke a log — with a aaw going Ws can't gat along iritk dyaamw ao BlaaaU S t______• Pbona Tltl all day Sunday, STS tonus 8918. Mala Store. Waterbury heat Private sxtraaoa. Very suit­ anee. 94M). at IM Park« atrtat. 7»6>. aua. East Hartford. able tor buelneei woman or work­ and the man Is wearing ntoaT through it! > buslnaaswornsn. 1947 OLDSMOBILE, M modd.' HelF WealeA—Feewla 66 Open dally to 8:86 ROYAL Corona portablo, 9mlth Thu re, evenings t il 9 P. M. ing couplo. Has to bo seen to be KENSINGTON SIrsst off Porter, fuHy a<]uippad. Ora ewnar. Can apprcctatod. CkU at 314 Sprues MICRICV FINN Tkt Rcaaonl LANK LBONAMtf Its? PORD STATION WAQON MOTHERS, erltb school started typowriiters aad good six-room atogls, axesUent ba aaan at M Oonnoetleut Boola- again expenses are kigbar. You addlag Bweklaas. i»a d i HERE’S TWO real buys ta home otrsat condition, extra large ttvtog roosa Oood laaltN-^Rood body vard. can Hartford S-7751, or] WAT^ RWMT.'WRL. PURMG TIC BAR' I'*' WE SPBdALlBE la rooSag aad caa asm that neadad aaoney by said er ranted Repairs aO frees rre. Ploor aampleo o f the Oar Wood air conditioned heat, ANPMKKEV'HnGOr Mancheatar SSBl. being an Avon ranreeaatatlva la original Deepfreese. One 9ve RENT SBBKERS-Wa are again new automatic gas hot water D U M0V » OVIR ID BKC 1MTER ANP oidiag. Higbaot quality matatlalo ter a 4 ml ted time only accepting ahautireflace ; |9S Down—Balanoa Easy your spars time. lEscaUaat eom- cubic foot model, originally beater, glassed to front OBd rear worh naanehip gnaraataod. A. A. appileatlaas to Sad you a reat MRMPfW. ] 6U«fHE WEKT MIDTICaMTRACTm’ IM W ESS NOT A MANSION- mlsslen. Per appototaeant write WINCHXSTlPt eeodsl 14 shotgun 9389.96, now just 8189.96. Deluxe porchee, screens and storm win­ -AND APPMCNTLY C HAS MADE . Dion, toe., 999 Autumn straet 19-gaugd Win eh eater modal 75 19 eu ft model with all the flxln’e Wo do our utmost to placs you NVIfffilMPNDMA r-Tot; furnished for working couple. 7778. aad moderate pricta. Poggla S for selling 100 boxes 81 for 31 other baby itema; boy's deluxe heater. Phone 3-1019. Telepbons 8-0118 or 3-0578. 1988 DODGE 4-DOOR 1937 FORD CLUB CONV. printlhg eet Rsssonabla. Phone LOT—100 X 140. No utilities. One Peterman. Call Manchester 3438 Xmas cards. Also 50 and 25 for TWO MODBXi keroaene ranges at block from buA 9400. CaU 6379 SEDAN Small Down Payment or RockvlUo 3163. 91 with name .on. Napkins and 4211. RESPONSIBLE fsmUy of tour bo- Bharply cut prices, deluxe model tog avlctod. Urgently need 5 or after 8 p. pL Balance Up To 34 Months stationery. Costs nothing to try. originally 999.95, now only 1984 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR BLUMBINQ and boating, epoclal- Samples on approvsL JeweL 401 g room rent References. CaU COLE MOTORS—4164 Ixtag In repalra ramodaling, cop­ Boats sr6 A cc— iorirs 46 949.58; Rangette style, original­ 7345. SEDAN W. Somerset street Dept 16, ly 984.95, now $4488. Montgom­ Sabarban for Salt per water ptpl^ new ooastruo- PhUa, P a ______MERCURY, Champion, Flambeau. Uon, eatlmataa given, time pay­ ery Ward. FOUR OR FlSe room house for 4 NEAR CRYSTAL LakA 6 rooms Oervtoes Offered 18 Chria Craft motora. Lyman. adults. No ehildrsn. Call Man' •' BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. ments arranged. Edward John­ WANTED—Girls for selling end Dumphy, Pann Tan boats. Ssk and bath. In good condition, 156 Contor Straet son. Phono M79 or 7993. office work. Apply Montgomery FLORENCE two-bumer, Sustefs Chester 3-3581 any time. chicken coop, 1% acraqjand. lov­ VENimAM BUNBMs, 41 ssrvles. trsds toram. Small boat fhons B464S" Ward.______hardwara. Rsibart Melatoah, oU heater. OsU 3-9790. BUSINESS CbupM would like to ers] apple tresA On hard road. made to order. atsa-iersB I EFFICIENT PlumWng aad beat- School bus stops at door. 91,500 lag. Best qusUty. Pindell Manu- lag. Pluggad drains machine RELIABUI Girl er Woman to do Harvard Road. NEW EUECTRIC stove, dsmsged obtain 3, 4 room apartment Call 1945 OLDSMOEOUE 4, good run- 3-4254. cash required, bslsnoe $4,100 i oiag order, 9100. Can h* aaan at facturing do., 486 Middle ’Ture- clsaaed. Cbri J. Nygrsa. Pboas houeework for email family. Prt' In transit. For ssle at half price. easy monthly payments. Tom Oaorgo'a Baoo SUtton, com er pike E ast Can 4866.______8407. fer one who can live In. ExceOent Diasiowda— Wateln s ■ The Village Charm Store, 345 Minor. Agent TeL Rockville 399. Itolo sad BtaaeU streets. Salary. OaU 5083.______Main. RADIO — Elsctrical Appliaacsl Jewelry 46 Hotamp for Sale 72 STATE HIGHWAY, Lake Pocoto- Berrios, rspalra picked up rM inineij—Dreasnaking 19 BARGAIN Christnsae Cards, 60 CREAM Bungalow stove, oil and 0. M. C. ^-toa pickup. Com- LEONARD W TOST, Jeweler Re­ THIS LOVBXY ciutom built home psug. Large comer lot, with at- overhauled, 9850. Phone delivered promptly 80 ysararj ' for 91.25 up. Faet-SeUers pay gas, perfect condition. Phone tractive little cabin. Excellent Phone] big. Up to 50e on 21-Card 91 as­ pairs and adjusts watchsa sxpsrt- In delightful section, now vacant axperienoe. John Maloney ALTERATIONS made on women’s j 8303 after 5 o’clock. attractive living room with Ore- poeelbllltles. (beach privileges). 3-1046. i Walnut street garments. Call 2-4370. sortment others. Experience un- ly at reasonable priesa. Open POR SALE—Plpelss “Ropnd Oak” place and picture window, dining Owner transferring to Colorado neceeesry. Get wortment on sp- Thursday svsnlngs. 130 Spnies Springs. Pries slsshad for quick DB-LONO'S Rafrigerator eairica.1 provsL Free pereonsl Chrletmss strsst Pboas 3-4M. hot air furnace and side arm gas room with picture window, large EXCELLENT Repairs on an maksa eommsr- Minincrp—DresMaaking 19 beater. .Call 5551. bedroom and bath all on one sale. Pay 9550 cash and the bal­ csrda PhUUps Ckrd, 129 Hunt Ooor, space upstairs for two large ance easy termA Inquire Dorsey clal aad domsstie. Bmargaacy 84-1 Newton, Msea 3948 CBBVROUEP CLUB COUPE hour asrvlca. Phonq 8-1797. CUSTOM MADE a oth ss to Ot In- Psd sRd Poati 4tA 1348 Apartment Use gse stove for rooms, hot water heat, oil bum Realty, Ckpltol 'nnk Building. TXEBTMAnrrER divIduaL Win work from printed ssle. Excellent condition. ’TeL er, breesewsy, attached garage, Hartford, 0-3467. ALL APPLIANOBS earvi^ and] pattern or wiU originate. Dreaaes, Help Wanted— Mate 66 SEASONED Hardwood out for 7074. large wooded lot. Wm. Goodchild. heater, defroster, road rspalrad, bumam refrigerators, Srcplace or furnace. TeL 8671. Sr., Realtor, Office 15 Forest BOL’TON—Modem nsw four-room suits, coats, gowns and play- single now under construction Ights, seat covers, ate. rsngsa. waabam etc. AH work clotbss. Phone 3-3309. SALESMAN to work with Man­ H. B. Pomeroy, Coventry. REMNAN’^ , Uroleu'm and wall strsst 7925 or 8591. chester branch mrJtager of Hart­ eoveringa, one-h-.‘* price. Lan- situated just off main highway guaranteed. Metro Servico Oo. SBtoSONED Oak wood, cut any Priced Right—Tenne Right TSL Maacboster 3-0888. VIENNESE Milliner, recenUy of ford concern. Prefer married ger’s's ^loor covering, 41 Purnell HAMLIN Street, 10, room duplex overlooking Bolton Lake, hot air length. Delivered, 815 per cord. heat, oil burner, automatic hot At London and Paris, will remodel man. Car easentUL Liberal In­ r a cice. i Phone 2-4133. Formerly pre-arsr built all modem conven­ RADIO CUnlo* protoeta your In­ or create Individual stylea Phone come. Several quality Unaa of Bast Hartford 8-8884. Ward’s Farm Store. iences, one spartment oarnsr oc­ water heater, large picture win­ vestment Our low overhead aavea Hartford 48-0613. Madame Mari­ home ImprovenMnts. Address SEASONED Hardsrood cut to cupied. Ideal coawenlent locaUon. dow, nice lot, lovely birch trecA DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES you money. Call today It your ana Box X, Herald. Phone 5053. boating, bathing, Osfalng privi- radio or eloctrical appllaaeaa need order for Sreplace, furnace aad PRACnCATXrT, Nsw Lawson Uv-1 24 Maide St. Manchester Moring—Trseking— range. Imedlate diellvery. B. \J. ledges practicaUy to your back repalm 110 Spruce atrsst Phone EXPERIENCED Gas station at- tog room sa t 395. Phone 5827. 21 ’TURNBULL Road—A pre-war yard, 97,800, down payment 91.- S to r s g * 20 Begin, Olastanbuiy 8-29U. 5079. ______tendant wanted. Pay start 950 HOME DEEP Freese, 11 cu ft built 5-room homa with two 300, full monthly payment 945.48, rooms partially completed. Extra EDDIE IS DOING it again at| a SMb s , RubMsb *>»-1* per week. Vacation alth pay. Ap- Brand new. Reksoasbie. Phone occupancy Nov. le t Call Wm. LINOLEUM — Asphalt tUa. waU attlci cleaned. | ply to person, on WllUs Garage. tiSrdoB—Kans-eOslnr large living ro'.m with Oreplsce, Goodchild, Sr„ Realtor. Office 15 CUrka Motor Saiea Broad street ooverlng. Dona by rallabla well- tore, yards and 2-2314. TeL 3-3013. Bulck 1941 aedan, Dump truck for hire. Sand, loam, 18 Mato street Manchester. PraSsrta 601 nice modern kitchen with break Foreet etreet 7925 or 8891. tralnad men. All jobs guaranteed. COMBINA’nON Olenwood. oU fast nook, complete home with 8896; Buick 1941 club conv„ 8793; graveL 511 and stoao. James s : Hall Linoleum Oo., S3 Oak street WANTED—Un> arried man 40 or APPLES sad grapes for sale. CkU and gas rangp. In gpod condition. garage, screens, storm windows, Bulck. 1989 club conv„ $445; Ptaons 3-4033, evenings'5158. Macrt. Phone 4828. over; employed or unemployed, Snborbaii for Sato Chevrolet 19M sedan. 995; Ford after tour o’clodc at 970 Hack- Call 8027 or toVUre 21 Florehcs porch, etc.. Beautiful lot 75' to serve as rssldsnt night esro- 170’. Handy to bus and Merritt IH l club sonv., 9745; Ford 1941 SAWS Filed, k ejs made, mowers EMPTY VANS to and from all nmtack etreot All day Saturday] street after 8:30. * VERNON—New 6-room home, taker In return for free heated • ...... — Parkway. Immediate occupancy. tudor sodsa, 9555; Ford 1939 4- abarpsaed. csitboards and - air states. Assured return load, and Sunday. TeL 3-8348.'• breeseway, attached garage. ratea. United, 122 West street room and bath. Write Box Z, Price for quick sale at 313,000. door, 9896; Ford 1935 conv., 9175; cooled engines repaired. Capitol Herald, giving name, address and LAI^E concord Gropes for ssle, MarIliHcry and Tnola 62 Blendalr beat Larga lot. Nice Olds. 19^ sedan. 9295; Olds. Phone 8375. Robert J. Smith, Inc.. 953 Main I Equipment 85 Main straet- ) present status. 91.» basket. PhllUp Farr, 1271 street. Phone 3450. trees. Garden space. Near Wil­ 1938 ssdsn, 9395; Olds. 1988 CTBIENT Mixers, large and small bur Crosa Highway. Immediate PETER W. PANTALUK si«:triesl MANCancSTBR Package Delivery. Charter Oak ctreeL fhons 2-8043 ssdaa. 9195; Pscksrd 1938 sedsn,] Local light trucking and package TOP NOTCH Fumlturs and ap­ Repairs for For^son, Massey- MANCHESTER, West Center occupancy, 910,riX). Tom Minor. 9895; PonUac 1941 sedan, 9795. contractor, maintenance and wir­ delivery. Refrigerators, waahsrs pliance t***»"**" wanted for new PICK YOUR own tomatoes. ] Harris, Oliver, CIstrae. New-used etreet S-famUy house, 18 rooms. Agent. T el RockvUIe 209. ing tor light and power, 40: Foo­ and stove moving n specialty. store opening to Msneheetar. Bring containers. 35a basket tractom,equipment Dublin Trac­ 4 room 1st door apartment avail ter street Pbone 8808. - - Pto)ne 3 -0 y2 .______Phone Hartfort 2-6141. Robotto’s Farm, Btich Mountain. tor Oo„ Norto Windham Road, abls in 80 days. Full price 911 BOLTON — Large Immaculate , ECONOMY^PLUS WlUlmanUfc______000. Phone 7728 or 8278. Brae Cape Ood, with all 0 rooms On- I ANTIQUES RaSnlabad. Repairing UQHT TRUCaONa Half-tool Ished. Tils bath, enclosed porch, done on any furniture. Tiemann, Sitsstioiis Wantad— H osffiM i O*oda 61 Bum. one-csr gsrsgs, approximately 3 H In TUs NEW RUGGED 189 South Mato straet Phone pick-up truck. No asboa. no| rubblah. Phona 3-1370 or FMNals 28 Magical liMtmncnUi 68134 CRESTWOOD Drive. Open for scree, Including f-ult tresA T. J. TON WILLTS 5048. FELT Base rugR Sorala, tUss. SPINET PIANO, mschaalcsUy Inspection today, 3 to 4 p ft)., 5:30 O o ck e tt Phone 6416. FLOUR Problems aolvsd with RUBBISH and sshoa removad. la-1 WILL DO typing at home. Address martdss, kookod aad niuraary to 8:30 p. m., 8 room Cape Cod,, PICKUP TRUCK etoerators cleanse. Sand, gmval stotenmnts. Pick up pattsma to elooaa from. Not(ot aU perfect, tuned to oroheetrsUon linoleum, asphalt tile counter. pitch. Spanlah guitar and trem- two partly ftolshed, oil hot water Expert workmanship, free astl- and cindeis. Van servleo aad aad deliver. Manchester 3-1519. pattoma to aU atoaa.-3al5 reg. Waat«6—Koal Batata ' For,Only 9205 Down local moving. Phono H. M. Jonea. 81340, spMtol 88.47; 9x13 rag. sloa (stther type). Both new. heat storm artodows and screens, r matea Open evenlnga Jones’ BABY SITTER availabls, days or priced for quick ssle. CsU 4313. Insttoted gas stove. 78’ frontags. FOR QUICK RsB Jite to aelUng sis tt Today At Furniture, Oak street Phone 3-1862. 3-8073. 99.75. spadal 18.49; 9x10.6 tag. Enclosed rear yard. Occupancy oventogA BxosUent refsrenoes. 98.00 s ^ a l 8547; 7.6x9 reg. your property call Ed Kraeenica. 3-1041. THE AUSTIN A. Chambers CO., Tsl. 3-3156. BRAND NSW Gulbrsnaen piano. October 15 or before. O.I. mort­ Suburban Realty Co., RealtorA 40 |g.70 spactol 94.44; 8x13 rag. gage arranged. Price 910,500. DeCORMil^t MOTOR SALES local moving, packtog, crating 83.00 spactol 8044; Jx9 15.45 OrtglnaUy 8695. speclaUy priced Perkins strsst. T sl 8215. I aad stomga - I Priesa Reaaonsbis Bstato SpectaUst Odd Fellows BrptherA Wairioi—To Bay 181FOUR ROOM SlngU. Twe unSn- PL1 ' man’s shirt collars rsvarsed a Snlsb^ FuUy toaurad. Bxpact | Best Bloodltoea, Grades, Pursbreda Building, at the Oentar. (Ready work. Naw 1949 waUpapar nooks. Ishsd up, oil fumacs, good loca­ {JBEDAN raplaesd. Marlow’s UtUs Mmdtog TWO HOT Air furaaoes complete. BUYING Used fumlturs buyers with cash waiting.) Shop. Edward R Prioa. Pbona 9-1009. SIMMONS Also two York oil burasrA Caa I tion, 90,500. Phoas 8. A . Beech Phona 3-1107.______;TWO-DOOR Silver 8t Manebestor bouseboid goods, any quantity. ler. 8069. INTERIOR AND Exterior paint-1 bs bought ssparatsly. Phoas 7738 Tba Woodahad. 11 Mato stroat! or 6378. WANTED — Lot approximately tog. Average room papered, 913,] TROPICAL FISH, plants, tanks Call 3-8184..______McKEE STREET -6-room slnglt 00 t 100. By local veteran. Med-- Including paper. OeUtogs raflniab-1 and acosasorisB. KsUsy’s Aquar­ WESTINGHOUSE ref rinrator, | 7 years old. FIrepUce, hot water ium priced. Phone 3-0101. ium. 89 Sunset straet Pbone M. BxceUent workmanship. Ray­ 1948 model, best offer. inq Rooms Without Boarff 6V| heat oil furnace, gsmgc, smesite mond Fisks, a-9387. Open 'tU 9. drtVA weU shrubbed lot. immedi­ WANTED Tb Bqy, 4 or S room 138% BlsseU straet rear. ate occupancy Briced for quick bouse, Immediate oecupaney, have BURGLARY Biauranee. Ybe cheap­ I FURNISHED, Heated, room, near FLOOR OevaringA printed lino- center. Continuous hot water. sale. Howard R. HsaUngs, Real -on ly 91.100 for dawn payment. est form Is k dog. See our A.K.C. Estate Specfkllst, Odd FeUows What have you to offer? Call ColUee. 509 Keeney street Pbone Isum, yard or rug alsA Inlaid Gentleman preferiM CaU 3-3176. Unolsum. Floor tiUA plaatio Bldg. T e l 3-1107. 3-905S after.7:80 p. m. « 8378. ______. wan tldss. Your bast buy to pries NICELY FumUbed room fte 1 or FOR 8ALB-r3*famlly house, aU WILL PAY cash fbr and 8 BNGUSH SETTER. mslA 4 years and werkmanship. Open mntogA 8, near buA 5 minutes from 8 PersonsUsed FloorA Chsnsy's. Oil hast continuous hot ImprovementA bam and 18 acres duplex In good loatolon. Write old. Inquire 70 Parker street aft- laad. Phons 6003. Boa V, Herald. sr A 3-9399. water. ^-4443. WBUWMPAT, SEPTEMBEl tl, l*4f ftottfllfgter Cpfttteq VmiUi i iagw— a « W * lll■ ■ lll I A f i n f i IM f H«$PrMi Work ef good gvb^^wM “to do right to H m Oeo4 Wiapliard 0 « M » the eyee _ j i e M a card party aad aaka Noted Visitor The prue far the K o ilN n i Itton ha hbi baoi aoUre to l O A N OM ■ala for Moaday araa te f. daptoBi; Bad CNM. T . M. a A. deaeted by Ittohard Carpawtar and 3 W A Y S 9,SS8 Ss. Mwud OrrUh d*®***^* bar M. at tbo eoaraat ^ »>* and Bey Snout work. I by a new Or. An- gbaphard, flteaoa araaaa. H y t - At Club Meet SuFuttm K^ralh r iniomae. 5 ^ juMM Uku"; t»u«w»r. ^ Mr. CbImB apoka artafly on Cha­ •vorytMagi tord.-fer Um parpoaaa^ ay ^ nda maaUaoad the aauur soa- Mamche$ter” " A City o f VtOage Charm Kagtiil; UbrarUn. Mrr. j « « * q to ftaaBctog tSa • x p M M a < i^ ■Suttlao tlMre. Chnadlana are at U m annual maatlng e f the Fed- dal walfara aarricaa a t tha toatt* Manager of the Ottawa work dorekoptog and puMitog thatr aratod Cardan Chiba of Oennoetl- tituoik Mra. Lawraaca ^ ragaa bordare northward. OU has bean out win ha bald Wadnaaday, Oeto- MAWagw.;"lte^Sste^anre?? MANCHBgTEB. CONN,, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, lf4 t (EIGHTEEN PAGES) la ohalrmaw ot tba card party Board of Trade, Talks bar a at tha Baptlat chun LXYin., Na PRId IDURdil comailttoa. MaiHshaater womoa found hi Alberta aad Iron ore to atraat, SugMd, With the YOL. m teteraatad to atteodtog n u ^ a»aka About Canada Labrador. Ik a mala topio of hte Carden Chib no hoMme. Tha laaanraHiaia by calltog tba eoa^ talk eraa on Rotary aad bo adrlsad momliig eemlnn w ill open at 10;LS. • WalrtL ___ optnloa If every Ro- Membora erbo bring luncbaa wU vMit or Mlaa Harriot Bama, The notary Club waa h aaor^at tarlan would live up to aad carry l-rm esnsanvi ' ruMt usM f sy rdw At Opening of UN Gonerol Assembly gg^ITTO, Hartford. Its maottog at tha Oouatiy C^ub be aorrod oofroa by the hotoeae out tha Ideals aad objoetlvee of the chik or they may maho reaorra- Purlnr itrw t 2.“Sd's;*sSi^ laat oigm, by baring an outetond- Rotary Chib It .would not only ba FINANCX Ca Steelworkers Put China Seeks Action Uona for hmehaon at 1 p. m. In M t t « •• BH 1 o « A apaclal aarvtca for young poo- tog ^ t o r OtUwa. Oaaada. la win ba bald thia orantog at a batter world but many probiame the Baptlat and Oongragatlonal gad flaw • SfAU TIM ItoOMra CtocI* of Um day for BrWgoport. to William J. CUraa, manager of tha surrounding world peaoe erouM ba churchaa in guSlaia th itn ^ Mra. PM mnm mtm hold lt» fr^ m a n year • » “ to :80 to tha galTatkm Army clta- Ottowa Board of Trada «»d ^ doL FoUowtog tba mooting tha eolTod. Ha oompared tbo etand- Chariaa B. Smith. Si8 Froapact OMtttiW »uM««»y L J i rooM Sobool for mar aaatatant rtoa praaldent e f tlM arda e f tba.ehib with religion aad ■treat. New Haven, 11. before Oo- td d ii Off Their Walkout laU. UWTWiUy of group win anjoy a watoar roaat Ban TWaphoaM. J fr. Oalina to wy at tha homo of Mr. and Mra. ^ toM tha «it r«»rtTt the seeret tober 1. To Foil Communism sjt.-rijsss^” ”' gho waa known for his outstanding work to cheater High achool to Jun*. thur Klttla of Summit atraot TOa Rotary and for hia many d rlc oow- Oerp Cadate Blbla atndy hour udU tributlona to our neighborly coun­ tharafora be odrancad to d:15 to­ For Another Week U r ot The ProfoartoiMl try. Ha la past preatdant of ^ wUl hoM tte hrat night Ottaara and Montreal Rotary, di­ „ « « « . Tuaaday a ^ ^ . O O o ^ Tha mJdwaah prayer aad Bible rector of tha Montreal Engulfing Far Easi 4, to CJanter Oiurch houaa. A pot atudy period will taka place thla •mor of tha 88th Rotary Dtetrlet. chairman of tha A d r lw y o « » ®)!‘*"’*.f®“T ,*“^^ABks Straterb arenlng at 7:80 at tha Church of Gomniittee Jo iiib la * tha Naaarena. mittoa, chairman of International duatrjr ia Agreeing Also Charges Russia G e t B e n e fits Chinese Reds Found D ead T o. Traman'fl Pleat reding Chinese Murray Willing to Connoetleut AFL Re- Nearer Amoy munists; OUef Talk Again Tomorrow new Demand on In­ gate to United snranee paym ents Ground Yielded by Na* tions Asserts No Af.T. DEPTS. Are Participating In PittaboTfh, Sapt. 22.—— Cbtoasa Saturday midnight and it tiMureiwa beaeflta. Cbmmunlst forces moved on tha New York, Sept- agraad to raauma conVraet Dolegates to tha FeSeraUoa big seutbaaetam seaport of Amoy talka iramadiataly. Tha mil- ■iBeenaly approved a — China called on the Unit mertlng otrlkara had Oa of «M OaHai Natloas Oaaeral AaaaarfNy la today. Nations Assembly today Satin and Taffeta lion-mambar union’i Policy right la aapoet hatp N. T „ ara r. Vlahkiriij, kaai aTtka Soviet delegadea. aad Farriga BUa- Tha Nationalists yisldsd ground >■ $1.35 Van Raalte Hosiery Making commltta* jotoad tadoa- set quickly to prevent tlM dinid. ' m\ ^ TacMtew d^lMmiftM. BmMt Bi to tha mainland area aorthaast . ■ ...T try to agreatag to Praaldaat Tra- “ Bmployora,’* it aaaertad “aia I fraaa VlahSority. Frias tka veto far the prerideaey af of tha Island where ths former munisra from engulfinf'. Hats Reduced SMB'S aim tor mtoiMtoa a f i tla lafttSda traae the g hrakea dkay flam hallatteg witk tka caator treaty port to situated 830 mllas end the entire Far ESsst 3 Doys O f SpBciol Values Front The Domestic Dept* atrika truea uatll 13:01 a m. ■ Treasury departaeaat tf thoy eof. aast-northaast of Canton. the first time, China At NEW LOW PRICES urday, Oct. 1, aad qtoek raaunp- for loaaas durtog a prevteua tan Diapatchaa arid tha Nationalists Extra Special ttoa of bargalatag. blew up a bridge spanning tha chaired that Russia was Saml-Mwar Oluslon UrM quality nylon hoMary *" new tap colore. $2.00 Off On Any Hat la This Groop Extra SpecUdl 3 Dayt Only ynep perted.** rseting the Chinese Ratotorcad hoela erlth da* toe for extra wear and St. Manray, wka had rafUaed to go AaUoa eaato after Secretary- Chiultog river 30 mllas northwaat Sacosd Floor- Maaafacturer’a Closaout—Wbik They Last I back to the coafwaaoa tabto imUl Ttaaaurer Joseph M. Bouriu teed Qash Outside of Amoy, which :■ mainland haad- Btoto. mREGULARS OF NATIONALLY KNOWN ladiMtry aaeapM tha paaat tor- tha aaaual eoaveattea, that Navy Court Insists quartars for tha Nationalist South Na Banter ta Bm I REG. 39c LADY SYLVU srato of Mr. T roM a’a fboC And- pcaoeat jeW tm toauraace law east China command. CaUna’s chief daiagate. Or. TJ ara, diBcloaad ho la taktog atapa to OUad arlt t “baoby jty a .* * _ Bell AircraftI Artkar T. OastteM (kbave). I Tstang, toM the as natu $ 1 .1 5 pr- ranwv talka as aorty as toaaofTmr, Symington Testify In nearby Kwaagtung provtocA af Fswtaehat, B. L, waa tax gatioBs that tha North Type 128 Sheets KIDDIE STORY PLASTIC COATED thara waa ao toiiaadista raaettoo A piapeaal to pay JeUoae a mixed Rad force of 5,000 ragu Ttaat to darih ta a Now York brisi pact had haltad tha Sow «ff < 16- New Fall Dresses torn Mg nwnpaiilaa. to atrikaiB, suppoatad both A t Least O n e H u rt So-| tors and irregular* waa raportad aas jwterinj .A vatecaa at muntom aefoaa BnropA but Tha setlan aaiM aa wOdast by the C FL aad tha C90. waa 4a- t; antranchtog to tha mountains near both WatM watS, Ihta photo MM* was no such barrlar ta t te ~ $1.00 Sheer Seamless FOR 8 DAYS ONLY watopato Mnt dawn two Fltte- faatod la tha ISM saariaa af rkrasly b s Unionists Offer to Answer Any Tungyun. 105 mllas north-north- bka ta tte aalfiras af a BaMi "The Chtasaa Communist b iu ^ atari plante aad Mad 8.400 0$B$pul AMunMjfa aast of Canton. aat af HOKasy psllea la Wartd ba arid, “ to aa Integral pari Regular $13.98 72 X 108 — Place Mats Bourka, aat of tka labor liaSara And Non-Strikers Mix| Questions in Writing News Tidbits war n. (AP wtoapbato). $X.79 wariiars. nekoU carried atgaa Raporte from tba * northern tetematlonal Oonunnalat arha uiiauceaaafully ihisiptni R o w ...... * ...... $12.00 damandlBg “Btrika—No MonTlK- Not Satisfoctory to front to Hunan provliioa elrimad msnL It to aa fanatical as Nylon Hosiery kgtalatlaa la tha Aaaoari BnOala, N. T „ Sapt. 83 CaDsd From (/P) WIrw TOO Rad Irragulara surrandarsd to raunist slsawhaiA Its toM tha oaavoatlaa'that aaopla go TidmlrtT aad aaa atrlhara ekekad A d m ira l P residin g tha Natlonaltoto who recaptured to always to tuna w it «eo naadla, IB and 80 danlar. diet quaUty hoalaTy. Knit to St Taka advantage of thla wonderful aala and buy 8 or t at thla Monay and tha todaotry doad- oa atrika “Bot bocatMO tlMy wi Sailor Awaits propagUMta. Its actloa la X 9 c each at tka atrika-bound BoD Alrctaft Pretty 83-yaar-old mother ta Juchang Tuesday. Juchang to 170 perSaetly. prloa. A ll tha nawaat atylaa, matariala and eolora. 81 X 108 — loekad ail sceaptonca af a pr ' to, hut bScaaaa thoy hava to. mllas north o f Canton •mm n /-k a I to jiU p with Moacow's aettsk,**'^ $X*98 dantlal board'o paaca rmrnmta *nMy*ia fighttag tor thalr vary Otepk plaat today. At la Washington, Sopt 22.—atch to the Hong Kong Stand­ “ In addiUoB, tha Sovtot . Special $ J .9 8 Tba undarsbarlll idantlSad tha mant to aaa Symington, at the board to enforce state taws regu- Await InsUaetlana through tha Chlnaaa Ooi ...... TIm laooiaUaB alao said: 'Potentially Dangerous* aon-atrlkar Involvad as Harold ard today said Oonununlst storm 3 9 c each Reg. $3.69 Specud $3.29 aecretary's office, at 8 p. m. tariag charitable traats aad ra- troops reached tha Fukien Ha arid Submarine Base offlciria party, has an tostrumant Tha duly dMgnatad negotiattag HarU. B A B Y S H O P aonmlttaao of tao ankm aia hara- T ro p ic a l D istorb- ( t A t ) . strictlng and prohIblUng opera­ coaat oppoaito the toland o f Amoy bad dacUited to ralaass Rush pend lavar with which to undsimta(p( Shortly after tha incldaat about While the Navy court pressed tion ef aucb tnista to rompetitiva tag apaclfle tastnictlona from_tba todspsndenco and tatsgrttF Two smart pattama In roaa, blue, graan, gold, flamingo, peach Full and twin bad zUaa. Heavy weight mualln with taama all antarpriaaa ara made by Rhode Secretary of tha Navy whA a • $1.00 Lace Trim al Diggings ratad aacUaaa today. ment of the A ir Fbroo'a big bomb­ WUl Be Qose day by memhers of Rush’s family Printed Plastic Cloths Mattress Protectors Tha ontlia Toxaa coast remalaad In Gas Blast rest In rilagod plot to put 10AM,- to rapraaant him, arid bs wss Flashes !i er, with the augfoetlon that it SM taka tkree cent stompa Ihto I ths a l ^ aa a still undsvalqpaS covers Forrestal's ^Information on writing Instructions on whsthsr (Im tal icn^ 7 9 c each Special rtnt^ -s f