' a I > t i * TUESDAY, SEPTSMBEB IMS I M y Hal P Ths WsstlMr f ig a a i IM8 e U L M N e t o 4Utuli»c^ gpMtteg l»raU> 9 ^ Sten-e C h * wffl be e W ______ lE iiP tttttg H rra U i naltaB Hlebolaon, Antotea ■ ^'1 Annual Bazaar Slartla Burna. Antheay lai«n*L will 1 Anbtn haada tha Vajar- Hnwcfcggfgr A O ty • / VQUge O im rm XbontTown win ha aadated hyO af- HALE’S ****?!S* '**wonkiy * . At S t F ra n d s' Weddings _______ jhdaoa, 0 a m VOL. LXVHL, N a 899 ea fsge U) NANCHESTBB, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1949 (TWENTY PAGES) pRioirouROri vttA WUUara Baaa, Thaaraa RdUy, Wed. Morning Speciah m a u r Franda MeOrath. South Wiudsor Parish Tha aaiaS toy both, BUa I d a ^ ^ ^ __ AObory Propurinig for Erentt ehaiga, aaalatodSgr H m O w l: •. MnL'San toy booth ONE GKOUF OF FI— IW Follow Explosion as Train Hits Gas Truck r ’ca w A h - j J ^ m t to T h e C o m m i t t e e s KnsdimMa hi chaise, aaddad %y Acheson Believes Truman Asks Steel Bophla and S ly g ^ *fSysTir SVaaoto o f Aariol ohureh, tho candy horibooth, erlth UM In dw rse, Ann l nd Mlaii win *• *wwpa> whieii la aitnated oa Itoato Sd, B - DRESSES °rsr 2l?^.'5f iS a «laM n ta«^ —cM«»- *•* Sngton road. South WIndmr, an- IheFloh Pend, Sira. ThemM East-West Rows S S ” Boptomhor * . ot • oeto*. joa tha opoaiag af tta Math Deherty in charge, aadatnl J 7 Strike Truce Last Haaifw tf g«— • tTShiS^ ggai: nl Raaaar, Friday ovanlat, Mra. BtaUa SaleiSia, Sira. S te ^ Reduced for Final C leanm ee a Ig krritod. H w hersi^ otooy Stead. Mra. Martha Rairiaoa. S te a tM o r H—ka » at Soptombor tS at alght e’cloek and cotttocted to hr^ ^ tha foUowlag ovantog. Saturday at Oartnida Lawla. Sira. AUaa lltor- Can Come to End to como V aaam hour. bartek; the punch board with Mra. omownt 0* » « J T - - £ ? m h toT John Cttrtln to charge, aadatod to td r Wtw TMk to- ca The kaanar win foature 10 REG. VALUES Warns Peacefnl Sola- tions D TSTt or p r * » o * ~ Mie. Jaaea CalUbaa. Mra. Joaai^ For Days More S m thuimtay. An o m « ^ bootha. letroAunant stead and a $3.00 - I w o ( Hi t ****""- who mtoa hoeth. Piteoa wUI ha award­ KUdry, Sira. Joba Lawton. Mra. T O $ 8 .9 8 Hon Win Not B e nHt«*"g ot » o'clodi win procodo Bdward CWtln, Onrlana Bautha. News Tidbits ■t tho Hotel Oon* tho onppor ___ ed b o tt Bighta. Quick or Easy; Prom- COmmHtpoa arraagtag tha affair Slary CUrtln. C a M PiMB (m Wires Also Requests Direei u ei Oonaral Chalrmaa. John Law- RefraahmanU will bs lahen cars iaes 59 National Dele­ Lewis Turns T o Hang mnXim In tho h**®!*®* ton; ehairlady, Mrs. Allan Barb*- of by Mt. and Mrs. Paul Blalakc ALL SALES HNAL Bargaining Betwneii rick; tieaauror, John Curiln. 0th- and Mr. and Sira. WlUiam Kata- gations Nation Ready Dofanaa oomtanda that prooaeo- convocotlon wWch te to te M O t<rc1l tlon la San Praaelaeo trial haa Union and CximpanieRf aie oa tho general comnrittoa fn- To Do Its Part provan that Iva Togurf D* Aquino T o C onfabs thU oronlng ot 7:10 to *52, duda Dannis Rlotdaa. Bdward Cot- Tha grocery booth with Mra. Second Floor Steelworkers' Answfr g!!::ssyiss;s^ Tomplo. RofroohmonU wtU foUow tln, Paul BtoMw. Mrs. John CMr- Bruno Patrla In diarga, aaaMod dM aa4 aammM tfia iia agalaat Pootor Holfotooii ooyo tho tho mooting. to Sira. Antbony Sagerdd, Mra. tha V . 8. ; Chjnoaa Communlat S S ^ r o n S i oonod T o r Such A Un. Mrs. JanMS OoUahan. Mrs. New York, Sept. 21.—</P) announoaa Talks Whh Northern Will Be Decided ait John Lawtoa. Mrs. Btena Salaakla. Hden Ahern, Sophie and Fieaeaa Tao^hng announ —Raerstary of Stata Achason la rolpiacilping tha aatobIMimant of ThteAoTMo." • Ouoitoo J. AgooUnom. m ^ Mra Mrs. Paul BlaMd, Sira, nmmaa Maieoakl, Ann HaUoweU. Oartnide Meeting of Wage-Pol* Burnham, Irene Edteit. ESaabeUi today re-affirmed his belief “ tho Paomaa Rapitolle o f China.' And Western Coal dHdgo otroot, hoo coogtetedte^ Mtoa MarUyn Btancho Savory, Doharty, Shlrloy Enas. At tho ^ Tho »«oi»dly OrcU ^ m f Khool hold to a A o^ , Tho morrlogo of Miao B o ito n Pntrla Breen. Tlcketo, Shirley Bnea t I m that east-wsat differancar Oavaraar Baudaa aaya that ha Mine Operators Today icy Committee To* daughter of Mr. and Mra. Bonja- teraat booths tho foUowlag wiU JWHAL^coRi vriU -aarnaatly and aarimwly urga MMOtnC #>*v W U«* Si wook hy t^ hi U WlUloBm, doughtor ot l ^ o M ■arvo: Food and fancy artlcloo, aadatod by >!'• X?- can ba ended peacefully, but o S u ^ t y T. A Pot Lock ou w « Mra. Itogor O. WlUloma, ot Buc»- mto T. Savery, of US Oroon rood, MANCHBSTllk COMM* tha ■ariloat rooonaldrraUon by m orrow at Pitt8bur|j||. ■uroneo Oo. ot Tf. T , o< which ho ausplcoo Rooaiy ARar Sodoty, O'Oonndl and Batty Ann fcnaa. warned that a solution will WMte Sulphur Springs W. Va., 5 o i ^ w ^ tho hoolnooo mooting. la o l oproomtotloo._______ S 5 . wdJotai Tuno. o c ot Adorn and Wlchotoo Anthony rorrlgno, both paitlao ot our Inadoquata un- Mrs. Stanlay Money la charge as- not bt quick or easy. In a omployinant eompanaatkw lawa In Bept tl—(F>—John L. Lewis TuUo of WiUtogten. took Ptoto to non of Mr. and Mia. Anthony For- dated by Sira. Julian Baals, Sits. Waahington, Sept. 21.— ifAAv GL y —TUT Tint* o ootUag ot oroigrooM soltmn American policy tho tntaroata o f tho wolfara o f tho turned to vital contract talks with ^ j l noM • mooting tooUght ot S ot A ot tho rigno, of le MonUoaOe atraot. W ll- Alto Hallowall. sera. Jamaa OaUap wbols —President Truman, seeking ■otardoy oftonoon ot baa, Harry Odhna. Mm. Antbony ■peach before tha Unlt^ Na- I at a I hi Port Fettevflte. Pa, after a nortberB and western coal opera­ 47 Moplo fltroot. Father and Son church. won marrtod Saturday UN apaelal ooramlarioo on Ralk- to block a week-end stao Saeoad OemgrogaU^ 5?“^ •vantag In St Mary*B Bptacopal Sagorakl. Mra. Hardd Tunor. HALE'S Ueae AaramMy, A ehrao* pram- aad tom iwnnbera of tlw train crew tors today after aerring a blunt Rov. Lotoad Hunt porforsjod » lead the it natkmnl delegntlotw ■trike, today asked six moia eharch. Iha doabte-rlng candle­ Mra. John Lawton. Sira. J a M ana * * ^ 2 * ^ 2 m narrisir n a£ (AF wlwphriol* "pay up” ultimatum to southern Banquet Date donblo rtng coromoay end O. AL the Unitod Stotea la raady to da days of truce, and direct bort Poorooa organtot, aeoompe^ light eeronnony waa pornrm od by Lawlor. Mra. Ooorge Stona, Sira. along northarn bordaro of mine owners. the rector, Rov. Atfrod L., WU- Anthony XogonU. Headquarters Ma part. Aa •apaetad, kla taaa gaining between union al|3 lod tba oolotet. Mtoa A rlw ojto^ t itewM. The traditional bridal mu- waa eondUntory. Graaea. Congraaalanal laadara As coal pita acroaa th* nation Tho Mon'o Club of tho South of Brtotol. who oaag Amuaemant booths. In A arge oC wm dtocnao wttn Praoidant Tru­ remained Ml* for th* third straight the steel companies. In a 1^' Mothodlot church h onnouncod ale waa play^ by Ofgaalat John tha Mon’a Cluh and CathoUc War FOR Hla danlaratlon .Mamad Wnaria Sailor Admits ter to both sides, Mr. and “At Dawning, ’ and ptayod tho Ooekarham, and white chryaontho- TIME is MONEY man toniorrow tha laglaiatlaa that Political Crisis Faced day, Lewis’ United Mint Workers tho doto of rridoy oYonlng. Octo- woddtog marebao Vatorana of St Francia Poet 000. Ibr tha -profound amaa af inaa- may ho eawaldarid la ramalndar of union gave notice that It would man said: t- bor *S. for tho onnuol Fothor oad muma and wWto pompotna daoo- TTinnIi Rlordan who haada tha a n rltjr'w h M i ha aaM haa aaval- Praomitodla ^ ratod tha altar. two oandau a f Oaugraao. Sixth Shooting Man not bargain further with t l again emphasis* that tha ma Son bonquot which to olw^to (athar, tho brldo wofo a ChantlUy opad lam nraaa of tho world and of IX Communlat oonaplracy trial eouthemers until the operators Uonal Interest requires, and MM of tho outotmndlng ooelol ovonU ot Given la marriaga by hor father, haa lad to aneh atapa aa tho By Labor Govemmeiit laoo gowa ot Vlctorlaa a^to^th tho bride waa attoruM by M m Evary you pet into oar Optkmsl SsviBgs PIbb dafondaata takaa vritntaa atoad have peld up their royalty contrl- American people have a rlghtiSS a owoothoart nocklliia odg^ i^th Butlon af tha North Atlantic alU- after Slagar Paul Robaoen'a vain Marlon Lana of Hartford aa maid naea. Undertaker Diseopered buUona to tha miners’ b i^ th and ■torgaret Wltflanm (above), SI expect, an early setUemaaL" ***A*TOmmlttoo hoodod hy tte •aod poarto. Tha oklrt. win lurriBgi y ou capital and earn a sahstaatlal dlvt. The a o United Steelwortusia Quiet Dignity nowly-otoctod prooldont of too o f honor, brtdaamaldi were Mra. AUTO GLASS It la tha mala taak qf tha Aaoom- welfare fund. ^ year- *M member of Bril*la*a a poplum la tha back, aataadod In­ Richard Batoa of Oovantry ^ Dead in.
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