VOL. 98 NO. 10 OCT 2017 Lakebed Cores Record Shifting Winds Cell Phone App Aids Irrigation Earth & Space Science News Red/Blue and Peer Review A New Clue about CO2 UPTAKE Act Now to Save on Registration and Housing Early Registration Deadline: 3 November 2017, 11:59 P.M. ET Housing Deadline: 15 November 2017, 11:59 P.M. ET fallmeeting.agu.org Earth & Space Science News Contents OCTOBER 2017 PROJECT UPDATE VOLUME 98, ISSUE 10 12 Shifting Winds Write Their History on a New Zealand Lake Bed A team of scientists finds a year-by-year record of climate history spanning the past 17,000 years at the bottom of a South Island lake. PROJECT UPDATE 18 Growing More with Less Using Cell Phones and Satellite Data Researchers from the University of Washington and Pakistan are using 21st-century technology to revive farming as a profitable profession in the Indus 24 Valley. OPINION COVER Red/Blue Assessing a New Clue 10 and Peer Review Healthy skepticism has long formed the to How Much Carbon Plants Take Up foundation of the scientific peer review Current climate models disagree on how much carbon dioxide land ecosystems take up process. Will anything substantively new be for photosynthesis. Tracking the stronger carbonyl sulfide signal could help. gleaned from a red team/blue team exercise? Earth & Space Science News Eos.org // 1 Contents DEPARTMENTS Editor in Chief Barbara T. Richman: AGU, Washington, D. C., USA; eos_
[email protected] Editors Christina M. S. Cohen Wendy S. Gordon Carol A. Stein California Institute Ecologia Consulting, Department of Earth and of Technology, Pasadena, Austin, Texas, USA; Environmental Sciences, Calif., USA; wendy@ecologiaconsulting University of Illinois at cohen@srl .caltech.edu .com Chicago, Chicago, Ill., José D.