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Daily Bulletin Daily Bulletin Editor: Mark Horton / Co-Ordinator : Jean-Paul Meyer / Journalists: David Bird, John Carruthers, Jos Jacob,b, Fernando Lema, Brent Manley, Micke Melander, Barry Rigal, Ram Soffer, Ron Tacchi / Lay-out Editor : Francescacesc Canali Photographer : Arianna Testa THURSDAY, JUNE 15 2017 THE FAR PAVILIONS ISSUESS No 6 CLICK TO NAVIGATE University Bridge p. 2 Roll of Honour p. 3 A view of the Bridge p. 3 Mixed Teams QF p. 4 Mixed Teams Final p. 8 The Story that Disappeared p. 12 An Unsuccessful Escape p. 14 Optimum Est - Fantasy Bridge p. 15 The magnificent pavilions that house the bookstall and the playing room. Pairs? What Pairs? p. 16 After two days of qualifying we know the identity of the 52 pairs that will contest the Mixed Pairs SF A p. 17 final of the European Mixed Pairs Championship. Russia's domination continued as Victoria Gromova & Andrei Gromov topped the semi final table. They were Combinations p. 20 followed by Véronique & Thomas Bessis and Sabine Auken & Roy Welland. If you want to know how tough this event is just ask the three world champions who La Pagina Italiana p. 21 had to fight their way into the final by finishing in the top six in semi final B. Masterpoints Race p. 22 Another event starts today, a two day pairs event for the EBL Cup. Results p. 23 Important Information for the Participants National Railway Strike 15th and 16th June 2017. From 21:00 on Thursday 15 June until 21:00 on Friday 16 June 2017, a national strike of the staff of the Italian Railway Group (Trenitalia) will take place. TODAY'S SCHEDULE The ARROWS (FrecciaRossa, FrecciaBianca and FrecciaArgento) will circulate regularly. Bus services will be available from both Florence (Firenze) Airport and Pisa Airport: MIXED PAIRS FINAL (1/2) please check www.caronnatour.com/skybusen OPEN PAIRS EBL CUP (1/2) The cost of the ticket is 15 Euro (1 hand luggage - 1 luggage; 5 euro for each extra 10.30 - 14.30 Session 1 luggage); you can purchase the ticket via website. 10 minutes hospitality break after round 7 BUS Time Schedule: 14.30 - 15.30 Lunch break From Florence - departures at :11.00 - 16.20 From Pisa - departures at : 8.40 - 14.10 15.30 - 19.30 Session 2 Other options to reach Montecatini: rent a taxi or rent a car at the airports. 10 minutes hospitality break after round 7 The situation will be regularly updated at www.fsnews.it o www.trenitalia.com Tortona (AL) - 0131.813636 8TH EUROPEAN OPEN BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIPS Montecatini, Italy 46 Pairs from Semifinal A and 6 from Semifinal B will qualify to the Final to be played today and on Friday. There will be a linear carry-over from the Semifinals to the Final. Semifinal A : the top ranked pair will get 90 mp (roughly two tops), the 46th will get 0 mp Semifinal B : the top ranked pair will get the same amount of mp as the 26th ranked pair from Semifinal A. The 6th will get 0 mp. UNIVERSITY BRIDGE European University Championships in Malaga September 2017 Dear Bridge Friends, From 19 to 24 September 2017, EUSA (European University Sports Association) with the support of the EBL (European Bridge League) will organize the: 5th EEurroppeeann Univveersiitty BBrriddggee Chhaamppioonsshiip All information can be found at: www.fuengirola2017.eusa.eu The participants will be accommodated in the 4-star Hotel Las Palmeras, situated near the beach, where the tournaments will also take place. Registration is possible via the National University Sports Federation of your country. Today, 10 teams have already registered for this event, but it is still not too late! It is a competition between European Universities. Teams can be mixed up from students from different universities, but at least 2 students must come from the university they represent. The nationality of the students is not of importance, but they must hold a eligible student card. Each country and university can send an unlimited number of teams. Initial schedule: 19 September: arrival 20 September: general technical meeting 21-23 September: competition 24 September: final competition and closing ceremony 25 September: departure Students must at least hold a student card and comply with the EUSA eligibility rules. The costs for 4 days competition are very democratic and turn around Euros 65 per person a day for full board! So sending a university team of 4 students will cost just Euros 1200 for the whole event! For financial support please contact the sport department of your university or your bridge federation. For any questions: [email protected] or [email protected] All information is available at: www.fuengirola2017.eusa.eu. More information will be available at: www.unibridge.eu You can contact me here in Montecatini, and you can reach me on +32477861213 with any questions! Thank you Geert Magerman 2 GOGOTO TOT OOPAOP PAGE:PAPAGEGE:GE:E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1100 11 1122 13 1414 15 1616 17 1818 19 2200 21 2222 RESESUULLTTSS 8TH EUROPEAN OPEN BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIPS Montecatini, Italy ROLL OF HONOUR OF THETHE EUROPEAN OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2003 - 2015 Update after the mixed teams: The Zimmermann team was stacked with previous medalists, most importantlyntly including Sylvie Willard, who extends her lead in the medal table by winning her tenth medal (three golds, three silvers and four bronzes). Catherine D'Ovidio won her eighth medal at a European Open Championship,hip, moving her into second place, jointly with Wietske Van Zwol. Philippe Cronier won his seventh medal, as did Marion Michielsen. They move up to fourth on the all-time list, alongside Bep Vriend. Of the six Russians on the Mnepo team, only Georgi Matushko had previouslyly won a medal (bronze in the Open teams in 2015). Chris Willenken, Johan Upmark, Katarzyna Dufrat and Krzysztof Martens also recorded a second medal. A VIEW OF THE BRIDGE The EBL have appointed David Bird, Bill Jacobs, Larry Cohen, Graham Osborne, Mark Horton and Roland Wald to act as BBO commentators. They may be joined from time to time by Jon Cooke and Stephen Kennedy. These are the assignments for the second day of the Championships: Mixed Pairs - Thursday 15 June F1-1 BBO1 David Bird - Roland Wald F1-1 BBO1 Mark Horton - Roland Wald F2-1 BBO1 Stephen Kennedy - David Bird F2-2 BBO1 Larry Cohen - Roland Wald GOOT TOT O PAGE:PAP GEGE:E:E: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100 11 1212 13 3 14 15 166 17 1188 19 202 21 222 REESSUULLTSTS 8TH EUROPEAN OPEN BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIPS Montecatini, Italy MIXED TEAMS QUARTERFINAL - SET 2 Ram Soffer 28 boards are not a huge distance for a knockout match, fit, and that she had just put her contract at risk by and when the first 14 were almost tied (Sakr 13-Berksma allowing a possible heart ruff (South should not have 12) things were getting extremely tense, since the first been worried about ruffing diamonds, since after the big swing might well become the decisive one. defence plays three rounds of trumps, she can park all The first two boards of the second session presented her losers on the heart suit). interesting opportunities: Klukowski rose to the occasion by switching (after some thought) to the ]2, but Zmuda (who won the Board 15. Dealer South. Vul N/S. next trick when the [Q was led from dummy) did not [ Q 10 3 believe this card to be a singleton. She switched to the ] A K 10 8 5 4 }5. However, that suit would not yield more than one { 9 7 defensive trick, so this board became a push at +620. } J 2 [ 8 7 6 [ A J Board 16. Dealer West. Vul E/W. ] 2 ] Q 6 [ 5 { K Q 8 6 5 { J 10 4 ] A J 8 7 } A 9 8 7 } Q 10 6 5 4 3 { K Q J 7 5 3 [ K 9 5 4 2 } J 7 ] J 9 7 3 [ K J 10 6 4 2 [ Q 7 3 { A 3 2 ] 5 4 ] K Q 9 6 2 } K { A 9 { 10 } K 5 3 } A Q 6 4 West North East South [ A 9 8 Dav. Berkowitz Nowosadzki L. Berkowitz Dufrat ] 10 3 1[ { 8 6 4 2 Pass 2] Pass 4] } 10 9 8 2 All Pass West North East South Standard 2/1 bidding, North’s hand being upgraded Dav. Berkowitz Nowosadzki L. Berkowitz Dufrat to game-forcing due to the spade fit and good heart 1[ 2{ 2] 3{ suit, with South’s second-round jump to game Pass Pass 4[ All Pass indicating a minimum. West North East South Lisa Berkowitz led her {J. Michal Nowosadzki took Klukowski J. Jansma Zmuda A. Jansma the lead with dummy’s ace, drew trumps, eliminated 1[ 2{ Dbl Pass the minor suits and endplayed East with the [K. 2[ 3{ 4[ All Pass West North East South South has a 4-card diamond fit, three spades Klukowski J. Jansma Zmuda A. Jansma (indicating shortness in her partner’s hand) and most 1[importantly, favourable vulnerability. Saving in five Pass 4[ All Pass diamonds surely merits serious consideration at the very least, and it actually happened at five (out of eight) Jan Jansma trusted his partner’s declarer play and quarterfinal tables, North/South being doubled in three didn’t bother to mention hearts. Michal Klukowski instances, whilst only two East/West pairs made the led the {K, ducked. To be a successful defender, it right (and courageous) decision to bid on to five spades.
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