Pointe Computers in Good Shape for the Year 2000 Tougher Truancy
Pointe computers in good shape for the year 2000 By Jim Stickford be able to "cope"when 1999turns mto year 97, Murphy said So, for exam- noticed several years dgO, "dld Staft Writer shut down when the year 2000 IS 2000 ple, you have a 1Istof people who have Murphy, and smce then computer used It's not qUlte mtllenmum fever _ "In older computer systems, to save taken out 30-year loans 10 1997 and manufacturers and programs have the phenomenon where predlctlOns of Th do that, he must set up a specIal memory and programmmg bpdce, want to know when those loans made the appropnate adjustments computer sYbtem separate from the doom and destructIOn are made to vears were recorded only m thelr last expire, the computer won't recognize wlth new hardware and software city's mam system So If the year 2000 mark the beglnnmg of a new 1,000- two digits," saId Murphy "The year the year 2027 as 30 years after 1997 But that has not taken care of all causes a crash, only the spec181net. \ ear-era - but those wlth computers 1997,for example, IScoded as '97 But because 27 comes before 97, so to the the old hardware and software stIli work IS affected and not the city's onght want to take some extra care when the year 2000 comes around, computer, the year 2027 comes before bemg used by the public, Murphy mam computers Accordmg to Grosse Pomte Woods the computer Willread that as 00 " 1997, and therefore Will not gwe the sald For the cIty of Grosbe Pomte "The mll1enDlumwlll actually give mformatlOnand technology manager The trouble IS that the computer computer user what he requests Woods,Murphy ISsettmg up a specIal Joe Murphy, some computers will not reads the year 00 as less thdn the The millenmum problem fir~t was test to see If the city's computers Will See 2000, page 2A Tougher truancy policy to return for a second year By Shirley A.
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