Pointe computers in good shape for the year 2000 By Jim Stickford be able to "cope"when 1999turns mto year 97, Murphy said So, for exam- noticed several years dgO, "dld Staft Writer shut down when the year 2000 IS 2000 ple, you have a 1Istof people who have Murphy, and smce then computer used It's not qUlte mtllenmum fever _ "In older computer systems, to save taken out 30-year loans 10 1997 and manufacturers and programs have the phenomenon where predlctlOns of Th do that, he must set up a specIal memory and programmmg bpdce, want to know when those loans made the appropnate adjustments computer sYbtem separate from the doom and destructIOn are made to vears were recorded only m thelr last expire, the computer won't recognize wlth new hardware and software city's mam system So If the year 2000 mark the beglnnmg of a new 1,000- two digits," saId Murphy "The year the year 2027 as 30 years after 1997 But that has not taken care of all causes a crash, only the spec181net. \ ear-era - but those wlth computers 1997,for example, IScoded as '97 But because 27 comes before 97, so to the the old hardware and software stIli work IS affected and not the city's onght want to take some extra care when the year 2000 comes around, computer, the year 2027 comes before bemg used by the public, Murphy mam computers Accordmg to Grosse Pomte Woods the computer Willread that as 00 " 1997, and therefore Will not gwe the sald For the cIty of Grosbe Pomte "The mll1enDlumwlll actually give mformatlOnand technology manager The trouble IS that the computer computer user what he requests Woods,Murphy ISsettmg up a specIal Joe Murphy, some computers will not reads the year 00 as less thdn the The millenmum problem fir~t was test to see If the city's computers Will See 2000, page 2A Tougher truancy policy to return for a second year By Shirley A. McShane Dunng 101tlai presentatIOns Staff Writer to the on the proposed The new hIgh school atten- pohcy last year, at least one dance policy m Grosse Pomte board member thought the new made ItS debut WIth a raucous pohcy was too lement student protest last Board members dlscussmg It September on Monday, Aug 11, also Smce then, as word spread expressed concerns about the and everyone has had bme to pohcy, mcludmg the number of WEEK AHEAD underbtand the new pohcy, day~ allowed, lack of a way for thmgs have settled down con- a student to redeem hlmself slderably and the need to look mto Thursday, Aug. 14 Yet, followmg a' first-year abbences due to athletic The Clty of Grosse Pomte's reVlewWIthteachers, admmls- events annual fanuly fiesta IS from trators and support personnel, The review commlttee met 5 30 to 8.30 p m at Neff Photos bv Leah Vartan Lan there are stIli hngenng con- periodIcally throughout the Park The event offers face cerns and mIxed reVIews 1996-97schoolyear and Issued pamtmg, sldewalk drawmg, Welcome One pomt everyone agrees a mld-year report to the school games - mcludmg a pmata upon ISthat the new pohcy was board 10 the wmter - and pnzes Community memben, teach- en, parents and students needed and It has Improved In May, the committee polled warmly welcomed five new student attendanl'e for the first teachers, admmlstrators and The free NBD MUSICon administraton to the Grosse year, sald MalJone Parsons, counselors as well as atten- the Plaza concert senes at Pointe Public School System on asslstant supenntendent for dance personnel whlch Kercheval and St ClaIr m Sunday, Aug. 10, in the ftnt- curnculum and evaluatIOn revealed overall staff satIsfac- the Village shoppmg dlstnct ever (and what organizers hope "We certamly are not gomg tlon With the effectiveness of presents a season finale at 7 will become an annual event) to back off," Parsons Said "We the new pohcy p m featunng The Sun picnic on the front lawn at are gomg to contmue to make By year's end, data analysls Messengers Call (313) 881- Grosse Pointe South High It work better" showed a 20 percent Improve 9726 for more mformatlon. School. Newcomers above RecommendatlOns for a new ment 10 attendance include, from left, Art M1l1er, hlgh school attendance policy The year-end report has Saturday, Aug. 16 South high principal; Paul were developed dunng a three- been sent to the school board's ChIldren and adults are Pagel, assistant principal at year penod by a Jomt commIt- pohcy reVIewcommlttee (made inVIted to sample the deh- North high: Janet Watt, Ferry tee of teachers and admInlstra- up of trustees Steve Matthews, ClaUS harvest of beans, elementary principal; superin. tors from Grosse Pomte North Tlm Howlett and Cmdy squash, herbs, cucumbers tendent Suzanne Klein and Grosse Pomte South hlgh Pangborn) to see Iflt needs any and other edlble ltems culti- (appointed in January); Elaine schools further adjustment The board vated thIS season m the gar- Middlekauff, Mason elementary The pohcy was approved by expects to act on the pohey at dens at the Grosse Pomte principal; and David King, the school board m June 1996 ItS Wednesday, Sept 3 meet- War Memonal at 32 Defer elementary principal. Pic- With the proVlslon that It be 109 Lakeshore, Grosse Pomte nickers brought their own din- reVIewedat the end of ItS first "Wewant to make sure there Fanns Visltors are welcome nen, listened to live entertain- year are no holes m the system that from 10 to 11 a m Admlsslon ment and like a-year-01d The policy, 10 short, hmlts would be workmg agamst the IS $1 Call (313) 881-7511for Joseph Srebemak, right, students to 10 absences per students We want to make It more mformatlOn enjoyed frozen treats avallable class per semester, or 20 as fair as pOSSible,"Matthe\\ls for purchase. See page 14A. absences per c1asb for the said "The p01lcydemonstrated school year a reductlOn overall In absences Monday, Aug. 18 Exempt from the pohcy are from the year before, whlch The CIty of Grosse Pomte medlcal appomtments or was It~ mtent There sbll IS councIl meets at 730 p m m absences that can be docu- some questIOn m terms of the mUnicIpal bUlldmg at School board: Will voice mail mented, three consecutive days ImplementatlOn of the pohcy, 17147 Maumee of excused absence for Illness parents' responslblhty of call- Wlth a call from home (whIch 109 10 and sendmg thmgs to The Grosse Pomte Woods improve communication? WIllbe counted as one ab~ence the attendance reVIewboard" CIty Council meets at 730 day), school-approved actIVIties Some areas of concern that By Shirley A. McShane thmg that had the capaclty to (~oftware), whIch IS compatl- p m m CItyhall, 20025 Mack Staff Wnter handle messages for students and field tnps, funeral leave WIllbe addressed for the com- Plaza ble WIth the dlstnct's e.mall for ImmedIate family, coun~el- 109year, Parsons said, are the Few people are as Isolated In and parents " system, Frantz told the board mg and admlOl~tratlve way 10 which teachers are our modern world as the class- The schoolboard on Monday, "The school system wanted a appomtments, court appear- reqUIred to call parents after The Grosse Pomte Farms room teacher Aug 11 unammously approved system that was e-matl mte- CIty Council meets at 7 30 So said James Frant?, tech- a $16,527 pJlot phase of vOIce ances, rellglOu~ observances, the seventh and mnth grated because It costs less due and VISitSto college represen. absences p m m CItyhall at 90 Kerby nology consultant to the Grosse mall for the ~chool dIstrict, to fewer phone hnes, proVldesa tatlve~ The process didn't appear to Pomte Public School System, which IS expected to be smgle pomt to check all mes- Appeal~ of the pohcy are be workmg, she saId By the 10 anAug 4 presentatIOn to the mstalled mld-year If the dlS- sages and IS easier to use and bchool board on a proposal to tnct decldes the program IS made through attendance tIme a teacher was notified admlfllster than tradItIOnal reVlewboards at each school Install "volce maJl" 10 the dls- INSIDE worthwhtle. It Wlllhave to ask mall systems," Frantz said See TRUANCY, page 2A tnct the board to approve the "We were revlewmg thiS (as "In my own expenence, It remamder of the mstallatlon dIrected by the school board), It Opmion. .6A can be very dIfficult gettmg m for $18,100 was not 10 our budget process, Obltuarles. . 9A touch With teachers," Frantz Dntll recently, there was not we talked Wlth vendor~ and saId "The old pmk message Autos I2A a vOIcemall system avaIlable thl~ IS the latest system which slips Just don't cut It anymore ~ that wouId suIt the dlstnct's mterfaces With e-mail and It Schools. . . . 14A Others probably would agree needs Frantz presented to the seemed the most attractlve," WIth Frantz Teachers do not Busmess 17A board a package that would be Fenton sald have telephones m theIr class. phased m gradually, that The advantage of the pro- Entertamment. .. 68 rooms Parents, as well as would be compatIble \\,th the posed system, Frantz Said 10 a Home: Clty of Grosse Pomte admmlstrators, have Sports...... IC dlstnct's eXlstmg electrOniC(or report to the board, SRld, IS expressed mterest 10 the school e-mail) ~y~tem that a tradltlonal VOlcemall Age: 42 ClassIfied ads . 5C dlstnct obtammg a method of Although the dlstnct adver- system (whIch he e~tlmated Improvmg commum catIOn tIsed for bids, only one compa- would cost the district between Family: WIfe,Lynn, between staff and wlth the ny, Complete CommunicatIOns $80,000 and $100,000), would Labrador retnever, Bons pubhc 10 St Clair Shores, submItted mvolve lnstallmg phone~ and "The cost factor has always a bid for $16,527 mltlally to Occupation: DI~aster ser- \-,..,'. phone hnes '0 . been detnmental to the pro- pIlot the program and then By attachmg the vOIcemall VIce.. chairman, Amencan Ject,~ sald Chns Fenton, aSS1S. $18,100 to complete the IOstal- to the e-mall, the ~ystem IS Red Cro~~,MichIgan tant supenntendent for bUSI- latlOn along \\Ith addltlonal acceSSIble to all classroom Chapter ness and support servIces rates of$70 an hour for consul- teachers, slOcealmo~t all have "Also, we wondered for whom tatlon technical support and computer~ m theIr classroom~ Quote: "The Red Cro~~I'!a would we proVldeIt? We dldn't trammg The project WIll be Telephones are not m all volunteer-run, volunteer- want an automated system paid for through the dlstnct'~ clas~room~ Rooms that do managed orgaOlzatlOn from the get-go We Nanted a general fund have the type of equIpment Every bIt of our aS~lstance system where parents and tax. ThIS IS because Complete that IS SImIlar to an mtercom ISfree All of It " payer~, when calling 10, would CommunicatIOns IS the only reach a human VOlceand some. local dl~tnbutor of Callware See VOICE MAIL, page 2A See story, page 4A Jeff Bauer I D11ORI.\I: SS2-021).l • DISI'I.\'\ \J)\'II~ 11"-,1,\(,: SS2-V,On • n :\SSIIII D: SS2-h91l0 • (mCL:I:\ TIO\.: .141-:;"77 • PROJ)l '( rlO\.: SR2-60CJO

\ eMI'OIIAft 0fftCUI , 1 I AO.4 S Ham"'on lag now M 486W ,.. 1\1717920914 SEQUENCE A 18ooj9683456 10' 1\ 171797 24?3 pm01I <1mq IOem (om .... OflAL 0 .... o 9 '){)~oh~,.n.. SlJI'e 15'2 • • • Q Grond Havpn MI49AI7 161618468n6 la, (61618411>747 prnnillnmn?'~ --. August 14, 1997 2A News Grosse Pointe News 2000 50 years ago this week ~esterdax's headlines From page 1 50 years ago this week lectJon was umnsured • Fifteen-year school board consumers, whether they are tru"tee Joan Hanpeter resIgns mUnlclpahtles or member, of • Threatened WIth the clos- • Some $30,000 worth of She and her husband, Edward, the public, the chance to get Ing of Kercheval due to a large Jewelry IS stolen from the plan to move to Frankhn sewer project undertaken by t k of a Lakeshore reSident's • Th to II $4 new hardware and software," the City of DetrOit Park mer- run fIi d e rezoning a ow a said Murphy "I know a lot of , car whJle she was bemg COI e mllhon office complex on programmers who are making chants along the avenue obtam at her Mack Avenue halrdress- Jefferson between Nottingham a temporary restraining order '. Tn November the d \" t h' th P k fl lot of monp, rpprogrflmmm~ ' I I I J er, C C".cr In C uutll t l~Y \-all lave t leu ay HI Lakeshore reSident expen- I dId b t tt computer systems for the mil- court They fear lost bUSiness ru e mva I .) CI Y a orney lennium If It'S gOing to cost enced a slmJlar theft of Jewelry Herold McC Deason Because because 0f th e Stree t CIosmgs fi h h d $25,000 to hire a programmer, • Dangerous VISItors are rom er orne of protests by nearby resl ents, but only $10,000 to buy new spotted m the Pomtes - the h' k the rezoning requires a two- software to correct the prob- dreaded Japanese beetle The 10 years ago t IS wee thirds maJonty by the councJl lem, people wIll buy the soft- Park council allocates $1,000 • The school board sets up a Instead of the Simple maJonty ware The same apphes for the to eradicate the pests standard procedure for report- It received hardware In a computer's • "Dog Chews HIS Way to Ing and investigating chlld- mternal clock" End of Rope" headhnes the abuse cases - John MinniS Grosse Pomte News when a DenniS Foran of the CIty of Labrador retriever m the Grosse Pomte and Rhonda Farms bites ItS SIxth VIctlm m Gaskill of Grosse Pomte Shores three years and JustIce "ald that they have talked With George Beauchamp orders the their representatIves at GrossePointe.Net ammal to be destroyed Fundbalance Software, an Ann COMMUNITY INTERNET Arbor-based company that pro- 25 years ago this week www.grossepointe.net \Ides speclahzed computer software for mUnlclpahtJes • '!\velve Shores patrolmen agree to umomze and form the GrossePoUlte Net delIvers INTERNET servtces deSIgned Grosse POinte Shores Public specifically for the Grosse POUlte community Become a They both say that they have Safety Officers ASSOCiation member and show your communIty pnde Travel the Internet been told that Fundbalance Bargamlng on the first con- uSUlg your GrossePoUlte Net address software IS ready for the mIl- tract IS under way lennium Grosse POinte Park • Grosse Pomte public [email protected] also uses software proVIded by school offiCials see red when the company Photo by Fred Runnells one of their own, Ben Zenn, Burned bridge repairs director of admlnlstratlve ser- $0 Down: $19.95/mo. or $199/yr. "It's a matter of bemg ready," VIces, IS tlcketed by the City of UNLIMITED access, LO('AL numbers, said Foran "People have been Ray Evans takes time out from his Ufeguarcl duties Grosse Pomte Woods for run. talking about thiS problem for at the Grosse Pointe Farms municipal pier to place a mng an unhcensed off.street GP.Net WebSite with Community N(TWS& email about five years, I think Our Band Aid on Peggy Griffin's tender nose while her parking lot In VIolatlon of a On-Site instaltlltion & instruction .I\ailolble network IS safe, but I know girlfriend Judy Henneche directs the procedure. recently adopted cIty ordi- there are a lot of people out (Grosse Pointe News photo Aug. 14, 1947) nance At Issue IS the upkeep there With personal computers of school dlstnct parkmg lots Join phone: 888-74-GP.NET I can't say they WIll be ready m the Woods Further, school for 2000" Truancy- Voicemail offiCIals malntam the wrong Today! email: [email protected] party was ticketed The school From page 1 From page 1 board should have been CIted mstead Corrections that a call was necessary for system, are not capable of • Four pamtmgs valued at the seventh absence, the stu- sending or receiVIng outSide $250,000 are stolen from a CorrectIOns Will be prmt dent was actually on hiS mnth calls home on South Rosedale In the ed on thiS page every week absence When fully Implemented, the Woods If there IS an error of fact m Teachers often don't have the system will mclude 1,000 vOIce Taken were Anthony Van any story, call the newsroom time dunng the school day to mall boxes, some of which Wlll Dyck's "Bust of Margarette at (313) 882 0294 make the calls and parents be used for special purposes Von Lothnngen," done In OIl In weren't reachable anyway, she such as menu hstmgs, speCial MAIL BOXES ETC. the 17th century, valued at SBJd events, a mall box for the $100,000; "Suzanne and '!\vo Another Issue IS the stan- school's PTO and "homework Old Men," by Dutch artist CAN SHIP YOUR dardlzatJon of codes used to hothnes" The front-page story Wl11em Van MIens (1662- about Juvemle curfew ordI- distIngUIsh each category of TraditIOnal vOice mad sys- 1747), $60,000, "Woman and OVERNIGHT LETTERS nances m the Aug 7 editIOn absence Involved Last year terns requIre usmg the tele- Man at Fountam," by Dutch should have stated that the there were mconslstencles phone to check for new mes- artist Thomas Wyck (1616- Grosse Pomte Park City between North and South high sages This system uses the 1677), $50,000; and "Dutch AND PACKAGES Councd adopted a new ordi- In how school-related tnps computer Within the class- Fisherman's House," by nance In January address were defined room, which WIll use audIO German artist Chnstoffel During the UPSStrike. 109 the matter It IS as fol- Teachers contmue to be con- "alert sound" to 'annttunce Wust In 1801, $40,000 lows cerned about student tardl- Incommg messages We Contmue to Offer Our ness to class. ThIs year stu- The pilot phase WIll Involve Woods detective Everett Plumb says the theft appears ProfeSSIOnal Packagmg ServIce • No person under the dents WIll be marked late after three bUIldings (poSSibly Pierce SIXminutes rather than 10, as MIddle School, Poupard and to be the work of profeSSIonals In Addlbon To' age of 15 shall lOIter, Idle, as only the most valuable congregate or otherwise be was the pohcy last year Three Defer elementary schools, • Copy service. InclUdIng Fast. Great tardles equals one absence Fenton saId) paintings were taken. The col- In or on any public street Quality Color CopIes • Fax • POBox between 10 pm and 6 a 10 unless accompamed by a ~ Style MCll1BoxtGervIce Etc. Etc, Etc parent or guardian LOWNIE ~r------I Don't sell ..I Cedar Garden • No person over the age LANDSl:APE" Mrd-eastern CUlsme of 14 and under the age of Iyour BABY! : &: Ra ....JUIces Bar 17 shall lOIter, Idle, congre- If It's time fot lour "baby" to DESIGN I I + Daily Specials MAD.BOXESETC gate or otheTWIse be m or on I leave home, donate that + Vegetarian Dishes II any public street between • landscape DeSign and Build I pte<: IOU' old car or boat to the I + Catering mldmght and 6 a m unle"s • landscape lighting Volunteers of Amenca I + Pa rty Tray> accompanied by a parent or • Water Gardens & Ponds I Donating IS SImple, last, and + guardian IfOV1lS: 18530 MACK AVE. 1-94 Easl • la\o\n sodding and seeding I easy GIfts qualtf\ as tax I '1oloo.-T1lln 110m 10paI (Between Cadieux and Moross) deductible contnbutlons for I • m.. 110m -III"" ':(] • No person over the age • Clean up and maintenance I .501.._111"" those who ItemIze ReceIpt' •sea.. 4pm - IOpm GROSSE POINTE FARMS of 16 shall aSSist, BId, abet, • Tree trimming and pruning I Issued I allow or permit any person • Qualified protesslonals PHONE 884-8440 The Volunteers ot Amenca I 041' Greater Mack under age of 17 to VIolate • Free Estimates Fax' 884-8442 I has been servmg MichIgan's 3iC JUS! IlOI1h of 9 Mile • the proVIsIOns of either sec ~u ShoresTho.ler ;;.;olt Hours: (313) 393.9330 I needy sInce 1896 Funds. tlOn • (810) 778-S999 - Mon.-Fri. 8:30 8.m to 5:30 p.m. denved from your vehIcle can / I 9:00 4:00 I house and feed a homeless sat. a.m. to ,m. I mother and her children for I I dt least a month or more I j THE For more mformatlon, call Dear 21 and Older, f 11800 5521515 I s.;"vmg Detrort Metro area .. The Town Pump Tavern is actively fmW' 71" MEETS THE fmW' i " .. engaging in the reVival of the two manmi TWO CITY TRADITIONS • UNITE. ------lunch. We would llke to take this Grosse Pointe News opponunity to personally Invite you to our (US PS 230-4(00) PublIShed every Thursday daily seminars, between eleven and two By Anleebo PublIshers ACTION DRUGS 96 Kercheval Aven 118 a.m. We recommend you invite your boss. Grosse POtnte MI 48236 PtiONE 882~ Our belle! IS that a company that drmks Pe nod 'eals Postage paId at Detrort, Mrchogan and addrtJonal ma 'ling together, stays together. Our seminars offer offICeS SubscnpllOn Rates $31 per yeanna you and your boss the opponUnlty to laugh Tired O/The Long Wall ma,l $38 OUl-01 state POSTMASTER Send address at your co-workers that don't drink their Come To Our Store For Fasl fncndly SCrvl,C changes 10 Grosse Pomte News We Accepl Most Pre,cnpllon Plan' 96 Kerclleval Grosse POInte lunch. For those of you who do enJoy a farms MI 48236 The deadhre lor news copy 's good hardy meal we have a plethora of ~""""""""""~ Monday noon 10 Insure mse rllOn AdvertISIng copy for Section .8- must culmary delights to tantallze every fiber of be In the adYertls

Park home burns A home in the 1100 block of lluy1uld adered severe fUe damage Monday DJgbt. The blue... dlRovered. at about 9: 15 by a Park patrol omcer who noticed heavy .moke coming from the back porch area of the duplex on the building's east side. Park fire Crewl were called In to put out the blaze. and later. through the mutual aid agreement. CrewI &om the City of Grosse Pointe and Groue PolDte FllJ1IlI were also called in to help enlDgolah the fire. Park P.S.O. officer TImothy Brandon sdered minor injuries to his shoulder and ... taken to Bon Seeoars HOIpital for treatment. Investigaton have Dot ofBclaDy determlDed what caused the fUe. but are InveatigatIDg the pOIIilJility that a barbecue near the back porch started the blaze. Ph.... by Kev1n Sulhvan Woods returns to Michigan Municipal League insurance program By Jim Stlckford MIchigan mumclpabtles It tha t can be trouble for the city pIe, If a cIty has a $10 million Malson In 1995, the cIty paId property values mcrease, pre- Staff Wnter keeps member commumtJes because we mIght not have the pohcy, and IS sued and loses, $165,000 to a commercIal mlurns nse as well to reflei:t Calhng It a move that makes mformed of what ISgomg on m proper Insurance coverage the league mIght pay the first Insurer for ItSproperty and ha- that Increase We're very financial sense, the Grosse Lansmg, and lobbIes legIsla- when the claIm ISmade, but we $1 milhon Then remsurers blhty coverage The cIty paId happy WIththe league ~ Pomte Woods CIty Council tors on behalf of members might have had It when the would pay the rest up to $10 $141,000 to the league m the recently renewed Its property Another servIce prOVided by mCldent happened" mllhon But If a remsurer can't first year, and for thIS year will Because the league's msur- and bablhty msurance polICIes the league IS relatIVely mex- Then, saId Malson, two make the payment, then the pay $137,000 ance pool IS made up of 700 WIth the MIchigan MUniCIpal pensIve msurance coverage for thmgs happened that sent the cIty IS hable for the money commumbes and IS non-profit, League members who Wish to take Woods from the commercIal When the league got some new "We've seen a $30,000 drop It can offer these favorable The league IS made up of advantage of the servIce msurance market to the remsurers, that ellmmated the m premIUms m two years WIth rates, s81dMalson Any money Woods comptroller Chff league's msurance program other major objection the coun- the league" Malson saId "That above operatmg expenses and IS even more ImpreSSIVewhen Malson said that for many The first was that m 1995 com- CIlhad what IS needed for reserves IS Board OKs merCial Insurers started play- you conSIder the fact that the returned to member commum- years, the Woods was able to The SWItchtwo years ago to value of cIty property has get favorable Insurance rates mg "hardball~ WIth the Woods ties m the form of a dIVIdend league msurance has paId off mcreased over that tIme from the commercial msurance over msurance They mcreased Malson said that's not a bad layoff of In a bIg way for the Woods,s8Id Usually, With msurance, when deal market He also saId that the the cost deductlbles and the type ofmsurance offered by the number of exclUSIonsm poh- classroom league was not what Woods cles offiCIalswanted At the same time thiS was happemng, the leaglle was assistants "The league used to offer a makmg some changes of ItS clallns made policy only," saId own For many years, Malson By Shirley A. McShane Maison "WIth that type of pol- and the counCil also worned StaffWnter ICY,coverage IS tied to when a about the leaglle's remsurers Due to changes In staffing, claIm IS made mstead of when budget constramts and enroll- A remsurer, explamed thE' mCldent causmg the claIm Malson, IS a company that ment needs, the Grosse Pomte happened If a year separates school board on Monday, Aug agrees to help pay part of any when the mCldent happened settlement He saId, for exam- 11, voted to layoff 27 class- and when the claim IS made, room assIstants and reduce assIgnments for two classroom assIstants The action, admmlstrators explamed to mqumng board members, was not "last mmute," and the employees mvolved knew cuts may be commg by summer's end We do f;he conrplete iob inside and out Contractually, thIS needed to • Additions • All types of Exterior Siding • Garages be done before the end of • Recreation Rooms • Windows • Bathrooms August, saId supenntendent • Kitchens • Dormers • References Suzanne Klem "Although It IS necessary to do thIS, we can and WIllrecall Pointe Windows, Inc. them to the extent that we For11' All Your Window Needs need them," she saId 1IA" 22631 Harper, St. Clair Shores The dlstnct had the optIOn of laymg off the employees at the end of the school year or ~ - 772-8200 8 ALL-SEASON SUNROOMS waltmg until the end of sum- ARE INSULATED 10 KEEPYOU cozy AU. YEAIl mer to get a clearer pIcture of staffing needs, Klem saId Accordmg to mformatlOn prOVIdedby the school dlstnct, each fiscal year there are changes m staffing needs for classroom assistants Usually, the excess classroom assIs- tants are transferred mto dif- ferent positions the followmg school year as needs anse Imported Baby and Children's Furniture and Accessories However. for the 1997-98 school year, the bUlldmg pnn- Clpals have opted for smaller class sIzes and the preference ISfor hlnng more teachers The affected staffers are all recent hires who were employed mid. to late-year to meet enrollment needs and represent about 25 percent of the total number In that umt, said Eugene Washchuk, dIrec- tor of personnel

Save yourself time when it comes to filling or finding jobs. see Us Firstl Grosse Pointe News & edmund t. AHEE jewelers The Connection 20139 Mack Avenue. Grosse Pointe Woods Where safety, beauty and quality go hand In hanct. Classlfieds (313) 886.4600 882-6900 An auThorized TAG Heuer dealer 33226 Woodward • Birmingham • (248) 644-0525

C4Mt...... " 0fPICIIc B04 S Ham 'on Sogmaw M I 48602 1517) 792 0934 SEQUENCE 4. 18001 9683456 .. fo' 1517)7922421 el"l'loll nmg 1Oem com ...... L 0fIIICI0 9?6 Robbm. Suole 252 G,o,.,d Haven MI .. 9.(17 (6161 8468716 10' 16161 847<1747 ",1"I'InII Amn? ...... "'",..-, August 14, 1997 4A News Grosse Pointe News City man finds disaster relief work 'most gratifying' By Margie Reins Smith volunteer, like Bauer one IS In a dlsahter area, vou mg work I've ever done I love Assistant Editor In the da\h Immediately fol • can call the Red Cross and the miSSion of the Red Cross Early m the e\enmg July 2, lowing the Juh 2 ;torm the inqUire about his or her where. and all the g"'vd It does m Jeff Bauer and hh y,lie Lynn Red CrOSl> dell\ ered l>upphel> abouts and welfare," he saId Grosse Pomte as well as were at home The\ kne\', d to \lctllTIS HI Wayne, Oakland ty,ll>tmg Finally I gave In Hurncdne Andrew, the Bauer hve; In the City of around the world» ferocIOus htorm was w hlppmg and Mawmb counties - Item, "Ob\ lOul>l), I'm ;tlll here," he Mld",('sl tloudl>,the Northridge Grosse POinte WIth hIs Wife, Anyone who suffered torna. Itself IIlto a frenzy and almlllg hke cleanup kith (patk!> that ;dld, Yo lth a smile ,md Los Angell" e,mop', dlsInfec He stIli works al>an attorney, the Okldhoma Clt) dl;aster It Labrador retne\er named July 2 storm and who stili Michigan and the GrOhSI' tants and huchl and comfort but Bduer's volunteer po;lhon keeps all 01 Uh bUl>yand It BOrl~ He and his y,lfe pldY needs emergency services may Pomtes klt~ (packagel> of perl>ondl l>ometlmes demands his atten. requires mune\ to do the work golf He also volunteers as gen. call (800) 634.4661 Anyone B,lud, , even we do eral touncll for the Michigan who thinks he or she may be operator, hstened to the weath. and l>oap and such) It monlh~ The Red Crol>~ y,as able to Emergency Patrol, ,Ill orgam. eligible for storm-related assls, er, paymg do;e attentIOn to arranged hospItal V\SltS dId Smce July 2, I've worked for help the Algdhdllll famIly, zatlOn that prOVides real tIme tdnce from the federal govern- updates from Skyy,arn, a ser. condolence calls, carried out the Red Cross 12 hours a day, whIch lo;t five member; In the traffic information to the ment may call (800) 462.9029 \Ice of the NatIOnal Weather welfare mqumes, pro\ Ided on average," he said July 2 ;torm that hIt the media and the government Service "We were well mental health sen Ice" and Bauer spent a month m Farms Pier Park, and the Red Anyone who would like to lllformed," he said "We knew conflict resolution assIstance FlOrida III 1992 workmg as Cro,. prOVIded mental health About hiS Red Cro~s volun- become a tramI'd disaster ser- what was gOing on" The Red Cross prOVIded help operations manager for the profes'lOnab to aId the stdff teer work, Bauer ~ald ThiS IS vIce volunteer should call (313) Bauer hves m the City of for victims on a case.b) case Red Cross's rehef efforts after and hfeguards who responded the most ~ah;fYlllg and gratify. 833 4440, ext 2503 Grosse Pomte He IS an attor baSIS \\ Ith \ ouchers so famdles Hurncane Andrew to the emergency on the day of ney who concentrates on feder- can buy what they need "Humcane Andrew was the the storm al and state securities law, "The Red Cross IS a volun- largest disaster m the hiStory Many reSIdents of the tn arbitratIOn, mediatIOn, com. teer.run, volunteer-managed of the Umted States," he said, county area offered to donate mUlllcatlOns law and commer- orgamzahon," Bauer said "and III the history of the Red clothlllg, food, furnIture, blan- clallaw "And every bIt of our assls Cross kets, even stuffed ammdls to He ISalso chairman of dl;as- tance IS free All of It," he "We worked m Pemne, Fla, vlctlm~ of the July 2 storm ter services for the emphaSized "Many people stili out of 13 tents WIth 60 vehicles Some were dIsmayed to learn Southeastern MIchIgan chap' don't know this" and a staff of 75 We worked that the Red Cross and other ter of the Amencan Red Cross Bauer grew up m Grosse out III the elements, on a mld- dIsaster rehef agencies pre. "When the storm was over, Pomte Shores He graduated dIe school playground We ferred donatIOns of money about 730 pm, I called my from Umverslty LIggett School delivered $14 3 mllhon III "If people donate 'stuff,' we counterpart at the Red Cross III 1973 After a summer Job emergency assIstance to VIC- need ~taff and It takes lime to and we began orgamzmg relief workmg as a meter maId for bms of the humcane " collect, sort, store, clean and operatlons," Bauer sBld "By Grosse POlllte Woods ("proba- Bauer also has responded to dlstnbute the Items," Bauer 8 30 p m we had people out III bly that city's only male meter local emergencies such as fires, said "Some agencies are pre. the field glVlng emergency care maId, ever ," he said), he the 1987 Northwest FlIght 255 pared to do thIS They have and dOing damage assess- went off to Boston College lllr crash, and the 1992 the faCIlities and the volun- ments " He earned a bachelor of arts Dearborn postal shootmg teers and staff The Red Cross The storm eventually caused degree m economIcs and gov- The Red Cross IS a quasI-fed. doesn't 16 deaths and 108 InJunes m ernment, then enrolled III the eral orgamzatlOn, Bauer saId "It's also Important to con- the tn.county area Five of the Umverslty of Detroit School of In 1905, Congress granted It a SIder that when people donate deaths occurred at the Grosse Law He earned a J D degree charter that mandates the Red money the Red Cross spends Pomte Farms Pier Park III 1980 Cross deliver dIsaster semces thiS money III the commumty By the end of July, Bauer DUring the last 17 years, throughout the Umted States that was Impacted by the dIs, had orgamzed a team that pro- Bauer has worked for several and Amencan POsseSSIOns all aster The purchases stlmu. vlded relIef and comfort, law firms He now works by over the world The Red Cross late the damaged economy money, food and assistance to hImself out of hiS home office therefore has a legal as well as Also, slllce victims' needs thousands ofvlctlms of the dls, "In 1983, I was rentmg a a moral obhgatlOn to prOVIde change, If we have money, we aster The Southeastern house III DetrOit to a person these semces can respond by bU)'lng what MIchigan branch of the who worked III the publIc "But we get no federal they need, when they need It" All Furs Amencan Red Cross served affairs department of the money," Bauer said "All of our One of the Red Cross's httle. All leathers more than 31,000 meals, set up Southeastern Michigan chap- funds come from donatIOns" known semces, Bauer said, IS five semce centers for storm ter of the Amencan Red Cross SlIlce the 1980s, dIsasters ItS commitment to dehvenng REDUCED Victims, ran Clght mobile can- She thought I should be a vol- have mcreased In number, type IIlformatlOo about Victims of teen semce trucks, and mobl- unteer She kept tWlstmg my and scope "Thmk about It," he dIsasters to those who mqUlre Don't mIss ltlls opportunity. Buy liZI'd 722 people, 655 of them arm I kept sa)'lng no She kept sald "Hurncane Hugo, "If a famIly member or a loved NOW before fall price II"V'N !t'~"1'V4

Have someone in mind for Pointer of Interest? Call in a nomination at (313) 882-0294 or write to The Grosse Pointe News at 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms Mich. 48236 Full Premium on us Dollar. Compllmentaty DetlVery 493 OlIeIlette Ave WIndsor, Ont Canada At Inlld Ho_. __ _.. _ •• _- .8 .---.----.13':'.1'';;'':. 473111-&68-1.AZNl


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..~ ...... ",.'. .. - --'-T-- -r -~,--' "t c...... 1'1 0fIIICIIt ,., e> 804 S Hom.I'on SOl/mow MI ~8602 Aft (5171792093~ SEQUENCE 18001968 3~56 .. 1o, (5171792 2423 emoll dmq I Ocr '5 com RMfOfIAL OffICIo 926 ~obb,o. S"~.252 Grond Haven M149 .. 17 161618468726 la' 16161 8~7.M47 ...--.:1 ...... _",...... universIties In recent years has tended to State, Detroit be "Significantly hIgher" than the nation- al average. need more Glen Stevens, executive dIrector of the PreSIdents Councll, State UniverSIties of MIchIgan, pomted out that m the early college grads 1970s the state accounted for 75.1 per- Opiniq~ cent of the support for umverslty budgets etrOit and the state are beIng "': ,- H~:t!f'1~1' With tUItion and fees accountmg for the warned that the lack of college remamIng 24 9 percent Dgraduates could damage their also prompt cntlclsm of the big city "As long as there were high-paYIng competitiveness In the post- schools are not a problem In the Pomtes, manufactunng jobs one could go to nght However, tUItion rose as high as 44.5 Industnal age With the most recent report showing a out of high school, earn a good hving, percent in 1994-95 of umversity budgets WSU's Center for Urban StudIes has 98 6 percent retentIOn rate raise a family and purchase a comfort- but dipped slightly m 1995-96 to 43 per- found that MIchigan ranks 38th among That means fewer than 10 students in able leVE'l of con~umer goods, there was cent because of mcreased state funding the 50 states In the percentage of adults the two Grosse Pomte high schools faded no need to go to college," Adamany told Yet It stili rem81ns hIgh m comparison WIth college degrees And DetrOit IS 22nd to graduate III four years the Free Press with pubhc universIties in many other among the 24 metropohtan areas With In an mtervlew WIth the DetrOit Free But that IS no longer true. Instead, the states. populatIOns of 2 mllhon or more Press, DaVId Adamany, retJnng preSident state's workforce has shifted from bemg So if MichIgan and Detroit hope to con- Yet the Grosse POInte hIgh schools con- of Wayne State University, explamed the "muscle-bound" to being "mind-based," tinue their economIc renaissance, the sIstently report that 80 to 85 percent of DetrOit and Michigan SituatIOn thiS way: according to Lou Glazer, executive direc- road to college wlll have to be made easi- the local hIgh school graduates complete "If you thInk we are passmg from the tor of Michigan Future. theIr college work In four years, WIth mdustnal age to a post-mdustnal age, m er and less costly for the young people That means that of the 54 common who WIll be rehed on to become the state's many of them also attendIng graduate whIch management of mformatlon IS the occupatIOns that pay at least $33,000 a schools workforce in the 21st century cntlcal sklll for the workforce, then year m Michigan, or 10 percent above the In addItion, the upscale Grosse POInte plamly neither Michigan nor metropoh- median income of $30,000, as many as 31 Otherwlse, the mdustnes that now are commumtles tend to attract famlhes tan DetroIt IS highly competitive." reqwre a college degree. headed by profeSSIOnals and executives prospenng here or those bemg attracted The problem anses because neither the A second reason for MichIgan's failure who are also college graduates to the state wlll not find the educated state nor the city of Detroit has kept up to keep up in the number of college grad- The hIgh school dropout figures that workforce they will require to meet their With the changes reqUIred from thiS shift uates 18 that twtion at this state's pubhc needs for the future :<'1!.

Robert G. Edgar EDITORIAL CIASSIFlED - 882-6900 DISPLAY ADVERTISINC rRoDucnoN PublISher John MinniS 8lI2-ll2'H B&Jbua Yub«k Vethacb. 1182-:lSGlJ *- Margie Rt'lns Smith" Manager Roser B H.1_ Ay EmonI JoAnne- BW'C~ Consultant JOM t....d ... 'io SWf Wn .... 343-5575 t.p am. G_ 1.Uld ... y 1 Kach.~ Ad'lt'rtull1/l Rop.-ntabve DIoLMMOfl'Ui Shuley McShilJ1e. Staff Wntor 343-5591 David HU&h" Gres 'I.artos.a.ewu::z James M StlckIonl. SWf Wntor 343-5592 M.w". Mahon.y K.athl .... !'wi. Sin....., .. Amy Andffi>. M,II.~ SpeaaI Wnt ... 343-5598 Julie Tobin A A view from the sidelines By Wilbur Elston A newsman's school monthly paper. He hired me, for $5 a week, to sweep out the office In the mornmg, do minor editing ruminations on the "locals" wntten by the smgle woman reporter, cover the softball league, recent issue of Time magazine and mind the office while the rest of the carries the recollectIons of Hugh staff went to lunch. Sidey, a semi-retired TIme wnter, A I qwckly accepted, and immedIately fell about the changes that have occurred in hIS farmly's Iowa weekly SInce m love WIth Journahsm. I also spent some the loss of Its own printing press. of those lonely noon hours teaching myself Then Joe Stroud, editor of the Detroit to type. Free Press, recalled the influence of the Late that summer, the pubhsher told commumty newspaper editor who not me he was trying to sell the paper and he only helped persuade him to become a did I noticed that he re-ran several newspaperman but apparently dId the natIOnal ads III the paper, and filled each same for hiS two brothers. Issue WIth advertlsmg. Reading those rummations remmded But the advertising orders were aU for me of my own entrance mto Journalism, smgle msertlOns. When the new owner whIch occurred m part because of the finally amved, he was shocked to learn encouragement I received from a high that the advertiSing didn't reach the line- school teacher and the owner of a com- age the paper was carrymg when he mumty weekly m my home town. bought It. He qwckly learned he had been I was on the staff of my high school conned paper when a new Enghsh teacher whose Yet many of us in Journahsm go along brother owned a weekly in another with the BaltImore wnter who s81d as he Minnesota town told me she thought I had retired that he always regarded himself a future in Journahsm as lucky to have spent his lifetime doing That support emboldened me to something he enjoyed - and gettmg paid approach the owner of the Hastings for It. Lesson in vails of the Grosse Pomte- Gazette, a man WIth the unhkely name of If you're lucky In thIS busmess, you can Chnton Refuse Authonty, does Wood Isham, to ask for a summer Job We contmue your career as long as you are overkill? More letters little to explam the follies of had become acquainted because hIS week- able to operate a word processor, which, m on page 8A the responsible muniCIpal offi- ly newspaper plant pnnted our high fact, IS what I have learned to do To the Editor: cials that led to thiS debacle, It Anyone acquamted With the certamlv makes clear that It IS young man who was arrested a senous sltuatlon and that ht- I would thmk the curfew was tie progress has been made Bids up ante for casino slots for a "curfew VIolation" as InJtlally Imposed for two pur- reported m the Aug 7 edition toward solvmg it ardly a day passes that one of the poses. to protect the pubhc They said they have signed an agree- would agree that he is one of from dehnquent activity of bidders for a Detroit casino Apparently the Authonty ment to do so, assummg that the pair gets the nicest kIds they know and underaged teens and protect hcense does not offer a sweetener m no way a troublemaker or and the mUnicipal offiCials H one of the caSinO gambhng hcenses. the teens themselves from any responSible for its operation to hiS application 10 order to influ- dehnquent Earher, the same team had offered to dangers they may be exposed seek to have CIty Management ence pubhc opmion and the offiCials who spend $14 milhon to tear down abandoned Because of this and because to while roarmng around late Inc. release It from the tenns of WIll make the final choices bwldIngs m Detroit They said they would the young man IS a mend of at mght. an onerous contract for the diS- Thus the Donald -Mel Farr team start with those that are near schools my son's, I felt compelled to posal of fly ash - at welI above thIS week offered to fund the renovatIOn of If thiS assumption IS true, But Trump and Farr constitute only one wnte and express some con- then perhaps thIS young man the prevaJlmg rates However, the former Motown corporate headquar- of the 11 apphcants for the three caSinO cerns with regard to the mCI- was arrested to protect the thiS strategy has not worked dent In ters on Woodward Avenue and make It an hcenses that Michigan voters approved establIshment he was "lOIter- and the meantIme, the extensIOn of the Motown Hlstoncal for DetrOIt The hst WIll be narrowed Aug. mg" belund - the same estab- Authonty lS bemg bled to First of all, the (DetrOIt death Museum 22 by Mayor Denms Archer who will pIck pohce) detective mtervIewed lishment where he had Just the three finalists Nov 10. dined with fnends, paid hiS btll by the Grosse POInte News Where an entIty seeks to be But development agreements must be said that there are many "new and left a nice tiP for the waIt- ress released from an onerous A limits test negotiated and approved by the Detroit officers on the beat" who are executory contract as a means CIty CouncIl before apphcants can apply gOing to react to any violation Or maybe he was arrested of SUrvIval, It can file for bank- mally It appears that MichIgan of the law. The arrestmg offi- WIll have a test of the term hmlts for hcensmg at the state level. So ObVI- for hIS own safety, poSSibly to ruptcy and seek WIth court ously It stIll WIll be some time before casi- cer, however, was not "new to protect him from any danger- approval to have the contract amendment that was adopted by the beat" and perhaps a httle F no gambhng finally begins In Detroit. ous situations he might rejected Presumably such a popular vote back m 1992 overzealous, as alluded to by encounter. Was It realIy safer remedy has not been conSid- Unless the challenge IS successful, more The MIchigan Gaming Control Board the detective to throw him mto the Fifth ered. than half of the current state House of has saId that the first casino license could Precmct adult lockup than to Representatives, 65 of the 110 members, be Issued as early as Jan. 31, 1998, and if In additIOn, since the officers the mayor approved temporary casmos, were dining In the same allow him to leave for home It ISto be hoped that even at would be prohibIted from running for re- WIth hiS fnends? thiS late date, the authonty they probably could begin operation next restaurant at the same time, electIOn m 1998 and 17 more would be on retam legal counsel knowl- year and not Just dnVlng by, surely If the officers were tryIng to the banned hst III the year 2000. they would have noticed a edgeable In bankruptcy law to But permanent casmos probably will teach the boys a lesson, I'm conSIder thiS recourse Even group of 10 boys getting up to afraid the lesson may not have ThlS newspaper has never supported not amve m Detroit untJl the year 2000 leave the restaurant a few the threat of Imminent filing because of the constructIOn that will be had much value consldenng for bankruptcy may bnng City the term hmlts on the grounds that the mmutes before 11 p m the CIrcumstances public ought to have the nght to vote for needed after the necessary state and CIty Management to 113 knees. approvals have been obtamed by the WIn- The place ISnot that lng The Susan Jahnke any person otherwlse eligible for pubhc young man was waltmg for a office ning casino teams GI'088e Pointe Farms Your newspaper, m folIoWlng Whether caSinO gambhng WIll turn out fnend who had run back mto a practice of ab.Junng from cnt- In addItIOn, the tremendous turnover the restaurant to retneve to be as profitable for the pubhc as for the ICIZIng the conduct of the that would be reqUIred m 1998 would not somethmg he had forgotten admmlstratt."8 of the mUniCi- sponsors 18 a questIOn that WIll be only slow the work of the Legislature but How long could he have been pal governments of thE' various answered only when the gambhng begins Truth behind the also f'nable the staff members and the lob- "IOltenng?" Grosse POlntes, does the citI- We already know about the anti-SOCIal bYISts representmg speaal mterests to zens and taxpayers a dlSller- effects of legahzed casmo gambling That Many Witnesses have said trash troubles mCrE'ase their power VIce Pohteness and clVlhty, factor has prompted this newspaper to that It wasn't qUite 11 P m when the boy was handcuffed To the Editor: when earned too far, end up as Further, not bemg elected by the people, raise Questions about the SOCial costs of cronYIsm neither of those groups would have the and put In the squad ear Why, While the Grosse Pomte authonzmg any more caSinOS In thiS also, did they target one boy mcentlve to serve the public mterest News' lead article In the Aug 7 state out of a group of 10? Georp Alell:ander e(btl0n, on the contmued tra- GI'088e Pointe Woods .. , 1 o @ • & Q leaves mdlvlduals mortified many of us envy pure genius, With envy and resentment child's feelings are empathized Sibling or tho~e With greater Intelh- Ultimately, there are the haves With and conSidered and cared gence or sports skills? Or those and the have-nots, and hiStory for If the younger child enVIes who seem to be better lookmg IS full of accounts of murder the advantages of the older rivalry or have ~upenor ~ollaJ grdces? and wars as a consequence child or children, he or she IS Ever Since Cain slew Abel The problem of nvalry IS Or those who have financldl helped to feel speCial and we have been aware that It IS ~ ISay . advantage or connechons Or empowered least problematic m India, dangerous situation for a par- those With d better golf score? where there has been a ngIdly EducatIOnal philosophy now ent to favor one child over It ...ould seem that thE' world defined caste system The beems to overestimate or mis- another The fact of preference would be a better place If we BrahminS are the favontes of understand the concept of self- generates envy and jealousy _ could just dccept ourselve~ a., the gods and therefore entitled Dr. VietorBloom /j~J:, e~teem Children are not grad- envy of the Sibling's real or , we are There Will always be ed, not compared, not judged, Imagined qualities and virtues, to every advantage. while the "untouchables" are the lowest Many people find that work- and what IS nght If others those With greater or le""er lest one child feel better than jealousy of the IOVlngrelation- places Simulate our famlhes have the advantage, we tend to abllities or accomplishments another What IS lost on many ship from which one feels of the low, With the dirtiest and that authonty-figurp. fpt'l that 1. wrong It IS a waste of time to com- educator« 1'< the fael that real excluded Job-. and thr) arc o.peckd to accept their lot In hfe And have power over us hke par- Remember the nghteous pare ourselves With others self-esteem comes from perfor- No one wants the hind teat, The tnck IS to accept ourselves mostly, they do, With the ents once did To gain advan- mdlgnatlon of Sahen In rela- mance and achIevement, not it seems Everyone wants to be as we are. as they say, wart. understandmg that If they per- tage, some people work harder, tion to Mozart Sahen thought Just comphments and vacuous preferred, to be the strongest and all, but that IS more eaSIly form their allotted tasks well, other people complain more, he had a pact With God, that If flattery or the best, or to have the most said than done they will have learned a lesson stili others do apple pohshmg he were good and piOUS, he As we seek to ever Improve That IS the natural tendency, Fortunately, or unfortunate- and WIll gam some advantage and suckmg up would be the most successful the human conditIOn, we Will and so envy,Jealousy and nval- ly, we Internahze forever the In their next remcarnatlon In some cultures, the first- composer of musIc It came to have to weigh the benefits of ry are ever at the baSIS of the born son has all the advantage pass that Sahen was the popu- attitude our parents had Lhallenglng each person to ful- human condition We don't all beheve In rem- carnation, that there IS a sec- He Inhents the family farm or lar court composer, but when toward us If we were well- fill hIS or her potential as a loved and received good care, And yet we are all different, ond chance after thiS life. If bUSiness and apportions lesser Mozart came along, he felt human being, gIVen each per- umque m all the world There phYSically as well as mentally, thiS IS our only chance at life, tracts or percentages of the betrayed by God, because It son's genetic endowment and we WIll have self-esteem and a IS no one exactly hke US, not we had better make the most of bUSiness to hiS younger SIb- was clear to him, trony of place In the birth order If CIVl- even an Identical twm The It And m the process ofmakmg hngs It IS well known that the lromes, that Mozart had a cre- feeling of entitlement It would hzatlOn IS to advance, we must natural and meVitable differ- the most of It, others seem to younger slbhngs resent thiS ative gemus vastly supenor to not be a source of dlbpleasure help each person accept hiS or ences between us will be the to be aware that others have be m our way Most people This IS the baSIS of feelmgs of that of Sahen Wolfgang her lot m hfe, and make the baSISfor conflict and nvalry injustice and unfairness Antadeus Mozart was beloved more of something than we most of It have bosses or managers or have The fact that some of us may superYlSOrSto tell them what It seems that chance favors by God, that IS the meanmg of Slbhng nvalry IS dIminished be better endowed WIth 1Otelh- to do or evaluate their perfor- others, that we are unlucky "Antadeus" In a rage, Sallen Dr Bloom llUes and practices gence or looks provides an when parents have the feehng psychiatry and psychoanalys/'s mance These people have If there IS a good God, he [or plotted Mozart's destruction, or advantage 10 the give and take that each child IS speCial and m Grosse POinte Park He IS power over our bves, they can she] would not let It happen, so the story went ofhfe umque, and equally well-loved clmlcal associate professor of hire us or fire us or give us and yet we cannot divine the How many of us could Identi- The fact that others of us from a deep well of lOVingfeel- p~ychlatry In Wayne State raises or promotions or more- master plan and are not tY With Sallen, who was con- may be defiCient or limited, or less-deSirable work mgs and attitudes When a sec- UnIVersity's School of eqUIpped to judge who IS best Signed to medIOCrity? How ond chIld comes along, the first MediCine . , > "

, Grosse Pointe News August 14,1997, Page 7A The Op-Ed Page , . \ ~_. ''\1. ~ ~_i _

Branching out dent Kay Hunt and her hus- mOVIngto Chapel HIli, N C. band, George Among then well-Wishers into art The reception was hosted by were a throng of movers and The Farms' Peter Meldrum DetrOIt Edison, from which shakers from metro orgamza- IS a few weeks short ofbemg a Kay was retmng after 15 years tlons, busmesses and city gov- "freshle" at South High, but he (she was secretary and director ernment, mcludmg enough already knows an Important of the DetrOIt Edison Pomters to make FYI feel nght lesson If !lfe FoundatIOn), and sponsored by at home Refemng to George, hands you a the Michigan Women's DIA Founders' Society presI- lemon, make FoundatlOn, which she served dent Joe Bianco said, "Kay's lemonade - as preSident takmg away absolutely the or, m hIS case, Followmg decades of commu- best volunteer we ever had" If a storm ntty servIce. the Hunts are "Kay WIll be an incredIble turns a pnzed resource wherever she goes," tree mto S81dthe Farms' Fran Miller tWigS, make Other members of the pmk tWig furm- and green cheermg section ture were Lisa Gandelot, Carol It all start- Gove, Susan Howbert, ed a week after the July 2 blow David and Heather Jones, Joann Kelley, Ruth that ruined a crab apple tree III hiS mom, Patricia's, back Mayhall, Lylas Mogk, yard Louise Motoligin, Jane "We had to cut It down," says Nugent, Leonard Smith and Peter, who deCIded to rescue Kate Van Til Tocqueville and the mosquito what he could. So he took a saw "We have many ties to the and a bunch of wood screws POlntes," said Kay, who's both By Daniel Hager which were "the scourge of the ment concerns Itself With happy and a bit sad about the Special Wnler Amencan sohtudes," and fashIOned the branches everythmg" Into a rustlc arbor entrance for move "It WIll be mce to get to AlexIS de Tocquevl1le, the He agreed WIth the survey- He was qUite Impressed the part of the yard hiS SIster, know our grandchtldren (they famous French traveler and or's assessment "Their pres- with Amencans In general, m have four), but the hardest SOCialcommentator, amved m Alison, uses as her own spe- ence would suffice to render a great measure because of "the cial place After that, relatives thmg WIllbe to leave our beau- Detroit 166 years ago - m long SOjourn there 1Osupport- ease WIth which they do WIth- tiful summers, our wonderful July ofthe hot and humid sum- able" started ordenng benches made out government" in the same style parks and thiS gorgeous lake" mer of 1831 The pnmltive, Refernng to the swampy He observed that Amencans almost untouched WIlderness "He made a 'truce bench' for Peter Meldrum and a few If you hol.le an FYI tip, lands where mosquitoes bred, had respect for the law and hIS cousm lnclra Melcher and of MichIgan earned promment the U.S Supreme Court said of his "twig" creatioDs. call Ken Eatherly at (313) each other's nghts, and conse- her husband, Chris 822-4091. attentIOn in the book he wrote thiS, decades after TocqueVllle's quently felt they had no need four years later and which Eschenberg," says Patncla VlS1t,"the pohce power ISnever for strong government as they (It even has a Sign) "They can remams a claSSIC today, more legitimately exerCised worked for the prospenty of use It when they're making up "Democracy m Amenca. " than m remoVlng such nUI- their society They were not after an argument TocqueVllle's VISitprovokes a sances" destroymg the enVlronment by "Then my cous1o, Mary question WIth Significant Impli- Eventually, stalwart pIO- drammg the swamps They cations for our time Why was "Kitty" Gesell, wanted a neers moved mto Michigan's were makmg It habitable 'thmkmg bench '" Michigan In 1831 stilI a sparse- Intenor anyway The key to the Today, swamps or "wet- Single-person chairs Peter ly populated tern tory (It success of settlement was lands," even on pnvate proper- crafts tend to be fanCiful, hung became a state In 1837), WIth dram age. As swamps were ty, are regulated and forCIbly its lOtenor hardly touched by WIth bird houses (also tWIg- dramed, the water table fell on preserved by complex rules of style), found objects and WInd settlers, when Indiana to the upland SOilsand at last, farm- both state and federal govern- bells, and hover In a realm south had been a state smce ers could come to grow crops ments somewhere between art and 1816 and IlhnOls, even farther Later, the development of sub- These days, who hasn't just piam seatmg west, a state since l8l8? surface clay tiles enabled mdl- heard horror stones of people ConstructIOn IS apt to The answer, In a word, was Vldual fields to be even more depnved of the use and value mclude bIrch from Seven Mile, mosquitoes The Michigan effiCiently drained of their property because It has tWIsted branches from Canyon Temtory had a reputatIOn of The productive agnculture some standing water? Road, and dnftwood from bemg unmhabltable, a conse- that ISsuch an accepted part of Partly through government wherever Peter has a small quence of the ordeals of Its today's Michigan has been polley, but also because of pn- stockptle of branches that early surveyors m confrontmg achieved m SPite of Mother vate preservation efforts, the have blown - or been cut - Nature so much standing water and country as a whole ISnow actu- down, but he could always use the mtolerably VICIOUS,buzzmg The early settlers had anoth- ally €"llmng I.CW wetland more hordes of mosquitoes er IOcentlve to dram the acreage That fact suggests "It's really gettmg picked up Tocqueville encountered swamps - the VIolent chills that It may be time to turn around here lately," he says If Michigan mosquitoes 10 force and raging fever of malana away from alarmist rhetonc you'd like to donate some between Pontiac and Sagmaw Whole famlhes In their forest- about wetland loss and focus birch, crab apple or cherry (or on a barely perceptible trat! ed cabinS were often felled at Instead on reahstlc pohcles any other wood), or place an through the nl'arly Impenetra- the same time that are compatible WIth both a order, give him a call at (313) ble forest, where they were so Swamps were believed to sound envIronment and 881-4509 fierce he couldn't even pause to have a connectIOn to the diS- respect for pnvate property "He's just so creative," says wnu- m hiS notebook ease, although the culpnt was Few Mlchlgaman,< would be Regina Gersch, who tutors After a day of hunting near first thought to be noxIous here now If settlers m Peter's sister m readmg and Saginaw, .surrounded by a vapors because the mosqUito TocqueVIlle'stime hadn't taken math "He recycles all that cloud of these msects , agamst role was not yet understood the mltlatlve to dram the dead wood to make It hve whom one had to make perpet- Across the state as swamps swamps agam" ual war," TocqueVllle spent a were dramed, the mosqUito Michigan would 'Itlll be mght that WIlS,m hiS words, that spread "the plonel'r's diS- largely unmhabltable, and .one of the most pamful of my ease" vamshed, allowmg DetrOIt might well be known Friends meet life" Michigan's population and today as the "Malana City" He was overwhelmingly prospenty to grow mstead of the "Motor City" to fete Hunts fatigued, bu~ the bUZZingand It took the sweepmg nver. the biting kept him from sleep- The state's early reSidents Damel Hager IS an adjunct front lawn of Detroit'S RIVer mg attacked their problems under scholar wLth thp Mackinac Place Hotel to hold the hun- TocqueVll1elater wrote that a system that greatly contrast- Center for Public Policy, a dreds of fnends who gathered he had "never expenenced a ed With Tocquevllle's In research and educational orga a couple of Fndays ago to say torment" hke mosquitoes, France, he wrote, "the govern- mzatlon In Midland. Michigan goodbye to longtime Park resl- ..

.... _~r'.r< • ---.-T- .

COM'MA,...... 804 S Hamt~on f> Sogonaw M I 48602 1511179,0934 SEQUENCE 180019683456 .0 1COn __ .. fax (5171792 2423 emOi I rl1'hQ 1 Oem. com 'lesuMnr ...... 926 Robb,n' Su•• 252 Grand H"""" MI49417 {616)846 87?6 fax 161618476747 .mat '*"""In"."...... ,~ August 14, 1997 8A Letters Grosse Pointe News

Liberal bias the automated Edison update hghts? The pohce are aware of VOlce btll! announces that no the dead hghts and are con- To the Editor: complaint has been reported ducting extra surveillance Is In reading your Opinion Dunng the recent btorm, the Edison responsible for those Page over the past few years, It btreet hght~ were on, even extra pohce expenses? always seemed slanted toward though the houses had no Now let's diSCUSSthe Edison expressing the hberal pomt of power for five days But two stockholders who reside on view Example, the recent arti- \\ eeks after the storm, the those dark streets Should thiS cle by George McGovern where street hghts went out and over blatant neglect of ItS cus- he criticized the president's 100 homes have had pitch- tomers be taken to the board Critics, and asked everyone to black streets Since, except for meetmg? Does the company move Whitewater and on£' m~ht need ~om( nc\\ dlrcctvr~ t) President Chnton's sexual ven Can readers of thiS letter Edison must distinguish tures to the back page for the help answer these questions? between bemg deregulated, well-being of our children and Who pays for street hghts? The and being deranged III ItS rela- America city offices take no responslbll tIOnship With those who rely I am so Sick and tired of Ity for restonng them, they tell on It for safe streets We are m heanng hberals hke McGovern homeowners to call and report the dark as to what to do usmg the terms "negative" and It themselves agalllst thiS monopoly that "mean-spirited" to desCribe Is there hablhty on DetrOlt has no continuing mterest to anyone who IS opposed to their Edison's part when, after a rea- respect and serve the pubhc to hberal social agenda sonable penod, street hght out- whICh It IS obhgated I am sure we all remember age becomes neghgence? Does A neighbor Circulated a how well hiS Ideas went over Edison mcur hablhty for van- notICe to reSidents stating, "If when he was runmng for pres- dahsm (of cars and houses, as more of us complain as soon as Ident Where was Mr occurred last week), falls and the problem occurs, perhaps McGovern when preSidents other losses due to the neglect- repairs WIll be made more Nuwn and Reagan were under ed street hght outage? expediently" The Edison the same kinds of personal Is three weeks eVldence of emergency number IS (800) attacks? It IS funny when It negligence? What of the fear 477-4747 The Edison corpo- comes to hberals, there IS and mental distress because of rate number IS (313) 235-8000 always a double standard streets as black as a Pit? I am not mterested m the Further eVIdence of neghgence The Pubhc Service Grosse POinte News agreeing IS the patchwork repair which Commission number IS (800) With a hberal senator, rather I has resulted In street hghts 292-9555 I adVise calhng even want a newspaper that IS more gomg out numerous times when the hghts go back on Why? Because our street evenly balanced Wlth Its Opin- Last October, the same area IOns was Without street hghts for hghts went on for one mght, a JoAnnBarto eight days When hght was week ago, and then the dark- ness and corporate inSenSitiVI- Grosse Pointe Farms restored, I was Informed the ty settled III again problem was In a relay box, which one man fixed In a short Street lights out time Resident of Will residents on the Grosse Pointe Farms Th the Editor: blacked-out streets get diS- Editor's note The name of What can homeowners do counts on their electnc bills for the letter writer was Withheld when their street hghts have the extra porch hghts, yard to prevent pznpozntlng the been out for three weeks? After hghts and house hghts burning writer's neighborhood, which calhng DetrOit Edison's emer- all night, night after mght? may have Increased the threat gency number a dozen times, And for the absence of street ofuandalzsm and crime Be aware of phone's 3-way calling feature The Michigan Public SeTVIce talkmg to one party, then dlal- ture If the equipment dlscon- CommiSSion IS adVlslng that mg another party to connect In nects and re-dlals too qUickly Amentech Michigan telephone a three way conversation WhIle three-way calhng can customers should be aware Because three-way calling IS be a convemence for customers, that a new pay-per-use, three- activated by depreSSing the It IS Important to understand way callmg feature may now receiver button, a caller can how It works and how charges be available on their telephone aCCIdentally access thiS feature are assessed Amentech hnes - and It can be acclden- when dlsconnectmg from one Michigan customers should tally activated and cost 75 call but not holdmg the recelv- carefully review their bills cents per use er button down long enough each month for pay-per-use, The feature, which allows a before placmg another call three-way calhng charges customer to have a con versa- Also, any telephone eqUIpment resultmg from aCCidental actl- tlon With two other parties set for automatic redial (fax vatlOn- If you have been Simultaneously, IS activated by machine, computer modem, charged for a three-way calhng bnefly depressmg the receiver telephone Instrument, etc ) can on their telephone hnes a block button on the telephone while aCCidentally activate thiS fea- can be Installed

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• £At .f 'C9_ I I A August 14, 1997 Grosse Pointe News News 9A

Doggone it! On Thursday, Aug 7, at POlOte Park were found m police In the area of Goethe and Grosse POinte Woods public PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS about 1 JO a m two buspecb Detroit FairvIew Its steenng column safety officers were called to a were seen entenng a truck One d 199J Plymouth van, was damaged and several sport home In the 200 block of Allard face and carrymg a SIlver parked m the Trombly School was taken from the 500 block Items left m the car were mlss- on Fnday, Aug 8 The home- block of Audubon The home- parking lot and were seen to be handgun owner reported heanng a nOIse of Lakepumte between 9 pm mg owner told police that she left The other suspect IS searchmg the vehlcle'b mtenor Sunday, Aug 3 and 830 a m her house at about 930 am at about 3 30 a m on Pollce were called and the descnbed as a black male m hIS Wednesday, Aug 6 He also Monday, Aug 4, and wab found and returned at 2 30 p m su~pects fled the scene, head- on Hardmg m DetrOit after a early 20s, about SIX feet tall, reported seemg a suspect walk -- Jim StlCkford When she got home, she With short haIr Ing north on Nottmgham, local bu,meb' owner reported notIced her computer was from the car and enter another before oflicerb arnved Police contmue to investi- vehIcle, whIch proceeded to an abandoned van With broken mlssmg as well as a wooden They are descnbed as white wmdowb gate leave the area WIth ItS head- box contammg RIO-piece ster malp~ In t!lPlr P'\rl} 2(1~ Thp

an addltlOnal $25. M U[",,EN.S The suspects ran north on BUSS MINf fORD Maryland and then west on A3870 GrI:J\lol AYef1ue flJ'O} 293-7000 , Vernor The Vlctlms described NOR H E one suspect as a black male In MCDONAlD fOlD SAW hiS early 20s, with a round 550 ...... s...n Mo. Road 124B1349-J4OO O.l..(P .. Hot weather alert M8. fAllR FORD PERMONTH/24 MONTH LEASE 24750 G eenheId - from Michigan f24BJ 967-3lOO Pt~M,....JH JLU'1(WIlL fORD Humane Society -'00 PIymo.,Uoad (3'314$3-JJOO The extremely hot weather we are expenencmg poses spe. 1997 EXPLORER XLT cial nsks to pets Compamon ammals aren't able to handle such temperature extremes and overheat qUickly The Michigan Humane Society (MHS) offers the followmg tIpS R .... 0 ...... to pet owners. lOYAL OM fORD 5SONol1tl~dAYeI1"" - • Remember, never leave 124B)$48-4'00 your pet alone in a vehicle On an 85 degree day, the tempera' ture Inside a parked car can reach 120 degrees Wlthm mm. S'u" ... utes. Ammals cannot With. 5OUrHCWI' FORD stand that kmd of heat and 1650 I fort S'-NI may suffer heat stroke or even f:.J'31 282- 36 ..... die S eM s.....)lIS o Keep your pets as com. BOYO'8RIfN 2nOl Nl"l@'Ml!iocxl fortable as poSSIble Let them (IlOI T76=76DO rest m a cool part ofyour home S il ...... H ...... , and do not exemse ammals JBlOME-DUHCAN dunng the hottest parts of the Yo,. Dyt. 01172M. ~ood (IJJOJ268-7500 day I. , If ammals must be left RAT WH7fIEID FOIff) outdoors for any length of tIme, 10725 Swh loOeg<"", Oood adequate shade and a constant 13'3129' o03OQ water supply are essential To r JIOT FOlD, INC. report an ammal left outdoors .....,;or" ~ WIthout proper pro'nslOns, call (248 585=4000 the MHS cruelty hothne at ' To (313) 872.3401 DUN Sf1UIS FOIff) SIgnS of heat stress i.~ INnt ~ Ilood mclude rapId pantmg and I24IJI 643-7500 LooIc Wha~ Included On Exp/oIer XLTI lethargy If you suspect your ...... l..U "- At LONG FOIlD -V-B/4 SpsadAcnwnotk -4-WheelAnIi-1.DcIc PowerBrolces pet IS suffenng from heat 1)7 =-ogn-M~~.:od stress, keep hIm m a cool area fa 'OJ777-2799 -SIanclan::I Dual Airbags-- -Air Conditioning and contact your vetennanan v., -Power Wi~, LocJcs onc:l J\Iti~ FUNHBlT FOlD, IHC. ImmedIately -Cloth Sport Buclcet Seots, vvith PotNer Driver ~ and Power L.urnbor Supp CIW , ~c..,'XJ=Rood For more mformatlon on (2481~'260 -Pren1iun1 Auclio SysIiBn"J -And~! keepmg your pet safe In hot weather, contact the MHS at JAOC--fOID (248) 852.7420 37300 "".....-fIo'9'V' A"'@T'veo I997 EXPlORER XLT 24 000 M/LE/24 I'oo1C>I'flH lEASE f3J3172'-2690 1STI'oo1C>I'flH PAYMENT $30574 ...... REFUNDABLE SECURfTY DEPOSIT $32500 HOIlJH M01HEIt$ FOIff) DC>~ PAYMENT $292700 save yourself time )J300~0I'r:t"l-.""d CASH DUE AT SIGNING $355774 when it comes to f3,;n42J-'300 filling or finding oo!tNOFOIlD 22025 A~ ~ood jobs. (2411 676-2200 Only For A LilTlilecl limel See Us First! AI' your 31~'D Delr-oit FOld Dealers Novvl Grosse Pointe News --V'- 81 -- '97 Explorer XlT With PE P 9458 MSRP 529 270 (X) exdudmg nile !JXel ana IJCerI!e/00$ [ease paymet11 based 011 ~ cop lolled cos! 01 Q I 46; 01 MSRP lor 24 fTlOI1II, closed-end ~ord Cffld,t Red The Connection , .....,,"""'" I Carpet ~ purchmed In the DelrOil regiOl1 thrCUf/13131/97 some paymet1~ h~ 5OI"le lower See dealer lor paymeritllem' Month~ pcymenIS !old $7 337 77 exdud.ng b< and other 40es Les!ee may flO¥e the opIIon A> purchase '!Jlude at ~end a1 a pnce negohoIed WIth dealer 01 5'9" ng lessee rJ relpOfl5rble lor excel, ~r and IOOr and SO 15 per m,1elor mileage C1It!I 24 (XX) ""Ies CrecJrl Classlfieds Melro Delrol! Ford Dealers ~/~ rJem,InedtyFord Cred~ For lp«ooJ lease Ienns you mu

.... ------f~--"-j- 4,.,...... ~ 804 S Hom'lron ~ e) >"lI'now "'14860' (51717970934 4. 1800} 968 3456 SEQUENCE .0 fox (5171 792 2473 em01I dmgl Ocrls com .MfOIIAL O'PI'ICIII 926 Robb.n, >u,'.252 Grand Hoven M' .(9Al7 16161846 87~6 fox 16161 847<1747 ...... ~?_,~ August 14, 1997 10A Grosse Pointe News



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r •,> August 14, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Obituaries 11A

Paul Society, 2929 East Grand John C. Kennedy WIfe, Manlyn, two Sister., recent Venetian festival Interment IS at White Chapel A funeral Mass was celebrat- Blvd , DetrOit, Mlch , or to the Joyce O'Mell and Mary Lou Mr" Owens I•• urvlved by Cemetery 10 Troy chanty of the donor's chOIce ed on Saturday, Aug 9, m Our GauthIer, and d brother, Dick her husband of 48 years, Memonal contnbutlOns mdY Lady Star of the Sea Cathohc MIller MartIn F Owens Jr, two be made to the Hospice of Church m Grosse Pomte Laurence B. Higbie Interment I, dt the White daughterb Lawne Owen" Southea,t MIchIgan Woods for former Woods resI- A funeral service was held on Chapel Cemetery In Troy Hor"t and Shelly Jo Owen., a dent John C Kennedy, who Tuesday, Aug 12, In the Memonal contnbutlOns may be bon, Mdrtm F Owens Ill, and a died m Mount Clemens Episcopal Church of Holy made to the chanty of the brothu, Dr Guy KIefer Charles McDonald General Hospital on Thursday, Faith In Santa Fe, N M, for donor's chOice Interment IS at LakeSIde Aug 7,1997 Adams former Grosse POinte Farms Cemetery In Port Huron A memonal servICe will be Mr Kennedy, 81, was born m reSident Laurence B Higbie, Memonal contnbutlOn" may be held In the First Methodist DetrOIt and graduated from St who died In A.p!'n Colo 0'1 Patricia Lawrie m'1d!' '" 'h!' Bo'l <;~rours L,hunh In ):p.lldllll on ~unday, Anthony Grade School and De Monday, Aug 4, 1997 Nursmg Care Awo!lary, 26001 Owens Aug 17, at 2 pm for former La Salle High School 10 Mr HigbIe, 70, was born In Jefferson, St Clair Shores, A funeral "erYlce was held 10 Grobbe Pomte Park reSIdent DetrOit He worked for the DetrOIt and was a graduate of Mlch, 48081, or to the the Grosse Pomte Wood. Charles M Adams, who died DetrOIt Edison Power Co Andover School and Pnnceton Karmanos Cdncer Institute, Presbytenan Church m Grosse on Sunday, July 27, 1997 A master sergeant 10 the Umverslty 110 East Warren, Detroit, Pomte Woods on Monday, Aug Mr Adams, 81, was born In U S Army dunng World War Mr HigbIe IS survived by hiS Mlch,48201 11, for former City of Grosse Spokane, Wash, and received II, Mr Kennedy was a member Wife, Susan, daughter, KIm, hiS engmeenng degree from of the Knights of Columbus He two sons, Bradley and Bruce, Pomte reSIdent Patricia Lawne Owens, who dIed of John A. Latessa the Umverslty of Michigan 10 also enjoyed golfing, sWlmmmg four grandchildren, and sever- Joseph K. Miller A funeral servICe was held In and spending time With hiS al brothers and sisters comphcatIons from colon can- 1939 Dunng World War II, he HamsVllle, Mlch, and was a cer on Tuesday, Aug 5, 1997 In the Beautiful SavIOr Lutheran served m the U S Navy's grandchildren In heu of flowers, memonal graduate of Wayne State her horne In Atlanta Church In Bloomfield Hills on Mr Kennedy IS sUrYlved by contnbutIOns may be made to Seabees m the Central Asia Umverslty's department of 10 Tuesday, Aug 12, for former theater of operatIOns hiS WJfe, Dorothy; a daughter, the Amencan Cancer Society, Mrs Owens, 70, was born mortuary sCience He was the DetrOlt and reared ID East Grosse POinte Park reSident Maryanne D' Area; two sons, 839 Passo de Paralta, Santa After the war, Mr Adam. chairman of the board of the LanSIng She was a graduate of John A Latessa, who died on worked In the cement mdustry James and Thomas, and two Fe, N M , 87501, or to the char. Verheyden funeral homes 10 Saturday, Aug 9, 1997, of com- grandchildren He was prede- Ity of the donor's chOice MIchIgan State Umverslty and for the Huron Portland Co , the Warren and the Park phcatlOns from cancer ceased by hiS brother, Alex an actIve alumna of Delta predecessor of the LaFarge An active member of the Mr Latessa, 54, was born m Funeral arrangements were Delta Delta soronty Corp communIty, Mr Miller was a DetrOIt and was a graduate of handled by the A H. Peters An actIve member of the After retirement he gamed member of the DetrOit Grosse POinte HIgh School In Funeral Home of Grosse Pomte Leon Martysz Jr. commumty, Mrs Owens was hiS greatest satIsfactIOn lead- Commandery No 1 KT, as well 1960 and the Northwood Woods Interment IS at Mount A memonal servIce Will be one of the founders of the Bon mg vocatIOnal rehabilitation as being a hfe member of Secours Nursmg Care Institute In 1964, where he and sheltered workshops for Ohvet Cemetery In DetrOit held In the Gaithersburg Laurel of AcaCia Eastgate met hiS WIfe of 32 years Memonal contnbutIOns may Presbytenan Church m AWClhary and berved for many the dIsabled Lodge No 477 - Free and He formerly owned J J be made to the Capuchm G81thersburg, Md on Sunday, years on ItS board, and was a He was preSident of two such Accepted Masons He was also Motor Sales In EastpOinte and Monastery, 1740 Mount Elhott, Aug 17, for former Grosse manager and buyer for the hos- centers, Growth & Opportumty a member of the Royal Arch was 1V0rkmg for The Meade DetrOit, Mlch Pomte Park reSIdent Leon pital gIft shop She served as and Bayshore Enterprises He Masons, Mount Clemens Group m Grosse POInte Farms Martysz Jr, who died of com- the group's preSIdent from was also executive director of Chapter No 69, Moslem at the time of hiS death He phcatlOns from cancer on 1991-1993 and was elected a the Saginaw Valley Edythe Clark Seidel Temple Shnners, the NatIOnal was a member of the National Mondav AuI!' 4 1997 member-emeritus when she RehabIlitatIon Center A funeral serYlce Will be held Funeral Directors ASSOCiatIOn, Auto Dealers AsSOCiatIOn Mr Martysz, 48, was born In and her husband moved to Mr Adams IS SUrvIved by hiS m the Chas Verheyden the MIchigan Funeral Atlanta Mr Latessa IS sum,ed by Wife of 58 years, Margaret, Funeral Home m Grosse DetrOIt and receIved hiS bache- lor of sCience degree from Directors AsSOCIatIon - Club Mrs Owens worked tIreless- hiS Wife, Shanna Staples three sons, Robert, Ralph and Pomte Park on Fnday, Aug 22, Oakland Umverslty and hiS 777, Grosse POInte AsSOCIate ly for the Bon Secours HospItal Latessa, a daughter, LIsa Michael, and SIX grandchil- at 4 p m for former Grosse MBA from the UnIversity of Lodge No 102 and the Grosse AsSistance League and was Latessa, a son, John, and hiS dren POinte Shores reSident Edythe POinte Yacht Club DetrOIt He worked as finanCial also a volunteer at Cottage parents RegIna and John Memonal contnbutlOns may Clark Seidel, who dIed In Latessa manager of the U S Mr Miller enjoyed gardenmg Hospital The Nautical Mile be made to the Umted Way of Brewster, Mass, on Thesday, and landscapmg and spendmg Funeral arrangements were Generatmg Co In Bethesda, Merchants AsSOCiation m St Gladwm County, 624 East Aug. 5,1997 tIme 10 hiS summer home In Md , and was a member of the Clair Shores dedicated theIr handled by the A J Desmond Cedar, PO Box 620, GladWin, Mrs SeIdel, 93, was born In Hamsville GaIthersburg Presbyterian annual bleSSing of the mile & Sons Funeral Home of Troy. Mlch,48624 Petroha, Ontano, and was very Mr Miller IS survived by hiS Church as well as the Men's serVIce to her during the actlVe m the commumty She Garden Club of Grosse POinte was a member of the Jumor Mr Martysz IS SUrvIved by League of DetrOit, servIng as hiS WIfe, Pnscilla, two daugh- the group's executIve secretary, ters, Enn and Hannah, two "NOBODY'S As PICKY ABOUT and was a member of the SIsters, Stephamda Chnstle Cottage Hospital AUXihary for and Lanssa M Shepard, a over 35 years. brother, Bons, and hiS mother, RUG CLEANING." Mrs SeIdel eflJoyed spending Mary BIGGEST SALE EVER! time WIth her faml1y and trav- Oriental & elmg Funeral arrangements were handled by the De Vol Funeral Mrs SeIdel IS SUrvIved by Area Rug Cleaning [August 14, 15, 16 & 17 Onlyl I Horne of Gaithersburg her daughter, Carol Seidel Interment IS at the NatIOnal Head, a son, Clark Newton Presbytenan Church In Seidel, five grandchildren, and Savings on ALL BOATS IN STOCK Washmgton, D C two great-grandchildren Memonal contnbutlons may • No Down Payment for Qualified Buyers Interment IS at Woodlawn 2for1* be made to the Men's Garden & carry Cemetery Memonal contnbu- on cash orders only. B G • 499% Financing or Rebates up to $15,0001 Club of Grosse POinte, C/O Pay for the largest rug I bons may be made to the Wdham Pankhurst, 763 Junior League of Detroit, 32 and we Will clean your PillS yOIl get a FREE WELL for the rest of the seamll Lorrame, Grosse POInte, Lakeshore Road, Grosse second rug FREE at MacRay Harbor 011 special buys like these: MIch , 48236. POinte, Mlch , 48230, or to the Save 25% on Single Brewster Manor Scholarship rug ordars. Ask about a....a.,. Fund, PO. Box 1770 Brewster, Joseph K. Miller our pick-up & delivery '19 ChriS Cralt Bowllder V 6 Engine Depth Full Canvas & More' 1147 9O/monlh Mass., 02631. A funeral servIce Will be Offer expires 9120197 • 21 Chns Crall CUddy V.6 Engine Depth Head Full Canvas & Morel r180 26/month held m the Chas Verheyden Bridge Industrial Park • 26 Chns Crall Cruiser V B Engine Duo Prop Sleeps 4 Enclosed Head Shore Power & Funeral Home m Grosse Telegraph & Elghl Mile Roads More I 1328 271monlJ1 Pomte Park today, Thursday, 'Some restrictions apply '30 Chlls Cratt CrolSer TWin V 8 EnglOes 10 Beam Arch Shale Power & More' Paul M. Scherer Aug 14, at 10'30 a m for 1396/montlJ A funeral Mass was celebrat. Grosse Pomte Park reSident y ed m St Lucy Cathohc Church Joseph K Mlller, who died m FCRMULA 10 St Clair Shores on hiS home on Sunday, Aug 10, '232 Formula lS V B Engine Bravo III Depth Tabs Full Canvas & Morel1296/monlh Wednesday, Aug 13, for former 1997 • 312 Formula FASTech TWin 330HP 70 MPH Plus Power Seats & Floors Rell/gerator CIty of Grosse Pomte reSident Mr Miller, 75, was born In Paul M Scherer, who died m & Morel Ifi60 /monlh Punta Gorda, Fla on '330 Formula 55 TWin 330 HP Enclosed Head Refngerator Shore Power & Morel Saturday, Aug. 9, 1997 Ifi60 /month Mr Scherer, 87, was born m T7&"~130137South RIVer Road Hammond, Ind, and was a Hamson TownshIp, MI 48045 • 810-468-5449 graduate of Purdue N 1" UDlverslty He worked for -B-O--A--T-S "0" the Clinton River" EqUItable of Iowa, CLU An actIve member of the commumty, Mr Scherer was a member of the Semor Men's Club of Grosse POinte, the Arnencan Soc1ety of Chartered LIfe Underwnters, the Purdue ~,~~~1lR!~~ $8.99 Alumm AsSOCiatIon and the Fresh f U S Power Squadron, where ~~~!E~N~Y -;OMl .$8.99 CORN 5for99 he earned a full certificate BERINGER Michigan f Mr Scherer IS sumved by RED ZIM"NOEL 7)0 ML ••• $8.99 GREElIlI BEANS .••••••••• 99 hIS WIfe, Ruth Kaiser Scherer, P"RDUCCI Fresh two daughters, Susan Scherer CHARDONNAY llMANDEL M£RlOl PETIH BLUEBERRIES S149 PT and Mimi Kuzmk, two sons, ~;~:c~~:.~~~.:.A~'~.':'::~...... $7.99 f Michael and Douglas, a step- BURGESS CUCUMBERS 3for99 son, Joseph Houser, a Sister, Fresh C~A~~~~~r~~~L.u U .. 4 ••• $10.99 Dolores Shy, and seven grand- PEACHES 99f LB children ~~~Gv~~cR~ ~~~~f. .$6.99 He was predeceased by hiS AVALON brother, John ~~~~N~~~V.~~~T?.~~'. 9.99 loternatlonal Breads Interment IS at the Calvary LABArr'S BLUE FARM BREAD $199 Winter's Honey Baked Cemetery In Youngstown, 12 J)ack $799 Crusty Hearty HAM 6 OhiO Funeral arrangements bottles • DI' Full Bodied OrganIC White Bread $3 \B. I Fresh were handled by the Chas 1 25 LB Loaf ~ 24 PACK CANS Verheyden Funeral Home m SPINACH DIP $ 19 99 Grosse Pomte Park HIGHUPE. 510 .01, or DIll. DIP. 2 lB. Mamonsl contnbutlOns may DAIRY SPECIALS Hoffman be made to the St Vincent De BORDEN 5199 Super Sharp $329 , 2% MILK GAL. FOG CHASER CHEESE. LB BLEND I '1 BORDEN 99ft , ORANGE Colombian FIRST FEDERAL a JUICE 1/2 GAL SWISS WATER t ..: 99 ~ DECAF $6 PT Fresh ~ OF MICHIGAN SUN BORN 79ft LEMONADE 1/2 GAL. WHITE FISH FD/C Ask Us We Can Do It SM Insured BORDEN $119 FILLETS Frozen fib Pltg. TWIN POPS 12 Pk. Branth oflit .. Ihro,.hoo1 m.., ... poIrtan o,trnll Fresh Homemade LAKEPERCH COUNTRY 00I'1I0. K.I.,.. ••"".IIw.....,. Dartnd. r~.nd Ok...... 99~ GAZPACHO Frozen 80Z Extended hours weel

at' _be ..... __tab ...... ""~?-e-:~-"'-""'-" .. ..-...... ~ ( I _..-A.,.-" 804 5 Hom.~on ,.. e) Sog,oow M I 48602 15171 79?0934 SEQUENCE (80019683456 .. 10, 1517) 792 24n emOlj dmglOcr~com .MIOIIAL 0fIIICII0 9?6 Robbo. >u,Ie 252 G,ond Hoyoo MI 49417 (616)8468126 10' 16161 847-6747 Af'lVIIiII ...... ?~,.,...... _ August 14, 1997 _12A __ Sports Grosse Pointe News '97 Camara lets you 'rock /n' roll' at an affordable price

It look ,I couple of cool ter prom hI'S 19 mpg clt)/29 V 6 Camaro to enhance lb the tractIOn control optIOn r.lIn, dd, ~ to bring u~ to our mpg hlKh"a, Ib 19/30 for the performance whICh IS avaIlable For the ...t;>n ...e .... manual Not too shabby for The Camaro holds a more mature dnler, tractIOn On tho,e dav~ aller d spate 'ouch d smooth performer If respectable amount of gedr In control prOVIdes better acccler- oj perfect ,ummer mormngs ,ou're Z28 mchned you can Itb cargo area (more than JJ atlOn on loose burfdces or m dnd elenIng, we [l'luctdlltly expect about 16 mpg Clt) 127 cubIC feet of space With Its snow and slush rahed the top on the Silver mpg hlgh\lay Actually, that's ubually unused rear seat., fold- !'N7 (,he\ r01pl (''1"1 ,r" R<; ..nrrr'~l'1g') C"f1'iC"t'pt gn pn Ld dUll n) .:lI,J ':lIlb.lg~ ...r.J Of ,v~r~e, .t :l]so pre\ ents ((Jill erhble That'b" hen we the level of performance of the anti lock brakes are ~tandard those bmoky, adolescent rub- IIere remmded of the borne- V-s ber burmng Jack rabbit starts "hat allk"ard pObltlOn one Autos A bit of a splIt personahty Ib that the Camaro has always must adopt durmg the On the downSide are WIde, B eVIdenced m the Camaro by been so good at mgreqs, egress of a 10" -slung heavy doors that Cdn make ~port coupe Watch your head, you fear for your legs and an palette, Bnght Green MetalliC please incredIbly ~tet>p rake on tht> and Bnght Purple MetallIc But maybe It would be ""md~hleld that makes It diffi- Intenors are shghtly Ilorth It becommg a human cult to get m and out when the reVIsed, With new seat con. pretzel It b a mmor payback top IS up tours, a center console that for the pure JOYof drIvmg the But the upside" ms - one now mcludes four cupholders smooth convertIble with drop- of the most beautIful cars and a slIghtly restyled mstru- dead good looks made an) where m the world ment panel If you are mto havmg people at any pnce, a smooth peppy stare a httle before comph- sportster, a user-fnendly car RadIOS are new, and a 12- mentmg you on your Camaro for easy dnvlng on the high- dISC CD changer IS optIOnal convertible, If you enJoy an ""ay or m Clt) traffic, and com- DaytIme runnmg lIghts are economlcal-but-adequate V-6 fortable qea ts standard on thiS year's coupled wIth a qUiet four- Camaro s aggressIve stylIng Camaro, but thIS car doesn't speed automatic transmission, that says "hot" has been need them to call attentIOn to If you hke the feel of a coupe around smce '93, but It still Itself The 1997 Camaro RS convertible Is about as good-looking a car as seems possible. "Ith a Wide stance and If you says "hot" louder than ever love open-air tounng, check With thIS Camaro, out a Camaro convertIble At $23.695, the Camaro RS Chevrolet has achieved the Michael Quatro's latest 'Woodward Cruise Mania' A year ago we spent a few convertIble IS a bargain Even perfect wedge shape so many days with the more muscular m ItS tamer V 6 mcarnatIon, sports car makers, like By Kathleen Spring "They don't see hiS love of "Turn down the musIc and Z28 versIOn of thIS four-seater ItS precise suspenSion, power. Tnumph and Flat, came close SpeCial Writer musIc It's an mnate dnve • hsten It's hke makmg a mOVIe and we hke the RS much bet- ful anti-lock four-wheel diSC to but didn't pull off thIS well Lookmg over MIchael In the '90s, Quatro wanted a Without the musIc" ter Yes. the Z-car IS more pow- brakes and rugged, stable The base Camaro engme IS Quatro's career, you might more stable hfe Hlghhghts of Quatro's songs erful (285 hp vs 200 hp) and a platform makes the Camaro the 3800 Senes II V-B, which define him through hiS musI- HIS two children were were placed on the soundtrack darn sIght faster Our test car RS a real performance bar- puts out 200 hp, pretty good cal He burst mto populanty at grown, and he and hiS new WIfe Quatrophomc IS the dlstnbu- had a short-throw five-speed gam for a SIX age 7, when he had hIS first Mary had moved mto an tor of the VIdeo, which IS not manual transmiSSIOn that Just In fact, It moves the RS out plano performance With a sym- Enghsh Thdor house m East only bemg sold through local about lell us m our own dust "From the country that almost as fast as some V-Ss phony, and skYlocketed to the Enghsh Village stores, but on the Internet Problem was, most of the tIme mvented rock 'n' roll" claimed Not the Z28's Corvette-denved the top of rock 'n' roll charts m He opened Quatrophomc There's another reason why we couldn't get It mto second the advertIsements for the 57-lIter V-8, of course, whIch the 1970s With record sales MUSIC Corp, Troy QUBtro IS a good chOIce for co- gear So after a Jack-rabbit Camaro, whIch IS actually churns 285 hp to the pave- reachmg 4,500,000 "I never stopped bemg producmg a Video featunng start m first, we were left bUIlt m Quebec Chevrolet ment through the rear wheels Bemg a smger, songwnter mvolved m musIc," said cars hangIng, eventually shdmg It Imks the Camaro to an ElVIS- An SS versIon gets 300 hp and gIfted mUSICian, however, Quatro "Woodward CrUise He conSiders racmg cars one mto thIrd and chuggIng up to hke Image, but, In fact, the thanks to a big air scoop on could define many entertamers Mama" IS currently Quatro's of hiS hobbles speed It had more horsepo\\er Camaro RS IS a very well- the hood that forces cool air who have either burned out, hottest VIdeo venture He owns a "very speclahzed" than we needed and, as you mannered sports car that does mto the engIne lost their populanty or been Mark Thkarskl, preSident of Dodge Daytona that he's put might expect, had to make everythmg It I' supposed and But the very strong 3800 V- abused by their managers or All City TeleVISIOn & Video, $25,000 mto more frequent tnps to the fill- does It courteously and well 6 makes a strong argument for the system What makes Berkley, edIted seven hours of mg station avoldmg the higher msurance Quatro dIfferent IS hiS busmess the Woodward Cruise footage, "Woodward CrUIseMam.a" IS The RS package mcludes For 1997, Camaro fans WIll rates and pnces of the Z28 sa~ and hiS refusal to take filmed m 1996, and came up avazlable at Farmer Jack, Rite GM's big 3800 V-6 engIne with note few visual changes to and other high-powered V-8 "no" for an answer WIth a 38-mmute fast-paced Aid, Harmony House, All City cast-Iron block and head WIth their favonte pony car Tn- machmes An optIOnal ~He's firmly committed to hiS Visual synopsIs of the day's Video and several bUSinesses on direct Ignl tlon A fiVI"speed color tallhghts debut, five- Performance Handlmg destmy," said Mary (formerly actiVItIes Woodward Avenue manual IS standard, the four spoke aluminum wheels are a Package puts bigger tIres, TIedeck of Grosse Pomte), hiS "Mark felt that Without the For Internet sales informa- speed electrolllcally controlled new optIOn, and two new exte- alloy wheels, tighter steenng, WIfe nght mUSIC, the Woodward tIOn, call (248) 269-9101 For automatic IS optlOnal The lat- nor color_ JOIn the pamt four-wheel dISC brakes and a "With MIchael, what you see CruIse VIdeo would be worth- Video information, call (800) hmlted shp differentIal on the Ib what you get," said Mary less," said Quatro 477.5388

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:: ~-:~ \::~••s...-u , b_ .._ _ ..-..-.~ ~I __ .. .=-... -~-.~ .. .l.. ~ oil ~"_._._~-- \ t 10_ ...... 0fIIIICUt 80.4 S Hom Iton f e> Seg now MI ~ 8601 1517179n93~ SEQUENCE 4. 18001968 3~56 10,1117) 791 1~n pmorl dmglO<:r Hom .... O .... L ...... 9?6 Robb", SUite152 Grand HQ\lpn Ml ,49,417 1611>18~6 8176 10.16161 8~7 6741 a.-.il ...... ,.,')A.v...-...... -. August 14, 1997 14A Schools Grosse Pointe News

A good day for a picnic Montesson Certl1led & Degreed Instructoo Parents. students and interested community members Michigan Montesson Soclely Members packed picnic baskets and spread out blankets on the spa- • PRE-SCHOOL' KINDERGARTEN' DAY CARE cious front lawn at Grosse Pointe South High School on Sun- clay.Aug. 10 to help the Grosse Pointe Public School System • IndiVidually Paced Learning • Art & MUSIC Programs introduce and welcome five new adminlstntors to the school • OrganIZed Clean Environment. RespecHuI Calm Atmosphere community. T~~v are, below, from left, Art M.Uler.principal at Grosse Pointe South High. School; Paul Pagel. assistant prin- • SChool Year Begins August 25th cipal at North high, formerly assistant principal at South; Janet Watt. principal at Ferry Elementary SChool; (810) 776-4066 Su.zanne Klein. superintendent; Elalne Middlekauff. principal at Mason Elementary School; and David KIng. principal at 10)01 E.10 MILE RD. Defer Elementary SChool (he's been with the district. most ST. CLAIR SHORES recently as Ferry principal). Staff members and famUy at Muon Elementary SChool, Our Qualify Montesson enVIronment has been helping above right, Cheryl Briggs. Lynn Denney. (baby Grace Den- children grow academically & SOCially since 1982 ney - not a staff member). James Denney. Kate LaPorte and Timothy Briggs helped welcome Elalne Middlekauff as their new principal. FamUles, above, such as Karen and Kevin Klein and Mar- lene and Richard Joseph. along with children David and Christine Klein and John. Steve and Paul Joseph, were enter- tained by magicians Patrick Livingston Jr .• left. and J.R. McAtee (not pictured), along with the sounds of Mel Stander and The Gentlemen of Swing and vocalist Denise Stevens. ~ K1ndennusik Beginnings (Daytime & Pajama Pany) Inlroduces Photos by Leah "" children ages 18 months 104 years 10sllmulaung sounds and rhythms Fun and games for children were also part of the afternoon festivities. right. as Caroline Verbeke and Ashley Spiers cast Growing Witb Kindennusik. Introduces chIldren ages 3 1/2 to 5 off In a fishing game.The event was sponsored by the PTO Vartanian years to musIcal aC!Jvltles de~lgned 10enhance development and CODDCn,the Grosse Pointe Community Network. the Grosse ii# Imagmauon Pointe North Parents. Club and the Grosse Pointe South ~ K1ndermuslk For The Young CbDd: Inlroduces children to wnnng Mothers' Club. Organizers hope to make the end-of-summer __ and readmg mUSICWIth all the necessary prereqUISite for successful welcoming picnic an annual event and altemate sites lDstrumental study between North and South high schoo". Regardless of credit htstory, ~ Now Registering/or Fall Sersions! call for same-day approval COIIlDlOOl'olnt MOf1gage CASH FASn 1-8OQ.968-2221 Kid's Coloring Contest! • ( •... '"' ,...... -. MS~Rl(ET •• ON THE CAMPUS Fax 882.0220 355 FISHER RD. WE DELIVER 882.5100 OPEN 8 to 530 P m DAilY, Wed 'tll Noon - Closed Sunday ( U.PS. PICK.UP DAILY SALE PRICES GOOD AUGUST 14th - AUGUST 20TH Pnme LONDON BROIL Our FAMOUS Stuffed Canadum Freshwater , FILET L~t~~B~OIL PORK CHOPS WHITEFISH MIGNONS SUPREMES .lourApplt&ClrtrryStujJing FILLETS 99 99 79 49 $13 LB. LB. LB. LB. »> $4 $3 $3 »> Our Own Seasoned Whole Perdue Cook's »> LAMB PATTIES CHICKENS HAM STEAK c::z,; 79 79 $4 ". ! ~""'~99;,,&$3 .{ __~A477LB LOXS . ~ SALMON $3.983 OZ. PKG. Michigan Budweiser Kraft DeCecco HONEY BEER PARM~~1~E~HEESE ITALIAN PASTA BEAR IIP'l!I $1399 I 79 All Varieties 99 $31912oz~ ~4Di~NCASf = $2 80Z. $1 LB. StoufJers DA EDOARDO Mrs. Paul's Lays or LEAN CUISINE NAPOLETANA DEVILED CRAB Ruffles SPAGHETTI CAKES POT'" 'TO CHIPS [W@f7/J;7fJi!/fj~f7@&& :~,~;~~::::,X be One Winner from each age group WIllreceive a Compuler Pef Toyand WIll drO'Nn :~:F~~:~~:o'$499 $4SA~~E $239 $199 at random Age groups are under 5 5 9 over 9 DrOWlngWIlltake place Sept 2 1997 Retum your colored PICture of Wally Wireless to any WOW' CommunlCatlons or moll to ./~:~ Q"t PKG. 1401.8AG wally Coloring Contes1 11201 Morang Detroit MI 48224 7'f1 • 199580CLE New Jersey Red Juicy Knudsen Family Colored by Age _ MERLOT...... $9.49 101 PEACHES LU MS vJrJE~~~fl Address, Ofy ZiP _ • 199580CLE COCKTAIL Mom 04' Dad's Name Phone # _ CHARDONNAY ( 99~ $239 $7.29101 LB. Ql Homegrown Fancy Red Mini SWEET CORN PEPPERS CARROTS _ 5/99~~$149 Pttltd& CltIJfttd ~ '6''07 LB. 99~L8. ,

_ ..... -. aer: • f-~"III\!$.a.A,J -_."""-.._ ... 1--.....-4...__• •...... w .. r I A Schools 15A ~1. " SCHOOL NEWS Village Locksmith Registration Reunions t1Home Repair Co. A specIal four-day summer enrollment penod has been The Southeastern High estabhshed for students who School class of 1930 IS plan- lACK .... SCIIGL SpEClILS: are new to the Gl'osse Pointe mng a 67th reumon luncheon South High School atten- for Thursday. Sept 25 All ... Master Bike Locks dance area graduates trom the l~~Os and .. Combination Locks A counselor wIll be on duty 1930s are welcome For more ... Pad Locks at South on Monday, Aug 11 mformatlOn. call (313) 884- ... Key Chains through Tuesday. Aug 12. and 0527 or (810) 263-3526 agam on Monday, Aug 18 and ... Hide A Rocks Tuesday. Aug 19, for the pur- Fundraiser .. Keyless Entry pose of asslstmg new students The St. Clare of Systems WIth the selectIon of theIr Monwfalco PrO IS contmu- courses for the 1997-98 school .. Pepper Spray year Ing to collect books for Its 13th annual Used Book Sale. Sept .. Personal Enrollment hours WIll be 17.22 Alarms from 8 a m to noon. and from 1 Hardcover and paperback to 4 p m HIgh school students donatIons WIll be accepted. as who are new to the attendance .. ""ell as audIO and VIdeotapes 881-8603 • 18554 Mack •-Grosse Pointe FanDI • area should call Nancy Textbooks older than three Nordstrom, records room secre- years WIll not be accepted. as tary at (313) 343-2151. to well as Reader's DIgest schedule an enrollment confer- ence Condensed Books, magaZInes or books In poor condItion Students and/or parents e\ r; d~ t They do not sell g~~~t~})OOI should bnng a transcnpt of Book donations may be grades from the last school Teamwork depoSited any day before 2 p m ~.~d.le attended or the last report card A group of 5- through 12-year-olds attendiDg the m the bm outsIde the church receIved A bIrth certIficate, Blue Streak Sparta Camp at the GroalClPointe Acad- carport, Mack at WhIttIer In SOCIalSecunty card and health emy came up with the idea of helping families affect- Grosse Pomte Park If you ENTIRE STOCK OF records also are needed at the ed by the July 2 8tonn: they decided to rai8e money need books pIcked up, call tIme of enrollment by staging a 800r hockey Mshootout. MEach child had Jeffrey at (313) 882-4330 CHILDREN'S SHOES one minute to make u many goala u ponlble (with. out a goaUe pl'ellCDt).The cbildren raised $3,000 by Accolades Exchanges asJdng people to pledge a monetary amount for each Mark Davids. a Grosse IO% OFF! goal they made. The money WU donated to the Sal- Pomte South HIgh School SCI- The American Intercultural Student vation Army-Good Neighbor Fund. ence teacher. partIcIpated thIS Exchange, a non-profit educa- summer m a natIonal reform tIonal foundatIon. IS seekIng project at Anzona State '. :/l/:LLITS Umverslty which trams hIgh local host famIlIes for hIgh Schools launch program to school foreIgn exchange stu- school teachers how to motI- dents for the 1997-98 school vate students usmg an mnova- year AISE's students corne gauge student achievement tIve. computer -based method ~~- called "modehng • from more than 50 countIes It's no secret that a school as the Benchmark ProJect. ~ DOCK~ ill The core of sCIencemvolves worldWIde and the program dlstnct's results on the Maire Elementary School recently expanded operatIons the malong and USIngof mod- MIchigan EducatIOnal teacher Susan Nowosad IS one to Include Llthuama. Croatia els It can be used to descnbe Assessment Program (MEAP) of the team members partICI- and South ACnca dIfferent phenomena by reduc- tests are high stakes patIng m the project. Every year. AISE places 109what IShappemng to a sIm- Currently, dlstncts and The goal of the project IS to thousand of exchange students ple model Rather than have teachers have no way to mea- create assessments that dls- WIth host famlhes throughout 111m --.. sure student preparedness or tncts can use to gauge how students learnmg a senes of the Umted States equatIons or seemg sItuatIons progress In the years leadIng to theIr students are dOIngIn the Exchange students hve WIth Mon.,Thurs. as bemg separate, students In VERF AlLLES U the MEAP tests. Few programs years leadmg up to the MEAP Arnencan famlhes and attend the process begIn to VIewthese eXist and of those avadable, tests These tests. In turn, WIll local hIgh schools dunng their Fri~71 apparently dIfferent phenome- COSSETTE SHOES none focus on the state obJec- help dlstncts detennine where lO-month cultural exchange na m terms of a SIngle model "Where fit is Our Concern" sat., 9-5 tives of each content area or they need to make changes In expenences Host famIlIes pro- that stnps away extraneous are avadable in all the areas theIr cumculum and Instruc- VIde these young ambassadors 23S:lS Nine Mack Dr., s.c.s. • 775-5537 tested (readIng, wnting. SCI- tIOnmethods detaIls and focuses on funda- mentals WIth a room. meals and a lov- ence, math and SOCialstudIes) mg family atmosphere In The Idea IS to motIvate stu- To address thIS need, the RESA has recruIted a group whIch to hve Wayne County RegIOnal of 72 teachers from throughout dents to work together and thInk cntIcally EducatIOnal Service Agency Wayne County to develop the Call (800) SIBLING or VISIt GOOD CAREER (RESA) or the IntermedIate tests The teachers WIllwork at The project was launched three years ago WIth a $4 mIl- the web SIteat www SIblIngorg school dIstnct for the county, RESA throughout the summer for more mfonnatlOn fZE1!.) ij;"j has InItIated a program known to wnte a total of 25 tests hon grant from the NatIOnal ScIence FoundatIOn '" TIll tWSII"'S

The Piano Sale Of The Year . AT • .• .• Oakland . 17844 Mack Avenue . .I Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48230 . University .• . The Sale That Starts As Soon As You Pick Up The Phone! . GRAND OPENING .• Preview . WEEK OF AUGUST 18TH A ppointm ents 1 - 800 - 9 PIANO 9 . EVENINGS & SATURDAY . All Baldwin pianos will be available at . INSTRUCTION FOR ALL AGES 3 and up •. substantially less than retail value. • Children and Adults - All Levels ...• Other new & used planas from BaldWIn. Mason & HamlIn, . CLASSES IN ... . Young Chang, E~toma. SchImmel, Chlckenng and more . Cfa./J'icaL 13aLLtt 'JJfJlJth . Jazz q- T9 Will al~o be avaIlable at savings up to 1/2 off. -. - Free Classes Offered Dunng the Week of August 25th - OAKLAND UNIVERSITY . Sunday Department of Music, Theltre and Call For Information - (313) 886-1746 Dance i. August 17th 316 Varner Hall . Come and experience the many gifts 1)"" has to offer 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM . Self-confidence, Grace, Self-conlrol, Knowledge of the Arts Balance Coordlnatlo'l, Fllness Rochester, MI. 48309 . AND MOSTOf All FU N . \"It'\ f In"n, In~ and /kl/l rn hanJ/rJ 1>\ r""a \(,w< Crntrr . . •. o . FormoreInforma_ . . O!: ! . ~ call us anytime. . ~:> i Design & Production . ~ :! . ~ ~ . l'l ~ o The Grosse Pointe Ntw . e. z f . l' :: • i! ;! 2 (313) 343-551 ~ . "l- e . • Fax: (313) 343-5571 .• -- ... Dev&lop your look and win your audience! o .. :- ...

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" I ,'I ... t " A August 14, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Business 17A Roney & Co: Investing is a community endeavor

.. 1: '1 'I '\ '\ "; ~ 4.:P~ By Amy Andreou Miller staff toddy En t h u 'I <1, tl C III te ractlOn , .... J...\A. .... ~"l...... Special Writer Roney's growth In Grosbe '\~!U Leaders in With dlenh wmeb eaSIly to the ~, ..... "Money never sleeps~ are the Pomteb mIrrors the succes~ of ,to(kbroker, at Roney & Co's words that scroll by on the the comp.my statewide Roney Business: Gnh" POInte branch. Miller computer saver of & Co Ib one of M,ch,gan's old- ,ald. becau,e "our employees GrObse POinte Farms reSIdent est and largest Illvestment Investment dre a,tIV( members of thIS Gregory J MIller They are ~ecuntles firms. a leading wmmumty, dred (hurches, and words he knows to be true, mvestment bankIng orgall1za and Banking varlOll' !!rOUD' a~ well as because MIller - a pnnclpal tlOn and the state's longest- cOdch youth sports teams," With Roney & Co - has been standing member of the New and prospered through bear bdld Miller. y,hose Wife, 15 investIng people's money for 18 York Stock Exchange markets, bull market~. and Rebeccd. aoblstb With play years It was found In DetrOlt In depresblons We WIll contlllue grOUPb and/or school projects But actually cdtchlllg the 1925 by Wilham Chapoton to serve our chent, presently In which their chIldren ------~- screen saver's mantra IS a rare Roney Sr III a small office Just and In the future. a~ we have Gregory Jr and Mary opportumty because MIller IS a few blocks away from the cur- In past." Miller Said Margaret dre Involved busy at hiS computer checkmg rent headquarters III the Roney Naturdlly, he emphaSized the stock market and economy bUlldlllg In downtown DetrOit the Importance of people For example. MIller was past throughout the day at Roney's FamIly member and Grosse Illvestmg their money. and said preSIdent for the Lakeshore 6-month old Grosse POinte Pomter Jack Roney further there's no better time than the OptimIst Club, and the local locatIOn In the Punch and Judy bUIlt up the Grosse POlllte present Jaycee~ group bUilding at 15 Kercheval. to clIentele WIthin the past 50 He also Said. "TIme and where they moved from their years Interest are Illvestors best Dave Hamb. another stock. ll-year locatIOn that was also The firm operates from 27 fnends ~ broker at the branch. served as on the HIli branch offices throughout "To Illcrease your wealth. preSident of the Grosse Pomte MIller - whose educatIOn MIchigan, OhIO and IndIana you have to be proactive. eIther Soccer AsSOCIatIon. and served Includes an undergraduate Roney & CO IS owned by over by belllg acutely aware of the as a past commodore of the degree from Wayne State 100 partners, and Its staff of market yourself. or by hmng a Grosse Pomte Farms Boat University 10 behavonal psy- more than 600 profeSSIOnals good finanCIal adVIsor," he saId Club chology. and traInmg at the today serves III excess of80,OOO And what makes a good Management School of chents finanCIal adVisor? Wayne Plttel, another Roney Wharton at the Umverslty of Even though Miller predicts "We hsten to our chents We stockbroker, IS a member of the PennsylvanIa - IS manager of more consolIdatIOn m the find out theIr goals, both for Sunnbe Rotary Club the Roney Grosse Pomte mdustry of brokerage firms the short tenn and the long Farms branch and mutual compames, he saId term," MIller saId "A good MIller saId Roney handles The Grosse POInte Farms confidently that Roney & Co finanCIal adVIsor formulates a "everything from multimIlhon branch has grown from four Will be around for the long fleXIble plan. and IS able to dollar pensIOn accounts to chil- stockbrokers m June 1986 to haul help and respond to the chents dren bnngmg In a httle bit of 14 stockbrokers and 9 support "Roney & Co has survIved at all tImes" theIr paper money"

GI'OlNIePointe FlU"DUIresident Gregory J. Miller - a principal with Roney &: Co. - has been investing people's money for 18 years.

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up-front costs at all AUTO ALARM AUTIlOlUTY '1lINOfRSON GlASS No II( ~ .. ,oJ)oJ I NG! l'Ie SILfCT~~~=-i 1 1 .J ~ t.Y ... r ARM '.Ye.rARM AUTO AMlRmAR 1 5 CtLTU WlUUSS 8.425% AVAILAIU AT YOUR AMERmCH LOCATIONS • JIftlM.l DUNCAN fOlD NGlNGP\US 6.125% , J 0 ~ t ~ C __ SOUND SKlJIIITY Initial Contract Rate APR .. ) Tt AMERmCH CEUULAR CENTIRS NEW STORE HOURS , , ... -~'\. M.f 9AM.7PM, SAT IOAM.5PM, SUN 12PM-4PM COMMUNICAlIONS NICO IUCTlONlCS Ttltphonr lAan Crntrr 10801)0 III \/.o Fnf II °Rl)('o HZo i'HIi) .AMllme_ LaIr""," AMltICAN QUUlAIl ... CIUUW CINl1U \. , ,- •DANTO FUlNIlUI'I & , •"IMIU CJUULAI '''''''Arboo .~v ..... 'j APPIIANCI ,5 J I /'."oc<-o J~ 5'" B3 ( , J , ~ MlG.Um COMl'IImtS 0,iFIRST FEDERAL ~~ .... Ncm • Ale WARIHOUSI QlllCK~A" IN( t '1:1 ;,J~ , ~.. SlAT! COMMUMCAlIONS ..s .:..~ DISCOUNT YIOfO ~ OF MICHIGAN • 'J ...... ~ AOVAHCIO a """.)(,. 's v Ask Us We Can Do It SAt .(1.... _ C-...llONS UDtOS 'KNOtS ltLCOMuSA FDIC SI'UKIRl & ""NGS 6" t""' ...... _-• 'v InsurBd Jt;. ,,0>- R.. """", • M1DWfSI AUTOnl fINISHING lOUCIlIS lJ So MIlllSS Loon th,,,"~h""1 mll'''I"hl,n I~ I,ml \nn \.1." J 3 ~ J loyol~ MOTOll1NG "ff, .... .-] 11 .. J M1DWfSIIIKrnlNICS (~n'l"ll (,rllnlt R.tplr{ .. [.an( ,*"""'"J ~ F .,., ""'UI aUuu.R SAliS loans (or owner occupted hOmes only WIth Sr,.oo 000 mQ»(lmum loan amount Annua.l Percent '","""",,",Hill. '110)' • AU l1MI AUDIO H.G! COM age Rate (APA) e.ample ba~ on $50 000 k1ar'l at s!a!ed contract rale and a 30 year amomz8 e oleo ~<; ..l~ ~~... ~ a .,...... ~ ,.,- ., 8 'I """SJ t~ m<:lfrthty paymenlS ollnteresl an~ pnnt"' pal of $303 81 ConTraCllmerest rate ar.d ~ IlAWlIlOINf IlOMI p.ayrnen1 applies only dun'1g Imllal conlract per ocI APR subJOC! to ncrpase after consummatIOn S ?Jl6\...... -3 AUTO ADO ()tj CIUIlLU ILlClIOMCS AND rnaxltT'lUm rate or ncrease per adluSlmer11 life Tme maXlmlim Annual Contract .- 2% decrease , GlASS CINTIRS IJS,t, oU'I'llANCl "" ...... Q C.111-IOO.MOIIU.1 Aate (CAP) 6' above nllwalcont,acl rate Three year!Xe paymenl charge F nalloan app.-oval • ] '1.1" ""'- subtect to ow appra ~ I and undt't"Wl'rtlng standards. wnlch are a'Val~ble on request Prt»m1y .- Insurance requilred APR effP<1rve July 31 1997 L_~~_\'_'_ -

_ r L::l::::~'.'-":::::,:rz:.:.:.:II;-.S----~9.....9..Q.... -\ ...... ~.... -- ...., ..--.Q-L"'---._- C....utl 0fRCUe ,.. e) 80. S Ho m lIon SOQ,ncw MI. 8607 1517) 792 0934 SEQUENCE ~ 18001968 3~56 •• . fa, 1~17J 7927~23 flmOlI dmq 1Oem. com ...... L ...... 916 iobbon. SUlle 2S2 Grano H"",," MI ~9~17 1616) 8468716 fo>(6161 8~7-6747 &-..II ...... ,A..-__ ...... _ 18A August 14, 1997 Business Grosse Pointe News Michigan National provides traditional, innovative services Much has changed both "ell IS('voh mg With the emer Canllmta, who has been WIth IIhlde and outside the walls of MIchIgan National ISa dIver- natIOnal finanCial services gence of new dlstnbutlOn the bank for almost 20 years, SIfiedfinanCial sel'V1cesorgam- thp Jefferson and Barnngton ch,mneb ~uch as 24-hour-a Leaders in groups The NatIOnal IS the began her career as a proof zatlOn dedicated to proViding branch of MichIgan NatIOnal da) on-hne bankmg as well as machine operator (a behmd- world's 38th largest bank Bdnk In Grosse POInte Park Business: the resources for chents to a vanet) of mvestment the scenes department which grow theIr bUSinesses and per. While the neIghborhood, optIOns handles paper work) and then sonal portfohos whIch IS a border between the Customer servIce supervIsor Investment While MichIgan NatIOnal IS transferred to the Jefferson It ISthe fourth largest bank POll\te~and DetrOit, continues KIm A Cammlta mdde thIS branch In 1981 offenng new servIces - such holdmg company In MIchIgan to evohe WIth ItS many new observatIOn as she returned to and Banking as OptIOn One for Windows, She worked there as a teller, With 199 finanCIal centers, wn~tructlOn and beautification the Jefferson-Barnngton which gives customers person- assIstant head teller head l'lcludmg 21 In store locatIOns, I'IOJLCl~,~o ,00 doe" Mllhlgan branch two-and-a-hall months teller and then as a customer 'Till happy to be back," al computer access to accounts NatIOnal as well as the indus- ago Camlnlta saId of her return to 295 automated teller machmes sales representatlve and assIs- and a full-service 24-hour tele- 24 hours a day - Camlmta try as a whole Many of the customers .he tant manager the POlntes "Our goal IS to saId there IS stili a segment of CompetItion In the Industry phoae bankmg center "alted on a decade ago are stili She advanced her career make our commerCIaland per- MIchigan NatIOnal ISa mem- the populatIOn that prefers I~ mcreasmg steadily and now loyal to the bank and not only through hands-on, In-house sonal customers happy I think ber of the NatIOnal Austraha commg mto the branch to han- mdudes non-banking financIal dId they remember her they tJ alnJng and \\ lth the guIdance for the most part they realize Bank Group (the Natlona!), dle small transactIOns and VIsit lnSlltutlOns The mdustry as welcomed hel balk ,h,' "lid of hlr ,upervl~ors ~he saId that. one of the world's largest mter. WIththe staff First of Republic Bank: Has become Michigan is leader No.1 provider of SBA loans LUCinda "Cindy' Stanton, and recommend the nght prod- • • VIce-preSIdent and director of ucts, servIces or finanCing In munles marketing of Repubhc Bank In alternatIves Every customer IS LanSing, has 12 years, expen- aSSigned a Personal Banker Mary Black of First of ence In the finan who IS a MIchigan Corp has 16 years of clal services ban kIn g expenence Wlth the company mdustry She has profeSSIOnal She ISVIce-presIdent of mvest- served as a mar- and can ments and the manager of the ketlng planner, a take care of office In the CIty Grosse sales promotion most finan- Pomte manager and Clal transac- Founded In 1933, First of assistant manag- tlons and MichIgan IS the largest full- er Wlth different fa c111 tat e sel'V1cesecuntles firm based In finanCIal compa. needs and ~hchlgan and has 33 offices mes before com- problems for throughout the state It ISalso mg to Repubhc the customer a member of the New York She receIved a B S from "Making mortgage loans and Stock Exchange and offers a Georgia State University and a bUSiness loans ISa way we con- complete range of mvestment six year certIficate from the tnbute to the growth and eco- products and sel'V1cesto mdl- Institute for organized man- nomIc health of our home Vidual and institutional agement at Notre Dame towns," Stanton sald "We are chents Republic Bank has $1 billion also now the 35th largest mort- Lucinda YCindy" StantoD FIrst of MIchIgan IS also the m assets and has 22 offices and gage lender In the Umted wealth, will (also) become a largest m-state underwnter of 325 employees Its hnes are m States when JOined by our seTVlceoffered to the emerging tax-exempt MIchIgan mUniCI- commercial and retail bankmg mortgage company sub. wealth segment as well • pal bonds It has had an office and mortgage banking sldlanes " Repubhc IS currently In the m Grosse Pomte for over 30 "Repubhc bank dlfferentl- Repubhc has become the No process of entenng the Grand , years ates Itself WIth a commitment 1 proVIder of Small Busmess Rapids market With the open- "We unde ourselves on the to prOVIdingcustomers extra- Admlmstratlon loans 10 the mg of a loan productIon office I level of personal seTVlce and accessIbIlity we offer chents,' Mary Black ordmary personal seTVlces,I.e., state for the last three years It Plans for a full sel"VlcebankIng Black saId 'face to face bankmg, '" Stanton has also been extended operatIOn are also under devel- Black thmks that strong cor- said "As alternative delivery Preferred Lender Status by the opment for completion later makes mvestmg In emerging access to Fahnestock's hIghly channels and electromc bank. SBA. thIS year porate earmngs, low mterest growth compames more attrac- rated equIty research, invest- rates and low mflatlon are tive And partICIpation In the Ing become all the more preva- "While banks have respond. ment products and Initial pub- lent In the Industry, Repubhc ed to the pubhc's need for con- Save yourself lime keepmg the present bull mar- internatIOnal markets should when JI come. to hc offenngs has stayed commItted to the venlence In retail banlung, I ket ahve and healthy be an essential part of asset filling Of finding jobs allocatIOn today. personahzed bankmg believe customers WIllcontinue see U. FIrst! Fahnestock IS based In New Grosse Polnle News "High quality, well-dIverSI- Black thinks the company's approach" to graVItate to and appreciate York First of MIchIgan WIll Stanton added that "face-to- the personal approach," & fied portfolios are the key for recent acqUIsItIon by The ConlNlCllon retam ItS name and strong face" banking helps the bank to Stanton saId "Pnvate bank- most Investors," she S81d "The Fahnestock & Co WIll gIVe regional network CIBSSIfledS ne" capital gams tax break FIrst of MichIgan clients understand customer needs mg, once regarded for great 882-$900 Standard Federal Yoa and offers new services Yoar Car The face of banking today has changed drasllcally Gone are the days of expecting sIm- Leaders in ply savings, checking and mortgage seTVlces from your Business: At Speedy, yoo never need an appointment to local mstltutlOns [t][JJ get great wide Investment sa~ings on a range of profes- "The bankmg busmess ISm a by Tom Fraser & Bob Hoover sional automofue Benices for cars, vans and major sea of change nght now," Sales Mgr Service Mgr light tnJ(ks, Said Doug Graham, VIcepresI- and Banking dent and branch manager of OCTANE Standard Federal's Grosse an account to complete a trans- RECOMMENDATIONS Pomte Woods Mack and Cook actIOn, bank representatives Some people mIstakenly beheve that branch "Banking IS very com- can do that for you nght away octane IS a measurement of the qual. It ehmmates the need to "have Ity or power polenbal of gasohne II petItive marketplace and It'S IS, Instead, nothmg more than a only gomg to benefit the con- accounts all over the place,. measurement of the fuel S T'eSlStance sumer" Graham saId lng " The Consumers stIll rate theIr octane reqUIrements for any partlcu. 1rN:l1k'tJ .roJ ~lIk'tod lul" i< h~ ,1'1 Il", INn AddItIOnally, Standard lar automobIle are found In the Speedy offers complete exhaust \l1lA'l,IJ IJTlUIt'cllmM.offi."'''l.,IItI~r.r local banks as one of the InStl owner's manual With newer cars It systems from the converter back for ~ 'oil ,;aid .. -.n.an idk'f.~ ('tll p,"" Federdl \\111 be gettmg mto the dtne pmg IS notlced move dnven b) technology It's easIer --. mutual fund of chOIce up 10 a hIgher octane fuel unhl II _. _.... for people to bank by phone, stops =-_.. Standard Federal has Just USlOg the besl gasolme Isn'l usually - computer and other means - e'" begun offenng a new servIce to necessa ry for most cars to achieve - WIth these new conveniences, good performance from them but If -- =' customers a dIscount broker- - come new demands from con- you ha\e questIOns about thiS or any - age house You can now do all olher car problem ask the e"Jl€rl.s - ~umers WhIle not available of your stock mve~tmg through We re only too glad 10help At RINKE ':::;';.~-.,~_:',':':'= nght, Graham feels that hIS II! ,"""il"~ tn"f'Io,\1lOon .,.. .~ • the bank In fact, you can do so .+. instItutIOn will have computer TOYOTA 1758 2000) we work to ""hdl~".Nl<,IlI..l.n.lrr"'T~'T'I"I:"''' 24 hours a day If you use the make your hfe eas,er We're not only 8 95"Coa .rll • lto .... ;...,\ "lut ,'nllI: a.d servIces for bankmg or stock ...."f"."...,.. 10" ~ .-.tt ft., '" 1 11...... bank's phone sel'V1ces,howev- knowledgeable and prompt, bul cour transactlOn~ avaIlable soon leous too V,sli us al 25420 Van Dyke ""'"'lttl h,,1. All ht:ht- .. I ~ ""f'c~l "'''''l",,m, ""it-,,~ ~ ...IIt1_ chrT..,... er, If you get a hot stock tIp at 2 today' 24 .ip~ .h... "....,w. , am, you'll only get a record- "It's a matter of secunty \ mg FUll SIZE nght now," he saId "We want .- Banks are steppmg up the --...... , to make sure It'S completely _..... number of sel"Vlcesthey offer secure" _. - cllent~ because they need to r------,TOYOTA QUALI1Y _..-.=-- -- stay competitive WIth the A recent merger WIth ABN I I - -- -- mve~tment and mortgage com- FREE Amra, based In the I28 1'011\7 INSPECTIOX I IIIPIIf panle~ that have gamed popu. Netherlands, ha" given ... -. IAmUeft tlm" otTc-r I _ lanty m the last decade ... .- Standard Federal addItIOnal I\\e In!Ip«I Ihc: fOllow1nll ...... of - ..... "We were kind of late getting finanCIal clout and lead to thIS '''Our TO\"'Ota I -.-... - • \I1llI.,rthalOl' 1\ !per madeo - makes ABN Amro the world's I - of optlDn~ ",hen It comes to ro" .....~ <:IK-"'- -__ ,,,""~.,, _'" .....,...~_ e- ...... 14th large~t commerCIal bank - :~~ru.:.~I .,.....", ""''''''1'~-1 """""~ (~ ...... ,...... _~ ~"-"'''''IIC-'" AI S.dY You're A SOmebodY. theIr money Cu~tomer~ are and the largest foreIgn owned JTe.."""" ~ "' ...... "'" ....,-,.- r<~~'_J'I'Ir"" "'11. r-...fI1",r;I"'J"""",,,,~~ c....._ ~,...,.....~"O" • ....,..,C\ ...... -..l'Il~~".tw" ~r-""'ll 1 ..... """«wt.,..~ demandlng'a vanety ....-9f ser- • IIeAdIIjl/J'. I """__ """,,~ .....~_.,.....-j~.,...~ .. --t ,..."...... ,_ _ ~ ~ "n ~PflO'"tlllt'!lt "l'l"'''',., • ~1111<'You w.. t ...... ,ce commerCIalbank m the Umted 1lnoke11jl/J" & Vlce~ We've respondea to theIr State~ "'~~.~""~~-- '\",k About Ourl3I3IiMIS'"IIla\' 1\l('_\, I.a-,h P"'!lratl1__ TlIm~ .. I ...... Gl"and Fl~ & F'af!oo 1Illl~ 1- demand~ " .000~Aw 1Illl11711t1 Gr.tf(ll Avt IJl7l.WloAdl 13lII_ Tm"Ofl _14l~7JI """ 1Xl1_ f",kllra'lnl! 4lnea1' c-. """,,,",Ild To u~e your bank as your You can reach Graham at I .14I7H",elHt~d tran.,acllon comml~Slons Plus, In .3J2lm _ (,313) 885-2114 Grosse l'J6tS WoocM'ard '" 1llll1II>!l4t ...... "19~3e (rtt'!.ard L*t Fed _dl''''''''''''''' .. wroo _I,.. -S<»ar.l ... 1ld1 - -rw.... 1lII1l}1IIl If vou need to transfer fund~ to POinte Wood~ 'IIJlot>/!WMt you do for me Toyota" -('ttO~dCJde.lIl 1llII1II ... l_Pwl 1Illlla

...... _.' • n , .... E JP.r." 2 'S T I In I' t A 0 August 14, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Business 19A Hill's First of America means Jfull-service' The First of Amenca branch gram that wIll allow personal 10 Grosse Pomte Farms at the computer users the opportum- ~orn"r ofF'bh"l and K",dl"val Leaders in Ly tu uank III a Il"W way offers a varIety of servIces For those who lIke to bank dehvered m a personal man- Business: the old way. saId Youngblood, ner, saId assIstant vIce presI- the Fisher branch offers a full dent and branch manager Investment array of bankmg servIces KImberly A Youngblood Includmg personal loan8, car The Farms branch IS only and Banking loano, boat loans, mortgage one of two FIrst of Amenca loans, horne equity loans, 8S banks that use a speCial "full- the second largest MIchIgan- well aq commercIal loans servIce" faCIlIty concept, saId based bankmg firm 10 the The bank, saId Youngblood, Youngblood Instead of haVIng state, second only to Comenca also has a brokerage represen- a senes of tradItional teller's Thompson said that while he tative from First of Amenca's WIndowsWIth loan officers and IS no economist, he beheves new brokerage house. account managers off to the that all the SIgnS pomt to the Customers can also obtam SIde, the Fisher branch has economy staYIng strong, WIth msurance, as well as credit IndIVIdual offices 10 whIch cus- no SI_S of a slowdown The cards tomers receIve semce bank IS also offenng for the The Farms branch ia only one of two Fint of America banks that use a special "full- "We are a full-serVIce bank ThiS servIce, Youngblood first tIme Internet bankmg ser- service" facility concept. aaid auistant vice president and branch manager Kimberly that offers everythmg a cus- said, can be anythIng from VIces MIcrosoft's Assess soft- tomer could want," Youngblood A. Youngblood, Instead of ha'riDg a series of traditional teUer's windows with toan offi- cashmg a check to gettIng a car ware has a home bankmg pro- saId cers and account managers off to the side, the Fishel' branch has individual offices in which customers receive service. loan. "It offers our customers a httle more semce and pnva- cy,~ Youngblood s3Id "There NBD to give customers the access, are oilly two FIrst of Amenca SUSPICIOUS??• branches In the state that Document the truth WIth expert swvcl1lance and UM:St1gatJvc offer thIS serVIce The other teehmques for domestIc and business SItuations type of banking services they seek branch ISIn Blrmmgham ~ Youngblood has been work- Callfor afree confidential consultation, By Amy Andreou MUler MIdwest offices But It also Ing for the Kalamazoo-based STEALTH INVESTIGATIONS SpeCial Wnter operates natIOnally as one of finanCIal InstitutIOn for a little PRIVATE DETEcnvE AGENCY-LICENSED AND BONDED National Bank of DetroIt's the country's largest prOVIders over five years She graduated HIli branch on Kercheval - of credIt cards and mternatIon- from Wayne State UnIversIty (810) 263-9056 whIch was slated to close some- ally through a network of 14 WIth a bachelor of SCIence tlme dunng the last quarter of offices In 12 countnes degree III bUSiness admInIS- • thiS year - WIll remam open The merger of DetrOIt's ven- tratIon untIl Jan 12, 1998 "to better erable NBD Bancorp and FIrst She currently serves on the .. serve Its customers through ChICago Corp of IllInOIS board of dIrectors for the . the hohdays," an NBD offiCIal occurred Just two years ago, Rotary Club of Grosse Pomte Insure Your Home and Car .• reported last week. and they have been steam- as the group's treasurer, and IS The deCISIon to close that rolhng at record pace 10 deSIgn- also Involved In the Rotary branch and 24 others, Ing some of the preVIously InternatIonal Youth Exchange With Us and Save $$$. announced In the Grosse mentIoned upgrades based on program Pomte News about two months customers surveys so that they Corporate spokesman Tony not only WIllmcrease access for Thompson saId that It IS the When you insure Leaders in ItS customers, but also gIVe 32nd largest bank holdIng customers exactly the kmd of company m the UnIted States, your home and car access that they want WIth $22 bIllIon In assets with Auto-Owners, Business: That makes FIrst of Amenca "NED has been in bUSiness Thomas H. Jeffs U we'll save you Investment since 1933 and part of the Grosse Pomte communIty smce around them Both Torn and "We are the market leader money with Pat are actIve members of and Banking 1955, grOWIngWIth It and help- In consumer and bUSiness our special Ing It grow," said Thomas H numerous chantIes and volun- bankmg m the MIdwest, a Jeffs II, the preSident of NBD teer groups For example, he IS leadmg credIt card prOVIder multi-policy ago, IS part of a campaIgn on chaIrman of New DetrOIt, and NBD's part to close Its lesser Bank In MIchIgan and VIce natIonally, and a premIer cor- discounts, chaIrman of FIrst ChIcago SitS on the boards of DetrOIt used faclhtles, and, In turn, porate bank at home and NBD CorporatIOn RenaIssance, the Chamber of abroad," saId an NBD pour $28 mIllIon mto upgrad- Commerce, the DetrOIt Ing and modernIZIng some of "We apprecIate the loyalty of spokesperson "Our VISionISto Symphony Orchestra, and the be the most successful vIuto.OtImn7 ~ Its other branches and Its ATM our customers over the years L'f!' Home Car BusIness DetrOit InstItute of Arts MIdwest-based bankmg com- )l,./,l,I1or

MIchIgan regIOnal bankmg Earnm~ 'r(llir 811...mr' .... NBD Bank 10 MIchIgan IS a E."rl/ DQV for M/lrc Tlum $21-blllIon bank that ISpart of !OO Ycor, FIrst ChIcago NBD CorporatIOn, the mnth largest banking company In the coun- of Macomb try WIth assets of $113 bllhon 141 C,olllh \1lm "'!r('c I I\om('o 752aJS94 FIrst ChICago NBD serves 2 ~)O) ( rrd1N \11< ~ ", ( II r '5hof('''- 771.2S00 large corporatIOns and InstItu- hUtnlff http IIWW\\ dn portllp com 18",24",30".36" tIOns, mIddle market and Duffels $25"10 $43- small-busmess customers as HARVEY'S well as mlillonq of consumers Its pnmary market IS 10 0111 mlfltTldfl' It f qO(/r ,((!"/rut (Wllftn IT l'lt /' "/,nlld"./d Compleat Traveler MIchIgan, IndIana and 01 II'll ri(ll((/ lIal/11

-=_MIl ....: -"'....-~-- 2 SS_.._._.1IIl-&::t...... ~ sllllsII9S.-- 01lll0 0 ~, n- ' ' .... COIlN .. ,. 0fftCItt ,.. e) 80A S Ham,lton

1517)Sogonow792M1486020934 SEQUENCE /80019683456 .. lox 1517) 792 2423 ICOn IIOIIINIOII emo I dmg I Ocn So com P,eudenl aNlOtUL 0MCI0 926 ~obbn. SUite 252 Gml'ld Hoven Ml A 9...17 /6161 8468726 lox L61.618"~6747 August 14, 1997 20A Grosse Pointe News

* Over 350 Dealers In • FREE PARKING Quality Antiques & ~~A!.O • ADMISSION $500 Selected Colleotibles 00 ~ I • ANNUAL PASS $35 All Under Cover ft * "" *All Items Guaranteed as Represented • * Locator Service for OUR Specialties & Dealers SUhday * On site Delivery & ~ Ann Arbor, Michigan August 17t1l r~. Exit #175 Off 1.94, • "'" Shipping Service 4"~';;;3M~.~ 6a./II. •4p./II.

THE BROTHERS ANTIQUES J. Hawkinson, Fort Washington, MD LAURA MATHEWS ANTIQUES Vintage posters Amencana On Main Wonderful 2 pc OhiO cupboard In old pamt Spatterware. QUlmper treeware sad & early carved lamb inSIde

FIRESIDE ANTIQUES MICHAEL HIGGINS ANTIQUES One 014 ConservatIon & Restorallon Specralist Furniture Chelsea, MI SIGHTS & SOUNDS OF EDISON Bill Witkowski John Meeker & Fran Faile textiles, Swarthmore, PA Mllan,OH glass & chma pottery porcelaIn Pe nod fu rnllure export porcelaIn Has over 50 phonographs IPlCludlng cylinder & disc Palnllngs Ken Ka L.? WIll bnng at least 12 wlrelated dems & parts does repair

C. HOFFMAN CONNIE HOFFMAN Delaware, OH BERNEICE & BILL MEYERS PARREn/UCH Inc Delaware, OH Grand Rapids, MI 1933 can/as folding canoe Flip top table from nver boal Georgetown, IN Children's. toys adv 19205 Indiana hickOry furniture camp blankets and Willow basket

LAURA MATHEWS ANTIQUES CLOANNE SNYDER on Main SUSAN VANDER VEER ARCHITECTURAL ARTIFACTS N Manchester, IN Toledo,OH Rare southern pone Huret board Toledo,OH from Georgia (posstbly slave made)

II I'.~~J - CANALE'S ANTIQUES MICHAEL SCHWAAZBACH 8IJOUX ANTIQUES Delaware,OH 1848 HOUSE ANTlQUE5-S Baker Fine Amenca'la Hudson,OH HamIlton, OH Staffordshire perfume boffles ,ewelry stereo carts Country fumrture & accessones

~ D All of these dealers & more will be at our Sunday market!

c.. POIIa" 0ffICUI , 1 804 S HomllPon Sagnaw M ~860~ ,.. 15171792093~ SEQUENCE IROOj968 3~56 lax 1\ 71/92 2~23 ""meltl ~mg IOens com ... IOMAL 0fPICII 926 Robbin' Suo,. 252 Grand Hoven M149'117 161618~6 8726 lox 16161 A47<17~7 ,.l'I"W'IIItiont"l~,.,-. Health page 5

Entertainment page 6 Auction is afloat with Great Lakes treasures By John Lun vate collectIOn.," smd John plethora of Great Lakes Staff Writer Polacsek, curator of Manne mE'morablha, artwork and For nearly ~ decades, the HIstory at the mU5eum "It I. artifacts MemorabIlIa from DO,,5m Great es Museum mtended to foster an mterest Bob-Io Island - T-~hlrts. on Belle Isle h oVlded \ lSI- m the Great Lakes" banners, park slgnage and tor, d ghmpse reat Lakes The museum was founded by postcards Artwork by JIm nm dl history RI n artlfacts, the promment Dossm family Clary, WIlham Mosb, Robert the museum fea s dIsplays that bUilt a food product McGreevy, Jerry Croy, ley, re\eahng untol tone5 of empire m Detroit The Dosslns Richard Cornwell, Terry ~hlps that have eled the were passIOnate about boating, Nagle and others capnclOu5 water of the sponsoring the MIss PepsI The artwork will range Umted States' large kes Hydroplane races m the 1940s from works by Clary of and '50s A portIOn of the bUIld- To continue that Ii tlOn. freighter portraits m mk and the Great Lakes M ltl e Ing was donated by the Dosslns color such as the "Put-In- Instltute will hold It. an I nd the mUbeum became a Bay" Moss' work Includes the auctlon Saturday, Aug 16 to n 1960 Edmund Fitzgerald pabsmg benefit several program~ the III eum IS dedicated to under the Blue Water Bridge museum sponsors throughout the na I of steam and mth a spec13l penCil sketch the year The auctIOn Includes saIl ve~se f the Great on the pnnt's border Most of several collectlble~ donated by Lakes,~ Polac said "It fea- the artwork IS Signed and some of the mo~t notable tures large ha -on exhibits numbered hmlted-edltlOn Detroit resident- (and) charts It also) an optl- pnnts One of the few posters "The mu~eum IS de.,gned to mum place t atch boats available IS a speCIal proVIde a medlUm for collector. come by" Edmund Fitzgerald Anchor to obtam Item. for their pn The auctIOn Recovery edItIOn from 1992 whIch IS Signed by former Channel 4 weatherman Mal Slllars "These Items cannot be found III any gift shop," The South American. one of the last and best.known passenger steamers on the Great Polacsek saId Lakes, enjoyed a 50-plus year sailing career. Port holes from the ship will be up for bid S S South Amencan port- at the auction. It started each season from her home port in HoUand. Mich.• during the holes WIll be bId on These mid.May Tulip Festival. Mer a spring and early summer of carrying high school gradu- are sobd brass artIfacts that ation classes and other special groups. she would commence a summer schedule of were recovered when the ves- seven-day cruises between Duluth and Buffalo. was cut up for scrap m I 1 .. arbor Most of the • Sept 21 Will be Belle Isle offered admISSIon IS free. The auctlOn artl e wIth a certIfi- Appreclabon Day, where • Dec 6 Will have another vlewmg IS from 3-4 00 pm, the cate of ty admISSIon to the museum IS Memorablha Mart AdmISSIOn auctIOn begIns at 4 p m In addltlo th a speCIal pass from 1S $3 1i.ckets are $10 per person feature artlfac nds of Belle Isle Call • Roundmg out the year, Polacsek saId the museum Regina, lost m t (313) 331.7760 for from Dec 26-28 the Ford Fleet has no set goals for the amount 1913 and salvage onnabon Festival WIll be at the museum of money raised by the auctIon Medlcme bottles, pt 27 WIll feature From 10 a m to 4 pm, a time With shIps no longer bemg horseshoes, a hand PiCK' lane racmg mOYles at to remember the crews and scrapped as much as prevlOUS other pIeces of cargo useum From 1-3 00 pm, vessels the Ford manne fleet years, artifacts are becoming among Items aVailable ge mOYles mil be shown mil be observed Members of scarcer "People are alwa m the museum collection the Ship masters ASSOCIation "These auctlOns occur based for artifacts for theIr • On Nov 8 a manbme con. wIll be on hand to answer ques. on the amount of matenal you sonal research," Polac said cert by Lee Murdock With tlOns about bfe on the Great have.~ he said. "The museum prOVide. an out- Great Lakes ballads and songs Lakes "(Unfortunately), there are a let to help people find these WIll hold court from 2-4 00 p m ThiS Saturday's Manne lot more collectors than artI- Items" 1i.ckets are $10 Mart/AuctIOn mil be held at facts AV3llablhty has dried Once thought lost forever, this artifact from a ship that The mUbeum has .cheduled • From Nov 28-30, Fish and the Harbor HIli Manna on the up" chartered the Great Lakes is now on display at the Dossin several program~ over the next Ships at both the museum and DetrOIt RIver The mart run. For more mfonnatlOn, call Great Lakes MuseUJDon BeUe Isle. SIXmonths the Belle Isle Aquarium WIll be from 10 a m to 3 p m and (313) 852-4051 HICKEY'S WALTON PIERCE





Ava,lable or all Hpslop 5 /(XOr'On5 MICHAEL SIMON

Introduce the bnde-to-be to Heslop's bridal SWEATERS registry the bridal regIstry of chOIce I { SWIMSUITS 50% OFF MrnIO 0£TIl0IT Newl:>cal1On'Sl ClalfShotes • ?14?QMod AV' Troy Oa!dand Mall • (48) '>891433 t " r) 71B.<'l11i2IN0 • (On ((y~ c), F"" AM Alber CoIonnode. (113) 761 lOO? (On f",~ Jr'1 ,''''''' rrrrV]n~ P" ....'Y Wf>;.1 01 f~nol'W(X)('1'~I) NoY1 Novl Town Center' (?18) 119ffiQ\1 Ilochesler MeocIowbrool< VIIIoge Mol! • (248) 31'>D8?3 Grnndllapods BtelonVIlageMall' (616 957214~ TERMS OF SALE All Sales Flnol. No Phone Orders No layaways. No Refunds (Rrol jf1 R,j om 8< "on IIG) • ()pM 5urxJoys StenngHelghls easttolteCommons' (810)247./<1 I Aherahons chorged ot toltOf$ cost 'Navy Blazers not Included O!

~( 'to r-~-~- \ A .- c...... ft 0fI'ICUt ,. l I 804 <, Hom."" 5"!!'naw M1486O:I (117) 792 0934 SEQUENCE "C. A (800) 9683456 10.(117) 792 :1421 ..mOil dr"l"!qlOcrl~(Om .MtOIII ..LO...... o 9?6 Robb", 5, "e l5:1 6& 0 & Q Grond Havpn M149 ..17 11116184681:16 10' 16161 84111747 pmOII drnn?'Ontwrnrv!t1lo r ...... 28 August 14,1997 CommunI-tvd.. .G.ro.s.se.p.O.in.te.N.e.W.S

Light the How to spread the word NIght Gala Does your club or organization need a few more good people? Are you loolung for a new group or club to JOin? About 500 people raJ8ed The Grosse Pomte News would hke to play matchmaker agam, by publishing mformatIon aoou more than $100.000 at a peclfic local clubs, chantable groups, aUXlhanes, sel'Vlce organizatlOn8, special Interest group recent "Light the Night d so on. Gala," a benefit for the Our hst, which wJ11be pubhshed In mld-Septembpr, W11lg1Vereaders a Vle\\ of\\hat each orga national research program Izatlon ISall about, what kmds of people are mvolved, when and where It meets and what lund and local children's ser- f time and money commitments are reqwred. vices of the American Can- Club preSidents or pubhclty chairmen should complete our Club News form and return It cer Society of Southeastern argle Smith, Grosse POinte News. 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinte Farms, 48236, by 3 p.m Fnday: Michigan, ug 29 Among those Whoattend- Only organizatIons that complete the form and return It on time WIllbe mcluded m our hst ed were, from left. Grosse Pointer Jerry Hodak. Judy Sherman of Bloomfield Hills, Dale Austin and Peggy Hodak, both of ~------, Grosse Pointe. : CLUB NEWS : 1 Return to: The Grosse Pointe News 1 1 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Fanns, MI 48236 1 1 Attention: Margie Smith 1 1 Name of organization ------______1 1 Is this a non-profit organization? A special interest club? Other? I I ----- 1 I Purpose of organization. Tell us what your group does - projects; fundraising 1 1 events; program topics; whatever 1 1 ------1 : Wh--a-t-ki-'n-d-o-r-m-e-m-be-r-s-o-r-v-ol-un-te-e-rs-ar-e-y-O-U-l-oo-ki-'-ng-ro-r-?======-=--=--=--=--= :

: Ages---Skills- Interests : 1 Approximate time commitment necessary ------1 1 Are there dues or expenses? ------1 1 Do members need their own transportation? ------1 1 Where do volunteer activities anellor meetings take place? ------_ 1 1 ------1 ~ 1 Who to contact for more information ------______1 ' 1------1 I ------Phone number - 1 1 Is there other information prospectIve volunteers might need to know about 1 A record 330 women golfers, volUDteers and guests attended the fifth annual 1 your organization? (Use another sheet of paper ifnecessary.) 1 Women's Healthcare Classic recently held at the Grosse De Golf &: CoUDUyClub. Cl,. vorting the cause are (from left): Geri Larson of Dearborn; Debbie Borrego of 1 ---- 1 ( .$e Pointe; Heidi Schuck of Royal Oak; and Shin Cho of Dearborn. More than 1 1 l> 11 tl.OOO was raised to benefit women'8 hca1thcarc programs, specifically women's L------~ cancer education, prevention, and treatment at Oakwood Hea1thcarc system, I Deadline for return is Friday, August 29 1 EngageDlents NEW AIuuvALS OF 1997 Grosse Pomte News and The Connection newspapers are plannmg their 3rd annual speC/a! edition featunng the babies of the past year We hope you (and the little one) Will partICipate by supplying us WIth a photograph of your child (only 1997 babies, please) for publication In thiS section

ThiS tablOid Will be published In January. r 998. Your child's picture. along WIth other r 997 babies, wlII be the main attractlonl News and advertiSing about clothing. feeding. educating and canng for your chIld Will also be Included It Will be very informatIVe as well as a commemorative editIon for youl ) Elizabeth Cleary Johnllton Please send a cute. clear photo Icolor or black & white. home or and Steven Christopher studiO produced. preferably smaller than a 5x7) to Grosse POinte Janice Gertrude Tengler News & The Connection. 96 Kercheval Grosse POinte Farms Weitzmann and John MIChigan 48236 Attention Kim Kozlowski, Display AdvertiSing James Lovchuk Complete the InformatIon Slip With your childs full name, date of Johnston birth and hospital and return It With your photo Please Include Weitzmann- Tengler thiS Information on the back of the photo Joe and Susan Johnston of Your picture must be received In our office no later than Monday Lovchuk the CIty of Grosse Pomte December 22nd, earlier would assist our productIon schedule [Late November and December birth photos may be submItted Mrs James Weltzmann of announce the engagement of untIl January 6, 1998 ) the City of Grosse Pomte, has their daughter, Elizabeth announced the engagement of Cleary Johnston, to Steven We look forward to prod(}C1ng our annual "Baby EditIon" and are her daughter, Jamce Gertrude Chnstopher Tengler, son of sure you want your little one Included A limIted number of extra Weltzmann, to John James RIchard and Dorothy Tengler copies Will be available for purchase to give to family and Lovchuk, son of Mrs Lee of Bloomfield A March wed- fnends CurtIS of Maysville, Ky, and dmg IS planned the late John James Lovchuk Johnston earned a bachelor The Grosse POinte News & The Connection require a S rOOD fee Weltzmann IS also the daugh- of sCience degree In englneer- (S 15 00 for twms) to cover production costs Please Include a check, money order or credIt card number With your photo ter of the late James mg, a master's degree In engl- Weltzmann neenng, and a master's degree call o~DropbY... An October weddmg IS m public health, all from the ttte planned Umverslty of MichIgan She IS Orosse ~lnt~ N~ws Weltzmann earned a bache a deSign engineer With Ford lo- "r arts degree m commUni- Motor Company &CoNNECii9& catIOns from MIchigan State Tengler graduated from .. I W • P .to • I I I UnIVersity She IS a meetmg Umverslty of MIchIgan With a planner With Visual Semces bachelor of sCience degree m 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48ZJ6 Inc m Bloomfield HIlls englneenng He IS pursumg a Attention: Kim Kozlowski, DtspJay AdvertIsing Lovchuk attended Oakland master's degree m engmeenng fJIJJ 882-J500 FAX882.'585 Commumty College and works at the Umverslty of MichIgan In the Blrmmgham office of He IS employed as a deSIgn Clark-HIli, PLC englneer WIth Ford Motor ------._---~----.-_._-----Send photo and payment to: Company $'0.00 .. d1iId Grosse Pointe NeYt'S & The Connection S01'!eone You Love Can Use OUT Help T/r,e Bailee 011997 $'S.OOblWins 96 Kercheval Please Pnnt and include this ;nformation Grosse Pointe Farms, ~ 48236 l, • Private home~ Attention: Kim Kozfowslci. D;spJay AdvertisIng • Ho~pllal or nurHn~ home~ on the back of the photo .24 hour Childs Name (First & Lastl- _ • full or pan.rrme covera~e • Bonded and mwred , Parents' Name (FIrst & lastI ! • RN wpen I~ed Date of Birth Phone _ REGISTERED NURSES LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES NURSES AIDES • L1VE.IN COMPANIONS ------...F...xp,.., Oate _


\rn Inf? th(' (,,.OHf' Pom,rfl 1(810) 263 0580 I « r, liNn ~"',,,rh, "n, r I~x() , - oj, r

F••• F~ I • ' ...... 1 I t " A 1 D August 14, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Weddings 38

Tammy Deisher of Dallas and and Damel Donovan The best man was the broth. AnDie Kahn, of Houston Scnpture readers were the er of the groom, Ian MacNeIl, Trumpeters were Jeffrey bnde's Sister, Patncla Jean, of Seattle The best man wore a Markwlck and Paul Miller and Richard L Ranger vest made from the MacNeil Other accompanists were the The bnde graduated from family Scottish tartan Men, Boys and Girls ChaIT MIChigan State Umverslty She The groomsmen were from Chnst Church Grosse IS a finanCial consultant With fnends Dan Burau of Royal Pomte Pame Webber Oak, and Chns Norton of New The bnde earned a bachelor The groom graduated from York Clt}, the bl'ldc's brothu, of sCience degree m education Truman State College He IS a Mickey Moran of Hmsdale, III , from Indiana Umverslty, and financial consultant With Pame and the bnde's brother-m-law, currently IS workmg on a mas- Webber m Chicago John Martm of Royal Oak The ter's degree in education at the The couple traveled to Spam groomsmen wore bow ties Urnverslty of 'Texas, Arltngton They hve m ChICago made from the MacNeil family She IS employed as a readmg Scottish tartan speclahst With Grand Pralne The mother of the bnde wore School Dlstnct a full length, two pIece, royal The groom earned a bachelor blue dress that had a beaded of sCience degree m busmess top and a satm bottom Her from the Umverslty of 'Texas, corsage mcluded double roses Austm, he currently ISworktng The groom's mother wore a on a masters 10 bUSiness calf-length, gold beaded dress Mr. and Mrs. Peter Charles admlDlstratlOn at the Her corsage also mcluded dou- Grambo Umverslty of Texas, Arlington Mr. ad 1lIn. Daniel CuI 1lIn, aDd Mrs. Eric WOllam ble roses was followed by a receptlOn at Sikora eua.on He IS employed as an mforma- Readers at the weddmg cere- the Desert WIllow Country tlon systems analyst at VHA, mony were the bnde's fnend, Club of Henderson, Nevada Inc. m Irvmg, Texas KrIsten Lmd of NoVl, and the The bnde wore a long, IVOry The couple honeymooned to groom's uncle, Ed O'Rourke of fitted gown featunng a bodice Kramer- Perez- Bermuda They hve in Dallas Flonda embrOIdered With sequms She Bagpiper Matthew Thrnblll also wore a lace hat She car- Sikora Carlson led the weddmg party out of ned a cascade of lavender and the church With hiS musIc IVOrysterlmg roses and white Stephanie M!.chelle Kramer, Dana Andrea Perez, daugh- The bnde earned a bachelor hzzranthus plumose daughter of Mr and Mrs B. ter of DaVIdand Barbara Perez of sCIence degree In human Chnsse Waddell of Las Michael Kramer of Grosse of Grosse POinte Farms, mar- resource management from Vegas was the matron of honor Pomte Woods, mamed Damel ned Enc Wilham Carlson, son Oakland Umverslty She works The flower gtrls were Ktmberly Carl Sikora of Grand Rapllls, of Kenneth and LoiS Carlson of as a pharmaceutical represen. and Megan Grambo, meces of son of Mr. and Mrs Robert Houston, on July 19, 1997 at tatlve for Zeneca the groom, and Roxanne Sikora of Warren, on Oct. 11, Chnst Church Grosse Pomte In Pharmaceuticals Hopkms, mece of the bnde 1996 at St Paul Lutheran Grosse Pomte Farms Moran- The groom earned a bachelor The groomsmen were the Church m Grosse Pomte The Rev. Geoffrey S. Mann of sCience degree m human groom's brother, Bob Grambo Farms. assisted by Father Wtlham MacNeil resources development from Jr of Grosse Pomte Farms, and The Rev. Fredenck Harms Broker offiCiated at the 4 p m. Oakland Umverslty, WIth a the bnde's brother, Tim officiated at the 4'30 p m cere. ceremony which was followed Mandy Leigh Moran, daugh- concentration m labor rela- Hopkms of Huntmgton Beach mony by a receptIOn at the Detroit ter of Sktp and Patncla Moran tions He works as a human The mother of the bnde wore The weddmg ceremony was Athletic Club. of Troy, mamed Ross Lachlan resources representative for a lavender, mid-length dress followed by a reception at the The bride wore a short MacNeil, son of Gordon and Benefits Speclahst for Fhnt With a lace neckhne She wore Grosse Pointe War Memonal sleeve, floor length white silk Joyce MacNeil of Grosse Pomte Ink CorporatIOn a wnst corsage of roses and The bride wore a white stlk organza dress With a drop Woods, on Apn126, 1997 at St The couple honeymooned on dendrobtum orchids shantung sheath gown With a waist and sweetheart neckbne Alan's Cathohc Church tn Siesta Key, Fla They hve m The groom's mother wore a scoop neck, short sleeves, Troy champagne-colored silk SUIt, She carried a bouquet of tight- Grosse Pomte Woods. empire waist and a bodice of Iv clustered roses In shades of The Rev Ted Blasczyk offici- and had a wnst corsage of den- Alencon lace, pearls and white, ptnk and rose. ated at the 2 p.m. ceremony, drobtum orchids sequms The detachable tram The maid of honor was Anne Mr, and Mrs. Stephen which was followed by a recep- The bnde, ongtnally from featured a bow embroidered Noel Baal of Crucago Daniel Smith tion at the Kmgsley Inn m Hopkins Thousand Oaks, Cahf settled with lace and pearls Bndesm81ds were the bnde's Bloomfield Hills In Las Vegas 6 112years ago She camed a tradttlonal fnend, Natalte Mane Bales of The bnde wore a white, Grambo She works as an account exec- cascade bouquet of casablanca MunCie, Indiana; and the Keeler-Smith short sleeve dress With a Juha Anne Hopkins, daugh- utive at the NBC teleVISIOn lilies, wrute sweetheart roses bnde's sisters Devon Annue Susan Floyd Keeler, daugh- square necklme The top of the ter of Mr and Mrs Paul A. affiliate, KVBC-TV3 and stephanotis Perez of St Louis, Andrea ter of Mr. and Mrs Owen Floyd gown was beaded The gown Hopkms of Temecula, Cahf The groom graduated from The maid of honor was the Leigh Perez and Tyler Keeler of Annapolis, Md, for- had an organza overlay on the marned Peter Charles Western Mlcrugan Umverslty bnde's friend, Jubanne DeFoe Margaret Perez, both' of merly of Grosse Pomte Farms, bottom portion With beads She Grambo, son of Mr and Mrs With a busmess degree He IS 11 of Grosse POlllte Farms Grosse Pomte Farms married Stephen Daniel Smith wore a handmade headpiece Robert Grambo of Grosse sales manager for Henderson Bridesmaids were the bride's The bndesmalds wore of Chicago, son ofMr and Mrs She camed sweetheart and Pomte Farms, on June 14, Chevrolet Sister, Patncla Kramer of sleeveless, tea-length, navy Wilham C SmIth of St full roses With stephanotis, 1997 at St Thomas More The bnde and groom reSIde Grosse Pomte Woods, the sIlk sheaths. They each earned Charles, Mo , on Dec 28, 1996, Queen Anne's lace and IVY. Cathohc Church m Henderson, m theIr new home In bnde's cousms Laura Walsh of a colorful mIXed bouquet of at the Naval Academy Chapel Of SpeCIal note, the groom Nevada Henderson, Nevada. Rochester and Melissa roses, iris and hydrangea In m Annapohs. wore a vest made from the The Rev Ken Moms offiCial They have a dog named Grierson of Holland , the bnde'll shades of pmk, purple and MacNeIl farntly Scottish tar- "BoWle" fnend, Amy Forrest of Sterling Rear Adm Byron Holderby, ed at the noon ceremony, which blue. deputy chtef of chaplams, offi- tan. Heights, and the bnde's sister- The best man was MICky K. The bnde's Sister, Marcy m-law Ktm Summers of St CIated at the 5 p m ceremony, McDougald of Houston wruch was followed by a recep- Martm of Royal Oak, was the Clatr Shores. The groomsmen were the matron of honor The attendants wore floor- tion at the Buchanan House groom's nephews Roger and The matron of honor was the Bndesmalds were the sister length black velvet sheaths Kenneth Chnst of Houston, of the groom, Lesley MacNeIl of with sweetheart necklines, cap bnde's SIster, Cathenne Keeler and friends Jason Post of Ranger of Anchorage, Alaska. San FranCISCO, the slster-m- sleeves and velvet bows at the Houston, and Archie DaVIS of law of the groom, Laura sleeves Bridesmaids were Lmdsey Honolulu. Beardslee of New York City, MacNeil of Seattle; the sister- They carned bouquets of The mother of the bnde wore m-law of the bnde, Jacquie -W~DS- Jube 'Tennyson of San white LeReve lilies, sweetheart a silk, tea length dress in pen- Moran of Hmsdale, Ill., and a Optical Studios roses and alstromeria FranCISCO,and Emde Jean of winkle, and earned a corsage PIne Plams, NY. fnend of the bnde, Sally The best man was the of roses and inS affixed to her The best man was the Farnell of Sagmaw. COMPLETE EYE EXAMINATION groom's brother, Brian Sikora purse. The bndal attendants wore of Warren groom's brother, Jeffrey Smith $48 The mother of the groom of St Charles. A-Ime style, hunter green Groomsmen were the wore a deep blue chiffon pant Groomsmen were the dresses With rhmestone (CL examination additional) groom's friends Ryan Braathen outfit, and earned a corsage of accents where the cuffed sleeve of Warren, Mike Orlowskt of groom's brother, Kevin SmIth JAMES ROGAlA, a.D. • ROBERT FELDMAN, roses and inS affixed to her of St Charles; Wtlham meets the dresses They car- 0.0. Kalamazoo, and Ene purse. ned carnatIOns, mums and Ivy Staff Optometrists Woodhouse of St Clair Shores, CzarnIk, Owen Ranger of Scnpture readers were Anchorage, Jeffrey Lmneman; the groom's COU81nGreg LeWIS BRING A FRIEND OR FAMilY MEMBER AND of Warren; and the bnde's brother Ryan Kramer of Grosse THEY WIll BJ; EXAMINED Pomte Woods FREE OF CHARGE * The mother ofthe bnde wore ANGOn'S Appoliltment ReqUired a black "after 5~ floor-length sIlk column dress With a Jewel neckline that was fimshed in JOHN WYLIE • JOE KING • TIM WYLIE opalescent beadtng Certified OptiCIans Her corsage was a cluster of five white sweetheart roses and Ivy SCHEDULE TODAY! The mother of the groom (Offer expires 8/28/97) wore a floor-length fuchSia lay- 'Wllh complete ~ar purchase ered gown With a Jewel neck- Ime, long sleeves and crystal Grosse Pointe tnm Bloomfield Hills (313) 882-9711 (248) 647-1166 Her corsage was a cluster of 19S99 Mack Avenue five white sweetheart roses 79 W long Lake Rd Grosse Polnle Woods, MI48236 Bloomfield Hills. MI 48304 and IVY. Between Moross & Vernier The organist was Lmda H block west of Woodward Ave Bauer. The bnde earned a bachelor of SCIencem commumty health education from Western Michigan Umverslty She IS employed by Kent Comeand snop our selection County Health Department as a health educater DETROIT CUSTOM FRAMING The groom earned a bachelor of Decorative Accessories of 8CIence m psychology from and GALLERY Western Michigan Umverslty for tne Home, He currently IS attendmg ~/-W;S~~fu- ----~, graduate school at Western J Featuring Unique Hand Painted Items Michigan Umverslty, where he CUSTOM FRAMED MIRRORS ISstudYing mdustnal psycholo- ( SAVEAN ADDmONAL gy J FULL BRIDAL REGISTRY 200/0 OFF The couple honeymooned in 10:00 am to 5:00 pm - Mondaythru Friday ElIpireI 8oJ0.97 Toronto, Canada, where they enjoyed a perfonnance of the Saturdays In August By Appointment On~ 19571 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods "Phantom of the Opera ~ 1313J 881-6922 -e4 KERCHEVAL AVENUE 0 GROSSE POINfE FARM5- The couple reSides m :31:308820:3969 FAX:313.e>e>2'~2 Kalamazoo -ON-THE Hill - LIL ...... i.: -


8 o~S Ham lIOn Sag

•f'" August 14, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Health 58 I Questions, answers By Jeff and Debra Jay Michigan's citizens are among Special Wnters

Dear Jeff and Debra: Please help my husband and me settle a dispute Last nation's sickest, according to study year, my husband's father dlVorC(>dhI" mother after 42 MIchigan's cItizens are SIck- health care co..t .. mcrease thl: cost uf ill~UI ,,1I~" d"V"lId 011em"rg"ll~y room VIS- years of mamage Dad IS now marrying a woman 26 years er than those In most other "Chromc dIsease, lIfestyle for preventable dIseases ~ Its as their ubual source of hIs Jumor We beheve hIs actIOns are a result of his long states In Its "ReVIew of the chOices, health promotlOn and Children's health IS another history of alcohohsm Health Status of MichIgan's health care, whIch ISan expen- preventIOn, and substance area III whIch MIchIgan does sIve way to access routme care HIs Wlfe-to-be IS a heavy dnnker They met In a bar two CitIzens," the Michigan State abuse need to be addressed m not compare favorably to the MSMS WIlluse thIS report to years ago Since Dad IS retired and she doesn't work, thpy MedIcal Society (MSMS) exam- relation to cost as MIchIgan rest of the natIOn, accordmg to educate phySICIans, patients, spend theIr time dnnkmg My husband and I sat down med the numbers related to continues to exam me Its health the MSMS study MIchIgan smokmg, ObeSIty,cancer and 11 lawmakers, employers and the WIth Dad and expressed our concern about hIS alcoholism care system," saId Dr Rhoda ranks m the bottom half of the health care Industry and thiS mamage, and asked hIm to get help He refused other factors affectmg M Powsner, chaIrman of the states m mfant mortahty, MichIgan people and notes how For further mformatlOn con- Now my husband refuses to go to the wedding He says MSMS Task Force on Health teenage pregnancy and Immu- tact Juhe Lester, manager, the ceremony WIll be a mockery of marnage J say we these factors Impact the cost of Status Data mzatlons, although the Immu- health care Health Care Research at (517) should go We may not agree WIth what hIS dad IS domg, "MIchIgan IS spendmg bll. nizatIon rate has been Improv- 336-5768 or find the report but boycotting a weddmg IS not the way to make a pomt ThIS study IS Intended to hons of dollars per year on dIS- mg online at httpJlwww msms org help phYSICIansand commum- eases dIrectly related to obesity In 1994, the poverty rate of Unsure of Which Way to Go ty leaders understand the chal- and sedentary lifestyle, tobacco MIchigan's chIldren was 186 lenges MIchIgan's health care The MIchIgan State MedIcal Grosse Pointe Shores use and substance abuse,~ percent, makmg Michigan the Society IS the profeSSIonal system faces, and to shed some Powsner said "These lifestyle 32nd poorest state. ChIldren Dear Unsure: light on the factors affecting assocIation of 12,800 doctors III chOIces affect health and from low mcome homes often Michigan. Hurt and anger are common feelings when dealing WIth the chemIcal dependency of a loved one However, makIng HI Obesity in Anterica - an overview deCISIonsbased on these feehngs can multiply Definition and Causes epIdemiC proportIOns WIthout • Gallstones occur three to mdex (BMI). BMI IS calculated the damage In a collaps- intervention mg relationshIp • ObesIty IS a chrOniC,debJl- SIX times more frequently m by squanng the product of a Itatmg, and potentially fatal overweIght people In women, person's weIght m kl10grams " You've already let Health Implications ~: Dad know that you are disease that can be treated by a 70 percent of gallstone cases diVided by their height m ,~ concerned By not phYSICIan It IS marked by an • ObeSIty-related medIcal are attnbutable to obeSIty meters. A BMI greater than 30 accumulatIOn of body fat suffi- ~ attendmg the weddIng, condItIOns contnbute to indIcates obeSity cIent to endanger health. ~ It IS poSSIbleyour hus- 300,000 deaths m the Umted Obesity-Related Costs \1 band could close the States every year, second only • About 52 6 mllhon work Other methods of • Obesity results from an to smoking as a cause of pre- ':' door to the relatIonship days a year are lost m Illnesses measuring obesity: WIth hiS father and mISS Imbalance between energy ventable death and dlsabJlltles dIrectly related future opportunitIes to mtake and energy expendIture to obesity and inactiVIty (I e, excess calones consumed • One thIrd of all cases of • Height-weIght ratios the help Dad get treatment easiest and most familiar way - generally as fat, and msuff- high blood pressure are assocI- • More than $68 bIllion IS for Ius alcoholism It to measure Ideal Weight might help to make clent or decreased phySIcal ated WIth ObeSIty, and obese spent on obeSIty-associated actIvity) However, energy mdiVlduals are 50 percent medical expenses and lost your deCISionbased on • Percent body fat one of the the understandmg that mtake and expenditure "ary more hkely than theIr non- mcome due to obeSity and ItS from person to person as does obese counterparts to have ele- comOrbldltles m the Umted most accurate methods of Dad ISSick, not bad, determmmg overweight or obe- and needs to get well. body fat dIstnbutlOn, makmg vated blood cholesterol levels States each year by Amencans the reasons for thIS Imbalance sity Two methods of measunng You and your hus- This figure does not Include the unclear to researchers body fat mclude the skm fold band need to get sup- • Adult onset diabetes (Type $30 billion spent each year by II, non-msulln dependent) Amencans trymg to shed test and the body Impedance port for yourselves We method suggest the 12-step • Other factors contnbutmg accounts for nearly 90 percent excess weIght to obesIty are genetic, enVIron- meetmgs of Adult of all cases of dIabetes. • More than $22 btlhon IS mental, SOCIoeconomIC,cultural • WaIst to hIp CIrcumference Jeff and Debra Jay Chtldren ofAlcoholics. Researchers estimate that 88 spent each year on health care and psycholOgIcal ratio (WHR) commonly used to Borrow "Take to 97 percent of Type II dia- costs related to cardiovascular Charge'" from the Grosse Pomte public hbrary and educate betes cases dIagnosed 10 over- complicatIOns of obeSIty. quantify adipose tissue dlstnb- yourself on soft and structured mterventlOn strategIes. Prevalence weIght people are a direct utlOn Increased WHR IS used • ApprOXImately 58 mJlllon result of obesIty Measurement to mdlCate a preferential accu- mulation of adIpose tissue m Dear Jeff and Debra: American adults (or 35 percent The most accepted measure- My 32-year-old son has had an alcohol problem slDce he of thIS population) are over- • Overweight men are more the "abdommal regIon~ or ment for obesIty IS body mass upper body was 16 years old He went to treatment once and stayed weight or obese, as are many likely to die of colorectal or sober for three years But he stopped gomg to hiS AA meet- children prostate cancer than non- mgs and moved to Flonda He met an older women WIth a • Among adults, the mCl- obese men, and obese women long hIstory of drug abuse and moved In WIth her She dence of obesIty has Increased are at greater nsk of dymg of mhented a large sum of money, and she and my son are from 25 to 32 percent m the endometnal, gallbladder, cer- QUARNSTROM CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC usmg the money to support theIr dnnkmg and crack past 10 years Some experts VIcal, ovanan and breast can- ~ cocame habIt believe that obesity WIll reach cers than non-obese women • Convenient Hours I've been told that I can have a court order him mto • Walk.1ns Welcome p------.;I treatment m the state of Flonda, but a mend of mine told Kidney Foundation offers '. Most Insurances Accepted I FREE me not to Interfere He adVIsed that my son won't recover ~ Quality Care I FIRST I until he's ready to do It on hIS own. I'm so confused and SPINAL ADJUSTMENT Geode Techniques I I mghtened, because I believe my Son could dIe. But I don't kids help for bedwetting I (XIU\' I("=an ea.=lillllolll""""""1 I want to do the wrong thmg It's almost back-to-school cure r Palmer Graduate 10_ ~/~o~lli~,t~~~'l.~_.. time For most cluldren tlus IS Mom Looking for Answers The Foundation brings help a tIme of eXCItement and a and hope to thousands of R.SCOTTVANDEVEEGAETE' Grosse Pointe Park chance to see mends agam Dear Mom: MIchigan reSidents through 20447 MACK But If your child has a problem programs m research, profes- Grosse Pointe Woods People who adVIse that you cannot help an alcoholic or WIth bed wettmg, returning to SIOnal educatIon, patIent ser- (11lree BlocJe(our, Ho~rtlal~ ne\\ "BRI' 'I) ~I('m bre,I~[ dl~e,l~e I~ dete(1ed m 227-1211 answers to dIseases of the kId- ney and unnary tract through a ~rnRle one ~ler rn)(e~~ preventIon, treatment and • Less Pam • Less Scarnng Volunteers sought for athlete's foot study • l.eo;sRecovery TIme The Department of Drug AdmInistratIOn of the group WIll receive the Dermatology at Henry Ford PartiCIpants must be 18 or genenc cream, one-thIrd wl1l Hospital IS seekmg men and older and be wllhng to VISIt receIve the brand name cream BON SECOURS WOMEN'S HEALTHCARE women who have athlete's foot the hospItal's dermatology and the remammg partICI- 46R CadlC'\Ix Road (,1"<)';0;(" POlnle \1lchll!3n 4Hl~O for a study exammmg the cllmc four times dunng an pants WIll receive a placebo effectiveness of a genenc med- eIght-week penod All exams, cream, whIch does not contam 1-800-303-7314 IcatIOn used to treat the all- lab tests and study drugs WIll me(hcatlOn ment The name brand form of be prOVIdedfree PatIents also For more mformatlon or to Prof(1T'~Siloe medicine u itb 1/1(' III/man tOllcll the cream has already been WIll be compensated for theIr partICIpate In the study, call approved by the Food and time For the study, one-third (313) 556-9759 •• 88' IS.II .o.mlrt lit UMl!'d Sl.t., S(J'9IC' Corp

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The By Margot Peters school years she grew sharply far as I want to, It Willnot be of poetry appeared, and then become 'the leltmottf of thIS old-famIly Vassar, Umtanan, Knopf 474 pages $30 aware of her sexual preference through gemus but through came a spate of prose work Journal' _ a fear well founded New England lesbians 1D a Margot Peters, a former pro- - lesblamsm mtelhgence, 10tenslty of pur- whIch established her claIm to the problem ISthe leltmottf of Sarton novel are not dIsen. fessor of Enghsh at the As she was about to gradu- pose, and WIll'" fame A few tltle~ were "The her hfe franchl..ed, they'r" pnvileged. Umverslty of Wisconsin l~ thE' ate from high ~chool, "he She pow;essed all these Birth of a Grandfather," "'Journal for a Solitude' And by avouhng all descrip- author ot a splnted and com- opted not to proceed to college, quahttes, yet she feared where "Encounter m Apnl," "Joanna {pubhshed m 1973}pleads for tton of sex between women, prehellblve biography of a fem- mstead, she headed for the her VIolent need to mtoxlCate and Ulysses," "The Fur commumcatton even as Sarton Sarton ehmmates the explo- ml"t wnter, May Sarton theater after meetmg the herself with women would Person," "Mrs Stevens Hears complams ofmtruslOns A true slve controversy," (1912 1995) Because Peters IS glamorous actress Eva lead Her awesome temper the Mermaid SlOg" Her sohtary would not pubhsh Will her body of work speak the holder of a Ph 0 degree 10 LeGallienne Sarton Jomed tantrums and rampant sexual- essays, partIcularly 10 her photographs of her house so to future generattons? This Victonan hterature WIth a half LeGallienne's apprenttce Ity were many ttmes fnghten- popular "Joumals," largely that fans could ZE'ro10 WIth question IS answered by dozen well-receIVed studIes of group and plunged enthuslas- 109 to the VIctims of her lust, dwelt on agmg and related bmoculars or camp on her Peters "The sheer volume of other hterary personages to tlcally mto the fascmatmg but on the other hand she was matters As a result, her doorstep (a not mfrequent Sarton's work _ 15 books of her credIt, she certamly IS world of drama able to keep a number oflong- mcome rose spectacularly, occurrence), or declare that a poetry, 19 novels, 13 memoirs amply quahfied to fastidIOusly SeTVlngas a stage aSSistant, standIng fnendshlps more or allowmg her to stop receiVIng room Without flowers throws and Journals _ IS In her favor. probe the hfe, career and she eventually became an less Intact finanCial assistance from her her mto deep misery, so that Her subject matter, the mys- fnends of May Sarton actress as well as a director. When LeGalhenne's theater parents fans rush her flowers, for tenes ofthe human rnmd and However, 10the process of Dunng these heady and stlm- finally closed, Sarton, m the "By now a Sarton novel has which she must thank them A heart, WIllnot go out of style. unearth10g bIOgraphical mate- ulatmg years, Sarton was still early 1940s, sought and found certam predictable features," true sohtary would not com. TIme, careless of fashion, may nal, Peters has dIscovered a wntmg her Iyncal poetry another outlet for her creative Peters wntes "The characters plam pubhcly about sohtude, well treat the best of her lyric great amount of scandalous Many of these pieces were dnve by teachmg and I~tur- are drawn from her SOCial mspmng hundreds of people poetry favorably, The ragmg details concernmg her sub- gathered together and became 109 on poetry. It proVIded her expenence, which ranges from to relieve It But then May COnfliCtsrevealed m the jour- Ject's notonous love hfe shm published volumes Many WIth badly needed 1Ocome schoolteachers who talk beau- was a solitary only because of nals are human conflicts and May Sarton was born 10 were clearly paeans to love Peters remarks "Not sur- tlfullyand dnnk dry martmls, her ImpOSSibletemperament." universal: durable fires Ifher BelgIum to a father who was a and adoratIOn of women whom pnsmgly, she found many of to wealthy easterners who also Peters elUCidates "Though a femmlsm goes out of style, It noted scholar of SCientific hls- she Idohzed, mamly favonte the students apathetiC, theIr talk beautifully and dnnk dry brutal male world of war and WIllcome 10 agam Her tory and to a mother who was teachers poetry weak and unlmagma- martlms, , Every character politics does eXist, seldom has mehonst VIewsare unfasluon- an Enghshwoman Being very paSSionate, tive On the other hand, she ISessentially good senSItive, a novel ( 'The Magmficent able only currently.~ The young Sarton, an only Sarton was successful In fer. discovered she was a knockout mtelligent, responSible, CIVIC- Spmster') dealt more WIth 'the Peters, who had met Sarton SUTVlVlngchIld, early revealed retmg out those of a sympa- speaker Her strong claSSIC mlnded,loVIng or potentially world of women ' Sarton's toward the end of her long bfe, her precocity In language and thetlc bent Accordmg to beauty magnetized people She lOVIng,A world peopled by female characters don't need says at the end of her mental development When Peters, Sarton often was galvanized audIences WIth her Sarton characters would be a men, rarely thmk of them A acknowledgements- "Finally, World War I unleashed Its extremely promiSCUOUS,some- energy and conVIction, her far, far better place - though novel, then, that champions my best thanks to May fury, the Sarton family qUIckly times haVIng as many as three phYSicalelan. Her powerful It might talk Itself to death" lesblamsm? Not necessanly. Sarton, who authorized me as moved to England At war's or four affaIrs Simultaneously contralto vOIceIrreSistibly con- In later years Sarton grew One reVIewer called 'The her bIographer .. I treasure end, they moved to the Umted As a teenager, Peters pomts veyed both authonty and deep more reclUSive.When she MagnIficent Spmster' 'a qum. the fact that she looked for- States where they applied for out that "she was struggbng to feehng She read poetry mag- retreated to her last home, a tessentlal fantasy of Amencan ward to OUrtalks, wluch Amencan cItizenshIp, and understand the lesbIan nificently, her own best of all . snug nest called Wtld Knoll m breed1Og'm whIch members of became increasmgly frank, Professor Sarton found teach- Impulse In herself, as well as WIth an elastIC VIvaCItyShe Mame WIth a gorgeous hilltop the OAR would not feel out of despIte my warmng that the 109 Opportumtles at Eastern her creative nature 'I know radiated; she msplred Female VIewof the ocean, she found place, and Sarton the 'fairy biography would be 'warts and umverslttes Their daughter that I'm not a gemus,' she English teachers fell 10 love at temporary peace As her blog- godmother to the dlsenfran- all ' She was 'au fond,' a attended prestigIous acade- wrote In her dIary, 'though 1f first sight" rapher explams "May feared chlsed' who, WIth a wave of woman of splnt and fortitude. nul'S where she won pnzes for someone told me I wasn't, I Novels and essays began to that the msoluble problem of her pen, 'transports the les- am glad to have known her,"

doesn't know about what actions seem reasonable Gibson's Fletcher IS great By D.J. Honstain There's a vulnerablhty he kinetIC performance ISabout as Rambling on endlessly hke a bnngs to Jerry - a trait nuss- much motion as we can handle. MOVie Cntlc veteran In too many battles, he The Vietnam War was a bet 109 10 a lot of hiS recent work And Stewart (Star Trek's seems to be a soldIer now shell- Having made a career of such CaptaIn Picard) plays the mad between Howard Hughes and shocked by bfe. HISactIons are, Anstotle Onassls Fluonde m assured mcarnatlons as Dr. Jonas With such calm men- to say the least, odd He end- ace that he IS loathed. the water system Isn't to fight Wtlham Wallace lessly changes the way he ("Braveheart,") "Mad Max~ and "Theory" is the fifth collabo- caVItIes, It'S to dull the masses. enters hIS apartment because New $100 btlls have tracking hIS "Lethal Weapon" persona, ratIon between Gibson and deVIces to keep tabs on thetr Jerry Fletcher IS a role you actIon dIrector Richard holders AT ToE MoVIES wouldn't expect from hIm Donner. Previously, they worked together on the "Lethal These are Just a few of the The only person he trusts IS Weapon" senes as well as the theones that New York cabbIe Alice (Roberts>, an attorney at Jerry Fletcher reveals m the the Justice Department who IS comIc Western "Maverick." openmg sequence of stili haunted by her father's This IS theIr most ambItIOUS unexpiamed death undertakmg yet. They work "Conspiracy Theory," a fun well together. mystery/thnller starnng Mel Fletcher has a crush on her The fault with "Conspiracy Gibson and Juha Roberts He shows up at her office Theory" 18 after hearing grand Jerry not only vents to hIS dozens of tImes, recltmg hIS theones, when the finale unsuspect10g nders who often outlandIsh theones Just so he can be WIth her comes, it's a bIt too Hollywood, dItch him m mid sentence, he all chases and shoot-outs. The pnnts a newsletter, aptly DlsbehevIng, she puts up mOVIehas an endIng too tlght- titled "Conspiracy Theory" WIth him because he once saved her from a muggmg, and Iywrapped. whIch detaIls all the covert "they" mIght be watchmg He aetton that surrounds us But because she sees "somethmg" keeps coffee and orange JUIce Even so, in "Theory" the when one of Jerry's theones in him HIS crush leads to a locked up m canisters mSlde good heaVIly outweIghs the turns out to be true, he couple scenes that are almost hIS refngerator because they heartbrE-akmg, like a boy's bad' GIbson's stellar perfor- becomes enmeshed In a cover- might pOison him And when mance, a neat tWIst on a well- up that mvolves the most mfatuatlon that IS not reCIpro- matlmg hiS newsletter to hIS cated Soon she reahzes hiS worn theme and an appropri- secret diVISions of Umted five subscnbers, he never uses States government theones may be true. ately used dIsjunctIVe film the same mall box tWice style that adds to the feeling of After narrowly escapmg a Roberts ISsohd, Ifunspectac- because they mIght be able to ular, as Allee Only toward the uneasmess at the heart of psychotiC govemment doctor locate hIm end does she get a chance to Jerry (Patnck Stewart) ID an eene All of thiS IS done WIth the All of these elements make "Marathon Man" meets "A show some real spark. As 10 off-kilter humor that m real "ConspIracy Theory" a must- Clockwork Orange" torture her current comedy, "My Best life anyone would thmk thiS see for mystery buffs and all of scene, Fletcher knows he IS Fnend's Weddmg," she plays guy IS nuts But Gibson goes to Julia Roberts' character comforts the vubaerable Mel those who have had their sus. nght. The only problem IS he straight man to the lunacy great lengths to make all hIS around her Here, Gibson's GibIlOD character in "Conspiracy Theory." plcions about fluoride from the begmnmg ffi";:======::::::;:::i1 rr.:======:;'1I- .. the double of the opponent's slam, asked partner to place ., The Detroit Concert Choir HAVE A PLEASANT TRy AT PERfECTION - 10 playa most unusual lead Never the SUIt the defenders , .&. have advanced; or trumps. If such were done, It was the to audition skilled singers BRIDGE BY WOODY BOYD t • !l' opinIOn of the doubler that declarer's commitment could I. .1 most likely be beat. The Detroit Concert ChOir, honored as "ChOIrof the World" at the 1996 Llangollen InternatIonal MUSICCompetitIon, IS lUlJb Vulnerable • K 10 5 3 audltlomng skl1led SIngers of all voice ranges • AK • It 7 GQrdon Nelson, artistic director, WIlllead the 80-vOlcecho- • A 10832 rus 10 a 1997-98 season that WIll mclude performances of Handel's "MeSSiah," Mendelssohn's "ElIJah" and Faure's : :04 [_ It _I ; &". 8 6 3 "ReqUIem" • 9'5KQI87S4 • • K Q .. 1082 Rehearsals are Monday evemngs at Grosse Pomte North • AQ"1874 High School • 752 • 43 Two paId posItions are open in the alto and tenor sections ." For mfonnatlOn, call Carmen at (313) 882-0118. II E • W ,. ,. ,. ';:':~"""~~""~~"~"y."""",,,, "!I':~ 2\" 4. 4+ S...... I ~:...... DON'T "itiSS'.TiiESE : DeL IIIISHCI out West had read about the Lightner double and therefore : : DETRQIT GREAT SAVINGSI : had no doubt about placmg the club kmg on the table :; Gf1llERY : I Only those declarers who first counted, Idenllfied the problem, produced a solution and then proceeded with ::~ AUGUST SALE: play were rewarded The speed TJlerchants, even though % maybe haVing some comprehen~lOn of the doubler's ::CRdFTS 20% TO 50 : mtent yet played dummy's ace. went set ::°7 •• 8 OFFAU.CRAFn: The count showed there were only seven spade~, two i•I 04 FISHER BuILDING , heart~, a heart and two mmor ace~ were wlnner~ so .: 0fT1l0IT Ml 48202 J eI (I th l> : the club ace couldn't be sacnficed to a ruff A club con- '. 313.873.7888 ew ry. 0 lng, raperwetghts, • tinuation could be ruffed by south, ~avlng the ace for later J" GALlERY HOIJFIS Perfume Bottles, Clocks, Boxes. • • • MON-ffllIQ.O ( F lJgh use and VictOry' d i • SATII'" eramlCS,urnrture, tmg and lYMeIu_. ,• t '" ...... ~OIi .. iIIi ia: ;,a,: .. :.Ii a :lII

•••••• -.l----..-.f•••~~lJ.r1...... -_£ -1"'-''''11 -- ... t I 0 August 14, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Metro calendar 78

Each address appears only by Madeltige~ once, check preuwus hstmg ~f Saturday, Aug. 30 for PreservatIOn Wayne and October 1997 productIon of DAADS members Call (313) door entertamment thIS sum. the DSO's mterpretatlOn 01 address lS not Included Regatta rescheduled Agatha Chnshe's thnller The mer Mellow out With Barry Jom m the famIly fun and 222.0321 Mousetrap on Fnday, Aug 15, Modern Broadway Hit,> on Mamlow on Thursday, Aug 14, Saturday, Aug 16, at 8 p m On fireworks of the rescheduled from 7 30 to 10 p m and at 730 pm Tickets are $12 50 Thursday, Aug. 14 Grosse Pomte Farmll Regatta, Art of learning Saturday, Aug 16, from 9 a m Sunday, Aug 17, the DSO pre Village concerts and $30 EnJOY An Evening sents a medley of favol'1tes Saturday, Aug 30, at the PIer The DetrOit Institute of Arts, to noon, at the Eastpomte WIth Chicago on Fnday, Aug The free NBD MusIc on the Park. Call (313) 343-2375. WIth the Arthur Fiedler Family 5200 Woodward m DetrOit. Community Center, 16435 E 8 15, at 7 30 p m Ticket. !ll'(' Plaza Concert Senell m the Pops at 8 pm T1ckeb for ..11 offers a vanety 01entertammg MIle m Eastpomte Call $1275 and $22 75, a portIOn of Village shoppmg dllltnct, at DSO performances range from Live & Learn and informative programs (313)884-2277 which WIll be donated to the Kercheval and St. Clair In $13 to $42 Country stars Events & adventures Learn how to make Egyptian Ara Parseghlan MedIcal Groslle Pomte, offers a season Cyhnder Seals dunng a free Lorne Morgan and DaVid The Grosse Pomte War Research FoundatIOn finale featunng the Iluper Drop.In Workshop on Festive feast Kersh WIll perform on Fnday, Memonal presents a full Canada's Bryan Adams comes Ilounds of The Sun Me8llengers Saturday, Aug 16, from noon Savor A FamIly Affair dm. Aug 22, at 8 p m Tickets are schedule of courses, events and to PIne Knob on Saturday, Aug on Thursday, Aug. 14, at 7 p m to 4 p m On that same date, at ner, featunng the musIC and $15 and $22 The Meadow adventures. 'l'Lle makera, 16, at 7 30 pm Tickets are Call (313) 881-9726 2 pm, take m the free Video repartee of DetrOIt Symphony Brook MUSICFestival IS located artists, dealers and collectora $12 50 and $25 Rock With The on the campus of Oakland Allman Brothers on Sunday, Heavenly event from the Umted States and Umverslty, Just off the 1-75 Canada Will dIsplay and sell Aug 17, at 7 pm 'l'Lckets are Umverslty Road eXit, In Meteors, Perseld showers, theU' warell dunng the Pewablc $27 50 and $35 The House of Rochester. Call (810) 645.6666 comets and the birth and death Pottery Antique &: Blues Smokm Grooves '97, fea- of the unIverse Willbe the focus Contemporary Art T1le FaIr on tunng George Clinton and the Exhibits Be Sales of MIchael Best's exploration Sunday, Aug 17, from 10 a.m P-Funk All-Stars, Cypress HLlI, of the heavens dunng a Star to 5 p.m. AdmiSSIon IS $6 Erykah Badu, Outkast, The Contemporary concepts Struck program on Thursday, Early detectIon saves hves so Roots and Foxy Brown, WIll be New OIls on canvas by Aug 14, from 7 to 8'30 p.m , at call today to make your a R&BlRapIHlp-Hop happen. French Impresslomst LoUIS the Edsel &: Eleanor Ford appointment for the 109on Monday, Aug 18, at 5'30 Jaquet are now bemg featured House, 1100 Lakeshore In Mammogram Mobtle Detection p m. T1ckets are $20 and at Gallene 454, 15105 Grollse Pomte Shores. Umt of the Barbara Ann $27 50 'fune mto alternatlve Kercheval In Grosse POinte Admission is $5. Reservations Karmanos Cancer Institute's rock WIth LIve, LuscIOUS Park The gallery IS open are recommended. Call (313) visit to the War Memonal on Jackson and Fun LovlD' Thursday and Fnday from 884-4222. Monday, Aug 18, from 920 Cnmmals, on Tuesday, Aug noon to 6 p m and Saturday a m. to 440 p.m. Get away for 19, at 7.30 p m TIckets are $18 from 10 a m to 4 pm, or by a day to Lake Ene's Put-In- and $28 Surf's up WIth The appomtment Call (313) 822- Saturday, Aug. 23 4454 Bay, one of the region's favonte Beach Boys on Wednesday, Fabulous finale Aug 20, at 7.30 pm Tickets A grand total of 100 VOICes resort islands, on Tuesday, Aug. 19, from 8.30 a m to 8 are $17 50 and $2250 Comedy Beirne exhibit from the South Smgers plus meets R& B when MIChIgan's the Vocal Jazz, Boys of the p.rn The $67 fee !Dcludes A new selectIOn of stllI.hfe motorcoach and ferry trans- own Stnbad teams up with pamtmgs by nationally POInte cholfs and The Natlonal Earth, Wind & FIre, Larry ShowchOlr Grand ChampIon portation, a tram tour and renowned artist Bert Beirne I~ lunch. PreregIstration IS rec. Graham and Derose WJlhams currently bemg offered at Thl' Pointe Smgers WLlIlend thelf on Thursday, Aug 21, at 730 considerable talents to Grosse ommended for all actIVItIes. Grosse POinte Gallery, 19869 Call (313) 881-7511 p.m 'l'Lckets are $18 50 and Mack ID Grosse POinte Woods Pomte South ChoU"s Summer $30 Call (248) 377.0100 Workshop Fmale Show on Gallery hours are Monday Elegance revisited through Saturday, from 10 a m Saturday, Aug. 23, at 8 p.m , in Lots of laughs the Performing Arts Center of Expenence the elegant hfe to 6 p m Call (313) 884.0100 Grosse Pomte North HIgh style of DetroIt's auto barons The Second CIty-DetrOIt Fabulous furniture Comedy Theatre, 2305 School, 707 Vermer in GroSIle With a VIsit to one of~Amenca's Contemporary Furmture Pointe Woods 'l'Lcketsare $5 in Castles," the Edsel &: Eleanor Woodward ID DetrOit, presents DeSIgns by John Flowers are advance from Posterity: A Ford House '!burs are offered Send In The Clones, a reVIew of now on dIsplay along With bve, cuttmg-edge comedy, Gallery, 16847 Kercheval 10 on the hour, 'fuesday through brass sculpture by JaDice Saturday, from 10 a.m to 4 through 'fuesday, Sept 30 Tnmpe, traditIOnal furnish. Grosse Pointe, or $6 at the Performances WIll run door. Call (313) 343-2133 p.m and Sunday from noon to mgs, antIques, country French 4 p.m. Refreshments are avail- Wednesday through Sunday at reproductions and accents, at able in the ActIVIties Center 8 pm With sddltlonal shows the Ashley-ChriS Galler}, Mark your Tea Room. Adnusslon IS $5 for on Fnday and Saturday at 15126 Kercheval 10 Grosse calendar ... adults, $4 for semors ages 60 1030 pm The cast performs POinte Park Gallery hours are and above and $3 for children an ImproVIsatIOnal comedy set 'fuesday through Fnday, from ages 12 and under Call (313) after each performance on noon to 6 p m and Saturday Sunday, Aug. 24 884-4222 Sunday, Wednesday and from 11 a m to 4 p m Call Thursday and after the 1030 (313) 824-0700 Summer l:iOunds P m shows on Fnday and Grosse Pomte Farms resl' Theatrical history Saturday 'l'Lckets are $12 on dents are mVlted to enJoy the Preservation Wayne goes Sunday, $8 on Wednesday, $14 Wonder women bIg band, oldies, country and backstage With a stroll through on Thursday, $1750 on Fnday The Scarab Club, 217 pop sounds of the Thken Tno, DetrOIt's Hlstonc Theatre and $19 50 on Saturday Call Farnsworth In DetrOit, pre Sunday, Aug 24, from 3 to 5 Distnct on Saturday, Aug. 23, (313) 965-2222. sents the DetrOit Society of pm, as they headline the final from 9.30 to 11.30 a m Women Painters and Sculptors performance In the free sum- Walkmg tours of the Fox, The strid.iD&figure of the ,od ADubi8 from the third show featunng the work of 42 mer concert senes at the MUSIC Hall, MIchigan Opera century B.C. is part of the wSp1endorsof ADcient £DptW Riverside music artISts, 10cludmg 17 entries Fanns PIer Park, 350 and Gem theaters leave every ezhfblt at the Denoit Institute of Arts through J8DUAIy See performances by the top 4, from the Pomtes, through Lakeshore m Grosse Pointe 15 minutes from the State stars IDJ8ZZ, rock, pop, country Sunday, Aug 24 The exhlbl' Farms Call (313) 343-2376 Theatre, 2116 Woodward In and more, set against the beau- tton IS open Wednesday SergeI Elsenstem, fOCUSingon ty of the DetrOIt River, at the DetroIt. Tickets are $15 or $10 Orchestra Vlobmsts Lmda through Sunday, from noon to the hfe and achievements of Chene Park RIverSIde 5 pm. AdmISSIon IS free Call the legendary artist and film- Snedden-SmIth and Broce Entertamment Center, 2600 E SmIth and their colleagues, (313) 831-1250 maker DI~over the geniUS of Atwater In DetrOIt WRIF when the Smith's host a cele- radIO bnngs the musIc of Made the archItects and engmeers of Artistic visions DEW 0\ A A MI CAR 0 Egypt dunng the reign of the bratIon m theIr Farmington In DetrOIt to Chene Park, ISH CANE IMAY ViSIOnsof Wisdom, an exhl' Last pharaohs With the free VIdeo HIlls home on Fnday, Aug. 22, Thursday, Aug 14, at 8 p m "LIHCHED HAVE at 6 pm, as part of the ongomg bltlon of works created by --NEE :IHCHED presentatIOn PyramId on 'l'Lcketsare $5. LatImore, LIttle DetroIt area semors, WIllbe on CICO\DA"!"ASH Sunday, Aug. 17, at noon. Tales Detroit Symphony Orchestra Mdton, Matvln Sease & Wilhe USH Ell ECAH dIsplay through Fnday, Aug week's from ancient Egypt wLlI be Hall Volunteer CouncIl's Clayton take the stage on F LAP ADD S L U E MUSIcal Feasts X senes The 29, at The Hannan House, ETID OUR IRA related by storyteller Barbara Fnday, Aug 15, at 8 p m H00ll!CARNAL evening mcludes dinner by the 'l'Lckets range from $15 to $30 4750 Woodward m DetroIt The Schutz.Grober on that same Hannan FoundatIOn supports puzzle FIHCHESlI!IDECl!I1!I! day at 2 pm Call (313) 833. SmIth's son MarIan, a chef at Heat up the summer WIth the UTA Hi H I N Excahbur Restaurant, and programs for the C1ty'Selderly SAME HI CHIK~KO ECO 4249 WhISpers, D.Jaysand Ashford &: LED S'-!:EA REB Cordon Bleu tramed, DSO SImpson on Saturday, Aug 16, reSIdents. VieWIng hours are solved mUSICIan Maxme Janowskey 'fuesday and Thursdays from 3 Singers celebrate at 8 p m 'l'Lckets range from accompanied by the SmIth's $19 to $45 Call (313) 393. to 6 pm, or by appomtment The DetroIt Together Men's other son, plamst Cameron 0292 Call (313) 833-1300 Chorus inVIteS all Interested SmIth T1ckets are $100 vOIces to theIr 16th Annual Proceeds benefit the DSO ACROSS Sunny delight Now at the DiA I F' II ID 1 SlOg Up and Smg Out free bar- Reservations are reqUIred Call I McInuaI The Macomb Center for the The DetroIt Institute of Arts becue on Sunday, Aug 17, at 5 (313) 962-1000 hosts the blockbuster exhlbl' IIIOISl1W I'" 14 Performing Arts, 44575 4Composu l' pm, 1D The Deck, 14901 E tIon Splendors of AnCIent Garfield 10 Clmton TownshIp, KhIdIa- ns Jefferson 10 Detroit. Call (248) Egypt, through Sunday, Jan 4, lllnIn ijr 11 544-3872 On Stage Be Screen offers the dehghtful mUSical IWlllyoae Outdoor acts LIttle Mary Sunshine on 1998 'l'Lcketsare $10 for adults 12 SomewIIIL ~ and $5 for children ages 5 to suffix Audition notice Pine Knob MUSIC Theatre, Fnday, Aug 15, Saturday, just off 1-75 EXIt 89, on Aug 16, Fnday, Aug 22 and 12 Fabulous Monsters 13 Prop for The Eastpomte Players WlII Fantasy Manonettes from the Cbapl,n • Sashabaw Road 10 Clarkston, Saturday, Aug. 23, at 8 p m 14 Noncom. hold open auditIOns for theIr Paul McPharhn CollectIOn Will III offers the best in blg.name out- 'l'Lckets are $15 for adults and mlllal $12 for students Call (810) ron through Sunday, Nov 2 Also on vIew at the DIA f'1 286-2222 IS::: Endangered Grevy's zebra through Sunday, Sept 7, IS Sol IOp&III =- LeWltt Pnnts 1970.1995, a dl~ Meadow Brook music calls Detroit Zoo home play of works created ID the Shawn ColVIn and speCial mtagho, woodcut, hthographlc by a crank tl In Its contmumg efforts to help conserve endangered guest Duncan SheIk bnng and screenpnnt medlfl 2111.~ specles, the DetroIt Zoological Institute (DZI) welcomes a 4- then alternatIve rock to The Museum hours are Wednesda} year-old female Grevy's zebra named Candy to Its collection Meadow Brook MUSICFestIVal through Fnday, 11 a m to 4 24~' • Candy IS on exhIbIt now Wlth three other Grevy's zehras on Thursday, Aug 14, at 8 p m 2S Lead 10 • pm, and Saturday and mcludmg Sldomus, who was born at the DetroIt Zoo last 'l'Lckets are $15 and $25 Ench Sunday from 11 a m to 5 p m November, his mother ElVIra and father BeTlJamm It IS Kunzel conducts the DetrOIt --,111 5lan1 S2 CemnoIn- 8Gunn- Recommended admiSSion 1~ $4 I'aInaa 26 COIIDCCII' hoped that Candy and Benjamin WIllalso breed Wlthm a year Symphony Orchestra In a IlUS IfIl*II lea 33Armled for adults and $1 for chlldrpn CUI 56 Unallcted 9 Onenfal 3S French or two Candy was born m the Caldwell Zoo In Texas and Salute to Henry Mancml on aJllelllll and students Call (313) 833 S1 Role In "The _nwd nobleman came to the Detroit Zoo on mdefimte loan from the Phoemx Fnday, Aug 15, at 8 p m Hear 28 Bealles' ft 7963 Mlkado IOFour-_ 38 P1ay.- Zoo "- WOflt sa Audlor re..- 4OC'IY m Grevy's zebras (Equus grevyt) are larger than the more 1l0u1" Umbeno 32~ II Tumecl Penn- common plams zebra and have thmner stnpes Zebras are S9C_ sylvama 34 Build 011 60 PropbeI grazing ammals that can ron at speeds approachmg 40 mph 36SWlna ~ 43 Kayos 61CSA 16TeacIlm' 4S Fun 'n' when threatened by predators DO YOU around on solder ••• .. Ull ThIs extremely endangered species IS natIve to the grass. want be in the metro calendar? DOWN 20;*'0( 46~1lObOn to 31Noaome 15Gb mull AUllraha lands of Kenya and Tanzama In eastern Mnca ExtenSIve Then fIll out thIS form send It to 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinte 39 "-Town" 41 SIInlod 2 IlIlIIIlpwM's 21 $pll)'llllO- 1)')Ie abbr huntmg for theIr hides has drasttcally reduced theIr popula. Farms, 48236, or fax to (313) 882.1585, by 3 P m Fnday 41 NaI-ca My 41 Appel. tlon It ISbeheved that there are only about 5,000 Grevy's left Event I KCt. course 22 Land III 111 the Wild 42 Wooden 1.lIon (abllr) dle_ 49 Syllable Date- _ sIIoe The DetrOit Zoo IS open from 9 a m to 6 p m Sundays and 3 V_yo( 23 MISS-- WIIlIICnlI hohdays, 9 a m to 8 p m Wednesdays, and 9 a m to 5 pm Time _ dnsIL nelJllbor or IRe ..c:F 4 GIve 21 "-IlOl S3~.s other days through the summer 46 SINII1 Place _ COIlIC1II clloolc 10 IlIIIl The zoo IS located at the intersectIOn of 10 MIle and S "Hooray'" Nn" 54 M~1eU for Woodward Avenue, just off 1.696, m Royal Oak Cost _ .so~ 6 FIOIn lIle 29 ConclUSM Lenneull Regular admiSSion IS $7 50 for adults, $5 50 for students abbr lOP SS frill. S I HeUllJll&! &IJIlme1ll San Reservations & Questions? Call _ 11'\1, 18lbo. 3OEmanalIOlI CIlCX)'s - and sentor CItIzens 62 and older; and $4 50 for chIldren ages IUIe et( Contact Person _ 31 Aatw H~I 2 to 12 ChIldren under the age,of 2 are free

-"'::.:-:':.:"::;;;i;;i~n.????????????.p.lr_E:-i COIn'OIIAft ...... 80~ S Hom.1!on Sag,naw MI ~8602 15171792093~ SEQUENCE , 1COn _ 180019683456 W. fox [5171792 2~:13 em~1 dmg ,Ot:,.So corn "'."""", ...... •" 926 Robbin, S.... 252 Grand Hoven M' 49~17 161618468726 fa. (6161 S47-6747 ematetrr.a~rt"llfl 8B August 14, 1997 Famil features by Madeleine Socia Grosse Pointe News Family Features Renaissance revelry free poster Call (313) 884- Tuesday through Sunday, from Harvest feast Corne one, corne all to revel 5220 9 30 a m to 5 p m AdmiSSIOn Youngsters and adults are m the fun, food, crafts, sports IS$3 for adults and $2 for chll. Detroit Zoo's aardvark is inVited to sample the dehclOus and entertamment of the 16th dren Call (313) 494-5800 century at the 18th annual Big bugs harvest from the bean, squash, The DetrOIt SCience Center, an amazing African animal Michigan Renaissance herb, pickle and other gardens 5020 John R m DetrOit, offers Elephant walk Festival, over seven theme at the Grosse POinte War entertammg and educatIOnal The Cranbrook Institute of Despite her tube hke face and .>tlCky12.mch coiled tongue, weekends, Saturday, Aug 16 Memorial, 32 Lake~hore on family fun Explore Backyard SCience, 1221 N Woodward m the Detroit Zoo's new aardvark IS more than Just another through Sunday, Sept 28, m Saturday, Aug 16, from 10 to Monsters The Wonderful Bloomfield HIlls, Willhost the pretty face, she ISpart of a umque species that has no clear 11 a m AdmiSSion IS $1 the shire of Hollygrove, off the blockbuster exhIbit Elephants!, hnks to any other ammal 1.75 freeway eXit 106, on DIXie World of Insects With an exhl' Advanced registration IS bltlOn of g1:mt robotIc msects, an exammatlOn of thp pvolu- "Aardvarks (Orycteropus afer) are the only order of mam- Highway, one mile north ot reqUired Call (313)881-7511 mteractlve learnmg displays tlon of elephants over 40 mil- mals With a smgle species," said Scott Carter, curator ot Mount Holly In Holly and one of the world's largest hon years usmg hands-on dIS- mammals for the DetrOItZoolOgicalInstitute Saturday, Aug 16 and Sunday, Fun fair specimen collectIOns, through plays, multi-media and prob- "These creatures represent a very Important lesson about Aug 17, Jom m the youthful The 149th Michigan State Sunday, Sept 28 Now show- lem-solvmg statIOns, through nature that Illustrates how umque and Irreplaceable ammals memment of A Chlld'~ Fairy Fair opens on Tuesday, Aug mg, on a rotatmg hourly sched- Monday, Sept 1 The Museum really are" Tale With storytelhng, a 19, bringing exciting new ule m the Center's lMAXDome IS open Monday through Tuhp, the new 18-year-old female, was Wild, born m thrill rides, shows, exhIbits kmghtmg ceremony, pageants, Thursday, from 10 a m to 5 Nalmbla, and has spent the last 17 years at the Burger Zoo parades and more The Village Theatre, are the thnlhng films and contests of all sorts to the Super Speedway, SpeCial pm, Fnday and Saturday, m Arnhem, the Netherlands Tuhp came on trade for IS open from 10 a m to 7 p m Michigan State Fair Effects and Destmy m Space from 10 a m to 10 pm and QUigll'y,onl' of the DetrOIt Zoo's male aardvarks ExpOSitIOn Center, 1120 W TIckets are $11 50 In advance Sunday from noon to 5 p m "North American zoos need more females, and the or $1295 at the gate for adults, The Detroit SCience Center IS State FaIr In DetrOIt, through open Monday through Fnday AdmiSSion IS $7 for adults, $4 Netherlands needed more males so thiS trade works really $5 In advance or $5 95 at the Monday, Sept 1 from 930 a m to 5 pm., for children ages 3 to 17 and well," Carter said . gate for children ages 5 to 12, The oldest event of Its kmd Saturday from 9 30 a m to 6 semors over the age of 60 or "Wesent QUigleybecause he ISthe most represented aard- children ages 4 and under In the country, the Fair p m and Sunday from 11 a m free for members Call (810) vark m the North Amencan populatIOn gene pool" enter free Advance tickets are The DetrOIt Zoo hopes Tulip and ItS 3-year-old aardvark, Includes 65 MIdway ndes, a to 5 p m The IMAXTheatre is 645-3200 Virtual reahty theatre, horse available at Krogers Call (800) Amy Bob, Willbreed If successful, It would be the first-ever 601.4848 open until 9 p m on Saturdays shows, bubble gum blowmg Call (313) 577-8400 Dinosaur days aardvark birth at the DetrOIt Zoo Aardvarks are nocturnal creatures whose long Bnout~and contests and special theme There's a lot to see and do at Volumes of fun sticky tongues are Ideal for mldmght raids on anthills They days The DetrOit Zoo, 8450 W 10 Barnes & Noble Bookstore, New adventure are native to the grasslands and semi-desert areas of Afnca, Don't miSs the free concerts Treat your children to an Mile m Royal Oak. A by James Brown, Gladys 19221 Mack In Grosse Pomte and are threatened due to destruction of habitat for agncul- Woods, presents volumes of educatIOnal adventure WIth a Tyrannosaurus Rex and 27 ture Knight and other top stars other hfe-slze, mechamcally programs to delight all ages tour of the new Museum of The DetrOitZoo ISopen from 9 a m to 6 p m Sundays and The Fair WIllbe open Monday Afncan-Amencan HiStOry,315 ammated creatures star m Students are inVIted to Jom In hohdays, 9 a m to 8 P m Wednesdays, and 9 a m to 5 p In through Sunday, from 10 a m E Warren m DetrOit, the Dmosauna, nmmng through to 10 p m The MIdway ISopen Barnes & Noble's Summer other days through the summer largest facihty ofItSkmd In the Monday, Sept 1 AdmiSSionto until mldmght on weekends Readmg Safan program Come mto the store for a free Safan world Among the excltmg thIS exhibit IS$3 for adults and and 11 p m on weekdays exhibIts IS AFRICA One children over the age of 2 The It IS located at the mtersectlon ofTen Mile and Woodward Concerts are scheduled for 8 Journal, fill It m With the titles of eight books you have read Contment, Many Worlds, an Zoo and the Dmosauna exhIbit Just off 1-696m Royal Oak ' p m 'Ilckets are $9 for adults, oveTVIewof hfe on the conti. are open seven days a week, $2 for chtldren ages 2 to 11and and brmg It back before Monday, Sept 1, to receive an nent through Video presenta- from 10 a m -5 p m Regular Regular admiSSion IS$7 50 for adults, $5 50 for semor Clt. free for children under the age tions, photography and arti- admiSSIOnIS $7 50 for adults of 2. Call (313) 369.8250 offiCial Barnes & Noble Izens 62 and older and students, $4 50 for children ages 2 to Explorers Certificate and a facts The museum IS open and $4 50 for chtldren Call 12;and free for children under 2 (810) 541-5835

Ed Maliszewski L!p~ l11LL Carpeting ['Jt ...l/t- ...... Jacobson's Jacobson's [ t 2h Looking for that special rug and don't know where to start .. hurry in Early to bed - early to rIse and see our new selection of Dhurrie makes our customers very wise .. and hooked rugs all at great prIces One day only SUPER SALE ... too ... at 21435 Mack Avenue, (810) Saturday, August 16th from 8:00 a m. 776-5510 - 10:00 a m 75% OFF - 10:00 a.m. - "There's always something Wacoal Gift With Purchase. Noon 65% OFF and Noon - 3:00 p.m. happenin' at Jacobson's" ReceIve a lIngerIe bag WIth any $60 purchase of Wacoal, whIle quantIties 55% OFF at LIsa's - elegance for BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 2, sizes 14-26 at 19583 Mack Avenue, last through August 31. YOU CAN ENJOY SHOPPING AT Lingerie Department Grosse Pomte Woods, (313) 882-3130. SOti-LOOT. JACOBSON'S MONDAY Take an eXCIting trip to the Orient THROUGH SATURDAY UNTIL with coordmatmg separates by Nell & 9:00P.M. Creative ~elutien8 David and Yasuko. FashIOn's new Jacobson's wIll be open 10:00 a.m. W~~%~ 'look' this fall is Far East and we have until 9:00 p.m. Monday through A unique mternatIOnal marketplace the clothes, the jewelry and the Saturday, Sunday Noon until 5:00 for children of aU ages. ReSIdentIal Orgamzer p.m. Kathleen Frazho accessories to get you all together. Infant & Children's Furniture & 810-776-3317 Don't forget to take a SIde trIp to our AcceSSOrIes • Linens clearance room. For a memorable Introducing our new Ms. J. Original Art • Total Design Semces • Set up home office Department ... featUrIng distinctIve • KItchen - Closet - Basement shopping experience visit Bon-Loot - Handmade Baptism Gowns at 17114 Kercheval in-the- VIllage, mix of merchandIse for women with a Russian Hand Painted Heirlooms • Event planmng young attItude toward fashion. ONE SOLUTION FOR ALL YOUR Grosse Pointe (313) 886-8386. 'Ibys from Around the World ORGANIZE NEEDS LANCOME - Your Gift of Choice. 810/776-8826 Your gIft feature 7 beauty travelers 23211 Marter Rd (Marter & Jefferson) St Clair Shores and a choice of a warm or cool M, T, W 10-6, Thurs, Fn, 10-8, Sat 10-5. Closed Sun KISKA JEWELERS collectIOn Your gift with any $18.50 Now is the time to pickup your ,JytP- Lancome purchase. Now until August 'new watch. plus. 50% OFF . 16. Hurry m as all m-stock Bulova Cosmetics Department Accutron ladles' and men's watches 5P~RTRAITDESIGN,INC. are 1/2 OFF at 63 Kercheval on Special Occasion Trunk Show. Draperies and Interiors the-HIll, (313) 885-5755. "Portralts in the Park" Saturday, August 16, 11:00 a.m. to SPECTACULAR - Your family portraIt IS a gIf't you 4:00p m. SUMMER SALE glVe yourself, your chIldren and Dress Department The Gift of Fitness generatIOns to come. Spangle I Up to 60% SaVIngs on all m-stock Portrait DesIgn.. 21024 Mack, I Pre-season Sale. Hurry 10 for the Prints Solids .. Tone on Tones .. I'OINTt Grosse Pomte Woods, (313) 343-9169 last three days of saVIngs of 25% on Sale Ends Aug. 15th 1997 the newest looks for fall. Through FlT\t~~ & TRAI\!NG August 17. Visit Our Showroom and SAVE .. CENTEJ 28983 LIttle Mack - St. Clair Shores (810) 772-1196 Personal Trammg AvaIlable, 25% OFF all Jockey for Her. MembershIp Not Required. Through August 17 (313) 885-3600 Lingerie Department Ann Back to School Fashion Show. Arbor Thursday, August 21. 7 00 p.rn Antiques Children's Department Market Lookmg for a umque gIft that's ANTIQUE LOVERS ... Come one Watters & Watters Trunk Show. unusual for that certam someone Sindbads "Sohor Room" presents: come all - Jom us at the Ann Arbor Featunng bndesmalds dresses and who's so hard to buy for.. The Big Fun on the River Antiques Market on Sunday, August mfonnals Thursday, August 21 NOTRE DAME PHARMACY IS your one-stop gIft store We have a large Great summer Music ... 17th ThIS IS our 29th season. There through Saturday, August 23. are over 300 dealers 10 quality Bridal Salon selection of fine wmes, gourmet foods Come Jom us This weekend, Aug. antIques and select collectIbles. All and items, speCIal candy, fine cologne, 15-17 , "Chateau" WIll entertam you under cover All Items guaranteed as Meet and Have Your Picture hquor, hqueurs, pIcture frames, startmg at 9 00 p m. FTiday & represented The tIme IS 6'00 a m Taken With Madeline. Thursday, Grosse Pomte T-shIrts and sweat- Saturday and 7 00 p.m on Sunday through 400 p.m . at 5055 Ann August 21, 600 pm to 900 p.m, shirts. etc, etc... at 16926 ArTlve earlier and enJoy a relaxing I Arbor - Saline Road (EXIt #175 ofTJ- Fnday, August 22, 4'00 pm to 7'00 Kercheval m-the-Village, (313) 885- and delicIOUSdmner to start out your I 94, then south 3 mIles) Only $5 00 pm, and Saturday, August 23 Noon 2154 untIl 3.00 p.rn evemng at 100 St. Clair on-the- admISSIon FREE park 109 Toadvertl .. In this column can RIver (313) 822-7817. Children's Department I (313) U2-3500 bV 2:00 p.m. FricIoya

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Classified Index ::- pa•• 4

Neighborhood Club ...... pag. 2 South places four on All-State tennis squad

By Chuck Klonke b~ the Michigan High School "Only t\\O doubles team, meet," coach Berschback ~ald bchool" tnes to ddJu,>t," the coach ,>ald Sports Editor Tenm~ Coaches AssocIatIOn were cho;en ,0 It\ qUIte an Case and Berschback also Gdbpdl I, only a sophomore, "He ask~ hlmself'how doe' thiS Th(' dr('am of most high Two of South's smgles play- honor," cOdch Berschback said beat Umverslty Liggett but he played No 1 ~mgles for Improve my gam,,?' He reahzes "hool tennI~ player, IS to be ers - Pre~ton Gaspar and "Those t\\O were far and away School's No 1 doubles umt of South thh year and fa~ed he ha~ to get better at thl net" pll t of the school's smgles lme- Tony Tocco - abo made the above any other teams m the Peter Blrgbauer and Brad mally of the top pldyers In the There, one pha,e of up Cia" A team Gaspar was a ;tate" Cenko, who were the Clds; CoD ;tate Ga~par'; game that he excel, John Berschback and Mike first team ;electlOn and Tocco Case and Ber;chback com- state champIOns "He dldn t lo,e to anybody he at Ca,e could play smgles for received honorable mentIOn plement each other on the "John and Mike aren t afraid ,hould hdvL hl'dten," coa~h "HIS ground stroke.. are Gro"e Pomte South's tenm~ "I never hear 'I'd hke to play court of anybody,~ coach Berschbdck Berschback ~dld "And he did Impeccable," cOdch Berschba~k team but they're content to be smgle,: from eIther one of 'Mike I; the stronger return. said "And ab soon as they well In matche; agdlll,>t people .'>ald "But he ha~ to contmue to one of the best doubles team, them A lot of high ;chool kids er He'l! hIt more wmners," know they're better than who were ranked higher than get ;tronger Another thmg I on the state thmk thdt s y, here the glory IS," coach Berschback said "ThiS another team, they Just go out he was" like about him 1<; thdt he won't And for that, coach Tom Tom Berschback ,aid year he has more of a chOIce of and beat them - now Ga~par posted a 16 9 record look at an opponent and ,ay 'I Ber~chback, John's uncle, IS But Ber;chback and Case strokes Last year everythmg "They might be the best dou- after fim,hmg 12 10 a year can't beat him on thankful got noticed plavmg together he hit was hard ble~ team South ha~ had - ago "lth most of those match- One of Ga;par s most "Both of them could play sm- They won 27 matches m a row "John I~ d httle qUicker at wrtamly thpy're thp be,t In the e, dlso commg In [\,0 1 Singles gl(', for us," coach Ber,chback before lOSIng to the Traverse the net He got a little more 30 year, I've been at the "\Vhene\er Pn ,>ton lose~ he See TENNIS, page 2C 'did of the Berschback Ca,e City team of Andrew Hamilton dggres;l\e thl.'> year and he'll comhmatlOn that y,a~ on", of dnd K\ l(' Ktlcherman m the get more aggressive next year" two double~ team, to m,lke the ,tate lh'lmplOn,hlp match Ca,e and Berschback are Cia" A All Stdte -quad ,ho,en 1 h' 11 t\\o \C,l1 r, UJrd IS 58-3 fnends off the court a, well as on, ,0 thdt's another mgredlCnt m makmg them an effectlve team "They'll talk to each other ..bout every pomt:' the coach ,md 'E\ en If they lObe a pOInt there (who coaches the Blue DeVils' doubles teams) SolId they're such good fnends they should play together," coach Berschback smd One of the turmng pomts In the season WaS the tournament at Ann Arbor Huron Case and Berschback defeated the Traverse City team, which might have been a mIstake In the long run "That tournament showed Mike and John how good they were, but when they beat the Preston Gaspar, who played first singles for Grosse Tra ..erse ('It\ kld~ In three sets Pointe South. was a first-team selection on the Class A Grosse Pointe SOuth's Mike Case, left. and John Berschback were undefeated in dou- It gal (' them a go 11 to beat bles until the state champioDship match. All.State tennis squad. MIl-e .Ind John 11 th" ~tate wr~~Cl~~ING OUT T~~Q 7'S J.llr8' laura AUROR~'--mr Brings you ••• M.S.R.P .•.••••$ Rebate •••••••••$ Drummy Discount •••••$

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\ c.. I'OtIAn 0fftCI1. , 80.0'1<;. Hnmlhoo ~ogonow '" 4860/ ,.. {11717<>70<>14 SEQUENCE IAOOl9683456 10.1>171792/473 ICOTT .. INION ""mo j OJ'T1q I (tcr Hom Prf'!>denl o R•• 'O"AL OffICII 9n Ron!>on, SlOt<15/ • 0 • Q Grand Hoypn M I 49~ 17 I!>I!» 8468776 10' 16161 8476747 .lftf'IiI Anvr.?~ .. __ 2C August 14, 1997 s orts Grosse Pointe News

Storage learn John VIctor and John Fitzgerald were out~tandmg In goal Other fine effort. have come from Tennis-- Lauren SullIvan, Stephen KosmskJ NeigHJuffmd Highlights Thmmy Doherty and Stephen Dzul From page IC C, L' U ,8 FlOe pt rformance, from the Flyers Br.tt AgUIrre Cnck George AtsaJdklS, MIchael BlIcker Casey BrowOlng ImpreSStve vIctOries came 10 \tanh ..'" V.nrgd dl~o contnbuW The NE'lghborhood Club Robby Browmng MIchael Hlrt, the regional when he beat U-D Brent John'ton \llke Duker and spnng mIme hockey program Cameron Peralta and Michael Scanlon M,ke Bagbv pi 'l,d w, IJ off.ns"ely for Jesuit's NIck Shumaker 6-3, 6 h,ghhghted a strong defenSive effort had a record 314 pl.lyers on 37 ('l'ntral Au(() Alexand( r Darr Ross 3 teamb this year In grades ~ Ind, r, &ot \I,lIlgan James Ruble Shumaker, also a Grosse kindergarten through eIght "\,t('hold~ bkdrdJ.ra ...y and Robert GRADE FOUR Bandltlo 2, Jeu J POInte reSident, receIved hon- ~IJJu~ al'loowntnbuted Here lb a look at ~ome of the MA:x HaRTZ ?lnd nroVld K"'lo!' sC{jred orable mention on thl' AlI-Rt~tp game actIOn In the to-rec the BandIts goals WIth asSIsts from team league, GRADE TWO G P MOVlDg & Storage 'I, DaVid Jensen and Jimmie Moran Tocco played second smgles KJNDERGARTEN Molar Rollers 1 Peter Fromm Knoll and MIchael for South and except for a week Eagle. 3, Rollers I Nick Corb,shdal. "",ored two goals Handley dId a good Job at forward, The foagtl"" hit the ",oung to urmturt" whIle Sarah Parker and Moran played In May when he lost four and Rich Da,"., had a goal and two Roller~ ....ltO som~ ou~t3ndmg offen "h'lol~t'i for Gr()~se Pomte MOVIng and well defenSIvely Goahe EddIe matches, had an outstandmg SIV(' pia" ... b} \htt Pe\ "'t r Doug Stordge Aldn DomzalSkI and Joe Andrews, who made 25 saves, got hiS season Juhn~ton rhunl'l~ \\1h\urth dnd JcI." Durfee Smith .hared the goaltendmg toughest test m the third penod "A lot of people asked why Creech Ten.1Lwu ... dcfcn.., \( pbl\ Wd~ Dommic GIOrdano s hard work paId off The Jets strong defense helped keep supplied b.,. Ru.hll Carron Dd'1torth Tony wasn't seeded at the wIth h,s first goal of tho year Joseph the game close Good perfo rmances Holle) Waly"orth and Alex DUffilJJ ...kl LdLonde Kalelynn Plckelhaupt and came from Joshua Busch 1)olor Clor, state," coach Berschback said Stephen V.al~orth and Pel,er were James Dickinson were other key play Nicholas Dmvemo, Nicholas DuFour "He's trymg more thmgs and oUbtandmg Ln goal '"-hlle Kl'1n) '" for the Mo,ong & Storage team Bnan Dunn Chnstopher Rose, Joey takmg more chances He's get- Harlan ha::. pla."ed ..HI] all Har The Molar Rollers worked hard Shaheen, Sammy Venhm,gha and Young !' urmtuTt. Roller pla}cr~ Andrew Thbm tIng to the net more often and Torre Aguirre CrIck and Speros Jonathon Baker Ben Dorda Kurt hlttmg wmners off the base- Atsalakls shOwed outstandmg hustle Hollerbach Kl\ Ln \laccannachle -\ondrew DIckson and Bradley Jensen G P. MovlDg & Storage 2, 1mI'" BenJamm Mlller Jacob Plep""zOv..skJ set up some good plays, while Evan Maple Leafs 1 Toccohad hiS finest moment Kvle Tapert and Chn,lopher Zwolen Excellent defense on both SIdes controlled Ih' ball w,,11 Lashaw and ran Muse were excellent at the state meet, beatIng the defenders Jeremy Olafson, Corbm hlghhghted thIS close contest Playmg well for Grosse POinte Movmg & fourth and SIxthseeded players Rangers 2, Sharks 1 Vermet and KeVIn Yaklm also played sohd games Storage Were Graham Carron Evan before losmg to No 1 seed '!bny T'le Shark, Jump<'d out to an early Elgoe, Andrew Gray, Mlchsel Grob, Townsend of East Lansmg, lead but tho Rangers' Enc Matthew Handley, Alexander Hands, Whalers 4, Devils .2 "Tony got real made at hIm- Rohrkem p<'r tled the game III the sec Rob Heide, Danny Tapert KImberly Sean Kendall and Jeff Rohrkamper and penod and Chns Hamadek scored DlckJnson and MIke Brown self after lOSing7-5 to FranCIS each had two goals snd an asSist for thp wmmng goal as time was nrnmng Frank Bowles and MIchael Rodnguez (of Grosse POinte the Whalers, who got fine goaltendmg out L) Ie Baumgarten was perfect III 10 from Jeff Reardon and Doug GIffin Sonnecken were the Maple Leafs' North) the regional final and Ihe net after the early goal KeVIn standouts Brennan Brophy Bradley Tony Tocco received honorable mention on the Claas A Strong defenSIve play by MIke I think that was the turnmg Remus and Adam LegghlO had good Da, ISson and Ehzabeth DaVIsson AIl.State tennis team. Kennedy, Ryan Cleshga and Alex shots far the Rangers, whIle Zach pomt for hIm," coach VelanoVlch helped secure the VIctory showed line passmg skills, whIle Goltz Clarke Dirksen and Andrew Chnstoffer Bmotto, DaVId Holhdge, Berschback saId "He finally Callewaert were soh d on defense Jeffrey Regan and Bryan Ulmer also deCided 'I have to htt my shot' made sohd contnbutlOns Hans Ganesch and Wilham Ethendge MackenZie Olson scored the Sharks skated well and that got hIm ready for the goal Dre .. Amato Austm Damm Billy The DeVIls' Andv Baker snd Blake Gnffin turned In fine perforrnance5~ state tournament" CltYOf(B)rnsse Jarnie,MIChigan Daudhn Matthew Halso, Peter Salgh Jeu 4, Alleman'. 2 whIle NIcholas Hathaway, John Marc Hames and Andrew McCoy alo,o The Jets had strong offensIVe per- In addItion to the mdlVldual Hennessy, Matthew Hollerbach, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING played well formances from Joshua Busch and All-State recogmtlOn, South Samuel Hull, JessIca L,pp, Blay Tylor Clor Andrew Thbm, Nicholas earned the All-AcademICTeam &hoenherr and Lauren Shook also A Public Heanng wJlI be held at the regularly scheduled Grosse POinte G.P. Moving & Storage 2, played well DInverno~ Bnan Dunn Nicholas Tenms Award from the Rangers 2 DuFour, Chnstopher Rose, Joey M,chigan HIgh School Tenms Clly CounCIl meeting on Monddy, August 18, 1997 at7 30 p m forthe Grosse Pomte MOVIng & Storage Shaheen and Sammy Ventlmlgha also Flame. 'I, purpo~e of revIewing Ihe reoumbenng system of Cranford Lane played well agamst a tough Rangers contnbuted to the Jets' VIctory Coaches AsSOCIation Lakeshore OptUDJst 1 addre~ses This meeung WIll be held In the Counc,l Chambe~. 17147 team MIchael Balke and Doml",c Alleman's Landscape Center had "That's qUite an honor The Flames got off to a good start Cowart controlled the ball well and fine games from Gerry Berger, Robert Maumee Avenue Gro,se POInte Michigan WIth contnbutlOns from Joseph because the team had a cumu- 1imothy Dman dIsplayed good passmg Cudm', Michael Konkel, Alex DeLaura, Anthony LegghlO, Sean lative grade-pomt average of skIlls Patnck Hagan, Kathryn Lagras.o, Wilham Pomer, Alexa Martm, Garrett MIller, Victona Smith, Howard, Jlmm) Moms, Max Schultz, SanfemlO, Max &hmldt, Sean Wilson 3 25," coach Berschback saId Momque SqUIers, MIchael Walsh and Thomas Kressbach JuslJne YgI""8ll and KeVIn Lynch also and DaVId Macon G P N 08114197 Andrew Grunyk and never let up City Clerk contnbuted Lakeshore OptimISt Club kept the The Rangers played anolher good GRADEFlVE Farms swimmers game c:ose WIth excellent goaltendmg game defens,vely and offenSIvely from KeVIn Burleson, Ben Dueweke Kings 3, COYO!eB 2 Kenny Roubal, Matthew Anderson and Joey Halko but the Flames man. to sponsor ORDINANCE NO. 97-4 GRADE ONE and Damel Fishman scored the KIngs aged to control the play Lakeshore's ~ WIDgs 2, Islanders 0 goals, whIle Fishman and Anderson leadmg SCorer Shan" Entenman, The Red Wmgs played an outstand had assIsts DaVId &hnelder and Swim-a-thon AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 8, ARTICLE II scored her team s only goal Ryan mg defenS!' e game WIth excellent goal Kallyn Rodnguez played outstandmg Brandon J ame'i Krauss and James SEC 8-39 (a> AND SEC 8-43 OF THE CITY CODE OF tendmg from Matthew Pear and Mike defense m fron t of goalIes Chns Casey DIckson had near miSses Amywren The Grosse Pomte Farms ORDINANCES NFPA 101, LIFE SAFETY CODE AND TO Demots KeVIn GIbson .cored both and Scott Hummel Meghan MIller Miller and Matthew Harne. have swtm team WIll conduct a goals Jack Sklarskl made several key also helped On offense wlnle Ryan MAKE A TECHNICAL CORRECTION THEREOF shown a lot of Improvement smce the defenSIve plays and a'i5lsted on one of McC rary proVIded the team spmt SWlm-a-thon from Aug 15 start of the year the goal~ Other contnbutlons came The Coyotes had sohd contnbutlons through 18 at PIer Park to THECITYOFI!ARP~R WOODS ORDAINS from Anthon) Cybulski Thm Jamak from Gregory Ahoo, Thomaa Bacon, raIse funds to help replace GRADE THREE Sttllon I That Ch.3p'.em Blues I, MIghty Ducks I Donald Grstseh McDonald and Co Secunt,es Thomas Remillet scored the t)~ng Contnbubans also carne from Robert PartICIpatIOn In the SWlm-a- Stt.llon 1 B.Er.L.A.t.. All Ord'lnance .. m part .. of ordinance"" In ('onnlel herewlth.art hel'!"by Albm LIOn goahes John Vinson, repealed on I) [0 the- e"leni nl.-l.-c,,-.ary 10 [:1\<= thiS ordlnanct' full fmet and c-ffet:l goal for the Blues WIth one second Ramone, Enc MIller, Trevor JUlf, Andy thon IS open to all Farms reSI- Ge of lhe: te-malOlOi portions of Ihls Clrdmancc It being the Lnlenl of lht Gnem MIchael HOlde Alex Langton Light and Dustm Stanley, while partlctpate should contact a lot of hustle Taylor McCarty scored Council of the CII) o( Harper \\ood~ lhal 11mon1Ln:mc-c s~1J sund nOlwllhslandlng [he invalidity of Jason 0 Connor and Stephen Reaume Joseph Cobb and Cynl Agley had thmr waterfront supervIsor Julte any OU1jde :.a.tlon ..ub.('(.[lOn :o.elllencl, I:lau~ phriJ.S('or ponlOfi tnctr"f the Lions' first goal and Hank Peyser The Mighty Ducks played WIth anI) best games Owen Darr, Bradley notched the other two Maconochle or park superYlsor ScctLon:5 f;ffiCDVE DATE Thr prm.l'iIOn of Ihls Ndmancc llhall take e(fecllwcRIY (20) daY' SIX players Chns Peters scored the" DetWIler and Peter Howard also TIm Kennary aft« adopllon goal after havmg several attempts worked hard OIIen 8, PengJunB I turned away Defensemen Robert For more informatIOn, call Joey Hal so led the OIlers offense Frank Palazzolo, RIckel and Steven Wiec.orek dId a GRADES 6-8 the PIer Park office at (313) J. Mickey D. Todd, WIth three goals, wlule Ben Morawslo Mayor CllyOerk good Job whIle ChnstJan &hulte and Blackbawks I, Leto Buddlng 0 343-2405 scored two snd Enc Barbe notched the Brett Figurski were outstandmg In Steve At.alak" scored the INTRODUCWAND J-IRST READI"G JULY 7 1997 other The OIlers had strong gosltend goal Chip Rogers had a sohd offenSIve Blackhawk.' goal WIth an assist to SECOND READJ"IG ANOADOPTION AUGUST4 199, lng from MIchael Jarboe and Alec PUBLlSI!EDG PNJTIlF CONNECTION AUGU~T]4 '997 game Ene Cendrowskl 4lexander Chns Hamngton The Blackhawks got Stanton ties for fourth Verku,len and excellent overall play EFFECTIVE DATE AUGUST24 1997 Hunt and Stewart Wells have also good two-way plsy from Brad Johnson, from En ch Maurer played well thIS year Laura RIl:Cl+ DaVId Wenzel, Tom Steven Stanton of Grosse The Pengums got good efforts from DenIer and Kyle Breckenndge KeVIn RIcky Allor, Mark CzerwmskJ, Adam POinte Farms shot 78 to finish Valente, SchlU'g & Asso 8, Hertel and Dana Roosen also con CITY OF HARPER WOODS DavIS Ryan Kosmatka, MIchael m a tie for fourth place at the Central Auto 4 tnbuled Lucchese, Kyle South Adam Spaude WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN Enc Field and Peter Leto had the .. Avon Bel Air JUnior Lance Lucas scored SIX goal. for and Matthew Stone Valente &harg and AsSOCIate, wh,le best games of the season to hlghhght ChampIOnshIp at Eldorado SYNOPSIS: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mark Rlashl had the other 1"0 [,Iv Leto BUlldmg's fine defenSIve effort Country Club In CadJilac AUGUST 4,1997 G.P. MOVIng" Storage 3, Altavena Jeremy Bass L,z Bncker Flyers 2 Stanton was competmg m ~ regular ell) Council mtl"llng \l,a.. c-.alred10 order 1IyMayor Pro lem ChcI)'I A Conswllroo af and Enca Pephn were defen'mc stand Century 21 Stars 4, 7l.O~m Karl Baumgarten s excellent two- the boys 16 and older age out'i Jordan Browne and Ltarn way play hlghhghted a fine perfor group at the Power-BlIt &o..u.....cALL. All Cool)(lljkl on<; 'o\cre prt'~nt c'\l,.epl Ma)or frank J Palavolo;md Coul1l.llrnan MelVIlle played well In goal whIle MN.h.x I P MOlU~tI.1n mance by the Grosse Pomte MOVIng & See CLUB, page 4C Mlchtgan PGA Jumor Tour event NQ~tQr~~~S.aS~%\Ie and fi Ie Ihe mmu Ie.. of Ihe Regu lar Clt)' Coof\(. II Mct1mg: hekl July 2: t 1997 :mL.l fUnMnnore taC'l ...e and file lhe mlnUle~ (lflhe' library 80ard Meelmg ~Id ooJuf'lt 19 1997 lbe: CI\II Senlce COmmlS'ilOO Mec=llrlg htld July 10 1997 the BeauldicoIllQll CommlulOII Meeting held July 30 1997 and Ole R03.td of Tru.;;tets Ernplo)'ff Re-ttrcmcnt ~~[('m MCC1tng

2) ~!~~:bi~ 1~~ndlnglicom 2 Be.JI.~fleld Traffic Study and placr undet Old BUSiness 1) To receive and file ItIt' repOr1 fmm lbe CLt)' MaNlttr entitled -Emergency WaJlung Sirens" 4) To add 10 l~ agend.1.dl'iClK<;lon :md/l\l' acllOOon dll\"l,.hn~ lhe CII)' Maruger to send a knerto Jusl when you need ii,iI's here!!!! lbe Stale of MlChlgan 11'KI1I:allngthat 1M CII) would be ....llm!! to wall unlll 1999 to do die rc ~urb:m$ If II a]<;o mcluded an)' ntC'~...u)' curb and catch ba.~ln rf'pl.acelT'lenl 5) Thall~ agend.l of tPle regular City CouncIl rneelln,@!:ha\lI1:j! bC'cn acIN upon the meeting IS hy adJOO .... " R 50 P m RESDUUIONS PASSED l) Approve' the follOWing IIC'me;on the Con~nl Agenda I) Appro\e Ihe A,counts Pa)lable ll-Sllnl for Ch«~ Numtlc~ 46~t'l9 through #698 In the aR'lOUnl or ~I 947 21 a~ submllted by me (',Iy Manager and Clly Corllrolkr and funbtt .au1hon1"C' lhe Ma)Of'.and elf)! CJat 10 51gn me Bikes, Hlodes & Boords h"'l0~ 2) Appnw .. payme-nl to lhe- "it.alC' of Mllhll!an Department of ~LI!~ Poll« In tht Il'l1oUnI ofSl "\0'100 fOf the I en TnalnfT31me accee;\ and \\oR.slatlO(l (ets flX" lhc- penod July 1 Ihrough On ~e Cerner If *ck & cadieux inGresse Plinte SPO'~ qc~d Ir"'f DI"" ¥'\'Ofd.... ~ ~ ALL SALES ARE FINAL Open II) Tod1feC1lhe (' t\ Manager rn "-C'nd a lC'l!("flo,hc Ofjrafcof \tlChl.[!:an lndlCatlft' that rhe-CIty would Ilt ~lllrn(! 10 Will unl1l 199910 do lhe-("ompkote f(" <;urf.klnr: of \f(omler ,flla)\O Included dny necev.ary (urn and taf("h hoa<;mrepltk't"mt1'lt ralher than cOl'lllrnue "'llh lhe pro- 954-0600 • 463-9000 Mon-Fri 10-8 po~d rt ~urfar:. n(! 001)1ofVemter from Rtacone;fH'ld 10 Haspe1 li:ard rt'MIubon 15 SUb:Jec1:'0 COME IN AND SAVE BIG BUCKS!! C'oofnnallOfl from tht "il.ate 37777 Gral104 live • Clinton Townslilp Sat 10-6 :;"r"'()~~OO'1~.....:t'll~PY"" lb ,''''' ~_ "'tl WI'Il ~1"""""SJ'5 Cheryl A, Contantlno Mickey D. Todd ,..~ l1"i("(1.x-, ....., (b; ... M " ...... M ayOT ISm lern -"'" Phone313.885.1300 Sun 12-5 C.yClm , (j PN (Jl,e (onne..ttoo 0014197

, 1 t o • • • Q August 14, 1997 .G.ro.s.se_po.i.nt.e.N.e.w.s Sno ts t" r 3C North honors top senior athletes

Gro"e POinte North"> top Flcaro received the Enc Van tam of blX teams and d beholar- DHdthdlon Stat( semor "cholar-athleteb were Hee Award ab North, "mobt athlete 10 times ChdmplOnbhlp team member honored at a brunch bponbored dedicated athlete, " DaVIson wa, a member of and Suence Olympiad ..,tate by the bchool's Athletic Boobter A scholarship prebenled for North'b track and cross country finah..,t With .1 four yedr GPA of Club the first time thl' year Ib the teamb 421\4 j\jUWI) Ihree North "emors Chip Alexander Award It IS "She has always been a team O'Connor was a ty, () time All received athletic letters dunng given to two student, who player who look!> OUI for other Amencan ,WImmer He wa, a the 199697 school year and 47 demonstrated perseverdnce people," bald glrb cross tOun- four-year letter Win ner, 10 of them were honored ab schol- and determmatlOn to partlcl try coach Stott Cooper "She time MAC champIOn and Wdb ar-athletes for malntamlng a pate In sports The firbt win- was not a top var"lty runner AlI.State for two year.., He \.I a, four year grade-pomt average ners were Ball and Chady thiS past year, yet ,he led the a ,cholar dthlete 12 time, Jnd of 3 0 or better Hauram team m cahsthemcs, orgalllzed carfled a four-year GPA of Steve Champme and Champine was a member of the warmupb and cool down" 4069 Chnstma DILaura won North's 12 teams dunng hi, four years encouraged the younger run- Vdbapo1h Wdb a four Har i, t. Scholar-Athlete Award at North, Includmg four years ners at every opportulllty and tl'r wmner .111MAC for four The Umted States Army of football, basketball and was m charge of manv team year, All Sidte tll (J '" ", ,1I1d Reberve bcholar athletes were baseball He earned 11 varsIty Enca Flcaro and Sachm Shah, letters He received .111- whIle MIke O'Connor Jr was Macomb Area Conference hon- recogmzed for being a DetrOIt ors m basketball for four years Free Presq Scholar Athlete and for three years In both Nick Goerke, DaVId baseball and football NJelubowlcz and DILaura were Champme was a scholar-ath. regIOnal finahstq for the lete 12 tImes and carned a 'MichIgan HIgh School Athletic four-year GPA of 3 45 AbsoclatlOn scholar athlete DILaura won seven varsIty award, while Ed Ball was the letters and was a member of btate winner of the MHSAA mne teams In four sports She bcholar athlete award for won tenms letters four times wresthng and also lettered In volleyball Knsten DaVison and Geoff and soccer DILaura was a Blumenthal receIVed the DIck scholar-athlete 12 times, was Cooper scholarshIp, whIle an MHSAA scholar-athlete Steve Champine and Christine DiLaura were North's Andy Blazalt1s was awarded finahst and had a four-year Scholar-Athlete Awud winners. Champine also received the Can Gauerke Klem schol. GPAof4135 the Detroit Tigers scholanlhlp, which Js awarded to a arqhlp O'Connor and MIchelle Sumbera earned five varsity sealor member of the baseball team. DiLaura was a Vasapolh receIved the Donna letters - two each In football regional finallst for the Michigan High School Scholar M Volmer sWim scholarshIps and baseball and one In track Athlete Awards. Champme was awarded the He was all-MAC 111 football and DetrOIt Tigers scholarship, a state quahfier and reglOnal which IS presented to a semor champIOn m track mC'mber of North's baseball Flcaro earned five varsIty lLlm letters - three In ,oft ball and hank two In volle\ ball She I~J, cap

Frank Sumbera IV and Erica Flcaro received the Eric Van Hee Award as North's ~most dedicated athletes."

splnt functIOns She never an All-Amencdn sWImmer stopped glVmg her all I admIre Blaz3Itls waq active III ,ever her deterrmnatlOn and leader- a1 of North', productlOnb He shIp ablhty" was featured m "Dark at the Blumenthal partICIpated 111 Top of the Stal"" and had a track leadmg role In both "Enter "He doeb more than work Laughmg" and "The DIary of hard at team practIces, bald Anne Frank" He recel\ed coach Pat WIlson "He has three letter, In bWlmmmg and studied magazmes, books and lIas named the MObt Improved VIdeos to give him more mSlght SWimmer after both hiS fresh- mto hIS events When practice man and sophomore seasons IS finally endmg, he IS the last Ball receIved three letters m person to leave He takes pnde wrestlmg and was a second In what he's domg As a coach, team All-MAC selectIOn He I found myself gettmg enthubl' mamtamed a four-year GPA of astlc because of hIS posItive 4122 attitude n Hauram partICIpated In Shah earned SIX varsIty let. cros" count!"} and track and ters and was co.captaln In lettered m cross country cross country and track He was a U S AcademIC

Hoops, soccer 2ND ANNUAL camps at GROSSE POINTE HOCKEY G.P. Academy ASSOCIATION The Grosse Pomte Academy GOLF OUTING wll! sponsor basketball and soccer camps for youngsters m SEPT. 15th grades four through eight The basketball camp WIll be at held m the school field house LOCHMOOR from Aug 18 through 22 A ses- sIon for boys WIll be held from 9 CLUB to 11 30 am, while the sessIOn ItAM for girls will be from noon to REGiSTRATION/LUNCH 230 P m GPA basketball coach Jim '2 ]0 SHOTGUN START Provencal and hIS staff are the mstructors The camp stresses basket. ball fundamentals and meludes mdlVldual and team mstructlOn, scnmmaglng and games No expenence IS neces. sary The cost Iq $125, which Send 10 the form below WJ[h furl payment.and all the na:me~ :md 3ddres$es of mcludes a T-shIrt I"'",col"'"" on your group by Aug 15ch MAKE CHECKS PAYABLETO To register, call the Academy Gros.se POinte "'ockey As.see at 886-1221 before Aug 18 An advanced soccer camp ~~~~OO~-----~~~~--,INAME(S) _~_- ~~_I WIll be held from Aug 25-29 on the Academy fields The camp Andy Blualtis was awud- I ------I IS a co-ed session from 9 a m to ed the Carl Gauerke IDem scholanhlp. I ----I 130 p m =-=------GPA soccer coach Marty I ADDRESS(S)______I DeClercq and hIS staff are the I I Illstructors Correction I =~_--=------The mtensIVe prep camp for the advanclllg youth player The correct IdentificatIon of II ~~~~~R(S) ------: focuses on readmg the game the three Vardar soccer players ------1 and tactIcal play along With from Groq,e Pomte In the pIC- condltlonmg and techmque ture that appeared III the Aug I =---_--_--_-_ -_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~~~~_I The cost IS $125 and meludes 7 edItIOn of the Groqse POlllte L ~~~~~~~~ ~ a T.sblrt News should have read from To ~lgnUp. call the Academy left, Stuart Ymgqt. Dan Fernn FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL at 886-1221 before Aug 25 and DaVId Dwalhy The Dick Cooper SCholanhlp Award went to KrIsten MARK PEYSER at ] 1]-881.9682 DavillOD and Geoff Blumenthal. SEND THE REGISTRATION FORMTO: Groso;e POInte Hockey A~'iOCGolfOutllljl; uo. \fark Pc}'ser, 914 ROS1)ll, Grosse POlllte Woods, MJ 48236

_? i :::r.~!"'!E:_~=_'2;u..,= -.....------«--. CCMl"'''''804 S Ham lion0I9ICUt ';oglnaw M I 486M (;1717920934 (8001968 H56 SEQUENCE 10'151717922423 pm~1 omql0o,s(nm ••-.ouLoma. 9 2~ Robbon. Su •• 252 Grone! Hoven MI ..9.. 17 1~1~1846 8776 10, (61618476747 .moiI dmo70n0.0001e """ 4C August 14, 1997 s orts Grosse Pointe News TATES TAEIGIDNIJO ~

\ ',' District champs The Grosse Pointe Wooda-Shores 13-year-old Babe Ruth All Stan woa the Mlchtgan Tbese members of the Grone Pointe Academy of Tae Kwon Do recently placed in District D champIonship. Tbe Woods-Shores team posted two victories over GIl'08M national competition. From left are Master Bee Sung Shin. tbe president of tbe acado Pointe Farms-CIty-Park and also beat Clinton Valley and L'Anse Creuse North. In front. emy, Michael Murphy. Ellzabeth Klein. Dulrshan McMuny-Moore. and Jason Goodall. from left. are Kevin Pesta. Chris Barger. John Coury • .left' caldwell. MIke Large and Shin won his sinh stralgbt gold medal at the Korean-American Olympic Sports Festl- Shaun Butler. In back. from left. are Jake Koppinger, coacb John Butler, DaD Ahee. Eric val. Murpby, Klein and McMuny-Moore were gold medalists at the Junlor Olympic Tae Touhey, coach Greg Bertelsen, Eric Berte1Ben. Andy DeWitt. Andre .. Db.on, MIke Shep- Kwon Do Championships In Louisville. whJ1e Goocla11 flnlsbed fourth in the 15.18-year- pard, manager AI Large and Joe Frauitta. olcl black belt division.

CITY OF HARPER WOODS Local academy does Club 19617 HARPER AVENUE From page 2C eIght must regJster by HARPER WOODS, MICHIGAN 48225 'tUesday, Aug. 19 and boys In well at national level Pointe Video Heal 2 Thml penod goals by MIke BattJes grades two and three must ORDINANCE NO. 97-3 The Grosse POInte Academy and Brendan r..\,n!':slon broke a 2.2 reglster by 'IUesday, Aug 26 gIrls green belt sparnng In her In acco~ WLth 5«110n 8 4 of thC' Harper Woods ell)' Charter OrdInance No 97 3 ISbeing pub- tIe and gaye the Cenlury 21 Slars the of Tae Kwon Do IS haVIng a first Jumor OlympIC tourna- hs~ In at! .abbrnuted roem due to the rlCl tNlll exceeds. SOOwords In length VIctory Troy Casey added a goal and The fee for soccer IS $65 successful summer ment She had Just earned her two asslSIs Other fine efforts were An ORD1NANCE TO AMEND CHAI'TOR 8 ARTICLE II SECTIONS S-29 ,a, 8 :lO Master Hee Sung ShIn, the Participants must also have a 811 832 g 35 AND TO DELETESEC g 32 (b) AND S-34 OF TliE CODE OF green belt a week earlier. turned In by Ameha Allayena, Steyen ORD1N ANCES OF THE CITY OF HARPER WOODS TO ADOPT 8 Y REl'E/U,NCE. preSident of the academy, won Baker Pernn Fortune, Joshua 1997-98 club membershIp THE 1997 EDmON OF NFPA 1 ARE PREVENTION CODE AND DOCUMENn; Landuyt Paul Muche~ and IndiVidual memberships are LISTED IN CIl AI'TOR 43 OF THAT CODE hiS sIXthstraight gold medal at Murphy won a gold medal In Chnslopher 0 Connor the Korean-Arnencan OlympiC spamng and a Silver In forms $28 and famIly memberships COptC:5 orthl .. 0Rt1narl« are il\'wlahle 10 the public at the office oflhe CllY Clerk.. NIck Hoban scored bolh goals for are $78 Sports FestIval In Seattle and competitIOn In the 8-year-old POinte Video Heat and James Mason IntrodLKC'd and Firsl Rc-adLn, July 7 1997 Second Readm8 and Adoplloo qualified to travel to Korea had an ass,,1 Andrew Ellawageshlk Augwl4 1997 black belt diVISion P\lbh5h Augu" 14 J 997 With the Umted States team made seveTal good sa\es Kyle Reglstratlon may be done In Eff«llve nate AugWl 24 1997 for acorn pet Itlon McMurry-Moore took a gold Burleson, Glancarlo [dns, John person or by mall to the McKinley Colby Slamp, Pearson Wells NeIghborhood Club, 17150 Frank J. Palazzolo, medal In the 13-14 black belt and Joshua Yayor also conlnbuted MayOf Mickey D. Todd, ShIn then took seven of hiS spamng dIVISIOn. Waterloo, Grosse POinte, C"y CJetI< Bulldlng 7, Cornela 2 48230 CredIt card regJstra- C I'N.lTbe-ConnectlOn 08114197 top students to the 17th Jumor Leto POSTED Augu" 7 1997 Enk Venlura scored three goals for tlons are accepted by fax at OlympiCTae Kwon Do champI- Jason Goodall was fourth In onshIps In LoUISVIlle the 15-18 black belt dlVlslOn Leto BUlldmg whIle 'Ireyor Clor col 885-2418 No phone reglstra. l""ted a pmr J,m and Larry M,suraca tlOns are accepted For more Katie Drabeckl, Jason Drabeckl, a two-time JUnior rounded out the Lelo sconng DaVId Goodall, Justin Goodall, Tank OlympIC Champion, Justin Owsen and Larry MIsuraca shared the InformatIOn, call 885-4600 Ibrahim, DUlrshan McMurry- Goodall and Ibrahim dId not goal tending while defenseman AmI Moore, Michael Murphy and Dlyvela had an outstandmg game medal but performed well The contest might have been more Elizabeth KleIn all qualified All three gold medalists are lopSIded If not for the efforts of for the JUnior OlympICSby tak- ranked No 1 In the country In Johnstone & Johnstone Cometa Adult volleyball Ing first In their diVISIons at goahes John Kerby, Dan LaRose and theIr diVISIOns And Shin IS 'The Wayne County CommlSS'onAdvcrtlsemenl for apphcants the Michigan Tae Kwon Do ranked No 11n the U S for the Dan Rader Kerby and Jeff Moore The NeIghborhood Club IS champIOnshIps scored the Camels' goals Tom Ru .. ell for pos'llon of SIxth straIght year and he IS worked hard and John Lee made the acceptmg reglstratlon for fall Klein won a gold medal In No 5 In the world ran kings most hIts Joseph Agacmslu, Brandon adult volleyball through \l D110R (;E:\!.I{ \1. Cole Nathamel HoJ'Wltz, Jason Myers Thursday, Aug 21. The Wayne County CommiSSion. our naUon s eighth larges« county With legislative and Hans Barbe played sohd games oyers'ght of a $1 9 billIon budgel IS lalung _!'Pheahons for the pasillon of Auclilor Yacht Club swimmers for the Comets Players form and manage Ge.oenJ. The 5ucces~ful candu1ar:e for thIS poslllon will be appointed by the Wayne County CommiSSion for one len (10) year term Youth soccer their own teams. There WIllbe leagues for men's, women's I \Iininllllll Rl'\Iuin'IIll'IlI., win league crown It's time to reg'lster for fall and co-rec squads youth soccer at the • Musl be a resldenl of Wayne Counly alllme of 3pJlmpleted appllcabon to. 122 sWImmers to the champi- reglstratlOn deadline for pre- onshIp prellmmanes 48230 Credit card reglstra- Vidor L. Marslt MIchalik was aSSIsted thiS kindergarten through grade o,ftClor of AdmllllSlnollOll '" Chid Openll"l otr__ tlOns are accepted by fax at year by Bill Thompson, one IS Wednesday, Sept 3 WayneCoun",Comm_ Fifty-two of the GPYC 885-2418 For more informa- Elizabeth Bourke and John Girls In grades two through 600 RlUldoIp/J 81.-, Sarto 4511 sWImmers qualtfied for the Spam tion, call 885-4600 Detroot, M ICllIgan 4lIZ21i

Your Choice BUY OR LEASE FOR LESS SUBARU,,~ The Beautyof AlJ.Wheel Drive We are now accepti 19 Option I $21,095 orders for 1998 Suburbans, $999 DOWN $289"1IOIITII Tahoes and C/I( Pickups. $2038 Tolol Due 01 S, non THIS WEEk'S USED CAR SPECIALS

1998SUBARU 1993 PONTIAC TRANSPORTVAN 1996 FORD lHUfaR8R) loaded, aleOMler, srap NOW 57 ftftS177 Loaded, sporty NOW5111'rYA'9S FORESTER 1995GEOPRlZMLSi 510 95 TOP $S$ PAID FOR JOE RICCI SUBARU l.ooded.leatler,pa.wrSUYOOf NOW ALL TRADES 171 ~ 1 MACK. GROSSE POINTE. BETWEEN CADIEUX & MOROSS , 313-343-8288 1997 SUBURBANS AND TAHOES • SERVICE HOURS' "'-0"", .... ,'*"'" deoIe< •• eo..d"""""'oood, .... ' 2'""",",'*'-londloowo 12 _ lac ...... _ PM ... SlIS_ Monday ':rI(1OY dip ~ Ioo&pIoooloo ,"'''''Y' 109"' ...... oi~ moltopIyby 2< Opo.on .. pu

'ItS I.~i 'OIF I fP'f L ..r ' ~ l ... I l I .' A 1 Thursday, August 14, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

313-88~-6~OO CLH551FIE ~illVEHTl5ING fOX: 313-343-55~9 ~~ SAl.E & ANNOUNC£MENTS 301 CIerKtlI 604 Ant.que/CIo,,,c 909 BICYcleRepon 952 l.ock\mltn 0 962 Storm. And Screen, 973 Tileworl IlfHTALS & IlEALESTAJI 100 Per""",l, 302 Coovalescenl Care 60S fOfe'9n MolOlenonce 953 Mu"c In'tnJ""",t Repolr 964 Sewer Cleaning Servce Il£SOIm: 101 P'ayer, 303 DoyCole 606 Jeep'/4 wheel 910 8001Repo n/ 954 POlnhng/decorohng 97d VCRRepair 965 Sew'ng Moc~,ne Repa" 975 Vacuum SoIe./Serv.:e (Yo..t ...... S«1I<:rlI 102 u:", &Fovnd 304 GMerol 607 Junk..., Mo,nlenance 956 Pe,' Control 966 Snow Remc;ol Io'ONDAY12 NOON 103 AJtorneys/legol, 305 Hou.. Cleamng 608 PortsTi,e,AIorms 911 Brd/BiockWorl 957 Plumblng&lnllollatJon 976 Venh!ohooServa 968 Stucco 977 Wall Woshong lUllb. HoIodoy do!e """I 104 In,,,,once 306 Hou.. S,thng ~ Renlol,/Iea'ma 9' 2 ~"-"3 iJ/.,.""J.1"3 9S8 P""I c;,..., '. 8 °t9 S - ~".....! S-- .. -.c ~ou "'...noow~ CWWIfDS ------$)1 Nur""A"le, 610 SpornCo" 913 1ley<1e. 652 8ooIlnlYronce 922 Computer Repolr .... I' •• It. Abb<0Yl0IIa0. not-...... 113 ".1..... I trucl '05 C I 653 BootsP rts L.J Se 923 C 0_ ~red At. $T7 ro;;~ 114 M;;Ed~Oh: 406 E::" So~ 654 BoolS~ogeidoek;e 925 r:~";,,:...... " I:LHSSIFIED HDVERTISING column Inch 115 PartyPlannen/Helpers 407 Firewood 655 Campers 926 Door 8oon 937 FurnaceRepo,,/ plea$e caI eadY 125 F,nanclolServlCeJ, 4 16 Sports Equrpment "YourHome'fo,. 011aa."~,.j In,tollohon :11 WI< __ J 2 WI

100 PERSONALS 100 PE~SONAIS 101 PUYlRS 112 HEAlTH r. NUTlllTION J 10 TUTORING EDUC.l TlON 200 HElP WANTEO GENERAL 200 Hm WANTED GENERAL 100 Hm WANTED GENEUI 25 years In car buslnessll PHOTOGRAPHY. Spe- NOVENA TO ST. JUDE INCREDIBLE, all natural GROSSE POINTE For sure. lire bps on ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIT CARING people needed to DOWNTOWN Real Estate CialiZing In Weddings & May the Sacred Heart of weight loss, nutntlon & LEARNING CENTER Full Time prOVide homemaking & Consultrng fIrm, seeks how to negotiate pncel Annlversanes Black! Jesus be adored glon- energy products For • Tutonng All Subjects Property management finanCing on your next whIte & color Reasona- fled, loved and pre- personal care services apphcants for entry level products! opportunity • K. Adult company located In newl used vehicle pur- ble Bernard (313)885 served throughout Ihe to older adults Drug poSition Must be com. call Laura (800)798. • Counseling Grosse POInte area seeks chase Send $12 95 for 8928 world, now and forever free work place Mack! puter literate and com, 7390 Independent • Diagnostic Tesltng administrative assistant postage and handling to Oh Sacred Heart of Je Moross area Calvary fonable In bUSiness to WIll axchange my home. Herballfe Dlstnbutor • Leamlng Disabilities With seve ral years of office RS Markebng P 0 sus, pray for us Worker Center 313-881.3374 bUSiness enVIronment made cookies for your • School Readtn ess expenence ResponSibili- Bopx 7324, Beaumont, of miracles pray for us MASSAGE therapy by CASHIER} Sales Clerk Send resume to Bren & used Arc hrtectural DI- • Public Speaking ties Include accounts pay TX 7n26- 7324 MAKE St Jude helpe r of the Betsy Breckels 11 Assoc 1500 First Na. gest magazines 810- • StUdy Skliis able, accounts receivable Rena's Candy Kitchens tlonal Bldg, DetrOit YOUR CAR SHOPPING hopeless pray lor us years expenence n7-4796 Servtng The Educational and payroll administratIOn Macktnac Island, MI 48226 ENJOYABLE I KNOW Say thiS prayer 9 times a House calls available Has Job opportumtles for _ (313)621.0509 Community For 20 Years Must have secretanal & THAT YOU'VE WON"I WINSTEO'S Custom day By the 8th day 131 Kercheval On The Hili computer skills Mall re- apphcants available unhl (SCA NETWORK) FramIng Framing mat. your prayer Will be an- late October 48 + hours Dnversl 114 MUSIC EDUCATION 343-0836 343-0836 sume to 0 Box 33002 clo ling Qu allty work Rea swered It has never Delivery Person, AT Your Service Expen- Grosse POinte News & per week $5 75 per sonable rates Margaret, been known to fa,1 nev- YOUR gUide Into the Inter. For party rental company enced domestic couple PIANO lessons from dy Connection, 96 Kercheval, hour Dorm hOUSing 313.331 2378 er Pubhcatlon must be net' One- on- one com Lead! unload all eqUiP- seeks work on pnvate namlc concert plantst Grosse POinte Farms, MI available Call Ryan at promised Thanks St puter classes on the In ment Set up! take estate(s) Gardenrng, StudiO located near 48236 1(800) 626-6304 Jude for many prayers temet and other comput. down, tents, tables, etc cookIng, cleamng, laun- Eastland Call 313-371 CASHIER} salesperson CD or IRA answered SpeCial er programs In house or AMBITIOUS, strong, de- Must have clean dnvmg dry, etc etc etc 313. 8723 pan- time posrtlon aVaJl 376-9463 Maturing? thanks to our Mother of at your computer 810- pendable hard worker record val,d MIchigan Perpetual help G Z n8.2213 page 810- able Excellent wages, dnvers hcense and com Rowahout 117 SECRETARIAL SERVICES for hardwood floor com- CALLIGRAPHY: Elegant 5849083 pany, 313-640-9349 drug slore expenence merc,al dnvers hcense hand lettenng for wed- ADMINISTRATIVE Servo preferred but not neces- Must supply current dnv- '02 LOST r. fOUND APPLICATIONS accepted dings, parties, certlfl' 7.80/0 Ices Plus- professlona I 121 DUPERIES sary Apply In person Ing record from slate of for fulV pan- time stock cates, etc Call 313.521- lOST- box of Jewelry, sen. word processing! typing Notre Dame Pharmacy Michigan PhYSical re- Guaranteed 1 Year clerk Must be 18 York. 2619 t,mental value Jeffer- serviceS for professlo AFFORDABLE sewmg 16926 Kercheval qUIred 1B or older Ex. Window valances Ro. shire Food Market, Grosse POinte Help the homeless and CAll son/ Robert John area nals and stUdents 313- penenced preferred Ap man shades, COrnIce 16711 Mack SOCially challenged Reward 313-886'4634 824.n13 CHEERFUL, rehable help ply at boards "Your Fabnc My OPERATION HELPING JOECAREm AREA dry cleaners seek- needed for weekend The Rental Place 109 ENTERTAINMENT RESUME wnllng service Talent" Home consulta Ing assistant manager outdoor photo shoots 22400 Harper HANQ FOKDETAlLS (313)824.5916 tlon Call (610)794 9208 servtclng hundreds of for momlng hours Good Will train September- St ClaIr Shores MI48080 BOW n' Ivory duo Irght.,. people skills helpfUl (810)n3-1230 clients per day IS opemng 810 754-1000 and clasSical Indoor/ ., I . I AUTHENTIC Hand made October East Side Ideal $8 00 per hou r stanln g a new facrlrty for dual outdoo r entertain ment custom drapes by So- for college or high ~ _ Cost 313-886.2965 dIagnOSIs on Detroit's No or Ob~tion Paltl, 313-823-1721 nta Unique top quality school student Leave ESTIMATOR, AB Dick op Eastside We need your Drapery and curtains, 25 ATTRACTIVE Grosse message at 810.777. erator produclion man- help With fumlshlngs for THE CLASSICAL mUSICfor any years expenence Rea- POInte salon seeking a Airport or Personal 0664 ager, general bindery th,s home Couches, occasIon Solo, duo, tno, sonably pnced 313- hardworktng & canng ALLIED Lou The Chauffeur Call CHURCH custodlan- per 810-n4.2942 leave appliances, krtchenware, qUIntet, gUItar, Winds 839.7446 stylist to fill my em pty 313-881-55271 24 hours manent pan time pas,. message tables, chaIrs, office VOice 810-661-2241 station High commis- COMPANIES Good ratesl CUSTOM DRAPERIES tlon (20 hours per EXECUTIVE Secretary eqUipment, beds sIon or booth rental Blmds, carpet wallpaper, week) Pay based upon Busy Vice PreSident and teleVISIOns, telephone DINKY THE CLOWN 313-885.2466 2nOO Hoover 3 MARKETEERS Bedspreads & decoratIVe expen ence Send re- depart ment of 10 needs eqUipment, and the like Face palntmg, balloons AIrport Shuttle AcceSSOries AUTO pans dover & stock sume to Grosse POinte strono team plaver to are needed For pIck up of Warren, MI and magic ProfeSSional Personal Shopp,ng V,sll Our Showroom at clerk Must have valid II UnJled Church 240 help us be our best rn your tax deductible magician also available 48093 Errands & Appomtments 22224 Grallot cense Apply In person Chalfonte Grosse tounsm relaled busl donatIon please call (313)521 7416 COMPARE OUR PRICES DRAPERIES BY PAT Parts Departmenl Loch Pornte Farms MI48236 n('ss Intermediate 313-961-1631 anytime MAGIC of J R McAtee Call Us Today n8-2584 moor Chrysler Plymouth COFFEE House lOOking knowledge of Microsoft Ask for John 101 PRAYERS Named "Besl of DetrOIt" And Rerax Tomorrow!! 18165 Mack, DetrOit for fnendly reliable per- Windows With emphaSIS MICHIGAN WORKSHOP THANK you St Jude for by DetrOit Monthly Chll' 313-881-4443 115 FINANCIAL SERVICES son who likes coffee on Word and Excel re Auto Se Mce- FOR THE BLIND prayers answered dren & adults 810-286- FleXible hours no eve- qUlred Ability to handle LIMOUSINE selVlce avaIl- TIRED of credrtors? Free parts dnver needed HCD 2728 mngs $7- $8 an hour multiple prOlects slmulta 313-946-7660 abje 1995 White Lincoln debt consohdalton Ap- for full time poSItion With tiPS Apply In per neously We prOVide pay (Orders' Detove

n S at. me hI , ._~~.~~~~~~~~., -~~---•: ;m~,:~~ :::a: :::: ( ceIIPOSAn ...... 804 S Homillon e) lO0W S09 MI~e602 1517) 792 0934 SEQUENCE 18001968 3~56 ICOn __ fox 1517) 792 U23 .011 emo I dmglOem com ~eSlden, SNfOtlA ...... 9")6 ~obblns ~"". 252 Grand Haven MI ~9~17 16161846en6 fox 1(16) 847.67~7 _--.Il ...l.-_~ ..... Thursday, August 14, 1997 Grosse Pointe News J The Connection

ii100 HUP WANTED GENERAL 100 Hm WANHD GENUAI 100 Hm WANIID GINERAI 100 HElP WANHD GENEIUI 100 HELP WANTED GENERAl 201 HELP WANTED 201 HIIP WANTED 203 HILP WANTED UIVSIHIR UIVSITTER DINTAL/MEOI(AL FULL lime receptionist HOSTESS, waitress bar NEIGHBORHOOD Club IS SCHOOL CROSSING WAITSTAFF. The Island CHILD Care responsible, WORK at home mom needed for growing tender cook Apply at accepllng appilcatlQl1s GUARD House Hotel Mackinac canng IndiVidual, every OPHTHALMIC Technl' Grosse POinte law firm Tellys Place 20791 for the followmg Youth 12112 hours a week at Island, MI Has open- other weekend 630am- needs sitter In her clan! assistant Part Excellent organlzallonal Mack Grosse POinte Soccer Referees Youth $6 60 an hour wllh mgs tor expenenced 730pm occasional af- home 2 days per week time certlf,catron not skills and posltlVe a", Woods Rollerblade Hockey Offl monthly pay Incentive servers In the Gover ternoons transportatIOn 830 am to 530 pm necessary Expenence for 3 year old and Infant tude reqUired Salary -IN-S-I-D-E-sa-I-es-'-customer clals Youth and Adult Contact Sgt Powell or nor's DIning Room that preferred, references reqUired light dencal Taxes Withheld Call commensurate With abll Volleyball OffiCials and Eleanor at 313 822-4416, are available until the 3133438892 evenings Send resume to Box Ity Please submit re service Quality retail Adult Touch Football Grosse Pomte Park season s close In late 313-886-3442 07025, c/o Grosse sume to Attn Tracl P 0 store looking for Ind,vld Referees Apply In per- Satety Department October Resort atmos- EXPERIENCED full- time POinte News & Connec- Box 36786 Grosse ual able to handle "multi h N hbo hood phere Dorm hOUSing live- out nanny for lod 201 HElP WANTED 'lllve sal Agency reqUIres secre- MI48236 FULL! part time tire fP" !3' 0"3' sh S Waterloo Grosse tull time secrelary With ary references reqUired, taryllnslde sales coordl- PART lime Dental Hygien- $8001+ hour Full or part POinte or call 313885 excellent typing Skills, WAITSTAFF part time, startmg October nator Computer prof,- mounlers Good pay, time FleXible day hours 4600 some bookkeepmg ex- days 10 30 to 2 30 P m (313)582-3400 ISt needed Busy office benefits Apply In per Ward 313-831 7200 penence and knowledge Apply Golden Dragon clent Fam,lIanty With au. EastpoInte, 9 mile! Kelly son 17355 Mack (810)775-0520 NOW h t 313 882-6666 EXPERIENCED nann" tomotlve prOCedures Grosse POinte area JANITOR, one day a iring part Ime or of WordPerlect 6 1 for eeded f 3 h Id :3 and! or plastiC Industry week $750 per hour full trme cashiers Apply Windows Legal experJ WANTED- 89 people to ~ or ~ ~ ren, 7 helpful Experienced PODIATRIC office needs GALLERY asslstanl part New Horrzons 800k at Rite Aid 107 Ker- ence not reqUired Re- lose weight nowl No Will ays per wee, ours person prelerred Good person With secretanal Ilme 12 15 hours (In- Shop 20757 13 Mile cheval 313886-5655 sume to POBox 31- power needed I 810- am - 6 pm, Good sal d f Pie and billing expenence ------D M 823 ary, auto needed, non. pay an rlnges ase Send resume to Box cluding Saturday} Pas- Road RoseVille 810 NOW hiring cooks full or 2685 etrolt 1,4 1 790-6744 smoker, references forward resume and sal- 03028, c/o Grosse terrty In the VIllage 296 1560 part time, musl be avail- -S-E-R-V-E-R-S-,--b-a-rt-end-e-rs-,WANTED- early morning 313-881.4853 ary reqUirements to Box POlnle News & Connec- JEWELL Pholo In St Cia" able days and evenings setup Flex,ble hours paper route dnvers 04033 Cia Grosse GENERAL Clerk! Runner tion, 96 Kercheval Shores needs retail Benellts and paid vaca- $8 00- $1200 per hour $140- $150 per week IN home babYSitter need POinte News & Connec- For busy Downtown De Grosse POinte Farms, trait law firm Must have sales person part time lions Apply at the Ongl' Weekend work Great No collecting EastSide ed for 1 year old Tues tlon, 96 Kercheval, M148236 rehable transportation or full time Will tram nal Pancake House for extra Income Ideal Grosse POInte area day & Thursday 730 Grosse POinte Farms, and be able to perform Call (810)777-8570 20273 Mack Avenue, for college students Must have good lrans- a m to 6 pm Call 313 MI48236 POSITION Immediately multiple tasks Slmutanl Grosse POinte Woods or Roostertall Catenng portalion 313-884.2430 417-9045 --B-O-O-K-K-E-E-P-E-R-- available for dental as- ously Responslbllilles LANDSCAPE workers 313.884-4144 Club 313-8221234 ext 4 am. 6 a m -L-O-V-IN-G------sistant 10 perrodontal of- Include court frhngs needed expenenced or , energetic person For busy marketing deSign fice Experrenced, full or Will train call (313)885 OVER 200,000 Computer 2 WELL established raplda- to help care for my 3 frrm In DetrOIt Full charge which may require trav- part time In Grosse 4045 Jobs Nationwide Word -S-T-O-C-K-pe-rs-o-n-M-u-s-t-be- Iy growing agenCy IS children, full time, In my through trial balance, m. el photo copying sup- POlnle area 313-882- ply Inventory & vanous LINE cook full time eve. processing data entry, 18 FleXible hours full seeking a highly motl- ,home, Monday through cludlng AlP, AIR lob cost- 5600 graphiC deSign pro- and part time $6 00 per vated productive corpo- Fnday 313-885-7616 lng, InvoIcing bUdgets and olher assignments Will- nmgs Apply L Bow grammlng & more Infor- hour, applu In person rate tra el co Itant RECEPTIONISTI Assls. Ing to train the right can. R 20000 H ,v nsu MATURE canng woman to vanous reports Must have tant Part tIme, Monday 31~~84-7622 arper matlon Servrce 800- Jerry's Party store, 383 With a great attltudel Fax care for my fIrst grader at least 5 years expenence dldate Send resume to thru Thursday ApproXJ- Personnel Depl 535 6393642x222 Kercheval resume to (615) 399- and 10 month old Full. and excellent relerences LITTLE Italy s Pizza needs ebfd comlcompusource ------_ 4209, Attention Site time In m Grosse ReqUires knowledge of mately 1- 7 pm Occa- Griswold St SUlle 1330 phone person pizza (SCA Network) TANNING salon reception- Manager u'both M d IBM I Sional Saturday a m Jo DetrOit MI 48226 Ann (313}881-0665 makers, delivery dnvers PAINTER wanted Must 1st Ideal for college stu housekeepingPomte Park homereferen-Light forms Softwareac an Includespat- VISITING NURSES GENERAL office- Local Call(810)469-2935(313)5260300, have references trans. fnendlydent Mustand beoutgoing,very LlIrTa;PDt''''I;st... '" J .. ces and reliable Irans- Word, One Wnte Plus, Ex- ASSOCIATION area financial servrces portatlon and some With a profeSSional attl- CommiSSion or 800th portatlon reqUIred cell Great opporlunlty to firm seeking indiVidual LOOKING fora tools Paid equal to ex- tude and neat appear- Renlal Well ESlabitshed (313)331-0834 after work WIth folkS who Will SUPPORT SERVICES experienced m general new career? penence (810)776-0506 ance FleXible hours! 5pm really appreciate you I Pn has Immediate Call and see It you qUalify Crosse POinte Salon vate, qUiet office In lovely openings for office procedures Re- 1O eam $50 000 We PAINTERS & helpers days Call 810-773-1450 Call 313-882.2239 MOTHER'S helperl 5 hlstonc Indian VIllage re- RNI LPN! CNAI HHA's wordqUires processing,knowledge book-of hav e the sys tems and ferredneeded ExpenenceCall Tompre- or Fax 810-774-2690 _ 730 pm Monday thru stored mansion $26,000 -.Payl hour Flu program th school n to make --Psyche staffing all three keeping & securrtles In e I g (313)331-2018 TEACHER ASSIStan,t Fnday and! or Weekend starttng salary plus bene- dustry QUlckbooks Pro your dreams come true ------_ school year, pre-school, day help 8- 3, for 3 cM- fits Immediate opening shifts & Advent software a Call J P Fountain at PART time help bartend- child care expenence 0 dren, own transporta. FAX resume and referen- -VenV Trach expenence, plus Convenient and 313-886-5800, erl waltstaff fleXible pnvate school, SUburb STMTIIIIIllW'B.Y- tlon,)~~ents welcome ces to 313-822-0207 pnvate duty pleasanl working enVI- Coldwell Banker hours, aboard 100 foot Resume to Box 03026, FIlL 11MEIPMTTIrlEAJAUIllE. (3138 7616 _ .- CNAI HHA VISitS,hourly ronment Safary and Schweitzer dinner yacht 810 ..778. clo Grosse POinte News RlXB.ESCtEDl1ES$1Q.25TOSTM'T-N-A-N-N-Y-f-or-,n-fa-n-t-,n-m-v CHURCH secretary 20 pnvate dUty OPEN HQUSE. hours negohable based Grosse Polnte Farms 7030 & Connechon, 96 Ker- CAll 81lJ.498-9606 home dunng school' blehours $675per weekper Flexl'hour August 16th 1997, on expenence Fax re- MAINTENANCE! handy PART time hosV hostess cheval, Grosse POinte year Non smoker Ref- General office, computer TELEMARKETING lOam- 4pm sume to 313-885.7114 man Must be able to Apply at Sparkey Her. Farms, MI48236 CUSTOMERSERVICE erences reqUired 313- skills Expenence re- 25900 Greenfield Road, or mall to Personnel, operate vanous power berts 313-822-0266 TEACHER, middle school REPRESENTATIVE 884-9088 Between qUlred Send resume to SUite 100, SUite 270 21 KerCheval tools, perlorm Wide van. PART TIME OR English! Language arts, ~~;ell:",C:::~.':ng 1000 am. 7 00 pm Bethany Chnstlan Oak Park, MI48237 Grosse POinte, MI ety of tasks Contaci SEMI RETIRED part lime, pnvate ele- cablecompanieson "'e US NANNY- live In, weekends Church 5901 Cadieux, Or call for an Intervl ew 48236 Mike (810)7592400 or mentary school suburb Se:'~~'ndMdual$who excel only, every other week DetrOit 48224 248-967-5800 GROSSE POinte area resume to PMG, 21300 Harper Woods Family Resume to box 03027, ,n telemarl00 $Il 00 hour son to care for 2 boys Ir Plans founl,Hn P""onnPl $,00 $7 ()() hour my home 1130 to 530, • MSW with Windows • Word Perfect 5 1/6 0 JOin The No 1 C;f>r\£ro:; All l.,tlltt.-.. Coldwell Banker affrhate Monday Ihrough Fnday • Excel 0 Powerpornl. Pagemaker o lotus 1,2 3 R"npf,l, In' ludp "1

... 1 I t r A o Thursday, August 14, 1997 Grosse Pointe News 1The Connection 107 HHP WANTED SALES 303 SlTUATlDNS WANTED 400 MERCHANDISE DA Y

M house cleaners taking TOWN Hall Anhques Nowaccephng 2332, 810-m-1332, teen), lad,es and men S antIques, etc Fnday, Fnday, August 15 on new clients We do Downtown Romeo consignments leave message c!olt1rng, household Saturday 9am 4pm COIN-HOMEPETENT everything, laundry, Wln- Michigan's largest selec. ESTATE sale I Indoor rain -D-IN-I-N-G--be-a-trl-I-rn-a- Items. toys, new custom 19416 Woodside,• - Harp- Saturday , August 16,10. 5 CARE SERVICE dews, 10 your specllica. 1Ion 0f quaIIty an t'ques or shine 65 years aceu- hogany 1940's complele _ , u u • bur~ pottmg tables er Woods/ oft Beacons. HUGE Salei 961 Trombley TLC Elderly tlons Call L & J Clean' and selected colieclIbles mulatlon Household lull dining room set, and 20605 Woodland Paper- field (near Jefferson) Grosse Hourly, ovem,ght rates Ing Semce, 313,871- at affordable pnces of old sluff lots of tools bedroom set, $3,500 backs, colIeclJble glass. FRIDAY August 15th POinte Park August Expenenced In lhe Grosse 7559 Spend the day With us 13902 Carlisle. DetrOit each quahty (810)436- ware, plates, books, 900- 400 HOusehold 16th, Sam. 4pm POinte area Licensed & ------decoratrng your home, Fnday. Saturday 9- 4 6443 stamps, mUSIC, records, rtems fum'ture, clothes. MAJOR fumlture sale Bonded POLISH woman can clean shopprng for your favor off 8 Mrle between Gra. -ET-H-A-N-A-'le-n-c-h-e-rry-66-" yam and more etc 922 Lakepornte Red mahogany diningl Sally (810)772-0035 your house Own trans- Ite anllque lover, or en. tlOt & Schoenherr -229-'-S4--L-g-e-m-an-n--S-t room set 4 arm 2 head portabon Call after 700 hancmg your favonte dresser wrth attached In , GARAGE sale event. 8 charrs table & china HOME hea~h care aide, pm Iwona 313-872- collection Open 362 ESTATE SALE! mirror and matching Clair Shores (between famlhes tons of stuff' Camelback Chippendale 7096 days per year 10- 6 New Dates night stand $3001 best Greater Mack! Marter HOtJse full of furniture 3 lOOkingfor full lime work Friday,August221-6 Betore 430 pm 313- Rd) August 15lh1 16th, style sofa Childs 4 Excellent references, QUALITY housecleaOlng 810.752-5422 9a 5 F tu bedroom sets, couch poster bed Queen Anne reasonable 810-754- fast and effiCient For Saturday, August 2311>-6 226-4364 after 530 pm hom. hol~m uml re, TV, chairs tables, tools, end & coftee lables 1018 more delalls call 313- Sunday, August 24,10-3 313-822-3973 use l1ems, exer. comiCS, great clothes. Ccmplete bedroom set, 886-4218 AMANA 20 cub'c foot Ie- 1201 Nottingham! ETHAN Allen coffee table, ~~~e~tJIpment, and lots etc, etc etc August and more Fnday & Sat. NURSES aides. excellent at Kercheval glass top, $250 Ethan 16th, 8- 5, 17th. 9- 3 urday 830 a m 1 pm Grosse POinte referen. RELIABLE expenenced Ingerator, excellent con. FurMure and antIques Allen china hutch. $800 235 McMillan, Fnday, Au- 21646 Erben, St Clair 373/ 3n Rivard around ces Pat 810-m.2598 house keeper. speclahz. dillon bottom freezer, vmtage jewelry. commer- 313.640-9149 gust 15th only. 900- Shores back Clndy,810-nl-1588 Ing In s,lverl brass must sell $2001 best clal VIdeo edltrng decks 300 General household GA AGE I M _ cleaning avarlable week 313-824-3543 All- hockey table. sporting FOR college domn! col- furnishings. clothrng R sa e' i1hons of MOVING and garage sale POINTECARE81CU days and Saturdays equipment, paint ball set tage, 2 sofas, coffee ta- things August 15 16 Saturday August 16th. FUll, pan rome Or LJv&.ln Own transportatIOn AMANA refngerator 20 Household linens and ap. bJe Good cond,llon 3 family yard Sale Thurs- 8- 3 926 Roslyn, 8 to 5 3455 BL1ckmg- Pe"",",,1 care, 313-834 5112 cubiC feel Bottom draw pliances Hospital bed $150 886-1792 day only 10337 Morang Grosse POinte Woods ham between Mack and I~~~ er freezer Like new La B 9 5 AR G S Mary Ghesquoere TEAM------cleaning rehable $300 313-886-5579 rgetdog cage ooks.rl FORMAL dlnmg room ta. 33 - G A A E 16thsalel 8 aturdayA Warren _ GroMe Polnte Resident compu er programs. ea y ble and 6 chairs, china 6 MCMILLAN Grosse ugust , to 4 MOVING sale 21213 944 Call Marge 810-n2- ELECTRIC stove $50 childhood development, cupboard server. excel- POlnle Farms Salurday, lmle brt of everythrng, In. Tanglewood l near Ma- 9546 Gas stove $100 Aefn9 toys. teaching matenals lenl COndition Best of- 9 to 5 Ram date, Satur- elUding a 1984 Sun bird somc and Harper Fn THE HOUSE-KE.TEERS eralor $100 Washer Knick knaCks Clothing fer (313)886-8862 day 8123 9 to 5 Reclm- converllble, custom d S t d S d A+ Uve.ins Ltd. G ER CE $110 0 $95 D h MORE (313)8223338 er Silk ffowers house- paint, new top, runs ay a ur ay un ay 24 hourLoveIn CLEANIN S VI washer ry~ DeIIV:ry- • FRENCH prOVinCial IMng hold Items. much more great 2147 E 8 Mile 9 to 5 OffICefumlturel ProfeSSional, Bonded and 810-293-2749 ESTATE Sale long t,me room and dlmng room between Harper and MOVING sale 20650 Ver. PersonalCare l CleamngCookingLaundry Detrol1 resident, Wood. set End lables to 3480 Bishop! Mack Au- Mack nler Circle oft Vem,erl Insured teams ready 10 GE electnc stove & mICro- bndge HlStonc Dlstnct match excellent condl- gust 16. 9am 3 family Marter Fnday Satur. BondedandInsured clean your home or wave combinatIOn GE DIning set, grandfalher bOn like new 810-790- Dishwasher. ,"fant bike GARAGE salel Saturday, day 10- 3 Apphances 779.7977 bUSiness Side by Side refngerator, clock. porcelarn enamel 4671 seat household August 16 Sunday Au. fumrture baby cnb! Extenor Windows (gold) $450 set 313- Ice box, Eastlake mirror, gust 17 10- 4 19nO SelVlngthe Grosse Pomte 371-8326 antique radro. many an- MAHOGANY dining room 4 HouseholdsoOne Sale Eastwood Harper stroller household mlsc A VISITING area for 14 years tlques and collectibles set, $700 Family room He had one and I had two' Woods No presales ' MOVING sale 5075 York- Malor Credit Cards KENMORE: refngerator, 1740 W Hancock (one sofa $250 Call after 5 Everythlrlg from household ll shlfe August 16th 8. 5 CAREGIVER ... Accepted $275 smoothtop range. block south of Warren. pm 313-884-6821 goods to furniture child. GARAGE Salel Fnday August 17th 8 12 Com. CU'ITO\I TAIl.oRED 313-582-4445 $200 bUill ,n dlshwash- west of Trumbell) Au SO 10 0 bl rens thrngs. LP's, books A Saturday. 900- 500 p1ete darkroom sel. up HO\fF CARE VISIT'i er, $75 GE mICrowave L ak game la e, great all around yard!ga- 22843 Newberry St E.ma,1 $50 (313)882-3387 gust 15th/16th 10 am - fomnlca top and leaf WIth rage sale One day onlyl Clail Shores Jeffer- Large humidifier art by an expcnenced caregIver (Off One to four lime, da,ly mlghtygreek@ 6pm 4 chairs. leather seats. Sa1urday AuguSl 16th, 9- son close to 9 Mile) supphes Vintage cloth. Complimentary 30. SITUATIONSamentech netWANTED MfTSUBISHI 50" TV, solid HUGE estate sale Anhque good condrlion 810- 6p m Partlc,patlng In the Brass lamp WIth glass Ing accessones Antique oak beautiful prcture fumlture, housewares 977-3904 or VOICemail East Enghsh Village shelves new table lumrture Vlctonan Art rnlcrvlcw 3M VIii:U OffiCE n£ANI NG like new, $16001 best 810403 7800 Deco You choo-.e the "'mce and 810-n9-3655 books Cash o'lly FI1' • Neighborhood Sale Day lamps and hght fixtures YOU ~ hOO\C tile EMERALD Isle Cleaning numt'Jcr [If VI~llli SeMce Professional day Saturday 8 a m to TEAK dining room table. 4153 & 4161 Harvard Rd, wmdow and door MOVING Sale. 27100 Jet. c1eamng people to clean WASHER & dryer, stove 2 pm 801 Edison, De. Danish modem wrth f,le Detrort (1 street west 01 screens Apple com put. ferson (between 10/ 11 313/438.1358 your Oft,ce bUilding 20 double door refngerator. trOll Boston! Edison Inlays 4 matching CadIeux between Mack & er and pnnter bikes Mile) August 16th 171h. llOOIOED water In door Upnghl Dlstnct Chairs 2 leaves Excel E Warren stereo, brass oma- 9. 5 years expenence Fully freezer & dishwasher lent condllion $1 100 ments mini college re- MOV G 303 SITUATIONS WANTEO Insured 810778-3101 DAY (UI 3138810855 -. BUY BOOK. 41207 WIIIoWlSP, (131 fngerator and toaster IN sale antiques- AND L•• RA..... (313)8855605 Harper) chlldrens cloth- oven Pipe set bed- des,gner clothes (10- 401 UTS l CUfTS ATTENTION PARENTS I JOHN KING MOVING Sale fumrture Ing household rtems 14) Glass & stone dm. 3' 3-96" -0622 from all rooms for sale, August 16th/17th dings kItchen rtems. Ing table Yellow fabnc TLC In safe comforta~e ANTIQUE Carousel Hors. SUNDIALS and more for lICensed home Nutn. Mch,Mn s LargestBookstore Iud II backgammon table. WIng chair, onental nte- es (10) from the 1890's. sale al Art Tile fair, I ".. Inc Ing mlSCB aneotJs 433 Moross "Make an of. men women and htgh Mus meals creatIVe en. some restored, some Sunday August 17th • Clop ~.;';,,,.':.~~,.,, .. ~d • Items Call after 5pm fer" Basement house school cloth,ng and nacs Glass COCktail ta- Vlronment Full hme part onglnal all sizes 81 0 10 5 Grosse Pornte = 313-527-4642 Sa ble dining room table, time '-94110 Mile 810 751-8078 War Memortal and garage sale tur. shoes (sizes 8 14 32 yellow Chinese decora n9-1827 BOOKS WATERBED WIth padded day SUnday, 1000. 44) books lays radIOS tlons Hanging wall shell ralls needs ma1tress 5 00 cameras. headsets mls. w,th marble top Much FURNITURE rel,mshed 404 IICYCIES h PART t,me opening for repaired stnpped any Roult • "" .... Id Loveseat Child's vanrty 488 Shelborne Ct Grosse _ce_lIa_neotJ__ s______much morel GOOd s1uf! child over 15 months type of canIng Free es- REBUILT b,kes all s,zes, LIBRARY BOOKSTORE (313)884'1862 POInte Farms Saturday GARAGE sale 492 Sour. Fnday August 2'< Bam- "Jusl L,ke Home Day limates 313-345-6258 reasonable, also do re- 248-5+5-4300 SOFA! love seat less than 9- 4 Household Items nemouth August 15th 2pm Saturday August Care. 313 331 1664 8 t 0-661 5520 pairs 810-777-8655 htH_s.,.r...... 1 year royal blue, $500 desrgner clothes furn,- 16th 10-4 Household 23 Bam 3pm 1135 .:.. II. T II.- ;. firm 313-884-8638 ture and much more rtems Maryland! Kercheval

c.uoIlAlI ...... 804 SHam Iloo SaginawMI 48602 (517) 79;>0934 SEQUENCE 180019683456 fo, 15171792 2423 em",1 dmglOcr, com

...... L ...... 926 iobb'M SuIe 252 Gr""d Hoven M' 49417 161618468726 10' (61618476747 ..."...... ?a...---... "._ Thursday, August 14, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

/ N£OUS 417 MISCElIANEOU~ 413 MUSI(Al U~!M!NT SALE USEMEN.T SALE ARTIClES 60 I AUTOMOTIVE ARTIClES INS'~UMEN'S 41 S WANTED 10 IUY S05 lOST AND FOUND MOVING sale 5t5 Neff (HRnLER YARD sale. 3 family GAMES Table Drexel OLDHAUSEN Southern Grosse POinte Wedg PIANO- Kimball Grand SHOTGUNS, ntles and clothes like new 2 solid high! low must see to model slate pool table DOVE, whIte VICinity 8 1992 Dodge Dynasty. wood china Furniture Plano Viennese Edition. handguns, Parker, wood beds Bikes appreciate $300 With 4 8 oak With walnut ralls mile! Mack (313)884- loaded hIghway miles NordiC Trac eqUipment 6 9" pcllshed black ex- Brown,ng. Winchester. weights chma crystal & cane back chairS $500 Excellent condllion, 5984 very clean $4,695 810- celie nt cond Itlon MOVing Colt, Luger. others Col Framed arts Stratford 10yS galore 18747 775-0383 Thts Eno Up wheat con $1600 3138697614 must sell, $120001 offer GROSSE POinte Animal posters Watchmakers Woodcrest Harper lector (248)478-3437 vertlble couch $150 POOL lable slate top (313)88t 7153 CliniC has 2 small Shep stake set August 16th Woods August t4 15 1990 Dodge Caravan, ap- computer work station sticks and rack. 6 feel TOP dollar paid for quality mixes. an older Chihua- 10- 4 8 30 to 4 No early birds $400 armless chalf YANG Chang Grand proximately 90,000 used pianos Imme4b8 ver HeeO & Barton Excellent COnOltlon Soo ANIMA! so Jr set 313.8825558 tures Harry s of Grosse area. please call Grosse able $1300 or best of- DIning room sel etc ClaSSIC Rose Service MOVing, must sell ADOPT A PEl POinte 313885-1481, POinte Animal CltnlC fer 313-682-0348 for 8 plus serving KING size waveless water ask for Harry $8000 3133439198 GROSSE POinte Animal 313822-5707 MULTI family yard sale pieces $700 (810)778- Adoption Society. Pet 1986 Dodge 600 Convert,. bed $200 kmg size full STOVE $75, Dryer, $75 LOST gray female cat Baby and children s 4303 motion walerbed. $100, 4 J S WANTED TO IUY adoption, Saturday, Au- ble Like new, 90,000 clothing cnb household 4' 2 MISCElLANEOUS both w,th pedestal draw- Air conditioner, $75, gust 16th, 12- 3 COp m , Hawthorne! Wedge- mtles RecondlllOned. BLACK wrought Iron patio Ilems and more Satur ARTICLES ers 4X6 trailer, $350 washing machine. PetCare Superstore (9 wOOd Grosse POinte auto alf new top & day 9 00 2 00 only set Table, 4 chairs and WOOds 313-884 7724 313-3430461 $75.f.le cabinet $35, Mile! Gratiot) PUPPIll.S, more Very very nlce Cancel If rain 646 100 GALLON tank hood & child's desk, $35 coffee lounge 313-885-7470 ' kJttens & adults 31~ LOST-large lopped ear $2,300 (313)839-4462 Peach Tree Lane stand $150 Large KIRBY uprrght vacuum for table $35 bicycle. $25 BOOK donations needed 884 9009. 313.824- wood sa,1 shIp In glass sale 80th anniversary car top luggage camer pet rabbit. dark blue! 1988 Dynasty LE, 6 cylin- for St Clare School 4674 MULTI Famllyt 20431 Ma case $1 000 serrous In edition Micron MagiC III $35 313.821.2330 gray In color Answers to der. full power, low tratlon, With attach used book sale 313- MISty Reward 313.882- uer (between 8 & 9 Mile qu mes on Iy 313-884 GROSSE POinte Animal miles, well maintained ments, $550 (810)759- STYLING chair hydrauliC 8824330 2790 off Harper) August 14th 2536 CI,nlC has a cute female $3625 810-776-5363 0659 brown leather, excellent BUYING china. (complete 15th t6th 9 5 2009 Haw! horne custom V,szla and a small Shep condition $225 313 or partial sets) Call Jan 1994 Eagle Talon ES. ex- bUilt cedar potting la LITTLE Tlkes doll houses, 886-7090 mix female 313-822- or Herb. 810-731-8139 cell ent condJtlon. must MULTI- family sale baby bles hand painted 3 t 3. stove, sandbox Clothes 5707 alter 6 sell, 54.000 miles clothes and furniture 8855107 rack, exercise bench, TRADESMAN Van Rack LHASA male, while 4 $9,500 810-469-2851 lots more 22706 Sunny- miscellaneous Items $60.32 foot Type II lad- BUYING old furniture, AIR cond,!lOner 12.000 years, vaCCines, neu- Side (8 1/2 and Mack) 313-885.0107 der, $60, buy both lor glassware china. and 1995 LHS white wllh gray Fnday 9am 4pm Satur blu Cools 700 sq ft tered 351bs Donation MODERN seclional With $100 313885-4609 other Interesting Items leather, loaded, great Sears Little use $225 accepted, not reqUired day 9am tpm John.313-882-5642 condilion 313-886-9141 (313)885 8332 queen sleeper & end re- USED PC, complete 586 810-375-5866 cl,ner $250! best Pow. system Includes set- CASH paid for stock!bond MUL TI.FAMIL Y sale Au AIR cond,toner 8000 SOl HOUSEHOLD PETS 1993 Plymouth Duster. er Rider $75 810.777. up $825 Web pages certificates 40- 200 7170 43,000 miles One gust 16th and 17th 8 8TU s works great fOR SAlE 4995 from $250 313-886- years Pnvate collector owner, non-smoker Au- a m to 4 p m Bikes $100 313-8867090 roller blades skiS com- MOTHER of the Bnde _7_42_6 _ 810-772-9414 God BIROS: some talk. all tomallc. aJr. 2 5L, new squawk Reasonably puter housewares BIG screen T V for sale Dress Size 18- 20, very bless tires and battery. 4 door responsible party to take pnced to good homes green All records. ex. clothes games and ba- pale lavender to pink GUITARS, banJOS mando- on small monthly pay 313-888-4121 by Ilems 19241 Tyrone 10ng fancy, worn 0 nee ORIENTAL."'0lIl cellent condition $ Itns and ukes wanted ments Good credit a $6,000 (313)886-6730 Harper Woods $300 313-527-4647 af Colleclor 886-4522 IRISH Setter AKC beauti- must Call 1-800-718 RUGS ter5pm ..,l1li,.,..... ful, 4 month old male. 1993 Plymouth Voyager PACK rat cleans house I 1657 METAL working, machine MOVING out 01 stale has all shots. Intelligent SE, 80K, all oplions. Something for everyone CHINESE onental rug GHAUINt, 1IOY • lools. home shop size Bunk and trundle (com- • 1800 841.1181 fnendly, field and show new brakes $7,900 Household Items. wom- Red and beige 6'X 9, Lathe mill. saw, dnll- plete) Dresser With 5 champllon background 3t3-882-5156, 810-776- ens clothes, Jewelry and good condition 313- 4' 3 MIISICAI press an d others 248- deep drawers. 1 x-large INSTRUMENTS 478-3437 Must sell $300 313- 2391 much more 5750 Ken 886-4590 886-7090 601 AUTOMOTIVE blue COUCh,90"x40' 26" Abandon Your Search! slngton Saturday, Au- CLARION detachable face OLD wooden duck hunting CHRYSLIR 1993 Plymouth Acclaim. mens SchWinn blke. like AREAS LARGEST LAB pUppieS, yellow, gust 16 9am- 4pm CD player model num- decoys wanted Cash white, 4 door, fUlly load- 1994 Chrysler New York- new Bedroom set With SELECTION OF paid 8tO-774.8799 AKC! OFA vet checked. ed, excellent condillon, -SA-T-U-R-D-A-Y-9-am---3-p-m- ber 5176 DIN IS 4"X 20" Queen bed headboard, ftrsl Shots 313-886- er Loaded, leather. ex- 64.000 miles $4.900 frame and lootboard, QUALITY USED PIANOS 283 Mt Vernon Infant Purchased November PAYING CASH 7169, after 5p m cellent condition 74.000 810-779.5864, 810-213- stuff fumlture picniC ta- 1995 from Mickey Shore long dresser With mirror Stelnway. BaldWin, Kawai For Jewelry, Watches. miles $1 t ,5001 best 6525 ble some anllques No for $320 In perfect 5 drawer dresser and Yamaha. and many others Diamonds Antique Jewelry SHAR- PEl pUPPies. AKC, (810jn2-6381 presalesl workmg condition, ask- mghtstand Like newl Michigan Plano Company Anything Made of Gold shots SIX weeks old, 1989 Plymouth Sundance, 1996 Dodge Intrepid Ex- Ing $210 or best offe r 822-5880 (2'"')548-2200 or Silver house broken. $500 turbo, 2 door. automat- 313-343.9181 cellent condilion 8.000 IC. air. AMlFM. power SOMETHING for everyone 313-8855954 NEVER used Apnea strol- Please call aheadl Will travel for Iransactlons In excess of $1 000 miles Asking $15,500 Windows, 87,000 miles plus furnllure and boat- DIABETICS SPRINGER Spaniel pup- ler, playpen, complete ABBEY PIANO CO. Must sell (313)885- Good condllion $1,750 Ing Items I August 15th! If you have Medicare or china slemware for 12. py, 9 weeks okl, male, The Gold Shoppe 6841 31 3-640-9943 16th 9am 5pm 23208 Insurance you could be eli- deSigner clothes, Imens, ROYAL OAK 248.541-6t15 all shots $400 313- 22121 Gratiot Raven Eastpointe gible to receive your dla- mantle clock, generator, USED PIANOS 886-5880 1994 Dodge Intrepld, full 1988 Plymouth Reliant, 4 EastpOinte Ml, 48021 belle supplies al no cost miscellaneous office Used Spinets. Consoles power, AMIFM cassette, door. lOOK, $1.100 (810)n4-0966 YELLOW Labrador Re- SUPER garage sale (Insulin dependent only) 313-527-3676 Upnghts & Grands V-6, excellenl condition, Evenings & weekends Amencana furniture. CALL 1-800-337-4144 tnever pUPPies AKC, under 53,000 miles 313-884-9430 NEW cream leather reelln- PIANOS WANTED SHELLEY china and Eng- more 8 am- 5 p m lish Chintz Paymg cash, OFA, CERF. nallonal $8,800 810-771-4855 DISHES- Insh bone china. Ing chair, 2 glass shelv- TOP CASH PAID CHRYSLER LeBaron. 93 Cash only No early (810)263-7633 champion bloodlines. birds 1969 Amta (10) 5 piece place set Ing display umls tread- BALDWIN Acrosomc Ex- hips guaranteed 6 1993 Dodge Caravan SE, 6 cylinder, 3 IlIre, sedan, tlngs & 2 vegetable, mill, plano, Apple com- cellent condition Pecan WANTED- Loft twin bed weeks on 8/23/97 $500 60,000 miles Greal cruISe All power, ex- TACOMA Block Sale Sat- Nontake Momlng Jewel, puter, new table lamps finiSh, $2,0001 besl offer from "ThIS End Up" or Gary. evenings 810- shape Loaded I $8.900 tended warranty 49,000 made In Ireland Mint and light fixtures, brass Melame, 810-777-5048 otl\er wooden loft 313- Daytime, 313-417-2377, urday August 16th 9am- condition I $500 Call 773-2229. days 313- miles AskJng $5,500 1pm (between Hickory lamp With glass shelves 881-4222 523-1340 evenings, 313-886-1726 313.822.1531 and Alcoy. Slate Falrl (810}790-3421. leave 810-772-0703 BUY, sell, service, rent, consign most mUSIcal 40Q GARAGE/YARD/ Schoenherr area) message 406 ESlAIE SAlE~ 409 GARAGE/YARD/ OAK deco anmOire. green Instruments Jerry Luck 406 ESU Tf ~AlES USEMENT SAlE 8A~EMENT SAlI ------ELECTRIC roaster G EJ accents vamty and Studios. 810-775-7758 THREE family estate sale- Zenith TVs. microwave, dresse r $750 Butcher DeSigner clothes new manual typewnter, Iron. block microwave stand. BUY, sell, seMce. rent, baby Items linens mls deep fryer, drapes. Rv $40 810-772-3851 consign most mUSical Estate Sale by Victoria cellanecus 42 Hamp- roof pod storage 810- OAK S-rolltop desk. $425 Instruments Jerry Luck Chesterfield 1'wp, • 26080 21 Mile S. Side OOEST~GE ton, Fnday. Saturday. 9 771 -6841 Hearth-Mate cast Iron StUdiOS,810-775-7758 Between Gratiot & (-94 @Association's 3 EXERCISE eqUipment wood burning fireplace GUITARS, banJOS and Friday, August 15th & Saturday ------stationary bike. and free standing stove. mandolins. ukes August 16th 10:06-4:00 - (numbers 9.JOam Fri.) TWO family 1613 Boume- treadmill Both $125. WIll complete. $300 313- wanted Collector 886. We Have An Unusual Saie Folks A bit of the everythmg 7th @1nnuJlI S mouth (off Mack! Mo ross) August 13th 14th, separate 313-886-7090 331-7531 4522 20,30, lloor lamps Aiso pair of unique glasslamps Lovely 30 s warnut bedroom set Pair slipper chairs leather G ARAGE ALE 15th, 9 30a m 5 30p m UTTLE TIkes play house, ill'i'l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll lOptables carvedwalnut occaStOnallabies wonderful 50', climber and sand box, YARD salel Fnday Satur A k,tchen sel Drop ieaf walnut d,oongtable hardrock maple maple table and 4 • SAT • AUG. 23, 1997 Sideboard old mIrrof'S three p Ieee redwood palJO set TV 5 day, Sunday 9- 5 Con- chairs. men's SchWinn _ Stdeby ",Ie refllgerator stove wa,her dryer carved cedar 9am.5pm tractor tools mlSC bike. left handed Junior ehesr 100, of paperbacksand hardeoven Hummels hOusehold 2171 1 Ocon- Located between Jefferson & Kercheval golf clubs and bag ESTATE AND MOVING SALES RoseVille McCoy, etc Lotsof colleet,bles sewmg on the streets of Parker, Van Dyke, nor St 2 streets south 01 Hooked on Pho niCS Conducted By accessones hand crocheted lable cloth loadsof garden Seyburn & Sheppard 9 Mile east off Harper 313881-4963 need' tools pots. pans and bakeware Handmade imens JEAN FORTON lea cups g,een housefull of orchId plants Lazy Bay STRoLL BJs1'oRIC WEST VILLAGE 400 MERCHANDISE 400 MERCHANDISE 822-3174 reelI"",r and coffee 'able tor Barpbls '" BetresluaeDu ANTIOUE~ ANTIQUES Pleaseparleon shoulder Rom Date August 24, 1997 ...-=-----====. .... Q';/. / tr.///A'r"//;".) Organize Unlimited r'l(atlierine !4.moUf and asSOCUltes "I Excellent Complete SelVlCE! Ann Mullen. Joan Vismara ''EstateSaks .. References Glen and Sharon Bur1

Estate Sole PATRICIA KOLOJES~I HOUSEHOLD Friday & Saturday • Aug. 15-16 • 9a.m, - Sp.m. 1251 S. Renaud, G.P.W, 3 I 3 885 '6604 EsTATE • MOVING 38575 Chartier, Harrison Twp. <- HoIida1" F..... ,.) Look For Signs! Fri. Aug. 15 & Sat. Aug. 16 (9:00- 4:00) No Pre-Sales - House tI's at 8a.m. Estate SIIe- 9pc mahogany dmmg room. ma~~~ I /J;://(;tr/rIlJ House 1ndUdes: secretary, 3pc mahogany tWin bedroom 6pc lAne ~ 409 E Jene,son Ave (313) 963-6255 Antlqu('"O; corlec!lhlee;; IfOWelrv adverTl1!Il.&.....Y!.clor an Ranan porch set Couch. wing chaIT 2 consoles DeirOil Michigan 48226 &Ia~,and (h,na antique dolls and bu~y, Rcxeville & Weller Aeronsonlc splllet Plano Wrought Iron table and ,,~ &tate sate Acros~ from the Ren Cen po"ery oak ..-Crul'C Rlllhl on Chartier bar Items, 30's bedroom pIeceS. kItchen sets. yard Numbers It 8-30 1m. Street numbers honored tools, lots of whIte hobnail ghder, t OLD For the po,l 15 years we Ilove prOV'ded first quoll!)' vs Mercury outboard, seWIng machines and much service 10 over 850 ""'s~ed denls ConrlUrI<'d By Grosse Pointe Sales, Inc. more Full houset ( All TIlt 24 H01 R "()T1T"'~ AA< 1410 Estote Antiques 8Resole conducted by NUMBERS AT 7 30 A M SATURDAY, ~OR II'( 0\11'1(, "AI f l",fOR\lITIO", 810-468-9888 Mary Ann Boll Renee A NllCOIl NEXT WEEK WHI'ITlER & RrvARD (313) 882.1498 (313) 822.1445 LOOK POt! TMlIAINIOW111 7

, - , I I A Ie D PreSt @ • & '* Thursday, August 14, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection 603 AUTOMOTIVE FORO GENERAl MOTORS 60S AUTOMOTIVE bOb AUTOMOTIVI 612 AUTOMOTIVE GENEUL MOTORS FOREIGN JElPS/4-WHfH 651 10AIS AND MOTORS 1995 black Mustang GT, 1993 BUick Skylark lTD, VANS 5 0 litre convertible, tan 1990 lumma Euro Sport, 1993 BMW 525 leather, 1979 Chevy Blazer $500 low mileage, loaded 1993 Grand Caravan ES FIBERGLASS repair top, tan lealhe!' seats 80 K loaded, $4,850, dark green, automatiC, or best oller 810445 $8,250 (313)885'8320 loaded 64 K $10550, Free technical InSIruc. (313)884.3057 loaded, moonrool, 0093 AJann, loaded 26,000 (313)884 3057 tlon 30 years 1988 &lICk Regal Limited, expen. miles, snow tires Ga. 1992 LUMINA, loaded 6 68.000 mtles. great -'99-2-F-o-rd-E-x-plo-r-e-r-E-xce-1 leather, 53,000 miles, 1995 Plymouth Voyager ence 9 mile! Kelly raged Looks new, cylinder, excellent COndl' shapel $17,550 Rinke 2 door 95000 miles (810)7734237 loaded $5,395 9S 0t.DS ClEIA V-6 Excellent condilion V6 $19,500 313.884-4391 tlon, no rust, new tires! Toyota 810-758-2000 aluminum Wheels, no after6pm (313)343-0271 p wmduws, ~ I:wafranl~7 98S 313884.7533 ty system, 38,000 miles, door, 5 speed, air Great _6_2_7_5 _ $ 3) 22 72 miles Immaculate With 1990 Cadillac Brougham SWf 1.500 613 AUTOMOTIVE Flonda estate 43K excellent condrtlon condition 313-640-8859 1994 Jeep Cherokee Sport leather, fUlly loaded ~4l.E.PRICE 8,485 WANTED TO IUY 660 TRAILERS $22,900 313-886-2663 $12,0001 negobable $14,500 313-884-7082 1989 Honda Prelude, sun. 4X 4 loaded, only 48K, ALL cars wantedl The 313-331-8187, week. 94PONT1AC 1991 Wilderness 5th 1991 Ford Aerostar; load- 1996 Pontl8c Grand Am, 2 roof, Cruise, 5 speed, great condition, good' The bad' The days 810-748.9706, TRANSPORT SI door, 12K, SIr, automat. Pioneer CD, excellent $13,900 810-772-7609 uglyl Top dollar paid' Wheel 21' Many <>p- ed, excellent condlbon, weekends V-6, pw/pl, p .... 1 , lIOns $9,900 (810)608- IC. stereo, $12 250 Must condition $4,300 313- 1993 Jeep Wrangler, 5 $50- $5,000 Seven 85,000 miles $5,5001 UUI5f'/t&Jl. duJd saCley ~a18, 6169 best 313-882-4132, 1982 Cadillac Coupe Dev. rree warranty' sell I 313-882-4810 884-3784 speed, excellenl COndl days 810.447.2745 IIle, runs good, needs BLLE BOOK $15,830 313-822-6252 1994 Ponbac Trans Am 1988 Honda Prelude 20 tlOn, $10,500 313.884 ALL Junk cars wanted ~ body work $5001 best SAVf 1,000 1990 Ford Probe LX, air, 810-773-3571 SALE PRICE 12,830 25th Anlversary rTlQdel Sl Callfomra car Ongl' _4_2_7_3______Top dollar paid SerYlng ~ am/ frn cassette, sun. 6,000 miles 400 bUi1l1 nal owner Excellent 1993 Jeep Cherokee Grosse POinte, Harper bel~n..J) 92 CUTLASS roof, 80,000 miles 1987 Cadillacs (2) Black, (810)771-3758 conditIOn Call Mike Country, 54,000 miles, Woods St Clair Shores .- ",' 'tlJ 1 Fleetwood Brougham, SUPIEME COHVERT. $4,0001 best (810)773- 1992 Pontiac Bonneville 810-772-9890 $12,900, (313)885-7697 & DetrOIt's eastside 1 Sedan DeVille High Lt-Ilh"r, auto pw/l'l p!leat, ~'WfA.Gh~ 9184 crulseltLlt, caa.!o (ree SSeI, burgandy, excel. 1985 Honda Aocord, 4 1993 Jeep Grand Chero- 810-7798797 """ i ,,,",,,li miles, well maintained, WlrraDt)' lent conditIOn, loaded, door, auto, air, 135K kee laredo, 4X4, navy, d, 1990 Ford Escort GT, very mce $4 ,8001 each IILUE llooK 113,955 power WindOWS, locks highway miles, ongmal power sunroof, bUill In white, 5 speed, 79K (313)882-7586 SA\l JJ{ I 4.000 e seats, sunroof. leather, owner, new brakes! muf. phone $13,500 313- Great condrtJon 313- SALE PRICE 8,155 V 1987 Cavalier, 4 door, au. temp control 52K miles lIerl tires $1995/ best 885-0279 AUTO Insurance- Low ~ 882-5156, 810-776- to, good runmng condu- $9,0001 offer MOVing. offer 313~a84"8709 af- -l992--J-e-e-p-C-h-e-ro-k-e-e-la-re--down payment, $125 2391 95 FORD TAURUS ell (313)881 Doesn't matter what ton $9501 best 810- V 6, pw/pl, CI!IS, alum must s - ter 4 do, 4x4 54K, tow pack- d d h 1989 Ford Probe very 294-3841 wheels, free warranty 7153 your nVlng record s Nee help wit Bl Ut BOOK 113.950 1991 Mercedes 300 SL, age Full aUlo, excellent like Partners Insurance your class'lf'led ad? clean, fm/am cassette, 1994 Chevrolet Cap nce, 4 1992 Pontiac Sunbtrd SE whitel gray. chrome condition $12,5001 best 810.774.9955 • automatic, good tires, SAlf 4.000 door, power Windows & SALE PRICE 9,950 43,000 miles, AlC, ster- wheels, excellent condl' (313)640-9632 Call our fnendly excellent fjrst car, very locks, tilt, crUise, one eo, ABS Whrte, excel- tlOn, $43,500 313,884- 1989 J C ch 4 expert sales clean Insldel out owner 40,000 miles, 94 PONTIAC lent condition, recen~y 4273 eep oman e $2,9OOJ best 313.885. certrlted, 1 year warranty CIAND PRIX SE detailed $6,750 313------__ cylinder, 4 speed New 1978 25' Nova XL Well. representatives 3382 2 dr, p.!leal, leather, pw/pl, IncI uded I $11,450 822.3780 1983 Mercedes Benz clulch! brakes! altema- craft, twin 350's, mint for advicel tillS, free warrlnly ------3000 Turbo Diesel tori starter, heavy duty condition $9,800 313. 1989 Ford Escort, 62,000 Rinke Ponhac GMC, BLUE BOOK $13.350 1989 Pontiac Bonneville Good condition $3,5001 shocks, battery, wlnd- 881.1134 (313)882-6900 onglnal miles, looks 810-497-7699 SAlE 2,000 SSE, gray, fully eqUlI>' best oller Call Dlmrtn, shield In dash CD play. _ brand new $23501 offer 1994 Chevy lumma Euro, SAl.E PRICE 11,150 ped 86,000 miles 313-372.5630 between er Great first truck' 1979 Bayllner Saratoga, 810-293-1890. 313-882- white, excellent COndl' $5,600 313-882'0349 5 & 8 p m $4,5001 best oller 25', excellent condition, 4837 after 6p m 9SCAMARO tlOn $10,500 313-884- AUlo, a.r, p Windows, (313)884-4599 low hours well,ncluded 6134 1988 Ponbac 6000. V6 Sa. 1983 Mercedes Benz $6900 313-882-4474 1988 Ford Escort 2 door, p )CJCb,crulse/uh. can, fan wagon, loaded. ex- 380Sl, 2 tops, 76,000 1988 Jimmy, 2 door, 4 free .arnnty automabc, black. very 1991 Chevy Beretta 4 cyl- BLUlllOOK $14,480 cellent condrbon miles, clean $12,750 wheel dnve, black! gray, 1968 Boston Whaler 17 good COndrtlOO $1,800 ,nder, au1omabc. air, $3,695 (810)775-0383 firm 313-824.6657 clean, $4,9501 best of- With 1985 90hp JOhn- ~TQEET SA\E 2,000 313-885-5586 Cruise, tilt $3,900. 313- SAl.E PRICE 12,480 1986 Pontiac 6000 STE, ------P--- fer (313)882.2987 son new console and 884.1691 1986 Nlssan ulsar; 2 ------seat trailer $5 000 1982 Ford Crown Vlctona. 911IXPLORIR $1,200 or besl Marl< door, excellent body 1989 Range Rover, 65K, 313.3313383 84,000 miles, $6501 best 1986 Chevy Camaro Z 28 EDDIE BAUER 313.886-7015 Runs fair $500 as IS red With tan leather. MAP~ offer (810)772.8238 IROC, 6.700 miles, EDmON 1991 Satum SC2 coupe, 313-881-0602 loaded, excellent condl- 1984 Impenal 196 Cud. showroom new, Polo green, Ion leall>OO 313-886-0534 theClIyClerllpnortol000am August 27, 1997 gray gray u a evenings TV 313.886-9141

_, ; t;ID I , I • =;<~: ::::c..Z...:.:..i.:.... - ....---- ...-- ..(-.-....-.-..7--~-,.._ COIIPCMtan ...... ,.. e) 804 S Hom,IIon 509,now M148602 15171 1920934 SEQUENCE 18001 968 3456 fox 15111192 2423 on ..... emo \ dmg I Ocrl' com der\' .-"'L 0fIIIICII 926 Robbon, S.... 252 Grand Ho""n MI 49411 1616) 8'68126 fox 16161 847~141 ..... dmg2Ooovoqole com Thursday, August 14,1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection DIRECTORY o f SERVICES '/00 AIRCONDITIONING 901 IAS£M!NT '11 IRICK/_lOCK WORK 914 CARP£NTRY WAHRPROOFlNG '/13 CEM£NTWORK 930 meTRICALS£RVlm 943 LANDSCAPERS! 943 LANDSCUIR~1 RAY'S air conditioning GARD£NIRS GARDENERS THOMAS KLEINER WINTERS CARPENTRY service All wlOdow wall FAMll Y BU~NESS SINCE I'l6S ,- - BASEMENT " REMODELING FIRST FIVE SEASONS and central units serv WATERPROOFING Mantels, bookshelves, ELECTRICAL CO. TREE SERVICE ICed Cal! (313)839-4973 Expert Tuckpolntlng baseboard crown any Landscape Renovation -DiggIng Method & Brick Repair CAPIZZO JOHN, Master Eleetrical and all types of custom Tree Trimming removal, - '02 ALUMINUMSIDING Mortar Texture 81o-n6-1007 -All New OralO Tole \. C'ccwo"<''1g stumping shubbery &. Color MatChing ~ Emervency service -LIght WeIght IDA Kitchens & Baths sculplJng Deep O,amoneJ Cut JOints • DRIVEWAYS Violations, RenoYatlona TRIM/SIDING slag stone & backfill Llcen sed & Insured • PORCHES.PATIOS Aeration" po_ raking lor Strength & Long L'fe Doorbells, Ranges, Dryers Landscapes, lawns, GUTfERS -Spotless Cleanup CRAIG WINTERS • RAISE GARAGES & REPLACE We II make your bnckwork Senior Citizen Dlacount (Itnp1'oY8d or 313884-1295 GARAGE flOORS replaced) REPAIR WORK -Walls StraIghtened & look like new' No se lVlCe call charge TOP SOILJGRADING REPLACEMENT Braced or Replaced licensed Insured BRICk & BLOCk George Sperry John Pnce 8820746 916 CARPETINSTALLATION WINDOWS -Foundallons Underpinned BRICK PAVERS & KEN'S Electnc lICensed Free estimates_ 19th yr DECORATIVE CONCRETE J.W_ KLEINER SR GARY'S Carpet Service master electnclan Res,- 944 GUTlERS Guaranteed -Bnck & Concrete Work EXPOSED AGGREGATE MASON CONTRACTOR Installation, restretchlng dentlal, commerCial, In- 81l~n8-4331 e:w Vears Expenence FLAGSTONE & FAMOUS Maintenance Workmanship SERVING THE RepairS Carpet & pad BLUESTONE WORK dustnal 810-979-8806 GRASS cuttmg hedge -10 Vear Transferable POINTES FOR 35 VEARS available 810-n4- Wmdow & gutter clean- Licensed - Insured SERVING THE tnmmmg & weeding Owner - Installer Guarantee Brick, block and stone 7828 TONY Ing Licensed bonded, 131 GROSSE POINTES Semor dlscountl Frank, Insured Since 1943 313- work and all types ') (l -Drainage Systems JIM'S Carpet ServICe 885.0612 SINCE 1965 313-372-0043 ot repaIrs 884.4300 810 775-2530 Installed Shop at home Repairs, ~ (810)777.4446 -- Bnck & Flagstone Patios l GUTTERS- Installed, re- Licensed & Insured rest retches Porch car- CUSWORTH K & K LAWN" SHRUB '/03 APPliANCER£PAIRI & Walks, Porches, \.. lICENSE 1087021 • INSUIfO A.1 Quality pet available 810-751- ELECTRIC INC SERVICES,INC. paired, cleaned Chimneys, Tuck-POinting LANDSCAPE DESIGN Screens, Power wash- Workmanship 7335 919 CHIMN£YClEANING Master Licensed " EASTPOINTE Patchtng & MAINTENANCE Ing Free estimates LI- 810-296-3882 Insured APPLIANCE CENTER Violations Corrected 917 PLASTERING Sod InstallatIOn, Top Soli, censed, IOSured North- SpecialiZing In Small Jobs -Aesldennal-Commerc1al No service Charge SI. Clair Shores, MI Shrub & Tree Tnmmmgl eastem Improvements, With Repairs Free Estimates/Licensed AFFORDABLE plastenng SAFE FLUE -Fast Emergency SeMce Removal, Clean ups, Inc 313-372-2414 313-8820717 25 years expenence, SENtOR CITIZENS Courteous Professional CHIMNEY SERVICE Fertillzallon, Gutter HUCK'S! seamless 5" alu- Serv,ce On All guaranteed work, free DISCOUNT • Ch,mney Cle.xnns Cleanrng minum gutters Gutters 912 IUILDING/REMODHING estImates, Insured Lou • Caps and Malor Appitances FREE EsnMATES repaired, cleaned, Deal Direct with Owner Blackwell 810- n6. SCreens 886-4448 LJcensed & Insured STEVEN SIMON screens Free estimates 8687 InSlalied 15215 MACK (313)417-0797 776-1750 LICENSED BUILDER • Mortar and (810)749-7331 '/04 ASPHAlT PAVING Additions RenovaltOns ANDY Squires Plastenng Damper LANDSCAPE and bUilding SEAVER'S Home Mamte- R£PAIR New Construction & Drywall Stucco repair Repair TOMA • An,mal Remoyal matenaJs, 2 yards and nance Gutters replaced, Certlf,cate of occupancy Spray textured Ceilings G & T Asphalt seal coat- CertIfied Master Sweep ELECTRIC up, (810)749-9045 repaIred, cleaned, roof 313-343-0321 (810)-755-2054 Ing Free eSllmates repairs 313-882-0000 TOMTREFlER BOB TOMA Dnveways, parking lots CEILING repairs water LIcensed Master MAC'S TREE AND ULTRA OECKS 313521-7930 damage, cracks, pamt- 882-5169 Electrical Contractor, SHRUB TRIMMING 945 HANDYMAN COMPLETE WORK AeJdltlons Etc lng, wallpaper removal, 885-8030 Reasonable Rates ALL In One Home Re- DeSigned & Built plaster, lexture or QUality Service pairs Code Vlolaltons Licensed smooth Licensed con- Reasonable Rates Call Tom 81D-n64429 Clean-up, fix-up 313- 1 810296-2537 tractor Joe 881 -1085 COACH LIGHT Free Estimates_ CHIMNEY SWEEP CO Commercial Residential 371-8326, Jim Bock. 1-313-886 8421 stanz Stat<> lJcen$ed New, Repall'll, RenovlI- MELORUM Tree Service sr54 InexpenSive tree tnm- NEW DES£GNS, INC. . ' tlonS, Code Violations, CARPENTRY, plumblOg, COfl'lrWlt HOd'lt ImpfO"_ftIl ~ E Plastenng, Drywall, Clumneys Cleaned Service Upgrade mlng STUMP & TREE <..u"tom Kl lhcns &: B.aths & J electncal Roofing, Vinyl Caps-5crHns REMOVALI References L CL n"'L"d &: losured plaster, stucco 810- .. Siding Pa,nllng, power R.B. CODDEIS I Inslalled 313-881-3571 Insured Re!enncl""" 598-8753, 313-714- _I washing Code vlolabon Excellence in 1'l73~b ...t"ood Dn\L' AIIlrnaI Removal Waterproofing I Harpt"r \\oods 0131 repairs Free esltmates AMERICAN va . '/34 £ENC£S NEED landscape help? Farruly Business 31884-9 CBrtI!i9d & WATERPROOFING PLASTER & Drywall repalr Insured Expe nence Best rates Licensed, 'nsured AND CONSTRUCnON Smce 1924 and painting Grosse AARDVARK Fencmg In town Mark (313)886- Northeastem Improve- • D,gglng Method 24 Vears expenence POinte references Call ~I ReSidential, light corn- 7015 ments, Inc 313-372- • Pea ..tone Bad ..t.11 2414 Peastone backfill Charles 'Chlp' Gibson ~ merclal Custom wood, • Wall. Slra,ghlened 313-884-5764 chalnlrnk Free est,- STARLIGHT Tree SeMce Spotless CIE-anup • Under Pinning DEPENDABLE, compeb- 920 CHIMN£YR£PAIR mates 313-438-2829 Tnmmlng & removal, Quality Workmanship • 2S Yr Guar.al"ltee PLASTER repairs, paint- live Home repaJ rs, 10 YR GUARANTEE . and Stomn damage licensed & Insured Ing Cheapl No lob too Gnffln Fence Company Trees, pruning of fruJl pa Intlng, dry wall, piss- SENIOR DISCOUNT ADVANCE Maintenance small I Gall anyltme In- tenng. cleanIng Refer- Inc Repair, rebUild 'AII Types Of FenCing trees Dana, (810)755- No Money Down sured (810)774-2827 ences_313-882-1873 Free Estimate screens, replace step 'Sales 9421, leave message EXTERIOR paJnbng Tnm, Lfcensedl InSUred SEAVER'S Home Mamte- and counter flashings, 'Installabon, Repairs 313-526-9288 Classified Ads nance Plaster, drywall, (313)884-9512 'Senior Discount STUMP REMOVAL shutters. porches, etc Plumbing, carpentry, DEADLINE: textures, painting 16 ----J-&-J---- 822-3000 800-305-9859 SERVICE years In Grosse POinte REASONABLE code VIOlations Bud, Tuesday 12 Noon 936 flOOR SANDING! 313-882-5886 CAPIZZO CONST. 882-0000 CHIMNEY FREE ESTlMATES • BASEMENT REfiNISHING QUICK SERVICE FRANKS Handyman's WATERPROOFING SYSTEMS,INC. 911 IRICK/_IOCK WOU 913 CEM£NTWORK A-1 Hardwood Floors 81G-445-0225 Sarvtes Speolallzlng In • WALLS STRAIGHTENED MICH. Lie. '71-G5125 KINLEY" CO small repa,rs, (810)791- AND REPLACED ANDY'S MASONRY HISTORIC restoration. Ex- Chimneys repaired. Grosse POlOte's finest 6684 • 10 YEAR ~ rebu lit, re-lined TEE'S LAWN All chimney. masonry pert repair, porches, Gas flues re-hned Quality and low pnces GUARANTEE 0' SPRINKLERS FREE on-site esl1mates bnck, water proofing re- chimneys The Bnck Cleaning Glass Block Free esbmates K::! • pairs SpecialiZing In REPAIRS I SERVICE Expenenced Grosse Fam,ly Doctor Richard Pnce Gerbf,ed, Insured 313-640-9349 luckpolnbng & small POinter Commeraal & Busmess YORKSHIRE LJcensed 882-3804 795-1711 Prom pt EffiCient Se IVlce lobs Licensed/Insured resldenbal repalrs & IIn. LICENSED BUILDING & PULCINI ConstructIOn FLOOR sanding and fin- LICENSED I INSURED INSURED 313-88 t -0505 provements Great You receive honest Ishlng Free estimates 810-783-5861 TONY RENOVATION, INC. rates, references Insur- BENCHMARK bnck pa- quality workmanship on Terry Yerke, (810)n2- 885-C1612 • Addll10ns ed (313}823-6233 vers, walkways and pa- • K'lch.n & 8al!lroom all cement work, water- AMERICLEAN Power- _3_1_18 _ tiOS References, quality proofing CommerclsV wash, decks cleaned HANDYMAN available, CHAS. F. JEFFREY RemodelIng work Call Mark 884- Resldenllal Free Estl- and sealed. houses, evemngs and week- Basement Waterproofing • Archlll!cllJro I 50", •• , G& G flOOR CO 0415, Pager, 81D-587 A"",loble mates 810-n3-3310 bnck, awmngs, graffitl ends Can do almost • 40 Y rs Expenence Mmv-LAWN anythIng around the 4585 removal, boats, concrete Wood floors only -Outside Method or OUAUTYWORK R.L. house Gall Mark ceilings LJcensed and 313-885-0257 LANDSCAPING 'Inslde Method BRICK Repairs porches, Leensed & I"""ed (313)822-3387 Insured, free esltmates, Floors of d,sbncbon 'Walls Stra,ghtened steps tuckpolntlng STREMERSCH • Landscape Design CEMENT CONTRACTOR 1-888-757-8933 Since 1964 HONEST and dependable & Braced glass block Windows, 881-3386 Bob Grabowski & Construction 'Foundatlons Underpinned code work, small Jobs Carpentry. palnltng, Cement DECK SPECIAUSTS Founder I President • Irngallon Systems 'lIcensed & Insured KeVin 810- n9-6226 - LOOK-- plumbing, and eleclncal Dnveways Servin g the POintes 12 yrs Licensed, Insured, oQuality Workmanship • Sod Replacement If you have a pr0b4em or CHAS. F. Classified Advertising Pat,os member of The need repal rs or any In- 313882-1600 We BUIll to SUr! You JEFFREY 882-6900 BnckWork Better Bus/ness Bureau stalling Call Ron 810- Fax 343-5569 .New Construcbon 313-885-3410 Bnck, Flagstone Walks Basement Waterproofing Free estimates 573-6204 R.L. _Repair & Restorabon & Patios Steps We supply, Install, sand, STREMERSCH Tuck-POinting stain and fimsh wood Porches Rebuilt '/14 CAR'£NTRY _Powerwashlng/Cleamng 918 C£MENTWORK 918 C!M!NI WORK BASEMENT Pre-Cast Steps No lob to small!! floors, new & old, Free Estl mates _Sealing & SIamlng Specl8l1zlng In WATERPROOFING Tuck-POinting ADDITIONS, par1rtlOns Free ESbmates Ghtsa finISh WALLS, REPAIRED Cement Work Siding opemngs, encio- SPECIALIZING IN & Consultabon STRAIGHTENED Basement Waterproofing su res Rough or hnlsh B1o-n8-2050 DRIVEWAYS & Ed Elliott, LJcensed Builder REPLACED Licensed InSUred 313-884-7426 iGRANDE BASEMENT (810)791-0418 Visa, DISCOver & ~=.= 882-1800 CONSTlUCTlON ALLWORK CARPENTRY- Porches, WATERPROOFING Mastercard accepted 930 El£CTRICAlS£RVIC£S GemaI=~ GUARANTEED EXPERT Bnck Repa" Doors, Decks F100sh & Licensed KELM- Floor sanding, re- Nino - 810n54-S013 Tuckpo,nt,ng chimneys, Rough Carpentry Re- BIANGE EIecInc Reslden- finIShIng, okl & new, (al- D LICENSED porches steps Spec,al- pairs & Small Jobs Free 884-7139 IIaI SeMce & Installs- SO banisters) Insured 884-7139 IZlng In mortar, texture! estimates 20 years ele- tron LICeIlsed Electn- Expenenced 313-535- color matchIng The SCRVlHG CO-'NITY 27 YEARS penence 313-885-4609 Clan Call Patnck 810- 7256 Bnck Doctor RIChard GARAGE n8-4n6 WOOD floor sanding- Pnce LJcensed, 313- re- • STRAIGHTENING FAX IT! Some Classifications 882-3804 And Rebulldtng finIShing MIChIgan Floor '< RESIDENTIAL CONCRETE SPECIALIST are required by law to COLVILLE SeMCeS 22725 Greater '< ~ SEMI- retired bnck layer Replace Rotten Wood 343-5569 be licensed Check with ELECTRIC CO. Mack Call 1-800-606- '< Hand Troweled finish ~ 48 years 'n masonry Crack & cement Repair proper State Agency Ranges, Dryers SeMCElS, 1515 ~ trade Reasonable 81D- To Pass City Code Remember to include: Footinf1$. Garage RQIS/ngs, POIChes ~ to venty license n2-3223 Guaranteed Doorbells CLASSIFIEDS ~ BASEMENT WATERPROOFING ~ Call For Free Estimate Your Name VIOLATIONS '< LIcensed & Insured X LIcensed Insured Your Address FAST EMERGENCY _.- -.,. :::s MARTIN IU£F GARY DIPAOLA ~ Your Phone SERVICE .. ,~ ,_ft ...... f1A~ 11(,. ~-" John Pnce 882-()746 And Fax Number n4-9110 WAIlDINIJII! '<775-4268 772-0033 ~ .L_~ASEME~ Along with your PROFESSIONAL carpen- 03& fltR~I1UPI ~ WATERPROOFING CIeNlfIed ------943 lANDS(APfRS A Bu,oness B<.llt On Honesty 'n1egnty & OependabMy ter 30 years elepen- iF WI"'NG UPHO~\Tfi ~G 943 lANDSCAP£RS Ad Message S & J ELECTRIC GARD£NfRS WItIl Over 20 Years Expenence SeMng The POlntes ence Doors Windows, AJRMTURE refinished, GARDENfR\ SpeCifications: Rellldential Commerclaf decks porches Rea- Classified repaired, stnpped, any • P!y'MXld arOlK'ld erll Te area 10 pl'04ed lardSc:ape sonable rates Call Rog- No Job Too S!NIII Advertising type of canrng Free es- • "'~ ... '''rubs b1 map ",.ells _ ~ cemerI 911 IUllDING/REMOD£lING 9J21UILDINGIR£MOD£lING 911 WIlDING 'REMODEliNG , Q 17 lUll DIIIG _EMODILING ~ 1, • T,_ 9'olOe I.' arC &-moI \'\SQUOnO IPl*ed 10 wa. -, r,

I Run hose rn b6eeder s) 10 lOS4.I'6 suIficaenl dfanage eIectnc snMr:e .. -' - _I',~oecessaty ~ . .P .. stone", IO~slaqS1one_ 12"01grade • four "'" _one tape ajlllIood"lop seamolVlSQUenO • lop SOIl!O grolOe _ prope< 1"lct1 Call for profeSSional tnmmmg of your: , ,",en<>' crad.~ -~"""8racod GARAGES RAISED, Ornamental Trees ~"'~ wa&sFl!Wl ~ T~~ f""""9S~ RENEWED & REFRAMED GLASS BLOCKS Monthly and semI-monthly garden ~- o...... "Sysle1lS ~ NEW GARAGES BUILT maintenance avaIlable 313/885-2097 -STATE Ucenscd ... nsured LICENSED FOR A FREE ESTIMATE, PLEASE CALL All Calls Returned/I a Year Transferable Guarantee A GUARANTEE IS ONI. Y AS 0000 AS THE GUARANTOR 810/774-30.0 (313) 885.9090 iFcml ==== ....= ...... •

" SIIIl '.. 'IIIl,.. ,.. 7.. ,.. , II' lllSlllS_ S., .,.I_-_ ,-_ ..rz r.l.' •••,n.. ' l..s.S..!....

~ • • D '"• Thursday, August 14, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection i5 HANDYMAN 954 PAINTlNG/DHOUTING 954 ~AINTING/DECOAATING .S4 ~AINTlNG/D!{OAATING 951 ~lUM'ING & 971 TElEPHONE OLDER Home Specialist INSTAllATION IN ~UllATION BOWMAN Pamtmg Inten. Custom carpentry, tnm, J.L. PAINTING Extenor ReSidential DIRECT ROOFING Repairs, reshln- ALL types, outlets, cable, plumbing, electncal, orl INTERIORJEXTERIOR 26 years expenence PLUMBING gllng, chimney screens, computer networks, atc plaster, baths, kitchens Power Washing Call Gary 810-790-0030 basement leaks, plaster Evenings and week. 810-296-2274 Lowest Repalntmg & Aluminum Siding repBJrs Handyman ends, fleXible, (313)882- pnces BRENTWOOD Palnlmg! DRAIN work Insured Seaver's 2079 Vanety of colors Wallpapenng 30 years (313}8820000 STEP-BY -STEP. Wmdow puttyl caulkmg 521-0726 of quality & service to 973 TILE WORK lng, drywall painting, Grosse POinte References *Free Estimates cement, chlld.proohng, POlntes, Shores, Harper Fully Insured ALL tapes of ceramic t~e 1Ip-proof brackets Any Woods Free estimates *Full Product Warranty Free Estimates R.B. CODDEIS Installallon 30 years ex- Jab to Improve your Blil 810-776.6321 or *Semor Dlscounl 810771 8014 10~o off 885-0146 Familv Bu~lJ1e'\s Since 19'14 penE'nce Call for free nome and keep II safe * References Shingle Roofs eshmate 810-n1-4343 Rick 313-343.6482 With Ihls adJ -O-HN--a-ue-n-tl-n-G-a-m-a-rra- *AII Work Guaranteed flat Roofs BRIAN'S PAINTING Intenor, extenor palnt- CERAMIC kitchen coun- ProfeSSional painting, mte- Ing 23 years expen MICHAEL HAGGERTY Rubber roofs new ters, bafhrooms. walls, nor and extenor Spe- ence Neat, clean, pro- I Llc. Malter Plumber and repair f100rs Waler damage, clallzlng In all types of fesslonal (810}293 • Tear offs regroutlng Any type lI- painting Caulkmg, wm 4610 AU Labor & MaJeria/ L S. WALKER CO censed contractor 881- dow glazing and plaster _ • Chimney repairs GlUl/'QJIteed Plumbing DraIn Cleanlng 1085 • Paln ring (alll)'peiJ repair All work guaran JOHN'S PAINTING All Repairs Free InienorlE~lenor Esllmatesl Reasonablel teed For Free Estl- Intenor- Extenor Special • Caulkln8 88HS8S CERAMIC, VInyl 1IIe Re- Insured mates and Reasonable IZlng In repamng dam- g(Ouling Free esti- • Wmdow GlaZIng 810-286-1799 Rates, call 872.2046. aged plaster drywall & mates Licensed, Insur• • Power Washing 313-705-7568 pager WE ACCEPT cracks, peeling paint, • PlasterRepaIr ed Northeastem Im- Window puttymg and provements, 100 313- 946 HAlllING • Repamng &. RepaJnung fI!!IPl ~ caulking, wallpapenng 372-2414 947 HEATING AND COOLING Old Alummum Siding DISCOUNT ~ ~ Also, paint old aluminum C..... Pomle Refmfl(t$ A Light Hauling Co , $ PLUMBING $ 974 V{R REPAIR FOR YOUR sldmg All work and ma- For frre fsl .... ' .. Call Rob's Yard debns, con- ALL WEATHER • For all Your CONVENIENCE tenal guaranteed Rea structlOl1 matenal, free Heating & Cooling (313) 874-3542 INCORPORATED sonable Grosse POinte Plumbing Needs AA1 CO VCR, TV, micro- es1Jmafes 810-790- Sales, ServIce Sewer $60 COMPLETE wave Home calls CUSTOM PAINTING. references FUlly Insured 1343 Installatlo n ~J ROOFING $9 95 Nobody beats our JEFFREY ADAMS Free estimates Drains $40 ResldenllaV Commercial SERVICE pnces SenIOr discounts DE8RISI Rubbish removal Expenenced In 882.5038 WHY PAY MORE?? Grosse Pointe H;;; o.1L ~\0/ 7 DAVS 24 HOURS RESIDENTIAL licensed 810-754-3600 and hauling available Grosse Pomtes 882-0747 810 412-5500 COMMERCIAL QUick and thorough I finest homes I NUGENT Painting & Pow- KEN'S WINDOW 977 WAll WASHING 313-320-4336 Meticulously neat & clean er Washing Intenorl ex- SERVICE TEAR-OFF 949 JANITORIAL SERVICES IOURNEYMAN/GlAZIER 9S9 ~OWER WASHING MOVING-HAULING (810)790-9117 tenor, plasterl drywall re- RESHINGLE J&L Wall washing by ma- pairs, Insured, free esti- Windows Re put' led Painted chine No dnp No mess Appliance removal, KRISP N'Klean Commen- EXPERT Lntenor & extenor and C.1uBced AAA Power Washing, CERTIFIED mates 313-245-1817 (RemO\dnK all old puny) Results guaranfeed Garage, yard, basemenf, palntmg Plaster, drywall deck cleamng, palnhng APPLICATIONS OF cal, residential Jamtonal Replace- Broken glass 81 (}'771-7299 cleanouls Construction repair, stnpplng, stamlng MODIFIED SINGLE servlce Top profeSSIO- PAINTING, wallpapenng, 5ledmtc'd up The/Mopanes ~ Senior Citizen discount debns Free estlmales & varmshlng Decorative Inslalk Storm Windows and PLY nally scrubbed Win- wall washing Jan, 884. InSUred 810-774-4048 MR.8'S 313-882-3096 Doo" MADAR Malntence Hand dows cleaned Wood flmshlng also available -Any ~Ind of don .. or\(' FLAT ROOFING 8757 Judy, 810-294. DECK cleaning and seal- wall washing and WIn- 810-759-0457 floors sanded and more upon request (810)754- In Glass Traae 30 \ tars SYSTEMS 4420 Ing, aluminum Siding, dows Free es1Jmates & Will beat any wntten es. 3514 IK - 9-17 VENTS free eS1lmates, Blue Sky references 313-a21- tlmate Call (313)894- 957 PlUMIiNG t GUTIERS REMOVAL OF ALL: FREE estimates, Reason- QUALITY workmanship Power Wash 810-293- 2984 INS TAllA TION REPAIRS Appliances 80n able rates Nick Karout- Pamtlng plaster, car- 5674 Concrefe! Dirt sos, ProfeSSional Paint- pentry all home repairs ALL POlntes Plumbmg LICENSED. INSURED 981 WINDOW WASHING ConstruC1lon Debns To Order er, Inlenorl extenor 30 15 years expenen ce Sales repairs, Installa- 960 ROOfiNG SERVICE Garage DemolllJon Home Delivery years expenence Call Jnsured, references lions DraUlI sewe r 886-0520 FAMOUS malntenance- Basement Clean out Call (313)343-5sn 885-3594 Seavers Home deamng Reasonablel ADVANCE Maintenance selVlng Grosse Pomte Can Move! Remove Malnlenance, 882-0000 313.884.1906, Tom Inc Roof leak repair since 1943 licensed, Anyttung GHI Painting, mtenorl ex- Specialist 313-884 GENTILE ROOFING bonded, Insured Wall 954 PAINTING/DECORATING COMPLETE PHILIP WASSENAAR tenor ProfeSSional, ex- WALLPAPER 9512 ~- washing! carpet clean- penenced, references Ing 884-4300 313-823-1207 REMOVAL PLUMBING ALL PRO ROOFING • Sh,ngle Te.....ofrs Free estimates Insured A-PAINTING BY TIM SERVICE ProfeSSional roofs, gutters, • Flat Ded

D. BROWN PAINTING & REMODELING INTERIOR/EXTERIOR ALL TYPES Sponging Ragging Spackle Dragging Carpentry. Drywall Plaster RepaLr KLtchens Baths. 6asement Spec.ah2lngIn InlenorlExlenor Palnhng We offer Remodeling New Wlndows/Doors Decks Fences. the beslll1 ptejlarOlIOllbelore paLntlngand use only the Porches Design hnest matenals for the longest lasting rew ~s Great Western people are qualrty minded and courteous 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATE ° FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES. FULLY INSURED 885-4867 886-7602

Filii Retlo~ ()~ 15~lW REI1f}ERcflir tlee~I'-().f,fe P()lir~ IIQI'-;~/thole, a"tI eft. Ck;. efitoflAf/ HDME__.- NT (}qI'-eQtI~.f«Ie!oOHret~/4'al(l(aal.f"fl;lure"t. It ia.f 1997 bU()Meof();tJjJa!tll" tJ-at we!J~4'~ ff0«/"etlO~~ ... tl Hraoftffol'-t~O.featiH",.tiflirj u.furtia!f./ Pia" to Grosse Pointe News .f~«Ica.fe?"q ofefl1)-lCe.fal(tI;f6'()r/a0?flir t~/&>.fIUlal &~~ ~fIe to a.f.f/4'titoHrUIfII(U".flir 18r;I'-()fl-lir!tkt;';I'-OjJY"fj/ ". f W S ,. A , f I S f}41(~Hrl&>.f()at()I(t~/&>euellel(t tltl~ti&>lirj tJjJ;Ol'-tturifj/

96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 C()l(taet?,,«/" atfu.e".ti&>lirjHjJl"e.fel((atlH totltlf /01'- DIsplay AdvertIsmg 313-882-3500, Fax 313-882-1585 ;I'-()F.f/Pl(tll tlof.f/&>(aI(U/ Inside Sales 313-882-6900; Fax 313-343-5569

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...... L ...... 926 Robbin. S 252 (,rood H"""n MI ~9~17 1616) A46 8726 1~~~~~-6m August 14, 1997 12C , Grosse Pointe News ! ." i'~ -1, \. 11 .i1 . I. 1:,

~I ~ I f

1997 TownCHRYSLER.,& Country LXi Forest Green Peart Coat, Leather Faced Lowback Bucket seats, Smokers Group, 4-Speed Automatic Transmission, 3.a SMPIV-6 wlPlatinum Tipped Plugs, Front License Plate Bracket, And Much Morel Nl.S.R.P. 532,'65

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Jeeps are on their way! J

1997 OtRYSLER SEBRING LXI 1997 OtRYSLER JX 1997 PLYMOUTH NEON 2 - Door Coupe Convertible Highline Coupe Bright White Clear Coat, I.eathet' & Vinyl Lowback Seats, Bright White Clear Coat, lAtrahide'M Lowbadt Budwt Seats, 5pmg ErnenIId Green Pearl Coat, bngo CIotll Front Lowbadt 5eaIs, Deluxe 4-Speed Automallc, 2.5 Uter 50HC 24V V6, Front license Special Package, Anti-Lock Brakes, 4-Speed. AutamatIc. 2.5 Uter SOHC Convenience GnIup, FIoot Mats, ~Speed Manual, 2.01. SOHC 16V SA 4 Plate Brocket, AMIFM stereo w/cassette, CD 24V V6, Dual Brite Oval Ellhaust TIpS 15" Harmonic BoII-on Wheel Coven CyInder. Front LiaInse Plate, AMIFM PrellIum Stenlo NLS.R.R. $22,,607 NLS.R.R. $23,790 NLS.R.R. $14,065 p~~~$ ~t . ~~~~ $18,999* 1299- p~~~ $11,564- ,,~ ~~ - 0> "It •• r,..-'"'!I"l'i---- ... ~ ~~~/;.-:: ,,~~ ,/I ~;. , ..1'... ~:.••_------...---~~:!m~~/ ~ ~~

1997 PLYMOUTH BREEZE 1997 OfRYSLER CRRUS 1997 PLYMOUTH GRAND VOYAGER 4 - Door Sedan 4 - Door Sedan Forest Gr.n Pearl Coat, CIotll Front Lowback 8ucket Seats, SEFWD MecMlm fern Pearl Coat, Front Lowbodt Bucket Seats, Ileor IIII;It WIilI CJeor Coat, DUe CIoIIlIfghbock &ucqb, 5mo/cer's GIoup, 4-Speed Automatic, 2.01. SOHC 16V SA 4 FoIcing Ilendl, 5moket's G!aup, 4-5peed ~ 2.5l.it1r ~ ~,1 "-. DUe 5eoIilg. 4-Spd. AutllmaIie, Ul CyIindIr, Front license Plate Brac:Mt, Speed Control SOHC 24V V6, Front LiaInse Plate 1Iradcet, 15" AU1irum Ift'heeIs 5MPI V6 wlPlalinum TIppId Plugs, 0rMr SIde SilIng Do«, 51: ..,. NLS.R.R. $17,115 NLS.R.R. $19,835 NLS.R.R. $25,435 PRICESALE $14, 499- P~~~~ $16,987 p~~~ $21,695.

.,.~,. cotl..... n omen. I I 804 S Homllron Sognow MI 4860~ 'If. ,A 111717920914 SEQUENCE 18001968 3456 10' 15171792 24?1 JCOTT .-INION f'mo I dmq tOo scorn Pres.den, .... OIlAL 0ftIIClb o 9?;, RohhtO, Su'o ~52 Q& • & Q ( rond Hoven Ml 49417 161;,18468726 1o, 16161 841~747 "rri Arn ....?~,....- August 14, 1997


862 University, Prudential Grosse Pointe First Offering, Sine Realty


/,,- . ~.,. / 85 Handy Road, Century 11 Associates 440 Saddle Lane, Red carpet Keim Shorewood


Waterfront living: Fumaee Doctor: House Hunting: Just a It's not Check the stone's too hot to think Real Estate throwaway! heat! Resource! Page 10 Page 3 Page 19

4 '7 Ee I , ~ " ----- ~e 2 YourHome Thursday, AUQ_us_t_1_4_,1_9_9_7 _

I <> ~-~;- ~;~,.~..~V"~---,.~.~o.~:T~~.~:::~,.~I ~~ <>, _ l) • II" I"'" "'~ ";- y I 0 o .- C::::f I I 0 <:) c:::::: . ~ , ' ° ~, ~_ .--~ b I 0 ,<><> b

~ A FII.....l-=.. h...... '1.r;;.""$' Wit "~~.~,,~~'Ki6w and room, family room, library, first 20481 LOCILl\fOOR, H.W. - ly room, master bedroom V : ~~.- "'" r::- l,,it. ;,.;.--::,. r 'I ng .&I(d I{~ ,,~;, ~paclOuslaml y floor laundry room, two and one Stupendous three bedroom brick w/vaulted ceiling and full bath, , r~~-~ netm.1s room sizes. New half-car garage. Bungalow with C.P. Schools. This first floor laundry, two and one .~ kit~~ with white Merillat cabi- home features newer replacement half car attached garage. I nets, new gas forced air, central windows, beautiful Italian marble air conditioning, new gutters, 20601 WEDGEWOOD, GPW- fireplace in the living room, fin- ished basement, newer furnace, new glass block windows, new Raise your family up in this four 5905 OLDTOWN - Very nice I updated kitchen w/eating space, Ohot water tank. bedroom, two-bath brick updated bungalow. Newer o Bungalow which offers a family two and one half car garage, plus! kitchen, living room with natural room with high wood beamed fireplace, finished basement. ceilings, hardwood flooring, Newer roof, new copper plumb- kitchen with breakfast nook, fin- ing, newer gas forced air. ished basement with bar, brick h 20895 VAN ANTWERP - 23646 AUDREY - Superbly Backyard patio with double gas patio. ~ Comfortable three bedroom, one maintained three bedroom Ranch grill, privacy fence, great 2.75 car • bath bungalow. Possible fourth features modern kitchen, cozy garage. bedroom/sitting room upstairs, family room overlooking park like newer vinyl windows, glass block 1889 LENNON, GPW-Original setting, huge finished basement, owner home! This beautiful three windows in basement, newer van- hardwood floors, sprinkler sys- 11165 ROXBURY - Attractive 3 {) bedroom brick Ranch features a J 1 ity and toilet in bath, hardwood tem, central air, two and one half bedroom, one and one half bath large kitchen with eating space, o floors under carpeting, coved car garage. Original owner!! bungalow situated on a large lot, ceiling in living room and dining newer furnace/ca, full basement, 2.5 car garage, priced at beautifully landscaped. Features v Iroom, circuit breakers, newer include natural fireplace, formal $149,900, steel doors. Garage has been vinyl dining room, possible walk- sided. through fourth bedroom, two car garage. I 2101 LENNON, GPW - Looks can be deceiving - four bedroom, I BllSINESS OPPORTUNITY two bath Ranch home offers a 41258 WINDMILL - Situated 1331 S. PARKER RD., large country styled kitchen with on the canal - only 3 minutes to -. MARINE CITY doorwallieading to the deck, mas- Lewis the Lake! This one owner home Archery & Sports Center offers ter bedroom with full bath, living G. room with a natural fireplace, fin- could bring many fun times for archery/huntinglfishing supplies Gazoul your family for years to come ... ~ {) and license, league shots, live ished basement With fireplace, wet bar, kitchen area, new roof, Features include five bedrooms , j bait, ammo and 2,200 SQ. f1. of ~.2 baths, formal dining room, Ispace office area/work! two car garage. <> lib., famIly room, first floor laun- room/lavatory. Call for the dry and many more amenities ... <> C ~details, Call for your pnvate viewing of p this luxury homel 0

~~O o~_~ I p'oO.pO o'p

-;-I------~------...--~....--"',.-t-....._lI!'!!'LCZ_m_, ,--<-. Thursday, August 14, 1997 YourHome Page 3 It.s not too hot to consider new indoor heating systetns Beline's

By Gary Marowske Ask the Furnace Doctor Flame Furnace Company Best Buys Since we are in the middle of which can be used for mYriad the dog days of summer, better applications besides home heating known as August, we certainly are and hot water heating. The sys- not running our furnaces. It is the tem offers technological advan- time of the year when a cool run tages you can't get in other home through the yard sprinkler feels systems. $229,000 better than a long hot shower. One unique application is to IN THE HEART OF THE FARMS. Three bedroom. Nevertheless I thought I would have a zone set for your driveway. one and one balfbath Colonial; open and inviting take this time to talk to you about When you are having a new drive- : foyer; living room WIth natural frreplace; forma! way surface laid, you simply the latest heating products avail- diftIDg room: family room built-in bookQSei. install piping under it. That is wim able from Lennox Industries. batdwood t1oots:. now drlvewa1 and garage. Lennox recently introduced a then hooked up to a zone and unit it calls "Complete Heat," a when the outside temperature is possessioo • closing. combination heating system, below 32 degrees, the heat will offering you comfortable home come on and no more shoveling heating with a virtually unlimited and salting - all at a reasonable hot water supply, and at 90 per- cost for installation and opera- cent efficiency! It is able to heat tion. water at a faster rate than con- The Complete Heat can also ventional tanks, thereby minimiz- help with those difficult areas to $269,000 heat - family rooms, second and ing standby heat loss and produc- PRACTICAL ELEGANCE. SpaCIOUS three bedroom, ing an abundant supply of hot third stories, basements and garages - simply by adding some two and one half bath Colonial in new subdiVISion. water for your family. Imagine Appro~mately 2,700 square feet. Open floor plan. tha t, two teenagers and still small amounts of hot-water base- Builder's model with many upgrades; skylights; board. enough hot water for you. recessed fighting; systems- VAClJUm, sprinkler. sound. With the efficient Complete The Lennox Complete Heat is !eC\lrity~Pa1a

You've got a lot invested in your Arcoalre product lme home's heanng and coohng system. If you're m the market for a new So whether you need a rounne system, we WIllgladly proVlde a free checkup or an emergency repair, don't estimate usmg hIgh qualIty high trust it to ,ust anybody. Call on us! efficlcncy Arcoalre eqUlpmcnt. Wc're the profeSSIonals Arcoae • No mattcr what your who know that sel"Vlceis Ire heatmg and coohng more than a word - your needs, remember, we're local dealer carrying the ...... oty...... at your SCfV1ce1 www.arcoelre oonv.RXl8lre For More Information, Please Contact... . C ALL ,. () D t\ Y ,- () H. .\ I- R F L 1-, S" , .\1 ,\ r I- BELINE OBEID - 343-0100 32486 Dequindre Certified Residential Specialist Warren, MI. 48092 Prudential ~ Grosse Pointe Real Estate Co. '-SixVCliaJJ GEm- (810) 264-2034 882-0087 TEMPERATIJRE & REFRIGERATION APPLICATIONS Fax (810) 264-2038 v. http://www.beUne.com FAX (313) 417.0044 [email protected]

J ... Page 4 YourHome Thursday, August 14, 1997 Is home ownership for you? Cw" PhotDs by RO$h Sills" If you hav~ thought about own- and 19, at Macomb Community ing a home, but aren't sure you College, South Campus (12 Mile Gr~ Point~ N~ws can afford it or are confused by all and Hayes), K Building, Second &<:oNNECji@ the financing options, this work- Floor, Rooms 315-17, from 6:30 to shop is for you. 9 p.m. ON THE COVER••_ "Home Ownership" - a two- The workshops will be conduct- part series - will be offered three ed by Michigan State University times in the fall of 1997: Mondays, Extension-Macomb. The myster- First Offering ••• Sept. 15 and 22, at the Michigan ies of buying a home - from qual- Outstanding center entrance Colonial conveniently located. to schools State University Extension Office, ifying for a mortgage to the clos- and shops. This fabulous home is inviting in every aspect from the cus- 21885 Dunham Road, Clinton ing process - will be explained. Township, from 6:30 to 9 p.m.; The workshop is free of charge, tom mail box to the paver patio. You'll appreciate the newer Mutschler Th.esdays, Oct. 7 and 14, also at but registration is a must. To reg- kitchen, wonderful family room with fireplace and four family-sized the Michigan State University ister or for more information, call bedrooms. This picture-perfect home is beautifully decorated with Extension Office from 6:30 to 9 MSU Extension at (810) 469- designer decor and expertly updated ~~ p.m.; and Wednesdays, Nov. 12 6430. with numerous attractive features. The professionals at SINE REALTY •• t! COMPANY are eager to share more Heat HR-l-- 7()()() details. Call us at 884-7000. From page 3 mation or an estimate on the ing your furnace and water Complete Heat or have any other heater, think about the Complete HVACquestions, call me at Flame 86R University, Grosse Pointe City Heat combination heating sys- Furnace Company at (810) 582- Classic center entrance Colonial home with many updates and tem. Should you like more infor- 1700. features. Beautiful kitchen with all appliances; Master bath is 9'2" x Clean Out 11'4" with whirlpool tub plus glass shower. Breakfast nook Your House, Attic, Garage, Shed, etc! features a vaulted ceiling with Place your garage sale ad NOW! NOW! NOW! Prudential ~& skylights and 8 foot door wall Deadline: Grosse Pointe Real Estate Co. Tuesday NOON leading to a cedar deck. 882-0087 Visa/MasterCard Accepted Offered.at $274,850.

-' . .' --".. 'fJ~ .~~? . Latit"~-.. New Listing, Grosse Pointe Farms Smigielski Highly desired "Handy Road location." This home is priced. to move APPRECIATION ON YOUR HOME and has the features you want! Living room with natural fireplace, Most people who rent a home are probably paying less each month for formal dining room, kitchen with breakfast housing than they would pay for a mortgage on a Similar home. Why are nook, family room with natural people WIlling to pay more each month to own their own horne? Ontu A home grows in value over the years. The rate of appreciation depends on many factors - the fireplace, two car garage, private yard. ." location, Interest rates, and the general economic chmate in the community. If you purchase a Immediate occupancy and special .'21' property for $100,000 which grows In value at the rate of 5 percent each year, it will be worth financing possible. Don't wait too long! # m I~ • approximately $121.000 at the end of five years At a 10 percent annual rate of growth, the value of your investment will go up to $146,000. As rent increases for those who lease a CENTURY 21 ASSOCIATES 886-5040I ASSOCIATES home, your payments (with a fixed-rate mortgage) will remain constant for the lIfe of your 343.2888 EXT. 202. mortgage, and the value of your home Increases as you bUild up equity. Laura resides and works in Grosse Pointe as a top Realtor for ColdweU Banker Schweitzer covering the Grosse Pointes, St. Clair Sbores and Harper Woods. F« professional advice on all aspeds or buying or selliag,caB her at ;I 440 saddle Lane, Grosse Pointe Woods /" (313) 886-4200 01' (313) 201-8078. ~ I You'~llove th~ location - a spacious quad level nestled on a secluded Is , I street m the pnme area of Star of the Sea, Liggett School and Hunt I / OUTDATED KITCHEN ~ I Club. Approxim~tely ~,647 square feet. No squeeze here - room to OR BATH? breathe makes thISan Ideal home for the growing family. The kitchen , boasts a firep.laceand plenty of room for eating. Off the kitchen is a ~ We Con Convert Those Antiquated Rooms Into Modern, Attractive J t mud room WIth attached half bath, an ideal location for a first floor & Highly Functional Areas That You May Have Dreamed Of! ~ laundry. There are four bedrooms. The fourth bedroom on the lower OUR CREoENnALs ... 40 YEARS IN BUSINESS AS KITCHEN AND aATH , le~el would make a wonderful famIly room. The basement is finished SPEaAusTs • CREATIVE & fuNCTIONAl DeSIGNS FROM A STAFF WITH 90 11 WIt~ e~cellent built-m storage. Two full baths plus half bath with

YEARS Of COMBND EXPERIENCE • 0EAl.ERS FOR (.4) EXClUSIVE CABINET ~ skyhte m the half bath. Other features include a large entrance hall, > MANUfACTURERS • MATERIALS & WORKMANSHIP 2t-I) To NoNE • MUtn I double hall closets, pantry and staIr that lead from the upper level to a KITCHEN SHowRooM • NUMEROUS locAL REfERENcEs • COMPETITIVE 5 storage area - perfect area to add another bedroom if needed. Call us : PRICES...... GIVE US A CAll FOR A: No ~ CONsuLTATION. today to arrange for a private shOWing. • I I Licensed I CUSTOM KITCHENS .' ~~~ 4< ..e-,S~~~~~~~DA~~~~!:~;~~~t!NC. l 886-8710

------,------...---IlI!I!IIIII!!I~-- ...t-~~lIs ..!!i..;..4i'l'l'&tt~!I--Q--4 I Thursday,August 14, 1997 YourHome Page 5 j Renters need adequate property insurance, too Renters in southeastern $100,000 liability insurance, the Michigan whose apartments and cost is $99 a year -less than $10 homes were damaged or destroyed a month. by the storms in early July have This policywould pay to replace discovered the importance of hav- your belongings up to $20,000 and ing property insurance on their Mortgages has a $250 deductible. The exact belongings. cost of insurance depends on the Every tenant should have prop- location of your apartment, how erty and liability insurance many units are in the building according to Cheryl Krysiak ofthe and whether there are smoke Michigan State University alarms and security locks. There Purchase Construction Extension. are also discounts available for The cost of replacing all of your senior citizens. 'HANA Equib First-TimeHomebuur belongings - clothing, computers, In some cases if you get your car stereos, linens, dishes and furni- insurance and renter's insurance ture - can be overwhelming. If a with the same company, you AHordable Housing Programs tenant has property insurance at would be able to save enough on least he/she will not have to worry your car policyto pay part or all of how to pay for replacing all of the cost of the renter's policy. Pre-.roved Conventionals hislher possessions. Landlords have property insur- Renters must have property At Flagstar Bank, we have the products ance on their buildings, but do not and liability insurance. Many vic- covera te~ant's personal property. tims of July's storms that have and service to get the job done! The landlord's policyalso does not insurance, are now shopping and cover the tenant's liability for replacing their property. Others, injury to someone else or property without insurance, are worrying damage for which the tenant may about how they will ever pay to be held responsible. replace their property. Renter's insurance is very When the next big storms hit affordable. For $20,000 coverage southeastern Michigan, which one on personal property and will you be?

Kathleen A. Borucki Thomas G. Speer 810-786-8376 313-376-5609

Kimber1y A. Fuhrman Krys K. Schroeder 313-210-1156 313-376-8236

FIRST OFFERING Charmmg New England colomal in an exceptional Grosse Pomte Farms location. Features include a spacious master bedroom with natural fireplace, paneled library and a Florida room Chet Allen Oon Giza overlooking a beautifully landscaped 810-345-4447 810-345-4539 lot. .. a fantastic NEW offenng lit 19251 Mack Ave GROSSE POINTE 1~4 12 ;\la~k at ~loran 884 _ 7000 (Pointe Plaza) Crosse POInh.' J. anns Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236

J ' ---~- YourHome Thursday, AU9_u_st_1_4_,_19_9_7 _

• DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING? Computerized buyer search and match program (We'll give you a complete list of available homes in your price r.ange in less than five mmutes) • DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR HOME IS WORTH? We do - Get the facts in writing with our no obligation market analysis. • DO YOU NEED? .• - Printed list of Sunday Opens? - A custom map of Grosse Pointe, S1. Clair Shores, or Harper Woods? - Mortgage rate informatIOn? • OUR OFFICE IS OPEN AND AVAILABLE 7 DAYS A WEEK TO SERVE YOU

$650,000 GROSSE POINTE PARK $439,000 GROSSE POINTE WOODS $274~ GROSSEPOINTE CITY Gracious hVlng in a beautIful English Updated kItchen with SpacIous coloma I 10 great Woods location. Features open foyer ShaJp lJadibonal home WIthmany updates and features. Beautiful kitchen separate breakfast area LIving and dining rooms have bay With marble floor Wonderful floor plan. First tloor laundry. Family WIthall applJances, Master bath 9'2" x 11'4" WIth"whu1pool" tub plus wmdows. Vestibule WIth Pewablc tIle New bath second floor style kitchen and large famIly room. glass shower. Nook features vaulted ceiling WIthskylights and Divided basement With recreation room and work area 8' door wall to cedar deck.

$269,000 HARRISON TOWNSHIP $450,000 ST. CLAm SHORES $125,000 STERLING HEIGHTS. PractJcaI elegance. Spacious three bedroom, two and one half bath VRM #23. Seller will entertain offers between $370,000 to BeautIful updated kitchen. All appliances are mcluded. Built-in CoIocuaIlO new subchvision Open f1

ONDOLIVIN $114,900 $293,900 $115,000 GROSSE POINTE WOODS ST. CLAIR SHORES CLINTON TOWNSHIP Wonderful brick Ranch WIth three way natural fireplace; "Top of the Lme' executive residence. Perfect chmate Brick ranch with three bedrooms on extra large lot fimshed basement with paneled recreation room control with two furnaces and air condltlonmg. Master bedroom has half bath. and half bath. Many, many extras. Semlfinished basement.

$379,000 $294,900 GROSSE POINTE WOODS ST. CLAIR SHORES $238,000 Spacious Colonial in pnme location with four bedrooms, Outstandmg Brownstowne with some Lake views. GROSSE POINTE WOODS three and one half baths and a large famtly room. Move-in condition Master SUlle WIth whIrlpool Invitmg center entrance Colonial with three bedrooms FantastIC finished basement. and deck off bedroom. and one and one half baths. Updated kitchen. Natural fireplace.

$239,000 $97,900 OPEN SUNDAY 2-4:00P.M. ST. CLAIR SHORES ST. CLAIR SHORES Fabulous' Move right into this state of the art Ranch. Golf course hvmg m thiS second floor unit. Three bedrooms, three full baths, plus a full bath In Master bedroom has pnvate bath. vamty area, 862 University, GPC • $274,850 finished lower level and large closets. 1042 Bishop, Gpp. $268,000 1520 Oxford, GPW • $264,900 $87,900 $89,900 HARPER WOODS ST. CLAIR SHORES Bnck bungalow WIth finished expansion area on Very SpacIOUSranch style condo With Iwo baths 320 Merriweather, GPF • $229,000 second floor (31 5' x 11.7"). attic fan and some Door wall 10 large pnvate balcony appliances stay . Laundry area IS 10 umt 22705 Daniel Ct., Harrison. $279,000

(313) 882-0087 Grosse Pointe 19615 Mack Avenue • Prudential Real Estate Co. Grosse Pointe Woods, MI. 48236 Website:httllwww.prudgp.com

.----;;J:------~,~------~--..II!II-~=..1 ~.::""tt.,----0 ..

Thursday, August 14, 1997 YourHome Page 7 Tips for insect stings treated. Ask your doctor to refer NOW YOUCAN STAt •• For millions ofAmericans, sum- mer brings the threat of insect you to an allergist who can evalu- stings and, for some, the danger of ate you for a vaccination program severe and sometimes life-threat- that immunizes against future ening reactions. allergic reactions. As part of a nationwide public • A sting kit containing education program, the American injectable epinephrine is emer- College of Allergy, Asthma and gency rescue medication only. It Immunology offers these tips: can stop an allergic reaction in • If you are stung and experi- progress but can't treat the under- ence symptoms lying allergy and such as troubled therefore will not breathing, protect against hives, fainting future reactions. or any symp- Allergic reactions toms other than to insect stings pain, itching, can be dangerous redness and and sometimes swelling at the fatal. Insect aller- sting site, you gic individuals may be having a often change severe reaction their lifestyles and should seek out of fear of medical atten- stinging insects, tion immediate- sometimes avoid- ly. , ing outdoor activ- • If you have ities altogether. experienced a severe reaction, you Proper evaluation and treat- may have insect sting allergy; a ment by an allergy specialist can condition which puts you at a high eliminate much of the fear and HARBOR CLUB NORTH risk of having a similar or worse misunderstanding associated reaction the next time you are with insect sting allergy. CONDOMINIUM & YACHT HARBOR stung. For a free informational book- • Insect sting allergy can be let, call (800) 23-STING. 37500Jefferson. Harrison Township, Ml (810) 469-8723


PEACEFUL. SERENE SETTING ... SUPERBLAKE HURON HOME - On 75 ft. $110 990°0 modernized home overlooking the of beautiful sandy beach, with large , sapphire waters of Lake Huron. beach-side patio and lovely OPEN DAILY Wonderfully designed home allows landscaped yard, this three bedroom. owners to appreciate Lake Huron's two bath ranch features a full finished 1:00-6:00 pm unique beauty. Well-appointed living basement with recreation room. Year- and entertaining spaces, both indoors round sunroom. ceramic and and out (2 patios and 2 decks). 2 carpeted flooring, fUlly applianced kitchens and walkout lower level for kitchen. attached garage. spnnkling wonderful guest quarters 75ft of system ... and much more! J502G beachfront. steel Jetty and concrete retalntng wall $359.900 J881G • Luxurious Lake\'icw Two Bedroom, Two Bathroom Homes • Enormous Wood Decks overlooking Yacht Harbor & Lake St. Clair • Sliding glass doors to Deck from every room VICTORIAN COTTAGE ON A BEAUTIFUL 100 FEETON LAKEHURON Handsome 70FT. LAKEFRONT LOTI No Intenor stone and bnck home WIth all new floor • Cathedral ceilings available measurements on reSidence, due to coverings. two fireplaces. large living cottage being shell only With Intenor room. formal dinIng room. den With studding. No drywall or finISh work has wet bar. sunroom. four to five • Natural wood burning Fireplaces been done Home to be sold "as IS'. bedrooms. and two and a half baths. either to be completed by purchaser Magnificent view and sandy beach • In-hotne Laundry/Storage Rootns or to be removed and used for new Basement. two and a half car garage, buildIng site Splendid location with and storage building With covered • ~ew Carpet, Vinyl, & Paint magnificent Lake Huron views. patio 3709 sq. ft J213G S450,CXXlJ704G • Kitchen appliances included 3945 24th Ave., Suite 3 • Garage Ports JoAnnWine Fort Gratiot Michigan • Ceramic Tile in Bath

- - - ~; ." . 48059 ~~'.::.:: . __ 0-. :~ ,_ • Gate Access & InterC01l1 810-985-5080

- , - Shores. BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT Shores. FIRST FLOOR MASTER BED- Shores. CENTER ENTRANCE COLO- City. FIRST OFFERING! Charming RANCH. Excellent floor plan and ROOM. Contemporary styling creates NIAl. Affordable Colonial offers good English Tudor with lots of leaded and space for entertaining. Gracious living a great floor plan. Sunken great room, location on cul-de-sac, three bed- stained glass, and delightful nooks . room, large family room and gourmet large living rpom and den overlooking rooms, newer kitchen and ~o car and crannies! Custom kitchen. Cedar , kitchen. large deck with Jacuzzi add private walled courtyard. Master bed- attached garage. $325,000. 1t 36855 deck with hot tub, wet bar and gas to the enjoyment of living on Lake St. room suite with two baths and dress- IGPN-H-76COL) grill on second level. $297,500. Clair $1,700,000. e 36875 (GPN-H- ing areas. $459,000. ". 36815 (GPN- (GPN-H-04WAS) 70LAK) H-81 WOO)

Shores. DESIRABLE THREE BED- City. Open Sun. 2-4 p.m. 649 Rivard. Farms. ATTRACTIVE SIDE ROOM brick ranch, just one half Park. Open Sun. 2-4 p.m. 1428 This house has both. Old world charm ENTRANCE Colonial featuring large block off lake Shore Road, featu res with a new designer kitchen. Master Buckingham. Four bedroom formal formal dining, family room, natural master bedroom with private bath. dining with built in shelVing, bedroom with private Whirlpool bath, Spacious room sizes throughout. fireplace and central aIr conditioning. library/den, living room with gas fire- new windows, alarm, newer furnace Freshly decorated. Newer kitchen. Many improvements in the last sever- place, neutral oak kitchen includes and hot water, beautiful hardwood $269,900. ~ 34385. (HD-F-68-MOR) al years. Finished basement With wet floors, natural fireplace and much appliances. Cedar closet, alarm sys- bar. tr 33415 (GPN-GW-45 CRE). more. $269,900. 1t 33165. tem nIcely landscaped yard. Home Warranty. $235,000. 1t 33025.

...~. City. SECOND flOOR CONDO Farms. FIELD STONE CAPE COOl City. ATTRACTIVE CUSTOM BUILT SpacIous English Tudor featurrng three Situated on 1/2 Jots SpacIous room City. ATTRACTIVE DUTCH Colonial Cape Cod featUring step down liVing bedrooms, two baths, den, lIVing and sizes Gumwood panelled den, newly decorated throughout. room With natural fireplace and natur- dining rooms, 9' ceilings and hard- detailed plaster moldings FinIshed re- Naturally finished hardwood floors. al woodwork Updates Include new wood floors. All new decor, new room With natural fireplace Great Cozy den off lIVing room. Newly fro- roof, furnace/central air conditioning, kitchen, master bath and central air closet and storage space $212,000. Ished basement With half bath. updated kitchen and much more. $234,500 tr 33025 (GPN H-BONEF) e 34215 (HD-F-70-BEL; $189,900. e 34405 (HD-F-93-RIV) $209,500 e 34505 (HD-F-87-lIN)

Woods. PRICE REDUCED on thiS Woods. Open Sunday 1-4. 1545 Woods. SOUGHT AFTER BRICK Immaculate ranch With three bed- Roslyn. Completely updated, new Harper Woods. GREAT LOCATION! For RANCH With three bedrooms, custom rooms, updated bath; large country kItchen and appliances, walks out this well mamtamed family home wIth finished basement With Franklrn stove kitchen, central air condltronlng, nat- onto very large deck. Newly renovat- four bedrooms, two tiled baths, partial and half bath. Great family home in ural fireplace, large screened porch, ed bath with cathedral ceIling. Bay finished basement, new two and one wonderful floor plan. $189,900. prime location. $152,000. 1t 32625 wrndows in liVing and drnlng room. (GPN-GW-15AlI) half car garage, newer copper plumbing, e 33245 (GPN-GW-63HAW) $159,900. 1t 34345 prrvacy fence, freshly painted and ready. $129,000. 1t 32745 (GPN.GW.48KEN) ( "N'" o l1li EVERY PROPERTY. EVERY DAY UNTIL IT'S SOLD™ SCHWEITZER • Intemet Site www.coldwellbanker.com • Homefacts™ (810) 268-2800 11' • Real Estate Buyer's Guide REAL ESTATE ------..~lhebe!t...... '--- HI

------~~""!.--~--~--I ~f ...... ll'"'%"~'~-_-__. ~ I

Thursday, August 14, 1997 YourHome Page 9

MO~ SHOREWOOD REAL ESTATE, INC. 20439 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe 886-8710 SENSIBLE MAILING - I work throwing away. Rita F., Riverdale, for the post office and would like Md. Doyle Place,E. Ranch 3 Bdrm. ftRST OfFERING. Family room, recreation to pass this advice along. People room, one and one half baths, two car should not put any odd-shaped or attached garage. rigid items such as ballpoint pens, YOGURT CUPS - I found a Saddle Lane Quad Level 4 Bdrm. Two and one half baths. 2,647 square feet. pencils, bottle caps or candy in a good use for yogurt cups. I use the Extra large kitchen with fireplace. Nice family letter. eight-ounce cup to measure dog home. food.My dog is on a diet, so I have These items frequently work a to give him the correct amount. Hampton Colonial 3 Bdrm. One and one half baths. Family room. Newer hole through the envelope and This way, I can put my good roof, furnace. Recently reduced. become lost in the mail. Since scoops and cups to better use. Lisa they have no address on them, we 2133 Roslyn Bungalow 3 Bdrm. 0PlN SUNDAY, AUGUST 17th &.. 24th. 2:00- C., Mankato, Kan. 4:00. Nice starter home. Land contract terms can't reunite them with the enve- available. lope they were originally in. KEEP IT FRESH - I like to Webber Place Tudor 7 Bdrm. Seven baths. four half baths. Family room. Post offices are starting to send library. screen porch. Recreation room. three envelopes containing such objects keep fresh carrots and celery to car garage. back to the sender. snack on. Since I'm the only one who eats the "rabbit food," it Touraine Vacant Lot 110 x 146. Seller will build to suit. Objects should be sent in a box, would usually spoil before I could mailing tube or a padded enve- finish a bag or stalk. lope, and should always have a return address on every piece of I discovered that if I cleaned the HARPUl WOODS mail. Tom R., Youngstown, Ohio. carrots and celery and then immersed each in a bowl of water, Huntington Ranch 2 Bdrm. Park-like lot, 112 x 164. Possible third they would stay fresh until I could bedroom (den). Attached garage. WASTE NO MORE - When I eat them. Be sure to change the 20648 Lochmoor Bungalow 3 Bdrm. OPEN SUNDAY. AUGUST 17th &.. 24th, 2:00- water once or twice a week. 4:00. Grosse Pointe schools, newer garage, can't get any more out of tubes of windows, furnace. toothpaste, lotion bottles, makeup Georgia L., Fort Wayne, Ind. containers or any type of plastic ST. CLAIIl SHORES containers, I cut them in half and Share your special Home Tip store them in a zipper-close plas- Mylls Colonial 4 Bdrm. South of 12 Mile Rd. - West of Jefferson. with our readers. Send it to Diane family room. tic bag. Eckert, King Features Weekly There are still several uses left Service, 235 East 45th Street, New Rosedale Ranch 3 Bdrm. Largest lot in subdivision. Brand new kitchen York, N.1': 10017. and bath. Attached two car garage. East of in what I would otherwise be Marter Roact

. '" 18 WlNDEMERE. REDUCED 954 BERKSIfiRE Gr.IcIoos prMlt re51dence SIunmng CC'Jllcr enlr.ll1Ce Two bedrooms,two and one CoIoIIIaI. tlutt bedrooms,twO IlaIf balll I>ramatIc foml2l and one half baths F2buIous C'IlIl}' foytT Ic2ds to spaCIOUS klld1C'Jl IMng room WJlh gas Imngroom Mill vaulted /irqlIa«.mastcr bedroom ccilmg and nalUl':ll firepIacc WIth pnvale balll, tirmhed WJlh OS'! access 10 new basemC'Jll WIth gas ~ decIr SpacIous masccr JaWlory, gas forced au' and bedroom WJlh gIol:tous CC'JllnI au' condIlJonmg. prMlt bath,~ a=, Spaaou5 IlO X 175 Iol and W21k-m dosct The guest Pos5essIon at closmg. bedroom offm a pttk alW lake and lIS own pnv:llt bath The 1atd1C'Jl fealUl'eS a ch2gonaIl5Iand $292000 and separatt cbnmg nook WJlh ample C2ll11g space PossessIon at cIo5mg. $996,000

3828 HARVARD 20687 FlEETWOOD Fabulous etnler C'Illr.ll1Ce 1997 Harper Woods ColonW III tilt hC2n of East BtaUlfullOl1 Awm Womer Enghsh Vdlage 11u'ee bedrooms, Thrtt bC'droom one full bath .. Buyer. Sd1et' Representative one and one halt baIh CoIonW bungalow Spmous ~d • b:pert RclQcation $el'Vi«$- av;a.ilable WIth updates gaIorr Formal floor master broroom WIth ...call for a privott<:. vie.wiD8 dmmg room leads to nnvIy sL11~t and extra dose! spact added b.nriIy mom Other Newer kllchC'Jl spaoous d«t updales IIldudc new two and WlIIl bnd pavm and one half C:U~' _ cemmt memM I~ Healed driveway _ furnace: and two and one half c:u gmge cmtral m _ C1Ilry door.; GrlXSt PoIIIlt !dlooI5 PossessIon ntgOlIaIlk, $129 900 Occupancy IS nrgotJabIt $129 000

Il8OO FARMBROOK 1H6-38 MARYUND CAlZY two bedroom OOt bath MuItKamdy 1ltrtt bedrooms and ~-5tyIt rmch With a mynad HIGBIE new Iatcltms III rach unrt WJlh of updates Proks.qonaJJy budlill ~ "Icwty landscaped klc _h hnd pavers, rdil1lshed hanIwood !loon wet prmcy knee Iar!Ie drd. pI~er and some: IC2dcd Illass spnnkIcr syaem, updattd balh MAXON Seller 10 prondr casll • doslng 10 do 0Ul5ldt T1m IS and SIIIIl'OOIll Firushed IlasrnImt INCORPORATED rrpms a WIth bulk In bar, drop Ct1~ rJnl opport\lM}' b' homeowner sepante laundry room and REALTORS( or tltVtSlor caI for more det2Ib pnv2lt office Occupancy IS 00 11m wondrtfuI opportun«y llqlO(aablt $69,900 ~.doslng.

• •• r:

... --,,'" ::: ~ ... ~ - -.. - ..-.... -~ Page 10 YourHome Thursday, August 14, 1997 ------T;.;.h,;,;u;.;..;;rs;,;d;.;;:a6,:Y,.;.A.:,;;,jugust14, 1997 YourHome Page 11


Peacefullakevfews abound ... Building opportunities available on the waterfront.

By Margaret K.Fitzgerald •

throughout the summer. And the Shakespeare a-half baths, a hvingroom, diningroom, and productions in Stratford, Ontario are only an kitchen area. Expect the price for these to be hour and a half away, m the $85,000-$120,000 range. Here, the Horseback riding is available, and canoeing neighborhood owns the beach with each on eIther the St.Clair, Black or Pine Rivers is homeowner having "beach rights." Put simply, always an optIOn. Then there is the most the cottage owner is entitled to beach access Boats leave Black River at the start of the Mackinaw race ObVIOUSactivity, boating. There are many at their leisure. modern marina facilities, from Algonac to Port A larger private lakefront home in Port Huron t is 4:30 on a hot Friday afternoon out as a second home evolves into a pnmary Samlac to support local boaters. in July. The office cooling system can run up to $5,000 per front foot of lake residence as owners opt to retire and lIve "on Away for the weekend, but still within reach: is beginnmg to wane, your desk is the water" permanently. footage. Although some buyers retain the existing For those who are considering the purchase home, it is not uncommon for these properties to littered with a month's worth of "Port Huron has been a second home of a second home, be purchased for the paperwork, and you feel like you destmation since the early part of thIS century Port Huron makes need a break. when families from St. Louis would take the land only The new good sense if a owner will then tear Just head north. Relief IS train here to 'summer' on the lake," said demanding work only an hour away. down the existing Jeff Wine The area is no stranger to schedule pre- Port Huron and its structure and rebuild a the concept of summer vIsItors, cludes spending surrounding communities larger dream home and has sustained steady large chunks of are the perfect locatIOn for from scratch growth while mamtaining time traveling to a a waterfront escape Jeff Homes and condo- its appeal as a great more northern Wme and his mother miniums are avail- summer getaway. location. And the JoAnn, broker/owners able on riverfront The experience of a fact that you are of JoAnn Wine & property just south of Saturday in and about "close to home" Associates in Port the Bluewater Bridge, the town has changed means that you Huron can easily lead on the St. Clair River. greatly from those can easily weave you to a number of For $170,000 to Beautiful public and private golf courses are found in Port Huron earlier times. So how social commitments locations. Here, the $250,000 you can have can you expect to fill into your weekend perfect beachfront a wonderful house or your time? If golf IS (or longer)getaways. Saturday mornings and Christmas tree farms gallenes to home furnishings to men's and home or condomimum your game, Port Huron condominium over- for early December weekend outings. In spring ladies' apparel. Save some tIme for lunch or is waIting for you. "We have a client looking a wealth of offers a number of public who came up to his there is the annual "Feast of the St Clair," a dmner, outdoors if you hke, at one of Main This 10-year-old firm Surf rolls in while boats race to Mackinaw river activity. courses, as well as four summer home on a reenactment of fur trapping actiVIties from an Street's many restaurants. specIalizes m propertIes earher tIme. A broadened sense of Port which are private. For FrIday night," said Jeff. "He woke up Saturday "The city of Port Huron IS a 'Mamstreet' rangmg m pnce from $120,000 Acommunity with all the amenities: Huron's past can be gleaned from a day at the those who prefer tennis, and headed out to the golf course. He came downtown,'" noted Jeff Wme "They are to $1 5 mIllIon In addItIOn to Port Huron's health care facilities have an Port Huron Museum of Arts and History. outdoor courts dot the city back to the 'city' [DetrOIt} for a wedding on constantly trymg to revitalize and Port Huron, the Wme firm covers St. excellent reputation. Port Huron Hospital is Antique dealers in both Lexington and Port landscape, with a semi-private Saturday night, and then returned on Sunday rejuvenate the downtown busmess dIstrict, Clair, Lexington, Marysville, and goes as affiliated with St John HospItal. Mercy Huron are becommg more VISIble. On tenms house for mdoor play for another day at the cottage." which has become a very nice, quaint little far north as Port Samlac. There are lots of new Hospital is also in the area. And there are a Saturday mornmgs, there is a farmers' market shoppmg area." On Thursday and Friday mghts, nearby All of the water-front properties are umque, resldentlal developments m progress, as well as number of clinics and urgent care facilities for m downtown Port Huron. Venture mto Pme "LE:'xmgtonISbecommg a community more Lexmgton hosts "Art m the Park." Port Huron rangIng anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 square eXIstmg homes. hosts a simIlar series known locally as "MusIc your convenience. Grove Park WIth the chIldren to investIgate lIke Harbor Springs with concerts, art faIrs, feet. Many of the lakefront homes are 20-plus in the Park," a summer-long free concert Port Huron and vicimty has much to offer the Coast Guard LIghtshIp For a day of MUSIC In the Park, and antique shows," years old A modestly priced example would be The perfect summer getaway: srne" There are a variety of fE:'stivals held dur10g the other nme months of the year as leIsurely shoppll1g", there are over 80 added JoAnn a two- to four-bedroom cottage WIth one-and- Lake Huron's sandy shores are clean, clear well There are apple orchards for fall bOlltlqups 10 t h l' 11th III (':-,sdistrict, from art MichIgan's small towns arE:'a respIte from and child-friendly It IS the perfect settmg for a the hectIc pressures of urban lIvmg. So If young family 100k1Og to create a Simpler small town lIvmg Just up the coast sounds summer hfestyle And many tImes, what starts good, remember Port Huron IS Just a stone's thro' ....away

JoAnne Wine & Associates can h('lp you find just th(' right hom('. Wh('th('r it's a getaway cottage or primary rpsid('nc(', You can contact them at (810) 985.5090

• I f I ... - .. L -

• Page 12 YourHome Thursday, August 14, 1997 Don't let unwelcome guests spoil your party Memories of the summer wed- ice until ready to use. For buffets, help keep food cold. Don't refreeze vent contamination by insects. If ding, family reunion, picnic or the set out a small portion of a food the cans. using insect spray, be sure foods graduation party needn't be over- instead of the whole quantity at are covered. Never spray for shadowed by the count of guests once. If the food is not used up Keep summer food safe insects while food is being served. who come down with food poison- within two hours, throw it out. • P"'ack picnic food bags inside • Add dressing to salads just mg. Never add fresh food to a dish the 'car and out of the direct rays before serving. Na one likes to think about food that has been standing more than of the sun - not inside the trunk poisoning and you surely don't two hours. A new serving dish is where temperatures are higher. • Always wash hands thorough- want a tangle with food poisoning safer and will look nicer. ly before preparing food, and fre- to ruin your summer fun. The Use a refrigerator thermometer • Keep all food covered to pre- quently while preparing it. guide- to check lines to tempera- follow tures in • to keep the ice you r chest on f 0 a d Ion g safe are trips. If simple tempera- and tures easy to r i s e remem- above 40 ~ ~ ber degrees, ~ k e e p replen- ~ Buying 0 Selling 0 Gardening 0 llmprrovement hot ish the foods ice sup- hot and ply with c a I d dry ice, foods ice or cold. If reusable the food has been without heat or ice packs. Place dry ice (don't refrigeration for two or more touch it with your bare hands) on hours, throw it out. top of the covered or wrapped food Wasted food is wasted money because the chilling gas is heavier any way you look at it. Don't be in than air. Cans of frozen juice can doubt; know the food you are serv- ... ing is safe. Cedar Gazebos Heated dishes should be kept at Do it yourself, a temperature of 140 degrees or or let us provide installallon! _____ (Home) (Business) _ higher and cold items at 40 degrees or lower. Temperatures between 40 degrees and 140 degrees Fahrenheit are just right for the growth of food poisoning bacteria.

Don't prepare or purchase foods t for your gathering more than four : Home Size: square feet ~ hours before the meal, unless it r'1 ~ can be adequately refrigerated or ~ '~ : Please describe renovation project: ~ <, frozen. Plan your menus around ;-~EBOS LTO. ~? ~ ", ------~ available facilities. Use fresh MILFORD, MI48381 _' ,,-\ r fruits and vegetables. 800-701-6767 ~J/ Call for our Free Catalog' Keep cold foods in the refrigera- or vlsrl us at our web sltet tor or an ice chest with plenty of http IJNWW aaa-gazebos com ~------(------, Hours available for consultation with writer: Detroit ~]!~~S3~~ Monday - Friday (313) 881-7500 • (810) 776-1480 1 Saturday - Sunday . Do you have "before" photographs of the project in qupqtinn? ~ Free Estimates on New Installations : Yes No professionaIIF aetory Trained lnst3J.Iers ...Q_- Photographs would likely be taken of your home for • Fumaces inclusion in an article, • Air Conditioning e.,.,.. Any restrictions? Yes No • Humidifiers It'll Hard '1b 8q)A 1mne. • • Air Cleaners Did you work with an architect on the project? Yes No • Service If yes, please fumish name: _ •• Did you work with a licensed builder on the proje'ct? Yes No i If yes, please furnish name: ~

10 YEAR PARTS AND lABOR WARRANTlES ON NEW INSTAI.J..ATIONS -::..,,,,, "< Y''"" v ...... ffl4- /- ~ ;r~ ~¥'"~ ~ ...~>« ",~ i ,.

I I r-r I Thursday, August 14, 1997 YourHome Page 13 The Ainsworth it's classic yet light Multiple roof lines, classical got it all. Five levels of shelving colu~ns ~nd raised masonry wrap around two sides of a huge detaIlmg gIve strong curb appeal walk-in pantry, and you'll find to the Ainsworth. This spacious even more storage in the large contemporary plan boasts 2,800 utility room that connects to the square feet of living area plus a garage. sky-lit bonus room over the The plush master suite has a

garage. vaulted ceiling, oversized shower, Bedroom People who like to entertain twin lavs, a walk-in closet and a 13 x 14' will surely appreciate this home. luxurious soaking tub. Glass The combination living room and blocks soften and diffuse the nat- dining room is bright and open, ural light. with natural light spilling in Another room in the Ainsworth through four large windows. faces the street. This could be out- Arches provide access from both fitted as a home office, den, or BonuaRoom " " 19'2' x 16'6' the entry and the huge vaulted guest room. Two large bedrooms Covered Porch family room. are upstairs, along with a bath- Windows fill most of the rear room, a storage closet, and a large wall. A fireplace flanked by book- bonus room that could be left Vaulted Family shelves and an entertainment unfinished until needed. One of 20'8' x16 center anchors the far end of the the bedroomshas a walk-in closet. On to Basement family room, while the kitchen is For a review plan, including at the opposite end. Two of the scaled floor plans, elevations, sec- four rear windows open onto a tioD and artist's conception, send u~ LlvlngIDlnlng partially covered patio, studded $15 to Associated Designs, 1100 24 x 154' with skylights. Jacobs Drive, Eugene, Ore. 97402. A bayed nook expands the com- Specifythe Ainsworth 10-355and Garage fortably large kitchen, which is include a return address when 26'4' x 30'4' totally open to the family room. ordering. A catalog featuring over Storage space, counter space, 170 home plans is available for desk, built-ins - this kitchen's $12. o 1997 AaoaoItOd o.s.gns J roc s

~T1 When vou're seiling your home you want to sell it FAST!! • Your Home reaches buyers weekly every Thursday • Your Home is part of the home town weekly newspaper that has served the Grosse Pointe and Harper Woodsand beyond since 1940 • Your Home contains feature stories that focus on the home owner and their homes If you are selling your house you should be in this issue.

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Page 14 YourHome Thursday,August 14,1997

313-88~-6~OO YOURHOME [L6iJ~~nDVEnTI5ING fOX: 31J-343-556~ 813 Northern Michigan Homes 703 Apts/Flats/Duplex- 722 Vacahon Rental-Out 01 State DEAOUNES Frequency d,$COUnts grven for multJ week scheduled 814 Northern MIchigan lots Wanted to Rent 723 Vacohon Rental- RfAl ESTATE FOR SAl.f & RENT ad-tl$l "9, WIth prepayment or cred'i Df'P"""CII 815 Out 01 State Property Call for rates or for more onfonneman PI-. 704 Halls For Rent No~m Michigan REAl ESTATERESOURa: 816 Real Estate Exchange MONDAY 12 NOON ""''''' .-. __ ~... con be buq on Mondcry & Tuaday 705 Houses - Grosse POlnte/ 724 Vacahon Renlal- Resort Momngs ••• caI -ty. 817 Real Estate Wanted QASSiflEOS p..... Harper Woods 725 Renlals/Leaslng TUESDAY 12 NOON "",10. QASSIFYING & aNSOISHIP: We reseMl the nght 818 Sale or Lease HoIdor-_ 706 DeIrolt/BaIance Wayne County Out-Slate Mu:l-ugon PAYMENTS to ciaully each ad under '" appl'Opl'IOIe 819 Cemetery Lots heodm9 The publisher _ the nghllo .tit 707 Houses - St Clair shores/ Prepayment" ~: 820 BUSiness Opportunlhes We accepI Visa, Maslet<:ard. Cash. Check or ,.et ad copy submlned for publoc:ahon Macomb Counly AD STYlES: COllllfCTlONS & ADJUSTMENTS: Responsdlollty for 708 Houses Wanted to Rent REAL ESTAT£ FOR SALE Word Ads 12 -ms $9 SO, da$$lr..d ad-t1s"1:;" Is ~mlledto ..tt- 0 709 Townhouses/Condos For Rent 800 Houses For Sole canceIIahon of the or a re-run of the REAL ESTAlE RESOURCE add.bonal word" 65< each 710 Townhouses/Condos Wanted 801 Commercial BUildings AhbrevIottons !!2! occepIed porIIoo 'n error Nohlic:ahon must be gtWn ,n 830 Grasse Painte Shores 711 Garages/MIni Storage For Rent 802 Commercial Property Moosu red Ad. $17 70 pet" column IflCh hone for ~ on!he foIIow1ng Issue We 831 Grosse Pomte Woods assume no re1fX'"sibollly for the same after the 712 Garages/Mim Storage Wanted 803 Condos/ Apts /Flats 8o<'der Ads $19 50 per column Inch 832. Grosse Pointe Farms FUll PAGE $713 69 713 Industrial/Warehouse Rental 804 Country Homes 833 Grasse Pointe CIIy 1/2 PAGE $428 22 714 Living QuaI1ef's to Share 805 Farms 834 Grosse Pointe Pork 1/4 PAGE $235 83 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 715 MoIor Homes For Rent 806 Flonda Property 1/8 PAGE $ 130 33 B35 DetrOit 700 ApI$/Flats/DupIex- 716 OffIces/Commercial For Rent 807 InYMtment Property In Column $35 00 (small photo ad W1Ih 836 Horper Woods Grosse POInte/Harper Woods 717 Offices/Commercial Wanted 808 LoIte/RIVe!' Hames PhoIo Ads 15 -msl 837 SI Clair Shores 701 ApIs/FIats/DupleJc- 718 Property Management 809 Lake/River lois Resource $9 25 per lme 838 Northern Michigan Property Detroit/Balance Wayne County 719 Rent with Ophon to Buy 81 0 Lake/River Resorts $3 50 per line when place WIth 839 Flonda mlMnum word ad In "Your Home- 702 Apls/Flats/Duplex- 720 Rooms For Rent 8 11 Lots For Sale B40 All O1her Areas ISpecIOI roles lor l>eensed agents) St Clair Shores/Macomb Counly 721 Vocahon Rental- Florida 812 Mortgages/Lond Contracts n E 0 L ESTOTE F 0 D DENT 700 APTSjFLATSjDUPLEX 701 APTS/FLATSjDUPLEX 700 APTSjFLATSjDUPLEX 700 APTSjFLATSjDUPLEX 700 APTS/FLATSjDUPLEX 700 APTSjFLATSjDUPLEX POINTES/HARPER WOODS DETROIT/WAYNE COUNTY POINTES/HARPER WOODS POINTESjHARPER WOODS POINTESjHARPER WOODS POINTESjHARPER WOODS MARYLAND large 3 bed- 2 bedroom upper flat, new 1026 Lakepointe, 2 bed- 21301 Kingsville- upper 2 950 Harcourt: 2 bedroom GROSSE Pointe Park: room upper, immediate decor, all appliances, room, newly decorated, bedroom condo. Kitchen lower, living room with Maryland, near Jeffer- occupancy. Garage, $600, heat and water in- hardwood floors, kitchen with appliances, central fireplace, dining room, son. Clean and spacious basement, no pets, cluded. 810-294-2646 appliances, washerl dry- air. No pets. $650. 313- modernized kitchen with 3 bedroom upper. Artifi- $675! month (313)882- er, garage. Available 882-4875. eating space. Florida cial fireplace, hardwood 7349. ASHLEY (Mack! 7 area): September 1sl. $650. room, air, no pets. Avail- floors, basement, ga- 3 bedroom upper flat. 946 rage. $625. Eastside upper, one bedroom, 313-881-2991 for further able immediately. $895. MARYLAND. 3 bedroom Beaconsfield. Kitchen, Management Co. 313- newly refinished hard- information. 313-884-6904 upper flat, refrigerator, appliances, separate 884-4887. wood floors, quiet neigh- basement and attic. No stove, washer, dryer, 1 borhood. $550! month 1033 Lakepointe; 2 bed- 952 Harcourt, 2 bedroom smoking, no pets, secur- car garage. No pets. Includes utilities. 313- room first floor flat, refer- upper, living room with GROSSE Pointe- 1 & 2 Available first week of 881-4295 ences and deposit re- ity depOSIt, references fireplace, dining room, bedrooms. Includes ap- quired. $725 monthly. required, $625! month. pliances, private park- September. $600 plus modernized kitchen with utilities and security. CADIEUX! Mack, sharp 1 313-885-0288 available September eating space. Florida ing, most utilities, coin 1sl. 313-823-1836 laundry. From $455. 313-331-1457 bedroom, appliances 1033 Maryland • upper 2 room. Central Air. No (313)886-2920 and heat included $450 bedroom, microwave, 357 St Clair: upper, spa- pets. Available immedi- NEW construction: ready monthly, (313)331-1610 cious 2 bedroom, availa- ately. $850 (313)884- mid-August,. Grosse separate basement with HARCOURT. 2,300 sq. ft. ble September 1st. $800 Pointe Park, all applian- washer and dryer. 6904 2 bath, 2 bedroom plus EAST side 2 bedroom low- unfurnished, $1,200 fur- ces, washer! dryer, 2 Shown Saturday be- den, upper. Living, din- er. Clean and secure. nished.313-885-5725 BEACONSAELD, upper 2 bedrooms, attached ga- tween 12:00- 1:00, ing & family room with $350 plus deposit. 313- bedroom, library, appli- rage, $8001 month. No prompt payment, $550. 406 Hillcrest: $1,3001 fireplace. Central air. 841-2175 ances. $650 plus securi- pets. 313-882-3222 1064 Maryland, 3 bedroom month, 3 bedroom, furni- New appliances. 700 sq. ty.313-824-1439. FLATS for rent, 1 bed- lower, hVlng room, dining ture, central air, 2 car ft. basement laundry, NOTRE Dame near Vil- garage, credit report. garage. Flexible lease. rooms, $450. includes room, kitchen! applian- BEACONSFILED: upper, lage, small lower 1 bed- Broker. 313-886-5040 $1,200. No petsl smok- heat. 313-331-4608 ces, carpeting, seperate available September room flat. (313)882- ers. (313)824-9208. basement, off street 818 Neff; Great location, 2 8th. 313-822-8928 9589. 1.941 WhittIer, one bed- parking. Available Au- bedroom lower. $800 JEFFERSON, spacious 2 NOTTINGHAM south of room condo. Heat, wa- gust 1sl. References. lease, plus utilities. Ap- BRIGHT two bedroom bedroom upper unit, Jefferson, 3 bedroom ter, appliances. No pets! No smoking. No pets. pOintments Call: John apartment. Hardwood central air, den, natural flat, hardwood floors, $425. 313-881-3666 $625. 313-884-2571. Albrecht, 313-963-5730 floors. Porch. Newly fireplace, appliances, fireplace, garage. $725 or 313-882-4988 1355 Somerset, 3 bed- decorated. Appliances, $1,500 per month. Wil- (313)331-0834 Evenings MACK! Cadieux: one bed- room lower, refinished 848 Beaconsfield, 2 bed- parking. (313)824-3849 cox Realtors, (313)884- after 5:00 pm. room apartment, new hardwood floors, new room upper apartment. 3550. carpeV pamt. $450 in- kitchen and bath, fire- Newly refi01shed floors. GROSSE Pointe Farms, TROMBLEY. beautiful cludes heat. Senior dis- place. Appliances in- No smokmg bUilding. No MUIr near Kercheval, LAKEPOINTE, 2 bedroom 2,500 sq. ft. 3 bedroom. count. 313-885-5222 cluded, 2 car garage. pets. References & se- half block from Cottage large upper. Available 2 bath upper. Fireplace, Available October 1st. CUrity deposit required. Hospital. Charming, 2 September 1st. Washer, alf, appliances, balcony, MORANGI Kelly, 2 bed- $800. 313-822-7604. $650 month. (313)822- bedroom upper. large dryer, dIshwasher, new- basement, laundry, ga- room duplex. Stove, re- 1235. kitchen with appliances, ly decorated, off street rage. No peV smokers. fngerator. carpet, ceiling 1456 Wayburn, (Park). sunporch. $650 includes parking, no petsl smok- $1,400. 313-824-4040. fans, basement, alarm. 923 Nottingham, 2 bed- Spacious, clean 2!3 heat. EastSide Manage- 109,$650. 313-886-1821 $500 plus utilities! se- bedroom upper. liVing rooms. Dining & liVing ment Co., 313-884- VERNIER, lower 2 bed- CUrtty! last months rent. room, dining room, room, sun porch, kitch- 4887. LAKE POINTE. lower 2 room. Appliances, ga- 313-922-4652. basement. Includes ap- en. 1 car garage. Private bedroom flat. All new rage, air. $675. Immacu- pliances, water. Availa- basement, washer, dry- GROSSE POinte Park, 1 WIth central air. $750 late. References. 313. MOROSS, near 1-94. 3 ble September 1sl. er, refrigerator, stove. bedroom, Includes heaV plus utilities. 313.885- 881-3149. bedroom, security sys- $475. per month. 313- No pets; $700 plus se- water $450 monthly. 5222. 701 APTSjFLATSjDUPLEX tem. Very nice. $575. 526-6337 CUrlty, September 1. 313-824-7900 DETROIT/WAYNE COUNTY plus security 313-839- (810)775-5659 LOWER flat in Park. 2 2037Vermer, Grosse 4903 or 313-882-6277. bedroom, 1 bath fully 2 and 3 bedroom flats on Pointe Woods. 2 bed- GROSSE Pointe City, 2 GROSSE Pointe Park, carpeted. new applian- Outer Drive. Hardwood ONE bedroom apartment, room lower, 1 car ga- bedroom lower, oak BeaconsfIeld: 3 bed- room lower, stove! re- ces, split basement, split floors throughout. All ap- Beaconsfieldl Whittier. rage, central air, appli- floors, updated kitchen, pliances Included. $425/ frigerator, $650./ securi- garage. $600. plus utilit- Appliances, credit ances. No pets, non- appliances. No petsl month. Plus utilities. ty. Good condition. 810- ies.Call 313-821-0838, check, laundry available. smoker, $725. (313)881- smoking. $675. 313- 313-884-7614. 293-2735. after 4 p.m. $365. (313)882-4132. 6780. 822-3390.

I I Thursday, August 14, 1997 YourHome Page 15 .. 701 APTS/fLATS/DUPLEX 702 APTS/fLATS/DUPLEX 705 HOUSES FOR RENT 705 HOUSES FOR RENT 711 GARAGES/MINI DETROIT/WAYNE COUNTY S.CS/MACOMB COUNTY 716 OFFICE/COMMERCIAL POINTESjHARPER WOODS POINTESjHARPER WOODS STORAGE FOR RENT FOR RENT ONE bedroom apartment. EXECUTIVE HOME Cadieux! Warren. Extra WEDGEWOOD in the 3 car garage for rent locat- FOR lease; I- 94/ 8 Mile, RENTAL large. Laundry available. Woods, fully furnished ed just outside of 500 square feet, J- 696/ 14 Lakeside Court, $475. Credit check. 313- £\ 2,800 square foot, 4 Grosse POinte. Call 313- Mound 600 and 1,700 Grosse Pointe City. bedroom Cape Cod. All 682-4132. , y -: 881-8809 square feet. All ameni- -... 4 bedrooms, amenities. Available Ju- 712 GARAGES/MINI ties. Castle Real Estate. ONE bedroom apartment. :-~ 2 1/2 baths, family room. ly, $3,390 a month, STORAGE WANTED 810-756-1100 Kelly & 8 Mile. Heat & HOW MUCH library. Living and dining Kessler & ASSOCiates, air. $400 plus deposit. LONCER room. Deck off eat- in 313-882-2646. LADY wants to rent ga- FOR sale or lease. Good references. 810- CAN YOU kitchen. Central air, rage for small car. Grosse Pointe Farms. 706 HOUSES fOR RENT 247-1441 LIVE professionally landscaped. (313)417-8982 1,200 sq. ft. Deluxe of- Brokers protected. DETROIT /WAYNE COUNTY 714 LIVING QUARTERS tice building. Great loca- TWO bedroom, living WITHOUT room, dining room. kitch- Rent negotiable depending 45n Farmbrook. Detroit. 2 TO SHARE tion. By owner WATER? on lease duration, en, cedar walk- in clos- bedrooms, garage. BEDROOM to rent In $159,900. 313-882-0626 Harbor Club South $3,500/ per month et. Security System. $500/ month plus securi- Grosse Pointe Park es- for detailS Apartments Be Yacht range. Hardwood doors & ty deposit. 313-881- tate. Near lake. Private Harbor has... Days: 313-983-7444 HARPER WOODS- Newly woodwork. $625, 1/2 of 1163 full bathroom, kitchen Affordable 1 a 2 Nights: 313-885-3553 decorated, very nice 1,600 heat paid. A. Porter, bedroom lakefront apts. privileges & pool. $450/ CADIEUXI Warren, 2 bed- sq. ft., suites or smaller ..... 313-885-2000 RIGHT ON LAKE ST. CLA1Rt FOUR bedroom, three & month. 313-622-0758 offices. Very reasonably one half baths. Cotswold room ranch. Central air, priced. Easy access, 1-94 702 APTS/FLATS/DUPLEX Enjoy: basement, garage. large CONDO on lake, $290 S.C.S/MACOMB COUNTY - New Ewo-Style Style home In the Park. (at Vernier).Call Mr. Rob- Elegant rooms, library, fenced yard. $475 plus half utilities. Refer- erts 313-886-2900 or Timo. Kitchens month. 810-777-2635. ences reqUired. 610- 10 Milel/ Little Mack; 1 - Private Yacht Harbor porch, central air. thy Sinclair, 810-540-1000. 790-1045. large bedroom, neWly - Free Heat and Water gleaming wood floors. DETROIT - 4 bedroom IMPROVE your company's decorated, appliances, - Enormous WOOd Minimum one year lease. brick ranch. Remodeled, NEED A ROOMMATE? image. Showcase your central air, $440. 810- Decks a Patios CredIt report & references option $550. Rental All ages, occupations, wares or servIces 10 this 468-1693 .. Pool a F"ltness Facility required. $2.500 per Pros 313-882-Rent tastes, backgrounds claSSIC building on Ker- .. Wafer-front Clubhouse month plus utilities. EASTPOINTE- 9/ Gratiot. and lifestyles. cheval In Grosse Pointe .. Fdendly "Boat-Town" Johnstone & Johnstone, Spacious 1 bedroom IMMEDIA TE occupancy: Featured on Kelly & Co. Farms. Ask for R.G. atmosphere (313)884-0600 townhouse style apart- SpacIous 3 bedroom Home-Mate Specialists Edgar, 886-6010 ments with basement, MAkr YOUR fRiENds JEAlous, GROSSE Pomte City- 3 rental property 1 block 248-644-6845 newly decorated, air, ap- CAll ANd MOVE..iN TodAy! bedroom, 1 full, 2 half from Grosse Pointe. In- PROFESSIONAL office pliances included. Con- PROFESSIONAL Male, space, Fisher Rd. IMMEdiATE AvAilAbilily baths, central air, appli- cludes living room, din- non smoker will share 2 venient location! $495 ing room, kitchen, applI- Grosse Pointe, 350 sq. (810) 791..1441 ances, 2 car garage. bedroom flat on har- month. Senior discount. ances, fenced yard. 2 ft. Includes, water. gas Credit check. $900. court. $340, 1/2 utilities. Call 313-885-8300 ext. !JOI( ~...," tie Joat// electric, parking. (313)682-4132. car garage. New carpet. 313-822-1132 204. $500/ month, plus (313)343-0380. GROSSE Pointe Schools- 705 'HOUSES FOR RENT month and half security QUIET professional non- small 3 bedroom, Bun- SECURE, private, quality POINTES/HARPER WOODS deposit. 17430 Muncey smoking roommate galow, central air, stove, space. Excellent parking 1073 Wayburn, 3 bed- Detroit. Please call for wanted to share 2 bed- refiigerator, 2 car ga- and freeway access. On room, 1.5 bath, family appointment. (313)881- room, 1 bath home in rage. $700 per month site management. Suite room, newer kitchen, 6687 St. Clair Shores. Garage plus security. No pets. size 270 to 780 square ... dishwasher, newer car- & private lakefront park. (313)886-3994. teet. Call 313-886-3490 pet, 2 car garage with TWO bedroom, Kelly/ Mo- $400 month plus half opener, central air, GROSSE Pointe Schools. ross. Clean, decorated, utilities. 810-778-1183. SMALL office (7x 10). credit check. $500. alarm system, base- Small 2 bedroom ranch 716 OFFICE/COMMERCIAL 17901 E. Warren, De- (313)882-4132. ment, with washer and on Hollywood. $675. FOR RENT troit. $110/ month dryer. Shown Saturday. 313-884-0501 707 HOUSES FOR RENT / (313)885-1900 CLINTON TOWNSHIP between 1:30- 2:30. GROSSE Pointe Woods; S.C.S/MACOMB COUNTY Prompt payment $800. 19 Mile, near St. Joe's, for SMALL office space avail- ranch, 2 bedroom. Now, BEAunFUL brick ranch, 3 lease, medical, dental & able in Grosse Pornte immediate occupancy. bedroom. 2 bath, 2- 1/2 :.tisherI~ white 20944 Hollywood, very professional suites, great Park. Reasonable. 313- $1,000 per month, se- car garage. New kitch- 822-0012 small 1 bedroom house, rates & lease terms. Excel- Euro-kitchen, curity deposit, no pets. en, finished basement, lent landlord, Various size $400. First, last, security Call Sandy: 313-331- appliances. and more. 720 ROOMS FOR RENT clubhouse. deposite. (313)885-4631 suites available. 0330 Quiet neighborhood. Ask for John McTevia Available November 1st. BEDROOM to rent in Pool, deck GROSSE Pointe. 3 bed- ANTON, ZORN & 2174 Van Antwerp; 2 bed- $775 plus utilities and Grosse Pointe Park es. room, 1- 1/2 bath Colo- room brick bungalow. ASSOCIATES overlooking security. 810-779-3655 810-469-8888 tate. Near Lake. Private nial. Sunporch. garage, 1.5 baths, basement, full bathroom, kitchen garage. $875. Rental Lake St. Clair. $925.810-263-0397. ST. Clair Shores 3 bed- COLONIAL EAST privileges & pool. $450/ Pros, {313)882-Rent (South of room ranch. air, carpet- St. Clair Shores month. 313-822-0758 3 1/2 bedroom. 2 1/2 bath, HARPER Woods 3 bed- ed, fenced. $725. Rental 9 Mile and Harper MefropoUtan Beach) dining room, fireplace. room. Basement. New Pros (810)773-Rent 150-600 sq. ft, all FEMALE roommate for St. ... Florida room, 2 car at- Clair Shores canal front paint & carpet. Nice, 709 TOWNHOUSES/CONDOS utilities, 5 day janitor, near tached garage. $1250 expressway, reasonable. home. $450 plus utilit- clean. $775. Referen- FOR RENT 810-469-2628 month. Immediate occu- ces. 313-881-4224, 810- (810)n8-0120 ies. 810-n4-8340, 810- pancy.81o-n7-6711. 954-2670 HARPER and 9 mile con- n6-8021 do. One bedroom lower, DOWNTOWN Mt. Clem- 3 Bedrooms, dining room, LAKEFRONT 3 bedroom appliances, heat and ens- neWly renovated ST. John's hospital area. eat-In kitchen. 1 1/2 colonial, Masonic & Jef- water, car port, $495. Historic loft offices. Pri. Laundry and kitchen baths, fInished base- ferson, St. Clair Shores. (810)296-8510. vate bathrooms, free privileges. $265 per ment, fireplace, Boat hOist, all amenities. parking. $500.- $750. month utilities included. screened porch, 2 car $2,295, minimum 1 year LAKESHORE Village con- gross. Call 313.822- Craig 313-884.9035 garage, fenced yard. lease. Kessler and As. do, 2 bedroom town- 2020 721 VACATION RENTALS washer dryer. $1100 sOC.,313-882-2646. flORIDA house. Hardwood floors, EASTPOINTE month plus utilittes. PARK, 3 bedroom bunga- all appliances. Available Completely remodeled. BARGAIN. Flonda retreat! Available August 1st. September 1st. $675 low. $875 monthly, plus Keyed restrooms, near 2 bedroom, 2 bath, fur- 810-231-6572. per month. 313-886- security. 313-822-1519 X-ways. 200 sq. ft.- OIshed condo. Moorings, 5706 or 313-462-1673 2700 sq. ft. Vero Beach. Salel rent. ATTENTION Landlords! To place your ad, call: 810-n6-5440 (313)881-6701 Call us first. We have an REANUD 3 bedroom, 2 ST. Clair Shores- Marter (313)882-6900 Inventory of qualified bath, ranch, $2,500 per Rd. BeautifUl, 2 bed- SMALL executive suite In BEACH Resort. Treasure or fax us at: tenants looking for your month, Adlhoch & Asso- room Duplex- Town- Harper Woods available Island. Great view! Pool, 313-343-556911 home. Kessler Reloca- ciates Realtors. Call house. $650. (248)559. for immediate occupan- spa, cable, kitchen. tion.313-882-2646 Gary (313)882-5200. 2982. cy.313-371-6600 Weekly. 1-800-318-5632

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Page 16 YourHome Thursday, August 14, 1997

721 VACATION RENTALS 122 VACATION RENTALS 723 VACATION RENTALS 723 VACATION RENTALS 723 VACATION RENTALS 724 VACATION RENTALS FLORIDA OUT OF STATE NORTHERN MICHIGAN NORTHERN MICHIGAN NORTHERN MICHIGAN RESORTS BEAUTIFUL Northern Harbor SpringslPetoskey STROMNESS Island rent- SANIBEL HARSOUR WE ACCEPT HARBOR Springs 3 bed- Michlganl Swim, golf, als, off Middle Channel RESORT & SPA, room plus condo. Condos & vacation homes fiSh, sight- see. Pnvate near Harsens Island. FT. MYERS Sleeps 12. Pool, tennrs. with lakes, tennis, pools, owner. (810)954-1720, near shopping & dining. Beautiful 45 acre island 2/2 Condo / Private Beachl ~ Near Boyne Highlands. (810)778-4367 Sleeps 6 FOR YOUR Available after 8/10/97. Plan your Labor Day with 2 cottages. Daily or weekly rates. Rent cot- 4 Diamond Resort CONVENIENCE HARBOR Springs 3 bed- 810-977 -8509 weekend and fall get- aways. Resort Property tages or whole Island for Glorious Sunsets & Views' room condominium: Fax your ads 24 hours Management Company any event. Perfect for Week Or Month WATERFRONT cottage pool, tennis, mmutes to 343-5569 (800)968-2844 company pIcnics. Great (248)583-5309 on Stag Island, Canada shopping, golf. 313-885- for fishmg or duck hunt- wIth large dock, fully fur- 4142, 313-886-1000, HARBOR Sprlngs- Late WALLOON Lake: weekly ing.810-791-9524. nished, 4 bedrooms, Jennifer. August stili available, or rental. Large new million ---~------CLASSIFIEDS bath, full screened porch reserve now for Fall col- dollar home. 2 whirl- Don't Forget- and storage shed. 810- ors. Cute home, well- lo- pools, steam shower, Call your ads in Early! STARTYDUR 798-8254, 519-862- cated. Collect: (616)526- etc. $4,000. per week. Classified Advertising SEARCH 61REI 5495 3963. 616-347-4664 882-6900 n E H L F 0 n S H L E


16451 LIberal, Detroit: EAST English Village ST. Clair Shores: spacious GROSSE Pointe Woods- 3 charming 2 bedroom, 1 area, Charming 3 bed- 3 bedroom ranch with blocks from Lakeshore. Thomas Ervin bath ranch. New kitchen room all brick Cape attached garage, open Beautiful 3 bedroom ."1./ with oak cabinets and Cod, in the East English floor plan with newly re- ranch, 2 baths, family granite counterlops, up- Village area, full base- modeled kitchen and room with dual firepla- Let'sTalk About dated bath, refinished ment, garage, hardwood bath, large living room ces. Absolutely perfect hardwood floors, freshly floors, and more. An ex- with natural fireplace, move- in condition. Air .1..•.••~;: painted, newer furnace ceptional value at beautiful wood deck on ~: conditioning, sprinkling . Real Estate and central air. This IS $79,900. Immediate a double lot. Lakeview . not a drive by, call today system, upstairs & base- possession, call Don Sy- schools. 27420 Ursuline. ment laundry, finished and make your appoint- mons Century 21 Kee By owner. 810-n2-4552 basement, attached WHAT DOES A REALTOR@ OFFER? ment. Christine Jurcak, (810)445-6516. by appointment. Coldwell Banker large 2 car garage. Consider the following facts when deciding on the feasibility Schweitzer 313-885- Classified Advertising (313)881-3272. Fax your ads 24 hours of using a Realtor€t in the sale of your home. 2000 an IDEA that sellsl 343-5569 OBJECI1VITY - You. the homeowner. are emotionally 481 Labelle, Grosse 808 LAKE/RIVER HOMES 808 LAKE/RIVER HOMES 808 LAKE/RIVER HOMES .. involved in your home. The financial oulCOme of an upcommg Pointe Farms Colonial. sale is auciaI to your security and peace of mind. The decor, 1,400 square feet, plus furnishings, and care given to your home are all an intimate basement, With cellar. 3 extension of your own personality. The Realtore can view your large bedrooms, 1.5 TROPHY PROPERTY AUCTION borne with the experienced eye of a marketing professional. baths, su nroom , 1.5 car Without your emotional feelings about the bome, be or she can garage, on inviting lot. Detroit's Premier Mansion weigh its pluses and minuses more objectively. A Realtor@! can Exterior. maintence free. also serve as a valuable negotiator who can communicate Interior, move in condi- tion, with many updates. ~~~~ae effectively with both buyer and seUer. Major appliances stay. PRICING - The proper pricing of your home ~ essential to Will consider offers from, I The Castle on the Lake' maximizlDg your proceeds from the sale. Itshould be as highas the $170,000 to $185,000, Heather Lake - Oakland County, Michigan market will allow, yet not out of touch with reality. It should be based on appraisal. By appointment, (313)881- Stately Mansion wlMagnificent Great Hall' Strauss Chandeliers' Spectacular Fireplaces reasonable enough to encourage buyers to see your home, yet high 3120. • Leaded & Stained-Glass Windows • Marble Columns • Solid-Wood Paneling enough to leave some room for negotiation. Realtorst'!l know how • Ornate Millwork • Billiard Room • Sauna Room • Jacuzzi Room to price your home because they know the marketplace in terms of 730 Lincoln. Attractive • Fully-Equipped Beauty Salon • Exquisite Grounds • Garden ScUlptures & Fountains today's values. center entrance colOnial. • Limestone Portico • Courtyard • Gazebo • Boardwalk to Boat Dock • Terraces 4 bedrooms, 2 baths • Luxury L-Shaped Pool' Carriage House EXPERIENCE -The art of showing, negotiation, and selling (2nd floor). 5th bed- Also Selling at Auction: a home is learned over a period of time. Selling a home, as in every room, 1/2 bath (3rd Adjoining Homesite on Heather Lake ... other aspect of life, is best accomplished by ~ who do it often. floor). Hardwood floors . MARKET EXPOSURE - M~ Realtors8 belong to Recreation room and full bath In finished base- multiple listing organizations. These groups use computer systems ment. Newly landscap- to keep member companies mformed of all homes coming into ed, new windows. and leaving the market every day. Much lIke the stock exchange $349,000. (313)884- tICker, this computer proVldes up-to-date mfonnation on current 4212 listIngs and also past sales. When your home is lISted with one of CHARMING 3 bedroom these companies, the information IS broadcast over telephone lines (remodeled Master bed- to all cooperating finns. Newspaper advertISing and natIonal room), 1- 1/2 bath bun- referral groups also provide the Realtore with additional galow. Dining room, air, promotional tools. 2 car garage, finished basement. Open Sun- FINANCIAL KNOWLEDGE - Most buyers need financmg day 1:00- 4:00. 1889 help to buy your home. Many forms of financlOg are aVaJ.lable Huntington, Grosse today. The great variety of mortgages can be confusing to an Pomte Woods. inexperienced buyer. The Realtor8 can give needed advice to both $152,900. 313-884-0905 the seller and the buyer regarding the most appropriate financing No realtors. method to use in each situation. GROSSE Pointe Clty- 3 bedroom, 1 full, 2 half BEFORE THE DEADLINE baths, central air, 2 car garage. $120,000. MONDA Y AT 12 NOON! - (313)882-4132. I I Thursday, August 14, 1997 YourHome Page 17 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SAlE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 803 (ONDOS / APTS/FlATS FIRST OFFERING 803 (ONDOS/APTS/FlATS 5T CLAIR SHORES HARPER WOODS NEW LISTING LAKESHORE VIllage con- Beautiful 3 bedroom brick Sharp 5 room Vinyl sided 28865 JEFFERSON do, 2 bedroom town- ranch. In popular neigh- ranch featurrng 3 car Beautifully restored colo- !'A~rnt~tu"YII!I \IV11J1U~ t<~- house. End unrt, central borhood. Family room, fin- mechanics garage. nial. 4 bedrooms, 2 full aIr, newer, enlarged CONDO: Harper Woods, Ished basement. Just $54,900. FHAIVA. baths. Over 2,200 square kItchen, all appliances. Balfour square on move m! Asking $119,900. feet. A must see! Finished basement, pool Lee Real Estate Fleetwood, near East- DETROIT'S BEST BUY $219,000 and clubhouse. $65,900. Super sharp 3 bedroom Ask for Harvey land. Beautiful area, up- 81()..771.3954 313-371-7100 bungalow. Finished base- Completely updated 4 1923 Lochmoor per unit.850 Square ment, 2 car garage. Imme- HARPER Woods, Grosse bedroom, 2 1/2 bath 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath feet, with basement car- ST. Clair Shores, RiViera diate occupancy. Move In Pointe Schools. 2 bed- ranch. Great Grosse brick colonial with port and patio. $53,900. Terrace; 2 bedroom, 2 condition. Only $54,900 room, updated bath & Pointe Woods location. updated kitchen, new 1-810-949-9378 bath, up dated garden kitchen. Large family Over 2,000 sq. ft. Nothing windows, basement, level, $67,500. 810-n2- Stieber Realty 2.5 car garage, HARPER WOODS room. Nicely decorated. to do, but move- in. 2802 81 ()..775-4900 Iiving room, Super sharp 1 bedroom Great starter home. By Condo $40,900. $6,000 FOR Sale by owner. Open family room owner. $72,500. 21630 CHALON Must See! $194,900 assumes payment of Gra&Je 1binte ~ Sunday August 17th, (313)885-8628. Beautiful 2 bedroom brick $4551 per month. 1:00 to 5:00. 3 bedroom ranch, new windows, roof. Ask for Harvey ranch style home in ex- HARPER Woods, Grosse Classified Advertising Pointe Schools. Immac- Family room off kitchen. 4208 Bishop Lee Real Estate cellent condition and lo- The updates go on & on. 3 Bedroom brick (810)771-3954 882 ..6900 cation. 2 natural firepla- ulate! New top to bottom bungalow. $135,900. A must see. $99,900 bungalow. Completely ces. Large family room remodeled inSide. New overlooking a large back Open Sunday 1:00- Grosse Pointe News 4:00. 20838 Beautait. Handyman Special roof, windows, finished yard, landscaped for pri- basement, formal dining ',<,cQNNtffiON 313-881-3591 III , • , ,...... f t I vacy. Lot size 113'X 16032 Rossini room, 2 car garage. 145'. Home has been HARPER Woods- 2 bed- 3 bedroom frame $Jl4,900 Classifieds completely up dated in- room bungalow, finished bungalow, $34,900 FULL SERVICE (313)882-6900 cluding new kitchen. For attic, updated bath, new- BROKERAGE appointment call: 313- er kitchen floor, 2 1/2 LUCIDO & ASSOC. FULL TIME 800 HOUSES FOR SAlE 882-3229 car garage. $72,900. 313-882-1010 REALTORS 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 313-839-5616. FORECLOSED Govern- COMMISSIONS ment homes. Save up to WARREN- Beierman, 2 ST. Clair Shores: 3 bed- STARTING AT 50% or more on repos- bedrooms, 1 bath, beau- room brick ranch, im- sessed homes. Littlel No tifully maintained. Stove, maculate, immediate oc- 4% down payment. Bad refrigerator, trash com- cupancy. $115,000. CALL credit OK. Toll free 1- pactor stay. New win- 810-296-1490 (313)886-5670 888-436-7973 ext. 644. dows, doors, circular (SCA Network) drive & more. Tappan & Associates, Inc. 313- GOVERNMENT Fore- 884-6200 closed homes from pen- nies on your $1.00. De- REAL ESTATE f}iel\L~ linquent Tax, Repo's, ATTORNEY REO's. Your Area. Toll Will represent you at the Free. 1-800-218-9000 closing of your home. E~'P~~801 COMMERCIAL BUilDINGS Ext. H-5803 for current Attorney B.J. BELCOURE listings. eAc/'vlJc A FIRST OFFERING 313-882-2323 Attention Investors GROSSE Pointe Woods. REDUCED! Recently re- .r C? or Users 1179 Hampton. 3 bed- 51,000 SF in Clinton room, 2 bath, brick modeled 3 bedroom Need help with ranch. Near Mornmgside Township professional ranch. Formal dming your classified ad? center, brick construction, room, fireplace in liVing & Cook Rd.! 248.344- 9904. Call our friendly pitched roofs, good current and family room. Finish- expert sales retum Withplenty ed basement. Central ST. Clair Shores condo of upside left. air, 2 car garage. Huge ranch. 2 bedroom. 1.5 representatives Ask for Joe Sowerby park- like lot. $195,900. bath, attached garage, for advice! ANTON, ZORN & Open Sunday, 1pm- deck, corner unit. (313)882-6900 ASSOCIATES 5pm. (313)884-2147 $97,000. (810)779-8562 810-469-8888

800 HOUSES FOR SAlE 800 HOUSES FOR SAlE 800 HOUSES FOR SAlE 800 HOUSESFOR SAlE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SAlE • • $334,900 OUTSTANDING OFFERING BT OWNER 1380 KENSINGTON • GROSSE POINTE PARK 1040 N. OXFORD ROAD • CORNER FAIRWAY (313) 882-2087 By Appointment Charming Colonial in prime area of Grosse Pointe Woods Approx on beautiful, private corner lot. 2800 Sq ft 5 bedroom English Tastefully decorated throughout with 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, style 2 Full and living room with natural fireplace, dining room, library, large family 2 Y1 baths Llvmg room with wet bar and Franklin Stove, finIshed basement, room WIth stone stone patio With gas gril" many extras. fIreplace Formal This is a lovely, well-maintained home WIth a warm and comfortable dmmgroom atmosphere ...truly "move-m" condition. Large famIly room Open House on Su1Ukly,August 17th 2:00 to 5:00 wi fIreplace and from bookcases or shtntm by IJppointment • CR1l313-884-40S2 All almond updated kItchen WIth matchmg GE appliances Charmmg Aslti"B PM redueetl to $324,500 breakfast room With pantry 3rd floor sUIte w/full bath HardWOOd floors Reasonable offers and single party listings considered throughout, mcludmg kitchen. FIrushed basement NIcely decorated and • move m ready. PosseSSIOnat clOSing Buyers agent 1 party ustmg 3% • •

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.: Page 18 YourHome Thursday, August 14, 1997

820 BUSINESS 808 LAKE/RIVER HOMES 803 CONDOS/ APTS/FLATS OPPORTUNITIES WOODBRIDGE EAST LAKEFRONT Sandy FOR SALE! Open Sunday 1-4 1065 beach in Canada, one 7 Station YOUR HOME Woodbndge Sharp, 2 bed- hour from Detroit. Ex. . room, 2 1/2 bath bnck ceptional year round ex- Hair Salon townhouse. Finished base- ecutive home. 4 bed. magazine ment. Move in condition. rooms, 3 baths. Call on Mack, Stieber Realty Nancy Pntchard, St. Clair Shores 81o-n5-4900 Re/Max Preferred Real- ty, 519-322-2571. Call evenings, PHOTO ADS 808 LAKE/RIVER HOMES LEXINGTON. (810)771-9556 LakeView condo- 2 bed- Publications: GREETING Card Dlstnbu- CANAL 81. Clair Shores. room, 2 bath, ground tor: national company, our Home (Grosse pointe News & 1,000 square feet, 2 level. Sandy beach. no selling, company ac- bedroom ranch. 1.5 ga- $96,900 counts, $5,000./ month, Connection newspapers) rage. Completely updat- PENTHOUSE CONDO- 3 possible part time, 10 ed. All appliances stay. bedroom,2 bath over- accounts, with stock. .. Large corner lot. 180' looking the harbor & Only $6,900. 1.800-917- steel seawall. $159,000. Lake Huron. $199,000. 9500 ou Get: By appointment. PRIVATE BEACHFRONT- (810)771-8015 2 bedroom 2 bath over 2 HOUSECLEANING com- 15 words of copy and a photo! (We type- acres With 100' frontage. pany for sale! Great op- CHESTERFIELD Town- $260,000 portunity to start or ex- et -- no charge!) ship Lottivue Subdivi- pand your business. Ap- sion. Meticulously deco- Please ask for Virginia proximately $25,000./ rated, and tastefully up- Red Carpet Keim, year. 248-474-3769 dated inside/ outside de- Lexington. (810)359-7316 NEAR LAKE Deadline: scribes this dynamic Home 359-5681 ST. CLAIR 3,600 approximate Legendary eatery in Closes every Monday at 12 noon! square feet colonial situ- 809 LAKE/RIVER LOTS Southern Macomb County ated on large canal lot. with class C Liquor li- 20 wooded acres, house, (Subject to change near holidays.) $455,000. Cal Richard cense, gross sales total barn. Lake Huron. Golf Smith 810-725-5071 Tri- $1.5 million on the books, course, $150,000. 717- county Realty. assets & real estate in- 292-6312 cluded. $979,000, terms Rate: corr AGE on St. Clair 820 BUSINESS possible. River, Algonac ferry to OPPORTUNITIES Ask for Joe Sowerby ONLY $35.00 Walpole Island. 2 bed- A FIRST OFFERING ANTON, ZORN & room, furnished. Great Downtown Mt. Clemens is ASSOCIATES (Each additional word is $.65!) boating, fIshing, hunting. hot, large established eat. 81G-469-8888 $22,500.313-824-0741 ery & pub, included Class SUCCESSFUL Christian e C Liquor License, great lo- business man seeks in- For more information, please contact your Classified HARSENS ISLAND cation, turnkey operation. dividuals who would like Advertising representative for Ask for Joe Sowerby to earn $50,000 to ~1~'\'=:W ANTON ZORN & $100,000 plus yearly: professional assistance! ASSOCIATES and drive free company i.::bJ.b (810)469-8888 paid cars: Call 1.800- l:.~;-' J.. ~r--r----- AN EXCELLENT 742-4313. Executive Home RESTAURANT Grosse Pointe News Away From Home OPPORTUNITY Relax and watch Upper scale, fine dining, 8:~NfWS,,,,.tS the freighters go by exquisite menu, long time in the gorgeous establishment, great em- 3,000 sq. ft. custom ployee base. Mt. Clemens beauty on the South area, near the water, boat Channel. Asking. , ::s access ,~f' 313-882.6900 $539,900. C-21 Town & Country, Ask for John McTevia + Call Denise 810- ANTON, ZORN & To place your ad, call: 286-4173 ASSOCIATES (313)882-6900 810-469-8888


~" FOR SALE ----.----BY OWNER 1476 South Renaud Grosse Pointe Woods $289,000 ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED' TIlls home ISTRULY not a dnve-by! Sprawhng and '\pacious (2859 sq ft) 3 bedroom ranch In Pnme area of the Woods. Large 100 x 150 lot Inground heated pool Central air condltlOnmg, very large kitchen, all built-m appliances mcluded, refngerator, convecllonlmicrowave oven, range/conventIonal oven, dl'\hwasher LIVing room, With natural fireplace dmmg room, famIly room, den/recreation room, I full (separate stall <;howerand tub), 2\12baths, firsl floor laundry Withfull SIze Maytag stackabies mcluded Storage galore. • BROKERSWELCOME ,. , ~ CALL 881- 7958 FOR APPOINTMENT OR MORE INFORMATION ~ - I I I ~"., -- Thuffiday, August 14, 1997 VourHome Page 19 EAL ESTATE 830 GROSSE POINTE SHORES 834. GROSSE POINTE PARK Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price No listings Available Phone Pemberton Rd. Perfectly done and featUring newer kitchen, master sUlte( thIrd floor walk- up. FIrst floor aundry 831 GROSSE POINTE WOODS .. more R.C.Edgar & Associates. Call 313-886-6010 Address Bedroom/Bath DescriptIOn Price Phone Windmill Pointe Drive. MagOlflclent Lake 51.Clair view IS 617 S. Higbie Place 3/2 Sale or rent wIth option just the beginning In descnblng thiS to purchase. Call 313.882-7065 elegant Englrsh Tudor style. R.C. Edgar & Associates. Call 313-886-6010 672 Birch lane 4/2.5 Open Sunday 2- 4. Pnce reduced!! See picture ad in class 800 $314,000 313-884-5292 1179 Hampton 3/2 Open Sunday 1-5. See class #800. $195,900 313-884.2147 836 HARPER WOODS 1325 Roslyn 4/2 Immaculate bungalow gone Address colOnial 2 NFP. Frn. bsmnt. Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone wi bar & full bath Newer windows, 20838 Beaufait 4/1 Open Sunday 1. 4 $135,900 313-881-3591 roof Family room. OpenSunday 2- 4. 313-886.3400 Pat Chasteen. Higbie Maxon $197,500 813-9865

832 GROSSE POINTE FARMS 837 ST. CLAIR SHORES Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 223 Stephens 5/3.5 Pnce reduced! $459,000 313-882-5156 28037 Nieman 3/2 Open Sunday 1- 4. Completely quality updated. Near Jefferson. 31 Rose Terrace 5/3.5 ExecutIVe residence- 1st floor Century 21 Associates master sUite Bolton. Johnston Assoc. Call 810-778.8100 Connie Dunlap Call 313-884-6400 501 Riviera Terrace 2/2 Updated garden level $67,500 810-772-2802 230 Dean Lane. 4/2.5 Open Sunday 2. 4. Immediate DrastiC posesslon Immaculate pnce Bolton Johnston. reduction 313-884-6400 838. NORTHERN MICHIGAN 833 GROSSE POINTE CITY Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone No Listings Available Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone No listings Available 839. FhORIDA PROPERTY 834. GROSSE POINTE PARK Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Price Phone Bedroom/Bath Description No Listings Available Ellair Road New construction, vacant lots available Our builder IS ready to diSCUSSconstruction R.C. Edgar & Associates. Call 313-886-6010 Bishop Rd. NEW CONSTRUCTION. Four lots remaining Our bUIlder IS 840. ALL OTHER AREAS awaiting our call to coordinate Address Bedroom/Bath constructmg your dream home. Description Price Phone ------!:C.Ed~ Associates. Call 313-886-6010 No Listings Available




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Anita, Grosse Pointe Woods This three bedroom ranch hasail the desirable leaturesvou \,p been 1\ allln~ tor an attordable price, 11\0 a1)(1 one hail bath, dpn and Florida room u-:"->~. ,. ~i¥"i~ ~~~!"",L .••• _• ..4jJ.:.~'~' SIX ~!!f¥"~,,~'t'Io... .. ~ "I~(

Kerby Road, Grosse Pointe Farms Radnor, Detroit Lancaster, Harper Woods llSTIHGS Out<;tandlll~ jlotpntlall' !lC'reIn thl<;11\0 bf'clroom E\ccptlol1dl I alue on Ihl' pllpul,lr ,treet nl\lI TI1rl'( Ill'droolll I)lll' ,lIld olle hair <,Ior\ 1\Ilh

~pallous lour lor 11\('1 bedroom ranlh In clc'Irablc Marblp pnlr,lIllC hall open, 10 large 11\ In~ room M,ljllf prl((' rf c!U(lion anclll1l1lll'd,afc 0(( up,lnl \ I Llrge 1\ (,II Il1dlnlariled Gm",' POInte \\ ooc!, (,ro'<;l' POlntp\\ ood, 1m allon 1\ Ilh np\\ pr \\llh door\ldll to ('\Pdl1'>1\('clecK All ,elOnd lIoor Bdlpr Ih,1I11,\ 111~In a wnrlo \\ Ilh pma( I home 1\ Ilh 'pal IOU' room, 1,111111\ room Kill h( n 1\ Ilh \ au Ill'e! ( eillllg and tlrl plac(' hedroom, I,l( In~ Ihe IdK" h.l\ e ,]( U'" to ,Pl oncl ,P( IU'Ion ,lIld 10\\ 1l1,1Inl(11,11)1 p \\,lIK to 1,1K(' dell ,111(/ llr~t tloor l,wlldr\ \Im S lflCl liOf) <,Ior I h,ltlom \ dfl'" 959 North Renaud Grosse Pointe Woods 20283 Lancaster Harper Woods ()UI<;t,lIlorng f.1<;(fngll'h Vdl,lgl thfl'(' brrlroom 885 Cook Road Grosse Pointe Woods ( olonlcll \\ 11h hc1rd\\ood tlom, <;( f('('nl'e! pOri h !I\1l ((1/ l(,llu~1 19950 Norton Court Grosse Pointe Woods if

A TRADITION OF TRUST & 82 Kercheval <;ro~~l.' Pointe I;arm .. ~http://www.realestateone.com U(")n-the-Hi II" 313-884-0600

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