Pointe Computers in Good Shape for the Year 2000 Tougher Truancy

Pointe Computers in Good Shape for the Year 2000 Tougher Truancy

Pointe computers in good shape for the year 2000 By Jim Stickford be able to "cope"when 1999turns mto year 97, Murphy said So, for exam- noticed several years dgO, "dld Staft Writer shut down when the year 2000 IS 2000 ple, you have a 1Istof people who have Murphy, and smce then computer used It's not qUlte mtllenmum fever _ "In older computer systems, to save taken out 30-year loans 10 1997 and manufacturers and programs have the phenomenon where predlctlOns of Th do that, he must set up a specIal memory and programmmg bpdce, want to know when those loans made the appropnate adjustments computer sYbtem separate from the doom and destructIOn are made to vears were recorded only m thelr last expire, the computer won't recognize wlth new hardware and software city's mam system So If the year 2000 mark the beglnnmg of a new 1,000- two digits," saId Murphy "The year the year 2027 as 30 years after 1997 But that has not taken care of all causes a crash, only the spec181net. \ ear-era - but those wlth computers 1997,for example, IScoded as '97 But because 27 comes before 97, so to the the old hardware and software stIli work IS affected and not the city's onght want to take some extra care when the year 2000 comes around, computer, the year 2027 comes before bemg used by the public, Murphy mam computers Accordmg to Grosse Pomte Woods the computer Willread that as 00 " 1997, and therefore Will not gwe the sald For the cIty of Grosbe Pomte "The mll1enDlumwlll actually give mformatlOnand technology manager The trouble IS that the computer computer user what he requests Woods,Murphy ISsettmg up a specIal Joe Murphy, some computers will not reads the year 00 as less thdn the The millenmum problem fir~t was test to see If the city's computers Will See 2000, page 2A Tougher truancy policy to return for a second year By Shirley A. McShane Dunng 101tlai presentatIOns Staff Writer to the board on the proposed The new hIgh school atten- pohcy last year, at least one dance policy m Grosse Pomte board member thought the new made ItS debut WIth a raucous pohcy was too lement student protest last Board members dlscussmg It September on Monday, Aug 11, also Smce then, as word spread expressed concerns about the and everyone has had bme to pohcy, mcludmg the number of WEEK AHEAD underbtand the new pohcy, day~ allowed, lack of a way for thmgs have settled down con- a student to redeem hlmself slderably and the need to look mto Thursday, Aug. 14 Yet, followmg a' first-year abbences due to athletic The Clty of Grosse Pomte's reVlewWIthteachers, admmls- events annual fanuly fiesta IS from trators and support personnel, The review commlttee met 5 30 to 8.30 p m at Neff Photos bv Leah Vartan Lan there are stIli hngenng con- periodIcally throughout the Park The event offers face cerns and mIxed reVIews 1996-97schoolyear and Issued pamtmg, sldewalk drawmg, Welcome One pomt everyone agrees a mld-year report to the school games - mcludmg a pmata upon ISthat the new pohcy was board 10 the wmter - and pnzes Community memben, teach- en, parents and students needed and It has Improved In May, the committee polled warmly welcomed five new student attendanl'e for the first teachers, admmlstrators and The free NBD MUSICon administraton to the Grosse year, sald MalJone Parsons, counselors as well as atten- the Plaza concert senes at Pointe Public School System on asslstant supenntendent for dance personnel whlch Kercheval and St ClaIr m Sunday, Aug. 10, in the ftnt- curnculum and evaluatIOn revealed overall staff satIsfac- the Village shoppmg dlstnct ever (and what organizers hope "We certamly are not gomg tlon With the effectiveness of presents a season finale at 7 will become an annual event) to back off," Parsons Said "We the new pohcy p m featunng The Sun picnic on the front lawn at are gomg to contmue to make By year's end, data analysls Messengers Call (313) 881- Grosse Pointe South High It work better" showed a 20 percent Improve 9726 for more mformatlon. School. Newcomers above RecommendatlOns for a new ment 10 attendance include, from left, Art M1l1er, hlgh school attendance policy The year-end report has Saturday, Aug. 16 South high principal; Paul were developed dunng a three- been sent to the school board's ChIldren and adults are Pagel, assistant principal at year penod by a Jomt commIt- pohcy reVIewcommlttee (made inVIted to sample the deh- North high: Janet Watt, Ferry tee of teachers and admInlstra- up of trustees Steve Matthews, ClaUS harvest of beans, elementary principal; superin. tors from Grosse Pomte North Tlm Howlett and Cmdy squash, herbs, cucumbers tendent Suzanne Klein and Grosse Pomte South hlgh Pangborn) to see Iflt needs any and other edlble ltems culti- (appointed in January); Elaine schools further adjustment The board vated thIS season m the gar- Middlekauff, Mason elementary The pohcy was approved by expects to act on the pohey at dens at the Grosse Pomte principal; and David King, the school board m June 1996 ItS Wednesday, Sept 3 meet- War Memonal at 32 Defer elementary principal. Pic- With the proVlslon that It be 109 Lakeshore, Grosse Pomte nickers brought their own din- reVIewedat the end of ItS first "Wewant to make sure there Fanns Visltors are welcome nen, listened to live entertain- year are no holes m the system that from 10 to 11 a m Admlsslon ment and like a-year-01d The policy, 10 short, hmlts would be workmg agamst the IS $1 Call (313) 881-7511for Joseph Srebemak, right, students to 10 absences per students We want to make It more mformatlOn enjoyed frozen treats avallable class per semester, or 20 as fair as pOSSible,"Matthe\\ls for purchase. See page 14A. absences per c1asb for the said "The p01lcydemonstrated school year a reductlOn overall In absences Monday, Aug. 18 Exempt from the pohcy are from the year before, whlch The CIty of Grosse Pomte medlcal appomtments or was It~ mtent There sbll IS councIl meets at 730 p m m absences that can be docu- some questIOn m terms of the mUnicIpal bUlldmg at School board: Will voice mail mented, three consecutive days ImplementatlOn of the pohcy, 17147 Maumee of excused absence for Illness parents' responslblhty of call- Wlth a call from home (whIch 109 10 and sendmg thmgs to The Grosse Pomte Woods improve communication? WIllbe counted as one ab~ence the attendance reVIewboard" CIty Council meets at 730 day), school-approved actIVIties Some areas of concern that By Shirley A. McShane thmg that had the capaclty to (~oftware), whIch IS compatl- p m m CItyhall, 20025 Mack Staff Wnter handle messages for students and field tnps, funeral leave WIllbe addressed for the com- Plaza ble WIth the dlstnct's e.mall for ImmedIate family, coun~el- 109year, Parsons said, are the Few people are as Isolated In and parents " system, Frantz told the board mg and admlOl~tratlve way 10 which teachers are our modern world as the class- The schoolboard on Monday, "The school system wanted a appomtments, court appear- reqUIred to call parents after The Grosse Pomte Farms room teacher Aug 11 unammously approved system that was e-matl mte- CIty Council meets at 7 30 So said James Frant?, tech- a $16,527 pJlot phase of vOIce ances, rellglOu~ observances, the seventh and mnth grated because It costs less due and VISitSto college represen. absences p m m CItyhall at 90 Kerby nology consultant to the Grosse mall for the ~chool dIstrict, to fewer phone hnes, proVldesa tatlve~ The process didn't appear to Pomte Public School System, which IS expected to be smgle pomt to check all mes- Appeal~ of the pohcy are be workmg, she saId By the 10 anAug 4 presentatIOn to the mstalled mld-year If the dlS- sages and IS easier to use and bchool board on a proposal to tnct decldes the program IS made through attendance tIme a teacher was notified admlfllster than tradItIOnal reVlewboards at each school Install "volce maJl" 10 the dls- INSIDE worthwhtle. It Wlllhave to ask mall systems," Frantz said See TRUANCY, page 2A tnct the board to approve the "We were revlewmg thiS (as "In my own expenence, It remamder of the mstallatlon dIrected by the school board), It Opmion. .6A can be very dIfficult gettmg m for $18,100 was not 10 our budget process, Obltuarles. 9A touch With teachers," Frantz Dntll recently, there was not we talked Wlth vendor~ and saId "The old pmk message Autos I2A a vOIcemall system avaIlable thl~ IS the latest system which slips Just don't cut It anymore ~ that wouId suIt the dlstnct's mterfaces With e-mail and It Schools. 14A Others probably would agree needs Frantz presented to the seemed the most attractlve," WIth Frantz Teachers do not Busmess 17A board a package that would be Fenton sald have telephones m theIr class. phased m gradually, that The advantage of the pro- Entertamment. .. 68 rooms Parents, as well as would be compatIble \\,th the posed system, Frantz Said 10 a Home: Clty of Grosse Pomte admmlstrators, have Sports. .. IC dlstnct's eXlstmg electrOniC(or report to the board, SRld, IS expressed mterest 10 the school e-mail) ~y~tem that a tradltlonal VOlcemall Age: 42 ClassIfied ads . 5C dlstnct obtammg a method of Although the dlstnct adver- system (whIch he e~tlmated Improvmg commum catIOn tIsed for bids, only one compa- would cost the district between Family: WIfe,Lynn, between staff and wlth the ny, Complete CommunicatIOns $80,000 and $100,000), would Labrador retnever, Bons pubhc 10 St Clair Shores, submItted mvolve lnstallmg phone~ and "The cost factor has always a bid for $16,527 mltlally to Occupation: DI~aster ser- \-,..,'.

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