Kidnaping Attempt Is Foiled in Darien
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Submarine In Treasure Hunf Off B roadway! PRESIDENT PRAISES •'■'--■r'wT'T KIDNAPING ATTEMPT NATION’S PIONEERS IS FOILED IN DARIEN; Says "W e Shafl Carry On the PRINCES ROMANCE Spirit of Pioneerinf” at COMES TO AN END POUCE SPRING TRAP HnTe0iii6 of Memorial Tw o Policemen Shot m B it- ffltheSoiitL Erik of Denmark Petitions 15,000Receive Degree tie in Rich Man’s Home— King for Permission to Horrodsburg, Ky., Nov. 18.— (AP)-r-Bsfore a monument to the At Parley of Grange None Seriondy Hnrt — ploaeera of the weat, President Seek a Divorce. Roosevelt today asserted "we ore Hiree Men Arrested Bnl oorryiag on, we shall carry on" the Hartford, Nov. 16.— (A P ) — The .^and maintain as a memorial the Copenhagen, Denmark, Nov. 16.— conferring of the seventh degree to borne of Oliver Hudson Kelly, or- ^ irit of pioneering. "Mere survival about 15,000 peraoas was a high- ganizer of the Grange near Elk Riv- (A P )—Tbe romance of Prince Erik, a Fourth Escapes — Sus- cons for new pioneering on our light on the third day of the Nation- er, Minn. TAXES who renounced hie rights to the port,” tbe President told a throng al Grange convention today. This is on Uie lilllalde Just outside the old throne of Denmark to marry a Ca- one of *he most impressive cere- 18 H IG H E S T O R D E R pect Later Arrested Is stockade erected by the first set- nadian heiress, is ended. The couple monies on the program and was ex- Hartford, Nov. 16.— (A P ) — The tlers west of the AUeghenlea. pecteu to take about 15 hours. seveath or degree of Ceres, being have petitioned King Christian, A bright early morning sun flood The day's events also were to in- conferred today by the National Erik’s cousin, for permission to seek Held for Questioning. ed the crowd which enthuslaatically Grange on about 15,000 members a divorce. The Princess is tbe for- clude speeches by W. I. Meyer, gov- greeted the smiling President on his from all parts of the nation, la the mer Lois Frances B> > h of Ottawa, ernor of the Farm Ciedit Adminis- brief stop here enroute to the Ten- highest order in the Grange organ- who inherited a lumber fortune. tration and :„hestcr A. Davis, agri- Darien, Nov. 16A-(AP)— Two nessee valley experiment. cultural udjustment administrator. ization. The degree, the only one i Governor Laffoon met the Presi- A fter bis marriage In Ottawa in police officers, one of them Chief 1924, Prince Erik sa .ipled cowboy The convention las night receiv- that Is awarded by the National dent at the station and presided ed another batch of resolutions, Grange is exemplified once a year Edward A. Tinker of tho Darlea i and farm life in Canad:. and the Simon Lake, inventor of the modem submarine, ia ready now to start hla search for $40,000,000 gold that over the monument exerctaes. Sen- bringing to J40 the number of at the annual jopventloit and Is ! United States but gave It up. A sank with the British Frigate Hussar during tbe Revol uUonary War In Hellgate narrows, the most treacher- police department were shot today ator Barkley introduced Mr. Roose- measures Introduced since the con- opened only to Grangers who have I farm the couple operated in Califor- ous part of the Etast River, in the shadow of N ew York City’s skyscrapers. Above ia shown the . 150-foot as authorities sprang a trap and ar> velt as a "pioneer” himself. vention began Wednesday. One res- received the lower degrees from nia proved a financial failure. Mrs. Roosevelt after a nigbt ride tube affixed to the treasure-hunting submarine for probing the bottom. Lake's new craft can crawl forward, subordinate groups. rested three Rhode Island men, la For the last few years they had olution 'avored ratification of the by plane from New York Joined tbe backward or sidewise on the river bottom, as well as dive and rise. The first four degrees are confer- connection with what they describ- been living quietly at the Prince's child labor amendment, while an- nvhdent at DonvlII) early this red by local Granges, tbe fifth Is country estate. They have two chil- other opposed tt. ed as an attempt to kidnap 13 year morning. An old age pension financed by exemplified by the district groups, dren. old Robert Westhelm from bis home Secretaries Hull and Ickes stood Federal and state governments, al- while state Granges alone are em- beside Mr. Roose' Clt on the plat- With Her Mother powered to confer the sixth or the here. so had ita supporters. form. Governor McNutt, of. Indiana, The Princess is now staying with VANDERBILT SUIT Am ong other resolutions Intro- degree of Flora. The officers, including several Joined in the celebration. her mother at her estalr at Bjreg- KING GEORGE HOPEFUL duced, oil of which were referred to An impressive secret ceremony state policemen from the Westport Maay "First Things" bygoard. I t was reported they con- committees without debate, was one lasting about two hours marks the Barracks, bad concealed themselvaa The President spoke of the many te.uplate leaving shortly for Cana- award of the seventh degree. L0ST6YM0THER rroposing that the Grange acquire In the home o f Robert’s parents, Mr. "flrst things" established in this da. FOR SEA PACT ACCORD apd Mrs. Gustavo U. WesUieim oa early western outpost and the Under a Danish law of 1665, Brookside avenue and engaged in a crowd laughed os be remarked "the Prince Erik's divor'C must b«, first com was rolre-1 In Kentucky. granted and sanctioned by the King free for all fight with four men who Gloria, Million Dollar Heir- broke into the place early today. Dressed In a blue suit. H r. Roose- because membera of tbe royal BnW s Monarch Also KAMINSKI TO HEAR FEDERAL REPORT velt spoke bareheaded. housi are not ^responsible to law De- B U S IN E S S O U T LO O K Hod Received Tip “We, too, are hewing out a Com- courts. ess, to Be Placed m Cus- State Policeman William 'Vleokay monwealth,” be concluded, "a com- Tbs King also must decide wheth- of the Westport barracks, said hie monwealth of the atates which we AssassisatioDS m SENTENCE NOV. 24 HITS NBA PLANS er the children will In the future chres APPEARS BRIGHTER and bis fellow officere hod received hope will give to Its people more live with their father or mother. It tody of Her AnnL a Up that on attempt would be mode truly than any that has gone be^ waa generally believed that the son, Europe Caused Serious to kidnap some member of the fore, the fulfillment of security, of aged 2, and the daughter, 8, will be Westhelm family. Westhelm he sold freedom, pf opportunity and o f hap', allowed to stay with their mother. Memhers of National Plan- is a wealthy New York travel Setback in Peace Plans. New York, Nov. 16.—(A P )— Mrs. To Be Sentenced to Death On piness which Am erica asks and is They do not have royal titles or Federal Review Reports bureau execuUve. entitled to receive.” privileges and are known as Count Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt has lost ning Board Criticize Many During the fracas between tha The crowd apple d>.d vigorously. Christian Rosenborg and Countess her sensational legal tug-of-war That Date, Bay State officers and the intruders, Police Monument Unveiled Stocks Are Moving at Alexandria Rosenborg. London, Nov. 16.— (A P)— Hope Chief Tinker was shot In the left The wave of a flag by President Should the mother return to Ca- with Mrs. Harry Payne WTiitney for that three-power naval conversa- foot and later treated at the Nor- Roosevelt was the signal for tbe un- nada on completion, o f the divorce the right to have and to hold her ten Court Reports. of Its Provisions. tions may be fruitful and thereby Greater Speed. walk hospital. Lieut. Amoe Ander- velUng of the granite symbol of tbe formalities, she would cease to have year old million dollar heiress pioneers' achievements. The drapery fre^om from taxe^ on her property save the world from a-eostly strug- son, also of the Darien department daughter, Gloria. was shot In the right leg. about the monument was unloosed In thla country '•Jid othei privileges. gle for supremacy of the seas was Springfield, Moss., Nov. 16.— Washington, Nov. 16.—(A P )— It became apparent today despite Men Eater Hoaw by the eight '"Daughters of the New York. Nov. 16.—(A P)— De- Strong criticism o f N R A and Form voiced on behalf of King George to- the rule of silence which still binds (A P )—Alexander Kaminski, whose 'Vlsokay eatd the policemen were Northwest.” The bonds played velopments In general trade, the day as the third session of the pres- the principals o f the case that Jus- escape from Hampden county Jail, Administration was contained today In ambuah all over the p rem lvs aad patriotic strains os the Daughters more concerted action by business ent Parliament was ended. tice John F. Carew does not believe September 17, set on foot a man- In a report by the National Planning that when the four men entered and and their escorts marched to the ORIGINAL “ ALICE” “ It is roy earnest hope,” said the speakers’ stand to present chrysan- men to hasten recovery and the mo- finding no one apparently at home^ King in a speech read for him to the hunt by police o f two states without Board appointed by President Roose- mentum gained by retail distribu- began ransacking the first floor, the themum bouquets to Mrs.