Las Vegas Daily Optic, 09-08-1896 R

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Las Vegas Daily Optic, 09-08-1896 R University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-8-1896 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 09-08-1896 R. A. Kistler Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Kistler, R. A.. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 09-08-1896." (1896). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1.We ILas '"Vecsas pAior NO. 260 VOL XVII. BAST LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1890. "i i " ' EDITORS, S. Gov't OHIO REPUBLICAN ARKANSAW Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. Report . OVATION TO BRYAN DOWN IN Auoclation In Session atMeKlnl.,' First National Editorial Bank, Homo City. fhe Democrats Didn't do Muchf LAS NEW MEXICO. To-da- Arrives VEGAS, y the Nebraskan at flANTox. Ohio. September 8 The Ohio But Carry the State by His Lincoln Home, and republican editorial association of met in Elks' ball, this morning. John fvlajority. ': More. Canton 55,000 : JOSHUA 8. President - Talks Some Hopley, of Buoyrus, presided. RATNOLDS, was fixed npoo for the meeting place, Vice-Preside- B. Cashier beoause it is tbe home of the presiden- MARRIAGE OF VOLUNTEERS liW JOHN W, ZOLLARS, A. SMITH, SILVERITESV NOTIFICATION the editors' PURE tial oandidate, supportod by 2C2JmtSBl i afsoolation, in ordor that a formal call two-third- - About s Some Resolutions Be , To the Public Ohio Editorial Associ- might be mado upon him. important TRACK AND TRAIN. ' Republican of the republican editors of Ohio British We wish to state to the good people of from ing Considered by the Las and that tb mean to 'Accounts Received to Check. ation Receives a Letter are present. When it, was announces, Buslnssi on tbe road Is on tbe Increase. Vegas vicinity, Subject of the asso Trades Congress. build tbe Sanitarium bava been provided Whitelaw Reld. by Col. Brown, president" Jas. Puree II has besn promoted to night for, but we are without means to furnish that be baa ft letier irom tb building. We bave concluded, tbere-for- Interest Paid on Time Deposits. ciation, seal man. , .... .. n u i ,h XT. Vi to bold a fair during Thanksgiving T. COMBINATION IN TEXAS to ralae funds with wblch to furelib SOME GOLD-BU- TROUBLE kMW,there was an oburstof cheera. J. J. Kinney aad Frank Harris, special week, cam In from tbe north, last even- tbe building. We are dependent on the Tbe reader was frequently Interrupted agents, generosity of tbe publio lo accomplish tbis close ol toe 8 ing. ' i and desire to state that we do not 8 After by applause, and at tbe Littlb Rock, Ark.. September purpose; Omaha, Neb., September Hon. J. M. Iclces moved that state election waa a veritable A box car evidently set on Are by tramps expect to gt tbe Decennary amount by a on a oar, William J. reading, Monday's large donations, but by tbe mite from th night sleeping vote of thanks be Mr. Reld, democratic tidal wave. to was the cause of tbe Ore department being we will re rose to the crowd a given Acoordiog muy. Hem e, boije tbat none Bryan early greet which unanimously carried. The docu- tbe latest count. Col. Dan W. Jones called out yesterday. fuse to an, 1st us. Tbis is a public Institu- that bad gathered on the platform' at tion wblch all wi l be and In ment Is a tirade against silver and the was governor by a majority C. H Bristol, chief dispatcher at Raton, by benefited, Malvern. There were many specta- tbe which all should feel an interest. East Las N. M. with a reference to eighth of This would be an increase oft and visit his gold Si-ts- and Socorro, tors at stations where tbe train stop, silverites, 65,000. will take a few days of L'HAarrr, Vegas oommandment, which he declares no of 14,000 over the vote of four years at Hopewell. tf. In charge of Sanitarium. ped dnnng the night in Its progress a properties can- party bas a right to put to popular aero and of 7,000 over two yearn ago. H. T. of Hutchlnson.Kan-sas- , through Iowa, but the democratic comments on the Operator Flint, He went to bed vote. He adversely No disturbance occurred anywhere will do service In tbe ofBoe here for a BUBINK83 POINTERS. didate was sleeping. of the Wholesale at mid- - various planks platform adopted during election day. few he absence of J. E. Grocers, after days, during lust leavmg Burlington, tbe convention. and chemist to by Chicago , Walter Dearden, assayer and was up at 6:80 . A of nicht aain , Rolf a Terror. 137-t-f . l ll.lnA. n.nn.,l --half.. n hitir who has been Trinidad, Colo. nirei wio m,o.u I T, United Typotheta., SprinufikLD, Ky.. September 8. Dispatcher J. E. McMahon, Wool. Hides and Pelts. N. s.- Citizens of this place are badly fright- working a few days In tbe Las Vegas office, Native bran at the Las Vegas Roller Chester. Y., September- ieo-t- iuu uijKi Dum 'ITho annual convention of tbe United ened over the threat of a mob to burn leaves, for Raton for a few days mills, at 80c. per 100. f ."anlTT..,:in office. everybody it. was called to the town it any one attempts to arret In the dispatcher' reached Typothetae of Amenoa For concerts and socials, rent Pacific Juootion, Iowa, was .. .. i h.ii Two hare Is stock movement on tbe parties, w- - ,i them. buildings already There a heavy tf turned out a nnapo i imn- - .i Rosenthal Bros', hall. 1 at 7:80 and of chamber of commerce,i. Hon been bnrned. Business is practically southern Kansas and Panhandle divisions to see Mr. the by dred people Bryan, despite E. R. Andrews, of this city, the retir suspended and armed men are petrol which take all tbe extra car tbat can b At .. tbe hour. In reply to demands early ing national president. The reports of ing the streets. picked up along the line. for a speech, be briefly addressed the " the officers will show that there have A f Volunteers. Fred. Erb and wife, late station agents crowd. .. - Marriage been no serious differences with em 8 at passed last evening, v ine nirx t nrc r ai f. A nine room house. Not minutes after he left Pa- New York. N. Y.. September Cbapelle, through, Jt? to many tbe past year, xnisai. from to where or will rent six rooms In It. Apply cific- the nominee crossed ployes during There is bustle and animation at head en route Trinidad Hopewell, Mr. M. K. Wood worth, Kallroad avenue Junction, was a tor mi-- at 8 ternoon tbere ironej pany this over the final they will remain some time., and national siree . into his own state and o'clock, visiiintr and to the dele quarters, morning, ladies, night for tbe Qrst to . are several hundred car loads of was surrounded by 500 people at tendered a preparations wedding There a T.AnYTEAOHER. of ions experience. gates will be reception occur in ranks of the volunteers cattle to soon be moved from V to Plattsmoutb, who gave him . a the sheep and would like a position I" a family, bride-ele- ct Miss will make teach chllore . for the winter. Address to Nebraska. A The is Pattie Watkios, the Rio Grand division, which welcome Council ol Red Men. The Oftiu, Las Vegas, N M. aueet had been erected near 8. commanding tbe New York and New business good bera tor awhile. stand - Minneapolis, Minn., September rooms tbe and from this while tbe groom- - TTiou RENT Nicely furnlsned for where train stopped For the next four days tbe national Jersey regiments, Since the inauguration of a sohedule I nousexee inn. AVV'J iu n train went on elect, Frederick A. bas been llgut 2S3U Mr. Bryan spoke. His council of the Improved Order of Bed Lindsey, several months ago tbe amount Berxog, Douglas avenue, tbe lo her Three years ago regulating to Omaha, leavine him to take one of the oldest secret sooieues private secretary. of and valve oil to be used on en- andcoun be Men, be held a in a engine aiTAVTEri Canvassers forcltv cal, ten minutes later. When ar in United will be in session responsible position big tbere has been much W on salary or com mis .Ion. The were tbe States, New York store. He was converted gines, competition try, Co. W. Wbitb. Omaha. 1.500 at To-nig- To-pe- Sliuer Minu'actuiing rived at people in the delegates tbe out of 2M-- was this city. under her influence, and became a among engineers running suakvek, Manager office on plaza. the depot waiting. His reception will be welcomed by tbe state and city to secure the best record. Tbe sche in member of the Commander and a a v and tin a month for nlne- - onthnsiastin He suoke briefly a the most army. not more one of rash officials. Probably important Mrs. Booth will officiate dule stated that than pint 3 I ' ty-s- months, will pay for an tbe car lour-roon-' - conversational tone.from steps, oroDOsilion. is that which contemplates valve oil should be used for every 150 miles, elegant, i house, naving iwo cioa- that he felt as much at home in ets, outhouses, wltli grounds; oo,i or loca' saying a in the constitution, making A Texas.
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