Volume XXI, No. 10 31 October 2020

ISSN 1555-774X. Copyright © 2020, PolishRoots®, Inc. Editor: William F. “Fred” Hoffman, e-mail: [email protected]< > CONTENTS Welcome! Reclaim the Records Goes after the NARA! Letters to the Editor Polish Citizenship: The Latest from PolishOrigins Geneteka Index Updates An Overview of Recent Periodicals Upcoming Events More Useful Web Addresses You May Reprint Articles... *************************************** *** WELCOME! *** to the latest issue of Gen Dobry!, the e-zine of PolishRoots®. You can find this and previous issues here: Also, Agnieszka Maja Migalska of the Facebook group Polish Genealogy has made the PDF available via this link – thanks, Agnieszka!

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 1 ************************************** *** RECLAIM THE RECORDS GOES AFTER THE NARA! *** by Jan Meisels Allen

Editor – I hope you’ll forgive me if, for the third straight issue, I lead off with a post from Jan Meisels Allen, Chairperson of IAJGS Public Records Access Monitoring Committee. It may seem kind of lazy of me to keep quoting posts from IAJGS Public Records Access Alert. But I honestly think these are the most significant stories I’ve heard about during the last three months. If you think there’s something better I could publicize, please, let me know! In the meantime, I will be following this story with great interest.

Reclaim the Records is going after billions of digital images and text metadata from the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). It’s not a lawsuit yet, but a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

They are asking for everything, census, immigration records, military files, everything that NARA has through its public-private digitization program. The FOIA request was filed on October 14.

In their FOIA request, they assert the public-private partnership contains millions of records, individual documents found at . The partners listed include Ancestry.com, FamilySearch.org, Fold3.com (a member of Ancestry family of companies) which digitized selected NARA microfilm publications and original records and made them available on their websites.

While Ancestry.com and Fold3.com are subscription sites, and Familysearch.org is a free site, all are available with free access in the Research Rooms at the National Archives and the regional archives and Presidential Libraries.

In exchange for these firms digitizing the historical records, NARA agreed to let these partners have the exclusive use of the newly digitized material on their websites for a certain amount of time. The exclusivity period was to be a limited time periods either three or five years, then NARA was to be able to disseminate the digitized public records both the images and metadata that accompanied them.

Reclaim the Records requests: • Every single record created under the public-private digitization partnership with Ancestry.com, Fold3.com, Archives.com –all part of the Ancestry family of companies, and Family Search. They are not asking for records created through NARA partnerships with smaller entities such as the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). • All of the digital images, in their original, full-size, uncompressed, and non-watermarked versions.

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 2 • All of the associated text metadata (names, dates, places, etc.) also created under the partnership agreement, which goes along with those images, making them searchable. • All copies of finding aids, training materials, handbooks, checklists, formatting guidelines, data dictionaries, data templates, data lists, or other internal documentation that explains more about the digitization of these images and the transcription and compilation of their associated text metadata, and how they relate to each individual data set. • Any records that were digitized under NARA’s partnership program that may not have been properly delivered or returned to NARA after their digitization was completed. • All of these files, the images and text metadata and finding aids and data dictionaries and so on, be turned over to us in their original digital formats, as they were delivered to NARA by the partners, or turned over for the first time if the partner never delivered the final files • All copies to be provided on portable USB drives–the cost of drives, shipping and insurance borne by Reclaim the Records • Reclaim the Records wants to be considered a “media requestor” for the FOIA fee calculations, therefore not paying for any research or review fees only duplication fess after the first 100 pages of material.

Reclaim the Records asserts that NARA never posted online the majority of the records that were digitized under the partnership agreements. The FOIA request especially focuses on Ancestry. com which is a private corporation, which includes Fold3.com and Archives.com, stating “the vast majority of the billions of records digitized through NARA’s partnership program are now available only behind Ancestry’s subscription paywall, or through companies now owned by Ancestry with their own additional subscription paywalls.” They state that NARA created a de facto monopoly on nearly all digital copies of American digital documents such as census and immigration records, even if that was not NARA’s intent. They also contend that NARA denied independent requests for the copies of partnership-related data by two genealogy- related corporations and one-non-profit organization saying they would put the records online themselves through their Catalog or API.

To read the Reclaim the Records request see:

To access past IAJGS Public Records Access Alert postings about Reclaim the Records go to the archives located at: . You must be registered to access the archives. To register for the IAJGS Public Records Access Alert go to: . You will receive an email response that you have to reply to or the subscription will not be finalized. It is required to include your organization affiliation (genealogy organization, etc.).

Editor – Reclaim the Records has quite a track record, as you can see if you visit their website, .


Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 3 *** LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ***

Subject: Website for Researching West Prussian Surnames

For years I’ve used the following website to research West Prussian surnames. Suddenly, I am getting a “Not Found” message when I try to access the site. Do you know of this site and, if so, have you heard if it is relocated or discontinued? If not, do you know who else I could ask?

Ruth Susmarski

Editor – I’m giving that URL in red to mark it as a broken link; don’t waste time clicking on it. I did a little digging, and found that the basic website, , is still intact. That suggested the same features may be there, but organized differently. This looked to me like the same database:

Ruth checked and verified this is the site she was looking for, and she kindly gave me permission to cite her name and email address. She wanted to add that she first learned of this database in 2016 from Brian “Al” Wierzba, who has a great blog titled Al’s Polish- American Genealogy Research Blog. She felt he deserves credit for the info he shares, and I agree. Al’s site is here: . As for the URL change for the database, I don’t know why the webmaster of the Westpreussen.de site didn’t install a link to accept the old URL and forward visitors to the new one; that would have been a considerate thing to do. But it’s easy to criticize others for not running their sites the way you think you would. Try running your own website, and you realize how hard it is to remember to update everything. As a bit of general advice, when a favorite web page goes missing, it’s always worthwhile to trim the URL down to the most basic form, before all the forward slashes start, and see if that home page is still up and running. If it is, then you can do a little searching in the various categories listed and see if your favorite has been relocated to one of them. But if that base site is gone, about all you can do is hunt for the archived versions on the Wayback Machine at .



Editor – I like to pass along the latest info sent out by PolishOrigins, because these updates often discuss questions of great interest to Polish-American researchers. The following is an edited version of a recent post to PolishOrigins’ blog. If you like, you can read the whole thing here: . Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 4 For many years we have been getting questions about becoming a Polish citizen. The requests for advice were made through our Forum, via emails, or by our tours’ guests. In the last case these questions were often preceded by words like: “I feel like home here…”, “Now I understand so much better why my grandparents missed the “Old Country””, or ”I have a feeling that my life made a circle and I am back where I belong….”

The number of inquiries about obtaining Polish citizenship has risen dramatically in recent months. It may be a result of the genealogy research services we started to provide this March, but we are not sure if it is the only reason for the increased interest.

So far, also before 2020, we have managed to help quite a few people in obtaining documents required to submit applications for confirming Polish citizenship. Through the years we have also established working relationships with people who specialize in the legal process of confirmation of Polish citizenship through ancestry.

One of these experts who we have worked with on a regular basis, Katarzyna Kacprzak, prepared guidelines for confirming and obtaining Polish citizenship through ancestry. Katarzyna has a 100% success track record. If she accepts the case there is a good chance that she will deliver.

But is it necessary to be a Polish citizen to live in ?

You may have heard of people who decided to move to Poland, for example, from the U.S. One of such examples is David Piekarczyk and his wife Joan. For more than 13 years now they have been living in Poznań, western Poland. David, although a direct descendant of , is not a Polish citizen yet. He and his wife have a residence permit to live in Poland. David shares his experience, impressions as well as opinions on his blog David Blog Poland.

Although I have never met David personally we met on-line many years ago not long after he moved to Poland. When I asked David if he could write a few words to our readers who might be interested in his experience of living in Poland he readily agreed. Here is what David shared with you:

“Why would you want to move to Poland when you don’t speak the language and don’t really know anybody”? That’s what our kids said to us when we told them in 2006 that we were moving to Poland the next year. It was true what they said. However, I began researching my family history and discovered there was a large related family in Poland I never knew about. My parents never spoke of them. Thus began a long and continuing life adventure. I started writing a blog describing all the our daily activities, the trials and tribulations of obtaining all the documents required, our travels from Poland to

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 5 different countries, continued family research, residency permits, health insurance, cost of apartments or house buying, big and little problems, and the possibility of Polish citizenship. The last one I am still pursuing. In total, today there are 4,674 blogs since I started writing. Many have changed in prices and requirements since then. Now, thirteen years later, we are glad we made the decision.

I DO have a search engine on my blog. So, if you are looking for something specific like food shopping, bureaucracy, flats, citizenship, etc., all you have to do is enter a keyword in the search space. It should pull up past blogs that have that word in it. I tried the word bureaucracy and it pulled up 16 blogs going back to 2010. Some keywords to use are: immigration, NFZ, health insurance, food shopping, flats, apartments, documents, citizenship, doctors, hospital, driver’s license, moving, heating, residency permit, temporary resident permit, politics.

We still see the kids and grandkids, just that it’s on Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, or Facebook. I have helped more than a few other Americans move to Poland by answering their email questions. Poland has changed since our first arrival. We had some trouble communicating because of the language barrier, Now, there are many people speaking English including doctors, dentists and other professions. We have visited 10 countries since moving here. We live in the center of Europe, Berlin is only 2 ½ hours away by car. My biggest advice is, if you are serious about moving, start planning at least one year before you move. In order for things to change, you have to change. We did, my wife and I changed our lives. We moved to Poland.

As you see, there are thousands of posts on the blog. As David suggests, you can use the search option in the blog if you want to find out about a specific topic. We did some searching for you and extracted links to posts in topics that might interest you.

Editor – A rather long list of links follows, grouped under different subjects. They’re all interesting, but it seems a little pointless to repeat them all here. If you wish, you can easily access them from PolishOrigins’ blog entry on this subject:

At the end, one more piece of information for the majority of you whose ancestors emigrated before 1920. If you reside in Poland on the basis of a permanent residence permit for at least a year, you can also apply for obtaining Polish citizenship if you prove your Polish ancestry, even if your forefathers lived here in the period when Poland didn’t exist on the world map.

I hope we were able to answer some of your questions regarding confirming (or obtaining) Polish citizenship and the possibility of living in the country of your ancestors.

The current situation also in Poland, especially in recent days, in politics, Covid-19, restrictions, is far from rosy. When will it change and in what direction? Nobody knows. But it will not last

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 6 forever as nothing lasts forever. And as David wrote: “ if you are serious about moving, start planning at least one year before you move”.

*************************************** *** GENETEKA INDEX UPDATES *** by Waldemar Chorążewicz

Editor – Once more, let me pass along new Geneteka indexes updates shared by Waldemar on Facebook’s Polish Genealogy group this month. You can find assistance with the two-letter province abbreviations online, for instance, at . Note that UK is Ukraine and BR is Belarus. Also worth remembering is the tip Henry Szot shared with us in the April 2018 issue of Gen Dobry!

Here is an easy way to find out if an index has been updated. On the top right of results pages, there is a list of options (opcje). The last item is Wyszukaj tylko indeksy z ostatnich (search only indexes in the last), with a choice of 1, 3, 7, 14, 31, and 60 days. This permits receiving results only in the chosen time period. Example of use: 1) select the search page icon, 2) select świętokrzyskie, 3) select parish Sokolina and the wyszukaj option with 31 days, 4) if any, only results entered for the last 31 days will be shown. A surname might be added to further limit results.

Births – U[rodzenia] • Marriages– M[ałżeństwa] • Deaths – Z[gony]. Aleksandrów Łódzki (LD) -- UMZ 1896-1900, indexed by Krystyna Zadwórna Baligród (PK) -- U 1881-84, indexed by Bartłomiej Babiarz Bąków Górny (LD) -- U 1807-08, M 1801-09, UMZ 1822-23, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Bebelno (SK) -- UMZ1851-1855, indexed by Roman Burczyk Bełchów (LD) -- UMZ 1906-18, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Białohruda (BR) -- M 1798, MZ 1827, indexed by Sławomir Rudziecki Biórków Wielki (MP) -- UMZ 1790-1791, indexed by Wojciech Nowiński Biórków Wielki (MP) -- UMZ 1825, indexed by Renata Majewska Blizne (PK) -- M 1890-1905, indexed by Paweł Janowski Bluszczów - Bluschczau (SL) -- SkM 1901-28,30-35, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Błażowa (m. Białka) (PK) -- U 1862-93, indexed by Anna Kocój-Twardowska Bogdanów (LD) -- M 1909-10; Z 1905; indexed by Bożena Rasmussen Boglewice (MZ) -- UMZ 1916, indexed by Piotr Walczak Bogurzyn (MZ) -- U 1852-60, 1889-93; Z 1858-66, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Bolesław pow. dąbrowski (m. Bolesław) (MP) -- U 1795-1802, indexed by Beata Gajda Bolesław pow. dąbrowski (m. Mędrzechów) (MP) -- U 1785-1820, indexed by Anna Krawiec

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 7 Borkowice (MZ) -- U 1721-29, indexed by Grzegorz Świerczyński Brodnica (Prot.) (KP) -- M 1820-47, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Brwinów (MZ) -- UMZ 1912-16, indexed by Katarzyna Cieślak Byczyna (KP) -- SkZ 1919, indexed by Jan Berens Bytoń (KP) -- M 1800-25, indexed by Justyna Lewandowska Chełmno (KP) -- U 1844-49, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Chełmo (LD) -- Z 1924-28, indexed by Gadecki.Bogusław Chlewiska (MZ) -- M 1858-59, 1861-67, indexed by Łukasz Okła Chrostkowo (KP) -- UMZ 1813-20, 1871-73, indexed by Maciej Lisinski Ciechanów (MZ) -- U 1703-20, 1722-31, 1733-35; M 1702-38, indexed by Izabela Czaplicka Ciechocinek (KP) -- SkUMZ 1918-19, indexed by Jan Berens Cieksyn (MZ) -- UMZ 1903-04 (indexing and explansion), indexed by Joanna Suska Cieszęcin (LD) -- Z 1871, indexed by Dariusz Laskowski Czeladź (SL) -- U 1912-15, indexed by A.Ch Czernichów (MP) -- U 1810-1850, indexed by Miłosz Pamuła Czernikowo (KP) -- UMZ 1894,1906-07, indexed by Hanna Uszyńska Czerwionka-Leszczyny - Czerwionka (SL) -- SkM 1905-07, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Czerwonka (pow. węgrowski) (MZ) -- U 1884-86; Z 1866-85; indexed by Anna Kontkiewicz, checked by Anna Poprawa Czerwonka (pow. węgrowski) (MZ) -- U 1887-91; Z 1886-93; indexed by Anna Poprawa Częstochowa św.Zygmunta (SL) -- Z 1821-31, indexed by Stanisław Jegier Czulice (MP) -- U 1730-59, indexed by zolo Czyżew (PL) -- SkM 1781-1800, indexed by Justyna Jaźwińska Daleszyce (SK) -- U 1658-1689, 1739-1741, indexed by Andrzej Gawlik Dębowo (KP) -- U 1900-10, indexed by Monika Rozpłoch-Mróz Derewna (BR) -- M 1781-90, indexed by Michał Zieliński Długosiodło (MZ) -- U 1839; M 1822-25, 1833-74 (expanded); M 1817-21, indexed by Włodzimierz Macewicz Dobryszyce (LD) -- U 1791-1807, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Dorohusk (LB) -- M 1816, 1819-20, 1822, 1825, 1829-30, 1832-38, 1840-47, 1849-65, 1867, 1869-86, 1907-27, indexed by Bożena Krajewska Działoszyn (LD) -- UMZ 1913-15, indexed by Daniel Leszczyk Działyń (KP) -- UM 1782-1808; Z 1782-83,85-1808, indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Dzietrzniki (LD) -- U 1900-04,16-17, indexed by Waldemar Strojczyk Gdów (m. Kwapinka, Kędzierzynka) (MP) -- M 1905-16, indexed by kazluk Gdów (m. Stadniki) (MP) -- M 1784-1913, indexed by kazluk Gdów (m. Stryszowa) (MP) -- U 1801-43, indexed by Ela Synowiec Gdów (m. Zalesiany) (MP) -- M 1785-1904, indexed by Ela Synowiec Gdów (m. Zręczyce) (MP) -- M 1784-1904, indexed by Ela Synowiec Golub (KP) -- U 1821-27, Z 1811-15, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Gorenice (MP) -- M 1875-1884, indexed by Karol Szotek Gostynin (MZ) -- U 1896, indexed by Agnieszka Kuczkowska Gostynin (MZ) -- Z 1771-99, indexed by Adrian Kaszubski Góra gm. Warta (LD) -- UMZ 1912-19, indexed by Urszula Świerczyńska Góra pow. płocki (MZ) -- Z 1877-85, 1906-18, indexed by Piotr Romanowski

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 8 Górki (pow. łosicki) (MZ) -- UMZ 1865-75, indexed by Elżbieta Załucka Górki (pow. łosicki) (MZ) -- UMZ 1876-97, indexed by el_za Górzno (MZ) -- Z 1877-1906, indexed by Beata Krupa Gradzanowo (MZ) -- UMZ 1900, indexed by Ewa Wołejko-Wołejszo Granowo (pow. grodziski) (WP) -- U 1853-1868, indexed by Anna Wiśniewska Grodzisko Dolne (PK) -- U 1786-1920; M 1786-1823, 1825-40, 1867-1914, 1916-20; Z 1776- 1857, 1871-1918, indexed by MMaziarski Grodzisko Dolne (PK) -- UMZ 1880, indexed by Thomas F. Hospod Gromadno (WP) -- U 1835-40, indexed by Monika Rozpłoch-Mróz Gródek (Stary Grudek) (MZ) -- M 1918-19; Z 1943-45, indexed by Andrzej Baran Gumino (MZ) -- UMZ 1856-65, indexed by Krystyna Malik Gwoździec (MP) -- M 1880-1914, 1917-19, indexed by Małgorzata_D Gwoździec (MP) -- M 1920-1939, indexed by Małgorzata_D, checked by Renata Majewska Hebdów-Stare Brzesko (MP) -- UMZ 1811-1865, indexed by KasiaKP Inowrocław św. Mikołaja (KP) -- U 1785-88, indexed by Justyna Lewandowska Jangrot (MP) -- M 1826-1916, indexed by Jerzy Żurada Jazgarzew (MZ) -- UMZ 1808-25 (rozszerzenie i indeksacja), indexed by Marcin Klaus -Dąbrówka Mała USC (SL) -- M 1874-1909, indexed by Aleksander_Kunsdorf Katowice USC (SL) -- M 1917-20, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Kazanice USC (WM) -- U 1892-1894, indexed by Katarzyna Matyjas Kazanice USC (WM) -- U 1895, indexed by Katarzyna Matyjas Kidów (SL) -- UMZ 1826-31, indexed by Wacław Winczakiewicz Kiełpin (MZ) -- Z 1811-18, 1820-24, 1826-27, indexed by Emilia Borowicz Kikół (KP) -- M 1739-41, 46-1808, 1911-17 (expanded), indexed by Michał Golubiński Klwów (MZ) -- U 1914-18, indexed by Krzysztof Jach Kłóbka (KP) -- UMZ 1808-17, indexed by Katarzyna Siemiankowska Kobiór -Kobier (SL) -- M 1874-80, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Kocierzew Południowy (LD) -- UMZ 1918, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Kociszew (LD) -- U 1892-1907, Z 1876-91, indexed by Henryk Koluszkowski Kołaczyce (m. Nawsie Kołaczyckie) (PK) -- U 1814-59; Z 1784-1840; indexed by Jacek Bełzowski Komorniki (LD) -- UMZ 1808-18, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Kompina (LD) -- Z 1897-1902, indexed by Marek70 Koniemłoty (SK) -- Z1810-1812 1814-1874, indexed by Mieczysław Stępień Konstantynów (LT) -- UM 1804-1806, indexed by Marck57 Kosina (m. Białobrzegi) (PK) -- U 1891-1903, 1907-08, indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosina (m. Korniaktów) (PK) -- U 1873-1910, indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosina (m. Kosina) (PK) -- U 1891-99; Z 1876-1904; indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosina (m. Rogóżno) (PK) -- U 1855-1920; Z 1854-1908, indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosina (mm. Korniaktów i Białobrzegi) (PK) -- Z 1891-1908, indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosina (PK) -- M 1890-1903, 1907-08, indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosów Lacki (MZ) -- U 1897; M 1897-98; Z 1896, indexed by Ewa Dybowska Kowal (KP) -- M 1869, 71-84; SkM 1911-19, indexed by Jan Berens Kozakiszki (LT) -- MZ 1803-1818, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Kozłów (SK) -- UMZ1916-1918, indexed by Janina Hyb

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 9 Koźmin Wielkopolski (WP) -- U 1858-74, indexed by Joanna Raczkowska Kraków św. Florian (MP) -- M 1853-60, indexed by merdigon Kraków św. Florian (MP) -- U 1856-1860, 1859 (updated); Z 1856-1865; indexed by merdigon Kraków św. Szczepan (MP) -- M 1810-1852 (expanded), indexed by przodkowie.com Kraków WNMP (Mariacki) (MP) -- UMZ 1790-1791, indexed by KasiaKP Kraplewo (supplemented) (WM) -- U 1799, indexed by Donata Stremplewska Krasnystaw (LB) -- M 1846-52 (rozszerzenie), indexed by Krzysztof Zochniak Kroczewo (MZ) -- UMZ 1912, indexed by Sylwester Gajewski Krynica-Zdrój (gr.-kat.) (MP) -- M 1898-1902, indexed by Renata Majewska Krzanowice (SL) -- M 1783-1800, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Krzywosądz (KP) -- Z 1825-28, 1830-31, 41, 43-53, 1856-61, indexed by Irena Kaczmarek Krzyżanowice (MZ) -- U 1882, indexed by Wiktoria Pilnik Książnice (m. Goleszów) (PK) -- U 1891-1901, indexed by Marek Podolski Książnice (m. Podleszany) (PK) -- U 1896-1901, indexed by Marek Podolski Kurowice (LD) -- U 1912-14, MZ 1912-15, indexed by Urszula Świerczyńska Kuźnia Raciborska - Ratiborhammer (SL) -- SkM 1905-23, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Kuźnia Raciborska - Ratiborhammer (SL) -- UZ 1850-51, indexed by Alfred Choroba Łączki Kucharskie (m. Glinik) (PK) -- U 1900; M 1905-25, indexed by Szymon Król Łączki Kucharskie (m. Niedźwieda) (PK) -- U 1842-54, indexed by Szymon Król Ławaryszki (LT) -- M 1814-1818, Z 1829-1830, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Łęczeszyce (MZ) -- U 1657-1802, 1862-1919; M 1658-59, 1661-1704, 1706-28, 1731-36, 1738-67, 1769-71, 1773-1802, 1826-1939; Z 1717-23, 1731-47, 1749-60, 1766-87, 1791-95 (original manuscripts), 1826-1938 (original manuscripts), 1939-45; indexed by WZI Lędziny (SL) -- UMZ 1847-49, indexed by Krzysztof Kosteczko Łęgowo (WP) -- U 1742-1787 , M 1742-1799, indexed by Adam Lewandowicz Lekartów (SL) -- SkM 1933-38, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Leoncin (MZ) -- U 1913; M 1778-1802; indexed by Wojciech Wosiński Lgota Wielka (LD) -- U 1804-08, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Libiszów (LD) -- U 1802-15, indexed by Sławomir Gubiec Ligowo (MZ) -- U 1874-87, 1888-96; Z 1861-74, 1888-96; indexed by Mary Ann Graham Lipinki (WM) -- Z 1854-1866, indexed by Michalina Szychowska Lipowiec Kościelny (MZ) -- M 1887-98, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Łódź NMP (LD) -- U 1909, indexed by Janusz Kucharczyk Łódź św. St. Kostka (LD) -- Z 1924-25, indexed by Urszula Gałkiewicz Łosice (MZ) -- M 1814-23, indexed by Labcio402 Lubecko (SL) -- U 1826-30, indexed by Maria Rogalska Lublin-Abramowice (LB) -- M 1930-1932, indexed by Andrzej Baran -Lublinitz (SL) -- U 1774-1825, 1828-40, indexed by Maria Rogalska Lubsza - Lubschau (SL) -- M 1766-70; MZ 1880-89; indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Ludzisko (KP) -- M 1840-68, indexed by Katarzyna Siemiankowska Lwów św. Andrzej (UK) -- UMZ 1891-92, 1899-1911, indexed by Grzegorz Żychowski Magnuszew (MZ) -- U 1823-29, indexed by Labcio402 Magnuszew (MZ) -- UMZ 1914-17; Z 1810-22; indexed by Beata Krupa Mała (PK) -- M 1821-30, indexed by Szymon Król Marki (MZ) -- Z 1932-34, 1935-38 (37-38 with an index), indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 10 Marki (MZ) -- Z indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Mejszagoła (LT) -- M 1802-1818, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Meżyrów (UK) -- UMZ 1880, indexed by Jadwiga Sibirska Miastkowo (PL) -- U 1781, indexed by Livia Ditto Miedniki (LT) -- M 1802-1818, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Mieleszyn (LD) -- UMZ 1808-39, indexed by Grażyna Stasiak Milicz-Militsch (garn.) (Prot.) (DS) -- M 1834-1909 różne roczniki, indexed by Michael Schätzlein Mochowo (MZ) -- M 1811-21, indexed by Piotr Romanowski Mokowo (KP) -- M 1808-25, Z 1891-1901, indexed by Piotr Romanowski Mordy (MZ) -- M 1810-22, indexed by Labcio402 Muszyna (MP) -- M 1859-1888, indexed by Renata Majewska Muśniki (LT) -- U 1741-1796, indexed by Marta Bałażak Niegowonice (SL) -- UMZ 1811-20, indexed by Włodzimierz Rożdżyński Nowy Korczyn (SK) -- UZ 1907-1910, indexed by Henryk Adamczyk Oleksów (MZ) -- UMZ 1856-65, indexed by Bartłomiej Zieliński Olszowa (WP) -- UMZ 1818-25, indexed by Grzegorz Joachimiak Olsztynek (WM) -- Z 1918-1938, indexed by Donata Stremplewska Olsztynek-ob.wiejski (WM) -- U 1874-1875, indexed by Donata Stremplewska Olszyny (MP) -- M 1920-1939, indexed by Małgorzata_D Orłów (LD) -- MZ 1836-67; UMZ 1917; indexed by Jacek Kundzik Ostrołęka (pow. grójecki) (MZ) -- M 1915-17, indexed by Tomasz Mierzejek Ostrowite (pow. lipnowski) (KP) -- UMZ 1821-25, indexed by Monika Blumberg Ostrowo k. Janikowa (KP) -- UM 1771-1834, indexed by Justyna Lewandowska Ożarów (LD) -- M 1850-56, Z 1818, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Paruszowiec - Paruschowitz (SL) -- SkM 1908-32, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Pawonków -Pawonkau (SL) -- U 1765-1838, indexed by Maria Rogalska Pęczniew (LD) -- UMZ 1912-16, indexed by Urszula Świerczyńska Piaseczno (MZ) -- Z 1760-65, 1835-36, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Piątek (LD) -- U 1909-11, indexed by Jacek Kundzik Piątnica (PL) -- UMZ 1917, indexed by Mariola Postępska, checked by Waldemar Chorążewicz Piekary Śląskie - Kamień (SL) -- Z 1868-74, indexed by Leszek Chrobok Pietraszyn (SL) -- SkM 1908-10,12-38, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Pietrowice Wielkie (SL) -- SkM 1902-19, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Pińczów (SK) – Z 1891-1897, indexed by Grażyna Radzik Piotrków Tryb. (Orth.) (LD) -- U 1826, 28-29, 32, 34-44, 1845-54, 56-63; M 1852-63; Z 1826, 28, 34-63; indexed by Marcin Dobrzyński Piwniczna-Zdrój (m. Kokuszka) (MP) -- M 1838-58, indexed by Viera Dušinská, checked by Renata Majewska Piwniczna-Zdrój (m. Kokuszka) (MP) -- U 1826-37, indexed by Viera Dušinská Piwniczna-Zdrój (MP) -- M 1878-1884, indexed by Renata Majewska Pleszew (WP) -- U 1653-92, indexed by Radek Kliber Pluskowęsy (KP) -- U 1845-56, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Płońsk (MZ) -- U 1819/20, indexed by Marcin Werner Płońsk (MZ) -- U 1907-09 Z 1904-06, indexed by Karol Szulc

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 11 Pompiany (LT) -- UM 1827-1830, indexed by Marck57 Poręba Dzierżna (MP) -- UMZ 1790; Z 1906-1920; indexed by Jarosław Nawrot Poryte (PL) -- U 1739-49, indexed by Wiktor Nikonowicz Postoliska (MZ) -- Z 1905-14, indexed by Iwona Grabska Poswol (LT) -- UMZ 1832-1835, indexed by Marck57 Poświętne (PL) -- M 1931-40, indexed by Marian Lazarecki Potok Złoty (Potok) (UK) -- UMZ 1841, indexed by Ewa Marciniak Proboszczewice (MZ) -- M 1808-10, 1821-22 (indexed and expanded), 1830-35 (expanded), indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Prusy (m. Pikułowice) (UK) -- U 1785-1875; M 1785-1905, indexed by ewelina75712 Przedbórz (LD) -- UMZ 1851-53, indexed by Krystyna Stanisławska Przewodowo (MZ) -- Z 1913, indexed by Monika Górska Pszczyna Wszystkich Świętych (SL) -- M 1821-37, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Puchały (PL) -- Z 1888, 1906-07, indexed by Bożena Śmigulska Raciążek (KP) -- U 1788-97, indexed by Gilberto Magrowski Racibórz-Stara Wieś-Altendorf (SL) -- M 1800-19, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum - Radostowitz (SL) -- M 1874-81, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Radziejów (KP) -- Z 1875-77, indexed by Krystyna Domańska-Bzdak Restarzew (LD) -- UMZ 1914-15, indexed by Urszula Świerczyńska Restarzew (LD) -- UZ 1826-49, indexed by Elżbieta Nejman Ręczno (LD) -- SkU 1915, 1917, indexed by Mariusz Majchrzak Ręczno (LD) -- U 1819-39, indexed by Joanna Maślanek Różanka (BR) -- Z 1880-1890, indexed by Ryszard Bencko Różanystok (PL) -- UMZ 1849-64, indexed by Anna Krawiec Rożental (WM) -- UM 1781-1787, indexed by Jakub Śladowski Rudniki (LT) -- UZ 1802-1803, M 1802-1818, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Rudołtowice - Rudoltowitz (SL) -- M 1874-80, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Rudomina (LT) -- M 1803, 1806-1818, Z1829-1830, 1912-1915, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Rudyszwałd-Ruderswald (SL) -- SkM 1908-13,16-38, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Rudzica (gr-kat) (BR) -- U 1791-97, indexed by Michał Zieliński -Golejów - Golleow (SL) -- SkM 1902-35, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Rybnik-Gotartowice - Gottartowitz (SL) -- SkM 1902-37, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Rybno (MZ) -- M 1909-12, indexed by Renata Florczak Rydułtowy-Radoszowy (SL) -- SkM 1902-18, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Rypin -Michałki (ewang -ausb.) (KP) -- M 1816-17,19-26,29-46, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Sałaty (LT) -- M 1819-1827, indexed by Marck57 Samborowice -Schammerwitz (SL) -- SkM 1920-30,34-38, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Sandomierz Katedra (SK) – UZ 1911-1916, indexed by Wojciech Liśkiewicz Sandomierz św. Pawła (SK) – UZ 1911-1918, indexed by Wojciech Liśkiewicz Sędziszów (SK) -- UMZ 1881-1890, indexed by Jerzy Użyczak Sieciechowice (MP) -- U 1646-1867 (aktualizacja), indexed by Renata Majewska Siedlce (MZ) -- UMZ 1826, indexed by Paweł Podniesiński Sienno (MZ) -- U 1797-1807 (indeksacja aktualizacja), indexed by Marcin Luziński Sierpc (MZ) -- U 1808-25 Z 1813-25, indexed by Radosław Frączak Skała (MP) -- Z 1864-1870 (rozszerzenie), indexed by Grzegorz Madej

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 12 Skierniewice (LD) -- U 1904-06, M 1907-10, indexed by mariamikołaj Skotniki pow. piotrkowski (LD) -- SkM 1899, indexed by Mariusz Majchrzak Skórkowice (LD) -- U 1838-40, U 1868-73, 92-95; M 1810-15, 19-25, 38-40, 1868-73; Z 1810- 15, 1819-35, 1868-1873; indexed by Mariusz Majchrzak Skórkowice (LD) -- U 1883-91, indexed by Joanna Bugajska Skórkowice (LD) -- UMZ 1841-45, indexed by Bożena Prymus Sławno (LD) -- U 1816-18, indexed by Marcin Dobrzyński Słucz (PL) -- M 1889-1915, indexed by Grzegorz Nowik Słucz (PL) -- M 1916-19, indexed by Grzegorz Nowik Smardzewice (LD) -- M 1920, indexed by Marcin Dobrzyński Sochaczew (MZ) -- M 1902-19, 1928-33, indexed by Mariusz Dąbrowski Sokolniki pow. wieruszowski (LD) -- MZ 1873-81, UMZ 1909-13, indexed by Incognito Sosnowiec Katedra WNMP (SL) -- UM 1910-19, indexed by Krzysztof Imiołek Sosnowiec -Zagórze św. Joachima (SL) -- UMZ 1901-09, indexed by Karsowianin Sosnowiec -Zagórze św. Joachima (SL) -- Z 1840-44,47-65, indexed by Magdalena Kasprzycka Staszów (SK) -- UMZ 1891-1892, indexed by Jerzy Koprowski Sternalice - Sternalitz (OP) -- M 1831-70, indexed by Marzanna Kempska Stoczek Łukowski (LB) -- UMZ 1913, indexed by Agnieszka Koszelak Stoczek Łukowski (LB) -- Z 1870-1877, indexed by Ewa Sobiech, checked by HEMAN01 Stoczek Łukowski (LB) -- Z 1878-1879, indexed by Ewa Sobiech, checked by Nieszi Stradów (SK) – M 1910-1925; Z 1912-1925; indexed by Henryk Adamczyk - Staude (SL) -- SkM 1874-1913, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Suserz (MZ) -- UMZ 1904, indexed by BasiaR Suwałki (PL) -- Z 1934, indexed and checked by JZI Szczawnica (m. Szczawnica) (MP) -- U 1794-1806; M 1789-1806 (checked and expanded), indexed by Ewa Wołejko-Wołejszo Szczawnica (MP) -- U 1788-1793, indexed by Ewa Wołejko-Wołejszo checked by Renata Majewska Szczepankowo (PL) -- U 1750-51, 62; Z 1852, 1887, indexed by Livia Ditto Szczuka (KP) -- M 1838-47, indexed by Kamil Krasinski Szpetal Górny (KP) -- UMZ 1918, indexed by Jan Berens Szreńsk (MZ) -- M 1883, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Szydłowicze (BR) -- UMZ 1803-1818, indexed by Wilnianka Szydłowiec (MZ) -- U 1875-77, 1881-83, 1884, 1885-87, 1910-14; UZ 1878-80; Z 1894-96; indexed by Mikołaj Wilk Śniadowo (PL) -- U 1695-1712, 1728-39, indexed by Jan Olesiński (Metalloviec) Świerże (LB) -- U 1891-1900; M 1912-34, indexed by Bożena Krajewska Święta Lipka (katolickie) (WM) -- U 1846-1850, indexed by Robert Połubiński Święta Lipka (WM) -- U 1851-1855, indexed by Robert Połubiński Taboryszki (LT) -- UMZ 1828-1841, indexed by Piotr Pukin Tarnów Katedra (m. Strusina) (MP) -- U 1896-1902, indexed by Cynhtia Kurlas Tłuchowo (KP) -- SkM 1916-18, indexed by Jan Berens Toruń św.Wawrzyńca (KP) -- U 1848-65, indexed by Róża Szymańska Trzciana (MP) -- M 1820-49, indexed by Incognito Trzciana (MP) -- UZ 1820-49, indexed by 37gosia

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 13 Trzęsówka (mm. Kosowy i Siedlanka) (PK) -- U 1802-19, 1821, indexed by Bartłomiej Babiarz Turka- Wysocko Wyżne (UK) -- U 1883-1905, indexed by Danuta Danecka Tworków (SL) -- SkM 1921-22, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Uniejów (MP) -- M 1826-1846, indexed by Aleksandra Perz-Pieron Uniejów (MP) -- U 1842-46, indexed by Ewelina Zielińska Uście Solne (MP) -- U 1805-55, indexed by Katarzyn Nalazek Warszawa ASC Cyrkuł III (WA) -- U 1808, indexed by Marcin Klaus Warszawa św. Andrzej (WA) -- M 1924, indexed by Justyna Jaźwińska Warszawa św. Andrzej (WA) -- U 1919, indexed by Katarzyna Marchlińska Warszawa św. Augustyn (WA) -- MZ 1909-10, indexed by Aleksandra Pawłowska, weryfikował Incognito Warszawa-Mokotów św. Michał (WA) -- M 1939, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Warszawa-Ochota św. Jakub (WA) -- U 1918, indexed by Elżbieta Bloch Warszawa-Wola św. Stanisław (WA) -- Z 1938, indexed by Ewa Czerkawska - Warschowitz (SL) -- M 1874-80, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Waśniów (SK) -- U 1890-1915; M 1890-1935; Z 1890-1933, indexed by Andrzej Gawlik Wędziagoła (LT) -- U 1804, M1811-1812, Z 1768-1799, indexed by Jacek Perkowski Widawa (LD) -- UMZ 1914-15, indexed by Urszula Świerczyńska Widawa (LD) -- UMZ 1917, indexed by Felberg_Sławomir Wielkie Radowiska (KP) -- U 1818-25, indexed by Krzysztof Kaminski Wielopole (mm. Budzisz, Sośnice) (PK) -- U 1831-33, 1838-39, 1841-42; M 1816-25, indexed by Szymon Król Wilno św. Piotra i Pawła (LT) -- M 1832-1848, indexed by Rafał Albiński Wilno Wszystkich świętych (LT) -- Z 1920, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Wiśnicze - Wischnitz (SL) -- M 1855-75, indexed by Karina Frank Włodowice (SL) -- Z 1800-08, indexed by Mariadobrosława Wola Wiązowa (LD) -- M 1842-56, Z 1825-27, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Woźniki - Woischnik (SL) -- UZ 1850-69, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Wysoka (MZ) -- M 1878-79, 1886-1904, indexed by Mikołaj Wilk Wysokie Koło-Regów (MZ) -- M 1860-99, 1916-32, indexed by Bartłomiej Zieliński Wyszków (pow. węgrowski) (MZ) -- UZ 1828-35 M 1828-67, indexed by Julia Dębska Wyszyny Kościelne (MZ) -- U 1785-1813 (summary), U 1808-18; M 1787-1809; indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Wyśmierzyce (MZ) -- Z 1903-11, indexed by Aleksandra Piętak Zabełków (SL) -- SkM 1905-19,21-38, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Zabrze św Andrzeja Apostoła (SL) -- Z 1920-27, indexed by Barbara Wiechuła Zabrze św. Anny (SL) -- U 1901-03, indexed by Barbara Wiechuła Zakrzewo (MZ) -- U 1900-09, indexed by Tomasz Bogiel, checked by Maria Bagińska- Wierzbowska Zaniemyśl USC obwód miejski (WP) -- U 1878, indexed by Phyllis Meek wer. Waldemar Chorążewicz Zaręby Kościelne (MZ) -- UMZ 1894-1912, indexed by Anna Kempisty Zawiercie -Kromołów św.Mikołaja (SL) -- UMZ 1902, indexed by Tadeusz Łukaszek Zeńbok (MZ) -- UZ 1775-1808, indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik. Zuzela (MZ) -- U 1795-99, indexed by Emilia Borowicz

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 14 Zuzela (MZ) -- U 1800-04, indexed by Justyna Jaźwińska Zwola Poduchowna (MZ) -- U 1867-1904; Z 1883-1907, indexed by Rafał Krasieńko Żory - Baranowice (SL) -- SkM 1903-37, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Żory -Sohrau USC (SL) -- SkM 1902-10, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Żory-Rogoźna - USC (SL) -- SkM 1903-27, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum

*************************************** **** AN OVERVIEW OF RECENT PERIODICALS ***

Editor—This is an ongoing feature, meant to inform you of articles published recently in newsletters and journals that may interest you.

East European Genealogist, Summer 2020, Vol. 28, No. 4, East European Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 2536, Winnipeg MB R3C 4A7, Canada, website . • Immigrants to America from the Prussian Province, Pomerania (Pommern), Germany, 1853– 1854, Maralyn Wellauer-Lenius • From the Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego: Duliby, Grabowiec Stryjski, Kociubińczyki, Laskowce, Lisowce, and Wołoszcza, translated by William F. Hoffman

Project to Discover Schenectady County’s Eastern European Roots Newsletter, October 2020, Vol. 7, No. 4., website . • St. Adalbert’s Jubilee Book link • Keeping in Touch, Phyllis Zych Budka • Polish Memorabilia: Picture and Ring, Carole McCarthy • The Tsar’s Guard, Phyllis Zych Budka • Pani Katarzyna Kornacka, Part 18 – The Fifties (Sentimental Journey), Martin Byster

Rodziny, Fall 2020, Vol. 43, No. 4, Quarterly Journal of the Polish Genealogical Society of America, 984 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago IL 60642-4101, website . • From Our Correspondent in Poland: How Did They Fight the 19th-Century Cholera Epidemic in the Kingdom of Poland?, Iwona Dakiniewicz • Genealogy in Poland TODAY: Record Sources and Brick Walls, Tom Szymkowiak • Find Polish Graves Online, by Your Roots in Poland • Update and Correction – Using Historical Legal Records as a Source of Genealogical Information: Legal Records on the Moszyński h. Nałęcz Family from the Late 1500s, Gary Moszynski • From Under a Common Sky: Germans, Igor Kąkolewski, translated by William F. Hoffman • Book Review: Kashubian Language in Canada, the USA, and New Zealand, by Stanislôw Frymark, reviewed by Nadine Guilbault • From the Słownik geograficzny: Brzeźnica, Czarna, Krzywa, Ocieka (all in Ropczyce county), and Kobylino (Wysokie Mazowieckie county), translated by William F. Hoffman


Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 15 *** UPCOMING EVENTS ***

Most upcoming in-person events have been canceled due to the pandemic; but many have been switched to online events. Here is a list of specific events I have heard about recently:

7 November 2020 PGSCTNE MEMBERS HELPING MEMBERS WEBINAR “My Polish Family Discoveries in the PA Coal Region” – Michael Miscoski 12 p.m – 2 p.m. ET

Join us on November 7th from 12-2 p/m/ EST for our next webinar, when the topic will be “My Polish Family Discoveries in the PA Coal Region,” presented by Michael Miscoski.

In making his family discoveries, Mike had to use almost all the tools in the genealogist’s toolbox: unscrambling Americanized surnames, wild card searches, using Soundex, luck, using foreign sites, calling on researchers, DNA, and more.

Join us as Mike shares the story of his research journey and the winding road he took to break down walls to push his research further.

This will be an entertaining and informative discussion where everyone will learn tools and strategies to use in your own research.

About the Speaker: PGSCTNE member, Michael Miscoski (B.E.E., M.B.A., University of Delaware), was born in the Pennsylvania coal region – Shamokin, Northumberland, PA. Five of his eight great grandparents are from current-day Poland (one from Bydgoszcz; four from Suwałki). The one common trait of the emigres was that they all became “Coal Crackers,” living in Shamokin and Shenandoah PA.

Mike retired after 32 years with Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies. After retirement and genealogy courses at Osher Lifelong Learning (2012), he realized that genealogy research was the perfect transition from his work life – “deep data diving” into family history.

Our webinars are open to active PGSCTNE members. If you wish to become a member, please click on the link below to join. You’ll have access to this webinar as well as recordings of all our past webinars.

NOTE: Current PGSCTNE members will receive a link to the webinar in a separate email prior to the webinar. If you do not receive the link by November 6th, email .

If you are not a member of the PGSCTNE and would like to join to be able to participate in

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 16 members only activities, please go to https://pgsctne.org/membership/ to join online. We will then send you a link to the upcoming webinar.


8 November 2020 2020 VIRTUAL POLISH FESTIVAL 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. CST

Sponsored by the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, University of Pittsburgh (PA)

The festival videos will be available for you to enjoy on Sunday, November 8 at approximately 11:00 am. They are hosted by the Polish Nationality Room Committee. This is a family-oriented event with Pittsburgh’s Polish, Lithuanian, and Carpatho-Rusyn communities.

Sunday, November 8, 2020 - 10:00 AM Cultural Event UCIS Event ID: 9774 Streaming Link: Global Hub at Pitt:

NOTE: Please check on the streaming link or the Facebook page nearer the date to make sure the times haven’t been changed.

Facebook page:

The Cathedral of Learning on the University of Pittsburgh campus should be on your list of places to visit in Pittsburgh. Today the Cathedral is home to 31 Nationality Rooms, including 29 working classrooms and two display rooms: the Early American Room and the Syrian-Lebanon Room. The Nationality Rooms are located on the first and third floors. Joanne Balon Kennedy, PGSCTNE Membership Director, has been to several of the Polish and Slovak festivals at the Cathedral. Her youngest daughter is a proud Pitt grad who had classes in the Ethnic Rooms.

A virtual tour of the Cathedral can be watched at:

[From the October issue of PGSCTNE’s Bulletin]


15 November 2020

PGSA MEETING/WEBINAR “75 Years After: Stories and Artifacts Witnessing World War II and the Holocaust” Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 17 Speaker: Kiel Majewski 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. CST

2020 marks 75 years since the end of World War II and the liberation of most of the concentration camps established by Nazi Germany and its allies. This webinar will delve into the Holocaust col- lection of the Spungen Family Foundation in the Chicago area. Speaker, Mr. Kiel Majewski will moderate a discussion that draws on rare documents and artifacts brought to life by people who were impacted by them. Learn how this historical material can open doors for your genealogical research. Speaker Information: Kiel Majewski is a public historian and former Holocaust museum direc- tor who has curated exhibits and led tours of genocide memorials in North America, Europe, and Africa. He has worked with youth and adult peace-building advocates. Much of Mr. Majewski’s information and the inspiration for his pursuing this historic subject derives from the personal perspective. Because of COVID-19 and the uncertainty if libraries will be open and under what restrictions, this meeting again will be webinar only. Therefore, please register: • MEMBERS: To obtain free attendance, you log in first, then proceed to the PGSA Store and follow the links to webinar registration. Note: webinar registration for PGSA members is a 3-step process: 1) Log in to , using your member logon 2) Proceed to the online store to receive your receipt and PDF download. 3) Open the PDF containing a registration link, then complete the webinar registration

• NON-MEMBERS: Go directly to the registration page with this link: To defray costs, there is a non-members’ charge of $10.00. Mail-in registrations are not accepted. =====

25 – 27 February 2021


Family Search has announced that RootsTech 2021 conference, previously planned for February 3-6, 2021 in Salt Lake City, Utah, will now be held as a free, virtual event online. RootsTech Connect 2021 will be held on 25-27 February 2021. To register and read more about it go to:

[From a note sent by Jan Meisels Allen.]


16 April 2021

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 18 THE NORTH AMERICAN LITHUANIAN BUSINESS FORUM 2021 BALTIC AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Venue: The Union League of Philadelphia • 140 South Broad Street • Philadelphia PA 19102

The North American Lithuanian Business Forum 2021 will convene policymakers and business and society leaders to drive dialogue, collaboration and action.

The forum aims to explore how leaders can boost productivity and attract investments to accelerate inclusive growth; and how politicians, business, and civil society leaders can work together for economic and societal benefits. For more information, visit the website: https://< www.bacc.nyc/forum>

[From a note sent by Mildred Helt.]


9 – 13 August 2021


The dates of the 2021 FEEFHS Conference have been moved to the following week, August 9-13, 2021.

“We hope to have mostly the same program and speakers as we had planned for 2020, insofar as they are available. We anticipate that the vast majority will be. If not, then we will find other qualified speakers to provide the same great instruction.

“We wish all of you good health and wellbeing during this time, and hope to have you join us in 2021 for help in discovering your Central and East European ancestors!”

For more information, visit the website:

************************************ *** MORE USEFUL WEB ADDRESSES ***

Earlier in October, Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter [EOGN] had a story with the title “Elephind: A Digital Newspaper Collections Search Engine.” Elephind is a free service that searches only historical newspapers that have been digitized. Eastman wrote, “At this time Elephind has indexed 199,820,058 items from 4,267 newspaper titles. These include such well known sites as Chronicling America (the U.S.’s Library of Congress) and Trove (National Library of Australia), as well as smaller collections like Door County Library in Wisconsin.” He gave the above URL to see a list of available collections indexed so far. ______

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 19 On 21 October, EOGN published “Why Was the Information Removed from Online?” This is an update of an article Eastman posted several years ago. ______

This link takes you to online Family History Library Classes for the month of November 2002. The one that caught my eye is the Latin Handwriting Seminar, a 5-day event running November 9–13 at 10 a.m. MST. The series is classified as Intermediate, and I suspect we have quite a few readers who could benefit from it. I may check it out if I can remember to do so. ______

Another EOGN article referred to this page on Randy Majors’ site. Posted on 16 October, it discusses how you can share a link to any live map tool on his website so that the recipient can see exactly the same view you were seeing when you shared it. I can imagine how this option might prove really useful to people researching the same area. ______

EOGN also linked to this article by Libby Copeland and published on the Psychology Today website. The title is “Why Are Americans Obsessed with Genealogy?” Pretty interesting reading, in my opinion. ______

Tom Wodzinski posted this link and an explanation to Facebook’s Polish Genealogy group. He wrote, “For those of you who are interested in the archival holdings of the Polish state archives branch office in Kalisz (Archiwum Państwowe w Kaliszu), they have just uploaded their digitised material onto their own Dropbox site. Many of the records which they have digitized over the past couple of years have still not be uploaded into the Szukajwarchiwach portal.” He added, “They have recently recommenced their digitization program and will also be uploading new records onto this Dropbox service ... Yes it’s in Polish only. No, I don’t know what the other branch offices of the Polish state archives are doing – suggest that you monitor their individual home pages for announcements.” What an excellent example of sharing information and answering some of the questions that are sure to arise! ______

I am sure we have shared this link before (which means maybe we have – with my memory, I have no business saying I’m sure about anything!). I was reminded of it, though, when Jan Cesarczyk posted a note to the Polish Genius mailing list so that people would know about this map, which shows the location of parishes in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1772, at the time of the First Partition. ______

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 20 If you have roots in the former territory of western Galicia, don’t miss this YouTube clip from PolishOrigins, providing insights on how to start your research. ______

The November 2020 issue of the Polish American Journal includes a letter to the editor from Jerzy Miskiewicz, director of the Polish Diaspora Center in Minsk. He explained, “The center educates children and youth of Polish origin. We are also open to people who are not related to Poland.” He added that authorities in Belarus are putting pressure on the Center, and he has decided to ask for help. “We are open to any form of help, including in-kind donations (e.g., educational aids, cleaning products, and Christmas packages), cash donations, training for teachers, trips, support for the Centre’s initiatives and scholarships for the most outstanding students.” You can write the center at , or visit the website’s page for support, . The site is only in Russian or Polish, but an online translator can help you understand it—especially the part near the bottom of the support page that says “Jak można pomóc?” (How Can I Help?).

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Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 10, October 2020 — 21