An Introduction to The-History of Music Amongst
AN INTRODUCTION TO THE-HISTORY OF MUSIC AMONGST INDIAN SOUTH AFRICANS IN NATAL 1860-1948: 10WARDS MEL VEEN BETH J ACf::::'GN DURBAN JANUARY 1988 Of ~he hi stoczf ffiCISi C and mic and so; -political status Natal, 186<)- 1948. The study conce ns itself e:-:pr- essi on of musi c and the meanings associated with it. Music for-ms, music per-sonalities, and music functions ar-e tr-aced. Some expl anations of the rel a tionships between cl ass str-uctur-es, r- eligious expr-ession, political affiliation, and music ar-e suggested. The first chapter establishes the topic, par-ameters, motivation, pur-pose, theor-etical framewor-k, r esear-ch method and cons traints of the study. The main findings ar-e divided between two chronological sections, 1860-1920 and 1920-1948. The second chapter- describes early political and social structures, the South African phase of Gandhi's satyagraha, Muslim/Hindu festivals, early Christian activity, e arly organisation of a South Indian Hindu music group, the beginnings of the Lawrence family, and the sparking of interest in classical Indian music. The third chapter indicates the changing nature of occupation and life-style f rom a rural to an how music styles changed to suit t he new, Assimilation, assimilation music:: Ind :i. dn Ei s_ fo~ s.. Hindu an·I Muslim.. are identified. including both imported recorcl recor· / and the growth of the cl assi -al music movement ar-e traced, and the role of the "Indian II or-chestr·a is anal yst~d . Chapter· four presents the main conclusions, regarding the cultural, political, and social disposition of Indi a n South Africans, educational implications, and s ome areas requiring further research.
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